From: Jackie Newman Subject: TPDIS: More Ethical comments Date: 01 Mar 1999 21:35:23 +0000 Kristy mailed me a few of her comments and I thought I should fill you all in on my ideas. I have planned the story outline already but cannot decide upon a suitable ending. It goes like this... The story is set in a boarding school run by Liz and John with help from Adam and Ami, ( Does anyone else see Ami as a teacher?). The year is 2010 and they are all adult with relationships and children of their own. A man in a prominent position in society has abused his children and probably murdered his wife. His kids (brother and sister) are tp's but don't know it yet. One of them ends up in a coma in hospital and the tp's save her. The brother is suspicious of the tp's and goes to the school to investigate. The father brings the police to search the school and accuses the tp's of kidnapping his children. There is a struggle, the boy jaunts to protect the sister, the father falls down the stairs and possibly dies. The scene is frozen and the tp's discuss possible solutions. I know the old series characters well and have added a few characters of my own (i.e. Angeriana, who can reanimate pple) but I need input on how the new series tp's would comment in a major debate. It would be fun to include your ideas on how each character would react/vote in this situation. I was wondering whether this is more suitable to the fict list but it's not story ideas I want rather character analyses. Can anyone help? BTW here are the comments Kristy sent to me, she was responding to Beth's recent post. Kristy Fahrenwald wrote: > 1. As Beth said, we don't know how often Tyso was treated this way or > how far things actually went. Your(Jackie's) story has more definatly > crossed the line between a harsh parenting style and abuse. > > 2. When the TP came in contact with Tyso they were still themselves > very young. They may have felt inadequete at the time to judge > parenting skills/styles. In your (Jackie's) story the TP are much older > and have children of their own. They may be more likely to interfere > even in a situation like his at this point in their lives. > > Kristy > > I'll leave it there for now and see whether I get any useful responses. Jackie -- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled. (Traditional Manyarnern Greeting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Ethical comments Date: 01 Mar 1999 23:27:39 -0700 At 09:35 PM 01/03/99 +0000, Jackie wrote: >The father brings the police to search the school and accuses the tp's >of kidnapping his children. There is a struggle, the boy jaunts to >protect the sister, the father falls down the stairs and possibly dies. >The scene is frozen and the tp's discuss possible solutions. Well, first of all, is he or isn't he already dead? I presume they would check right away, and if he's not quite dead they'd feel obligated to heal him, although they might not like doing it. If dead under these circumstances, I think most of the TP would vote for Ang...whatever to reanimate - given that the police are already there, the problems of explaining the corpse and/or the disappearance could be worse than the problems the man would cause, unless of course the police saw it happen and could testify that it was an accident. ... snip lots >I was wondering whether this is more suitable to the fict list but it's >not story ideas I want rather character analyses. Can anyone help? I don't know if you classify this as "help" but it's late and I just spent 3 hours doing the taxes for the Out-of-School Care my kids attend - it's the best I can do :) Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Newman Subject: TPDIS: ESP Date: 02 Mar 1999 07:11:04 +0000 For all those our there showing wedge shaped brain patterns, who believe they are about to break out this is your last chance to have a go at the ESP experiment on my web page. For any tp's amongst us who already entered I'll be checking the results soon. Please mail me if you want to know how you performed. BTW I have a part of an episode missing from my collection. Can anyone tell me how Stephen made contact with Professor Cawston at the beginning of A Rift in Time? And what university he was working at? That's all for now folks! Jackie -- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled. (Traditional Manyarnern Greeting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Ethical comments Date: 02 Mar 1999 17:17:16 EST I think Jade would be all for a harsh punishment for the father. Megabyte would probably agree, but I see Adam and Ami as being a bit less gun-ho. If you're having Kevin in this (no comas! ;) he would probably be in the middle. -Geoff In a message dated 99-03-01 16:37:05 EST, you write: > Kristy mailed me a few of her comments and I thought I should fill you > all in on my ideas. > > I have planned the story outline already but cannot decide upon a > suitable ending. It goes like this... > > The story is set in a boarding school run by Liz and John with help from > Adam and Ami, ( Does anyone else see Ami as a teacher?). The year is > 2010 and they are all adult with relationships and children of their > own. > > A man in a prominent position in society has abused his children and > probably murdered his wife. His kids (brother and sister) are tp's but > don't know it yet. One of them ends up in a coma in hospital and the > tp's save her. The brother is suspicious of the tp's and goes to the > school to investigate. > > The father brings the police to search the school and accuses the tp's > of kidnapping his children. There is a struggle, the boy jaunts to > protect the sister, the father falls down the stairs and possibly dies. > The scene is frozen and the tp's discuss possible solutions. > > I know the old series characters well and have added a few characters of > my own (i.e. Angeriana, who can reanimate pple) but I need input on how > the new series tp's would comment in a major debate. > > It would be fun to include your ideas on how each character would > react/vote in this situation. > > I was wondering whether this is more suitable to the fict list but it's > not story ideas I