----- Original Message -----From:=20 CMento6653@aol.comTo: tpdis@lists.xmission.com =Sent: Tuesday, December 31, = 2002 7:47=20 PMSubject: Re: TPDIS: New Series=20 Audios?In a = message dated=20 12/31/02 2:09:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, dmwc@charter.net writes: =
Hey all,
With the audios coming = out now=20 and such, is there a possibility that Big
Finish could release = audios of=20 the New Series TP? In "Deadliest Species" the
existence of = another group=20 of TP was alluded to by TIM, so do you think that
one day some = members=20 of the NS cast could be featured in NS audios? Or maybe
Big = Finish could=20 even do a "crossover" audio featuring members from both
casts.=20 Personally, I don't think this is all that likely, though I would =
love=20 to see this happen as I am a big NS fan. (It's the first series I = saw=20
and I watched it for years without even knowing that there was a = 70s=20
series...) Any thoughts?
Jackie, can you please e-mail me off list. I've changed my email add=
ress, and I can't find your's from old posts.
It's regarding the TP dinner.
Kristin Dunn
Thomson Hall RHA rep
Sometimes you have to take life my the horns and say, "HA! You were =
"I'm going to bed before either of you two come up with another clev=
er idea to get us killed, or worse expelled!" Hermione Granger
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
"Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the =
wizarding world." Ron Weasley Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets<=
| ||||||||
<= A href=3D"http://www.incredimail.com/redir.asp?ad_id=3D309&lang=3D9">= On 9 Jan 2003 at 0:06, george.m@dslextreme.com
> I'm not saying
they would; it's more along the lines that because she was
> an unusual case,
it might lead to interesting story opportunites that Big
> Finish might
be able to take advantage of with the character in a new
> story.
> I've realized
that I may have been mistaken, though it's not clear to me
> whether Pavla
from _The Dirtiest Business_ was a potential TP, or just a
> rare unique telepath
of a different stripe -- because the way her ability
> worked was very
different from the way the TP's does.
> And of course,
there was Major Turner from that same episode....
My view has always been that Pavla
was a TP based on the fact that the others should
have known and they described her as such. John could also apparently tell Tricia had
the potential - so they can identify each other.
Major Turner - no, just a telepath
- because they never seemed to think she might be a
But I do wonder if you are right in
saying: "She was the only example of someone
who actually managed to use her TP
abilities -- though admittedly on a
very limited level -- before actually
breaking out."
I think Liz (who exhibited telepathic
ability prior to break out), Tyso, Mike, Andrew, and
maybe Hsui Tai could all be viewed as possibly having used abilities prior to actual
break out. Tricia certainly seems to have had more control than the others - but it's
Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately |webpage:
(ISTJ) |email:
drednort@alphalink.com.au | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful
and the very stupid have one thing in
common. They don't alter their
views to fit the facts. They alter
the facts to fit the views.
Which can be uncomfortable if you
to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor
The Face of Evil | Where am
I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
From: Beth E. Major Turner - no, just a telepath - because they never seemed to think she might be a TP. Hmm, I seem to think she could have been a Tp if she didn'td work for the SIS --part1_115.1d47a0ec.2b4f9483_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: CMento6653@aol.com Subject: Re: TPDIS: World's Away Commentary Date: 09 Jan 2003 22:19:09 EST --part1_15.6dc3a96.2b4f95ad_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Uh, will there be other DVDs? I've seen or heard no evidence that there will be more after DDMEN. Does someone know differently? Thanks. --part1_15.6dc3a96.2b4f95ad_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Uh, will there be other DVDs? I've seen or heard no evidence that there will be more after DDMEN. Does someone know differently? Thanks. --part1_15.6dc3a96.2b4f95ad_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth E. You don't consider Nick Young telling Jackie that they were recording If he did. Is that what was said? I must have missed that. And frankly, no, I don't consider it, because plenty of things were planned that fell through and plenty of things were filmed and recorded and never released. Unforutnately. I hope this is not the case here. --part1_196.13b8068a.2b4fa3f5_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: