From: "George Madison" Subject: RE: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 01 Nov 2003 08:47:43 -0800 (PST) M K said: > > [snippage] > So, sometimes a little white lie is required. Maybe MVC thinks so too??? But in this case, it makes no sense. Your example of blaming it on the issuing bank rather than their often-dodgy clients is not untruthful; if MVC just doesn't want to bother shipping outside the UK, why blame it on a fictitious credit card issue? Why not just say "We appreciate your patronage, but we have found that the costs of doing business internationally are too high for us to continue." Maybe it's just me, but my reaction to a company with all the info about all the places in the world that they ship -- but they *only* accept UK credit cards for payment -- is that they're seriously fouled up. Are there really that many UK expatriates (who still have a UK credit account) in the world? George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Svoboda Subject: RE: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 01 Nov 2003 10:24:35 -0800 (PST) --0-928690683-1067711075=:25259 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Testify, Brotha George! ;-) BTW: is accepting pre-orders for 4 & 5 and taking requests for previously-owned copies. The first few weeks of availabilty will almost certainly be a free-for-all, but isn't that what makes capitalism great?!? Let the MVC-inspired non-UK bidding frenzy begin!! WooHoo!! George Madison wrote: Maybe it's just me, but my reaction to a company with all the info about all the places in the world that they ship -- but they *only* accept UK credit cards for payment -- is that they're seriously fouled up. Are there really that many UK expatriates (who still have a UK credit account) in the world? George Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-928690683-1067711075=:25259 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Testify, Brotha George! ;-)
BTW: is accepting pre-orders for 4 & 5 and taking requests for previously-owned copies.  The first few weeks of availabilty will almost certainly be a free-for-all, but isn't that what makes capitalism great?!?  Let the MVC-inspired non-UK bidding frenzy begin!!  WooHoo!!

George Madison <> wrote:
Maybe it's just me, but my reaction to a company with all the info about
all the places in the world that they ship -- but they *only* accept UK
credit cards for payment -- is that they're seriously fouled up. Are there
really that many UK expatriates (who still have a UK credit account) in
the world?


Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-928690683-1067711075=:25259-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: RE: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 01 Nov 2003 10:56:49 -0800 (PST) --0-7501478-1067713009=:28047 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Nothing in commerce ever makes sense. Except that some people make money, and some people lose it. These days, big decisions are often made by people who have no clue about the why's and wherefore's of why the decision has to be made in the first place - or the possible repercussions. The responsibility just gets passed around till someone gets stuck with it because they can't pass it off. At times I wonder if a lot the recent notable outcomes have come to fruition from a bunch of tipsy janitors doing eeny meeny miney moe on their toes! Capitalism.....yeeeeee hawwwww! :-D >>>But in this case, it makes no sense. Your example of blaming it on the issuing bank rather than their often-dodgy clients is not untruthful; if MVC just doesn't want to bother shipping outside the UK, why blame it on a Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-7501478-1067713009=:28047 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Nothing in commerce ever makes sense.
Except that some people make money, and some people lose it.
These days, big decisions are often made by people who have no clue about the why's and wherefore's of why the decision has to be made in the first place - or the possible repercussions. The responsibility just gets passed around till someone gets stuck with it because they can't pass it off.
At times I wonder if a lot the recent notable outcomes have come to fruition from a bunch of tipsy janitors doing eeny meeny miney moe on their toes!
Capitalism.....yeeeeee hawwwww!
>>>But in this case, it makes no sense. Your example of blaming it on the
issuing bank rather than their often-dodgy clients is not untruthful;
MVC just doesn't want to bother shipping outside the UK, why blame it
on a

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-7501478-1067713009=:28047-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 11:19:30 -0000 Hi all, It was drawn to my attention last night that the list is due for a birthday celebration. I actually sent my first post to tpfict in October 1998. This made me reminisce about my early days on the list and I wondered whether we could all share some personal memories about what it was like when we joined, especially as there have been so many newbies lately who probably haven't had much opportunity to post. For me it began when I first used the internet at work. I was sitting in the college library and dared to do a search for the TP. I found half a dozen sites and a few images and it made my heart jump to know that I wasn't the only one to remember the show. I took them home on disc and read them. Especially the YKTBW thread and recall vividly Arpi's comments about running around her house watching three episodes at once! I hardly slept much that first week. I re-read all my old TP books that had been shut away in a box under my bed as I kept my love for the show a total secret. I started to go to my local cyber cafe and met Kristy in chat one day. She was fantastic and inspired me to write some of my own fan fiction. I spent weeks just trawling through all the fantastic sites and tried to join the fan club (which has now completely disappeared.) as well as subscribing to Laithe's Spectra shift mag and joining tpdis. I joined form work and used to arrive at 7.30 am just to have the chance to print and read the mail in private before anyone else arrived. Back then we seemed to have a lot of philosophical debates and many long intricate posts about science etc. Time have certainly changed as we spend a lot of time these days moaning about the CD's or DVD's. Can you remember when we didn't even have these things! We had to create our own stories and share third hand copies of old episodes... things are very different now. When I got on line at home, my ex, who fancied himself as a web designer, created some graphics for me and I created my first few pages of web space. Over the past 5 years this has grown into a huge web site and I'm very grateful to the people who have supplied me with images etc over the years. I can't believe it when I look back over the early fan ficts that I read (and the ones that I have written) to discover a community of like minded individuals was fantastic. I still keep hard copies of my fav stories and re-red them occasionally. Meeting PVC started the ball rolling on a chain of events that culminated earlier this year in the anniversary dinner. I can now count the TP's as my personal friends and feel privileged to be able to share all the news and gossip I hear with you on the list. Happy birthday TPDIS and TPFICT may we continue to share our ideas about this wonderful show well into the future. I have no doubt that one day someone in TV land will produce a new series and then this will give us the opportunity to moan even more about the characters and content. some things will never change ;-) But at least we can say that we were the original fans who have enjoyed each others friendship for many years. I make no apologies for the nature of this post. The people who know me well on this list also know what a soppy sentimentalist I am ;-) Warmest birthday wishes to you all. Jackie -------- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 22:57:51 +1100 On 2 Nov 2003 at 11:19, Jackie Clark wrote: > Hi all, > It was drawn to my attention last night that the list is due for a birthday > celebration. I actually sent my first post to tpfict in October 1998. This > made me reminisce about my early days on the list and I wondered whether we > could all share some personal memories about what it was like when we > joined, especially as there have been so many newbies lately who probably > haven't had much opportunity to post. It's hard to remember that far back, but this is how I recall it. I think it was sometime in the first half of 1996, but I can't even be certain of that. I'd grown up *loving* the 1970s series of the Tomorrow People. The show was a sanctuary for me. I never fitted in growing up, I was different. And the TP showed me it was OK to be different. That it could be a good thing. I loved it. I dreamed of it. But I hadn't seen it in years - and memories were fading. And nobody seemed to remember it. I knew of the theoretical existence of the new series, because I had seen a brief article in one of my mother's magazines in 1992 about Kristian Schmid who'd just left Neighbours, and was off to England to do a new series of the Tomorrow People, but I knew no more about it. Sometime around 1994, or 1995, I found a copy of The Visitor in a second hand bookshop, and I devoured it over and over again. Anyway - 1996. I knew the Internet and online bulletin boards - I'd been using them for a few years. But 1995/96 was when the net was really taking off, becoming truly mainstream. And I started at Swinburne University and I got an e- mail account there that I could use much more freely than any I had used before, as well as decent graphical internet access. One of the first things I looked up was 'Highlander' which at the time was the best TV show, I'd seen in years. I looked up The Tomorrow People as well, and found a link to a dead page - so I knew there was something out there. I also found a Highlander discussion list and a fanfic list, and I joined them. Then one day - either on the Highlander fanfic list, or on a webpage of Highlander fanfic, I can't remember which I saw a story. Highlander/Tomorrow People crossover. From there, I don't remember what happened. But within a few days, I'd found TPDIS and I'd found TPFICT. And, oh man, oh man, I am so glad I did. (-8 A place where people knew about the show... It was an incredible feeling. And I started reading, and I started posting. And I found out that there were other people who'd been attracted to the show for the same type of reasons I had been. And the feeling got even stronger... I'd found fans - but I'd also to a great extent, found the *feelings* I'd longed for watching that show as a child. A sense of belonging. I'm an Old Series fan, first and foremost - but I like the New as well. And the new has the line that best sums up the Tomorrow People for me. "Any kid in the world could be a Tomorrow Person. Maybe it's the kids that feel different, feel like they don't fit in. There's nothing wrong with them, though. They're just like us." Thanks to all of you - but as it's the lists birthday, special thanks to Wendy. Apologies for the gender confusion, but you are the Adam of this list. The John of this list. And there's no higher praise I know how to give. Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately | (ISTJ) | | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nick Cambray" Subject: RE: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 02 Nov 2003 13:14:15 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01C3A143.37440030 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It may well surprise some of the US folk here, but I have had many, many cases of US companies being unwilling to ship abroad too. So much so that I have asked a friend in California to act as a forwarding point for me. I've never understood why any outfit would take this sort of attitude, given that they invariably charge for postage and packaging and probably could get away with charging over the odds for internationsl stuff. Nick ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01C3A143.37440030 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
It may=20 well surprise some of the US folk here, but I have had many,=20 many
cases=20 of US companies being unwilling to ship abroad too. So much so that I=20
have=20 asked a friend in California to act as a forwarding point for=20 me.
I've=20 never understood why any outfit would take this sort of attitude, given=20 that
they=20 invariably charge for postage and packaging and probably could get away = with=20
charging over the odds for internationsl = stuff.
------=_NextPart_000_000D_01C3A143.37440030-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: RE: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 02:46:42 +1100 Hi Jackie, The sad thing is that I have yet to clear out my TPDIS folder here on my machine and I have a post from you on the 28/5/1998 as the first mail I ever actually received when I joined the list. That was soo long ago now. Warren -----Original Message----- On Behalf Of Jackie Clark Sent: Sunday, 2 November 2003 10:20 PM Hi all, It was drawn to my attention last night that the list is due for a birthday celebration. I actually sent my first post to tpfict in October 1998. This made me reminisce about my early days on the list and I wondered whether we could all share some personal memories about what it was like when we joined, especially as there have been so many newbies lately who probably haven't had much opportunity to post. For me it began when I first used the internet at work. I was sitting in the college library and dared to do a search for the TP. I found half a dozen sites and a few images and it made my heart jump to know that I wasn't the only one to remember the show. I took them home on disc and read them. Especially the YKTBW thread and recall vividly Arpi's comments about running around her house watching three episodes at once! I hardly slept much that first week. I re-read all my old TP books that had been shut away in a box under my bed as I kept my love for the show a total secret. I started to go to my local cyber cafe and met Kristy in chat one day. She was fantastic and inspired me to write some of my own fan fiction. I spent weeks just trawling through all the fantastic sites and tried to join the fan club (which has now completely disappeared.) as well as subscribing to Laithe's Spectra shift mag and joining tpdis. I joined form work and used to arrive at 7.30 am just to have the chance to print and read the mail in private before anyone else arrived. Back then we seemed to have a lot of philosophical debates and many long intricate posts about science etc. Time have certainly changed as we spend a lot of time these days moaning about the CD's or DVD's. Can you remember when we didn't even have these things! We had to create our own stories and share third hand copies of old episodes... things are very different now. When I got on line at home, my ex, who fancied himself as a web designer, created some graphics for me and I created my first few pages of web space. Over the past 5 years this has grown into a huge web site and I'm very grateful to the people who have supplied me with images etc over the years. I can't believe it when I look back over the early fan ficts that I read (and the ones that I have written) to discover a community of like minded individuals was fantastic. I still keep hard copies of my fav stories and re-red them occasionally. Meeting PVC started the ball rolling on a chain of events that culminated earlier this year in the anniversary dinner. I can now count the TP's as my personal friends and feel privileged to be able to share all the news and gossip I hear with you on the list. Happy birthday TPDIS and TPFICT may we continue to share our ideas about this wonderful show well into the future. I have no doubt that one day someone in TV land will produce a new series and then this will give us the opportunity to moan even more about the characters and content. some things will never change ;-) But at least we can say that we were the original fans who have enjoyed each others friendship for many years. I make no apologies for the nature of this post. The people who know me well on this list also know what a soppy sentimentalist I am ;-) Warmest birthday wishes to you all. Jackie -------- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ariana Brill Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 10:48:44 -0500 Jackie Clark wrote: >For me it began when I first used the internet at work. I was sitting in the >college library and dared to do a search for the TP. I found half a dozen >sites and a few images and it made my heart jump to know that I wasn't the >only one to remember the show. I took them home on disc and read them. >Especially the YKTBW thread and recall vividly Arpi's comments about running >around her house watching three episodes at once! > Wow, I had completely forgotten about that! One can never underestimate the excitement of a twelve-year-old. As a kid, it had been a wonderful experience to find the New Series on Nickelodeon. I suddenly felt understood in a way I never had before. And so went it stopped airing, I was devastated. I was scared that I would never again see the one thing in this world that had been intended for me. So when Geoff and I got Original Series tapes from Wendy and I started watching them... running around the house watching three episodes at once was pretty much the only appropriate reaction. I (along with Geoff and Megan) have essentially grown up on this list. I was twelve when I first subscribed and am now nineteen. Although I'm now a poor college student and don't own one TV let alone three, the spirit remains. Whenever I do sit down and watch the TP, I am struck by how much it feels like coming home. Thanks, TPDIS, for seeing me into semi-adulthood. -Ariana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 16:05:55 -0000 Hi Warren, I'm curious about the content of that message? It was a lifetime ago for me. I remember trying to spell Synaptrol and Prof. Cawston to include in my mail; having never seen it written down in my life and only hearing it on an old audio tape I recorded as a child. I'm sure I got it wrong but the people on the list were patient with my enthusiasm. For me the TP is like a time machine. When ever I see it, discuss it, or write about it I'm carried back in time to an 11 year old child who never wanted to grow up but always wanted to break out! I want to echo Shaun's earlier comments and add my thanks to Wendy for running the list and the other ops for their help over the years. Where would we be without you? I think one of my enduring memories of the dinner is the group photo of the tpdis members present... someday we'll have another taken and many more of the listees will be there. Jackie ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 3:46 PM > Hi Jackie, > > The sad thing is that I have yet to clear out my TPDIS folder here on my > machine and I have a post from you on the 28/5/1998 as the first mail I ever > actually received when I joined the list. > > That was soo long ago now. > > Warren > > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > On Behalf Of Jackie Clark > Sent: Sunday, 2 November 2003 10:20 PM > To: > Subject: TPDIS: memories of yesterday > > Hi all, > It was drawn to my attention last night that the list is due for a birthday > celebration. I actually sent my first post to tpfict in October 1998. This > made me reminisce about my early days on the list and I wondered whether we > could all share some personal memories about what it was like when we > joined, especially as there have been so many newbies lately who probably > haven't had much opportunity to post. > > For me it began when I first used the internet at work. I was sitting in the > college library and dared to do a search for the TP. I found half a dozen > sites and a few images and it made my heart jump to know that I wasn't the > only one to remember the show. I took them home on disc and read them. > Especially the YKTBW thread and recall vividly Arpi's comments about running > around her house watching three episodes at once! > > I hardly slept much that first week. I re-read all my old TP books that had > been shut away in a box under my bed as I kept my love for the show a total > secret. > > I started to go to my local cyber cafe and met Kristy in chat one day. She > was fantastic and inspired me to write some of my own fan fiction. > > I spent weeks just trawling through all the fantastic sites and tried to > join the fan club (which has now completely disappeared.) as well as > subscribing to Laithe's Spectra shift mag and joining tpdis. I joined form > work and used to arrive at 7.30 am just to have the chance to print and read > the mail in private before anyone else arrived. Back then we seemed to have > a lot of philosophical debates and many long intricate posts about science > etc. Time have certainly changed as we spend a lot of time these days > moaning about the CD's or DVD's. > > Can you remember when we didn't even have these things! We had to create our > own stories and share third hand copies of old episodes... things are very > different now. > > When I got on line at home, my ex, who fancied himself as a web designer, > created some graphics for me and I created my first few pages of web space. > Over the past 5 years this has grown into a huge web site and I'm very > grateful to the people who have supplied me with images etc over the years. > > I can't believe it when I look back over the early fan ficts that I read > (and the ones that I have written) to discover a community of like minded > individuals was fantastic. I still keep hard copies of my fav stories and > re-red them occasionally. > > Meeting PVC started the ball rolling on a chain of events that culminated > earlier this year in the anniversary dinner. I can now count the TP's as my > personal friends and feel privileged to be able to share all the news and > gossip I hear with you on the list. > > Happy birthday TPDIS and TPFICT may we continue to share our ideas about > this wonderful show well into the future. I have no doubt that one day > someone in TV land will produce a new series and then this will give us the > opportunity to moan even more about the characters and content. some things > will never change ;-) But at least we can say that we were the original fans > who have enjoyed each others friendship for many years. > > I make no apologies for the nature of this post. The people who know me well > on this list also know what a soppy sentimentalist I am ;-) > > Warmest birthday wishes to you all. > > Jackie > -------- > May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E.R. Stanway" Subject: TPDIS: Memories of yesterday. Date: 02 Nov 2003 16:20:12 +0000 (GMT) Hello. Since everyone seems to be sharing I thought I would too although I'm not such a list veteran as everyone else who's spoken so far! I first found the TP when ITV showed the new series in 1992. I usually watched the BBC and missed the first couple of episodes of the origin story but even so I was intrigued enough to stick with it when I stumbled across it. After that I was hooked and had to rush out of school the minute the bell rang in order to get home in time to see it. I became aware of the Old Series gradually. I found a second hand copy of 'The Visitor' by chance and read it avidly, intrigued by the simularities and differences with the Tomorrow People I knew. I guessed that there must have been another TV series but I had no idea when or why I had never heard of it. I came across 'Three in Three' and 'Four in Three' by chance and after that I was actively looking to see if I could find anything else. I spent years assuming that I was the only person that had heard of the old series and one of relatively few among my friends who remembered the new. Then I read in SFX magazine that Big Finish were going to make CD's. It was just a short paragraph but I read it through at least three times to be sure I wasn't imagining it. I ordered the first CD through a local shop and then plucked up my courage to buy something online for the first time and ordered the second from Big Finish. It wasn't until I started my PhD in October 2001, with a networked computer on the desk in front of me all day, that it occured to me to search the web for the Tomorrow People. I came across TPFICT first and read a story or two in my lunch breaks or before I started work. I had been writing fiction (mostly featuring telepaths) for my own amusement since I was about 12 but I had never written fan fiction before. The idea of taking familiar characters and putting them in a new situation was an entirely new idea to me and so was the idea of sharing them with people I had never met. I was amazed to find that there were so many new Tomorrow People adventures for me to read. I came across the TPFICT archives on a Thursday and spent the next Saturday and Sunday writing my first TP story, 'Genocide'. I wrote my second story (featuring the CD characters) the following weekend and the week after that I just got silly and wrote a Battlestar Galactica - TP crossover of all things. After that I calmed down a little! Since then my office mates have got accustomed to me getting excited when a new story arrives from TPFICT or thoughtful when an interesting discussion is going on on TPDIS. I've enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks Wendy and thanks to everyone on list. Happy Birthday! Elizabeth ___________________________________________________________________ Elizabeth Stanway "Never Give Up! *Never* Surrender!" ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Sunday Chat Date: 02 Nov 2003 16:38:36 -0000 It's that time of week again folks and what better way is there to share your own reminiscences of TPDIS than in chat. The time is 16.37 GMT and chat is now open on Mirc in #TomorrowPeople Cya there Jackie -------- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: Sunday Chat Date: 02 Nov 2003 08:53:40 -0800 (PST) On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Jackie Clark wrote: > It's that time of week again folks and what better way is there to share > your own reminiscences of TPDIS than in chat. The time is 16.37 GMT and chat > is now open on Mirc in #TomorrowPeople Server won't let me in. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: Sunday Chat Date: 02 Nov 2003 08:55:32 -0800 (PST) On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, David Steinberg wrote: > On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Jackie Clark wrote: > > > It's that time of week again folks and what better way is there to share > > your own reminiscences of TPDIS than in chat. The time is 16.37 GMT and chat > > is now open on Mirc in #TomorrowPeople > > Server won't let me in. ah but works. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: TPDIS: Happy Birthday! Date: 02 Nov 2003 11:41:59 -0600 We made it another year! Happy Birthday TPFICT. Today is its 8th birthday. Thanks, again and always, to everyone who has helped make this possible. As of a few minutes ago, TPDIS had 134 subscribers and TPFICT had 107. Not only have the lists lasted eight years, they have continued to grow: these are the highest subscriber numbers in their history. In celebration, it's time for the 3rd biannual TPFICT awards. Nominations are available through the WORLDEX section of the archives: Please send other nominations for the open categories to me and I'll add them to the list throughout the month. Please remember that for stories or authors to be nominated in any of the open categories, they must be eligible in one of the closed categories as well (ie, a nominee for the Mad Writer Award must also be an eligible Best Author nominee). ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Neil Breakwell" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 18:31:44 -0000 > Hi all, > It was drawn to my attention last night that the list is due for a birthday > celebration. I actually sent my first post to tpfict in October 1998. This > made me reminisce about my early days on the list and I wondered whether we > could all share some personal memories about what it was like when we > joined, especially as there have been so many newbies lately who probably > haven't had much opportunity to post. Well, I joined after the big Dinner back in May, which couldn't have been a better event. It was great to meet so many people who remember the show and to meet some of the actors. I compared coming to TPDIS with "breaking out" - suddenly I could hear you all - lol Someone on this thread said that the TP story is like a "time machine" - I feel the same way - watching the original episodes again after all this time reminds me of early days at school. Since it started out with Stephen breaking out, I would imagine that I was a new TP "breaking out" and imagine that I could talk to Carol telepathically when no-one else was around - who would have imagined that 30 years later I would sit at the dinner table with Sammie and chat to her about the show ! Then there was the story of the Blue and the Green and the Doomsday Men, set in part in a school. Again, I would imagine that I could just jaunt back to the lab whenever I wanted, or jaunt ahead when on the cross-country runs ! It was fantastic to come across Jackie's site and find out about the Dinner and the fanbase. > Meeting PVC started the ball rolling on a chain of events that culminated > earlier this year in the anniversary dinner. I can now count the TP's as my > personal friends and feel privileged to be able to share all the news and > gossip I hear with you on the list. It's much appreciated, Jackie :) > I have no doubt that one day > someone in TV land will produce a new series and then this will give us the > opportunity to moan even more about the characters and content. some things > will never change ;-) You know, I've often thought that a crowd of us could get together and make a series ourselves, just for our own entertainment of course :) Then we could write it just the way we want it, and it's only the next logical step from writing fanfiction. All we need is a camcorder, some spare time and imagination. Oh yes, and a script of course ! Anyone up for it ? > I make no apologies for the nature of this post. The people who know me well > on this list also know what a soppy sentimentalist I am ;-) No apologies necessary, Jackie. It's good to know that there are some of us left. Someone once said that emotions are what makes us different from machines. Showing our feelings is an important part of being human ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: Memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 10:42:17 -0800 (PST) --0-367566027-1067798537=:12682 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hmmmm.....I am wracking my brain here. To the best of my recall... My family had just moved to California, and we got our first "real" cable hookup. You know, with the converter box, and what was at the time, a whole SLEW of channels. One day this new channel popped on called Nickelodeon. I thought it was for little kids and ignored it. Then one day I was super bored, and I stopped on the channel because I saw the oddest thing I'd ever seen. (Turns out it was The Momma, Emily and Elmer orbiting Earth). So I start watching. At the time I had just started to discover that England had other good shows besides Monty Python and Dr. Who (ha ha). So, this new strange thing was sci-fi, and it was British. It was all good. Then I see the CUTEST young dude (PVC in his heyday, *sigh*). That was the end of that. I was going to become a watcher of that program. I checked TV Guide, found out what it was, and the fact that it was on like five times a day! We'd been there a month, it was mid-summer, and I had no friends yet, so I was in heaven. That was my intro to the show. I got to see all the episodes. I waited patiently for it to "go around" again to the first, so I could start taping. That day I was armed first thing in the morning, new tape in, VCR on...and the show didn't come on. It never did again. I was so p-oed!!!! Unbelievable. Some years passed, and I finally got "online". Not the internet, mind you, but to the early online services. Prodigy, to be exact (ran under DOS, and pre-dated AOL). I found a small group of people who liked the TP. I recall only a few names. Like Shaun Brennan, without whom my web site never would have launched. And Jeremy (last name escapes me) who still lurks on this list (I saw him post recently). Then I get onto the internet. At the time, the big thing was to come up with stuff to look up (Yahoo was just brand new I think). So one day I thought of TP. So I go searching and I find "The George Harrison & Tomorrow People Homepage". No, seriously. That was the name of it. I got there once, and bookmarked it. The page had very little but it was cool to find it. I never got it to load again. There were no other pages. Zippo. I'd been dying to start a web page, but couldn't come up with a topic. OK, DUH! So, with the help of Shaun B. (who let me use the info out of a couple of TimeScreen articles he co-authored) I started the Tomorrow People Episode Guide & Photo Gallery. That was some twelve years after I was intro'd to the show. I still have the source code for that early prototype here somewhere. As for how I got involved with the fandom again....I don't recall if Wendy found me or I found her. One of us sent the other an email. And then (thanks forever and ever to Wendy) I got tapes of the show, which was followed by endless hours of scouring the episodes for screen snaps, production credits, and nitpicks! Then the list came about. I was overjoyed to join. I can't recall when that was, but I was most absolutely on it by November 1996, because according to my notes, I was asked (by Beth if I am not mistaken) to create a text version of my site, because there were folks who couldn't get all the pictures to load (most browsers were crap then). The early conversations were quite different than they are now. If I recall we talked more about the details of what happened in a particular episode, than the more in-depth ideals we speak of now. Of course, those discussions were still all new to everyone then. So many people had still "lost" the show, and I think a great portion of the posts were "who can I bum copies off of". That's my story. Boring, ain't it? :-D Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-367566027-1067798537=:12682 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Hmmmm.....I am wracking my brain here. To the best of my recall...
My family had just moved to California, and we got our first "real" cable hookup. You know, with the converter box, and what was at the time, a whole SLEW of channels. One day this new channel popped on called Nickelodeon. I thought it was for little kids and ignored it.
Then one day I was super bored, and I stopped on the channel because I saw the oddest thing I'd ever seen. (Turns out it was The Momma, Emily and Elmer orbiting Earth). So I start watching. At the time I had just started to discover that England had other good shows besides Monty Python and Dr. Who  (ha ha). So, this new strange thing was sci-fi, and it was British. It was all good.
Then I see the CUTEST young dude (PVC in his heyday, *sigh*). That was the end of that. I was going to become a watcher of that program.
I checked TV Guide, found out what it was, and the fact that it was on like five times a day! We'd been there a month, it was mid-summer, and I had no friends yet, so I was in heaven.
That was my intro to the show. I got to see all the episodes. I waited patiently for it to "go around" again to the first, so I could start taping. That day I was armed first thing in the morning, new tape in, VCR on...and the show didn't come on. It never did again. I was so p-oed!!!! Unbelievable.
Some years passed, and I finally got "online". Not the internet, mind you, but to the early online services. Prodigy, to be exact (ran under DOS, and pre-dated AOL). I found a small group of people who liked the TP. I recall only a few names. Like Shaun Brennan, without whom my web site never would have launched. And Jeremy (last name escapes me) who still lurks on this list (I saw him post recently).
Then I get onto the internet. At the time, the big thing was to come up with stuff to look up (Yahoo was just brand new I think). So one day I thought of TP.
So I go searching and I find "The George Harrison & Tomorrow People Homepage". No, seriously. That was the name of it. I got there once, and bookmarked it. The page had very little but it was cool to find it. I never got it to load again. There were no other pages. Zippo. I'd been dying to start a web page, but couldn't come up with a topic.
So, with the help of Shaun B. (who let me use the info out of a couple of TimeScreen articles he co-authored) I started the Tomorrow People Episode Guide & Photo Gallery. That was some twelve years after I was intro'd to the show. I still have the source code for that early prototype here somewhere.
As for how I got involved with the fandom again....I don't recall if Wendy found me or I found her. One of us sent the other an email. And then (thanks forever and ever to Wendy) I got tapes of the show, which was followed by endless hours of scouring the episodes for screen snaps, production credits, and nitpicks!
Then the list came about. I was overjoyed to join. I can't recall when that was, but I was most absolutely on it by November 1996, because according to my notes, I was asked (by Beth if I am not mistaken) to create a text version of my site, because there were folks who couldn't get all the pictures to load (most browsers were crap then).
The early conversations were quite different than they are now. If I recall we talked more about the details of what happened in a particular episode, than the more in-depth ideals we speak of now. Of course, those discussions were still all new to everyone then. So many people had still "lost" the show, and I think a great portion of the posts were "who can I bum copies off of". 
That's my story. Boring, ain't it?  :-D

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-367566027-1067798537=:12682-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 10:44:11 -0800 (PST) --0-732312592-1067798651=:34308 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Neil said: >>>>>>>>You know, I've often thought that a crowd of us could get together and make a series ourselves, just for our own entertainment of course :) Then we could write it just the way we want it, and it's only the next logical step from writing fanfiction. -- Well, I have one complete act of a whole new show idea sitting, and sitting and sitting. ROFL! Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-732312592-1067798651=:34308 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Neil said:
>>>>>>>>You know, I've often thought that a crowd of us could get together and
make a series ourselves, just for our own entertainment of course :) Then we
could write it just the way we want it, and it's only the next logical step from
writing fanfiction.
-- Well, I have one complete act of a whole new show idea sitting, and sitting and sitting. ROFL!

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-732312592-1067798651=:34308-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 08:32:14 +1100 On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 11:19:30AM -0000, Jackie Clark wrote: > Hi all, > It was drawn to my attention last night that the list is due for a birthday > celebration. I actually sent my first post to tpfict in October 1998. This > made me reminisce about my early days on the list and I wondered whether we > could all share some personal memories about what it was like when we > joined, especially as there have been so many newbies lately who probably > haven't had much opportunity to post. For the life of me, I simply can't remember how I found TPDIS (and TPFIC). I've been on the internet since 1988 (this was from *before* the World Wide Web) so I can't associate finding TPDIS with my first steps on the internet as so many here seem to. However, it looks as if I never delete anything... because I've tracked down what is probably my first post to TPDIS... At that time the list was on xmission, and I was using "ruby" (aka Ruby Red) as my catchall email address for mailing lists... On Fri, 22 Mar 1996 10:52:25 +1000 (EST)... Someone was trying to do a poll about which was better, the Old Series or the New Series, and I followed up a post of Jeremy's saying that there was more to the question than just a simple choice, and I agreed, and went on to give my opinion about the weaknesses and strengths of both series... Oh, now *here* was an interesting thread (September 1996), which could have sparked some fascinating fanfic only I don't think anyone did (sigh): Amy posted wondering if it would be possible for someone to be a Highlander immortal and a TP at the same time. You remember that, Wendy? Oh, that's a story I would like to see! Taking a look at that file of mine, it looks as if the discussion was a mix of - talking about particular epsiodes and comparing series - talking about peoples web pages - lots of theoretical discussion (eg about breakouts, about no-killing, about classifying powers) - occassional bits of news or RL stuff - sometimes talking about psi books too It also looks like I was much less diplomatic in my opinions back then... (grin) Kathryn Andersen (aka Ruby Red) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- McBride: Any sign of the bogey? Southern: No, but he took Van Dyke out with a vending machine. McBride: A what? Southern: A vending machine, and Garrett's pissed. (The Sentinel: Siege) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | GenFicCrit mailing list v | ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Queen=20Cleopatra?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 03 Nov 2003 00:18:19 +0000 (GMT) Hi Mary I live in Australia and there are only two stores here that sell them but they are $30.00 Australian dollars each and are way behind in the shipping schedule. A Man for Emily hasn't been released yet. I have been importing mine from who ship all over the world and take Visa. I have been buying the boxsets and they work out to be much cheaper than getting them individually here. Surely the season 4/5 boxset isn't going to be exclusive to MVC. Zoe --- Mary Svoboda wrote: > I've specifically asked the question of "how" to > MVC, and was pretty much told to stop bothering them > and go away. Apparently they're not interested in > our business. Are there any Aussie vendors who may > be more North American friendly, or are you folks > Down Under in the same boat? > > Mary > > George Madison wrote: > mark pagala said: > > Would anyone be willing to purchase and ship a DVD > copy of Series 4 and > > 5? I've purchased previous episodes on E-Bay for > 50.00 GBP. > > But I would rather have a fellow TPDIS member > profit from my > > impatience. I will pay 50.00 GBP in addition to > whatever the > > shipping/handling costs may be. My preference is > that you have a > > Paypal account to facilitate instant payment > > I'd be interested as well in knowing if there's > anyone in the UK on the > list who'd care to play "purchasing agent" for those > of us outside the UK > who've been locked out by MVC's change on foreign > credit cards. > Admittedly, I was thinking more along the lines of > 40GBP -- 30 for the > DVDs, 5 for shipping and 5 as a > thank-you-for-your-trouble. But then, I'm > cheap. ;) > > > and to save me from having > > to draw up an internationally-certified money > order. However, my > > hands are tied and will basically do almost > anything that is requested. > > Of course, if you were to go to the point of an > international money order, > you could probably order direct from MVC, though I'm > not sure *how*. > > George > > > > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve C" Subject: Re: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 03 Nov 2003 00:27:20 -0000 Just unlurking to say that MVC have e-maiuled me to say they have despatched my season 4/5 box set. Sorry to those in the US if it seems like I'm rubbing this in, perhaps you can now check to see if anyone else has it or if it is really another exclusive. Then again it might not exactly speed it's way here owing to the poxy postal strike, give 'em all the sack I say!!! :-) Steve C ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:18 AM > Hi Mary > I live in Australia and there are only two stores here > that sell them but they are $30.00 Australian dollars > each and are way behind in the shipping schedule. A > Man for Emily hasn't been released yet. I have been > importing mine from who ship all over > the world and take Visa. I have been buying the > boxsets and they work out to be much cheaper than > getting them individually here. Surely the season 4/5 > boxset isn't going to be exclusive to MVC. > Zoe > > > > --- Mary Svoboda wrote: > I've > specifically asked the question of "how" to > > MVC, and was pretty much told to stop bothering them > > and go away. Apparently they're not interested in > > our business. Are there any Aussie vendors who may > > be more North American friendly, or are you folks > > Down Under in the same boat? > > > > Mary > > > > George Madison wrote: > > mark pagala said: > > > Would anyone be willing to purchase and ship a DVD > > copy of Series 4 and > > > 5? I've purchased previous episodes on E-Bay for > > 50.00 GBP. > > > But I would rather have a fellow TPDIS member > > profit from my > > > impatience. I will pay 50.00 GBP in addition to > > whatever the > > > shipping/handling costs may be. My preference is > > that you have a > > > Paypal account to facilitate instant payment > > > > I'd be interested as well in knowing if there's > > anyone in the UK on the > > list who'd care to play "purchasing agent" for those > > of us outside the UK > > who've been locked out by MVC's change on foreign > > credit cards. > > Admittedly, I was thinking more along the lines of > > 40GBP -- 30 for the > > DVDs, 5 for shipping and 5 as a > > thank-you-for-your-trouble. But then, I'm > > cheap. ;) > > > > > and to save me from having > > > to draw up an internationally-certified money > > order. However, my > > > hands are tied and will basically do almost > > anything that is requested. > > > > Of course, if you were to go to the point of an > > international money order, > > you could probably order direct from MVC, though I'm > > not sure *how*. > > > > George > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > > Do you Yahoo!? > > Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears > > ________________________________________________________________________ > Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! > Messenger > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kristin Lee Dunn" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 02 Nov 2003 20:13:40 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) --------------Boundary-00=_SQ4R12S0000000000000 Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative; boundary="------------Boundary-00=_TQ4RWCW0000000000000" --------------Boundary-00=_TQ4RWCW0000000000000 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Wow... Have I been living in a bubble or something? Where has the time go= ne? I need to get out more often I think. Wow, 8 years. That's amazing. Now I have to sit here and attempt to think of when I first posted and how in t= he world I got here.=0D =0D So, it's been quite a while since I have seen the NS when it aired on Nickelodeon. I was about 10 or so when I first saw it. It came on Saturda= y afternoons, and not too long after my softball games, so it gave me something to look forward to. I remember telling one of my friends about = it in school, and they laughed at me. I never talked about it again. So fast forward a few years to High School. That point in our lives that we all struggle to forget. My family got our first computer in 1996 or 1997 I do= n't really remember. An Apple Macintosh 6112 CD. Some how, I talked my mom in= to getting the internet. My mom couldn't stand the phone company's online service, so we got AOL. I kept meaning to do a search for Tomorrow People= =2E For some reason I had this urge to look for it, but I also had this thoug= ht in the back of my head that i had just made it all up. I searched my hous= e franticly looking for the tape that I had recorded the show on, hopping t= o prove to myself that it did exist. No luck at all. =0D =0D So one day after school, I remembered to do a search, and there it was. A= ll these TP sites. Well, there weren't that many, maybe a dozen or so. I remember one of the first places I saw was the Teleporter Take-Out, then = I saw The Galactic Federation Communications Hub. I clicked, and my sanity ended there... Well maybe not. I looked around, and found TPDIS and eventually signed on not too long after that. Back then I was using my ao= l address-- Good 'ol Romana3 has yet to fail me in the online world. So as = far as being on the list, I think I've been here since 1997 or 1998, I'm not = too sure.=0D =0D So I've changed email addresses a few times since then, and have been pla= ced on the bounce list because I couldn't check my email from Japan for about three months, but I've been here since. I don't post all that much, and w= hen I do, I don't always have much to say... Well except for today, but there= 's reason for this to be a long post.=0D =0D I think it's interesting how the list has changed through the years. For = the longest time, many of us relied on Wendy for tapes. Now we have the luxur= y of the DVDs and audio CDs... Well except for us poor college students who still get by with old tapes from Wendy ^_^*. We've had some interesting debates in the past, many which were over my head because of the whole ag= e issue, but we still get those today. I think my most memorable TPDIS mome= nt was when Jackie said that she set up an interview with PVC and he was com= ing to chat. That was my first year of college, and I remember telling my psychology professor that I had to change the time to take my exam so I could be at chat. He hadn't a clue as to what I was talking about, but I = got to take my exam early, and I made it to chat. That was one very exciting = day =0D =0D I have to say that I have met some of the most intelligent and interestin= g people here, and when I was at the dinner, it was wonderful to have the chance to put faces with names and email addresses. Thanks to TPDIS, I ha= ve successfully written a few of my college papers because members happen to= be knowledgeable on the class that I was writing for (I remember a psycholog= y paper to be specific) and some great help with classes that have bad professors, and they just should not be teaching to begin with (thank yo= u, thank you Wendy, I owe you so much!)=0D =0D Happy Birthday TPDIS! Thank you Wendy for giving us all an opportunity t= o share our love with TP. =0D =0D Kristin=0D Yep, it's time again for me to write more papers. Guess that means back t= o lurk mode eh?=0D =0D =0D ----=0D ~What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?=0D ~Studying gives you knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. I am learning how to be corrupt. =0D ~"It is the differences between people that cause conflicts. Differences = in religion, in race, in beliefs. What wars would be fought if the differenc= es grew between two intelligent species; The wars of evolution are fought ov= er generations. But sometimes only the fittest survive battles which last t= he briefest moments." =0D - The Choice~The Outer Limits=0D ~"I'm going to bed before either of you two come up with another clever i= dea to get us killed, or worse expelled!" Hermione Granger=0D Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone=0D ~"Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world." Ron Weasley Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets=0D =20 --------------Boundary-00=_TQ4RWCW0000000000000 Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Wow... Have I been living in a bubble or something? Where has the ti= me gone? I need to get out more often I think. Wow, 8 years. That's amazi= ng. Now I have to sit here and attempt to think of when I first posted an= d how in the world I got here.
So, it's been quite a while since I have seen the NS when it aired o= n Nickelodeon. I was about 10 or so when I first saw it. It came on Satur= day afternoons, and not too long after my softball games, so it gave me s= omething to look forward to. I remember telling one of my friends about i= t in school, and they laughed at me. I never talked about it again. So fa= st forward a few years to High School. That point in our lives that we al= l struggle to forget. My family got our first computer in 1996 = or 1997 I don't really remember. An Apple Macintosh 6112 CD. Some ho= w, I talked my mom into getting the internet. My mom couldn't stand the p= hone company's online service, so we got AOL. I kept meaning to do a = ;search for Tomorrow People. For some reason I had this urge to look for = it, but I also had this thought in the back of my head that i had just ma= de it all up. I searched my house franticly looking for the tape that I h= ad recorded the show on, hopping to prove to myself that it did exist. No= luck at all.
So one day after school, I remembered to do a search, and there= it was. All these TP sites. Well, there weren't that many, maybe a dozen= or so. I remember one of the first places I saw was the Teleporter Take-= Out, then I saw The Galactic Federation Communications Hub. I clicked, an= d my sanity ended there... Well maybe not. I looked around, and found&nbs= p;TPDIS and eventually signed on not too long after that. Back then I was= using my aol address-- Good 'ol Romana3 has yet to fail me in the online= world. So as far as being on the list, I think I've been here since= 1997 or 1998, I'm not too sure.
So I've changed email addresses a few times since then, and hav= e been placed on the bounce list because I couldn't check my email f= rom Japan for about three months, but I've been here since. I don't = post all that much, and when I do, I don't always have much to = say... Well except for today, but there's reason for this to be a lo= ng post.
I think it's interesting how the list has changed through the years.= For the longest time, many of us relied on Wendy for tapes. No= w we have the luxury of the DVDs and audio CDs... Well except for us poor= college students who still get by with old tapes from Wendy ^_^*. W= e've had some interesting debates in the past, many which were over = my head because of the whole age issue, but we still get those today= =2E I think my most memorable TPDIS moment was when Jackie said that= she set up an interview with PVC and he was coming to chat. That wa= s my first year of college, and I remember telling my psychology pro= fessor that I had to change the time to take my exam so I could be a= t chat. He hadn't a clue as to what I was talking about, but I got t= o take my exam early, and I made it to chat. That was one very exciting d= ay. 
I have to say that I have met some of the most intelligent and inter= esting people here, and when I was at the dinner, it was wonderful to hav= e the chance to put faces with names and email addresses. Thanks to TPDIS= , I have successfully written a few of my college papers because mem= bers happen to be knowledgeable on the class that I was writing for = (I remember a psychology paper to be specific) and some great help with c= lasses that have bad professors,  and they just should not= be teaching to begin with (thank you, thank you Wendy, I owe you so= much!)
 Happy Birthday TPDIS! Thank you Wendy for giving us all an opp= ortunity to share our love with TP.
Yep, it's time again for me to write more papers. Guess that means b= ack to lurk mode eh?
~What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?
~Studying gives you knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. I= am learning how to be corrupt.
~"It is the differences between people that cause conflicts. Differe= nces in religion, in race, in beliefs. What wars would be fought if the d= ifferences grew between two intelligent species; The wars of evolution ar= e fought over generations.  But sometimes only the fittest survive b= attles which last the briefest moments."
    &nbs= p;   - The Choice~The Outer Limits
~"I'm going to bed before either of you two come up with another cle= ver idea to get us killed, or worse expelled!" Hermione Granger
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
~"Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the= wizarding world." Ron Weasley Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets=
______________________= ______________________________
<= A href=3D"">= 3D""  IncrediMail - Email has= finally evolved - = Click Here
--------------Boundary-00=_TQ4RWCW0000000000000-- --------------Boundary-00=_SQ4R12S0000000000000 Content-Type: image/gif; name="IMSTP.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <9FBDDC4B-398A-48CB-BD14-84A342816AD4> R0lGODlhFAAPALMIAP9gAM9gAM8vAM9gL/+QL5AvAGAvAP9gL////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAACH/C05FVFNDQVBFMi4wAwEAAAAh+QQJFAAIACwAAAAAFAAPAAAEVRDJSaudJuudrxlEKI6B URlCUYyjKpgYAKSgOBSCDEuGDKgrAtC3Q/R+hkPJEDgYCjpKr5A8WK9OaPFZwHoPqm3366VKyeRt E30tVVRscMHDqV/u+AgAIfkEBWQACAAsAAAAABQADwAABBIQyUmrvTjrzbv/YCiOZGmeaAQAIfkE CRQACAAsAgABABAADQAABEoQIUOrpXIOwrsPxiQUheeRAgUA49YNhbCqK1kS9grQhXGAhsDBUJgZ AL2Dcqkk7ogFpvRAokSn0p4PO6UIuUsQggSmFjKXdAgRAQAh+QQFCgAIACwAAAAAFAAPAAAEEhDJ Sau9OOvNu/9gKI5kaZ5oBAAh+QQJFAAIACwCAAEAEAANAAAEShAhQ6ulcg7Cuw/GJBSF55ECBQDj 1g2FsKorWRL2CtCFcYCGwMFQmBkAvYNyqSTuiAWm9ECiRKfSng87pQi5SxCCBKYWMpd0CBEBACH5 BAVkAAgALAAAAAAUAA8AAAQSEMlJq7046827/2AojmRpnmgEADs= --------------Boundary-00=_SQ4R12S0000000000000-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Martin Dunne Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 13:44:35 +1030 OK, I was looking to publish, but what the hey, you people are sharing with me... I have just published an article on the broadcast history of Doctor Who in Australia ( Chameleon Factor #78 "A Separate Adventure"), and decided to go on researching the TV listings. Last Thursday I sat down with the TV Times, the Australian Broadcasting Commission's (government channel) TV guides for Adelaide 1976, and read through a year's worth of listings. At this point microwave links were available for national synchronised viewing in Australia, however TV stations seemed to favour physical transportation of tapes and scheduling accordingly from region to region ("cycling"). -- January sees repeats of Black and White Astro Boy (ch. 7), HR Pufnstuf (ch. 9), and new episodes of The Goodies and Whodunit, hosted by Jon Pertwee, both on ch. 2 -- February the 7th saw the premiere of Space 1999, which was shown not just at different times in different regions, but in complete runs prior to moving to a new area. This month also saw the Invisible Man (with David McCallum), Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, When Things Were Rotten, Happy Days and SWAT. The Tomorrow People: the Slaves of Jedikiah began on Channel Seven (traditionally the second highest rating of three commercial networks) on Saturday the 7th of February, as a segment in "Seven's Super Saturday Show", followed by the never-ending repeats of Huckleberry Hound. This was kind of reflected in the repeats of TP eight years later, when Seven played the *same* Speedy Gonzalez cartoon *every* morning, prior to the Tomorrow People. SSSS was hosted by Pam Tamblyn, who I subsequently met via her son, a school mate. --April saw a gruesome documentary on Channel Ten (the lowest rating network), The Wreck of the Batavia. This featured a re-enactment of a 1629 shipwreck off the Western Australia coast, with attention to the gory details of the subsequent horrific acts committed by some survivors. Implication was used rather than explicit demonstration, I clearly recall the ringleader's punishment of having their hands chopped off by something which looked like a garden hoe, although the instrument was not seen to touch the wrist. However, I suspect this memory was from a repeat of the program, as I believe I wasn't allowed to stay up to 19:35 at this point. I certainly don't remember seeing Deadly Earnest (Australia's answer to Vampira), although around this time I went on a school excursion to Ten, where they tried to impress us with the miracle of Blue Screening "like on Deadly Earnest" (who)? Also premiering at this time was Torque, the ABC's motoring program. I recorded the theme on audio tape. Well, I thought I'd point that out. -- In May A Rift In Time was screened, part three on the 22nd and part four on the 29th. Listing information is patchy, but this indicates a gap of five episodes (if played one per week), The Blue and the Green being the best candidate for exclusion. Why would this be so? Perhaps the scenes of students disrupting classes was too much for Seven. Or they were incompetent. Premiering this month were the New Adventures of Gilligan (animated), Welcome Back Kotter, and The Yellow House. This last one was particularly rewarding for me to nail down, as my vague memories of it suggested a title of "Super multi-ethnic house full of children where they all look solemn and file in and out in line". -- May also apparently saw the end of the run of Tomorrow People, as the animated Return to the Planet of the Apes replaced it in June. Catweazle was repeated on ABC, at around 18:00 where it would later team up with Doctor Who to form an unbeatable tag team partnership. Ten showed it's ongoing commitment to the weird, with Cortez Meets Montezuma. This documentary featured re-enactments filmed in sepia, as if it were the oldest silent newsreel ever recovered. I for one was totally taken in, although again I believe I probably saw a repeat of this. --While the ABC were screening the Goodies (listings information not specifying which ones) in a 17:30 time slot, they were premiering the ruder ones later. Movies was rated "A", and screened at 21:25 on the 28th of July. -- Alvin Purple started at 20:30 on ABC-2, 20th of August. If you have to ask, it's probably best you don't. -- Doctor Who returned with Tom Baker's first season in September--in Melbourne! In Adelaide, we instead received Andra. -- October saw the Land of the Lost take over the Tomorrow People's old time slot, following The Partridge Family in the Year 2200. Channel Nine (the top rated network, and not ashamed of letting everyone know) crossed to Mount Gambier for three hours of coverage of the eclipse on the 23rd. Andra was replaced with Cricket on the 31st. --November saw the final episode of Andra on the 7th, replaced with Sealab 2020 the following week. The Sullivans premiered on Nine, UFO was repeated on Ten, and the SSSS saw a new and unwelcome addition--The Rockshow, a music clips show hosted by Mark Holden. --In December Nine saw an opportunity with Seven's abandonment of the young to "young adult" interest material. They imported the Melbourne cartoon show Hey Hey It's Saturday (but with local hosts), and stole a march on their rivals. At this time Nine had discovered the power of the all night movie festival, and I was quite surprised to find the last half of Beach Blanket Bingo instead of Bailey's Comets one Saturday morning. So, in summary; The two Tomorrow People stories I can verify are Slaves of Jedikiah, and A Rift in Time. It seems likely that at least one story/episode was skipped in-between these two. I could not find the original 1976 screening dates for The Haunting of Hewie Dowker, a Channel Ten (failed pilot?) telemovie about a cop who develops psychic powers, which I have mentioned on this list previously as it uses Dudley Simpson's Tomorrow People score! And as in 2003, 1976 Australian viewers found TV stations playing things as per their own whims. And there was far too much Mark Holden. Martin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: TPDIS: Memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 19:29:13 +1100 I think and I use this word loosely that my earliest memories of TP are watching I think it was the later part of Into The Unknown. Not really sure about what was going on at the time and idea of episodic television was new to me. Certainly I do remember when I went overseas to the UK/Europe in early 1979 that opened up a new world. I was sitting on the wharf at Dover waiting to go over on the ferry for our bus trip around Europe and my parents were in WH Smith so I thought I would wander in and have a look around. I spied the shop assistant putting out new books on the shelves and there is was "The Lost Gods/Hitlers Last Secret/Thargon Menace" after some serious begging to my parents they picked it up for me. I started it on the Ferry - what a great buzz. I finished Lost Gods and by the end of the first week I had finished all 3. It was soo much better to read the book before watching Thargon. Amazing by not seeing the puppets beforehand. When I got back to Australia I constantly scanned the guides in the hope of finding TP on. Cant remember when it came back but my excitement level was way up! My thought for the day. Warren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Fagan Subject: TPDIS: My Introduction Date: 03 Nov 2003 03:29:34 -0800 Congratulations on those eight years! This is a great time for TP, isn't it? Hello, I'm Peter. I'm one of those who followed the 70's series on Nickelodeon in the US in the 80's. Until the DVDs, the only episodes I owned were the very first and Part One of "Hitler's Last Secret." I made sure all my friends knew who Hitler really was. My introduction to "Mars, Bringer of War" was in The Doomsday Men. For the longest time I would hear it in TV commercials and knew it only as the "Damocles Space Station" music... I still think Sammie's scene with PVC in the first episode is very moving and a total classic. Carol remains my favorite Tomorrow Person. I'm seeing a lot more TP Web pages since the discs came out, it seems. I enjoyed all those TP party photos, by the way. It's nice to put grown-up faces to these hilarious commentaries :-) I live and work in downtown San Francisco. You can find out all sorts of other stuff about me in the link at the bottom there. So about this season 4 & 5 set... - Peter ________________________________________________________________________ Peter Fagan Theta-G | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Dignan" Subject: TPDIS: It exists! Date: 03 Nov 2003 14:09:42 -0000 Just dropped into MVC and bought the new DVD box set, here at last! For those interested, disc one contains "One Law", disc two has "Into The Unknown", and disc three has the three 2-part stories of series 5. And the colour theme for today is dark blue. No free CD this time, which is unfortunate as the two series 4 stories have been stretched over 2 discs when they could easily have fitted onto one. But I suppose Revelation have to make some money... johnny ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: It exists! Date: 03 Nov 2003 06:12:32 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, John Dignan wrote: > > Just dropped into MVC and bought the new DVD box set, here at last! > For those interested, disc one contains "One Law", disc two has "Into > The Unknown", and disc three has the three 2-part stories of series 5. > And the colour theme for today is dark blue. No free CD this time, which > is unfortunate as the two series 4 stories have been stretched over 2 > discs when they could easily have fitted onto one. But I suppose > Revelation have to make some money... So who is going to be the smuggler? ;) -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: Memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 06:17:13 -0800 (PST) You know, I have no blerping idea how I first stumbled across the show. I know I started watching with the second season because when it cycled back around on the Nick, I never could accept Carol and Kenny. In fact I still can't really accept them ;) I just started watching it, became obsessed with it, and must have viewed each episode 5 or 10 times before the Nick stopped airing it. Since I never bothered to tape any of them, I didn't get a chance to watch any of them again until a google search on the show brought me to this list. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Svoboda Subject: Re: TPDIS: A plea to anyone living in the UK! Date: 03 Nov 2003 06:18:23 -0800 (PST) Hi Steve and Zoe, Yes, Steve, you *ARE* rubbing it in! Shame! ;-) Everything I've seen so far indicates MVC has an exclusive on the boxed set for the time being, but I'm not as hung up on getting it as I was for the earlier releases. I can wait until Blackstar has it, or it starts showing up on eBay at a reasonable price. Please keep the list updated if you find any outlets, tho. All help is appreciated!! Mary ===== Mary B. Svoboda, AAHP Health Physicist Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Dignan" Subject: RE: TPDIS: It exists! Date: 03 Nov 2003 14:19:47 -0000 > So who is going to be the smuggler? ;) I don't mind buying some more sets & sending them overseas, but I'm not sure how to work out payments etc. I've no idea how PayPal works, nor international money orders (which I think work out much too expensive). Any ideas??? johnny ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 03 Nov 2003 06:30:17 -0800 (PST) --0-313587021-1067869817=:40610 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Just now I checked my T.P. mailbox, and find a note from my feedback form containing a single URL. I checked it and saw something of interest, but I'm totally suspicious - as that is my nature. I've asked this seller for more screen shots. Thought y'all might like to know though.... Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-313587021-1067869817=:40610 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Just now I checked my T.P. mailbox, and find a note from my feedback form containing a single URL. I checked it and saw something of interest, but I'm totally suspicious - as that is my nature. I've asked this seller for more screen shots. Thought y'all might like to know though....