want rather character analyses. Can anyone help? > > BTW here are the comments Kristy sent to me, she was responding to > Beth's recent post. > > Kristy Fahrenwald wrote: > > > 1. As Beth said, we don't know how often Tyso was treated this way or > > how far things actually went. Your(Jackie's) story has more definatly > > crossed the line between a harsh parenting style and abuse. > > > > 2. When the TP came in contact with Tyso they were still themselves > > very young. They may have felt inadequete at the time to judge > > parenting skills/styles. In your (Jackie's) story the TP are much older > > and have children of their own. They may be more likely to interfere > > even in a situation like his at this point in their lives. > > > > Kristy > > > > > > I'll leave it there for now and see whether I get any useful responses. > > Jackie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Zori Skye" Subject: TPDIS: [Fanfic] Announcements, Notes, and Part 1/? Date: 02 Mar 1999 19:30:01 -0500 Well first of all I'd like to say hi! I'm a newbie, but I'm not new to the fanfic thing. I've been writing fanfics which content deals with a number of different shows. I also own and moderate VBETA, the Voltron Beta Fanfiction Mailing list, so I'm not new to the mailing list thing either, but I am one who proudly grasps her newbie statis and says: I want you to laugh as you read my introduction and think I'm a blonde! Well I want you to think that cause I am. TP fanfiction is something I have toyed with in the past but haven't ever published to the web community before. This is part of my first serial. (I remember reading somewhere I had to clearly state that this piece would be a serial) There are three vignettes which make up the first part of Revolutions which I've called Break Out. So without further nonsense and babbleing my authors notes and Break Out I. Author: Zorina Skye E-mail: WWW: To be anounced Series Title: Revolutions Selection: The Break Out I Content: The Tomorrow People- Picks up where the new series leaves off. Highlander: The Series- I haven't had the oppertunity to see the entire series. The oppertunity has never presented itself before. I have not seen Season Five, but I have heard Riche died, how I have no clue, I just know he did. So, I'm going to pick it up there, just following his death and Mac will be dealing with his death. Rating: PG-13 general warnings such as violence and possible foul language every now and then Authors notes: Valyia Chorinth and any unfamiliar characters belong to me and should not be used withot my expressed permission. This piece uses part of one my favorite songs. See notation following the selection. Everyone denotes telepathic thoughts in their own way, sadly I will follow the ways of IVRPG, and use ~ ~ for them, besides I think they're cute. Comments, suggestions and criticisms are welcome, but please if all you want to do is flame me, make sure that it's constructive! Revolutions The Break Out I Valyia jumped as she heard car doors slam behind her. She had been walking home from a medical emergency that she had gotten paged out for. She loved her volunteer work on campas. The fact she was an EMT student and liked to help people gave her a sense of hope that someday she could make a difference in someone ’s life. It was late and for the squad it was a good Duty Crew call. Good for her and the crew on call, but not so good for the patient. It was the kind of call that made her feel the adrenaline rush of actually being able to help someone when they needed it. She heard another car door slam and the sound of healed and booted feet scuffling toward her at a pace slightly faster than her own, coming toward her. *The book of Revelations, Chapter 7 verses 16 and 17 ‘They shall hunger no more, neither shall they thirst anymore, for God shall wipe away, every tear from there eye,’ Get ready for a revolution..* Valyia walked a little faster, she could see her dormitory hall looming in the distance, it’s form outlined by a bright full moon. She took a deep breath and let it out steadily, she could see her breath in the air. They moved faster toward her and her heart jumped in her throat. She pulled her radio out of her back pocket and pressed the PTT (Push to talk) button. She was frustrated when it beeped at her, she had it on the wrong channel. She turned the dial on the left clockwise and then pushed her thumb into the PTT button again as she picked up speed, her walk more rushed. “CRS-3, CRS-B.” Her voice came out fearfully. “Three on.” She took off running. “What’s your current location?” “I’m on Porter Drive, heading toward my dorm, do you require assistance.” Her voice came out in little more than a squeak. “Yes!” “What’s your current location!” Came her crew chief who sounded worried. “Morey Drive, heading south.. I need help.. I’m being followed...” “357 CRS-3, I need an officer on Morey Dr.! Val, I’m coming!” She screamed, her voice carrying across campas and echoing off the academic buildings and reaching her ears again. She passed a blue light and slammed the button on it’s pole as she passed. That’s when it happened. “Damn it she’s gonna get away, release the dogs!” Valyia Chorinth ran as fast as her legs could carry her. *Sick and tired of my brothas Killin each other Sick and of daddies leaving Babies with their mothers To every man that wants to lay around and play around Listen patnah you should be man enough to stay around* Valyia had been running for felt hours and was in actuality only ten minutes. What would happen if they managed to catch her was her biggest fear. She didn’t know why they were after her. She hadn’t done anything wrong! They were so close. The dogs, she could hear them again. She had to come up with something fast. She’d managed to get Mark’s attention on her radio but he was on the other side of campas. She tried updating their dispatcher who had dispatched officers for her but she hadn’t managed to come across any of them. She could hear the dogs barking in the distance. “357, CRS-B I need some assistance! Please!” There was no answer. *Sick and tired of the church talkin religion but they talk about each other makin decisions No mo racism Two facism No Pollution The solution A revolution* Before her Winston Hall stood. They were closer than she would have liked but there was nothing she could do about that. She pulled out her duty crew keys, thankful she’d taken the time to learn which key went to which building she let her self in and sighed as the door locked shut behind her. She made her way up to the second floor and peered out a window, she could see them, they were everywhere. The dogs were leading them right to Winston Hall and she gasped in fear. She still couldn’t understand what they would want with her. She ran all the way down to the basement of the building and used the tunnels which connected all of the buildings together to make her way across campas. She’d long since abandoned her radio because she realized they could use it to track her. On the other side of campas was a clearing which lead to the towns main road and on the other side, wilderness of the north country. Thank God training had tought htem how to get around quicky. If she could get there, and in the water the dogs couldn’t follow her. *Do you want a revolution? do you want a revolution? No Crime No dying Politicians lying Everbody’s trying to make a dollar It makes me wanna holla* She’d dropped her keys, her, she kept her identification, she tied her jacket around her waist. She came out on the other side of campas, this trick of hers provided her with time, but not a lot. She stopped running only long enough to take two calming breaths before she continued onward. ~Help me, God, please if you can hear me..~ She said in her mind. ~I don’t know why they’re after me I just want to go home. *The way they do my life The way they do my life Theres gonna be a brighter day All my troubles gonna pass away A revolutions comin Yes its comin comin comin Revolutions comin Yes its comin Revolutions comin comin* ~Adam! Did you hear that!~ She heard a voice, a young girl. ~Yes, Jade, I did!~ Replied a voice, accented thickly. She had made her way across the field and was running momentarily down the main road. She could hear the dogs again, their barks faint and in the distance, but once again she could hear them. ~Oh god, help me! They’re getting closer!~ ~Who’s getting closer?~ Asked the voice, she assumed this voice belonged to Adam. ~I don’t know. I was on call, we actually had a call on my duty crew night and after we finished filling out the PCR (Pre-Hospital Care Report) in the office and I was walking back to my dorm and these people started following me, they have dogs on me!~ In her mind she was practically yelling in fright. Her arms and legs burned. Her muscles were probably backed up with acid from lack of adequate oxygenation. She found what she was looking for in the night. She jumped over the guard rail and down into a stream and began running through the forest. *Do you want a revolution? Do you want a revolution .....* Thankfully her boots were water proof. She managed to stay relatively dry despite the wetness of the terrain she was on. The voices had stopped suddenly. She wished they would come back, it was easier when there was someone there in her mind helping her through this. What was she thinking? voices in her mind, was she going crazy? ~Oh God, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up!~ The barking had suddenly increased. They caught her trail again, she didn’t know how but they did! ~Who are you?~ Asked the young girl, the man had called her Jade. ~Valyia ...~ She looked behind her, she could see flashlights in the distance. ~I don’t know if you can help me but please if you can.. I can see them again...~ She was so tired, her speed had slowed again. She was hoping for a second wind but she knew it wouldn’t happen. Behind her there was a growling. The sound caused her to jump and she spun around as one of their dogs snapped at her. She was surrounded by them. There were dozens of hounds milling around her, snapping and barking loudly. “Don’t move!” She heard a voice hiss. She paled. ~Oh God.~ She turned to see a gun and screamed. As she screamed there was a crackle and a hiss in the air, then, with a loud pop, Valyia Chorinth broke out. She simply disappeared in a flash of blue and green light. The Revolution by Kirk Franklin is copy written 1998 by Lilly Mack Music/Kerrion Publishing and ccomes from the CD titled the Nu Nation Project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Edmonds Subject: Re: TPDIS: More Ethical comments Date: 04 Mar 1999 09:06:52 +1300 (NZDT) On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Jackie Newman wrote: > > The story is set in a boarding school run by Liz and John with help from > Adam and Ami, ( Does anyone else see Ami as a teacher?). The year is > 2010 and they are all adult with relationships and children of their > own. > Yes, I've always thought of Ami as either a teacher or a psychologist (both similar in many ways :-) ) Look forward to seeing the fan fic Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Beta readers? Please? Date: 05 Mar 1999 23:58:04 EST Yes, I know I'm always asking for them, but I *need* 'em This ones a TP(NS)/XF X-over (I'm always writing those, I know). Anyone who read "Discoveries" in my uni A Realignment of Life Forces, this is the story where Mulder and Scully actually meet the TPs. Anyway, I'm still writing it around my track schedule, and it promises to be a while before I finish it... I also have a few short stories that I'm polishing up, if you're interested in those: _Crash Course_- TP new series- in uni- Jade and Cassia _Untitled_- Millennium/TP new series- in uni (no background needed)- Adam, Frank Black, Jordan Black. Any help is greatly appreciated! -Nicole _____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The Toy Soldier Subject: Re: TPDIS: Beta readers? Please? Date: 06 Mar 1999 14:35:38 -0600 Nicole, I'll be happy to beta read for you. Send it over and we'll see what we can do with this most intriguing crossover. BTW, I read you story, "Discoveries", and I really liked it. Ready. Willing. Waiting. Megan **** And yes, they're in shock They are panicked You and your chronic.... -Alanis Morisette "Joining You" ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPW . . . Date: 10 Mar 1999 08:35:29 +1000 I'm not sure if this strickly qualifies as a YKYBTMTPW but it certainly amused me. I was watching a recent episode of 'The Bill' (British Police series) and one of the characters in this episode was the maitre'd of a rather posh restaurant. He was the spitting image of John - he looked like him, and he acted like him - so much so that if the character had been older I would have been certain it was Nick Young playing him. At the end I checked the credits just to see who this person was - it turned out to be Robert Lang - who played Tate in 'The Rameses Connection'. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mandi Ohlin Subject: TPDIS: Explaining breakouts... Date: 09 Mar 1999 21:17:21 -0500 This popped into my head when I actually had free time today (thank you, snow closings!) and was fooling around with yet another crossover that I'm still not sure I should write due to the weirdness factor. (i.e. I think I'm one of the six people on this planet who watches the other show and the only person ever to write fic based on it.) Anyway, getting to the point, it spawned something I wanted to throw out (to maybe get some new series discussion going on). Usually in fanfic, whenever a new TP breaks out, there's always the question of how to explain it to the parents. And usually Adam is primarily recruited to help with that. But when I was tossing around the question of explaining to parents, it occurred to me that Megabyte might be good to have as well--not because he's all that skilled at diplomatically explaining something like this, but because he would make it seem more real. I mean, if you're a parent seeing someone as patient as Adam explaining that your kid is a Tomorrow Person, and he's the only example you have, it might be hard to swallow. But if you take Megabyte, as smart-mouthed and occasionally obnoxious as he is, and realize that he's a TP, the reaction is: well, if this kid is the next stage of human evolution, maybe it's not so far-fetched for something like that to happen to your own child. I'm not bashing Megabyte here at all--it just occurred to me that as far as first impressions go, compared to Adam he seems a lot more real and down-to-earth. Whatever, just a thought to throw out, hope it made sense. :) -- Amanda Ohlin (aka Mandi) fanfic fanatic and nitpicker extraordinaire nemesis of the Hood College foodservice staff Xander: It's not what you think! Willow: You like to look at the semi-nude engravings? Xander: Oh, well, I guess it *is* what you think. --BtVS, "The Witch" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Beth Epstein" Subject: TPDIS: ykybwwtmtpw.... Date: 09 Mar 1999 20:53:40 -0600 start saying "I should've gone to the Trig" everytime grad school (or college) starts really annoying you. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: Explaining breakouts... Date: 12 Mar 1999 07:10:49 +1100 On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 09:17:21PM -0500, Mandi Ohlin wrote: > I'm not bashing Megabyte here at all--it just occurred to me that as far > as first impressions go, compared to Adam he seems a lot more real and > down-to-earth. Whatever, just a thought to throw out, hope it made > sense. :) The other thing to consider is that Megabyte might actually make a reasonable fist of explaining it, because of his interest in wierd phenomena from *before* he broke out. Or maybe not. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L. Short" Subject: TPDIS: Sammi Winmill in audio story... Date: 19 Mar 1999 16:27:00 -0500 I remembered to tell this to the SMCSB list, but forgot that other TP fans would probably be interested in the info: Sammi Winmill (Carol from the original series) will be in an audio adventure by Bill Baggs (BBV). The CD is called _Only Human_ and comes out on April 8th (alas, one week after I leave London). You can find info at this URL (and see recent pictures of Sammi): or go to the main site: If you're in Britain, it's easy to buy direct from BBV. If you are in the US, a good, inexpensive way to get the CDs is to buy from WhoNA ( The CDs are cheaper there than from the "Official" US site. I personally am going to email BBV and thank them for including a TP in one of the stories. Now if they could just get Elizabeth Adare acting against Sylvester McCoy (a dream come true for me!) -- = trinalin =A91999 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: YKYBWTMTPW.... Date: 19 Mar 1999 18:00:32 EST Then new student at school is walking down the hall, and it being early, you think that he looks a lot like Adam Newman. You dismiss the thought because it's a bit early in the morning, but when you find out that he is in one of your classes, and he introduces his self to the class, you find out that he is from Australia, and his name just happens to be Adam.... Strange is it not? Kristin "When it comes to Megabyte, the answer is always no." Dot "Reboot" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "BUMBARGER,MICHELLE" Subject: TPDIS: Help with a fic? Date: 22 Mar 1999 10:34:11 -0700 I need help for a TP fic that I'm writing. I've been trying to discover a few things: 1. When did the Egyptians first begin building the pyramids? 2. How did the Egyptians handle death before the building of the pyramids? 