From: "Kerry Blackwell" Subject: TPFICT: Traces of Yesterday, Touches of Tomorrow [9/15] Date: 01 Nov 1998 21:49:47 +1300 Earlier parts of this story, as well as its prequel _Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow..._ can be found at The Tomorrow Trilogy II: Traces of Yesterday, Touches of Tomorrow Kerry Blackwell NINE Blind or badly visualised teleports land you in the sea. That was a fact plain and simple. Even Adam still did it now and again. If you hadn't been concentrating as you dematerialised; if you had something more important on your mind; if you were running on blind instinct; then that strange, determined pull of the hidden spaceship dragged you into the warm, southern ocean. Adam's subconscious was bracing him for the plunge, the sudden loss of air, even as he began to materialise. But this time there was something wrong, something different. His feet unexpectedly hit something solid and his knees buckled so that he found himself collapsing, ungraciously and unceremoniously, onto the floor. There was a thud and a thump from beside him as Megabyte made the same unexpected landing. "Ouch," he said in a disgruntled voice. Adam looked over at him and for the first time actually noticed where it was they had landed. They were at the spaceship. But they were right inside it, sitting on the floor in the main control room, on the raised dais in the corner that they had never managed to determine the use of, each nursing a sore backside and a vague sense of dislocation. "Well, at least we didn't get wet," he commented. Megabyte looked up and Adam saw the same realisation dawning on his face. "Yeah," he agreed. "You'd think whoever built this thing would have planned it better." "Of course they did," said a smooth, cultured, vaguely female voice, coming from all directions and no direction at the same time. "The beacon was designed to guide any new break-outs to the internal jaunting pad." Megabyte gave Adam a cautious look. "Did you say anything?" "Not me." "I did," said the same voice. "I would have introduced myself long ago, but I'm afraid my self-repair systems were damaged in the same earthquake that set the beacon off-target." Adam and Megabyte exchanged a further look. "I think it's the spaceship," Adam said dubiously. "Of course I'm the Ship." The voice was starting to sound a little exasperated. "What did you think I was? One of the hermit crabs that took up residence in my secondary generator space last summer?" Slowly, in unconscious unison, the two teenagers turned to face the room's central column. Usually it had a strange, fitful almost-glow about it, while the stone circle around it stayed cold and dark. Now, the column was alive with light, colours shifting and changing, sweeping up and down the cables within the pillar. The console glowed gently and the stone seemed alive, with a cool, translucent sheen to it. The same glow, seeming to come from deep within the stone, permeated the walls, lighting up the room with a light that was bright but unexpectedly gentle. Soft laughter filled the air. "You do look surprised. Thought I was just a pile of junk, didn't you?" "Ah..." said Megabyte uncertainly, not prepared to admit that was a pretty accurate assessment. Adam, who had always had a better connection to the spaceship, smiled. "So why haven't you talked to us before?" he asked curiously. "Well, I would have done." The answer actually sounded defensive. "But my communications circuits were damaged in the upheaval. Now they've been repaired, I'm introducing myself." Now it was Megabyte's turn to be curious. "Do you have a name?" "'Ship' will do," the voice said calmly. "It's short, simple and to the point." Adam stood up. "Hello, Ship. I'm Adam." "I know," the Ship agreed. "You might not know me, but I've known you ever since you first found your way here. Megabyte too." "Yeah, well..." Megabyte commented absently, trying to work out what it was he was missing. There was something wrong with this scenario, and he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. Adam seemed entranced by this new spaceship-with-personality and was busy talking to it instead of taking a sensible moment to be cautious like he usually did. Then it came to him. "Hey, wait a moment," he interrupted. "Who repaired you? Who's been here and fixed you?" Adam turned to frown at him, but stopped in surprise, staring at something over Megabyte's left shoulder. Suddenly feeling his shoulderblades itching, the redhead jerked around. "That would be us," said the man standing in a corner of the room. The composed, elegant woman beside him smiled at the pair of them and nodded. They were both old, something like Megabyte's dad's age, but somehow they were kind of ageless at the same time. The man was wearing jeans and an open-necked red cotton shirt, the woman a long skirt that swirled around her ankles and a lacy white blouse. Getting a crick in his neck from looking up, Megabyte pulled himself to his feet, never taking his eyes off the strangers. There was no way they could have come in through the portal and got past Adam and Megabyte without being seen, which suggested... Megabyte ran down at that point, not quite up to making the final connection. "And who are you?" Adam demanded. The man shrugged. "We're Tomorrow People. We're the next stage in human evolution." Megabyte grinned and nudged Adam in the ribs with one elbow. "Hey, isn't that your line?" Adam was shaking his head. "You can't be Tomorrow People. You're too..." "Old," Megabyte blurted. The woman laughed. "I guess to you, we are. You could say that we're the Tomorrow People Mark I. You must be Mark II. I don't know if we're exactly the same or not, but we'll certainly be very similar." "But who _are_ you?" Adam repeated. The man stepped down from the low platform and held out a hand for Adam to shake. "I'm Mike Bell." He smiled at his friend and offered her his other hand to help her down. "And this is Elizabeth M'Bondo." She smiled pleasantly at them. "Hello." "Hi," Megabyte agreed. He'd given up on trying to work everything out and was just going with the flow. Someone, most probably Adam, would explain it all to him later. "I'm Megabyte Damon." "Ah," Elizabeth said knowledgeably. "You're the general's son." Adam stopped frowning thoughtfully for a moment. "You've met General Damon?" "We've just left him," Mike said. "He wasn't particularly impressed by your stunt at the Institute. Neither was I," he added in a stern voice. "I don't suppose you stopped to think about how dangerous your exploring might be. You could very easily have been killed. What if that forklift had been just a little faster, or if it had taken you just a little longer to jaunt away. The whole thing could quite easily have been a disaster. And now the people inside know there's someone who knows about them." Elizabeth's mental voice, tinged with bright laughter, slipped into his mind, interrupting him. :You do realise, don't you Mike, that you sound just like John? Back when he used to bawl you out for acting irresponsibly.: The man, Mike, closed his mouth so abruptly Megabyte wondered if he'd been suddenly struck dumb. Adam's back stiffened automatically, so that he stood a little taller. "We were looking for Alice," he said with quiet, firm dignity. "Alice?" Liz repeated. "Is she the person inside that compound? The one we heard cry out?" "We haven't heard anything," Adam answered. "But Kay told us she was there and Dr Stratton told us where she was. We really have to find her now, because I think that Colonel might kill her if she can't help him." "And we have to make sure Dr Stratton and Teresa are safe too," Megabyte added. Adam nodded. "And find out what this catalyst Dr Stratton's supposed to have stolen is and what they want to do with it." Mike threw up a hand. "Hang on. Slow down a moment. You've left me behind. First, tell me who Alice is, then go on to the next thing. Then the next and the next so we know what's going on." "If I might make a suggestion," the Ship's smooth voice interrupted. Mike grinned across at the lighted column. "Of course, old girl. Now you can, you make as many suggestions as you like." "Clearly, no-one here has the full story. I don't know who Dr Stratton is, but it sounds like she has useful information to offer. If General Damon is involved, he should perhaps be included in any discussion, and Kay certainly should be. I suggest a pooling of ideas." Adam nodded slowly. "We should tell the general what we heard. And we should ask Dr Stratton about the catalyst." He looked up at Liz and Mike. "Are you really Tomorrow People?" "We are," Elizabeth agreed seriously. "You're telepathic and can teleport and stuff?" She nodded. "So why haven't we met you before?" Megabyte demanded. "That's a long story," Mike answered with a grin. "The short answer is because we haven't been on Earth for the last 20 years or so." Megabyte whistled. "So where _have_ you been? And can I go visit?" Despite looking intensely curious, Adam refused to be shifted from the situation at hand. "Will you come with us and explain?" he asked. "Will you help us rescue Alice?" Mike glanced at Elizabeth. "We're going to help, aren't we?" She laughed. "We must be in so much trouble already, a little more isn't going to hurt." "I am sure, once the situation is explained, the Federation authorities will understand," the Ship offered helpfully. Liz laughed harder. "Are you talking about the same Federation I am?" But Mike's lips quirked and he chuckled, his laughter much more genuine that Liz's had been. "Translation: You like these young people and think we should help them." "I know Kay's background and you don't," the Ship said. "She should be helped and the people who created her should be stopped." "Created?" Elizabeth sounded aghast. "Created," the Ship agreed. "Will the Federation assist?" it asked formally. Liz didn't hesitate. "The Federation will assist," she agreed firmly, authoritatively. Mike laughed again. "Closed worlds? Rules? Phooey. Who needs 'em?" Megabyte looked at Adam. "I don't have a clue what they just said, but I think they're going to help us." "We're going to help you," Mike agreed. "Come on, let's go and have that pooling of ideas the Ship suggested." --end, part 9 Kerry -- Fanfic: "We shall be remembered in spite of ourselves" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: Fragile 2 of 4 Date: 01 Nov 1998 22:49:41 +0000 Fragile By Jacqueline Newman An Original Series Story Part 2 of 4 15th August 1992 A few days later Jenny and Andrew found themselves alone in the house. Jenny was enjoying the new experience of sitting at the link table in the lab. This new lab was the third of it's kind, hidden below the main house in the old cellars. John had built it while overseeing the renovations to the house some years earlier. It was accessible from a secret passage in the study above, and provided a bolt hole in case of emergencies. "Have the Tomorrow People always lived hear?" Jenny asked, sipping her coffee and looking around her. "No. We lived... in London before." "You don't sound too sure about that?" "It was a long time ago before Angie and Stephen set up Jameson Industries." He wondered whether it would be best to come clean. "Actually we have not always lived hear on Earth. For a while we were evacuated to the Galactic Federation Trig." "The what!" Jenny's eyes widened as he recounted the brief history of the TP's why they were evacuated and how they achieved permission to return. "So you're telling me that Angie, Gabkhan, Kohlarn and Susan are all shape changers who do not look human at all. And that they have a private UFO!" "Kalinar." He corrected. "And this Kalinar is hidden at the bottom of the loch?" "Yes, I can show you if you like." He jumped up and offered her his hand. They walked over to a doorway which opened silently as they approached revealing a long tunnel. "Lights please TIM." A string of lights fitted into the ceiling of the tunnel brightened to reveal a moving walk-way stretching off into the distance. She paused before stepping onto the moving tread. "My dad has spent his entire life looking for UFOs and now you tell me that you have your own! How on Earth will I explain this to him?" Half a mile later the tunnel opened out into a large cavern cut into the bed rock of the mountain. She looked in awe as the sleek metallic finish of the cone shaped craft came into view. They climbed the entrance ramp and found themselves inside a dimly lit room. There was a central column which gently glowed bathing the room in gentle light. The walls were formed of a grey metallic material and were covered with strange symbols. At the far end of the room was a strange chair shaped like a see-saw. "Wow! Where did it come from?" Asked Jenny studying the markings on the wall to her right. "Manyarner, that's Angies home world. Those," he pointed at the odd markings, "are Manyarnern hieroglyphs. They are so used to telepathic communication that they hardly ever use a written language just a character set with symbolic meaning. Andranovich could tell you what they actually mean. The rest of us gave up trying to understand them ages ago." She walked up to the central column. "And this?" "That's the biotronic unit." He touched the nearest panel and a view screen appeared at the front of the room. This displayed an image of the underground cavern. "The Kalinar is usually computer controlled but it can be flown manually from here." He walked over and touched the wall below the screen and a console appeared from nowhere. It was covered with similar patterns and shapes as those displayed on the walls. "Can you fly it?" Andrew stood at the controls "Of course." In fact he had never been allowed to fly the ship under manual control but had seen John and Stephen do it on many occasions and was sure that he could do it as well. He ran his hands over the patterns and shapes which illuminated as the power systems came on line. (TIM) He pathed. (Yes Andrew. What can I do for you?) (We want to go for a quick flight. Can you block local radar and open the upper doors please.) (It would not be advisable for you to take the Kalinar up today. Stephen and Gabkhan have been upgrading some of the systems and have not yet finished the work.) (I can't see anything wrong. All the displays are reading optimal levels. There is no sign of any work being done.) Added Jenny excitedly. (Come on TIM. Don't be so cautious. We only want to lift to the upper atmosphere then come straight back again. I'm sure they would have told you if things were not right down here.) (Yes. I believe that John would have informed me if the craft were inoperable, just in case an emergency arose while they were away.) (Well then, it must be okay. Scan the systems yourself if you like then we'll be sure.) It took the biotronic computer a few fractions of a second to scan the Kalinar's drive and life support systems. (It does seem that everything is in working order. I will begin radar jamming in a few minutes please prepare for lift off under my control.) They smiled at each other as the craft gently rose from the ground and passed into an upper chamber. Water from the loch rushed in around them then suddenly they were making their ascent towards the surface. The Kalinar broke free and glided effortlessly upwards into the evening sky. (Thanks TIM. I'll take over now.) Pathed Andrew confidently. (As you wish.) Through the forward view screen, they could clearly see the house diminishing rapidly in size below them. "Where would you like to go today?" He said with a chuckle. "This is great can we go any faster?" Andrew flicked his fingers over the controls and the ship sped up into the sky. After a while Jenny turned from the viewer and looked around her. "How far can you travel in one of these? Would it take us all the way to the Galactic Trig?" "Oh yes easily. Angie can not jaunt like the rest of us and hates to use a matter transporter so she usually takes the ship when she's off world." "But to travel such vast distances must take for ever, at least at this speed." "No not at all we've got Hyperlight drive." "Hyper what?" "Let me show you." Andrew moved across to an instrument panel at the rear of the compartment. Jenny followed him to look at the strange symbols displayed on a small screen. "This sort of dematerialises us and we move through Hyperspace then we can go many times the speed of light. You enter the co-ordinates here." He pointed at one of the symbols which changed at his touch. "Then this is the execute icon." "Can we try it now?" "I'm not sure" He hesitated while he summed up the situation. How could he let her down now that she was on the verge of seeing the wonders of the universe. "I did promise TIM that we would only take a quick flight." "You're not scared of TIM are you? What can he do about it now that we're out here." She reached across him and touched the symbol. "Don't do that we've not entered the co-ordinates." But it was too late. In a blinding flash the Hyperlight drive kicked into action. For a fleeting moment the void of hyperspace was visible through the view screen then all hell broke out. The ship's internal integrity field began to fluctuate, systems all over the ship overloaded as the psionic energy dematerialised their atoms and phased them out of space-time. "What's happening?" Shouted Jenny above the wailing of the alarm. "Without co-ordinates the ship has dematerialised us but does not know where to send us so it is scattering our material into hyperspace." "You mean we're being broken down bit by bit until there's nothing left." "That's exactly what I mean." They were thrown across the room as the ship lurched out of control. The walls slowly became opaque and the air thinned rapidly. "Do something!" Screamed Jenny hysterically. "We're going to die." (TIM, can you hear us TIM. Jaunt us back immediately please.) "It's no good we're not in their universe anymore they cannot help us." He said resignedly. Jenny ignored him and rushed back to the flight controls. "There must be some way to...." Without realising she had re-engaged the atmospheric thrusters. The shearing forces wrenched at the craft and pulled it back into reality. "I did it!" The view screen clearly displayed the Earth below them growing rapidly as they plummeted towards the surface. "What's that?" She said pointing at a large object nearing their position." "It looks like another ship." They looked at each other then back at the screen. "It's on a collision course.." The other ship came right at them and they sunk back away from the screen. But instead of the impact they expected this vessel passed through them and disappeared. Andrew let out a sigh of relief. "I thought we had had it then..." Without warning the flight console exploded in front of them. Andrew was thrown back across the compartment and knocked unconscious instantly. The blast loosened the panel which struck Jenny's upper torso breaking her neck immediately. Silently the craft plunged back into the atmosphere and began to burn up as it descended towards the British Isles. -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: Fragile 3 of 4 Date: 03 Nov 1998 07:02:59 +0000 Fragile By Jacqueline Newman An Original Series Story Part 3 of 4 Meanwhile; back in London 1973 Stephen was the first to see it: a long, luminous streak, high in the evening sky. On the ground it was already dark, but the rays of the sun crept round the curve of the Earth's surface, giving a pink glow to the object hurtling on the edge of space. Stephen's mind went into overdrive, calculating from the height of the sun's rays the altitude of the object and then working out its speed. 'A hundred thousand kilometres an hour, and decelerating 28g,' he told himself, but not burning up. If it's a space-ship, it certainly isn't a Sap one.' The others had seen it too. Carol's thoughts came in from the top of a bus three miles away. Then came Kenny, then John, all in an excited rush: 'Did you see it Stephen?' 'It was a space-ship definitely...' The Lab 16th august 1992 "TIM, are you quite sure that it is a Criton ship?" Asked John as the view screen displayed the image of the space-ship flashing across the evening sky. "Yes John. It matches the exact configuration in the Galactic Federation data banks. I have already dispatched a message requesting further details regarding ship flight plans in this sector." Elizabeth turned to Stephen. "Well whoever is inside that thing has certainly got the Saps attention. This place will be crawling with military by morning. We had better make sure we get our stories straight in case they come round here asking questions." "Yes and we better help them too or they'll be captured." Added Stephen. "John I am receiving a message from the Criton Central Command." "Put it on the viewer please TIM." They all turned to see the familiar face of Arlon appear on the screen. Despite his fancy uniform and increased years he was unmistakable as the little alien boy they had rescued from the military twenty years ago. "Squadron leader Arlon hear. Thank you for your request for information. I have to inform you that we have no vessels in your sector of space at present. This ship wherever it comes from is not one of ours." The viewer faded again. "Hm..." Said John. "So if it's not one of theirs who's is it?" Back in 1973 The bottom of the Scotish Loch... Andrew awoke to find himself nearly covered in cold water. Shivering he scanned around him for signs of Jenny. He had a splitting headache and instinctively knew that his special powers had been temporarily robbed from him. Slowly the water level rose towards his chin. "Jenny! Jenny! Where are you?" Pulling himself up he waded through the murky water towards what was left of the flight console. He gasped as he spotted her body. Mangled and lifeless beneath the wreckage. He pulled her up and hugged her to him. "This can't be happening. I can't lose the only person I've loved since..." But the memories of his father's death were too painful to bare. He slumped back down and rocked her in his arms as the water lapped at his sides. The lab 16th August 1992 Two hours later... TIM manoeuvred the ship into the chamber then removed the water. As it settled down on the floor of the underground cavern John felt intense deja vous. He kept his feelings to himself as they opened the hatch and went inside. "I suggest we all put up a telepathic shield." He warned. "Why on Earth should we need that?" Responded a puzzled Elizabeth. His suspicions were confirmed as they all felt the intense wave of emotion emanating from the small alien child standing just inside the door of the ship. "Arlon!" Exclaimed Stephen. "What the hell are you doing here?" Back in 1973 Inside the Crashed Kalinar... Andrew felt as if he couldn't move. How could he leave her to the cold inhospitable depths of the loch. But his instinct to survive kept pulling him towards the exit of the Kalinar. The water was almost above his head now. He had to partially float across the compartment and gulp down the last remaining lung fulls of air. 'I may as well die here with her. What's there to go on for.' He thought as the water began to enter his lungs. But the voice in his head kept telling him that he must survive that he was a Tomorrow Person and they must go on. Eventually the conflict was ended as he lost consciousness. **************** Part two: Not Quite a Rift in time! 1973 Loch Derrig Slowly, they descended towards the centre, their eyes straining for any signs of movement. Surely, thought John, the place must be a flurry of activity; everyone down there must know by now that they were about to receive the army's first captive from another planet. Yet they could see no indication that the place was inhabited at all. As they reached the bottom of the slope, a barbed wire fence rose before them. No sooner had they seen it, than there was a loud rustle at the side. they froze, hands on belts, ready to jaunt. The stun gun blast took them completely by surprise and they collapsed on the ground. "What did you do that for?" Demanded Liz bending down to examine them more closely. "Because in this time line it did happen when I tried to make telepathic contact with Arlon. But now we know that it is Andrew and he will not have the same effect on us, them," he pointed at the unconscious Tomorrow People laying at their feet," as Arlon did. We cannot afford to disrupt our own past or heaven knows what change of events we may put into motion." "Johns right." Said Angie. "He's our guide in this time line to what actually happened. I warned you about the grave dangers of time rifts before I brought you here. We have to be very careful." "And any moment now the helicopter will arrive and we will be found unconscious beside the barrier by the security patrol. I suggest that we jaunt to a safe distance." The Lab Back in 1992 Arlon had responded much better to Angie's telepathic transmissions than he had to the Tomorrow People's attempts the first time they had met. She was a far stronger telepath than any of the Tomorrow People and could withstand the intensity of his emotions without being overwhelmed by them. She explained, in simple terms, where he was and that they would need to contact a Time Guardian in order to get him home. She also assured the frightened little boy that he did and would definitely make it home. Secretly she wondered whether this would in fact come to pass. It was obvious that with the others in the past the time rift was significant and a rescue mission was needed. It was agreed that she had enough temporal control to take Liz, John and herself back to rescue Andrew and Jenny. Although she would need additional help to bring two extra people, as well as the Kalinar, back from the past to the present. Stephen was left behind with Mike, Hsui Tai and the children to contact Peter, and with his help, bring Arlon back to the 1970's. It soon became apparent that they would also be faced with the problem of how to bring an object as big as the life-ship back through time. That this dilemma had to be solved somehow was obvious. But their first priority was to rescue Andrew and Jenny from Colonel M. 1973 The Military Base 20 hours later... While Kenny covered the three of them, the others turned their attention to the fourth occupant of the room. He had remained motionless at the table, watching everything with silent interest. As they looked at him their jaws dropped. 'Cor,' said Ginge. 'It's human.' Andrew immediately recognised John and Stephen and, realising the enormity of the situation he was in, took control. "Actually," he said, "I'm Homo Superior. I'm a Tomorrow Person like you. And I've lost my special powers so I can't jaunt out of here. Did you bring a matter transporter with you?" "A what!" Exclaimed John. "Oh never mind." Replied Andrew quickly. "We'll just have to do it the old fashioned way." He motioned towards the door and they all filed out. 'Turn and face the wall, and don't try to come after us - at least not until we're well away,' warned John. 'You may feel stupid being locked up in here, but you'll feel even more stupid if we paralyse you.' 'You'll never get away...' Colonel M blustered as the three men obeyed John's command. They locked the door behind them and raced out into the concrete yard in front of the main building. "Would you mind telling me what's going on?" Said a very confused Carol. "How can you be a Tomorrow Person when you arrived in a space-ship?" "I'm sorry but I don't think we have time for lengthy discussions right now. I'll tell you as soon as we get back to the safety of the lab." John motioned for Ginge and Lefty to step away from the stranger. "Hold it right there." He demanded pointing the stun gun at Andrew. "Just how do you know about the lab?" Andrew sighed. John has not changed much over the years, he thought. He was and always will be very protective towards the Tomorrow People. "I know about it because I'm one of you. How I came to be here I cannot tell you but I do know everything about you. You cannot kill, you have a computer called TIM. John, your father is a policeman." But this conversation had gone on for far too long and the military guards had recovered from the effects of the stun blast. They ran from the building and fired a volley of shots in the direction of the group of young people. Ginge and Lefty took the brunt of the fire and immediately fell to the ground. "Jaunt!" Shouted Andrew, as he was also hit and fatally wounded. "Save yourselves. The Tomorrow people must go on to the future." In a sparkle of light the others disappeared leaving an eerie silence in the yard. Watching from around the corner of the building John saw himself and his friends dematerialise. "We're too late." He whispered. "We better get out of here before the time line is disrupted any further." They too jaunted away to safety. -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: Fragile 4 of 4 Date: 04 Nov 1998 06:51:31 +0000 Fragile By Jacqueline Newman An Original Series Story Part 4 of 4 ********* Part three: The looking Glass Self. 1973 The Scottish highlands Few Minutes Later... They sat on a hill two miles from the base and merged minds. Angie stretched out their combined consciousness towards the activity in the yard. It soon became apparent that all three were dead and that the military intended to dissect their bodies in order to discover where they came from. It was Liz who broke the link and articulated her thoughts. "We cannot let things happen this way. Ginge, Lefty and Andrew are an important part of our future. If we return now it might be completely different when we get there. Do you recall the problems caused by Cotus the gladiator boy who remembered how to build a steam engine? And how the Roman soldiers from the future faded out of existence before our very eyes when his memory was wiped. For all we know we might disappear ourselves soon." "Don't worry." Said Angie reassuringly. "As long as you're with me I can prevent that from happening. But you do have a point. When we go back things might be considerably different. The Tomorrow People might no longer exist on Earth. After all Ginge and Chris saved all of your lives more than once in the future. We just have to get in there and put things right." "And just how do you propose we do that." Snapped John, then he gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry I'm finding all this very difficult to understand." "You're not the only one." Added Liz. Angie put her arms around their shoulders. "Don't forget I'm the One. I may not like the title but the privileges of having that much psionic energy are considerable." "Just what do you mean?" Asked John. It took them an hour to formulate a plan. Angie assured them that as long as she got to their friends bodies before they were actually dissected she could reanimate them. But the difficult thing was to put the rest of the time line back the way it should be. There seemed only one solution. They would have to seek help... 1973 The Lab an Hour Later... Three figures started to appear on the Jaunting pad. John rushed across the room to grab a stun gun but was suddenly held rigid by Angie's psionic suggestion. His mind flew into a turmoil as he came face to face with a perfect likeness of himself. Older perhaps, but definitely him. Stephen, Carol and Kenny were having similar thoughts as they also recognised the figure as their friend. (Promise you won't panic and jaunt away.) Pathed Liz. (We are like you and have come to help you.) She saw the tension drain out of the younger people's faces as Angie relaxed her psionic grip and lowered each of them back into their seats. "Who are you? Are you me?" Asked John at last. "Yes I'm you and it is highly irregular for us to meet like this but it is essential for us to rescue Ginge, Lefty and Andrew from Colonel M before he damages their bodies. Will you help us?" They nodded and the older Tomorrow People came further into the Lab. John sat opposite himself at the link table. "This is like looking into a mirror." He said. "TIM, can you please scan each of us and confirm that we are who we say we are." TIM hesitated. "It's okay TIM," said John. "Do as he says." A strange noise rose in pitch and a spotlight slowly descended from the ceiling to move across each of their faces in turn. Then TIM spoke again. "I can confirm that John is John and the black lady is also a Tomorrow Person. The third creature is registered as a life form from the Planet Manyarner." "Okay, you've satisfied us. How can we help you?" At Elizabeth's suggestion the whole group merged minds to transfer information about the time rift to the younger TP's. After a short while a plan to break back into the base was agreed upon. "And we promise to let you wipe our memories of what we have learned here today when all this is over." Agreed Carol. 1992 Corrour sta 6 hours later... Stephen woke from his fitful sleep. He missed Angie's warm body to cuddle up to and never slept well when they were separated like this. As he came to his senses he recalled his dreams and sprang out of bed. (Mike, Hsui, Peter. It's time.) He pathed as he made his way down to the lab. He was met by a very sleepy Peter standing next to an excited Arlon. "Did she use dream telepathy to send a message?" Asked Peter. Stephen nodded and gulped down the steaming mug of coffee that TIM materialised for him. "Thanks. I needed that." He said looking up to see Mike and Hsui coming down the stairs. He spoke to the whole group. "In the dream she showed me the switching of the Kalinar for the life-ship later today. Then our younger selves will pick up the thread of the original events and contact Saav and negotiate with Colonel M for Arlon's release." "But Arlon is here with us." Commented a confused Mike, as he crossed the lab to sit beside Stephen. "Yes but Peter will take Arlon back in the life-ship. Angie will alter the Colonel's memory to think that he was the alien they captured all along. Ginge and Lefty will have their minds altered similarly. So no one will know the difference. Andrew and..." "What is it?" Asked Hsui sensing his disquiet. "Jenny is dead." He said it in such a flat tone that the others could hardly believe it. "How, was she killed by the military?" "No she was killed in the Kalinar crash. It's horrible." He opened up his mind and the others shared the surge of grief as they felt the realisation of the loss of one of their kind. After a while Peter spoke. "I know this is difficult for you but it has happened and we have to face it. Now we must make preparations to take Arlon and the life-ship back to where they belong and restore the time line." "Yes, you're right." Said Stephen. "We have to look after those who are left now." *********** Part Four: Putting the Record Straight. 1973 The Lab Ten Minutes Later... Peter appeared in the lab with Arlon at his side. Angie gave a nod of recognition for another temporal being and ushered the others forward. "Where is the life-ship?" "In a parking orbit above the north pole. As soon as we get into the base we can bring it down and send the Kalinar back to the future in it's place." "Good." Said John and John Simultaneously. "Let's get on with it then." The Military Research Establishment Loch Derrig They appeared in the mortuary of the military base. It was midnight and the place was completely deserted. (So far so good.) Pathed Stephen as he searched for the draw which contained the bodies of his Hells Angel's friends. It was Kenny who found them first. (Over here.) He pathed beckoning to them in the darkness. Angie approached and placed her hand on Lefty's head. Closing her eyes she reached into his cellular tissues. A green light enveloped his body and the bullet wounds began to heal. Once the damage was repaired she moved into the brain tissues. A pulse of purple psionic energy fired along the neuronal pathways. She found herself in a dark place. 'Lefty, she called are you here?' The feelings of the young man flooded into her mind. 'Where are we? How did I get here?' 'That does not matter, just look towards that light up there.' He was suddenly aware of a light which appeared to be at the end of a long tunnel. 'Go towards the light.' She urged and he flew away from her. Similar experiences were shared by Ginge and Andrew and they were soon sitting up on the medical benches stretching their tired limbs. Seeing the familiar faces of John and Liz, Andrew began to cry. "Jenny is dead and It's all my fault. I want to go home. Please take me home." Liz hugged him and sent soothing messages into his mind.(It is going to be all right. You have to be strong for just a little while longer.) 1973 The Lab 30 Minutes Later. They arrived back in the lab shortly after. It had been a simple task to bring the life-ship down to the base by remote control and lift the Kalinar up into it's place. "Now all we have to do is return to our own time in the Kalinar." Said John to his younger self. "Thank you for you're help." "You knew we would be pleased to give our help. I am very sorry that one of us had to die in the terrible accident. Will this change things in you're world too much?" Peter looked around the group. "According to my knowledge of the future time line, Jenny never was a true Tomorrow Person. I suspect that this event was meant to happen all along. It is sad I know, but it was meant to be." They could all feel Andrew's discomfort at the inevitability of the days events. After a short silence Liz suggested that they begin with the memory erasure process. The younger Tomorrow People sat at the link table and drifted into a gentle trance. Standing behind them Angie, John and Liz entered their memory and erased the appropriate cells. "Let's get out of here before they wake up." Urged Peter stepping onto the jaunting pad. "But what about TIM?" "You're right Liz. We will have to erase all memory that we were here, including TIM." "I am fully aware of the necessity to remove all knowledge of your visit to us." Replied their biotronic friend. "As soon as you have left the lab I will purge my memory banks." "Very well then. We can rely on you TIM." Replied John. "See you in twenty years time!" They jaunted away to the Kalinar. 1973 In The Kalinar. A Few Minutes Later... "Well that's it." Said Peter placing the time dilator matrix onto the remains of the hastily patched up flight console. "All we have to do is press this button and we will be back in our own time." John stepped over and looked at the small metallic box. "It's lucky that we could get some of these systems working again. Although the biotronic unit is completely shot. I don't think the Kalinar will be able to use Hyperlight drive for quite some time." "Stephen and Gabkhan will have a lot of work to do to fix up this mess." Commented Andrew. "I'm terribly sorry to cause so much trouble." John put on his parenting expression. "Well all's well that ends well." He said and pressed the matrix control button. They waited... "Nothing's happened. What's gone wrong?" Elizabeth was quite worried. Angie stared intently at the box. "That's funny it's set for the past not the future. I think we should jaunt out of here straight away." They dematerialised just in time as the Kalinar was de-structured and pushed back into the Earth's distant past. Stepping off the Jaunting pad once again they were greeted by TIM. "I did not expect to see any of you so soon. Has something gone wrong.?" "You bet it has." Snapped Angie angrily. "I may not be a hundred year old *Time Guardian* but I can remember how to programme a reverse temporal sweep matrix. You set the polarity in the wrong direction." Peter looked very embarrassed by his obvious blunder. "I'm sorry but I'm not used to working in this way. We usually use time discs which are programmed to take you and bring you back. I forgot that you all arrived here by other means." Their argument was disturbed by the groans of the younger TP's as they began to wake from their trance. "We can't stay here and let them see us." Urged Elizabeth. "Is there any way for you to get us back home without the matrix?" Peter considered the situation for a moment then pulled a time disc from his robe. "Wait right here everybody. I'll be straight back." He blinked out of sight. "Perhaps you should all wait upstairs. Then the Tomorrow People will not see you as they wake." Suggested TIM. "Good Idea TIM." They all climbed the metallic staircase to the rooms above. Peter appeared in front of them. "Here take one of these." He said opening his hand to reveal five time discs. They did as he suggested and disappeared from sight. The Lab 1992 "Welcome back." "Thanks TIM," replied John, "but it hardly feels as if we've been away." Elizabeth looked around the lab. "Are the others all right? Has the time line restored itself okay?" She enquired. "Yes Elizabeth. Everything here is exactly as you left it." Replied the biotronic computer. "Not everything." Said Stephen entering from the direction of the underground tunnel. "What do you mean Stephen?" Asked Elizabeth. "I can't see any changes." He walked over to face his joining partner. (What did you do to me?) (Nothing that you would not have wanted.) Peter spoke up for the first time. "Angie did you alter the time line?" She nodded. "What exactly did you do?" Stephen answered for her. "She left a psionic suggestion in my mind when she was erasing my memory." John drew close. "What sort of psionic suggestion? It doesn't seem to have changed much. You're still as ugly as ever." "Ha. Ha. Very funny. She put the suggestion into my mind that I would find her attractive when we met for the first time on the Trig." Elizabeth smiled. "Oh is that all. For a moment there I thought it was going to be something serious." She sat down at the table. "It is serious. How would you like it if your decisions were made for you. It's not fair." He also sat and sulked in silence. "Are you unhappy with me as you're joining partner?" She asked. "No of course not. You know that. But it's a bit tough having to realise that my choice was interfered with." "Angie. Why exactly did you do this to Stephen? I know there must have been a good reason." "Well John, I've seen many possible futures for this planet some with and some without The Tomorrow People's presence. You are a genetically inferior species. Incapable of defending yourselves against a much more aggressive competitor. There are so few of you now and the development of others has been seriously set back by the Federation's seeding process that I felt it was important for you to have a little help towards you're continued survival." John looked very serious as he weighed his response. "Yes I agree that our continued existence is a fragile balance. Jenny's death has reminded us all of how close we come to extinction every time we go on a dangerous mission. But that is our nature. The vulnerability actually gives us strength." He looked around the lab." All that we have achieved has been through hard work and a commitment to making this world a better place. We are grateful for you're help and respect your powers but I'd like to think that we could have made it through on our own." (Do you want me to go back and change things? I can erase the suggestion from Stephen's mind before we meet.) Elizabeth spoke up for the first time. "I agree with John in part. It would be good to do things for ourselves, but we have accepted assistance from the Federation, other worlds and Peter on many occasions. I don't see what difference you marrying Stephen has made. We have a good family here so why spoil things." "Elizabeth is right." Commented Andrew, who had kept quiet all this time. "I have no family left but I think of each one of you as my extended family. The community wouldn't be the same without Angie here. And anyway Stephen, if I'd met someone as lovely as her on the Trig I'd have fallen for her psionic suggestion or no psionic suggestion." They all laughed. (Well Angie it seems that my choice of mate has been approved of around here. You can stay.) Pathed Stephen on their private channel. (And maybe if I'd stayed on Manyarner and joined with one of my own kind I wouldn't have to keep using this infernal teleporter.) She replied removing the bracelet from her wrist. "I'm starving. Who's turn is it to cook dinner tonight?" "Yours." They replied in unison. "You're existence is more fragile than you think if you have to eat my cooking." They laughed as they climbed up the stairs to the house above. THE END -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: Happy Anniversary part 0 of 0 Date: 07 Nov 1998 17:50:18 +0000 Happy Anniversary By Jacqueline Newman An Original Series Story Part 0 of 0 Disclaimer: Most of the Characters contained in this story are not mine but are borrowed from the 1970s series The Tomorrow People. They are the property of the creators and copyright holders. Any other characters, planets and cultures are the sole creation and property of Jacqueline Newman. No one may post this story to any web page without my permission other than the tpfict archives. Possible Spoiler This story should be read after my novel 'The Joining' as it follows the lives of characters created in that story. Personal comment: I would like to thank Shawn Lazerus for betareading this fan fict. The title is not particularly original but seemed most appropriate :) Comments are very welcome. If you enjoy the story please let me know. Jackie Newman -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wendy Kelley Subject: TPFICT: ADMIN: New year, new rules (rules update) Date: 07 Nov 1998 20:38:50 -0700 Would you believe TPFICT is 3? The list celebrated its 3rd birthday on November 2nd. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and helped kept the list going. In hopes of getting year 4 off to a good start, here's a repost of the rules. Note that rules #9 and #10 are formally new, but have been in affect for a long time. Welcome to the Tomorrow People Fiction List! This list is dedicated to the posting of creative works based on either generation of the television show "The Tomorrow People". This list is also for the discussion of those creative works and anything directly related to those works. For discussion of the show, its actors, the characters or anything else non-creative, go to the discussion list, It is recommended that all members of either TP list read the document "Tips For Fanfic Authors". Despite its name, it also contains tips for readers. This document is available at By subscribing and/or posting to TPFICT and/or the TPFICT archives, you acknowledge that "The Tomorrow People" and all characters associated with either series are created and owned by Roger Damon Price, Nickelodeon, ITV and/or Thames/Tetra Television. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. To ensure that this list is as efficient and enjoyable as possible, please follow these rules. All rules apply to stories posted to TPFICT or directly to the archives. 1) Do not repost a story or story part to TPFICT for any reason. If a post comes through mangled, or fails to come through within 24 hours from being sent, contact the list owner to clear reposting. There may be something wrong with the list software that resending a post will only aggravate. 2) The posting of erotica (X-Rated material) to the mailing list is not permitted. Stories rated NC-17 can be posted directly to the archives by mailing them to the listowner with a request. Or you can post them on your own web page and send a note to the list informing others of the story's existence and location. If you are unsure of a story's suitability, contact the listowners. 3) All fiction posted to TPFICT will be automatically archived unless the author specifically states otherwise. The Tomorrow People Creative List Archive is located at 4) Do not use angled brackets <> in stories, as stories are put into html format for posting on the web page, and html coding wants to use the angled brackets for other purposes. The popular method for indicating telepathic thought is with the use of square brackets [ ], although parentheses ( ), asterisks *, and other notations have been used. Emphasis is usually noted with *asterisks* and underlining with _underscores_. 5) If you read a story, take a few minutes to write the author and tell them what you thought. The TP lists are quite small in comparison to many other media-related lists. Every piece of mail counts here, and without encouragement, the writers may not continue writing. 6) The TPFICT: header is automatically attached to all posts sent to the list. Please do not include this yourself. 7) No off-topic posts. This includes posts that may seem helpful but otherwise have nothing to do with "The Tomorrow People", including, but not excluded to: virus warnings, junk mail, and advertisements for non-TP products. 8) No attached or encoded files of any kind. The list software cannot handle attached files, and many people do not have the ability to handle encoding. If your email program attaches or encodes files automatically, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 9) No using real people in your stories or works without their explicit permission. This includes, but is not limited to, the actors, executives, and/or other list members. 10) No spamming. Spamming is sending the same post to the list over and over, and/or sending many different posts to the list in a very short amount of time. Authors are requested to limit their postings to fewer than 5 parts per day, including any part 0 or author's notes. 11) No flaming. Both the TP lists are privately owned and operated; Freedom of Expression does not apply here. What constitutes flaming is solely at the discretion of the listowner and/or assistant list owner. So far, neither list has ever had a problem with flamers. Let's try to keep it that way. FLAMING OR VIOLATION OF ANY OTHER LIST RULE IS GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL FROM THE LISTS. To post to the list, mail to: For subscribing, unsubscribing, and so on: The listowner is Wendy Kelley ( The assistant listowner is Kyrie Daniels ( If you have any questions, please feel free to email us. ... Wendy * Listowner: Tomorrow People creative and discussion lists Asst. Listowner: Sliders creative and discussion lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: Happy Anniversary part 1 of 2 Date: 08 Nov 1998 03:51:33 +0000 Happy Anniversary By Jacqueline Newman An Original Series Story Part 1 of 2 Corrour Sta Scotland, Earth. Saturday 22nd May 1999 1.20 am "Ssssh Charlie. You'll wake them." Said Edward as he and Charlotte crept down the stairs, through the study and into the lab below. Edward, who preferred to be called Eddy, was John and Elizabeth's first child. He was just nine years old, although he acted more mature than most human children his age. Despite this he always seemed to be bossing his sister about, and getting her into all sorts of trouble. This evening was no exception. "I am being quiet." Protested the little girl. "It's you who made the door creek." At last they stepped into the dimly lit room to be greeted by the soft voice of TIM. "I have Tyso waiting on a secure channel from Saiyonara." The view screen lit up and the familiar form of Tyso appeared. "This is quite a surprise. Does John know that you got TIM to set up a long distance communication like this?" "No, of course not. That's why we need your help." Said Charlotte enthusiastically. "It's mum and dad's tenth anniversary soon and we want you to get them a present from us." "Oh I see." Tyso nodded. "It's a surprise then." "Yes. Stephen and Angie said that you may be able to get hold of some Grallarian pond crystals. I know they are rare..." "Rare! They're almost illegal. I'm surprised at Stephen agreeing to anything so underhanded. No, I take that back, It's exactly what I would have expected from him." The little boy looked worried. "Tyso. We know that you have met many people on your travells. Do you think you can get hold of some for us? Please." "Oh I might be able to sort something out. There's nothing I like better than smuggling rare artefacts half way across the galaxy to a closed world right under the noses of the beaurocrats at the federation. Consider it done." TIM's authoritative voice broke into their conversation. "Tyso. We do not want you to do anything illegal or to get into any trouble. The children's request is not compulsory. I'm sure that they can think of something else to get for John and Elizabeth." "Don't worry TIM, I can take care of myself. I have my own contacts around here you know. I'll send a message when I have acquired the goods and jaunt over with them. I'd love to see the look on John's face when you give them to him. Bye for now." The view screen dimmed and the lab returned to near darkness. "If I had known that it was Grallarian pond crystals that you were going to ask for I would not have agreed to set up that transmission." Chided the biotronic computer. "They are rare and restricted artefacts from a dying culture. Tyso will be taking great risks on your behalf. I think that this surprise present idea should have been thought through more carefully. I will have a talk with Stephen about it tomorrow." "Please don't be angry with us." Charlotte put on her most pathetic voice. This always worked with TIM. "We didn't mean any harm we just want to give mum and dad the most wonderful gift they've ever had." "Well. I suppose I can over look it on this occasion, but next time please inform me of your intentions before I establish the link. Now it's well past your bed time off you go." The little girl smiled at her brother mischievously and brushed her long brown locks from her eyes. "Thanks ever so. Good night." She bent forward and kissed one of the glowing domes which made up part of TIM. "Good night children." Replied the computer. "Pleasant dreams." The children jaunted to their respective bedrooms and snuggled down once more. This is going to be the best surprise yet. Thought Eddy as he drifted off to sleep. 25th July 1999 3.15p.m. "How much did they cost you?" Asked Stephen as he peered at the elaborately carved box. "More credits than you have in your Federation account." Teased Tyso. "No seriously. The Paldrinian freighter captain, that I got them from, was happy to receive a blessing from the Manyarnern Premier for the future prosperity of his family." "You promised him that! Angie won't be very pleased when she finds out. You know she doesn't hold much with all this religious rubbish about her being some sort of saintly icon out of temporal synch with the rest of the universe." "She won't mind cause you won't tell her. Will you." Tyso said emphatically. "You don't really understand the meaning of the joining do you Tyso? I'll have to remind you one day." The conversation was cut short as Mike came into the lab. "Well, what've we got here. Our two conspirators in the great anniversary present swindle." "How do you know about that!" Demanded a shocked Stephen. "Those two kids have been so excited ever since you agreed to get these things for them." He motioned at the case. "They've hardly been able to control themselves." "So who else knows?" They all looked up as they sensed two figures materialising on the jaunting pad. Hsui Tai and Andrew came over and looked at the ornate box. "Can we see the crystals? Please?" Asked Hsui Tai. "Oh no, not you as well!" Stephen sighed as he sat down and opened up the box. Peering inside they could all see two small rounded stones surrounded by layers of a velvety type material. Tyso picked up one of the unassuming little rocks. "I don't know what all the fuss is about!" Was the last thing any of them heard before they fell unconscious on the floor. ******** Meanwhile... "Thank you Mrs. Phillips." Said Elizabeth as she took the tea cup from John's mother. "Why don't you call me Margery. You two have been married for so long now that I think it's time we were a little less formal with each other." She looked up at her husband who was busy telling John a story about his work for the Metropolitan Police. "Don't you agree dear?" "Then the custody sergeant...What? Do you have to disturb my train of thought like that." He gave his wife a stern look. "Now where was I..." (John!) (Yes TIM.) (Can you and Elizabeth come to the lab immediately please.) John felt the tension in TIM's usually unruffled voice. (What's the matter?) (You will see when you get here. Please hurry.) Elizabeth looked across at the children who were playing a game, on a lap top computer, at the dining table in the far corner of the room. (Telephone?) She pathed as she sent out the telekinetic signal for it to ring. John took the mobile phone from his pocket. "Yes, of course." He said to the empty line. "I'll be right over." He put the phone back into his pocket and rose from his seat. "Sorry Mother, Father, we have to go. There is an emergency at work and I have to return immediately." "On a Sunday! I am proud of you becoming managing director of Jameson Industries my boy." Said John's father. "But being expected to drop everything and come running every time there is a little trouble at the plant. Haven't you got employees to do that sort of thing?" "I'm sorry dad, but they really do need me there to sort things out." He beckoned the children across towards him. "Come on kids we have to leave now. Say good bye to your grandparents." "Oh dear! And we have not had tea yet." Said Margery as she rose to collect their coats." One day, you will have to stay for longer than ten minutes." "Yes." Replied Elizabeth. "We promise to come back with the kids very soon." They hurriedly put on their coats and headed out into the street. Walking just out of sight around the corner they jaunted to the lab. 25th July 1999 5.25 p.m. Two hours later the younger Tomorrow People were all recovered. "I would have expected more from you, your not a kid any more." John was barely containing his anger as he rebuked Stephen. "Did you think about why these things are restricted items? Or what could have happened if we had not been around to revive you all. The head wound that Hsui suffered as she fell against the console was quite serious you know. I despair of the lot of you!" "Okay! Okay! John. We're sorry. We didn't think about what the crystals could do to telepaths. There is no need to lecture us so much. I've got a splitting headache I'm going upstairs for a nap." He stood up and jaunted. "Don't be so hard on them John." Said Liz, as she helped Hsui Tai to her feet. "I think they have learned their lesson. After all, they were trying to do something for us you know." John sat down at the table opposite Andrew, Mike and Tyso who were also nursing bad headaches. "Yes, and when I find out who was the ring leader of this little enterprise I'll have words with the Federation authorities." He said gruffly as he looked at each of the young men in turn. "It was all my idea." They said in unison. Tyso stood quickly and walked across to the jaunting pad. "I'm going to visit me mum while I'm here want to come with me Mike?" "You bet." They jaunted before John could say anything else. John looked sternly at the glowing globes which hovered in the centre of the room. "And, I am very disappointed with you TIM. Letting them bring dangerous items into the lab. Just wait until I get to the bottom of this." "Well, there is no harm done." Interrupted Elizabeth trying to pacify her husband. "Why don't we leave things for now and discuss it when we have all calmed down. Andrew, please help Hsui to her room." Relieved to escape John's bad mood, the two young people climbed the stairs into the house above, then quickly crossed the study and went to their own rooms. Elizabeth sat at the table beside John in the now empty lab. The ornately carved box was still in the centre of the table where it had fallen when the Tomorrow People were knocked out. It's contents appeared to be harmless pebbles once more. Reaching out she lifted up the box to study it's contents more closely. "Who would have thought that such innocuous stones could black out five healthy people. I wonder what they actually do?" John took the box from her and replaced the lid. "Well I'm going to find out before any more of us are harmed." He said placing it down in the centre of the table once more. "TIM please contact the Federation central archives and find out as much as you can about Grallarian pond crystals. "I have already established the link and am downloading the information now." Replied the computer. ******** 26th July 1999 7.00 p.m. Angie came into the dining room with a flurry. Compared to the other Tomorrow People she, and her children, looked very alien. Their eyes were shining with a bright scarlet light and their skin shimmered with mauves and lilacs as they moved. The long flowing gown which Angie wore changed appearance as she walked until it took on the shape of jeans and tea shirt. These changes were duplicated by Gabkhan, his identical twin Kohlarn and their younger sister Sussialificalasa. Soon they all appeared human again. Bending down she kissed Stephen. "Sorry we're late, we stopped off at Dralon Four to do some shopping." They sat down around the table and helped themselves to some food. Sensing the atmosphere in the room Angie looked up at John. "So tell me, what has been happening around here while we were away?" "I think that your joining partner should be the one to tell you the details." John barked gruffly and returned to his meal. -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: Happy anniversary part 2 of 2 Date: 09 Nov 1998 03:26:20 +0000 Happy Anniversary By Jacqueline Newman An Original Series Story Part 2 of 2 26th July 1999 8.00 p.m. After finishing their dinner in stony silence, Stephen and Angie went into the lounge. Eddy and Charlotte were already there playing at the piano. "So I take it that things did not go according to plan?" "No, not quite." Replied an embarrassed Stephen. "Did you know how dangerous those crystals could be? John and Liz had to revive us all from a coma." "How on Earth could that have happened?" She paused deep in thought. "Unless one of you touched them of course." Tyso, who had heared their exchange as he approached, entered the room and sat on the couch. "It was me. I only took it out of the box." Angie burst out laughing and could barely contain herself for the next half an hour. "What a bunch of idiots. Can't I leave you alone for five minutes?" She said through her giggling. ********** 14th August 1999 7.15 p.m. It had been a beautiful summers day. The temperature was just subsiding, to a more comfortable level, as John lit the barbecue. Heating the coals with pyrokinesis they quickly reached cooking temperature. Mike, who stood nearby, fiddled with the cassette player and loud rock music suddenly broke the peace. "Must we have that on?" Said John a he arranged the sausages on the griddle. "It is such a lovely evening I was rather enjoying the bird song." (Oh dad, don't be such an old stick in the mud.) Pathed Edward as he dribbled a football past Andrew and Kohlarn and kicked it into the make shift goal at the edge of the lawn. "You can't blame the children for their taste in music." Added Elizabeth as she came out of the conservatory. Floating behind her was a tray of mixed utensils and a large pitcher of Tralmark." Although it could be a little quieter." Mike, who had joined the others in their game, used telekinesis to turn down the volume on the cassette player. (Is that better?) He pathed as he took the ball from Eddy and began spinning it on his head. "Much." Replied John smiling at the happy scene. Stephen and Angie floated over, hand in hand, towards the others. Their skin still glistened with water from the loch. "The water's lovely." Said Stephen as he quickly dried himself off on a nearby towel. "After we've eaten we should all go for a dip together." Angie turned to Elizabeth who had now settled herself down on a sun bed. "How are things coming?" She enquired. "Do you need any help with dinner?" "No. John has everything under control." The jug of Tralmark poured some of it's contents into a nearby glass which floated into her hand. "Here's to good food and good friends." She lifted the glass in a toast and sipped at the thick liquid. "Watch out! You're not used to it's properties." Warned Stephen. As the Tralmark took effect Elizabeth's psychic senses were enhanced. With little effort she could feel the happy feelings emanating from the other Tomorrow People around her. "Your people are very lucky." She said to Angie after a long silence. "The group consciousness felt by millions of telepaths living in close proximity must be wonderful." "Yes it does have it's moments." Replied Angie, who was by now, also feeling the psi-enhancing qualities of the Manyarnern beverage. The evening wore on and the anniversary party got into full swing. Mike supplied the dance music and even John joined in as they all swirled around together on the patio. Eventually it became too dark to remain outside so they went into the lounge for coffee and cake. "Happy anniversary." Said Charlotte handing John the small package. John tore at the wrapping paper to reveal the carved box containing the Grallarian pond crystals. He suddenly looked very disappointed and tried not to show it. "Thank you children, I'm not sure what these things are meant to do but thanks for getting them for us." "I take it then, that TIM did not find anything out from the Federation archives?" Asked Andrew his face cracking into a wide grin. "No. All they would tell me is that there is a legend on Grallaria about their magical qualities." He looked around the group. "Do you know something that I don't?" He looked at Angie who sat beside Stephen on the floor. "I cannot explain it but I can show you." She took the box from him and removed the lid. "The mistake made last time, by Tyso, was touching the crystals. You and Liz need to reach inside and lift the stones with telekinesis. I promise they are quite harmless when handled in this way." They looked at one another then followed her instructions. The stones rose from their box and floated, at eye level, about a metre in front of them. Everyone present stared as the stones began to glow. Gradually their brightness increased and the room was bathed in a multitude of colours. The crystals started to spin, faster and faster. A vortex formed in the air between them then exploded to engulf John and Elizabeth. The seats where they had been sitting were now empty.... ********* 19th July 3009 A young, oriental, man crossed the room to stand beside John. "Welcome to the Museum of Tomorrow." Elizabeth looked around her. "This is the lounge of our house, where has the furniture gone?" "I beg your pardon Madame. This cannot be your home. It has been designated as an historical monument for the past three hundred years, you must be mistaken." (John, I'm scared. Where on Earth are we?) (I'm not too sure, but I have an idea.) (I apologise.) Pathed the curator. (I was not aware that you were telepaths. >From your dress I assume that you have come here on one of those mystery nostalgia tours? You seem a little confused let me explain.) He lifted his hand to motion at their surroundings. (The teleporter has brought you to the Tomorrow People museum. This house is situated in Scotland on the planet Earth. It was the home of the first telepaths to evolve on this planet. I am proud to say that I am the ancestor of Michael Bell and Hsui Tai. I can see that you two are also descended from the Originals the resemblance is uncanny.) He led them into what was once the dining room and pointed to large three dimensional holographic statues. (Yes... Quite uncanny.) John's mouth opened as he came face to face with a perfect likeness of himself. Thinking quickly he led Elizabeth out into the hall. "Thank you very much. We would like to take a look around on our own if we may?" (Of course, just call if you need my assistance.) The young man dematerialised. "Where are we?" Asked Liz. "Not where, when!" John led her into the conservatory and they looked out towards the loch. "This is definitely our house. I suspect that we have travelled into the distant future." "That man said he was Mike's ancestor. I wonder what year this is?" Together they searched the house looking for a clue to the date. Eventually they went down the hidden staircase, in the study, to the lab below. Looking around at the empty room it was obvious that TIM had been removed many years previously. "I suppose it was too much to expect him to still be here." Said a disappointed John. Liz crossed to look at a small computer terminal set in the wall. She touched the screen and it lit up. John joined her and read aloud. "Welcome to the Museum of Tomorrow. You are standing in the Lab which once housed the Biotronic Unit known as TIM. This computer was provided for the early Tomorrow People by a race of philosophers from the planet Sophia in the galactic arm of Perseus." They stood reading for many minutes fascinated to see the story of their own lives. Eventually they came to the last entry. "When their numbers rose above two million they could no longer keep their presence hidden and with full entry into the Galactic Federation they seized power of the world government in the year 2220. The last member of the species Homo Sapian died in the year 2526." Elizabeth stepped away from the screen tears running uncontrollably down her cheeks. "So now we know that the Tomorrow People will survive to make this a better world. It's such a shame that the saps have to die out." John put his arm around her shoulders reassuringly. "We always knew that one day we would win through. They have had their chance and made a mess of things, it looks as if we do eventually get the chance to bring peace to this planet." They walked in silence back up to the study. The curator greeted them as they emerged into the bright sunshine. (There is a shuttle leaving for London in three minutes. If you really want to get the most out of your tour I can thoroughly recommend a visit to their places of birth. It is very interesting to see how they lived back then.) John shook his head. (No thank you. We have seen enough for one day.) (As you wish.) The man's shape slowly dissolved until he took on a more familiar form. "Angie!" Exclaimed Elizabeth. "How did you get here?" "Actually I am not here at all. I'm just borrowing this body for a while. Have you seen enough? Do you want to return to your own time?" They both nodded. "Yes we've seen all we need to." Said John. ********** 14th August 1999 11.00 p.m. "That was interesting." John opened his eyes. "How long were we away?" Charlotte sat on her fathers lap and cuddled him gently. "Oh daddy, I thought you were never going to come back." "Actually you were gone for about a minute." Explained Stephen sensing that John was rather confused at his daughters reaction. "The kids got a bit worried that their present had harmed you, that's all." Elizabeth lifted the little girl onto her own lap. "We are just fine. It was a lovely gift thank you." "Did you really like it?" Asked Eddy. "What did you see?" John looked across at Angie. "Can I tell them?" She nodded. "Yes, but just a rough outline. It will upset the time line if we know too much about our own destiny. After all, the gift was meant for the two of you. Happy anniversary." The End -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kerry Blackwell" Subject: TPFICT: Traces of Yesterday, Touches of Tomorrow [10/15] Date: 15 Nov 1998 07:52:07 +1300 Sorry for the delay - the rest of itstall had to have all its corrections done before I could post and I've only just found some time. Earlier parts of this story, as well as its prequel _Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow..._ can be found at The Tomorrow Trilogy II: Traces of Yesterday, Touches of Tomorrow Kerry Blackwell TEN Pretty much everyone was gathered in General Damon's office. Since it was a fairly small office and there were quite a lot of them, it made for a rather stuffy, crowded atmosphere. There could have been still more, but Damon had managed to convince Adam to talk most of the Tomorrow People out of joining them. Jade was sitting in one corner of the room, trying very hard to look inconspicuous so that no-one would think to tell her to leave. Damon considered it, but he couldn't help feeling that that much effort deserved some kind of reward and he said nothing. That just left Adam, Megabyte and Kay, and Damon thought they would prove to be more than enough. Then there was Emma Stratton and the baby - and a very charming and appealing baby she was too. Kay was holding her, looking as if she thought she had a creation of spun sugar and blown glass in her arms, that might shatter and break at any moment. Teresa was totally unfazed by the whole situation and currently was sleeping happily, her long lashes brushing across her cheeks. Laurel and Frank were present of course, and the mysterious man and woman from the Institute. And Damon himself. Rather more people that could comfortably fit in one little office. If it had been a lift, it would have been unsafe to use. And now they were all there, no-one seemed quite to know where to start or what to say. It was Megabyte, the irrepressible, who broke the uncomfortable silence. He looked at the man Damon had met at the Institute - Mike Bell he'd said his name was - and fired off a series off rapid questions that left his father flat-footed and opened mouthed, despite the fact he had thought he'd reached the point where nothing his son said or did could surprise him any more. "So how can you be Tomorrow People, how come we've never met you before and what did you mean you weren't on Earth?" Mike looked at Elizabeth, suddenly unsure. :Do we tell them?: :We said we'd help them. Yes, we tell them.: :An awful lot of people are going to have fits about this. Important people who can get us into a whole lot of official trouble. You do it.: She smiled, a tiny, secretly amused smile. :What's the matter, Mike? Getting law-abiding in your old age?: He refused to be baited. :You tell them.: :I tell them,: she agreed, still sounding amused. "Oh, we're Tomorrow People, all right," she agreed to the room at large, favouring Megabyte with a friendly look. "We were supposed to be the next stage in human evolution; telepaths who could teleport, with some other useful skills like telekinesis and a little healing." She glanced around the young people in the room. "Does it all sound rather familiar?" Adam grinned. "Yeah, it does. Did you break out like we do?" "I don't know," Mike answered with a shrug. "How do you do it?" "Under stressful or threatening circumstances," Megabyte said firmly. "I was hanging over a balcony at the time." Damon almost closed his eyes involuntarily, trying not to remember the image of his son he could never forgot, of him being dangled over thin air as Gloria threatened to drop him. Adam nodded. "And then we teleport. To the island. We always landed in the sea before. Maybe we won't now." "You shouldn't," Mike agreed. "Between us, the Ship and I should have properly realigned the beacon." Elizabeth was shaking her head. "I don't think any of us ever broke out under those sorts of circumstances. It tended to be a lot more gradual, even if it didn't feel any more gentle at the time. I developed telepathy first." "Telekinesis for me," Mike said. "I could open locks without a key. Got me into all sorts of trouble," he added reflectively. Emma Stratton had the most fascinated expression on her face. But there was a respect there, as if she was content to let these wonders explain themselves. She did not need to pull them apart herself to find out how they worked, but was willing to take their word for it. No wonder she hadn't fitted in at the Institute. "But Kay says she's the same as her friends," she said slowly. "Why should you be different?" "I don't know," Elizabeth admitted. "But when we left, we made sure no-one else would break out - not for a while at least. Maybe Nature altered her blueprint in the meantime." "Left for where?" Damon asked. "Why? How? You haven't really answered the question at all." Mike and Elizabeth exchanged short, telling glances, that made Laurel, sitting quietly and making copious mental notes, smile inwardly. "If it's any consolation," she commented from across the room, "the general isn't exactly forthcoming with his information. He's not going to be rushing off and telling anyone else what you say." "We had to pry it out of him with a crowbar," Frank agreed. "We're a little suspicious of the military," Mike commented. "We have reason to be." "I'm fairly freelance these days," Damon said. "And I'm allowed and expected to use my discretion." "In other words, he hasn't told anyone else about us, and he won't about you either, not without your permission," Megabyte added, then gave his father a worried look. "Will you, Dad?" "No, I won't," Damon agreed. "I'm keeping so many secrets about the Tomorrow People already, adding some more won't make much difference." After a moment that Damon guessed was full of silent conversation, Elizabeth nodded decisively. "All right. We're breaking a lot of rules ourselves, making contact with you. We were just supposed to fix the beacon and leave again without anyone knowing we were here. But at the Ship's request, we've offered you Federation assistance. I guess we'd better tell you what the Federation is." She paused a moment to look around the room, as if trying to gauge what their reactions to her explanation might be. Emma still looked fascinated, with Laurel's expression much the same. Frank waited, quietly, as ever. Jade looked like she was about to explode from curiosity, and finally, it got the better of her. "And?" she demanded. "So what is the Federation?" "The Galactic Federation is a Federation of telepathic civilisations from across the Galaxy," Liz said simply, and smiled at the progression of jaws that dropped around the room. "You mean there are other civilisations in the galaxy?" Adam asked. "Aliens? Telepathic aliens?" Megabyte grinned. "I guess the truth really is out there." "Oh yes," Elizabeth confirmed. "Lots of them." "So why haven't we ever seen any?" "Earth is a closed world," Mike answered. "That means no-one is allowed to come here. Earth is left alone to continue to develop. When there are more Tomorrow People, lots of Tomorrow People, that may change." "You're here," Damon pointed out. "We have dispensation to repair the beacon. When we left, we left the Ship and the beacon so that when there were new Tomorrow People, the Federation would be notified," Liz explained. "Unfortunately, we didn't allow for the possibility of earthquakes. The beacon got knocked out of alignment and there was no signal." "And," Mike added, "we don't have any sort of dispensation to go around telling people about the Federation." "But no-one could have predicted a situation like this one," Liz said. "Of course we have to help." Mike held up his hands in a protesting kind of gesture. "Hey, I'm not arguing." "We're getting off the subject," Damon interrupted. "You say you left Earth. Why? How?" "How's easy," Mike answered. "We jaunted." Seeing the blank looks his answer produced, he amended, "Teleported. We teleported. Why's a little bit more complicated." "We'd had to reveal ourselves to too many people," Liz went on. "Especially in the military and the government, who wanted to study us or use us." She looked at Damon. "You know about that, I think." "Too well," he agreed. Adam nodded. "Been there, done that. But the general's helped us. And we've done okay so far." "It got to the point where we weren't doing okay. So they decided to evacuate us. But if more Tomorrow People broke out and we weren't there, things would have been even worse. So a chemical was released into the ecosystem that inhibited telepathic development. The idea was to give everyone some breathing room, and when the effects faded, there could be new Tomorrow People." Elizabeth smiled at the teenagers in the room. "And here you are." Kay looked up from Teresa's face. "And then there's me," she pointed out. "They _made_ me." To everyone's surprise, Emma shook her head. "I don't think they did, you know," she said thoughtfully. She looked a little disconcerted by all the intrigued faces that turned in her direction. "Oh, before today, I would have said they did, but now I'm not so sure. You talk about 'breaking out' - you mean spontaneously developing telepathic and other abilities, don't you?" She got a series of nods from the various Tomorrow People in the room, and nodded in her turn. "So I think what the Institute developed was a way to enhance that natural tendency to 'break out'. "We've always said that," Adam interrupted. "That there could be hundreds like us, just waiting to break out." "Thousands," Emma corrected him. "Maybe tens of thousands, or more. The future really does belong to the Tomorrow People." She laughed shortly. "The joke's on the Colonel. All his catalyst would have done was hasten the inevitable." "Maybe," Kay said grimly, her eyes fixed on Teresa's face again and looking very like a mother lioness deciding what she would have to kill first to protect her cubs. "But he'd still have had control of the ones _he_ made, like me and the others. Like Alice." "And we still have to rescue Alice," Jade said firmly, getting agreeing nods from Kay and Adam and Megabyte. "Now, wait a minute," Damon said sternly, turning his gaze on Emma. "What's this catalyst you're talking about." She dipped her head instinctively, giving him an apologetic, upward glance. "I guess I didn't tell you about that." She looked at him properly, her expression more resolved. "But I didn't know if I could trust you, you see. There's a compound, a catalyst, that's the end result of the Institute's research. They thought it made telepaths. Now I think it just makes it easier for them to 'break out'." She shrugged, looking almost embarrassed. "I stole it, when we tried to escape." "That Colonel has them making more," Adam said. "But they said it wouldn't be as good - as pure, or as refined or something," Megabyte added. Emma looked horrified. "If they do a rush job, I couldn't say what it would do. We have to stop them." "I think that was decided long ago," Damon said dryly. "The big question is how. Where's this catalyst?" "I hid it," she told him. "I know I've bungled all my rescue plans, but I'm not stupid." "It seems to me there are a number of things we have to do," Laurel commented calmly. "Collect this catalyst, rescue Alice and shut down the Institute for starters." _And after that I'll try leaping buildings in a single bound_, Damon thought, but he just nodded. "So where is the catalyst, Doctor Stratton?" "Ah..." she said a little helplessly. "In a luggage locker in a tube station over by the docks. Kind of clich=E9d, I know, but it was the best I could do. I don't remember where exactly. But I could take someone back there." "I can go," Mike offered. "Having a telepath with you is probably a good idea." "And the rest of us can rescue Alice," Jade said enthusiastically. Damon opened his mouth to disagree, but Adam beat him to it. "I'm sorry, Jade. Someone's going to have to look after Teresa. You and Kay can do that." "I am going to the Institute," Kay said flatly, her voice allowing no contradictions. "I think she deserves that," Laurel agreed. "Jade and I can take Teresa to my mother's. She'll be delighted to look after her and no-one's going to be looking there. It might even stop her harping on at me about giving her some grandchildren." "I've met your mother," Frank said with a chuckle. "Maybe for a week." "I want to go to the Institute too," Jade protested. "You're going with Laurel," Damon said firmly. "It's that or nothing." Jade gave Adam a beseeching look, but he shrugged. "Sorry, Jade." "I'm not sure you should come either," Damon added. "Oh, I don't know," Elizabeth said before Adam could argue. "Having some Tomorrow People around is generally a tactical advantage." She looked over at Mike and added with laughter in her voice, "Generally." "I go with Emma, Laurel and Jade take Teresa, everyone else goes to the Institute," Mike summed up neatly, and Damon got the feeling he'd just lost control of the situation. Tomorrow People might be an advantage, but they certainly tended to turn everything on its head. "All right," he agreed with a sigh. "So now we need to work on the details." He gave his son and Adam a stern look. "No rushing off and making it up as you go along this time." Adam nodded. Megabyte tried not to look too smug, and failed miserably. Elizabeth exchanged a glance with Mike and laughed. "Sounds just like old times." --end, part 10 Kerry -- "We shall be remembered in spite of ourselves" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: TPFICT: When Old Friends Meet Part 0/1 "Disclaimer" Date: 15 Nov 1998 21:44:19 PST Hi all, This is a vignette that fits into my serial "The Sins of Yesterday, the Blood of Tomorrow" but you do not need to be familiar with the serial to understand this story. It fits in immediately after "The Culex Experiment" in the New Series. The only reason it's in my serial is that I may make reference to it in later stories. Thanks to my reviewers (not really a big enough story to deserve the term beta) Beth Epstein and Michele Bumbarger for some input and comments. Hope you all like this. Part of my need to fill in gaps between serials. Disclaimer stuff: The Tomorrow People, Ami Jackson, Kevin Wilson, and all related characters and concepts are the creations of Roger Damon Price and copyrighted by Thames/Tetra television and most likely Nickolodeon. They are used without permission but without intent to profit. Please don't repost this story without my express permission or without the disclaimer. This story will be archived in the list archive located on Wendy's web-page, Galactic Communications Hub. The story is not to be archived elsewhere without my permission. Thanks. mike matott ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michael Matott" Subject: TPFICT: When Old Friends Meet (1/1) Date: 15 Nov 1998 21:45:22 PST When Old Friends Meet “So, how are you feeling today?” Ami Jackson said from the chair beside the hospital bed. “I’m fine. I’ve been fine,” Kevin Wilson said from the bed. “Bloody doctors wanted me here another day ‘for observation.’ They’ll let me go tomorrow morning.” “They don’t know what really happened to you, do they?” “No, Doctor Connor, Doctor Poole and my Aunt Ruth are the only ones who really know what happened. General Damon is doing his best to keep it under wraps but he thinks the doctors are using me as a lab rat to figure out what happened.” “Can they isolate the virus?” Ami asked. “No,” Kevin said. “Dr. Connor said the virus broke down into components and was flushed out of my system within a day after they gave me the serum.” It had been two days since injection of the serum had brought Kevin out of his coma. “It’s weird,” Ami said, fidgeting her arms on the armrests. “I feel like I know you better than most anyone, but this is the first time we’ve ever really spoken alone.” “You’ll get used to that feeling,” Kevin said. “For now, you’ll be flooded with random things until you fine tune your telepathy with us.” “I think it’s so neat that I can hear you guys in my head. When does the sense of awe fade? Or does it?” “Has Megabyte pestered you yet about a movie or comic book or video game or anything?” “No,” Ami said confused. “When he does from twenty kilometers away and won’t shut up until you’ve ‘ported over to see what he’s going on about. *That’s* when the awe sort of fades.” Ami laughed, seeing how Megabyte could easily wear on one’s nerves. “Well, I’m just glad I still have a chance to wonder at this stuff,” Ami said, standing. “I’m heading to the island to talk with Adam. You need anything before I go?” “No, thank you,” Kevin smiled. “I’ll see you later. Have fun.” “Thanks,” Ami said. “Bye.” A nimbus of blue energy crackled around the girl, then shrank as she disappeared. A small blue afterglow danced in Kevin’s eyes and he felt pressure pushing out on his ears as the pressure dropped briefly in the room. Kevin turned on the telly, impatiently flicking channels. He wanted very much to be out of hospital so he could rejoin his friends. Patience is a virtue he thought as he rapidly switched channels, barely registering what was on. ---- End ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adams Subject: TPFICT: Becomings Chapter 2 Date: 21 Nov 1998 17:33:05 Becomings Chapter Two An Original Series Tomorrow People Story Dianne Elliott Consciousness trickled back, through a buzzing headache, and a horrible taste in his mouth. Blankly staring at his bound feet, focusing particularly on the intricatly patterned Persian rug, his vertigo slammed back. Immediately John shut his eyes, and forced his spilting skull erect. "TIM?" he despritely focused. His powers had not abandoned him. This was worse, for whenever he tried to focus, even on a telepathic shout or light telekinesis to weaken their bonds, a terrible dizzyness slammed into his brain. "Ohhh," his companion began to move against their bonds. "Would someone please stop the big dipper! I want off!" John grunted. "Heather, don't open your eyes!" She choked and shivered. "A two hundred year old Garden of Eden carpet! Charming place to be sick in!" "Try to relax, Heather," John continued. "Keep your head up, and don't try your powers. We haven't lost our powers, but even the slightest attempt will cause extreme discomfort." "Don't worry about that. Even if we weren't trussed up, I doubt we could stand. Ugh, from the bloody switchback to the hall of horrors!" "Huh?" John glanced slightly upwards, into the lifeless, glass orbs of a great stag. "I see what you mean." He just managed to brush the back of her right hand with his knuckles. "Do you know any escapology?" Her tone lightened hopefully. John sighed, "No." "Oh. Pity, we weren't awake, when we were tussed up. We could have taken several deep breaths to inflate our lungs and stomachs..." "Once they were gone, breath out, loosening our bonds," John finished in approval. "It would have worked. Where did you learn that?" "It's an old trick. When a horse doesn't want to be saddled he does the same thing, with the rider usually tumbling off. Of course, when his owner gets wise, the poor animal is either punched or kicked in the belly to get him to empty his lungs and stomach." Heather became thoughtful. "Animals mean a lot to you," John observed. "Your feelings for them run deep." "Perhaps, deeper than they should?" she poised. "Perhaps," John concured. "And I wonder why. According to TIM's reports, you were able to communicate telepathically with them most of your life." "Being a Shire, meant that I was raised in isolation, John. All of my family had mental gifts to various degrees, but we had to keep them secret from the world. Since I was born with my communication ablities, so any wildlife about the estate became my first friends. Seeing that I had also developed a gentling touch that worked even on song birds, Dad wanted me to become a doctor, like he was, but I wanted to be a veternarian..." "A what a charming pair," a middle aged woman coldly observed, as she breezed in, with a overloaded tea cart following. "You must be Lord Shire's daring granddaughter Heather. What beautiful skin you have my dear. And such lovely hair!" "Thank you Lady Mulvaney," she smartly returned. Her cold smile became a sneer. "And your driver?" "John, my lady." "A quiet obedient type, eh? Heather, I must say you have excellent taste in both employees and in motor-cars, but then your family is renowned for their consummate judgement." "We do use different decorators," Heather stiffly baited. "Oh, that shaggy ol' thing," Mulvaney twittered. "You don't like my departed hubby's head collection. Musty old things, such a bother to keep the dust off!" pressing her gin and tonic breath uncomfortably close to John's face, Mulvaney stated, "I overheard your little conversation before I came in. I find it very interesting that you would share such deep secrets about your esteemed family with the hired help." "Lady Mulvaney," John quarrelsomely interrupted. "Lord Shire is being held on these grounds. Now, where is he?" Mulvaney laughed, then tapped her graying temple. "Oh, your precious grandfather is such an entertaining chap. He shall be my guest a while longer. As for you my dear Heather --- are those teeth capped?" "No!" she snapped. Mulvaney giggled, as she cupped Heather's fine jaw. "Just think, all of this, with youth and beauty too!" "What do you mean?" John hotly demanded. "Horrox, free the Lady Shire. Then truss up her 'employee' tighter, and put a plaster across that smart mouth. John, I'll allow you to watch my transformation. I think you'll like the improvement." John's telepathic shout died in a wave of nausea, as Heather was yanked to her feet, and forced to stand slack kneed before the grinning Mulvaney. "One moment more, my dear, and it will be all over." "What are you up to?" Heather hissed, as Mulvaney turned back around, balancing a large jewerly case in her hands. "My dear Rog gave me this little gem before he died. Bless him, because through it this morning, I found out that I could get anything I want. And I want you, your youth, that body --- and those tantalizing powers." "No," Heather shied back, as John glared at Mulvaney. "Why, I think it should be mostly painless --- for me. Hold the box," Heather locked her fingers behind her back. "Very well, Horrox, hold the box for her. Look at it, Shire. Don't make me tear off your eyelids. Plastic surgery would only replace them. Let the glow flow over your mind..." "No!! I won't ---" Heather struggled, then fainted as the verdant glow blurred her features. Mulvaney collasped immediately afterwards. "My Lady Mulvaney!" Horrox cried, dropping the case. Heather recovered first, glaring venomously at the comatose Mulvaney. At least it was Heather's body, but her lips were twisted in an uncharacteristic sneer. "Good Lord. Horrox, dump the old bag over in the good chaise lounge. If this reverses, at least I'll be alive, but --- skip the chaise, put her downstairs!" she paused drawing her palms across the smooth cheek, the drawing her slender fingers through her auburn mane. "I am more alive now, than I ever was before! Oh --- " she doubled, as her stomach cramped. "I'm going to be sick!" grabbing the case, she fled from the room. "Oh Heather," John groaned behind the plaster, as loss washed over his mind. ************************************************************************ Lady 'Alice' Mulvaney preened before the free standing mirror, studying her new body in her new clothes. An impossible array of brightly colored tank tops, bell bottoms, mini skirts, pajama pants and platform shoes were scattered about the elegant Louis XIVth bedroom furnishings. "Miss Tupper," she called to her maid as she did her tiding up. "Do I look muscle bound when I do this?" Mulvaney curled her wrists and flexed her arms, demonstrating the ropy muscles that ran from her shoulders to her slender hands. "I look positively --- German!" "Oh come now, my lady," Miss Tupper tottled under a forced smile. "You are very, very pretty, with your new ---" she choked, dubiously lifting a lacy corset. "Clothes." "I don't know," Mulvaney grumbled, as she swung around to study her backside. "Since that little mouse hid her body under that long skirt and men's jacket, I didn't realize until now she was built like a blooming horse!" "Miss Shire must have been a dancer, and kept it up," Tupper sighed. "Maybe you're right," she snatched up a sheer peek-a-boo blouse. "Then again, if I tried to cover up my muscles, I'll hide some of my more obvious charms. Okay, these are it, for now Miss Tupper!" "In those, milady?" she squeaked, ogling her outfit of yellow short-shorts and trim green halter top. She kept only Heather's checkered jaunting belt, slung low, as a mod accessory. "Why, you'll catch your death!" "You are my maid," Mulvaney pouted, pouring herself another glass of wine and gulped it down. "Not my mother! You'd do well to remember that!" "Yes mame," Tupper bowed her head. Casting a critical eye back to her reflection, Mulvaney grumbled, "The skin tone a shade or so dark for a proper English lady." She stuck her tongue out. "At least I don't have those dreadful freckles, I had before!" Wheeling, she wobbled, with each cluncking step. The five inch tall, rainbow platform sandles, soared Mulvaney's head six and a half feet from the floor. However, her ladyship insisted on these shoes, since they detracted from the leg muscles. With each stomp, Tupper imagined that a Clydesdale had been set loose in the house. When Mulvaney reached the door, she threw it open and bellowed. "HORROX, I NEED YOU!" Tupper winced, and stiffly held in a whimper. The lady's persistent bell was bad enough, but this screaming was another matter. "HORROX!!" That shout was launched directly in the butler's face. "Yes, --- mame?" he dared not react, to the ringing in his ears. "I need you to escort me downstairs," Mulvaney purred, taking up his arm. "Yes mame," he lightly groaned. ************************************************************************ [John?] At first he believed that he imagined that his name was telepathed. [Can you hear us?] [TIM! Stephen! Liz, thank goodness!] [What happened?] their concerned thoughts chorused. [We could tell that you haven't lost your powers, but after three hours and no word.] [Mulvaney has a hypnotic gem, with which she can get whatever she wants!] That was his theory, yet John was not certain if that was the operating mechanism. [You mean like the genie in Aladdin's Lamp?] Tyso inquired. [I'm afraid so,] John concluded. [Our powers were not lost but physically blocked. That gem must an effect on our brains. Heather nor I could telepath or jaunt out!] As his telekinesis dissolved his bonds, he closed his eyes, and concentrated, [Worse, Lady Mulvaney used that diamond against Heather, causing both to collapse. Heather, can you hear us! Please answer!] [John?] her return touch was thin and ghostly. [Where are you?] [I don't know, there was a flash of pain, then nothing! It's as if my head slammed into a brick wall, then my body's gone! Oh, no! John, I can see me, but I'm not in me!] [What do you mean?] [Mulvaney's done it! Shanghaied my body! Look out, here I come!] Her presence dissolved away. [John, what's going on?] [Stephen, Heather believes, oh no! Her body has been kidnapped by Lady Mulvaney! All of you, clear out, if Mulvaney's figured out her special powers ---] "Hello there, handsome," Mulvaney rotated a bare shoulder. "Horrox, please stand outside of the door. Things might be promising. Very promising indeed." Horrox rolled his eyes. "Yes mame." John coldly glared, as Mulvaney paraded for him, all the while tottering on platform shoes. Fortunately, he had the presence of mind to illusion the ropes back in place. "I am beautiful, am I not?" she purred, plopping into his lap, and then curling into his neck. John mumbled. "Oh that nasty little plaster is in the way." Mulvaney immediately removed it, drawing a little blood from his dry lips. Her eager kiss nearly smothered him. He roughly grabbed she, shoving her away. "I said no!" John snapped. Tightening his grip, he added, "Where's Heather?" "Here, well the important part, the part you should be interested in!" [What did you do to her, Mulvaney!] John bore straight into her evil thoughts. There were bits of schemes, plans and fantasies, most of them involving in keeping Heather's body, tapping into her special powers, and all of them vile. [Mulvaney!] [Stop it, STOP IT NOW!] her ladyship cried, then collapsed against his chest. "Man, does that hurt!" she swooned, holding her head. Suddenly she switched into a childish beg, "But please teach me how to do the magic, John, please!!" "Never," he coldly snapped, shoving her away again, and standing up, as she dramatically fell to the floor. "You're coming with me harlot!" Her roundhouse punch knocked two molars free, as well as blackening his cheek. "I am Lady Alice Mulvaney!" she pronounced from the floor. "Sole heir to the Shire fortunes --- and secrets!" "You are nothing!" John's slurred words, were framed by a bloody spit. Then clutching the buckle on the jaunting belt, he vanished. "A teleporter?" Mulvaney whispered. She had not expected that of him, but if Heather Shire had marvelous powers, it made sense that her boy friend should. She had to use his stool to climb onto her feet, but she just had to teleport, just once for luck. Then use the power to hunt down this John. Cramming in the hidden latches, she eagerly bit into her lip, waiting. The posh game room was still the same, when she opened her eyes. "Damn it! What's wrong with this thing? What's wrong with me??" ************************************************************************ "Now, let me get this straight," Stephen said as he and the others dissolved the healing ring about John. "Heather hit you?" "It was Lady Mulvaney, using Heather's body," John explained. "Trust me, she has a left hook that would make Mohammed Ali envious," he grumbled, testing his jaw. "I can't see Heather hitting anyone, or anything!" Elizabeth commented, as Romeo twisted around her legs, demanding to be admired. "Apparently, Heather is unable to control what Lady Mulvaney's doing." "That doesn't sound good John," Stephen said. "I agree, TIM, anything from the Trig, about --- possessions?" "We get to be exorcists!" Tyso whispered to Stephen. "This isn't a game," John browbeated. "Of course, there are on records from the Trig on human to human possessions, however in Earth religious texts ---" "Please not that TIM," Elizabeth snapped. "Look most of those poor people were tortured because they had mental and physical diseases ---" "Or a variance against the prevailing view," John somberly added. "Look, Heather and her grandfather have been through enough! TIM, what does the Trig suggest?" "The Mind Healers believe they can reverse the effects of the Jungle's Heart, however, they need all parties involved, including their bodies, within twenty four hours, of the first event." "Heather felt, her Grandfather, oh my - over ten hours ago!" Elizabeth gasped. "Why must we be there in twenty four hours?" Stephen asked. "According to the Healers, they fear that a spiritless human body would start to shut down after twenty four hours." "Yes of course TIM, but what if we can get them onto life support and if necessary hold them for a couple of days?" "They believe life support could keep the bodies alive, however, there would be critical brain damage. They will not hazard as to the ultimate extent. Furthermore, they also believe that Lady Mulvaney's possession of Heather's body would become permanent at that time. I am sorry, John." "That settles it then, we've got to go back. Stephen, Elizabeth ---" "What about me?" Tyso whined, as John opened the stun gun locker. "You stay here," Elizabeth said. "This is going to be very dangerous!" "But ---" Before Tyso could finish his protest, the three had vanished from the alcove. "Left out of it, again!" "Those that have the patience to wait, often prosper," TIM's proverb gathered a only frumpy sigh. ************************************************************************ A volley of rifle shots greeted their ears, as the Tomorrow People materialized within the maze. Immediately, they pulled into the sheltering walls. [It isn't hunting season!] Stephen glanced to John. [A lord or his gamekeeper may hunt whenever they wish, Stephen,'] Heather grimly answered. [Heather, your telepathy is fainter than before,] Elizabeth worriedly pointed out. [We were fading. So Grandfather and I linked.] [Our souls are in limbo, John,] his lordship finished sternly. [However, all that is important now is that you take the Jungle's Heart and leave for the Burmese high rain forest at once!] [Lady Mulvaney is very angry,] Heather gravely warned. [She discovered that she couldn't jaunt right after you left. Right now, she's taking it out on cheap crockery, but she does have that big game rifle.] [Hence, Mulvaney's dangerous,] John concluded. [What about her servants?] [Most of them are either cowed, or simply irritated at Mulvaney's uncivilized manner. She's been shouting and throwing stuff at them all afternoon.] [Mutiny at the Mulvaney manor,] Stephen quipped. John's deep brown eyes slid to the younger Tomorrow Person, and narrowed. [We may use that to our advantage. Come on.] [Please be careful,] Heather's mental trace faded. [I can no more control Mulvaney than the rain.] Large, lazy drops began to plop on the leaves. ************************************************************************ Mulvaney drained the shifter of the brandy, with greedy gulps. "Pull Horrox Pull!" "Yes milady," the silently suffering butler launched another plate. Laughing shrilly and drunkenly, Mulvaney blasted sky. The plate exploded more out of wasted ammunition than out of skill. "TALLY-OHH!" Mulvaney roared in triumph. "Again my good fellow!" "Yes mame." Another plate flew. "Not the bloody china!" Mulvaney brandished her empty shifter. "I want more brandy, Horrox! The good stuff!" "Milady, you drank all of the Napoleon brandy," the butler dryly reported. "Then I want wine, Horrox. The '56 Chablis, Now!" "Yes mame," catching the eye of the cook, he jerked his head toward the pantry. Softly, Horrox whispered, "The cooking sherry would do. Now hop to it, her ladyship is impatient!" As the cook scurried off, Horrox turned back to his employer, "Milady? Oh no, now she's wondered off!" ************************************************************************ "A-hunting I'm agoin'!" with her rifle slung over her shoulder, Mulvaney drunkenly marched through the maze, singing tunelessly. "A-hunting I shall go! Hi oh the merry-o, a-hunting ---" The damp breeze shifted, smacking alertness into her sodden brain. "What the?" her face spilt into a predatory grin. An ill-mannered trespasser was poking about the pansies. Mulvaney raised the rifle, took aim, and pulled the trigger. The resultant explosion tore between the brain and two disparate minds. Her shriek shattered sense. The smoldering remains of the rifle were thrown into the pond, as the panic stricken hunter bolted into the maze. [No! NO! NOOOO!] ************************************************************************ Her horrified screams did not go unnoticed by her loyal employees. "Would you listen to her now?" the gardener mildly commented. "Screaming about there's a fire in her brain. In the stomach, more like!" The cook discreetly twittered into her palm. "It's the DT's, I'd say." "But we should do something," the young and last hired downstairs boy protested. "Personally," Horrox spoke in infinite care. "I'd prefer to pull her across my knees, then give the 'Lady' what for, but for now, let's allow her to run off her tantrum. Perhaps once she dries out, she might be more agreeable." "Horrox, had you ever known our Lady Mulvaney to be agreeable?" ************************************************************************ [Elizabeth?] John and Stephen worriedly telepathed. [ELIZ---] She materialized behind them. [Are you okay?] John spun in relieved surprise. [The gun just blew up,] she slowly shook her head no. [I don't know how --- it just exploded! I don't think she was wounded.] Her thoughts hung open, as fiery jabs, terrorized shouts approached. [From the sound of it, poor Heath --- girl's primal barrier is burning her brain,] Stephen shuddered, drawing up his barriers against her rampaging brain. [Maybe we can still help her,] John encouraged them, producing his stun gun. [John, not the stun gun, please,] Elizabeth pushed his weapon down and aside. [Right now we don't know who she is. If Heather managed to regain her body --- because of the shock from her primal barrier, a stun might give Mulvaney another chance to take over her. Then we'd lose her, forever.] [John, we got to do something, cause here, she comes!] [All right,] John rubbed his sweating palms against his trousers. [Stephen, on go. Ready, steady ---] Blinded by tears, hyperventilating almost into a faint, the harem dressed girl rounded the sharp corner. [GO!] Pacing her like hounds, John and Stephen sprinted to her side, grabbing her instantly the arms. "LET ME GO!!" she howled, lashing out with her bejeweled slippers. "PLEASE!" A hand clutched over her opened mouth, as the two pushed her through the prickly hedge. "OUCH!" "Stephen, ssss," John corrected harshly, relaxing his hold. A side swiping kick against his knees, landed him on his back. Without a glance to her attackers, she bolted away. "She bites too," Stephen had to comment, pulling John to his feet. "We still got to catch her, perhaps if we surprise ---" "ELIZABETH!" her coarse crow lacked Heather's normal grace, but it did confirm that it was not Lady Mulvaney. "Elizabeth, I thought --- she --- I had actually killed you!" John and Stephen found Heather have collapsed against their friend, sobbing. "The important thing is that you didn't," Liz comforted over Heather repeated mutterings of I'm so sorry. "Thank goodness," John breathed easily. "Maybe the Espers have a chance to recover her sanity." "Huh?" Heather bleerily blinked. "They are specialized healers of the mind," Stephen explained. "Oh," she wearily slumped down onto the damp grass. Pulling at a rhinstone fringe dangling from the rhinestoned bikini top, she whimpered sadly, "What did Lady Mulvaney put on my body?" She suddenly doubled, just stilling the impulse to be sick in front of her friends. "In my body?" "Lady Mulvaney has been drinking," John gently reported. "Half the---" "Stephen," John warned. [She isn't up to teasing.] "Wine cellar," Heather muttered drunkenly. "Charming, alcoholic intoxication." "We're sending you back to the lab," John smiled, becoming more relieved. [Elizabeth stand by. TIM ---] "I can't hear TIM!" Elizabeth sympathetically patted Heather on the shoulder, wondering if her powers could ever return. "Jaunt?" she suddenly blurted aloud. "In my condition??" "Heather would you keep it down," Stephen bared in. "John, how did she know? Between being drunk and the primal barrier ---" "I don't know," John knelt back, as Heather stubbornly folded her arms before her bejeweled bikini top. [According to TIM, we can't jaunt her back. Her drunkenness could cause her to panic and cause her to become lost in hyperspace.] [But she doesn't have her powers!] [Liz, I'm so certain. In her current state, she simply may lack the control of her special powers.] [If that's so John, she's more of a danger to herself than to us!] Liz returned. "I'm not leaving without Grandfather and the Jungle's hum Cardiac thingy," her hiccup slid into a resounding belch. "Pardon me, please." "John, you can say that again," Stephen sighed. "Now you've hurt her feelings," Elizabeth defended, as Heather hung her head. [John, not now!] she warned, eyeing the injector. [We have no choice, Liz. Besides, I doubt she'll feel this!] John quickly snatched up her arm. "YEEOUCH!" Heather roared at the momentary sting. A trio of irritated shushes erupted. "Of course, a B complex injection," she glowered. "But next time please warn me!" "Look, we've got to get into the house," directed John. "Elizabeth, you stay with Heather. When Stephen and I have found his lordship ---" "No," Heather suddenly countered. "What?" Elizabeth blinked in surprise. John had been interrupted before, but he seemed interested in what Heather had to say. "I know the house," she continued. "Since this morning, Lady Mulvaney had bullied her servants to the point of revolt." "So, someone might nobble you," Stephen seriously pointed out. "Perhaps, and I wouldn't deny that --- Lady Mulvaney deserve that as well as to wake up in hospital, but may I point out that they also know me, but not you. In short, you'll be caught, then shot or maybe even worse." "Worse?" John asked. "There are traces of Alice's memories in my head, as well as a few of her insane fantasies. Among the lady's collections is a large selection of torture devices, she likes --- playing with." John winced, as he glanced away. "And that, I'm afraid, is where Lady Mulvaney is holding your grandfather." Heather gravely nodded yes. ************************************************************************ She briskly strolled up to the French windows. With a brief glance back to her anxious friends, she entered her office. [Okay, she's in!] John telepathically confirmed. [I hope Heather's all right!] Elizabeth pouted from behind the maze's entrance. [What's taking so long?] A pale face, framed in flowing red hair appeared within a tiny window, directly across from Elizabeth. She rapped once, then ducked down. [That's the signal!] John confirmed, as he jaunted. Elizabeth and Stephen waited for a mental pulse, then followed. "The kitchens?" Stephen hissed suspiciously, eyeing the hanging pots and cutlery. "I thought we were going to met in the lady's office." "The kitchen is much closer to Grandfather," Heather answered, wondering over a weathered door. "Blast, the wine cellar's locked up." "Do you blame your servants?" it was Elizabeth's turn to taunt. "Not really, but the torture chamber is just off the ---" a skittering mouse across the high door frame caught her attention. "Oh dear, someone's coming! Jaunt, I'll try to catch up! Go!" Immediately her hand shot up, as she tenderly clasp the mouse. Her three friends faded from the kitchen, just as her gentleman glided stiffly in. "Horrox," she superiorly tooted, holding her hands behind her back. "Would you kindly open this door?" "My lady, we both know what is down there." "Yes we do," she snubbed. "Now please unlock the door!" "Now see here, Lady Mulvaney ---" Horrox flanched, as she produced the mouse, dangling the creature just an inch from his nose. "I CAN'T ABIDE RODENTS!" "Oh," she batted her grey eyes prettily. "Now would you please open the door." "Yes mame!" he yanked a heavy key ring out of his trouser pocket. "Just don't let that filthy thing touch me!" His 'employer' coldly chuckled, as she cuddled the frightened mouse between her palms. With a flurish appropriate for the House of Windsor, Horrox not only opened the door but deeply bowed. With her nose in the air, she breezed through. The old wooden stairs were steep, as they curved along with the natural cavern. Once out of sight, she sagged against the stone wall. "Thank goodness," she tenderly whispered to her captive, as she gently smoothed his fur. "I'm really sorry I had to do that, my friend." The heavy creak of old hinges, followed by a harsh slam frightened them. Then came the unwelcome sound of jingling keys, and the throwing of an iron bolt. "He's locked us in!" she groaned. "At least my friends and you can still escape, little chap." Setting the mouse down on the ledge, she whispered, "From the smell of it, this is one of your forging trails, fellow. Now hop along." The mouse skittered away into the deeper shadows. "I do envy your senses," Heather whispered, rubbing her temples, unable to establish the lightest sensory touch with the mouse. "I wish I tap into your mind, so I could make my way through the dark just as easily." end of Chapter Two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: TPfic Question Date: 22 Nov 1998 20:42:13 +0000 I am writing a story set just after the original series mission to Pyri (sp) ' Worlds Away'. Does anyone know which year this might have been set in, as well as how to spell Pyri? Thanks Jackie -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: The Head and The Heart part 0 of 0 Date: 24 Nov 1998 21:25:50 +0000 The Head And The Heart Part 0 of 0 By Jacqueline Newman & Kristy Fahrenwald An Original Series Story Disclaimer: Most of the Characters contained in this story are not ours but are borrowed from the 1970s series The Tomorrow People. They are the property of the creators and copyright holders. Thames/ Pearson TV etc. Any other characters, planets and cultures are the sole creation and property of Jacqueline Newman. This Story is a collaborative venture between, Jacqueline Newman and Kristy Fahrenwald, with some input by Tim and Megan. No one may post this story to any web page without obtaining permission from both of us, other than the tpfict archives. The events take place on the Galactic Trig, just after Shaun Hateley's Exodus, and then follow a different path from his chronology. Thanks to Shaun for permission to use his ideas. We would also like to thank Ariana for beta reading this fan fic. Comments are very welcome. If you enjoy the story please let us know. We can be found quite often in mIRC #TomorrowPeople Chat. or mail -- "May your senses be enlightened and your dreams be fulfilled." Traditional Manyarnern Greeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jack Newman Subject: TPFICT: The Head and The Heart Part 1 of 4 Date: 24 Nov 1998 21:27:02 +0000 The Head And The Heart By Jacqueline Newman & Kristy Fahrenwald An Original Series Story Part 1 of 4 : Welcome to the World! ********************************************************************* The Galactic Trig: Humanoid Sphere, off world traders market. 28th August 1980 John inspected the small component through his micro-scenic eye piece. "Hmmmm..." "You will not find a better set of biotronic neural connectors in this part of the galaxy." Said Westler Topinkyn as he lent against the display cabinet. John looked up at the scruffily dressed trader. "How much do you want for the whole set?" "Ah sir," Westler could smell a deal that was almost done. "I can see that you are a man of some learning although I sense that you are new to the Trig. Before we continue with the messy business of negotiating the transfer of credits may I enquire as to your species designation?" "I don't see what that has to do with it but I suppose I may as well tell you. I'm human, originally from the planet Earth." Westler could hardly contain himself. This was one of those closed world telepaths he had heard about, naive to the unwritten rules of the Trig's lower citizens. Taking credits off this poor sucker would be all too easy. He calmed his inner excitement and spoke in a flat even tone. "And may I enquire whether you are a telepath?" "Yes. Why do you ask?" "Oh it just makes the process of negotiation much simpler if I know that my mind is to be probed." John gave this strange alien a long hard stare, his impatience was growing. He had told Elizabeth that he would only be a few minutes in the market and she must be wondering where he had got to by now. "Let me assure you that it is not a habit of mine to probe the mind of every creature that I meet. Your thoughts are your own. Now may we fix a price?" "Very well, sir. I can see that you are a creature who values a direct approach. I ask 2000 credits transferable immediately into my off world account on Dralon six." Westler Topinkyn was well aware that their real value was little over 700 credits, and he was asking a ridiculous price. But he always enjoyed the thrill of the negotiation, a little hard bargaining was always expected. Acquiring such items had become far too easy lately since the Trig's overly bureaucratic finance committee had relaxed the import laws. The trader's life was in jeopardy of becoming much too dull. John had been deep in thought as well. Timus had warned him that the traders could not be trusted and that he should always offer much less than they asked. "How about 1000?" "Ha!" Exclaimed Westler. "Do you take me for a fool? That would hardly cover the import taxes. Shall we say 1800?" This bartering went on for some time until Elizabeth's worried thoughts cut into John's concentration. (John. Where are you? I've been waiting for nearly an hour. Are you all right?) (Yes Liz I'll be right with you. hold on.) "Okay, 1500 it is then." John held his hand across the key pad that Westler produced from his vest pocket. "It was a pleasure doing business with you sir." He bowed as John turned to leave. "Perhaps you will seek out Westler Topinkyn next time you are in need of some high quality electronic components?" "Yes, maybe." Mumbled John as he placed the biotronic neural connectors into his waist bag and rapidly left to meet Elizabeth. As John passed out of earshot into the throng of busy shoppers another figure stepped into the trader's tent. It was a small elf like creature with dark rugged features and a large scar down the left side of his face. "So Westler did he go for it?" Asked Zelon. "Oh yes. there's a sucker born every minute." "What!" "That's an old Earth expression. I stole it from the young telepath's mind during the negotiations. He was hardly shielded at all. How gullible these humans are. We should have quite a lot of fun with them!" "Just you be careful not to do anything too obvious." Snarled Zelon. "That Galactic police agent that you killed last year could still be traced back to us, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life on Repos Four having my mind re-educated." Westler Topinkyn patted his partner on the head. "Don't worry my old friend. I have it all worked out. Our newest venture is well underway and will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams." "Well you better be right or you may find yourself becoming very intimate with an air lock." Snapped Zelon before he teleported away. ****************************** The Tomorrow People's lounge in the humanoid sphere. Two weeks later. Elizabeth jaunted into the room with a tidy assortment of paperwork. She had finally accepted a teaching position at the Trig school and was busy making plans for her classes. It was a relief to feel useful again after the evacuation. She crossed over to the center table and spread her things out in front of her before sensing another figure sitting on the sofa across the room. "Timus! Oh, do excuse me, Your Excellency," she exclaimed. "This is an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you?" "Hello, Elizabeth. It is good to see you again. However, I must correct you. I am not Timus." "My apologies, you must be Tikno then. Of course, its good to see you as well. I was certain you would be on a diplomatic mission to a closed world." "Again, you are mistaken. I am not Tikno." Elizabeth was very puzzled. "I cant remember meeting any of the other sixty four clone brothers? But, you act as if weve met." Liz turned as John materialized next to her. "I see you two are getting reaquainted." (What is going on John? This *is* another of Timus' clone brothers, isnt it? How does he know me?) John had entered with a slight, sly grin, but for John he was beaming. He was still obviously pleased with himself and her confusion as he answered. "Elizabeth, you know this person very well. It's TIM." She looked from one to the other. Instinctively she knew that John's words were true. "But how..." "I built him an android body. You know how we all hated leaving him behind. So I brought along another version of the voice amplifier we used when on the Father Ship to incorporate into this body. Haven't you wondered what has kept me so busy these past few months?" "Well, yes, but I never guessed..." Elizabeth sat down next to TIM and took his hand in hers while kissing his cheek. "Welcome TIM." TIM shifted a bit uncomfortably. "Thank you, Elizabeth. This is all very new to me, but I am very happy to walk amongst you at last." The introductions and explanations went on over the next several hours. As John introduced TIM to all the Tomorrow People, all expressed their delight at having their friend with them again. "What about the TIM that is back on Earth in the lab?" Asked Stephen. "Does he know about you?" "We are one and the same, so everything I know he also knows. I simply no longer have to wait until you see fit to lend a hand when you get yourselves in trouble. There have been so many times all I could do was to watch and hope for the best. Now, thanks to John, I have the ability to share your adventures; and, of course, be there for you when I am needed." "I'm not too sure about adventures." Commented Tyso, as he stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth. "Since moving to the Trig life has been so boring. I doubt that we will have any adventures for a long time." And that comment just shows how wrong even a Tomorrow Person can be... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michele Bumbarger Subject: TPFICT: Beta Anyone? Date: 25 Nov 1998 16:41:31 -0500 Okay, before I get innundated with offers, let me tell you what's going on here. I am in the process of writing a TP/Buffy crossover and could really use a beta/idea-bouncer person to help me out. Now, the story will be a bit odd (but so's the combo of Buffy/TP), and this story (a sequel is planned but mum's the word on that) will only feature the following characters: Angel, Whistler, Ami and cameos by Giles and Adam. I don't think it's one of my run of the mill fics or what folks have come to expect from me, so if you're not flexible or imaginative, then you probably won't wish to help me out. Anyways, please respond to me via private email (, no need to overload the list with "yes" responses. Thanks a million in advance, Michele _________________________________________________________________ Reading graffiti on a locker, "Kiss rocks? Why would anybody want . . . oh, I get it." --Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Band Candy" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jennifer Welk Subject: TPFICT: Disarm [Part 2 of 3] Date: 25 Nov 1998 16:39:33 -0800 (PST) Chapter 2: Paradox in Motives Main offices of Worldex Securities, London, England 1:15 pm local time/8:15 am EST The significance of what they were about to do was still sinking in on most of the TP strike team when they gathered that morning in a conference room. Josie and Ami looked around at the three other TPs who had arrived--Jade, Skyler, and Jaycen, who were looking over the map of their destination. All five of them were dressed in black BDU jackets--with bulletproof vests underneath--and pants with Doc Martens boots. "Nervous?" Josie asked. "More like scared out of our minds," Jaycen replied. "And that's really not the best state to be in right now." Skyler said, "Right now, I, for one, would like to know where Adam, Megabyte and Gen. Damon are. They're kind of the masterminds of this whole objective." "We're coming down the hall, Skyler," Megabyte's voice echoed into the room from some distance away. Skyler and the others turned and faced the open door. Megabyte and his father, who was carrying a blue plastic box, entered wearing the same clothes as the rest of the group, followed by Adam, who was not--instead, he was wearing what appeared to be an armored sleeveless jacket over a close-fitting black shirt and pants. Megabyte held up one hand. "Before anyone asks what on Earth Adam is wearing, I'll tell you. It's a project of mine--a prototype of a TP battlesuit that houses some defensive capabilities. Adam offered to try it out after I told him one thing it does is scramble the psionic defenses of the TP who wears it, making them difficult to counter. I let him because Van Cade already knows how some of his work, so Adam needs the protection on this little excursion." Gen. Damon set the box he was carrying down on a table. "Gather around, everyone." After everyone did so, he opened the box and lifted out an object roughly resembling a handgun, but obviously made of matte black plastic. "Since we're going to try and avoid as much bloodshed as possible, you guys--the TPs--will be armed with these stun guns. These things fire high-voltage bursts, but only high enough to stun somebody." Megabyte helped his dad to pass them out. Once all the TPs had one, Josie then spoke. "Out of necessity, an FBI strike team has been put at our call. After we get there, I'm going to contact them, which will be their signal to get into position outside the building. We'll teleport into here--this hidden service hall next to Docking Port 6." She pointed to a spot on the map. "Our main strategy is to stop Van Cade and his assistants from even leaving." Research and experimentation labs of the Malloran Corporation, between Ridgefield Park and Fort Lee, New Jersey 8:40 am EST "....Sonic lockpicks, in case you should need them?" "Check." "MedStar database flowcharts?" "Check." "Crash programs?" "Check." "Headset walkie-talkies--for the non-telepaths?" "Check." "And Sindel...check. That's everything," Van Cade confirmed. Main offices of Worldex Securities, London, England 1:45 pm local time/8:45 am EST Josie picked up a phone and dialed a number. She asked the pick-up, "Head of strike team?" "Speaking." "You have 45 minutes to organize your team and get into position. We will be departing shortly." "Understood." Josie hung up the phone and turned to Megabyte, who said, "Any last-minute preparations that need to be done we need to do now. We're teleporting out of here at 9:00 am." Adam glanced at the others. "This is it." [Will I wake up is it a dream I made up] [No I guess it's reality] Research and experimentation labs of the Malloran Corporation, between Ridgefield Park and Fort Lee, New Jersey 9:00 am EST Van Cade, Sindel, and the other Malloran operatives were busy loading their equipment into backpacks. "Mr. Van Cade?" asked one of the operatives. "Yes?" "There's one thing I noticed was missing from Miss Malloran's orders. She said to report to Docking Port 6, but we're not taking vehicles, are we?" "No, we're not. I'm teleporting all of us there. I think she did that because Docking Port 6 is actually one of the best places on these premises to launch operations of any sort from, because it's partially underground. I'm assuming that's where we're getting last-minute instructions before we take off." Van Cade looked at his watch. "Right now, we need to head back to Miss Malloran's office for the final briefing." Everyone picked up their packs and headed for the door. The psionic plane [[Poor MedStar. They don't know what's about to hit them,]] Sindel proclaimed, not really trying to restrain herself. [[I don't see what you're so excited about,]] Tyrran growled from the wall where she was chained up. [[You are an intruder here, after all. Consider yourself fortunate that I'm tethered to this panel right now because you will not like how I will eventually deal with you.]] Sindel didn't answer. [You pretend you're high pretend you're bored] [You pretend you're anything just to be adored] [And what you need is what you get] [Don't believe in fear don't believe in faith] [Don't believe in anything that you can't break] Docking Port 6, Research and experimentation labs of the Malloran Corporation 9:40 am EST After their arrival, the TP strike team had scattered to strategic points around the area (all storage closets), the FBI team had taken up their posts outside, and all had stayed in those spots for the past 40 minutes. The TPs had waited in silence. Now some strain was beginning to come out. [[It looks like they're sticking to the minute on this,]] Megabyte transmitted to the others from inside a closet near where they came in. [[Yeah. You'd think they would have been down here earlier, ]] Jade replied from another near the door. [[But all I was able to read off the door and these vans was that none of them have been touched in two days.]] [[Guys, be quiet,]] Adam said suddenly from his point. [[...I detect six people heading this way...One seems a little familiar....]] [[Get ready. This might be it,]] Ami warned, and tapped Josie on the shoulder. She nodded and whispered into her headset, "Bill, we've got something. All outside stand by." The door swung open. Nina-Jane Malloran swept into the docking port, followed by Van Cade, the other operatives...and Tyrran/Sindel. Adam narrowly managed to avoid shouting to her. "Well, this is it, people," Malloran said. "You bet it is," a voice came from behind them. "Now!" The TP strike team burst from their hiding places, stun guns at the ready. One operative was taken down by Skyler before he could even make a break for the door. No one managed to hit any of the others, though. Malloran bolted for the door, switching on an alarm as she went out. Van Cade started after her, and Tyrran/Sindel after him. "Tyrran! Wait!" Adam shouted. Tyrran/Sindel stopped and faced him. [[Listen to me. Tyrran, I know you're in there. You've got to break away.]] She only stared at him. [[You've got to retake control of your body and become yourself again...]] Adam took a deep breath before he finished, [[...because I love you.]] The psionic plane [[And I love you, too.]] Tyrran's manacles suddenly disappeared--and with them, the blocks on her powers. Sindel didn't seem to notice Tyrran silently advance behind her. Her mistake. A teleportive aperture closed like a vise on Sindel and flung her out of existence without a sound. [You stupid girl you stupid girl] [All you had you wasted all you had you wasted] Docking Port 6 Van Cade couldn't understand why she wouldn't move. "Sindel, we've got to get out of here!" he shouted. Tyrran spun and faced Van Cade. Adam watched them with wide eyes. Then both Adam and Van Cade noticed the green hair streak was missing, and Van Cade heard three words that struck sheer terror into him. "Sindel isn't here." Those were the last words Tyrran managed to get out before collapsing to the floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kerry Blackwell" Subject: TPFICT: Traces of Yesterday, Touches of Tomorrow [11/15] Date: 26 Nov 1998 18:38:02 +1300 This is the chapter I didn't manage to do much research on the London underground for (to the extent of asking a friend who'd been there for a few days). So I just made it up. If I've totally mucked anything up, please let me know and I'll try to fix it before this chapter goes into the archives. I've tried to be vague enough to get away with it, but I might not have managed it. Earlier parts of this story, as well as its prequel _Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow..._ can be found at The Tomorrow Trilogy II: Traces of Yesterday, Touches of Tomorrow Kerry Blackwell ELEVEN One thing that hadn't changed in twenty-odd years was London public transport. It was still stuffy, it was still overcrowded - something that was even more oppressive than usual if you happened to be telepathic - and there was a whole lot more graffiti that was about twenty times more obscure that the simplistic slogans Mike remembered. The train racketed around a curve, barely seeming to slow. Mike swayed and braced his feet more firmly, settling his weight a little better before looking down at Emma Stratton. She was sitting on the edge of a bench seat, squashed in between a large, vaguely West Indian looking man and an elderly lady with way too many overflowing shopping bags. She had a pinched, nervous look on her face and Mike wished he could say something reassuring, but secret experiments, superpowers and the future of the human race weren't really ideal topics for discussion on a crowded tube train. So he was forced to settle for a hopefully encouraging smile, that Emma didn't seem to notice. When they had walked out of the WorldEx building together, she had turned left without hesitation and led them along the street with a confident step. But by the time they turned the fourth corner, she was beginning to look less certain. Mike had tried asking her to tell him where they were going, but he'd been totally confused after about three sentences. Like she had said, she couldn't take him there, she just couldn't tell him where 'there' actually was. Which was why he was standing in a crowded tube train and wishing he was somewhere else. There was a nice little planet out near Garsiss for example, where the days were always sunny, it only ever rained at night and the tourism was so carefully controlled that once you had your permit you could head off for a holiday where you were unlikely to see another person the entire time you were there - unless you wanted to of course. Hsui Tai had arranged it for him, saying with a laugh that she hadn't thought he was the type for solitary holidays. He'd laughed back, said he was glad to discover he could still surprise her, and pocketed his permit. It never hurt to have friends in useful places. And it had been a wonderful holiday. Someone accidentally jabbed him in the back with the handle of their umbrella and he was dragged, unwillingly, back to the present. The man tucked the offending article back under his arm without an apology, refolded his newspaper and went back to the sports pages. Mike sighed and amused himself by trying to read the headlines on the other side of the paper. The letters seemed strangely unfamiliar and the fact they were upside down didn't help in any way. He let his gaze slide off the page and found himself looking directly into the eyes of a man across the carriage. As soon as their gazes met the stranger dropped his head and half turned away, the movement too smooth and apparently casual to be anything other than deliberate. Mike ran his mind back, repeating their journey in his memory, and found the man there already, always almost out of sight, almost not there. So there was someone following them. Well, it was better to know you were being tailed - and by whom - than it was just to suspect it and waste a lot of energy worrying about it. And knowing who was keeping an eye on them allowed Mike to keep an eye on _him_. He didn't think he would mention it to Emma though. The train began to slow, approaching the next station, and passengers began to gather their belongings together, to shuffle in the general direction of the door or to slide into now vacated seats. Still trying to keep their 'tail' in view without looking like he was doing it, it took Mike a moment to realise Emma had risen too. She touched him on the arm and he was forced to turn his back on the nondescript man in the dark coat. "We get off here," she said as the train came to a halt beside the brightly lit platform. They were spat out of the carriage along with everyone else, rather like Jonah out of the belly of the whale Mike felt, although in this case there must have been an entire Jonah-convention going on. The platform was thick with people and noise, but once half the people had headed for the escalators and the other half had squeezed onto the train, it began to thin out again. "Back to the street?" Mike asked Emma quietly. She nodded. "Then it's only about two streets away." They joined the end of the line of people on the 'up' escalator and rode up it in silence. Neither felt up to small talk and the serious stuff was no more safe for discussion here than it had been on the crowded train. They were on the platform above and heading towards the next set of stairs - unmoving ones this time - when something made Mike glance backwards. There, no more than 15 paces behind them was the man he had mentally termed his shadow. He was carrying a briefcase and a newspaper and looked like any other businessman on his way home. He paused to talk to another man and Mike suddenly knew, with a certainty experience had taught him to trust, that this new stranger was after them too. He scanned the crowd, quickly spotting another pair of men at the foot of the stairs. He didn't bother to look back the way they had come, but he was sure there would be someone there as well. He used a hand on Emma's waist to guide her away from the stairs, although he wasn't quite sure where they could go. There were too few exits here, and they were all covered. "We have a little problem," he said quietly. "I think your Institute has found us." He felt Emma shudder under his arm and he didn't need to be telepathic to feel her sudden fear. "What do we do now?" she asked in a voice that was tight and nervous. "I don't know," he admitted. "I think..." His voice trailed off, as he finally registered where they were. A lot of the fittings had been changed and upgraded in the past two decades, new paint and modern advertising had stopped him from recognising it sooner, but this was it all right. He almost laughed. What must the odds be of getting cut off in the one place he knew had another, hidden exit? Of course, it might have been found and sealed up in the intervening years - in which case the joke would be on him - but it was worth a try. He didn't dare look at any of their pursuers again, for fear of tipping them off that he'd spotted them, so he let him mind do the work for his eyes. He wasn't trying for anything detailed - he didn't have the time or the inclination for the kind of effort that would take - just hoping he could pick up on the general location of that sense of alertness and readiness the men would hopefully be giving off. He found the original man, still over where Mike had last seen him, and the others didn't seem to have moved either. Satisfied he still had a few moments to do something unexpected, he pulled Emma suddenly behind a pillar covered with posters for a band called 'Concrete Suicide' that made Mike feel old, boring and very unrebellious. "This way," he told Emma. "I know where there might be another way out." She just nodded, her face still white, and followed through a few more people towards a dark, dusty corner under the stairs. To his delight, Mike found that if you pushed just _there_ and twisted exactly like _that_, the panel still swung open to reveal a dark and musty tunnel. "In there?" Emma didn't look particularly thrilled. "Yeah," Mike agreed urgently. "It'll be dark, but it'll get us out." This time he did look back. Still nothing, but he could feel the Institute heavies getting closer and they were running out of time. "Hurry." After one more uncertain glance Emma clambered through the opening. Mike followed her in a rush and dragged the entrance shut behind them. The darkness was absolute, no light coming from anywhere at all. In the past, Mike had hardly ever come this way. It was much quicker, simpler and more practical just to jaunt and miss out the bit in the middle. He hoped he could find his way and they weren't going to be stuck down here indefinitely, stumbling around in the dark. There was a thud and a clatter as something hit the ground, and he heard Emma mutter a very unladylike, "Damn." Then a moment later there was a click, and a beam of yellow light took shape in the blackness. Emma had the sense to keep the torchlight directed at the floor, rather than shining it in his face, and he saw her grin. "My niece gave it to me last Christmas. She said if I was going to keep working to all hours, I needed a decent torch I could keep in my purse." She laughed for a brief second. "She also talked her parents into giving me a cellphone, but I make a point of leaving that at home." She swept the light around the tunnel. "So where are we, and how do we get out?" "I used to live around here," Mike explained. "You used to live around here?" she repeated in a startled voice. Hearing his own words again, Mike realised how ridiculous they must have sounded and began to laugh. "Really, I did. We'll have to go past it to reach the other exit. I'll show you." ***** The tunnel was old and dusty, but fortunately it was dry and had a relatively low spider population (judging on the quantity of cobwebs), even if Emma's torch did have only a limited effect on the darkness. A disused underground tunnel was the last place she would ever have expected to find herself, let alone in the company of a man who could apparently appear and disappear at will and had spent the last 20 years or so living somewhere on the other side of the galaxy. It was rather disappointing to discover it was so boring. And dark. She rattled the torch a bit, just to check it wasn't suddenly going to go out, and tried to think of something that would take her mind of claustrophobia and darkness. There were a lot of possibilities. Mike Bell was walking along steadily beside her, humming quietly under his breath. She didn't recognise the tune, but that didn't mean anything. She had no kind of musical ear, much as she might wish it otherwise. She thought there might almost be a smile tugging at his lips, but the light wasn't good enough to tell for sure. Still keeping the light shining on the floor in front of them, she surreptitiously gave him a thoughtful, cautious look. "Am I doing the right thing, giving the catalyst to this general?" she asked suddenly, startled by the way her voice broke the silence. Mike's steps faltered for a moment, before resuming their regular pace. She felt him shrug more than she saw it, and something told her he was giving her the most honest answer he could. "I don't know," he said. "I think it's the best plan so far." "I don't know that I trust the government any more than I trust the Colonel," she said with a sigh. "I don't think Damon is _exactly_ government. More like freelance but answerable for his actions." She nodded slowly. "I can't keep it for myself. And I don't want to. I just want to be sure it isn't misused." She stopped suddenly and turned the torch on him so that she could see his face. Mike blinked in surprise. "If you come from this advanced Federation, or whatever you called it, why don't you just take it? _Then_ no-one can misuse it." "We'll take it away if you give it to us," Mike answered. "If you think that's the best solution. But I'm not just going to take it." He shrugged again. "Maybe we should. I don't know. But I think we're all agreed we don't want the Colonel to have it." "No, we don't," Emma agreed fervently. Mike laughed. "So, do you want to see where I used to live? It's just around this corner." Shining the torch in the direction he was pointing, Emma could see that the tunnel did branch here, but about 2 feet into the side-tunnel a solid brick wall blocked the way. "How do we get through there?" she asked. "_We_ don't," Mike answered. "I do. So long as everything still works, I'll open the door for you." Emma grinned, suddenly feeling uncharacteristically reckless. "Sure." And she watched with almost reverent fascination as he faded out of existence right in front of her eyes. ***** It looked exactly the same. Which was strange, because really, it didn't look anything like it had once, long ago in another lifetime. It was dark, of course. They had left the auxiliary power running when they had departed - backup lighting, the environmental controls - mostly because they couldn't bear to shut everything down completely than from any practical necessity. All these years later, the air was musty but breathable and it looked like two or three of the lights were still working. They provided a soft, yellow glow that would be enough to stop him from walking into anything, although he wouldn't want to rely on them to do any reading. The panels around the jaunting pad had fallen down, leaning drunkenly against each other like old friends tossed into the street after the pubs had closed, forced to help each other or collapse, sprawling, to the ground. The chairs were dulled and dusty, one seriously moth-eaten and somehow managing to look unhappy about it. The walls disappeared into darkness in the insufficient light, the only evidence there were further rooms beyond this one a blacker space among the grey. Of course, there was one thing that made this only a room, old, empty and abandoned. Or more accurately, the absence of one thing. TIM was not here, and it was hard to imagine he ever had been. He was the last thing they had taken with them, with difficulty but with determination. And without him, the Lab had lost its soul, taken with them, back to the stars that had first conceived him. Which meant Mike had to step down off the platform, walk across the room and manually operate the controls that would open the external door and let Emma in. It opened, protestingly, with a harsh, grating sound that sounded unnaturally loud in the underground silence. Emma's surprised face was revealed, white in the soft light. "Did you think I wasn't coming back?" Mike asked with a laugh. "I..." Emma began, and floundered to a halt. "I just didn't expect the wall to swing open like that," she admitted. "It's too much like something out of a movie. Secret headquarters hidden under the streets and all that sort of thing." Mike smiled, but the expression was more sober this time, reminiscent rather than amused. "I guess that's what it was, really," he said quietly. He gestured for her to come in. "This was where we were safe from people who wanted to find us and do us harm. Where we could be ourselves and not pretend to be something less than we really were." She came inside and stood in the centre of the room, looking around, and Mike thought she was seeing beyond the dust and the decay, back into yesterday. "More than just a headquarters or a home then," she said quietly. "Truly a sanctuary." He nodded, but he was still smiling when he answered again. "I guess it was, and we were our own family. But we bickered and we fought and we did stupid things too. We weren't perfect and we made all the mistakes families make." "But that only makes the good times stronger," Emma pointed out. Mike laughed. "I thought you were a scientist, not a philosopher." Now, she looked embarrassed. "Look where just being a scientist got me. Into a research project I never would have approached or approved of if I'd taken a moment to look at everything, not just the formulae on the paper. Alice and Jay and Teresa taught me better than that." There were no words to answer that. Nothing to say that would not be uncaring or condescending. And Mike had learned a few things with the years, even a small dose of wisdom. He kept his mouth shut. She seemed to appreciate his silence, and after a moment, she made the effort to produce a smile. "And there were good times, weren't there?" "There were lots of good times," he agreed. He chuckled, and let one arm, lightly touching the small of her back, guide her back towards the door. "I'll tell you what, I tell you the story of the telekinetic parrot while we finish our walk out of the tunnels." She paused at the door, to look back for a final moment. "Aren't you going to shut it up again?" she asked as he was forced to stop himself to avoid bumping into her. Mike shook his head. "I don't really see that there's any point. It's only history now." Emma looked around again. It might be dust and cobwebs now, but this had been a home once. A sanctuary and a refuge, a place of safety, among friends. "Seal it up," she insisted. "Keep it safe for the future." Mike looked at her, caught by the insistence and the empathy in her face, and finally he nodded. "All right. I'll meet you back outside." And he turned his back on her and walked across the Lab to shut the door again, to preserve this trace of yesterday for a little longer yet. -end, part 11 Kerry -- "We shall be remembered in spite of ourselves" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 1/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:07:14 PST Sarah’s dream began with thunder and lightning, something she didn’t find particularly appealing, and then she was standing on a beach. She sighed internally and thought, it would be a beach. She hated beaches, especially during storms. She stood there with the wind whipping her hair across her face and stared out to the sea. There were two lights blinking there, like a ship tossed, that suddenly blinked out, and then it had pulled up beside her without her noticing. Without hesitation she reached for the ladder and climbed up onto the boat, and rose to the deck. No one was in sight. She walked to the front of the ship and stared out at the darkened starlit water. The waves wanted to push her from the shore but there was a heavy anchor lodged at the bottom of those seas. She stared out and as she did the cold seemed to bite very lightly at her ears and nose, but not very hard at all. She wasn’t cold at all. She rested her hands on the wood, and it almost seemed alive, it was so warm. There was nothing strange about this at all, she thought, nothing. She could feel her mind reaching out to embrace the sky- Something pressed her body back down to the bed and she awoke disoriented, gasping for breath. The ceiling that had always been above her head was now confining. She needed to see the stars, to breathe the air of night. She nearly tripped down the stairs as she ran, her bare feet nearly slipping on the smooth carpet. The back door was tugged by her impatient hand, and then the cool air slipped in around her like silent ghosts. The new air stung her eyes as she gazed up at the clear starry sky. Almost thoughtlessly she pulled the door closed behind her and sat down on their back deck. The stars drew her eyes and seemed to swallow her mind up, like meditation effortlessly. There were fingers of thought running over her mind like the imagined touch of a boyfriend, and then she seemed to be floating in midair- ** “Sarah! Phone call!” Her mother listened distractedly on the line as she waited for her daughter to pick up. It was Saturday morning, and Sarah usually slept late. “I think she’s still asleep, Henna. I’ll get her to call you back, all right?” “Sure, I’ll talk to her later. Bye.” She was about to head up the stairs when she remembered her unmade coffee. As she walked into the kitchen she noticed that the door to the back deck was open slightly. The doorknob turned easily at her touch. “Oh my Lord,” Sarah’s mother breathed, then headed back upstairs as fast as she could. Sarah’s sheets were rumpled, and there was no sign of her. Her bathroom was empty and she wasn’t in the computer room. “Jack! Sarah’s gone!” ** The stars she had been staring at were gone now. She opened her eyes. A cold wave lapped against her legs and tugged at her soggy nightgown. [I’m in the dream,] she thought dazedly. The sun bore down unmercifully, and she turned her face away from it, into the sand. She spat out the grains and sat up. Her nightgown was drying in the sunlight, and it was then that she finally realized. It was no dream. No dream of hers had ever made sense for more than five minutes before it proved itself a malicious imagining. “How long have I been here?” she tried to say, but apparently she’d swallowed some seawater. Her mouth felt dry and tasted nasty. She coughed for a few minutes and then sighed pitifully. Her mother was probably having fits. How had she arrived at this place? Her hair was wet and plastered against her face, which already felt sunburnt. She brushed it away and grimaced at the pain the touch caused, then at the pain of wrinkling her face. Her feet refused to carry her the first few times she tried, then finally she struggled upwards. She looked down at her nightgown and realized that she really didn’t need to run into a guy around then. She shaded her eyes and scanned the area around her. Palm trees and some beach shrubs dotted the area sparsely, but up against a dune, almost nestled there, was a metal thing, like a tree trunk with no limbs on it, but stranger. About ten or fifteen feet from the metal manhole cover beside the tree trunk thing was a blue and red tent, looking sturdy enough to be protection from the sunlight. She hurried across the burning white sand and ducked quickly inside the tent. It smelled of seawater, slightly, but she didn’t mind as long as she was out of that heat. Her vision was covered with purple dots for a few minutes, and then she could see inside the tent. There were two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes lying on the floor of the tent near the entrance, and she looked at them suspiciously. They were clean, perhaps not new but not old. She pulled her nightgown over her head, glaring at the entrance, hurriedly put on the big white shirt. Its tails reached her knees, nearly, and the pair of jeans she put on next had to be rolled up at the ankles. She tied the shoes to her feet and stared around the tent again. A bed was rolled in the corner, and she reached over and pulled it to her out of curiosity. She put her hand into the center of the bedroll and pulled out a knife. Its edge was evilly serrated, and it looked to have been used. She placed it back inside carefully. A cooler was in the corner too, but it was only filled with water, lukewarm water at that. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the tent flap back and emerged into the sunlight. There was a particularly bad glare off the top of the metal thing, and she headed over toward that. She touched the tree trunk thing first- it was taller than she was, and sturdy. She stared at it for a long moment, then got tired of the pain in her eyes and dropped to her knees. The manhole had sand scattered over its surface, and there were strange markings surrounding it. For a brief mind flash she was trapped inside a British scifi drama, but then the flicker disappeared. [This is ridiculous,] she thought. [There’s no way my life could possibly be so interesting.] Her hair pushed forward into her face and she brushed it back angrily. The metal was hot to her touch, but she brushed a little of the sand away. The signs looked Japanese, but not: something was even different from that language, though it seemed to have its basis in picture-words also. A furious curiosity filled her; she brushed the sand away more quickly, eager to see the rest of the words, to see if they could possibly mean anything to her. There was a strange trembling in the ground beneath her, but it disappeared in a moment. She returned to dusting the sand with her trembling fingers. Suddenly she was falling forward, into a hole newly appeared betwixt the symbols. She grabbed the edge of the metal hole but the heat burned her fingers, and reflexively she let go. She screamed as she fell, headfirst, down the pipe, or whatever it was. How had she missed the hole opening? She couldn’t remember seeing anything different, and then here she was- She was tumbling through the air, and now her back hit squarely on a pile of sand. A headache had apparently formed on the way down and was now plaguing her mind ruthlessly. She noticed that her eyes were closed and tried to open them, only to find that her body had other plans. [Enough shock for one day,] she thought silently. [I’ve had enough. This is the strangest dream I’ve ever had, and it doesn’t make sense and I just want to wake up in my own bed-] She opened her eyes and nothing had changed, except maybe that blinding sunlight. Again her eyes cleared away the purple dots and she stared in awe at whatever she had found herself inside. She slid off the pile of sand and hit a metal floor. All around her was metal, and there were windows, but now they were surrounded by water. Diluted sunlight arced through the windows and hit the floor she was now sitting on. There were circular-shaped doorways with no doors. They were surrounded by the same strange writing that had surrounded the outside manhole. Panels glowed behind her, with a soft yellow light that wasn’t as blinding as the sunlight outside. Through the round doorway she glimpsed something- She climbed to her feet and ignored the pain that stretched through her calves as she crawled through the doorway and emerged in the next room. A large cylindrical light glowed through something that looked like dead vines surrounding it. Two seats were suspended from its middle by bars, but she couldn’t tell why the seats would be there. The light tube was surrounded by another ring of metal, with the same characters covering it. She walked to a place beside it and reached down with a trembling hand, touched one. Her fingers caressed the metal for a second, then pressed against it, feeling a heat there that was out of place, somehow. The light pulsed a bit more brightly, and a tone emerged from deep within it. ** Sarah’s mother had searched every inch of their deck for a trace of blood, a splinter of wood out of place, a snatch of clothing, but could find nothing. Desperation was finally showing in her eyes. She had called every single person she could think of who was friends with Sarah, but none of them had known anything was wrong, except for Eve, one of Sarah’s best friends. Eve had known something was wrong when she heard Mrs. Miller’s voice on the telephone. Jack, Sarah’s father, had said confidently that his daughter would be somewhere in the house, that there was a logical reason for why she was missing, but the wear was even showing on him. He had come home early from the office and was roaming around town in their car, searching desperately for a hint of where their daughter might be. Eve could feel fever on her face and some on her arms. When she thought of Sarah she could sense safety, and some fear, but not very much at all. She had tried telling Mrs. Miller this, but Sarah’s mother wouldn’t hear it for all the world. Eve was a somewhat strange person and Mrs. Miller wasn’t sure she could be trusted. For all she knew, Eve had taken Sarah out and they had been separated, and now Eve was afraid to tell Mrs. Miller about their little mishap. ** A finger slid down the surface of Adam’s mind. His eyes opened while his mind moaned, [Oh, not again, not now!] He and Lucy were standing on the front porch of Lucy’s sister’s apartment, it was dark, and Lucy was standing there waiting for him to kiss her. He’d been waiting for this forever, and now the moment was here, but there was a little nagging warning. He tried to lean forward again but an invisible wall seemed to hold him back. [Fine, fine, fine!] he shouted inside, and jolted forward so hard that he nearly sent Lucy backward over the railing. A giggle erupted from the bushes, and Adam turned from his expectant date to glare there. “All right, come out!” he demanded, his accent strong. Ami Jackson and Jade Weston stood up and then erupted into full-fledged gales of laughter, while Adam’s face colored quickly. Lucy opened her eyes and glared down at the two. “I’ve had enough of this foolishness!” she shouted, then flounced inside the apartment and slammed the door. “Lucy! Lucy, please!” Adam said against the door. When it was painfully apparent that she was ignoring him, he turned his frosty gaze onto the two girls, still in the bushes. “All right, how long were we playing eavesdropping telepathy?” “We weren’t, it was enough to hear you on the telephone. ‘Lucy, my love!’” Jade quoted, then bent over double with her peals of laughter. Adam next turned his gaze on Ami, who was trying harder to hold her laughter in. “And you? You, who should know better?” “I’m sorry- it seemed such a good idea at the time,” Ami said, then looked from the helpless Jade to the stone-faced Adam. “Now it doesn’t seem nearly so much fun. But that look on your face-” Ami nearly collapsed too. Adam finally descended the stone steps and came up beside them. A streetlamp was all the illumination he needed to see that Ami was laughing so hard she was crying. *Come on now, why do you do this to me? It’s so embarrassing-* *She’s such a b-* Jade popped off without thinking, then covered her mouth with her hand, as if that could alleve the damage. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 0/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:11:15 PST Dolly's Curse by Ashley Merrill in 18 parts Disclaimer: The Tomorrow People (new series) belong to Roger Damon Price, Nickelodeon, Thames Television, etc. and not to me, as do the characters Adam, Jade, Megabyte, Lisa, Kevin, Ami, their respective parents, siblings and enemies. The characters of Eve, Sarah, Jonathan, Rachal, and their respective relatives belong to me. No resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is intended. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 2/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:17:04 PST *Come now, she’s not,* Adam thought almost pleadingly. *Adam, you could do so much better,* Ami thought. Her face was streaked with tears, but it was drying quickly. *I mean, Lucy Allen? No. Not at all.* *Who are you to tell me who I should date and who I shouldn’t?* Adam asked. *Your friend, nothing more and nothing less. You have the looks to catch any girl you should want, and here you are harping over a journalism student at college. You’re settling for less than you should have!* *What about Jade? Isn’t she settling for less?* Jade’s face colored, while Ami thought, *I’m going to tell Megabyte about that crack. You deserve it. That was cold, Adam.* *You know I was just playing with you. Let’s go out for a soda or something. My mouth seems so dry now-* Ami interrupted Adam’s statement with a wry smile. *Where? Paris, Hong Kong, Belgium, Leningrad?* *Their sodas are way too watered down. We could get one straight from the Coca-Cola plant in America-* *Sounds good to me,* Jade interjected. ** Megabyte slammed the cartridge into his Nintendo 64 and waited expectantly for the title screen to come up. “Home sweet home,” he sighed, looking around at the mounds of dirty clothes and tacked-up posters that had marked his American house. Finally, his mother had allowed him to remodel his room! “Megabyte! Laundry day!” He groaned. Mario will have to wait, he thought as he stomped down the stairs. “Yeah, laundry day, and it’s Millie’s turn to get the clothes.” “Is not!” Megabyte’s little sister poked her head out from behind the kitchen doorway, gave him a sullenly angry look. Oh snap, Megabyte thought, then rallied. “Look, if you do it today, I’ll do it next two times, okay? Isn’t that a nice trade?” “No.” Millie crossed her arms and glared at him from beneath a mop of tangled brown curls. Megabyte emitted the sigh of a wounded martyr and knelt down. “All right, and you can have an hour on the Nintendo 64.” “Yes!” Millie flew upstairs, faster than Megabyte could follow her with his eyes. “Mine until four o’clock!” “No, not now!” He hurried back upstairs, having to pass through the living room to do so. His father was watching CNN off the satellite, though it was a tad fuzzy. “Hey, there’s a story on here you’d like to see,” his father said, watching the red-headed blur pass in front of the TV. “Not now, Millie’s in my room with my new Nintendo 64!” Feet were heard marching up the stairs, and then the angry shouting of children as the General turned the volume up. “...and in further news, right here in the United States, yet another missing child case has been reported in a slew of new cases. This child was particularly special in that no clues whatsoever can be found with her kidnapping. She simply vanished from the house one night, apparently going outside for some fresh air. The girl, in her teens, has been reported by one of her apparently ‘psychic’ friends as ‘in a safe place’ and ‘suffering no harm.’” “What in the world?” The General smiled at hearing Megabyte’s exclamation, and then his feet pounding down the stairs. “What was that?” A girl with boisterous curls appeared in a clip on the screen. “My friend was not taken, by aliens or by humans,” she said. The voice would’ve sounded hokey, had it been self-assured and silky, but here it was agitated and frustrated. “I would know! She can solve this all by herself if everyone will quit worrying about her!” Now there’s a girl I’d like to know better, Megabyte thought, staring at the image on the screen. He thought guiltily of Jade and then dismissed thoughts of her from his head. This girl was brushing back that mane of curls and appeared genuinely distressed. And it would be an added bonus if he mentioned to Adam that the girl might’ve been a TP breaking out- Why do I even have to ask Adam’s permission? a little rebellious voice in Megabyte’s head asked. The sounds of Millie on his prized Nintendo machine were forgotten, and he teleported, or at least tried to. His image vanished out for a second, but flowed back into reality as Megabyte asked, “Where was that again?” “Outside Charlotte, North Carolina, US,” the General quoted from the screen, smiling. He had been in anticipation of this whole conversation, right down to Megabyte’s disappearance. ** “I know a trick to this,” Lisa said, smiling evilly. They stood outside the Coca-Cola Bottling Plant in Charlotte, hidden only by a few bushes. Ami started laughing, and it only took Lisa a second to feel what she was laughing about. “Who’s Lucy Allen?” Lisa asked, temporarily forgetting their mission. Instead of answering, Adam turned to Ami and glared at her hard. Jade was only looking around, her eyes wide and fearful. “What if we’re caught?” she asked, meekly. “We won’t be, I’ve done this a hundred times,” Lisa said. “Yeah, with me,” Megabyte said, the flash from the teleport vanishing. “Oh, so we’re all going to nick colas now?” Adam asked, giving them mock scowls. “Actually, that’s not why I’m here,” Megabyte began. “Save it, we need some cola!” Lisa said, pulling them closer together. “Now there’s a tour going through about now. All we have to do is sneak into the end of the group. No one will notice we just came in. At the end they give everyone a free coke. It’s like purity control. But anyway, once we have the coke we can leave, and no one will be the wiser. It’s not like they can’t afford it.” “I still don’t like it,” Adam said firmly. “Come on, you were the one who suggested we get cokes in the first place,” Ami said, her voice cajoling. “Come on!” “All right.” “You caught Lucy and Adam on a date again?” Adam heard Megabyte ask Jade, just before he teleported, and considered throwing himself back into the sea to avoid the ribbing that would ensue as soon as they arrived. ** Sarah thought that perhaps if she kept herself wide awake, soon she would need to fall asleep, and then she would wake up in her own bed, in her own house, away from this strange dream that was fast becoming a nightmare. The little glowing panels produced a strange fruit juice, and she had had two glasses of it. But the strange replication thing had frightened her, and now she cowered in the corner, trying hard to ignore the strange noises coming from the glowing light cylinder standing before her. It sounded pleading, if such a thing had the capacity to, but she couldn’t help the fright running through her. She wanted to go home, even if it meant losing this place for good. ** *Lisa, did you go nicking cokes again without me?* *Sorry, yes.* “Then you have to share,” Kevin demanded, appearing beside her. He looked expectantly at the bottle in her hand. Adam groaned. “How many of us are involved in petty larceny on a regular basis?” he asked, not really wanting to know the answer. Lisa, Kevin, and Megabyte raised their hands freely, while Jade simply sipped her coke nervously and Ami commented, “Well, only one other time than this.” “I came here for a reason,” Megabyte said, ignoring Adam’s glare. “I think another girl disappeared from around here somewhere. They showed her friend on the TV and I think we should go speak to her.” Jade was staring at him. Finally she said, “You take that back.” Megabyte looked at her and said, “Take what back? Anyone here would think she was beautiful.” Kevin cut in to avoid one of the long arguments that had been forming over the past few weeks. “Like we saw Lisa on the TV?” “Yeah, like that,” Megabyte said, still just a little angry. “Well, when we went to Virginia to find Lisa, she was at the ship- maybe this girl is there too.” “I’ll go,” Adam volunteered just a tad too quickly. “What about your undying love for Lucy Allen?” Ami asked archly. “Enough! Enough! Enough!” Adam exclaimed, holding his head. Finally he put his head back up and pushed his hair back. “Then I’ll take Ami with me. We need to split up. All these people knocking on this girl’s friend’s door, and on her mother’s door- I don’t know. Who wants to go back to the ship?” Megabyte raised his hand, then put it down under Jade’s glare. “I’ll go if you’re going,” Ami said to Adam. Everyone else chorused, “Oooohhh!” “Really, we’re not children anymore,” Adam said testily. “I’ll go to her mother’s house. Ami and Lisa can go to her friend’s house. Kevin, you take Megabyte and Jade with you to the ship. And make sure they don’t fight the whole time, if this girl is there that’ll scare her out of her mind.” “All right,” Megabyte said, his voice fading as he and Jade vanished. “Something’s really up between them,” Adam said to Kevin. “Can you try to help?” “I can try, but Megabyte has a habit of not listening to me. Be careful,” Kevin said as he vanished. “Have you any idea where we can find the house? You’ve been here more than I,” Adam said, turning to Lisa. “Yes, but not in Charlotte proper other than the plant- mmm. If we knew her name we could look her up in a phone book- wait a sec.” Lisa closed her eyes and saw the house in the background, through Megabyte’s memory of the news clip. “This is what the house looks like,” Lisa said, sending both of them the image. “That doesn’t really tell me anything,” Ami said. “It wouldn’t tell you anything if you were walking there. But since we’re teleporting-” “Is that a good idea?” Ami asked, turning to Adam. “We won’t get there any other way. Just go a little past it and then walk there, and nothing will be wrong.” “And we’ll have to do that tomorrow. I can already smell the brownies in the oven,” Lisa sighed. “I was supposed to be back at nightfall. Want to meet at the island?” “Sure,” Adam said glumly as Lisa vanished. He sat down on the stone steps next to Ami and said, “So what’s wrong with you?” “I want to go see this girl, her family, to reassure them, but I don’t want to go without Lisa.” Ami shrugged. “I just can’t shake that feeling.” “I’m sure it’s nothing,” Adam said, reaching over to give her a hug. “I don’t know. Let’s go to the ship,” Ami said, her voice muffled by speaking into Adam’s shoulder. They flickered in two bright spots of light. All of them had been hidden in the darkening shadows of a parking garage, they weren’t quite sure where, sipping their cokes and talking. Eve blinked her eyes several times, as she had upon seeing each of the bright flashes, but no faces appeared in the darkness, no more flashes of light manifest themselves. “Come on, Eve,” said Beth from the wheel of her car. “We have to get going if we’re gonna make it to the movie.” Eve reluctantly climbed into the car, still glancing over her shoulder as they pulled out of the garage and out onto the street. ** ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 3/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:20:57 PST “I can’t believe you’re blaming me for a stray thought! I mean, really!” Megabyte’s famous temper was up at arms, just as Adam had suspected, though Megabyte and Jade had never experienced the jealousy angle of their relationship so vividly. “That’s not the point. I thought we-” Jade was usually slow to anger, but Megabyte got under her skin faster than anyone else she knew. “Can you do this another time?” Kevin asked, annoyed. He hopped over the doorway and then motioned for them to be quiet. “Look at her,” he whispered. *You looked that way once* Adam thought, appearing beside them. *Shhh, we don’t want to wake her. She looks like she needs her sleep.* *And those are your clothes, Adam* Ami thought, an evil grin on her face. *I promise, first Lisa, now this girl-* *Enough!* Kevin thought, echoing Adam’s earlier words. *I need to go home. My mum worries when I spend over an hour away.* He vanished, and that seemed to startle the girl in her sleep. She turned slightly, then slumped back down, her chin resting on her hand. *Look, I think it would be better if she didn’t see all these faces at once when she wakes up* Adam thought, concerned. *Maybe the three of you should go into the other room.* *You just want to be alone with her* Megabyte sent back his final shot. *Yes, but not that way* Adam thought, his attention too centered on the new girl for him to respond angrily. ** Sarah awoke again but didn’t want to open her eyes. She still smelled sand and the strange musty smell that clung to the inside of whatever she was in. She placed her palms flat on the metal shelf she had been lying on and wished with all her might, [When I open my eyes I will be gone from here. When I open my eyes I will be at home.] Her mind seemed to expand, and a ticklish feeling spread over her from head to toe. But then something went wrong, and ocean water closed over her head, cutting off her air. *Snap* Adam thought loudly as he teleported to the beach outside. *Sarah!* Ami thought, and then she was out on the beach with Adam, running towards the water. She kicked her shoes off and let her dangle bracelets drop from her wrists, and then the cold water splashed on her jeans. “Sarah!” she cried verbally, scanning the water. Finally she saw a head bob above the waves, and a choked cry. “We’re coming!” Adam yelled, and Ami watched him with awe as he dove into the water as if he belonged there, swam deep under the waves and then emerged between Sarah and the shoreline. He dove again and now he was pulling her in a lifesaver’s hold, swimming closer to the shore with every stroke. Sarah was coughing and crying as they emerged onto the beach. By then Jade and Megabyte had heard the screams and were at the shore. “I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home-” Sarah finished coughing up seawater and had turned her face away from them, was sobbing into the sand. Adam brushed back his wet hair and finished coughing too, shot a glance at Ami. *Maybe you can handle this better than I* he thought. “Sarah?” Ami asked, kneeling down on the sand next to her. Sand clung to the wet fabric covering her legs. “Take me home,” Sarah said, gazing up at her, emotion cracking her voice. “This isn’t a dream but it can’t be real either- please take me back home.” “You don’t understand. You’re frightened and you’re scared and you want to be where you feel you’re safe. You’re safe here with us. We would never hurt you.” Ami’s voice was soothing. “Why did you kidnap me?” Sarah blinked, her eyes still stinging from the ocean water. Ami’s brow wrinkled in genuine confusion. “Kidnap you? What?” Sarah sighed. “You must’ve. You must’ve taken me off the porch. You put some kind of weird drug in me and that was that tickly feeling- and then you dumped me on this beach and waited for me to wake up. Tell me where I am! Let me go home! I promise I won’t tell them anything about this!” “Sarah,” Adam said, in that voice that made girls all over the entire world melt. She turned over, and her eyes became wider and wider. “Oh my Lord, this is a dream. This has been a dream the entire time- pinch me so I can wake up- maybe not.” She opened her eyes again. Adam still sat there beside her, drenched nearly as much as she was. “Adam. Thank you for pulling me out of the sea. Now take me home.” “Much as I would like to, I’m afraid you don’t understand some things.” Adam completely held Sarah’s attention now. “Like what?” Sarah was now staring into Adam’s eyes, implicitly trustful of someone she’d barely met. “Like how you got here, for example.” Adam’s voice was patient. He’d been over this argument before, with Lisa. “That’s easy. You brought me.” Sarah finally tried to sit up. Adam shook his head slowly, to make sure it would register with her. “No, I didn’t.” “Then-” her brow furrowed, then cleared. “You must be lying. Or it was Ami. Or those two, Jade and Megabyte.” “You know none of us did this to you. Stop trying to deny it,” Adam said, gently. “I couldn’t’ve come here by myself.” Sarah shook her head. “But you did,” Adam said, still patiently. She closed her eyes and shook her head, as if to clear it. “No. I would never have done this to my parents.” “You haven’t been gone over two days.” Ami knew from experience that they would’ve heard her telepathic screaming if she’d been gone much longer. “But still-” Sarah looked around them, at the deepening twilight. *Sarah, can you hear me?* Sarah closed her eyes. [This dream is too good to be real.] *It is real* Megabyte thought, gently. *It can’t be* she thought, opening her eyes to stare up at the four people around her. *No. This dream has been mine forever- and it is only a dream.* *I thought that too* Jade thought. *And now I’m here- and it is no dream.* ** [I’m hallucinating; that’s the only explanation] Eve thought, staring at her ceiling. [People don’t just disappear in columns of light. Not like that. Lord, Sarah’s disappearance must be affecting me more than I’d thought!] Just then Eve propped herself up on her elbows and stared at the clock. It was 11:56. [I have to call Sarah’s house] Eve thought. There’s no way, her common sense said. Her parents are getting some sleep, finally, and you’re not going to disrupt that. Eve rolled over and was asleep in seconds. ** *This isn’t a dream* Adam thought as they appeared inside Sarah’s house. It was dark there, as dark as it had been the night she had vanished so completely. “I know,” Sarah whispered. “And I can come back when I want?” “You will want to,” Adam said in answer to her unspoken hesitance. “Something will nag you about this for a long while. You can sneak away whenever you want, or call one of us and we’ll help. And we’ll make up for what your parents went through. They’ll never be mad at you for this.” “Thank you,” Sarah whispered, staring up at him. She drew her gaze away and began walking upstairs. She paused for a second. “Hold on- these are your clothes, aren’t they? When do you want them back?” He smiled. “Just keep them until you come back. It will be soon.” ** “I can’t believe-” Jade had instigated the argument again the moment they had appeared inside Megabyte’s house. *You know it meant nothing.* Megabyte felt somewhat calmer now, after being at the ship only that little time. *I know that, but how do I know you don’t feel the same way about me?* Megabyte sighed. How was it that Jade was a mind reader, and yet she still didn’t understand that he was telling the truth? *Look, it was just that she’s beautiful. Adam turns your head a lot, and you don’t see me all upset about it, do you? You have nothing to worry about. She’s not even a tomorrow person.* That seemed to mollify Jade, and after telling Megabyte that she loved him, she teleported out of the living room. “I wish you wouldn’t talk in your heads like that!” Millie poked her head around a corner, her arms folded. “And I really wish you wouldn’t eavesdrop!” Megabyte growled, chasing Millie through the house. ** ~her name is Eve~ the ship kythed to him. Adam turned over to stare at the glowing column at the center of the ship. From there he seemed to feel the telepathic voice of the ship, but telepathy wasn’t the proper word for it. Jade had read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle and thought the voice sounded very similar to how she imagined kything. The transference of thought was there, but not so clear-cut and put into words, and often it was carried more on emotion than any kind of language. Adam hadn’t felt like leaving, but now it was tempting- *First Lucy, then Ami, now Eve? Like the Bible story? I really can’t handle this!* ~Megabyte saw her on the television- you must go find her~ *Why? It’ll just be another reason for them to rib me later-* ~you must go find her~ There seemed to be no further discussion on this point, so Adam turned over and stared at the wall. Eve. It was too much, he wasn’t just imagining. Lucy would never speak to him again- and it might have been Ami’s influence, but he was beginning to see why his friends had thought her so wrong for him. [I hope Sarah comes back soon] he couldn’t stop himself from thinking. ** Lisa couldn’t stand it any longer. She arose from her bed and walked into the kitchen wearing only her nightshirt. On the stove was the pan of brownies her mother had made earlier in the day. Her eyes glowed as she saw the chocolate- her plans to stick to that diet all seemed to fade away. Mmmm- *Sarah where are you* The voice seemed to come from a little corner in the kitchen, and she turned there to find absolutely nothing. “Hello?” she asked uncertainly. “Lisa? What are you doing up?” [Oh snap] Lisa thought, carefully replacing the aluminum foil over the brownies, sneaking one out of the kitchen in her hand, gobbling it down and throwing herself into the bed. She hoped her mother wouldn’t- The light flooded into the room, and Lisa’s eyelids crinkled, giving it away. “What were you doing up?” Lisa stayed silent, hoping her mother just forgot about it. “Come on, I know you’re not asleep. Is there something wrong I should know about? I know it’s four in the morning, but if you want we could make a pan of brownies- or maybe bar cookies-” [Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!] Lisa thought, jamming the pillow over her head. Her mother’s voice got more intense. “I knew you were awake. Come on, let’s see if there’s any brownie mix in the kitchen.” “No, Mom, that’s all right, I was just at the ship for a little while today. Or I was going to be, but I came back. I just was preoccupied about going there tomorrow.” “That’s not all, I’m sure,” Lisa’s mother said. [Sometimes I just wish the world would go away] Lisa thought, trying to wake her mind up enough to win the argument with her mother. ** Ami stood inside the ship. It was dark, because none of the sunlight was coming through the windows, but the lighted panels let her see the way to the glowing core of the ship. Suddenly she ran for the exit, and shot up into the starlit sky like a butterfly. She landed on her feet as gracefully as a fairy and then set off running, not caring about anything, just running down the darkened beach. *Ami! Ami, wait up!* Ami laughed gleefully and didn’t slow up a hair. “No! Not while I feel so free!” she screamed at the sky, and the beach seemed to last forever. *Ami! I have to see you!* “Not now! Can’t you see how I feel?” ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 4/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:25:17 PST *Yes! But I have to see you now!* That finally slowed Ami down. “No! Don’t you understand?” There was a flash of light before her, and he stood unafraid. “Yes I understand, but I can’t condone it,” he said. His eyes were dark, and so was his skin, almost as dark as the night they were standing in. “Jonathan, please? I thought you understood.” “I did. But I’ve waited long enough. It’s time.” He vanished in a flash of light. As the threads of the dream unwound and dispersed Ami sat up in bed, gasping quietly. “What in the world?” she whispered aloud. “Jonathan? Is that his name?” ** “...To say the least, that’s the gist of the problem.” Megabyte rolled his eyes. First his father had summoned them to the WorldEx Securities building where he worked. He’d had his fill of it during the Culex business. His father had chewed him out about interrupting an important meeting about the Cornucopia machine (which, it later turned out, was moot anyway). Now he couldn’t stay far enough away. Sometimes, though, after a random nightmare or when he needed some cash, he would reluctantly go inside that haven for teleporter-capturers. Now the man was involving them in yet another fiasco involving the company he worked for, even though he’d done his best to keep all of them out of the whole Culex affair, and tried to keep them away from those evil pod-aliens! Megabyte could study psychology for years and still not understand how his father’s brain worked. “Problem? That’s no problem, that’s a nightmare!” Adam shoved his hair back with his hand, fighting the urge to pace the room. “It’s- complete and utter heresy!” “Lisa, what do you think?” General Damon tried not to be upset by Adam’s view of the predicament. “How could anyone have even considered it?” Lisa exploded. “Our job is to think of the future, of the consequences that will occur. This was one of them since you’d heard about it, I know you must’ve considered it.” Damon had adopted the knowing-father voice all of them despised. “We’re not exactly untouchable anymore, are we,” Jade commented wryly. She sent another worried glance at Megabyte, who was staring out the window. “There could be armies of us all over the place, brainwashed and willing,” Kevin said, and he appeared to be imagining one of the B science-fiction movies he loved to watch. “Or even worse, choosing to be the way we were, immoral and inhuman,” Megabyte commented, finally looking away from the window. He was another sci-fi buff. “The consequences are too heinous to imagine.” “Beyond heinous,” Adam murmured. “Like that psycho Culex with us as the bugs.” Kevin shuddered. “Ami? Do you have anything to add?” Ami stared out the enormous window in General Damon’s office. Her fingertips barely brushed the polished glass. Underneath her cabs and buses whirled away in a frenzy, barely stopping long enough to catch their passengers. And there, in the midst of an enormous crowd- “Ami?” *Ami?* Megabyte’s voice was worried. “He’s here,” Ami whispered beneath her breath, staring down with wide dark eyes at the street below, all the bustle and confusion. “He’s here, I know he is.” “Ami? Are you okay?” There was a note of panic creeping into Megabyte’s voice as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged his hand away. “No- I have to find him-” “...and we can have a subsection at the cloning meeting a week from today, where only authorized people may enter, sweeping for bugs every five minutes, all the usual precautions. Do you think parents should be invited, especially if...” General Damon’s voice faded away from Ami’s consciousness, and everything blurred except her view of the window. Desperate curiosity filled her mind. He was here. He had to be here. *Adam, something’s up with Ami. We need to get her out of here-* Even Megabyte sounded worried, and that alerted Adam faster than anything else. *You take her. I can be at the ship in a few minutes.* Adam had to make sure Damon’s dire predictions didn’t come to pass. “Ami, come on,” Megabyte spoke aloud, putting his hand more firmly on her shoulder. “We have to leave.” “No!” she cried, whirling around to face him. “Don’t you understand?” “I can’t understand if you don’t tell me,” Megabyte said in a level voice. “He’s here- Jonathan- down below us somewhere- we have to find him-” “Why? What’s wrong with him?” Megabyte was trying to understand, but was falling far short. “Nothing’s wrong I hope- we have to find him!” Ami tore away from Megabyte’s hand again and returned to staring pensively out the window. Adam nodded in final agreement with General Damon and turned to find that Lisa, Kevin, and Jade were staring at Ami and Megabyte, who were in turn staring out the window. “What’s wrong?” Adam asked. There was still a twinge of fear in his mind from discussing the prospect of cloning them, and then he knew. *Ami? Your soul mate is here?* Adam’s voice sounded calm and sure again. *Yes- oh Lord yes- at least someone understands now-* Ami ‘pathed. *How can we find him?* *I don’t know- I can feel it burning on the surface of my mind- help me* ** Upon clawing her way to shore, Sarah collapsed down to the sand and breathed deeply for a while. The current had seemed strong- and Adam’s wet clothes were plastered to her body. Fortunately, she’d planned for that. She ripped open an enormous ziplock bag and pulled out a new set of clothes. “Hello?” *Hello?* Sarah thought upon entering the ship. She patted sand from her slightly-damp clothes and looked around in consternation. Hadn’t Adam said he’d be there whenever she came? “Hello?” Like a moth to the flame she walked toward the glowing light column, barely recognizing her actions. The thing seemed too pure to touch, other than the metal characters surrounding it; she settled for sitting on one of the metal shelves in the room and staring at it hypnotically. ~Eve must find Eve must find~ The words finally came to focus inside Sarah’s mind. Eve? What did Eve have to do with anything? The red-headed boy had seen Eve on television, Sarah remembered, but that had nothing to do with anything. But she trusted the ship; it had no reason to give off a false warning. But I want to see Adam again- She smiled wryly. Adam and Eve. They would make such a very good couple, Sarah thought, feeling a twinge of jealousy. [But he’s mine!] she thought. [I was here first!] ** “Get mobile on that problem we discussed,” General Damon said into the phone, in his most authoritative voice. “Every single one. It is most definitely a problem now. Including a note- let me send you this clip. Take care of this too.” ** *There are too many cabs to search!* Lisa thought desperately. *That doesn’t really matter to Ami right now!* Adam thought back, checking yet another cab. They only had the dream-image to go by, and Lisa couldn’t find anyone nearly so beautiful- [Wish I had dreams like that] she thought ruefully. An ambulance plowed down the street, and they took the chance to run up to the slowed taxis and look at their passengers. Kevin watched anxiously from the street, having developed a slight fear of running out into the middle of the highway. “Wait a second,” Kevin spoke aloud, then shook his head. [No way.] ** “Is there a cell phone in her car? And is she on it? Good. Yes, thank you. Try for another, just in case.” The dark-haired man hung up the telephone, deep inside the WorldEx building. He reached up and switched the security camera back on, then logged onto the Internet on his PC. He clicked on the WorldEx AutoTape system and made sure there were no records of his phone call, nor any tape of them. He then double-encoded the hard drive and left the office. ** “Don’t believe I’ve met you before-” Penny Weston said. “Samantha Davis,” Lisa’s mother said, shaking hands. “So your daughter can-” Mrs. Weston cut her off with a shake of the head and a rueful smile. “I’ve never heard so much whispering in my life,” Frank Wilson said to his wife, Susan. “...and you were involved in that thing, with the mosquitoes? Ami spoke so highly of you,” Ruth Jackson said to General Damon. “That’s kind of hard to believe, considering-” Damon said, thinking back to the whole affair. “Considering what?” Ruth said, curiously. “Never mind,” General Damon said, sighing. He turned to Jones and motioned for them to speak in the corner. “Adam Newman’s parents?” “We can’t find a single trace of them. We can’t find a single trace of him, as far as that’s concerned.” Jones’s eyes were hidden behind his usual tinted sunglasses. Even after Damon had transferred Jones to WorldEx and had tried to tell him that sunglasses weren’t all the rage for spies these days, he had refused to change. “You checked in Australia? And London?” Damon’s brow furrowed. He’d never actually tried to hunt for the older, dark-haired boy before. “We started there and then spread out. He doesn’t seem to be listed anywhere, own a credit card, have an account anywhere, anything. No other Adam Newmans match his description.” Jones’s voice began to carry monotonally again. “Strange,” General Damon murmured. “And the girl on the news?” “Sarah Miller’s parents are on the way from US.” “Good- did you get anything on the girl that was in the clip I sent?” Damon hoped they’d come up with some kind of lead. “Eve Blair? Um...” Jones seemed to get a bit distraught at that. “Out with it.” “There’s no trace of her at all. Her parents say that she must be out, and we have surveillance on the place for when she comes in. Everything’ll be taken care of.” ** “Mr. and Mrs. Blair? May we come in?” “Back so soon?” she asked, backing up so that the two people could enter the house. Mr. Blair sat on the couch, watching the television. “We’re from the local police force, ma’am,” the taller one said, flashing a nondescript badge. “Your daughter- she was involved in something, ma’am, and she’s gone upstate for therapy. We hate to tell you about this-” “Where is she? What clinic, what place?” Eve’s mother appeared frantic. “We’re sorry, we can’t tell you, ma’am.” The badge snapped from view and disappeared into a many-pocketed leather jacket. “I’m her mother! Surely you can tell me something!” “No, I’m sorry, ma’am. Just know that she’s safe and we’re hoping she can be returned to you within a month or two.” “A month? School starts in a month!” Mrs. Blair’s tone bordered on hysteria. “Not my problem, ma’am,” the tall man said. Citing another appointment, the pair left the house silently and climbed into a rental car. The driver calmly sped away while the passenger picked up the secured cell phone. “Her parents have been notified. Everything’s fine, as long as we are not proven wrong on the time element. WorldEx has been outsmarted yet again.” “Good, Gloria. I knew I could count on you for quality service. Much better than Galt ever was.” The phone clicked into the man’s ear. ** “It’s no use,” Ami said, coming over to find Adam. Her face was dejected, and she looked as though she was about to cry. “There, there,” Adam said, hugging her. “It’s not too late. If you knew he was here this time maybe he’ll break out soon, and everything will be okay.” “I don’t know,” Ami whispered into his shoulder. “I just want to go home and cry.” “Now, now,” Adam said. He gestured to the WorldEx building looming above them. “They’ve set up a meeting just for us.” Jade and Megabyte wandered over, hand in hand, and Adam shot Megabyte a short look. Megabyte sneered back and was about to shoot back a remark about Lucy when Lisa and Kevin came over. Megabyte decided it wasn’t worth it, but didn’t release Jade’s hand. “Come on, let’s go the conventional way,” Adam said, rolling his eyes and walking toward the large glass building. Ami followed him, her arms wrapped around her sides, not really seeing what was in front of her. Jade dropped Megabyte’s hand and strode forward to put an arm around Ami’s shoulders. Megabyte turned to punch Kevin in the shoulder and smile at Lisa. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 5/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:29:37 PST “Maybe this time my mother won’t be kidnapped by some crazy goons that don’t know any better,” Lisa grumbled. “Yeah, that was kind of bad.” Kevin remembered the ordeal, but it was jumbled up with memories of almost being run over by a really big truck, and teleporting onto the moor with Megabyte, and drinking lots of hot cocoa. “Kind of? It was awful.” Lisa was surprised he couldn’t remember that well, but then, it hadn’t been his mother. “I think something was up with that ambulance,” Kevin remarked during a break in the conversation between Megabyte and Adam. “That’s only because you’re rather familiar with them,” Megabyte said. “No, that’s not it,” Kevin insisted as they all climbed into an elevator. He looked crestfallen when he noticed that the walls of the elevator were glass, so they couldn’t teleport out of it. “There was something else.” As the silence fell everyone could hear Ami crying, and they all turned around and surrounded her with their arms. “It’s going to be fine,” Adam whispered to her. The elevator opened up, and there were five parental units waiting expectantly for their children. In the midst of the din Adam suddenly said, “Oh no- Sarah’s at the island by herself!” And he was gone. “Ami, dear, why are you crying?” Mrs. Jackson asked, gently. Ami and Lisa shared a glance before Ami wiped her eyes and began talking. “Where’s my daughter?” Jack Miller asked as he swept into the room. “Enough, enough!” General Damon said, waving his hands in the air. “Let’s move to the conference room and get this show underway.” ** “Sarah? Sarah?” Adam asked, wandering into the ship. He carried the drenched clothes she had apparently brought back with her, stowed inside his tent. His other fingers gripped the handle of his knife. “Are you here?” ~Eve is scared, alone, afraid~ The ship’s “voice” was calm as always, and insidious as it entered his mind. *I completely forgot about that- where is Sarah?* Adam hoped the ship could give him some sort of logical, understandable answer. ~she waits for those who are to help her, and you do not come~ *I am sorry, we were searching for the one who is Ami’s soul mate. Have you any knowledge of-* ~Jonathan is among us and yet not~ *I wish she could come here so you could tell her that in person, but I was only supposed to come back and find Sarah. Is she sleeping?* Adam asked hesitantly. ~in her sleep she dreams of you~ Adam grinned ruefully. *I really didn’t need that.* He jumped the low doorway and saw Sarah, sleeping near the same place he had. He walked over and said softly, “Sarah? Are you awake?” “Mmmmm-” she whispered, then opened her eyes. “I thought you said you’d be here for me-” “I would have been, but we were looking for someone. You have to come with me.” Adam held out his hand. “Yes, let’s go home. I want to tell my parents- about this beautiful dream I’ve had-” Sarah’s voice was still scratchy from sleep. “Yes, all soon, just not now. Come, take my hand.” They were gone in a flash of light, but as Adam’s mind reformed at WorldEx, the ship whispered ~Eve is still in the cold without us~ ** “What’s different about these chromosomes?” “Nothing, really,” the doctor said nervously, addressing the dark man standing before him. That man’s eyes, and voice, were so hard, and black, and he couldn’t imagine where the man could have obtained this sample of cells, outrageously weird genotyped cells. The doctor recovered his train of thought with some effort. “They just- their genes produce different proteins than ours, but it’s not one base pair off. It’s more toward the magnitude of five- that is a serious mutation. And here, in this other one, four pairs are off. I’d need to examine a brain cell to see what repercussions this would have in the neural pathways, on the myelin sheaths, to the synapses. This appears human- but it can’t be- no human has cells like that.” “And you can clone it?” Somewhere, in the many-pocketed coat the man wore, there was the badge he had flashed at the Blair family earlier. Gloria was nowhere to be found. Leather-jacket Man hoped he remembered the simplified details well enough to report them accurately to his superior. “I’m not sure- the one attempt we’ve made has failed-” the doctor trembled, interlocking his fingers nervously. “But it came rather close to succeeding, doctor. I have someone who knows what you did wrong, the one number in all the calculations that made that perfect specimen of a human being so deformed. If you clone this cell, we will give you the information.” Actually, Leather-jacket Man had no idea whether they would even keep this doctor or not for their project, but he was prepared to tell the man whatever he wanted to hear. “The moratorium on no cloning of humans-” the interlocking of the doctor’s fingers became more violent. His bald head grew slightly shiny with sweat, but his voice refused to completely betray his fear, even as his hands telegraphed it like a light. “What you are cloning will not be human, and therefore that stupid moratorium doesn’t apply.” Leather-jacket Man sighed internally. The doctor sighed nervously, wrung his hands. “The temptation is so great-” “And we will triple the bonuses you now have in your practice.” [And that’s pretty darn good for a British doctor] the man thought. The doctor sighed again. “Fine, you have a deal.” ** The teenagers drew lots for the rooms they would be sharing. General Damon said they could now add psychokinesis to their growing list of abilities, because Megabyte and Jade had drawn the same room. They had to promise not to do anything, swear upside down to Jade’s mother that they had no plans to do anything, and sleep with the light on. Lisa and Ami roomed together by default, and then Kevin and Adam. Around 11:00 PM Adam was growing tired of hearing giggling through the walls of the suite. He was about to pound on the wall when there was a whisper in his head. *Adam* *Sarah?* *Adam I’m worried about Eve* “Snap,” Adam spoke aloud, turning over in bed to stare at the ceiling. Kevin cracked an eye open in the other twin bed and decided not to ask; Adam would tell him. *What’s wrong with her?* *I haven’t spoken to her in a while- I’m afraid-* Sarah’s telepathic voice indeed sounded so, in his head. *It’s all right. We can go find her tomorrow.* Adam desperately wanted to go back to sleep. ~no it’s late enough now~ the ship interjected. *Adam!* came another voice. “What, am I Grand Central Station now?” Adam complained aloud. *What is it?* *I found him.* Ami’s mental voice was breathless. Now Adam sat up in bed, switched on the light beside him. *You found him? Where is he?* *He’s in hospital, Adam. He looks so far gone- the doctors don’t seem to have much hope.* Adam could almost hear tears in Ami’s voice. *I’ll be right down, as soon as I wake everyone up-* *No, don’t do that. Later, maybe, but not now. Just please come!* *Ami-* *please?* Adam sighed. *Okay. I have to tell the guard I’m going somewhere first.* He threw back the covers, pulled on a sweatshirt and shorts, and walked to the door of the suite. The armed guard at the side turned to regard him. “May I help you?” “I need to see General Damon right now, please.” After Adam gave his explanation of, “I just need to go somewhere,” General Damon kept asking him questions. “Why do you need to leave? Are you going to the ship?” “No, I just need to go somewhere. I’ll be right back.” “Do you promise?” Damon was still rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Of course, on my word.” Adam twitched impatiently. “Then go ahead. Why are you waiting?” Damon squinted at him. Adam gave him a lopsided grin and then turned back to the suite. *Kevin.* *What?* Kevin’s voice was sleepy, and Adam longingly thought of the warm twin bed he’d left behind. Oh well. *I need you to do something for me. There’s a girl-* *Adam, please hurry up!* Ami’s voice broke through the wave. *All right, all right. We’ll just get it done when I come back.* ** Nurses on late shift who were only awake because of the caffeine in their drinks eyed the dark-haired, dark-eyed boy that strode down the corridors of the hospital as if he owned it, without asking a single person where he was going. He turned to a room in the Intensive Care Unit and opened the door. Ami sat beside the bed in the chair usually reserved for the anxious parent or relative. She was only wearing a long t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts. Her face was streaked with tears as she looked up to regard Adam. Adam stared at the form on the bed. Ami hadn’t been lying when she’d said the doctors weren’t hopeful. The boy was the same one from the dream, but now he appeared almost wrapped from head to toe in bandages. The skin that Adam could see was rended in healing scars or clotted wounds. The bandage on his head looked particularly menacing. Adam walked over to the bank of monitors attached to the boy with a tube in nearly every limb. The heart rate monitor was ridiculously slow, and the brain wave reader was erratic. [If not for the brain waves I would think he had been bitten by a Culex mosquito- but we’re not going to relive that again, are we?] Slowly Adam walked over to check the chart, aware that Ami’s eyes were staring hard at his every move. Her sobs and gasps were more subdued now. He was on heavy painkillers, addictive ones, but that didn’t quite explain that activity- Adam thought. Finally he gave up and put the chart down. *Ami, I’m so, so sorry* Adam thought, kneeling down so that they were eye to eye. *He is so deep inside himself- almost like Kevin was in that coma.* *No* Ami thought firmly, and Adam was distressed to find a spark of something that could’ve been insanity in her eyes. *He is not gone. He is not buried. I can feel him fighting.* *We can do nothing for him here, and if we disconnect him from some of these machines, he might die. You know that. The ship cannot help him if he is that dead.* *Lisa came back. Adam, you brought a man back from the dead.* Adam’s eyes screwed shut in pain. He bowed his head and then met her gaze again. *He was not dead.* *And neither is Jonathan!* Ami seemed too ferociously passionate about this, Adam thought. *Ami, you know if I still had the power, you know that even if I had the slightest belief I still had that power, that I would do this for you. But it’s gone. Otherwise Kevin would never have been in that coma so long- and General Damon would never have given permission to that crazy man to lead the rescue operation.* *But for Kevin there was an antidote!* Ami thought wildly. *And General Damon was not hanging on for dear life, not for nearly as long as Jonathan here! Adam, please, for me, just try, one more time.* *I don’t want to fail you on something this important. Please, don’t make me.* *Adam-* there were fresh tears flowing from eyes that should’ve been dry hours earlier- *please, even if you fail at least then you’ll know that he didn’t die without a little of your help- please-* Adam looked into Ami’s eyes. She knew that he was going to die, she knew that probably nothing could stop it, but if Adam could, if Adam could do a single thing, then he would have to. Ami wanted this thing so desperately, and he couldn’t resist a heartfelt plea if he’d tried. “All right,” he sighed, finally speaking aloud. “All right. Close the door. No one in here but us.” Ami beamed at him, through her tears, and closed the door, pulled the curtain. “Now,” Adam said, rolling up his sleeves, “you do understand that everything I told you was true? I don’t think I have this anymore, even to the smallest degree.” Ami nodded, glad that he had finally agreed to do it. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 6/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:34:20 PST “Adam!” Lisa jerked upright in bed, turned to see if Ami was awake too. The other twin bed was empty. “Where’s Ami?” Lisa demanded of the guard, pulling open the door even though she only had on her nightgown. “Where’s General Damon? Why doesn’t anyone hear these things?” Kevin poked his head out from his suite. “I think Adam went to hospital.” “Why would he do something crazy like that?” Lisa suddenly yawned. “Something was up with Ami.” Kevin was having a little trouble remembering, but he was a sensitive telepath, and he recalled hearing Ami’s mental voice. “Was she sick? Hurt? Mentally ill?” Lisa’s curiosity grew with Kevin’s intangible statements. “That was cold,” Megabyte remarked, stepping out of his suite with Jade in tow. “Seriously though. I just got a flash that something’s going wrong, something we can stop.” Lisa actually did look worried. “Where’s Sarah?” Kevin asked, stifling a yawn. Lisa closed her eyes, then said, “She’s in such a deep sleep that none of us could wake her up. She’s been through a lot in the past few days-” all of them understood how it was, the shock of discovering powers, a group of friends who would defend to their dying breath, the wonder of telepathy and teleportation- “so we shouldn’t wake her up. Where’s General Damon?” ** “Another of the kids for you, sir.” Jones yawned. Bill Damon muttered something angrily under his breath and switched on the bedside lamp. Millie was cuddled up against her mother, who was on the opposite side of the bed. Why on Earth Millie had to be afraid in hotels- “All right, I’ll just get my robe on and be right outside.” Damon sat up in bed and felt his contact lens shift. He mumbled something about saline. Jones nodded and closed the door. “Why on Earth does everything have to happen at night- can’t even get a good night’s sleep-” he mumbled as he pulled on a robe and tied it hastily. He ventured out into the hall, squinting in the more intense light. “What is it, Lisa?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t mistaking Ami for her. “Ami and Adam are gone.” Now Lisa was fidgeting. Damon yawned, not quite thinking very clearly. “Ami’s almost of consenting age, how does-” “There’s something wrong. I don’t know what it is. But there’s something up with Adam, and Ami is probably there with him.” “Where did Adam say he was going?” Kevin asked. “Did Ami even tell you she was going anywhere?” Jade put in. “Does anyone have any hot cocoa?” Megabyte and Bill chorused. Only Ami’s mother was to be awakened, but then Frank Wilson poked his head out of his suite and asked what was going on, so eventually everyone was in the downstairs conference room in their nightclothes. “All we have to do is teleport to the hospital, I don’t see what’s so wrong with this,” Lisa said, fidgeting in her chair. “No, we’ve got men going down there to secure the area before any of the rest of you leave. Until the cloning issue is settled, no one’s going anywhere without a guard.” “But-” broke in ten voices at once, and General Damon had to shout to restore order. In the following buzz of voices, Sarah’s sounded against the rest. “Where’s Eve?” “Who?” “My best friend. The ship was talking about her.” Sarah twirled a lock of hair about one finger, nervously, her eyes still puffy from sleep. Megabyte and Jade exchanged glances with each other, and with Lisa and Kevin. *This is bad,* Megabyte thought. Before anyone could reply to Megabyte’s observation, the phone on the conference table rang. “It’s Jones, sir, and we have a situation. It might be preferable for you to bring all the kids, sir.” ** The vans that WorldEx owned presently were eerily similar to the one Lisa had been shipped around in, that time that seemed a million years away, when Adam still had long hair and they hadn’t known that they could teleport other people. She shivered for a second in the cool night air, and Kevin put his little arm around her. There had been a little hint of dread in Megabyte’s heart when he’d heard Jones say those dreaded words over the speakerphone, but now all the fear was gone, replaced by a need to be the leader that they didn’t have right now. [Everything will be fine] he thought, squeezing Jade’s arm a little more tightly. They exchanged a glance, a weak little smile, and then looked away from each other. [I wish I was like that now] Sarah thought, seeing the ways all of them depended on each other. She felt close to Adam and Ami, but they weren’t even here. Her worry about them swallowed up the enduring nagging feeling of dread over Eve. They exited the van, and Megabyte’s feeling was replaced by annoyance at the phalanx of guards surrounding them wherever they went. He thought about making a smart remark about it to his father, but the General’s facial features looked as though they had been cast from stone. Adam had almost been a second son to the family, to everyone’s family. “Oh my Lord,” Jade gasped upon entrance to the hospital. Megabyte couldn’t spare the energy for asking her what was wrong, just kept his hand around hers as they took the stairs two by two toward the room. Ami’s legs were drawn up in the chair and her forehead was against her knees when they walked into the room. Methodically her head moved back and then fell forward, striking with the force of bone against bone. In the bed beside her lay the boy they had searched the cabs for, now breathing without a respirator, his pulse steady and firm, the brainscan apparently normal. “I didn’t think it could do any harm,” came Ami’s voice, muffled. “It’s not your fault,” the four of them chorused at once, and all of them went over to hug her, give her a little pat on the shoulder, at least something. Sarah lingered in the doorway, unsure of what to do. “What happened here?” Bill asked quietly from outside the doorway. “We’re not sure, but we have the surveillance tape.” ** [There’s no record of Adam teleporting into the hospital, thank God] Bill thought, glad to have less track to cover. “Now here,” Jones said, placing another tape into the VCR, “we have Adam entering the room with Ami and the other boy inside.” For a long time neither of them said a word, their lips didn’t even move. Then Adam knelt down in front of Ami, and then there were words. “We can’t tell what he said, but we can get that from Ami soon enough,” Jones remarked. [Then comes the kicker] Bill thought, his eyes glued to the screen. He had heard the reports but never seen it in action- Adam, captured perfectly on the tape, rolled up his sleeves, glanced at Ami once, for luck, then turned back to the nearly-comatose body and closed his eyes. It seemed to take a ridiculous amount of time for his hands to begin to glow red, and then he placed his hands directly onto the boy’s head. On the tape Bill could see Adam’s eyes moving back and forth rapidly beneath his eyelids, almost as rapidly as REM sleep, but then it seemed to increase in intensity. Ami’s eyes grew wider. Bill couldn’t explain what happened next, but it was as if there was almost a flash of light, not quite. Now Adam was slumped down on the floor, the heart monitor clearly showed a steady heart rate, and Ami was standing over the prone body, horror written on her face. At that moment two of the General’s men entered the room. “All copies of this tape are mine,” Bill said, again in his giving-orders voice. “No one hears or sees anything about this. Arrange for immediate transfer of Adam from this hospital to one run by the Agency, preferably close to WorldEx. Same for that boy in the other bed. Those children are to be surrounded at all times by those I’ve personally selected, no substitutions. We’re changing hotels, too. Transfer all the clothes and baggage and everything to the Park, down the street. I want...” ** Gradually everyone but Sarah drifted away, to the hospital, to see either Ami or Adam. Ordinarily their parents would’ve been angry at the inconvenience of moving, would’ve been packing their clothes slowly in protest, but now they were only hurried and silent. Everyone had seen the still white face of the boy that had been so vocal at their meeting, so charming, and they had realized yet again that their children weren’t really children anymore. ** *Adam- Adam, can you hear me? I know you’re rattling around in there somewhere- speak to me!* Megabyte placed a trembling hand on Adam’s pale forehead, closed his eyes. He was surrounded by darkness. There was weakness there too. [It must have nearly killed him when he brought Jones back to life] Megabyte thought, realizing it for the first time. [Maybe that’s why- maybe that used up all his power for a long time, and he needed a recharge- but maybe he wasn’t recharged enough, and he put too much of himself into this-] The heart monitor gave off three staccato beeps in quick procession, and then returned to the steady, frail rhythm that it had been in before. The nurse that came in to check on it was held back by the guard standing outside the door. Megabyte didn’t even seem to register their altercation. [If I try, will I end up the same way?] he asked himself. ~you cannot do this- you can surround him with love until he is strong enough to be with you again~ Megabyte sighed angrily. *But he is my friend, and I have a responsibility-* he tried to make the ship understand. “Two wrongs don’t make a right,” General Damon said from the doorway. Megabyte’s eyes flew open. “Why couldn’t it have been me?” he asked. ** Lisa was about to close her eyes and teleport back to the hotel when she remembered that evil briefing from General Damon: “No teleporting inside the hospital, unless you want one of our doctors to see you and take you in for study. They will do it, and some of them have authority over me. I’ve held them back this long, but maybe not for much longer. Don’t give me another excuse to be angry.” “I feel so awful-” Ami was near tears again. “Don’t, Ami. It’s not your fault.” Lisa sighed inwardly. She didn’t want to blame Ami for what had happened. Adam had chosen to try and heal the boy, after all. “But it is! He never would’ve done this if it wasn’t for me.” Ami didn’t want to be convinced that she wasn’t responsible. “If you keep blaming yourself, it doesn’t help him any. He needs us to be concerned about him, not trying to take back what happened.” “Maybe if I try-” Lisa stopped Ami’s train of thought with a hand. “General Damon forbid it, after Megabyte was about to try. He appreciates what we’re trying to do but he thinks it’s too dangerous. After all, Jonathan still has to wake up.” Ami sighed, looked over at the bed. She was afraid to place a single hand on him, for fear that he would vanish like a soap bubble. But the day had been trying enough- “Lisa, could you-” “Sure,” Lisa said, moving around beside the figure on the bed. Kevin poked his head around the doorway as Lisa opened her eyes again. “He should wake up soon.” “It worked for me, Ami,” Kevin said, moving into the room. “Cheer up!” Ami smiled for the first time in quite a while as Kevin put his arms around her in a little hug. ** “The procedure is finished?” Leather-jacket man asked. His voice was tight. The doctor nodded, sighed wearily as he stripped off his gloves. The latex seemed garishly white in the bright light of his surgical stage. “And it went as expected?” The doctor wondered why the man sounded so ridiculously thug-like. But then, the doctor hadn’t been exposed to much more than old gangster movies. “Yes, green lights all the way down the line.” “Good. And now you know that you are ours.” Another cliché. The doctor nodded dismally even as he accepted the briefcase of money. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 7/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:38:16 PST Around midnight Jade awoke. The bed beside her was empty. “Oh no, not again,” she groaned. She tugged off her nightgown and put on her street clothes from earlier that day. “Megabyte, Megabyte,” she hummed under her breath as she walked the corridors of the hospital. One doctor stared very intently at her and began following, but she ditched him with a side stairway, cut around another floor and began walking in the correct direction again. Very gently she turned the doorknob of the room Jonathan had been placed in. Ami had finally left after Lisa assured her that there was no way she couldn’t tell if he’d woken up, since the two of them had so much connection. “Where are you?” Jade whispered softly under her breath, leaving that room and turning to the next one. Adam’s dimly lit figure was stiff and silent underneath the immaculate sheets, and Megabyte stood beside the bed. His eyes were closed, and Jade didn’t dare reach out and read his mind. “Where are you going to take him?” Jade said softly, in a tone that slipped right into his imaginings. “The ship will heal him.” Megabyte opened his eyes and stared into hers. “He is weak. Teleporting might do him more harm than good.” Jade wasn’t sure, but she didn’t really want to take a risk where any of them were involved. After all, teleportation was nothing but becoming energy and then becoming matter again, but who knew that Adam’s molecules would retain enough cohesion to-- oh Lord, she sounded like a Trekkie. “What other choice do we have?” Megabyte asked angrily. “He cannot die in this hospital, without any of us around him. He will not die on the way.” “If you feel so strongly about this, what about Jonathan?” Jade asked, gesturing to the other room. “He is more stable than Adam is. Why don’t you take him?” “Ami would-” Jade folded her arms. “Ami would think it was the right thing to do right now. We shouldn’t be sneaking about to do these things. Your father-” “My _father_ says no teleporting in sight of the cameras. We must do it here, now, and let him explain it. He’ll think up reasons why we can’t possibly do this.” “And have you forgotten about Eve, too?” Jade raised an eyebrow. Megabyte stared at her. “I’m surprised you would bring that up.” “Sarah’s worried about her, and it seems irrational.” “So you want to go to the US without any guards at all, find this girl and bring her back, and just let Adam fend for himself, wherever he is?” Megabyte folded his own arms. “He is stronger than any of us. Let him fight for himself.” Jade wasn’t sure she felt that way, but she had no doubt he would recover. “All this, because Sarah’s worried about her best friend.” Megabyte shook his head. Jade nodded, held out her hand. “We can always take Adam to the ship later, if your father says it’s all right.” “Why do you always listen to my father?” Megabyte grumbled, following Jade’s lead regardless. “Because you don’t,” she said, walking towards an exit. Suddenly with a gasp she slid behind a corner, pulling Megabyte with her. “What’s wrong now?” Megabyte tried to peer around the corner. “Shhh,” Jade hissed, shoving him back and peering out herself to see the same doctor who had been trailing her earlier. “Where are the guards for Adam’s room?” “I don’t see them.” “That doctor’s heading this way. I don’t think he’s one of the ones your father assigned.” Before Jade could say another word, Megabyte had vanished in a flash of light. ** Mentally Lisa recalled the picture of Eve’s house that Megabyte had seen. She crossed her fingers and mentally wished that General Damon wouldn’t notice she was missing. It wasn’t like she was planning on being gone that long. She removed Eve from the picture, made sure no one was watching, and concentrated on going to that house, to right in front of it. Lisa materialized and shot another glance around. No one seemed to be watching. She walked up the front steps and rang the bell. “Hello?” the woman said as she answered the door. She looked as if she’d been crying, but not for too long. “Yes?” “I’m here to see Eve,” Lisa said slowly, still trying to get a feel for the place. “I’m sorry, she’s not here.” That seemed to distract the woman, who held the door without seeming to intend on Lisa coming in. “When will she be back?” “I don’t know, a month? I can’t believe she got mixed up in all this-” Eve’s mother blew her nose, motioned for Lisa to come in. “Got mixed up in all of what?” Lisa asked, allowing herself to be guided to the couch. “I don’t know- after the USSIA people, there were the police people-” [USSIA? Scientific Intelligence Agency? General Damon’s people] Lisa thought, reassured. “-who said that Eve was at a center, that they were sorry to tell me, that it would be a month or so before I could see her again-” Eve’s mother visibly held back tears. “That’s all I know. That’s all they’d tell me.” After asking a few general questions and refusing the perfunctory cookies and lemonade, Lisa walked out of the house in a quandary. [Why is it we had to do something about her?] Lisa wondered. [She doesn’t seem out of the ordinary, just a little on the freaky side.] Lisa began to walk back to the alley she had teleported to when two men emerged from a long black car and began walking toward her, rather leisurely. She recognized the two of them and nodded. “So what are y’all doing here?” “Staking out the Blair home. What did you find out?” asked the larger of the two partners. “There’s no reason for you to be here. She’s been taken by the local police.” Lisa picked at a stray thread on her shirt as she spoke. She remembered one of the agents from the testing General Damon had asked them to do, early on. “There’s no way- we would’ve heard of that. Someone’s been lying.” The smaller man reached beneath his jacket to where his gun was holstered. Lisa finally remembered his name, Agent East. Their conversation was interrupted by the screech of brakes on the road. A police car came around the curve and stopped in front of the Blair home. An apparently drugged girl was taken from the backseat, given a glass of something, and propped up as the threesome approached the door. “Looks like I can take that little quote back now,” Lisa murmured wryly, watching the scene in utter amazement. ** *What’s going on?* Jade thought frantically at Megabyte. Megabyte closed the door and searched frantically for a way to lock it. Finding none, he melted the bolt out of panic. [And not a second too late] Megabyte thought, admiring his handiwork as the doctor tried to open the door. “Nurse!” he heard. *Jade, distract them somehow!* There was an enormous crash in the hallway, followed by the sound of splintering glass. Then there were Jade’s footsteps, and the cries of the doctor to hasten the nurses. “Get her!” he demanded. “And why didn’t I think of this before?” Megabyte asked himself. In his mind he reached out to the surveillance cameras and inserted a simple command: [Loop your data from an hour ago, random pattern, making sure most pixels interlock, until new command function appears.] Obediently the machines clicked and whirred, and then he reached into the computer system and deleted record of Adam’s room for the past half hour, and then inserted footage from the half-hour a few hours before, with systems responding to his command, though in five hours they would default back to original programming. Dusting his hands off and proud of his handiwork, he left. ** *Ami* Ami bolted straight upward in bed and had to restrain herself severely from teleporting on the spot. Though she couldn’t reply, she still smiled so hard she thought her face might crack from the strain. ** Kevin walked out of the bathroom in a daze, staring blankly at the bed, dreaming already. Accidentally he walked toward the left-hand bed and crawled on top of the bulges in the blanket. As soon as he realized someone was supposed to be in that bed, he also realized that the lumps were too soft to be a human. “Oh no, not again!” he said audibly. ** There was a knock on General Damon’s door. “It’s only ten o’clock, why couldn’t they have at least waited until I’d had a little bit of sleep?” General Damon asked rhetorically. “Come on in, Jones.” “That’s what happens when their home base is ten time zones away,” Jones said. “Teenagers,” he sighed and shook his balding head. “Won’t ever listen to reason.” “Well, these kids have a way of finding a loophole that suits them,” Bill said. “So who’s gone now?” “Well, in short, your son, Jade, and Lisa.” Jones had that look on his face that Damon identified with disapproval. “What d’you mean? I’m not gone,” Megabyte said, walking down the corridor. “Nor am I,” Jade said. “What’s all the fuss?” ** “Where have you been?” Lisa asked Eve. “Now, don’t put too much of a strain on her,” the man who had escorted her cautioned. “She’s been through a rough couple of days.” “I don’t care, I want to know where she was!” Eve’s mother exclaimed. “I don’t think you’re understanding the terms we put down at the beginning of this meeting,” the man said. “And I don’t think you understand who has the authority here,” said Agent Yates, the other of Damon’s men. “She is under our jurisdiction now.” “Prove that she has the right to be.” Lisa shuddered when she realized that the silent partner was Gloria, that android-like agent who had pursued her friends when they had first all “broken out.” Through all this argument over her, Eve seemed utterly gone. Her eyelids drooped down over her eyes and her blank stare surrounded the room without any hint of recognition. “What makes you think you can come around here and boss us around?” Mr. Blair was asking the man angrily. “We’re here for your protection.” The man seemed to be getting angry. *Eve?* Lisa tried hesitantly. One of Eve’s eyebrows twitched, as if she couldn’t quite remember how to respond to the summons. Lisa tried again. *Eve?* “What is it?” Eve asked groggily, aloud. All the adults in the room turned to regard her. “What is it? What is it?” she repeated aloud. *You can hear me?* Lisa ‘pathed. “Yes, of course, why couldn’t I?” Gloria’s gaze was set on Lisa while the man said, “She’s hearing voices. That’s a bad sign. We need to take her back to rehabilitation right away.” “She doesn’t belong in rehab, she belongs with us,” Lisa said. Yates shot her a warning glance. “And how do you know this?” Dark-suited Agent inquired archly. “Once the drugs you’ve pumped into her work their way out of her system,” Lisa said bitingly, “maybe then these ‘voices’ you claim she’s hearing will go away.” “And if they don’t?” Dark-suited Agent inquired just as acidly. “Then you will have wasted this girl’s life based on your one assumption. She has less risk if she comes back with us.” Agent East said calmly, “Enough. She no longer is yours. We take full responsibility for her treatment as to whether it succeeds or fails. Leave the premises.” “I don’t think we’re communicating,” Dark-suited Agent said. He didn’t seem to like the least bit of lost control. He motioned to Gloria, and she took hold of Eve’s arm, in a grip that seemed deceptively loose. “No, we’re not,” Lisa said. *Eve, listen to me. Don’t say anything out loud-* Something wasn’t quite connecting in Eve’s brain, due to the drugs. Her mouth opened and there was a tiny rush of air, and then her eyes turned toward Lisa. Dark-suited Agent turned to Lisa. Lisa sensed that both he and Gloria knew what Eve’s parents would be loath to admit; Eve was a telepath, and the ‘voices’ were Lisa’s own telepathic voice. Her suspicions were confirmed at his next words. “Stop your meddling,” he snarled. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 8/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:41:52 PST *Eve! Get away from that woman!* Lisa cried mentally. “Don’t you think I would if I could?” Eve enunciated slowly. ** “Have you located Lisa yet?” General Damon asked. “No. She’s not in the hospital, though.” Jones was developing a symbiotic relationship with his cellular phone. “All right. Bring Jade and Megabyte in.” Damon’s voice had taken on the disciplining-parent tone again. Megabyte had hung his head, and Jade didn’t look much brighter. “All right. What’s this I hear about the surveillance cameras at the hospital?” General Damon began. “I don’t know, I’m not one for eavesdropping.” Megabyte sounded sullen. “So you wouldn’t know anything about the fact that the cameras have been looping data for the past twelve hours? Something’s gone haywire, and there’s no outer tampering.” General Damon folded his arms. “Um-” Megabyte said, meeting his father’s gaze. “I might know something about it.” Damon tilted his head and looked over at the accomplice. “And you, Jade, do you know what equipment you knocked over? Do you want to know how much it costs?” “Um, no sir, I’d rather not know. I sleep better not knowing how much money I owe,” Jade said, twisting her hands. “But I promise we did it for a reason, Mr. Damon-” “This had better be good,” the General said, leaning back in his chair. “I was visiting Adam,” Megabyte began, after Jade glanced at him to begin. “And-” “You wouldn’t mean, perhaps, visiting Adam without telling a single guard where you were going? And not, perhaps, with the express intent of teleporting in full sight of the cameras?” Damon raised an eyebrow. Megabyte’s temper finally blew. “Look, Dad, he is my friend, and I’m entitled to do whatever I can for him. All those stupid rules you make up can’t change what I feel, and you should know that.” Damon took that in silence, and then began again. “So you do admit that you tampered with the surveillance cameras? and Jade, you do admit that you pushed over one of the most expensive pieces of equipment in the entire hospital?” Megabyte nodded dismally, while Jade blanched and said weakly, “Um, I’m not sure I want to admit to that until I have a lawyer present.” “Okay. If that’s all you were there to do-” Damon began to rise from his chair. “No, you didn’t hear the rest of the story,” Megabyte shot off, still angry. “We were leaving for the hallway when this doctor headed for Adam’s room. I knew which ones you’d assigned, so I teleported in there and melted the door shut. And since those are two very bad things, things you don’t want to ‘have to get rid of,’ I saw a way out and took it.” Damon settled back down again. “And we have no way of verifying that story, nor any way of seeing this evil doctor, because you’ve effectively erased the security tapes.” “That’s not-” Megabyte began, then fell silent. “Ah, yes, you see now, that it was very fully well your fault.” ** Kevin rubbed sleep from his eyes as Sarah sat down beside him. “You’re Kevin, right?” she asked softly. “Yep,” Kevin said, putting his fists down. “And you’re Sarah Miller. Nice to meet you.” After they had shaken hands, Sarah asked him softly, “Why are we here exactly?” “Because Lisa’s missing.” Kevin stated that as simply as he would’ve told her the sky was blue. “Well, can’t we just teleport-” Sarah began hesitantly. Kevin shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Normally yes we would. But now they’re having fits over this cloning thing. Everything might be a trap, they think. So we’re hemmed in like children here. Lisa’s perfectly fine,” Kevin went on to say, “but General Damon needs ‘concrete proof.’ As if a human being’s not dependable enough.” Kevin’s chin sank down onto his hands. ** “I’ve had enough of this,” Mr. Blair snarled. “None of you have given me police ID, so I’m gonna call them now. And all four of you are _leaving_ with them. Got it? This young girl- can call a cab, whatever. Eve is going to the hospital.” “Sir,” said Dark-suited Agent, while Gloria read his intentions and placed a hand on Mr. Blair’s, effectively paralyzing his fingers. *Eve!* Lisa cried out. *Hold on!* Lisa reached out and took hold of Eve’s arm. Eve’s eyes opened a tad more, but otherwise she seemed unimpressed. Gloria’s other hand reached for Eve’s sleeve, trying to flick Lisa’s fingers off. Lisa took a deep breath and, digging her fingers into Eve’s arm, teleported. ** *So Jonathan _is_ better. So this wasn’t for naught.* Adam finally got around to asking the question that had been bugging him. ~yes, he is returning more quickly~ the ship kythed back, reassuringly. *Sleeping on the shelves is so much more easy, now, than sleeping on these soft hospital beds* Adam thought, racial memory telling him how Kevin’s body had relaxed into the thin mattress for his brief stay in the hospital. There was a silence, and then, *Why can I not come back?* ~there’s barely enough of you living to be kything this way, much less running your body~ the ship chided. *And if I could come inside you? And feel the healing?* Adam asked his questions with the wonder of a child. ~you would be running on borrowed energy for a while, just as Lisa was- and that borrowed energy might run out more quickly~ *But still- there is Eve-* Adam remembered. ~that is fine now- as well as can be said, now~ ** “Lisa, honey-” Mrs. Davis began. “I’m _fine_,” Lisa growled, willing herself to not become angry with her mother. Lord, she could use some blood sugar about now. All the adrenaline had sapped her clean. “But this girl needs some help-” “Lisa!” Lisa’s brown eyes looked up in amazement to see a brown-haired boy come hurtling into the room to encase her in his arms. “And hi to you, Kev.” Sarah had responded almost as enthusiastically to her friend’s arrival, Adam nonwithstanding. “Eve? Are you okay?” “...caffeine,” Sarah heard her mutter. “It’s fine. You need some sleep. We all do,” Sarah remarked, seeing Kevin’s sleep-rumpled hair, nearly standing on end. General Damon, encased in the ubiquitous robe, came into the room, glanced around for a split second, and knew exactly what had happened. “Okay, Lisa. Some of my men were there. Who were they?” “East and someone, I think, but Gloria and another henchman were there too. Hey Kev, I’m gonna stop breathing if you squeeze any harder,” Lisa said. “That’s all right, we can just take you to the ship and get you all fixed up if that happens,” Kevin remarked happily. “The ship,” Ami said from the doorway, her chocolate eyes wide. She spun on her heel and walked back to her room, probably to change. “Oh, Lord. General Damon-” Lisa began, but he was on the cellphone, barking orders to the two agents left at the Blair home. “What’s all the ruckus in here? Kev, I could’ve read your mind from a mile away,” Megabyte said, smiling from the doorway. His arm was wrapped around Jade’s waist. “Hey, Lisa, I think you almost had my dad as worried as he gets about me.” *I think they’ve hooked back up,* Lisa thought. Kevin just smiled. “...never wanna see another blond woman in my life... Lord, my stomach hurts...” Sarah listened to her friend’s voice worriedly. “Here, there are some Tums, and Pepto Bismol, and an aspirin,” Sarah said, fetching them from the suitcase. She sat down beside Eve, who she had propped up against the other twin bed’s headboard, her legs stretched out in front of her. “Oh wait, I’ll get you some water.” “Don’t think the Tums will do any good,” Eve said. Her eyes were growing a bit less droopy, and she was nursing her stomach with wary hands. A little too much pressure made her suck in her breath as though the world was coming to an end. “Drink this,” Sarah demanded upon reentering the bedroom, handing her friend the glass of water and aspirin. Eve placed the pill on the back of her tongue and took a sip of the water. Something inside her resisted swallowing, though, until she finally pushed the pill back with such force that she nearly gagged. Tears came to her already irritated eyes, and she moaned softly. “Are you all right?” Sarah asked, even in saying the words picturing herself as a mother hen. “Fine, fine, just need a little sleep,” Eve said, standing up slowly to pull the covers back. ** [Have to get there soon- less time I waste, the better-] Ami thought, yanking the nightgown over her head to pull on a t-shirt, not knowing why she was bothering to put on her necklace. [Why not the earrings now] she thought. She gazed into the mirror, watching her hands shake as she tried to thread the fishhook through the hole in her ear. “Ami Marie Jackson, I demand to know what the matter is with you.” The forgotten earring nearly dropped from her fingers as Ami’s gaze turned toward the doorway. Her mother leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. “Nothing, mum,” Ami said weakly, dread filling her stomach as her gaze dropped from her mother’s. “’Nothing?’ That’s what you told me last time, and look where it got you. Mixing with all these strange kids, nearly getting yourself killed. Is it Adam? Do you have _feelings_ for him?” There was a silence that filled the room with a nameless dread as Ami looked everywhere but her mother’s eyes. “No, nothing like that,” Ami stammered, wishing she had enough guts to speak clearly whenever her mother had _that tone_ in her voice. “But no, Ami. I heard you. ‘I put Adam into this,’ I heard you say. How? What has it to do with that boy, nearly swathed in those bandages? Or at least he was,” her mother said, something near amazement in her voice. “Mum, please,” Ami said, feeling time slip away from her. She _needed_ to get to the hospital, no matter what kind of rules General Damon had made. Everything would be fine if she could only get there! “No. There will be no ‘buts,’ no pleading. You are coming with me. We are going to have hot cocoa with the rest of these strange kids, and then you are going to sleep. Deal?” Mrs. Jackson said, trying to soften the words with a smile. “Oh, mum,” Ami sighed, making one last halfhearted attempt to string the earring through her ear. [Even that won’t work right for me] she thought, taking one last glance at her already apprehensive eyes. Feeling guilty for doing so, she reached out. *Adam, if you can hear me- if it’s not too much to sense this thought- I’m sorry.* ** [Warm milk does wonders] Megabyte thought, falling into his bed. He was stock still, though, as he thought [and Adam wasn’t here for it.] “Come now,” Jade said. She emerged from the bathroom, where she had yet again been combing out her long hair. “No use dwelling on it. He’ll be fine soon enough.” “Do you believe that?” Jade’s fingers were still on the light switch of the bathroom, and as she accidentally flipped it off there was no more light in the room. Only the streetlights to show her the dangerous glint in Megabyte’s eyes as he asked that question. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashley M" Subject: TPFICT: Dolly's Curse 9/18 Date: 26 Nov 1998 19:46:07 PST “I don’t know,” Jade finally admitted, her hands outstretched before her to assure her that she wouldn’t run into anything before she fell onto her bed. She crawled up until her head was near the pillow, then turned on her side and propped her head up with her elbow, fearing sleep was near. Her eyelids were trying desperately to give in to gravity. “I know he’ll recover; he’s Adam,” Megabyte said reluctantly, his eyes still lit by that streetlight. Here they were, propped up the same way, facing each other, alone in a darkened hotel room... Jade’s lips were twisted in a wry grin. “...but Ami’s so hung up on Jonathan,” Megabyte continued, and with little effort Jade forced her mind back to the conversation. “It really tore her up at first, you know, but then she was off about Jonathan again...” Megabyte’s eyes met hers sharply. “Jade, are you listening?” “Yeah, I’m here,” Jade said, stifling a yawn. “But Ami’s found her soul mate. She felt she _had_ to save him, no matter what the costs. And now she’s shown us that she’s still confident in that decision. I mean, five or six of us are crying over Adam, and here Ami is, the only one worried enough about Jonathan to care.” Megabyte was silent for a second. “You make us sound selfish.” “We _do_ have a little right to be, after all; we are without our leader.” *And our most handsome guy,* Jade thought, knowing full well Megabyte would hear. Megabyte shot her a wry smile, but in a fluid motion he had grabbed the pillow under his head and had sent it sailing at her. She ducked with utter incredulity, then grabbed her own and pulled herself up off the bed, rushing toward him. “_This_ will teach you to hit a girl!” Jade shrieked madly. “No, it’ll teach _you_ to stop trying to bait me!” Megabyte shrank back a little, though. He was pretty sure his- girlfriend- had some Irish in her. Kevin and Lisa had been trying to sleep in the next room, _trying_ being the operative word. They had come over with slight smirks, jokes about how _difficult_ being roomed with girlfriends and boyfriends could be. “Look, guys,” Kevin said, opening the door, only to be socked with an ill-tossed pillow. Amazingly, all the parents slept through the banging on doors and muffled screams that floated down the hallway. General Damon came down the hall to the conference room in the morning, only to find crashed teenagers crammed into every corner. A throw pillow was curiously close to an overturned lamp, and Kevin’s hair was more tossed than usual. One of the more caring of the hotel staff had tucked a blanket around each of them, including Jade and Megabyte, who were sleeping a tad closer than any other pair in the room. Even their newest addition, Eve, who had barely had two hours of sleep the night before, had apparently participated. She was lying on the couch, her feet propped up on the arm, her face propped up by a slowly sliding hand. Finally it dropped and she nearly fell off the couch. “You’d barely believe they were the ‘next stage of human evolution’ now, would you?” asked a quiet voice. Smiling, General Damon surveyed the room again with his wife. Kevin made a muffled sound in his sleep and turned slightly, a little closer to Lisa. Ami’s head was directly where it would get the most damage if Eve fell off the couch. Sarah’s hand was curled around the edge of the blanket that covered Jade and Megabyte. “True,” General Damon whispered. He could so easily imagine Adam in this picture, nestled in there between Sarah and Ami, but even now waking, making sure they were all okay. He was like that. He would’ve made sure that Kevin wasn’t left out, that the throw pillows weren’t hurled with too much force, that Ami didn’t have such a desolate look on her face while she slept- Bill’s hand tightened its grip on the doorway. “We have to do something,” he stated in a harsh whisper. “Anything.” ** *Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan-* Adam said over and over, like a little chant. He drummed mental fingers against mental air. *Ami* Almost so tiny he couldn’t even hear it. Adam stopped the drumming and cocked a mental ear. *Ami* Persistent it was, and almost hopeless in its cries, as though it knew trying was futile, and reply too much to hope for. *Jonathan!* Adam cried, trying to put a little more power into it. Accidentally, though, it went a tad farther than he’d aimed it for. ** Ami groaned at feeling the hard floor beneath her back, and opened her eyes to find a peach hand floating not three inches away from her face, its nails like daggers. Stifling another groan, Ami slid away from it and sat up gingerly. “That was a heck of a pillow fight,” Megabyte commented in a stage whisper, sitting up and shaking his head vigorously. “Owwww, that hurt,” he mumbled, slightly louder. “I either need coffee or an actual _bed_,” Jade commented, not even attempting to open her eyes. “Are you sure you don’t harbor some secret grudge toward me, Megabyte?” Ami asked, stretching her arms up over her head and stifling a tremendous yawn. “I swear I’m going to have bruises before this day is over.” Simultaneously, Eve fell off the couch and Sarah turned over, moaning softly. “What was that?” Kevin asked, slightly loudly, shooting up in the bedcovers. His hair nearly stood on end. “Nothing. Go back to sleep,” Lisa said, groping around blindly, as she refused to open her eyes. She finally found the edge of Kevin’s nightshirt and attempted to pull him back down to his pillow. She was nearly stymied when the resounding _thud_ of Megabyte’s head hitting the floor alarmed Kevin again. “He’s going to get a concussion if he keeps doing that,” Jade said, sitting up and finally opening her eyes. She rubbed sleep from them vigorously. “I would give _anything_ for an aspirin right now,” came Eve’s voice, muffled by the fact that her face was pushed up against the arm of the couch. She turned over and moaned. “I thought hangovers were supposed to be bad.” “Don’t believe we’ve met. Jade Weston,” Jade said, proffering a hand to the girl. Eve eyed her outstretched palm warily, then shook it. “Eve Blair. And the rest of these people- I know them, though I shouldn’t.” She shook her permed head and closed her eyes, too willing to fall asleep again. “Yeah- I dreamt about chocolate brownies,” Lisa commented to no one in particular, a blissful smile crossing her face. “Did someone run over my head with a truck?” Megabyte asked from the floor. A tickling danced across Ami’s mind- and she pulled herself to her feet and raced from the room just as Sarah called out, “What time is it?” “Time to go back to sleep...” Ami heard Eve reply. ** Agents East and Yates of USSIA were leisurely waiting for the boarding call of their plane when Gloria and her partner, Dark-suited Agent, strode into the airport. East, short, stocky, blond, and rather belligerent, and Yates, taller, milder, and darker-haired, exchanged a glance, and East headed off. “What are you doing here?” East began preemptorally. “Going back home,” Agent Kryder said. He was also known as Dark-suited Agent to those who hated him as much as East and Yates did. “I promise, you two are paranoid!” “If I so much as see you anywhere around us when we arrive, we’re taking both of you in.” East had dealt with these people before. “Let me introduce you to my partner. This is Gloria, Mr. ... East, is it?” Agent East didn’t allow a hint of fear to show in his eyes as they trailed upward- farther and farther- to meet the eyes of the extremely tall, extremely blond agent named Gloria. “Charmed, I’m sure. You heard what I said,” Agent East continued briskly, meeting Agent Kryder’s eyes again. “Can we go ahead and load the plane?” Mrs. Blair asked Agent Yates, worriedly. “Sure, as soon as I make this call,” Agent Yates said. He pulled open his cellphone. “General Damon- we have a slight situation...” ** [If seven sleeping teenagers is a situation-] General Damon thought, then did a double take. [Oh wait-] Megabyte was standing unsteadily and helping Jade up when he accidentally released her hand, sending her sprawling on the floor. “Ami, wait!” he said, then vanished. “My Lord, not again,” Jade sighed, then looked up at General Damon, her eyes pleading to be allowed to go. ** “Ami-” Megabyte said as he rematerialized, his outburst cut off when he took in his surroundings. He was in a dark stairwell, a thin ribbon of light emerging from beneath the door to the hall. The door clanged against the metal doorway, and he reached out and pulled it open with little caution. “Ami-” he said again, but all around him were orderlies and doctors and nurses, shouting orders and exclamations. He closed his eyes. *Ami!* Again he was interrupted as a large doctor collided with him, pushing him up against the wall, the force making him hit the floor. He ignored the ringing in his head long enough for him to hear the doctor mutter, “Should’ve watched where he was going- teenagers...” Megabyte pushed his anger away for the present and stood unsteadily again. [Man, I should’ve had some coffee like Jade said] he thought. A man with a large and dangerous metal-cutting tool stood with a few of his fellow workmen in the middle of the hallway, staring at the door that Megabyte had welded shut and smoking a cigarette that a nurse was desperately begging him to stamp out. In the next doorway, barely noticeable behind one of the burly workmen, stood Ami. “Ami,” Megabyte said, reaching out for her arm, only to be swung around by a much larger hand on his shoulder. “I’m getting about sick of this-” Megabyte began, raising his eyes to meet those of the stranger. “You think you are,” said the same doctor he had been trying to guard Adam from. There wasn’t any malicious intent in the doctor’s eyes, but nor did he seem very benevolent. “Come with me, young man, or I’ll report you to security, along with your young friend there.” He nodded toward Ami. “You’re not gonna report either one of us,” Megabyte said angrily, shrugging away from the man’s heavy hand. “Ami, come on. We’re going back to the hotel.” *he’s awake oh my Lord* Ami’s voice was breathless. “_Ami_,” Megabyte began again, even so not able to resist the urge to look at the boy Adam had so nearly given his life to save. ** The girl’s eyes tried to open, but as her eyelids pulled back from the tender surface of her eyes something burning and stinging flowed inside, something far different from the air. She closed her eyes again and tried to take a breath to hold. Ahh, now she could feel the warm liquid drench her lungs again. Warm and safe. She shifted in the near-zero liquid and settled back to sleep again. [I must open my eyes! I must see what is happening!] She tried struggling against that noisy, infuriating voice, but gave up finally. She steeled her teeth and jerked her eyes open, only to have them reflexively close again. What was even more disconcerting than the fact that it had stung so, so badly- all she had seen was blackness. ** “You’re coming with me,” the doctor said again, roughly, pulling at Megabyte’s arm. The voice faded from Megabyte’s consciousness. Now he knew what Jade had been talking about- Ami and Jonathan looked at each other like long-lost friends. questions, comments, feedback, flames to ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at