From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 14:38:54 -0400 Date: 01 May 1999 12:40:18 -0600 Added some goodies from the newest DS9 and such to the auctionne site....Brooks, both Dax's captain's card....!!! Lynne The (card) geek shall inherit the earth James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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Alien races: Need AR9 Have AR7 Legends: Need L5 Have L1, L3, L4, L6(2), L7, L9 Space Battles: Need SB3, SB9 Have SB2(2), SB4, SB8(2) - --Bob (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) ) Robert Elden Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. "Personal Brain ( ( -------------------------------- Care Specialist" ) ) ( ( Email: ) ) FTP: ( ( WWW: ) ) PGP Key: FTP, WWW, or finger -l (______________________________________________________________) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a Charset: noconv Comment: Processed by PGPClick 3.5 iQCVAwUBNyx71JekfJOFWb8JAQGnFQP+Ne+74S+8/Kr9JV/DGEad97M4Id8Q5/ny RBiKlRmh2ACf+6pAHueLQxCBiyE8idT4TtmuDm/bZoyLOf+iS/KAGyvsy29ww/hK 2esY3TnYHx2CYrVt100rt35gfEkjoqY4YJAOVWmNg6RVx8lPQmIWjhEYfRk7Ct+t bQDpINF/E6A= =7X3d -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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Asst No.6280 6069 Borg 6281 Commander Deanna Troi 6282 Dr.Beverly Crusher 6283 Guinan 6284 LT Commander Data 6285 Will Riker 6286 Worf in Ritual Klingon Attire 6287 Lt Commander Geordi Laforge 6288 Kirk in Dress Uniform 6289 Picard in Dress Uniform 6291 Mr Spock 6292 Dr Leonard McCoy 6293 Lt Montgomery Scott 6294 Lt Uhura 6295 Worf From DS9 16181 Romulan Commander 16182 Chief Enginer Miles O'Brian 16183 Christopher Pike 16184 Hikaru Sulu 16185 Ensign Pavel Chekov 16186 Lt Commander Jadzia Dax 16187 Q 16188 Captian Benjamin Sisko 16189 Major Kira Nerys 1997 9"Warp Factor Series 1 Asst No. 65280 65281 Constable Odo 65283 Lieutenant Tuvok 65284 Commander Chakotay 1997 9"Warp Factor Series 2 Asst No. 65280 65282 Captain Kathryn Janeway 65285 Dr. Julian Bashir 65286 Lieutenant Tom Paris 1997 9"Warp Factor Series 3 Asst No. 65280 65290 Jem'Hadar Soldier 65291 Gul Dukat 65292 Capt. James Kirk in Casual Attire Warp 4 65293 Captain Benjamin Sisko 65294 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax 65303 Seven of Nine Warp 5 65295 Talosian 65298 Bele 9" Generations Asst No.6140- 6141 Captain Picard Movie Uniform 6142 Captain Kirk Movie Uniform 6143 Data Movie Uniform 6144 Geordi La Forge 9"First Contact. Asst No. 16130 16131 Captain Jean-Luc Picard 16132 Commander Riker 16133 Lt. Commander Data 16134 Zefram Cochrane 16135 Captain Picard in Civilian Outfit 9"Insrrection Asst No. Anij Worf Troi RuAfo Thanks for looking Jeff -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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TNG Inaugural Holos 1,3,5 (Bird of Prey,Romulan Warbird, Gold Enterprise) $5@ Trek Masterpieces Spectaetch S4,S5 $5@ Trek Masterpieces 1 Prototypes Uhura/Excelsior $2@ DS9 Promo card $1 TNG Inaugural Promo Packet Original shrinkwrap: Coming June 15,1992 and asst'd promo cards $5 Reel to Reel Tape of DS9 Radio Spots- don't think they've ever been played. These were the radio spots that were used to promote Episode 1 "It waits, etc,etc.) 2 60 sec commercials, 2 30 secs, and Audio Rags Jan 4-10. Have no idea what this is worth either- again offers. KMB TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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I said I, too, had no feel for their value, so I put a posting up on TrekChat to see if anyone had the= info. I got back a response from Lynne, saying they ranged from $150 to 300 for a Mint set. Brian then wrote me, saying he also got the same info and asked what I'd be willing to offer. Here's some excerpts from there on: I wrote to Brian: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Yeah, I guess I wasn't real surprised, since I knew that the other scanlens (I thought it was British, but apparently not) was 'way up there. Now, a Lay-Away sounds do-able. If you could live with the low estimate of $150, I could send you $50 every 2 weeks (starting 2 weeks after we get the other stuff squared away) and be able to avoid a divorce altogether. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brian's reply: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Sounds good. I would like to have you pay shipping and insurance. AND I would=20 >like to insure the set for 300.00, since that is high price of the set,= just=20 >in case something happens, because I can't replace it. I really don't think= =20 >it will cost that much, again, 3.20 priority and probably 85 cents insurance.=20 >I'll take care of confirmation charges, if any. Sound OK? LMK, and thank= you! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, it seems to me that, at this point we have a deal, am I wrong? Let's continue: I replied: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Yes, I think insurance is a MUST. Although, be prepared to show them an invoice for $300, because that's how they determine the actual value of something lost/destroyed. If necessary, I'll back you up on that amount. Hopefully, it just won't become an issue. =20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMO, we have completed a transaction at this point. He offered the item, I offered a price and he accepted both it and the terms. I invite anyone who disagrees with that to write me and explain how I could be incorrect. But there's more: I got this email shortly after the last one: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I'm sorry to do this, but it seems that the Scanlen set is in demand=20 >more so than I thought. I have to retract my previous offer to sell for=20 >150.00. Lynne has also inquired about the set and is also very interested= in=20 >it. What I can do is this: If you decide to bid on it and win, I'll do=20 >payments on the bid price if necessary. LMK, and again, I'm sorry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To me, it seems that I'm being offered an opportunity to bid higher on an item I already bought, no? =20 Here's what I said in response: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not interested for a couple of reasons: 1) I won't bid against Lynne. I've bid on eBay a couple of times against friends and it made me uncomfortable. This is a hobby, not a career. I don't need the stress. 2) I thought we had a deal and don't feel I should have to "reaquire" what we had already agreed on. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from selling them elsewhere, but I already did all my homework and financial planning in order to earn these cards, so I'm just not prepared to do anything else. I would appreciate your telling me how it is that Lynne offered to buy them if she already knew I was buying them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And all he had to say in return was "Sorry you feel that way" or words to that effect. No reply to my question about how it was that Lynne would have offered to buy them knoiwing that I was buying them. I know Lynne pretty well and I doubt VERY MUCH that she would have tried to make him kill a deal already in progress. I guess wehat I'm trying to say, here, is that, in any future dealings you might have with Brian Bowers, don't assume you bought merchandise from him until it's in your hands. LLAP, Vince STQuote #672 - "Molly home."=20 -- Molly O'Brien, age 18. DS9 "Time's Orphan, stardate not given. STQ# 461 -There are times when I long for a Klingon woman. =FE Worf STQ# 1 - "Kirk is alive. Deal with it." -- Me, but I stole it. visit my website TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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I'm gonna repeat that for those who only skim-read their emails: this is the first such instance of such a thing on Lynne's auction; it has simply never happened before. I bid on and won several items from Kevin Kuenkler on Lynne's auction (2 different groups of items on different dates). I mailed out payment and, after approx 6 weeks (2 months on the first group), I had received nothing, so I eMailed him, asking when they went out. No Reply! I repeated the eMail once or twice and eventually eMailed Lynne, asking if she could contact him. She did and he replied that the stuff went out. Apparently, he made the same claim about stuff won by 2 other bidders who also had not received their items. Lynne gave him my contact info and asked him to contact me. He said he would. He has not done so. I wrote him one more time and haven't heard back to this date. Watch out for this guy: Kevin Kuenkler 8005 N. Ramsey Rd. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 work: Bookcase Booksearch, (208) 762-5147 Mon-Sat 10-6 PDT LLAP, Vince STQuote #672 - "Molly home."=20 -- Molly O'Brien, age 18. DS9 "Time's Orphan, stardate not given. STQ# 461 -There are times when I long for a Klingon woman. =FE Worf STQ# 1 - "Kirk is alive. Deal with it." -- Me, but I stole it. visit my website TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Greg Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Spring Cleaning... Date: 10 May 1999 21:54:26 -0700 Hello, Doing some major sping cleaning, and I have put a whole bunch of Star Trek cards, figures, and other stuff on eBay. And will be adding to that list for the next day or two... If interested check out the list of item via this link: Thanks, Greg TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) Blazes of GLory Date: 11 May 1999 09:11:09 -0400 My distributor is requesting my preorders for the new CCG Blaze of Glory. There is no set release date and I am not asking for money, just preorder amounts. So, if anyone is interested in any boxes, please LMK. Cost will be $45 a box plus shipping! Lynne I wonder how much it would take to buy a soapbubble if there was only one in the world ( Mark Twain) James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Super R.C." Subject: (TrekTrade) Cheap old star trek toys Date: 11 May 1999 10:32:40 -0700 (PDT) hi, i have some old star trek toys in the house i would like to clean out. the boxes are not in any collectors quality condition i apologize: but i have some cool toys that i bought at the local toys r us. please lmk if you would be interested: such toys i really liked were the 10" talking figurines of Picard, Riker, and Q: you press a button on the back and they say one of their catch phrases. please lmk if you would like to buy: i'm willing to sell and willing to sell cheap. please please let me know, and forward this to the star trek mailing list if possible please Until then, I'm still... _ __ |_) _ _ _ _ | |_ _ _ | \(_)(_)(/_| |__| |(/_| | AOL IM: rog126 ICQ: 5633839 \ _| aka Super R.C. "My hands are small I know, but they're not yours they are my own" TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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Subject: Re: (TrekTrade) Cheap old star trek toys Date: 11 May 1999 10:54:51 -0700 (PDT) hi again, this isn't a sense of false advertisement i just can't measure straight. the toys are from the star trek "Space talk" series and they are 7" according to the box. i also have the micro machines set that includes the Enterprise A (sorry, no Defiant in this set). btw how much woudl a tricorder from playmates 1994 go for? i have one with box, and i replaced the batteries cuz they were getting old: any help is appreciated Until then, I'm still... _ __ |_) _ _ _ _ | |_ _ _ | \(_)(_)(/_| |__| |(/_| | AOL IM: rog126 ICQ: 5633839 \ _| aka Super R.C. "My hands are small I know, but they're not yours they are my own" TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Super R.C." Subject: (TrekTrade) inventory Date: 11 May 1999 11:31:28 -0700 (PDT) hello all, here is a partial list of inventory that i have at this point in time. if u r interested, just let me know. -Type II Phaser: from star trek: First contact stock# 16062 (X2) -Hallmark Ornament Voyager: from 1996. the boxes aren't in the best of shape (last time i put stuff in the attic) -DS9 Sisko: stock# 6201. the first sisko action figure -DS9 Odo: #6202: the first ODO action figure -DS Quark: #6203: the first Quark Action figure -lore: #6022 from 1993: includes "Space cap" from 6th season? -Picard as romulan: from 7th season box not in the best of shape (but what else is new LoL) -noonian soong: 7th season: includes Space cap -Talosian keeper: from star trek 30 years #16039 box not in best of shape -Elim Garak: from star trek 30 years #16035 -Spock: from star trek 30 years # 16038 -Voyager Chakotay as maquis: # 16466 chakotay in maquis uniform -Scotty: 1993 from the episode "Relics" #6029 box has hole punched in, and tab is ripped -Kazon: from first edition voyager: noticeable bend on box -Geordi as Tarchannen 3 alien: 7th season. includes space cap -Data as romulan: 7th season includes space cap -Lt. Carey: Voyager first edition, box creased -micro machinese space series: Galoob included Enterprise A (no Defiant, sorry) from the looks of it, thats about all of the toys i could dig up: again i bought these at a time where i was hoping to open them and play with, but was torn between keeping them for selling later, or playing later. the condition of the boxes are neglected on that i apologize for the Serious collector. for the action figures, i am looking to get about $5 each+shipping. for those who get this far in, how much would it cost to ship a figure? i usually go Priority mail: any help is appreciated. the type II phasers from First contact are still sealed up and the boxes have held up very well throughout the years so i am looking for about the retail markup. the Micro machines are nice, but there are two rips on the front of the box: altho the toys are stored nice and neatly, the frame (ie box) is compromised: any offer on that will be strongly considered Voyager Ornaments are still in the box, never been opened, but the outer box is compromised: any offer on that will be considered too. if anybody wants to buy me out entirely, i'd be willing to consider an offer as well too. thank you again for reading this letter to its entirety. usually i am never on the lookout for stuff but if you are willing to take my toys, please lmk. i'd be willing to trade for any toy like a Thomas Riker out of box, data in red uniform, etc. and if anyone has out of box GI Joe or transformers, (c. 1980's) i'd love to trade for them as well too. thank you and hope to hear from you soon Until then, I'm still... _ __ |_) _ _ _ _ | |_ _ _ | \(_)(_)(/_| |__| |(/_| | AOL IM: rog126 ICQ: 5633839 \ _| aka Super R.C. "My hands are small I know, but they're not yours they are my own" TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) ST: Playmates 9" Figures Auction Has Begun! Date: 12 May 1999 04:41:40 GMT Hi Everyone, The Playmates 9" Figures Auction Has Begun! _communicator&sort=3&since=-1&page=1&rows=0 Star Trek 6284 9" Lt Comm. Data w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6285 9" William Riker w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6286 9" Worf Ritual w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6287 9" Lt Comm Laforge w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6288 9" Kirk in Dress U w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6289 9" Picard in Dress w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6293 9" Lt Montgomery Scott Star Trek 6294 9" Lt Uhura w/ SpaceCap Star Trek 6295 9" Worf From DS9 Star Trek 16181 9" Romulan Commander Star Trek 16182 9" Chief Miles O'Brian Star Trek 16183 9" Christopher Pike Star Trek 16184 9" Hikaru Sulu Star Trek 16185 9" Ensign Pavel Chekov Star Trek 16186 9" Lt Commander Jadzia Dax Star Trek 16187 9" Q Star Trek 16188 9" Captian Benjamin Sisko Star Trek 16189 9" Major Kira Nerys Star Trek 65282 9" Warp 1 Constable Odo Star Trek 65283 9" Warp 1 Lt Tuvok Tribbles Star Trek 65284 9" Warp 1 Commander Chakotay Star Trek 65285 9" Warp 2 Dr. Julian Bashir Star Trek 65286 9" Warp 2 Lt Tom Paris Star Trek 65290 9" Warp 3 Jem'Hadar Soldier Star Trek 65291 9" Warp 3 Gul Dukat Star Trek 65292 9" Warp 3 Capt. Kirk Casual Star Trek 65293 9" Warp 4 Capt. Ben Sisko Star Trek 65294 9" Warp 4 Lt. Comm. Dax Star Trek 65303 9" Warp 4 Seven of Nine Star Trek 65298 9" Warp 5 Bele Star Trek 6141 9" Generations Picard Movie Un Star Trek 6143 9" Generations Data Movie Unif Star Trek 6144 9" Generations Geordi La Forge Star Trek 16131 9" First Contact Capt. Picard Star Trek 16132 9" First Contact Comm. Riker Star Trek 16133 9" First Contact Comm. Data Star Trek 16134 9" First Contact Zefram Cochr Star Trek 65358 9" Insurrection Anij Star Trek 65353 9" Insurrection LT.Comm. Worf Star Trek 65355 9" Insurrection Coun. Troi Star Trek 65357 9" Insurrection Ad'Har Ru'Afo Star Trek 6284 9" Dr.Beverly Crusher / HAIR Star Trek 6068 9" Captain James T. Kirk Thanks for looking Jeff -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Jacob Subject: (TrekTrade) Are they Nuts!! Date: 11 May 1999 23:57:22 -0700 Thats over the top aint it? :o Star Trek DS9 Auto Redemp A19 Rick Berman -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Greg Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek clearance Date: 12 May 1999 22:22:01 -0700 Hello again, I have finished listing all of my figures on eBay, there are 14 different groups: Thank you for your time, Greg TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 08:30:12 -0400 Date: 13 May 1999 06:32:33 -0600 After over two years of running the Auctionne site, we have had our first bad seller. Kevin Kuenkler I urge caution in dealing with this individual. He auctionned off items and took payment from 5 people and none of them received their items. I sent a letter requesting he respond to these individuals and when that received no response, called him. He replied that all items had been shipped out. I am not a skeptic at heart, but I do not believe 5 packages could get lost. I told him I would send him the email addresses of all affected parties and he needed to contact them and resolve the issue which he said he would. (and did not) A week later, one of the buyers called him to find out what was going on and he claimed not to have gotten my email with all the details (you know...the one sent 5 minutes after O hung up the phone from him) He told one customer he was having family problems and didn't have access to the items and offered to send another collectors the items he won free after the customer complained about being charged $7 for shipping on 10 cards worth $3. The amount he took was small, the principle large. People need to appreciate the responsibility that goes along with accepting people's money. Once you have their money, it becomes your priority to get their items to them promptly and safely. People like him need to grow up and join the adult world. I believe that occasionally life can interfere with our hobbies, but there are ways to address even that so that buyers are not left standing out in the cold. Anyone needing more information, can contact me at I'm thinking we should all write him a letter..maybe if he's flooded with offended collectors, he'd take it seriously :giggle: Lynne Lynne I wonder how much it would take to buy a soapbubble if there was only one in the world ( Mark Twain) James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Super R.C." Subject: (TrekTrade) need a card Date: 13 May 1999 10:41:04 -0700 (PDT) hi all, i need a star trek 30 years phase 1 ship plaque of voyager: this is R9 and these cards were inserted into about every other box. i need this card for the final piece of the set, and hope one of you generous people out there have it. i do not want to pay top dollar for it: but in truth who does? i am looking for trade, perhaps cash & trade. however the only thing of value i have to offer are sports cards. regarding the flake trader lynn posted: its a shame that such a person could scam like that: it goes to show you how unethical some people are. however i was brought up to believe that what goes around, comes around, and some day, this flake will get his. thank you all Until then, I'm still... _ __ |_) _ _ _ _ | |_ _ _ | \(_)(_)(/_| |__| |(/_| | AOL IM: rog126 ICQ: 5633839 \ _| aka Super R.C. "My hands are small I know, but they're not yours they are my own" TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: wjgarton Subject: (TrekTrade) re: Poster... Date: 13 May 1999 16:15:22 -0400 Hey Everyone, My name is Jamie, been lurking here for a while - just hangin out I guess. I have a's got "Classic Trekkin" 1989 by Chuck Frazier "STARTOONS" Could someone tell me if this is worth anything or not? Jamie Garton The Informed Homeschooler's Web Page ***** Do you use Alpha Omega Curriculum? Come join our Discussion List! ----- There is also an Alpha Omega curric-swap list!! ***** If you are a South Carolina Homeschooler please check out the SC homeschooler's list! ***** TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Michael Wall) Subject: (TrekTrade) Ring Date: 13 May 1999 13:27:22 -1000 (HST) Just came back from Vegas - if you go through there, be sure to check out the Trek exhibit/ride/shops in the Las Vegas Hilton! While there I saw the Star Fleet Academy ring - same style as a high school or college graduation ring. Manufactured by Josten's. They were out of my size... Can anyone help me locate a ring, size 11 or 12? Silver metal (the gold one was $800!!) thanks! michael TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gary Steele Subject: (TrekTrade) ST Black Border CCG ltd auction one time notice Date: 14 May 1999 07:48:43 -0300 Auction ends tomorrow, if you are looking for mint cards I can send a sales list: BB LIMITED RARES AUCTION FREE set of BB common and uncommon 1994 limited same condition to the person with the most winning bids. $0.50 STARTING BID 50 cent INCREMENTS ALL CARDS ARE FINE/VERY FINE WITH SOME CLOSING ON NEAR MINT, POSTAGE $1.00 for each person Please note this is a special auction, the cards are not mint but are in good physical shape and look good in ordinary light, I always try to view my cards under strong light for wear etc. and am very tough on them for condition. This is a good way to get a $40 card for $5 to $10 or so. Please ask if you have any questions etc. They look like they have been played with but have no dents, rips or creases and no visible wear on edges. WILL SEND WHEN FUNDS ARRIVE OR RIGHT AWAY WITH REFS. AUCTION ENDS May 15th unless computer problems etc. I WILL POST EACH DAY WITH PRICES AND PUT YOUR INITIALS BESIDE EACH CARD. *****Please give me your name and initials.***** MUST HAVE GAB REFS OR EBAY REFS if you want the cards sent right away. Albert Einstein $2.50 MJ Alidar Jarok $2.00 CC Ancient Computer $3.00 MJ B’tor $2.00 CEM Barclay’s Protomorphosis Disease $3.00 77 Betazoid Gift Box $3.00 MJ Beverly Crusher $4.00 77 Bynars Weapon Enhancements $16.00 MJ Cultural Observationn $2.00 SC Cytherians $3.50 CC Deanna Troi $3.50 VMDS Devoras $2.00 CC Dr. La Forge $1.50 SC Duras $4.00 CC Explore Black Cluster $2.00 CC Explore Dyson Sphere $2.00 CC Explore Typhone Expanse $1.00 CC Extraction $1.00 SC Geordi La Forge $4.00 77 Goddess of Empathy $1.50 VMDS Gowron $3.00 ZM $3.00 CC Haakona$3.00 CC Honor Challenge $1.50 SC Horgahn $3.50 SC Hugh $3.00 CEM Hunt for DNA Program $1.50 CC IKC Bortas $3.00 CC IKC Buruk $4.00 CC IKC Heghta $3.00 CC IKC Pagh$4.00 CC IKC Quvat $3.50 CC Iconia Investigation $2.00 CC Interphase Generator $2.00 MJ Investigate Alien Probe $1.00 CC Investigate Disturbance $3.00 CC Investigate Massacre $2.00 CC Investigate Raid $3.00 CC Investigate Shattered Space $3.00 CC Investigate Time Continuum $1.50 VMDS Jean Luc Picard $10.00 SC Kahless $4.50 CC Kargan $2.00 CC Khitomer Research $2.00 CC Kurak $3.00 CC Kurlan Naiskos $2.00 MJ Kurn $4.00 CC Leah Brahms $1.00 VMDS Lore Returns $2.00 MD Lore’s Fingernail $2.50 77 Lursa $4.00 CEM Lwaxanna Troi $3.50 SC Medical Relief $1.00 CC Nagilum $2.00 CC Neela Daren $2.00 SC New Contact $3.00 CC Pegasus Search $1.00 SC Pi $3.00 CC Q $8.00 JY Reginald Barkley $2.00 ZW Roga Danar $3.50 SC Sarek $1.50 ZM Satelk $1.00 MD Seek Life Form $2.00 CC Sela $1.50 CEM Shelby $2.50 MJ Sir Isaac Newton $2.00 SC Study Hole in Space $2.00 CC Study Lonka Pulsar $3.00 CC Supernova $3.50 MJ Survey Mission $2.00 CC Tam Elbrun $1.50 ZW Tasha Yar $2.00 CEM Temporal Causality Loop $2.00 CC The Devil $3.00 CEM Thought Maker $1.00 MJ Time Travel Pod $1.00 MJ Toreth $2.00 CC Tox Uthat $5.50 MJ Tsilkosky Infection $2.00 USS Britain $1.50 SC USS Enterprise $9.00 GC USS Yamato $1.50 ZM Vash $2.00 SC Warp Core Breach $2.00 SC Wesley Crusher $3.50 VMDS William T. Riker $6.50 GC Worf $6.00 GC Wormhole Negotiations $2.00 CC TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) TOS I gold plaques Date: 17 May 1999 22:00:42 -0400 I am assisting a collector get rid of a complete TOS I gold inserts..rather then list them all in the auctionne,I thought I would see if anyone was interested. Looking for $7 each, send me your needs! Lynne I wonder how much it would take to buy a soapbubble if there was only one in the world ( Mark Twain) James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Jacob Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT DS9 Memories Date: 19 May 1999 01:20:41 -0700 Hi Everybody, Looking to trade DS9 Memories and others. DS9 Memories Autograph cards Need: A2,A4,A5,A7,A11,A13,A15,A16,A18,A19 Have: A10,A12 I also need TOS3 A63 John Winston Other autos i have for trade are: Voyager A14, A16, A17x2, Insurrection A9, A13 has some scratches on front, TOS2: A41, A42, A44, A48, A50, A52, A55, A57, TOS3: A72 has some scratches on back, A80, A84 Greatest Alien Races Need: None Have: AR7 Greatest Legends Need: L3, L6, L8 Have: L1 Greatest Space Battle Need: SB1 Have: SB2, SB5, SB7 Commons Need: 47x2 Have: 5,7x4,9,14,15x2,16,17x2,21,24x5,26x3,27x2,28,29,32,33,34,36x2,39x4, 43,49,50,53,x2,60x3,61,62x2,66x4,73x2,75x5,77x2,82x2,83x2,88,90x2,91, 92x4,95,99 Insurrection Need: 3,12,15,22,23,25,27,29,32,35x2,37,39,40,41,44,48, 51,52,58x2,60,63,64,66,67,70,72 Have: 6x2,8,9,17,18x7,20,21x2,24,26,30x2,36,38,46,47x3,49,50,69x4,71 Voyager Profiles Need: 17,28,34,64 Have: 03x2,06x2,07x2,09x4,10,13x2,14,16x3,17x5,23,25x4,32x3, 35,38x3,42,44,45x2,46,48,49x2,52x2,54x2,57,60x2, 61x2,62,66,67,68x3,69x2,75x2,77,78x2,82,85x2,88x2 TOS3 Need: 179x11,183x3,193x11,197x3,208x10,220x2,224x11,228, 237x11,238x2,243x2,246 Have: 173x3,174x2,176,177x3,178,180,181x2,182,184,187,188x2,190x2, 192x2,194x2,195x2,196x2,198x3,199x3,200x4,202x2,203,205x2,207x3,210, 211,212x3,214x2,215,218,219x5,221x3,222x3,226x3,227,230,231x2,232x2, 239,240x2,241,242,244,245x2 I Have many more TOS Commons,Gold Plaque Cards,Profile Cards, Behind-the-Scenes Cards,Chacter Log Cards to trade here too if interested. Thanks for looking Jeff -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ben Meyers Subject: (TrekTrade) Spencer's gold enterprise Date: 20 May 1999 14:10:53 -0400 (EDT) Hi. I'm trying to find the six-digit control # from the price tag on the Spencer Gifts' exclusive gold Enterprise-A from Ertl. Please lmk if you can help me out w/ that info, or if you even have one available of the toys available for sale/trade. thanks, Ben. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT/WTTF DS9 Memories of the Future cards (mostly As) Date: 25 May 1999 19:10:28 -0700 Hi All! I'm looking for the following DS9 MOF cards: Wanted: A1,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,14,15,16,18,19 Have to offer in trade: A9 - Aron Eisenberg - Nog A12 - Jennifer Hetrick - Vash A20 Chase Masterson Redemption card Wanted SB4 Have SB1, SB6, SB7 Also have 1 or 2 A cards from TOS3,Insurrection and VP willing to trade between sets. Also, I have TONS of sets, mini master sets, and bpnus cards from the last four series'. Love to trade for wax boxes of the new DS9 cards! (Especially Interested in getting A8,A14,A16) -W.L. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) The Extensive Trading List Date: 25 May 1999 21:14:22 -0700 Hello All! I've compiled my ultimate list of trading card wants with what I have. If you have something I'm looking for, I'm game for a fair trade. In some cases, I'm willing to make rediculous trades in your favor if it will get me the last card I'm looking for or such. 1. Feel free to offer $ for items. I'm happy to sell at a reasonable price in most cases! 2. Don't bother offering to sell me items on my want list. I have no money! 3. I love trading, I love trading between sets, I love trading mini-master sets or tons (almost literally) of common card sets for wax box(es) of just about any series of ST cards. 4. As this is my ultimate list of wanted cards, if it's not on my list of wants, chances are I'm not interested in trading for it unless I think it will get me closer to what I truly do want (sorry!). 5. Have AFs, too. Nothing terribly uncommon, but if you have cards want to trade for AFs, I'm game! VERY game! And now, without further ado, here is the list: Deep Space Nine Memories of the Future WANTED: Captain's Card, Wax Box(es), SB2, SB3, SB4(2),SB9, A1,A3,A4, A5, A6,A7,A8, A11, A13, A14, A15, A16, A18, A19 HAVE: Mini -Master Set (Common Card set + Wrapper + Fan Ballot + Legends set + Alien Race set + Space Battles set + Promo), Alien Race Set, Legends Set (very autographable!), SB1 (4), SB6 (3), SB7, SB8, A9, A12, A20 Chase Masterson Redemption Card. Singles TOS3 WANTED: Wax Box(es), A59, A61, P58 (2),P62,P63(2),P73,P76, Voided C card HAVE: Common Card Sets, Character Log Sets (many, many,many!), Autograph Challenge Sets, Profiles Set, Behind the Scenes Set, A81. Singles, CL singles, B singles, P singles. INSURRECTION WANTED: G4, G6, Patrick Stewart and LeVar Burton Autograph Redemption cards (not the A1 or A5, mind you, but the expired Redemption Card - Mint) HAVE: Mini-Master Sets (Common Set + Wrapper + Wardrobe Set + Schematic Set + Okudagram Set + Relationship Set + Promo), Common Card Sets (Up the wazoo, I'd love to get rid of these!), Wardrobe Sets, Okudagram Sets, Schematic Sets, Relationship Sets, Promo, A9. Singles, Singles for each of the 4 subsets as well. Most availiable. TOS2 WANTED: A27, M4, M5, Voided V card HAVE: Common Card Sets, Character Log Sets, Autograph Challenge Set, Profiles Sets, Behind the Scenes Sets, G30 (2), G42, A50, Singles. Promo VOYAGER PROFILES WANTED: NONE. Will, however, trade any lot of common card sets or such for certain A cards. Or for a 7 of 9 #7 card! HAVE: Common Card Sets, Alien Technologies Sets, Michael Westmore Makeup Sets, 7 of 9 singles (no #7, sorry), Autograph Challenge Sets (very autographable!), A17 (love to trade for ANY DS9 A card from the current set that I don't already have!) Singles, AT and MW singles, most availiable. Promos TOS1 WANTED: A1, wax boxes HAVE: Autograph Challenge Sets :( FIRST CONTACT WANTED: Brent Spiner Autocard (fat chance, my finding it, huh!), Wax Box(es) HAVE: Common Card Sets PHASE 3 WANTED: NONE HAVE: CCG SUBset TNG INAGURAL EDITION WANTED: ERROR Holos (Ferengi and Vor'cha), $ card promo pack, sealed HAVE: 3 holos I couldn't in good conscious sell at full price due to MINOR manufacturing flaws, common card set, empty tin, forieng language subset, 01H OTHER WANTS: MINT SEALED 25TH ANNIVERSARY Tin, 25th Anniversary Promos TNG Season 2 2 card Promos Masterpiece Edition 1 Multicard promo (was it 6 or 8 cards?) OTHER HAVES: Gates McFadden Autographs (2) 1 - Impel card 116 signed in gold ink - a beauty! 1 - TNG Episode 1 card 83 - signed in black in, not as nice, but it's hers! Boith signed at conventions by Mrs. McFadden herself. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bgagne Subject: (TrekTrade) STCCG Have/Want list Date: 26 May 1999 10:22:09 -0700 WANTS (Dominion): USS DEFIANT (PROMO WB) * CAPTAIN KIRK ADMIRAL RIKER Garak Leyton Founder Lovok Martok Senator Vreenak Toman=92torax HAVES: Dominion: Betazed Invasion Borath Damar Jaresh-Inyo Kai Winn Keldon Advanced Kilana Lovak Founder O=92Brien Founder Sleeper Trap The Earring of Li Nalas Trager DS9: Bajoran Civil War Bareil Antos Boheeka Camping Trip Chamber of Ministers Colonel Day Danar Groumall x2 Harvester Virus Morka Pallra Plans of the Tal Shiar Ruwon Sorus Symbiont Diagnosis Vedek Winn First Contact: USS ENTERPRISE E DEANNA TROI ZEFRAM COCHRANE Abandon Mission Alas, Borg Queen x2 Amiral Hayes Android Headlock Assimilate Homeworld Borg Kiss x2 Paul Porter x2 Reginald Barclay x2 Scout Encounter Solkar x3 Three-D Thinking x3 Undetected Beam in Visit Cochran Memorial x2 Weak Spot Q-Cont: Blade of Tkon AU: Berlinghoff Rasmussen Devidian Door Echo Papa 607 Edo Vessel Iconian Gateway Kmtar x2 Ophidian Cane Quash Conspiracy Samuel Clements Pocketwatch TASHA-YAR Alt WB: USS ENTERPRISE-D DATA GEORDI LAFORGE x2 BEVERLY CRUSHER WORF JEAN-LUC PICARD TASHA YAR x2 WESELY CRUSHER Alidar Jarok x2 Alien Groupie Alynna Nechayev Ancient Computer Cultural Observation Devoras Explore Black Cluster Explore Typhone Expanse x2 Extraction Gowron Honor Challenge Iconia Inv. Interphase Generator Inv. Disappearance Inv. Disturbance Inv. Massacre x2 Inv. Raid Inv. Rogue Comet Inv. Shatered Space Jaglom Shrek Kargon Khazara Ktarian Game Leah Brahms Lores Fingernail Lwaxanna Troi Neela Daren Pi Richard Galen Shelby x2 Sir Isaac Newton Study Lonka Pulsar Survey Mission The Devil Toreth USS Phoenix Varon-T Disrupter Vash Warp Core Breach Wormhole Negotiations OTHER: Data Laughing (wrapped) Spock Admiral McCoy Thanks for looking -Ben TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Edward Szymoniak Subject: (TrekTrade) Autographs Wanted Date: 26 May 1999 18:31:23 -0500 Hi, Anyone have the Autographs: A13 Q or A19 Rick Berman for sale? I will be willing to purchase if the price is right. I do not have any autographs for trade but I do have complete chase sets. If you have any drop me an email at Thanks Edward TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) stuff Date: 28 May 1999 18:36:11 -0400 Stop by: for an online auctionne offering ST items only, mostly card...we have TOS III autos....Kelley, Nimoy, Gorshin...we have DS( MOF, inserts, all sorts of good stuff! We are also always looking for sellers as well! Lynne I wonder how much it would take to buy a soapbubble if there was only one in the world ( Mark Twain) James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Gary Steele) Subject: (TrekTrade) ST BB limited RARES auction one time notice Date: 28 May 1999 20:35:27 -0300 Anyone who sends bids will get updates if they wish. Auction ends June 5th Thanks, Gary 10th BB LIMITED RARES AUCTION $1.00 STARTING BID $0.50 INCREMENTS ALL CARDS ARE MINT/NM, POSTAGE $1.00 for each person WILL SEND WHEN FUNDS ARRIVE OR RIGHT AWAY WITH REFS. AUCTION ENDS June 5th unless computer problems etc. I WILL POST EACH DAY WITH PRICES AND PUT YOUR INITIALS BESIDE EACH CARD. *****Please give me your name and initials.***** MUST HAVE GAB REFS OR EBAY REFS if you want the cards sent right away. William T. Riker$30.00 $5.50 MSR Worf$41.00 $5.00 GAC Deanna Troi$25.00 $3.50 MSR Wesley Crusher$25.00 $3.50 MSR Albert Einstein$8.00 $1.00 VMDS Alidar Jarok$5.40 $1.00 Alynna Nechayev$5.00 $1.50 MSR Avert Disaster$4.30 $1.00 B’etor$14.00 $1.00 GC Crosis$7.80 $1.50 MSR Crystalline Entity$5.60 $3.00 JE Cultural Observation$4.50 $1.00 CC Duras$8.00 $1.50 MSR Evaluate Terraforming$4.80 $1.00 CC Explore Black Cluster$4.50 $1.50 MSR Explore Dyson Sphere$4.00 $1.50 MSR Extraction$5.00 $1.00 Gowron$11.50 $2.00 CC Haakona$7.00 $2.00 WOOD Honor Challenge$4.80 $1.50 MSR Horgahn$9.80 $2.50 MSR Hugh$8.00 $1.50 MSR Hunt For DNA Program$5.50 $1.00 Iconia Investigation$5.00 $2.00 WOOD IKC Bortas$6.30 $2.00 CC IKC Buruk$5.90 $1.50 VMDS IKC Heghta$5.50 $1.50 VMDS IKC Pagh$6.00 $1.50 MSR Interphase Generator$8.00 $1.50 MSR Investigate Alien Probe$4.30 $1.00 Investigate Disappearance$4.50 $1.50 MSR Investigate Disturbance$6.60 $1.00 Investigate Shattered Space$4.50 $1.00 Investigate Sighting$4.30 $1.50 MSR Jaglom Shrek$7.00 $1.50 MSR K’Ehlyr$7.30 $1.50 MSR Khitomer Research$4.50 $1.00 Ktarian Game$5.30 $1.50 MSR Kurlan Naiskos$8.30 $1.00 VMDS Leah Brahms$6.00 $1.50 MSR Lore Returns$16.00 $1.50 MSR Lore’s Fingernail$8.00 $1.50 MSR Lursa$13.50 $3.00 CC Mendak$5.00 $3.00 CC Morgan Bateson$5.10 $1.50 MSR Neela Daren$6.90 $1.50 MSR Pegasus Search$4.60 $1.00 Reginald Barclay$6.50 $1.00 JY Richard Galen$6.00 $1.00 JY Ro Laren$10.00 $1.50 MSR Sarek$8.00 $1.50 MSR Sarjenka$5.30 $1.50 MSR Sarthong Plunder$4.50 $2.50 CC Seek Life Form$6.50 $1.00 CC Sela$10.00 $1.00 VMDS $1.00 JY Shelby$6.00 $1.00 CC Sir Isaac Newton$9.00 $1.50 MSR Study Hole in Space$5.90 $1.50 MSR Supernova$8.00 $1.50 MSR Tam Elbrun$8.60 $1.50 MSR The Devil$5.00 $2.00 JE Thomas Riker$25.00 $1.50 MSR Tomalak$5.30 $2.00 CC Tsiolkovsky Infection$4.40 $1.00 CC USS Hood$8.00 $1.50 MSR USS Phoenix$7.00 $3.00 CC Varon T Disruptor$7.50 $1.50 MSR Vash$12.25 $1.00 VMDS Vulcan Stone of Gol$7.80 $1.50 MSR Warp Core Breach$5.50 $1.50 MSR Wind Dancer$5.80 $1.50 MSR TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek commens Needs Date: 30 May 1999 00:44:34 EDT Hi All :-) trying to clean up some of my Cards and found out need more then thought, So can anyone Help out there ???? Please Thanks for looking :-) Angelika Looking for Star Trek Generation Commens Need Seoson I . Have To Trade ALL But these. Need Season II .127.138. 2nd set . Have to trade To many to List Need Season III .214.296.308. 2nd set Have Lots of Extras To many to List Need Season 4.. 336.344.345.350.356.369.383 HAve Lots of extras To mant to List Need Season 5 509.513.525. 2nd set, 429.430.433.438.472.494.508.509.513.515.518.519.521.523.525.526. Have Lots of extra singles to trade Need Season 6 .600. Have Lots of Singles To many to list Needs of other star Trek Cards Star Trek Deepspace Nine Profiles .54.69. Star Trek Voyager Series 1 . 2nd Set .. Star Trek Phase I . 2nd Set 72 out of 100 StarTrek Phase II . 2ND SET . StarTrek Phase III ...254.274.275. Star Trek Generations..# .71. Star Trek First Contact .#.5.7.36. Have Lots of Extra Singles of all Listet here, and if your looking for other Nonsport Cards check my Webpage at TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Graham Hadley" Subject: (TrekTrade) CCG need-ums and got-ums Date: 29 May 1999 19:33:42 -1000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0066_01BEAA0A.29183600 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I'm looking to trade, buy or sell CCG rares. STAR TREK CCG NEED-UMS Q Continuum Dilemma: The Sheliak Equipment: Zalkonian Storage Capsule Mission: Investigate Legend Mission: Paxan Wormhole Personnel =96 Romulan: Taris Personnel =96 NonAligned: Madam Guinan Personnel =96 NonAligned: Tarmin =20 Two Player=20 Personnel =96 Federation: Admiral McCoy Mission: A Good Place To Die Mission: Avert Danger Mission: Gault Mission: Reopen Dig Mission: Reported Activity Personnel =96 Federation: Admiral Picard Personnel =96 Federation: Commander Data Personnel =96 Federation: Commander Troi Personnel =96 Klingon: Mogh Personnel =96 Klingon: Gi=92ral Personnel =96 Klingon: Ja=92rod =20 First Contact Artifact: Antique Machine Gun Dilemma: Theta-Radiation Poisoning Interrupt: Alas, Poor Queen Interrupt: Android Headlock Interrupt: Assimilate This! Interrupt: Weak Spot Personnel =96 Federation: Data Personnel =96 Federation: Geordi LaForge Ship =96 NonAligned: Phoenix =20 =20 GOT-UMS - Available for trade or sale! TNG original 363 Artifacts: Betazoid Gift Box, Interphase Generator, Tox Uthat x2.=20 Missions: Evaluate Terraforming, Explore Dyson Sphere, Extraction x2, = Investigate Disappearance, Investigate "Shattered Space" x3, Investigate = Time Continuum x2, Khitomer Research, Study Nebula x2 Personnel - Federation: K=92Ehleyr x2, Leah Brahms, Lwaxanna Troi, = Morgan Bateson, Neela Daren, Reginald Barclay, Ro Laren, Sarek, Tasha = Yar,=20 Personnel - Klingon: Gowron, Kargan, Kurn Personnel - Romulan: Mendak Ships - Romulan: Devoras Alternate Universe Artifact: Samuel Clemens=92 Pocketwatch Missions: Compromised Mission x2, Diplomatic Conference x3, Reunion Personnel - Federation: Jack Crusher x2, Rachel Garrett, Tasha Yar =96 = Alternate x2 Personnel - Klingon: Governor Worf x2 Personnel - Non-Aligned: Berlingoff Rasmussen, Dathon Ships - Federation: USS Enterprise C Ships - Non-Aligned: Gomtuu Q Continuum Artifact: Mona Lisa Missions: Samaritan Snare x2, Tarchannen Study Personnel - Federation: Keiko O=92Brien Personnel - Non-Aligned: Mortal Q x2 Ships - Romulan: Terix First Contact Personnel - Federation: Paul Porter =20 Drop me a line if you're interested, =20 Graham ------=_NextPart_000_0066_01BEAA0A.29183600 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I'm=20 looking to trade, buy or sell CCG rares.
Q = Continuum
Dilemma: The = Sheliak
Equipment: Zalkonian = Storage=20 Capsule
Mission: Investigate=20 Legend
Mission: Paxan = Wormhole
Personnel – = Romulan:=20 Taris
Personnel – = NonAligned: Madam=20 Guinan
Personnel – = NonAligned:=20 Tarmin
Two Player =
Personnel – = Federation: Admiral=20 McCoy
Mission: A Good Place = To=20 Die
Mission: Avert = Danger
Mission: = Gault
Mission: Reopen = Dig
Mission: Reported=20 Activity
Personnel – = Federation: Admiral=20 Picard
Personnel – = Federation:=20 Commander Data
Personnel – = Federation:=20 Commander Troi
Personnel – = Klingon:=20 Mogh
Personnel – = Klingon:=20 Gi’ral
Personnel – = Klingon:=20 Ja’rod
First = Contact
Artifact: Antique = Machine=20 Gun
Dilemma: = Theta-Radiation=20 Poisoning
Interrupt: Alas, Poor=20 Queen
Interrupt: Android=20 Headlock
Interrupt: Assimilate=20 This!
Interrupt: Weak = Spot
Personnel – = Federation:=20 Data
Personnel – = Federation: Geordi=20 LaForge
Ship – = NonAligned:=20 Phoenix
GOT-UMS  = -   Available=20 for trade or sale!
TNG original = 363
Artifacts: Betazoid = Gift Box,=20 Interphase Generator, Tox Uthat x2.
Missions: Evaluate = Terraforming,=20 Explore Dyson Sphere, Extraction x2, Investigate Disappearance, = Investigate=20 "Shattered Space" x3, Investigate Time Continuum x2, Khitomer=20 Research, Study Nebula x2
Personnel - Federation: = K’Ehleyr x2, Leah Brahms, Lwaxanna Troi, Morgan Bateson, Neela = Daren,=20 Reginald Barclay, Ro Laren, Sarek, Tasha Yar,
Personnel - Klingon: = Gowron, Kargan,=20 Kurn
Personnel - Romulan:=20 Mendak
Ships - Romulan: = Devoras
Alternate = Universe
Artifact: Samuel = Clemens’=20 Pocketwatch
Missions: Compromised = Mission x2,=20 Diplomatic Conference x3, Reunion
Personnel - Federation: = Jack Crusher=20 x2, Rachel Garrett, Tasha Yar – Alternate x2
Personnel - Klingon: = Governor Worf=20 x2
Personnel - = Non-Aligned: Berlingoff=20 Rasmussen, Dathon
Ships - Federation: USS = Enterprise=20 C
Ships - Non-Aligned:=20 Gomtuu
Q = Continuum
Artifact: Mona = Lisa
Missions: Samaritan = Snare x2,=20 Tarchannen Study
Personnel - Federation: = Keiko=20 O’Brien
Personnel - = Non-Aligned: Mortal Q=20 x2
Ships - Romulan: = Terix
First = Contact
Personnel - Federation: = Paul=20 Porter 
Drop me a line if = you're=20 interested, 
------=_NextPart_000_0066_01BEAA0A.29183600-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Larry W. Draper" Subject: (TrekTrade) Card needs Date: 30 May 1999 22:10:58 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_06B8_01BEAAE9.4B904300 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am in need of the following cards: TOS Season 3: B141, B143, B144 Commons: 193, 206, 208, 237, 240 DS9 Memories of the Future L9, SB1, SB2, SB5, SB6, SB8 Commons: 81 Extras: AR2, AR8, L4 Will trade or buy. LMK. Debbie. ------=_NextPart_000_06B8_01BEAAE9.4B904300 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am in need of the following cards:
TOS Season 3:
    B141, B143, B144
    Commons:  193, 206, 208, = 237,=20 240
DS9 Memories of the Future
    L9, SB1, SB2, SB5, SB6, = SB8
    Commons: 81
    Extras:  AR2, AR8, = L4
Will trade or buy.  LMK.
------=_NextPart_000_06B8_01BEAAE9.4B904300-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive