From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPFICT: The Visitor (21/23) Date: 25 Dec 1997 20:16:12 +1100 Merry Christmas to those to whom such sentiments apply. I hope to complete posting 'The Visitor' in the next couple of days. The Tomorrow People in the Visitor by Roger Price and Julian R Gregory First published 1973 by Pan Books Ltd in association with Independent Television Publications Ltd. Copyright Roger Price 1973 ISBN 0 330 23477 3 Disclaimers etc in Part 0. DO NOT ARCHIVE Part 21/23 CHAPTER FOURTEEN TIM had wasted no time in beginning his search for Arlon. Using a listening-device built into his system he had eavesdropped on the operation of every military computer in the land, until he had a complete picture of troop movements throughout the country. Sifting carefully through the mass of material, he soon discovered an exceptionally heavy concentration of military police and senior intelligence officers. The few clues which Arlon had telepathed clinched the matter: the little Criton was a prisoner at Tolford Grange. As TIM programmed their belts for the rescue-jaunt, he warned the four Tomorrow People to be ultra-careful. 'Remember, the Saps will be on their guard,' he told them. 'And this time, you can't afford to make a mistake.' Using aerial photographs taken from the observer satellite, TIM concluded that Arlon was almost certainly being held in the security wing - an ugly brick section with barred windows and steel doors, normally used for interrogating spies. So finely did he program their belts that they were scheduled to land right in the middle of the wing's upper story, in the very room where Arlon was most likely to be found. Finally, they were ready. John looked at his three companions. 'All set?' he asked. The others nodded, trying hard not to show their nervousness. 'Right, TIM,' said John. 'Good luck,' said TIM. And with that, they jaunted. (end of part 21) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shaun Hately" Subject: TPFICT: The Visitor (22/23) Date: 26 Dec 1997 10:54:01 +1100 The Tomorrow People in the Visitor by Roger Price and Julian R Gregory First published 1973 by Pan Books Ltd in association with Independent Television Publications Ltd. Copyright Roger Price 1973 ISBN 0 330 23477 3 Disclaimers etc in Part 0. DO NOT ARCHIVE Part 22/23 CHAPTER FIFTEEN They landed in the middle of a large, bleak room which reminded them at once of Colonel M's office at Loch Derrig. But there had been determined efforts to brighten it: someone had hung nursery-rhyme pictures round the walls and the floor was littered with toys. At the far end of the room sat Arlon, chortling with delight at a toy motor-car which the army nurse had set running across the carpet. Incongruously, Kenny found himself wondering whether they had motor-cars on Crito. Arlon had his back to them and the nurse saw them first. As she started to scream, Kenny gave her a squirt from his stun gun. She remained motionless, her mouth open. Arlon turned and greeted them with a squeal which they felt even through their thought-screens. John and Stephen spun round to see two military policemen, stationed beside the door, reaching for their pistols. Two stun guns spurted and they, too, froze rigid. 'Come on, Arlon,' said Carol, taking his hand. 'Let's get out of here.' Swiftly they stole out into a short, draughty corridor, where two more sentries patrolled up and down. On hearing the door open, one of them had stepped up to investigate. As Stephen dealt with him, John sprang forward to paralyse his comrade. In front of them, at the end of the corridor, stood a tiny lift with its gates open. 'In here,' said John, bundling Carol and Arlon in front of him. It was a tight squeeze for five of them, but they just managed it. At the ground floor entrance, they would be sure to find more sentries. John and Stephen pressed the tips of their stun guns through the lift-gates, ready to squirt at the sight of a red cap. But they were not to get the chance. No sooner had the lift passed the first floor than there was a shout and a rush of feet, and the lift stopped. 'They've switched the power off!' yelled Stephen. 'We're trapped!' He was right. Discovering their paralysed comrades on the second floor, the redcaps had rushed to stop the lift and were now massing to deal with the Tomorrow People. John thought swiftly. They could not see the ground floor, so to jaunt there was a risk. However, there seemed to be no alternative. 'Right, Kenny,' he said. 'Just the two of us. Jaunt!' He knew that if he and Kenny went astray, Stephen would be needed to get Carol and Arlon out of the mess somehow. A fifth of a second later they landed - bang on target, behind a bunch of redcaps who were massing by the lift gates. An officer was directing operations. 'Sergeant,' he rapped. 'take six men and cover them from the first floor. Shoot if you have to, but try to avoid . . .' He never finished the sentence. Using their stun guns like blow-lamps, John and Kenny paralysed the lot of them before they could turn round. While Kenny covered the entrance, John dived into the basement to search for the master-switch which would set the lift going again. Wrenching open a cupboard, he found himself facing a battery of switches. One, undoubtedly, was the switch he needed, but there was nothing to indicate which it was. John hesitated, but only for a second. Using the flat of his hand, he flicked the switches down in rows; within seconds, a shout from above told him that the lift was moving once more. By interfering with the switchboard, John had stopped lifts and set fans whirring in all parts of the building. As they raced out of the door into the sunlight, more redcaps came running from other doors. While John and Stephen faced them with their stun guns, Kenny and Carol raced across the wide lawn to the helicopter which they knew was kept there. The leading redcaps reached for their holsters, but John stunned them with a couple of quick bursts, The others hesitated, fearful of coming on. At the edge of the lawn, the helicopter roared, its propeller revved into life and it rose slowly into the air. The braver redcaps moved forward and the stopped, their jaws hanging open. For John and Stephen had disappeared. They had jaunted, safely into the helicopter. (end of part 22) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michele Mason Subject: TPFICT: Darkness (Delayed) Date: 27 Dec 1997 16:38:59 -0800 (PST) Just in time for the new year, my hard drive crashed. This means that further postings of "The Darkness" have been delayed with my deepest regrets :( I do have everything saved to floppy, but full recovery will take some time. Hopefully, by the new year, I will be on a regular schedule again! Thanks for the understanding, Michele _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AmyH3x4 Subject: TPFICT: TP Round Robin #3, part 8 Date: 28 Dec 1997 15:38:12 EST Okay guys, sorry this took a while to get out (usually I’m so fast... :)). Oh yeah, and Happy Holidays to everyone! Round Robin #3, part 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Mega...] Megabyte looked up at the two men who were both deep in discussion. "Did you say something?" He interupted. General Damon wasn't listening, and continued. "Are we dealing with these same cloning people from last time?* There were two Professor Galt's after all." General Harding shook his head. "I doubt it. We should've gotten some notification if that sort of thing was started up again. And why would they clone a non Tomorrow Person like Galt?" He chuckled slightly. "Speaking of which, who would want two Galts?" "You know Professor Galt?" Megabyte asked. "Oh yes." Harding said. "I was a bit involved with that Mulvaney business, but unfortunately Bill had all the fun during that." "Fun?" Damon cried. "You have to be joking! You're the one who transferred that dolt to our department because you couldn't stand him!" "So you were in America at the time?" Megabyte questioned. "Yep. I was called in here for one of Damon's little conferences about Kevin's disappearence. I have a feeling it's involved with Professor Galt's resurfacing near Jade, since Damon had been warned to keep a close eye on his appointed Tomorrow People." Harding explained. "It's my job to keep an eye on Lisa, but since she's gone into her shell, I haven't had much work to do, so I thought I'd drop in on Damon to see how things were going." He took a long sip of his coffee. "You have to understand how hard it is to keep tabs on a Tomorrow Person anyway." Megabyte glanced at his Dad. "You mean this whole time the government told you to keep an eye on me?" "And Kevin and Jade since you're all in the same general area." Damon answered. "Jade was actually a little too far away from me to keep a close eye on her, which is why the government sent someone else in to watch her. I guess they began to realize what a handful you and Kevin are. Unfortunately, they made a terrible choice, _again_." Damon said scornfully. "And that was Galt?" Megabyte asked. Both men nodded. "One of these days I'm going to come after whoever hired Galt." Harding chuckled. [Mega...] "What?" Megabyte asked. "Well, he's just such a pain-" "No, I mean, did you say my name?" Megabyte asked. Both men looked confused, and shook their heads. "Aww, no, that sounded like Adam!" Megabyte cried. "Wait, I'll be right back!" With that, Megabyte was gone. The men exchanged glances. "Should we have stopped him?" Harding said. "Are you kidding?" Damon said. "That's my son you know!" **** First Megabyte teleported to the ocean. He came up coughing and sputtering, but saw no sign of Adam. Then he teleported to the beach, and checked in the tent. Still nothing. [Adam? Adam??? Adam!!!] Megabyte called. [Mega..byte...] [Where are you? Tell me where you are!] Megabyte teleported down to the spaceship. He wasn't there either. [Adam! Where are you??] [No air... need air...] Megabyte racked his brain. The ocean, beach, and ship were the only spots Adam usually went to, even if he teleported in an emergency. Adam was running out of air - did he teleport into something solid? Or into space? Megabyte doubted it, he would probably be dead in both cases. Megabyte concentrated, and tried to home in on Adam's thoughts the way Adam had when he and Ami were about to be squashed at the bottom of an elevator shaft in Florida. ** Darkness... very dark... Adam was drugged, that was why he couldn't breath! It was... it was... [Ami! He's with Ami!] With that, Megabyte teleported. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * See Round Robin #1, or am I allowed to have a continuity reference? :) ** Mansoon Man, ep. 3 or 4? Nobody minds me involving Ami, right? Who's next... ah - I'm too confused on the list anyways! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want in on the fun? Contact Beth! ( Amy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tigger Subject: Re: TPFICT: TP Round Robin #3, part 8 Date: 28 Dec 1997 19:03:00 -0600 (CST) Amy wrote: >Who's next... Darryl. Tigger