3. What kingdom/dynasty did Rameses and Tutankhamen come out of? Anyone who can help receives virtual (candies of choice) for a week! *** Michele *** "Demons asking for money? Whatever happened to the still beating heart of a virgin? No one has any standards these days." --- Rupert Giles, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Help with a fic? Date: 23 Mar 1999 06:52:24 +1000 > From: BUMBARGER,MICHELLE > > > I need help for a TP fic that I'm writing. I've been trying to discover a > few things: > > 1. When did the Egyptians first begin building the pyramids? Around 2700BC and they stopped by around 1000BC. After that, kings were generally buried in underground tombs carved out of the rocks (easier to hide and slightly less prone to theft - also a lot cheaper). > 2. How did the Egyptians handle death before the building of the > pyramids? Generally in the same way - the people were buried in tombs, often mummified and with their belongings to be ready for the next life. The more important you are, the bigger the tomb. The first pyramid was actually originally just a rectangular tomb, but they built another rectangle on top of it, and then another, producing a step pyramid. From then on, they caught on. > 3. What kingdom/dynasty did Rameses and Tutankhamen come out of? This is slightly complex. Tutankhamen was an minor 18th Dynasty Pharoah who lived from 1343-1325BC (BTW, by this stage, most Pharoahs were buried, like Tutankhamen in underground tombs, not pyramids). Rameses is the troublesome one. There were eleven Pharoahs named Rameses. Rameses I founded the 19th Dynasty reigned for two years around 1320BC, Rameses II (19th Dynasty) 1304-1237BC, Rameses III (20th Dynasty) 1198-1166BC). The other 8 Rameses were very minor Pharoahs. Only Rameses II was of any real significance in Egyptian history. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200 > Anyone who can help receives virtual (candies of choice) for a week! > *** > > Michele > > *** > > "Demons asking for money? Whatever happened to the still beating heart of a > virgin? No one has any standards these days." > --- Rupert Giles, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Horrocks, Elizabeth" Subject: TPDIS: YNYBWTMTPW Date: 23 Mar 1999 15:42:05 -0500 and your best friend decide, on a whim, to go to England at the end of May. Are you excited about Stonehenge? Big Ben? No. Much to the dismay or your friend (a non TP fan) your main site seeing goals include Cleopatra's Needle and Kew Gardens... __________________________________________________ How do you document real life, when real life's getting more like fiction each day? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Newman Subject: Re: TPDIS: YNYBWTMTPW Date: 23 Mar 1999 21:19:24 +0000 "Horrocks, Elizabeth" wrote: > > and your best friend decide, on a whim, to go to England at the end > of May. Are you excited about Stonehenge? Big Ben? No. Much to the > dismay or your friend (a non TP fan) your main site seeing goals include > Cleopatra's Needle and Kew Gardens... I work close to Kew Gardens and would love to show any TP fan around London... So here is an open invite to any list member visiting these shores... just let me know when and where you arrive and I'll jaunt over to greet you on the teleporter pad :) Jackie > -- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled. (Traditional Manyarnern Greeting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: Help with a fic? Date: 24 Mar 1999 08:39:45 +1100 On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 06:52:24AM +1000, Shaun Hately wrote: > > 3. What kingdom/dynasty did Rameses and Tutankhamen come out of? > > This is slightly complex. Tutankhamen was an minor 18th Dynasty Pharoah who > lived from 1343-1325BC (BTW, by this stage, most Pharoahs were buried, like > Tutankhamen in underground tombs, not pyramids). > > Rameses is the troublesome one. There were eleven Pharoahs named Rameses. > > Rameses I founded the 19th Dynasty reigned for two years around 1320BC, > Rameses II (19th Dynasty) 1304-1237BC, Rameses III (20th Dynasty) > 1198-1166BC). The other 8 Rameses were very minor Pharoahs. Only Rameses II > was of any real significance in Egyptian history. Oh my. That means that Tutankhamen was dead before Rameses I became important. However, since that was only five years later, we have to be talking about Rameses I, not II or III, since Tutankhamen wouldn't have any hope of knowing about *them*. The next question is, how old was Rameses I when he started reigning? If he was old enough, then T could well have known of him when he was still alive. R could have been doing his cult stuff before he became Pharoah. If he founded a dynasty, then he'd have to be ruthless (which fits our man), and if he faked his own death, then it wouldn't really matter if he only reigned two years. Maybe living forever was more important to him than being Pharoah. On the other hand, is it necessary for Rameses Akhara to have been a Pharoah at all? I suppose it would be, if only for him to have been famous enough for a historian to know anything about him. Thanks for the info, I needed it too, if I'm ever to write that TP/Stargate/HL crossover I have been occassionaly pondering over. Can anyone remember when the Stargate was supposed to have been buried? I am interested in the relative dates of: the burial of the Stargate, the time of Tutankhamen, and the time the Horsemen were rampaging. It looks like, from what I recall, the Stargate was buried really early, possibly before Methos was born, then came the Horsemen, then Tutankhamen. Does anyone know differently? Kathryn A. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darryl Gillikin" Subject: TPDIS: Question for fic... Date: 25 Mar 1999 19:31:12 PST Hey gang, There's a little bit of info I need for a fic. I know it's in Culex, but I'm too lazy to go through the tape. :) What was the street that the World Ex offices were located on? Thanks in advance, Darryl Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michele Bumbarger (by way of Wendy Kelley ) Subject: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 26 Mar 1999 15:18:11 -0600 This is being forwarded at Michele's request: Thanks to everyone who answered my Egypt question. The information really helped me out. Who knows, I may actually get this story written and finished before the world blows up due to Y2K. And on that positive note . . . I was at work the other day and browsing through Books in Print and I found a listing that I'm curious to know if anybody has any information about. Is this a TP book, or just a similiar title? It's listed under "Television--Entertainment" as subheadings. Here's the info: Title: The Tomorrow People Archives Author: T C Kirkham Publish Info: 1988, Jaunting Press Limited ISBN: 0317912887 I work at Borders, btw, and apparently has this book in thier inventory so I wanted to know what it is before I set off to order it. Thanks a million, Michele B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 26 Mar 1999 23:48:47 -0600 Michele Bumbarger (by way of Wendy Kelley ) wrote: > Is > this a TP book, or just a similiar title? It's listed under > "Television--Entertainment" as subheadings. > > Here's the info: > > Title: The Tomorrow People Archives > Author: T C Kirkham > Publish Info: 1988, Jaunting Press Limited > ISBN: 0317912887 T.C. Kirkham was the president of TPI, a TP fan club. I'll be shocked and amazed if it's in print, though. :) It's a TP book, though I have no idea what it's about. (Jez, Jeff, John? (Oy, all J's!) You guys were in the club longer than I was.) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 27 Mar 1999 00:48:52 EST In a message dated 99-03-27 00:42:19 EST, you write: << Subj: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 99-03-27 00:42:19 EST From: (Beth Epstein) Sender: Reply-to: To: >>Michele Bumbarger (by way of Wendy Kelley ) wrote: >> Is >> this a TP book, or just a similiar title? It's listed under >> "Television--Entertainment" as subheadings. >> >> Here's the info: >> >> Title: The Tomorrow People Archives >> Author: T C Kirkham >> Publish Info: 1988, Jaunting Press Limited >> ISBN: 0317912887 >T.C. Kirkham was the president of TPI, a TP fan club. I'll be shocked and >amazed if it's in print, though. :) LOL Naughty,naughty!!! :) >It's a TP book, though I have no idea what it's about. (Jez, Jeff, John? >(Oy, all J's!) You guys were in the club longer than I was.) Well, how he aquired the ISBN is a bit beyond me,but since he always considered that he ''owned'' the TP, I'm sure that he wrote a very fancy sounding letter on ''official'' TPI stationary.:) Anyway, I never really saw the book,as it was always ''on backorder'' :) But from what I was told,and from the horrible quality of his early stuff, I doubt that it would be worth getting. Alsd, from what I can recall from the flyer on it,which I still have, it was mainly just his ramblings about what Price did wrong,and what he, (Troy Charles) was planning on doing with ''his'' TP. If you've read his rants,then you know what kind of book this was supposed to be.:) Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 27 Mar 1999 07:36:42 +0100 : > Well, how he aquired the ISBN is a bit beyond me,but since he always > considered that he ''owned'' the TP, I'm sure that he wrote a very fancy > sounding letter on ''official'' TPI stationary.:) Anyone can get an ISBN - it is not difficult. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 27 Mar 1999 07:34:39 -0700 At 11:48 PM 26/03/99 -0600, Tigger wrote: >Michele Bumbarger (by way of Wendy Kelley ) wrote: >> Is >> this a TP book, or just a similiar title? It's listed under >> "Television--Entertainment" as subheadings. >> >> Here's the info: >> >> Title: The Tomorrow People Archives >> Author: T C Kirkham >> Publish Info: 1988, Jaunting Press Limited >> ISBN: 0317912887 >T.C. Kirkham was the president of TPI, a TP fan club. I'll be shocked and >amazed if it's in print, though. :) >It's a TP book, though I have no idea what it's about. (Jez, Jeff, John? >(Oy, all J's!) You guys were in the club longer than I was.) ANother J here :) although I was never in the TPI. I found that in BIP years ago and tried to order it from Kirkham (didn't try to go through a middleman like a bookstore). He replied that it was being revised and he'd let me know when the new edition was ready. I have heard nothing since. I just tried a search on, and got nothing by that title or author, although that doesn't mean it isn't available - Amazon isn't as infallible as they think they are :) If I were Michelle and worked at a bookstore that does orders, I'd try special ordering it anyway, and see what happens. You never know... Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at and 2001: A Book Odyssey - The Strathearn School Millennium Project at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 27 Mar 1999 11:53:13 EST In a message dated 99-03-27 03:25:29 EST, you write: << Subj: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 99-03-27 03:25:29 EST From: (Jeremy Rogers) Sender: Reply-to: To: : >> Well, how he aquired the ISBN is a bit beyond me,but since he always >> considered that he ''owned'' the TP, I'm sure that he wrote a very fancy >> sounding letter on ''official'' TPI stationary.:) >Anyone can get an ISBN - it is not difficult. >Jez > -- I know. I was being sarcastic,and trying to show how self-important he was. He considered TPI to be his business,and had every intention of having it be his sole source of income. Considering how sloppily he ran it, its no wonder that he could never pay his bills. :) Jeff ****************************************************************************** ***************** HENA PLENTI (from the traditional Welsh) Hush, my dear one, sleep serenely; Now, my lovely, slumber deep. Mother rocks you, humming lowly; Close your eyes, now go to sleep. Angels hover ever nearer, Looking on your smiling face. I will hold you, close enfold you; Close your eyes, now go to sleep. Lovely darling, I will guard you, keep you from all woe and harm. Softly, gently I will rock you, resting sweetly on my arm. May you slumber e'er so softly; Dream of visions wondrous fair. I will hold you, close enfold you; Close your eyes, now go to sleep. ****************************************************************************** ****************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 27 Mar 1999 18:07:49 +0100 wrote: > I know. I was being sarcastic,and trying to show how self-important he > was. He considered TPI to be his business,and had every intention of having > it be his sole source of income. Considering how sloppily he ran it, its no > wonder that he could never pay his bills. :) Looking at the book has the status of needing to be ordered from the publisher. That could take a long time. Still, maybe Mr Dyke, Mr Witcher and Mr Kinbrum would like a copy. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: TPDIS: Question for fic... Date: 27 Mar 1999 14:35:52 +0000 > There's a little bit of info I need for a fic. I know it's in Culex, > but I'm too lazy to go through the tape. :) > > What was the street that the World Ex offices were located on? > > Thanks in advance, > Darryl Griffin Road Southwest 1, I believe. Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 27 Mar 1999 18:36:17 EST In a message dated 99-03-27 13:10:48 EST, you write: << Subj: Re: TPDIS: Re: Egypt information Date: 99-03-27 13:10:48 EST From: (Jeremy Rogers) Sender: Reply-to: To: wrote: >> I know. I was being sarcastic,and trying to show how self-important he >> was. He considered TPI to be his business,and had every intention of having >> it be his sole source of income. Considering how sloppily he ran it, its no >> wonder that he could never pay his bills. :) > Looking at the book has the status of needing to be > ordered from the publisher. That could take a long time. Still, maybe Mr Dyke, > Mr Witcher and Mr Kinbrum would like a copy. Jez -- I wish them all the luck in the world,and would be very pleased/shocked if they actually get the book,since its been on back order since 1988. Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Aron Bothman" Subject: TPDIS: Future Stories?... Date: 30 Mar 1999 19:45:23 PST Salutations... Just out of curiosity, I was told by Ariana that some privilaged few had spoken with the writers for TP. Did they give any mention as to what stories they had had in store, before the show was cancelled? Thank you. Aron --------------------------- "Remember, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." "Not if you're a diabetic." - From "Daria" ------------------------ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: Theory of Desire Date: 01 Apr 1999 05:54:14 +1000 Before posting this (another one of my 'theories' on the TP), I'd like to thank the people on #TomorrowPeople last weekend who helped me to bounce around a few ideas, and also Ariana who read over this and made suggestions to improve it. Please - comments and criticisms of this theory would be really valuable and appreciated. Tear it to shreds if you like - if there are potential flaws, I want to know about them! Theory of Desire Why does a particular person 'break out' and become a Tomorrow Person? We know that there is a genetic aspect to becoming a Tomorrow Person. This is revealed by their classification as a separate species - either Homo superior (named as such by the alien Sophists as revealed in the novel The Visitor) or Homo novis (the term given to them by Rabowski in The Medusa Strain). John also specifically mentions the genetic aspect of becoming a Tomorrow Person in Hitler's Last Secret. We also know that there are many thousands, if not millions, of potential Tomorrow People on Earth by 1973 - this is revealed in The Visitor. But all through the 1970s, only 12 of these potential Tomorrow People are known to have broken out (including Pavla Vlasovla, and the unknown 'Girl Soldier' lost during study by the Experimental Weapons Establishment). If we include the break outs of the 1990s, we still only have seven more Tomorrow People known to have broken out (including the boy killed during a capture attempt by Professor Galt in 1992). That is a total of only 19 known break outs from 1973-1995, when we have every reason to believe that there are at least fifty thousand potential Tomorrow People in the region around Britain and millions worldwide (these figures are taken from The Visitor). We also know that by the 25th Century, the Tomorrow People have taken over the Earth and comprise the vast majority of humanity, which suggests that the rate of break out must increase rapidly in the relatively near future. Based on this evidence, it is clear that mere genetics does not create a Tomorrow Person. Something more is needed for break out to occur. I have already outlined Proximity Theory as a possible explanation of why some people may break out (it can be found at In brief that theory states that: A dormant Tomorrow Person (a person with the genetic makeup necessary to break out but who has not yet developed their Tomorrow People faculties) is more likely to break out if they spend time in proximity with other Tomorrow People. I feel that theory is valid but incomplete. If mere proximity was the sole trigger for break out, given the number of potential Tomorrow People on Earth, I believe we should expect to see more break outs. Stephen and Elizabeth, in particular, must spend significant amounts of their time in contact with adolescents - the most likely group to break out. At least some of the Tomorrow People are known to have siblings - and siblings tend to share a significant amount of genetic similarities. There is no certainty that a sibling of a Tomorrow Person would have the necessary genetic makeup to be a Tomorrow Person - but given the fact that such genetic makeup seems to be widespread, it seems reasonable that at least one sibling would have been seen to break out. In order to try and explain these problems, I wish to present another theory - that of the Theory of Desire. This theory does not replace the Theory of Proximity - but instead works in parallel with it. It also does not discard the genetic basis of the Tomorrow People. To clarify the assumptions inherent in this Theory of Desire are: 1) That a genetic basis for being a Tomorrow Person exists, but the mere existence of the necessary genetic makeup does not lead automatically to break out. 2) That, given the presence of the necessary genetic makeup, break out is more likely to occur if a person has had recent proximity with another potential or actual Tomorrow Person. 3) That the first two assumptions together do not fully explain the break out phenomena - in particular, if they are true, more break outs would be expected. Therefore, at least one other factor seems to exist. A possible explanation for this missing factor will be outlined as the Theory of Desire. In simple terms, the Theory of Desire can be expressed as follows: Given the necessary genetic predisposition to break out, break out becomes more likely if the potential Tomorrow Person has the desire for something more. There is an element of conscious or unconscious choice in break out. In most cases, this choice is unconscious - it must be so, as very few Tomorrow People are aware of the existence of the species until break out. So, if it is unconscious what form does this choice take and why does it occur? In all probability, it can take several forms - but given what we know about the family situations and lives of the Tomorrow People previous to break out, I think we can outline at least two possible reasons for this desire occurring. The first one is a desire for something different - the desire for something more and special in their life. There is evidence that some of the Tomorrow People either definitely, or possibly had troubled childhoods prior to break out. I will outline this evidence below. I stress that these are often only conjectural problems - there is no reason to suppose that all these events caused major distress or trauma - I merely suggest that they may have done. John - it appears that he lost his mother some time prior to the Slaves of Jedikiah. Kenny - we know his father had died when he was very small. Tyso - has been subjected to physical abuse, and is also apparently unloved by his father. Mike - comes from a poor background and his mother has served time in prison. Pavla - kidnapped from her family when she first showed her telepathic talents, and trained as a spy by the KGB. Hsui Tai - separated from her family and raised as a goddess by a religious group that kept her isolated from any form of normal life. Andrew - it is apparent his family has suffered financial problems, and his father seems religious to the point of possible obsession. Adam - we know little of his life prior to break out, but some hidden trauma does seem apparent. Lisa - pressured by a mother whose dreams are not her own. Megabyte - his father is often absent, and seems to be in the habit of breaking promises to him. Ami - her father was apparently a liar and is either dead or merely absent from her life. It is possible that traumas may have also occurred in the lives of other Tomorrow People, but we either have no real data in their cases, or what we do know suggests it is unlikely. Regardless, we can make a case that over half the Tomorrow People may have experienced significantly unhappy events in their own childhoods. This fact alone would not lead to break out - many children have unhappy childhoods and do not break out. It would need to be linked with other factors - primarily the existence of the correct genetic factors. It is, perhaps, significant that by the later part of the 1970s, the Tomorrow People seem to be living together rather than with their families. This is unsurprising in the case of John and Elizabeth - they are, after all, adults - and in Hsui Tai's case, she has nowhere else to be. But for Mike and Andrew, it does suggest that the Tomorrow People have largely supplanted their normal families - although Andrew certainly maintains close contact with his father. This apparent withdrawal from their families may be further evidence of unhappiness in their home lives. I would suggest that, given the possible trauma in the childhoods of many Tomorrow People, that it is possible that they had the desire for a different kind of life - a life where they could be close to others, perhaps closer than was possible within their own families. This desire - a desire to be closer to other people - could have been the unconscious impetus that made them more likely to break out. But this desire is not the only possible one - if we accept that there is an element of choice in break out, then the desire to be a Tomorrow Person may also be an impetus to break out. We have three cases where Tomorrow People knew about the existence of the species prior to break out. These cases are Tricia, Megabyte, and Jade. In Tricia's case, she had already failed to break out as an adolescent. It is clear that she has a rather narrow view of the Tomorrow People - she sees them as potentially dangerous and a threat. Perhaps these beliefs helped to impede her break out - if desire can help cause break out, a lack of desire could surely impede it. When she came to understand what the Tomorrow People were really like, when she came to want to be one, she finally broke out - just in time to save her species. Megabyte appears to have had an interest in the paranormal prior to his knowledge of the Tomorrow People. When he became aware of their existence, and their powers, he very clearly desired to be one of them - perhaps this desire helped him to break out. The same is true of Jade - somehow she found out about the Tomorrow People and she very clearly expresses her desire to be one of them. Eventually, it happens. The advantage of the Theory of Desire is not only does it give us a possible explanation as to why only some people break out - those with a special desire to do so - it also allows a possible explanation as to how the explosion of break outs needed for Homo superior to dominate the genus by the 25th Century may occur. At some point, the existence of the Tomorrow People must become common knowledge - when it does so, it seems likely that the amount of people who actively desire break out will increase and hence the number of actual break outs will increase. Eventually a critical mass will occur, in which desirability and proximity combine to ensure break out is commonplace. There are many other potential desires that may also apply. A person may wish to be special, or wish to be an individual - one of an elite, rather than a face in the crowd. There may also be a desire to make a difference - to be someone who can change things. It must be stressed, however, that even if the Theory of Desire is accepted, it only forms part of the picture - it is a contributor to break out along with other factors. And it may not apply in all cases - it may merely increase the chance of break out. Break out may still occur in the absence of any special desire - it will just be rarer and less likely. Yours Without Wax, |'Don't knock mutant freaks. That's how Dreadnought |evolution works. Something new appears / |that might turn out to be just what the o=== ======================- |species needs.' \ |- Stephanie Tolan 'Welcome to the Ark' | ICQ: 6898200