From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: The Dolerich Affair Part 1/5 Date: 01 Mar 1996 11:28:49 GMT wrote: >I loved it...really it's quite good! I haven't quite had the nerve to >post any stories yet because I'm my own worse critic...but I have four >right now: Splinter of the Mind's Eye, The Gathering, Nightmare of >Future Past, and the Jedikiah Covenant... I thought we were a friendly enough bunch here, so I hope you pluck up enough courage. One thing that may annoy is posting titles which intrigue but no story :) Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: The Dolerich Affair Part 1/5 Date: 01 Mar 1996 13:56:28 -0400 (EDT) On Fri, 1 Mar 1996, Jeremy Rogers wrote: > wrote: > > >I loved it...really it's quite good! I haven't quite had the nerve to > >post any stories yet because I'm my own worse critic...but I have four > >right now: Splinter of the Mind's Eye, The Gathering, Nightmare of > >Future Past, and the Jedikiah Covenant... > > I thought we were a friendly enough bunch here, so I hope you > pluck up enough courage. One thing that may annoy is posting > titles which intrigue but no story :) > > Jez > -- > Ray-Thanks Jez...I just might post something, but do I just do it on the reply thing or how do I post..I've never done it before. Here's a teaser...some plot lines for the stories that I mentioned above: The Gathering-A new generation of Tomorrow People break out...drawn together by dreams and a sense of self preservation. Cody, an Aussie, is about to be beaten by his father when he vanished in a flash of light and winds up splashing down into the pacific ocean (he is a surfer and wanted to go somewhere he viewed as safe) ocean away Tia is awakened by a dream of someone drowning and needing help, her powers kick in and she ends up with Cody fighting the tide trying to survive. In London Tristan is sitting in class daydreaming when his teacher goes off on him, he also unconsciously lashes out with his powers and finds himself in possession of her mind. Then there's Robyn...who's powers first manifest after she receives a bad cut and it heals in moments. When Tristan and Tia are captured by a military mastermind for use as biological superweapons it is up to the others, with the aid of CHIP (computerized human intelligence program) to harness their new abilities and save their race...the next stage of human evolution. Splinter of the Mind's Eye-CHIP sends Robyn and Cody to investigate the possible breaking out of a new "Voyager" (what they name themselves) in Texas. There they meet Duncan and come face to face with a psionic assassain named Mindbender (no it's not Duncan). The two have to aid Duncan while trying to stop Mindbender...really cool story line, greed, lust, betrayal, revenge, mental disorder...this one has it all Nightmare of Future Past-it begins harmlessly enough..the Voyagers seem to lose minutes between seems that a new talent is manifesting, the ability to leap through time...but when Duncan jaunts two years into the future to find the "bunker" destroyed and the other tomorrow people either dead, or enslaved...hunting down others of their kind like animals, it is up to him to return to the present and prevent this future from coming to pass-introduces 4 new tomorrow people- Haylie, Travis, Tori, and Austin...also introduces the renegades, psionics w/out the TP's moral hang ups...they are Ian, Tara, Alec, Renee, and Brock The Jedikiah Covenant-the shape shifting robot was dealt a crippling blow by the galactic trig but they did not destroy him and though he couldn't use his powers he was able to pass them on to a SAP with an axe to grind with the Tomorrow People...fantastic cosmic power and the price, the destruction of the TP...series crossover bringing together Tyso, Andrew, and Tsu Tai from the original...Adam, Jade, and Ami from the 2nd incarnation...and Travis, Robyn, Austin, and Tia from my plot line...with cameos of Mike, Steven, Elizabeth, Peter (1st), Megabyte (2nd), and Cody, Tristan, Tori (mine) Hope that wets your palate Ray ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: re:The Dolerich Affair Part 1/5 Date: 01 Mar 1996 18:13:04 -0400 (EDT) On Wed, 17 Jan 1996, Ryan Turner wrote: > wrote: > > Nightmare of Future Past-it begins harmlessly enough..the Voyagers seem > > to lose minutes between seems that a new talent is > > manifesting, the ability to leap through time...but when Duncan jaunts > > Uh-oh. Would anyone mind if the story I am working on right now > happened to be similar to McNulty's "Nightmare of Future Past"? Not exactly > the same, but I mean, but with the new-series TP developing and exploring > powers along that vein? > Hey Ryan, I personally would like to see it. Everyone can take one simple concept and take it in a totally random direction and do great things with it....good luck Ray AKA McNulty > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BETH ANYKID Subject: The Dolerich Affair Part 2/5 Date: 03 Mar 1996 12:16:37 -0600 (CST) Since Andy posted to the list when he wasn't actually on it because I sent it with the same email, I figured I'd post early. Apologies to Anne _VanVelzen_ and Wendy _Kelley_. (Sorry, I need a spellchecker to spell). Also I forgot to thank Joey for letting me borrow her name for Adam's room in the spaceship and Roger Price for creating the show in the first place. Comments, critisims, and worship appreiciated. Enjoy! _______________________________ The Dolerich Affair Pt 2 by Beth Epstein Adam's momentary distraction was all the man needed to knock Adam out, lift him up, rip something from Diana's scalp, open the passenger door and put Adam inside, jump in, and careen down Jade's street. (Jade started her teleport to the street below when Adam was knocked out, only to find him being placed in the car.) "Adam!" Ami screeched after the car. Jade, who was slightly more able to reason than the other two at the moment, ordered, "You two go after Adam. I'll get Her Highness home." Ami and Megabyte teleported down the road, trying to catch up with the car or link their minds to Adam's unconscious thoughts and teleport him to them. The latter was highly unsuccessful, so they decided to concentrate on finding the car. Meanwhile, Jade took Princess Diana's hand and teleported her to the lawn of Buckingham Palace where they were justifiably tackled by the guards. Once the still bewildered and disoriented princess was recognized, she and Jade were led into a room in the palace. A man, whose face was hidden by shadows, looked up. "General, we found the Princess," one of the guards told him. "This young lady was with her, sir." Jade took a deep breath, trying to decide whether it would be best to just clam up, or lie through her teeth. "Tell me, Your Highness, what happened exactly?" the general asked in an oddly familiar accent. "I- I don't remember, exactly," the princess was still very disoriented. Jade felt a sudden twinge of guilt- being teleported about probably hadn't lessened Diana's disorientation in the slightest. She wished she dared turn the lamp on so she could see who she was dealing with; maybe shift the odds a little more in her favor. Jade wondered if she should teleport out of there, and then realized that was the second worst thing she could do at this juncture (the worst being to pull a weapon on the Princess). The General reached over and turned on the lamp. "General Damon!" Jade exclaimed. She had never thought she would be so relieved to bump into any of her friends' parents; General Damon all ready knew about the Tomorrow People, and would be very willing to privately listen to an unofficial story. "What's going on, Jade?" Megabyte's father was stern. "I think I'd better tell you in private," Jade shifted from foot to foot. "All right," General Damon replied, glad that getting Jade to trust him would not be so difficult as it had been the last time. "Take a seat, I'll wrap things up here, and we'll be ready to go in ten minutes tops. Oh, and if Megabyte's involved, we'll meet up with him at our place, all right?" Jade nodded and then sat down. Megabyte's unhappy thoughts returned. Jade started to laugh, then stopped; was Adam going to be all right? Ami butted into the conversation. General Damon walked back into the room wearing his jacket, "Ready, Jade?" "Yup," Jade bounced to her feet. Jade followed up this statement with a mental raspberry. Megabyte was surprised. Ami's thoughts were thoroughly amused. Jade told General Damon the whole story on the way back to Megabyte's house. She was just explaining how she had teleported the princess home while the others looked for Adam. "So did Ami and Megabyte find Adam?" the General asked as he opened the front door. "No such luck, Dad," Megabyte replied from the front steps where he was sitting. "Do you know anything? Who this guy is? What he wants with Adam?" "Aaron Dolerich is a very dangerous man. You three should stay away from him." "Who? Minister Heseltine's secretary?" Ami inquired. Everyone else looked at her like she was crazy. "I had a British Government midterm the other day," Ami explained. "Dad, anything you can tell us about this guy would help," Megabyte pushed. "_Stay away_ from him," General Damon repeated. "But Adam needs us!" Jade argued. "I owe him my life several times over, Dad." The general studied his son carefully, "What good are you going to do Adam if just get captured yourselves? The man is dangerous, I want you to stay as far away from him as possible." "Why, Dad? What's up?" "We have reason to believe that Dolerich has developed mind control. We're going to have our hands full trying to get Adam away from him. With a Tomorrow Person at his disposal, there's no telling what he might do. The best way for the three of you to help Adam is to get a good night's sleep and contact me if you hear from him." "But..." Megabyte started- and was interrupted by a ringing phone. General Damon answered it, "Hello... Oh, it's all right, Penny, I'm just getting in... Yes, Jade's here... Of course she's fine... Sure, I'll send her home momentarily..." Megabyte 'pathed. Ami and Jade nodded, then each teleported home. "She just left Penny... Oh, no problem, I understand... Good night." Ami was relieved to find her mom still asleep and slipped downstairs to make herself a cup of coffee- she had a feeling she was going to need it. Jade rolled her eyes in disgust as her mother hovered over her, making sure she actually put on her pajamas and went to bed. It seemed like a million years had passed before her mother was assured that she was going to sleep and left the room. Megabyte asked impatiently. the amusement was clear in Megabyte's thoughts, no matter how much he tried to hide it. Jade busied herself with dressing. She paused only long enough to toss a hand full of dime store bubble gum she had teleported to the US to buy. 'I might need the sugar rush later,' she thought. 'I'll just have to hope Adam doesn't ask me where or how I got it after we find him.' When Jade 'ported to the mother ship, she found Ami and Megabyte waiting for her - sitting cross-legged on the floor. "What's our next move?" Jade asked. "Mind-merge. We can ask the space-ship to help us search the planet for Adam," Megabyte explained. "Sit." They raised their hands, palms almost touching, and linked their minds together, reaching out, trying to locate Adam's mind in a sea of thoughts throughout the world. Things were looking grim. They hadn't found a sign of Adam -- until his mind somehow found theirs. Adam's thoughts were panicked. Adam's further contact was simply an image: Aaron Dolerich holding the curved metal he'd pulled from Diana's scalp, looming feet away.... one foot.... inches... reaching behind, and..... The image faded to black. "Adam!" Jade nearly screamed. Megabyte snapped. They tried to teleport Adam to the ship, but it was no use. It was if he was... blocking them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: The Tomorrow People-Generation Next pt 1 of? Date: 03 Mar 1996 18:36:43 -0400 (EDT) The Tomorrow People-Generation Next by Ray McNulty A Story of the Next Generation of Tomorrow People pt. 1 of ? Chapter 1-Cody Cody gasped in shock as his body plunged into the icy depths of the Pacific Ocean. "Wha-?" He sputtered in confusion, breaking through the surface of the choppy blue water and sucking in a lungful of air. Only minutes before his abrupt splash down Cody had been trying to escape the alcohol induced rage of his father. Running up the stairs of his modest little house just outside of Sydney, the young man had fled into his room, slamming and locking the door behind him. Safe for the moment the young man had collapsed on his bed and awaited the beating that he knew would eventually come. Listening to the steady flow of obscenities flowing from the mouth of his father the young Australian hugged himself, his hazel eyes clouding over in fear as he fought back the tears that he felt dripping down his cheeks. "Why?!" he cried, wishing that he could be anywhere other than there...on the beach with his friends would be nice; surfing, swimming, having fun. The sound of splintering wood jerked his thoughts back to reality and he turned to see his fathers fist punch through the door. A scream threatened to rip from his throat but he knew that it would only make his father madder. Instead Cody curled himself into a tight little ball closing his eyes tight and bracing himself for the pain. When his dad had finally managed to fumble with the lock and enter the room he was in time to see his only son vanish is an explosion of light and color. Chapter 2-Tristan At about the same time in his dorm room at the Westminster Prepatory Academy in Nottingham England fifteen year old Tristan Gower shot up in his bed; the overwhelming taste of salt water in his mouth was causing him to gag violently and he began to choke. "Cody!" The name ripped from his lips in a choked whisper. His little coughing fit managed to awaken his roommate and irritate him beyond belief. "What' s the matter Tristan?" "N-nothing Scott," taking a sip of soda from a can next to his bed, Tristan managed to pull himself together, embarassed about what had just happened. "It was just a bad dream." "Aw...did the poor widdle baby have a widdle nightmare." The older boy taunted. "Shut-up Scott." He could feel his cheeks flush with embarassment and just wanted to disappear into his bed. The words seemed to come from nowhere as Tristan glared at his roommate and he was positive that those were Scott's exact thoughts. "I am not a baby Scott." "Calm down was just a joke...besides I never said that." "That's the problem..."Tristan thought to himself, "you didn't have to." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: With Human Blood, 2/6 Date: 04 Mar 1996 00:54:07 -0800 A few notes before I post part 2: First of all, , which somehow got left off of my introduction. If you know someone who is having problems recieving this (like the Compuserve member who got an unknown file type error), please let me know so that I can figure out how to send this to them in readable form. For the three people who I know are reading this (and the other 660 who may be reading this but I don't know it because no one's sending me comments), I hope to have the next part sometime around Thursday or Friday. Now, on with the show... With Human Blood and Human Tears by Selma McCrory A Highlander/ (new) Tomorrow People crossover copyright 1996 part 2 "Please, remember where!" Greer said. "If there's an Immortal in the Watchers, we need to know how entrenched he is, how long he's been there, other things like that." "We?" "Yes, . Unless you *want* an Immortal in the Watchers, possibly using the information to track down and kill all the others." "Not really. I mean, I don't want you to have any info if you don't want it." "I don't any info. It's enough that I remember as much as I do." Michael sighed. Just then, twin flashes of light burst forth a few feet away. The light cleared to reveal Megabyte and an unfamilar young woman. Greer forced a smile, hiding her bad mood about the Adam problem. "Hello, there. Decided to drop in?" Megabyte grinned. "Well, you did say, 'drop in whenever.'" "That I did. And who's your friend?" "Oh," the young man said, apparently a bit embarrassed. "This is Jade Weston. Jade, this is Michael Gardner and Greer Lewis." "Is she...?" Michael asked, amused. The young man nodded. Greer's smile became genuine. "A new Tomorrow Person. That's news! She's the first one in, what, two years?" * * * *How long have they known about us?* Jade's thoughts penetrated into Megabyte's mind. He ignored them. _I should have let someone else handle her_, he thought. Then she was back again. *I said, how long have they known about this?* *Three years.* Megabyte replied wearily. _This is definitely a drag. Why did I volunteer for this? Why didn't I let Adam take care of this, like he usually does? I realize that he's not quite there, really, but he got along better with her._ _At least she's a quick study,_ he thought. _Wonder what it's like to train a new Immortal. Wonder if it'd be any easier? Of course, I don't have to worry about being beheaded. Of course, Adam's so distracted, you could probably behead him, and he'd never notice. Wonder what's up that he won't tell me about._ "How long ago?" Greer asked. She was absentmindedly weaving her hands through her shoulder-length brown hair. "Huh?" Jade succinctly asked. Megabyte stepped in to forestall any more bright comments. "A week." Greer nodded. "You want to explain, or should I?" Megabyte replied, "Maybe it'd be best if you explain." Greer nodded again. "Okay. The short form is, I'm trying to keep track of all of you and your deeds, like Adam asked me to. That way, when everyone's trying to look back upon their past, at least they'll have records. You see, I'm kind of a historian. I like the past, I sometimes study the past. I know the records that I'd would love to have of the past." *Kind of a historian?* Jade asked. *Maybe she'll explain. Or I'll explain later. She's not what anyone would call ordinary,* Megabyte replied. "And knowing you, you'll keep good track." "Well, I might actually be there," Greer replied. "And maybe I might not." Michael snickered. Greer glared at him, making the motions of thwacking him with an imaginary magazine. Jade looked confused, which was not surprising considering that she was missing some critical information. "I'll explain some of it later," Megabyte said. "Well, I am certainly pleased to meet you," Michael said. "Let's sit down. I'll put in some music." "You'll have to forgive my husband, he just got the newest _Ace of Base_ album and he's been inflicting it on me." Jade's face lit up. "You like _Ace of Base_ too?" "Unfortunately, yes, he does," Greer said. Megabyte smiled inwardly. Greer's tastes in music did not run to Swedish pop groups or most rock and heavy metal bands. Once she'd excused herself out of the room when he was playing her a sample of Byron Lucifer. *Don't ask them to play Byron Lucifer.* He informed her. *Who doesn't like it?* Jade asked. *Greer. Michael's okay, but Greer's music choices are weird. Probably she listens to the same kind of stuff as your mom.* Jade looked at her watch. "Oh dear," she said out loud. "I'm afraid I must go. I promised Mum I'd be back soon." Megabyte and the others watched as Jade flashed out. He gave the other two a moment to react and readjust. It was amusing, in a way. It never affected him, of course, because his body was somehow attuned to it, and he never really noticed when people popped in. "That's always fascinating," Greer said after a moment. "Yeah. Well, she's kind of new at it." "I would imagine," Greer said. "I take it that she's past the 'landing in water' stage?" "Yeah, well she never got there." "Wait a minute," Michael said, holding up a hand and stopping them. The 'landing in water' stage? Pray tell, please explain that one to me." Megabyte exclaimed to Greer, "You haven't told him!" "I forgot." Megabyte turned to Michael. "When we don't have enough control over our teleports and haven't learned to direct ourselves, there's a point where we always teleport to. Unfortunately, it's in the water off of our island, so everyone always starts off with a bath. Except for Ami, who had help, and Jade, who managed to land in the ship instead of the water. We're still trying to figure out how she did that." "I'll have to talk to her, later," Greer said. "But I am not stabbing myself in the arm again!" "You really didn't have to do that with Ami, you know," Megabyte said. "Of course she did," Michael replied drily. "Quit it, I realize now that Ami could have done well enough without it," Greer said. "I take it that she's more used to that amount of blood, now." "Yeah, I'd say she's gotten over it." "I hope she's enjoying her trip to Australia," Michael said. "Last I heard, she was," Megabyte said, grateful for the small talk to keep his mind off Adam and Jade. Greer shifted on the couch. She ran her fingers through her hair nervously before speaking. "Have you talked to Adam - recently?" "Of course I have," Megabyte said. "I don't know what's happening with him - he's been so unhappy lately." "So, you noticed it too, I take it," Greer said. Megabyte snorted. _She certainly has this capability for understatement. That, or she's blind_. "I can pick up on his mood, sometimes. Not often, and when he's this way, I don't really want to." "He hasn't said anything?" "Not to me." Greer sighed. "Who's taking care of Jade, then?" "I am. I mean, Adam takes care of this, but I guess I get to, this time." "Does *everyone* know about Adam's problem?" "I don't know. I've told Kevin, but he notices anyway. Ami's on vacation, so I haven't interrupted her, and last time I tried to get Lisa, she was there, but not responding to calls." "Oh, dear." Megabyte sighed. He didn't know what to do, and he didn't know why he'd expected to know what to do, either. "Let me see if I can figure out anything," Greer said. " I might be able to help." Megabyte shrugged. "If you think you can," he said, and then left. * * * "I calling the States," Greer said, as she tapped a pencil against the table. Michael watched his wife. "You don't have to do it, you know. I could be discreetly asking someone here." "I know that, love, but I don't trust anyone here, with one of us infiltrating the organization. I don't even trust the person I'm calling about that. But he might be able to shed some light on Lisa's whereabouts." "Who are you calling, anyway?" "Joe Dawson. I may not like him, or completely trust him, but he understand what's happening." * * * "You do have this awful way of tuning things out, you know," Greer said, rebuking Lisa gently. The young woman blushed. "I know. But Megabyte doesn't understand. He's not in a position where he has to blend in so completely. I can't teleport in the line of duty unless I'm careful, because I risk the Watchers finding out about us as well." Greer sat down in the chair in her flat and looked at Lisa. "It's a risk that everyone different has to face. But I can understand Megabyte not understanding," she said, then smiled a little. "Of course, Megabyte, despite spending the last few years in my company, couldn't quite comprehend someone four thousand years old." "I guess I can understand him not understanding. But things are so different now," Lisa said, frustrated. "I've got so many responsibilities. I can't just teleport off without leaving my job or my assignment. And I doubt they'd understand me consorting with a known Immortal." "Well, they'll have to survive it, won't they? We were friends before you became a Watcher, they know that. No doubt, you're in the archives. You're probably the first Watcher to be recruited by an Immortal." Lisa smiled and regarded the Immortal. "How have things been? I see that you've got a new apartment and all, but it doesn't seem that you've changed all that much." Greer grinned. "Not all that much. I'm on my way to becoming a British citizen, I've got a steady job, and the Watchers are so happy that I've decided to not move around so much." Lisa nodded. "I'm sure they're very happy about that bit. You've got a new place, too, and a bit of an accent to match." "Well, if I'm going to become a British citizen, I might as well have the accent. And this is only our second flat." "Yeah, that sounds good." "So, you've been ignoring Megabyte. Your powers causing you a bit of a problem, other than hiding them?" "My powers always cause me problems," Lisa said, putting her bags down. "I know. Powers have a tendency to do that, don't they? Of course, most of the time I just end up with ruined clothing." " of you end up with ruined clothes." "That's true," Greer said quietly. "We make quite a pair, don't we? I hate this, too." "Yes," Lisa replied, just as quietly. "Why was I gifted with this when I didn't want it?" "I know," Greer said. "But we ended up with these gifts anyway. And sometimes they do prove useful." Lisa smiled a little. She'd made a rare use of her 'gifts' and teleported herself from where she'd been assigned, after the hassle of finding a replacement and explaining where she was going. "So, how'd you get some high person in the Watchers to find me and give me a priority call all the way from Seattle to Virginia?" "It helps to have connections," Greer said mischievously. "In this case, I'm still in touch with someone who wields a bit of influence and told him that there was someone who needed to be told about a mutual friend's personal crisis." "Yeah, it certainly worked. Who has the crisis?" "Adam." "Adam! What's wrong with Adam?" "It's a little hard to describe. But let me say that he's not in his usual mood." * * * Greer sat back. "...So, I can intellectually understand what's up with him, but I'm not one of you and I'm not too sure how to approach this. My training did include how to deal with distraught teenagers who happen to have this particular problem!" Lisa leaned back in the other chair. "I don't know, either. You know Adam better than I do." "Sometimes. This is not one of those times. I talked to Megabyte, he doesn't know. I haven't talked to Kevin yet, but he doesn't hang around Adam that much. Ami's in Australia, or I would have asked her. Jade, she's the new one, doesn't know Adam well enough. She's a little star-struck by Adam, anyway." Lisa considered her possibilities. "I'll do my best," she said finally and doubtfully. "I don't know if it would be any help. I really don't know Adam all that well." "Anything might help. Anything that you can think of." "As I said, I'll try." Lisa looked at the silent Immortal, thinking _What else is going on here? It's not just Adam_. Then an unbidden understanding flashed into her head, and she said, "There's something else wrong, isn't there? Something about Watchers and an Immortal?" Greer blinked. "Yes. How could you tell? You don't like to read minds." "Sometimes, I don't have a choice, especially with Immortals." The woman opened her mouth and was about to speak when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get that." Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Episodes - tapes Date: 05 Mar 1996 01:57:50 -0500 I am, thanks to Wendy (thank you, Lady), a fairly recent TP convert. Unfortunately, this means I started watching/taping the show about 2 months before Nickolodeon axed it. I have searched the TK Guide through, and it seems to be gone for good. But I'm hooked! Would any kind soul be willing to supply me with tapes? I am more than willing to pay for the tapes and postage. I would also be willing to do an exchange of tapes. I have a pretty good library of science fiction/fantasy/action/adventure that I've collected. So if anyone is willing to make copies for me, please e-mail me at Thanks, Donna K. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: The Double Cross Affair - Pt 8 Date: 05 Mar 1996 17:52:40 -0800 ** NEW STUFF ** I've changed format. I am going to the normal "novel" style of writing, as opposed to the "script" style. I've also narrowed the columns, so that when Wendy posts the parts to the page, they will be easier to read. I am going back over parts 1-7, and doing the same thing, as well as fixing all the typos I can find, and adding some extra nuances that I have come up with since I started . Those parts will be sent to Wendy when she gets back, if she wants to post them to the page instead of the current ones (I think its a good idea). Anyway, the rest of this header is the usual nonsense. ** ADDITIONAL EDITOR'S NOTES ** Between parts 6 & 7 somewhere along the line I forgot to clearly note that certain characters that were in NY were now in England. In part 7 towards the end, I forgot to clearly indicate the passage of time. I wrote a one line dialogue that mentioned the passing of 3 days...but I had meant to make that somehow bolder. If it seems as though some travel has taken place that is un-accounted for, it is just because I did not write out any plane trips, or things of the like. But there was a passage of time between when Chris Harding arrives at the TP lab and when Stephen/Tyso arrive at his home. These problems have been corrected now. A note to TP "purists". Most of the material won't jive with the basic timeline, past the actual series (old and new). I am writing as I go along! (I am not lucky enough to have a proofreader..wink) I am trying to get one part a week posted. This header will be on all parts. If you receive this post and are missing parts feel free to write me at and I will be happy to send you what you are missing!! As usual, I have to say that I am not out to offend anyone. If you have a weak stomach don't read this! * WARNING - WARNING * This is not a short story. Prepare to read-off line . Enough talk! Enjoy!!!!!!!! ********************************************************************** THE TOMORROW PEOPLE THE DOUBLE CROSS AFFAIR A work of fiction by Marla Kendal ********************************************************************** PART VIII CROSSING THE LINES (LATE SEPTEMBER 1983) (CHRIS HARDING'S HOME) Stephen and Tyso jaunt in by front door. Stephen bends down, and peers at a brightly colored ceramic rendering of a cow, sitting on the stoop. He tilts it slightly, and retrieves the key from underneath. "Right where he said it was. I'd better report in." Stephen makes a telepathic connection. "What are we now? Servants?" Tyso scowls. "I serve no man." "No, but that bird at the chip shop you fancy..." ******************** "Welcome to my playground, Tomorrow People." Standish is practically drooling with excitement as he gazes through the binoculars. "Sir?" Baker taps Standish lightly on the shoulder. "Never mind, Baker. Place a call." "Red line, sir?" "Top priority." ********************* "Yes, yes I understand. Immediately, sir." The butler hangs up the phone, and straightens his coat. With perfect posture, he enters the large sitting room. Bowing towards the chair that is faced away from him, he speaks. "Your Ladyship, the time I believe has come." The chair swivels around, to reveal the elderly woman to her domestic servant. She wears an odd grin, as she loweres her glass of strong drink to her side. She gulps loudly. "Fine, Branston. Bring me the phone." ********************* Carolyn Shaeffer awakens with a start. She grasps out in the darkness. Finding the phone, she lifts the handle and speaks in a groggy voice. "Huh? Yes its me you retard. Huh? Now?" She lifts the hunter green sleep mask she wears, and blinks at the bright lights. "I'm up, I'm up. Yes, I'll be there." ********************** "Jolly good!" Cawston claps his hands together in delight, then picks up the entire phone, base and all, and drops it into the waste basket. ************************ "Hello? No I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number." Angela Mackie places the receiver back onto its hot pink base unit. She crosses the room, hips swivelling. Shane studies her movements, from his seat in the bay window. "Who was that?" "A wrong number." "Who were they looking for?" She places her hands on her hips and cocks her head to the side. "What's the difference, man? I have plenty of men on 'sides you. If you are the jealous type I suggest you listen to my pal Paul and 'hop on the bus Gus'." Shane rises and grabs both of her arms in a vice-like grip. "Tell me who they asked for, bitch." She softens, and tries to squirm loose. "No sweat, man. The dude he wanted some guy named Cousin Red. Ain't no cousins here, cept' maybe the kissing kind." Angela purses her lips, and strokes Shane's right hip with her long fingernails. Shane sneers, and pushes her away. "Not now." He grabs his coat from a closet, and sprints from the room. He rounds the corner, and after verifying that he is alone, disappears from sight. ********************** Stephen looks up to see the top floor of the run-down two-story house. "What a place. I can't believe he lives here." "It looks haunted." "And filthy. But still better than it did before." Stephen shrugs. "You forget, Ginge and Lefty used to live here before Chris." "Oh yea..." Stephen grins manically. "Haunted, eh? You've been listening to your mum's gypsy friends too much. Theres no such things as ghosts." "If you'd seen what I have you might not say that." Tyso begins to speak quickly and slur his words, indicating to Stephen that he might really be scared. "Superstitious nonsense." "So why aren't you going in?" "You first." "Not me, you go first." "You afraid or something?" Stephen pushes Tyso towards the front stoop. "I'm not afraid of anything." He backs away a step. "Why you want me to go first..." His words fly so fast, he is almost impossible to understand. "You're the one that volunteered for this...what???" Tyso lets out a startled shriek as a hand appears on his shoulder. He turns, and prepares to jaunt... *********************** "What was that?" Baker jumps. "Its another one!! Holy mother of pearl its another one!" ************************ James scowls, and then brightens. Tyso puts a hand to his chest, as if to keep his heart from flying out of it. James shrugs. Stephen looks at Tyso with a knowing glance. "Here. Take the keys, you can go in first." ********************** Mikey examines the mirror in his room. It is fastened to the wall by tiny clamps, one on each corner. Surrounding the entire edge of the mirror where it meets the wall is a layer of thick putty. He recalls seeing the same type of mirror in the interrogation room at the 49th Precinct, where he had spent many a day, being yelled at by various red-faced seargents over his petty offenses. They would always threaten to send him to juvenile hall, or even worse prison. But that had never happened. Until now. He was in a different kind of prison. One from which he knows no escape. The bruise on the inside of his elbow begins to itch. He scratches it, and the spot where the scar lies turns red, and then the now familiar sour yellow. Mikey knows what is to come next. He watches in fascination as the color spreads up the center of his arm. He can easily see his skin change to the un-natural shade. The yellow makes its way to his wrist and stops. The skin on his wrist then burns for a moment, and is suddenly cool to the touch. His normal color returns, just as quickly as it had turned. The itching is gone. For a while, at least. Mikey goes back to examining the mirror. His elbow begins to itch again. He tells himself to not scratch it. The itchy feeling gets stronger. Finally, he cannot stand it any longer, and sits on his bed, scratching the spot over and over. He digs into his skin with his nails, trying to get at the itch, which is deeply set into his skin. The scar turns to a wound and begins to bleed. ********************** They enter the house cautiously. Stephen un-holsters his stun gun. Tyso lingers behind biting his thumbnail nervously. Tyso chews on the thumbnail, his eyes wide. James takes the stairs two at a time. He reaches the landing and motions for the other two to follow. Stephen turns to Tyso, who shrugs his shoulders. At the top of the stairs they find a collection of useless junk. Piled up against the walls are rubber tires, dirty blankets, and even doggy chew-toys. In their search for Chris' personal items they find that each room is its own treasure trove. They sift through the piles in wonderment. ****************** "Whats he saying? Did he find me slippers? Its too drafty in here for me to be without me slippers." Chris glances towards the bio-tronic computer, who is silent, but obviously thinking. "Sorry Tim." He taps Andrew in the shoulder and whispers conspiratorially. "He's worse than me mum in the guilt department. He doesn't even have to say anything." John ignores Chris. Stephen shines his torch around the bedroom. *************** "No sir, they haven't come out yet. Yes sir. Teleporters. I saw it with my own eyes. No General, I have not been sitting in the sun with my hat off for too long. Now, sir? With just the two of us? You don't think it sir, I am not questioning your judgement...not at all sir, yes I am aware that you led the troops in World War II. Yes Sir!" Standish hands the silent phone to Baker. "We're going in." ****************** "I've got 'em." Tyso wrinkles his nose, and delicately holds up a pair of worn blue slippers, between his thumb and forefinger. "Can we get the 'eck out of 'ere now?" "I think we've done all we can here. What do you think James? James?" Stephen looks to Tyso who is rolling his eyes. "He's gone again." There is no answer. Stephen un-holsters his stun gun, once again. He slowly walks towards the doorway, the gun held out in front of him. The sound of a creaking floorboard floats in from the hallway. Stephen takes a step back, and crashes into Tyso who is right behind him. They walk side by side towards the door. Peering into the hallway, Stephen sees that it is clear. "Must be a cat or a mouse or something." "What's a cat or a mouse?" "JAMES!!" James laughs, and throws himself down on the bed. "I had you going. Both of you. You should have seen your faces!" His hysterical laughter resonates into the hallway. "Alright. Very funny. Are you through now?" Stephen leans against the door frame with his left hand. The stun gun is still in his right. He waves it at James. "I will use this you know." James stops laughing, but he is looking past Stephen into the hallway. "Now that we know who is boss..." "Stephen, look out!" James points frantically towards the hall. "You won't get me again. If you think I will believe..." Stephen turns to look out of the door. There are two simultaneous flashes of light. Within seconds, they subside... ************ "Good shot Tyso. I never knew you had it in you." James pats Tyso on the back. "Lucky for you eh Stephen?" "He snuck up on me." Stephen makes a face. "The question is, who is he?" James leans down, and removes the gun from the hand of the intruder. He kicks it across the room. "Saw that on 'Columbo'." He reaches into the man's right breast pocket. Retrieving the wallet, he stands. He opens the wallet, and a card falls onto the floor. As Stephen leans down to pick up the card, a crackling noise is heard. It is followed by a voice. "Pinchy, where the heck are you? Pinchon answer me or I am going to kick your sorry butt." "That's him. Pinchon. Whoever that is." Stephen holds up a Mastercard. The name embossed on it is 'J. Pinchon.' "What's in the wallet?" "Not much." James rifles through it quickly. "He must have some strange habits, whoever he is. This is sticky." He rubs two fingers together and examines the substance on them. "Oh my god..its blood." "What? But...I shot him with the stun gun. How?" Tyso leans against the wall, suddenly dizzy. "Bullets will do that to a person." Standish waves his pistol in the air non-chalantly, and then points it towards them. "Get out of here!" Tyso and Stephen prepare to jaunt. A voice comes from behind. "I don't think you want to do that. Unless you want your pal here to join Pinchon on the floor." They turn, to see James with a gun to his head. Baker raises an eyebrow. "Put the hands down. At your sides." "Nice timing, Baker." Standish comes toward Stephen and relieves him of the stun gun. He then takes Tyso's. He gets down on his knees next to the body, and touches Pinchon's neck. "He's breathing." "That's the one I conked with the car." Baker remarks without emotion. "Looks like he isn't getting up this time." "Its just a scratch." Standish examines the wallet. "He'll be up and breaking fingers in no time." He throws the wallet onto Pinchon's chest. "Nothing there." He turns to Stephen. "What do we do with them?" ***************** "I think there is something wrong, John." "What is it Tim?" "The boys were just about to come back, but they stopped in mid-jaunt." "Link, everyone!" John, Andrew and Patricia sit at a table, and place their hands palms down upon it. The table lights under their hands. ****************** Patricia breaks into the conversation, her police instinct kicking in. "I'm going out there." Patricia jumps up from the table, grabs a stun-gun and jaunts. ************ "You can relax. We aren't going to shoot you. Baker, put that gun down." Standish holsters his pistol. "We have been looking for you Tomorrow People for too long to kill you." "The who people?" Stephen asks aloud. he communicates to Tyso and James. Neither react outwardly. "I have no idea what you are talking about." Standish gestures broadly with his arms. "Of course you don't. And you have no idea where these futuristic pistols come from either. You were here playing a game of tag, right?" He waves the stun gun under Stephen's chin. "Exactly." A moan is heard from the floor, as Pinchon regains consciousness. It is followed by a slight fuzzing noise. Standish crouches over Pinchon, and slaps one side of his face repeatedly. "Wakey, wakey!" He opens the suit jacket, and removes the walkie-talkie. It is almost completely destroyed by the bullet from Standish's pistol, which had ripped through it, and subsequently saved Pinchon's life. "I never miss." Standish makes a 'tsk tsk' noise with his tongue. He repeats himself. "I never miss." ****************** A shady figure creeps up the stairs. The footfalls are almost completely silent. At the top of the stairs the figure stops, breathing heavily, but silently. Sunbeams break through a crack in the window blinds. One catches the sight on a gun, and bounces off, creating a rainbow on the wall opposite. The figure rounds a corner. There is activity at the end of the long hallway. Voices float towards the stairs. The noise hides the creaking of the floorboards, as the figure slowly makes its way towards them... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BETH ANYKID Subject: The Dolerich Affair Part 3/5 Date: 06 Mar 1996 16:41:52 -0600 (CST) Double parts today 'cause there just was no good cliffhanger. All characters except the bad guys are the creations of Tetra and Roger Price and borrowed without permission. (I keep forgetting to say that.) Enjoy! Beth The Dolerich Affair Pt 3 "What's our next move?" Jade asked. "Mind-merge. We can ask the space-ship to help us search the planet for Adam," Megabyte explained. "Sit." They raised their hands, palms almost touching, and linked their minds together, reaching out, trying to locate Adam's mind in a sea of thoughts throughout the world. Things were looking grim. They hadn't found a sign of Adam -- until his mind somehow found theirs. Adam's thoughts were panicked. Adam's further contact was simply an image: Aaron Dolerich holding the curved metal he'd pulled from Diana's scalp, looming feet away.... one foot.... inches... reaching behind, and..... The image faded to black. "Adam!" Jade nearly screamed. Megabyte snapped. They tried to teleport Adam to the ship, but it was no use. It was if he was... blocking them! Jade was constantly putting less and less energy into the mind-merge and more into not panicking. Ami noticed and broke the mind-merge. "You're safe here," Ami gave her a quick, reassuring hug. "You're with us," Megabyte added, echoing Adam's words from when Ami had nearly passed out from her first experience with mind-merging. "What do you think is wrong with Adam?" Jade inquired. "My Dad may be right, Dolerich may have control of Adam's mind," Megabyte replied. "Is that possible?" Ami clutched her neck, "Quite." Jade shuddered. "Now what?" Ami yawned. Megabyte looked thoughtful for a moment, "Maybe we should teleport there and grab him." "Are you sure that's wise?" Ami wondered if maybe Dolerich was prepared for that contingency. "Do we have a choice?" "No, Megabyte, not really," Ami replied. "Let's go!" Jade jumped up. "Not so fast, Jade. You're not coming with us," Megabyte pushed Jade on the shoulders until she was seated on the raised area that surrounded the column at the center of the mother ship. "Yes, I am! Adam needs us!" "He'd kill me if I let you come along." At that moment, the object of this discussion was sitting in a chair, stoic and unaware of anything that was going on around him. However, buried down deep in his subconscious, part of him was still in control and restless. The tiny part of Adam that was still himself wondered if his telepathic messages were getting beyond his own skull. If they were, he couldn't hear his friends' replies. He decided the best he could do was bide his time- at sometime he might find a window of opportunity to either contact his friends or throw a wrench in whatever Dolerich was planning. "Jade, you're _not_ coming, and that's final! What if Dolerich got all three of us, too? Then what?" Megabyte tried to reason with her. "With all four Tomorrow People under his power, Dolerich would probably be able to accomplish whatever he wants," Jade looked down at her shoes as she spoke. "So you'll go do something else for us?" Jade nodded, her eyes lighting up. "If you think you can manage it, you might want to pop over to The Houses of Parliament and see if you can dig anything up in Dolerich's office," Megabyte suggested. "Just promise to 'port out of there at the first sign of trouble. We don't want to have to tell my dad we're still on the case." Jade nodded again, slightly disappointed. She wondered how on Earth she'd ever make "full TP" (whatever that was) if the others always got to do the fun - er, dangerous stuff. (Not that snooping around for answers wasn't important, it just didn't seem to have much to do with getting Adam back.) "All right, Ami, if one of us runs into trouble, the other ports out of there," Megabyte turned. Ami nodded. It was nice to hear Megabyte thinking rather than complaining for a change. Jade 'ported away, presumably towards Dolerich's office. "Here goes nothing," Ami said, with considerably less optimism than Megabyte. They concentrated on where Adam was, and where they were, and tried to bring the two together. They re-materialized quite painfully on the lawn of a house somewhere in Mulberry Village. The moment they fully arrived, loud, disorienting alarms started blaring. For a moment, Megabyte was reminded of Dr. Culex's flower pots, but he and Ami were able to teleport away shortly after the initial shock of materializing prematurely wore off. When Ami and Megabyte returned to the ship, it provided them with its orange-juice like drink, and they sat down, trying to remember exactly where in Jade's village they had been. Meanwhile, Jade had found Dolerich's desk, and was carefully rifling through his drawers. While there were many reports on various aspects of the economy -- book sales, the black market of Dr. Who serials, bubble gum production, and consumer confidence polls -- not surprisingly, there was nothing having to do with mind control or world domination; assuming, of course that this was Dolerich's goal. As a last resort, Jade turned pages backwards in Dolerich's calendar. That day was circled in red, with a single phrase scribbled in the margin: "it begins". "What begins? Jade wondered. Then realized that it probably referred to what would have been the apparent suicide of Princess Diana. Footsteps sounded in the corridor. Jade quickly returned the calendar to the day she found it on. The footsteps reached the door. Jade shoved the chair back under the desk and 'ported away. The janitor poked his head in and looked around. 'Empty, must've forgotten to turn the lights out.' He turned the lights off and went on with his duties. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BETH ANYKID Subject: The Dolerich Affair Pt 4/5 Date: 06 Mar 1996 16:43:27 -0600 (CST) Next part Sunday, and please remember to remove appropriate addresses if you actually reply to this. Enjoy! Beth ________________________________ The Dolerich Affair Pt 4 Back at the spaceship, Jade was incredulous as to where Ami and Megabyte had been (they had mind-merged and finally figured it out). "Adam's being held in Humboe House?" "Yeah," Megabyte replied. "Mr. Dolerich is holed up in Dr. Culex's old mansion." "Let's go!" Jade said recklessly. "Yeah," Megabyte agreed. "Wait a minute, guys, we can't just teleport in there and get Adam," Ami reminded them. It was frustrating, they were the next stage of human evolution and they couldn't use their powers on a lark even to save their friend. "We need to think this through first." Megabyte sighed, "Good point. I'm going to go see my dad, tell him what we've learned, face the lecture, and then see what he knows about that place. Maybe he'll even help- but I doubt it." "I doubt he'd leave Adam with this guy, either," Ami added gently. "Good point. Anyway, you two stay here, but try and get some rest. I'll be back soon," Megabyte instructed, then teleported away. Ami wandered into the corridor at the far end of the spaceship, where Adam's nook was. It was more or less a separate room of the spaceship, except there was a tunnel leading out of each of the four walls. "I bet Adam's got a couple spare pillows and blankets back here.... Oh, my goodness...." Jade joined her, "I must've woken him up." Adam's mattress, which looked like it had spent a previous life as a futon cushion, was spread out in the middle of the floor rather than folded neatly in the corner. His sheets were a mess- as if he'd been tossing and turning all night.... "Here they are," Ami said quietly, picking up a stack of pillows and blankets from another corner. Her movements were smooth, deliberate, as if she were extracting treasures from an Ancient Egyptian tomb. Jade glanced around, noticing that Adam didn't have much in the way of homey touches, just a picture frame that housed a picture of Adam, Ami, and Megabyte on a stand in the corner. Adam had tucked picture of Jade that she had given him from her school picture packet into the side of the frame. As always, the drafting table, the purpose of which only Adam knew, was barren. "Let's go," Ami pulled Jade back into the main room of the spaceship. "Why do I feel so...." Jade shuttered, trying to find words for her emotions. "Probably just hitting us that Adam's gone," Ami squirmed. She had a feeling that Jade, too, felt guilty for what seemed like a violation of Adam's space. (He probably wouldn't have minded, but Adam was a very private person, and his friends tended to respect that.) "We'll save him, right?" "I hope so," Ami tossed Jade a pillow and blanket. "We won't do him much good sleep-deprived, though; get some sleep." "Now _you_ think you're Adam," Jade muttered as she lay down. Ami decided not to validate that comment with a response. Adam's thoughts entered Jade's subconscious like a bad plastic knife cutting through steak - it makes a dent, but it's not enough to cut the piece free. Jade thought dreamily, trying to regain consciousness. Adam managed to send Jade thoughts of warmth and comfort before his energy was expended and the contact was broken. (The inner part that was still Adam at this point was so exhausted that he retreated deep into his skull, to recuperate.) Jade woke with a start. She found that Ami was stirring fitfully in her sleep, and Megabyte was leaning over her, a concerned expression on his face. "Bad dream?" Megabyte whispered. "Yes....," Jade started, then realized that, as much as she wanted it to be, it wasn't a dream. She tried desperately to keep the panic from her voice as she continued, "No. It was Adam. He somehow could contact me only in my sleep. He said that Dolerich had control of his mind, and that we had to stop him from doing- whatever it is Dolerich wants Adam to do, we have to stop Adam from doing. He seemed so.... not right. He said we had to stop him, no matter _what_!" "It's all right, Jade," Megabyte soothed. "We'll be able to stop him. I got the floor plans from my Dad. We should be able to find him, all we have to do is get into the house." "Megabyte, I'm scared," Jade admitted. 'What would Adam do in a situation like this?' Megabyte thought. He hugged Jade tentatively. "Megabyte?" Jade was confused. Since she had broken out, Megabyte had been much more tolerant of her (unbeknownst to Jade this was mostly because she'd quit whining about wanting to be a TP so badly,) but the hug seemed a bit much. "I was trying to think what Adam would do?" Megabyte shrugged. Jade rolled her eyes. "What is it with you two and that lately?" Megabyte shook Ami, "C'mon, Ami, time to get up. We've got to go rescue Adam." Ami woke easily. "I sure could go for some breakfast." As if on cue, a tray of what appeared to be oddly colored and shaped doughnuts and three glasses of the ship's approximation of Orange Juice appeared on the ship's "replicator" (the three elder TP's had nicknamed it after a long sleep-over involving one too many episodes of _Star Trek: The Next Generation_). Megabyte picked up one of the confections and took a bite, "Wow! No wonder Adam never bothers with grocery shopping!" The three Tomorrow People devoured their breakfast and teleported to Jade's house, where they walked to the hedge surrounding Humboe House. Megabyte decided that telepathy was probably the best mode of communication. Jade responded fliply. Megabyte quipped. They slipped quietly down the yard, using trees for cover. Megabyte slipped around to the back. Ami replied. Megabyte reached out his mind into the house, Jade was getting nervous. Megabyte inquired as he rejoined the two girls behind a tree. Jade was anxious. Megabyte thought. Jade tried valiantly. Megabyte was adamant. Ami decided that all three of them would be needed if they were going to help Adam. Megabyte's thoughts were tinged with nervousness as they climbed the steps to the house. He passed his hand over the lock, and lights flashed, indicating the door was now unlocked. Megabyte opened the door, making a sweeping, theatrical gesture, pointing Ami and Jade towards the interior of the house. They entered, and Megabyte followed. Ami inquired. Jade led them through twists and turns throughout the mansion. Jade came to a stop in front of a stone wall. At the left hand corner was an Egyptian sculpture that reminded Ami too much of Rameses Ak'Hara for comfort. Jade said definitively. Megabyte replied. Jade replied. She lifted Rameses' nose and flipped a switch. The wall swung backward. The Tomorrow People (minus Adam) walked through the doorway into a room filled with flashing panels, blinking lights, and whirring machinery. Ami started looking over the equipment, Jade was frustrated. Megabyte put a hand on her shoulder, Ami was so excited, she was practically broadcasting. Megabyte walked over evenly, Jade bounced a half a step behind him, grateful to be a part of the action for once. Megabyte rolled his eyes, headed over to a desk, and started rifling through papers. Ami was intent on knowing. Jade squinted at the squiggles, Megabyte wondered. "Of course not! Master Damtheissen is infinitely more powerful than those light-fearing wimps!" Adam's voice pierced the shadows behind them. The three spun around. "Adam! There you are!" Megabyte exclaimed. "Shut up, Megabyte," Adam stepped out of the shadows, his arm outstretched, and his hand clasping- Ami couldn't believe her eyes. "Adam, what are you doing with that thing?" she gasped. "I don't know, Ami, what does one normally do with a gun?" Adam replied evenly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Wendy Kelley) Subject: The Atropos Project 3/10 Date: 09 Mar 1996 22:26:16 -0500 Hey all- I'm not even going to pretend that I'm not here anymore since everyone knows I never really left. I tried... really I did :) But I'm just too addicted to my lists. What follows is the next installment to Atropos (as per the subject line). I've been hard at work writing over this break that wasn't really a break (I should have been studying for a midterm, ya see). Atropos is pretty nearly finished and for those of you who've been bugging me about it, I've started revising _On the Wings of Pigs_. That pretty much sums up my week. So, on with the show: ----------- The Atropos Project A Tomorrow's Future Story by W. Loraine Kelley Part 3/10 "Robbie Caplan," Adam announced immediately after appearing in Damon's office. "What?" The General gazed up at Adam with bleary eyes, his hands clenched around a cup of coffee. A throbbing was starting in his temples and his throat felt parched, despite how much coffee he downed. Not good. He hadn't slept in close to forty-eight hours. Sleep just didn't fit on his agenda until he solved this case. Damon had the sneaking suspicion that he was getting sick. He only hoped his body would hold out until after this was all over and the superiors stopped breathing down his neck. He wondered if Adam's healing powers had returned and if they could cure whatever flu he had this time. A part of him insisted that a good night's sleep would take care of that problem. If only he had the time for such luxuries. Adam slid the photo across the desk. "The boy," he said, stabbing at the picture with his forefinger. "His name is Robbie Caplan." Damon sighed. "How do you know this?" Try as he might, his efforts at tracking down the boy's identity had come to nothing. It seemed the boy had appeared out of nowhere and disappeared right back into nowhere. The only real clue they had towards identifying him was the soccer uniform, but that had failed to pan out. The pictures just weren't clear enough. It would have helped considerably if they even knew what country he was from. Searching for one particular blond teenager in the world was, well, like searching for the proverbial needle in the proverbial haystack. The three year delay didn't help matters either. So much potential information had been lost or destroyed in that time. "I know." Adam's tone left no room for argument. Kevin stood next to Adam, his arms folded. He still wasn't quite sure what to make of events. All he knew is that he wanted to get back home and finish sleeping before he had to wake up for summer school. He doubted his mom would call him in sick. She generally didn't believe him to be sick unless he threw up a lung or something to prove it. And she wasn't very happy with him having to be in summer school either. Kevin didn't mind too much since Megabyte also had to go. How the teacher caught them cheating on that test, he still didn't understand. Damon sighed again, then took a sip of his coffee. He screwed up his face, looked at the coffee cup as though it had somehow betrayed him, then used the eraser of his pencil to push it to a corner of his desk out of reach. "Fine." He wondered if he would regret this decision. Probably. But Adam's name was the only thing they had to go on right now, even if it was an extreme shot in the dark. "I'll have someone run a search and see what they find." Adam rocked back on his heels and smiled. "Thanks." Damon stood up to get a fresh cup of coffee, and noticed Kevin for the first time. He took in the pajamas, bathrobe, and mussed hair then looked at his watch. "Don't you have school today?" Kevin turned and looked at the wall clock behind him, then vanished. Adam looked at Damon, who had one eyebrow cocked. "I'd better go too." Damon nodded. "I'll page you if we find anything." **** The ringing phone jarred K.C. Ryder awake. He fumbled for the receiver, accidentally knocking the papers on the nightstand to the floor. The room was still dark, but a quick glance at the bedside clock showed the morning to be well advanced. With a groan he picked with the receiver. "What?" "It's time." The voice on the other end didn't seem the least put off by K.C.'s manner. "Now?" His voice came out almost as a whine. "Now." He groaned again. "Can't it wait?" "No." "Yes, Sir." He replaced the receiver, then collapsed back into bed, closing his eyes for a few seconds while he forced himself to wake up. 'Four hours of sleep,' he moaned. On the bed next to him, the walkman still played. Faint music poured from the headphones, a beat that exactly didn't match his mood although somehow the words did. ~Trapped in between heaven and hell~ ~He knows all the secrets~ ~and don't want to tell.~ ~There's nowhere to run and there's nowhere to hide.~ ~Love knows you all to well~ ~He will find you.~ "Yeah. Right," he spoke to the empty room. He yawned loudly then rocked to his feet. It only took a few minutes to clean up and gather his things and head out. His key was in the lock and his foot between the door and wall -- propping it open while he did a mental inventory to see if he was forgetting anything -- when he made a decision. With a curse, he walked back into the room, picked up the telephone, and dialed. The phone was answered up on the second ring. "Sam?" His voice shook, though he wasn't sure why. He seemed to be defying a lot of people this week. What was one more? Might as well go out with a bang. Make sure they never forgot his name. Might as well, since he'd be picking a new one anyway. They didn't like Their operatives to keep any ties with their former lives. Annoying, but doable. "Speaking." "He just called." Silence. "Thanks." The reception cut out with a click. KC smiled, then replaced the phone on his end. He never really cared one way or another about Samantha or Sean. They were just co-workers, and not very entertaining ones at that. Sean was such a peacock and Sam was so anal about following orders to the letter. Yet, warning Sam made him feel good. That bothered him. This business didn't have room for love or loyalty to anyone but yourself and the people with the money. He slammed his fist into the wall, then stomped out of the room. The force with which he twisted the key in the lock almost bent the metal. He slipped his earphones on as he walked downstairs. ~The prey of the beast screamed~ ~bloody murder~ ~The line is so fine between~ ~hoping and hurting~ **** Rachel leaned against her front door, face turned to the sun. She closed her eyes, relishing in the warmth on her face after the cold basement. A breeze sporadically gusted through the yard, tugging strands of blonde hair from her headband. The wind carried the aromas of a hot Chicago summer: hot dogs and bratwurst burning on someone's grill, chlorine from her neighbour's pool, and the faint scent of roses from those climbing the trellis by the garage. The wind cooled her face as the sun warmed it, an invigorating tingle on her skin. It was still morning, an hour her sister would have considered unholy, but Rachel had been awake since dawn. She woke up to see the sun rise as usual, then retreated to the basement. There, reclining in a beanbag chair wrapped in an old afghan, she watched and rewatched the tape of Robbie's last soccer game. She was especially fascinated with the end, were he disappeared. This she viewed on still frame, again and again. She had developed an obsession with the event. For awhile, right after it happened, she had been convinced that Robbie had been abducted by aliens. Rachel still didn't know what happened, or how, but the alien idea quickly got discarded. She didn't believe in aliens. At least, not the kind from other planets. That she once had made her blush. Gabby was the science-fiction person, not her. Except for this one event that so thoroughly captured her interest. Gabby had called it teleporting -- a word gleaned from one of those stupid shows she insisted on watching. The ability to go from one place to another without traveling the distance in between. Gabby thought there might be some connection between the teleporting and Robbie's headaches. Not that they were likely to ever know for sure. Rachel remembered Robbie disappearing, then the call from the police two days later saying he had been found on the soccer field, in the same place from which he'd disappeared. Unconscious. No one knew where he had been for those two days or what happened to cause the coma. In three years, he'd never so much as opened his eyes. For three years, nothing changed. Now he seemed to be getting progressively worse. She wished she knew how to make him wake up. Her parents had been through so much with the three of them. They didn't need anything else -- most especially their son dying. A rumble in her stomach reminded Rachel that she hadn't yet eaten today. 'Later,' she promised herself. 'First, the bike ride.' She slipped on a pair of sunglasses, wheeled her prize thirteen-speed mountain bike from the garage, and started off on her daily ride. A few dried leaves yanked from their trees by the wind tumbled in the gutters, wrapping around the spokes of the bicycle. Ten minutes into the trip, she removed her hearing-aid, slipping it into the pocket of her cut-off jeans. Silence closed around her. For a time, she thought she could still hear birds chirping. Then realised how ridiculous the notion was, despite what her parents thought. They had been remarking recently on her sudden improvement in speech, going so far as to wonder if somehow her hearing problems were going away. She scoffed at the idea. Although... sometimes she found herself responding to speech she couldn't have heard, either because she was not watching the speaker or because of high background noise. It also seemed easier to make herself understood. Curious. No sounds were affected by this change except for speech and only when spoken by a person in her immediate vicinity. No complaints, but she was most definitely curious. **** "That's the one." "You're sure?" "Positive." "Get the equipment set." "She's not ready..." "So, we make her ready." "How?" "Do what I say." "Yes, Sir." **** She pedaled away from the house, cycling through the subdivision with the wind at her back. The shadows of the trees lining the curb crisscrossed her path creating an almost strobe- like flicker as she moved from light to shadow and back again. Squirrels played at the base of these trees, retreating in panic to the branches as she approached. And, in the gutters, small birds searched through the swirling leaves for food. The scene offered serenity, a relief from the hectic highschool life, from trying to fit in where she knew she didn't belong. She made it a point to ride every day, weather permitting. Out here she felt accepted. Here the distance, the perpetual feeling of seclusion even in the largest of crowds, disappeared. Robbie would have understood. He had once admitted to the same feeling. "I'm alone out there," he'd said, spreading his arms wide. "It's like watching yourself in a home movie. You know that's you up there with everyone else, participating, having fun. Yet, at the same time, it isn't." He shook his head. His eyes had that same far away look as when he first exited the field after a soccer game. The 'look' made Rachel feel as though he was seeing wonderful things no one else could, and didn't know the words to express them. A crow alighted in her path. It observed her with one eye for a breath before flying off. A few minutes later it returned and hopped along next to her bicycle for several feet before taking to the air again. Rachel followed it with her eyes as it flitted from the branch of one tree to the next. Each time it landed, it would take a second to stare at her. She became so engrossed with its activities that she failed to notice her bicycle drift across the yellow line on the road. **** end Part 3 -- Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor, infinitum British Sci-Fi Net Magazine Richie flagwaver * FFFROGie * Diehard * SAVE FOREVER KNIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: With Human Blood, 3/6 Repost Date: 10 Mar 1996 01:34:36 -0800 Apologies to those of you who have already seen this thing, but I never saw it, and by an informal poll, quite a few others hadn't seen it either. So, I'm reposting it, with Wendy and Kyrie's blessing. Next part, likely tomorrow night, with the part after that popping up next Friday. With Human Blood and Human Tears by Selma McCrory copyright 1996 part 3 Lisa watched as Greer got up and opened the door. "Adam, what are you doing here? And why are you using the ?" "I didn't have any choice." "You know that you're welcome to pop in anytime. You don't have to use the door." "This time, I did." Whatever Adam was going to add, he stopped when he saw Lisa. A big smile broke out on his face and he went over to hug Lisa. "Lisa! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you for ages!" "Well, I was in the area, and Greer invited me in," Lisa said hesitantly. "She hasn't gone to see anyone yet, she just got here, but I'm glad she decided to visit." "She needs to do that more often," he replied. "Well, I bet Megabyte would like to see her," Greer replied jovially. "But we were just catching up, comparing notes, that sort of thing." Adam nodded. "I'm certainly lucky to drop in at this time." Greer replied, "Well, I'm happy to be hosting this impromptu get-together here. Should I call the others? Ring them, I mean." "I'll call them," Lisa replied. She looked at Adam expectantly. "Or you can, if you want." "Go ahead," Adam said. Lisa frowned; Adam would normally be the one to call, since he knew everyone. But she relented, figuring that she could use the practice anyway. *Hey, everyone! This is Lisa. We seem to have a get-together at Greer's place.* She got some questioning inquiries back from two people she was familiar with. Kevin answered with a startled, *Lisa!*, while Megabyte answered with a *where have you been?* *I've been busy. Pop by and see what's up.* Obviously, it didn't take more than that. Megabyte popped in almost instantly, followed by Kevin. Two other girls popped in a few minutes later, prompting Greer to speak up. "You're supposed to be on vacation. You didn't have to come all the way back to England." "Mum is asleep. I was going to bed but I heard the call." Adam shook off his lethargy and jumped up, interposing himself between Lisa and the two newcomers. "This is Ami," he said, indicating the young woman who had just spoken. "And this is Jade. This is Lisa, she's one of us." *Are you the one that Megabyte is continually grumbling about?* Jade asked her quietly. *Probably.* "Who doesn't hang around her kind very much," Greer said from nearby. "We noticed," Megabyte said. Greer raised her eyebrows. "Just because enjoy your powers doesn't mean everyone has to," she said. "Greer's right," Adam interjected. "If Lisa wants to ignore her powers, she's got every right." Megabyte glared at Adam. Lisa watched as the entire room tensed. Then suddenly, a noise broke the silence. Michael came in, looking surprised. "A party that I wasn't invited to?" "An impromptu one, may I say," Greer said thoughtfully. "Lisa came over from the States and I thought we needed a get-together." "Well, let me get some music," Michael said, apparently oblivious to the tension in the room. "I'll get some of my tapes," Jade volunteered, and vanished. "I really need to go," Ami said. "It was pleasant meeting you, Lisa." Lisa smiled. Just before Ami popped out, she heard, *Behave yourself, Megabyte.* *Thanks a lot, Ami. Adam? Are you going to tell me what to do, too? Adam?* *If he doesn't want to respond, he won't respond,* Kevin said, joining the conversation. *Now everyone's ganging up against me. Adam? Where are you?* Greer looked around and cleared her throat. "Out loud, folks? Some of us aren't telepaths, you know." Megabyte grumbled something unintelligible. "Here we are," Jade said, popping back in. "A bit of music." Michael took a look at the tapes. "Van Halen, Deep Blue Something, Byron Lucifer, Hootie and the Blowfish, Ace of Base..." Greer groaned. "I I could stand most of those." "Well, I'm kind of in the mood for some Byron Lucifer," Megabyte said. "Who's Byron Lucifer?" Lisa asked. "He's a singer who Megabyte and Jade are quite fond of," Adam replied. "I'd heard the stage blew up before the concert," Greer said. "Well, somewhat," Megabyte said. "I take it that was part of your last adventure? Well, in that case, I think I can quite tolerate some of his music." * * * The party was over. Or at least, most everyone had left. Michael was writing, Greer was sitting in a chair, Lisa had spread out her sleeping bag, and Adam was making the couch ready so that he could sleep on it later that night. Greer had been quite surprised to find out that Adam had wanted to sleep in London. He'd offered the use of his tent to Lisa, but she'd preferred to stay as well. Megabyte's sister was having a sleepover at their house with many of her friends, so there was no room for Adam. So, he was sleeping at Greer's flat tonight. Well, she mused, at least she would have some time to chat with him and try to find a suggestion on how to deal with his problem. Some of Jade's tapes still remained, and Michael had left the Ace of Base album on. It was less annoying than she thought it was, and besides, the volume was down low enough that she barely noticed it. "Are you okay?" she asked. Adam glanced up. "Hmm?" "Are you okay?" she repeated. "I think so," he said. Greer looked up and met Lisa's eyes. Lisa was stared hesitantly at Adam, clearly torn between asking and staying silent. "Lisa, could you run into the kitchen and work with the coffeemaker? It doesn't like me very much." "Well, it doesn't like me that much either, but I'll try," Lisa said. "Coffee or Tea?" "Tea for me, if you can manage it. Adam?" "Tea for me, also." "'Kay, two teas, one coffee." "Decaf, unless you want to be up half the night...and jet lag is bad enough as it is. By the way, you can ask Michael too." "Will do." After Lisa had left, Greer said, "Knowing our coffeemaker, it'll take her a while to make anything. I swear the thing only likes Michael." Adam managed a small smile. "So, why did you send Lisa so surreptitiously out of the room?" Greer stared down at the floor and gave him an embarrassed grin. "That obvious, eh? I got the idea that you wanted to talk to me." Adam sighed, and blinked. He moved his hands around, gripping the arms of the chair, and looking everyplace but straight at Greer. "I don't know how to phrase this..." Greer smiled, and folded her hands in her lap. "Well, try your best. I know some things are difficult to explain, so I'll just sit around until you can." Adam tapped his fingers together. Then he got up and paced around the room, trying to speak, opening his mouth and then closing it again. Greer waited patiently while he tried to get himself together. "Well," the young man finally said, blushing. "I seem to have lost my abilities." "That's impossible!" "So's me killing. But I managed fine." "You think it could be cosmic justice that you don't have your powers anymore?" "Could be." "So you can't teleport." "No. And I can't hear anyone. I'm as mindblind as you are." "This is impossible. This really is impossible." "Impossible or not, I'm not going 'home' tonight." "Wonderful. I take it you haven't told anyone but me about this?" "Nope. I don't know what to say to them." Greer sighed. One problem on top of the other. It made her wish she was observing a nice, simple beheading. Why were all of her problems lately labeled 'Adam'? "You'll have to tell them sometime. Especially since you're the leader." "Megabyte could handle that. Or Ami. Or Lisa, for that matter." "They could, I suppose, but everyone's used to you. Maybe Ami would do well, but I don't think Megabyte would. And Lisa would be most unhappy about it." "Lisa could handle it," Adam said, craning his head in Greer's direction. Greer nodded. "Possibly. She certainly picked a good time to visit didn't she?" Adam nodded. "It was a good time. If my loss is truly permanent, she'd be the next oldest." Greer sighed, turning the tape over in the player. "Well, where were we? You lost your powers, and are working on a successor without telling anyone that you've lost your powers. And how are you getting home without teleporting, by the way." "It's called an airplane, you know. We get air service in Australia," Adam said somewhat sarcastically. "But yes, I'll tell Lisa later on this evening. If she's still awake." "If she has that coffee, she certainly will be." "It occurred to me that all of you should have continual cases of jetlag, considering you go all over the place. How do you manage?" "We manage." Greer sighed. "Well, since you're a captive audience here, why don't I tell you a little problem I've been considering..." * * * "His name is Adam?" Adam said. He looked at the immortal, who for some reason was flushing. He gave her a comforting hug. "Probably not his real one. And we've got to get him out of the Watchers *fast*, before he causes any more damage!" "Why? You're an ex-Watcher..." "'Scuse me, you folks may work on the principle of 'be fruitful and multiply,' but we work on the principle of 'be fruitful and behead.' With the information he possibly has access to, he could surprise anyone he wants, know all their weaknesses, and so on! That's why I don't want access, just because I'd be tempted to do just that." Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: The Double Cross Affair - Pt 9 Date: 10 Mar 1996 12:38:22 -0800 A note to TP "purists". Most of the material won't jive with the basic timeline, past the actual series (old and new). I am writing as I go along! I am trying to get one part a week posted. This header will be on all parts. If you receive this post and are missing parts feel free to write me at and I will be happy to send you what you are missing!! As usual, I have to say that I am not out to offend anyone. If you have a weak stomach don't read this! * WARNING - WARNING * This is not a short story. Prepare to read-off line . Enough talk! Enjoy!!!!!!!! ********************************************************************** THE TOMORROW PEOPLE THE DOUBLE CROSS AFFAIR A work of fiction by Marla Kendal ********************************************************************** PART IX DOUBLE CROSS "Where is our man now?" Joshon winces at the crackling on the other end of the walkie-talkie. "I dunno, boss. He was there and then he wasn't. I'm on my way up there now." Carlito cracks his gum. Joshon winces again. "Be quiet. If you get caught we are not bailing you out. You're done for. Remember that." "Yea right." Carlito cracks his gum several times in a row, just to annoy Joshon. He slides along the wall with his pistol pointed towards the door at the end of the hall. ****************** Patricia jaunts into the room. It is silent. She crouches behind an open door. It belongs to a closet, full of sports equipment. Patricia jaunts. ****************** James watches as Baker examines one of the stun guns. "You still haven't told us what this is all about." Baker pulls the trigger and stuns a table lamp. It falls off its desk with a loud crash. As Standish and Baker are momentarily distracted, Stephen and Tyso jaunt from the room. Baker watches them vanish in dis-belief. "You're not going anywhere!" A voice comes from behind, and a shot rings out. James jaunts to the opposite side of the room and rips a stun gun away from Standish. Two flashes of bright light blind the occupants of the room. They clear to reveal Carlito standing stock still, his pistol pointed towards the spot on which James had previously stood. Patricia takes the gun from his hand, and pushes him over. He falls to the floor, with his head resting on the ankles of his partner Pinchon. Baker grasps at his chest. He pulls his hand away, and studies the blood running through his fingers. He gasps, and falls to the floor. Standish drops his pistol and runs to Baker. As he examines the wound, James and Patricia quietly slip from the room. On his way out, James picks up the blue slippers, and tucks them into his belt. (THE VAST MANSION AT AN UNKNOWN LOCATION) "What?" Cawston slams down the phone in a fit of anger. He pulls the cord from the wall and hurls the instrument across the room. It hits the wall, leaving a black mark on the perfectly white paint. Picking up a paper weight, he heaves it through a window. It shatters into tiny pieces, imploding, showering shards of glass back onto him. Cawston does not notice. Streams of blood trickle down from his forehead. In his continuing rage he slowly destroys the office. ********************** Standish watches as the ambulance drives away, with Baker and Pinchon inside. He turns to the unmarked car with Carlito seated in back, and signals the driver. The car starts, and moves quickly down the street. It turns the corner and goes out of sight. (TWO HOURS LATER) Cawston limps into the corridor. He recovers a key from his suit pocket. It clicks into a lock on a door across from his office. Once inside, he lifts the receiver of the phone and dials a local number. "Bring him. Get him on the next plane. I want him here now!" He dials another number. A woman answers. "We have a problem. I need you to do me that favor you owe me. Yes, I know that you know exactly what to do." (LONDON HEADQUARTERS OF "WARP") "Come on, Carlito. Tell us who you work for. It'll be easier on you in the long run. See, the type of people a guy like you works for don't give a doodley about a guy like you. You are going to jail. They will leave you there to rot. And I am going to be the happy fellow who locks the door, and then laughs while I flush the key down my toilet." Carlito, who is staring intently at the desktop does not reply, so he continues. "You know your buddy Pinchon is going to survive. Do you care? Probably not. My buddy on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He's on a slab in the morgue. And it was your bullet that took his life. We got you cold. He was a good man, Baker. That was his name, if you care. Has a family. A wife, a small baby. They don't have him anymore. And its all your fault." Standish punctuates his last words by poking Carlito in the chest three times. Carlito meets Standish's gaze. "Boo-fucking-hoo." ("WARP" HEADQUARTERS, AUSTIN, TX) Carolyn Schaeffer puts the final touch on her makeup. After closing her compact, she drops it into her purse. She retrieves the purse from the bottom drawer. She zips closed the large center pocket, and opens a smaller one on the front. From it, she removes a small caliber pistol. Finding an empty magazine in the center desk drawer, she loads it carefully with bullets she gets from the paper clip dispenser. She collects several personal items from around the office, including a travel bag. After locking the door behind her, she stops at the receptionist's desk. There, she says a brief goodbye, and picks up an envelope. The envelope contains a one-way ticket to Heathrow airport in London. She exits the building, and finds her car in the parking lot. She drives an hour and arrives at a small private airstrip. Presenting her ticket she boards the plane. (A PRIVATE HOSPITAL ROOM) "I take the fifth." Pinchon hobbles to the window, and peers through the security grating. "You do know that Carlito gave you up." "I don't believe you. You can try every tactic in the book, but it ain't gonna work. I ain't buying it." Pinchon shrugs. "Even if it were true, what do ya got me for? Trespassing? Carrying a concealed weapon? I'll be out in a coupla months, and go right back to the 'states." Standish relents. "You're right. He won't talk, and we don't have you on much. But I can cook up something. One of my men is dead, and I take that kinda thing very personal." "Take it any way you want. Meanwhile, I got some resting to do. Unless you want to wait for my lawyer, I ain't listening to any more of this." Standish moves towards the door. "Well, at least Baker got to do one great thing before he died. Want to know what it was?" "Not really, but I guess you are gonna tell me anyway." "He knocked you on your lousy ass." On that note, Standish departs. (TWA FLIGHT 210 HEATHROW TO JFK) (OCTOBER 1, 1983) Joshon stomps around the compartment, beating on the walls with his fist. He mutters aloud, to himself, as there is no one there to listen. "Now I'm a freaking courier. Go get him, bring him back. I want it now. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Damn limey bastard." He takes a heavy breath. "If I ever get my hands on that prick Carlito, I'll rip him in two." A stewardess slides the separating curtain open. "Sir, do you need anything?" She smiles warily. (OCTOBER 2, 1983) Mikey struggles against his restraints. Thoughts of Shane and the lessons drift through his mind. He concentrates hard, and the handcuffs fall away. He rips the blindfold from his face, but finds only more darkness behind it. Extending his hands, he feels around him. He is imprisoned in the trunk of a car. He tries to remember how he got there. He recalls Joshon coming into his room. Lindy was there. She had been putting a bandage on his latest wound. Joshon had become angry and physically pushed her out of the room. "He's injured. I'm just putting something on it so it doesn't get infected. You may not care about the kids, but I do." Lindy had stood defiant, hands on her hips. Joshon had not appeared to be the slightest bit impressed. The last thing Mikey could recall was the long sharp needle that Joshon stuck into his arm. The car hits a bump that sends Mikey crashing into the ceiling of his tiny prison. He lapses into unconsciousness. ************** Pinchon examines the grating on the window. He has been tugging and pushing on it for hours. It refuses to budge. A car horn honks three times. It is his signal. He knows he needs to act quickly. He rifles through the bedside table, and buried inside a box of tissues he finds a book of matches. He turns back the top sheet on the bed. Patting down the mattress, he discovers a lump. He reaches under the flat sheet and pulls from it a thin foam pad. He takes a match and lights the pad. After smouldering a few seconds it bursts into a small flame. He places the pad on the bed and adds tissues and shreds of paper to it. He lights a separate strip of paper, and raises the flame to the smoke detector. Within seconds the alarm sounds. The overhead sprinkler system is activated, and extinguishes the fire. The door flies open and hospital staff members flood into the room. In the melee Pinchon walks out of the room. He continues down the ward, un-noticed. He lets himself out of the ward through the nearest exit, and flees quickly down the stairs. Once outside, he steps into a waiting automobile, and is gone. (WARP HEADQUARTERS, LONDON) (9:15am) "I want my lawyer." "Carlito, I told you. Security is tight in this building. Lawyers aren't allowed in. They pose too much of a risk. You know. Leaks to the press and things like that. Lawyers talk too much. I have a brother in law that is a lawyer. If he wasn't married to my dear sister, I would probably shoot him." Standish laughs at his own joke. "Yea well. We aren't here to talk about me are we? No, we are not. We are here to talk about you. Tell me, you have a family? Someone that you support with all the money you make working was it you said you work for?" Standish receives only a blank, disdainful stare in return for his efforts. (4:30pm) "I don't know. I don't know anything. I got rights. You got me here for two days, no food, no sleep. This ain't fair." Carlito's head begins to nod down towards his chest. It snaps back abruptly. His voice has begun to waver under the strain. Standish watches from across the room. He bites into a fresh jelly doughnut. Some of the raspberry filling dribbles down his chin. His mouth is full. "Anytime now. You want something to eat? Tell us something. You want a drink? Tell us something. You want to go to the head, tell us something." "I want my lawyer." Standish drops the rest of the doughnut into the garbage. (THE TP LAB) "Tell us what you know Tim." John serves himself a large helping of potatoes and gravy. "According to police records the fingerprints found on the stun gun that James was able to recover belong to a man by the name of George Standish. Captain George Standish." "Captain? He's army?" Patricia moves her food around the plate with her fork listlessly. "What branch? Let me guess, the Experimental Weapons Establishment." She drops the fork, and pushes the plate away. "Mind if I finish that?" Stephen switches their plates without waiting for her answer. "His last traceable assignment was with the regular army, over five years ago. In 1980 he was honorably discharged. I was unable to find any records past that date. It was an accomplishment on my part to get that much. The information was buried as deeply as I have ever seen." "We appreciate what you were able to do Tim...What about the other man? Pinchon?" John takes the last bisquit, and butters it. He takes a bite and sees Stephen watching. "He was admitted to hospital shortly after the incident. He was under tight guard the entire time. But he has since escaped custody. Apparently he lit a fire in his room, and while hospital staff evacuated he slipped out to a waiting car." "And the other two?" With Stephen still watching, John splits his bisquit in two, and hands half to Stephen, who dips it in the last of the gravy on his plate, and eats happily. "The other man who was shot was named Baker. His most current assignment was as an envoy to a Special Projects Branch. He died at the same hospital early yesterday morning. The third I have been unable to come up with information on, as you were unable to supply me with a name." John pushes away his plate. "That is alright Tim. The information is no good to us if he is in government custody." (9:32pm) Carolyn walks through the front door. She stops briefly at the reception desk to receive her pass. She is met inside the first security door by a young Corporal. They have an significant flirtation whilst he leads her to their destination. He asks her if she would like to join him for dinner. She replies that she is sorry, but she will not be available at that time. (9:38pm) The Corporal steers her into an interrogation room, and leaves her there. On the south wall is a curtain. She slides the curtain out of her way to reveal a window looking into another room. Her boss Standish is interrogating the hoodlum by the name of Carlito. She observes Standish working in his "bad cop" mode. He is pacing about the room, waving his arms, yelling at Carlito. Carlito sits limply, with his back to the one way mirror. It is obvious to Carolyn Carlito is tired, and nearly broken down to the point where he might talk. (9:40pm) Standish is yelling. He screams and rants and raves at the top of his lungs. Carlito leans over with his head on the table, with his hands on his ears, attempting to block out the din. Gradually the yelling subsides, and he lifts his head. "Okay. Just shut the hell up for a minute, will you?" (9:42pm) Carolyn opens the front pocket on her purse. From it she takes the small caliber pistol. Dropping the purse on the edge of the long table, she skirts around a chair, and walks to the far wall. She lifts the pistol and aims towards the glass. She pulls the trigger several times in rapid succession. The glass shatters, and plummets to the floor. Carolyn shoots two more bullets, directly into the back of Carlito's head. She then turns the gun on herself, and fires the last bullet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BETH ANYKID Subject: The Dolerich Affair Pt 5/5 Date: 10 Mar 1996 16:59:43 -0600 (CST) Ok, I'm a little late today, it's reading period, ok? Happy Birthday to Anne Vanvelzen! Enjoy! Beth ________________________________________________ The Dolerich Affair Pt 5 "Adam! There you are!" Megabyte exclaimed. "Shut up, Megabyte," Adam stepped out of the shadows, his arm outstretched, and his hand clasping- Ami couldn't believe her eyes. "Adam, what are you doing with that thing?" she gasped. "I don't know, Ami, what does one normally do with a gun?" Adam replied evenly. Adam's faint telepathic voice rang out. Jade, who was closest to Adam, stood still, frozen in terror. Megabyte decided now was a good time to stall, "Come on, Adam, calm down. You and I both know you're not going to actually use it." "My orders are to kill you," the part of Adam under Dolerich's control replied. Adam, the part of him that was still himself, was near panic. At the same moment, Megabyte said, "So why don't you do it all ready? You can't Adam; you know it, I know it." Jade, seeing her chance, inched closer to Adam, then ran outside his gun arm, and yanked a curved piece of metal out of his hair. Adam shook his head to clear it. "I'll take that," Jade took advantage of Adam's disorientation to confiscate the gun and toss it away. "Jade, I- I'm," Adam began, not even sure where to begin. Jade hugged him, "It's OK, you tried to fight it." Jade couldn't hide anything from Adam during the brief tactile contact. "It's all right, you did well," Adam whispered, hoping this would calm Jade's fear. He desperately tried to block his own guilt to keep her from worrying any more. "Megabyte, Ami...." Adam turned to them with a guilty expression as Jade let go of him. "It's all right, you couldn't help it," Megabyte interrupted again. Jade wandered over to study the machinery. "Dolerich wants to..." "Take over Parliament and the British means of production and increase research and development for bubble gum for some strange reason. We know, but why?" Megabyte replied. "I'm not entirely sure. His workroom is through there, Ami, take Jade and go see what you can find out. That's the way in or out, I'll give you a shout if there's trouble." Ami was incredulous. "Keep the telepathy to a minimum, Ami, Damthiessen is a telepath." "Is he an alien, Adam?" "I'm not sure, I've never seen him. I'm positive he's not one of those green smoke things though." "Hey, Adam, do you have any idea what the model propulsion system on this terminal is for?" Jade inquired. Adam's eyes widened. It seemed that Jade had developed psychometry- the ability to receive impressions from inanimate objects. Apparently, this was her special gift (like Megabyte's ease with computers and Adam's slight healing powers- he suspected he'd burnt himself out healing that nearly-dead operative, but it was worth it). "I take that back; Megabyte, go with Ami and see what you can find out. I'll stay here with Jade and see what else we can come up with." "All right, Jade, what've you got so far?" "Well, it's a model of some sort of propulsion system. For testing fuel or something. This panel simulates propulsion, this one fuel purification, and the one on the far right drinking water reclamation," Jade replied. "I wish I knew how I knew all this." "I think you've found a new power," Adam explained. "I can't even tell you if the rest of us have it. Unless of course, you're picking up on telepathic residues I'm missing for some reason- probably your shields aren't so strong yet." Adam could have been imagining things, but it seemed that Jade was standing a little taller. "But Adam, what does all this have to do with taking over Parliament- or bubble gum for that matter? Dolerich can't be that hard up..." alien thoughts touched their minds. They did. Jade wondered who this new TP was and why on Earth they would work for Dolerich. Adam, on the other hand, knew, somehow, that these thoughts weren't human. As they turned around, they discovered that their assailant was a blue blob with an odd, threatening device protruding from it. Adam grabbed Jade's shoulders and pulled her to him protectively. Jade took advantage of the contact to 'path to Adam privately. Adam broadcasted on a wide band, hoping Ami and Megabyte would pick up on the "urgency" of his voice. Meanwhile, in the basement, Megabyte and Ami were searching through diagrams. "I can't believe this, it's like Albert Einstein trying to teach relativity to a preschooler," Megabyte shook his head. "What's it all mean?" Ami wondered. "Fuel must be dried while water is reclaimed for drinking purposes? Why would fuel have to be dry? And why use it as a source of drinking water? It'd be like drinking water run off of gasoline." "Maybe there isn't enough water otherwise. But fuel and drinking water for what? Space voyages?" "And what does this have to do with Dolerich and bubble gum anyway?" Adam's urgent telepathic "voice" rang through their heads. Megabyte was about to 'path back when Ami stopped him. "Whoever he's talking to is telepathic, anything you say that isn't on the narrowest of bands will be overheard," she reminded. "So how do we find out what's going on?" Megabyte was getting cranky again. "Mind-merge- try and link our minds to Adam's and Jade's- try and find out what's going on, and plan our next move," Ami replied, raising her hands. Megabyte followed suit. They stood, arms outstretched, palms almost touching. Adam's telepathic "voice" led Megabyte and Ami directly to his mind. Adam sensed their telepathic presence, and fully linked his mind to Jade's so that the four of them could communicate discreetly. the goo responded. Jade's thought drifted quietly through the mind-link, a sort-of "whisper". Megabyte replied in the same manner. Jade was only half kidding. Adam decided he didn't want to take the risk that fuel purification was the only thing this creature wanted with Jade's gum, Sensing that Adam would be reasonable, the being lowered the device. the being paused as it extracted vital information that popped into Adam's mind- Adam sighed, somehow, he knew that would have to do. Jade pulled out three disks of colored foil imprinted with utterly inaccurate depictions of aliens and their spacecraft. The being projected amusement as he snatched the coins out of Jade's palm, leaving her hand covered in blue goo. Jade cracked as she wiped the goo onto her jeans. Adam smiled in spite of himself- at least Jade's sense of humor was more advanced than Megabyte's, even if she didn't quite know when it wasn't appropriate. Adam inquired suddenly. Adam replied. He knew he should probably accept the alien's apology, but after what the mind control device had almost forced Adam to do his friends, it just didn't seem to be enough. The creature threw a switch. Adam 'pathed. The four Tomorrow People 'ported back to the spaceship. Megabyte grinned, "We did it." Adam sat down and buried his face in his hands, "I'm so sorry guys. I almost killed you, I don't know what I was thinking." Jade sat down next to Adam and gave him a big hug, "_You_ weren't doing the thinking, Adam, it was Dolerich." "I should have stopped...." Megabyte came over and put a steadying hand on Adam's shoulder, "You did." Adam laughed, "Hardly." Ami walked over and started rubbing Adam's back, "And if you hadn't started raising such a fuss when the part of you that was under Dolerich's control had that gun trained on us, what would've happened?" "I'd have shot...." Adam started, realization and relief sweeping over him. At that moment, Jade yawned. Adam gently touched her mind. "You need to go home and catch up on your sleep," he said, soothingly caressing her hair. Jade snuggled against Adam's side, "What's wrong with going to sleep right here?" Ami laughed, "I think she's got the right idea." She sat next to Adam and leaned against his other shoulder. Adam laughed, and slouched against the back of the raised part that ran around the column of the spaceship, getting settled. Megabyte stretched out on the floor a few feet away, apparently not wanting to leave. "Megabyte," Adam shook his head. Megabyte sighed, got up, and stretched out so he was using Adam's shins as a pillow. "Better?" "Yeah," Adam yawned, whether he was overtaken with the exhaustion of his three friends or completely wiped himself, he wasn't quite sure. All Adam knew for sure was that he and his friends were safe once again, and that he felt secure for the first time in too long. *This is the name given to the aliens in "The Living Stones" novilization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: With Human Blood, 4/6 Date: 11 Mar 1996 00:57:07 -0800 I was going to send this tomorrow evening, but I found out yesterday that I'm going to be out of town for a job interview tomorrow. So, everyone gets it a day earlier than planned. It's the shortest part, so I hope I don't overtax everyone's mailboxes! Part 5 will not be posted any sooner than Friday the 15th. -------------------------- With Human Blood and Human Tears by Selma McCrory copyright 1996 part 4 "Could it be possible that he is just interested in the history?" "Possibly. That's one of the reasons I'm hesitating. The other one being that he seems older than me, and I'm not too hot as a fighter." "You're interested in history, too," Adam observed. In fact, he had never seen anyone quite as interested in history. Maybe she never got it all quite right, but she always looked to the past. "We observe, we record, but we never interfere," Greer said thoughtfully. "Huh?" Adam said succinctly. _I know this, why are you saying it?_ "I'm a recorder of history as it happens. A chronicler," she said, ignoring him. "You're quite right, he might not be interested in winning the game that way, just chronicling. He might even be like me, a Watcher who became Immortal and didn't want to leave what he knew. Wish I'd had the chance." Adam thought he understood. "The 'what-if' situation," he said quietly. "You can't return to what you were. Maybe he doesn't understand either." "*If* he's really a displaced Watcher, not someone out to use the Watchers for gain," Greer said. "I'm not even sure I can trace him to ask." "Maybe you're not supposed to." "True," Greer said. "Well, maybe I'll figure out what to do." "You will." Suddenly, Lisa appeared, holding two mugs of hot chocolate. "Did I miss anything?" "Oh, just the usual heart-to-heart discussion," Greer said airily. "That for me?" "No, it's for Michael, actually. Do you want me to get another mug?" "No thanks. But next time you come by, remind me I need to get cocoa." "Will do. I'm going to talk to Michael for a minute, see you both later." "'Kay," Greer said. As Lisa left, she stared at Adam. "I'll tell her," he said resignedly. "You should. They depend on you, you know. They don't depend on me, or Michael, or Lisa. You're the one everyone looks up to, including me." Adam blushed. "For goodness sake, you haven't noticed that? None of us has ever seen you really down." "I know," he said miserably. "Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way," she said out loud. "You can't be without your powers because we need you. I need you. I need you sane and whole so that I can stop worrying about you while I deal with this other problem." "Maybe you are going about this the wrong way," Michael replied from the doorway. "Let me try." "Go ahead. Where's Lisa, by the way?" "Oh, I asked her something and she went home to get some stuff for me." "Well, at least she's getting the practice," Adam said. Greer waved her husband to a chair, wondering what he was up to. He nodded, sat down, and got comfortable. "Let me tell you about something. A few months before Greer and I met up again in Sacramento, I was assigned to do a minor supervisorial role there. During that time, one of my people was murdered. She'd been assigned to this particular female Immortal. A lot of other Watchers who were observing this particular immortal had also been killed. The first was my aunt, two decades before." "I'm sorry," Adam said. Greer nodded. She'd never been told this particular story and was fascinated, especially since there was little about Michael's past that she didn't know about. "Thanks. Well, I got the bright idea that I needed to talk to her. I did. We ended up pooling resources. Turns out that this businessman had a fascination for swordfights, especially deadly ones, and he'd fastened on her as a way of providing entertainment. So, in his twisted mind, he decided that he had to protect her from arrest, and so he killed every witness to the fight. Which happened to be the Watchers assigned to her and her opponents." "We - this lady, her paramour, and I, went to confront him. He confessed to what he'd done." "What happened to him?" Greer asked. "I don't know. I was all set to kill him, and next thing I knew, her paramour, another Immortal named Fitzcairn who is now dead, God save his soul, was hauling me far away. They told me later that it was settled, but since she didn't want to deal with me again, she told me to let it be. I did. I didn't want to really deal with a pair of enraged, armed Immortals. And I was grateful for it later." "Why?" Adam asked. "Because you didn't do something you would have regretted?" "Yeah. Well, I realized what had happened could never change. Neither my aunt nor my friend would be brought back to life. That's the important thing, you know. You can't change the past, but you can go on in life." "But what if you made a mistake, and it affected thousands of beings? What if you could be responsible for killing a large population?" "I don't know, Adam," Michael said. "I'd have to live with it, even learn to put it behind me. It wouldn't be easy, of course, but I would try." "Michael's right," Greer said. "What you do matters of course, but sometimes you've got to learn to forgive yourself." "I hope you're right," Adam replied. * * * Adam looked out the window of Greer's flat. For the moment, everyone else was out: Michael to do some repairing of a computer somewhere, Greer out running errands, and Lisa to goodness knew where. _Funny_, he thought. _That my misfortune would cause Lisa to use her powers again._ Lisa was the most phobic of the group, and had pretty much isolated herself from the rest of them. While her assignments in the Watchers had stabilized her life, she must have decided to act like a Watcher, suspending her powers in order to live a more "normal" life. But this crisis had pushed her into thinking like a Tomorrow Person again, instead of what she was not. Greer had done some genuine good in sending Lisa off; she was wiser than she thought, and more insightful than she believed. He wondered what advice to give her, what could work to calm her fears. The door opened, and Greer walked in, nodding to Adam and moving to the kitchen to put her packages down. Once done, she came back in. "How's everything?" "I told her, as you suggested. She talked to the others. I'm the only one without my powers." "You mean, neither Megabyte nor Jade was affected?" "No. Why should they be? I was responsible." "Megabyte was responsible too, yet he has his." "He's not the one expected to be responsible." Greer sighed, throwing her hands up. "Joy. Not this 'divine retribution' thing again. I feel like I'm talking to a telepathic ghost. You're not listening to anything I'm saying." "It's happened. As your husband said, I can't change what I did. And I can't regain what was lost." Greer was toying around with part of her coat. "Just so you don't kill yourself. I suppose now you could do it, hang yourself or overdose or something like that." "How? I don't think I could do any of those things, even now," Adam said. "Good question. I suppose not being able to kill precludes suicide, if you still have that instinct. Even if you're able to kill off parts of yourself." "Yes, I do, and I think it does." "Okay," Greer said thoughtfully. She gazed at him, blinked, and then continued, "But if you still can't kill, you still might be a Tomorrow Person." Adam looked momentarily away, squeezing his eyes shut. _Why can't she understand?_ "You've been given a gift! Something that so many people would love to have. Just with your instincts left, you're forced to be more peaceful than most people would ever dream of." Adam groaned. "It didn't help, did it? I hundreds, thousands of intelligent beings. My instinct was not enough to save their lives." "They're parasites!" Greer exclaimed. "So what?" Adam said miserably. "They were intelligent, thinking beings. Just because they weren't human and invaded people didn't mean that I had the right to kill them." "Adam, your powers didn't make you any less human! You still hate, you still love. You still get angry. Are either of us less than human because we have these feelings? No. Being human, we have both the capacity for good, and the capacity for evil. It's just that we have abilities most people don't." Adam looked into Greer's hazel eyes. The Immortal was gazing at him sadly, her hands folded on the table in front of her. They both were silent for a minute, and then Adam said, "I just don't rate this gift anymore. I had a responsibility, and I fouled it up." "And what are you going to do as a mere mortal, Adam? Turn to crime? Lisa's been pretty much living without her powers, you can too without turning into a self-pitying quivering idiot! You're moaning, and you still have to go on with the future whether you've got your powers or not." Adam looked at an increasingly upset Greer. He couldn't find a way to express what he felt, and he sincerely wished he had his powers back so that he could make her understand. She was fiddling with her coat, which she had left on. He stared down at the table, barely noticing when Greer stood up. His inward discussion was interrupted by a loud . He looked around to see Greer's rapier slightly imbedded in the table in front of him. "Greer, what-" "I'm tired of hearing you moan on about something that you want everyone to feel sorry about! It's no bed of roses on my end, may I say." He had risen up from the chair, and was backing away slowly, holding his hands out. "Greer, wait-" But it was no use. The maddened Immortal was swinging at him again. He backed away even further. She kept sweeping her sword at him. He started running towards the door. "That's not an out, Adam! You've got to own up to what you've done and go on with your life." "But I don't have my powers-" Adam said, desperately seeking something to hide behind. Greer swiped at him as he tried to get behind his chair. He could tell that she'd narrowly missed him, but had gotten his clothing. He ducked, and grabbed the chair, trying to hit her with it and knock her out so that she didn't harm him or herself. She glared at him, and then said. "Live with it, Adam!" He tried to hit her, but she deflected the blow and got possession of the chair, tossing it away from her. Adam kept jogging around the room, narrowly escaping Greer's sword. Finally, Greer had him backed up to a corner. He looked at the maddened look in her eyes, closed his own, and waited for the fatal blow. And then, suddenly, there wasn't a corner anymore. Water didn't have corners. * * * Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim O'Neal" Subject: From a World... Date: 11 Mar 1996 14:28:53 -0600 (CST) From a world of terror and horror come 8 TP that are ready for anything. TP: 2050 The Morphing (a five part look into TP future) Starring: Rick, A very strong TP having "Morphed Out" in the begining of the Telepath wars. A match for the strongest telepath. He's headstrong which can get him into trouble. Jaclyn, who just "Morphed Out" is a sweet girl that is quite gullible, which can get her into trouble. She very scared of the war and usually stays behind a telepath shield. If she goes out she is guarded by Rick. John, (Dont get confused with Original series John.) He is a best friend with Rick and "Morphed Out" right after he did. A match for Rick, he will stand by Rick till the end of time. He also likes to tinker with computers which makes him even more valuable. Tim, (Same as John don't be confused.) A friend and leader of the team, He "Broke Out" about 10 years before the war. He met and was a companion of Shawn. He is very cautious person, unlike Rick Shaun, is a very close companion of Tim. He "Morphed Out" about a year after the mind war. He is a stealthy person that can slide in and out of things. Lynn, is showing signs of "Morphing Out." She has a stong moral quality that is quite helpful to the team. Dianne, "Broke Out" about 5 years ago. she is another strong Telepath that can beat Rick in a stand-off. She is also very cautious of Jaclyn and will protect her from anything. Tony, "Morphed Out" in the middle of the war. He is a humorous person. He is a nice person to hang around and is another moral booster. Anyone can change anything on this. Give me any - or + feedback. Mail me okay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. Loraine Kelley" Subject: Re: From a World... Date: 11 Mar 1996 16:31:24 -0500 (EST) What does "morph out" mean? I noticed your use that term sometimes and "broke out" other times. Is there a difference? Can't wait to see the story :) ... Wendy Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor of infinitum Alternative Fiction Net-Zine Richie Reserve * Co-Warmistress 1st Highlander War * FFFROGie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. Loraine Kelley" Subject: My next story Date: 11 Mar 1996 16:34:42 -0500 (EST) Okay, I know the Atropos Project isn't finished yet. Soon :) Anyway, I want to start work on my next TP story but I'm coming up blank for ideas. However, the *title* is haunting me and will not leave me alone. So, I'm soliciting suggestions now on what you think a story entitled _The Lethe Incident_ would be about. FYI, Lethe was the name of the river in Greek mythology from which a newly dead person had to drink in Hades before beling allowed to enter. Drinking from the river made him forget. ... Wendy Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor of infinitum Alternative Fiction Net-Zine Richie Reserve * Co-Warmistress 1st Highlander War * FFFROGie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: A Part of Growing Up (1/1) Date: 13 Mar 1996 00:53:28 -0800 I know some of you are eagerly awaiting part 5 of With Human Blood and Human Tears, but that's probably going to be late. Here's something to read while you're waiting. This little piece is indirectly related to another story I'm working on in another fandom. Since that one was set in the mid 21st century, I thought it might be fun to stick a third-generation TP into the story. She was supposed to have a minor part, but ended up having a more major role in that story. So, I went to find out more about her and this was the result. This is a new-series story, but none of the characters are recognizable unless you look very closely. Disclaimer: I did not create the universe in which these characters exist. That honour belongs to Roger Damon Price. I also do not own the characters or the ideas. They belong to Nickelodeon, Tetra, and Thames, and probably a host of other people who I don't know but am very thankful to. This story is set in the Tomorrow's Future timeline as far as I know. All comments welcome at (Oh, and apologies to Wendy - I've dropped the <> for emphasis, but it was too late for this one) A Part of Growing Up by Selma McCrory copyright 1996 "When will it happen? Grandma, when will I break out?" the teenager sitting on the floor asked. Her Grandmother sighed, closed the ancient book she had been reading, and looked at the teen staring at her expectantly. "If it happens, it happens. You can't predict if or when it happens." "But does it happen to everyone? I mean, Marm and Alyce and others have broken out, and I haven't yet." "We don't know if it will happen to you, Melinda. If or when it does, you'll know. You won't mistake it for anything else." "But everyone goes through this. I mean, you grow up, you get to puberty, you break out, you finish growing up. That's how it happens." Her Grandmother looked wistfully at her. "Oh, and does it happen that way to of your classmates?" Melinda stopped for a moment, furrowing her brow. After a moment, she said, "Well, it doesn't happen to , but it happened to Marm and Alyce, and their parents broke out too, just like Dad." The older woman looked thoughtful. "Have you studied Genetics and Heredity in school yet?" Melinda blinked. "Of course I have, Grandma. I thirteen, you know." "Then you know why, for example, Marm has black hair while his Dad and Grandfather have red hair?" The teenager nodded. "Because his Mom has black hair, and black hair is dominant over red, so he got black hair." "That's a simple explanation, but it kind of fits here, too. You inherited things, like your hair and your eyes and other things from both parents. Yes, your Dad inherited my abilities, but that doesn't mean that you inherited those abilities from your father. Or maybe you just carry the genes for the ability, but you'll never show it." "So, you're saying that I won't have it," Melinda said, trying to stare her Grandmother down and make her deny it. "You may, you may not. Until it happens, we won't know." "What is it like to break out?" Melinda asked. "I want to know, when the time comes." Her grandmother sat back thoughtfully. "Let's see. First of all, I had the headaches. Some people get them, some don't. They're intense, but headaches are that way. When I teleported for the first time, I was stressed out. Embarrassed. I didn't want to be where I was, so suddenly I wasn't. There, I mean. I was swimming out in the Pacific Ocean. And after that, I could hear people. Sometimes I could talk to them, with my thoughts. And it upset me." "Why would it upset you?" Melinda asked, curious. _Nobody gets upset when their mind is read, or when they take a trip three continents away, getting there in the blink of an eye._ "Nobody gets upset , Melinda. When I broke out, only one person that I knew of had broken out before me. There were only three of us when I learned about my abilities. People just didn't read minds and teleport, but I could, and that made me abnormal. And I didn't want to be abnormal, not at that age." "But that's not abnormal!" Melinda protested. It wasn't as if that was the first time her Grandmother had read her mind. "To you, maybe, but not to me," Grandmother said. "Your friends at school, none of them have broken out, have they?" "None that I know of, Grandma. You know I'd let you know if I found others." "It would be a surprise to any of them if that happened. They haven't grown up like you have, Melinda, they aren't used to their parents and grandparents reading minds, or speaking through thoughts, or teleporting from one place to another. You're used to it because I do it and your Father does it and my friends and his friends do it. It's not abnormal to you." "That's kind of strange," Melinda said thoughtfully. "But I see why." Grandmother reached down and grasped Melinda's hand. "That's good. That's always good." * * * They sat near the waterfall, a towel underneath them. Melinda admired the falls, while Marm applied more insect repellent. "No use in killing them," he'd said. "I just don't understand," Melinda said to him. "I'm thirteen, you're thirteen, but you broke out and I haven't yet. Gramma seems to think that there's a possibility that I won't." Marm looked over at her. "They always do. Worry, I mean. They're always afraid that the next generation is not going to break out. But since the oldest broke out at seventeen or so, I'm not too worried." "You're not worried anyway," Melinda said. "You've your abilities." Marm grinned. Melinda could hit him for the smugness. _You're so smug, but you can't even tell if I'm going to have my abilities._ "I'm not a precog," Marm said. "Not my talent. But letting them get to you." Melinda rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to get rid of a minor head pain that had manifested shortly after they had arrived. "That's why I got away. I mean, you figure they're not going to look in the middle of a jungle in South America." "They could track , you know." Melinda smiled sweetly. "That's for sure. Good thing they can't track me, since I'm shirking on my chores." "It'll happen. Even without the powers, all of us have the instincts." "By hanging around them," Melinda said. "They can't kill, so we don't kill." "Yeah, I suppose so," Marm said, laying back. "But you'll find out soon enough. Besides, be grateful that you're not constantly lectured." Melinda giggled, and then stopped. "It's not as if we don't get lectured anyway," she said quietly. "You remember the first ones? 'Don't tell your friends, don't tell your teachers, don't tell the authorities that your Aunt took you on a trip all the way to Australia in the blink of an eye. Don't tell them that your parents or grandparents can read minds.'" "It gets worse, believe me," Marm said. "After you've broken out. You think that they lecture us we break out? That's nothing compared to what they do after that. They teach you, yes, but some of them have the worst mother hen instincts." "They're worried, as you said," Melinda returned. "Heaven knows, there are enough people who'd want to use them." "I know," Marm said gloomily. "Just hearing about some of the scrapes makes me shiver. Still," he said, brightening slightly, "I wouldn't trade my abilities for being normal." "You mean, normal for , not normal for ." "Yeah. That's what I mean. It's going to be a long time before everyone has to go through the same stage we do. We're still the odd ones." Melinda nodded. "I know. A lot of cultures celebrate someone growing up, don't they?" "Everyone goes through puberty. It's just what happens to us that's special," Marm said. "And if I guess right, even when it becomes a normal part of puberty it'll still be unpredictable." Melinda sighed, and looked at Marm, who had slipped into telepathic communication. "What's up?" "Obviously, they still wanted to track you. That was your Dad, giving me a yell. He sounds a little upset." * * * "I don't mind that you went out for lunch. I don't mind that you went and had lunch in a jungle in South America. If you two want to have lunch in a remote area of the globe, that's fine. But you're supposed to do your chores first, young lady." Melinda looked at her Dad, who was pacing in the living room. Her Mom sat nearby, with her Grandmother staring disapprovingly. "I thought it would be a short break. Besides, I needed to get something out and Marm was the person to ask, so when he invited me out to lunch, I went." "That's no excuse. You know how busy we are! Between our jobs and our volunteer work, we don't have time to take care of everything." "I take care of everything eventually. It's just that I to go then. I couldn't concentrate until I did." "This is not the first time, Melinda Cordelia Skye! You've got to learn responsibility, not disappear every time you need to think about something." "But Dad..." "That's final. I'm grounding you while I still can. No trips to South America, no visits from Marm." "How long?" Melinda asked miserably, as she tried to hold back the tears and the headache. "Two weeks." Melinda ran to her room. _Two weeks!_ she thought. Her Dad, for sure, had forgotten what it was to be a teenager. She flopped down on her bed, putting her head on her hands, wishing to be elsewhere, to be anything but a grounded teenager. Her head was pounding, her breathing shallow, and every point in her body felt sensitized. She realized that she was wetting her comforter, but she didn't care. The room dissolved around her as she tried to warp her way out of there. She vaguely realized that her Grandmother had opened the door to her room. Then her bed dissolved. Or, to be more precise, it wasn't where she was. Melinda spluttered, trying to breathe air instead of salt water. She realized that she'd landed in water a short distance from a beach, and then she realized what had happened. She dragged herself up onto the beach, blinked to clear her vision. _I teleported!_ she thought. _Unless it's someone's mean practical joke._ She tried to reach out with her mind, to communicate as she had so often seen others do. *Marm?* *Melinda!* his jubilant mental shout echoed around in her head. *Hold on, I'll be right there!* Melinda was not surprised to see him appear out of thin air a minute later. "I knew you'd break out," he said. "Aren't you happy now?" "I think so," Melinda answered uncertainly. "Boy, if Dad was mad at me then, he'll be mad at me now. He just grounded me." Marm snickered. "Right now, they're going to be so happy that they're going to forget about that. Besides, it was involuntary, everyone knows that. And, they're going to be too busy training you and making sure you know the rules. Besides, grounding's not effective now." "I suppose not," Melinda said thoughtfully. "Come on," Marm said. "First lesson, how to get home. And don't worry, everything's going to be fine." End. Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BETH ANYKID Subject: Another milestone! Date: 13 Mar 1996 12:29:39 -0600 (CST) I've been through an entire box of 100 page protectors; since most of my printouts for tpfict are duplexed, we've passed the 200 page mark! (BTW, it's in an 1 1/2 inch binder that's almost stuffed!) Way to go, guys! Beth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: My next story Date: 13 Mar 1996 14:32:41 -0500 How about Megabyte takes a drink of a nasty potion from somebody who's out to get even with his dad and forgets everything - total amnesia. He thinks the "voices" in his head coupled with the amnesia mean he's crazy and refuses to acknowledge them so the others can't find him. Meanwhile the general is going crazy, trying to deal with the idea his son may have been kidnapped and drugged or something somewhere, and trying to find the bad guy. Also meanwhile the other TP are trying to find Megabyte, who keeps running awoy from the voices in his head. Maybe throw in a not-too-ethical psychologist type who starts out trying to "help" megabyte (probably by dumping him in the nearest institution) and then figures out what he really is and decides this "case" could make him famous. OR A story where Megabytes father gets handed the nasty potion (maybe by an ald girlfriend, say another army intelligence type, that he swore he'd never forget) and the TP have to try and find him without the general's staff (who are getting the initial clues from the bad guy) figuring out who they are. And when they do find him he's extremely paranoid and thinks the TP are part of the "set up." Well, just 2 ideas that came to mind. You could also mabe the dose lethal if not counteracted in time (hades is where they're heading, right?). Donna In a message dated 96-03-13 08:49:42 EST, you write: > >Okay, I know the Atropos Project isn't finished yet. Soon :) >Anyway, I want to start work on my next TP story but I'm >coming up blank for ideas. However, the *title* is haunting >me and will not leave me alone. So, I'm soliciting suggestions >now on what you think a story entitled _The Lethe Incident_ >would be about. FYI, Lethe was the name of the river in Greek >mythology from which a newly dead person had to drink in Hades >before beling allowed to enter. Drinking from the river made >him forget. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ryan Turner Subject: re: my next story Date: 13 Mar 1996 19:01:06 -0600 wrote: > > How about Megabyte takes a drink of a nasty potion from somebody who's out > to get even with his dad and forgets everything - total amnesia. He thinks I *love* that idea!!! Do it. Now. (please) :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ruby Red Subject: Re: My next story Date: 14 Mar 1996 08:08:44 +1100 (EST) W. Loraine Kelley wrote: > coming up blank for ideas. However, the *title* is haunting > me and will not leave me alone. So, I'm soliciting suggestions > now on what you think a story entitled _The Lethe Incident_ > would be about. FYI, Lethe was the name of the river in Greek > mythology from which a newly dead person had to drink in Hades > before beling allowed to enter. Drinking from the river made > him forget. Well, obviously something to do with amnesia, and possibly death. But why would any of the TP get amnesia, what would cause - uh oh. I just had an idea for a crossover. UFO. You could stretch the time by either making it an Original Series TP story, or just by assuming that Shado was still operating in the nineties... One of the TP could observe a UFO/Shado incident, and thus be given the standard treatment by Shado - a dose of their amnesia drug, which usually just wipes out the last day or two. But maybe something goes wrong with the dose (or maybe it doesn't). There we have the potential for much interest and mayhem while the TP attempt to find out what happened to their friend, Shado perhaps realizes that this person is Not Ordinary, and maybe the Aliens toss a few spanners of their own into the works. (Of course, this would only work if one was familiar enough with UFO to write for it. Decent show that: silly premise, but excellent execution, particularly for something done in the early seventies, set in the eighties.) -- Ruby Red "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Re: My next story Date: 15 Mar 1996 07:56:54 GMT wrote: > ... I just had an idea for a crossover. UFO ... I had been thinking over some ideas myself for a UFO crossover, maybe a double one including Sapphire and Steel. However, it's very much in the early stages ... Jez -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts Part 1 Date: 15 Mar 1996 15:08:38 GMT As I mentioned some time ago I have placed this down the silly end of the TP format. Usual disclaimers/acknowledgements apply. The Taj Mahal observation belongs to a colleague here. Jez -- *** Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts Part 1 *** Megabyte was tired. He had thought it cleaver to get two jobs instead of one when his dad told him that it was about time that he earned his money, rather that expecting it to be provided for him. Only he tried to do his jobs concurrently, delivering pizzas in two cities, Montpelier and London. Usually it was easy, providing that he didn't get the time, money or pizzas confused, but today he had managed all three. On top of that he had thought someone had stolen his London bike from where he had hidden it, teleportation being a much quicker and less risky mode of transport. Fortunately it had been returned to the pizza shop by someone who had finally had enough of finding it in his hedge. Megabyte had endured an earful from one of his bosses, but had been pleasantly surprised not to lose his job. Those commendations he had received previously for speedy delivery of unusually hot pizzas had saved him. It was a cool evening in London, and just as he was about to dip into an alley to teleport he remembered that he had promised his dad that he would look after dinner. His jobs had increasingly acted as aversion therapy towards pizza, but his personal culinary skills had never been anything to boast about, so he thought of the nearest takeaway of a different kind, The Taj Mahal half way to his house using for once his feet. As he was sauntering down the street he became engrossed pondering on why all Indian takeaways appear to be the called The Taj Mahal, and whether they were part of some secret chain, when someone, whom he didn't really catch sight of pressed something into his hand. 'Gee thanks,' was his automated reply, which he gave to anyone who gave him anything in the street. He slipped it into his coat pocket and carried on. When Megabyte got home he found a hastily scribbled note pinned to the fridge by a magnet in the shape of a rhinoceros. It simply said 'Have to go away, will call later, Dad'. Megabyte looked with dismay at all the food he had bought. Even he didn't think he would be able to manage it all on his own. His first thought was an evening in with Adam, but he turned him flatly down, citing a much more important urgent engagement in Acorn Road. Jade was none to keen either, but after a bit of persuasion she came. In many ways she had already become more of a little sister to him than Millie, who although the mileage separation was irrelevant seemed to want to have little to do with him. 'I don't think much of your selection,' remarked Jade as both of them undid the foil cartons and scooped out the food, which was already way past its best. 'A bit stingy with the rice.' 'Well have some of mine then.' Megabyte just threw a few grains over her, they both laughed, and then ate as much, or to be more precise as little as they wanted. 'Hey I picked up a CD in Vermont today that you might like.' Jade groaned. Their musical tastes did overlap, but Megabyte was still notorious amongst them all for his. He went out to the hall to his jacket, but the first thing he found was what he had been given in the High Street. Looking at it properly for the first time he could found it was a gold wrapped bar, about ten centimetres long. Pealing off the paper revealed chocolate in a rather gooey state. 'Perfect for dessert,' he said to Jade when back in the kitchen. He broke off a rather small piece which he handed to her, dropping the wrapper. Jade bit into it and her face instantly screwed up. 'Ugh! It tastes like grit.' 'What do you mean - it's the best chocolate I've ever tasted,' replied Megabyte, who had already stuffed the last part of his large piece into his mouth. 'Well you'd better have it all then,' Jade continued, throwing her gnawed portion at him. He came after her and they ended up in a heap on the floor. Then Jade received the biggest shock she had experienced since breaking out. 'Oh Jade, I do love you.' Megabyte was squeezing her tightly, his lips heading for her mouth. Before becoming a Tomorrow Person, Jade had experienced a bit of a crush on Megabyte, but had long grown out of it, not saying though that she was still very fond of him. However there was some look about him that she had never seen before, indicating that he was not playing, and for the first time she was afraid of him. She looked around to see if she could find something to bring him to his senses, and she reached over to the stove. *** End of Part 1 *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Fear of Drowning chapt. 8 Date: 15 Mar 1996 16:30 CST Note: I'm adding in a few things. One, if any one has read the Vampire=20 Chronicles, you'll get some of this stuff. Also, I was pretty hyper when I= =20 posted the notice about the cross overs I was going to do. After due=20 considerations, I have decided to save many of those for another story. The= =20 ones I will do is The X-files,VR5, and Strange luck. Wendy, sorry if you= have=20 to changeanything, my computer memory is so crammed I haven't been on thenet for=20 over two months. As you may know I'm in league with aconspiracy to figure= out=20 Adam's past, so, I will jump the gun a bitand incorporate alittle,= microscopic,=20 bit that we have already decided on (I don't want to get into trouble) Stephanie(Joey) Megabyte looked up from the magazine and glanced at the clock above the=20 secretary's head, he sighed. He had arrived at 1:00, rightw=7Fhen he was supposed=20 to be there, and now it was 3:45. He could just kill his father right now. = He=20 fumed as he continued to draw on Newt Gingrich's face,"'I won't forget' he said"=20 Megabytemuttered mockingly under his breath. Megabyte was not a happy= camper=20 and he intended to let his father know about it. "Well thank you Bill!" "The pleasure was all mine Wes! Say how long until you leavefor=20 Ireland, oh I'll get the door for you." Megabyte's jaw twitched, his fists clenched andhis face=20 unreadable, at that point he was dangerous. He got up andripped the door= open.=20 General Damon looked surpri=7Fsed, he had comeback to get hi= briefcase,"Megabtye,=20 what are you doing here?" "He's been here since one sir,"his secretary piped up. Megabyte was=20 furious, he pushed his way past his father and stopped long enough to glare= a=20 Ferran. Then stormed his way to the elevator. "Megabyte! Wait, was there something you wanted to talkabout?" That was=20 it! Megabyte knew that if he kept talking to his to him he'd have to rip= his=20 father's face off. He glared at Damon,"I won't forget Megabyte, trust= me," =20 He retorted flatly. Damon's eyes widened,"Oh! I am so sorry, I completely=20 forgot!" "That's pretty obvious!" "Is there any way I can make it up to you?" "See you at home dad!" he stepped on the. Damon watched todoor=7F close. "I remember that."Ferran said calmly. "How did you survive Wes?" "I don't know, I guess I just had to tough it out. Wasn't easy."Wesley=20 remembered his son and the accident which happened five years ago. "I tell you what, let's get something to eat and we'll give Megabyte=20 some time to cool off. That way we can exchange stories?" "Sounds like a date!" "Is there any way I can make it up to you!?" Megabyte waspacing the=20 length of his living room like a tiger at a zoo. "Calm down! You've been fumigating since you got home!" Adam said=20 without looking up from his book, his calm demeanor had returned and he was= =20 looking better," I'm sure he's sorry," he wasn't sure what Megabyte was= saying,=20 but it seemed an appropriateresponse. He was so absorbed in the book he had= =20 picked up earlier. "You're not even listening!" Adam looked up insurprise,"I...uh! Yes I=20 was!" "No you weren't!" Adam sighed and set down the book,'Damn!And I was=20 getting to the good part!' 'I heard that!' "Look I'm listening now, if it would make you feel better, youcan blow=20 off some steam." "Naw, that's ok. What are you reading any ways?" Adam smiled," I think=20 your dad just came in." Megabyte gave a snort and rolled his eyes. "Megabyte!" He walked in to the living room," Oh there youare! Hello=20 Adam!" "Adam, would you please tell my estranged father I'm notinterested i=7Fn=20 what he has to say," Megabyte stood with his arms folded across his chest=20 glaring. Adam opened his mouth and shut it when he saw Damon had heard. "Megabyte, you're being childish! Adam, back me up!" Adam gave him a=20 rueful look," I'm sorry general, but I have to agree with your son, you= could=20 use a good shunning." Damon threw his arms up in defeat. Adam stood up= from=20 the chair and stretched,"Well I promised myself I'd finnish this chapter, so= if=20 you would excuse me," He said calmly walked out and teleported to the ship. Agent Fox Mulder stood over the hospital bed of a young girl,her face=20 was bruised and pale. "Her name is Jaysan Chase Brice. She's 14 and goes toNorthstorm High."=20 Mulder looked at his partner Dana Scully. Shelooked up from the files with= a=20 sober expression," She was found inthe old Collins cemetery with a junior= named=20 Brad Sommers. He wasthe only suspect until they found another freshman from= =20 South High named Christopher Roan. He was attacked by the=7F same person,= or so=20 the sheriff thinks," Mulder's eyes narrowed," Is this because hehappens to= be=20 Brad's father?" Scully shook her head," She was clinicly dead for two day= when=20 they got around to the autopsy they were about to cut up her skull. Her= eyes=20 popped right open and gave the medic a heart attack." she closed the folder= and=20 approached the bed, she stood at Mulder's side," She wasn't the first, allot= of=20 children her age are being killed off, and by the same person, aliens?" she= =20 quirked, Mulder looked at her and gave her a grin. "Not this time Scully." She smiled," Roan was on some sort ofdrug,= he=20 was past most of the withdrawal effects but it's nothelping his recovery." = =20 Mulder looked up," Is it the same drug theyfound in the others?" S=7Fcully= =20 wondered how much he knew all ready,"Yes, in fact were analyzing it." = Mulder=20 smiled," But she wasn't onit?" Scully nodded," No, in fact she was= completely=20 clean. Odd,huh?" He nodded," Very, let's go talk to Ramila Shelton." =20 She looked confused," Who?" Mulder was already half way out the door,"He's= a=20 friend of hers, plays the trombone." She wondered what thetrombon=7Fe had= to do=20 with any thing, but followed. She turned before closing the door, she looked at=20 the sleeping girl and felt a shiver. She closed the door and started after= =20 Mulder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Fear of Drowning, chapt.8 :Take 2 Date: 16 Mar 1996 14:14 CST Ok, sorry for the mix up, hope this is better. Note: I'm adding in a few things. One, if any one has read the Vampire=20 Chronicles, you'll get some of this stuff. Also, I was pretty hyper when I= =20 posted the notice about the cross overs I was going to do. After due=20 considerations, I have decided to save many of those for another story. The= =20 ones I will do is The X-files,VR5, and Strange luck. Wendy, sorry if you= have=20 to change anything, my computer memory is so crammed I haven't been on thenet for=20 over two months. As you may know I'm in league with aconspiracy to figure= out=20 Adam's past, so, I will jump the gun a bitand incorporate alittle,= microscopic,=20 bit that we have already decided on (I don't want to get into trouble) Stephanie(Joey) Megabyte looked up from the magazine and glanced at the clock above the=20 secretary's head, he sighed. He had arrived at 1:00, rightw=7Fhen he was supposed=20 to be there, and now it was 3:45. He could just kill his father right now. = He=20 fumed as he continued to draw on Newt Gingrich's face,"'I won't forget' he said"=20 Megabyte muttered mockingly under his breath. Megabyte was not a happy= camper=20 and he intended to let his father know about it. "Well thank you Bill!" "The pleasure was all mine Wes! Say how long until you leavefor=20 Ireland, oh I'll get the door for you." Megabyte's jaw twitched, his fists clenched andhis face=20 unreadable, at that point he was dangerous. He got up andripped the door= open.=20 General Damon looked surpri=7Fsed, he had comeback to get hi= briefcase,"Megabtye,=20 what are you doing here?" "He's been here since one sir,"his secretary piped up. Megabyte was=20 furious, he pushed his way past his father and stopped long enough to glare= a=20 Ferran. Then stormed his way to the elevator. "Megabyte! Wait, was there something you wanted to talkabout?" That= was=20 it! Megabyte knew that if he kept talking to his to him he'd have to rip= his=20 father's face off. He glared at Damon,"I won't forget Megabyte, trust= me," =20 He retorted flatly. Damon's eyes widened,"Oh! I am so sorry, I completely=20 forgot!" "That's pretty obvious!" "Is there any way I can make it up to you?" "See you at home dad!" he stepped on the. Damon watched todoor=7F= close. "I remember that."Ferran said calmly. "How did you survive Wes?" "I don't know, I guess I just had to tough it out. Wasn't= easy."Wesley=20 remembered his son and the accident which happened five years ago. "I tell you what, let's get something to eat and we'll give Megabyte=20 some time to cool off. That way we can exchange stories?" "Sounds like a date!" "Is there any way I can make it up to you!?" Megabyte waspacing the=20 length of his living room like a tiger at a zoo. "Calm down! You've been fumigating since you got home!" Adam said=20 without looking up from his book, his calm demeanor had returned and he was= =20 looking better," I'm sure he's sorry," he wasn't sure what Megabyte was= saying,=20 but it seemed an appropriateresponse. He was so absorbed in the book he had= =20 picked up earlier. "You're not even listening!" Adam looked up insurprise,"I...uh! Yes I= =20 was!" "No you weren't!" Adam sighed and set down the book,'Damn!And I was=20 getting to the good part!' 'I heard that!' "Look I'm listening now, if it would make you feel better, youcan blow= =20 off some steam." "Naw, that's ok. What are you reading any ways?" Adam smiled," I= think=20 your dad just came in." Megabyte gave a snort and rolled his eyes. "Megabyte!" He walked in to the living room," Oh there youare! Hello= =20 Adam!" "Adam, would you please tell my estranged father I'm notinterested i=7F= n=20 what he has to say," Megabyte stood with his arms folded across his chest=20 glaring. Adam opened his mouth and shut it when he saw Damon had heard. "Megabyte, you're being childish! Adam, back me up!" Adam gave him a= =20 rueful look," I'm sorry general, but I have to agree with your son, you= could=20 use a good shunning." Damon threw his arms up in defeat. Adam stood up= from=20 the chair and stretched,"Well I promised myself I'd finnish this chapter, so= if=20 you would excuse me," He said calmly walked out and teleported to the ship. Agent Fox Mulder stood over the hospital bed of a young girl,her face=20 was bruised and pale. "Her name is Jaysan Chase Brice. She's 14 and goes toNorthstorm High."= =20 Mulder looked at his partner Dana Scully. Shelooked up from the files with= a=20 sober expression," She was found inthe old Collins cemetery with a junior= named=20 Brad Sommers. He wasthe only suspect until they found another freshman from= =20 South High named Christopher Roan. He was attacked by the=7F same person,= or so=20 the sheriff thinks," Mulder's eyes narrowed," Is this because hehappens to= be=20 Brad's father?" Scully shook her head," She was clinicly dead for two day= when=20 they got around to the autopsy they were about to cut up her skull. Her= eyes=20 popped right open and gave the medic a heart attack." she closed the folder= and=20 approached the bed, she stood at Mulder's side," She wasn't the first, allot= of=20 children her age are being killed off, and by the same person, aliens?" she= =20 quirked, Mulder looked at her and gave her a grin. "Not this time Scully." She smiled," Roan was on some sort ofdrug, he= =20 was past most of the withdrawal effects but it's nothelping his recovery." = =20 Mulder looked up," Is it the same drug theyfound in the others?" S=7Fcully= =20 wondered how much he knew all ready,"Yes, in fact were analyzing it." = Mulder=20 smiled," But she wasn't onit?" Scully nodded," No, in fact she was= completely=20 clean. Odd,huh?" He nodded," Very, let's go talk to Ramila Shelton." =20 She looked confused," Who?" Mulder was already half way out the door,"He's= a=20 friend of hers, plays the trombone." She wondered what thetrombon=7Fe had= to do=20 with any thing, but followed. She turned before closing the door, she looked at=20 the sleeping girl and felt a shiver. She closed the door and started after= =20 Mulder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Fear of Drowning chapt 9 Date: 17 Mar 1996 14:12 CST Hope this gets through ok. I've been having some problems with my email. Stephanie(Joey) Jaysan: Jaysan tossed and turned in her sleep. She was in the middle of a night mare when she felt two cool hands brace her shoulders. She opened her eyes to see and strange man standing over her. His smiled was silky and smooth, to smooth. His green eyes gleame ddown at her,' You got away from me once,' he said,' but not again,this time you die.' She gasped for air and nearly shrieked. She tried to pull away but she was to weak. He held her down with out so much and a tinge of annoyance. She stopped and caught her breath," What do you what?!" His smile broadened," Your life." "Why?!" He smiled again," Because if you are allowed to grow,you may become a threat." She shook her head," I've never been a threat to any= one!" "No?" he grinned," Well you will be." She stared into his eyes and suddenly felt weightless. Her center gone she had no ground to stand on. She felt as though she was free falling trough time it self. So peaceful. Yet the =7Fpeace would not keep. She felt a jerk. She saw a flash of= light, then nothing. For a long time she hung there and wondered if she was dead. She drifted in and out of sleep. Chris: Chris had been outside her door when he saw her disappear. Her attacker seemed outraged and very upset. He stormed out and saw Chris. "Well," he grinned," at least I got one of you." Chris backed away and called out for help. "Who are you?!" The attacker took long easy strides as he approached Christopher," My name is Mallory, although I don't know what good that will do you." Chris felt panic, he wanted to scream as he backed away through the darkened hospital hall way. Mallory noted Chris had stole back his clothes," All dressed up and no were to go." Chris' mind raced, he kept thinking that if only he were a bird he could soar away. =20 'If only,' He focussed on that. A falcon, swift and free. Soaring above the trees. Suddenly, he was a bird. He flew above Mallory's head and saw his astonished face as he swooped in and flew away. Out the open= window. Mallory stood there for a long time," A shape shifter," he whispered. He shook his head. He used up his second chance. His supervisors would not be happy. Ramila: He sat in bed reading. The Vampire Lestat. Jays had told him it was the best one out of the whole set of books and he held her to it. He looked around his cluttered room for a long while. He had been feeling odd ever since he had settled in for the night. He felt something, fear, panic, escape. He breathed a sigh. Though he didn't know why. He stood up and went to his window. He saw a rather large bird fly up to his window. It perched it self on thewindow sill and said," Hi Rami!" Ramila's eyes widened," Chris?" The bird seemed to nod," I think so any ways. Rami, this is so cool! I've been forty different animals, I've been a fox, a rabbit, a cat, a dog, a mouse...." Chris continued reciting the list of things he had been while Ramila backed away. Chris looked up,"What's wrong, I know this is weird but..." Ramila pointed. Chris looked around to see Mallory standing in the tree behind him. His long silky grin sent shivers down Ramila's spine. He raced for the door, but it locked before he got there. He turned around and saw Mallory was in the center of his room," Brad! What are you doing?!" Mallory let out a laugh," Poor fool! My name is Mallory, carry that with you." Steven, Josh and Listen: The three sat in a all night dinner staring at their food. Listen was the quietest of all of them. He kept telling himself it wasthe guilt from what happened to Chris, but some how he wasn't convinced. Josh looked up, his eyes were red and his skin was pale. He was already thin, but now he looked like a twig. He shook his head," It's past three," he said," Maybe we should call it a night." Steve picked at a french fry, then dropped it," Yah, I have to go to that stupid American Indian support group tomorrow with my parents instead of visiting Jays like I wanted to." All of them were= quiet. "Well," Listen piped up suddenly," I should go to, got a test." Josh stared ahead, holding back tears of fear and anguish,"We're next you know." They looked at him," We know Josh, we've known ever since they found Chris,"Steve said regretfully. Josh swallowed hard," So, are we going to wait for him to come get us?" Listen shook his head," What else are we suppose to do? We don't know what we're up against or how to fight it." Josh stared out the window," You guys know it's Brad?" They all nodded. He stared and saw Brad Sommers running past, chased by a elephant. He stood up and cried," Go Chris!!" They all watched as Ramila followed and stoppedlong enough to give them a grin. They all raced out to join him.=20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Deb Harrington) Subject: Fear of lossing it Date: 17 Mar 1996 18:52 CST Ok, Beth just told me my story part is still screwed up. Did you guys get it ok? If not tell me and I'll try agian. Smiles! Joey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Wendy Kelley) Subject: The Atropos Project 4/10 Date: 17 Mar 1996 17:36:20 -0500 Author's note: Missing parts? Email me directly at or get them from the tpfict archive at I'm sorry, but I can only send doulbe-spaced. If this is a problem, the one avaiable immediately on the web page is single spaced. I'd love to hear from you: questions, comments, concerns, suggestions :) I won't bite... I promise. -------- The Atropos Project A Tomorrow's Future Story by W. Loraine Kelley Part 4/10 "You could save us a lot of trouble if you'd just learn to teleport." Sean Love stared straight out the windshield. His voice was monotone, yet still managed to convey a feeling of annoyance. A wooden toothpick stuck from the corner of his lips. His mouth worked at he gnawed at then end between his teeth. K.C. sighed. They'd only had this conversation a million times over the past five years. "I've tried," he reminded Sean. "That just doesn't seem to be one of my talents." Not for lack of desire either. Of all the known powers the kids -- or aliens or whatever they were -- possessed, teleporting was the one he most wanted. He could read some minds if he concentrated and every now and then he'd hear a piece of conversation no one else heard. Usually it belonged to the same voice, one with an Australian accent. He suspected he was picking up telepathic thoughts, but could never do it intentionally and could never make himself heard. Sean didn't need to know about that. "Try again." "I don't think so." K.C. threw a sharp look at Sean. "We don't know all the rules for these powers and I'm not about to find myself splattered all over the pavement because you wanted me to teleport from a moving vehicle. Assuming, of course, that it even works. Look," he changed the subject, "do you want her or not?" Sean pursed his lips as he looked between the houses for a glimpse of the girl bicycling down the street parallel to their's. He nodded. K.C. leaned back in his seat, shut his eyes and reached out with his mind. It took him only a moment to find an available bird, and even less time to take over it's mind. Only with avians did this trick work, though he'd tried it with every creature he could. Then he set about the task of drawing the girl's attention away from the road. That didn't take long either. K.C. returned to his body with a smile on his face. "She's all yours." "Excellent." Sean sped up the car to gain distance, rounded a corner then another corner so they were driving towards the girl on the same street as she rode. He drove straight at her, fast enough to scare her but slow enough not to cause too much damage. Her attention was on the trees, probably looking for K.C.'s bird. At only thirty feet to impact Sean slammed on the brakes. She focussed on the oncoming car and tried to yank her bicycle back into the correct lane. The front tire hit a small pothole in the pavement, sending the bicycle over on its side. Just before she hit the ground, she vanished. K.C. fiddled with the dials on the little black box in his lap. He'd only done this a few times over the years and still wasn't sure of the exact timing needed. "She is all...." He slammed his hand against the passenger-side window. "Dammit." "What?" Sean turned to K.C., mild alarm in his voice. K.C. continued to play with the dials, trying to hide the panic growing in him. Sean's eyes narrowed, his mouth forming a lip-less line. The car had stopped moving. "Lost her." K.C. massaged his forehead with one hand. This was not good. "What!" "But... I think I can get her back... when she teleports again." "Good." ~Love is the killer you thought was your friend~ **** "Dad... Dad...." Megabyte shook his father. General Damon slept with his head propped on crossed arms on his desk. A soft snore escaped his lips. Yet, even in his sleep he looked tense, on edge. Megabyte stepped back from his father's chair. He looked at the man standing in the doorway and shook his head. "Doesn't look like he's going to wake up, Jim." Jim licked his lips. "Look," he said, "Try again. When he wakes up, give him this." He handed a sealed manila envelope to the young red-head. "It's pretty important, but I don't think five minutes one way or another will make much difference after this long." He left the room, closed the door then opened it again and stuck his head inside, "Oh, and don't tell him I told you to wake him." "Sure, Jim." Megabyte answered with a smile. He waited until the door was again closed before turning back to his father. When Jim called him at home to get him to wake his father up, he knew it had to be big. General Damon often spent multiple days at the office, usually crashing on the couch in the lunch-room. He didn't often spend multiple days awake. But, when he did, his staff knew to move with care around him. Damon's temper when sleep deprived was infamous. No one wanted to be responsible for waking him up this time and invoking that temper. They figured he'd be more lenient towards his son -- it wasn't as though he could fire his kid -- so Jim called him over. Now Megabyte just needed to figure out exactly how to accomplish the task. The General wasn't responding to any normal measures. He had gone without sleep long enough that he'd probably sleep through the end of the world at this point. How to wake him up? Megabyte's smile turned into a smirk. His eyes narrowed in concentration. He needed to focus exactly right, and he wasn't even sure if it would work. But, it was worth a try. (*Dad*,) he shouted, mentally. Damon jerked and groaned. (Megabyte,) five annoyed voices echoed in his head. (Sorry,) he answered. (Had to wake up Dad.) "Come on, Dad." The General lifted his head, massaging his temples. "What is it this time?" His voice was gravelly and he spoke with the slowness of one far from coherency. 'The old man really needed to take better care of himself,' Megabyte thought. 'Not much of a role model of health, there.' Megabyte set a coffee in front of his Dad and waited a moment to let the Columbian aroma do its job. Damon grabbed it, took a large gulp, and yelped as he burned his tongue. 'Well, that woke him up,' Megabyte thought, watching his father wave a hand in front of his open mouth to ease the burning. "This just came for you." Megabyte interrupted the fanning to hand him the envelope. He sat down in the other chair and waited to be either be filled in or told to leave. Damon slit the seal with his pen nib and pulled out a sheet of paper. He read it quickly, as it only contained a couple of lines of text. Without looking up Damon said, "Can you get Adam? I'm going to need both your help. And, Junior, don't ever do that again." Megabyte translated the summons. He blushed at the second command, and wondered for not the first time if his dad wasn't perhaps just a little telepathic. All his friends were, why not his parents? Seconds later Adam appeared in the middle of the room. Damon pushed himself to his feet, one hand gripping the edge of the desk, the other holding the paper. "We need to go to Chicago," he said. "We just got a message from someone who knows what happened to Jeffrey Martin..." (Who?) Megabyte flashed the question at Adam. (This case your dad is working on. Martin was killed.) (Tell me something I don't know.) (The person who killed him was one of us.) (Couldn't be.) (I know.) (You're sure?) (No. Yes. I don't know.) (Right.) "...And I want to make sure she stays alive long enough to tell us." **** Kevin leaned up against the fence in Jade's backyard. She was throwing a frisbee to Jesse, in hopes that the dog would get tired and go away. They wanted to eat in peace. A paper bag with sandwiches and drinks rested against the fence near his feet. Mrs. Weston had bribed them out of the house with a picnic lunch. She said a little fresh air would be good for them. Really, Kevin knew, she just wanted the television for herself. Jade had been less than eager to try the new video game he brought over. It took him some serious playing time to convince her to try it, then she wouldn't be torn away from it to save her life. Mrs. Weston finally had to up to here with the theme music and all but kicked them out. Besides, she wanted to watch her soap. Kevin loved being able to read parents' minds. It almost made them seem like real people. It certainly made it easier to understand why they always got angry at him. Jesse bounded through the yard in hot pursuit of the frisbee. He had invented a new sort of game. He'd catch the frisbee, then carry it away from Jade. Jade would teleport after him, wrestle the toy from his mouth, then throw it again. Jesse didn't appear to be tiring of this. Kevin swallowed. He wished he could read the dog's mind -- better, influence the dog to just leave them alone. He didn't want to have to share his sandwich with the dog. He didn't like the cur that much. He watched Jade playing with the Jesse. She was an interesting git. No matter what she was doing, *that* is what she wanted to be doing. Single-minded to the point of annoyance, yet extremely funny. Her jokes were better than Megabyte's any day. She had a unique way of looking at things. Kevin rather liked having a Tomorrow Person his age around. The others couldn't double-team him so much, couldn't leave him out of everything because he was younger than they. Jade wouldn't go for it. She'd throw herself into whatever she wanted involvement in, with or without Adam's permission. She had so much reckless energy. He liked that. Kevin wondered if maybe Jade would go to the pictures with him sometime. They could even get in for free. Kevin straightened up. The dream flashed through his mind, over and over. Rachel. (Jade, we 'ave to go.) She stopped in mid-throw. (What?) Jesse barked once at the frisbee then nipped at her heels. Instead of answering, he vanished. Jade dropped the toy, Jesse jumping to catch it as it fell, and followed. They appeared on the island. A full moon shined overhead, the light making the palm trees appear as though they had been cut out and pasted onto a picture of the beach. "What are we doing here?" She raised an eyebrow at him. Kevin gestured for her to wait a moment. A splash sounded offshore. "Rachel's 'ere." He answered. "And she got the bath *you* were lucky enough to miss." "I'm just special, I guess," Jade responded with a laugh. Jade and Kevin squinted at the water, the moonlight providing the only illumination. Daylight it certainly wasn't, but except for the inky expanse of ocean, they could see nearly as well as during the day. Almost better, as the sun's glare was gone. A sodden teenager paddled to the shore and crawled onto the beach. Long, blonde, wet hair framed a face that wore such a look of shock and confusion that Kevin wanted to laugh. Did he look that way after splashdown? Jade sniggered beside him. He planted an elbow in her ribs, accompanied by a mental shove to knock it off. She had no right to be laughing when she hadn't gone through it. "You must be Rachel," Kevin announced. He took a step forward and introduced himself and Jade. "I'll bet you want to know what's going on." He glanced back at Jade, who was holding her arms out to show she wasn't a threat. The teenager didn't respond. She scanned the beach with quick jerks of her head. Her shoes, knees, and hands were covered in sand from where she crawled to shore. Water dripped from her shorts, etching trails of cleaner skin down her legs. She absently rubbed her palms against her jeans, scrapping off the worst of the sand. Her eyes finally settled on Jade and Kevin. She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut, her teeth grinding. With a gasp she fell back to her knees, hands pushing against her temples. She whimpered -- a soft, plaintive noise that almost went unheard -- then vanished. "Well, that was a little rude," Jade stated. "She'll be back, sooner or later. The first time can be frightening when you don't know what's going on." He looked pointedly at Jade. For a moment, Kevin felt so much older than she. Jade might be his age biologically, but she had a long ways to go psionically. He'd have to teach her, help her catch up. Rachel, too, when she came back. Of course, there was something important to do before she returned, whenever that may be. He remembered the sandwiches back at Jade's. His smile belied his age. "Let's eat." They returned to Jade's backyard. The shredded remains of a paper bag decorated the grass. Neither Jesse nor the frisbee were anywhere to be seen. **** end Part 4 -- Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor, infinitum British Sci-Fi Net Magazine Richie flagwaver * FFFROGie * Diehard * SAVE FOREVER KNIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. Loraine Kelley" Subject: RE: atropos 4 Date: 18 Mar 1996 00:59:51 -0500 (EST) Has The Atropos Project part 4 shown up in anyone's mailboxes? I sent it out early this afternoon (3/17) and can't recall seeing it drop. If I don't see it by tomorrow afternoon, I'll repost it. ... Wendy Listowner, Tomorrow People Creative and Discussion Lists Editor of infinitum Alternative Fiction Net-Zine Richie Reserve * Co-Warmistress 1st Highlander War * FFFROGie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts Part 2 Date: 20 Mar 1996 16:23:08 GMT Maybe she had wielded that frying pan just a little too heavily. Still it had given the desired effect of warding Megabyte off. Slowly he rose from the floor, slowly rubbing the top of his head. 'Why on earth did you do that?' 'You mean you don't know? I have to explain it to you?' 'All I remember is giving you some chocolate, and then being hit over the head.' Jade filled him in on the recent events, and Megabyte apologised for his seemingly involuntary actions. 'Chocolate has never had that effect on me before.' 'Didn't your mother ever tell you not to accept gifts from strangers,' Jade philosophised, picking up the discarded wrapper. For the first time both of them noticed that there was something written on the inside. Smoothing out the crumples she read out loud, 'We love you.' 'Hmm, seems I got the message all right,' remarked Megabyte. 'Well I don't like the thought that there will be others out there going through the same thing as me - and you,' Jade added the last part as an afterthought, as she continued to realise more fully that he was just as much a victim than she had been. 'I wonder why it had no effect on me. Now where did you say you got it?' 'I'm not sure. Somewhere down the High Street. I doubt if they're still there.' Megabyte wasn't at all interested in going out in the cold winter weather. Jade however didn't keen to wait. 'Just get your coat on.' 'It's even colder than I thought, and I don't have any gloves,' complained Megabyte, as they were walking from the park, where they had considered it safest to teleport. 'Stop whining and tell me where we should be going.' 'I think it was somewhere between the Oxfam Shop and Poundstretcher.' They walked between these two shops looking carefully in all the doorways. 'I told you no-one would be out here at this time - least of all people with any sense. They're all inside in the warm.' 'I suppose you're right,' sighed Jade, not liking to admit it. 'Although do people with any sense give away wacky chocolate?' As they were walking back though she noticed something glistening from the light of the sodium street lamps in an otherwise empty shop window. Peering inside she recognised the bars. 'Hey look here's the chocolate.' 'Humph.' This time it was Megabyte who was trying to hide being wrong. 'But why would chocolate be displayed alone in a window?' They both looked again at the shop, if it was a shop, because it wasn't clear what it was selling, apart from the chocolate, which going by their evidence was being given away. Only a leatherette covered desk, clear apart from a dial telephone, and two cracked plastic chairs were visible. Towards the left hand side was a doorway leading to the back, closed with plastic strips. No name was visible anywhere. 'This place couldn't have been fitted out for twenty or thirty years, yet I don't remember seeing it here before. Still there's no point staying around now.' 'We could ring the bell. It says so here.' Jade pointed to a dimly illuminated bell-button with the legend "push me". 'Ring the bell? Follow the instructions?' asked Megabyte. 'Excuse me, but isn't that very Alice in Wonderland? We'll probably just get the White Rabbit.' 'Well there's only one way to find out,' retorted Jade. Her finger went up towards the bell-push; she then hesitated whether it was a good idea, and when she'd decided there was no option she stabbed it firmly. Neither of them heard any sound. 'See it's broken like everything else in there.' 'Wait. It could have rung upstairs, or out the back or something.' 'Yeah. Just let me know.' Megabyte's patience had finally worn out. He took a quick look around then, and after verifying that there was nobody looking, teleported back home. 'Oh Megabyte,' Jade sighed telepathically, 'Couldn't you have waited just a while?' At that moment she heard a faint rustle, and turning round she saw the plastic dividing strips at the back of the shop had been parted, and a small man was approaching the shop door. It wasn't until he had opened it that Jade could see any features; he appeared to be in his mid 20s, with slightly greasy tangled hair, kept slightly in place by a sweatband. His clothes were strictly from some army surplus store. He peered through the grimy door and then opened it slowly. 'Are you expected?' 'Yes,' replied Jade confidently. 'Come in. Be loved.' *** End of Part 2 *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: With Human Blood, 5/6 Repost Date: 20 Mar 1996 12:54:30 -0800 This is a repost of part 5. I know I didn't get it, and I don't think several other people got it. So, after 36 hours, I decided to post it again. Please comment or keep commenting- it's one of the few ways that I know whether my stories are dropping on this list (my last vignette had no comments at all, so it either didn't get anywhere or was so phenominally bad/boring that no one wanted to hurt my feelings :) ) Now, onto the show, and part 6 will drop tomorrow. ------------------- With Human Blood and Human Tears by Selma McCrory a Highlander/Tomorrow People (new series) crossover copyright 1996 part 5 Megabyte had come to the island to suntan and to try to forget what had bothering him. He couldn't believe that Adam had lost his powers. _Just when you thought everything was okay, the impossible happens._ He could barely remember what it was like when he couldn't teleport. He tried to reconcile that with Adam's current status, and got even more depressed at the notion. _What would it be like, to have your powers and then not have them? To suddenly not be able to hear the others? or not be able to teleport, but have to rely on planes and actually have to walk everyplace?_ He had no answer. He was momentarily startled by a loud splash coming from the ocean nearby. "Great," he murmured. *I think we have someone new!* he announced to the rest. *Who?* Lisa wanted to know. *I don't know. Lousy timing, though.* Lisa popped into existence beside him. "Adam's at Greer and Michael's, so we don't have to worry about him." "I guess I train this one too," Megabyte said. He watched as a form came out of the water. His eyes widened, and he looked in disbelief. Lisa beat him to speaking. "Adam?" Megabyte looked at his wet friend, trying to comprehend what his eyes saw. _But he can't teleport. He told us he couldn't!_ *This is impossible,* Lisa thought to him. *You're telling me,* he replied. Adam, who was rather wet after his unexpected salt water bath, looked at them, bewildered. *Adam?* Lisa repeated a second time. *Can you hear me? If you can, tell me.* "Of course I can hear you," Adam said. Megabyte looked in astonishment at his friend. "You're " "Huh?" "You've got your powers back, Adam," Lisa chipped in. Adam took a look around, as if realizing that they were at the beach, and then stared at the above ground portion of the spaceship. Then he shook himself. "I must have," he replied, apparently stunned. "What happened? Last I knew, you were at the Gardner-Lewis apartment," Lisa said. "I was. And then Greer came back from errands. And then, well, she attacked me." Megabyte looked at his friend skeptically. "Greer. She attacked you? Come on, Adam, she goes after other Immortals, she doesn't attack us!" "She just did. Put a gouge in her table, chased me around her flat with her sword. She had me cornered, and then I arrived here." "Are you you didn't imagine it?" Lisa was looking at Adam's arm. "That's quite a cut." Adam and Megabyte looked at the area she was indicating. Indeed, Adam was bleeding from a small wound, bigger than a cut, but not too serious looking. Then Lisa snapped out of the momentary trance she had been in. *Someone get me a blanket please!* she said. "Why?" Megabyte asked. "He might be suffering from shock, you idiot! He just got attacked, was injured and bleeding in salt water, and he's shivering." "This what you wanted?" Jade asked, holding a heavy blanket. She'd popped in when everyone else's attention was focussed on Adam. "Thanks, that's just what we needed," Lisa said. She wrapped the blanket around Adam. "So, what happened?" Jade asked. "Greer attacked me," Adam said, bewildered. "Could she be possessed?" Jade asked. "Come on, Jade, we took care of those things. They can't be back." "Are you sure?" Lisa asked. Jade looked miserable, but Megabyte was able to answer. "If they weren't, do you think that Adam would be acting the way he is?" "I don't know." Lisa said. She turned to Adam. "Did she say anything? Did she seem normal?" "She was ranting on about being tired of hearing me moan and feel sorry for myself." "Sounds pretty justified to me," Lisa said. "The rant, I mean. You have sounded pretty awful." "That's still not the was she normally operates," Megabyte said. "She wasn't herself. We owe it to her to find out what's going on," Adam said. * * * Michael came into the flat with an armful of groceries. He stopped, suddenly aware that something was not quite right. He looked at the overturned furniture, the damaged walls, and finally at his wife, who was in one corner of the room. "Greer?" he asked. Greer was sitting in a chair, looking at her unsheathed rapier, which had a bit of blood on it. She didn't look up at him as she replied, "Hi, Michael." "Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. "I think I'll be fine," Greer said slowly, sounding confused and guilty. "Right now I'm feeling very fragile and very stupid. Very human. What's up with you?" "Well, I fixed the problem, and I got that information on that Pierson fellow right here. Address, phone, and such. Found out what he does, too." "Oh?" she perked up slightly. "You've heard of Methos, of course." Greer nodded thoughtfully. "Of course. Who hasn't heard of him?" "Well, this guy is the historian assigned to him. And he was somehow involved in the brouhaha in Paris several years back." Greer kept nodding to herself. Michael thought she looked like a kindergartner in a dream world. "Okay." "What happened here?" Michael asked, concerned. He leaned on the wall and folded his arms. "Um. I found out that Adam didn't lose his powers. But I'm worried about him, I think I wounded him," she said, indicating her blade. "Are you under the impression that you're making sense?" Greer shook her head, as if she was disappointed that he couldn't understand. "Never mind. Call the Damon household, see if anyone's heard anything about Adam. I'm going out for a walk." "Why don't you go over there?" Michael said. "Adam can tell you himself." "I don't think he'll want to talk to me after this mess. I'm not sure anyone will." "What?" "I just did something really terrible," Greer said, standing up. "I could have him. Look, I need some fresh air. I need to think, take care of some things." Without another word, Greer wiped the blood off the sword, sheathed it, and went out. Michael chased after her, but she ignored him. _This makes absolutely no sense. Nearly killed who? Adam?