From: "Gregory A. Swarthout" Subject: Star Trek Books Date: 22 Jul 1996 07:46:05 -0600 Speaking of Star Trek books, a good place to get them in harcover is The Science Fiction Book Club. You start out by getting 6 books for $1. You can sign up online at the following web site: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Fred Rosenberg) Subject: WTT:TREK CHASE Date: 22 Jul 1996 23:10:13 -0400 Hi, Let's try out this new technology! I need a trade for STTNG season 5 chase: I have S25, I need S26. (I also have R4 from Voyager 2) Please let me know if you can help me out. Thanks, Fred "When I was a child we had a quick-sand box in the backyard. I was an only child....eventually" Steven Wright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: J!m Hepworth Subject: WTT: STII Wrath of Khan Date: 22 Jul 1996 16:19:33 -0600 Trying to complete a couple sets with trades. Star Trek II - Wrath of Khan 5"x7" cards from FTCC (1982) Need: 5, 14, 22(2), 24, 26, 30 Extra: 1(3), 2(2), 3, 4(2), 6(3), 9(2), 11, 12(3), 15, 16(2), 17, 18(6), 19(2), 20(2), 23, 25(4), 28, 29(3) -J!m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: J!m Hepworth Subject: trade! Date: 22 Jul 1996 16:11:47 -0600 OK, now that this list is open and I've added about 40 people, let's start using it. Post your needs/extras in cards/CCG/plates/ornaments, anything Trek related. At this point I'm not going to limit this to anything particular. If you have any comments about this list please send them to me. I'm new at maintaining a list and would love any ideas or comments whether good or bad. Enjoy! -J!m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ingeborg Heyer Subject: Re: WTT:TREK CHASE Date: 23 Jul 1996 12:35:41 EDT Hi Fred, Sorry, but I don't have any extra chases to trade. Nowadays I'm buying complete sets since I don't want to hassle with the duplicates. Inge Heyer ConCom: Shore Leave 19 (Baltimore, MD, 7/11-13/96) **************************************************************************** * Inge Heyer *I am a private Star Trek collector. * *email: *Please let me know of old and/or rare* *voice: (410)338-5017 (24 hrs.) *items offered for sale or trade. * *snail: Space Telescope Science Inst.*I am available to give astronomy * * 3700 San Martin Dr. *lectures and slide presentations at * * Baltimore, MD 21218 *conventions and other events. * **************************************************************************** Disclaimer: My employer has hir own opinions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Heiden Subject: Star Trek posters Date: 24 Jul 1996 09:07:29 -0500 (EST) I'm not sure if anyone is interested, but I do have one or two extra movie posters from Star Trek: Generations. Yep, the very same poster(s) you saw hanging in the theaters. I'm a long time movie poster collector, and it turned out I ended up getting an extra of each of the two styles. (Regular and an advance version.) I'm now considering selling them. Anyone interested? John ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: RE: trade! Date: 24 Jul 1996 8:07:08 -0700 (MST) al... This is my for sale list I post to the news groups. I would always like to trade first...! MAYBE WE CAN TRADE !!! email your interest SETS(all ST sets have a survey card) ST:30th PHASE I @$7 ST:30th PHASE II $8 ST:season 3 (1) $5 ST:season 4 (2) $5 ST:VOY II (2) $5 MMPR II (red) (1) $5 Animaniacs (1) $5 (missing stickers 4,8) (singles for...anamaniacs; Jumanji; MMPR II,III,MOVIE; SW GAL2,3; Goldeneye ST:episode 3,4; ST:30th phase 1,2; ST master; Toy Story,pocohontas, Hunchback ND; send a needs list ..let's complete some sets! ) SPECIALS ST:30th phase I E1, E4 @ $7 ST:MASTER 1 S2, S3, S5 @ $7 ST:episodes SP4,SP6,S18, @ $7 ST:GEN F2, @ $7 ST:VOY I S8 NEELIX @ $7 ST:VOY II R1,R2,R5,R6 @ $6 ST:DS9 (1993) Premiere set SPG, SP3 @ $7 ST:DS9 action fig cards Quark,Sisko,O'Brien @ $8 (from purple card backs, non pog) SW:GAL 3 F18 @ $8 SW:GAL 3 LUCAS ARTS L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L11 @ $.50 SW:finest F1, F2 @ $10 SW:ESB wide MP 4 @ $8 Jurassic park H2 @ $4 Congo CF1, CF4 @ $6 Jumanji H2 @ $3 Lion King 2 A card (puzzle) set (5) @ $3 Lion King 2 T4 @ $5 (would like F1,F2,P7,P8,P9,P10 or T8 in trade, we'll talk) SIMPSONS II D3 (thermo) @ $5 GOLDENEYE Q1,Q6,B8 @ $9 HUNCHBACK OF ND 3D MOTION #1 of 2 @ $15 PROMOS: ST:episode I S2 @ $3 ST:VOY N1 @ $3 *pending* SW:GAL SWGM4, DH3 @ $5 SW:GAL 2 P6 @ $3 SW:GAL 3 P3,P6,P7 @ $3 SW:RTOJ wide 0,P1,P3,P4 @ $3 SW:ESB wide P2,P4 @ $3 OK what I need ..........need these most. ST:EPISODES HG2,HG3,HG5,HG6 any ST:30 phase 1 R5,R8,R9 SW:ANH wide C2,C5 SW:ESB WIDE C10 mp 3,5,6 SW:RTOJ WIDE C10 GOLDENEYE B2 ID4 F3 I also need singles as follows.... SINGLES MM POWER RANGERS I .......... 52,59 MM POWER RANGER MOVIE...........1,68,79,149 HUNCHBACK.......................22,49,55,59 GOOSEBUMPS......................46,47,48X2,49X2,50,51,52X2,53X2,54X2 TOY STORY.......................(2),7,44,53 TOY STORY STICKERS..............30,35,40,58,59,60,64,71,76,79,85,105,109,115 SNOW WHITE I........................... 2,5,7,9,14,16,18,22,23,27,30,31,32,33, 37,47,49,50,52,54,55,60,65,66,67,72,73,78,79,84,85,90 ANIMANIACS STICKERS........... 4,8 ST:SEASON 5.....................435,486,508 SW:FINEST.......................10,12,18,28,34,36 (1 need EXTRA) ACTION PACK (PINNACLE)...... 82 (MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL) BATMAN FOREVER METAL............73 GOLDENEYE.......................19,23, 30 BATMAN RETURNS ................ 11,13,24,31,(34),42,48,79 (1992 O-PEE-CHEE) SPACE SHOTS II SINGLE...........114,116,190,194,195 SPACE SHOTS III SINGLE .......223,224,228,229,231,232,233,236,245 246,251,252,267,268,269,270,271 276,277,284,288,289,297,303,309,316 SW:GALAXY 3 FIRST DAY ...... 276,282,294,326,334,359,362 SHADOW..........................5,23,30,34,35,51,57,64,66,90 S1 ALADDIN................................ SPECTRA 1, 2, 3 ANAMANIACS............................ CELL 4 GOLDENEYE...............................B2 POCOHONTAS............................. METALS 3 , 5 GOOSEBUMPS STICKERS.............. 4 , 5 JURASSIC PARK 2....................... HOLO 4 CAPS 9,10,36,41,46,55 MM POWER RANGER MOVIE...................FOILZORDS 1,2,8 SNOW WHITE 1........................... SPECTRA 1,2,3,4 SNOW WHITE 2........................... F1,F2,F4,F5,F7,F8,F9 LION KING 1.............................F1,F3,F6,F8,F9, P1,P2,P3,P4, H1,H2 LION KING 2.............................FB1, POPUP P7,P8,P9,P10 THERMO T8 BATMAN FOREVER METAL..... SILVER FLASH 1,4,8,9,16,17,21,29,31,32,35,40 41,46,47,49,50,52,53,54,56,59,62,63,67,70,74,75 76,84,89,91,98,(99?) PROMOS/PROTOTYPES STAR TREK ST:25TH ANNIV.......................... 3 card cell pack, 5 card cell pack ST:episodes 2 .................2 card uncuts 118-130,120-134,121-127,123-131 ST:VOY SERIES 1........................ C1 STAR WARS SW:RTOJ WIDE........................... P6 SW: GALAXY 1........................... 5x8 JABBA,BEN/LUKE,CHKLST SW:GALAXY 2............................ P3, P4 3 CARD SHEET (OP1?) SW:SOTE................................ SOTE 4,5,6, 8? SWF.....................................SWF4, SWF5, SWF6, SWF7, SWF8? hunchback Jester challange cards. CLOPIN place this card face down.... stand up..... while counting...... VICTOR stand on one foot...... Thanks.......Chris Myers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ingeborg Heyer Subject: my wanted list (all kinds of items) Date: 24 Jul 1996 11:18:20 EDT Hi All, Below is my wanted list. Please email price quotes or trade wants for any items you might have available. Thanks. WANTED LIST: ============ Inge Heyer, STScI, 3700 San Martin Dr., Baltimore, MD 21218 Tel. (410)338-5017, email: Please let me know what you have available (and for how much). Thank you. I am looking for the following items (all Star Trek): Books: ------ *.) Star Trek Annuals (British): 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1987 - 1996? HARDCOVER, by World International Publishing Ltd., (ISBN 0-7235-....-.) *.) Star Trek: Good News in Modern Images,HARDCOVER,Steed-Andrews-McNeel Inc. *.) Star Trek Logs, SPECIAL EDITIONS HARDCOVER #'s 1,4,5,8,9,10, Aeonian Press, 1975-1977 (ISBN 0-88411-....-.) TRADEPAPER #'s 1 - 10, Amereon Library, 1975-1977 (=large format pbk) *.) STII:TWOK Novelization (British), HARDCOVER, McDonald & Co. *.) Thank You for Your Love,by Nimoy,Blue Mountain Arts (trade),0-88396-...-. Magazines: ---------- *.) Parade Magazine Dec.10, 1978 *.) People Magazine March 4, 1985 (Spock on cover) *.) Photoplay 1967-11 (Nimoy) *.) Star Trek: The Official Fan Club, magazine #'s 1-33,35,36,38,39,43,44 newsletters (flyers) #'s 1-5 *.) ST:TNG poster magazines (British): #'s 52,53,56,77,78,79,80,90,91,92,93 *.) TV Zone (British): #'s 7,11,14,18,22,24,41,48,64,Special #3 Press Material: --------------- *.) Next Gen. season 1 press kit material: cover, all original bios, all photos, slides (Tasha Yar, Enterprise, crew picture) (original bios means no photocopies) *.) Next Gen. season 2 press kit material: cover, slide (Picard), original bios (Stewart,Spiner,Muldaur,Sirtis,producers), photos (Stewart,Frakes,Spiner,Muldaur,Sirtis,crew,Enterprise) *.) STII & STIII press kit COVERS (original covers only!) *.) ST:IV,V,VI,GEN theater souvenir program booklets (NOT the 1-2p. folders!) Records: -------- *.) "Sounds of the Universe", Delta Music (GmbH) #DG-441253, 19?? *.) Tape Cassettes, Inter Audio Associates (4 tapes) 1973+ *.) "The Voyage of Star Trek" (60 min NBC special),12"LP,1982 *.) "Disco Trekkin' and Star Child" by Grace Lee Whitney,7"45rpm, GLW Star Enterprises *.) "Down to Earth" by Nichelle Nichols,12"LP,Epic Records #BNZ6351 *.) "Starfleet Beat, Phasers on Stun", 12"LP,Penguin Records,20th Ann. record Trading Cards and other Randoms: *.) SkyBox trading cards contained in the Star Trek video packages. *.) SkyBox trading cards and pogs in the Star Trek Playmates figure packages. *.) SkyBox Star Trek 30th Anniversary Phase I ships registry cards R1,R3-R9 *.) California Dreamers greeting card: "Don't quote regulations to me and don't ..." (black backgr. w/color photo) COLOMBIA: --------- *.) Star Trek Pop-up Books in Spanish HARDCOVER, Editorial Norma, Bogota 1. "Viaje A Las Estrellas" (ST:TMP pop-up) 2. "Viaje a Las Estrellas: Un Gigant En El Universo" (Giant i.t. Universe) 3. "Viaje A Las Estrellas: La Invasion De Los Robots" (Trill. of Trilligs) GREECE: ------- *.) "Taxidi St' Asteria", Thanasis Kastaniotis, Athens, pbk (Star Trek Blish Novelizations in Greek), #'s 3 - 12 *.) "Star Trek" (ST:TMP novel in Greek, no further info) ITALY: ------ *.) "La Pista Delle Stelle", Arnoldo Modadori, Milano, pbk (Star Trek Blish Novelizations in Italian), #'s 9,10,12 (all 1979) *.) "Spock Deve Morire" novel #5 (Italian edition of "Spock Must Die!") by James Blish, Garden Editoriale, Milano *.) Stickers by Retequattro, need: #4 Uhura, #7 Decisione Importante, #9 Transferimento Spaziale, #12 Amm. Kirk e Dr. Marcus MEXICO: ------- *.) Star Trek: Viaje A Las Estrellas (ST:TMP novel in Spanish) pbk and HARDCOVER from Lasser Press, Mexico City NETHERLANDS: ------------ *.) Star Trek II: De Wraak van Khan (ST:TWOK novel in Dutch) pbk from Rostrum Haarlem =============================================================================== Inge Heyer ConCom: Shore Leave 19 (Baltimore, MD, 7/11-13/96) **************************************************************************** * Inge Heyer *I am a private Star Trek collector. * *email: *Please let me know of old and/or rare* *voice: (410)338-5017 (24 hrs.) *items offered for sale or trade. * *snail: Space Telescope Science Inst.*I am available to give astronomy * * 3700 San Martin Dr. *lectures and slide presentations at * * Baltimore, MD 21218 *conventions and other events. * **************************************************************************** Disclaimer: My employer has hir own opinions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: Trade and or sell! Date: 24 Jul 1996 11:34:57 -0400 I have these gems available......will sell or trade! Ep 5 S28-DAthon S29-Spock PENDING S27x2 S25 25th Anniv Impel-complete set of 310 cards and 4 holograms! Guinan hologram Phase II sets Ep 3 sets Ep 5 sets Hostess mini set-50 cards (no fold-outs) Episode I 3 card promo sheets Hostess Mini Set of 50 cards ST CCG AU-Seize Wesley, Fissure Research(,FGC-47 Research, Coalescent Organism, Gomtuu. Temporal Causality Loop, Neela Daren, Cultural Obs, Sir Isaac Newton, Many uncommons, commons BB Voyager II R6, R4 Master Series II F4 Ep 2 S7 Phase II F7 and F4 TNG Inagural series language card sets Need: Phase II inserts: F2 F8 L4 L6 L7 TOS trading cards that came packed in videos (E-mail for list)**** 6 card Movie video tape cards*** Ep 4 : S19 S21 Voyager II: S9 Topps singles: _E-mail for list) 1967 Leaf cards (E-mail for list) Promo cards: Impel promo cards(25th anniv) in c 5 card pack**** Ep1 sp4 (promo not the insert) **** 2 card promo Ep2 (not S1)**** Action Figure cards:(E-mail for list) Hostess Mini-foldout #6 LMK!!! -- James and Lynne Stewart Come see the ST Collectibles Newsletter and new home of KLM Cards!! Shaq, Braves and Star Trek...a happy combination! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: J!m Hepworth Subject: Use of maillist Date: 24 Jul 1996 11:26:31 -0600 Just for those who have never been on a maillist. Remember, any mail you recieve via this list is not a request directed at you specifically. It is sent to everyone on the list. What this means is you do not have to personally respond to every message. Only respond if you can actually offer something, and then you should probably do it via private e-mail, not via the list. When you respond with a "Sorry I don't have any of that" everyone on the list gets it, not just the posting party. Basically, if you have something you want to trade/sell, post it to the list. If you want to respond to a trade/sell offer, respond via private e-mail. This does require you to currently change the TO: field. I'll look into making replys automatically go to only the sender. If you have questions, please email at -J!m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (MR MARC M BLUM) Subject: Looking for autographed plaque Date: 25 Jul 1996 17:58:24, -0500 I am looking for an autographed plaque of Capt. Picard. This plaque was originally sold on QVC and has an autographed picture and 2 smaller brass plaques with "The Next Generation" on one and the character name and ship registry on the other. Thanks for any help you can give me. Marc Blum PHZL58A@PRODIGY.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Jacob Subject: Re: Looking for autographed plaque Date: 25 Jul 1996 18:53:30 -0500 .I am looking for an autographed plaque of Capt. Picard. This plaque >was originally sold on QVC and has an autographed picture and 2 >smaller brass plaques with "The Next Generation" on one and the >character name and ship registry on the other. >Thanks for any help you can give me. > >Marc Blum >PHZL58A@PRODIGY.COM Hi Marc Try calling QVC and see if there are any availble first. 1-800-345-1515 They usualy can find it after a long decribition of the item. They can tell you if it's sold out. or No Longer availble. Other than that keep looking on the newsgroups. Jeff =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Jeff Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Fred Rosenberg) Subject: Need STTNG 5th S26 Date: 25 Jul 1996 20:46:45 -0400 Hi everyone, I need chase card S26 from the fifth season epidose collection. I have for trade: S25 and R4 fron Voyager II Please help me ;-) Fred "When I was a child we had a quick-sand box in the backyard. I was an only child....eventually" Steven Wright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: trading Date: 27 Jul 1996 13:38:08 -0400 Hi, there!! I am in need of the following: ST Episode 3---289 and 250 Voyager 2---5, 17, 24x2, 26, 29x2, 31, 37, 39, 44, 51, 53, 60, 61x2, 74x2, 75, 76x2, 77, 87 and 88x2 STCCG Unlimited-I need Batrellx2, Darien Wallacex3, K'Tesh, Kle-eg, Mercenary Ship, Romulan Outpost, Selok, Treaty:Rom/Klingon Phase One-9, 41, 59, 77 and 92 ST Episode 4-321, 403, 406, 412, 420 And just in case anyone has Michael Whelan Adventures in Fantasy, I need 5 and 28. Many thanks, Mary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SusanO) Subject: Re: Trade and or sell! Date: 27 Jul 1996 21:55:46 GMT Hi, Lynn, I have some of the cards you listed as needing. Phase II F8 - $7.00 Phase II, L7 - $11.00 Ep 4 S21 $5.00 Take all 3 for $22.00 ppd Let me know if you are interested. Also I finally have a new list of Trek cards for sale that I would like to put out on your web site. should I just send you the list? thanks susan --- On Jul 24, 1996 11:34:57, 'Lynne Stewart ' wrote: >Need: >Phase II inserts: F2 F8 L4 L6 L7 >TOS trading cards that came packed in videos (E-mail for list)**** >6 card Movie video tape cards*** >Ep 4 : S19 S21 >Voyager II: S9 >Topps singles: _E-mail for list) >1967 Leaf cards (E-mail for list) >Promo cards: Impel promo cards(25th anniv) in c 5 card pack**** >Ep1 sp4 (promo not the insert) **** >2 card promo Ep2 (not S1)**** >Action Figure cards:(E-mail for list) >Hostess Mini-foldout #6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SusanO) Subject: Trek chase/promos for sale Date: 27 Jul 1996 21:57:49 GMT I have the following: Star Trek Cards for sale/trade (see want list below): Skymotion exchange card - 30 Anniv Phase II $40.00 Season 4 Hologram HG7 (Geordi) - $30.00 30 Anniv Phase II Undercovers L5, L7 - $11.00 each Doppleganger F7, F8 (2), F9 - $7.00 each STNG Season 1 - Season 5 SP2, S12, S15, S17, - $5.00 each S20, S21 S24, S25 - $6.00 each Voyager 1 Expand-A-Card - X1 (Enterprise)x3 - $5.00 each Voyager II Walmart E1 - (janeway) $4.00 Blockbuster Popup P5 (Paris) - $2.00 Recipe cards R2, R4, R5 (2) - $3.50 each Master Series 1- S3 $5.00 Promos STNG Season III - 9card sheet $4.00 Hostess mini's singles (in original sealed packaging) STNG # 10,11,14, 18,28 (x3), 33 $1.00 each DS9 # D2, D3(3), D4, D5(2), D6, D9(2),D10(2) - $1.00 each Postage extra Wants: Voyager Phase I Registry ship plagues (any) Hostess Mini's foldouts 1,3,6,8 Generations Skymotion 1992 STNG Hologram error #033 STNG Season 1-3 Holograms (H1-H6) Please email me if interested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Heiden Subject: Re: Trek chase/promos for sale Date: 27 Jul 1996 20:12:03 -0500 (EST) > I have the following: > > Star Trek Cards for sale/trade (see want list below): > > 30 Anniv Phase II > Undercovers L7 - $11.00 each > Postage extra > > > Please email me if interested. I don't suppose you'd take $8 even, for the above card? John John Heiden Dept. of Computer Services JHEIDEN@Uoft02.UTOLEDO.EDU The University of Toledo JHEIDEN@Uoft03.UTOLEDO.EDU Toledo, Ohio U.S.A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: Re: Trade and or sell! Date: 27 Jul 1996 20:24:46 -0400 SusanO wrote: > > Hi, Lynn, I have some of the cards you listed as needing. > > Phase II F8 - $7.00 > Phase II, L7 - $11.00 > Ep 4 S21 $5.00 > > Take all 3 for $22.00 ppd > > Let me know if you are interested. > > Also I finally have a new list of Trek cards for sale that I would like to > put out on your web site. should I just send you the list? > > thanks > > susan > Hi there! Nice to hear from you. Yes, please send your updated list. As to the offered cards..although interested, I am trying to trade right now rather than poor, ya know!! ;) Lynne > --- > On Jul 24, 1996 11:34:57, 'Lynne Stewart ' wrote: > > > >Need: > >Phase II inserts: F2 F8 L4 L6 L7 > >TOS trading cards that came packed in videos (E-mail for list)**** > >6 card Movie video tape cards*** > >Ep 4 : S19 S21 > >Voyager II: S9 > >Topps singles: _E-mail for list) > >1967 Leaf cards (E-mail for list) > >Promo cards: Impel promo cards(25th anniv) in c 5 card pack**** > >Ep1 sp4 (promo not the insert) **** > >2 card promo Ep2 (not S1)**** > >Action Figure cards:(E-mail for list) > >Hostess Mini-foldout #6 -- James and Lynne Stewart Come see the ST Collectibles Newsletter and new home of KLM Cards!! Shaq, Braves and Star Trek...a happy combination! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: Re: Trade and or sell! Date: 27 Jul 1996 20:42:14 -0400 Sorry guys! I knew Jim had told us to watch the reply to and I STILL messed up! It is defaulting to teh Trek-trade in the mailto: and we (MEMEMEMEME) need to remember to respond directly to the person until it gets 'tweked'. My appologies for appearing in your mailbox!!! Lynne -- James and Lynne Stewart Come see the ST Collectibles Newsletter and new home of KLM Cards!! Shaq, Braves and Star Trek...a happy combination! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kevin Dobbins ) Subject: Re: trading Date: 27 Jul 1996 18:11:30 -0700 You wrote: > >Hi, there!! I am in need of the following: > >ST Episode 3---289 and 250 >Voyager 2---5, 17, 24x2, 26, 29x2, 31, 37, 39, 44, 51, 53, 60, 61x2, 74x2, >75, 76x2, 77, 87 and 88x2 >STCCG Unlimited-I need Batrellx2, Darien Wallacex3, K'Tesh, Kle-eg, Mercenary >Ship, >Romulan Outpost, Selok, Treaty:Rom/Klingon *** I don't have any CCG cards you need. >Phase One-9, 41, 59, 77 and 92 *** I don't have #41 >ST Episode 4-321, 403, 406, 412, 420 > > >And just in case anyone has Michael Whelan Adventures in Fantasy, I need 5 >and 28. > >Many thanks, > Mary Hi Mary, I have 36 of the 37 ST cards you need. You don't mention if you prefer to trade or buy the cards, so here's both options. If you want to trade, I'd like to trade 2:1 for the cards (you send me two cards for each card I send you). If you want to buy, I'll sell them for 10 cents per card. That's $3.60 plus postage of $1.00 for a total of $4.60. Of course, I would prefer to sell, but I can go either way. Please let me know what you decide. Thanks Kevin Dobbins "May all your tribbles be few and small" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kevin Dobbins ) Subject: ST 1992 Hologram Trade Date: 27 Jul 1996 18:30:26 -0700 Hi All, First, sorry about sending a reply back to the group. I know better than to do this, it was just a temporary brain hiccup. I hope. About the trade. I have an extra Hologram #1H from the 1992 Impel ST Inagural Series that I would like to trade for a Hologram #2H in the same series. If anybody can help, please let me know. Oh yeah, don't reply back to the group. Reply directly to me. :) Thanks! Kevin Dobbins "May all your tribbles be few and small" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SusanO) Subject: Re: Trade and or sell! Date: 28 Jul 1996 03:34:09 GMT okay Here's my list --- Star Trek Cards for sale/trade (see want list below): Skymotion exchange card - 30 Anniv Phase II $40.00 Season 4 Hologram HG7 (Geordi) - $30.00 30 Anniv Phase II Undercovers L5, L7 - $11.00 each Doppleganger F7, F8 (2), F9 - $7.00 each STNG Season 1 - Season 5 SP2, S12, S15, S17, - $5.00 each S20, S21 S24, S25 - $6.00 each Voyager 1 Expand-A-Card - X1 (Enterprise)x3 - $5.00 each Voyager II Walmart E1 - (janeway) $4.00 Blockbuster Popup P5 (Paris) - $2.00 Recipe cards R2, R4, R5 (2) - $3.50 each Master Series 1- S3 $5.00 Promos STNG Season III - 9card sheet $4.00 Hostess mini's singles (in original sealed packaging) STNG # 10,11,14, 18,28 (x3), 33 $1.00 each DS9 # D2, D3(3), D4, D5(2), D6, D9(2),D10(2) - $1.00 each Postage extra Wants: Voyager Phase I Registry ship plagues (any) Hostess Mini's foldouts 1,3,6,8 Generations Skymotion 1992 STNG Hologram error #033 STNG Season 1-3 Holograms (H1-H6) Star Trek Generations Foil Villains F3 --- thanks susan --- On Jul 27, 1996 20:24:46, 'Lynne Stewart ' wrote: >SusanO wrote: >> >> Hi, Lynn, I have some of the cards you listed as needing. >> >> Phase II F8 - $7.00 >> Phase II, L7 - $11.00 >> Ep 4 S21 $5.00 >> >> Take all 3 for $22.00 ppd >> >> Let me know if you are interested. >> >> Also I finally have a new list of Trek cards for sale that I would like to >> put out on your web site. should I just send you the list? >> >> thanks >> >> susan >> > >Hi there! Nice to hear from you. Yes, please send your updated list. As to >the offered cards..although interested, I am trying to trade right now rather >than poor, ya know!! ;) > >Lynne >> --- >> On Jul 24, 1996 11:34:57, 'Lynne Stewart ' wrote: >> >> >> >Need: >> >Phase II inserts: F2 F8 L4 L6 L7 >> >TOS trading cards that came packed in videos (E-mail for list)**** >> >6 card Movie video tape cards*** >> >Ep 4 : S19 S21 >> >Voyager II: S9 >> >Topps singles: _E-mail for list) >> >1967 Leaf cards (E-mail for list) >> >Promo cards: Impel promo cards(25th anniv) in c 5 card pack**** >> >Ep1 sp4 (promo not the insert) **** >> >2 card promo Ep2 (not S1)**** >> >Action Figure cards:(E-mail for list) >> >Hostess Mini-foldout #6 > >-- >James and Lynne Stewart >Come see the ST Collectibles Newsletter and new home of KLM Cards!! > >Shaq, Braves and Star Trek...a happy combination! > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SusanO) Subject: Re: Trek chase/promos for sale Date: 28 Jul 1996 03:35:37 GMT sorry, can't let it go that low. susan -- On Jul 27, 1996 20:12:03, 'John Heiden ' wrote: >> I have the following: >> >> Star Trek Cards for sale/trade (see want list below): >> >> 30 Anniv Phase II >> Undercovers L7 - $11.00 each >> Postage extra >> >> >> Please email me if interested. > >I don't suppose you'd take $8 even, for the above card? > > >John > > >John Heiden Dept. of Computer Services >JHEIDEN@Uoft02.UTOLEDO.EDU The University of Toledo >JHEIDEN@Uoft03.UTOLEDO.EDU Toledo, Ohio U.S.A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SusanO) Subject: OOPS - apology Date: 28 Jul 1996 04:14:05 GMT Just wanted to apologize for all the extra mail going back and forth from/to me. I just realized what I was doing (guess everyone has to do it at least once for it to sink in). Will do better in the future. thanks susan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (MR MARC M BLUM) Subject: WTS: star trek anniversary chase FS Date: 28 Jul 1996 14:07:44, -0500 25th Anniversary H1 - $8.00 30th Anniversary (phase 1) E2 - $7.00 E8 - $7.00 Skymotion (Enterprise) - $45.00 30th Anniversary (phase 2) L1 - $10.00 Prices include shipping, Skymotion sent certified mail. Email if interested. - MARC BLUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vince Maiocco Subject: Re: trade! Date: 29 Jul 1996 07:51:01 -0400 At 04:11 PM 7/22/96 -0600, you wrote: >OK, now that this list is open and I've added about 40 people, let's start >using it. > >Post your needs/extras in cards/CCG/plates/ornaments, anything Trek= related. >At this point I'm not going to limit this to anything particular. Hi, Jim. Got your message about my old E-Mail address screwing things up and then the one where you said you fixed the prob. I just re-sent my want list and will let you know if I don't see it within 24 hours (by about 8:00 am, tuesday 7/30). LLAP Unofficial Trek Quotes: #892 - ... the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. -- Kirk, "Elaan of Troyius," stardate 4372.5. #044 - Please, doctor, not while my wife is on board.=FE-- O'Brien -- Vince Maiocco, Lt. jg/USS Thagard/NCC-652/Science Department "Kirk is alive. Deal with it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Marc Meadows Subject: mail overload Date: 29 Jul 1996 13:34:27 -0300 This is just a quick note to ask why all your trade traffic seems to be landing in my mailbox? Over the last five to six days I have been flooded with mail that is not even addressed to me from this source. Request that you please check it out and correct if possible. Thank you. () /\_______________________________________ (====)========<[]>______________________________________> \/ Pendragon () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: J!m Hepworth Subject: Re: Trade and or sell! Date: 29 Jul 1996 11:35:11 -0600 At 08:42 PM 7/27/96 -0400, you wrote: >Sorry guys! I knew Jim had told us to watch the reply to and I STILL messed up! >It is defaulting to teh Trek-trade in the mailto: and we (MEMEMEMEME) need to Yep, it still is. I have tried to send in a new config update to change this, but majordomo won't accept it. I have a call into my provider to find out what the problem is and hopefully will have it changed this week so that when you reply it will automatically go to the sender. -J!m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Martin Subject: Re: mail overload Date: 29 Jul 1996 22:08:59 -0500 Marc Meadows wrote: > > This is just a quick note to ask why all your trade traffic seems > to be landing in my mailbox? Over the last five to six days I have been > flooded with mail that is not even addressed to me from this source. > Request that you please check it out and correct if possible. Thank you. > > () > /\_______________________________________ > (====)========<[]>______________________________________> > \/ Pendragon > ()whats going on... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John Martin Subject: Re: trade! Date: 29 Jul 1996 22:09:57 -0500 Vince Maiocco wrote: > > At 04:11 PM 7/22/96 -0600, you wrote: > >OK, now that this list is open and I've added about 40 people, let's start > >using it. > > > >Post your needs/extras in cards/CCG/plates/ornaments, anything Trek related. > >At this point I'm not going to limit this to anything particular. > > Hi, Jim. Got your message about my old E-Mail address screwing things up > and then the one where you said you fixed the prob. I just re-sent my want > list and will let you know if I don't see it within 24 hours (by about 8:00 > am, tuesday 7/30). > > LLAP > > Unofficial Trek Quotes: > #892 - ... the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they > get to know each other. -- Kirk, "Elaan of Troyius," stardate 4372.5. > > #044 - Please, doctor, not while my wife is on board.þ-- O'Brien > -- Vince Maiocco, Lt. jg/USS Thagard/NCC-652/Science Department > "Kirk is alive. Deal with it."why am I getting all these messages addressed to when that isnt me or my address? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Lafontaine) Subject: ST cards FS. Date: 30 Jul 1996 00:26:48 -0400 STAR TREK CARDS FOR SALE OR TRADE: ** denotes pending. 1991 Postcards: 2 single TNG postcards 1992 Postcards: TOS,TNG hologram postcards 25th Anniversary 1 & 2: common set of 310 ser. 1 and ser. 2 sets TNG ser. 1 set singles sealed box 1 30 Years of ST - Phase 1: order card #T195 singles survey card empty box ** sealed box SOLD E5, E9 **E5 30 Years of ST - Phase 2: dealer promo/detail sheet (3) (2)** 2 card promo (2) (1)** CCG: complete set of 121 Ltd. commons single Ltd. commons & uncommons single Unltd. commons & uncommons sealed boxes of Unltd. boosters and expansions (A.U.) Wrap pack redemption coupon DS9 Premiere: un#'d promo survey card DS9: un#'d promo "Beaming to Retail Fall 93" common set singles sealed box SOLD Episode Collection - 1: common set tribute card info card (2) **(1) SP2, SP3 (SP3)SOLD 3 + 2 card sheet bound in magazine Episode Collection - 2: S1 prototype singles sealed box SOLD Episode Collection - 3: S16 Locutus foil embossed 9 card promo sheet common set singles sealed box Episode Collection - 4: 9 card promo sheet sealed box Episode Collection - 5: common set sealed hobby box survey card #E596 order card S30 Sela foil embossed H9 Guinan hologram (2) SOLD H10 Ro Laren hologram SOLD singles Generations: S1 prototype #2 single order card redeemed (top right corner cut) Gene Roddenberry's Lost Universe: phone-promo card Hollywood Walk of Fame: Levar Burton(2), Jane Wyatt(2), Ricardo Montalban **(1),**(1),** Honey Graham Cookie promoion: complete set of 6 (sealed) (2) SOLD(1) uncut holo-sticker sheet of 9 (3) SOLD(2) Hostess/Frito Lay promotion: complete set of cards (mint) single mini cards (sealed) checklists #18, 23 singles (rough) single foldies (sealed) (3) **(2) single foldie (rough) Illuminatia NWO: "Trekkies" Lincoln Enterprises: sets 2110, 2113, 2114**, 2119, 2123, 2126, 2127** Master Series: common set (2) 1 SOLD singles sealed box survey card S1 promo S2 promo Master Series 94: S1, S2 prototypes survey card proscenium hologram set Personality Comics: list of comics (with trading cards): inquire. Playmates: '93 blue: 29 singles **(8) '93 DS9: set of 9 '93 Caps: Barclay, Sela SOLD '95 9": survey postcard (2) (1)SOLD list of figures (Can) with & without trading card Data 9" #342 & #516 - inquire - taking offers SOLD Pogs: set of two different pogs of Spock (2) (1)** single Spock pog (2) Primrose: complete set of tabacco cards SOLD Shreddies: Generations box Stardiscs: single cards single discs SOLD checklists sealed box packs Starlog:singles checklists promo set of 4 SOLD promo #1 promo #2 uncut holo-sticker sheet mail-in ST set SOLD Star Trek 1967 (original): complete set (missing 3 cards) ** ->each card has been kept in its own toploader Star Trek III: singles SOLD ship #6 SOLD ST III: postcard book Star Wars Galaxy: #1, #117 Star Wars Galaxy II: #141, #232 The Motion Picture 1979: wrappers (3 diff) single cards single stickers common set TNG Inaugural Edition: common set singles language set of 5 01B, 01D, 01E hologram set of 4 03H TNG Interactive VCR Board Game: MIB sealed #149690 Tuff Stuff Collect: Aug'94 "Star Trek" cover & articles ** (sealed with promo sheet) VHS Episodes: #21 ** Voyager:common set single T1, P1 promos survey card Xpand-a-card mail-in set (sealed) S2, S4, S5, S6, S7 Voyager II: 6 card promo sheets P1 promo pop-up set of 9 (2) (1) SOLD P1, P3, P4, P5 (P4) SOLD R1, R5 scratch'n'sniff S2, S3, S4, S6 tattoos purple tattoos (6) (2) SOLD trivia sheets Franklin mint survey card order card #V295 common set singles sealed box Weetabix-UK: Uhura SOLD Bookmarks: 4 DS9 & 2 TNG by Antioch (plastic), inquire! Comics: various regular issues from ST & TNG; a few Personnality Comics, TV Guide special ST issue.. ALSO, ask for list of 1st issues (all ST)!! ST figs & misc -- request list! Singles FS/T -- request list! Star Wars -- request list! Non-Sport -- request list! Auto Racing -- request list! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Lafontaine) Subject: ST comix & books FS! Date: 30 Jul 1996 00:31:13 -0400 I am selling my comic books so that I can concentrate on Star Trek cards. All comics are in bag with board. Prices are plus S&H. ** denotes pending. Thanx for looking, Dan. *************** STAR TREK COMICS & BOOKS ***************** TNG: ---- PERSONALITY PRESENTS #1 Patrick Stewart $9.00 SOLD #6 Michael Dorn $5.00 SOLD DC SPECIAL #1 $3.50 DC ANNUAL #1 $5.25 DC THE SERIES FINALE (64 page Special) $4.75 DC #52 $1.75 POCKET STARS "Dark Mirror" (mint) $5.00 DS9: ---- MALIBU #0 $3.50 MALIBU #1 $3.00 MALIBU ANNUAL #1 (64 page special) $4.75 HERO SPECIAL EDITION $2.25 ** HERO #1 Premiere Edition (gold foil title) $9.00 HERO #1A Premiere Edition (photo cover) $9.00 TOS: ---- GOLD KEY #41 (cover damaged) $4.50 DC ANNUAL #1 (1985) $4.25 DC #1 (new format) $5.00 DC ANNUAL #1 (new format) $5.00 DC SPECIAL #1 $4.00 DC #53 $1.75 DC #56 $1.75 DC WHO'S WHO IN #1 Star Trek $4.25 PERSONALITY PRESENTS #5 Walter Koenig $5.00 #8 Majel Barret $5.00 CELEBRITY COMICS #1 DeForest Kelley $7.00 BLISH - STAR TREK 8 (paperback, rough) $1.00 POCKET BOOKS #48 Rules of Engagement $2.75 "SHIP'S LOG BOOK" (1991, mint) $9.00 MOVIES: ------- MARVEL ST:TMP #1 $3.75 DC ST III #1 $2.25 DC ST IV #2 $2.00 DC ST V #1 $2.00 DC ST VI #1 $2.00 DC GENERATIONS (official comics adapt.) $4.75 POCKET BOOKS Star Trek III (rough) $1.00 Simon&Schuster postcard book $25.00 ROGERS VIDEO brochure (Generations cover) $0.50 SOLD MIXED: ------ DC/MALIBU TNG/DS9 (promo comic-dual cover) $1.50 Pair of same $3.00 DC DIRECT CURRENTS #88 (has TNG&TOS articles) $1.00 #86 (has small ") $0.75 ST FAN CLUB MAGAZINE #97 June/July 1994 with bound in 3 card sheet (& 2 ~postcards) (have 3) $5-$9 (** 1) MISC: ----- TV GUIDE 30 Years of ST book, GREAT book, (Canadian) (2) $20.00 (1)SOLD TV GUIDE #859 Jun 19/93 Trek Cptn's cover & many articles $2.25 TV TIMES Aug 26/95 "Delta Force" Voyager cover & article $2.50 KIDS TRIBUTE #4 '94 (Gen. article & games) $1.00 SOLD TRIBUTE #7 '94 (Gen. article & mini poster & contest) $1.00 SOLD HERO ILLUSTRATED #20 "Star Trek Memories" (+X-Files art.) $2.00 TUFF STUFF COLLECT Aug'94 "Star Trek" cover & articles (sealed with promo sheet) $7.00 ** GOLD KEY: BUGS BUNNY, DONALD DUCK, YOSEMITE SAM July 79 back covers are ST:TMP movie poster $1.25ea Klingon Dictionary 1st printing '92 $12.00 Klingon Audio book - mint, complete $12.00 -both tape & book $23.00 ******************** OTHER ST STUFF ******************** Generations Movie poster 12"x24" rolled (3) $5.00ea DS9 (Trends #4) poster, rolled, sealed $4.00 ST:TNG Interactive VCR Board Game #149690, MIB sealed $35.00 Generations Shreddies box - Can. (only missing 2 flaps) $10.00 Antioch bookmarks... DS9: Kira, Sisko, Odo, Dax $1.75ea TNG: Riker '91 $2.00 LaForge $1.75 ST:TNG "glow in dark" Enterprise & earth '91, 7.5", sealed $7.00 *********** STAR WARS & NON-ST ************* ask for rest of list! LTD Edition Personality Comics (with cards) -- request list! ST figs & misc -- request list! ST cards -- request list! Star Wars cards & misc -- request list! Non-Sport cards & misc-- request list! Auto Racing cards & misc -- request list! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Lafontaine) Subject: ST figs & misc FS! Date: 30 Jul 1996 00:32:16 -0400 I am selling my ST figures so that I can concentrate on my ST card collection. Please inquire for specific condition. Postage is extra. I am TAKING OFFERS on items & lots. Thanx for looking, Dan. *******STAR TREK ACTION FIGURES******** Applause: NCC 1701-D (Generations) "Excelsior Class USS Ent.", --------- MOC (with stand), X/36000 ~~~~~~~~~\error card Hamilton: PVC 4" MIB=mint in sealed factory bag --------- -Picard, M $2.50 -Kirk, MIB (2) $3.25ea -Spock, MIB (2) $3.25ea -NCC1701 MIB (2) $3.25ea Playmates: -# Name Packaging(*), Accessories color, other... ---------- On bilingual card #607090 (TNG) - with trading card (TNG): -6019 Crusher MOC*, red -6023 Locutus MOC*, grey -6023 Locutus MOC, grey SOLD -6057 Benzite MOC*, purple -6057 Benzite in bubble with 1/2 accessories, no card -6057 Benzite MOC, purple -6059 K'ehleyr *, grey, bubble not bound to back -6059 K'ehleyr MOC, grey -6076 Troi MOC*, gold, burgundy uniform On biligual card #620090 (DS9) - with trading card (DS9): -6201 Sisko MOC, navy -6204 O'Brien MOC, green bag/drill/capsule & grey phaser -6206 Kira MOC*, blue -6207 Dukat MOC, blue On bilingual card #607090 (TNG 7th) - with Space Cap (DS9): -6242 Dax MOC, pink -6243 Bashir MOC, blue, Cap upside down -6244 O'Brien MOC, purple bag/drill/capsule & grey phaser -6245 Picard DS9 MOC, blue -6246 Thomas Riker DS9 Moc, purple -6247 Q DS9 MOC, green On bilingual card #691090 (Generations): -6911 Adm. Kirk MOC*, blue pouch/black phaser&comm./stand ** On bilingual card #607090 (TNG 7th) - with trading card (gold): -6960 Geordi Movie MOC, purple -6962 Data Movie MOC, green -6965 Yar MOC, pink -6967 Am. Lwaxana MOC, orange -6968 Am. Sarek MOC, blue -6969 Nausicaan MOC, navy, left arm on backwards Starfleet Edition 9" in box: - Kirk in Dress Uniform MIB, small piece torn, #000342 SOLD - Kirk in Dress Uniform MIB, #000531 SOLD *bubble slit, no trading card, "clip" portion of backcard removed, otherwise sealed and complete. (Gen. no poster) Other: ------ -TOS '91 PVC (3.75") Enterprise on Insignia, with magnet $1.50 -Hollywood Pins '93 (1.25") sml com bagde, Mint on plastic card $6.00SOLD -TMP '79 Spock button - worn by theatre ushers $OFFER -Generations Movie poster 12"x24" rolled (3) $5.00ea -DS9 (Trends #4) poster, rolled, sealed $4.00 -ST:TNG Interactive VCR Board Game #149690, MIB sealed $35 -Generations Shreddies box - Can. (only missing 2 flaps) $10 -Antioch bookmarks... DS9: Kira, Sisko, Odo, Dax $1.75ea TNG: Riker '91 $2.00 LaForge $1.75 -ST:TNG "glow in dark" Enterprise around earth '91, 7.5", sealed $7 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: J!m Hepworth Subject: Read me! (about trektrade) Date: 29 Jul 1996 23:49:06 -0600 At 10:09 PM 7/29/96 -0500, you wrote: >why am I getting all these messages addressed to >when that isnt me or my address? Obviously alot of you out there don't know what a maillist (or listserver) does or is for. A maillist is a central place to send a message that will then be distributed to everyone who is on the list. It is not sent to anyone in particular. Only those interested in the subject of the maillist should be members. This maillist, "trektrade", is not a discussion group. It was only designed to distribute messages listing items you have to trade or sale that are Star Trek related. Anyone who is a member may post trade/sale messages. I miss alot of trade messages on the newsgroups because of the sheer volume out there (200+ a day). This list was started to help get those interested in trading and buying Star Trek memorabilia get together. I started this list with a list of names of those I had traded or bought Trek related stuff from, figuring that they would be interested. However, if you are not interested, please let me know and I will remove you immediatly. One other note. This list is also available in a digest form. What a digest does is collect all the messages to a maillist for the day, and send it out as one large e-mail message to you. This can be very helpfull if you don't like all the individual messages. The only drawback to this is you don't get first chance at a possible trade since the digests are sent out at the end of each day, or when they get to a certain size. If you would like to be removed altogether or would like to me moved to the digest version please let me know and I will take care of it right away. I didn't mean to upset anyone with a flood of messages that they were not interested in receiving. Please e-mail either or and not the maillist directly with any requests for removal or help. Thanx, -J!m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Lafontaine) Subject: WTT ST singles (or sell). Date: 30 Jul 1996 02:57:02 -0400 I have indicated my trade preferences, but feel free to offer any trade if you can't meet these. Postage extra if trading less than 20 cards (most). All singles can also be bought, ask for prices. Thanx for looking, DAN! ****STAR TREK**** Will Trade any Trek for any Trek (except &&)!! 25TH ANN. 1: have: 1(2),3,7,9,13,15,17,19,25,29,30,33,34,37,43,44,47 48,50,51,54,55,57,59,61,63,69,73,77,79,82,85,89,92, 93,96,97,102,106,116,128,129,131,138,141,148,149, 150,153,158 fillers: 5,11,159,160 (2:1) 25TH ANN. 2: have: 167,173,185,191,195 30TH ANN. 1: need: 4,5(2),7(3),8,11(2),13,14(3),16,17,20,21(2),22,28, 29,31,32(3),34,35(3),37,38,40,47(3),49(2),52(3),58, 61(4),62,67,68,71(2),74(3),75(3),78,81,82(3),83,91, 94(4),95,100 have: 2,6(2),9,12(3),18(3),23(2),24,25(4),30(4),36(4), 42(2),44(5),45(3),46(5),48(2),50(4),51(3),53,54,55, 59,60,63(2),64,65,66(2),69(3),70(5),73(4),76(2), 80(3),84,85(4),86(4),87,89(2),92,96(2),97,98 CCG: need: beta booklet have: alpha booklet, many LTD C,UC, a few UL C,UC DEEP SPACE 9: need: 51(2),54(2),58(2),60(2),65,66(2),67(3),68(3),69(2), 70(4),71(3),72(2),73,75,81,84(2),87,89,100 have: 2,3(4),4(2),6(2),7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20, 21,22,23,25,26,27,28,31(3),32,33,43(3),44,45,48,50(3), 52,56(2),59(2),61,64,95,96,97,99 GENERATIONS: need: 3,5,11,14,15,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,28,29,31,34,37,39, 40,47,49,50,51,52,53,54,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65,69 have: 2 HOSTESS: need: 25,D05 have: 1,18*,28* (&&) *rough,2 for 1 MASTER: need: 67 have: 4(2),5(2),6(2),8,13,15,16,25,29,30,33,34,37,38,39, 47,48,49(2),50,54,57,58,59(2),60(2),64,65,68,71(2), 72,73(2),81(3),82(2),87,88 NEW CREW (Personality Comics): need: anything, '92 checklist signed ORIGINAL CREW (Pers.): need: anything, '92 checklist unsigned PLAYMATES: need: all SEASON 2: have: 110,117,123,126,136,144,150,152,157,164,199,200 SEASON 3: need: 206,210,212,215,217,218,220,222,224,226,227,229, 231,232,235,241,242,245,247,248,252,255,256,260, 262,265,270,271,272,273,274,276,282,283,287,288, 290,292,298,299,300,304,305,307,308,309,312 have: 219,221,228,230,236,259 SEASON 4: need: all SEASON 5: need: 424,449,450,451,452,453,463(2),464(3),465(3),478(3), 479(2),480(2),508(3),509(3),510(3) have: 421*,422,423*,425,426,427,428,430,431,433,434,435, 439,440,444,448*,452,455,456,461,466,467*,469,471, 474,476,482,483,484,485,486,490,492,494,495,496, 503,506,507,511(2),512,513,514,515,517,519*,520, 521,522,525,526,527 STARDISCS: have: cards 9/48,43/23,51/13 TNG INAUGURAL: need: 23,40 01A, 01C have: 6,8,12,16,21,24,30(2),33,44,54,56(2),59,71,81,82(2), 84,88,90,95,96,99,100,102(2),106(2),109,116,118 01D(3,&&) TMP 1979: need: 8,14,17,21,35,37,55,68,71,80 S: 1,2,4,5,9,12,15,16,17,18,20 have: 3,19,22,23,24,28,29,31,33,34,36,38,39,42, 56,62,64,65,67 (&&) VHS EPISODES: need: all VOYAGER: need: 23,27,28,33,34,38,39,41,43,51,52,55,56,66,70, 72,76,77,78,81,84,90,96 have: 74 VOYAGER II: need: 2,8(2),11,16(2),21,27(2),33,35,36(4),40(2),42(3), 45(2),46,48(2),54(5),57(2),62(2),63,64,68,70,71(2), 72(5),73(2),74(2),80(4),81(2),82 have: 1,4(4),5(3),6,9(2),10(2),12(3),13(2),14(4),17(5), 18(3),19(3),20(2),23(5),24(2),25(3),26(4),29(5), 30(3),31,32(3),34,37(2),38(3),39(7),43(2),44(4), 47(3),50(2),51(3),52(3),53,55,56(2),58(3),60(5), 61(6),65(3),66(2),67,69,75(2),76(6),77(4),78(3), 79,85(3),86(3),87(4),88,89(3),90(3) ****ST related**** Will give for same set or Trek singles!! CLASSIC TOYS: need: 16,40, checklist EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (GREEK): need: checklist, all ST cards except 114 FANGORIA: have: 10,17,22,23,25,39,58,67,87,89 want: singles with Jason mask HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME: need: 83,177,192 HULK '79: have: 21 (rough) ILLUMINATI NWO: need: "Trekkies" have: variance of "Trekkies" INDEPENDENCE DAY: need: 5,56,63 NATIONAL LAMPOON: need: 57, checklist SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE: need: 2, 106 SPACE SHOTS: need: 115, 220, 288, checklist III STARLOG: need: 1,5,26,27,28,34,39,55,62,70,71,88,95 have: 6,13,18,21,32(2),41,60(2),66,69(2),79,83,84,85,87,93, 94, CK2(2),CK4(2),CK5,CK6 (want 4 cards for ea. CK) SW GALAXY 1: need: 140, any card that refers to StarTrek except 112,117 have: 1,9,10,25,26,27,28,35,36,37,38,39,40,43,44,45,46,47, 74,75,76,77,78,79,80,82,83,90,113,114(2),115,116(2), 118,125,126,130,134,135 SW GALAXY 2: need: any cards with ST references except 219,231,232,272 have: 141 SW GALAXY 3: need: 353,354,365 & any other cards with ST references, title card, checklist, L & 1st Day versions of above TEK WORLD: need: 100, checklist TINY TOONS '94: need: checklist for #27 TRUE CRIME II: need: Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson have: 112,123,134,145,156,167,178,188,197,199,210,211 TV SMELLY AWARDS: need: 56, checklist WACKY TV SHOW CARDS: need: 19, checklist *****I also have non-sport singles, request list!****** -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: Re: ST cards FS. Date: 30 Jul 1996 06:08:24 -0400 Dan Lafontaine wrote: > Honey Graham Cookie promoion: > complete set of 6 (sealed) (2) SOLD(1) > > Illuminatia NWO: "Trekkies" > What is the price of the complete set?? And I want the Illuminati for sure!!! I'll just have to send off more money!!! Lynne -- James and Lynne Stewart Come see the ST Collectibles Newsletter and new home of KLM Cards!! Shaq, Braves and Star Trek...a happy combination! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: WTB: Mego/Ertl Kirk figures Date: 30 Jul 1996 20:35:44 -0400 I'm looking for the following: 3" Ertl Kirk 3" Mego Kirk 12" Mego Kirk Let me know if you can help out. Thanks, Mark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Larry W. Draper" Subject: NEED: Voyager II common #11 Date: 30 Jul 1996 20:23:45 -0500 I only need one common card, #11 from Voyager II. Can anyone help me? Have lots for trade from all ST sets. Let me know. Thanks Debbie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Lafontaine) Subject: Re: ST cards FS. Date: 30 Jul 1996 22:59:25 -0400 >Dan Lafontaine wrote: > >> Honey Graham Cookie promoion: >> complete set of 6 (sealed) (2) SOLD(1) > >> >> Illuminatia NWO: "Trekkies" >> What is the price of the complete set?? And I want the Illuminati for sure!!! >I'll just have to send off more money!!! Hi Lynne, The sticker set is $66, (that's what I sold my first and my friend's sets at, but LMK if that's too much for you.) The INWO, well I really don't know what they are worth. I paid $2 for two of them, so I'll sell it back to you for the same $1. LMK if this is OK Lynne, Dan. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dan Lafontaine) Subject: Re: WTB: Mego/Ertl Kirk figures Date: 30 Jul 1996 23:58:28 -0400 >I'm looking for the following: > >3" Ertl Kirk >3" Mego Kirk >12" Mego Kirk > >Let me know if you can help out. Thanks, Mark. Sorry, No. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: J!m Hepworth Subject: FS: Trek sets/cards Date: 31 Jul 1996 16:44:42 -0600 --- Last update 07.31.96 --- For Sale items at top. Want list at bottom. Prices do not include shipping. For 1-2 cards just include a SASE or stamp. I supply top-loader. For sets or multiple chase orders, e-mail for total price w/shipping. Payment Options: 1. Money Order: Items will be shipped within 24 hours. 2. Checks: 7-10 days for check to clear before shipping. 3. COD: Add $5.00 and expect UPS-ground shipping. -J!m %%% Items with a % by are pending another sale %%% STAR TREK SETS (all post 1990 sets include a wrapper) 1967 1981 Reprint of 1967 Leaf set (72) . . . . . . $16 1979 The Motion Picture (88 cards/no stickers) . . . $20 1991 25th Anniversary Series I (160) . . . . . . . . $ 9 1991 25th Anniversary Series II (150). . . . . . . . $ 9 1991 Complete 25th Anniv Set (310 cards) . . . . . . $16 1992 STNG Inaugural Edition (120). . . . . . . . . . $ 9 1993 Master Series 1 (90) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 1994 Master Series 2 (100) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 Includes Survey Card 1993 DS9 Premiere Factory Sealed (48/2 Spectra) . . $12 1994 Deep Space 9 (100). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 1994 Generations (72). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 1994 STNG Episodes - Season 2. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 1995 STNG Episodes - Season 3. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 1996 STNG Episodes - Season 4. . . . . . . . . . . . $10 1996 STNG Episodes - Season 5 (Release 06/19/96) . . $10 1995 Voyager Series I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 Includes T1, P1 and Survey Card 1995 Voyager Series II (90). . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 Includes Survey Card (while supplies last) 1995 30th Anniversary Phase 1. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 Includes Survey card (while supplies last) 1996 30th Anniversary Phase 2. . . . . . . . . . . . $10 Includes Survey and Paramount web card *** Special: Buy 5 or more $8 cards and get them for $7/each *** STAR TREK CHASE CARDS Star Trek Next Generation: Inaugural: 4 card promo (#00A,00B,00C,No#,sealed) $8 Hologram 01H(2), 02H(2), 03H(2), 04H $8/ea Hologram (mailin) 05H $15 Season 1 Embossed Character SP4, SP5, SP6(2) $8/ea Hologram HG1 Season 2 Album (1) $18 Survey Card (2) $2/ea Embossed Klingon S7(2) $8 Embossed Character S10, S12(3) $8/ea Season 3 Album (1) $18 Survey Card (3) $2/ea Embossed Klingon S13, S14(2), S15(2) $8/ea Embossed Character S16(6), S17(3), S18 $8/ea Season 4 Survey Card (4) $2/ea Embossed Klingon S19(3), S20, S21 $8/ea Embossed Character S22(2), S23(2), S24(3) $8/ea Hologram HG7(4), HG8 $40/ea Season 5 Survey Card $2/ea Embossed Klingon S25, S26, S27 $8/ea Embossed Character S28, S30 $8 Hologram H10(3) $30/ea Generations: Foil Villian F1 $8 Master 1993: Series 1 Spectra S-1(2), S-2(2), S-3(4), S-4(2), S-5 $8/ea Master 1994: Series 2 Survey Card $1/ea Tri-Pitch F5, F6, F7, F8(3), F9(2) $8/ea Voyager: Series 1 Promo T1 $2/ea Survey Card $1/ea Preview Card P1 $1/ea Spectra S5, S6, S7 $8 Expand-A-Card Offer X-1, X-2(3), X-3(4) $6/ea, $15/set Expand-A-Card (actual fold outs) X-1, X-2, X3 $30/set Series 2 Survey Card $1/ea Spectra (Xenobios) S-1(6),2(5),3(2),4(6),6(5),7(3),9 $8/ea Neelix Recipes R1(2),R2(4),R3(6),R4(6),R5(2),R6(8) $5/ea Blockbuster Pop-up P1(5),P2,P3,P4,P5,P7,P8,P9(4) $3/ea Blockbuster Set of 9 $27/dlvd Skymotion (Janeway) $40/dlvd 30th Anniversary: Phase 1 Survey Card $2/ea Die-cut D1, D2(3), D3(5) $12/ea, $33/set of 3 Foil Technology E2, E3(5), E4(3), E5(3), E6, E7, E8(3), E9 $8/ea Skymotion (Enterprise) $40/dlvd Phase 2 Survey Card $2/ea Paramount Web card $2/ea Foil Doppelganger F2, F6, F8(2) $8/ea Skymotion (Odo) $40/dlvd Chase/Promo/Sets Wanted (I love to trade!) Star Trek (Prime Press 1977) 25th Anniversary Series I: 8.5"x11" Checklist, promos, Album STNG Inaugural Edition: Tin bonus cards Hostess Minis #8, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37, DS9 checklist, Foldouts Graham Cracker box Holo's (all but Enterprise) 30th Anniv Phase 2: L2 Also, Any special promos that might be available for any set, let me know what you have. Commons I also have a list of commons I need, available upon request, with commons for trade/sale from the following sets: 25th Anniv. Series I/II, Inaugural, DS9, Generations, Master Series I/II, Episode Seasons 1/2/3/4, Voyager 1/2, 30th Anniv Phase 1/2 Thanx for browsing!