From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: NST (-8 YKYTPIHBS Date: 01 Mar 2000 19:01:36 EST In a message dated 2/29/00 6:53:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > You know your Tomorrow People illusions have been shattered when you > discover that Christian Tessier is featured on a 'male skin' site on the > internet. (In all honesty, I doubt it's that bad but I'm not spending $17 to > find out...) That is really, truly, extraordinarily depressing. Then again, I'm the one who kept pics from Natural Enemy as a wallpaper for several months. You're probably right in that they're just from the aforementioned movie. What I want to know is how you caught wind of this. . . -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: NST (-8 YKYTPIHBS Date: 01 Mar 2000 19:06:13 EST In a message dated 3/1/00 7:04:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Then again, I'm the one > who kept pics from Natural Enemy as a wallpaper for several months. I just realized that I should probably clarify that I used them as a wallpaper on my computer, not my walls. I'm not that sad. Quite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hately, Shaun" Subject: RE: TPDIS: NST (-8 YKYTPIHBS Date: 02 Mar 2000 11:06:42 +1100 > From: [] > > What I want to know is how you caught wind of this. . . Hey! All I did actually was an infoseek search for the name Christian Tessier - I do all the names regularly in order to try and keep the filmography updated. And this site came up. Shaun CAUTION This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the addressee. The confidentiality and/or privilege in this e-mail is not waived, lost or destroyed if it has been transmitted to you in error. If you received this e-mail in error you must (a) not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it; (b) please notify Australia Post immediately by return e-mail to the sender; (c) please delete the original e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 02 Mar 2000 18:32:56 EST I don't know if this has been adressed on the list or not, but it's been bugging me recently, so I decided to bring it up. Having never seen the original series, I don't know if any explanation is offered, but at least on the new series, there was no sign of the TPs being able to communicate with normal people. On the other hand, they never actually say that they can't. If they do have to ability to read the minds of non-TPs, I suspect that they would limit it both for purposes of sanity (anyone see Buffy's "Earshot" or the X-Files episode where Mulder developes telepathy?) and to preserve other people's privacy. I'm guessing that their genetic moral code-- not to mention their normal one-- would be against intruding on other people's minds without permission. Another question, connected to the first, is whether or not they would be able to send messages to non-TPs. Food for thought. ta -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hately, Shaun" Subject: RE: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 03 Mar 2000 10:52:19 +1100 > From: [] > > If they do have to ability to read the minds of non-TPs, I > suspect that they > would limit it both for purposes of sanity (anyone see > Buffy's "Earshot" or > the X-Files episode where Mulder developes telepathy?) and to > preserve other > people's privacy. I'm guessing that their genetic moral > code-- not to > mention their normal one-- would be against intruding on > other people's minds > without permission. From the Original series, we know that TP cannot read Saps minds without their permission. Pavla is an exception to that - she is able to do so, and is utilised by the KGB for that reason. I don't know if we get any definitive answer on whether or not TP can read the minds of Saps which are open to them - if so, I can't remember it - but I suspect they can at least with some people. Non-TPs can be telepathic (they can also possess TK, apparently) and some of these people are able to read minds. Colonel M. in The Visitor is able to pick up stray threads of the TPs thought, while Tricia (who is a Tomorrow Person, but hasn't broken out at that time) can read Liz's mind - not perfectly because Liz can block her. Major Allen (? - the woman at the start of the Dirtiest Business?) can also do this. > Another question, connected to the first, is whether or not > they would be > able to send messages to non-TPs. Only if the non-TP possessed at least some rudimentary telepathy - an ability to receive. And they'd have to be very careful because a TPs power is so much stronger that it can overwhelm and hurt the non-TP (Elizabeth in Secret Weapon causes Tricia distress when she unshields her mind - and Tricia, I would assume would be better able to deal with it than even most telepaths). I think there *must* be at least some rudimentary telepathic ability in order to receive thoughts. In 'The Visitor' Arlon's telepathic scream (which is *very* powerful - enough to cause even the TP to black out) effects kids all over the place - but not adults. The assumption is that all those kids are potential Tomorrow People and so were able to receive the signal - but their parents are not. Shaun CAUTION This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the addressee. The confidentiality and/or privilege in this e-mail is not waived, lost or destroyed if it has been transmitted to you in error. If you received this e-mail in error you must (a) not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it; (b) please notify Australia Post immediately by return e-mail to the sender; (c) please delete the original e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hately, Shaun" Subject: RE: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 03 Mar 2000 11:28:53 +1100 > From: Hately, Shaun [] > > I think there *must* be at least some rudimentary telepathic > ability in > order to receive thoughts. In 'The Visitor' Arlon's > telepathic scream (which > is *very* powerful - enough to cause even the TP to black > out) effects kids > all over the place - but not adults. The assumption is that > all those kids > are potential Tomorrow People and so were able to receive the > signal - but > their parents are not. Actually, I've been thinking and I'd revise my opinion that their needs to be some rudimentary telepathic ability to receive thoughts. Andrew's hallucinations - an ability that other TP seem able to use after they become aware of it - would contradict this. And it allows them to cause other people - including Saps - to hallucinate, to see things that aren't there. That seems to indicate they can project thoughts. Also - languages. As the TP can interpret the mind patterns of Saps in order to understand foreign tongues - and it works both ways, with the Saps hearing them speak in their own language... well, that must suggest both some ability to read minds and to project thoughts into them. *Shaun slinks away in shame at making a mistake* Shaun CAUTION This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the addressee. The confidentiality and/or privilege in this e-mail is not waived, lost or destroyed if it has been transmitted to you in error. If you received this e-mail in error you must (a) not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it; (b) please notify Australia Post immediately by return e-mail to the sender; (c) please delete the original e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 02 Mar 2000 22:13:20 PST > >I don't know if this has been adressed on the list or not, but it's been >bugging me recently, so I decided to bring it up. > >Having never seen the original series, I don't know if any explanation is >offered, but at least on the new series, there was no sign of the TPs being >able to communicate with normal people. On the other hand, they never >actually say that they can't. Kevin claims to have read people's minds in Origin Story. The only example we see is with him and Megabyte, so it's not a real test - since Megabyte and Kevin were both pre-breakout TPs. I don't remember any other instance of them reading another person's mind. My take on it would be that telepathy between each other is fairly easy because their brains are putting out more energy, but to pick up the signals from a normal Sap's mind would either take some active straining or else the thoughts would have to be particularly strong. Based on the orginal series, we have a number of examples of non-TP mind reading. Tricia read Prof. Cawston's mind. I think we had an example of Pavla picking up something from someone else. And then there was the other security force woman telepath (from Dirtiest Business). There were a few instances where it was implied that the TPs could read Sap minds, and in fact alter them. Stephen alters the memory of the police in the Blue and the Green. (This seemed to be contradicted in later serials though.) mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: RE: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 02 Mar 2000 22:16:47 PST > > >From the Original series, we know that TP cannot read Saps minds without >their permission. Pavla is an exception to that - she is able to do What about Tricia? She didn't have Prof. Cawston's permission the first time she did it. He didn't even know she was doing it. mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 03 Mar 2000 22:18:43 +1100 On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 06:32:56PM -0500, wrote: > Having never seen the original series, I don't know if any explanation is > offered, but at least on the new series, there was no sign of the TPs being > able to communicate with normal people. On the other hand, they never > actually say that they can't. > Another question, connected to the first, is whether or not they would be > able to send messages to non-TPs. Okay, we have various contradictory bits of data from both series. - We have people like Kevin, Tricia, Pavla and Major Turner, being able to pick up the thoughts of non-telepaths. - We have the "we can understand and be understood in any language" thing. - We have the casting of illusions seen by non-TPs. My take on this (and I've been thinking about this for a fanfic I'm writing) is that it is possible, but difficult, for a Tomorrow Person to dig into the mind of a non-TP, but spoken thought is easy, that is, they can understand a thought if it's spoken, hence the understanding of any language. Maybe different parts of the brain are involved? Perhaps non-spoken thought is too chaotic? I'm not so sure about the making-themselves-understood part. It's either instant fluency (that is, that they actually *do* speak the language) or, more likely, projective telepathy, limited to the understanding of speech. The latter is seems more likely when you take into account the illusions cast by people like Andrew, which do appear to be only in the mind, rather than actual visual projections (which I considered they might also be, you know, like mental holograms) because the ones that Andrew cast could never be photographed, which is consistent with them being purely mental. (I still think that their telepathy would make the TPs able to learn languages faster anyway.) What about this: the TPs, among other things, are masters of projective telepathy. But with Saps, if a TP tried to just project thoughts into their minds, a Sap just simply couldn't, psychologically, accept the input. However if the Sap *thinks* that they're just being talked to normally, then their mind doesn't censor the input, and they understand what the TP is saying. Which probably means that Talented Saps, say, those with limited psi powers like Tricia or Major Turner, might actually be able to "hear" TPs, as their minds are more open. Hey, this fits! Because there was that bit where Tricia hears the TPs and John says "I meant for you to hear that", and then explains to Tricia that she had the potential to be a TP. This also implies that TPs have a fair bit of precision in how "wide band" a projected thought may be. I'm *not* saying that the TPs aren't receptive telepaths - it's quite obvious from various instances that they are. They just don't seem to use it as much. Probably a self-protective measure, because if their minds were receptive all the time, they'd go crazy, as people have pointed out already. Kathryn A. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 03 Mar 2000 12:49:12 -0500 (EST) Tangent alert! Man your battlestations! :) Ruby Red wrote: >(I still think that their telepathy would make the TPs able to >learn >languages faster anyway.) Actually, I would hold that the ability for them to get their meaning directly from other telepaths would impair their ability to pick up language without these cues. This is my explanation of why Hsui Tai's english continues to be so bad-- she's been among British folks for over a year by the end of the series and her English is still pretty bad. (Of course, the actual explanation for this is that Misako Koba's English wasn't great and I don't think she was living with Native speakers at the time.) One would think she'd have picked up a lot by the time Andrew came around but she had a lot of trouble understanding Bruce (Andrew's dad) in Achilles Heel, yet she has very little trouble understanding the other TP's. Of course this is all conjecture I've done in anticipation of future fanfic (if I can *ever* finish RC2 *sigh*). Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 03 Mar 2000 17:18:08 EST In a message dated 3/3/00 1:14:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Kevin claims to have read people's minds in Origin Story. The only example > we see is with him and Megabyte, so it's not a real test - since Megabyte > and Kevin were both pre-breakout TPs. On the other hand, Kevin says something along the lines of, "You're right, I've always been able to read people's minds." Remember, his mother told him he might've been a witch so he jumped of the roof of his house. If you ask me, the kid needs a bit of psychological help. -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 03 Mar 2000 18:14:54 EST In a message dated 00-03-02 18:53:22 EST, you write: << Major Allen (? - the woman at the start of the Dirtiest Business?) can also do this. >> Who is this? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Languages (was Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs) Date: 04 Mar 2000 08:21:27 +1100 On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 12:49:12PM -0500, Beth Epstein wrote: > Ruby Red wrote: > >(I still think that their telepathy would make the TPs able to >learn > >languages faster anyway.) > Actually, I would hold that the ability for them to get their meaning > directly from other telepaths would impair their ability to pick up > language without these cues. > > This is my explanation of why Hsui Tai's english continues to be so > bad-- she's been among British folks for over a year by the end of the > series and her English is still pretty bad. (Of course, the actual > explanation for this is that Misako Koba's English wasn't great and I > don't think she was living with Native speakers at the time.) One would > think she'd have picked up a lot by the time Andrew came around but she > had a lot of trouble understanding Bruce (Andrew's dad) in Achilles Heel, > yet she has very little trouble understanding the other TP's. Good point. > Of course this is all conjecture I've done in anticipation of future > fanfic (if I can *ever* finish RC2 *sigh*). Ah yes, the things we do for fanfic... I liked the learning-languages idea, because I can't get this scene out of my head: Lisa, soulfully singing a native song in the original language (for example, "Te kari kari ana, Kow waya Rotarua...") and have the listeners understand what it means. On the other hand, we could have our cake and eat it too by saying that being telepathic greatly reduces your *motivation* for learning other languages, but if you do have the motivation, then you'll be better at it, because you will catch all the nuances. What's Lisa's motivation? Well, I decided to make her an ethnomusicologist. (grin) Kathryn A. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: Languages (was Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs) Date: 04 Mar 2000 02:22:58 EST How does this explain the language bit in A MUCH NEEDED HOLIDAY? Trig and Trog aren't telepathic and that means that psis cannot read their thoughts direct from their mind? I would like to think that despite the TP's conjectures that Trig and Trog would break out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 04 Mar 2000 13:37:36 +1100 On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 06:14:54PM -0500, wrote: > In a message dated 00-03-02 18:53:22 EST, you write: > > << Major Allen (? - the woman at the start > of the Dirtiest Business?) can also do this. > >> > Who is this? Major Turner. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Epstein Subject: Re: Languages (was Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs) Date: 04 Mar 2000 14:54:43 -0500 (EST) >How does this explain the language bit in A MUCH NEEDED HOLIDAY? >Trig and >Trog aren't telepathic and that means that psis cannot read their >thoughts >direct from their mind? No one said the great and powerful Rog was big on continuity. :) Maybe Trig and Trog had some sort of natural ability to sheild telepathic scans which kept the TP from using their telepathic abilities on them. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 04 Mar 2000 17:07:32 +0000 > In a message dated 3/3/00 1:14:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > > Kevin claims to have read people's minds in Origin Story. The only example > > we see is with him and Megabyte, so it's not a real test - since Megabyte > > and Kevin were both pre-breakout TPs. > > On the other hand, Kevin says something along the lines of, "You're right, > I've always been able to read people's minds." Remember, his mother told him > he might've been a witch so he jumped of the roof of his house. If you ask > me, the kid needs a bit of psychological help. I wouldn't say that - a little kid simply might not understand that witches and flying aren't real, and, since a lot of kids believe everything that their parents say, he would have been tempted to give it a shot. Poor Kev - I feel bad for him :( If he needs any psychological help, it would be due to the way his parents and peers have probably treated him. Rachel with an E :) (Haven't been able to check my mail in 2 weeks- it's good to be back!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 04 Mar 2000 18:06:13 EST In a message dated 3/4/00 5:16:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > On the other hand, Kevin says something along the lines of, "You're right, > > I've always been able to read people's minds." Remember, his mother told > him > > he might've been a witch so he jumped of the roof of his house. If you > ask > > me, the kid needs a bit of psychological help. > > > > -Nicole > > I wouldn't say that - a little kid simply might not understand that > witches and flying aren't real, and, since a lot of kids believe > everything that their parents say, he would have been tempted to give it > a shot. Poor Kev - I feel bad for him :( If he needs any psychological > help, it would be due to the way his parents and peers have probably > treated him. What you suggested in the last three lines of your e-mail is actually what I had been implying. I guess I didn't make it clear enough. -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Re: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 04 Mar 2000 21:09:37 EST Did Kevin always subconsciously read minds? because he says that he could always hear boices in his head. So, after he figured out he was reading minds, did he tame this power, or would voices always be in his head. (if so, wouldn't he have read his aunt's mind when she realized he was late to meet Megabyte at the station? I guess video games really do affect the mind). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 05 Mar 2000 22:16:44 +0000 > > What you suggested in the last three lines of your e-mail is actually what I > had been implying. I guess I didn't make it clear enough. > > -Nicole Nope, that was my bad - it was pretty clear when I reread it. Sorry! Megabyte725 wrote: > Did Kevin always subconsciously read minds? because he says that he could > always hear voices in his head. So, after he figured out he was reading > minds, did he tame this power, or would voices always be in his head. (if so, > wouldn't he have read his aunt's mind when she realized he was late to meet > Megabyte at the station? I guess video games really do affect the mind). He said that as he got older, the voices got louder, so I think we can assume that his "ability" to subconsciously read minds got stronger as the years went on. Though I bet it still sometimes hits him without warning, my guess is that his ability to control it probably matured as well, or that he got to the point that he was so used to hearing others' voices in his head that he didn't really notice them - kind of like a TV in another room that you can kinda hear, but block out because a blaring TV is such a familiar sound to you. That would explain why he didn't hear his Aunt - either he trained himself not to hear her at all, or he was so used to hearing her thoughts that he could basically ignore them. I dunno, what do you all think? Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David_M_Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 06 Mar 2000 20:16:43 -0000 >Actually, I would hold that the ability for them to get their meaning directly from other telepaths would impair their ability to pick up language without these cues. > Just a thought. If the TP's CAN learn languages by telepathy, (And I'll admit that I think they can) How come they needed so much help in understanding Tutenkahmun? (Apart from the need to spin out the story that is.) David. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 06 Mar 2000 15:43:14 EST In a message dated 3/6/00 3:26:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Just a thought. If the TP's CAN learn languages by telepathy, (And I'll > admit that I think they can) How come they needed so much help in > understanding Tutenkahmun? (Apart from the need to spin out the story that > is.) They never actually communicated with him. He talked, they listened, and then Megabyte made stupid jokes about his Ancient Egyptian skills . As far as not being able to understand him telepathically. . . well, it wasn't actually Tutenkahmun. It was a projection of some sort (though projected by Tut). It would be like trying to read someone's mind over a video-phone, I suppose. -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 06 Mar 2000 15:47:15 EST In a message dated 00-03-06 15:26:36 EST, you write: > >Actually, I would hold that the ability for them to get their meaning > directly from other telepaths would impair their ability to pick up language > without these cues. > > > Just a thought. If the TP's CAN learn languages by telepathy, (And I'll > admit that I think they can) How come they needed so much help in > understanding Tutenkahmun? (Apart from the need to spin out the story that > is.) I would think because he's dead. It's hard to read the mind of a corpse ;) -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 06 Mar 2000 17:57:37 EST In a message dated 00-03-06 15:48:03 EST, you write: << I would think because he's dead. It's hard to read the mind of a corpse ;) -Geoff >> Which brings me to another thing: Do any of the Tps have supernatural-like powers? Communicating with the dead? Reading auras? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 07 Mar 2000 18:57:11 +1100 On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 05:57:37PM -0500, wrote: > Which brings me to another thing: Do any of the Tps have supernatural-like > powers? Communicating with the dead? Reading auras? Not in the series. Not in either one. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 07 Mar 2000 12:54:10 PST >On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 05:57:37PM -0500, wrote: > > Which brings me to another thing: Do any of the Tps have >supernatural-like > > powers? Communicating with the dead? Reading auras? > >Not in the series. Not in either one. > Depends on how you define "supernatural". For instance, I don't put seeing auras (different from being able to read them :-> ) in the same class as 'supernatural'. Anywho, I'd put Ami's precog and intuition as in the realm of 'supernatural-like' powers. (Culex when she sees Kevin, "He'll be all right in the end.") Liz also showed some amount of intuiton, although it was never played up that much. I can only remember one comment being made about it, John saying something about her feelings almost always being right. Steven and Mike at times seemed to act (or perhaps more appropriately react) based on intuition. (The difference being Steven was always right, while Mike usually caused more trouble. :-> ) So, if you put intuition into supernatural, I guess that would work. But there's nothing so far as ghosts or demons or what not. mike - who wonders when mind reading went from being supernatural to science fiction. ;-) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David_M_Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 07 Mar 2000 22:25:02 -0000 >I would think because he's dead. It's hard to read the mind of a corpse ;) > -Geoff But the communication came from him while the past. Or does your corpse still retain the ability to transmit stored "messages"? David. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 07 Mar 2000 18:24:28 EST In a message dated 00-03-07 17:26:13 EST, you write: > But the communication came from him while the past. Or does > your corpse still retain the ability to transmit stored "messages"? I'm not sure--maybe it's kind of like e-mail forwarding! But seriously, it's confusing enough that he sent a message to them in the future (and knew who, and where, and when, etc.). I don't think that they'd be able to send one back. For instance, in Worlds Away, John and Stephen got dreams sent to them from Peter, but they couldn't send anything back, IIRC. Anyway, just my thoughts. -Geoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 08 Mar 2000 05:18:29 PST > >In a message dated 00-03-07 17:26:13 EST, you write: > > > But the communication came from him while the past. Or >does > > your corpse still retain the ability to transmit stored "messages"? > >I'm not sure--maybe it's kind of like e-mail forwarding! But seriously, >it's >confusing enough that he sent a message to them in the future (and knew >who, >and where, and when, etc.). I don't think that they'd be able to send one >back. For instance, in Worlds Away, John and Stephen got dreams sent to >them >from Peter, but they couldn't send anything back, IIRC. Anyway, just my >thoughts. Maybe the message was just sent through time to whomever could hear it. I always thought it was set off by the theft of the Mahabara stone in the beginning of Ramses Connection. So, Tut didn't have to direct it at anyone, just direct it to a time when the stone was stolen. Maybe 'link' the telepathic message to the stone somehow? mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David_M_Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 08 Mar 2000 22:18:39 -0000 >>I'm not sure--maybe it's kind of like e-mail forwarding! But seriously, >>it's >>confusing enough that he sent a message to them in the future (and knew >>who, >>and where, and when, etc.). I don't think that they'd be able to send one >>back. For instance, in Worlds Away, John and Stephen got dreams sent to >>them >>from Peter, but they couldn't send anything back, IIRC. Anyway, just my >>thoughts. > > >Maybe the message was just sent through time to whomever could hear it. I >always thought it was set off by the theft of the Mahabara stone in the >beginning of Ramses Connection. So, Tut didn't have to direct it at anyone, >just direct it to a time when the stone was stolen. Maybe 'link' the >telepathic message to the stone somehow? Those are fair points; but how do we explain the ending of the story, when Tut arrives at Rees' tower, collects the Mahabara stone and teleports away with it?..............Any ideas anyone? David. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: TPDIS: Date: 08 Mar 2000 16:22:46 -0600 I want the tp 90's version on tapes bad can someone please help me out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: TPDIS: Date: 08 Mar 2000 16:22:46 -0600 I want the tp 90's version on tapes bad can someone please help me out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 09 Mar 2000 07:31:22 +1100 On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 05:18:29AM -0800, Michael Matott wrote: > > > > >In a message dated 00-03-07 17:26:13 EST, you write: > > > > > But the communication came from him while the past. Or > > > does your corpse still retain the ability to transmit stored > > > "messages"? > > > >I'm not sure--maybe it's kind of like e-mail forwarding! But seriously, > >it's confusing enough that he sent a message to them in the future > >(and knew who, and where, and when, etc.). I don't think that they'd > >be able to send one back. For instance, in Worlds Away, John and > >Stephen got dreams sent to them from Peter, but they couldn't send > >anything back, IIRC. > > Maybe the message was just sent through time to whomever could hear it. I > always thought it was set off by the theft of the Mahabara stone in the > beginning of Ramses Connection. So, Tut didn't have to direct it at anyone, > just direct it to a time when the stone was stolen. Maybe 'link' the > telepathic message to the stone somehow? Ah, now *there's* an idea. I had always assumed that it was like the dreams Peter sent in the OS, a message from Tutankhamen, and the fact that they couldn't understand the language was a side-effect of the process - after all, in the dream that Peter sent, all the images were visual, he didn't attempt speech at all; maybe Peter knew something about messages through time that Tutankhamen didn't. The problem with the theory that it was a "pre-recorded" message linked to the stone, was that it happened more than once, and it didn't come across like a pre-recorded message, it came across like a desperate attempt to communicate. And then you have the appearance of Tutankhamen at the end - and he *took away* the stone. But faded away like a ghost. I really don't want to attempt to explain that part. Kathryn A. (15 days til Neutral Zone!) -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 08 Mar 2000 21:37:32 PST >From: "David_M_Yates" > >Maybe the message was just sent through time to whomever could hear it. >I > >always thought it was set off by the theft of the Mahabara stone in the > >beginning of Ramses Connection. So, Tut didn't have to direct it at >anyone, > >just direct it to a time when the stone was stolen. Maybe 'link' the > >telepathic message to the stone somehow? > > > >Those are fair points; but how do we explain the ending of the story, when >Tut arrives at Rees' tower, collects the Mahabara stone and teleports away >with it?..............Any ideas anyone? > >David. > After Jack Sprat and co. come 'prancing' into scene I try and block out the rest of the serial. this had slipped my mind. maybe tut's secretly a Time Guardian? :-) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David_M_Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 09 Mar 2000 10:31:39 -0000 >After Jack Sprat and co. come 'prancing' into scene I try and block out the >rest of the serial. this had slipped my mind. > >maybe tut's secretly a Time Guardian? :-) I know what you mean Red rainwear and co are............VERY annoying aren't they? David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 09 Mar 2000 06:57:37 -0500 On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 18:24:28 EST writes: > In a message dated 00-03-07 17:26:13 EST, you write: > > > But the communication came from him while the past. > Or does > > your corpse still retain the ability to transmit stored > "messages"? > > I'm not sure--maybe it's kind of like e-mail forwarding! But > seriously, it's > confusing enough that he sent a message to them in the future (and > knew who, > and where, and when, etc.). I don't think that they'd be able to > send one > back. For instance, in Worlds Away, John and Stephen got dreams sent > to them > from Peter, but they couldn't send anything back, IIRC. Anyway, just > my > thoughts. > -Geoff Well, just to throw my 2 cents in here, perhaps it wasn't a message from the past at all. Perhaps, after he died, Tut's spirit was sent to be sure Ramses didn't try his little takeover scheme again. Perhaps, wherever the boy resided, he realized that Ramses was up to something, and turned to the most telepathicly receptive people he could find, being the TP's, to stop him. It's like the topic that came up before about surplanting images into another's person't consciousness, maybe that's what he did to them, and he wasn't really there at all. Ok, this is starting to make no sence, so I'm going to stop now. Can anyone understand this? Sarah "Right and wrong are not what seperate's our different perspectives...our different views. Each one is looking at it from a different stand point, each blames the other..." ~Squall "Final Fantasy VIII "Aliens exist! The government isn't real" ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kristin Dunn Subject: Re: [Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs] Date: 09 Mar 2000 12:44:27 PST >From: "David_M_Yates" > >Maybe the message was just sent through time to whomever could hear it= =2E = >I > >always thought it was set off by the theft of the Mahabara stone in th= e > >beginning of Ramses Connection. So, Tut didn't have to direct it at >anyone, > >just direct it to a time when the stone was stolen. Maybe 'link' the > >telepathic message to the stone somehow? > > > >Those are fair points; but how do we explain the ending of the story, wh= en >Tut arrives at Rees' tower, collects the Mahabara stone and teleports aw= ay >with it?..............Any ideas anyone? > >David. > I was thinking that maybe it was King Tut's ghost/spirit. Now how would h= e collect the stone? Maybe it was because the stone never really belonged i= n that time period or in that location that he was able to collect the ston= e. I think that something like that happened in a eps. of Doctor Who (sorry fo= r the reference, but if Megabyte can watch it, so can I.) Kristin And no this is not some random new person appearing in your in box..= =2E I decided to be different and change my email address... It used to be so same person different email. = ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: [Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs] Date: 09 Mar 2000 13:30:55 PST >From: Kristin Dunn >I was thinking that maybe it was King Tut's ghost/spirit. Now how would he >collect the stone? Maybe it was because the stone never really belonged in >that time period or in that location that he was able to collect the stone. >I >think that something like that happened in a eps. of Doctor Who (sorry for >the >reference, but if Megabyte can watch it, so can I.) > This is probably off-topic, but which ep of Dr. Who were you thinking of? I'm racking my brains and can't think of anything specifically like this, but I can think of three or four paradox stories off-hand with stuff like this. Now, back on-topic. Thinking back, it looked like Tut was frustrated that the TPs didn't understand him, so whatever communication was occurring seemed to be two way. If we go back to our language problem, we've got another difference between Old and New Series. The Old Series TPs could telepathically unscramble other languages > So, if Ramses killed Tut, how the heck is he talking to present day TPs and physically manifesting. And if he could physically manifest, why couldn't he intervene himself to stop Ramses? The only thing I can come up with is that Tut's spirit went somewhere when he died and that Milicent and company are agents of a higher power. Tut for whatever reason wasn't allowed to interfere, and Milicent actually was limited in how much she could do. Thoughts? mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs Date: 09 Mar 2000 22:23:09 -0600 At 12:54 p.m. 07/03/00 PST, you wrote: > >>On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 05:57:37PM -0500, wrote: >> > Which brings me to another thing: Do any of the Tps have=20 >>supernatural-like >> > powers? Communicating with the dead? Reading auras? >> >>Not in the series. Not in either one. >> > >Depends on how you define "supernatural". For instance, I don't put seeing= =20 >auras (different from being able to read them :-> ) in the same class as=20 >'supernatural'. > >Liz also showed some amount of intuiton, although it was never played up=20 >that much.=20 IIRC when Stephen breaks out and is presented to the other TPs, John explains that Carol has very powerful intuition. I don=B4t remember very wel= l but I also seem to recall some instances of Carol getting very powerful feelings when others were in danger. Ana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: [Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs] Date: 10 Mar 2000 21:58:10 +1100 On Tue, Apr 15, 2036 at 07:12:43PM -0800, Kristin Dunn wrote: > >From: "David_M_Yates" > > >Those are fair points; but how do we explain the ending of the story, when > >Tut arrives at Rees' tower, collects the Mahabara stone and teleports away > >with it?..............Any ideas anyone? > > I was thinking that maybe it was King Tut's ghost/spirit. Now how would he > collect the stone? Maybe it was because the stone never really belonged in > that time period or in that location that he was able to collect the stone. I > think that something like that happened in a eps. of Doctor Who (sorry for the > reference, but if Megabyte can watch it, so can I.) No, that doesn't fit, because the *stone* itself didn't travel through time - except in the ordinary way that everything does. The stone was an archaeological find, and then it was sitting in a museum for however many years, until the henchmen stole it. If King Tut was going to put it "back where it belonged", then he would either have to put it back in the pyramid *in the present day*, or he would have to take it back in time with him, which is actually a Bad Thing, because then there would be two versions of the stone in his time - the original, and the one he took back. Any Doctor Who fan knows that that is *really bad* juju. That's one of the reasons I'm not going to attempt to explain what was going on there at the end. Though I do agree that Millicent's friends (if not Millicent herself) were agents of a Higher Power. And I thought they were cool. Kathryn A. -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SapphireSky Subject: Re: [Re: TPDIS: telepathy with non-TPs] Date: 11 Mar 2000 15:59:44 +0000 On Tue, Apr 15, 2036 at 07:12:43PM -0800, Kristin Dunn wrote: > >From: "David_M_Yates" > > >Those are fair points; but how do we explain the ending of the story, when > >Tut arrives at Rees' tower, collects the Mahabara stone and teleports away > >with it?..............Any ideas anyone? > > I was thinking that maybe it was King Tut's ghost/spirit. That's what I was thinking. Maybe the extent of the TP powers is that they cannot initiate contact with spirits (other than Tut, I don't recall any new series evidence that they ever saw ghosts...though I have read some really good fanfics on the topic :) but, if a ghost contacts them (especially one that was a Tomorrow Person when he/she was alive), they are very receptive to it. I would think that a ghost like Tutankhamen would have the power to take away something from this era, like the Mahabara stone, without a problem, especially since, as somebody said, it existed during his time as well. Rachel with an E :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: TPDIS: Adam Date: 12 Mar 2000 11:38:25 +1100 Is Adam's surname "Newman" or "Neuman"? KJA (11 days to go) -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jen Sulzer" Subject: RE: TPDIS: Adam Date: 11 Mar 2000 19:49:06 -0500 I've always used "Newman," since that's what's in all the fanfics, but I don't know if it's actually written down anywhere as canon. Jen "May you walk with the awareness of life. =A0May you walk in beauty." =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0= =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 Teresa Pijoan > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Ruby Red > Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 7:38 PM > To: TPDIS Tomorrow People Discussion List > Subject: TPDIS: Adam > > > Is Adam's surname "Newman" or "Neuman"? > > KJA > (11 days to go) > -- > Ruby Red > > > "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TP chat Date: 11 Mar 2000 21:21:05 EST I'm in #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet (on IRC) if anyone wants to come. I'm the only one there! -Geoff "Children should always listen to their elders, but not necessarily do what they say." --Linus Pauling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Adam Date: 11 Mar 2000 22:36:10 EST I always thought of it as Newman. As in New Man, he is a new kind of man. Sun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "William Adams" Subject: TPDIS: Sorry About that on the TPFICT ring Date: 11 Mar 2000 21:41:58 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BF8BA2.A0C21520 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Greetings All Dianne Elliott here. I just double sent part 0 and Chapter One to = my story 'Tomorrow's Prize'. The first time was an attachment, the = second as the body of the email letter. I do not know which is the more = proper way to send stories. Thanks for your patience. =20 Dianne ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BF8BA2.A0C21520 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Greetings All
    Dianne Elliott = here.  I=20 just double sent part 0 and Chapter One to my story 'Tomorrow's = Prize'. =20 The first time was an attachment, the second as the body of the email=20 letter.  I do not know which is the more proper way to send=20 stories.