_ He went to call the Damon household to figure out what was going on. * * * Adam, Megabyte, and Lisa watched as Jade bandaged the wound, since Adam's healing talents didn't seem to apply to himself. They were sitting in Megabyte's room at the Damon household, wanting to talk before they confronted Greer. It was a good thing that Adam had a spare set of clothes in the spaceship, even though most of them were dirty. He'd also been fortunate not to really be in shock. "That should help," Jade said. "So, what do we do now?" Megabyte said. "We go back. We've known her for three years, there's got to be a reason that she did that," Adam said. "Of course she had one," Lisa said. "This is Greer we're talking about." Adam nodded. Now that he was over the shock of having a sword swung at him, he realized that she had helped. He had his powers back, the group was working together, Lisa and Megabyte were handling things quite well. "Marmaduke! Phone!" came a female voice from below. The redhead looked up, annoyed, and called back, "Just a moment." "Maybe it's Greer, apologizing," Jade said. "Might be," Megabyte said, and then walked out of the room. There was silence for a moment, and then Lisa spoke up. "It does sound like to me that she was provoking a reaction. I don't seriously believe she would hurt you." "Could be. Has it happened before?" "To Greer? I don't know. Immortals are about as predictable as most people." "As in, we'll never know." "Not as long as they're human." Megabyte came back in. "Well, that wasn't Greer. It was Michael." "What'd he say?" Adam wanted to know. "Well, he wanted to know how you were, and did we know why Greer kept calling herself stupid and then wandering off. And then he asked us to come over." "Sounds good to me," Adam said. * * * Michael dropped his coffee when the four teens materialized, and tried futilely to quickly clear up the stain. "Thanks for coming," he said. "We're as confused as you are," Adam said. "Yeah, well maybe if we put our wits together, we can figure out what's going on. Adam, if I knew why she wanted to check up on you, maybe things would make more sense." Adam nodded. Michael saw the bandage on his arm. "She hit you with her sword, didn't she?" Adam nodded again. "I'm not sure why," he said. "Adam got his abilities back," Lisa said. Michael nodded. "Now I understand." "I don't," Megabyte said. "It's simple. You've heard of various scenarios where a man walks into a drugstore or a bar, talks to the druggist or bartender, and the other person pulls out a gun, and the man thanks him?" "Because he's got the hiccups, and the other person is trying to scare him out of them," Jade said. "It's a common brainteaser." "Right," Michael replied. "And in this case, she was trying to scare me back to my senses," Adam said. "Or, at least your teleporting problem," Michael said. "But I'm sure she thinks she's goofed, and you'll hate her forever." "Why?" Adam asked. "Good question," Michael said. "Where did she go?" Lisa asked. "I haven't the slightest. Probably indulging that suicidal streak of hers." Adam nodded grimly. "We better find her, then." * * * She wondered how long it would take Michael to realize that she had snagged the paper with the phone number on the way out. _He worries far too much. Of course, I wouldn't call possibly challenging an Immortal thousands of years older than I am exactly sane. Maybe he has a reason to worry._ As she reached the gardens, she sensed another Immortal's presence. He came into view and she nodded. As she reached where he was, he said cordially, "Good Morning." "Good morning," she replied politely. No use in blowing her temper in vain, she thought. "You wanted to talk to me," he said. "We seem to have this little problem," Greer said, looking for a place to sit down and finding none. The other Immortal nodded, smiling apologetically. "I realize I must have scared you when I did the trade with your husband. I'm sorry, I knew about both of you, I've studied your record but somehow it slipped my mind that you were married." "You know, you have your nerve, being in the Watchers," Greer said angrily. Pierson smiled wider. "I do. But it a safe haven. No one thinks to look for an Immortal in the Watchers. What would you have done, had you not been discovered?" "I planning to leave the Watchers, anyway," Greer said, more than a slight bit irritated at this problem in her life. "But I can understand the temptation," she continued. _But not forgive it._ "It's not completely a temptation," Pierson said, calmly examining a leaf and then pausing thoughtfully. "I've been with the Watchers for over a decade now, and so I'll have to leave. But I like the Watchers. Some of them even know what I am." "I find that hard to believe. Do they know who you really are?" Greer challenged. _You sneaky old rat._ "You're Methos, aren't you?" Greer knew she was guessing at that point, but was somehow gratified and unsurprised when he nodded, a rueful look on his face. "It's not that hard to figure out, once you know. But the Watchers, although they know I exist, wouldn't dream that there's an Immortal in the Watchers, much less that it's me. And most of our kind don't think I exist." She nodded, feeling somewhat victorious. "I have the advantage at that point. Being familiar with the proof of your existence." "Yes- you have the training and the ability to tell. It makes you unique, you know," he replied. On his face he looked regretful. _Really. Yes, I know who you are, and I could hack your head off in an instant if you let me. I hope you're not going to want me to help you commit suicide._ He had his hand up against a tree and was leaning on it, looking like he was having a casual, earnest discussion. Of course, since they were on holy ground, he wasn't worried about her going after him at the moment. "I'm terribly sorry that you didn't choose to go into research instead of field. I could have found you sooner. I've been trying to keep an eye on you, tried to be there when you became one of us. I kept trying to get you into research so that I would be ready when it happened. You had such an interesting background." "Because I'm a Watcher?" she asked tensely. For a moment, she wondered if he really was on the level. _Not all Immortals are evil,_ she reminded herself. _He could really be a good guy. They do occasionally keep an eye out for those that have yet to be. Goodness, I could have had him for a teacher._ Pierson sighed, bringing her out of her musings and making her remember why she was there. "You're the only Immortal to come from the Watchers, to come into your Immortality during your time as a Watcher." "And how long have you known about me?" Greer asked, somewhat curious, but also enraged. _He knows so much about me, why doesn't he just demand a duel, take my head. That would preserve both his secrets._ "For about a decade, now. We never formally met, but I was in Houston on business and I went to a get-together that you were at. I knew what you were going to become right away. I've been keeping tabs on you ever since. I tried talking them to take you out of field, put you in as a historian. They refused. You had too good a record, it was felt. And, as I said, you didn't want to go." --------------- Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Selma McCrory) Subject: With Human Blood, 6/6 Date: 22 Mar 1996 00:33:29 -0800 Here we are at the last part (at least for you folks on tpfict, since hlfic is currently on a disk hold). If you have managed to get this far, thank you for reading, and I do appreciate it. If you have not commented thus far, please take a moment to drop me a note about what you think of it. My mailbox is still feeling lonely from "Part of Growing Up", and only two of you have commented on this one. Please do, I live for comments. If you are missing parts, parts 1-3 can be found in the TPFICT archive, and parts 4 and 5 can be found on my fanfiction archive page (accessable through the TPFICT archive page), or email me if you don't have web access. Now, on with the show. ------ With Human Blood and Human Tears by Selma McCrory a Tomorrow People (new series)/Highlander crossover copyright 1996 part 6 Pierson's face was a study of innocence, mingled somewhat with curiosity. _I wonder. Is he really interested in me? Is he really a good guy? Can I trust him?_ "'Keeping tabs'?" she asked. "As I said, you're the first one that I know of, and I like the Watchers. I was planning to hook up with you when I left." "Riiiight," she said, deliberately drawing the word out. Pierson studied her calmly, although a flicker of sadness showed through. "You don't believe me." "You apparently know my record, do you expect me to believe you? " Greer snapped angrily. "You're over five thousand, and you didn't get to live that long by staying your entire life on holy ground." "No. But I also didn't die because I feel that I have enough to live for. Maybe not the end of the Game, but close. There was too much to see, too much to do. Too much to live for. You're young, you can't understand what it is to live millennia." Greer tapped her foot. _I'm not a fool, you stupid idiot._ "You have a lot of convincing to do, Mr. Pierson." "Adam," he said, holding his hands out in a conciliatory gesture. "Or Methos, if you prefer." "Mr. Pierson," she said tightly. _Don't expect me to regard you as a friend._ She almost wished he were telepathic so he could pick her comment up. Pierson sighed. "What do you want me to say? I know everything that's been recorded about you, both as a Watcher and an Immortal, from your reports." "I'm not interested. Just leave me alone," Greer said, turning away. A hand gently touched her shoulder. She jumped, turning around to glare at Pierson. "You don't even know why I'm in London, do you?" Pierson asked gently. "I don't particularly care, really," Greer said, taking a step back. "Because of you. I'm leaving the Watchers, and I wanted to meet you before I changed identities. I figured you'd be curious enough to seek me out. I do admit, I didn't expect you to be so alarmed. When I read your records, I was sure that they had exaggerated, that you weren't hurt so badly." "'Alarmed' is an understatement," Greer said. _And that's all you need to know._ Pierson paced around, and then looked up at her. "It's your friend's problem, isn't it? That's why you're so tense, so ready to fight. I wondered why an Immortal one foot off of holy ground would want to do so." "That's none of your beeswax." "Obviously, the Watchers don't think so. They're very interested in his problem and why you're involved." "It's really none of their beeswax either." "You've reached the point where you're finally divorcing yourself from the Watchers?" Pierson asked quietly. Greer jerked her sleeve up in frustration. "I can't even get rid of the tattoo, why should I be able to get away from my affiliation?" she muttered, mostly to herself, but loudly enough so that he could hear it. "You could try cutting up that area until the ink is gone," Pierson said dryly. "You'll heal with no tattoo. I've done it before." Greer growled. "I'll get rid of it when I want to." "You're as lost as your friend Adam." _Stop being so patronizing!_ she straightened up and said, "I am not that lost." "You're living in the past." Greer glared at him. _Fine comment for you to make!_ He leaned even harder against the tree, looking suddenly afraid of her. "I am not." "Do I have to chase you around with a sword to make you see the truth?" "It wouldn't be as effective in case. I'd have to chase you right back." He nodded. "I thought that would be the case." "You keep up with me much?" "I wanted to stay prepared," he said. "I didn't live this long by being caught unprepared." "I noticed," Greer said. "And you didn't live this long by being friendly to young, inexperienced Immortals, either." "Contrary to popular belief, I am not all that awe-inspiring. Don't you think that I could be doing this because I like you? Besides, you're interesting, and your friends are interesting, and I also wanted to talk to you about them." He looked to her for a response, but she remained silent. The older Immortal nodded to himself, and then spoke. "You're responsible for a young woman named Lisa Davis going into the Watchers?" _There's no use in denying that._ "Yes." He quit leaning against the tree and stepped over to her, continuing in a low voice, "Would you care to explain to me how a young woman in Virginia checks in, makes sure her assignment's covered, and is then placed at your residence two hours later, using the front door?" Greer raised an eyebrow, making a mental note to warn Lisa about that. "I'd say that the Watchers are becoming sloppy." "I would, too, because they're continually going insane trying to get stable times on when your friends enter and leave. Your reputation being well known, they assume that you've taught your young friends how to get past observation, slip the loop like I assume you've done today." "I did. I wanted privacy. But how come so sure that that's not happening? That my friends are not sneaking in the back door and the Watchers misplaced Lisa Davis?" "Because I think I know what they are." "Oh? And what, pray tell, are they?" He shrugged. "I don't know what they're called. But I think I've encountered their kind before." "Oh, really? And what is 'their kind'?" "To hazard a guess? Telepathic, precogniscient, teleporters." Greer was stunned, although she tried not to show it. "I guess five thousand years of experience and you do meet everyone," she said quietly. "Yes," Pierson said. "Being a student of history, are you also acquainted with myth and folklore?" "Of course. I'm also familiar with what Immortals have been considered over the years. Faeries. Elves. That such." He nodded. "Do you believe in extraterrestrials?" "I do now. Why?" He leaned into the tree again. "A thousand or so years ago, I was living in what is now southern England, over towards Bath. It was a small village, like many I have lived in over the years. What was so amazing is that we had a woman in this village, unmarried and old, who could see into the future, and could read people's minds as well. I've also heard that she could travel around, but I wasn't too sure of this. But one night, we had visitors to the place." "Extraterrestrials?" Greer asked, wary but absorbed in the tale. "Yes. Anyway, the whole village was thinking that they were being visited by unearthly spirits. The aliens must have been quite amused. But they talked a lot to this woman, mostly not using their voices. And she was able to answer. Anyway, she was told she was a 'tomorrow's child' and that there would be more like her. And she foretold later that there would be a 'long-lived one' who would take care of her kind. I would have been happier if she had indicated that you would be in the Watchers, it would have made my life so much easier." Greer ignored his last comment. "So, what's the importance?" "Well, the legend was later corrupted. When you hear folktales of elves taking care of human children, at least some of them were inspired by that visit. No one remembers that visit taking place. It was just that one woman, and the tales told to her that she remembered. But I knew she was special." "That could easily be faked," Greer said casually. "Several thousand years before that, I met a young Egyptian pharaoh with the same abilities. And I know that he wasn't faking them, and neither was she." "So, now I'm the 'long-lived one' who will take care of 'tomorrow's children'," she said, sarcastically. "It seems that you are. I know what they are, I guessed about Lisa Davis. I remember the coverage a few years ago when she disappeared." "Now you're running circles around the topic, pretending to be interested in me, when you're really interested in them," Greer said defensively. He raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I'm interested in both. You, for the background and the responsibility you've taken on, and them for what they are." "Maybe I should disassociate with them, for their safety." "It's too late, especially with your Chronicle. The Watchers been keeping track of them ever since you befriended them. As I mentioned, your friends drive the Watchers nuts." "Obviously." "In fact, they're under suspicion as possible Immortals." Greer cracked up hysterically. She couldn't help it. "Did they tell you about an incident at the London Forum last week?" Pierson asked. Greer paused, considering whether or not to tell. "Yes, I believe that they did." "The green mist happening above the roof of the Forum?" "Green mist?" "You missed it?" Pierson asked. Greer looked at him. "Yes." "Well, there was a green mist above the London Forum last week, just before the Byron Lucifer concert. Somebody had the sense to dash over there and take pictures." "And got three of them." Pierson smiled. "Yes, they did. I'll leave it to you to deal with that." "Lovely. So, what happens next?" "It's up to you. I'd like to meet them some time, but I get the sense that now is not a good time." "It's not." Pierson nodded. "I understand." * * * "...So, all we have to do is find her somehow," Michael said, worried. "Or wait for her to come home." He looked around at the worried faces and sighed. "If she does." "How are we going to span all of London?" Megabyte wanted to know. Adam shook his head. "I have no idea. But we have to talk to her, tell her that she's wrong." All heads turned as the door was opened. "My, what a meeting," Greer said. "Well, we were worried." "I didn't mean to make you worry so much. There was just something I had to take care of." "Well, aside from a few white hairs, I'm fine," Michael said. "But we've got to have that suicidal streak of yours looked at." "What suicidal streak?" "Going after Immortals centuries older than you are just because you think you wronged a friend. Come on, this isn't the first time you've done this." "That's not a suicidal streak." "Right," he said skeptically. "But we're fine." "Good," Greer said. She turned to face Adam, her words coming out in a rush. "Adam, I'm sorry for what I did. I made a stupid plan, and I didn't mean to hurt you, and I hope you'll forgive me." "I already did," Adam said. "I knew you weren't trying to hurt me permanently." "But I scared you!" Greer replied, amazed. "Yes, but it helped," Adam replied. He wondered why Greer was apologizing so much. "Oh, and I have some possible news." "What?" Megabyte wanted to know, echoed by Michael, Lisa, and Jade. "Well, I was trying to solve a problem of my own. I met up with another Immortal that I was having problems with and pretty much negotiated a peace deal." "That's good news!" Adam said happily. "I knew you could do it." "Thank you," Greer said, smiling back. "Although I was happy to get away with this news. There was this light show or mist above the London Forum last week and we can probably all guess what the Watchers thought it was." Jade, apparently puzzled, asked, "What? What did they think it was?" Michael grinned at Jade, then turned to Greer. "Let me guess - a beheading." Greer grinned back. "They thought it was a beheading, right enough." Adam was growing more excited. "You mean, they escaped?" "They might've done. If not, that's an awfully big coincidence." "Wait a moment," Megabyte said. "Why is that a good thing?" "Because that means probably that we didn't kill them," Adam said patiently. "That we are not responsible for the deaths of thousands of intelligent beings." "Probably," Greer said. Michael smiled. "I have no problems getting on the horn and checking the date and time on that, if you'll hold on," he said. Greer smiled in reply. "Well, looks like we have a few less worries." Michael nodded and left. * * * A few days later, Greer said, "I'm sure this is in some kind of 'News of the Weird' somewhere." Adam looked up at her from his sunbathing. They were both sitting on the sands of the island. He sipped at a glass of lemon iced tea, while she drank an iced mocha. "I'm glad he checked." "Well, he's one smart, wise fellow, my husband is." Adam chuckled. "So, what are you going to do?" "Well, Adam Pierson is not in London anymore. He sent me a note from Paris. Apparently, that's where he lives. I don't know what to make of him, but he seems an honourable man, and I'm not interested in taking a head when I don't need to. And I've made enough dumb mistakes to last me a while. But you live, you learn, and life goes on." "I wish I'd learned that earlier," Adam said. "Well, I'm glad it turned out not to be as bad a mistake as you feared. I mean, you goofed. You made a tough choice, we all do. Myself included exponentially." "Yes, well, forgiving yourself is not an easy thing." "Not an easy thing to learn, is it? But take it from me, you don't want to spend the rest of your life depressed. You don't have time." "No." "And , next time you almost kill, don't guilt yourself out of your powers." "You think that's what happened? That I didn't want my powers, so I suppressed them? But why hasn't Lisa done that already then?" "Lisa doesn't her powers, but there's something in her that overrode her and prevented her from trying to burn her powers out. On the other hand, you wanted to burn them out subconsciously, and because of your instincts supporting that, you nearly did, permanently." "If that's your guess, it's as good as anything." "So, you're going to go on?" "Well, I have to. Jade's got most of it down, but there's still a little she has to learn, and we're all encouraging Lisa to stay in touch this time." Greer smiled. "Things are back to normal." "And you? Are you going to follow his advice, remove your tattoo?" Greer rolled her eyes. "I don't know. It's like removing part of what I am. A part that I still am. I can't get away from it, it's like my nickname. But I am half inclined to get rid of both, because it's something that I should be part of my past. But somehow, I am loath to become just Georgina Lewis, Immortal." "Become normal, you mean." "'Normal' hasn't described my life since 1980. Normal for a supernatural being, I guess that's so. Not fun, but normal." "Well, as normal as it's going to be." "As long as we're all human, who needs normal?" Greer smiled. End. ------ Yep. It's finished. I've got several stories on various burners, so you might not be seeing my fiction for a while. Hopefully, you will see me on tpdis sooner than that... Selma McCrory "Maybe what this world needs are more Selmas." -Darien Lambert, Time Trax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jeremy Rogers) Subject: Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts Part 3 Date: 25 Mar 1996 16:48:07 GMT Following the man through the doorway Jade felt a shudder but soon forgot that as she was so surprised by what she saw. Instead of the tatty interior she had observed from the outside she was met by a room with a black and white marble floor, with the walls covered by what appeared to be medieval tapestries, looking somewhat like a cross between a bank and an art gallery 'You're wondering why things look so different in here?'. 'No, I guess what you could see from the outside was some form of hologram,' replied Jade, trying to sound offhand, but hoping she would still get the proper answer anyway. 'Yes, something like that,' he replied, glad for once he didn't need to make up something. 'What should I call you?' 'We don't have names here. I am your Guide; you are my Follower.' 'Oh right, er Guide, where are we going?' 'To meet the others.' Megabyte was feeling a little guilty leaving Jade. He tried to telepath to her, but she seemed to be unreachable for reasons he could not understand; it certainly didn't feel like the voluntary mind-blocking that was adopted by all Tomorrow People to give themselves a reasonable amount of privacy, which certainly he felt now trying to contact Adam . He sighed, knowing that he would have to go back afer all. In less than a fifth of a second he was once more outside the door of the shop. He rang the bell and waited. Nothing happened. After five minutes he started banging on the door, which served only to hurt his knuckles. Finally he realised he would have to teleport inside. Jade went through the door at the back. It opened out into a long passageway, with more tapestries on one side, and opaque glass on the other. Jade knew that this couldn't possibly have been contained within the boundaries of the shop she had seen from the outside. 'I can see that you are tired,' said the Guide. 'You can rest in here and meet the others later.' He parted one of the tapestries, revealing a door, and gestured for Jade to enter. As she did so he closed the door swiftly behind her. The decor here was chain motel, but looking round she realised that many of the fixtures were shams, as though she was inside some three dimensional picture. he bed seemed real enough though, so she flopped out, and tried to contact Megabyte. It was her turn to find that impossible, to Megabyte or anyone else. She was torn between wanting to stay and find out what was going on, and her increasing fear that she wouldn't want to know if she did find out, at least while she was on her own. Finally she decided that it was best to leave. She was surrounded by yellow light as she disappeared. She then reappeared on the other side of the room. Three further attempts were just as futile. Then she tried the door, which was locked electronically. Jade sank to her knees, her back to the door. Unlike Megabyte she had no power over these, so she would just have to wait. Somewhere someone was watching Jade's escape attempts on a pocket-sized screen with a puzzled expression. He had been right to protect the waiting rooms with a psionic energy reflector, and was pleased to find that the Selectors had found their first teleporting specimen, but he could not understand why she wanted to escape. Still he too could wait. **** END OF PART 3 ****