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-313587021-1067869817=:40610-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Svoboda Subject: RE: TPDIS: It exists! Date: 03 Nov 2003 06:40:36 -0800 (PST) Hi John, You have to register with paypal, which can take a bit of time if you want to link the account to a credit card instead of a bank account. The other downside of it are the fees. I sell on ebay and I think the paypal fees are pretty outrageous. The service works, tho, and I think it's safe for both parties. If you're willing to do it, be sure to add in the service charges and currency conversion fees, and give yourself at least 10% for your time and trouble. We sure would appreciate it!! --- John Dignan wrote: > > > So who is going to be the smuggler? ;) > > I don't mind buying some more sets & sending them > overseas, but I'm not > sure how to work out payments etc. I've no idea how > PayPal works, nor > international money orders (which I think work out > much too expensive). > Any ideas??? > > johnny > > ===== Mary B. Svoboda, AAHP Health Physicist Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 03 Nov 2003 07:13:56 -0800 (PST) --0-933793862-1067872436=:26042 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii P.S. If anyone here does decide to spend the ducats, I want xerox copies, PLEASE!!! :-D M K wrote:Just now I checked my T.P. mailbox, and find a note from my feedback form containing a single URL. I checked it and saw something of interest, but I'm totally suspicious - as that is my nature. I've asked this seller for more screen shots. Thought y'all might like to know though.... Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-933793862-1067872436=:26042 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
P.S. If anyone here does decide to spend the ducats, I want xerox copies, PLEASE!!! :-D

M K <> wrote:
Just now I checked my T.P. mailbox, and find a note from my feedback form containing a single URL. I checked it and saw something of interest, but I'm totally suspicious - as that is my nature. I've asked this seller for more screen shots. Thought y'all might like to know though....

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-933793862-1067872436=:26042-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Dignan" Subject: RE: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 16:03:03 -0000 I can't remember exactly how I came to watch that very first episode of = The Tomorrow People back in 1973; maybe I saw a trailer for it and was = intrigued, or maybe I'd read about it in Look-In magazine. Whatever, I = was always interested in sci-fi and the whole concept of telepathy & = telekinesis. Uri Geller was making a big splash at the time, and one of = his TV appearances had resulted in my dad's watch stopping. One of the early scenes in the first episode showed Stephen being driven = in an ambulance into what I recognised as Putney Hospital, next to the = common and just a few minutes walk from where I lived. This connection = deepened my interest, but it was the idea of super-powered kids, hiding = their secret from the "grown-ups", which had the greatest appeal. The = whole "outsider" thing, the "I'm-different-and-no-one-else-understands" = thing obviously appeals to all kids of that age (11-12 years old), and I = suppose I fell into that category, being very shy and anti-social, a bit = more intelligent than those around me, and also (though I couldn't admit = it at the time) being gay. That summer I went on holiday, to Butlin's holiday camp in Clacton (how = glam!). Of course I watched TP in the TV room, and guess what? They were = in Clacton too! This was during the broadcast of "The Vanishing Earth". = Were they following me?? And I wanted to live in The Lab! How I wished to have plastic tubes = hanging from my ceiling, and a disco oil-lamp creating those trippy = patterns on my walls. The whole ambience of the series had me hooked, = although I always wanted the show to be better than it actually was = (even at that age I could recognise bad acting/story-telling/special = effects). My favourite season was series two, and I still have some = battered audio cassettes of a few of those episodes (I would place the = tape machine next to the TV; this meant you could also hear the sound of = cutlery as dinners were being eaten, and a budgie chirping in the = background). I also bought the books as & when they were printed; those = full colour front covers jumped out at me, inspiring me and firing my = imagination. As the show went on, I became more interested in The Sex Pistols than = watching TV, and although I still watched the show I was disappointed at = the way the stories had deteriorated. Jump forward to 1991, and while wandering around at a large comic mart = in London I noticed a stall selling pirate copies of The Tomorrow = People. Hmmm, should I pay =A310 for a dubious-quality bootleg of a = children's show? I decided to buy just one (The Blue & The Green) and = watching it again I was instantly transported back almost 20 years. = Feelings and impressions I had long since forgotten sprang up from = nowhere. I ended up going back to those comic marts again & again, = eventually buying the entire series. It seemed they had been recorded in = Australia, judging by the ads between episodes, and the quality varied = from bad to almost inaudible. Watching it again, with some younger = friends who'd never seen it, and with the help of, erm, "substances", it = became a different viewing experience. Of course there was the whole = 'kitsch' thing, the 70s fashions & production values, but there were = also deeper themes running through the show that I never picked up on as = a kid. And then there was the New Series. I had to videotape it since I was at = work when it was broadcast. My initial enthusiasm for it dissipated = quickly and I couldn't get into it; eventually I stopped setting my = video and forgot about it. 21st Century: the first DVD is released and I ignored it (!) Not being = exactly rich I didn't think I would buy the entire series again as I = already had those pirate tapes. Then one day, out of curiosity, I bought = it, listened to the hilarious commentary, and was hooked again. It = wasn't until November of 2002 that I discovered the TPDiscussion list = (although I had occasionally visited a few TP websites). And what was my = first post? I was moaning about the delayed release of "The Doomsday = Men"!! So I have MVC to thank for this... I couldn't make it to the 30th Anniversary dinner earlier this year as I = was out of the country, and now harbour extreme jealousy to all those = who did attend! Hopefully one day there may be some similar event that I = will be able to go to. And I eventually did buy a Matmos oil-lamp projector! johnny ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: TPDIS: Getting around MVC's silliness Date: 03 Nov 2003 08:25:00 -0800 (PST) John Dignan said: > >> So who is going to be the smuggler? ;) > > I don't mind buying some more sets & sending them overseas, but I'm not > sure how to work out payments etc. I've no idea how PayPal works, nor > international money orders (which I think work out much too expensive). Well, you can get all the details about PayPal by visiting -- but in a nutshell it's an online payment service that allows easy money transfers between people using their checking accounts and/or credit cards. The service works in US and Canadian dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling and Yen, so I can specify the amount to be sent in Pounds and PayPal handles the currency conversion for me. > Any ideas??? Actually, yes. It just occurred to me that when ordering from MVC, one can have the goods shipped to an address other than one's home. (e.g., as a gift, or in my case because I live alone it's easier to receive parcels at work.) Although this would mean putting in a separate order for each overseas person, the person in the UK helping we non-UK fans out wouldn't have to handle and trans-ship the copies him/herself. Less bother! George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: Getting around MVC's silliness Date: 04 Nov 2003 08:48:09 +1100 On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 08:25:00AM -0800, George Madison wrote: > Well, you can get all the details about PayPal by visiting > -- but in a nutshell it's an online payment service that allows easy money > transfers between people using their checking accounts and/or credit > cards. The service works in US and Canadian dollars, Euros, Pounds > Sterling and Yen, so I can specify the amount to be sent in Pounds and > PayPal handles the currency conversion for me. I wouldn't touch PayPal with a ten foot pole. Oh, it's fine when there's no problems, but the horror stories I've heard, and its laughable "guarantees" make it completely ludicrous to give them my money when I don't live in the US and don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting my money back if something goes wrong. Since they aren't a bank, and they aren't a credit-card company, they don't have to comply with any regulations, and their "guarantees" contain conditions (such as time limits) which would be impossible for anyone outside the USA to meet. So I don't want to risk it. Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Travis: What's the matter with you, Servalan? Jenna: She's nervous. (Blake's 7: Pressure Point [B5]) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | GenFicCrit mailing list v | ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: Getting around MVC's silliness Date: 03 Nov 2003 14:19:02 -0800 (PST) --0-1745119106-1067897942=:54047 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Isn't there an overseas version of PayPal? There's other online payment companies in the USA besides PayPal too. Plus there's one (heck if I can recall the name when I need it) over here that is backed by an honest-to-goodness bank. I'll try and find out if anyone wants. Kathryn Andersen wrote: On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 08:25:00AM -0800, George Madison wrote: > Well, you can get all the details about PayPal by visiting > -- but in a nutshell it's an online payment service that allows easy money > transfers between people using their checking accounts and/or credit > cards. The service works in US and Canadian dollars, Euros, Pounds > Sterling and Yen, so I can specify the amount to be sent in Pounds and > PayPal handles the currency conversion for me. I wouldn't touch PayPal with a ten foot pole. Oh, it's fine when there's no problems, but the horror stories I've heard, and its laughable "guarantees" make it completely ludicrous to give them my money when I don't live in the US and don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting my money back if something goes wrong. Since they aren't a bank, and they aren't a credit-card company, they don't have to comply with any regulations, and their "guarantees" contain conditions (such as time limits) which would be impossible for anyone outside the USA to meet. So I don't want to risk it. Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Travis: What's the matter with you, Servalan? Jenna: She's nervous. (Blake's 7: Pressure Point [B5]) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | GenFicCrit mailing list v | ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-1745119106-1067897942=:54047 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Isn't there an overseas version of PayPal? There's other online payment companies in the USA besides PayPal too. Plus there's one (heck if I can recall the name when I need it) over here that is backed by an honest-to-goodness bank.
I'll try and find out if anyone wants.

Kathryn Andersen <> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 08:25:00AM -0800, George Madison wrote:
> Well, you can get all the details about PayPal by visiting
> -- but in a nutshell it's an online payment service that allows easy money
> transfers between people using their checking accounts and/or credit
> cards. The service works in US and Canadian dollars, Euros, Pounds
> Sterling and Yen, so I can specify the amount to be sent in Pounds and
> PayPal handles the currency conversion for me.

I wouldn't touch PayPal with a ten foot pole. Oh, it's fine when
there's no problems, but the horror stories I've heard, and its
laughable "guarantees" make it completely ludicrous to give them my
money when I don't live in the US and don't have a snowball's chance in
hell of getting my money back if something goes wrong. Since they
aren't a bank, and they aren't a credit-card company, they don't have to
comply with any regulations, and their "guarantees" contain conditions
(such as time limits) which would be impossible for anyone outside the
USA to meet. So I don't want to risk it.

Kathryn Andersen
Travis: What's the matter with you, Servalan?
Jenna: She's nervous. (Blake's 7: Pressure Point [B5])
_--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen
/ \ |
\_.--.*/ | GenFicCrit mailing list
v |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-1745119106-1067897942=:54047-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 03 Nov 2003 15:48:04 -0800 (PST) --0-69294187-1067903284=:88035 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Mystery solved. The scripts are parts 1-3 of "Medusa Strain". Dude didn't put "Medusa" on the listing and I never knew the episode titles, so it threw me. Heh. Nice to have that info now :-D M K wrote: Just now I checked my T.P. mailbox, and find a note from my feedback form containing a single URL. I checked it and saw something of interest, but I'm totally suspicious - as that is my nature. I've asked this seller for more screen shots. Thought y'all might like to know though.... Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-69294187-1067903284=:88035 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Mystery solved. The scripts are parts 1-3 of "Medusa Strain". Dude didn't put "Medusa" on the listing and I never knew the episode titles, so it threw me. Heh. Nice to have that info now :-D

M K <> wrote:
Just now I checked my T.P. mailbox, and find a note from my feedback form containing a single URL. I checked it and saw something of interest, but I'm totally suspicious - as that is my nature. I've asked this seller for more screen shots. Thought y'all might like to know though....

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-69294187-1067903284=:88035-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 04 Nov 2003 11:18:00 +1100 On 3 Nov 2003 at 15:48, M K wrote: > > Mystery solved. The scripts are parts 1-3 of "Medusa Strain". Dude didn't put "Medusa" on the > listing and I never knew the episode titles, so it threw me. Heh. Nice to have that info now :-D Now that is *very* interesting to me. Because in the original series, every serial from The Blue and The Green onwards also had titles for every individual episode displayed on the screen. But the first season *didn't*. (at least not as far as I can remember - someone correct me if I'm wrong). I'd always assumed that there weren't any individual episode titles for the first series. This suggests that there were, and they just didn't use them in the credits. Anyone know anything about this? Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately | (ISTJ) | | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 03 Nov 2003 16:37:11 -0800 (PST) --0-962528132-1067906231=:13369 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Shaun, Exactly, exactly! That's why I questioned the fellow. But apparently the first series DID have titles (effectively working titles), but they just didn't show 'em to us, like they did with "B&G" and on. :-D I am assuming, based on what we know about the episodes, that "Standstill" is part one. "Prisoners of Time" - we have one of two choices, I'd guess part three. From the image I got from the seller, I can say that "Honour Among Thieves" is part four. Personally, I think this guy is overcharging. 50 Canadian is 37 American. Plus he will only take a cashier's check, and has a zero ebay rating. I'm not gonna bite. Maybe if he relisted at a lower price. Still, nice to have this new information! Shaun Hately wrote:On 3 Nov 2003 at 15:48, M K wrote: > > Mystery solved. The scripts are parts 1-3 of "Medusa Strain". Dude didn't put "Medusa" on the > listing and I never knew the episode titles, so it threw me. Heh. Nice to have that info now :-D Now that is *very* interesting to me. Because in the original series, every serial from The Blue and The Green onwards also had titles for every individual episode displayed on the screen. But the first season *didn't*. (at least not as far as I can remember - someone correct me if I'm wrong). I'd always assumed that there weren't any individual episode titles for the first series. This suggests that there were, and they just didn't use them in the credits. Anyone know anything about this? Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately | (ISTJ) | | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-962528132-1067906231=:13369 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Exactly, exactly! That's why I questioned the fellow. But apparently the first series DID have titles (effectively working titles), but they just didn't show 'em to us, like they did with "B&G" and on.  :-D
I am assuming, based on what we know about the episodes, that "Standstill" is part one.
"Prisoners of Time" - we have one of two choices, I'd guess part three.
From the image I got from the seller, I can say that "Honour Among Thieves" is part four.
Personally, I think this guy is overcharging. 50 Canadian is 37 American. Plus he will only take a cashier's check, and has a zero ebay rating. I'm not gonna bite. Maybe if he relisted at a lower price.
Still, nice to have this new information!

Shaun Hately <> wrote:
On 3 Nov 2003 at 15:48, M K wrote:

> Mystery solved. The scripts are parts 1-3 of "Medusa Strain". Dude didn't put "Medusa" on the
> listing and I never knew the episode titles, so it threw me. Heh. Nice to have that info now :-D

Now that is *very* interesting to me.

Because in the original series, every serial from The Blue and The Green
onwards also had titles for every individual episode displayed on the screen. But
the first season *didn't*. (at least not as far as I can remember - someone correct
me if I'm wrong).

I'd always assumed that there weren't any individual episode titles for the first
series. This suggests that there were, and they just didn't use them in the credits.

Anyone know anything about this?

Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately |
(ISTJ) | | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears --0-962528132-1067906231=:13369-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 20:04:47 -0600 > >At that time the list was on xmission, The lists are still on Xmission :) The only time they were anyplace else was in the very beginning when a college friend hosted them on his server, I can't remember how long that lasted, but it couldn't have been more than a couple of months. There was some snafu over his rights to the domain name and he ended up losing the name and shutting down the server. But first he pulled some strings with a friend of his at this little startup ISP called Xmission to get me an account because it came with mailing lists, an unheard of perq. At the time, Xmission was closed to new orders, so the lists probably would have had to shut down had his friend not been willing to make an exception. >Amy posted wondering if it would be possible for someone to be a >Highlander immortal and a TP at the same time. You remember that, >Wendy? Oh, that's a story I would like to see! I do remember that thread. Based on the quantity of Highlander crossovers in the archives, I think a lot of people have sat down to write fanfic with the idea in mind. For some reason, I'm thinking that someone did write an original character who was both an Immortal and a TP. Caroline? >It also looks like I was much less diplomatic in my opinions back >then... (grin) We're we all? :) It occurred to me yesterday that in terms of Internet fandoms, we are one of the oldest. That's pretty cool. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 04 Nov 2003 13:53:45 +1100 On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 08:04:47PM -0600, Wendy Perkins wrote: > > >>At that time the list was on xmission, > > The lists are still on Xmission :) (looks up, startled) Oh yeah, they are, aren't they? Why do I have this nagging feeling about an old list that moved from xmission...? > >Amy posted wondering if it would be possible for someone to be a > >Highlander immortal and a TP at the same time. You remember that, > >Wendy? Oh, that's a story I would like to see! > > I do remember that thread. Based on the quantity of Highlander crossovers > in the archives, I think a lot of people have sat down to write fanfic with > the idea in mind. For some reason, I'm thinking that someone did write an > original character who was both an Immortal and a TP. Caroline? Oh, really? Someone actually did it? I know we've had some TP/HL crossovers that definitely had immortals and TP being different (with the implication that Immortals were the past, and TP were the future) but I don't recall seeing any where someone was both, but I admit I'm not all up with the TP fic all that much... > It occurred to me yesterday that in terms of Internet fandoms, we are one > of the oldest. That's pretty cool. Ya reckon we are? Trek, Dr Who and Blake's 7 would have us beat, I'm sure. Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "We believe that no race can be truly intelligent without laughter." -- Delenn, "A Race Through Dark Places" (Babylon 5) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | GenFicCrit mailing list v | ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 03 Nov 2003 21:14:43 -0600 > >Why do I have this nagging feeling about an old list that moved from >xmission...? I don't know. Maybe you're thinking of Buffy? The original Buffy discussion list was on Xmission until the admins closed it down. Then a new one opened on yahoogroups. >Oh, really? Someone actually did it? Maybe. To my chagrin, I admit that I'm also not all up on the TP fic. I should be, but I'm not. >Ya reckon we are? Trek, Dr Who and Blake's 7 would have us beat, >I'm sure. Absolutely. Still, there aren't too many fandoms that have a) been on the 'net for 8 years and b) had one continuous presence on the 'net. Largely this is because most of the fandoms that proliferate on the 'net simply haven't been *around* that long. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Getting around MVC's silliness Date: 03 Nov 2003 21:36:43 -0800 (PST) M K said: > Isn't there an overseas version of PayPal? There's other online payment > companies in the USA besides PayPal too. Plus there's one (heck if I can > recall the name when I need it) over here that is backed by an > honest-to-goodness bank. There *was* from CitiBank, but they're shutting that down as of Nov. 9th. I'm not wedded to PayPal -- it's just the service I'm familiar with and have used without incident (not denying the "horror stories" that have been referrred to). If there's something that works better for the person in the UK, I'm fine with that. > I'll try and find out if anyone wants. I think that's a good idea -- if this is going to happen, I think it's only fair to make it as streamlined and easy for the person(s?) in the UK doing this favor for those of us elsewhere. Using only ONE payment service (if possible). George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 03 Nov 2003 21:40:02 -0800 (PST) M K said: > Mystery solved. The scripts are parts 1-3 of "Medusa Strain". Dude > didn't put "Medusa" on the listing and I never knew the episode titles, > so it threw me. Heh. Nice to have that info now :-D As the episode titles weren't put in the titles until Season 2, there would be no way to know until something like this comes to light. Now I'm wondering what the various episode titles for _The Slaves of Jedikiah_ and _The Vanishing Earth_ might have been.... George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeremy Rogers Subject: TPDIS: You can always rely on the BBFC for a good laugh Date: 03 Nov 2003 22:33:34 GMT Looking at the British Board of Film Classification reports on the latest releases. Dirtiest Business is the first story to be classified as a PG, because of its 'mild violence' and 'infrequent drug references'. Mind you, no such problem for 'Much Needed Holiday', as it 'contains no sex, violence or bad language'. The classifier almost seems disappointed. Oh - 'Heart of Sogguth' - 'Contains infrequent mild peril'. Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Dignan" Subject: RE: TPDIS: You can always rely on the BBFC for a good laugh Date: 04 Nov 2003 10:00:28 -0000 > Dirtiest Business is the first story to be classified as a PG, because > of its 'mild violence' and 'infrequent drug references'.=20 "Mild violence" i.e. an exploding defenestrater... > Mind you, no such problem for 'Much Needed Holiday', as it=20 > 'contains no > sex, violence or bad language'. The classifier almost seems > disappointed. No sex? What about the Dean Lawrence fashion disasters? (Yes, I know Dean isn't in it, but well, I'm saying nothing...) > Oh - 'Heart of Sogguth' - 'Contains infrequent mild peril'. What does that MEAN?? The Rugrats movie had that warning too. Why are censors so concerned about movies that they have to warn us about ANYTHING that could slightly upset us? (Or cause us to sue??) You will be pleased to hear that the new commentaries contain the same amount of scandalous rumours, innuendoes & gossip as in previous releases. And Jackie Clark gets a name-check! johnny ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: You can always rely on the BBFC for a good laugh Date: 04 Nov 2003 05:19:55 -0800 (PST) On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > Dirtiest Business is the first story to be classified as a PG, because > of its 'mild violence' and 'infrequent drug references'. The scene with Liz talking to that girl about where Pavla could be shocked me for being in a kids show. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: You can always rely on the BBFC for a good laugh Date: 04 Nov 2003 07:20:05 -0800 (PST) --- Jeremy Rogers wrote: > Looking at the British Board of Film Classification > reports on the > latest releases. > > Dirtiest Business is the first story to be > classified as a PG, because > of its 'mild violence' and 'infrequent drug > references'. > > Mind you, no such problem for 'Much Needed Holiday', > as it 'contains no > sex, violence or bad language'. The classifier > almost seems > disappointed. What no reference to pedophilic sado-masochism? > Oh - 'Heart of Sogguth' - 'Contains infrequent mild > peril'. > 'Mild infrequent peril'?!!! "Pardon me, Liz. I'm going to try and stab you through the heart now, but don't worry. It's only meant as mild peril." That's almost as funny as when American filmakers ADD language or violence to get a HIGHER rating in order to make more money. Frequently movies that have a PG-13 rating have had bits added to keep the movie from otherwise being rated PG, which is of course uncool for a teenager to go to. Ah, I needed that chuckle. mike - almost as good as one of my students thinking that a Manta Ray is an invertebrate. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: TPDIS: just for the heck of it Date: 04 Nov 2003 07:54:15 -0800 (PST) I placed an order today. No I don't expect it to go through, but it occured to me that I hadn't even tried. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: Getting around MVC's silliness Date: 04 Nov 2003 10:22:02 -0800 (PST) --0-577129938-1067970122=:28603 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >>> Hmm...that's a new one on me. The one I refer to was something I saw on eBay and Amazon. I'll go look for it later. I've never had a problem with PayPal either, but then again I've only used my account five times :-D And I do know that overseas folks are charged fees for things that we American's aren't. So yeah, I can see where they wouldn't want to deal with it. Funny thing....just as we talk about this, I look at the little "options" on the screen on my Yahoo mail. I've ignored #2 for years now: "Send money using Yahoo! PayDirect from HSBC: " Is always there at the bottom of ever composition (unchecked by default) - I wonder if the Yahoo payment service is good? HSBC is a large bank, backed by the FDIC. Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-577129938-1067970122=:28603 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Hmm...that's a new one on me. The one I refer to was something I saw on eBay and Amazon. I'll go look for it later.
I've never had a problem with PayPal either, but then again I've only used my account five times :-D
And I do know that overseas folks are charged fees for things that we American's aren't. So yeah, I can see where they wouldn't want to deal with it.
Funny thing....just as we talk about this, I look at the little "options" on the screen on my Yahoo mail. I've ignored #2 for years now:
"Send money using Yahoo! PayDirect from HSBC: "
Is always there at the bottom of ever composition (unchecked by default) - I wonder if the Yahoo payment service is good? HSBC is a large bank, backed by the FDIC.

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-577129938-1067970122=:28603-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 04 Nov 2003 10:25:43 -0800 (PST) --0-95145977-1067970343=:8090 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Yep. What a nice little anniversary present (sort of), eh??? Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! P.S. There is a dodgy but readable image of one of the covers up on my web site now, in the "Misc" gallery. P.P.S. I could have swore it'd be 7 years not eight. When did the list start again? 1996 I thought. >>>>>As the episode titles weren't put in the titles until Season 2, there would be no way to know until something like this comes to light. Now I'm wondering what the various episode titles for _The Slaves of Jedikiah_ and _The Vanishing Earth_ might have been.... Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-95145977-1067970343=:8090 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Yep. What a nice little anniversary present (sort of), eh???


P.S. There is a dodgy but readable image of one of the covers up on my web site now, in the "Misc" gallery.

P.P.S. I could have swore it'd be 7 years not eight. When did the list start again? 1996 I thought.

>>>>>As the episode titles weren't put in the titles until Season 2, there
would be no way to know until something like this comes to light. Now
wondering what the various episode titles for _The Slaves of Jedikiah_
_The Vanishing Earth_ might have been....

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-95145977-1067970343=:8090-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 04 Nov 2003 13:34:40 -0600 > P.P.S. I could have swore it'd be 7 years not eight. When did the list > start again? 1996 I thought. Either Nov 2nd or Nov 5th 1995. I'm afraid I can't remember the exact day of the first post, so I tend to err on the side of earlier. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Getting around MVC's silliness Date: 04 Nov 2003 14:35:34 EST --part1_a6.3f003936.2cd95986_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I haven't been following. How can we get around MVC not sending out of their country? --part1_a6.3f003936.2cd95986_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I haven't been following.= How can we get around MVC not sending out of their country? --part1_a6.3f003936.2cd95986_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Fagan Subject: TPDIS: M K script covers Date: 04 Nov 2003 11:40:33 -0800 on 11/4/03 10:25 AM, M K at wrote: > P.S. There is a dodgy but readable image of one of the covers up on > my web site now, in the "Misc" gallery. As a newbie I'm wondering where your site is. Or to put it another way, shameless plug welcomed :-) - Peter ____________________________________________________________________________ Peter Fagan Theta-G | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: M K script covers Date: 04 Nov 2003 11:54:56 -0800 (PST) --0-1764850777-1067975696=:75083 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Peter asked, so: :-D Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1764850777-1067975696=:75083 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Peter asked, so:

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1764850777-1067975696=:75083-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 04 Nov 2003 11:57:18 -0800 (PST) --0-208573961-1067975838=:77116 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Wendy wrote: >>>Either Nov 2nd or Nov 5th 1995. I'm afraid I can't remember the exact day of the first post, so I tend to err on the side of earlier. I have to doubt all my vaguely recalled dates as far as what happened when (like the web snatcher incident). Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-208573961-1067975838=:77116 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Wendy wrote:
>>>Either Nov 2nd or Nov 5th 1995. I'm afraid I can't remember the exact
day of the first post, so I tend to err on the side of earlier. I have to doubt all my vaguely recalled dates as far as what happened when (like the web snatcher incident).

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-208573961-1067975838=:77116-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth E. Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 04 Nov 2003 13:55:55 -0600 Like a lot of people here, I don't remember how I first got into the Tomorrow People. It's hard to remember that kind of thing from when you were four. (Odd what stuck with me!) I just remembered enough to watch (and tape) the new series when I saw it listed as an event on Nickeldeon in our cable guide. I don't think I even realized it was a British series when I first watched it. (I'm entertaining-- sometimes you'll get UK rock stars on American TV and the hosts are confused as to what they're saying, the channel's subtitling it, and I'm like "what's with you people? I understand them perfectly! I'm sure that it's the steady diet of TP, The Third Eye, and some of the UK cartoons shown on Pinwheel house at an early age that allows me to understand British accents so easily.) Anyway, this list, did in fact, start in November of '95, as I remember living in the Proctor double of Goodhue when I first read Wendy's "On the Wings of Pigs" -- a Sliders/TP/Highlander xover that unfortunately she never finished. Fortunately, she chose that to be the one story she posted before it was done. And I happened to send her feedback (like, hey, we like Sliders and TP! Cool!). We corresponded a bit, and within a few days she asked me if I'd like to join a tp fanfic list. I said yes. Clearly, she'd had similar experiences with Selma and possibly Kathryn, because IIRC, we were the original 4 on the list, with Jez and a few others joining shortly thereafter. And we've been growing ever since. We seemed to cap out at 100 for awhile, but with the introduction of the audios and DVDs, we seem to be picking up quite the nostalgia market from the UK the last year or so. And I'm still not sure how Jackie managed to pull of the dinner, but she did. So I got to fulfill three dreams at once: 1) Getting to match faces with names from this list and actually meet some of you folks in person. (Something I want to do more of as the opportunity presents itself.) 2) Getting to meet the TP actors. and last but not least 3) finally getting out of the US and off the continent at the same time. Even if it was only for a week. I fully intend to go back for longer sometime (and probably look up a lot of list members while I'm in town). I've said it before, I'll probably say this many, many more times. The thing I really like about this list is all the friendships I've made through it over the years. When Maria and I were picking destinations for a summer trip a couple of years ago, the presence of Geoff was actually one of the pluses for going to Philly. And Wendy and I managed lots of in-person visits back when we were only a few hours' driving distance away. (We may want to check on the current distance. ) It's weird, because as I described above, Sliders was technically my first fandom, though I tend to forget that, as TP was the first fandom I was active in (I've had to explain what an asst. list admin is on job interviews-- there's actually a line on my resume ;), and also the one I still feel most connected to. Oh, and Wendy? One more thing: t- two years to the tenth anniversary. (Kidding.) Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth E. Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 04 Nov 2003 14:00:38 -0600 On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 01:57 PM, M K wrote: > Wendy wrote: > =A0 > >>>Either Nov 2nd or Nov 5th 1995. I'm afraid I can't remember the=20 > exact > day=A0of the first post, so I tend to err on the side of earlier. > =A0 > I have to doubt all my vaguely recalled dates as far as=20 > what happened when (like the web snatcher incident). I don't have that beyond tentative stuff (I know I wrote the first top=20= ten lists still housed on the archives at this time). However, since I have quite the prodigious paper archives from TPFICT=20 from when I was still at Carleton, I can look up the date of the first=20= post. The story was CONsternation written by Jenny Hayward, but posted (with=20= Jenny's permission) by Ruby Red (that's you, isn't it Kathryn?) on=20 November 4, 1995, via probably as it came through=20 Wendy's school's server. :) Scary, ain't I? :) Tigger (who had to discontinue the paper archives due to time and space=20 limitations.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 04 Nov 2003 12:20:22 -0800 (PST) --0-907717277-1067977222=:49284 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Beth - That *is* scary - that you have anything from those days saved, that is! All my early 1990's mail is long long long long gone. Of course, I've had about ten different ISPs since I first got on the net. I do know that I would have signed up for the list as ade@ something - probably If you or Wendy do have the early posts, I'd be very interested to know when I started with the lists, and what dippy thing I might have said to introduce myself -snicker-. "Beth E." wrote: On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 01:57 PM, M K wrote: > Wendy wrote: > > >>>Either Nov 2nd or Nov 5th 1995. I'm afraid I can't remember the > exact > day of the first post, so I tend to err on the side of earlier. > > I have to doubt all my vaguely recalled dates as far as > what happened when (like the web snatcher incident). I don't have that beyond tentative stuff (I know I wrote the first top ten lists still housed on the archives at this time). However, since I have quite the prodigious paper archives from TPFICT from when I was still at Carleton, I can look up the date of the first post. The story was CONsternation written by Jenny Hayward, but posted (with Jenny's permission) by Ruby Red (that's you, isn't it Kathryn?) on November 4, 1995, via probably as it came through Wendy's school's server. :) Scary, ain't I? :) Tigger (who had to discontinue the paper archives due to time and space limitations.) Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-907717277-1067977222=:49284 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Beth - That *is* scary - that you have anything from those days saved, that is! All my early 1990's mail is long long long long gone. Of course, I've had about ten different ISPs since I first got on the net. I do know that I would have signed up for the list as ade@ something - probably If you or Wendy do have the early posts, I'd be very interested to know when I started with the lists, and what dippy thing I might have said to introduce myself -snicker-.

"Beth E." <> wrote:

On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 01:57 PM, M K wrote:

> Wendy wrote:
> >>>Either Nov 2nd or Nov 5th 1995. I'm afraid I can't remember the
> exact
> day of the first post, so I tend to err on the side of earlier.
> I have to doubt all my vaguely recalled dates as far as
> what happened when (like the web snatcher incident).

I don't have that beyond tentative stuff (I know I wrote the first top
ten lists still housed on the archives at this time).

However, since I have quite the prodigious paper archives from TPFICT
from when I was still at Carleton, I can look up the date of the first

The story was CONsternation written by Jenny Hayward, but posted (with
Jenny's permission) by Ruby Red (that's you, isn't it Kathryn?) on
November 4, 1995, via probably as it came through
Wendy's school's server. :)

Scary, ain't I? :)
(who had to discontinue the paper archives due to time and space

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-907717277-1067977222=:49284-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kathryn Andersen Subject: Re: TPDIS: I got some interesting T.P. related spam this morning Date: 05 Nov 2003 08:40:00 +1100 On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 02:00:38PM -0600, Beth E. wrote: > > However, since I have quite the prodigious paper archives from TPFICT > from when I was still at Carleton, I can look up the date of the first > post. > > The story was CONsternation written by Jenny Hayward, but posted (with > Jenny's permission) by Ruby Red (that's you, isn't it Kathryn?) on > November 4, 1995, via probably as it came through > Wendy's school's server. :) Oh yeah, you're right! I remember I did do the first post on TPFICT, wanting to be encouraging and all, and having access to this already-written TP story... It had originally appeared in Enarrare (I forget which issue) so Jenny felt it had done its dash and didn't mind if it got posted. She did actually start writing a sequel, but stopped because (a) the NS messed up the story, because the OC's nickname was Jade and people wouldn't believe she'd made it up before Jade appeared in the NS, and (b) she suspects it's a bit too Mary-Sue-ish and (c) she can't think of an ending. It's a breakout story, but it kind of fizzled out... Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Vila: What? Where're we going? Tarrant: To destroy a computer. Vila: Why? Tarrant: It knows too much about me. (Blake's 7: Moloch [C11]) -- _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen / \ | \_.--.*/ | GenFicCrit mailing list v | ------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 04 Nov 2003 17:25:47 -0600 Sometime between 1981 and 83 my techno-geek father decided to get the family hooked up to the newfangled cable television thing. That puts me between 7 and 9 years old at the time. We did have a VCR, but we didn't use it for much since tapes were so blasted expensive. On Nickdelodeon I discovered the original Tomorrow People. I loved it! I'm not sure why I loved it, but it's the only show from that time that I can remember watching. Originally Nickeoldeon ended their programming at 5:00. When they decided to extend their programming into the evening with the new Nick at Night lineup, the TP was their anchor series, IIRC. That's when I learned about Eastern/Central time. :) Our VCR was primarily used for taping the bits of shows we were going to miss while out of the room or at dinner, since we weren't allowed to watch TV during dinner. Somewhere along the way, I ended up with an episode and a half on tape. It never occurred to me to tape any more than that, since I also didn't know about shows going off air. Then Nick stopped showing the TP and I was stuck with my episode+. Unfortunately, that episode+ was from "The Living Skins." For the next 10 years, that little bit was all I had to prove that the show really existed. I tried and tried to introduce all my friends to this wonderful show, but I didn't have much to work with. As with a lot of other people here, I soon started to wonder if the rest of the series had really happened. I also had it drilled in that no one else had heard of the show, and no one else was interested in hearing of it. During that time, I got a little more TV saavy. "My Secret Identity" came and went and I learned all my lessons about taping shows that I liked for posterity. This included learning to read the TV Guide and look for shows because the ones I liked invariably were not going to be advertised. Then college started, I discovered Delphi, CompuServe, and independent Bulletin Boards. And one boring Saturday I picked up the TV Guide to see if anyone, anywhere happened to be running "My Secret Identity" (since it did crop up in reruns from time to time). Instead I found a blurb for "The Tomorrow People", premiering in only half an hour. Lesson learned, I popped in a tape. And was horribly disappointed to see that it was a brand new series. Once I got over that, I liked the show. The characters were my age (KS is 15 days younger than me) and the special effects weren't too bad. Shortly after that, I stumbled across a thread on CompuServe of people talking about the show. Some of them had tapes of the original and I had to have them. Thus began the adventure of tracking down episodes from, quite literally, all over the world. About this time I also discovered internet mailing lists and fanfic. First came "Forever Knight" then "Highlander" and then "Sliders." Mailing lists were exciting because finally I could have a conversation with someone-- several someones--about my favorite show(s) without any eye rolling on their part. But, tho I searched and searched, there didn't seem to be a mailing list for the TP. Oh how I wished someone would start one. I had to try my hand at fanfic, and promptly made every single newbie error, including writing and posting at the same time. Beth thinks it's unfortunate that I didn't finish that first story; I think otherwise. The Mary Sue was only a part or two away from where the story fizzled out. My other mistake was to try my first fanfic as a crossover. This I emphatically state is A Very Bad Idea (tm). However, I have no regrets about this mistake since, the story being a crossover, I had to crosspost and/or mention it on every other list I was on. And I got feedback. Not on the Highlander part. Not on the Sliders part. People started coming out of the ether responding to the Tomorrow People part. Other people had heard of the show! The final piece came together when a college friend suggested that I stop complaining about there being no TP mailing list and start one. I could do that? Yes, he said. He'd even set it up on his server, I emailed everyone I knew who had responded to my story, and on Nov. 2, 1995, TPFICT went online with five subscribers: me, him, Beth, Selma, and Kyrie. At the time, I honestly thought the list would be lucky to exceed 10 people. I also thought it would be lucky to last more than 6 weeks. Notice that I *did not* start a discussion list. I could not figure out what people would have to say about an original series that had been canceled for so long or a new series that had been recently canceled. TPFICT was intended to be primarily a fiction list, with other conversation if there was any. List numbers soon swelled. Kathryn, Jez, ade, and Shaun joined in quick succession. A few others joined and left. We hit ten and kept going. By popular request, TPDIS was started about a month later. Happily, I have since been proven wrong time and again about what people would have to say. Eight years is a little longer than six weeks. We hit 100 people by the end of the first year, and pretty much stayed there until the DVDs started to be released, when list numbers took another jump. We're now hovering about 130. The TPFICT archives have over 260 stories included and have registered over 60,000 hits. Thank you to everyone who continues to shame my initial estimates! I couldn't be happier. Beth said: > Oh, and Wendy? One more thing: t- two years to the tenth anniversary. > (Kidding.) Remind me .. what am I supposed to do for the 10th? Was it get a domain name? Cuz I sorta have that now, tho oddly the only sites not at the TP domain are the TP sites. Tho, I seem to recall that you said you'd pay for that domain registration :) I know I promised to bring the show back for the lists' 20th anniversary. Still working on that one. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Queen=20Cleopatra?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: MVC Date: 04 Nov 2003 23:34:19 +0000 (GMT) Most likely a futile exercise but I've just placed an order for two of the 4/5 boxsets as well and I'm from Australia. It accepted the order so I'll see how long it takes them to cancel it. Perhaps if everyone who wants one from a foreign country went ahead and placed an order anyway MVC can see how much business they are actually losing by cancelling all our orders. Cheers Zoe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: MVC Date: 04 Nov 2003 17:13:24 -0800 (PST) I just figured that I've been complaining about it and I haven't even tested the system yet. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 06:58:34 -0800 (PST) > The > Mary Sue was only a part or two away from where the > story fizzled out. My > other mistake was to try my first fanfic as a > crossover. This I > emphatically state is A Very Bad Idea (tm). Um, Mary Sue? Please explain for the slang impaired. :-) mike __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 07:00:06 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Michael Matott wrote: > Um, Mary Sue? > Please explain for the slang impaired. :-) I believe that's where someone writes themself into a story for the goal of solving all of the problems of the universe. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: RE: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 07:23:18 -0800 (PST) Ah, my first time - with the Tomorrow People. I had to have been around 15 or 16 when the New Series appeared on Nickolodeon. At that time I had no clue it was the "New Series". I just saw the tag line commercial for it and thought, "hmm, it's on Nickolodeon so it's probably a bit too uncool for me, but some of it looks cool" So I came in at Monsoon Man and groaned at the cartoonish villain and incompetent henchman, but found other things that had me guiltily sneaking back to watch it. (I actually would not watch the show if any of my family was around because I thought it was too childish.) It certainly helped that Megabyte resembled me in a number of ways (physically to start and personality/humor as well). And Kristian Schmid was very easy on the eyes. I watched the show (and repeats) until they stopped making new ones after Living Stones. I kept hoping as they cycled through all the serials again that they would make a new season, rather than double episodes of "Pete and Pete" or "Clarissa Explains it All". Honestly, other than the TP I hadn't found anything worth watching on Nick since You Can't Do That on Television. (I found it ironic to find out later that that was created by the same man who created the TP) At this point I was pushing 17 and I had to get my sci-fi fix from other shows, mostly syndicated. I didn't think much about the TP for a while, until I got bored one afternoon my junior year of college and decided to look up some old shows that I only seemed to remember. (The Other World, Land of the Lost, Sphere.) I went through Yahoo's list of TV shows and websites. Back then there were a lot fewer categories of shows and lists. I went to the Sci-Fi one and while looking for another show that started with S or T (I don't remember which show I was trying to find anymore!) I saw "The Tomorrow People" and went "whoa". So I checked out a couple of the websites. I think one of them was Shaun's and I'm not sure whose the othe was. It may have been Beth's, but I don't think I checked out her site until after I'd seen the info about the list. I headed over the main page for the list - gosh, that was pre-frames and pre-Java! I sent a request to join TPDIS and TPFICT and jumped in full throttle. I learned very quickly about the OS as compared to the NS. I wrote and posted my first piece of fan fiction - which later became part of a larger serial universe. After I saved up a bit of money I took advantage of the tape tree to get my hands on copies of the OS (and NS) so that I could *finally* join in on the conversations regarding the OS without prefacing everything with "well I've never seen the OS but.." I was lucky to be on of the last folks to get in on that tape tree before it was ended, but now that the DVDs are out it's really cool to know I won't have to worry about tape degradation. :-) I didn't realise how long I had been on this list until Beth wrote another part of her "Reality Check" fundom. It was backset a few years and I had to think about whether or not I was on the list at that point - so I counted on my fingers and was surprised to find out how long I'd been on the list. :-) I'm always excited to open up my mail and see what's new on TPDIS. I've struck up some email conversations with a number of folks on this list that have continued to the occasional off-list emails. I desperately wanted to go to the Anniversary Dinner, but work/school commitments and finances made that impossible. :-( I was actually just as interested in the chance to meet some of the folks on list as much as meeting any of the cast or going to London. I realize that was most likely a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am very envious of those that were able to make it. The cool thing is that I'm envious, but not jealous. I'm thrilled for those that did make it. Wow, that was a lot of rambling. Thanks for everything folks! mike __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 07:25:07 -0800 (PST) --0-475523718-1068045907=:49249 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I have to disagree with that. The Monkees online fandom is probably one of the eldest. It was founded via a mIRC chatroom on EFnet back in the day, after Prodigy raised their prices and started charging for emails. That was in mid-late 1994 I'm told. They're still around too, though I personally don't take part anymore (used to). The "Trivia Haven" group has been on the net since the Imagination Network (a.k.a. Sierra Network) got eaten by AOL (1996) and was summarily discontinued. I am a proud and long standing member. We lemmers might be generally quieter than before but we're still in touch. :-D Wendy Perkins wrote: Absolutely. Still, there aren't too many fandoms that have a) been on the 'net for 8 years and b) had one continuous presence on the 'net. Largely this is because most of the fandoms that proliferate on the 'net simply haven't been *around* that long. Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-475523718-1068045907=:49249 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I have to disagree with that.
The Monkees online fandom is probably one of the eldest. It was founded via a mIRC chatroom on EFnet back in the day, after Prodigy raised their prices and started charging for emails. That was in mid-late 1994 I'm told. They're still around too, though I personally don't take part anymore (used to).
The "Trivia Haven" group has been on the net since the Imagination Network (a.k.a. Sierra Network) got eaten by AOL (1996) and was summarily discontinued. I am a proud and long standing member. We lemmers might be generally quieter than before but we're still in touch. :-D

Wendy Perkins <> wrote:
Absolutely. Still, there aren't too many fandoms that have a) been on the
'net for 8 years and b) had one continuous presence on the 'net. Largely
this is because most of the fandoms that proliferate on the 'net simply
haven't been *around* that long.

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-475523718-1068045907=:49249-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 07:26:36 -0800 (PST) I've been a member of the Phish online fanbase since 1992. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Doctor TOC Subject: TPDIS: (OTish) Big Finish News Date: 05 Nov 2003 10:31:44 -0500 This might be of some interest to TP fans. It's just been confirmed to me that Big Finish have just secured the rights to bring the acclaimed comic strip "The Adventures of Luther Arkwright" to audio. For those unfamiliar with the character, Luther Arkwright is a man with powerful psionic abilities, who travels between parallel universes in the employ of Zero Zero, an organisation seeking to oppose the mysterious Disruptors... The strip (currently available in graphic novel form from Dark Horse Comics), is heavily inspired by the British "new wave" sci-fi writers of the seventies, like Michael Moorcock, Christopher Priest and others, an is perhaps the single best comic story to come out of the UK. Recently, it gained a sequel, "Heart of Empire" (also available from Dark Horse). What makes this relevant to TP fans is the portrayal of psi powers. While Arkwright is very different from the TP, he uses his abilities in a far more integrated manner; using a telepathic push to distract an opponent during combat, using TK to levitate himself past ground defences, slowing his enemies perception of time in a firefight, and even teleporting himself between parallel universes. Beautifully drawn by Bryan Talbot, the story is a complex tale of move and counter-move against the backdrop of a deeper history than anybody knows at first. Also, it appears that Hogshead Publishing are going to be releasing a Luther Arkwright RPG, called "Zero Zero", so not only are fans going to be able to listen to their hero's adventures, but they're going to be able to role-play them as well. Chris -- The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris" Secret Elf, Jive Talkin' Choirboy, Kóri Wulfmangler ICQ # 4814586 Argent Games - FAQ - The TOC Files - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Dignan" Subject: TPDIS: Quote of the Day Date: 05 Nov 2003 15:39:48 -0000 On the commentary for "A Much Needed Holiday", as John is watching Trig & Trog through 'binoculars': Nick Young: "It looks like something from Gary Glitter's computer" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: robert french Subject: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 05 Nov 2003 07:40:42 -0800 (PST) Try ordering the TP DVD's from R.G.French __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 05 Nov 2003 07:44:34 -0800 (PST) On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, robert french wrote: > Try ordering the TP DVD's from It looks like the same exact site as mvc.. but it doesn't have my log in so maybe it'll work. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 11:58:31 -0600 > >I have to disagree with that. Read what I said again :) I didn't say we're *the* oldest; I said we're *one of* the oldest. Of course there are older ones; there are plenty of shows that aired long before either generation of the TP and that still have continuous presence on the net. OTOH, there are even more shows (from what I can tell) that aired before or concurrently with the new series TP that *had* a net presence and no longer do, or for which the once thriving main mailing list has long since shut down. I continue to be surprised and amazed that a tiny fandom for a show no one has heard of is not just going, but growing. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Perkins Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 12:15:18 -0600 > >Um, Mary Sue? >Please explain for the slang impaired. :-) It's a bit long since it seems to be an from an academic paper, but it explains the character really well. In short, Mary Sue is the author, but not the author--because Mary Sue is everything the author wishes he or she were (or in some cases weren't) in the universe. Although it's a female name, the character can be male or female. The male version is sometimes called Marty Sam or Marty Stu. A TP Mary Sue is typically far younger than the other TP. Maybe she broke out at 6 or 7. She is probably an orphan and/or the long lost child or sibling of one of the cannonical TP. When she grows up, she'll become the lover du jour of whichever TP is the author's most favorite, causing the author's second and third favorites to get into fights with the first favorite over who will win her love. She is probably beautiful with natural hair and eye colors that don't exist in nature. She probably has an unusual scar or tattoo that would be ugly on anyone else, but is captivating on her. Most importantly, she has powers that our cannonical TP don't have. Odds are she has more than one such power, and she probably has amazing capacity with the cannonical powers. She may also have special status within the universe. A TP Mary Sue might be from the evolutionary step after Homo Superior, or she might be a high ranking official with the Galactic Fed, or both. Mary Sue appears in every fandom, some more than others. The exact details of the character changes from universe to universe, and no one of the details listed above are absolute indicators. What really distinguishes her is a) she's usually found in the writings of young, inexperienced writers and b) she's so perfect that no reader can stand her. ... Wendy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 05 Nov 2003 13:16:42 -0800 (PST) --0-252117780-1068067002=:17960 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Wendy, I never said you said anything - Yahoo inline copy/quoted what you actually wrote. I was just pointing out that there are other groups with longevity on the net. We are not alone - or different, or odd for what we do. :-D Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-252117780-1068067002=:17960 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I never said you said anything - Yahoo inline copy/quoted what you actually wrote. I was just pointing out that there are other groups with longevity on the net.
We are not alone - or different, or odd for what we do. :-D

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-252117780-1068067002=:17960-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: dvd Date: 05 Nov 2003 17:46:17 EST --part1_1cc.13b37031.2cdad7b9_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can anyone repost the dvd URL that was just posted? Anyone know of any place on line to buy the box set or the individuals for the 4th and 5th seasons? Thanks. I recall a place in Australia that did get these but it might be and that does not have the nex box set. Sigh. --part1_1cc.13b37031.2cdad7b9_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Can anyone repost the dvd= URL that was just posted? Anyone know of any place on line to buy the box s= et or the individuals for the 4th and 5th seasons? Thanks. I recall a place=20= in Australia that did get these but it might be and that does not h= ave the nex box set. Sigh. --part1_1cc.13b37031.2cdad7b9_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Queen=20Cleopatra?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 05 Nov 2003 22:54:02 +0000 (GMT) Well my MVC order has now been cancelled. I didn't even get an email to tell me it had been cancelled, I just checked on the progress of my order. I've tried Streetsonline but I suspect that will be cancelled as well as it looks identical to MVC. Zoe --- robert french wrote: > Try ordering the TP DVD's from > > R.G.French > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard > > ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 05 Nov 2003 18:08:25 EST --part1_8.3fb0686b.2cdadce9_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Big Finish have the dvd singlely but I'm not sure what will happen with that. It's so annoying. It's not listed on the site but I think another Australian site had it. --part1_8.3fb0686b.2cdadce9_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Big Finish have the dvd s= inglely but I'm not sure what will happen with that. It's so annoying. It's=20= not listed on the site but I think another Australian site had it.<= /FONT> --part1_8.3fb0686b.2cdadce9_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 05 Nov 2003 16:27:28 -0800 (PST) Mine's still going strong for some reason.... knock on wood -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 05 Nov 2003 21:12:35 -0800 (PST) robert french said: > Try ordering the TP DVD's from I did. I just realized I forgot to report back to the group that it didn't work -- my order was cancelled after a day or two without explanation. George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: robert french Subject: TPDIS: Ordering from Streets Online or other sites Date: 06 Nov 2003 08:07:38 -0800 (PST) I ordered the Series 4 and 5 box set from Streets Online and they did not reject my U.S. credit card. The site says they are basically waiting for stock. It interesting to note that Streets Online is the sister site of MVC. Streets Online states in its store locator that it is purely an online store. Now, should my order get canceled, I am going to order it from either Bensons, Blackstar, Amazon UK, or Tower Records UK. Unlike Bensons and Blackstar, Amazon UK and Tower Records UK have it available for ordering. R.G. French __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Neblett" Subject: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 06 Nov 2003 12:21:32 -0600 Amazon UK does not have the sets available for ordering. It lists "limited availability," but there is no way to order it. At Tower Records UK, you have to special order it. I'm actually surprised that Streets Online took your credit card, because the email I got rejecting my order from MVC was actually from a Streets Online email address. I ordered again from MVC and haven't gotten a rejection yet, but I'm expecting one any minute now. Let us all know if your order goes through and you actually receive your merchandise. As I said on the Yahoo Group, this is all very perplexing, especially since Revelation Films doesn't even list Series 4 & 5 on their website as available yet (at least they didn't as of yesterday). I just finished watching Series 3 yesterday and am dying to get to 4 & 5 now! Geekily yours, Robert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: Ordering from Streets Online or other sites Date: 06 Nov 2003 11:29:10 -0800 (PST) I tried mvc and my order changed from pending to "waiting for stock" I doubt it will work but... -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: try ordering TP DVD's from streets online Date: 06 Nov 2003 16:22:28 EST --part1_3b.3fc00126.2cdc1594_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/6/03 12:18:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > > > is this the end? The series will ungettable for those outside the UK????Or wil lit be offered separately?on individual dvds. Sigh. --part1_3b.3fc00126.2cdc1594_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/6/0= 3 12:18:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

is this the end? The series will ungettable for those outside the UK????= Or wil lit be offered separately?on individual dvds. Sigh.
--part1_3b.3fc00126.2cdc1594_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Ordering from Streets Online or other sites Date: 06 Nov 2003 16:30:29 EST --part1_9.1bc1dcbe.2cdc1775_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Blackstar won't let you click on it, but has it but doesn't! Amazon UK I don't think it appeared there. --part1_9.1bc1dcbe.2cdc1775_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Blackstar won't let you c= lick on it, but has it but doesn't! Amazon UK I don't think it appeared ther= e. --part1_9.1bc1dcbe.2cdc1775_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 06 Nov 2003 16:40:58 EST --part1_fb.4962f1e3.2cdc19ea_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I can't wait until they finish the whole series because I can't deal with this bs! --part1_fb.4962f1e3.2cdc19ea_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I can't wait until they f= inish the whole series because I can't deal with this bs! --part1_fb.4962f1e3.2cdc19ea_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Svoboda Subject: Re: TPDIS: Ordering from Streets Online or other sites Date: 06 Nov 2003 13:44:45 -0800 (PST) will let you actually pre-order, but they probably won't be able to deliver for a while yet. Those of us with a burning need to be the first in the county/province/parish to own it will almost certainly be stuck with the impending eBay free-for-all. I did go ahead with a pre-order thru Tower, and I'll keep the list posted as to the status. --- wrote: > Blackstar won't let you click on it, but has it but > doesn't! Amazon UK I > don't think it appeared there. > ===== Mary B. Svoboda, AAHP Health Physicist Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: Interesting item on eBay web site item#3361071541: THE TOMORROW PEOPLE-Series 4 & 5 DVD Box. New Date: 06 Nov 2003 16:01:30 PST For those of you who can swallow this outrageous price (note also the 10.00GBP US shipping charge)... Title of item: THE TOMORROW PEOPLE-Series 4 & 5 DVD Box. New Seller: jedikiahgirls Starts: Nov-06-03 14:04:21 PST Ends: Nov-16-03 14:04:21 PST Price: Starts at GBP 45.99 To bid on the item, go to: Item Description: THIS IS FANTASTIC! THE COMPLETE SERIES 4 AND 5- ALL 13 EPISODES. BRAND NEW FACTORY SEALED. REGION FREE(R0). THIS IS NOT A PRE-SELL. THIS IS AVAILABLE FROM ME RIGHT NOW AND WILL BE JAUNTING IT'S WAY OVER TO YOU IF YOU BUY IT NOW! Stories included in this exclusive 3 disc set are- Series 4- One Law(which introduces safe-cracking Mike Bell played by Mike Holoway), Into the Unknown. Series 5- The Dirtiest Business, A Much Needed Holiday and The Heart of Sogguth. The picture and sound quality on these discs is absloutely brilliant. Re-matered with Dolby Digital Sound. Extra features include- Cast Profiles, Picture Gallery, Fact Files, Character Biographies and best of all- Audio Commentaries from Nicholas Young(John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke(Stephen) and Michael Holoway(Mike). No holds barred, very entertaining and revealing. Produced by Thames TV and issued by Revelation films here in the UK. Presented in a very attractive box with portrait shots of John, Liz and Mike. Sorry I can! 't show you a picture yet, I'm still running a basic system here. UK BIDDERS PLEASE PAY BY CHEQUE OR UN-CROSSED POSTAL ORDERS, PAYPAL IS FOR THE USE OF OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS ONLY AND WITH NO SURCHARGE. Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: robert french Subject: Re: TPDIS: Ordering from Streets Online or other sites Date: 06 Nov 2003 18:12:59 -0800 (PST) I have actually canceled my order from Streets Online and ordered the series 4 and 5 box set from Tower Records UK. Hopefully, they will not keep giving me the line that they are waiting for stock. R.G. French __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Neblett" Subject: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 07 Nov 2003 09:55:44 -0600 Yet again, I've had my DVD order cancelled AGAIN, like so many other members on the list. Now I really do feel that the UK distributors are ignoring a key audience and consumer base, and that they think we're nothing but (bad joke coming straight away) "saps." Anyone who successfully conquers the British beast of commerce, please inform all of us how you prevailed. I prefer ordering from Amazon UK or Blackstar, but just wanna know when/if they will be carrying the last sets of these DVDs. How can I only be allowed to relive half of my childhood? Don't they know how cruel and traumatic that is on me? Robert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth E. Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 07 Nov 2003 10:49:14 -0600 On Friday, November 7, 2003, at 09:55 AM, Robert Neblett wrote: > How can I only be allowed to relive half of my childhood? Don't they > know > how cruel and traumatic that is on me? I'm seeing a lot of real frustration and possibly some confusion over this box set not being available from someone who ships to the states *yet*. Note the stress on yet. MVC gets these exclusive advanced deals where they get to release the box sets ahead of the competition. Given their customer service records on-line, I can only assume that their stores are excellent. (Wendy and I tried to find an MVC while in England, but as we were hoping to run into one-- rather like we ran into the bookstore I needed to get the UK edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone-- we didn't.) Here's the thing: this is a temporary deal. Admittedly it took around six months, after the release of the individual episodes, but Blackstar did eventually get their hands on the series 3 box set. I didn't wait for the box set for the first two seasons because I was afraid that Revelation would pull a Video Gems and go out of business. Of course, since we're getting intelligent releases of the series (each DVD has at least one complete story of three parts-- as opposed to VG who released Slaves of Jedikiah), and we're now on series 4 and 5, I'm much less worried about that happening. In fact, they're making the box set-- pressing it. If they don't sell enough, they'll just have more copies to release to other retailers. I don't think they're gonna go out of print that fast. Of course, I'm generally a patient person. I also am so miffed over the unresponsiveness of MVC (they left the state and zip code off of my address) when my set took a month to show up, so I simply refuse to do business with them. (Especially since the state and zip show up on their computer system-- I have no idea if it's been corrected.) In short, I wouldn't be ordering from MVC even if they would take my credit card. One Law is likely going to be released after the first of the year, through Blackstar and other vendors. (I like Blackstar. Their customer service ROCKS.) If you really have to have them NOW, you can always spend more money and buy them individually. I may be patient and wait for the box set or not. In all honesty, it probably depends on whether or not I'm working and how much I'm getting paid. (Stupid economy.) Hope this clears some stuff up. Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve C" Subject: TPDIS: New commentaries Date: 07 Nov 2003 17:29:25 -0000 Well from what I've heard so far (two and a bit episodes of One Law) the same sharp wit accompanies the commentaries. Main difference is a very quiet John Ainsworth in place of Nick Briggs. Oh and is it me or is there tension between the newbie and the two old hands? Just like old times? or perhaps he hasn't got into the humour by this stage. Sorry to those who are wringing themselves in knots trying to get hold of a copy. BTW this is my first TP purchase from MVC and I can't complain but then I am a UK resident. Steve C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jawzi" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 07 Nov 2003 18:17:53 -0000 I found your comments and the paper interesting. I'd assumed that a Mary Sue was indeed a representation of the writer - idealised but not necessarily perfect. I've probably read more Blake's 7 than TP fanfic and don't recognise the kind of TP Mary Sue you mention, but maybe they exist more in NS fanfic, which I'm not familiar with. I have come across instances where there is some apparent identification between the author and one particular character and this isn't always a bad thing per se, in my opinion. However, if the character is so perfect as to be nauseating, then that is simply poor writing. Personally I prefer characters who have flaws or make mistakes. To a certain extent all fanfic writers must identify with the characters - if they weren't interested in them then they wouldn't write about them - but to introduce a new character into a particular fandom and to project oneself or an aspect of oneself into that character clearly signifies wish-fulfilment, whether conscious or otherwise. And in the case of TP fanfic it may be argued that the writers concerned entertain a conscious or subconscious wish to break out. There appears to be little available in the field of academic studies on fanfiction, apart from Henry Jenkins' "Textual Poachers," which Jackie discussed a while back in an excellent article on her site; or if there is, I've not come across it. But it occurs to me that a great deal of fanfiction is written by women, furthermore, that many of the readers are women (there must be more Mary Sues around than Marty Sams around; has anyone ever looked at the proportion of male / female writers in TP fanfic, for example? ), hence it has much in common with romantic fiction, a frequent subject of critical analysis over the past few decades, e.g. in Tania Modleski's "Loving with a Vengeance" (1984). Popular romantic fiction incorporates two categories of the feminine consciousness, defined by John Berger in "Ways of Seeing" (1972) as Surveyor and Surveyed, which includes intellectual distance and detachment v. emotional identification. Amal Treacher, in an essay entitled "What is Life Without My Love? Desire and Romantic Fiction" (from "Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction, ed. Susannah Radstone, 1988) states that it is precisely the shallowness of the genre that is its forte: "The shallowness allows the characters and the scenarios to be filled up with the reader's own consciousness." This would appear to be the attraction of fanfiction (not all shallow, by any means) to the reader, and of Mary Sues to those who write that kind of fanfic. Thus fanfiction employs some of the dynamics of romantic fiction, but instead of the generally passive heroine, we find a sense of female ascendancy. Mary Sues encapsulate the idea of the perfect woman always in control, a common theme in many popular TV series, e.g. Buffy, Charmed. Indeed, Buffy is all about female empowerment, or to use the vernacular, women 'kicking ass' (as a sedate Brit, that expression always makes me cringe). She looks like a stereotypical dumb blonde, but apparently can do anything, thus is so perfect as to be unbearable; Mary Sue personified, in fact. Personally I find these daft shows unwatchable, but no doubt the reason they are so popular, besides with adolescent boys, is because the female viewers can identify with the strong characters. The heroines are exactly what they themselves would like to be. And so it is with those who write Mary Sues. Anyta. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 6:15 PM > > > >Um, Mary Sue? > >Please explain for the slang impaired. :-) > > > > It's a bit long since it seems to be an from an academic paper, but it > explains the character really well. > > In short, Mary Sue is the author, but not the author--because Mary Sue is > everything the author wishes he or she were (or in some cases weren't) in > the universe. Although it's a female name, the character can be male or > female. The male version is sometimes called Marty Sam or Marty Stu. > > A TP Mary Sue is typically far younger than the other TP. Maybe she broke > out at 6 or 7. She is probably an orphan and/or the long lost child or > sibling of one of the cannonical TP. When she grows up, she'll become the > lover du jour of whichever TP is the author's most favorite, causing the > author's second and third favorites to get into fights with the first > favorite over who will win her love. She is probably beautiful with natural > hair and eye colors that don't exist in nature. She probably has an unusual > scar or tattoo that would be ugly on anyone else, but is captivating on > her. Most importantly, she has powers that our cannonical TP don't have. > Odds are she has more than one such power, and she probably has amazing > capacity with the cannonical powers. She may also have special status > within the universe. A TP Mary Sue might be from the evolutionary step > after Homo Superior, or she might be a high ranking official with the > Galactic Fed, or both. > > Mary Sue appears in every fandom, some more than others. The exact details > of the character changes from universe to universe, and no one of the > details listed above are absolute indicators. What really distinguishes her > is a) she's usually found in the writings of young, inexperienced writers > and b) she's so perfect that no reader can stand her. > > ... > Wendy > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 07 Nov 2003 10:27:11 -0800 (PST) On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Jawzi wrote: > Indeed, Buffy is all about female empowerment, or to use the vernacular, > women 'kicking ass' (as a sedate Brit, that expression always makes me > cringe). She looks like a stereotypical dumb blonde, but apparently can do > anything, thus is so perfect as to be unbearable; Mary Sue personified, in > fact. This is off topic, but just for the record, Buffy has not ever been presented as perfect. She makes mistakes that have consequences for her friends. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jawzi" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 07 Nov 2003 18:39:44 -0000 Thanks to everyone for sharing their memories of the series. My memories don't go back very far, due to the fact that I came to the show so late, and then only through Laith, as some of you will already know. Laith saw the NS when it was first screened in Britain. Later he managed to obtain some tapes, including the OS. When he started his zine Spectra Shift (I don't think there was much info on the show available at the time, nor did we have internet access), I offered to proof read it. (Later I became more involved.) Eventually my curiosity was aroused and I watched the tapes. My reactions were mixed. I must confess to finding some of it rather silly and couldn't help chuckling over all the absurdities, but then that's hardly surprising, considering that I was viewing a 70s kids' show for the first time from the perspective of someone then in her late 40s. But I also found that the programme had a lot going for it and that I actually enjoyed it. The basic premise is fascinating - not unique, as I'd already come across telepathic children in Wyndham's "The Chrysalids," but to employ the idea in mainstream children's TV was extremely imaginative. And it was handled so well, with the concept of the Prime Barrier. Many other elements of the series added to the sheer originality - TIM, the Lab, the Trig, jaunting, not to mention the haunting theme tune. (So glad that Big Finish kept that.) And the characters are, for the most part, likable. Moreover, I found I could actually relate to the TP being different. I never really fitted in at school, for various reasons, mainly because being painfully shy back then, I found it difficult to make friends. Even now, I often feel awkward in social situations. And I was completely useless at any form of sport or games. Some years ago I read an article on dyspraxia, which I'd never heard of before, and was amazed to find that a lot of it applied to me, although I wouldn't call myself a severe case. I've never been dyslexic, thank goodness. Don't know how I would have coped in life without books, though I do have dyscalculia; maths was always beyond me. But it's nice to know I can't help the way I am. (I wonder - how would a dyspraxic TP manage TK?) So I know all about being different. If only the series had been screened when I was a child or teenager, I would have adored it - I would have entirely identified with the characters and most likely gone around willing myself to break out. Anyta. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 3:23 PM > > Ah, my first time - with the Tomorrow People. > > I had to have been around 15 or 16 when the New Series > appeared on Nickolodeon. At that time I had no clue > it was the "New Series". I just saw the tag line > commercial for it and thought, "hmm, it's on > Nickolodeon so it's probably a bit too uncool for me, > but some of it looks cool" So I came in at Monsoon > Man and groaned at the cartoonish villain and > incompetent henchman, but found other things that had > me guiltily sneaking back to watch it. (I actually > would not watch the show if any of my family was > around because I thought it was too childish.) It > certainly helped that Megabyte resembled me in a > number of ways (physically to start and > personality/humor as well). And Kristian Schmid was > very easy on the eyes. > > I watched the show (and repeats) until they stopped > making new ones after Living Stones. I kept hoping as > they cycled through all the serials again that they > would make a new season, rather than double episodes > of "Pete and Pete" or "Clarissa Explains it All". > Honestly, other than the TP I hadn't found anything > worth watching on Nick since You Can't Do That on > Television. (I found it ironic to find out later that > that was created by the same man who created the TP) > At this point I was pushing 17 and I had to get my > sci-fi fix from other shows, mostly syndicated. > > I didn't think much about the TP for a while, until I > got bored one afternoon my junior year of college and > decided to look up some old shows that I only seemed > to remember. (The Other World, Land of the Lost, > Sphere.) I went through Yahoo's list of TV shows and > websites. Back then there were a lot fewer categories > of shows and lists. I went to the Sci-Fi one and > while looking for another show that started with S or > T (I don't remember which show I was trying to find > anymore!) I saw "The Tomorrow People" and went "whoa". > So I checked out a couple of the websites. I think > one of them was Shaun's and I'm not sure whose the > othe was. It may have been Beth's, but I don't think > I checked out her site until after I'd seen the info > about the list. > > I headed over the main page for the list - gosh, that > was pre-frames and pre-Java! I sent a request to join > TPDIS and TPFICT and jumped in full throttle. I > learned very quickly about the OS as compared to the > NS. I wrote and posted my first piece of fan fiction > - which later became part of a larger serial universe. > > > After I saved up a bit of money I took advantage of > the tape tree to get my hands on copies of the OS (and > NS) so that I could *finally* join in on the > conversations regarding the OS without prefacing > everything with "well I've never seen the OS but.." > > I was lucky to be on of the last folks to get in on > that tape tree before it was ended, but now that the > DVDs are out it's really cool to know I won't have to > worry about tape degradation. :-) > > I didn't realise how long I had been on this list > until Beth wrote another part of her "Reality Check" > fundom. It was backset a few years and I had to think > about whether or not I was on the list at that point - > so I counted on my fingers and was surprised to find > out how long I'd been on the list. :-) > > I'm always excited to open up my mail and see what's > new on TPDIS. I've struck up some email conversations > with a number of folks on this list that have > continued to the occasional off-list emails. I > desperately wanted to go to the Anniversary Dinner, > but work/school commitments and finances made that > impossible. :-( I was actually just as interested in > the chance to meet some of the folks on list as much > as meeting any of the cast or going to London. I > realize that was most likely a once in a lifetime > opportunity and I am very envious of those that were > able to make it. The cool thing is that I'm envious, > but not jealous. I'm thrilled for those that did make > it. > > Wow, that was a lot of rambling. > Thanks for everything folks! > > mike > > > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jawzi" Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 07 Nov 2003 18:52:13 -0000 Don't want to get too OT. I admit I'm not very familiar with the series, but from the little I've seen and read of it, she comes across as the kind of teen super-heroine I find irritating. And isn't she supposed to save the world or something, one of the criteria for a Mary Sue? No doubt her mistakes are put into the script either to provide her with some fashionable angst or else to enable some of the characters to be written out. Anyta. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 6:27 PM > On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Jawzi wrote: > > > Indeed, Buffy is all about female empowerment, or to use the vernacular, > > women 'kicking ass' (as a sedate Brit, that expression always makes me > > cringe). She looks like a stereotypical dumb blonde, but apparently can do > > anything, thus is so perfect as to be unbearable; Mary Sue personified, in > > fact. > > This is off topic, but just for the record, Buffy has not ever been > presented as perfect. She makes mistakes that have consequences for > her friends. > > > -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" > *********************************************************************** > *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* > * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * > * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* > * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * > * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * > *********************************************************************** > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 07 Nov 2003 10:53:00 -0800 (PST) Last post then I'll take it to private email if Jawzi is still curious. On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Jawzi wrote: > Don't want to get too OT. I admit I'm not very familiar with the series, but > from the little I've seen and read of it, she comes across as the kind of > teen super-heroine I find irritating. And isn't she supposed to save the > world or something, one of the criteria for a Mary Sue? No doubt her > mistakes are put into the script either to provide her with some fashionable > angst or else to enable some of the characters to be written out. Yes she does save the world (that being her role in the universe), but only with the help of others and sometimes despite her own blunders. Quite a few fans of the show hate the actions of Buffy's character. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: memories of yesterday Date: 07 Nov 2003 17:35:36 EST --part1_11.1bdd106b.2cdd7838_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/7/03 1:37:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > dyspraxic Sorry, what is this again? --part1_11.1bdd106b.2cdd7838_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/7/0= 3 1:37:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:


Sorry, what is this again?
--part1_11.1bdd106b.2cdd7838_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: TPDIS: O/T: Vocabulary Lesson For Today (was: memories of yesterday) Date: 07 Nov 2003 14:46:47 -0800 (PST) --0-1732923987-1068245207=:35437 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I had to look it up myself (via the web, lovely thing that it is); Dyspraxic --- a reduced ability to carry out non-learned movements, even though there is adequate motor and conceptual capacity to do so. Sounds like me when I'm in desperate need of a chocolate fix and should be doing laundry or other chores (grin). Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1732923987-1068245207=:35437 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I had to look it up myself (via the web, lovely thing that it is);
Dyspraxic --- a reduced ability to carry out non-learned movements, even though there is adequate motor and conceptual capacity to do so.
Sounds like me when I'm in desperate need of a chocolate fix and should be doing laundry or other chores (grin).

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1732923987-1068245207=:35437-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve C" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 08 Nov 2003 14:18:48 -0000 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:49 PM > > On Friday, November 7, 2003, at 09:55 AM, Robert Neblett wrote: > > MVC gets these exclusive advanced deals where they get to release the > box sets ahead of the competition. Given their customer service > records on-line, I can only assume that their stores are excellent. > (Wendy and I tried to find an MVC while in England, but as we were > hoping to run into one-- rather like we ran into the bookstore I needed > to get the UK edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone-- we > didn't.) MVC is not a standard high street chain store and is only available in limted areas throughout the country, there are quite a few in London though so if you there you should have easily found one at London Bridge. For those who didn't know they are owned by Woolworths UK (no connection with other worldwide Woolworths BTW). > Here's the thing: this is a temporary deal. Admittedly it took around > six months, after the release of the individual episodes, but Blackstar > did eventually get their hands on the series 3 box set. > In fact, they're making the box set-- pressing it. If they don't sell > enough, they'll just have more copies to release to other retailers. I > don't think they're gonna go out of print that fast. This is the first MVC TP box set I've got and it differs from my others as it has MVC's logo printed on it, so it won't be this one going to other retailers. > Of course, I'm generally a patient person. I also am so miffed over > the unresponsiveness of MVC (they left the state and zip code off of my > address) when my set took a month to show up, so I simply refuse to do > business with them. (Especially since the state and zip show up on > their computer system-- I have no idea if it's been corrected.) In > short, I wouldn't be ordering from MVC even if they would take my > credit card. Some companies are not set up for trading overseas and sometimes those that were change their policy for whatever reason, ther's nothing anyone can do about it. It could be down to a simple matter of export tax and extra delivery cost iccured by them for a small number of units. There are plenty of non UK companies who will NOT ship to us here, you just don't read about them here. I do sympathise with you all but please can't everyone just accept the situation hard as it is to do so. Sorry to sound hard but it just keeps going round and round. Steve C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 08 Nov 2003 09:51:13 EST --part1_a2.3ea0730c.2cde5ce1_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/8/03 9:16:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I do sympathise with you all but please can't everyone just accept the > situation hard as it is to do so. > NO! --part1_a2.3ea0730c.2cde5ce1_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/8/0= 3 9:16:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I do sympathise with you al= l but please can't everyone just accept the
situation hard as it is to do so.

--part1_a2.3ea0730c.2cde5ce1_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 08 Nov 2003 08:56:54 -0600 Hmm interesting, I ordered from MVC and checked today on my order and it says waiting for stock... -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Robert Neblett Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:22 PM Amazon UK does not have the sets available for ordering. It lists "limited availability," but there is no way to order it. At Tower Records UK, you have to special order it. I'm actually surprised that Streets Online took your credit card, because the email I got rejecting my order from MVC was actually from a Streets Online email address. I ordered again from MVC and haven't gotten a rejection yet, but I'm expecting one any minute now. Let us all know if your order goes through and you actually receive your merchandise. As I said on the Yahoo Group, this is all very perplexing, especially since Revelation Films doesn't even list Series 4 & 5 on their website as available yet (at least they didn't as of yesterday). I just finished watching Series 3 yesterday and am dying to get to 4 & 5 now! Geekily yours, Robert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve C" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 08 Nov 2003 15:22:40 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C3A60C.25E6B1C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ok, gonna say it then...tough! If I were in business and it wasn't financially viable then I would = probably act the same way and how can you say you wouldn't, from a = purely financial view. It's not as if there isn't another more open = policy company available to you, you'll just have to wait for the = exclusive to end that's all. If there was more demand for overseas shipping for MVC in general then I = dare say this whole issue wouldn't exist, but there isn't and it does. = As I said tough! :-) Someone who uses Ebay could make a nice profit though! =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 2:51 PM Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness In a message dated 11/8/03 9:16:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, = writes:=20 I do sympathise with you all but please can't everyone just accept = the=20 situation hard as it is to do so.=20 NO! ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C3A60C.25E6B1C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Ok, gonna say it = then...tough!
If I were in business and it wasn't = financially=20 viable then I would probably act the same way and how can you say you = wouldn't,=20 from a purely financial view.  It's not as if there isn't another = more open=20 policy company available to you, you'll just have to wait for the = exclusive to=20 end that's all.
If there was more demand for overseas = shipping for=20 MVC in general then I dare say this whole issue wouldn't exist, but=20 there isn't and it does.  As I said tough! = :-)
Someone who uses Ebay could make a nice = profit=20 though!  
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 =
Sent: Saturday, November 08, = 2003 2:51=20 PM
Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and=20 Sadness

In a = message dated=20 11/8/03 9:16:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I do sympathise with you all but please can't everyone = just=20 accept the
situation hard as it is to do so.

------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C3A60C.25E6B1C0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 08 Nov 2003 16:44:04 -0000 Hi, I've been reading all the posts about the box set and noticed the anxious comments from people in the US who fear that they will not be able to get hold of the latest stories. Something made me check back through recent mails I have received and I found a comment from Revelation Films that you might find interesting. They mentioned that 'One Law' will be out in February but available before that as part of a box set available from MVC stores. So I guess it will be on general release and available through Blackstar etc in a few months time. As Beth has already said some of the overseas fans will just have to be patient. Onto the main reason for this post: Having had the opportunity to watch Heart of Soguth in its entirity for myself (instead of other people's video's) has allowed me to appreciate some on the important canonical points raised in this story. While Elizabeth is talking to Major Turner, and afterwards with John, she says some very interesting things. Firstly that the TP's cannot read Sap minds. Secondly that it is the type of work undertaken by a tp which holds back breakout. I'd like to talk about each of these in turn. The first point made me wonder about the nature of the TP telepathy. Taking four pieces of evidence in conjuntion with one another a) that at breakout a TP is flooded with everyone's thoughts untul they manage to put up some kind of mental barrier, b) that Mike was calling Pavla on an open channel which Liz said 'every telepath in London must have heard,' c) As said above they cannot, in fact read minds, d) That Peter detected Tricia's intrusion and put up barriers in SW. I have developed my own idea on the nature of telepathy. As I see it, telepathy is broadcast as a signal but is qualitatively different for TP's than other people and IMHO is very much a voluntary process which allows the other TP access only to the thought one chooses. In general the Sap's mind works as if it has a swing door (my analogy for the physiological process). This door can accidentally swing open and transmit thoughts to other people around who are capable of receiving it, or alternatively it could swing inwards to allow another telepath to make contact. Before breakout the TP mind works like a Sap mind but at brekout it's as if the door gets stuck open (facing inwards) thus flooding the individual with a jumble of transmissions. The notion of thinking of a fist is a way for the TP to push the door closed and gain some control over when they choose to open it in future. Once they have gained control they can then select who they transmit to, it's a bit like email. If I wanted to send a message to everyone on the list I send a general post to tpdis, you can access it by opening your own mail program. But if I wanted to speak to the ops alone I would address my message to them individually either with separate messages or with multiple recipients in the address. The TP telepathy could be similar. There could be a carrier wave that identifies who the messag is meant to go to but the individual has to open their mind up to receive the message and if they wish to can block out individual senders. This may seem very long winded but atm I'm working on a fan fict which takes the TP's into the future and have been speclating at how they would keep the mental peace if all telepathy was available to everyone all the time. I have decided that there would have to be family channels, emergency channels and individual channels used but in addition the recipient has to open their own mind in order to be receptive to the message. Thus TIM would not be able to eaves drop on private conversations but could monitor, at the Tp's request, (as he did Stephen and Elizabeth in Blue and Green) what was being said. I'm definately rambling now and will keep my second point short. We have often speculated about the nature of the Prime Barrier, accepting the concensus that it is a genetic biological mechanism. It was suggested to me that it is more of a psychological process involving empathy for the victim and this idea hit home when I heard the conversation in HOS. John, or perhaps Liz, said that people working for the military were prevented from breaking out by their choice of career. How could this be if the PB was genetic? It was implied that once they gave up the job the act of 'coming over to the goodies side' would free their minds and allow full breakout. Perhaps being a TP is more than a genetic difference after all? Perhaps a TP has to have a set of moral ideals and until they are in place break out will not occur. I'd like to ask those on the list who specialise in genetics whether it is possible for your psychological make up to overide biology in this way? I'll sign off now and hope that someone feels inspired enough to take these ideas into two new discussion threads. Some of this may seem like old ground but with so many new people on the list there may be some new ideas too! Jackie -------- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Neblett" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 08 Nov 2003 10:47:19 -0600 Littlemouse, Just wait. In a couple of days, you will get an email confirming your cancellation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 08 Nov 2003 09:14:43 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 8 Nov 2003, Robert Neblett wrote: > Littlemouse, > > Just wait. In a couple of days, you will get an email confirming your > cancellation. My order's been pending for close to a week now. Who knows :) -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 08 Nov 2003 13:57:29 EST --part1_7f.3ee09975.2cde9699_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/8/03 11:45:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > : > > Having had the opportunity to watch Heart of Soguth in its You;ve watched on the dvd ? --part1_7f.3ee09975.2cde9699_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/8/0= 3 11:45:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:


Having had the opportunity to watch Heart of Soguth in its

You;ve watched on the dvd ?
--part1_7f.3ee09975.2cde9699_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 08 Nov 2003 12:32:13 -0800 (PST) Steve C said: > Ok, gonna say it then...tough! How very helpful. > If I were in business and it wasn't financially viable then I would > probably act the same way and how can you say you wouldn't, from a > purely financial view. The point being that MVC did *NOT* say "We're sorry, but we have found the costs of doing business internationally to be prohibitively high, and thus will no longer be shipping outside the UK" -- they just came out with this lame line about not taking non-UK credit cards. It's laughable, really -- last time I checked a few days ago, they still had all the info about overseas shipping on their website. What's the POINT of that if no one can USE it? I'd imagine the number of UK expats abroad who maintain a UK credit card is only a fraction of the people outside the UK who might have patronized them, so what's the point of keeping the overseas shipping policy?? I suppose part of the problem is that from a business perspective, what they've done MAKES NO SENSE, and that's partly why we non-UK TP fans are so infuriated. Sorry if you find our venting boring, but I suppose we figured that other TP fans would understand our annoyance. > It's not as if there isn't another more open > policy company available to you, you'll just have to wait for the > exclusive to end that's all. True, but that has implications here, I think. Would it be unreasonable to ask the UK membership to hold off on making remarks about the commentaries that it's no longer reasonably possible for us in the US, Australia and elsewhere to get our hands on? > Someone who uses Ebay could make a nice profit though! I dunno -- it's been asked here on the list if anyone in the UK is willing to act as a sort of purchasing agent, and so far no one has stepped forward. I'm willing to pay a reasonable "commission" for putting someone to the trouble, but I'm not willing to pay £60 pounds for something that costs £30 in the shops. Note that the final total price (including shipping) MVC quoted me was £32.34. With a 20% commission, round it up -- I'll pay £40. I have both PayPal and Yahoo! PayDirect accounts, and I'm not averse to setting up with another service if necessary. Of course, it just occurred to me that we have no way of knowing if MVC would honor an order placed by someone in the UK, with a UK credit card, for delivery to one of us outside the UK. Not until someone actually tries it, anyway. George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 08 Nov 2003 12:50:48 -0800 (PST) David Steinberg said: > > My order's been pending for close to a week now. Who knows :) I certainly hope you get lucky -- but if they're currently waiting for more to come in, they may not have gotten to the point in their process where they notice your card is not from the UK and bounce your order. Hoping I'm wrong, George PS: If for some reason MVC does accept your credit card - how do YOU feel about playing purchasing agent? :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 08 Nov 2003 13:03:28 -0800 (PST) On Sat, 8 Nov 2003, George Madison wrote: > I certainly hope you get lucky -- but if they're currently waiting for > more to come in, they may not have gotten to the point in their process > where they notice your card is not from the UK and bounce your order. Oh I'm not expecting this to work, but I figure that if I'm going to rant about this, I should at least get turned down first. One bizarre theory that might work though is that they made me confirm my card last time I ordered from them. Maybe that put my card in some wacky ok to buy stuff limbo. > PS: If for some reason MVC does accept your credit card - how do YOU feel > about playing purchasing agent? :) Bridge, cross, when we get to it. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 08 Nov 2003 13:07:07 -0800 (PST) --0-1248868123-1068325627=:13131 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii That's what spoiler spaces/message titles are for. George Madison wrote: True, but that has implications here, I think. Would it be unreasonable to ask the UK membership to hold off on making remarks about the commentaries that it's no longer reasonably possible for us in the US, Australia and elsewhere to get our hands on? Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1248868123-1068325627=:13131 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
That's what spoiler spaces/message titles are for.

George Madison <> wrote:

True, but that has implications here, I think. Would it be unreasonable to
ask the UK membership to hold off on making remarks about the commentaries
that it's no longer reasonably possible for us in the US, Australia and
elsewhere to get our hands on?

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1248868123-1068325627=:13131-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 08 Nov 2003 13:16:49 -0800 (PST) P.S. from " will be happy to dispatch items to the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Island and the Channel Islands) as well the US, and the European & Rest Of The World destinations listed below." See, it shouldn't be a problem ;) -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPDIS: ADMIN: Spoiler Space Date: 09 Nov 2003 08:25:19 +1100 > True, but that has implications here, I think. Would it be unreasonable to > ask the UK membership to hold off on making remarks about the commentaries > that it's no longer reasonably possible for us in the US, Australia and > elsewhere to get our hands on? This is a very fair point. For the moment, could anybody who manages to get hold of the DVDs prior to them being widely available (and probably for a short period after they are available - get back to you on that) please place the words DVD spoiler with the name of the story concerned in the subject headings, and within the text include spoiler space before commenting. This gives people who haven't got access to the DVDs yet, the option of not reading messages that might spoil a surprise (-8 Posting as Assistant List Admin Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought Shaun Hately | (ISTJ) | | ICQ: 6898200 "You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 08 Nov 2003 13:32:40 -0800 (PST) Jackie Clark said: > Having had the opportunity to watch Heart of Soguth in its entirity for > myself (instead of other people's video's) has allowed me to appreciate > some on the important canonical points raised in this story. > While Elizabeth is talking to Major Turner, and afterwards with John, > she says some very interesting things. Firstly that the TP's cannot read > Sap minds. Secondly that it is the type of work undertaken by a tp which > holds back breakout. My only comment here is that the first point is somewhat at odds with the clearly demonstrated TP ability to interpret language from saps by sensing mental patterns, as was demonstrated in _A Rift In Time_. In an interesting way, this seems to be one of the MOST basic powers, as Gaius was able to damp out all their powers BUT this one. Also -- don't forget that Tricia was able to read Professor Cawston's mind in _Secret Weapon_, although not clearly. As Tricia did eventually break out and become a Tomorrow Person, I don't think this example can be discarded. > I'd like to talk about each of these in turn. > The first point made me wonder about the nature of the TP telepathy. > Taking four pieces of evidence in conjuntion with one another a) that at > breakout a TP is flooded with everyone's thoughts untul they manage to > put up some kind of mental barrier, b) that Mike was calling Pavla on an > open channel which Liz said 'every telepath in London must have heard,' > c) As said above they cannot, in fact read minds, d) That Peter detected > Tricia's intrusion and put up barriers in SW. I have developed my own > idea on the nature of telepathy. As I said, I have a bit of a quarrel with point (c); I suppose it depends on exactly how you define "reading a sap's mind." > As I see it, telepathy is broadcast as a signal but is qualitatively > different for TP's than other people and IMHO is very much a voluntary > process which allows the other TP access only to the thought one > chooses. In general the Sap's mind works as if it has a swing door (my > analogy for the physiological process). This door can accidentally swing > open and transmit thoughts to other people around who are capable of > receiving it, or alternatively it could swing inwards to allow another > telepath to make contact. Perhaps it's both qualitative and quantitative; the argument for qualitative is bolstered by the bit in _One Law_ where TIM remarks that he can only reliably pick up the transmissions of a "trained mind" and that he relies on the TP to sense the "less disciplined" signals. This implies that while TP have the innate ability (once they break out, or get close to breaking out), they have to learn certain techniques to take full advantage of the ability. Or perhaps it simply takes practice -- any skill requires practice to improve. I've posted before about my idea that both saps and TP have the same fundamental mental equipment -- but the TP have both more powerful transmission and more sensitive reception -- this being the quantitative part. Having to be very near a sap, and "listening" very carefully to sift out the meaning of their words from a very weak (and totally unskilled telepathically) "transmission" might be all they can manage. Without the focus of speaking aloud, a sap's mind may be so "scattered" that nothing useful can be detected. Tricia's being able to read Prof. Cawston (and, presumably, other saps) may be an unusual talent; perhaps for some reason Tricia has a particular talent for winnowing meaning from the undisciplined mind of a sap. Perhaps the fact that she hadn't broken out made her more "in tune" with sap thought patterns. It's difficult to say. On the sending side, Tomorrow People may have to "shout," telepathically speaking, to make a sap think that he's hearing words in his own language. Although this language interpretation process wasn't presented as especially strenuous or draining, we also didn't see them going at it for very long at a time. > This may seem very long winded but atm I'm working on a fan fict which > takes the TP's into the future and have been speclating at how they > would keep the mental peace if all telepathy was available to everyone > all the time. I have decided that there would have to be family > channels, emergency channels and individual channels used but in > addition the recipient has to open their own mind in order to be > receptive to the message. Thus TIM would not be able to eaves drop on > private conversations but could monitor, at the Tp's request, (as he did > Stephen and Elizabeth in Blue and Green) what was being said. Your idea is somewhat similar to how Julian May describes telepathy in her Galactic Milieu books, though she doesn't break it down quite that far. She describes what she calls "declamatory mode" which is like speaking (or shouting) in a room full of people, a transmission that anyone willing and able can hear, and "intimate mode" that is more like a whisper in the ear -- intended for one person only. While in her world it's possible to overhear an "intimate mode" transmission, it takes a sloppy telepath doing the sending and a powerful one (usually one who knows one of the two people in the conversation) to manage it. She describes the possibility to close one's mind to "declamatory mode" while remaining open on "intimate mode" -- and for that matter, to shut out specific people while remaining receptive to others. > I'm definately rambling now and will keep my second point short. We have > often speculated about the nature of the Prime Barrier, accepting the > concensus that it is a genetic biological mechanism. It was suggested to > me that it is more of a psychological process involving empathy for the > victim and this idea hit home when I heard the conversation in HOS. > John, or perhaps Liz, said that people working for the military were > prevented from breaking out by their choice of career. How could this be > if the PB was genetic? It was implied that once they gave up the job the > act of 'coming over to the goodies side' would free their minds and > allow full breakout. Perhaps being a TP is more than a genetic > difference after all? Perhaps a TP has to have a set of moral ideals and > until they are in place break out will not occur. Well, look at it this way -- if it's an empathy issue it makes perfect sense. Telepaths in the military are constantly exposed to violations of the Prime Barrier. Their minds recoil from the pain, and remain at a lower level of ability as a way to shield themselves from that pain. Think of the way some people who've been through a traumatic experience sometimes blot out the memory of that experience because they just can't deal with it at the time. I would imagine that only the most powerful telepaths in a situation like that still demonstrate telepathic ability -- or perhaps the most callous. Those in whom the talent is weaker -- or who are more sensitive -- might completely repress the talent. I don't know if we can read anything into this, but out of our sample of two military telepaths, both were female -- Tricia Conway and Major Turner. I've seen studies that indicate that despite the cultural conceit of women being the "weaker sex," they generally have a higher pain threshold than men do. (Just speculating wildly, here....) > I'd like to ask those on the list who specialise in genetics whether it > is possible for your psychological make up to overide biology in this > way? I'm not a specialist in genetics, but I'd say we do this all the time. Genetically speaking, males are programmed to spread their DNA far and wide, and yet most wind up obeying cultural strictures that significantly limit that sort of behaviour. I'm not sure if that's really the same sort of thing, but I believe it's in the same area. George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 08 Nov 2003 14:18:18 -0800 (PST) --0-109475247-1068329898=:21600 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Regarding Secret Weapon, let's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able to get into the priest's mind, and do whatever whammy job she needed to so that he'd think Stephen was one of his charges. Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-109475247-1068329898=:21600 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Regarding Secret Weapon, let's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able to get into the priest's mind, and do whatever whammy job she needed to so that he'd think Stephen was one of his charges.

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-109475247-1068329898=:21600-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 08 Nov 2003 18:31:32 -0800 (PST) M K said: > Regarding Secret Weapon, let's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able > to get into the priest's mind, and do whatever whammy job she needed to > so that he'd think Stephen was one of his charges. Oh, *good catch*! I'd forgotten about that bit's relevance to this topic. I think there's a definite disparity between what the TP *say* they can do in terms of contact with sap minds, and what they're actually *shown* to be capable of doing. I mean, it seems clear to me that to implant memories such as in the example above, the TP in question would have to be able to *read* the sap's thoughts in order to be able to "splice in" the new memory correctly. And how about at the end of _The Blue and the Green_ where Stephen wipes the memory of Chris Harding from those policemen? That would seem to require a fairly extensive degree of contact with a sap mind as well -- since it's clear he ONLY removed the memories of Chris, he didn't wipe their entire memory. Again, he'd have had to look around a bit to be sure that's all he was removing. My personal take on it (which is perhaps not directly supported by the show, but seems to "feel right" to me) is that the TP feel it's rude and inappropriate to spy on the minds of people who can't defend themselves from that sort of intrusion, and thus do so ONLY when absolutely necessary. I think Elizabeth's remark to Major Turner was both an oversimplification *and* a bit of misdirection -- consider what Maj. Turner had JUST DONE, and why. Would you want to let her think that you can go around reading the minds of (for instance) high government and military officials, or visiting foreign diplomats and dignitaries? I certainly wouldn't! George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 10:07:30 EST --part1_47.357e045e.2cdfb232_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/8/03 5:18:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Regarding Secret Weapon, let's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able to > get into the priest's mind, and do whatever whammy job she needed to so that > he'd think Stephen was one of Am I wrong or did she also read Cawston's mind at one point somewhere? And if the TP are supposed to be stronger, than how come Tricia when she wasn't a TP could get inside Stephen's mind to some extent (?) maybe? --part1_47.357e045e.2cdfb232_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/8/0= 3 5:18:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Regarding Secret Weapon, le= t's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able to get into the priest's mind,= and do whatever whammy job she needed to so that he'd think Stephen was one= of

Am I wrong or did she also read Cawston's mind at one point somewhere? A= nd if the TP are supposed to be stronger, than how come Tricia when she wasn= 't a TP could get inside Stephen's  mind to some extent (?) maybe? --part1_47.357e045e.2cdfb232_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 10:12:36 EST --part1_189.212436db.2cdfb364_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 11/9/2003 10:09:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > In a message dated 11/8/03 5:18:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > > >> Regarding Secret Weapon, let's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able >> to get into the priest's mind, and do whatever whammy job she needed to so >> that he'd think Stephen was one of > > Am I wrong or did she also read Cawston's mind at one point somewhere? And > if the TP are supposed to be stronger, than how come Tricia when she wasn't a > TP could get inside Stephen's mind to some extent (?) maybe? Maybe Stephen's shields weren't what they ought to be? I think we all agree that's a matter of practice and will power. Toreen --part1_189.212436db.2cdfb364_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable In a message dated 11/9= /2003 10:09:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

In a message dated 11/8/03 5:18:39 PM Eastern Standard Time= , writes:

Regarding Secret Weapon, let's=20= not forget that Elizabeth was easily able to get into the priest's mind, and= do whatever whammy job she needed to so that he'd think Stephen was one of=20=

Am I wrong or did she also read Cawston's mind at one point somewhere? And i= f the TP are supposed to be stronger, than how come Tricia when she wasn't a= TP could get inside Stephen's  mind to some extent (?) maybe?

Maybe Stephen's=20= shields weren't what they ought to be? I think we all agree that's a matter=20= of practice and will power.
--part1_189.212436db.2cdfb364_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 07:35:26 -0800 (PST) --0-1457098534-1068392126=:33001 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii The plot and dialogue of Secret Weapon reveals the answer to Steve's query. Stephen was not expecting another telepath in the room, so his guard was down. Once he felt her presence in his mind he put up "a shield" (Tricia's word) and blocked her. Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1457098534-1068392126=:33001 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
The plot and dialogue of Secret Weapon reveals the answer to Steve's query.
Stephen was not expecting another telepath in the room, so his guard was down. Once he felt her presence in his mind he put up "a shield" (Tricia's word) and blocked her.

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1457098534-1068392126=:33001-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jawzi" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 16:58:10 -0000 there would have to be family channels, emergency channels and > individual channels used but in addition the recipient has to open their own > mind in order to be receptive to the message. Thus TIM would not be able to > eaves drop on private conversations but could monitor, at the Tp's request, > (as he did Stephen and Elizabeth in Blue and Green) what was being said. The idea of different channels makes perfect sense and there is some evidence for this. In the last scene of "Secret Weapon" Tricia says: "I heard two voices that time." John replies: "That's because I wanted you to." (Quoting from memory here.) We have > often speculated about the nature of the Prime Barrier, accepting the > concensus that it is a genetic biological mechanism. It was suggested to me > that it is more of a psychological process involving empathy for the victim > and this idea hit home when I heard the conversation in HOS. John, or > perhaps Liz, said that people working for the military were prevented from > breaking out by their choice of career. How could this be if the PB was > genetic? It was implied that once they gave up the job the act of 'coming > over to the goodies side' would free their minds and allow full breakout. > Perhaps being a TP is more than a genetic difference after all? Perhaps a TP > has to have a set of moral ideals and until they are in place break out will > not occur. This conversation actually occurs in "The Dirtiest Business," not "Heart of Sogguth." Elizabeth says: "Major Turner could be a TP, except that working for the SIS stops her from developing her full powers." John tells Mike: "So you see, Mike, there's no future for you as a spy. If you tried it, you'd probably lose your special powers or the conflict inside your head would kill you." There certainly is a moral imperative at work here. Intelligence work involves deception, not to mention unsavoury activities such as bugging, burglary, blackmail, entrapment. (The dirtiest business, in fact.) In addition it's possible that working for a particular organisation or country would conflict with one's loyalty to the TP. In "Secret Weapon" it's stressed that TP know no national boundaries - they owe loyalty to no one country, only to each other and to Earth as a whole. Tricia breaks out while still technically working for SIS. However, it appears to be the desire to help the TP defeat Jedikiah, not to mention saving Elizabeth and John, that causes her to break out. Perhaps the wish connects her to them in some way, or maybe it's the fact that she feels compassion for them and so makes a moral choice. In "Secret Weapon," on the other hand, she makes no attempt to help Stephen and Tyso. What puzzles me is the fact that John and Elizabeth realise that Major Turner could be a TP, if only she didn't work for SIS, yet neither seem at all inclined to tell her so, while in "Secret Weapon" John goes to great pains to impress upon Tricia that "It's not too late." What reason does he have for this belief? After all, he'd only just met Tricia and knows nothing at all about her. She nearly killed him with the Synaptrol. For all he knows, she could have been in Intelligence for years, so how can he possibly tell that her loyalty to SIS can be overcome? No explanation is ever given. Anyta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jawzi" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 17:00:51 -0000 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 2:31 AM > I think there's a definite disparity between what the TP *say* they can do > in terms of contact with sap minds, and what they're actually *shown* to > be capable of doing. > > I mean, it seems clear to me that to implant memories such as in the > example above, the TP in question would have to be able to *read* the > sap's thoughts in order to be able to "splice in" the new memory > correctly. And how about at the end of _The Blue and the Green_ where > Stephen wipes the memory of Chris Harding from those policemen? That would > seem to require a fairly extensive degree of contact with a sap mind as > well -- since it's clear he ONLY removed the memories of Chris, he didn't > wipe their entire memory. Again, he'd have had to look around a bit to be > sure that's all he was removing. > > My personal take on it (which is perhaps not directly supported by the > show, but seems to "feel right" to me) is that the TP feel it's rude and > inappropriate to spy on the minds of people who can't defend themselves > from that sort of intrusion, and thus do so ONLY when absolutely > necessary. I think Elizabeth's remark to Major Turner was both an > oversimplification *and* a bit of misdirection -- consider what Maj. > Turner had JUST DONE, and why. Would you want to let her think that you > can go around reading the minds of (for instance) high government and > military officials, or visiting foreign diplomats and dignitaries? I > certainly wouldn't! > > George I agree with you completely on these points. There are so many inconsistencies on the subject of reading Sap minds that we just can't take statements at face value. Anyta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jawzi" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 17:21:47 -0000 Yes, she does read Cawston's mind and he becomes very agitated under her scrutiny. Even though he doesn't know she's a telepath at that point, he seems to put two and two together. Tricia also reads the priest's mind and is perplexed by the confusion she finds there. Obviously she can't tell that his memory has been tampered with. Anyta. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 3:12 PM In a message dated 11/9/2003 10:09:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: In a message dated 11/8/03 5:18:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Regarding Secret Weapon, let's not forget that Elizabeth was easily able to get into the priest's mind, and do whatever whammy job she needed to so that he'd think Stephen was one of Am I wrong or did she also read Cawston's mind at one point somewhere? And if the TP are supposed to be stronger, than how come Tricia when she wasn't a TP could get inside Stephen's mind to some extent (?) maybe? Maybe Stephen's shields weren't what they ought to be? I think we all agree that's a matter of practice and will power. Toreen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve C" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 09 Nov 2003 18:22:11 -0000 Ok you have the wording, so go challenge someone at MVC and not just a customer service rep but a supervisor or above. Rather than email try a phone call, get a promise and a name and keep to the same line, ie cards valid, you say you deliver outside UK. Sorry to be harsh but please stop whining and do something, because we in the UK can't do anything more than you can. In fact after they run out of the exclusive stock we'll have to wait just like you do....I had to do just this for the season 3 set, their online message said 'waiting for stock' for months! Heck it's nice that we get something before the US, you get almost everything first! Steve C ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 9:16 PM > P.S. from > > " will be happy to dispatch items to the UK (England, > Scotland, Wales, Northern Island and the Channel Islands) as well the > US, and the European & Rest Of The World destinations listed below." > > > See, it shouldn't be a problem ;) > > -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" > *********************************************************************** > *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* > * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * > * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* > * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * > * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * > *********************************************************************** > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CKB" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 09 Nov 2003 19:22:31 -0000 hey all Just wanted to say I picked up my box set today and am off to watch the lot!! Colin ----- Original Message ----- Sent: 09 November 2003 18:22 > Ok you have the wording, so go challenge someone at MVC and not just a > customer service rep but a supervisor or above. Rather than email try a > phone call, get a promise and a name and keep to the same line, ie cards > valid, you say you deliver outside UK. > Sorry to be harsh but please stop whining and do something, because we in > the UK can't do anything more than you can. In fact after they run out of > the exclusive stock we'll have to wait just like you do....I had to do just > this for the season 3 set, their online message said 'waiting for stock' for > months! Heck it's nice that we get something before the US, you get almost > everything first! > > Steve C > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "David Steinberg" > To: > Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 9:16 PM > Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets > > > > P.S. from > > > > " will be happy to dispatch items to the UK (England, > > Scotland, Wales, Northern Island and the Channel Islands) as well the > > US, and the European & Rest Of The World destinations listed below." > > > > > > See, it shouldn't be a problem ;) > > > > -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" > > *********************************************************************** > > *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* > > * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * > > * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* > > * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * > > * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * > > *********************************************************************** > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Fagan Subject: TPDIS: Commentaries Date: 09 Nov 2003 11:18:19 -0800 Is PVC involved in the commentaries for season 5? Before I joined this list I heard he might be hosting the commentaries when his character is gone from the episodes. - Peter _________________________________________________________________ Peter Fagan Theta-G | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Commentaries - possible spoiler Date: 09 Nov 2003 21:56:58 -0000 Spoiler space 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 PVC acted as host/interviewer for Dirtiest Business only. I haven't heard from him in a while so don't know if he'll be doing any in the future. Jackie ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 7:18 PM > Is PVC involved in the commentaries for season 5? > > Before I joined this list I heard he might be hosting the commentaries when > his character is gone from the episodes. > > - Peter > _________________________________________________________________ > Peter Fagan > Theta-G > | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CKB" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 09 Nov 2003 22:13:04 -0000 Hey again Well, have just watched One law, and have now also watched about 15 minutes into the commentary. Slightly more serious than the usual I think with Mike having a "serious" input. But HEY JACKIE!!!!!! You get a mention! FAB!!!!! Have been remembering fondly tonight the great fun we all had at the 30th bash! I have moved house so have lost a few emails addresses which I would like to get before Christmas. You should all know who you are! So let me know off list! Cheers Col ----- Original Message ----- Sent: 08 November 2003 16:44 > Hi, > I've been reading all the posts about the box set and noticed the anxious > comments from people in the US who fear that they will not be able to get > hold of the latest stories. Something made me check back through recent > mails I have received and I found a comment from Revelation Films that you > might find interesting. > > They mentioned that 'One Law' will be out in February but available before > that as part of a box set available from MVC stores. So I guess it will be > on general release and available through Blackstar etc in a few months time. > As Beth has already said some of the overseas fans will just have to be > patient. > > Onto the main reason for this post: > > Having had the opportunity to watch Heart of Soguth in its entirity for > myself (instead of other people's video's) has allowed me to appreciate some > on the important canonical points raised in this story. > > While Elizabeth is talking to Major Turner, and afterwards with John, she > says some very interesting things. Firstly that the TP's cannot read Sap > minds. Secondly that it is the type of work undertaken by a tp which holds > back breakout. > > I'd like to talk about each of these in turn. > The first point made me wonder about the nature of the TP telepathy. Taking > four pieces of evidence in conjuntion with one another a) that at breakout a > TP is flooded with everyone's thoughts untul they manage to put up some kind > of mental barrier, b) that Mike was calling Pavla on an open channel which > Liz said 'every telepath in London must have heard,' c) As said above they > cannot, in fact read minds, d) That Peter detected Tricia's intrusion and > put up barriers in SW. I have developed my own idea on the nature of > telepathy. > > As I see it, telepathy is broadcast as a signal but is qualitatively > different for TP's than other people and IMHO is very much a voluntary > process which allows the other TP access only to the thought one chooses. In > general the Sap's mind works as if it has a swing door (my analogy for the > physiological process). This door can accidentally swing open and transmit > thoughts to other people around who are capable of receiving it, or > alternatively it could swing inwards to allow another telepath to make > contact. > > Before breakout the TP mind works like a Sap mind but at brekout it's as if > the door gets stuck open (facing inwards) thus flooding the individual with > a jumble of transmissions. The notion of thinking of a fist is a way for the > TP to push the door closed and gain some control over when they choose to > open it in future. Once they have gained control they can then select who > they transmit to, it's a bit like email. If I wanted to send a message to > everyone on the list I send a general post to tpdis, you can access it by > opening your own mail program. But if I wanted to speak to the ops alone I > would address my message to them individually either with separate messages > or with multiple recipients in the address. The TP telepathy could be > similar. There could be a carrier wave that identifies who the messag is > meant to go to but the individual has to open their mind up to receive the > message and if they wish to can block out individual senders. > > This may seem very long winded but atm I'm working on a fan fict which takes > the TP's into the future and have been speclating at how they would keep the > mental peace if all telepathy was available to everyone all the time. I have > decided that there would have to be family channels, emergency channels and > individual channels used but in addition the recipient has to open their own > mind in order to be receptive to the message. Thus TIM would not be able to > eaves drop on private conversations but could monitor, at the Tp's request, > (as he did Stephen and Elizabeth in Blue and Green) what was being said. > > I'm definately rambling now and will keep my second point short. We have > often speculated about the nature of the Prime Barrier, accepting the > concensus that it is a genetic biological mechanism. It was suggested to me > that it is more of a psychological process involving empathy for the victim > and this idea hit home when I heard the conversation in HOS. John, or > perhaps Liz, said that people working for the military were prevented from > breaking out by their choice of career. How could this be if the PB was > genetic? It was implied that once they gave up the job the act of 'coming > over to the goodies side' would free their minds and allow full breakout. > Perhaps being a TP is more than a genetic difference after all? Perhaps a TP > has to have a set of moral ideals and until they are in place break out will > not occur. > > I'd like to ask those on the list who specialise in genetics whether it is > possible for your psychological make up to overide biology in this way? > > I'll sign off now and hope that someone feels inspired enough to take these > ideas into two new discussion threads. Some of this may seem like old ground > but with so many new people on the list there may be some new ideas too! > > Jackie > > -------- > May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: tp movie? Date: 09 Nov 2003 17:17:16 EST --part1_19b.1ce2cbb0.2ce016ec_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I heard there was to be a new TP movie. Anyone hear anything about this? I think I heard about this on this newsgroup but I'm not sure. --part1_19b.1ce2cbb0.2ce016ec_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I heard there was to be a= new TP movie. Anyone hear anything about this? I think I heard about this o= n this newsgroup but I'm not sure. --part1_19b.1ce2cbb0.2ce016ec_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: tp movie? Date: 09 Nov 2003 15:46:39 -0800 (PST) --0-1015695621-1068421599=:68348 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I believe it was a new SERIES that was mentioned, to Jackie, by some gentleman she met at a dinner party (or other similar type of event). I don't think we've heard a single word on it since the initial message she posted here. wrote: I heard there was to be a new TP movie. Anyone hear anything about this? I think I heard about this on this newsgroup but I'm not sure. Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1015695621-1068421599=:68348 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I believe it was a new SERIES that was mentioned, to Jackie, by some gentleman she met at a dinner party (or other similar type of event).
I don't think we've heard a single word on it since the initial message she posted here. wrote:
I heard there was to be a new TP movie. Anyone hear anything about this? I think I heard about this on this newsgroup but I'm not sure.

Do you Yahoo!?
Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard --0-1015695621-1068421599=:68348-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Queen=20Cleopatra?= Subject: RE: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 10 Nov 2003 03:11:54 +0000 (GMT) I've had my orders cancelled and I have now received an email saying that due to administrative costs they no longer deal with Visa transactions that aren't with UK banks. Zoe --- wrote: > Hmm interesting, I ordered from MVC and checked > today on my order and it > says waiting for stock... > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of > Robert Neblett > Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:22 PM > To: > Subject: TPDIS: DVD Sets > > Amazon UK does not have the sets available for > ordering. It lists > "limited > availability," but there is no way to order it. At > Tower Records UK, > you > have to special order it. > > I'm actually surprised that Streets Online took your > credit card, > because > the email I got rejecting my order from MVC was > actually from a Streets > Online email address. I ordered again from MVC and > haven't gotten a > rejection yet, but I'm expecting one any minute now. > Let us all know if > your order goes through and you actually receive > your merchandise. > > As I said on the Yahoo Group, this is all very > perplexing, especially > since > Revelation Films doesn't even list Series 4 & 5 on > their website as > available yet (at least they didn't as of > yesterday). > > I just finished watching Series 3 yesterday and am > dying to get to 4 & 5 > now! > > Geekily yours, > Robert > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Queen=20Cleopatra?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 10 Nov 2003 03:18:03 +0000 (GMT) Hey I would be happy to accept that but MVC say they accept orders from all over the world and that they accept Visa, Amex etc. Nowhere on the site (and I have searched) does it say the cards must be drawn on UK banks. If it is truly the case that foreign orders cost them money then they shouldn't advertise that they accept them. It's misleading advertising and surely they must be getting sick of having to cancel so many foreign orders - that must be costing them time and money. Why not charge higher fees to cover their extra costs, most of us have already agreed we would be willing to pay 50 pounds to get them. That's an extra 20 pounds in MVC's pocket. Zoe --- Steve C wrote: > Ok, gonna say it then...tough! > > If I were in business and it wasn't financially > viable then I would probably act the same way and > how can you say you wouldn't, from a purely > financial view. It's not as if there isn't another > more open policy company available to you, you'll > just have to wait for the exclusive to end that's > all. > > If there was more demand for overseas shipping for > MVC in general then I dare say this whole issue > wouldn't exist, but there isn't and it does. As I > said tough! :-) > > Someone who uses Ebay could make a nice profit > though! > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 2:51 PM > Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness > > > In a message dated 11/8/03 9:16:53 AM Eastern > Standard Time, writes: > > > > I do sympathise with you all but please can't > everyone just accept the > situation hard as it is to do so. > > > > NO! ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: RE: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 09 Nov 2003 19:26:20 -0800 (PST) my order was with a mastercard. Still waiting. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: RE: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 10 Nov 2003 22:31:31 +1100 What about us poor suckers in Australia that get nothing.. oh sorry we got the Back to the Future DVD set first.. But other than that. -----Original Message----- On Behalf Of Steve C Sent: Monday, 10 November 2003 5:22 AM Ok you have the wording, so go challenge someone at MVC and not just a customer service rep but a supervisor or above. Rather than email try a phone call, get a promise and a name and keep to the same line, ie cards valid, you say you deliver outside UK. Sorry to be harsh but please stop whining and do something, because we in the UK can't do anything more than you can. In fact after they run out of the exclusive stock we'll have to wait just like you do....I had to do just this for the season 3 set, their online message said 'waiting for stock' for months! Heck it's nice that we get something before the US, you get almost everything first! Steve C ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 9:16 PM > P.S. from > > " will be happy to dispatch items to the UK (England, > Scotland, Wales, Northern Island and the Channel Islands) as well the > US, and the European & Rest Of The World destinations listed below." > > > See, it shouldn't be a problem ;) > > -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" > *********************************************************************** > *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* > * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * > * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* > * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * > * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * > *********************************************************************** > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: RE: TPDIS: DVD's and series canon. Date: 10 Nov 2003 22:32:52 +1100 Could you please give us a report of who does all the commentaries etc on the episodes. At least we would have all the info on the DVD's!! Thanks Warren -----Original Message----- On Behalf Of CKB Sent: Monday, 10 November 2003 9:13 AM Hey again Well, have just watched One law, and have now also watched about 15 minutes into the commentary. Slightly more serious than the usual I think with Mike having a "serious" input. But HEY JACKIE!!!!!! You get a mention! FAB!!!!! Have been remembering fondly tonight the great fun we all had at the 30th bash! I have moved house so have lost a few emails addresses which I would like to get before Christmas. You should all know who you are! So let me know off list! Cheers Col ----- Original Message ----- Sent: 08 November 2003 16:44 > Hi, > I've been reading all the posts about the box set and noticed the anxious > comments from people in the US who fear that they will not be able to get > hold of the latest stories. Something made me check back through recent > mails I have received and I found a comment from Revelation Films that you > might find interesting. > > They mentioned that 'One Law' will be out in February but available before > that as part of a box set available from MVC stores. So I guess it will be > on general release and available through Blackstar etc in a few months time. > As Beth has already said some of the overseas fans will just have to be > patient. > > Onto the main reason for this post: > > Having had the opportunity to watch Heart of Soguth in its entirity for > myself (instead of other people's video's) has allowed me to appreciate some > on the important canonical points raised in this story. > > While Elizabeth is talking to Major Turner, and afterwards with John, she > says some very interesting things. Firstly that the TP's cannot read Sap > minds. Secondly that it is the type of work undertaken by a tp which holds > back breakout. > > I'd like to talk about each of these in turn. > The first point made me wonder about the nature of the TP telepathy. Taking > four pieces of evidence in conjuntion with one another a) that at breakout a > TP is flooded with everyone's thoughts untul they manage to put up some kind > of mental barrier, b) that Mike was calling Pavla on an open channel which > Liz said 'every telepath in London must have heard,' c) As said above they > cannot, in fact read minds, d) That Peter detected Tricia's intrusion and > put up barriers in SW. I have developed my own idea on the nature of > telepathy. > > As I see it, telepathy is broadcast as a signal but is qualitatively > different for TP's than other people and IMHO is very much a voluntary > process which allows the other TP access only to the thought one chooses. In > general the Sap's mind works as if it has a swing door (my analogy for the > physiological process). This door can accidentally swing open and transmit > thoughts to other people around who are capable of receiving it, or > alternatively it could swing inwards to allow another telepath to make > contact. > > Before breakout the TP mind works like a Sap mind but at brekout it's as if > the door gets stuck open (facing inwards) thus flooding the individual with > a jumble of transmissions. The notion of thinking of a fist is a way for the > TP to push the door closed and gain some control over when they choose to > open it in future. Once they have gained control they can then select who > they transmit to, it's a bit like email. If I wanted to send a message to > everyone on the list I send a general post to tpdis, you can access it by > opening your own mail program. But if I wanted to speak to the ops alone I > would address my message to them individually either with separate messages > or with multiple recipients in the address. The TP telepathy could be > similar. There could be a carrier wave that identifies who the messag is > meant to go to but the individual has to open their mind up to receive the > message and if they wish to can block out individual senders. > > This may seem very long winded but atm I'm working on a fan fict which takes > the TP's into the future and have been speclating at how they would keep the > mental peace if all telepathy was available to everyone all the time. I have > decided that there would have to be family channels, emergency channels and > individual channels used but in addition the recipient has to open their own > mind in order to be receptive to the message. Thus TIM would not be able to > eaves drop on private conversations but could monitor, at the Tp's request, > (as he did Stephen and Elizabeth in Blue and Green) what was being said. > > I'm definately rambling now and will keep my second point short. We have > often speculated about the nature of the Prime Barrier, accepting the > concensus that it is a genetic biological mechanism. It was suggested to me > that it is more of a psychological process involving empathy for the victim > and this idea hit home when I heard the conversation in HOS. John, or > perhaps Liz, said that people working for the military were prevented from > breaking out by their choice of career. How could this be if the PB was > genetic? It was implied that once they gave up the job the act of 'coming > over to the goodies side' would free their minds and allow full breakout. > Perhaps being a TP is more than a genetic difference after all? Perhaps a TP > has to have a set of moral ideals and until they are in place break out will > not occur. > > I'd like to ask those on the list who specialise in genetics whether it is > possible for your psychological make up to overide biology in this way? > > I'll sign off now and hope that someone feels inspired enough to take these > ideas into two new discussion threads. Some of this may seem like old ground > but with so many new people on the list there may be some new ideas too! > > Jackie > > -------- > May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve C" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 10 Nov 2003 11:49:10 -0000 ...and White Maltesers! ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:31 AM > What about us poor suckers in Australia that get nothing.. oh sorry we got > the Back to the Future DVD set first.. But other than that. > > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > On Behalf Of Steve C > Sent: Monday, 10 November 2003 5:22 AM > To: > Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets > > Ok you have the wording, so go challenge someone at MVC and not just a > customer service rep but a supervisor or above. Rather than email try a > phone call, get a promise and a name and keep to the same line, ie cards > valid, you say you deliver outside UK. > Sorry to be harsh but please stop whining and do something, because we in > the UK can't do anything more than you can. In fact after they run out of > the exclusive stock we'll have to wait just like you do....I had to do just > this for the season 3 set, their online message said 'waiting for stock' for > months! Heck it's nice that we get something before the US, you get almost > everything first! > > Steve C > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "David Steinberg" > To: > Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 9:16 PM > Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets > > > > P.S. from > > > > " will be happy to dispatch items to the UK (England, > > Scotland, Wales, Northern Island and the Channel Islands) as well the > > US, and the European & Rest Of The World destinations listed below." > > > > > > See, it shouldn't be a problem ;) > > > > -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" > > *********************************************************************** > > *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* > > * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * > > * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* > > * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * > > * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * > > *********************************************************************** > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "mark pagala" Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness Date: 13 Nov 2003 21:34:06 +0000

I finally caved and bought the series 4/5 set on E-bay for 49.99 GBP (Buy-it-now).  There is a great deal of profit to be made on suckers like me.  After tacking on another 15.50 GBP for shipping and handling, this brings the grand total to $110.  No one said that recapturing your childhood was going to come cheap.  It's still loads less expensive than flying over to buy a copy, which was very tempting to do.

If there other impatients out there who are unwilling to wait the next time a boxed set is released, maybe we could pool our resources together and send someone to do our bidding.  Of course, this is dependent on whether MVC continues to remain unenlightened.  I've got frequent flyer miles that I'm willing to part with.  They could probably be used on flights from the other side of The Pond as well.

>From: "Steve C"
>Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness
>Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 15:22:40 -0000
>Ok, gonna say it then...tough!
>If I were in business and it wasn't financially viable then I would probably act the same way and how can you say you wouldn't, from a purely financial view. It's not as if there isn't another more open policy company available to you, you'll just have to wait for the exclusive to end that's all.
>If there was more demand for overseas shipping for MVC in general then I dare say this whole issue wouldn't exist, but there isn't and it does. As I said tough! :-)
>Someone who uses Ebay could make a nice profit though!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVDs and Sadness
> In a message dated 11/8/03 9:16:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> I do sympathise with you all but please can't everyone just accept the
> situation hard as it is to do so.
> NO!

Send a QuickGreet with MSN Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: DVD Sets Date: 13 Nov 2003 13:52:20 -0800 (PST) Still waiting for stock. If I stay much longer in hyperspace, my arms might float away. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Drew Thiele Subject: TPDIS: May not make it Date: 15 Nov 2003 14:48:30 -0800 --=======61381F5C======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-44BB1834; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I may not make it to the chat room thing tonight, cuz I have a friend visiting. I may pop in later, just in case. Laters all :) Drew --=======61381F5C======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-44BB1834 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.535 / Virus Database: 330 - Release Date: 11/1/03 --=======61381F5C=======-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Trina L Short" Subject: Re: TPDIS: My Introduction Date: 15 Nov 2003 18:44:40 -0500 First, a piece of advice that I'm sure most of you knew already... If you join a mailing list with one e-mail address, do make sure that you send e-mail *to* that list with the same e- mail address... (I'd been wondering why my e-mail never seemed to arrived. Finally, the light dawned!) Something I wrote back on November 4th: On 3 Nov 2003 at 3:29, Peter Fagan wrote: Thete! Wow, surprised to see you here! > Congratulations on those eight years! This is a great time for TP, isn't it? Amen to that. > I'm one of those who followed the 70's series on > Nickelodeon in the US in the 80's. Ditto. Turns out I was fooled into watching The Tomorrow People. Cable was a new thing in the family and I'd seen this thing that was the end of a quiz "show" about the moons of Jupiter and it caught my interest. And they said something about checking in next week (or similar). So the following week, I tuned in half an hour early to catch the start of this "show." Well, that Jupiter thing had been one of Nickelodeon's short features that they had aired after the Tomorrow People was over. So I ended up watching this British sci fi show (which, thankfully, according to dad, wasn't Doctor Who) and almost immediately became a fan. And to this day, Liz is one of my biggest heros. (And it's thanks to The Tomorrow People that I eventually became a Doctor Who fan - and eventual Sylvester McCoy fan, which is what I is today...) > Carol remains my favorite Tomorrow Person. Gah! I never knew this about you! We shall definitely have to have words next time we meet on #drwhochat. ;-) Now, as to the TP list - my original foray online wasn't in search of Tomorrow People fandom but Doctor Who fandom. It wasn't until much later that I discovered the lists. I lurked for about a year or so (or was it more?) but it wasn't until the DVDs came out that I decided to return to the discussion list. So now I'm back to lurking on the TP list. :-) Happy anniversary, list! -- trinalin =A92003 ACME Page Fillers, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: Sunday Chat Date: 16 Nov 2003 16:29:22 -0000 Hi Folks, Sunday chat has just started and today's topic is 'What would you do if you were telepathic?' Why not join us for a bit of TP fun and brighten up a dreary afternoon? Cya on Jackie -------- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CKB" Subject: TPDIS: SCARED! Date: 19 Nov 2003 23:01:44 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C3AEF1.1A115240 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hey all Have just finished watching The Heart Of Sogguth. This is the first time = I have seen this since it was first transmitted. I have to say, rather = ashamedly that in some places it is actually quite scary! Could have = been much better if this had been a longer story and was a bit rushed at = the end but some of the "chanting" bits were spooky. Kind of reminded me = of The Daemons in Doctor Who. (Now THAT WAS scary!) Anyhoo, off to have a laugh at the commentary now......but it's just not = the same without PVC! Mike is VERY serious.... have fun watching all. PS In London next weekend. Any 30th dinner folk around? Colin ------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C3AEF1.1A115240 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hey all
Have just finished watching The Heart Of Sogguth. = This is the=20 first time I have seen this since it was first transmitted. I have to = say,=20 rather ashamedly that in some places it is actually quite scary! Could = have been=20 much better if this had been a longer story and was a bit rushed at the = end but=20 some of the "chanting" bits were spooky. Kind of reminded me of The = Daemons in=20 Doctor Who. (Now THAT WAS scary!)
Anyhoo, off to have a laugh at the commentary = now......but=20 it's just not the same without PVC! Mike is VERY = serious....
have fun watching all.
PS In London next weekend. Any 30th dinner folk=20 around?
------=_NextPart_000_0005_01C3AEF1.1A115240-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Carol Bevis" Subject: RE: TPDIS: SCARED! Date: 21 Nov 2003 17:00:20 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0014_01C3B050.F25F4CF0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I hope your copy was better than mine. Did you notice any problems with it? I had little marks on the picture on that DVD. Regards, Carol -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of CKB Sent: 19 November 2003 23:02 To: Subject: TPDIS: SCARED! Hey all Have just finished watching The Heart Of Sogguth. This is the first time I have seen this since it was first transmitted. I have to say, rather ashamedly that in some places it is actually quite scary! Could have been much better if this had been a longer story and was a bit rushed at the end but some of the "chanting" bits were spooky. Kind of reminded me of The Daemons in Doctor Who. (Now THAT WAS scary!) Anyhoo, off to have a laugh at the commentary now......but it's just not the same without PVC! Mike is VERY serious.... have fun watching all. PS In London next weekend. Any 30th dinner folk around? Colin ------=_NextPart_000_0014_01C3B050.F25F4CF0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I hope=20 your copy was better than mine. Did you notice any problems with it? I = had=20 little marks on the picture on that DVD.
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 = []On=20 Behalf Of CKB
Sent: 19 November 2003 23:02
To: =
Subject: TPDIS:=20 SCARED!

Hey all
Have just finished watching The Heart Of Sogguth. = This is=20 the first time I have seen this since it was first transmitted. I have = to say,=20 rather ashamedly that in some places it is actually quite scary! Could = have=20 been much better if this had been a longer story and was a bit rushed = at the=20 end but some of the "chanting" bits were spooky. Kind of reminded me = of The=20 Daemons in Doctor Who. (Now THAT WAS scary!)
Anyhoo, off to have a laugh at the commentary = now......but=20 it's just not the same without PVC! Mike is VERY = serious....
have fun watching all.
PS In London next weekend. Any 30th dinner folk=20 around?
------=_NextPart_000_0014_01C3B050.F25F4CF0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CKB" Subject: Re: TPDIS: SCARED! Date: 21 Nov 2003 18:26:07 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C3B05C.EE0FD280 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable No the quality was OK. I did have a few probs with AMNH. Commentaries are not quite so funny now eh? Hope you are well. (I'm = still available for acting!) ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Carol Bevis=20 To: Sent: 21 November 2003 17:00 Subject: RE: TPDIS: SCARED! I hope your copy was better than mine. Did you notice any problems = with it? I had little marks on the picture on that DVD. =20 Regards, =20 Carol -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of CKB Sent: 19 November 2003 23:02 To: Subject: TPDIS: SCARED! Hey all Have just finished watching The Heart Of Sogguth. This is the first = time I have seen this since it was first transmitted. I have to say, = rather ashamedly that in some places it is actually quite scary! Could = have been much better if this had been a longer story and was a bit = rushed at the end but some of the "chanting" bits were spooky. Kind of = reminded me of The Daemons in Doctor Who. (Now THAT WAS scary!) Anyhoo, off to have a laugh at the commentary now......but it's just = not the same without PVC! Mike is VERY serious.... have fun watching all. PS In London next weekend. Any 30th dinner folk around? Colin ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C3B05C.EE0FD280 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
No the quality was OK. I did have a few probs with=20 AMNH.
Commentaries are not quite so funny now eh? Hope you = are well.=20 (I'm still available for acting!)
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Carol=20 Bevis
Sent: 21 November 2003 = 17:00
Subject: RE: TPDIS: = SCARED!

I=20 hope your copy was better than mine. Did you notice any problems with = it? I=20 had little marks on the picture on that DVD.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-tpdis@lists.xmission= .com=20 [mailto:owner-tpdis@lists.x=]On=20 Behalf Of CKB
Sent: 19 November 2003 = 23:02
= Subject:=20 TPDIS: SCARED!

Hey all
Have just finished watching The Heart Of = Sogguth. This is=20 the first time I have seen this since it was first transmitted. I = have to=20 say, rather ashamedly that in some places it is actually quite = scary! Could=20 have been much better if this had been a longer story and was a bit = rushed=20 at the end but some of the "chanting" bits were spooky. Kind of = reminded me=20 of The Daemons in Doctor Who. (Now THAT WAS scary!)
Anyhoo, off to have a laugh at the commentary = now......but=20 it's just not the same without PVC! Mike is VERY = serious....
have fun watching all.
PS In London next weekend. Any 30th dinner folk=20 around?
------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C3B05C.EE0FD280-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth E. Subject: Re: TPDIS: SCARED! Date: 21 Nov 2003 12:30:59 -0600 On Friday, November 21, 2003, at 12:26 PM, CKB wrote: > No the quality was OK. I did have a few probs with AMNH. The quality for these things has always been kinda spotty. I think their QC's just off. Apparently it's tough because DVDs that look clear can have problems. *shrugs* Tigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Drew Thiele Subject: TPDIS: Heyas -- Chat going on. Date: 22 Nov 2003 17:38:52 -0800 --=======7E246B25======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-33F91049; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Heyas. I'm in #TomorrowPeople on the IRC server "Sorcery"... And I'm about a half hour early. If anyone wants to chat, come on in early. :) -Drew --=======7E246B25======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-33F91049 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.535 / Virus Database: 330 - Release Date: 11/1/03 --=======7E246B25=======-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul & Stephen Subject: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 23 Nov 2003 13:57:37 +1100 Hi folks, My first post to the group. Usually just enjoy the reading. I keep hearing about all the DVD ordering problems through MVC. Just my few cents, but I'm in Australia and I order the box sets direct from their website. The DVDs, including the latest set with seasons 4&5, always arrive promptly and the transactions have been flawless. Never back ordered, never refused a credit card. I use a mastercard. Have people been having trouble with different credit cards? Just wondering if there is a way to sort this out for people as it seems to be causing a lot of grief. Paul. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "George Madison" Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 23 Nov 2003 01:50:33 -0800 (PST) Paul & Stephen said: > Hi folks, > > My first post to the group. Usually just enjoy the reading. > > I keep hearing about all the DVD ordering problems through MVC. Just my > few cents, but I'm in Australia and I order the box sets direct from > their website. The DVDs, including the latest set with seasons 4&5, > always arrive promptly and the transactions have been flawless. Never > back ordered, never refused a credit card. All *I* can tell you is that I in the United States had them cancel orders on me placed with both a Visa and a Mastercard. Does the "Commonwealth" still mean anything in practical terms? Maybe that's got something to do with it. > I use a mastercard. Have people been having trouble with different > credit cards? Just wondering if there is a way to sort this out for > people as it seems to be causing a lot of grief. Not until MVC decides to sort it out, apparently. But you're right, it is causing a lot of grief. George ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 23 Nov 2003 07:38:49 -0800 (PST) Meanwhile, my order has been "waiting for stock" for 19 days now! -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott S. Goldman" Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 23 Nov 2003 13:32:37 -0500 --=======60157D67======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-749F7B2E; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Ditto here... At 10:38 AM 11/23/2003, you wrote: >Meanwhile, my order has been "waiting for stock" for 19 days now! > >-David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" >*********************************************************************** >*"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* >* back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * >* except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* >* the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * >* feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * >*********************************************************************** --=======60157D67======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-749F7B2E Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.542 / Virus Database: 336 - Release Date: 11/18/2003 --=======60157D67=======-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Queen=20Cleopatra?= Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 01:50:38 +0000 (GMT) Hi Paul I'm in Australia too and I couldn't get them to take my Visa. What bank are you with? Is your card cirrus or maestro enabled? Cirrus or maestro allows you to withdraw funds from overseas teller machines. Cheers Zoe --- Paul & Stephen wrote: > Hi folks, > > My first post to the group. Usually just enjoy the > reading. > > I keep hearing about all the DVD ordering problems > through MVC. Just my > few cents, but I'm in Australia and I order the box > sets direct from > their website. The DVDs, including the latest set > with seasons 4&5, > always arrive promptly and the transactions have > been flawless. Never > back ordered, never refused a credit card. > > I use a mastercard. Have people been having trouble > with different > credit cards? Just wondering if there is a way to > sort this out for > people as it seems to be causing a lot of grief. > > Paul. > > ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul & Stephen Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 12:55:38 +1100 CBA. The Mastercard would be both Cirrus and Maestro affiliated through the bank. On Monday, Nov 24, 2003, at 12:50 Australia/Melbourne, Queen Cleopatra wrote: > Hi Paul > I'm in Australia too and I couldn't get them to take > my Visa. > What bank are you with? Is your card cirrus or > maestro enabled? Cirrus or maestro allows you to > withdraw funds from overseas teller machines. > Cheers > Zoe > > > > --- Paul & Stephen wrote: > > Hi folks, >> >> My first post to the group. Usually just enjoy the >> reading. >> >> I keep hearing about all the DVD ordering problems >> through MVC. Just my >> few cents, but I'm in Australia and I order the box >> sets direct from >> their website. The DVDs, including the latest set >> with seasons 4&5, >> always arrive promptly and the transactions have >> been flawless. Never >> back ordered, never refused a credit card. >> >> I use a mastercard. Have people been having trouble >> with different >> credit cards? Just wondering if there is a way to >> sort this out for >> people as it seems to be causing a lot of grief. >> >> Paul. >> >> > > _______________________________________________________________________ > _ > Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! > Messenger > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Aaron Brockbank" Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 13:21:14 +1100 Hello. Just weighing in here, as well. > CBA. The Mastercard would be both Cirrus and Maestro affiliated > through the bank. I'm also with CBA, it's supposed to be Cirrus and Maestro enabled, but my orders have all been cancelled because my card is not 'of UK Origin'!! Aaron. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul & Stephen Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 13:32:34 +1100 That is really odd. Why would they process some orders and not others? I placed this recent order OCT 5, received a despatch confirmation e-mail OCT 31 and the DVDs arrived about 7 days after that. Same thing with series 3. Order placed April 16 and despatched April 18. I didn't find out about MVC until after the series 3 box set was released, hence the quick turnaround, but the series 4/5 box was a pre-order and from the dates it looks like it shipped as soon as stock was available. I can't fathom why people are having all these different experiences. Particularly Aaron here, since he has the same bank and credit card as I do. Paul. On Monday, Nov 24, 2003, at 13:21 Australia/Melbourne, Aaron Brockbank wrote: > Hello. > > Just weighing in here, as well. > >> CBA. The Mastercard would be both Cirrus and Maestro affiliated >> through the bank. > > I'm also with CBA, it's supposed to be Cirrus and Maestro enabled, but > my > orders have all been cancelled because my card is not 'of UK Origin'!! > > > Aaron. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Fagan Subject: TPDIS: MVC, Etc, Ugh Date: 23 Nov 2003 20:09:29 -0800 I finally ordered from They send me regular updates, so I have full, up-to-date details of the absolutely absent progress that's being made shipping the set to me. The thought does occur that they might ultimately fail me. We'll see. - Peter _________________________________________________________________ Peter Fagan Theta-G | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: MVC, Etc, Ugh Date: 23 Nov 2003 20:18:37 -0800 (PST) On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Peter Fagan wrote: > They send me regular updates, so I have full, up-to-date details of the > absolutely absent progress that's being made shipping the set to me. Is that better per se than the complete silence I'm receiving on the lack of progress shipping my set is getting? -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Matott Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 06:31:36 -0800 (PST) > I can't fathom why people are having all these > different experiences. > Particularly Aaron here, since he has the same bank > and credit card as > I do. > > Paul. > Any possibility that you might have placed your order prior to their cut-off of non-UK cards and Aaron placed his after? Does anyone have an idea as to the date MVC stopped taking non UK cards for orders? Did anyone who pre-booked prior to that have their order cancelled on them? An MVC aside - when I ordered Series 3 it took about a month for me to get the box set, but on their web site it went from "order processed" to "waiting for stock" and STILL said "waiting for stock" AFTER I had received it. About six months later I got an automated email from customer service telling me my box set for Series 3 had shipped! mike __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: M K Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 06:50:52 -0800 (PST) --0-194548518-1069685452=:30152 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Could the differences in Australia orders have anything to do with location? Maybe the province makes a difference to MVC? Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now --0-194548518-1069685452=:30152 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Could the differences in Australia orders have anything to do with location? Maybe the province makes a difference to MVC?

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now --0-194548518-1069685452=:30152-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike [at Work]" Subject: RE: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 24 Nov 2003 11:18:46 -0600 Nobody's probably going to like me for saying this, but to my surprise, I received my MVC box-set of Seasons 4 & 5. I was expecting it to get canceled too, but I guess I was lucky and ordered at the right time, or maybe they just didn't notice. :-) Take care, Mike Stone > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Queen Cleopatra > Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 7:51 PM > To: > Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? > > > Hi Paul > I'm in Australia too and I couldn't get them to take > my Visa. > What bank are you with? Is your card cirrus or > maestro enabled? Cirrus or maestro allows you to > withdraw funds from overseas teller machines. > Cheers > Zoe > > > > --- Paul & Stephen wrote: > > Hi folks, > > > > My first post to the group. Usually just enjoy the > > reading. > > > > I keep hearing about all the DVD ordering problems > > through MVC. Just my > > few cents, but I'm in Australia and I order the box > > sets direct from > > their website. The DVDs, including the latest set > > with seasons 4&5, > > always arrive promptly and the transactions have > > been flawless. Never > > back ordered, never refused a credit card. > > > > I use a mastercard. Have people been having trouble > > with different > > credit cards? Just wondering if there is a way to > > sort this out for > > people as it seems to be causing a lot of grief. > > > > Paul. > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________ > __________ > Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the > FREE Yahoo! Messenger > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Fagan Subject: Re: TPDIS: MVC, Etc, Ugh Date: 24 Nov 2003 12:33:36 -0800 > Is that better per se than the complete silence I'm receiving on the > lack of progress shipping my set is getting? MVC was very forthcoming for me, too. It took only a day or so before they politely worded their request that I have some taxidermy done ;-) - Peter ____________________________________________________________________________ Peter Fagan Theta-G | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 24 Nov 2003 21:38:36 +0000 Doomsday Men's other error is this. They lay Stephen down on their right side of the truck very close to the trees (left side of screen). When they take off, the truck goes down the road and Stephen is on their left side of the truck(right side of screen). Kyteroo (formerly known as kyt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul & Stephen Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 25 Nov 2003 19:03:21 +1100 > Any possibility that you might have placed your order > prior to their cut-off of non-UK cards and Aaron > placed his after? My order was placed on Oct 5. When did this cut-off come into operation? Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul & Stephen Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 25 Nov 2003 19:03:54 +1100 I doubt it. I live in Tasmania. The state notorious for missing out on everything. :-) On Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003, at 01:50 Australia/Melbourne, M K wrote: > Could the differences in Australia orders have anything to do with > location? Maybe the province makes a difference to MVC? > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Steinberg Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 25 Nov 2003 04:31:33 -0800 (PST) On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Paul & Stephen wrote: > I doubt it. I live in Tasmania. The state notorious for missing out on > everything. :-) Well that's because everything in it was destroyed by the Tasma... ...oh that's just way too easy. -David "ZZYZX" Steinberg "very strange raving egomaniac" *********************************************************************** *"I want to send this boyfriend *"I can't believe I'm a junior and a* * back for the same exact model * film major, when all I really * * except with the enhanced 'put * wanted in this life was to marry a* * the phone back on the charger' * lobsterman and cook fish." * * feature." - J. Elizabeth Smith * -a letter from Christie Searing * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "abby miller" Subject: TPDIS: Feedback Date: 26 Nov 2003 16:57:37 -0500 Hi all, Can anyone pass on to me the feedback addresses for Kindred Spirits? I inadvertantly lost it and would like to comment off list. Thanks, Abby Two pies in the oven and two more to go. MMMmmmmm pupmkin _________________________________________________________________ Need a shot of Hank Williams or Patsy Cline? The classic country stars are always singing on MSN Radio Plus. Try one month free! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "E.R. Stanway" Subject: Re: TPDIS: Feedback Date: 26 Nov 2003 22:11:33 +0000 (GMT) Hello Abby, Thanks for asking about Kindred Spirits but you're on the wrong list! For anyone who doesn't know, Kindred Spirits was a recent story effort from Jackie Clark and I (it's in the archive) and we would both welcome comments either on this email address (for me) or at: or Sorry to the list admins for using TPDIS but I thought I ought to explain on list to those who were confused! Elizabeth ___________________________________________________________________ Elizabeth Stanway "Never Give Up! *Never* Surrender!" ___________________________________________________________________ On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, abby miller wrote: > Hi all, > > Can anyone pass on to me the feedback addresses for Kindred Spirits? > > I inadvertantly lost it and would like to comment off list. > > Thanks, Abby > > Two pies in the oven and two more to go. MMMmmmmm pupmkin > > _________________________________________________________________ > Need a shot of Hank Williams or Patsy Cline? The classic country stars are > always singing on MSN Radio Plus. Try one month free! > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 28 Nov 2003 16:36:26 +0000 Thread Theory: What to do when you are bored. 1.) Memorize as many lines from the Tomorrow People series as you can and use them in as many conversations as you can. 2.) Pretend you are one of the Tomorrow People and act, speak, dress and talk like they would for the whole day and see what reactions you get. 3.) Pretend you just got back from jaunting from Australia. Try to give away a green apple and insist the apple in your hand is from Australia. 4.) Decide you just have to learn to play the drums in front of an audience because the Hearts of Sogguth are regrouping and want 2 drummers. Practice in the livingroom in front of your family. 5.) Read your siblings diary and then pretend you have telepathy. Limericks and Poetry: STEPHEN Stephen some day, will take me away; up high in the sky and round the firefly. The cat's eye will twinkle, the dog's tail will waggle. The rooster will crow. And I will bow, to the most wonderful Man, under the deep blue sky. JOHN John so regal, and reserved, let down your guard and observe. A life worth living, and a life worth giving, to one and all who shall have it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 29 Nov 2003 00:39:19 +0000 Limericks and Poetry LIZ Wise and strong I go along Helping others move along, a path of wisdom and integrity. Singing and dancing in unity. MIKE So big and bold and strong I run and plow along. Running high and running low, may I always be so bold. Or maybe I should change, and relax just a little, allowing common sense to reach my middle. TYSO Young and playful, smiley and cheerful, he trips over his tongue. No matter says he as he laughs with glee and goes on as if he's won. TIM Leafing through files piled high and wide, he leaves nothing to chance. His ears hear all while his eyes miss not a thing. Intelligent and wise, his mind processes it all. Nothing slips by our dear TIM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jackie Clark" Subject: TPDIS: This and That and some list telepathy Date: 29 Nov 2003 12:00:31 -0000 Hello All, It feels like ages since I last posted to the list and was amazed by how quiet its been lately so I thought I'd tell you a few things that have happened lately. Firstly, as some of you know I had surgery a few weeks ago from which I am still recovering. (please be patient this is on topic, slightly) I had been warned before the operation that it was an extremely painful procedure and that afterwards I would be in considerable discomfort. So I braced myself for this and happily fell asleep to the anaesthetic. Some time later (I now know it was two hours) I was suddenly aware that I was still asleep but could hear voices of people around me. There was the most overwhelming feeling that my friends, including many of the people on this list, were crowded around me sending me telepathic waves of support. It was the closest thing to real telepathy I could have ever imagined. I then opened my eyes and the nurse smiled down at me and asked if I was in pain, 'No,' I said, 'I feel nothing at all. I was dreaming and could hear people around me.' The hospital staff were astounded that I needed no pain killers until some considerable time afterwards and that was only for a slight headache. I feel very strongly that the good wishes of my friends here on this list was partly responsible for this experience, although the sceptical scientist in me also knows that the mind/brain is a wonderful thing! I was wondering whether anyone else on the list has had any TP related experiences like this? Secondly, I was at a function at the Hotel Antoinette last night and the waitress and manager there came over to me, recognising me immediately ,to ask how I was since May. They must cater for thousands of similar functions and I was surprised that they remembered the TP dinner so well. The waitress asked to be remembered to you and said that she's never seen a party with such a marvellous atmosphere. She's still telling her friends and relatives about it to this day! So we definitely made a big impact on the hotel that night! lol Thirdly, there is a memorabilia fare today and tomorrow at the NEC Birmingham, England. If anyone from the list is planning to attend tomorrow please look out for me there! I've spoken to Dave Prowse, who is one of the celeb guests attending and he had many good things to say about the function in May so I'm planning to speak him tomorrow. Last but not least, anyone who attended in May might recall the large banner above the entrance to the room where the dinner was held. I have been collecting autographs of every cast member that attended on the night (and I'll get Mike's too if he ever gets back to me about his interview naughty Mike!) I intend to sell this on ebay sometime in the future (all proceeds going to the Cancer Research charity once again) I thought I'd warn people on list about this as I'd be very happy if a tpdis member could win the auction rather than a complete stranger. I'll get back to you about it when everything is sorted. Ok enough from me, Happy thanksgiving (better late than never) to everyone in the US and to those in Aus... Well what can I say. We beat you fare and square lol!!! By for now Jackie -------- May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "CKB" Subject: Re: TPDIS: This and That and some list telepathy Date: 29 Nov 2003 13:56:39 -0000 hey Jackie Good health! Regards Colin ----- Original Message ----- Sent: 29 November 2003 12:00 > Hello All, > It feels like ages since I last posted to the list and was amazed by how > quiet its been lately so I thought I'd tell you a few things that have > happened lately. > > Firstly, as some of you know I had surgery a few weeks ago from which I am > still recovering. (please be patient this is on topic, slightly) I had been > warned before the operation that it was an extremely painful procedure and > that afterwards I would be in considerable discomfort. So I braced myself > for this and happily fell asleep to the anaesthetic. Some time later (I now > know it was two hours) I was suddenly aware that I was still asleep but > could hear voices of people around me. There was the most overwhelming > feeling that my friends, including many of the people on this list, were > crowded around me sending me telepathic waves of support. It was the closest > thing to real telepathy I could have ever imagined. > > I then opened my eyes and the nurse smiled down at me and asked if I was in > pain, 'No,' I said, 'I feel nothing at all. I was dreaming and could hear > people around me.' The hospital staff were astounded that I needed no pain > killers until some considerable time afterwards and that was only for a > slight headache. > > I feel very strongly that the good wishes of my friends here on this list > was partly responsible for this experience, although the sceptical scientist > in me also knows that the mind/brain is a wonderful thing! > > I was wondering whether anyone else on the list has had any TP related > experiences like this? > > > Secondly, I was at a function at the Hotel Antoinette last night and the > waitress and manager there came over to me, recognising me immediately ,to > ask how I was since May. They must cater for thousands of similar functions > and I was surprised that they remembered the TP dinner so well. The waitress > asked to be remembered to you and said that she's never seen a party with > such a marvellous atmosphere. She's still telling her friends and relatives > about it to this day! So we definitely made a big impact on the hotel that > night! lol > > Thirdly, there is a memorabilia fare today and tomorrow at the NEC > Birmingham, England. If anyone from the list is planning to attend tomorrow > please look out for me there! I've spoken to Dave Prowse, who is one of the > celeb guests attending and he had many good things to say about the function > in May so I'm planning to speak him tomorrow. > > Last but not least, anyone who attended in May might recall the large banner > above the entrance to the room where the dinner was held. I have been > collecting autographs of every cast member that attended on the night (and > I'll get Mike's too if he ever gets back to me about his interview > naughty Mike!) I intend to sell this on ebay sometime in the future (all > proceeds going to the Cancer Research charity once again) I thought I'd warn > people on list about this as I'd be very happy if a tpdis member could win > the auction rather than a complete stranger. I'll get back to you about it > when everything is sorted. > > Ok enough from me, > Happy thanksgiving (better late than never) to everyone in the US and to > those in Aus... Well what can I say. We beat you fare and square lol!!! > > By for now > > Jackie > > > > -------- > May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: TIMELINE: Christian Tessier sighting Date: 29 Nov 2003 10:10:08 EST --part1_3a.41c040e2.2cfa10d0_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit A very bit part. The movie was excellent by the way and I've always liked time travel stories but this one was so expertly made and the characters are likable. --part1_3a.41c040e2.2cfa10d0_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable A very bit part. The movi= e was excellent by the way and I've always liked time travel stories but thi= s one was so expertly made and the characters are  likable. --part1_3a.41c040e2.2cfa10d0_boundary-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott S. Goldman" Subject: Re: TPDIS: This and That and some list telepathy Date: 29 Nov 2003 10:13:30 -0500 --=======5227773E======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-6B6E33CB; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 1) I hope you are recovering well and the surgery was successful (What ever it was for!) 2) I for one, would send those feelings back as well. As strange as some of us can be, the staff was wonderful (brilliant)... 3) Will there be any body parts attached to the Banner? Just curious! :) Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to all! At 07:00 AM 11/29/2003, Jackie Clark wrote: >Hello All, >It feels like ages since I last posted to the list and was amazed by how >quiet its been lately so I thought I'd tell you a few things that have >happened lately. > >Firstly, as some of you know I had surgery a few weeks ago from which I am >still recovering. (please be patient this is on topic, slightly) I had been >warned before the operation that it was an extremely painful procedure and >that afterwards I would be in considerable discomfort. So I braced myself >for this and happily fell asleep to the anaesthetic. Some time later (I now >know it was two hours) I was suddenly aware that I was still asleep but >could hear voices of people around me. There was the most overwhelming >feeling that my friends, including many of the people on this list, were >crowded around me sending me telepathic waves of support. It was the closest >thing to real telepathy I could have ever imagined. > >I then opened my eyes and the nurse smiled down at me and asked if I was in >pain, 'No,' I said, 'I feel nothing at all. I was dreaming and could hear >people around me.' The hospital staff were astounded that I needed no pain >killers until some considerable time afterwards and that was only for a >slight headache. > >I feel very strongly that the good wishes of my friends here on this list >was partly responsible for this experience, although the sceptical scientist >in me also knows that the mind/brain is a wonderful thing! > >I was wondering whether anyone else on the list has had any TP related >experiences like this? > > >Secondly, I was at a function at the Hotel Antoinette last night and the >waitress and manager there came over to me, recognising me immediately ,to >ask how I was since May. They must cater for thousands of similar functions >and I was surprised that they remembered the TP dinner so well. The waitress >asked to be remembered to you and said that she's never seen a party with >such a marvellous atmosphere. She's still telling her friends and relatives >about it to this day! So we definitely made a big impact on the hotel that >night! lol > >Thirdly, there is a memorabilia fare today and tomorrow at the NEC >Birmingham, England. If anyone from the list is planning to attend tomorrow >please look out for me there! I've spoken to Dave Prowse, who is one of the >celeb guests attending and he had many good things to say about the function >in May so I'm planning to speak him tomorrow. > >Last but not least, anyone who attended in May might recall the large banner >above the entrance to the room where the dinner was held. I have been >collecting autographs of every cast member that attended on the night (and >I'll get Mike's too if he ever gets back to me about his interview >naughty Mike!) I intend to sell this on ebay sometime in the future (all >proceeds going to the Cancer Research charity once again) I thought I'd warn >people on list about this as I'd be very happy if a tpdis member could win >the auction rather than a complete stranger. I'll get back to you about it >when everything is sorted. > >Ok enough from me, >Happy thanksgiving (better late than never) to everyone in the US and to >those in Aus... Well what can I say. We beat you fare and square lol!!! > >By for now > >Jackie > > > >-------- >May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled > Traditional Manyarnern Greeting > > --=======5227773E======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-6B6E33CB Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.542 / Virus Database: 336 - Release Date: 11/18/2003 --=======5227773E=======-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Warren Hillsdon" Subject: RE: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 30 Nov 2003 12:57:13 +1100 Well, I thought I would try this theory out and see if it makes any difference to Australia. Lets see what happens. Warren -----Original Message----- On Behalf Of Paul & Stephen Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2003 7:04 PM I doubt it. I live in Tasmania. The state notorious for missing out on everything. :-) On Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003, at 01:50 Australia/Melbourne, M K wrote: > Could the differences in Australia orders have anything to do with > location? Maybe the province makes a difference to MVC? > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? Date: 30 Nov 2003 16:55:23 +0000 MVC bought an exclusive to sell to england and prevent the sell of TP goods to just about the entire world it seems. even the deals that are supposed to be with the dvd's, i.e. free audios are only available to scertain dealers and not others. apparently, JB stores in australia has the free cd and blackstar doesn't even though blackstar was told that they do by revelation films. go figure! I being an American can't even get flintlock!they reached number one here ages ago and I didn't even know they did the song I liked. secondly, their records I never saw on the shelves here. I remember looking through the F's and reading group names for the fun of it. jaunting away, Tp fan Kyteroo > Well, > > I thought I would try this theory out and see if it makes any difference to > Australia. > > Lets see what happens. > > Warren > > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > On Behalf Of Paul & Stephen > Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2003 7:04 PM > To: > Subject: Re: TPDIS: What's the MVC problem? > > I doubt it. I live in Tasmania. The state notorious for missing out on > everything. :-) > > > > > On Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003, at 01:50 Australia/Melbourne, M K wrote: > > > Could the differences in Australia orders have anything to do with > > location? Maybe the province makes a difference to MVC? > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 30 Nov 2003 16:57:27 +0000 Hello everyone! True to form I was there and no one else was. Where were you, you ask? I was at the chat line. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Fagan Subject: TPDIS: Re: chat Date: 30 Nov 2003 09:08:53 -0800 > Hello everyone! True to form I was there and no one else was. Where were you, > you ask? I was at the chat line. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What was the chat server again? - Peter _________________________________________________________________ Peter Fagan Theta-G | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: TPDIS: re: no subject Date: 30 Nov 2003 22:02:06 +0000 sorry all for forgetting to put in a subject in my thanksgiving chat post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: TPDIS: Re: chat Date: 30 Nov 2003 22:08:25 +0000 Tomorrow People sunday chat. 10am Minnesota time, 3pm or there abouts england time. There is also a TP chat on Saturday nites at 8pm Minnesota time. I forget what time it is in Australia. 1am?2am? british time. Use servers and join #tomorrowpeople Maybe next week we will see more people there! TP Kyteroo bye as I jaunt away. > > > > Hello everyone! True to form I was there and no one else was. Where were you, > > you ask? I was at the chat line. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! > > What was the chat server again? > > - Peter > _________________________________________________________________ > Peter Fagan > Theta-G > | +1-415-931-2680 | +1-415-846-6099 mobile > > >