    Thanks for your=20 patience.
   =20 Dianne
------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BF8BA2.A0C21520-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Sorry About that on the TPFICT ring Date: 11 Mar 2000 23:33:45 EST Dianne: Your other story was "retired"? I was wondering why? I think it was Beginnings? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Nolan Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP chat Date: 12 Mar 2000 15:47:10 +1100 Ok, im on there now At 09:21 11/03/2000 EST, you wrote: >I'm in #TomorrowPeople on Dalnet (on IRC) if anyone wants to come. I'm the >only one there! > > -Geoff >"Children should always listen to their elders, but not necessarily do what >they say." > --Linus >Pauling > > Tony Nolan - Management Information Officer & Senior Research Assistant Faculty of Business. Uni. of Tech. Syd. Po Box 222, Lindfield, NSW, 2070 - Australia Office (02) 9514 5472 Founder of the Decision Intelligence Group. My Comments are mine, and not that of the University. Genius doesn't pay, it costs !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth A Epstein Subject: Re: TPDIS: Adam Date: 12 Mar 2000 00:02:43 -0600 Jen Sulzer wrote: > > I've always used "Newman," since that's what's in all the fanfics, but I > don't know if it's actually written down anywhere as canon. The Robinson novelizations use Newman. For whatever those are worth. :) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP chat Date: 12 Mar 2000 21:31:42 +1100 I couldn't be at the chat today - but unusually, I will hopefully be there tomorrow (at the same time as the normal chat) so if anyone wants to drop in - coolness (-8 Shaun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Nolan Subject: Re: TPDIS: TP chat Date: 12 Mar 2000 22:42:08 +1100 Hi Shaun, what time australian time please hugs tony At 09:31 PM 3/12/00 +1100, you wrote: >I couldn't be at the chat today - but unusually, I will hopefully be there >tomorrow (at the same time as the normal chat) so if anyone wants to drop >in - coolness (-8 > >Shaun > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "William Adams" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Sorry About that on the TPFICT ring Date: 12 Mar 2000 09:40:50 -0600 Charles: I really don't know why myself, except it may have not been finished. I do remember that I grew disenchanted with the story after it was posted, so if Beth decided to put it out of its misery, I'm not going to argue. Also did you recieve the first two parts of Tomorrow's Prize last night? I am going to send the rest of the story in separt emails, in the body of the email, instead of attachments. On my reader attachments look gross! One last thing, I did find this morning an old alternate universe TP story, which introduces Heather differently then the way I did in Dreams of Destiny. The story uses John's father in the first half, and it involves very, very young TP children who belong to the SIS. If you are interested, let me know. Like Evolution, this is more of a thinking story, and may cause some people mental upset. Must Dash, Happy readin' 'n' writin' Dianne -----Original Message----- >Dianne: > >Your other story was "retired"? I was wondering why? I think it was >Beginnings? > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "William Adams" Subject: TPDIS: Sorry about that last message Date: 12 Mar 2000 10:15:16 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BF8C0B.DCD8FC40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Greetings: That last message I answered was supposed to be between Charles = Mento and I. Please, please ignore it. Maybe one of these days, I'll = learn about how to email. THanks Dianne ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BF8C0B.DCD8FC40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    That last message = I answered=20 was supposed to be between Charles Mento and I.  Please, please = ignore=20 it.  Maybe one of these days, I'll learn about how to = email.
------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BF8C0B.DCD8FC40-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Sorry About that on the TPFICT ring Date: 12 Mar 2000 13:45:06 EST No I couldn't really download it since the file names were the same name. I try to put it in the body of the email myself. I tis easier that way. Plus I thnik I have it from the zipped files you sent me but again, because som eof them not all, had the same file name I had to save them on separate disks. <<<<>>>>>>>> Hey Dianne, send it. You know I love whatever you write and especially TP stuff! Please send it. Thanks. This one sounds great! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Sorry About that on the TPFICT ring Date: 12 Mar 2000 13:45:40 EST Whoops I did the same thing before looking at the addy! Sorry Dianne! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: TPDIS: Language and Tepe Date: 16 Mar 2000 11:48:38 PST I was thinking about the language debate while driving today. I'm dong a bit of reading on animal behavior and development of various behaviors through genetic and environmental factors (and their interrelationships). So it got me to thinking about what effect being a TP has on development. Was it ever determined what made a person a TP? In the OS we had the wedge shaped brain pattern. I don't remember anything from the NS being said about it. A number of us have made the assumption that if they're the next stage in human evolution (and in fact a new species), then it implies that there are genetic differences between a TP and a normal sap. These genetic differences lead to and influence some of the behaviors found in both groups. In the TPs case, the 'no-kill' rule and their 'special powers'. Now, language is something that develops very early on in development, or at least creating the hardware for it does. In the first three years of life, a human child basically devlops all of the neural connections it will use for language. (This is why it is *extremely* important to provide an infant child with a lot of aural stimuli in order for proper development of spoken language skills.) Making a leap here to the assumption that telepathy is centered or at least filtered through the language center of the brain, than something in development causes a TP to have telepathy turned on and a sap to not have it develop. (But for TPs to come from saps, the potential must be there from the normal population to develop it. I.e. Saps have the hardware but not the software.) How does this bring it back to the language debate? Well, I was thinking about the malleability of the language capability in younger children compared to adults. If a child learns a second (or third or more) language when young, they are more likely to be able to speak the languages fluently than someone learning them at a greater age. For Hsui Tai, learning English would be much harder for her than someone younger . The question then is do telepaths have their own 'thought language' or are they simply communicating in their 'native' language? Here's the theory. Anyone who has studied a foreign language will hopefully relate to this: When I studied French in high school, I had to translate everything that was said to me in French to English and then my reply from English into French. There was only one instance where I actually found myself *thinking* in French instead of English. What if the TPs had their own language? There is some evidence of pre-breakout telepathy. Many of the TPs talk about having heard voices in their heads before they broke out. And in the NS origin story, there were a number of replies to Adam and Lisa's telepathic 'hello', but these had to be pre-breakout TPs. So, in this case, having the TP genes results in development of a part of the language center for telepathy and possibly a pre-disposition for a unified telepathic language. Hence, the reason for Hsui Tai's bad English could have to do with the TPs all speaking one language telepathically, but not vocally. This would mean that the TPs had to do dual translations - what was in their head and their native language - when speaking, but most bilingual people I know do this as well. Thoughts? mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "William Adams" Subject: TPDIS: RE: Language and TP Date: 16 Mar 2000 17:24:17 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BF8F6C.75429140 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, I just scanned through Mike's ideas about language and telepathy. I = tend to agree with his viewpoints. In the old series, I remember = Stephen making a claim to being able to smell food telepathically. So, = it seems to me, that TP telepathy comes in a wider band than just = mentally tossing words between two TP. It makes since that a newly = broke out TP, say a teenager, would telepath in words, and in his head = at least, would come out in his native language. Eventually, however, = when encountering with other telepaths from other cultures, then other = planets, another system of mental 'language' would have to be worked = out. General concepts, perhaps, interspaced with images? In human TP, I see that emotions would be shared, more or less = directly. Emotions would become the color and tenor of the telepathic = message. Of course, it would be logical that different telepathic = species would have different concept systems. So at the Trig, there = might be a Federation Standard Telepathy, which would be a collection of = agreed upon concepts and ideas, with the emotions left out. FST would = be very structured, likely dull 'language' much like legalize. Of course, language telepathy is a lot easier for a fan writer to = work with. Knowing that youngsters are more adept at picking up = languages, I was wondering how a child of TP parents would fare? TP = parents would be highly likely to both telepath and talk, to their = babies, but what if their babies are receptive to telepathy before = learning language? Just decided to toss that out! Dianne ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BF8F6C.75429140 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    I just scanned = through Mike's=20 ideas about language and telepathy.  I tend to agree with his=20 viewpoints.  In the old series, I remember Stephen making a claim = to being=20 able to smell food telepathically.  So, it seems to me, that TP = telepathy=20 comes in a wider band than just mentally tossing words between two = TP.  It=20 makes since that a newly broke out TP, say a teenager, would telepath in = words,=20 and in his head at least, would come out in his native language. =20 Eventually, however, when encountering with other telepaths from other = cultures,=20 then other planets, another system of mental 'language' would have to be = worked=20 out.  General concepts, perhaps, interspaced with = images?
    In human TP, I = see that=20 emotions would be shared, more or less directly.  Emotions would = become the=20 color and tenor of the telepathic message.  Of course, it would be = logical=20 that different telepathic species would have different concept = systems.  So=20 at the Trig, there might be a Federation Standard Telepathy, which would = be a=20 collection of agreed upon concepts and ideas, with the emotions left = out. =20 FST would be very structured, likely dull 'language' much like=20 legalize.
    Of course, = language telepathy=20 is a lot easier for a fan writer to work with.  Knowing that = youngsters are=20 more adept at picking up languages, I was wondering how a child of TP = parents=20 would fare?  TP parents would be highly likely to both telepath and = talk,=20 to their babies, but what if their babies are receptive to telepathy = before=20 learning language?
    Just decided to = toss that=20 out!
------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BF8F6C.75429140-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: TPDIS: Language and Tepe Date: 17 Mar 2000 07:55:46 +1100 On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 11:48:38AM -0800, Michael Matott wrote: > > Here's the theory. Anyone who has studied a foreign language will hopefully > relate to this: When I studied French in high school, I had to translate > everything that was said to me in French to English and then my reply from > English into French. There was only one instance where I actually found > myself *thinking* in French instead of English. Yes, but someone who becomes *really* fluent *will* start thinking in the other language also. > What if the TPs had their own language? There is some evidence of > pre-breakout telepathy. Many of the TPs talk about having heard voices in > their heads before they broke out. And in the NS origin story, there were a > number of replies to Adam and Lisa's telepathic 'hello', but these had to be > pre-breakout TPs. There were? Is this in the novelisation? Because there certainly weren't any replies in the actual episode. > So, in this case, having the TP genes results in > development of a part of the language center for telepathy and possibly a > pre-disposition for a unified telepathic language. Hence, the reason for > Hsui Tai's bad English could have to do with the TPs all speaking one > language telepathically, but not vocally. This would mean that the TPs had > to do dual translations - what was in their head and their native language - > when speaking, but most bilingual people I know do this as well. Of course this whole language thing breaks down, because it still doesn't explain why OS TPs can understand any language spoken by Saps, because this "universal telepathic language" wouldn't be known by Saps. At this point I'm inclined to say, heck, they just wave a magic wand and understand. (-8 Kathryn Andersen -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Clark Subject: Re: TPDIS: RE: Language and TP Date: 17 Mar 2000 19:47:45 +0000 > William Adams wrote: > > Hi, > I just scanned through Mike's ideas about language and telepathy. > I tend to agree with his viewpoints. In the old series, I remember > Stephen making a claim to being able to smell food telepathically. > So, it seems to me, that TP telepathy comes in a wider band than just > mentally tossing words between two TP. I agree with this, I have always thought that there would be many bands/frequencies that Tp's could use. Private ones between friends and family then more public ones as well. They can choose to elaborate and transmit emotions, tastes etc. or just stick to concepts and words. > In human TP, I see that emotions would be shared, more or less > directly. Emotions would become the color and tenor of the telepathic > message. This is expressed so well :) Most human language is accompanied by non-verbal cues which add depth to the meaning of the message being conveyed. Without this telepathy would be open to many misunderstandings. It seems logical that the emotions transmitted along with the telepathic signal would act like NVC to add additional meaning to the message. Of course, it would be logical that different telepathic > species would have different concept systems. So at the Trig, there > might be a Federation Standard Telepathy, which would be a collection > of agreed upon concepts and ideas, with the emotions left out. FST > would be very structured, likely dull 'language' much like legalize. But maybe when communicating with other species the ideas and concepts are exchanged rather than a structured language. > Of course, language telepathy is a lot easier for a fan writer to > work with. Yes, I tend to have my characters pathing on various frequencies and even in their own language. Especially when a parent wants to reprimand a child and doesn't want the humans present to understand or swears and doesn't want to upset John's delicate constitution ;) Knowing that youngsters are more adept at picking up > languages, I was wondering how a child of TP parents would fare? TP > parents would be highly likely to both telepath and talk, to their > babies, but what if their babies are receptive to telepathy before > learning language? Well think how advantageous it would be to the parent knowing what their child was thinking, much easier toilet training, less mess at mealtimes, being able to leave them unattended for short periods and keeping a telepathic 'eye' on what they are doing. Someone else mentioned the need to be exposed to language at a young age too. It is during the first few months that we learn the phoneme set (speech sounds) which accompany our native language. Exposure to many different languages helps the child to learn them later in life. I suspect that a TP child must be exposed to some sort of telepathy in order to pick up the mental vocabulary in a similar way. This begs the question of what happened to the TP's before breakout? There is no mention of whether any Tp parents were prone to limited telepathy although in the visitor there is a General who is partially telepathic and it is mentioned by Tricia or Liz in 'Secret Weapon' that a lot of Saps are. So perhaps the general telepathy which goes unnoticed as background noise by saps serves to tune the TP child's senses even before breakout. Am I making any sense at all? It seems like ages since I last commented in a discussion. Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Re: Adam Date: 11 Mar 2000 22:57:23 EST nice catch on the new man thing. i like when there are hidden meanings in peoples names (kinda like in the matrix how "neo" is an anagram of "one"). as for the whole tut thing, part of him probably came back alive, so he was half alive, half dead. That would explain why he sounds so distant and the fact that he was transparent, and also how he was able to walk down the steps of rameses's throne and take the stone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carolyn Foster" Date: 19 Mar 2000 21:47:09 -0700 <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: tpdis on Thursday, March 16, 2000 8:55 PM Kathryn Anderson wrote > > Of course this whole language thing breaks down, because it still > doesn't explain why OS TPs can understand any language spoken by Saps, > because this "universal telepathic language" wouldn't be known by > Saps. > > At this point I'm inclined to say, heck, they just wave a magic wand > and understand. (-8 > "Language is no problem for us telepaths, we can interpret the pattern of their brainwaves and get the meaning direct. In the same way we can make them think we're using their language" John A Rift in Time regards Carolyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Language and Tepe Date: 19 Mar 2000 10:50:52 -0000 on Thursday, March 16, 2000 8:55 PM Kathryn Anderson wrote > > Of course this whole language thing breaks down, because it still > doesn't explain why OS TPs can understand any language spoken by Saps, > because this "universal telepathic language" wouldn't be known by > Saps. > > At this point I'm inclined to say, heck, they just wave a magic wand > and understand. (-8 > "Language is no problem for us telepaths, we can interpret the pattern of their brainwaves and get the meaning direct. In the same way we can make them think we're using their language" John A Rift in Time regards Carolyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kristin Dunn Subject: Re: TPDIS: Language and Tepe Date: 20 Mar 2000 19:34:46 PST "Michael Matott" wrote: --Massive snippage-- <> I was told about this in my psychology class. My teacher used the example= of taking an infant to other countries for an extended period of time and th= e child will be able to speak many of these languages in the future. But th= e problem was that once they get older it becomes harder for anyone to lear= n another language. Hence why I think that schools should start teaching fo= reign languages at a earlier grade. My French teacher always tells us to think = in French so we'll learn it better. It's a hard thing to do if you ask me.. = But I'm really getting off topic.... <> Humm I have a theory about something related to this, but I think that it= will work with telepathy. For a while I sort of kept a record of the ages of t= he TP when they broke out. They all broke out at a very young age, and you very= rarely saw an older person break out. Except for Liz, and maybe Adam, but= I don't know the age of when he broke out. Any who, I related the ages to s= chool and basic subjects that are taught at these ages... That and science... T= he higher grade that you get in school (about 7th on up) the more in-depth y= ou get into physics and other science classes, or psychology classes of the = like. Children at an earlier age have a better chance of breaking out because t= hey haven't gone through years of science and what not telling them that telepathy, teleporting, PK and ESP, are not possible. So they have a more= open mind to those things happening. But as they get older they get told about= gravity and how you can never fly, and how telepathy was just a magic tri= ck, and something that you saw on Ghostbusters, and things like that just don= 't happen/exists. Let me tell you... When your in 5th grade talking about TP= and you teacher tells you that it's just a TV show and it's just all pretend = and made up, your dreams really get shot down. ::sigh:: Basicly what I'm sayi= ng is that if it wasn't for school telling kids that telepathy and what not was= n't possible, we would probly have more TP's... Probly... And weather this is= related to telepathy I don't know... Though the day that my psychology te= acher told the class that ESP was not possible, I got into a heavy debate with = him after class and attempted to prove him wrong... I'm still working on that= =2E.. Any ideas? <> Personally I think that they communicate in their native language. I th= ink that there was an ep. where John said something about how they could inte= rpret the brain wave patterns and understand what was being said. (I'm talking = about 'alien' brain wave patterns) And when they spoke to them they made the 'aliens' think that they were speaking their language... Something to tha= t greater effect. I think this was for both telepathic and non telepathic r= aces when their powers weren't knocked out. <> The series when Mike was breaking out sort of mentioned this. John said t= hat when he broke out it wasn't bad because there wasn't any other TP's. The others all said it was 'painful' (I think they said that) because they he= ard the others trying to find them, and there were other telepaths. Though wh= en Mike broke out, he didn't have that problem because they decided to not contact him. <> I don't if the TPs had to translate for anything (this if something that = I know what I want to say but I really don't know how to say it), but I can= see what your saying. = Sorry for the rambling. Kristin "You see when something bad happens = to me I just think of Winston = Churchill 's thought on life." = "And what's that?" "KBO!" = "KBO? What in the world does that mean?" "KBO! Keep Buggering On!.... I like the buggering part." Random conversation between me and my best friend = on a idle Saturday morning... (it was only 2.30am!) = ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth A Epstein Subject: TPDIS: ADMIN: Out of Communication Date: 21 Mar 2000 20:48:01 -0600 Well, you know, unless I figure out the telepathy thing. In short, I'm leaving town early tomorrow morning for the annual Drosophila meeting and will not be checking email until Sunday night. As such, please address any list concerns to Shaun or Wendy. Thanks, Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: New/Tapes? Date: 21 Mar 2000 21:56:39 EST Hi everyone! : ) I'm new to the TPDIS list. My name's Melissa & I loooooove and miss Tomorrow People (the new series). Does anyone know where I can get a copy of all the new series episodes? I had them all on tape but someone taped over them without asking me first. =*( *~Melissa~* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: tapes Date: 21 Mar 2000 21:57:51 EST Lost that last message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: TPDIS: barely on topic..but Date: 23 Mar 2000 09:59:47 PST I have no idea if Chirs Claremont is a Tomorrow People fan, but for American list members who are also comic book fans: Check out X-Men #100 - a character from the comic, Nightcrawler, has the primary ability of being a teleporter. (He also has a quite devilish appearance - blue fur, prehensile tail, yellow eyes). During one of his thought balloons in this issue he refers to his teleportation as a 'jaunt'. (And the way it is phrased, it is meant in the way we've come to understand it for the TPs.) I've never seen that term used for Nightcrawler before (usually they use 'port or 'Bamfing' ), but I could be mistaken. (This character's been in publication since the late 60's.) I thought it was pretty interesting. TP references can be anywhere. :-) mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 24 Mar 2000 18:18:03 EST Hey. First off, I will resond to e-mails and give feedback on fan-fic at some point in the near future. I just got back from a trip with my highschool chorus to Belgium and the Netherlands for about ten days, so I've got about 200 e-mails on my computer, letters from about thirty collages littered around my bedroom, and about four hours of sleep (it's about 12:30 AM for me right now). Anyway... There's a huge article on quantum teleportation in this months Sci Am. You might say, "This makes no sense because I don't understand quantum mechanics," but don't worry, there are about four people in the world that actually do. :::shrugs::: I haven't read it yet, but it looks good. ta -Nicole (who really needs a good meal and some sleep) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: TPDIS: Brain pattern Date: 24 Mar 2000 18:14:45 -0600 I saw a documentary today on Matthew Manning, an englishman who has very developped psychic and healing abilities. It seems that in the =B470s they found that he had an unusual EEG from a part of the brain that is normally underused. They showed a close-up of the EEG and it had an upside down V-shaped pattern, similar (although smaller) to the one shown in Secret Weapon! Do you think this inspired Roger Price? Does anyone else know more about this Matthew Manning? --Ana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 24 Mar 2000 19:34:31 EST title of article on teleportation? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 25 Mar 2000 11:55:26 +1100 > >Anyway... There's a huge article on quantum teleportation in this months Sci >Am. You might say, >"This makes no sense because I don't understand quantum mechanics," but don't >worry, there are about four people in the world that actually do. >:::shrugs::: I haven't read it yet, but it looks good. Well, I understand it (-8 Seriously, the idea that quantum mechanics is incredibly difficult to understand isn't really true - and plenty of people do understand it. It needs to be studied - but it's not really anymore difficult than a whole range of other scientific ideas, or philosophical concepts (quantum teleportation is something I am looking at in Computer Science - one of it's most useful applications may be in computer memory and chips). Scientific American is normally pretty good at making these things understandable as well. Shaun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Clark Subject: Re: TPDIS: Brain pattern Date: 25 Mar 2000 09:24:44 +0000 Ana Isabel Sacristan wrote: > > I saw a documentary today on Matthew Manning, an englishman who has very > developped psychic and healing abilities. It seems that in the ´70s they > found that he had an unusual EEG from a part of the brain that is normally > underused. They showed a close-up of the EEG and it had an upside down > V-shaped pattern, similar (although smaller) to the one shown in Secret > Weapon! > Do you think this inspired Roger Price? > Does anyone else know more about this Matthew Manning? > > --Ana Yes, I'm a member of the SPR (society for psychical Research) and I seem to recall that they investigated him at some length. I'll have to dig back through my journals and books or contact the secretary to retrieve the original documentation from the archives but if anyone is very interested I can try and find the time next week to investigate further. I have always suspected that RP had good scientific knowledge because in general he got his facts right throughout the series. Perhaps Chris Evans, the scientific advisor to the show was an SPR member... I can look into that too. Jackie PS: for all those concerned I will be in chat TP tonight and have some news of the 25th anniversary video. -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Clark Subject: Re: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 25 Mar 2000 09:28:13 +0000 Shaun Hately wrote: > > From: > > > >Anyway... There's a huge article on quantum teleportation in this months > Sci > >Am. You might say, > >"This makes no sense because I don't understand quantum mechanics," but > don't > >worry, there are about four people in the world that actually do. > >:::shrugs::: I haven't read it yet, but it looks good. > > Well, I understand it (-8 > > Seriously, the idea that quantum mechanics is incredibly difficult to > understand isn't really true - and plenty of people do understand it. It > needs to be studied - but it's not really anymore difficult than a whole > range of other scientific ideas, or philosophical concepts (quantum > teleportation is something I am looking at in Computer Science - one of it's > most useful applications may be in computer memory and chips). > > Scientific American is normally pretty good at making these things > understandable as well. > > Shaun For a simple explanation I have an article that I wrote about it some time ago available on my web site. -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Clark Subject: TPDIS: More than nostalgia Date: 25 Mar 2000 09:45:10 +0000 A funny thing happened to me during this week and I just wanted to share my thoughts with you all. I am in the middle of writing my latest OS story and needed some info on Carol. Thanks to Carolyn (my beta) she sent me a copy of the first ever episode, which I have not seen in years. I recall watching it at Shawn's while extremely jet lagged a few years ago, but I never actually saw the first ever episode at all back when it was aired in the 70's. Anyway, I put the video in and decided to sit down for just a few mins before I left for work and something strange came over me. I know this story really well, and am familiar with the characters but despite this I felt so drawn into the story line it immediately took me back to when I was 11 yr. old. I was riveted to the screen, drawn in by Carol's words as she explains who the TP are to Stephen. The throbbing music and special effects seemed incredible to me, like I was seeing them for the first time. Well to cut a long story short I was late for work and had to rush to get dressed and head into the rush hour traffic. Wow what a journey! I went through at least 6 red lights, had three close shaves with other cars and generally felt like my mind was not in my body. I was disassociated from the real world for the rest of the day, walking around in a dreamlike state and I can't even remember what I was teaching! So when I got home I watched some more and ended sitting up until midnight. The reason why I wanted to share this with you is twofold. Firstly, you can all understand how I feel, despite his loving nature David is a Sap (I actually called him that the other day when he teased me about TP) and cannot understand. Secondly I feel that this trip down memory lane was more than nostalgia, it brought stirred all those old feelings within me, the special quality that TP has for making you, the viewer feel special. At last I know why we are all still here 27 yr. later discussing it in such depth. There is something about TP that no show has and I feel like I just broke out and discovered the meaning to live, the universe and everything. Thanks for listening Jackie PS here is a completely unrelated question. Did Chris ever meet Carol? I know that he was related to Lefty and Ginge but did she leave for the Trig before Chris joined the series? Thanks once again :) -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ariana Brill Subject: Re: TPDIS: More than nostalgia Date: 25 Mar 2000 05:04:44 -0800 Jackie Clark wrote: > At last I know why we are all still here 27 yr. later discussing it in > such depth. There is something about TP that no show has and I feel like > I just broke out and discovered the meaning to live, the universe and > everything. That's how I felt when I first saw the TP - it was the first time I felt truly understood. There was suddenly something in my life that actually excited me. I tend to forget about that feeling and consequently every time I have manage to watch the TP I find myself falling in love all over again. I suprise myself with thoughts like "Wow, this is the most incredible show ever!! I *love* this!" and end up laughing because it's a new discovery every time I do that... There is definitely something magical about it. I also find that when I don't watch the TP for a period of time, I miss the characters in the same way I miss someone I haven't been able to spend time with in a while and care about. The TP is very real to me, and I think to a lot of us. That's why we don't feel silly discussing it at length 27 years later :) Speaking of missing people you care about, I am currently on the way out the door to catch a 6AM flight to see Geoffy-chan! You guys know what that means.... JOINT SIG! *evil laughter* -- (~.~) Ariana "Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it." - Lloyd Alexander ICQ 9737939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darryl Gillikin" Subject: TPDIS: Does KS have any family in the acting business? Date: 25 Mar 2000 08:21:52 PST Something curious in this week's TV Guide: there's a movie coming on the Disney Channel this week called "Alley Cats Strike!". The plot synopsis sounds rather stock teen fare, but two names are listed in the credits. One of them is a Kyle Schmid. Now, Schmid isn't exactly the most common last name in the world, so it made me a bit curious. I've only been able to locate reference online to KS having two brothers, Karl and Adam. But does anyone have any idea whether there's any relation here? Darryl "You wanna make an "active culture" joke here, Stevie Boy, or shall I handle this one?" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 25 Mar 2000 13:52:03 EST I didn't mean that you can't understand what the article is saying, or that very few people can understand how to use the various equations needed. Sci Am as well as a number of other books are very good at laying at the basic concepts so that normal people can understand. I can read stuff about it and say, "Hey, that sounds right," but if you showed me any of the equations involved I'd probably rip my hair out. What I meant is that the concepts that the equations are based upon (at least some of them), the reasons why the equations work are very difficult. That's why very few books on quantum mechanics targeted at the normal public include more than a few equations. You need an understanding of normal advanced physics and subatomic physics to even get started. I mean, come on, Einstein (yes, feel free to bug me about using Einstein as an example again) outright denounced quantum mechanics at first. In fact, even in his later life, although he admitted that the equations that quantum mechanics used worked, the models that they were based upon were inaccurate. Anyway, I could be wrong about this. I just wanted to clear up my statement. I wasn't trying to scare anyone away from reading the article. Actually, I just checked, and it doesn't look like the article is posted on the webpage yet. You might need to wait until the next issue comes out before you can access all the current ones. -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 25 Mar 2000 13:53:57 EST WHERE IS THE ARTCILE?ARRGGAHHH! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Does KS have any family in the acting business? Date: 25 Mar 2000 13:56:54 EST In a message dated 00-03-25 11:22:23 EST, you write: << Something curious in this week's TV Guide: there's a movie coming on the Disney Channel this week called "Alley Cats Strike!". The plot synopsis sounds rather stock teen fare, but two names are listed in the credits. One of them is a Kyle Schmid. Now, Schmid isn't exactly the most common last name in the world, so it made me a bit curious. I've only been able to locate reference online to KS having two brothers, Karl and Adam. But does anyone have any idea whether >> This movie was actually fairly cute. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Scientific American article on teleportation Date: 25 Mar 2000 14:25:10 EST In a message dated 3/25/00 1:54:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > WHERE IS THE ARTCILE?ARRGGAHHH! :::grins sheepishly::: Er, it doesn't look like the links at the website are active yet. You might need to wait until the next issue comes out (which should be reasonably soon) before you gain access to all the articles in this issue. Then again, you could also bug your local bookstore by reading the article without buying the magazine -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: More than nostalgia Date: 25 Mar 2000 16:53:46 PST >PS here is a completely unrelated question. >Did Chris ever meet Carol? I know that he was related to Lefty and Ginge >but did she leave for the Trig before Chris joined the series? > This is one that bugs me. Chris comes onto the scene in the second season and is very obviously familiar to the TPs. So he showed up before Lis broke out, but there was quite some time between when Carol and Kenny left Earth and this happened. It never was mentioned in the series, so far as I can remember. Did any of the novelizations bother to document how Chris was introduced to the TPs? (and he was only related to Ginge - his brother. Lefty was just Ginge's dimwitted friend.) mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dominum" Subject: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 25 Mar 2000 19:47:32 -0800 Hey - does anyone know where the original Tomorrow People lab was located. I know it was in the underground - but do we know anything else about where it was? What about the second one? Whereabouts was that? Anyone know. The Master's Ghost +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The coolest site for free home pages, email, chat, e-cards, movie info.. | | - it's time to Go Play! | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: Re: TPDIS: videos Date: 25 Mar 2000 21:55:29 -0600 Please can i get the new series on video from someone please ive got money thanx JR ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2000 9:47 PM > Hey - does anyone know where the original Tomorrow People lab was > located. I know it was in the underground - but do we know anything > else about where it was? > > What about the second one? Whereabouts was that? Anyone know. > > The Master's Ghost > > +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > | The coolest site for free home pages, email, chat, e-cards, movie info.. | > | - it's time to Go Play! | > +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Nolan Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 26 Mar 2000 14:01:04 +1000 If the 2nd lab is the one in the 2nd series 1998 ?, wasnt it in an space ship on a pacific island ? cheers tony At 07:47 PM 3/25/00 -0800, you wrote: >Hey - does anyone know where the original Tomorrow People lab was >located. I know it was in the underground - but do we know anything >else about where it was? > >What about the second one? Whereabouts was that? Anyone know. > >The Master's Ghost > >+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ >| The coolest site for free home pages, email, chat, e-cards, movie info.. | >| - it's time to Go Play! | >+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dominum" Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 25 Mar 2000 23:20:44 -0800 Tony Nolan wrote on Saturday March 25, 2000 at 7:59pm: > >If the 2nd lab is the one in the 2nd series 1998 ?, wasnt it in an >space ship on a pacific island ? No, not that one - there were two labs in the 1970s series. One was really dark and dingy, the other looked like a doctors waiting room from the period - it was orange. :) But thanks for your answer, Tony. The Master's Ghost +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The coolest site for free home pages, email, chat, e-cards, movie info.. | | - it's time to Go Play! | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "dominum" Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 25 Mar 2000 23:21:30 -0800 Tony Nolan wrote on Saturday March 25, 2000 at 7:59pm: > >If the 2nd lab is the one in the 2nd series 1998 ?, wasnt it in an >space ship on a pacific island ? No, not that one - there were two labs in the 1970s series. One was really dark and dingy, the other looked like a doctors waiting room from the period - it was orange. :) But thanks for your answer, Tony. The Master's Ghost +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The coolest site for free home pages, email, chat, e-cards, movie info.. | | - it's time to Go Play! | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David_M_Yates" Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 26 Mar 2000 16:21:34 +0100 -----Original Message----- > >If the 2nd lab is the one in the 2nd series 1998 ?, wasnt it in an space >ship on a pacific island ? Sorry Tony, the Original TP's had two different "Lab's" The first in an abandoned London Underground tunnel and the second.... Under Kew Gardens? (Or was that just Shaun's Fan-Fic??) David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jackie Clark Subject: TPDIS: A Request. Date: 26 Mar 2000 17:35:53 +0100 I have been playing around with my web pages and have added some sound files. I would appreciate it if anyone who has the time could take a look at my new home page (link below) and the updated TP pages. I need to know how long it takes to load with the OS theme added to the page. I also need to know which browser you are using as my netscape seems unable to play the theme where as I.E. does! Even if you don't have time you may be interested to see some photos taken during the filming of the 25th anniversary video which are now available on a new page, link available on TP home page. Thanks Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: Re: TPDIS: A Request. Date: 26 Mar 2000 10:41:27 -0600 sure i will ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 10:35 AM > I have been playing around with my web pages and have added some sound > files. I would appreciate it if anyone who has the time could take a > look at my new home page (link below) and the updated TP pages. I need > to know how long it takes to load with the OS theme added to the page. I > also need to know which browser you are using as my netscape seems > unable to play the theme where as I.E. does! > > Even if you don't have time you may be interested to see some photos > taken during the filming of the 25th anniversary video which are now > available on a new page, link available on TP home page. > > Thanks > Jackie > -- > > > "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: More than nostalgia Date: 26 Mar 2000 11:45:55 EST In a message dated 00-03-25 19:54:44 EST, you write: << It never was mentioned in the series, so far as I can remember. Did any of the novelizations bother to document how Chris was introduced to the TPs? >> Not that I know of. There might have been a comic but I rather doubt that as well. I think Carol appears in a novel that might have had appearances by Chris but they never do meet and Carol's appearance is all but brief. Come to think of it, Chris doesn't appear in that novel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TCTP Date: 26 Mar 2000 11:47:17 EST TC seems to have vanished but I think I will start to post his stuff bit by bit since most fans nowadays don't have any idea of it and since most of it was truly good (especially at the beginning) I want to give new fans a chance to see it, so here goes (notes this info contains information not in the books but which came direct from TC): 1982 to 1983 1-INTRODUCTIONS Questor (John Stamos), an alien, discovers an underground group of telepaths living in London. He helps them with a mission and makes his friendly intentions clear as do they. This mission was to find out about a group of teen pickpockets who had stolen secret weaponry from a London armory. 2-BREAKOUT Stephen senses a new Tomorrow Person breaking out during a blizzard. An attempt to help almost has tragic results. Brian Robbins (Andred Caravelli) breaks out. 3-FAR TO GO With Stephen and Tyso's help, Brian comes to terms with his new powers. Brian's first adventure ends up detecting a youngster with great potential. 11 year old Toby Llewellyn (Keith Mitchell) is this genius. 4-YOUNG BLOOD Toby is an 11 year old genius who breaks out. He instantly distrusts everybody. He and the others think he is the youngest to break out but they forgot Kenny really was. Younger Tp will break out within the next 8 years. 5-FIRE ONE Toby uses his new powers and his own genius, to reconstruct and remodel the TP HQ. In the process, we learn how TIM was created. 6-CALL FROM TIME Time Guardian Peter returns to the TP for help in containing a time warp he accidentally unleashed. This time warp was putting history 25 years too early, causing things to happen earlier than they should have. NOTE: This type of time warp would affect the Tp again in the future and more than once. In 1989, 1990, and 1991, a time warp rift (really due to creative differences between TC and myself) would make these years sort of blend into one long time. 7-LETTER FROM HELL College student now, Tyso is disturbed by telepathic emissions from occult experimentist Jani Thomas (Valerie Landsberg). An accident during a ceremony causes her to break out. 8-LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Stephen and Jani fall in love as he trains her in the use of her newfound powers. 9-SECRET LIFE A bookwormish student with a secret partyloving side shows signs of breaking out but cannot be found when the time arrives. Julian "JJ" Tomie (Anthony Edwards) joins the TP. 10-MORDEU 30th century evil magician is accidentally released by Peter. Mordeu wants revenge on his foe Questor, who was responsible for his imprisonment. 11-MAGIC HATH FEW CHARMS Questor is captured by Mordeu. The Tp face defeat at the magician's hands. Mordeu destroys the most recent version of the Lab. It is alien Matthew Star (played by Peter Barton from the TV series THE POWERS OF MATTHEW STAR ) who comes up with a new solution that saves everyone. When Mordeu is entombed, he loses his powers. Mordeu is finally entombed on a distant planet. 12-DEADLY ACT A young aspiring actor is plagued by visions and voices of doom, sensing a neighbor's terrorist hostage taking plans. Tawny Callahan (Meeno Peluce, star of VOYAGERS!) breaks out. 13-THE CURSE OF THE SPIDRON Spidron escapes Galactic Prison, where Steen had managed to put him and returns to Earth for revenge on the TP. The Trig assisted construction on a specially designed hidden satellite, begins. Later this satellite will be named FUTURE ONE and will also be revealed to contain its own secrets such as being a rocket/star/space/time ship. 14-JOINT CUSTODY The TP risk contact with Earth governments to help stop a deadly new strain of flu accidentally unleashed by the CIA and the KGB. This virus was released when it was being tested by flushing sponges with the infection in them into several major systems of water plants on the US East Coast. 15-DOCTOR'S CHAIR A doctor finds out about the TP and tries to expose them after Brian reveals their secret while under hypnosis treatment for a football injury. This doctor vanishes before the TP can find him 16-MOVING IN The Tp move into their new satellite headquarters, hidden from Earth view by spectrashift. TIM, malfunctioning, goes berserk during transfer from Underground to the Satellite. 17-SEAVIEW ALiens invade Earth to build an undersea base that if completed would mean the destruction of half the Earth. This episode is based on DOCTOR WHO-WARRIORS OF THE DEEP. 18-CLASSIC CASE Jamie Parker (C Thomas Howell) is surprised to learn that he will eventually become a TP. Questor and TIM help Peter resolve a time flux. Questor came from the 27th Century. Peter and TIM were helping to try to work out a way to get Questor home. Although the time flux allowed Questor to come to the past--the Tp's present---and it was opened easily, there was virtually no way to recreate it to send Questor home. 19-FAMILY SECRETS Andrew's father is murdered! Seeking a reason, Andrew and the TP stumble upon a long forgotten family feud now involved with world security. 20-DETONATION Andrew's family feud heats up when his power hungry uncle seizes an atomic energy plant and theatens detonation if his demands for world power are not met. 21-TIME CROSS-A group of TP not involved with Andrew's family feud travel with Peter into the 23rd century to cure an illness which threatens all psi life. Barney Barton (Tim Topper) breaks out with Kevin Ankoris's (Billy Warlock of BAYWATCH season 1 and 2, DAYS OF OUR LIVES, and GENERAL HOSPITAL) help. NOTES ON SEASON ONE: Jamie and Kamandi, friends of QUESTOR, appear quite a bit on this first season of the new Tp. Andre Fleaurmer (Thelonius Bernard) and Kevin Ankoris (Billy Warlock) were Tp who broke out before this series began. Thus they broke out sometime between WAR OF THE EMPIRES and INTRODUCTIONS. This Lab was similar to the first Lab only larger and was protected by a spectrashift. TIM was located in a ceiling encasement, John having decided that the mobile version was too much trouble to maintain. although the network of tubing for TIM's biotronic fluids now encompassed the entire lab, including the individual's quarters. This lab was located somewhere near the vicinity of the original Lab, but built even farther down and further back than the Second Lab (THE LOST GODS) which was destroyed by Major Ann Turner and the SIS in 1981---which brings me to DREAMS OF DESTINY. DREAMS OF DESTINY by Dianne Elliot details what happens in the years 1980 to 1981 approximately although the constant time shifts that occur make WAR OF THE EMPIRES sometimes occur in 1980 or 1981 and DREAMS in 1981 to 1982. The satellite: A team of Trig engineers built it. It is in geosynchronious orbit 22,300 miles above Earth's surface over London, England. Time on the satellite is measure by Grennwich Mean Time, each individual member can adjust the environment of his or her quarters and the time within, to fit their own needs. The satellite started out as 12 decks large with more than enough space to accomodate the TP currently known and can be moved by means of a propulsion system to any location in the solar system. It is hidden from view of Earth by a spectrashift generator. Much of this would change over the years as the satellite was named later (FUTURE ONE) and would grow or expand and secrets within would be revealed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott S. Goldman" Subject: Re: TPDIS: A Request. Date: 26 Mar 2000 17:53:42 -0500 Jackie, First... nice page! It didn't take to long to load, but i use a cable modem... but using ie4 when you put the pointer over the left side tabs, they get replaced by a broken-box Scott At 05:35 PM 3/26/00 +0100, you wrote: >I have been playing around with my web pages and have added some sound >files. I would appreciate it if anyone who has the time could take a >look at my new home page (link below) and the updated TP pages. I need >to know how long it takes to load with the OS theme added to the page. I >also need to know which browser you are using as my netscape seems >unable to play the theme where as I.E. does! > >Even if you don't have time you may be interested to see some photos >taken during the filming of the 25th anniversary video which are now >available on a new page, link available on TP home page. > >Thanks >Jackie >-- > > >"May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TC updated season one and new season two Date: 26 Mar 2000 19:46:26 EST TC seems to have vanished but I think I will start to post his stuff bit by bit since most fans nowadays don't have any idea of it and since most of it was truly good (especially at the beginning) I want to give new fans a chance to see it, especially those who ordered it and never received it, so here goes (notes this info contains information not in the books but which came direct from TC): THE TP-original series-1974 to 1979 DREAMS OF DESTINY-1980 to 1981 (time change sometimes puts this later) JEDIKIAH'S REVENGE-movie-1982 ANIMATED TOMORROW PEOPLE-series-1982 1982 to 1983 1-INTRODUCTIONS Questor (John Stamos), an alien, discovers an underground group of telepaths living in London. He helps them with a mission and makes his friendly intentions clear as do they. This mission was to find out about a group of teen pickpockets who had stolen secret weaponry from a London armory. 2-BREAKOUT Stephen senses a new Tomorrow Person breaking out during a blizzard. An attempt to help almost has tragic results. Brian Robbins (Andrew Caravelli) breaks out. 3-FAR TO GO With Stephen and Tyso's help, Brian comes to terms with his new powers. Brian's first adventure ends up detecting a youngster with great potential. 11 year old Toby Llewellyn (Keith Mitchell) is this genius. 4-YOUNG BLOOD Toby is an 11 year old genius who breaks out. He instantly distrusts everybody. He and the others think he is the youngest to break out but they forgot Kenny really was. Younger Tp will break out within the next 8 years. 5-FIRE ONE Toby uses his new powers and his own genius, to reconstruct and remodel the TP HQ. In the process, we learn how TIM was created. 6-CALL FROM TIME Time Guardian Peter returns to the TP for help in containing a time warp he accidentally unleashed. This time warp was putting history 25 years too early, causing things to happen earlier than they should have. NOTE: This type of time warp would affect the Tp again in the future and more than once. In 1989, 1990, and 1991, a time warp rift (really due to creative differences between TC and myself) would make these years sort of blend into one long time. 7-LETTER FROM HELL College student now, Tyso is disturbed by telepathic emissions from occult experimentist Jani Thomas (Valerie Landsberg). An accident during a ceremony causes her to break out. 8-LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Stephen and Jani fall in love as he trains her in the use of her newfound powers. 9-SECRET LIFE A bookwormish student with a secret partyloving side shows signs of breaking out but cannot be found when the time arrives. Julian "JJ" Tomie (Anthony Edwards) joins the TP. 10-MORDEU 30th century evil magician is accidentally released by Peter. Mordeu wants revenge on his foe Questor, who was responsible for his imprisonment. 11-MAGIC HATH FEW CHARMS Questor is captured by Mordeu. The Tp face defeat at the magician's hands. Mordeu destroys the most recent version of the Lab. It is alien Matthew Star (played by Peter Barton from the TV series THE POWERS OF MATTHEW STAR ) who comes up with a new solution that saves everyone. When Mordeu is entombed, he loses his powers. Mordeu is finally entombed on a distant planet. 12-DEADLY ACT A young aspiring actor is plagued by visions and voices of doom, sensing a neighbor's terrorist hostage taking plans. Tawny Callahan (Meeno Peluce, star of VOYAGERS!) breaks out. 13-THE CURSE OF THE SPIDRON Spidron escapes Galactic Prison, where Steen had managed to put him and returns to Earth for revenge on the TP. The Trig assisted construction on a specially designed hidden satellite, begins. Later this satellite will be named FUTURE ONE and will also be revealed to contain its own secrets such as being a rocket/star/space/time ship. 14-JOINT CUSTODY The TP risk contact with Earth governments to help stop a deadly new strain of flu accidentally unleashed by the CIA and the KGB. This virus was released when it was being tested by flushing sponges with the infection in them into several major systems of water plants on the US East Coast. 15-DOCTOR'S CHAIR A doctor finds out about the TP and tries to expose them after Brian reveals their secret while under hypnosis treatment for a football injury. This doctor vanishes before the TP can find him 16-MOVING IN The Tp move into their new satellite headquarters, hidden from Earth view by spectrashift. TIM, malfunctioning, goes berserk during transfer from Underground to the Satellite. 17-SEAVIEW ALiens invade Earth to build an undersea base that if completed would mean the destruction of half the Earth. This episode is based on DOCTOR WHO-WARRIORS OF THE DEEP. 18-CLASSIC CASE Jamie Parker (C Thomas Howell) is surprised to learn that he will eventually become a TP. Questor and TIM help Peter resolve a time flux. Questor came from the 27th Century. Peter and TIM were helping to try to work out a way to get Questor home. Although the time flux allowed Questor to come to the past--the Tp's present---and it was opened easily, there was virtually no way to recreate it to send Questor home. 19-FAMILY SECRETS Andrew's father is murdered! Seeking a reason, Andrew and the TP stumble upon a long forgotten family feud now involved with world security. 20-DETONATION Andrew's family feud heats up when his power hungry uncle seizes an atomic energy plant and theatens detonation if his demands for world power are not met. 21-TIME CROSS-A group of TP not involved with Andrew's family feud travel with Peter into the 23rd century to cure an illness which threatens all psi life. Barney Barton (Tim Topper) breaks out with Kevin Ankoris's (Billy Warlock of BAYWATCH season 1 and 2, DAYS OF OUR LIVES, and GENERAL HOSPITAL) help. NOTES ON SEASON ONE: Jamie and Kamandi, friends of QUESTOR, appear quite a bit on this first season of the new Tp. Andre Fleaurmer (Thelonius Bernard) and Kevin Ankoris (Billy Warlock) were Tp who broke out before this series began. Thus they broke out sometime between WAR OF THE EMPIRES and INTRODUCTIONS. This Lab was similar to the first Lab only larger and was protected by a spectrashift. TIM was located in a ceiling encasement, John having decided that the mobile version was too much trouble to maintain. although the network of tubing for TIM's biotronic fluids now encompassed the entire lab, including the individual's quarters. This lab was located somewhere near the vicinity of the original Lab, but built even farther down and further back than the Second Lab (THE LOST GODS) which was destroyed by Major Ann Turner and the SIS in 1981---which brings me to DREAMS OF DESTINY. DREAMS OF DESTINY by Dianne Elliot details what happens in the years 1980 to 1981 approximately although the constant time shifts that occur make WAR OF THE EMPIRES sometimes occur in 1980 or 1981 and DREAMS in 1981 to 1982. One bad move in that is the death of Hsue Tai. The satellite: A team of Trig engineers built it. It is in geosynchronious orbit 22,300 miles above Earth's surface over London, England. Time on the satellite is measure by Grennwich Mean Time, each individual member can adjust the environment of his or her quarters and the time within, to fit their own needs. The satellite started out as 12 decks large with more than enough space to accomodate the TP currently known and can be moved by means of a propulsion system to any location in the solar system. It is hidden from view of Earth by a spectrashift generator. Much of this would change over the years as the satellite was named later (FUTURE ONE) and would grow or expand and secrets within would be revealed. Matthew Star and Walt Sheppard appear from time to time. Also some episodes were crossovers with QUESTOR, a series about an alien. There were also crossovers with POWERS OF MATTHEW STAR. MY OWN COMMENTS: One can see both merit and confusion right from the beginning. The TP didn't need do crossover so blatantly with either QUESTOR or POWERS OF MATTHEW STAR. The overreliance on other characters made the TP more like THE X MEN, which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. As time went on, this format faded but the TP never fully recovered. 1983 to 1984 22-MELTDOWN The Tp try to find a way to defeat Andrew's Uncle Richard. Gregg Martz (Kelly Hansen), One of Richard's hostages breaks out. Anderw dies to save the planet from certain destruction, using his telekinesis to contain the nuclear explosion. MY NOTES: In this controversial move, Andrew appears to die but is he really gone for good? Also didn't like his dad having to die also. A bad move for the series, I felt. 23-THE DECISION Stephen and Tyso decide to return to the Galactic corps after a couple of years back on Earth. Jani decides to stay behind. NOTE: This is the last episode where Brian is played by Andrew Caravelli, who passed away in a car accident. 24-SILENT NIGHT, JOBE NIGHT Jobe Arkensa becomes the first deaf Tomorrow Person. Brian is felled by a mysterious disease while at the Trig with Stephen and Tyso. NOTE: Brian is now played by Todd Porter of WHIZ KIDS. 25-BARTER FORTIME Andrea Barter (Lara Jill Miller) breaks out when she picks up telepathic impressions from Jobe who was the victim of a kidnapping, having witnessed a murder. Andrea manages to alert the Tp to his perilous predicament. 26-TIME TRAP Peter, trapped in the 21st Century, calls for help. A rescue attempt by the Tp fails. 27-LIVING LEGEND Zack finds Rabowski alive and teams up with the Tp to stop the time crossing monsters Rabowski has forced Peter to help him unleash. Rabowski had trapped Peter when Peter first found out Rabowski was still alive. The first team sent to find Peter was captured and had to be rescued by a second team when Rabowski made his way to the 20th Century. Zack (Lee Curreri of FAME), a Time Guardian, teamed up with Toby to create a convection, returning the monsters to the time where they were originally taken from. 28-SEEING DOUBLE Ricky Johnson (Adam Rich of EIGHT IS ENOUGH) breaks out, going insane in the process as the TP try to stop the disasters being caused b Ricky while in pain. TIM manages to heal the mental injuries and Ricky joins the TP. 29-THE SEARCH Jamie asks for help in locating Questor, who has disappeared. Dr. Allenton is holding Questor prisoner and the Tp must find a way to save him without revealing their existence to him. 30-SEARCH CAREFULLY Kevin infiltrates Allenton's headquarters where he finds Allenton's unknowing assistant, Barb Jansen (Amy Steele from FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 and POWERS OF MATTHEW STAR), on the verge of breaking out. Kevin and Barb help restore Questor's memory and all escape, leaving behind a stunned Allenton. 31-SKATING ON THIN ICE Barney goes undercover to help with the breakout of Olympic skater Kevin Holt (Pat Talkington), which TIM believes will be a difficult breakout. NOTE: We now have two Kevin's--Kevin Holt; and Kevin Ankoris (Billy Warlock). This is the first of several bad decisions by TC. 32-STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT Andre and Matthew Star investigate a friend under suspicion of drug dealing. They stumble onto an assassination plot innocently involving their friend. NOTE: Walt Sheppard (Lou Gossett Jr) , Matthew's mentor is a semi regular on the show now. 33-POINT OF NO RETURN Tikno asks the TP to help him free the ntaives of planet Sharonna from a non psi dictator. The plan fails, but Mike Bell, Barney, Barb, Tawny, and JJ remain behind to continue the fight. NOTE: the first of many ill fated spin offs of the kind TC liked to do. Some of them worked but for the most part they were pretty awful. 34-DISSOLUTION TIM's essence is accidentally stolen by computer hacker and aspiring musician Terry Keller (Michael Damian of some soap opera), who then breaks out. The Tp must find TIM and assist Terry without his aid. John, seeing the group continue to grow and mature, decides to permanently join Heather and Amanda at the Trig, where they were sent during the KGB virus outbreak. NOTE: Another bad move, moving John to the Trig. This had to be done to incorporate Heather and Amanda, Dianne's characters from DREAMS OF DESTINY into this TC universe. TC had storylines that did not include these two great characters since he found out about them after he plotted so many stories. To fit them in later on (a good move as they were the best thing about this series), he moved John and the two of them to the Trig. 35-NEW RULER Elizabeth M'Bondo assumes the mantle of leadership. Brian, still weakened by his battle wtih the VSR virus, returns to Earth feeling inferior, helpelss and altered. 36-SOLO STAR Brian goes on a deadly mission without informing the others to prove himself still worthy of being a TP and is nearly killed in an accident. 37-JOYCE'S WORLD Snobbish teen Joyce Feinstein (Alison Finte) begins to break out but runs from all attempts of help that the TP offer. 38-THE TOBY FACTOR A mysterious malady fells Toby while TIM is offline. Liz isn't sure that Toby can be saved without help from the massive biocomputer TIM but help from the Trig doctor M'Pongold, a very alien doctor, arrives at the last moment. M'Pongold is not humanoid. 39-SECRETS Jamie feels left out when Questor goes on a secret mission for the TP. Jamie breaks out following an accident at school caused by his distraction over the situation. 40-HEARTACHES Jamie feels betrayed by Questor, who only wants to shelter his friend from the troubles of the world. Their strained relationship is mended with help from Terry and TIM. NOTE: It starts to get more and more like a soap opera and not much happens per episode at this point. TC felt the TP became a community ala KNOT'S LANDING and this shows...badly. 41-THE FERRERI Renaldo Ferreri (Tony La Torre) is the orphaned son of a former circus act is kidnapped from his guardians, the owner of the circus, where his fear triggers his breakout. A telepathic cry for help alerts Terry, who goes to his rescue but almost not in time. Renaldo joins the TP. 42-CRY FOR HELP Renaldo discovers an extra power. Hit by a laser the first time he jaunts, Renaldo breaks out fully. He can shoot lasers from his fingertips---absorbing energy. 43-THE "DEATH" OF RICKY Ricky is seemingly killed in an auto accident but the Tp pick up on faint traces of memories, prompting them to believe something strange is going on. An enemy of Ricky's discovered his powers and had him kidnapped for his own purposes. 44-SUSPICION Jobe is arrested for burglary, not knowing he was framed by a friend. The Tp try to find a way to clear the young man without revealing their existence. 45-GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT The Tp discover Jobe's legal counsel is a fake while discovering the councel's secretary, Felice Akers (Connie Needham), is ready to break out. Andre pulls a stunt in court that clears Jobe and reveals the real culprit. 46-THE PARADE On Earth for some time off, Stephen and Tyso pick up images of an invasion, which is confirmed by Ambassador Kolar (John Colicos of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA). This invasion will later prove to be an invasion from Tharga. 47-THE TIME IS HERE Zack comes in search of Peter, who disappeared during their most recent mission. 48-SCENES FROM THE END OF SPACE Brian picks up images of Hsui Tai and Andrew, who were both thought long (?) dead. No explanation can be found except that maybe Brian is going crazy. Brian's visions are found out to be projections, coming from a Thargon agent. NOTE: Despite this, Andrew and Hsui Tai live on in some form. This will be revealed in the future. 49-THE WEDDING ROYALE Stephan and Jani's wedding is wonderful until a feared Thargon invasion begins. This puts the TP into action. 50-FINAL VOWS The Tp must secretly save Earth from the Thargon invasion. Major space battles inflict great damage on the satellite. A stray phaser bolt from a passing Thargon ship hits Jani, who lives her final moments in Stephen's arms. The others manage to defeat the invading army. 51-PARALYSIS OF DOOM Renaldo's powers suddenly begin to fail, causing him to be injured in a jaunting accident, perhaps fatally. The Tp suffer a slowing of their powers. The still training Felice dies suddenly, prompting a few tests and a lot of worry---have the Tp suddenly begun to devolve? Later in the next episode we find that the real culprit was a small virus that affected only TP. Toby develops a cure, given to all Tp when they break out, one dose for life. NOTES ON SEASON TWO: While Andrew Caravelli was 19 when he played Brian, Todd Porter who replaced him was 17. Some stories remained self contained while others took several weeks to resolve. The series thus took on a semi continuing format. Severeal episodes were crossovers with QUESTOR as happened in the first season. Three spinoffs appear this season and intermingle with the main show, often starting out on the main TP show. STEPHEN AND TYSO, TIME GATE, and POINT OF NO RETURN begin. John is written out (always a bad move) following the mid season start of POINT OF NO RETURN. He began to return from time to time before fully returning (thankfully) in the 1988 to 1989 season. There were also more crossovers with THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MATTHEW STAR and QUESTOR. SPINOFF CHECK: STEPHEN AND TYSO TIMEGATE POINT OF NO RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: Re: TPDIS:I need help please Date: 26 Mar 2000 18:50:02 -0600 Im trying to find all the still up tomorrow people site please if you have a link please e mail it to me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JR Jobe Subject: Re: TPDIS: Tapes in the USA Date: 27 Mar 2000 09:45:40 -0500 (EST) ME ME ME I WANT hehe ive been trying to get the tapes for about a year now of the 90's version ------Original Message------ Sent: January 29, 2000 4:32:04 PM GMT I have a second VCR now, and considered volunteering to do a set off the set I got from Wendy when the question came up awhile back. The problem is we were given this VCR because of it's questionable reliablity... I haven't tried coping with it yet and would *hate* to get someones hopes up and not be able to do it... or to send tapes of terrible quality. Also, if it did happen to work it could take some time due to the mommy/student/teacher scheduling difficulties. Everything I want to do takes forever to get to... Hmm, this would be an excuse to find time to watch my tapes... that would be good. :) Anyway, if the interested party (I've forgotten who it was) would like to contact me... I could do a test run when I get a chance to hook up the gift VCR. Kristy ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vivian Arney Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 27 Mar 2000 15:07:12 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 25 Mar 2000 23:21:30 -0800, wrote: > Tony Nolan wrote on Saturday March 25, 2000 at > 7:59pm: > > > >If the 2nd lab is the one in the 2nd series 1998 ?, wasnt it in an > >space ship on a pacific island ? > > No, not that one - there were two labs in the 1970s series. One was > really dark and dingy, the other looked like a doctors waiting room > from the period - it was orange. :) > > But thanks for your answer, Tony. The locations of the Labs were never identified - from the "outdoor" scenes in "Slaves of Jedikiah," though, I don't think the first Lab was in a very good part of town viv Tia's Pals' Press c/o Vivian Arney P.O. Box 4187 Austin, Tx 78765-4187 We've been selling Fanfiction, memorabilia and books for twelve years. SASE for more info. _______________________________________________________ Get 100% FREE Internet Access powered by Excite Visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: tctp season 3 Date: 27 Mar 2000 23:10:49 EST 1984-1985 52-THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION Endrei Komorov (Ron Claver), the first Russian TP undetected by the KGB, breaks out. Renaldo recovers from his accident. Toby and TIM, working together, find the answer to the sudden weakness that affected Renaldo and Felice. Felice has died. The culprit is a small virus that affects only TP. Toby develops a cure that is given to all TP when they break out, one dose for life. Brian decides to join Stephen and Tyso at the Trig. 53-AMERICAN EXPRESS Endrei, worried about his family in the USSR, disobeys orders and returns home, only to be captured by the KGB. Toby, making a new orientation machine, picks up a teenager in agony. Tony Le Blanc (John P Navin, Jr) breaks out. 54-RESCUE TESTING Kevin and Terry launch a rescue attempt for Endrei. College student Darren Solquist (Simon Beal) breaks out during a test for ESP. Tony attends a beauty contest. 55-BEAUTIFUL BOMBSHELL A beauty contest contestant is targeted for murder. With Tony and Renny's help, Jillian Vontz (Dara Sedaka) breaks out after escaping harm. Major Hughes contacts Liz about Endrei. Hughes blames Endrei for espionage. 56-WHEN ARE WE NOW Terry and Renaldo find an abandoned mummy at the circus, accidentally bringing its curse to life, opening a time warp. The time storm sends Renny and Terry through time but all within a couple of years of where they then were. The Tp had to find a way to get them out of the storm and stop it, which they did by releasing a load of magnetic energy into it. Peter comes to the rescue to prevent Earth from being engulfed into the time storm. 57-GROWN GERMAN Greta Hoffman (Danielle Von Zerneck of TABLE FOR FIVE), daughter of the German ambassador, and a friend of Tony's, breaks out during a state reception, endangering the secret of the TP. 58-VANISHING TACT Stephen and Tyso contact Liz for assistance on a diplomatic mission. Driadnai Amindi (Tom Citera--Hash in UP THE ACADEMY), the son of a wealthy Arab shiek, suddenly disappears in front of his father and several witnesses. 59-RICH IN SOUL Dri becomes a full fledged TP afer an unintentional goose chase while jaunting out of control. Kevin and Ricky vie for Andrea's affection. 60-THE DARKHORSE Evan Darkhorse (Carmen Santa Maria) becomes the first Native American TP when he breaks out following a climbing accident during his test of manhood. Jamie finds a secret passageway in his school, which leads into a deadly trap. NOTE: Evan's breakout is based on STAR TREK ANIMATED-YESTERYEAR!?! 61-SCHOOL DAZE Jamie, being held captive by Dr. Allenton, tries to contact TIM but instead makes contact with a teacher's daughter on the verge of breaking out. Julianne Andretti (Stacy Nelkin) tells the Tp how she broke out, leading to Jamie's rescue. 62-FLASHBACK Liz and Toby recount Tp history for new members Darren, Jillian, Evan, Dri, Greta, and Julianne, using mentally recorded highlights of past adventures. This is basically a cheater episode using clips from past shows--and as such, it sucks big time. 63-STROKE OF GENIUS Brilliant high school senior Dion Suttor (Christoff St John from some soap opera) mistakes his breakout for the beginnings of a stroke and treats himself from his doctor father's medicine supply, causing him to overdose on pain killers. Darren picks up impressions of sinking spirits, leading to Dion's rescue. 64-PROFESSOR CAWSTON, I PRESUME John, on holiday from the Trig, goes with Liz to see Professor George Cawston. When he turns up missing, it is discovered that he has been kidnapped by his niece, Heidi Brandt (Lisa Turner) . 65-WIPEOUT It is learned that Heidi, while in the process of breaking out, picked up her uncle's memories of the TP. She kidnapped him for his help but accidentally damaged his memory in the process of probing his mind. 66-REMBRANCES OF THINGS PRESENT Called on by the Tp to help restore Cawston's memory, his lab assistant Sabrina Tolliver (Wanda Johnson) is so shocked, it triggers her break out. 67-VIBRATION THERAPY Toby, Terry, Gregg, and TIM come up with a dangerous plan to restore Cawston's memory, knowing it could kill any or all of them. The plan involved TK to vibrate the brain, while trying to telepathically locate the cause of the amnesia. It worked but since the vibrations were similar to tuning forks, it was very dangerous. 68-SECOND CHANCES Kevin wins Andrea's hand. Ricky, feeling rejected, disappears. Dion tries to follow Ricky to try and comfort him. Cawston's memory is 100 percent restored. 69-MASTER'S HEIR Cawston receives a phony distress call from the Tp asking for his help. It is actually a trap set up by the son of Colonel Masters, who is out to avenge his father's murder. This appears to be one of Colonel Masters' sons, possibly Micheal Masters. 70-QUAKE SCENE Zack alerst the TP to vibrations in the Earth's time flow. Toby detects an unusual seismic pattern near New York. Glenna Sequas (Cythnia Gibb) , a fast rising soap star, is experiencing severe headaches. 71-AN EVER GROWING PATTERN Glenna breaks out, causing an earthquake in New York City. Peter reports the time flux in the area of Earth is growing, for no visible reason. Stephen and Tyso come home for a visit. Cawtson sees Evergreen at her wedding. Stephen and Tyso return for Evergreen's wedding. 72-THE DEVIL'S FACE Tyso's sister Evergreen, wakes up screaming on her honey moon, claiming to have seen the devil in a dream. The time flux becomes visible on the Tp scanners. A plutonium robbery is investigated by Gregg and Jobe. NOTE: Evergreen's dream foretold the coming of Detron. 73-HAWK'S FOLLY Hawk comes to Earth when invited by Stephen and discovers a deadlly allergy to something on Earth int process. Questor and Jamie help the Overmind team race to find the cause and an antidote. 74-CURE ALL Questor risks his life to find Tyso, who disappeared while on a search for the antidote. With Hawk's life hanging in the balance, the cause and the antidote are discovered, barely in time to save him. 75-SPEAK OF THE DEVIL The time flux continues to grow without explanation. Peter and Zack disappear while in communcation with the TP. Evergreen sees the devil again. Stephen and Hawk investigate a distress call. 76-DEADLY SUPRISE The distress call turns out to be a phony. Stephen, Hawk, Evergreen, Peter and Zack are al the prisoners of a mysterious captor. Tyso sees Mike in danger and calls the planet Sharonna to alert him. 77-INVISIBLE MOTIVE The Sharonna group returns to Earth with natives Dreidal (Dweezil Zappa) and Adrianna (Erin Moran) in tow. Liz worries about what happened to the missing TP and friends. Driadnai, Greta, and Gregg join the missing list. Liz contacts John for advice. 78-PAPER IN FIRE Questor, called by Brian for a meeting, witnesses the young TP's abduction. Toby discovers that the time flux now threatens Earth's very existence. Barney and Dreidal disappear from the satellite. 79-AND GOD CREATED CHAOS The kidnappings of the Tp and their friends are discovered to have been engineered by a still living Jedikiah (Francis DeWolf), who reveals his is working for an all powerful entity who will stop all time on Earth unless the TP agree to help him gain universal domination and control over all time and space. 80-DETRON Aided by Jedikiah, Detron plans to wreak havor throughout the entire boundaries of space and time, as the still active members rush to find a solution to stopping him, to no avail. 81-THE LAST BLACK DAY Detron begins his destruction palns, beginning with present day Earth. Jedikiah taunts the Tp, who are all captured in one stroke of Detron's might. The united Tp and friends hatch a deadly and sacrificial plan to save all time and space from massive destruction. Frasier McCollough, a young Australian college student, runs from his family home in fear when Detron randomly attacks it and him. Detron now controls all time and space around Earth and begins hungering for more. NOTES ON SEASON THREE The character of Kevin Ankoris (Billy Warlock) seems to have just vanished from the show. Jamie appears as a full time regular. The stories become fully continuing. QUESTOR crossovers were involved. The spinoff characters return for this season. A massive death occurs as a result of the battle with Jedikiah and Detron. MY NOTES: Not terrible but too many breakouts and the soap format hurt the overall effect of the show. Way too many characters and too many breakouts happening right on top of each other. Not bad but not very good either. The crossovers at this point were an inspired idea but having them crossover so much was not very cool. I wouldn't mind the original series characters Mike Bell, Stephen Jamieson, and Tyso Bozewell returning from their spinoffs but we also get a major influx of characters we don't really care about. SPINOFF CHECKLIST: STEPHEN AND TYSO TIME GATE POINT OF NO RETURN GROUND ZERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Hmm... we should write something (to put before our sig) Date: 27 Mar 2000 23:15:27 EST For those who don't know, Arpi is now on the east coast staying at Geoff's house for the next week or so. Or, more likely, until she gets dragged back to California kicking and screaming. (I am NOT, Shaun!!!!!!) Letmetypeletmetypeletmetypeletmetype!!!! Hi! Um... we wanted to post something about Tomorrow People using the bathroom... because Shaun was so kind as to point it out to us that there is none (no bathroom in the lab, that is). I mean, who planned this thing, anyway? Isn't John supposed to be intelligent? Sure, the TP can jaunt to McDonnalds in the middle of the night, but what about Chris? Is he just using the allies outside the lab? Maybe *that's* how the secret agent people find the lab so easily in The Dirtiest Business... Hey, get it? The Dirtiest Business? Heh heh... The usual explanation for something that doesn't quite fit in the TP is to make up something crazy involving TIM. So, maybe TIM has something to do with the lack of a toilet, too. Like... I don't know. Maybe TIM jaunts it out of them. But then where does he put it? Hey, wait a minute... what does TIM run off of anyway? Do we actually know whether or not he uses electricity, or is it... something *else*? Or maybe TIM's food is special and makes it so that they don't make any waste. Or... do you remember those inflatable pillows that they use to sleep on in the lab? They offer plenty of storage space... Our favourite theory (I think someone had a dream about it at one point - we can't remember which of us it originally was) is the bird theory. John is a bit too dignified for this, but we definitely wouldn't put it past Stephen or Tyso. Maybe they pretend they're birds and just jaunt into the sky and let it loose... and jaunt back to the lab before they hit the ground. It would be great fun! Can't you just see Stephen taking aim on his teachers? Or maybe it has something to do with the unification of the Original Series and the New Series. There's that whole space ship sitting under the sand (litterbox!) and we've never really been shown the entirety of it. Maybe that's what the OS TP were using as an outhouse the entire time... and then after twenty years of it things started to stink, so they sent it off to a deserted island where no one would discover it. But, since it had been made by TP, it was attractive to Adam and the others when they began to break out, until they discovered the truth... and the stench! What do *you* think? -Arpi and Geoff (now updated--see the bottom!)(Not THAT way, Arpi-chan!) "This is our joint sig. Duh. Hey! *You're* the one typing! hey! leggo-- Yeah. Well, if we're using it, that must mean that we're together again. YAY!!!!! That's always a good thing. Well, maybe not for humanity... Can't say I disagree. Anyway, we're busy "Fighting crime, trying to save the world. Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff... Arpi and Geoff! (Hey! I ain't no powahpuff goilie!) (Yes you are!) (Quiet you!)" A AND G A G A G R E R E R E P O P O P O I F I F I F (Thanks Marcel...)(She wrote that! Not me! Her!)(It was him!)(Was not! Tickle fight!) (And it's NOT good that we're usually seperated by a continent, SHAUN!) "Sodium. Oxygen. Bang." (Us talking about Geoff becoming a chemist) "Tell me again why we're doing this?" "What does kangaroo taste like?" (Shaun?) (Arpi said that!)(I *so* did not! Goeff was wondering that all day! I think all that meat has gone to his brain... soon he'll be attacking chairs! And that *wasn't* the Windows button, GEOFF!)(You SO did so, and that's what *I* call it, ARPI! ;P ) "Sheena, get in the car." "Sheena, get in the vortex." "Sheena, get in the glowing green square." "Y'know, people probably run away screaming when they see this thing." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristy Fahrenwald" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Tapes in the USA Date: 28 Mar 2000 07:59:19 CST >From: JR Jobe >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: TPDIS: Tapes in the USA >Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 09:45:40 -0500 (EST) > >ME ME ME I WANT hehe >ive been trying to get the tapes for about a year now of the 90's version I don't have much of the NS... just an ep or two. And the 2nd VCR is currently acting up terribly. Anybody else out there that can help? Kristy ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hately, Shaun" Subject: RE: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 29 Mar 2000 11:01:25 +1000 > From: dominum [] > > Hey - does anyone know where the original Tomorrow People lab was > located. I know it was in the underground - but do we know anything > else about where it was? Well, I have a theory outlined on my webpage as to its location. Basically I've analysed all the evidence I can find and it seems to me that the original Lab is located near the (now-closed) Wood Lane underground station on the Central line of the London underground. This station is located near Shepherds Bush and White City stations. I'm actually trying to find out it's precise location at the moment - as I understand it, the station still exists (though it is unused). There's no certainty that the station is located at Wood Lane - but that location fits virtually every bit of data we have and is contradicted by virtually nothing we know - and the scenes showing the area near the Lab (in The Medusa Strain?) were filmed at Wood Lane Station - I'm not sure if the street scenes were or not. I've no idea what most people think of my theory - but I think it works. (-8 > What about the second one? Whereabouts was that? Anyone know. No idea - in my fanfic I've placed it under Kew Gardens, but there's no evidence for that placement - (-8. It is somewhere on Earth - but that's all we know from the novels and serials. Shaun CAUTION This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the addressee. The confidentiality and/or privilege in this e-mail is not waived, lost or destroyed if it has been transmitted to you in error. If you received this e-mail in error you must (a) not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it; (b) please notify Australia Post immediately by return e-mail to the sender; (c) please delete the original e-mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Nolan Subject: RE: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 29 Mar 2000 11:06:58 +1000 Shaun, do i rememebr there was a sort of space location, they opperated out of also ? cheers tony ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jane starr Subject: RE: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 29 Mar 2000 00:03:15 -0700 I was throwing out some books at work today (stay with me, this IS on topic :) ) and one of them was a home decor book from about 1972 (_Young Designs in Color_ (or possibly Colour) in case anyone wants to try finding it). Being addicted to home design and decorating books (also gardening books, SF, mysteries, and cookbooks, not in that order), I had to flip through it and look at all the pictures of the interiors. Wall to wall (and sometimes even up the walls and over the furniture) shag carpets in red and orange and purple. Bold, colourful graphics on the walls. Modular and built-in furniture. How does this relate to the TP? Well, going by this book, when the second Lab was introduced, it was cutting edge design. This is what really trendy people were apparently doing to their homes and businesses. Scary, innit? Jane Jane Starr Edmonton, Alberta, Canada check out the ON SPEC web page at and 2001: A Book Odyssey - The Strathearn School Millennium Project at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: RE: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 29 Mar 2000 05:41:50 PST The TPs in space question: The TPs had a series of satelites (the Watchdogs) for surveilance. They were referenced and made use of a number of times in the series, and in the Blue and the Green we saw the TPs use the Watchdog satelites and SpaceLab(!) to make a massive planetary stun gun. :-) I think it's pretty funny to watch some of the space walk and hyperspace scenes. You can tell that Nicholas Young and PVC and the others are standing on boxes and swinging one leg from side to side in front of a blue screen. As for lab location - Shaun's theory on the first lab is excellent. As for the second, my guess is it's still somewhere in England, since most of the TPs are from there. After all, why make it hard to jaunt there by putting it in a remote location. What if something were to happen to TIM and they couldn't get a boost? In Slaves of Jedikiah we saw that Carol and John had to make a series of jaunts to make it to the lab - and they were still in London at the time. mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: The Lab Date: 29 Mar 2000 21:35:33 EST I think at least one of the Watchdog Satellites if not all of them were a string of them sent up but no longer used by the Russians. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: tctp 4 Date: 29 Mar 2000 22:41:08 EST 1985-1986 82-FEAR OF FLYING Detron is defied b a group of the Tp and Hawk. Detron threatens to destroy Earth. Peter, Zack, and Brian put their plan into action. Jedikiah is killed (again). The last ditch effort succeeds in getting rid of Detron but at the highest cost possible: Brian, Gregg, Sabrina, Tony, Julianna, Greta, and Jobe perish while Hawk and Toby are critically injured and the inside of the satellite is destroyed. Ricky, Heidi, and Glenna, seeing the destruction, decide to quit active membership. The plan was to use a massive bolt of psychic energy but those who channeled the energy had to actually touch Detron to deliver it. Jedikiah was seemingly killed in the backlash of energy, the same backlash that while getting Detron put away, killed many TP. 83-AUSSIE IN THE OUTBACK Stephen and the Overmind Group return to their headquarters to seek help for Hawk. Toby begins a slow recovery. Dion and Liz discover Frasier breaking out and in need of help. 84-BEATING THE ODDS Toby continues to grow stronger. Kevin asks Andrea to marry him. Liz prepares for a date with black business man Gary Novell (Avery Brooks), a horror novelist. Clean up on the satellite continues. 85-QUEST FOR FACTS Toby begins to question what life is about. Liz falls in love. Frasier learns how to use his powers. Terry and Renny look for some adventure in Hollywood. 86-A LITTLE GOOD NEWS Chip Evans (Jeffery Rogers) breaks out with no problems, triggering a round of curiosity. Kevin and Andrea announce their engagement. Evan goes in search of his roots. Terry makes a contact for his band while Renny lands a job in a commercial. 87-LOST AND FOUND Renny picks up telepathic vibrations from a hooker who propositions him and walks into a trap. Terry worries when he loses contact with Renny. The hooker Lorraine Jacks (Elizabeth Daily) explains Renny is to be a part of a white slavery ring. 88-SLAVE TRADE A helpless Renny senses an impending breakout for Lorraine. Terry finds Lorraine breaking out and he convinces her to help him free Renny and herself. A Kansas farm boy named Zeke (Carlo Imperato who plays Danny on TV's FAME), displays incredible memory skills. 89-DOWN ON THE FARM An approaching tornado triggers Zeke's breakout. Toby questions Chip and finds out Chip has known about the existence of the TP for years, thanks to his cousin Andrew Forbes. 90-RICE AND WISHES Kevin and Andrea marry. Endrei returns incognito to the Russian consulate to visit friends. Dri suffers a slight loss in his powers for no apparent reason. 91-FADE OUT Dri, caught in mid jaunt, hangs between life and death. A still recovering Toby tries a dangerous merger of bodies, nearly killing himself in the process but breaking the power fade of Dri, who survives. 92-SACRIFICIAL LAMB Toby, chastised by Liz for his dangerous stunt, agrees that he needs some time off and returns home, only to discover that his best friend's sister is about to break out. Danette Brandon (Shalane McCall) joins the TP. 93-HONEYMOON HORROR HOTEL Kevin and Andrea's honeymoon is interrupted by a mysterious young lady that scares both of them. Draea London (Kyle Richards), this young lady, is discovered to be in dire need of help. 94-LONDON CALLING Draea breaks out. Her dream sequences make it possible for her to enter other people's dreams, causing panic in the process. 95-PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEMORIES Renny, looking for comfort on the anniversary of his parents' deaths, turns to Jillian. Terry meets a hot Hollywood socialite named Julia Winters (Deborah Adair). A young Mexican named Jesse Rapheeal (Johnny Lozada of MENUDO) breaks out at his brother's funeral. 96-FRENZY Zeke reveals his abused background. Jesse, brought to the satellite, refuses to believe the story of what he's become until Kevin forces him to face the fact that both the Tp and his powers are real. 97-IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT Liz spends the night with Gary. Endrei senses just beginning telepathic signs in an old friend. TIM suffers an accidental supplementary memory burnout. 98-AFFAIRS OF THE HEART Jesse and Draea find a common interest. 21 year old Jillian seduces 15 year old Renny, leading to a secret relationship. Terry meets with socialite Julia Winters (Deborah Adair). 99-INSECURE MISSION Kevin is warned by a friend about a secret file on the TP at CIA headquarters. Toby confirms its existence and plans to secure it. Kevin, an ex olympic champion, volunteers to go undercover and get it, much to the chagrin of his bride. 100-COVERT PROJECTS Kevin is discovered and captured by the CIA. Lorraine moves in with her sister in Washington DC, vowing never to go back to her old lifestyle. Terry has another rendezvous with Julia. 101-PENETRATION CIA penetrates the satellite's spectrashift screen and pinpoints its location, making plans to invade and capture the satellite and the TP. Kevin is injured when he tries to escape from the secret CIA bunker. TIM begins shifting the position of the satellite. 102-TRIALS OF YOUTH The satellite is placed into a new, unknown orbit. Liz, Zeke, Dri, and Chip go undercover to save Kevin from a fate of being a queni pig. Andrea learns a secret. Evan returns home for a family ceremony and reveals his powers to them for the first time. 103-MAJOR MISTAKES Andrea tells a recovering Kevin her secret. Liz contemplates moving in with Gary. Terry tells Renny he is falling in love with Julia while Renny keeps his relationship with Jillian a secret. 104-TALKING HEARTS Peter, on vacation here, warns Toby of impending danger from some outside source. Jillian and Renny consummate their relationship on Renny's 16th birthday. Kevin and Andrea reveal their secret to everyone, who couldn't be happier for them and their impending arrival. OKAY WHAT'S UP NOTE: What the hell is this, a soap opera? It has turned the TP into total soap and it's really mediocre. Not only that but does one get the idea that these little blurbs can only add up to about 15 minutes of so called adventure? 105-FIRE AND WATER Toby detects a radiation cloud drifting towards Earth. Elizabeth accepts Gary's marriage proposal. Chip's lifelong best friend is showing signs of being in trouble. 106-UNUSUAL ACTIVITY Endrei notes an increase of activity on the Russian space station. Toby and Liz fear detection by the Soviets, who may be worried that they are working for the CIA. The CIA can no longer prove the TP's existence but are now fully aware of the TP. Jesse helps out with earthquake victims near his home. 107-THERE'S A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE The radiation cloud is approaching Mars, coming ever closer to Earth. Terry confesses his love to Julia by proposing to her. Toby and Danette try a first date. 108-GEIGER COUNTER Terry awaits Julia's answer, hoping that their 15 year age difference won't matter to her. Toby sends Zeke and Evan to investigate the radiation cloud, who could bring back bad news---if it gets too close to Earth, it will destroy all life. 109-PLAN OF REACTION The cloud is now only two weeks from Earth and definitely deadly. Toby develops a plan to absorb the cloud as an energy source. Terry goes to Julia's home for an answer to his proposal. 110-ABSOLUTION The radiation cloud is almost upon Earth, while Toby works to build a containment device of some kind. Julia reveals her true motives, trapping a heartbroken Terry and confessing her shockingly extensive knowledge of the TP. 111-FREE FALL Renny and Frasier investigate Terry's disappearance. Julia claims not to have seen him recently. A captive Terry tries desperately to call for help. Toby's absorption and containment enclosure malfunctions as the radiation cloud envelops the satellite. Liz, on Earth, prepares for her wedding. TIM, overloaded by the information from the cloud explodes, injuring Toby, Kevin, and Lorraine. Without help from TIM, the satellite's orbit begins to decay. NOTES ON SEASON FOUR: Liz will retire next season. Phillip Gilbert as the voice of TIM will retire next season but Vincent Price will take over TIM's voice. MY OWN NOTES: Oh boy, the real rot sets in. Okay, I can see that if you enjoy the characters, you can enjoy a particular story line. The stories are driven only by the characters and many of them are not interesting or fleshed out in any way, thus, the stories are mundane, something the TP should never be. I also tend to see what I never noticed until writing this: the worst aspects of DOCTOR WHO's later seasons began to influence TC: we have a regular villain and deaths thrown in for deaths' sakes. Not a good way to write. On top of that, we continue to get the encroaching soap continuation aspect, which only hurt this writer and this once promising show. This season the characters that break out are even more shallow than the previous ones, many of the best ones having been killed off at the start of this "season." The stretched out story lines only make things worse and this season can probably be told as one four hour mini series and even that would be putting stress on the narrative. In addition to all of this mess, TC's spinoffs are not listed in the correct years in book one and book three--one might be correct and the other might not. Some in Book One have overlapping years and others are not listed in the third book. SPINOFF CHECKLIST: STEPHEN AND TYSO season 3 TIME GATE season 3 POINT OF NO RETURN season 3 GROUND ZERO --Winter 1986 MOVIE: STEPHEN AND TYSO: THE ARMEGGEDON FACTOR-December 1985 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vivian Arney Subject: TPDIS: Please make contact. Date: 30 Mar 2000 16:35:57 -0800 (PST) Dianne Elliot & Jackie Clark please contact me privately. thanks viv Tia's Pals' Press c/o Vivian Arney P.O. Box 4187 Austin, Tx 78765-4187 We've been selling Fanfiction, memorabilia and books for twelve years. SASE for more info. _______________________________________________________ Get 100% FREE Internet Access powered by Excite Visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shawn Lazerus" Subject: TPDIS: late night radio program Date: 31 Mar 2000 06:53:38 -0500 I just want to briefly comment on an interesting radio program that frequently talks about telepaths and other topics that may be of great interest to Tomorrow People and fans. Its on for 5 hours each night ending at 6pm E.S.T. with rebroadcasts thoughtout the day on some stations. The show is called Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM. Live broadcasts and over 150 hours of past broadcasts are available on-line at The shows are most interesting when Art Bell himself is the host. Watch out because it may become addictive keeping you up till 6am! I oppoligize to those of you who feel it is off topic, but I feel that the show talks about too many topics relating to the TP abilities. -Shawn Lazerus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 16:20:46 EST i know some of you can't download this pic, but for those who can, doesn't this picture from "the others" look alot like something else? (like maybe, the old series?) The Others is a cool new show about a group of psychics and its awesome. check it out on Saturdays on NBC, @ 9:00/8:00 central (i think someone on the show already mentioned the show, but its so good, i figured i'd do it too.) [Unable to display image] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 15:18:21 -0600 mornin or night ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 3:20 PM > i know some of you can't download this pic, but for those who can, doesn't > this picture from "the others" look alot like something else? (like maybe, > the old series?) The Others is a cool new show about a group of psychics and > its awesome. check it out on Saturdays on NBC, @ 9:00/8:00 central (i think > someone on the show already mentioned the show, but its so good, i figured > i'd do it too.) > [Unable to display image] > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 16:26:34 EST ok, so i just got that e-mail back, and it says "unable to display image" so just check it out here -----> N - The Others P.S. Its 9/8 central saturday nights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 15:32:01 -0600 when did this show start im watchin video clips looks good ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 3:26 PM > ok, so i just got that e-mail back, and it says "unable to display image" so > just check it out here -----> N > - The Others > P.S. Its 9/8 central saturday nights. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 16:39:50 EST In a message dated 3/31/00 1:37:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << when did this show start im watchin video clips looks good >> dunno, i think it was about a month ago ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "JR" Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 15:37:30 -0600 kool well thanx im gonna have to program the vcr now now only to get my hands on the 90s tp tapes ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 3:39 PM > In a message dated 3/31/00 1:37:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes: > > << when did this show start im watchin video clips looks good >> > > dunno, i think it was about a month ago > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ana Isabel Sacristan Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 17:02:54 -0600 At 04:20 p.m. 31/03/00 EST, wrote: >doesn't this picture from "the others" look alot like something else? (like maybe, >the old series?) Wow! The picture around the table looks like plagiarism of the OS to me! But when the show is broadcast here in Mexico, I'll be sure to tune in. (I am still waiting for the New Series to be shown here. The Old Series were a huge hit in the '70s here, rerun many many times until 1991, but the New Series have never made it, as far as I know). --Ana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 18:10:21 EST In a message dated 3/31/00 4:37:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > when did this show start im watchin video clips looks good This weekend's ep is supposed to be a rerun of the pilot, I believe. -Nicole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 16:21:35 PST > ><< when did this show start im watchin video clips looks good >> > >dunno, i think it was about a month ago > Hmm, I posted about the show about two weeks into its run, so if anyone remembers when that was? I think there have been six eps so far, so six weeks I'd say. Tomorrow night they're rerunning the pilot, so this weekend is a good time to get hooked, if you haven't seen the show before. :-) The time is 9:00pm EST/8:00 Central on NBC. mike ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 21:05:40 EST The OThers is really nothing like the TP at all with maybe the exception that they have some powers but not powers they can always control...and mostly into the supernatural realm of Heaven and hell and all that goes in between. It is a very good show but seemed very different than the TP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 21:06:26 EST The first ep of THE OTHERS runs tomorrow on channel NBC (4?) at 9 Eastern time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 21:32:28 EST The pilot the eye demon one the wall paper one last week's--?with Kristen Cloke the plane one the soroity demon Six sounds about right for THE OTHERS so far. I kind of thought there was another one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: the others Date: 31 Mar 2000 21:34:37 EST No wait, there was a 7th episode. The second episode was about a little boy possessed I think. Or being haunted. So I think there were 7 eps so far. WHich means there are maybe 6 left. I think there were 13 ordered when I last read about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TPs killing Date: 31 Mar 2000 22:33:20 EST Arpi and I were watching cheesy horror flicks (think "The Stuff") and I thought of an interesting question (which at the time seemed at least somewhat relevant): if the TPs went insane and really couldn't control themselves or didn't really know what they were doing, could they kill, or would the prime barrier still prevent them from it? I (Geoff) was wondering because the girl in "Happy Birthday To Me" kept on killing people and then forgetting. It turned out to be her evil twin (as I said it would halfway through! ;P ), but she seemed to just get a lot of amnesia. (Can we say "chloroform?") Anyway, just a thought! Check above the Sheena stuff for a new quote in our joint sig ;) -Arpi and Geoff (now updated--see the bottom!)(Not THAT way, Arpi-chan!) "This is our joint sig. Duh. Hey! *You're* the one typing! hey! leggo-- Yeah. Well, if we're using it, that must mean that we're together again. YAY!!!!! That's always a good thing. Well, maybe not for humanity... Can't say I disagree. Anyway, we're busy "Fighting crime, trying to save the world. Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff Arpi and Geoff! (Hey! I ain't no powahpuff goilie!) (Yes you are!) (Quiet you!)" A AND G A G A G R E R E R E P O P O P O I F I F I F (Thanks Marcel...)(She wrote that! Not me! Her!)(It was him!)(Was not! Tickle fight!) (And it's NOT good that we're usually seperated by a continent, SHAUN!) "Sodium. Oxygen. Bang." (Us talking about Geoff becoming a chemist) "Tell me again why we're doing this?" "What does kangaroo taste like?" (Shaun?) (Arpi said that!)(I *so* did not! And that *wasn't* the Windows button, GEOFF!)(You SO did so, and that's what *I* call it, ARPI! ;P ) "Hey, he made it back for her birthday! Too bad she's a raving lunatic." "Sheena, get in the car." "Sheena, get in the vortex." "Sheena, get in the glowing green square." "Y'know, people probably run away screaming when they see this thing." --Sara, on the joint sig