From: "Tony Dodds" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: STTNG CCG Date: 01 Aug 1998 10:17:07 PDT Howdy all, I am wanting to trade for some of the DS9 expansion. I am looking for: Dilemmas- DNA Clues-R Odo's Cousin-U Doorways- Airlock-R Secret Compartment-R Events- Automated Security System-R Defiant Dedication Plaque-R Duranja-R System 5 Disruptors-R Interrupts- Extraordinary Methods-u Going to the Top-R Protouniverse-R The Walls Have Ears-R Missions- Aid Fugitives-R Changeling Research-R Investigate Rumors-R Kressari Rendezvous-C Search and Rescue-C Search for Survivors-C Verify Evidence-C Objectives- HQ: Return Orb to Bajor-R Process Ore-U Rescue Personnel-R Bajoran Personnel- Bareil Antos-R General Krim-R Lenaris Holem-R Neela-R Odo-R Razka Karn-R Shakaar Edon-R Trazko-U Vedek Winn-R Cardassian Personnel- Aamin Marritza-R Borad-R Danar-R Dukat-R Enabran Tain-R Entek-R Gilora Rejal-R Jasad-U Korinas-R Kovat-R Makbar-R Toran-R Federation Personnel- Jadzia Dax-R Julian Bashir-R Klingon Personnel- D'Ghor-R Yeto-R Non-Aligned Personnel- Zef'No-R Cardassian Ships- Aldara-R Groumall-R Klingon Ships- I.K.C. Toh'Kaht-R Sites- Garak's Tailor Shop-R Infirmary-U First contact- Theta Radiation Poisoning x2 Undetected Beam-in x2 I have for trade: DS9~ PUP-R Bajoran Civil War-R Central Command-R Establish Tractor Lock-R Jaro Essa-R Kira Nerys-R Plain, Simple Garak-R Tekeny Ghemor-R Bo'rak-R Retaya-R U.S.S. yangtzee Kiang First Contact~ Zefram Cochrane's Telescope x2-R Ooby Dooby-R Scout Encounter-R Abandon Mission-R Regenerate-R Wall of Ships-R Android Headlock x2-R Assimilate This!-R Borg Kiss-R Borg Neuroprocessor-R Shipwreck-R Weak Spot-R Assimilate Homeworld-R Build Interplexing Beacon-R Stop First Contact-R Borg Queen-R Admiral Hayes x2-R Alyssa Ogawa x2-R Beverly Crusher-R Data-R Deanna Troi-R Jean-Luc Picard-R Paul Porter-R William T. Riker-R Worf-R Queen's Borg Cube-R Phoenix Fajo Collection~(Three for one trades only for these) Qapla'! DNA Metamorphosis Picard's Artificial Heart 1994 and 1995 WB cards, Alternate Universe, Q-Continuum sets- E-mail your list and I will check, but odds are good I will have it. Thanks for looking, Tony Dodds Lt. Cmdr. G.A.B. Blue Team ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Elden Wilson" Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG trade list Date: 01 Aug 1998 14:47:07 -0400 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- I've updated my DS9 CCG trade list. I discovered that I had left out a few of my wants from the prior list, so please look it over again! I need: Central Command Chamber of Ministers Changeling Research Deep Space Nine / Terok Nor Duranja Garak Has Some Issues Gilora Rejal Grilka Harvester Virus Kira Nerys Prakesh Saltah'na Clock Seismic Quake Shakaar Edon The Three Vipers Trauma Turrel I have the following extra rare cards (and most commons/uncommons): Aamin Marritza Automated Security System Cure Blight D'Ghor Dukat (2) Entek Garak's Tailor Shop HQ: Return Orb To Bajor (2) I.K.C. Toh'Kaht Makbar Morka No Loose Ends Plans Of the Obsidian Order Protouniverse "Pup" Rescue Personnel Ruwon Sakonna Sorus Surmak Ren Symbiont Diagnosis System 5 Disrupters The Walls Have Ears Toran Vakis Vedek Winn Yeto I also have these First Contact extra rares (and most common/uncommons): Borg Queen Queen's Borg Cube Retask Salvage Starship Shipwreck Wall Of Ships Worf Thanks! - --Bob (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) ) Robert Elden Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. "Personal Brain ( ( -------------------------------- Care Specialist" ) ) Email: ( ( FTP: ) ) WWW: ( ( PGP Key: FTP, WWW, or finger -l ) ) Address: Saint Vincent Health Center, Erie, PA 16544 ( (______________________________________________________________) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv Comment: Processed by PGPClick 3.5 iQCVAwUBNcNiqZekfJOFWb8JAQGkkwQAoAKuQp6mQXLYDueaU3HB9Ednq+39vGPq HMS/gqa/ipWZx8CqWWjVcyZcF3EgcwGd7TmL2FQLfW/RH8Zt7JwaM25M7v6YA46y o3D62CMJTVRWyvg/qTtpPOQpwd8iJfe3c0Cnvmm5QQo0ewx65xOyK3lMkB99Ip1h qPcoPr33kjU= =V8qd -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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I HAVE***************************** 1-STAR TREK MASTER SERIES I (90) 1-STAR TREK INAUGURAL ED 1-DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 SET 1-STARLOG /W HOLO 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 1 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 2 1-ST:SEASON SIX 1-STAR TREK 30TH ANNV PHASE 1 1-ST:FIRST CONTACT (60) 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 1 W/CHARACTER SET ST:25TH ANNIV H2 ST:GEN SKYMOTION LARGE ST:GEN SKYMOTION SMALL ST:FIRST CONTACT BS10 ST:PHASE 3 POSTER 3,4,5,6,7(BLUE) ST:SEASON S19,S31 ST:SEASON 6 SM2(box motion) ST:DSN PROFILES quark all ST:DSN PROFILES T&T 1,3,5,9 ST:DSN PROFILES LAT 1 OF 9 ST:TOS 1 P3,6,7,8,16,18,19,22 ST:TOS 1 B25,26,27,29,31,34,56,57@ ST:VOY SEAS 2 196 TECH ST:VOY X-2 OFFER ****SKYBOX POGS AND CARDS FROM ACTION FIGURES *** POG CAPT PICARD AS ROMULAN POG LT CMDR DATA AS ROMULAN POG LT CMDR LAFORGE AS TARCHANNEN POG LT WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT POG LT BARCLAY POG HUGH BORG POG HUNTER OF TOSK POG ROM POG TOSK CARD AMBASSADOR SPOCK CARD ADMIRAL MCCOY CARD MUGATU CARD KAHN ST:episode 2 S1 ST:master EXCEL SPACEDOCK ST:master UHURU ST:voy series 2 P1 (from set) 3OTH ANNV CYBER ST:BLCKBSTR CREW PHOTOS SET 3(8X10 ONE EACH) ST:TOS CCG LIVING IN PAST ST:STARLOG MAIL IN PROMO HAVE DSN CREW, KIRK ST:MASTERCARD 30TH ANNIV (trade for voy or gen) ST:HOSTESS MINI 9,10,16,D8,D10 CCG::STAR TREK TOS ANTIGRAV UNIT TOS FRIENDLY WELCOME TOS ADMIRAL KOMACK TOS AGONIZER DSN SET OF COMMONS ONLY FROM STARTER DECKS (16) DSN 12 INDV COMMONS FROM STARTER DECK...ASK IF YA NEED ACTION FIGURES 6016 199606 LT CMD DEANNA TROI (lavender) C9unpunched 6058 161302 Q C8tab intact 6016 293828 LT CMD DEANNA TROI (lavender) European Card (Eng,Fr,Sp) C6-C7tab intact 6202 26086 ODO (purple card) C7 6245 58100 PICARD IN DSN UNIFORM C7-C8 6034 75811 CMD RIKER MALCORIAN C7-C8(POG) 6036 64317 LT WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT C7(POG) 6038 812 DR NOONIAN SOONG C8+(POG) 6960 25045 LT CMD LAFORGE MOVIE UNIFORM C8+ 6035 18210 LT CMD DEANNA TROY (6TH SEASON) C8+(POG) 6049 1258 ESOQQ C9(POG) 6060 16193 DATON C8+tab intact(CARD) 6961 47766 DR BEV CRUSHER DUTY UNIFORM C8 6962 110543 LT CMD DATA MOVIE UNIFORM C8 6440 5953 LT DAX BLOOD OATH C8(POG) 6443 12255 LT(JG) LAFORGE INTERSTELLAR C8 6446 22815 ODO NEC EVIL C9 6241 5195 ROM with nog C9+(POG) 6237 24142 TOSK C8+(POG) 6236 10013 VEDEK BARIL C8+(POG) 16462 622 KAZON (VOY CARD) C7(CARD) 6134 INNERSPACE FERENGI MARAUDER C6 6134 INNERSPACE CARDASSIAN WARSHIP C7-C8 I NEED************* ST:TOS ONE..G1,2,4,6,7,10,11,18,19,22,24,26,29 ST:DSN PROFILES AUTO ARMIN ST:25TH ANNIV......................3 CARD CELLO PACK ST:MASTER SERIES ..................6 CARD SHEET ST:MASTERCARD......................0 VOY AND GENERATIONS ST:VOY SEASON 2...113,120,124,128,142,145,167 ST: HOSTESS MINI..2,22,26 ST:TOS ANNUAL 1...P14,15 ST:TOS ANNUAL 1..BTS 1,23,24,41 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..BTS96,100 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..C107,110 C68,79,102,103,104,107,108,109,110 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..119 /97,106,113,119,133,145,148,155,156,158 ST:MOVIES CINEMA 6 CARDS PROMOS WITH ORDER FROM SKYBOX ST:30TH ANNIV PHASE 3 FC PREVIEW CARD(IF IT EXISTS) ALBUMS/BINDERS================================================= ST:MASTER ST:25TH ANNIV ST ACTION FIGURES ALL WITH POGS================================ ADMIRAL MCCOY K'EHLYR LAFORGE(JG) DATHON BORG II MORDOCK CAPT PICARD 1ST LOCUTUS CAPTAIN SCOTT KLINGON WARRIOR WORF CMD RIKER 2ND SEASON RO LAUREN ENSIGN COUNSELOR TROI(MAROON) LT WORF JG DR. BEV CRUSHER(1ST SEASON) CADET WES CRUSHER ALSO INTERESTED IN DR SOONG WITH CARD TOS CCG******WILD---KAL-IF-FEE ST: COMICS DC: TOS feb 84- nov 88 (57) 3,4,5,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,44,47,48,49,54,57 movie adapt IV, V movie adapt 2 ? DC: TOS 89-present (80+) 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, 34,38,39,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,49, 50,52,53,55,58,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,71 72,73,74,75,76,79,80 ann 1,5,6 sp 3, 25thann ,ash of eden DC: TNG 89-present (80+) 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,19,20,21,22,23,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,36,37,42, 44,48,50,51,52,54,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,75,77,78,80 ann 1,2,5,6 sp 2,3 TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) DSN trades Date: 03 Aug 1998 11:53:47 -0700 Hi all.... ok.... DSN CCG NEED DAL'ROK---------------DILEMMA PUP ------------------DILEMMA TRAUMA----------------DILEMMA SECRET COMPARTMENT----DOORWAY BAJORAN CIVIL WAR-----EVENT DEFIANT DEDICATION PLAQUE-EVENT RECUIT MERCENARIES----EVENT SYSTEM 5 DISRUTORS----EVENT CENTRAL COMMAND-------FACILITY BASEBALL--------------INTERRUPT PROTOUNIVERSE---------INTERRUPT ACCESS RELAY STATION--MISSION AID FUGITIVES---------MISSION IVESTIGATE RUMORS-----MISSION JARO ESSA-------------BAJ CHAR LI NOLAS--------------BAJ CHAR PALLA-----------------BAJ CHAR SHAKAAR EDON----------BAJ CHAR SURMAK REN------------BAJ CHAR TAHNA LOS-------------BAJ CHAR BOROD-----------------CAR CHAR DUKAT-----------------CAR CHAR ENTEK-----------------CAR CHAR KOVAT-----------------CAR CHAR MOKBAR----------------CAR CHAR PLAIN SIMPLA GARAK----CAR CHAR JULIAN BASHIR---------FED CHAR BO'RAK----------------KLI CHAR D'GHOR----------------KLI CHAR ALTOVAR---------------UNL CHAR RETAYA----------------UNL CHAR SOKANNA---------------UNL CHAR VAKIS-----------------ROM CHAR IKC TOH'KAHT----------KLI SHIP CHA'JAH---------------ROM SHIP OK....WHAT I HAVE EXTRA NO LOOSE ENDS-------DILEMMA SEISMIC QUAKE-------DILEMMA GARAKS TAILOR SHOP--FACILITY GOING TO THE TOP----INTERRUPT THE WALLS HAVE EARS-INTERRUPT CAMPING TRIP--------MISSION PLANS OF THE TAL SHAR--OBJECTIVE ESTABLISH TRACTOR LOCK-OBJECTIVE BAJORANS CARDS BAREIL ANTOS AAMIN MARRITZA KAI OPOKA KORINAS VEDEK WINN MORA POL MORKA-KLINGON RAZKA KARN SORUS-ROMULAN AND.... JADZIA DAX-FED lmk chris TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: amalia barrios Subject: (TrekTrade) TOS autos for trade Date: 03 Aug 1998 20:48:13 -0700 Have the following TOS autos and other cards for trade: SETS: ST: Phase 1 ST: First Contact ST:TOS Annuals 1 x 2 ST:TOS Annuals 2 w/ game card set (except "V") x 2 ST:TNG vending machine 28-sticker set CHASE: 1975 ST Morris National: sticker sheets: 2,11,16 x 2; 4,31,16 ; 2,11,25 ; 2,29,15 ; 19,33,10 ; 22,8,13 ; 23,13,17 ; 30,8,32 ; 18,11,16,5 puzzle pieces: 2, 3(2), 9(2), 10, 13(3), 15, 17, 19, 20, 28(6) [ask me about numbering scheme] 1976 Star Trek (Australian Scanlen): 7, 9, 10, 12, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59, 64 Star Trek:DS9 - SP2 Star Trek: Generations - F1 Star Trek: TOS Annuals 1 Game cards: all character log set Behind-the-Scenes: B38 Autographs: A3(will only trade for A33 or A34), A5, A6, A8, A18, A19, A21 Star Trek: TOS Annuals 2 Game cards: all except "V" Character Log: complete set, C59 x 2, C60 x 2, C61, C65 x 2, C66 x 2, C67 x 3, C68 x 2, C69 x 4, C70 x 2, C71, C72 x 5, C73 x 4, C74, C77 x 5, C78 x 6, C79 x 3, C80 x 2, C81 x 2, C82 x 7, C83 x 6, C84 x 5, C85 x 3, C86 x 3, C87 x 3, C88, C89, C90 x 7, C90 x 4, C92 x 3, C93 x 8, C94 x 8, C96 x 4, C97 x 4, C98 x 6, C99 x 4, C100 x 11, C101 x 2, C102 x 2, C103 x 8, C104 x 6, C105 x 4, C106 x 4 Behind-the-Scenes: complete set, B59, B60 x 3, B67, B71 x 2, B72 x , B75 x 3, B80, B81 x 2, B82 x 4, B83 x 2, B84 x 2, B91 x 2, B96 x 3, B100 x 2, B107 x 5, B108 x 13, B109 x 4, B110 x 5 Profiles: complete set, P31, P32 x 4, P33 x 4, P34, P36, P37, P40, P42 x 3, P43 x 2, P44 x 2, P50 Gold Plaques: G30 x 4, G31 x 2, G32, G35 x 3, G36 x 4, G38, G42 x 3, G48 x 2, G50 x 2 Autographs: A51, A57 Star Trek:TNG Inaugural Ed. - hologram O4H, gold holo O5H Star Trek: TNG Episodes - S18, S23, S27 x 2, Season 2 survey card, Season 3 survey card, Season 4 survey card, Season 5 survey card x 2, holograms - HG1, HG2 (will trade holo cards for HG11 & HG12) ST:Phase 1,2,3 - survey cards for all 3 1994 ST Master Series: survey card Star Trek: Voyager -Survey card x 2 ST:Voyager Series 2 - survey card x 2 plus assorted singles. Looking to trade for the following: 1975 ST Morris National: sticker sheets - 1,16,29 3,29,16 12,14,10 12,27,26 20,13,14 21,13,14 24,11,31 German ST Fritt stickers: 1995 set (series 1) - 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 1996 set (series 2) - 3-30 1997 set (series 3) - 1-10, 15, 23, 28, 31 ST:TOS video episode cards: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76 ST feature film video cards ST subset from Greek SW:ESB card set ST 25th Anniv. 3-card promo cello pack 5-card promo cello pack uncut 4-card hologram sheets H2 & H4 ST:TNG Inaugural Ed.: bonus card from tin set ST:Generations skymotion redemption card (expired) ST:30 Yrs. Phase II skymotion redemption card (expired) oversized skymotion card (mail-in) ST:TNG Season 2: any 2-card promo panels EXCEPT 123 & 131 ST:TNG Season 6: H11, H12 ST:First Contact chase: B7 posters: S2 ST:TOS Annuals 1: game card "I" (voided or non-voided) Gold plaque cards: G5, G10, G27 Autograph cards: A1, A23, A25 ST:TOS Annuals 2: game card "V" (voided or non-voided) Character Log: C107 x 11, C108 x 15, C109 x 14, C110 x 13 Autograph cards: A27, A28, A30, A31, A32, A33, A34 ST action figure CARDS (only want the cards, not the figures) 1994-95 Stock No., Name 6960 Lt La Forge Movie Uniform 6961 Dr Bev Crusher Duty Uniform 6981 Ensign Ro Laren 6982 Dr Noonian Soong 6985 Worf in Ritual Attire 1995-96 Stock No., Name C 6428 Dr Katherine Pulaski C 6432 Picard As Galen C 6433 Geordi LaForge in AGT C 6434 Sherrif Worf w/Alexander From Fist Full Of Data's C 6437 Governor Worf in AGT WV 16031 Capt Kirk in Casual Attire WV 16041 Gorn Captain Classic Star Trek With WideVision Cards - Stock No., Name 6455 Lt Uhura 6457 Martia Mutant Ninja Star Trek Turtles, Asst No.3450, Stock No., Name 3452 Chief Engineer Michaelangelo 3453 Chief Medical Officer Raphael Playmate 9" Figures, Command Edition Collector Series, Asst No.6065, Stock No., Name 6068 Captain James T. Kirk Have a much more extensive want/trade list on my web page (URL below). Let's haggle! Amalia Barrios TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Admiral Christopher A. Harmon" Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 04 Aug 1998 11:38:00 -0500 Greetings! I have a few cards left to trade. If you're not interested in trading, can you let me know how much you want for the cards I need? Here are the rares that I have: DILEMMAS "Pup" CARDASSIAN PERSONNEL Natima Lang Here is what I need: DILEMMAS Seismic Quake EVENTS Recruit Mercenaries MISSIONS Aquire Illicit Explosives (C) Deliver Supplies (C) Investigate Rumors Kressari Rendezvous (C) Refuse Immigration (C) Relocate Settlers (C) Rescue Prisoners (C) Study Plasma Storm (C) CARDASSIAN PERSONNEL Elim Garak Makbar Plain, Simple Garak Tora Zayal NON-ALIGNED PERSONNEL Martus Mazur TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Admiral Christopher A. Harmon" Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 04 Aug 1998 12:50:04 -0500 Greetings! I'm curious. Does anyone think the DS9 CCG set was as hard to compile as the original TNG CCG set? TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Edward Szymoniak Subject: (TrekTrade) Trade for Autograph Date: 04 Aug 1998 19:29:47 -0500 Hi, Since I still need William Shatner Autograph card (A31) from The Original Series - season 2, I am willing to trade my Mirror Mirror Chekov (M7). I also need William Shatner & joan Collins Autographs from Series 1. If you have any of these, please let me know. Thanks Edward Szymoniak ( Edward TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ALC Subject: (TrekTrade) Curiosity regarding autograph cards from TOS 2 Date: 04 Aug 1998 17:35:53 -0700 Out of curiosity, how much is a A32 (James Doohan/Scotty) autograph worth? Are Shatner's, Nimoy's, and Kelley's worth the most? TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Re: Trek Figure/Cards for Sale/Trade Date: 04 Aug 1998 23:49:56 -0400 > 1701 3 Pack $29. 9" WF4 Seven of Nine, Sisko $27 each, Dax ONLY 1 PER > CASE $35, Target Holo-Doc & Harry Kim $65 set. > Exclusive Neelix & Dax $25 each. 9" Q painted face(the rare one) $30, Sulu, > Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant ship $29, Medical Tricorder $15. 12" > Latinum Picard or Borg Queen $69. Many other 5" figures for sale. I also > I have 12" Star Wars FAO Tarkin/Gunner $99, Se Luke Jedi $69. All items > mint condition. I NEED Voyager figures especially Chakotay. Many References available. Cards TOS Season I A21 TOS Season 2 A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes G30 for trade Voyager Series 1 $12 set S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG $10 set 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) First Contact Set $12 C1,C5 BS1,BS2,BS6, BS9 E2 I Need B3 30 Anniv Phase I I Need D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need D2,4,6,7,9 I have F7 Kira Terminator 2 $15 TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) (no subject) Date: 05 Aug 1998 12:33:43 -0400 A friend of mine has asked me to ffer his Deforest Kelly auto... Total is $350 plus shipping. LMK if interested, payment arrangements can be made!! Also he has a Walter Koenig for $65 and one other I forgot and will have to find out..Doohan, maybe?! Lynne TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 05 Aug 1998 13:16:55 EDT I have the following DS9 CCG Rares: Alien Gambling Device -- Artifact DNA Clues -- Dilemma Recruit Mercenaries -- Event Access Relay Station - Mission Kai Opaka - Bajoran Jake & Nog - Federation Elim Garak - Cardassian Entek -- Cardassian Prakesh -- Cardassian Ship Morka -- Klingon IKC Toh'kaht - Klingon ship I also have extras of all the common starter missions as well as ALL commons and almost all uncommons I need the following ARTIFACTS: Mysterious Orb Saltah'na Clock DILEMMAS Garak Has Some Issues Harvester Virus Seismic Quake The Three Vipers DOORWAYS Airlock Secret Compartment EVENTS Bajoran Civil War Computer Crash Duranja Treaty: Romulan/Cardassian INTERRUPT Baseball The Walls Have Ears MISSION Changeling Research Cure Blight Investigate Rumors OBJECTIVES HQ: Return Orb to Bajor Plans of the Obsidian Order Rescue Personnel BAJORAN Colonel Day General Krim Jabara Jaro Essa Kira Nerys Mora Pol Shakaar Edon Tahna Los CARDASSIAN Aldara Groumall Boheeka Borad Danar Dukat Enabrain Tain Gilora Rejal Korinas Plain. Simple Garak Tekeny Ghemor Tora Ziyal Toran FEDERATION Central Command USS Yangtzee Julian Bashir KLINGON Bo'Rak D'Ghor Yeto NON-ALIGNED Altovar Martus Mazur Retaya Sakonna Zef'No ROMULAN Karina Ruwon Selveth Sorus SITES Garak's Tailor Shop If you can help, Thanks! Karen TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Deanna Porter" Subject: (TrekTrade) AU card collection Date: 05 Aug 1998 20:02:38 PDT Hello, I am looking for a single card to complete my Q continuum ST CCG set. That card is Madred. If any of you can help me out, please email me. I have many cards to trade with, LMK what you are needing. Thank you Deanna ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Deanna Porter" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: Q Continuum card collection Date: 05 Aug 1998 20:03:07 PDT Hello, I am looking for a single card to complete my Q continuum ST CCG set. That card is Madred. If any of you can help me out, please email me. I have many cards to trade with, LMK what you are needing. Thank you Deanna ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Mini Photos Date: 05 Aug 1998 23:42:17 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDC0CA.AE279B80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have Mini Star Trek Sticker Photos available. Each Sheet is 2 1/4" X = 3" and has 4 Identical 1" X 1 1/4" peel off Sticker Photos. These were = used for numerous Trek merchandise such as Key Chains, Lockets Etc. = Nice sharp crisp photos. I can e-mail a scanned image of these if = anyone needs to see them. I have 17 different Photo Sheets each having = 4 identical Photo Stickers. Normally they go for $1.00 each sheet, I = will sell all 17 for $15.00. The following is a list of what is on the = Photo Stickers: #1 Picard in Uniform #2 Picard (In Shakespearean = Outfit) #3 Riker (In Uniform) #4 Riker (In Uniform with Space = Background) #5 Data #6 Geordi #7 Deanna (Blue Uniform) #8 Deanna (Red Uniform) #9 Deanna (Burgundy Uniform)=20 #10 Dr. Beverly Crusher #11 Dr. Katherine Pulaski =20 #12 Kirk (Original Series) #13 Kirk, McCoy, Scotty (Original = Series) #14 Scotty, McCoy (Movies) #15 Spock, Lt. Saavik (Movies) #16 Kirk, Spock, McCoy (Movies) #17 Scotty (Movies) Harry Henke =20 =20 I also have a WEB Site with my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDC0CA.AE279B80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have Mini Star Trek Sticker Photos = available.  Each Sheet is 2 1/4" X 3" and has 4 Identical = 1"=20 X 1 1/4" peel off Sticker Photos.  These were used for = numerous Trek=20 merchandise such as Key Chains, Lockets Etc.  Nice sharp crisp=20 photos.  I can e-mail a scanned image of these if anyone needs to = see=20 them.  I have 17 different Photo Sheets each having 4 identical = Photo=20 Stickers.  Normally they go for $1.00 each sheet,  I will sell = all 17=20 for $15.00.  The following is a list of what is on the Photo=20 Stickers:     #1 Picard in Uniform
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #2 Picard (In Shakespearean Outfit)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #3 Riker (In Uniform)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #4 Riker (In Uniform with Space Background)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #5 Data
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #6 Geordi
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #7 Deanna (Blue Uniform)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #8 Deanna (Red Uniform)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =     =20 #9 Deanna (Burgundy Uniform) 
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #10 Dr. Beverly Crusher
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #11 Dr. Katherine Pulaski   
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #12 Kirk (Original Series)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #13 Kirk, McCoy, Scotty (Original Series)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #14 Scotty, McCoy  (Movies)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #15 Spock, Lt. Saavik (Movies)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #16 Kirk, Spock, McCoy (Movies)
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =   =20 #17 Scotty (Movies)
Harry Henke  =
I also=20 have a WEB Site with my Star Trek
------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDC0CA.AE279B80-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) TRADES AND ADDITIONS Date: 06 Aug 1998 12:14:47 -0700 Added a bunch MORE AF's...any trades on these would be a big help...and I added DSN CCG to the CCG section.. please.... LMK if you wish to trade, will trade AF's for cards. I HAVE***************************** 1-STAR TREK MASTER SERIES I (90) 1-STAR TREK INAUGURAL ED 1-DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 SET 1-STARLOG /W HOLO 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 1 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 2 1-ST:SEASON SIX 1-STAR TREK 30TH ANNV PHASE 1 1-ST:FIRST CONTACT (60) 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 1 W/CHARACTER SET ST:25TH ANNIV H2 ST:GEN SKYMOTION LARGE ST:GEN SKYMOTION SMALL ST:FIRST CONTACT BS10 ST:PHASE 3 POSTER 3,4,5,6,7(BLUE) ST:SEASON S19,S31 ST:SEASON 6 SM2(box motion) ST:DSN PROFILES quark all ST:DSN PROFILES T&T 1,3,5,9 ST:DSN PROFILES LAT 1 OF 9 ST:TOS 1 P16,30,31,33,37,44 ST:TOS 1 B25,26,27,31,56,57,60,62,66,74,75, 76,81,92,105,106,107 ST:VOY SEAS 2 196 TECH ST:VOY X-2 OFFER ****SKYBOX POGS AND CARDS FROM ACTION FIGURES *** POG CAPT PICARD AS ROMULAN POG LT CMDR DATA AS ROMULAN POG LT CMDR LAFORGE AS TARCHANNEN POG LT WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT POG LT BARCLAY POG HUGH BORG POG HUNTER OF TOSK POG ROM POG TOSK CARD AMBASSADOR SPOCK CARD ADMIRAL MCCOY CARD MUGATU CARD KAHN ST:episode 2 S1 ST:master EXCEL SPACEDOCK ST:master UHURU ST:voy series 2 P1 (from set) 3OTH ANNV CYBER ST:BLCKBSTR CREW PHOTOS SET 3(8X10 ONE EACH) ST:TOS CCG LIVING IN PAST ST:STARLOG MAIL IN PROMO HAVE DSN CREW, KIRK ST:MASTERCARD 30TH ANNIV (trade for voy or gen) ST:HOSTESS MINI 9,10,16,D10 CCG::STAR TREK TOS ANTIGRAV UNIT TOS FRIENDLY WELCOME TOS ADMIRAL KOMACK TOS AGONIZER DSN SET OF COMMONS ONLY FROM STARTER DECKS (16) DSN 12 INDV COMMONS FROM STARTER DECK...ASK IF YA NEED Deep Space Nine NO LOOSE ENDS-------DILEMMA GARAKS TAILOR SHOP--FACILITY GOING TO THE TOP----INTERRUPT THE WALLS HAVE EARS-INTERRUPT CAMPING TRIP--------MISSION ESTABLISH TRACTOR LOCK-OBJECTIVE BAJORANS CARDS BAREIL ANTOS AAMIN MARRITZA KAI OPAKA KORINAS VEDEK WINN MORA POL RAZKA KARN SORUS-ROMULAN JADZIA DAX-FED FIGURES FOR SALE 6016 199606 LT CMD DEANNA TROI (lavender) C9 unpunched 6016 293828 LT CMD DEANNA TROI (lavender) European Card (Eng,Fr,Sp) C6-C7 tab intact 6058 161302 Q C8 tab intact 6034 75811 CMD RIKER MALCORIAN C7-C8 (POG) 6035 18210 LT CMD DEANNA TROY (6TH SEASON) C8+ (POG) 6036 64317 LT WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT C7 (POG) 6038 812 DR NOONIAN SOONG C8+ (POG) 6049 1258 ESOQQ C9 (POG) 6060 16193 DATON C8+ tab intact(CARD) 6202 26086 ODO (purple card) C7 6220 10643 CMD SISKO DRESS UNIFORM C8+ (POG) 6236 10013 VEDEK BARIL C8+ (POG) 6237 24142 TOSK C8+ (POG) 6241 5195 ROM with nog C9+ (POG) 6243 23470 DR JULIAN BASHIR C7 (POG) 6244 41177 CHIEF MILES OBRIEN C9 6245 58100 PICARD IN DSN UNIFORM C7-C8 6246 4544 LT THOMAS RIKER (DSN) C8 6438 XXXX TROI AS DURANGO C8+ 6439 577 HUNTER OF TOSK C9 (POG) 6440 5953 LT DAX BLOOD OATH C8 (POG) 6443 12255 LT(JG) LAFORGE INTERSTELLAR C8 6446 22815 ODO NEC EVIL C9 (POG) 6485 870 LT B’ELANNA TORRES C8+ 6943 126205 ENS WES CRUSHER C8+ 6960 25045 LT CMD LAFORGE MOVIE UNIFORM C8+ (CARD) 6961 47766 DR BEV CRUSHER DUTY UNIFORM C8 6962 110543 LT CMD DATA MOVIE UNIFORM C8 (CARD) 6967 42654 LWAXANA TROI C8 (CARD) 6968 58003 AMBASSADOR SAREK C7 6981 53965 ENS RO LAREN C8 6985 12769 LT WORF METALLIC C8 (CARD) 6986 11503 LOCUTUS METALLIC C9 (CARD) 16038 2163 MISTER SPOCK C7+ 16463 715 VIDIIAN C9 16462 622 KAZON (VOY CARD) C7 (CARD) 65110 NA DR BASHIR T&T (FUZZY TRIBBLE) C7+ 6134 INNERSPACE FERENGI MARAUDER C6 6134 INNERSPACE CARDASSIAN WARSHIP C7-C8 I NEED************* ST:TOS ONE..G1,2,4,6,7,10,11,18,19,22,24,26,29 ST:DSN PROFILES AUTO ARMIN ST:25TH ANNIV......................3 CARD CELLO PACK ST:MASTER SERIES ..................6 CARD SHEET ST:MASTERCARD......................0 VOY AND GENERATIONS ST:VOY SEASON 2...113,120,124,128,142,145,167 ST: HOSTESS MINI..2,22,26 ST:TOS ANNUAL 1...P14,15 ST:TOS ANNUAL 1..BTS 1,23,24,41 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..BTS96,100 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..C107,110 C68,79,102,103,104,107,108,109,110 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..119 /97,106,113,119,133,145,148,155,156,158 ST:MOVIES CINEMA 6 CARDS PROMOS WITH ORDER FROM SKYBOX ST:30TH ANNIV PHASE 3 FC PREVIEW CARD(IF IT EXISTS) ALBUMS/BINDERS================================================= ST:MASTER ST:25TH ANNIV ST ACTION FIGURES ALL WITH POGS================================ ADMIRAL MCCOY K'EHLYR LAFORGE(JG) DATHON BORG II MORDOCK CAPT PICARD 1ST SEASON LOCUTUS CAPTAIN SCOTT KLINGON WARRIOR WORF CMD RIKER 2ND SEASON RO LAUREN ENSIGN COUNSELOR TROI(MAROON) LT WORF JG DR. BEV CRUSHER(1ST SEASON) CADET WES CRUSHER ALSO INTERESTED IN DR SOONG WITH CARD TOS CCG******WILD---KAL-IF-FEE DAL'ROK---------------DILEMMA PUP ------------------DILEMMA TRAUMA----------------DILEMMA SECRET COMPARTMENT----DOORWAY BAJORAN CIVIL WAR-----EVENT DEFIANT DEDICATION PLAQUE-EVENT RECUIT MERCENARIES----EVENT SYSTEM 5 DISRUTORS----EVENT CENTRAL COMMAND-------FACILITY BASEBALL--------------INTERRUPT PROTOUNIVERSE---------INTERRUPT ACCESS RELAY STATION--MISSION AID FUGITIVES---------MISSION IVESTIGATE RUMORS-----MISSION JARO ESSA-------------BAJ CHAR LI NOLAS--------------BAJ CHAR PALLA-----------------BAJ CHAR SHAKAAR EDON----------BAJ CHAR SURMAK REN------------BAJ CHAR TAHNA LOS-------------BAJ CHAR DUKAT-----------------CAR CHAR ENTEK-----------------CAR CHAR KOVAT-----------------CAR CHAR MOKBAR----------------CAR CHAR PLAIN SIMPLA GARAK----CAR CHAR JULIAN BASHIR---------FED CHAR D'GHOR----------------KLI CHAR ALTOVAR---------------UNL CHAR RETAYA----------------UNL CHAR SOKANNA---------------UNL CHAR VAKIS-----------------ROM CHAR IKC TOH'KAHT----------KLI SHIP CHA'JAH---------------ROM SHIP ST: COMICS DC: TOS feb 84- nov 88 (57) 3,4,5,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,44,47,48,49,54,57 movie adapt IV, V movie adapt 2 ? DC: TOS 89-present (80+) 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, 34,38,39,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,49, 50,52,53,55,58,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,71 72,73,74,75,76,79,80 ann 1,5,6 sp 3, 25thann ,ash of eden DC: TNG 89-present (80+) 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,19,20,21,22,23,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,36,37,42, 44,48,50,51,52,54,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,75,77,78,80 ann 1,2,5,6 sp 2,3 Chris TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Admiral Christopher A. Harmon" Subject: (TrekTrade) Help Date: 06 Aug 1998 11:21:20 -0500 Greetings! Can anyone instruct me on how to subscribe to TrekChat? Thanks! TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) (no subject) Date: 06 Aug 1998 21:01:27 -0400 1)Deforest Kelly Autograph from TOSII trading cards 2)Walter Koenig Autograph from TOSII trading cards 3)Terri Garr Autograph from TOSII trading cards. For sale from a friend...if interested,email me!!! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ALC Subject: (TrekTrade) FW: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES Date: 06 Aug 1998 18:47:29 -0700 Hi, I got this at work and thought I'd pass this message along. Sorry for all the e-mail addresses in this e-mail. The original sender sent this message to many people. >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Bihm, Jerrell >> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 1998 5:58 PM >> To: RCIM Corporate >> Subject: FW: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES >> >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Robert Stanton [] >> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 9:33 PM >> To:;;; >>;;; >> nerweasel@AOL.COM;;; >>;;; >>;; asap300@AOL.COM; >>;;; >> FPagejr@AOL.COM;; gregmate@AOL.COM; >>;; >>; >> Subject: Fwd: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES >> >> >X-AIGFROM: >> >X-AIGTO: >> >From: "Horace D. Stanton" >> >Date: Tue, 4 Aug 98 11:53:49 -0700 >> >To: >> >Subject: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES >> > >> >FYI... >> > >> >Begin forwarded message: >> > >> >Subject: Virus Alert ! >> >Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 >> > >> >Subject: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES >> > >> >DANGER!!! VIRUS ALERT!!! FOUR NEW PROBLEMS TO WATCH OUT >> >FOR: >> > >> > 1) This is a new twist. Someone is sending out a very desirable >> screen- >> >saver- the Budweiser Frogs. But if you download it, you will >> > lose everything!!! Your hard drive will crash!!! >> > DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! >> > IT JUST WENT INTO CIRCULATION THIS WEEK, AS FAR AS WE KNOW. >> >BE CAREFUL!! BELOW IS WHAT THE SCREENSAVER OFFER WOULD LOOK >> >LIKE: >> > File: BUDSAVER.EXE (24643 bytes) >> > DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute >> > ALSO... >> > >> > 2) A computer virus is going around! It is called >> > BUDDYLST.ZIP - >> > DO NOT DOWNLOAD or some jerk from the Internet will get your screen >> > name and password! >> > >> >Please send this to any names you can think of and remember never >> > download BUDDYLST.ZIP!!! >> > >> > ALSO... >> > >> > 3) If you receive an eMail entitled "WIN A HOLIDAY" ... DO >> >NOT open it. It will erase everything in your hard drive. Forward this >> >letter to as many people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus >> >and not many people know about it. This information was announced very >> >recently from Microsoft. Please share it with everyone that might access >> >the internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address >> >book so that this may be stopped!!! AND FINALLY... >> > >> > 4) Do not open or even look at any mail that says: >> >"RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVER". This virus will attach itself to your >> >computer components and render them useless. Immediately delete any >> mail >> >items that say this. >> > AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there NO >> remedy >> > for it at this time. Please practice cautionary measures. >> > >> > PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS >> >POSSIBLE...THANKS! >> > >> >> >> >> > > TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: Re: (TrekTrade) FW: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES Date: 07 Aug 1998 11:54:59 -0400 Just for the record (sorry, I have gotten several of these alerts of late) *most* virsues aren't true, some are..I mean look at the big problem IE and Netscape is having with their email, but most of these "join the crew" or whatever are not legit and are sent so the sender(original) can get a thrill watching people worry and pass it on. Everyone else just wants their friends to be aware and that's fair so I am not trying to be rough, I just figuerd I would take the time to pass on a few places on the net about Internet and email viruses: Lynne ALC wrote: > Hi, > > I got this at work and thought I'd pass this message along. Sorry for all > the e-mail addresses in this e-mail. The original sender sent this message > to many people. > > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: Bihm, Jerrell > >> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 1998 5:58 PM > >> To: RCIM Corporate > >> Subject: FW: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES > >> > >> > >> > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: Robert Stanton [] > >> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 9:33 PM > >> To:;;; > >>;;; > >> nerweasel@AOL.COM;;; > >>;;; > >>;; asap300@AOL.COM; > >>;;; > >> FPagejr@AOL.COM;; gregmate@AOL.COM; > >>;; > >>; > >> Subject: Fwd: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES > >> > >> >X-AIGFROM: > >> >X-AIGTO: > >> >From: "Horace D. Stanton" > >> >Date: Tue, 4 Aug 98 11:53:49 -0700 > >> >To: > >> >Subject: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES > >> > > >> >FYI... > >> > > >> >Begin forwarded message: > >> > > >> >Subject: Virus Alert ! > >> >Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 > >> > > >> >Subject: ATTENTION: FOUR (4) DANGEROUS VIRUSES > >> > > >> >DANGER!!! VIRUS ALERT!!! FOUR NEW PROBLEMS TO WATCH OUT > >> >FOR: > >> > > >> > 1) This is a new twist. Someone is sending out a very desirable > >> screen- > >> >saver- the Budweiser Frogs. But if you download it, you will > >> > lose everything!!! Your hard drive will crash!!! > >> > DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! > >> > IT JUST WENT INTO CIRCULATION THIS WEEK, AS FAR AS WE KNOW. > >> >BE CAREFUL!! BELOW IS WHAT THE SCREENSAVER OFFER WOULD LOOK > >> >LIKE: > >> > File: BUDSAVER.EXE (24643 bytes) > >> > DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute > >> > ALSO... > >> > > >> > 2) A computer virus is going around! It is called > >> > BUDDYLST.ZIP - > >> > DO NOT DOWNLOAD or some jerk from the Internet will get your screen > >> > name and password! > >> > > >> >Please send this to any names you can think of and remember never > >> > download BUDDYLST.ZIP!!! > >> > > >> > ALSO... > >> > > >> > 3) If you receive an eMail entitled "WIN A HOLIDAY" ... DO > >> >NOT open it. It will erase everything in your hard drive. Forward this > >> >letter to as many people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus > >> >and not many people know about it. This information was announced very > >> >recently from Microsoft. Please share it with everyone that might access > >> >the internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address > >> >book so that this may be stopped!!! AND FINALLY... > >> > > >> > 4) Do not open or even look at any mail that says: > >> >"RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVER". This virus will attach itself to your > >> >computer components and render them useless. Immediately delete any > >> mail > >> >items that say this. > >> > AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there NO > >> remedy > >> > for it at this time. Please practice cautionary measures. > >> > > >> > PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS > >> >POSSIBLE...THANKS! > >> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. > To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest > send > and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" > in the body without the quotes. > -- > To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade > send > and put "unsubscribe trektrade" > in the body without the quotes. > -- > Previous message archives are available via WWW at: > > or via FTP at: > --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: DS9 CCG Date: 07 Aug 1998 10:54:36 MDT I need only 3 more cards. Here is my updated list as of 08/07. LMK if we can trade. Needs: Kovat |Personnel |R Martus Mazur |Personnel |R Saltah'na Clock |Artifact |R Extras: 1 Aamin Marritza |Personnel |R 1 Altovar |Personnel |R 2 Automated Security System |Event |R 1 Bajoran Civil War |Event |R 1 Bareil Antos |Personnel |R 1 Baseball |Interrupt |R 1 Boheeka |Personnel |R 1 Cha'Joh |Ship |R 2 Defiant Dedication Plaque |Event |R 1 DNA Clues |Dilemma |R 1 Elim Garak |Personnel |R 2 Enabran Tain |Personnel |R 1 Establish Tractor Lock |Objective |R 1 Groumall |Ship |R 2 Jadzia Dax |Personnel |R 1 Jake and Nog |Personnel |R 2 Julian Bashir |Personnel |R 1 Kai Opaka |Personnel |R 2 Lenaris Holem |Personnel |R 1 Li Nalas |Personnel |R 1 Mora Pol |Personnel |R 1 Morka |Personnel |R 2 No Loose Ends |Dilemma |R 1 Odo |Personnel |R 1 Orb Fragment |Artifact |R 2 Pallra |Personnel |R 1 Plain, Simple Garak |Personnel |R 1 Plans of the Obsidian Order |Objective |R 2 Protouniverse |Interrupt |R 1 Rescue Personnel |Objective |R 1 Selveth |Personnel |R 1 The Walls Have Ears |Interrupt |R 1 Toran |Personnel |R 1 U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang |Ship |R 1 Yeto |Personnel |R 1 Zef'No |Personnel |R TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: DS9 CCG Date: 07 Aug 1998 11:01:22 MDT I made a mistake, here is the correct list. Needs: Korinas |Personnel |R Martus Mazur |Personnel |R Saltah'na Clock |Artifact |R I could also use a Kira, DS9 or Sisko in trade for Dax or multiples (2:1) of commons. Extras: 1 Aamin Marritza |Personnel |R 1 Altovar |Personnel |R 2 Automated Security System |Event |R 1 Bajoran Civil War |Event |R 1 Bareil Antos |Personnel |R 1 Baseball |Interrupt |R 1 Boheeka |Personnel |R 1 Cha'Joh |Ship |R 2 Defiant Dedication Plaque |Event |R 1 DNA Clues |Dilemma |R 1 Elim Garak |Personnel |R 2 Enabran Tain |Personnel |R 1 Establish Tractor Lock |Objective |R 1 Groumall |Ship |R 2 Jadzia Dax |Personnel |R 1 Jake and Nog |Personnel |R 2 Julian Bashir |Personnel |R 1 Kai Opaka |Personnel |R 2 Lenaris Holem |Personnel |R 1 Li Nalas |Personnel |R 1 Mora Pol |Personnel |R 1 Morka |Personnel |R 2 No Loose Ends |Dilemma |R 1 Odo |Personnel |R 1 Orb Fragment |Artifact |R 2 Pallra |Personnel |R 1 Plain, Simple Garak |Personnel |R 1 Plans of the Obsidian Order |Objective |R 2 Protouniverse |Interrupt |R 1 Rescue Personnel |Objective |R 1 Selveth |Personnel |R 1 The Walls Have Ears |Interrupt |R 1 Toran |Personnel |R 1 U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang |Ship |R 1 Yeto |Personnel |R 1 Zef'No |Personnel |R TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) Fleer stickers Date: 08 Aug 1998 12:34:39 -0400 Fleer in germany put out a sticker set wrapper around bubble gum in 1990. They are TNG scenes/characters...a set of 32. I have 24 of 32 and a wrapper. Would like to sell for $2 a sticker plus shipping. See an image here: -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) OOPs! Date: 08 Aug 1998 12:35:06 -0400 I was trying to add a link and hit send!! for the sticker images Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 08 Aug 1998 13:16:07 -0400 I have someone I am trying to help get these: if you have some for sale, let me know. I also have a few to trade for as well" Artifact Saltah'na Clock rare Dilemma Garak Has Some Issues rare Facility Central Command rare Mission Camping Trip rare Mission Eliminate Virus common Mission Intercept Maquis common Mission Reignite Dead Star common Personal Bajoran Jaro Essa rare Personal Cardassian Natima Lang rare Personal Klingon Bo'rak rare Personal Klingon Yeto rare Personal Romulan Ruwon rare Personal Romulan Sorus rare -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Battlestar Galactica Date: 09 Aug 1998 02:09:39 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDC33A.C3847800 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Would like to trade (6) 8.5" X 11" Battlestar Galactica color STUDIO = PRINTS dated 1978 (Fantastic promo shots!), for ST-TOS Season ONE and = TWO cards. If Interested let me know. You can check out my WEB site = for cards I need. =20 Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDC33A.C3847800 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Would like to trade  (6) = 8.5" X=20 11" Battlestar Galactica color STUDIO PRINTS dated 1978 (Fantastic = promo=20 shots!), for ST-TOS Season ONE and TWO cards.  If Interested let me = know.  You can check out my WEB site for cards I need.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDC33A.C3847800-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Window Cling Decals Date: 09 Aug 1998 02:16:59 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDC33B.C9FB0540 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Have a complete set of six color ST-TNG window cling decals. 5" X 5" = each. All six for $24.00 or will trade for ST-TOS Season ONE or TWO = cards. #1 ST-TNG Crew on Bridge #2 Worf #3 Enterprise - D (Front) #4 Enterprise - D (Side) #5 Romulan Warbird #6 Klingon Cruiser Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDC33B.C9FB0540 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Have a complete set of six color = ST-TNG window=20 cling decals.  5" X 5" each.  All six for $24.00 or = will=20 trade for ST-TOS Season ONE or TWO cards.
#1 ST-TNG Crew = on=20 Bridge
#2 Worf
#3 Enterprise - D (Front)
#4 Enterprise - D (Side)
#5 Romulan Warbird
#6 Klingon Cruiser
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDC33B.C9FB0540-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Trek Comics Date: 09 Aug 1998 02:21:19 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01BDC33C.6530E840 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Have the (4) DC comic series Star Trek "The Modala Imperative" = (#1,#2,#3,#4,) to sell or trade for ST-TOS Season ONE or TWO cards Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01BDC33C.6530E840 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Have the (4)  DC comic series Star Trek = "The Modala=20 Imperative" (#1,#2,#3,#4,)  to sell or trade for ST-TOS Season = ONE or=20 TWO cards
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_001A_01BDC33C.6530E840-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST-TOS 1977 Stamp Album with Stamps Date: 09 Aug 1998 02:35:37 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BDC33E.647638E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Have 1977 Star Trek TOS Stamp Album (Collection #1) distributed by = Celebrity Stamps INC. Excellent condition. I have ALL the stamps that = go with the album. Stamps are not torn off their perforated sheets. = Would like to sell or trade for ST-TOS Season ONE or TWO cards. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BDC33E.647638E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Have 1977 Star Trek TOS Stamp Album = (Collection=20 #1) distributed by Celebrity Stamps INC. Excellent = condition.  I=20 have ALL the stamps that go with the album.  Stamps are not torn = off their=20 perforated sheets.  Would like to sell or trade for ST-TOS Season = ONE or=20 TWO cards.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BDC33E.647638E0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek (Sonia Hillios) Stickers Date: 09 Aug 1998 03:10:49 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0039_01BDC343.4F716AA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am offering a set of (17) different 2 1/8" X 3 1/8" stickers of = full size air brush prints from SONIA HILLIOS. Sonia is one of the very = few artists that Paramount Studios has contracted to do promotional work = for them. These sticker are extremely high quality images. To get an = Idea of the quality of her work look at the ST Masterpiece Series, she = produced quite a few images in that set. These very limited, scarce. I = have seen them at conventions ranging from 4.50 to 7.00 each. I would = like to trade them for ST-TOS Season ONE or TWO Autograph Cards. If you = need me to send you a scanned image of a few stickers let me know. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0039_01BDC343.4F716AA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am offering  a set of (17) different 2 = 1/8" =20 X  3 1/8" stickers of full size air brush prints from SONIA=20 HILLIOS.  Sonia is one of the very few artists that Paramount = Studios has=20 contracted to do promotional work for them. These sticker are extremely = high=20 quality images.  To get an Idea of the quality of her work look at = the ST=20 Masterpiece Series, she produced quite a few images in that set.  = These=20 very limited, scarce.  I have seen them at conventions ranging from = 4.50 to=20 7.00 each.  I would like to trade them for = ST-TOS=20 Season ONE or TWO Autograph Cards.  If you need me to send you a = scanned=20 image of a few stickers let me know.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0039_01BDC343.4F716AA0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Trek Figure/Cards for Sale/Trade Date: 09 Aug 1998 22:20:20 -0400 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Scotty $99 set, Holo-Doc & Harry Kim $65 set 9" Q painted face(the rare one) $30, Sulu, Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant ship $29, Enterprise-E $55. Medical Tricorder $15. 12" Latinum Picard or Borg Queen $69. 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, Vina $20, WF4 w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. I also Star Wars SE Luke Jedi $69. All items mint condition. I NEED Voyager figures especially Chakotay. Many References available. CARDS TOS Season I A21 TOS Season 2 A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes G30 for trade Voyager Series 1 $12 set S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG $10 set 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) First Contact Set $12 C1,C5 BS1,BS2,BS6, BS9 E2 I Need B3 30 Anniv Phase I I Need D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need D2,4,6,7,9 I have F7 Kira Terminator 2 $15 TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) starter decks Date: 10 Aug 1998 09:56:39 -0400 Somehow I ended up with alot more starter decks then I expected...hmmmm... anyway, if anyone needs a starter deck-$7 plus shipping, LMK, otherwise,I guess I will pop them open...;) Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) One lonely cereal set Date: 11 Aug 1998 00:08:05 -0400 Anyone need a Candian ceral box, theones with the cards?? This one is Rasin Bran with Sisko (475 grams) on it.... If you are looking for one, holler and maybe we can work somethin gout??!! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 10 Card Redemtion Set With Redemption Card Date: 11 Aug 1998 01:39:30 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01BDC4C8.E29BB340 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Offering the ten card Deep Space Nine Embossed Redemption Set and = Redemption Card (1994) Valued at $100 for the set and $50 for the = Redemption Card. I will trade the above towards ST-TOS Season One or Two Autograph Cards Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01BDC4C8.E29BB340 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Offering the ten card Deep = Space Nine=20 Embossed Redemption Set and Redemption Card (1994)  Valued = at $100=20 for the set and $50 for the Redemption Card.
I will trade the above towards = ST-TOS Season=20 One or Two Autograph Cards
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_000A_01BDC4C8.E29BB340-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W.L. Swarts" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT Star Trek AF Cards and Pogs Date: 11 Aug 1998 14:29:53 PDT Hello All! I'm looking to trade (READ: TRADE, I'm not looking to buy at the moment!)= for any of the following Star Trek Action Figure Pogs or Cards: (Note: Pogs must be MINT, unpunched along the perforations!) Deep Space Nine - Any AF card or Pog TNG AF Pogs: Locutus, Dr. Crusher, Cadet Crusher, Guinan, Sela, Mordock, Dathon, Vorgo= n, Q, Lore, Klingon Warrior Worf, K'Ehleyr, Spock, McCoy, Scott, Picard, = Riker, Data, JG Laforge, JG Worf, Sarek TNG AF Cards: Any EXCEPT The Vorgon, Benzite, McCoy, Lore, Dathon or Sela. Especially = looking for K'Ehleyr! I have extras to trade of: TNG Spacecap - MIWrapper - 24 Picard as a Romulan TNG Blue card - Dathon, Vorgon, Lore Also Availiable: TOS Season 2 Episode Plaques, BTS, and Profiles Cards! = Happily trade between sets! E-mail me with trade offers! - W.L. Swarts, freelance writer Read my NEW science fiction story at my webpage: or Check out my list of Star Trek and Star Wars stuff for sale or trade: TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W.L. Swarts" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: Star Trek Cards for ST Video Cards, DS9 Videos. Date: 11 Aug 1998 14:38:02 PDT Hello All! I have a ton of extra Star Trek trading card sets and bonus cards and I'm= looking for the SkyBox trading cards that came in specially marked blue = packages a few years back. I'm also looking for mint in original shrinkw= rap DS9 videos from Melora up to whatever they have out now in the stores= . Yes, the professional ones in their professional boxes. At the moment= , however, I'm not looking to buy anything, just trade. So please, trade= with me people! I'll accept any sort of mutually beneficial offer! Examples of availiable items: TNG AF cards TOS Gold Plaques - G30, G36, G43, more! TOS Season 2 - A45 - W. Campbell. TOS 2 Behind the Scenes Sets and Singles TOS 2 Profiles sets and singles TOS 2 Character Log Sets and Singles (don't even ask for 107 - 110!) Obscure Star WARS items Cards Sets - First Contact, Phase 1 - 3, TOS, DS9, more! TOS Puzzle Records! Action figures Loose Complete and MOC! E-mail with offers including what you have that I might want with your = list of what you might want for it! I look forward to trading! -W.L. - W.L. Swarts, freelance writer Read my NEW science fiction story at my webpage: or Check out my list of Star Trek and Star Wars stuff for sale or trade: TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) TOSS II trade! Date: 18 Aug 1998 16:44:14 -0400 I want to trade for a Tasha Martel...I have two Arlene's...boooo.... anyway, if you have a tasha, LMK..will accept non-TOS II trades if I happen to have what your little heart's desire!! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W.L. Swarts" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: Star Trek Plates Date: 11 Aug 1998 17:11:00 PDT Hi All! Having become disenchanted with Star Trek 4: The Voyage home, I'm looking= to trade away my mint Hamilton Collection Star Trek IV The Voyage Home = for any one plate from the list below. If you have any of the following = plates in their original package with its certificate of authenticity = and want to trade, drop me a line! I'm interested in any of the followin= g plates: Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country The Inner Light Klingon Bird of Prey Gul Ducat/Galor class warship - W.L. Swarts, freelance writer Read my NEW science fiction story at my webpage: or Check out my list of Star Trek and Star Wars stuff for sale or trade: TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Russ Hayes" Subject: (TrekTrade) FS - MANY TREK FIGURES, DOLLS ETC. Date: 11 Aug 1998 19:14:57 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0020_01BDC55C.54157F40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi! I have a large number of figures, 9" dolls, and accessories = available for sale. Please contact me if anything interests you. All = prices will be negotiated. The number after the item indicates how many = of that item are for sale. Items are mint in original packaging. Many internet references = available. =20 LIMITEDS, EXCLUSIVES, and "TOUGHIES" (MORE 9" AT BOTTOM OF LIST) 65256 9" THE DOCTOR: EMERGENCY MED HOLO (TARGET) 1 65257 9" ENSIGN HARRY KIM (TARGET) 1=20 16155 DR. MCCOY (LIMITED) 1 6053 GOWRON THE KLINGON ( W/GOLD TRIM) 1 6946 THOMAS RIKER 1 6916 PAVEL CHECKOV 1 65294 9" LT. COMMANDER JADZIA DAX FROM T&T 2=20 16045 LT COMMANDER MONTGOMERY SCOTT 1 (HUNTSVILLE) 16046 LT HIKARU SULU 1 (HUNTSVILLE) STAR TREK FIGURES MULTI-PACKS 16122 1701 3 PACK 3 STAR TREK FIGURES SINGLE 6443 INTERSTELLAR LAFORGE 4 6974 PICARD FROM ALL GOOD THINGS 3 16034 ADMIRAL RIKER FROM ALL GOOD THINGS 3 16042 THE MUGATU 3 6032 CAPTAIN PICARD AS ROMULAN 2 6036 WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT 2 6044 ENSIGN RO LAREN 2 6050 PICARD AS DIXON HILL 2 65103 LEETA THE DABO GIRL (W/GOLD ACCESSORIES) 2 16022 SESKA AS A CARDASSIAN 2 16032 JEM HADAR 2 16048 CAPTAIN KIRK IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT 2 65117 CADET BEVERLY CRUSHER (W/GREEN ACCESSORIES) 2 16110 PICARD IN SPACE SUIT 2 6429 VASH 2 6441 INTERSTELLAR ACTION BORG 1 65104 SWARM ALIEN 1 6920 DEANNA TROI 1 6924 BEVERLY CRUSHER 1 6925 DR SORAN 1 6925 DR SORAN 1 6927 GUINAN 1 6928 B'ETOR 1 6929 LURSA 1 6930 KIRK IN SPACE SUIT 1 6086 Q 1 6011 CAPTAIN PICARD 1 6059 K'EHLEYR 1 6022 LORE 1 (CARD) 6031 LT. COMMANDER DATA AS ROMULAN 1 6033 LT. COMMANDER LAFORGE AS TARCHANNEN ALIEN 1 6034 COMMANDER RIKER AS MALCORIAN 1 6035 LT. COMMANDER DEANNA TROI 6TH SEASON 1 6045 LT. BARCLEY 1 6942 CAPTAIN PICARD IN DUTY UNIFORM 1 6943 ENSIGN WESLEY CRUSHER 1 6962 COMMANDER DATA IN MOVIE UNIFORM 1 6967 LWAXANNA TROI 1 6981 ENSIGN RO 1 6434 WORF IN WESTERN ATTIRE 1 6436 THE TRAVELER 1 6437 GOVERNOR WORF 1 6438 DEANNA TROI AS DURANGO 1 6445 SISKO IN CASUAL CROSSOVER 1 6446 SECURITY CHIEF ODO NECESSARY EVIL 1 6447 NURSE CHAPEL 1 6448 CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER PIKE FROM THE CAGE 1 16020 CAPTAIN KURN 1 16023 TOM PARIS MUTATED 1 16031 CAPTAIN KIRK CASUAL 1 16033 WORF IN DS9 UNIFORM 1 16154 HARRY MUDD 1 65112 CAPTAIN BEVERLY PICARD 1 65114 EDITH KEELER 1 65116 CADET DATA 1 65117 CADET BEVERLY CRUSHER (W/BLACK ACCESSORIES) 1 16251 CAPTAIN JEAN-LUC PICARD 1 16255 Q 1 16108 THE BORG 1 ACCESSORIES 6151 NEXT GENERATION PHASER 6159 NEXT GENERATION TYPE 1 PHASER 16088 DR MCCOY MEDICAL KIT STAR TREK 9" DOLLS 65303 SEVEN OF NINE 3 65293 CAPTAIN BENJAMIN SISKO 2 65290 JEM'HADAR SOLDIER 1 65292 CAPTAIN JAMES T KIRK IN CASUAL ATTIRE 1 ------=_NextPart_000_0020_01BDC55C.54157F40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi! I have a large = number of=20 figures, 9" dolls, and accessories available for sale.  Please = contact=20 me if anything interests you.  All prices will be negotiated.  = The=20 number after the item indicates how many of that item are for=20 sale.
Items are mint in original packaging.  = Many=20 internet references available.
16155 DR. MCCOY = (LIMITED)=20 1
  6946 = THOMAS RIKER=20 1

16122 1701 3 PACK=20 3

16042 THE MUGATU 3
16032 JEM HADAR 2
6429 VASH 2
65104 SWARM ALIEN = 1
6925 DR SORAN = 1
6925 DR=20 SORAN 1
6927 GUINAN 1
6928 B'ETOR 1
6929 LURSA 1
6930 KIRK = IN SPACE=20 SUIT 1
6086 Q 1
6059 K'EHLEYR 1
6022 = LORE 1=20 (CARD)
6045 LT. BARCLEY 1
6981 ENSIGN RO 1
16154 HARRY MUDD 1
65116 CADET DATA 1
16255 Q 1
16108 THE BORG=20 1

          = ACCESSORIES

        STAR TREK 9" = DOLLS
65303=20 SEVEN OF NINE 3
65290 JEM'HADAR = SOLDIER=20 1
------=_NextPart_000_0020_01BDC55C.54157F40-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 19 Aug 1998 01:40:40 -0400 I have had a request or two for booster boxes for DS9 CCG, anyone else interested?! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) BlockBuster Trek Cards Date: 12 Aug 1998 21:10:10 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01BDC635.974FD600 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have five sets of BlockBuster Lenticular Cards sets (4 cards in set). = Each card pictures each Captain: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Janeway on one = side and their lenticular ship on the other. $25.00 or Trade I also have the 1994 Star Trek Fan Club promotional uncut sheet of nine = cards. $25.00 or Trade. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01BDC635.974FD600 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have five sets of BlockBuster Lenticular Cards = sets (4 cards=20 in set).  Each card pictures each Captain: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and = Janeway=20 on one side and their lenticular ship on the other.  $25.00 = or=20 Trade
I also have the 1994 Star Trek Fan Club = promotional =20 uncut sheet of nine cards.  $25.00 or = Trade.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0022_01BDC635.974FD600-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST-TNG Hostess Frito Lay Cards Date: 12 Aug 1998 22:59:02 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BDC644.CC12C5A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I will trade my Complete set of 50 ST-TNG Canadian Hostess/Frito Lay = Mini Cards and 10 Folded Mini Poster Set. Each card and mini poster is = still individually wrapped in cellophane. I want to trade for ST-TOS = Season One & Two Autograph cards. =20 Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BDC644.CC12C5A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I will trade my Complete set of = 50=20 ST-TNG Canadian Hostess/Frito Lay Mini Cards = and=20 10 Folded Mini Poster Set.  Each card and mini = poster is=20 still individually wrapped in cellophane.  I want to trade for = ST-TOS=20 Season One & Two Autograph cards.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BDC644.CC12C5A0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Primrose Stamp Set Date: 12 Aug 1998 23:06:15 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BDC645.CE3EB0E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am offering my Star Trek Primrose Confectionery 12 Stamp set for = trade. I want to trade for ST-TOS Season One & Two Autograph cards. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BDC645.CE3EB0E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am offering=20 my Star Trek Primrose Confectionery 12 Stamp set for=20 trade.
I want to trade = for ST-TOS=20 Season One & Two Autograph cards.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BDC645.CE3EB0E0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Morris Canadian Set Date: 12 Aug 1998 23:28:25 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BDC648.E7645860 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am offering my 1975 Star Trek Morris Canadian 30 Card Set (includes 2 = unopened packs, Full Set Of 30 Ship Puzzle Cards, Card/Sticker Album, = Flattened Box). This is a complete set. I want to trade for ST-TOS Season One & Two Autograph cards. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BDC648.E7645860 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I am offering=20 my 1975 Star Trek Morris Canadian 30 Card Set (includes 2 unopened = packs, Full=20 Set Of 30 Ship Puzzle Cards, Card/Sticker Album, Flattened Box).  = This is a=20 complete set.
I=20 want to trade for ST-TOS Season One & Two Autograph=20 cards.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_002D_01BDC648.E7645860-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) Stuff FS Date: 13 Aug 1998 00:43:13 -0400 If you are so inclined as to visit my web site at: Check out my sale items....I dont think there's a lot new, but if you happen to find something and spend over $50, I will offer your choice of a free matchbook from Quark's Bar (only to the first person placing the order) or a quarter pressed with a Trek logo from the ST Experience (next two people) Everyone else will get a promo set of 3 German TOS CG cards. Check out the auctionne as well, ton's of new goodies have been added over there! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Arif Ansari" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT: TOS-1 Autos Date: 13 Aug 1998 19:21:03 +0000 I have A5 Grace Lee Whitney and would like to trade for A19 TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) Looking for these figs: Date: 13 Aug 1998 15:41:50 -0400 Harry Kim, Kes,Kazon Neelix in StarFleet Uniform Was there a Captian Spock figure? Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Elden Wilson" Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG trade list Date: 13 Aug 1998 16:23:05 -0400 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- I am now down to single digits. I need just nine more cards to complete my set. Please see if you have any I need. I would be willing to throw in an extra rare for trades involving more than two cards. My updated list is: Need: Changeling Research Deep Space Nine / Terok Nor Gilora Rejal Grilka Harvester Virus Kira Nerys Prakesh Shakaar Edon Trauma Extra: Aamin Marritza Automated Security System Chamber of Ministers Dukat Entek Garak's Tailor Shop HQ: Return Orb To Bajor (2) Julian Bashir No Loose Ends Plans Of the Obsidian Order Protouniverse "Pup" Rescue Personnel Ruwon Sorus Symbiont Diagnosis The Walls Have Ears Toran Vedek Winn Yeto First Contact Extras: Borg Queen Queen's Borg Cube Retask Salvage Starship Shipwreck Wall Of Ships Worf I also have extras of ALL (I think) AU rares. Thanks, Bob (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) ) Robert Elden Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. "Personal Brain ( ( -------------------------------- Care Specialist" ) ) Email: ( ( FTP: ) ) WWW: ( ( PGP Key: FTP, WWW, or finger -l ) ) Address: Saint Vincent Health Center, Erie, PA 16544 ( (______________________________________________________________) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv Comment: Processed by PGPClick 3.5 iQCVAwUBNdNLJ5ekfJOFWb8JAQEkFgP7BZ/ephKfRYal+zozrkK8vEvelv6DmUII NrRQis5hA1um3eqnAcGVlBt7PPUn6DUA19KGY/oSqmMPNFzCZyimQvbLeW/ONYeX BaIuaf8j0ZsggK7UWx7DfeEfSV+4JciPyv8YNAZgT7pCfBn9vhgtx1TJc1UHwchj clARIxhJGow= =MGpQ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ALC Subject: (TrekTrade) TOS 2 Profile cards - Question Date: 13 Aug 1998 20:19:44 -0700 Hi, I was going through my profile cards and noticed that #41 says '41'. It doesn't say P41. All my other profiles that I have say 'P#'. Was this just a misprint? Thanks. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Edward Szymoniak Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 Cards for Trade & Need Date: 14 Aug 1998 20:08:57 -0500 I need these DS9 Game Cards: Artifacts - Alien Gambling Device Events - Duranja Dilemmas - Garak has some Issues Facilities - Deep Space 9 Dilemmas - Selemic Quake Events - Recruit Mercenaries Dilemmas - The Three Vipers Interrupts - Baseball Dilemmas - Trauma Interrupts - Going to the Top Doorways - Secret Compartment Interrupts - ProtoUniverse Missions - Changling Reasearch Objectives - Rescure Persennal Missions - Cure Blight Personnel Bajorian - Jara Essa Missions - Investigate Rumors Personnel Bajorian - Kira Nerys Personnel Bajorian - Odo Personnel Bajorian - Pallra Personnel Bajorian - Shakaar Edon Personnel Bajorian - Sumak Ren Personnel Bajorian - Tahna Los Personnel nonAligned - Retaya Personnel NonAligned - Zef'No Personnel Romulan - Selveth Personnel Cardassian - Danar Personnel Cardassian - Korinas Personnel Cardassian - Plan, Simple Garak Personnel Federation - Jake and Nog Personnel Klingon - Bo'Rok Personnel Cardassian - Tekny Ghemor Personnel Klingon - Yeto Ships Cardassian - Groumall Ships Cardassian - Prokesh Ships Federation - U.S.S. Yangtzee Klang Ships Klingon - I.K.C. Tah'Kaht Ships Romulan - Cha'Joh Sites - Garak's Tailor Shop I have These Extars to Trade: Dilemma - No Loose Ends (2) Dilemma - PUP Event - Automated Security System (2) Central Command(2) Chamber of Ministers Interrupt - The Walls Have Ears (2) Missions - Symbiont Diagnosis Objective - Establish Tractor Beam Personnel Bajorian - Bareil Antos Personnel Bajorian - Colonel Day Personnel Bajorian - Mara Pal Personnel Cardassian - Gilora Rejal Personnel Cardassian - Makbar Personnel Cardassian - Natima Lang Personnel Cardassian - Tora Ziyal Personnel Cardassian - Toran Personnel Klingon - Morka Personnel Romulan - Ruwon Ships Cardassian - Aldora (2) Plus lots of Uncommons and Commons If you are interested in trading, send me an E-mail Edward ( Edward TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert Elden Wilson" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST Universe list updated Date: 15 Aug 1998 09:29:47 -0400 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- The Star Trek Universe card list has been updated. Universe.html - --Bob (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) ) Robert Elden Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. "Personal Brain ( ( -------------------------------- Care Specialist" ) ) Email: ( ( FTP: ) ) WWW: ( ( PGP Key: FTP, WWW, or finger -l ) ) Address: Saint Vincent Health Center, Erie, PA 16544 ( (______________________________________________________________) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv Comment: Processed by PGPClick 3.5 iQCVAwUBNdWNR5ekfJOFWb8JAQEJwwQAkEjKiPYQNw/MOD1oG45HXVmvDH70Eh/E ABFdZEmkkrgvrf0rcJLME7UuziyxDuYr01C6tKAMLKtE0mRYSTPEqbI7pzwuAmw/ V13GUIGPO5k2gdhFZUL/ugO3J7UwPP5yIWDqDKcdD1Zl6c9VYkQpSrrYwkieBKZV 65rm1Fn/r4Y= =YmwG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Need Info on a Skybox uncut sheet of cards Date: 15 Aug 1998 23:50:04 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDC8A7.6CFC2740 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have a SkyBox uncut sheet of (6) Movieposter Cards dated 1995. This = cards has all the crop/cut lines and all the color test strips along the = side. Can anyone tell me what this piece is worth? Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDC8A7.6CFC2740 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have a SkyBox uncut sheet of (6) = Movieposter=20 Cards dated 1995.  This cards has all the crop/cut lines and all = the color=20 test strips along the side.  Can anyone tell me what this piece is=20 worth?
Harry=20 Henke =20
Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & = TRADE=20 LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDC8A7.6CFC2740-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ALC Subject: (TrekTrade) CCG Cards Date: 15 Aug 1998 20:58:00 -0700 Hi, Does anyone have a complete list of all CCG cards that were released and who manufactured them? Ultra-rare, Rare, uncommon, common, etc. The only complete list I have is from the 1994 CCG from Decipher. Thanks in advance. P.S. How many CCG sets were released? I know of First Contact, DS9, Alternate Universe, Q Continuum, and the one that came out in 1994 - was that considered the TNG one? Did Decipher stop manufacturing them/another company started? TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Complete 5" Action Figure Collection Date: 16 Aug 1998 19:38:24 EDT I know this is a Trek TRADE board and not a Sell board, but I don't usually have items for sale.... I need to purge my Star Trek collection of the 5" Playmates carded action figures. This is a complete set -- and I do mean complete from 1992 through Warp Factor 3, including all the rares such as Tapestry Picard and Red Data and Geordi w/removable Visor. All are c-9 or better. I want to sell this as a complete collection without breaking it up. If you are interested or have inquiries -- or know of someone who might -- please feel free to email me. Thanks! --Karen TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Re: Trek Figure/Cards for Sale/Trade Date: 18 Aug 1998 09:46:57 -0400 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Scotty $99 set, Holo-Doc & Harry Kim $65 set, Q painted face(the rare one) $30, Pike, Sulu, Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant ship $29, Enterprise-E $55. Medical Tricorder $15. 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Q $15, WF4 w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE Luke Jedi $69. All items mint condition. I NEED Voyager figures especially Chakotay. Many References available. CARDS TOS Season I A21 Woodward TOS Season 2 A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin G30 for trade Voyager Series 1 $12 set S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG $10 set 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) First Contact Set $12 C1,C5 BS1,BS2,BS6, BS9 E2 I Need B3 30 Anniv Phase I I Need D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need D2,4,6,7,9 I have F7 Kira TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 18 Aug 1998 14:35:34 -0400 OK, after rescrewing my head on a different direction, I need these rares to help someone finish a set! > > Mission Camping Trip rare > > Mission Eliminate Virus common > > Mission Intercept Maquis common > > Mission Reignite Dead Star common > > Personal Klingon Yeto rare > > Personal Romulan Sorus rare Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: amalia barrios Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT AF cards Date: 18 Aug 1998 20:31:25 -0700 I'm looking to trade for the following action figure cards(only): Mutant Ninja Star Trek Turtles, Asst No.3450, Stock No., Name 3452 Chief Engineer Michaelangelo 3453 Chief Medical Officer Raphael Playmate 9" Figures, Command Edition Collector Series, Asst No.6065, Stock No., Name 6068 Captain James T. Kirk and these are the AF cards I have for trade: Captain Jean-Luc Picard as Locutus (gold) Lt. Commander Data in Movie Uniform (gold) Lt. Natasha Yar (gold) Lwaxana Troi (gold) Ambassadro Sarak (gold) Nausicaan (gold) Captain Jean-Luc Picard in All Good Things (gold) Lt. Commander Data in 1940's Outfit (gold) Vash (gold) Dr. Beverly Crusher in 1940's Outfit (gold) The Traveler (gold) Counselor Deanna Troi as Durango in Fistful of Datas (gold) Mr. Spock from The Cage (WV 1996) Vina as Orion Animal Woman (WV 1996) Nurse Chapel (WV 1996) Captain Christopher Pike (WV 1996) Yeoman Janice Rand (WV 1996) Talosians (WV 1996) Admiral Riker (WV 1996) Garak (WV 1996) Worf from DS9 (WV 1996) Jem'Hadar (WV 1996) Captain Sisko (WV 1997) Kurn (WV 1997) Mutated Tom Paris (WV 1997) Seska as a Cardassian (WV 1997) Lt. Hikaru Sulu (WV 1995) Lt. Saavik (WV 1995) Capt. James T. Kirk (WV 1995) Dr. McCoy (WV 1995) Khan Noonian Singh (WV 1995) General Chang (WV 1995) Commander Kruge (WV 1995) Amalia Barrios TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Jacob Subject: (TrekTrade) AF Collection for sale Date: 18 Aug 1998 22:46:52 -0500 Hello Everyone, I have decided to sell off my playmates Action Figure collection. (Not the dolls and Not the toys.) I have everything playmates has ever made to date except for 5 rarer figures, Sarek and troi with pog, And the 3 rare 1701 figures. Before i go off and sell everything individualy or auction them which would probibaly take me a year to do. I,d like to have serious inqueries for someone to purchase all of them. Free delivery if within say 300 miles of the chicago area. :) Ask me for a compleate list of what i have and i will e-mail it to you. Not listed are a few multiples and varaiations that i have. All are Mint/NearMint. C9 and above for you action figure collectors. Theres about 250 figures listed here and you action figure collectors know how much i spent on it and how much it's potionaly worth. So please serious inquires only. NO TRADES. Make me an offer. Thank You Jeff -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joan Florentine Subject: (TrekTrade) classic st stuff for sale Date: 19 Aug 1998 13:35:16 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------39E7AB3E432E6C8A0F0F08FC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Joan Florentine wrote: > > I have some classic ST stuff that I am tired of moving and would like to > > sell. > > > - Enterprise Phaser Plate - Excellent (boxed and with cert.) > > - The 8 Plate ST First Series Collection - Excellent Condition (boxed and > > with certificates) > > - I have a set of 8 Mugs to match the plates - Excellent Condition > > > - Star Trek Blueprints (Brown Plastic edition) - Fair Condition > > > - Star Trek 200th Anniversary Belt Buckle - Excellent > > - Star Fleet Technical Manual - Good > > - (Classic ST) 1994 Calendar - Excellent, still wrapped > > - 2 Hard Cover Books pub. by Random House for Children: The Prisoner of > > Vega and The > > Truth Machine - Good condition > > > > > May e-mail Joan at for more info > > Joan Florentine wrote: > > I have some classic ST stuff that I am tired of moving and would like to > > sell. > > > - Enterprise Phaser Plate - Excellent (boxed and with cert.) > > - The 8 Plate ST First Series Collection - Excellent Condition (boxed and > > with certificates) > > - I have a set of 8 Mugs to match the plates - Excellent Condition > > > - Star Trek Blueprints (Brown Plastic edition) - Fair Condition > > > - Star Trek 200th Anniversary Belt Buckle - Excellent > > - Star Fleet Technical Manual - Good > > - (Classic ST) 1994 Calendar - Excellent, still wrapped > > - 2 Hard Cover Books pub. by Random House for Children: The Prisoner of > > Vega and The > > Truth Machine - Good condition > > > > > May e-mail Joan fo at for more info > > --------------39E7AB3E432E6C8A0F0F08FC Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: Received: from ( by SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU (PMDF V5.0-8 #11626) id <01J0SFEJSXVQ001DOV@SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU> for florenjm@SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 13:28:19 -0500 (EST) Reply-to: florenjm@SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU Message-id: <> MIME-version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; U; PPC) Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit > I have some classic ST stuff that I am tired of moving and would like to > sell. > - Enterprise Phaser Plate - Excellent (boxed and with cert.) > - The 8 Plate ST First Series Collection - Excellent Condition (boxed and > with certificates) > - I have a set of 8 Mugs to match the plates - Excellent Condition > - Star Trek Blueprints (Brown Plastic edition) - Fair Condition > - Star Trek 200th Anniversary Belt Buckle - Excellent > - Star Fleet Technical Manual - Good > - (Classic ST) 1994 Calendar - Excellent, still wrapped > - 2 Hard Cover Books pub. by Random House for Children: The Prisoner of > Vega and The > Truth Machine - Good condition > > May e-mail Joan fo at for more info > --------------39E7AB3E432E6C8A0F0F08FC-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) (no subject) Date: 19 Aug 1998 18:57:15 -0400 Need Part two of the Killing Game from Voyager...have lots to trade for a tape of it!!! ;) Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Trade & Want List ST-TOS Season Two Date: 21 Aug 1998 00:23:59 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDCC99.FDAD5660 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I was lucky enough to snag two boxes of ST-TOS Season Two cards. I now = have the following cards to trade or sell. And I have also compiled the = following Want List. Any traders or buyers?=20 Cards For Sale Or Trade Star Trek TOS Season Two (Episode Cards) 92 =961 95 =96 1 100 =96 1 101 =96 2 102 =96 2 103 = =96 1 104 =96 1 106 =96 1 109 =96 1 112 =96 1 116 =96 1 122 =96 1 = 123 =96 1 126 =96 1 127 =96 1 130 =96 2 131 =96 1 132 =96 1 135 =96 1 = 136 =96 1 137 =96 1 138 =96 1 139 =96 1 141 =96 1 144 =96 1 145 =96 1 = 148 =96 1 149 =96 1 151 =96 1 154 =96 1 155 =96 2 156 =96 1 159 =96 2 = 161 =96 1 162 =96 1 163 =96 1 165 =96 1 166 =96 1 168 =96 1 169 =96 1 = 170 =96 2 171 - 1 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Character Log Cards) C61 =961 C62 =961 C64 =96 2 C67 =96 2 C68 =96 2 C70 = =96 1 C73 =96 1 C74 =96 2 C75 =96 1 C76 =96 1 C77 =96 2 C78 =96 1 C83 = =96 1 C84 =96 1 C86 =96 1 C87 =96 1 C88 =96 1 C89 =96 1 C90 =96 2 = C93 =96 2 C94 - 1 C95 =96 2 C98 =96 1 C100 =96 3 C101 =96 1 C102 =96 1 = C103 =96 2 C105 =96 1 C106 - 1=20 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Behind The Scenes Cards) B65 =96 1 B71 =96 1 B83 =96 1 B105 =96 1 B106 =96 1 = B110 - 1=20 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Profile cards) P30 =96 1 P31 =96 1 P33 - 1 P34 =96 2 P41 =96 1 P44 = =96 1 P51 =96 2 P54 =96 1=20 Needed Cards Star Trek TOS Season Two (Character Log Cards) 110=20 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Behind The Scenes Cards) B60 B61 B62 B68 B69 B74 B75 B76 B79 B82 B87 B88 B89 B91 B95 B100 B101 B102 B103=20 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Profile Cards) P37 P38 P40 P43 P50 P52 P55 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Gold Plaque Cards) G33 G34 G35 G36 B38 B39 G42 G43 G44 G46 G47 G48 G49 G50 G51 G52 G55=20 Star Trek TOS Season Two (Autograph Cards) A27 A28 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A37 A38 A40 A41 A43 A45 A48 A49 A50 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58=20 Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDCC99.FDAD5660 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I was lucky enough to snag two boxes of ST-TOS Season = Two=20 cards.  I now have the following cards to trade or sell.  And = I have=20 also compiled the following Want List.  Any traders or buyers? =

Cards For Sale Or Trade

Star Trek TOS Season Two (Episode Cards)

92 –1     95 – = 1     100=20 – 1     101 – 2     = 102=20 – 2     103 – 1     = 104=20 – 1

106 – 1     109 – = 1    =20 112 – 1     116 – = 1     122=20 – 1     123 – 1     = 126=20 – 1

127 – 1     130 – = 2    =20 131 – 1     132 – = 1     135=20 – 1     136 – 1     = 137=20 – 1

138 – 1     139 – = 1    =20 141 – 1     144 – = 1     145=20 – 1     148 – 1     = 149=20 – 1

151 – 1     154 – = 1    =20 155 – 2     156 – = 1     159=20 – 2     161 – 1     = 162=20 – 1

163 – 1     165 – = 1    =20 166 – 1     168 – = 1     169=20 – 1     170 – 2     = 171 -=20 1


Star Trek TOS Season Two (Character Log Cards)

C61 –1     C62 = –1     C64=20 – 2     C67 – 2     = C68=20 – 2     C70 – 1     = C73=20 – 1

C74 – 2     C75 – = 1    =20 C76 – 1     C77 – 2   C78 = –=20 1     C83 – 1     C84 = –=20 1

C86 – 1     C87 – = 1    =20 C88 – 1     C89 – = 1     C90=20 – 2     C93 – 2     = C94 -=20 1

C95 – 2     C98 – = 1    =20 C100 – 3     C101 – = 1    =20 C102 – 1     C103 – = 2    =20 C105 – 1

C106 - 1


Star Trek TOS Season Two (Behind The Scenes Cards)

B65 – 1     B71 – = 1    =20 B83 – 1     B105 – = 1    =20 B106 – 1     B110 - 1

Star Trek TOS Season Two (Profile cards)

P30 – 1     P31 – = 1    =20 P33 - 1     P34 – 2     = P41=20 – 1     P44 – 1     = P51=20 – 2

P54 – 1


Needed Cards

Star Trek TOS Season Two (Character Log Cards)


Star Trek TOS Season Two (Behind The Scenes Cards)

B60     B61    =20 B62     B68    =20 B69     B74     B75

B76     B79    =20 B82     B87    =20 B88     B89     B91

B95     B100    =20 B101     B102     B103 =

Star Trek TOS Season Two (Profile Cards)

P37     P38    =20 P40     P43    =20 P50     P52     = P55

Star Trek TOS Season Two (Gold Plaque Cards)

G33     G34    =20 G35     G36    =20 B38     B39     G42

G43     G44    =20 G46     G47    =20 G48     G49     G50

G51     G52     G55 =

Star Trek TOS Season Two (Autograph Cards)

A27     A28    =20 A30     A31    =20 A32     A33     A34

A37     A38    =20 A40     A41    =20 A43     A45     A48

A49     A50    =20 A52     A53    =20 A54     A55     A56

A57 A58

Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:

------=_NextPart_000_000E_01BDCC99.FDAD5660-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brad G. Parks" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST 25th Holos for sale Date: 21 Aug 1998 09:51:31 -0500 I have all four of the 25th Anniversary holograms to sell. These are from the 1991-1992 Impel series. NCC-1701 NCC-1701-E Kirk Picard The cards are all in good shape. Maybe this weekend I'll get a chance to scan them in. Make me an offer. I'd really like to sell them as a set. -brad bparks AT bethel DOT edu TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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Plus, if you have scanned pics, I'd love to put them on my web page (the official page for Armin Shimerman)! You'll get credit. Thanks! Jennifer (a.k.a. Amulet/Snyder's Woman/Quark's Latinum Lady) Member: Goddesses of the Internet, Inc.; People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves; Men of Trek Lust/Appreciation Brigade; Bitches & Witches, Inc. Webmistress of Armin Shimerman's official website and Listowner of the Armin_Shimerman and ArminLust mailing lists (at TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTS: TOS Season 1 and Season 2 Date: 22 Aug 1998 13:52:35 -0500 Hi! I am going to offer these sets for sale. I will be taking offers on them individually (as in Season 1 as a set, and Season 2 as a set). Meaning make your offers for Season 1 and Season 2. I am reserving the right not to sell if I don't feel that the offers are reasonable for the cards here. I am only selling because I need some cash. I have too much cash tied up in cards at the moment, and I need to convert (hmmm, never heard that one have you :-) I would prefer payment in the form of a money order unless I have dealt with you before. I just wanted to be up-front about that in case it makes a difference to you whether or not you bid. Thanks for your time! Jen Anyway, here is what I have: Season 1: TOS season 1 binder common set 1-90 game card set (minus I card) 1 wrapper complete character log set C1-C58 complete profiles set P1-P29 complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) complete gold plaque set G1-G29 autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 (Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) Season 2: TOS Season 2 binder complete common set 91-171 game card set minus V card 2 promos (same promo twice over) complete character log set C59-C110 complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 complete profiles set P30-P55 complete gold plaque set G30-G55 autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 (Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Cards for Sale/Trade Date: 22 Aug 1998 22:01:25 -0700 Hi, Please come visit my webiste, the Eclectic Trader at: I've finally updated it :-) It has star trek, star wars, power rangers, coca-cola, marvel, etc. cards & toys/action figures. I also have a TOS A32 (James Doohan) for Sale, if anyone's interested. Thanks TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: Re: (TrekTrade) WTS: TOS Season 1 and Season 2 Date: 23 Aug 1998 07:19:39 -0500 OK, since everyone seems to be interested in autographs only here, I am going to break the autos into their own subset. You can place your bid for an individual auto or the autographs that I have from each season as a set. Other than that, I would like to keep the rest of the set (common, BTS, Profiles, and Gold Plaques, and game cards, and char logs) intact. I have just added the list of cards I am offering again at the bottom of this page. The rest of the rules I stipulated still apply :-) Thanks for looking! Jen >>Hi! I am going to offer these sets for sale. I will be taking offers on >>them individually (as in Season 1 as a set, and Season 2 as a set). >Meaning >>make your offers for Season 1 and Season 2. I am reserving the right not >>to sell if I don't feel that the offers are reasonable for the cards here. >>I am only selling because I need some cash. I have too much cash tied up in >>cards at the moment, and I need to convert (hmmm, never heard that one have >>you :-) I would prefer payment in the form of a money order unless I have >>dealt with you before. I just wanted to be up-front about that in case it >>makes a difference to you whether or not you bid. Thanks for your time! >>Jen >> >>Anyway, here is what I have: >> >>Season 1: >>TOS season 1 binder >>common set 1-90 >>game card set (minus I card) >>1 wrapper >>complete character log set C1-C58 >>complete profiles set P1-P29 >>complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 >>both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) >>complete gold plaque set G1-G29 >>autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 >>(Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene >>Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) >> >>Season 2: >>TOS Season 2 binder >>complete common set 91-171 >>game card set minus V card >>2 promos (same promo twice over) >>complete character log set C59-C110 >>complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 >>complete profiles set P30-P55 >>complete gold plaque set G30-G55 >>autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 >>(Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John >>Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, >>Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). >> >>ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. >> >> >> >>---------------------------------------------------------------- >>TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. >>To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest >>send >>and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" >>in the body without the quotes. >>-- >>To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade >>send >>and put "unsubscribe trektrade" >>in the body without the quotes. >>-- >>Previous message archives are available via WWW at: >> >>or via FTP at: >> --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive >> >> > > > TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Jacob Subject: (TrekTrade) $4 Sets for Sale Date: 23 Aug 1998 22:53:00 -0500 Hello, Cheep Sets for Sale again. The Original Series Season One (9) 58 card Character Log sets $5.00 (1) 29 card Profile set $20.00 (1) 58 card Behind-the-Scenes set $20.00 The Original Series Season Two (13) Common set $4.00 (2) 58 card Character Log sets $7.00 (1) 29 card Profile set $20.00 (1) 58 card Behind-the-Scenes set $20.00 All $4 Sets (4) Season 3 (4) Season 6 (2) William Shatners Tek World (3) Lost in Space Movie (2) Voyager Season 1 Series 1 (5) Voyager Season 1 Series 2 (3) Phase 2 (1) Phase 3 (1) DS9 Profiles Thanks for Looking Jeff -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) (Trektrade)Figures/Cards/Ornaments FS/T Date: 24 Aug 1998 11:28:00 -0400 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, Q painted face (rare one) $30, Odo w/Fuzzy Tribbles $25, Spencers Riker $33, Pike, Sulu, Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant Ship $29, Enterprise-E $55,- D or Spacetalk Enterprise $39. Medical Tricorder $15, Transporter $29, Galileo w/Kirk $24. NEW 2/3 Packs: Kirk/Balok/Puppet or Picard as Dixon/Guinan $25. 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Vash $12, Generations Kirk, Q, Vorgon, Locutus $15 each, Limited Crusher or McCoy $38, WF4 w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE Luke Jedi $69. All items mint/near mint condition. Many References available. All Star Trek & Star Wars Hallmark Ornaments also for sale. CARDS TOS Season 2 I Have: A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin G30 Voyager Series 1 I Have: $12 set, S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need: S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG I Have: $10 set, 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) 30 Anniv Phase I I Need: D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need: D2,4,6,7,9 I Have: F7 Kira, L3 Picard/as Romulan TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Trek Figure/Cards/Ornaments for Sale/Trade Date: 22 Aug 1998 12:09:20 -0400 > 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, > Sulu, Scotty $99 set, Holo-Doc & Harry Kim $65 set, Q painted face(the > rare one) $30, Odo w/Fuzzy Tribbles $25, Spencers Riker $33, Pike, Sulu, > Dax or Sisko $19 each. > > > USS Defiant Ship $29, Enterprise-E $55,- D or Spacetalk Enterprise $39. > Medical Tricorder $15, Transporter $29, Galileo w/Kirk $24. > > NEW 2/3 Packs: Kirk/Balok/Puppet or Picard as Dixon/Guinan $25. > 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Vash $12, Generations Kirk, > Q, Vorgon, Locutus $15 each, Limited Crusher or McCoy $38, WF4 > w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE > Luke Jedi $69. All items mint/near mint condition. Many References > available. > > All Star Trek & Star Wars Hallmark Ornaments also for sale. > > CARDS > TOS Season I I Have: A21 Woodward > > TOS Season 2 I Have: A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin > G30 > > Voyager Series 1 I Have: $12 set, S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, > Skymotion Exchange > I Need: S2,S3,S6 > > Inaugural STTNG I Have: $10 set, 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) > > First Contact I Have: Set $12 C1,C5 BS1,BS2,BS6, BS9 E2 > I Need: B3 > > 30 Anniv > Phase I I Need: D3 E3,4,5,7,9 > Phase II I Need: D2,4,6,7,9 I Have: F7 Kira, L3 Picard/as > Romulan > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. > > To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest > > send > > and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" > > in the body without the quotes. > > -- > > To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade > > send > > and put "unsubscribe trektrade" > > in the body without the quotes. > > -- > > Previous message archives are available via WWW at: > > > > or via FTP at: > > --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) Update on the TOS 1 and TOS 2 auction Date: 24 Aug 1998 11:53:32 -0500 This auction will officially end Saturday August 30th, 1998 at 12 noon. Thanks for bidding! If you are interested just send me an e-mail with your bids :-) Thanks... Season 1 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS Autographs: A5 Grace Lee Whitney NO BIDS A6 Robert Justman NO BIDS A7 Barbara Anderson NO BIDS A11 Kim Darby NO BIDS A12 Gene Dynarski Current Bid $22 VM A16 Gary Lockwood Current Bid $22 VM A21 Morgan Woodward Current Bid $22 VM Season 2 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS A30 Majel Barret NO BIDS A37 Michael Forest NO BIDS A38 Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel NO BIDS A40 John Fiedler NO BIDS A43 Barbara Luna NO BIDS A46 William Schallert NO BIDS A51 Stephen Brooks NO BIDS A53 Lee Delano NO BIDS A54 Barbara Bouchet NO BIDS A55 Warren Stevens NO BIDS A56 William Marshall-signed all on same line NO BIDS Just for clarity, this is what I am offering here: Season 1: TOS season 1 binder common set 1-90 game card set (minus I card) 1 wrapper complete character log set C1-C58 complete profiles set P1-P29 complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) complete gold plaque set G1-G29 autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 (Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) Season 2: TOS Season 2 binder complete common set 91-171 game card set minus V card 2 promos (same promo twice over) complete character log set C59-C110 complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 complete profiles set P30-P55 complete gold plaque set G30-G55 autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 (Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Figure/Cards/ Sale/Trade Date: 23 Aug 1998 09:24:54 -0400 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, Q painted face (rare one) $30, Odo w/Fuzzy Tribbles $25, Spencers Riker $33, Pike, Sulu, Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant Ship $29, Enterprise-E $55,- D or Spacetalk Enterprise $39. Medical Tricorder $15, Transporter $29, Galileo w/Kirk $24. NEW 2/3 Packs: Kirk/Balok/Puppet or Picard as Dixon/Guinan $25. 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Vash $12, Generations Kirk, Q, Vorgon, Locutus $15 each, Limited Crusher or McCoy $38, WF4 w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE Luke Jedi $69. All items mint/near mint condition. Many References available. All Star Trek & Star Wars Hallmark Ornaments also for sale. CARDS TOS Season 2 I Have: A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin G30 Voyager Series 1 I Have: $12 set, S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need: S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG I Have: $10 set, 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) 30 Anniv Phase I I Need: D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need: D2,4,6,7,9 I Have: F7 Kira, L3 Picard/as Romulan TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: Re: (TrekTrade) Trek Figure/Cards/Ornaments for Sale/Trade Date: 23 Aug 1998 09:04:13 -0400 > 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, > Sulu, Scotty $99 set, Holo-Doc & Harry Kim $65 set, Q painted face(the > rare one) $30, Odo w/Fuzzy Tribbles $25, Spencers Riker $33, Pike, Sulu, > Dax or Sisko $19 each. > > > USS Defiant Ship $29, Enterprise-E $55,- D or Spacetalk Enterprise $39. > Medical Tricorder $15, Transporter $29, Galileo w/Kirk $24. > > NEW 2/3 Packs: Kirk/Balok/Puppet or Picard as Dixon/Guinan $25. > 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Vash $12, Generations Kirk, > Q, Vorgon, Locutus $15 each, Limited Crusher or McCoy $38, WF4 > w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE > Luke Jedi $69. All items mint/near mint condition. Many References > available. > > All Star Trek & Star Wars Hallmark Ornaments also for sale. > > CARDS > TOS Season I I Have: A21 Woodward > > TOS Season 2 I Have: A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin > G30 > > Voyager Series 1 I Have: $12 set, S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, > Skymotion Exchange > I Need: S2,S3,S6 > > Inaugural STTNG I Have: $10 set, 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) > > First Contact I Have: Set $12 C1,C5 BS1,BS2,BS6, BS9 E2 > I Need: B3 > > 30 Anniv > Phase I I Need: D3 E3,4,5,7,9 > Phase II I Need: D2,4,6,7,9 I Have: F7 Kira, L3 Picard/as > Romulan > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. > > To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest > > send > > and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" > > in the body without the quotes. > > -- > > To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade > > send > > and put "unsubscribe trektrade" > > in the body without the quotes. > > -- > > Previous message archives are available via WWW at: > > > > or via FTP at: > > --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Trek Figure/Cards/Ornaments for Sale/Trade Date: 22 Aug 1998 09:58:24 -0400 9" Figures: WF4 Seven of Nine, $27 each, Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Scotty $99 set, Holo-Doc & Harry Kim $65 set, Q painted face(the rare one) $30, Odo w/Fuzzy Tribbles $25, Spencers Riker $33, Pike, Sulu, Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant Ship $29, Enterprise-E $55,- D or Spacetalk Enterprise $39. Medical Tricorder $15, Transporter $29, Galileo w/Kirk $24. NEW 2/3 Packs: Kirk/Balok/Puppet or Picard as Dixon/Guinan $25. 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Vash $12, Generations Kirk, Q, Vorgon, Locutus $15 each, Limited Crusher or McCoy $38, WF4 w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE Luke Jedi $69. All items mint/near mint condition. Many References available. All Star Trek & Star Wars Hallmark Ornaments also for sale. CARDS TOS Season I I Have: A21 Woodward TOS Season 2 I Have: A28 Koenig, A38(Arlene), A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin G30 Voyager Series 1 I Have: $12 set, S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need: S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG I Have: $10 set, 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) First Contact I Have: Set $12 C1,C5 BS1,BS2,BS6, BS9 E2 I Need: B3 30 Anniv Phase I I Need: D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need: D2,4,6,7,9 I Have: F7 Kira, L3 Picard/as Romulan > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. > To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest > send > and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" > in the body without the quotes. > -- > To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade > send > and put "unsubscribe trektrade" > in the body without the quotes. > -- > Previous message archives are available via WWW at: > > or via FTP at: > --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) ST CCG WB Date: 24 Aug 1998 14:15:40 -0700 I have these to trade..if you see something LMK and I will send a want list... ST CCG WHITE BORDER CORE SET DEANNA TROI DR. LA FORGE GEORDI LAFORGE JEAN LUC PICARD SAREK SIR ISSAC NEWTON TASHA YAR THOMAS RIKER WORF WILLIAM T. RIKER USS ENTERPRISE DURAS KARGAN LURSA GORWON IKC BURUK IKC BORTAS IKC QU’VAT IKC PAGH MENDAK ROGA DANAR ARTIFACTS--- KURLAN NAISKOS BETAZOID GIFT BOX INTERPHASE GENERATOR TOX UTHAT VULCAN STON OF GOL EVENTS--- ANTI TIME ANOMALY GODDESS OF EMPATHY LORE RETURNS DILEMMA--- ANCIENT COMPUTER BORG SHIP TEMPORAL CAUSALITY LOOP INTERRUPT--- ALIEN GROUPIE HONOR CHALLANGE HUGH KLINGON DEATH YELL TRANSWARP CONDUIT MISSION--- CULTURAL OBSERVATION EXTRACTION INVESTIGATE DISTURBANCE INVESTIGATE RAID INVESTIGATE MASSACRE INVESTIGATE ROGUE COMET INVESTIGATE COMET INVESTIGATE TIME CONTINUUM PEGASUS SEARCH SEEK LIFE FORM STUDY HOLE IN SPACE WORMHOLE NEGPTIATIONS Chris TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ben Meyers Subject: (TrekTrade) ST30 F2 Date: 24 Aug 1998 20:19:03 -0400 (EDT) Hi. Does anyone have an extra ST 30th Anniv Phase II F2 card available to trade for my extra F3? I'll even include a SASE. Please lmk if you can help. Thanks, Ben. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) Update for TOS 1 and 2 auction Date: 25 Aug 1998 07:39:13 -0500 NOTE: I am adding a minimum to the Majel Barrett autograph. As I stated in my original, I reserve the right not to sell if the bid is unacceptable to me. I am just stating what I am looking for on this one. The rest of the autos I would like to see at least $20. This auction will officially end Saturday August 30th, 1998 at 12 noon. Thanks for bidding! If you are interested just send me an e-mail with your bids :-) Thanks... Season 1 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS Autographs: A5 Grace Lee Whitney $20 HH A6 Robert Justman $20 HH A7 Barbara Anderson $20 HH A11 Kim Darby NO BIDS A12 Gene Dynarski Current Bid $22 VM A16 Gary Lockwood Current Bid $22 VM A21 Morgan Woodward Current Bid $22 VM Season 2 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS A30 Majel Barret Minumum $150 A37 Michael Forest NO BIDS A38 Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel NO BIDS A40 John Fiedler NO BIDS A43 Barbara Luna NO BIDS A46 William Schallert NO BIDS A51 Stephen Brooks NO BIDS A53 Lee Delano NO BIDS A54 Barbara Bouchet NO BIDS A55 Warren Stevens NO BIDS A56 William Marshall-signed all on same line NO BIDS Just for clarity, this is what I am offering here: Season 1: TOS season 1 binder common set 1-90 game card set (minus I card) 1 wrapper complete character log set C1-C58 complete profiles set P1-P29 complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) complete gold plaque set G1-G29 autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 (Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) Season 2: TOS Season 2 binder complete common set 91-171 game card set minus V card 2 promos (same promo twice over) complete character log set C59-C110 complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 complete profiles set P30-P55 complete gold plaque set G30-G55 autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 (Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG Date: 25 Aug 1998 11:26:00 -0400 Eliminate Virus, Intercept Maquis Personal Bajoran Jaro Essa Need these three cards for a freind! Holler if you wanna trade! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) Figures Date: 25 Aug 1998 11:29:12 -0400 Looking for a Harry KIm and Kes AF!! Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Trent Rosby) Subject: (TrekTrade) other figures... Date: 25 Aug 1998 10:35:33 -0600 I want to get rid of (cheaply): Gorn Captain Sisko Captain Kurn Tom Paris Mutated Seska as Cardassian I removed the Skybox cards from the packages, otherwise these figures are untouched by human hands. I'm moving, and I don't want to pack them up (except to ship them). Let me know if you are interested. Trent TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Laura Kline Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 Bible Date: 26 Aug 1998 10:03:42 -0400 Hi Everyone, I subscribed to this list because I have a ST:DS9 "Bible" which I bought from QVC several years ago. I think it was just before the series first aired. It's number 1148 of a limited edition of 10,000 , written by Rick Berman and Micheal Piller, with a Certificate of Authenticity. I have been thinking of selling it, but have no idea what it is worth. If anyone is interested, please let me know. Laura TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) THIS AND THAT Date: 26 Aug 1998 7:10:46 -0700 Willing to trade AF for card or This for That.. :) I am flexible....if you want to buy anything most of this is on my web site..or email for prices...(always negotiable). HOWEVER trades will get first consideration. As always... Thanks and Take care I HAVE***************************** 1-STAR TREK MASTER SERIES I (90) 1-STAR TREK INAUGURAL ED 2-DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 SET 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 2 2-ST:SEASON SIX 1-STAR TREK 30TH ANNV PHASE 1 1-ST:FIRST CONTACT (60) 2-STAR TREK DSN PROFILES(82) 1-STAR TREK TOS SEASON 1 W/CHARACTER SET ST:25TH ANNIV H2 ST:GEN SKYMOTION LARGE ST:GEN SKYMOTION SMALL ST:FIRST CONTACT BS10 ST:PHASE 3 POSTER 3,4,5,6,7(BLUE) ST:SEASON S19,S31 ST:SEASON 6 SM2(box motion) ST:DSN PROFILES quark all ST:DSN PROFILES T&T 1,3,5,9 ST:DSN PROFILES LAT 1 OF 9 ST:TOS 1 P16,30,31,33,37,44 ST:TOS 1 B25,26,27,31,56,57,60,62,66,74,75, 76,81,92,105,106,107 ST:VOY SEAS 2 196 TECH ST:VOY X-2 OFFER ****SKYBOX POGS AND CARDS FROM ACTION FIGURES *** POG CAPT PICARD AS ROMULAN POG LT CMDR DATA AS ROMULAN POG LT CMDR LAFORGE AS TARCHANNEN POG LT WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT POG LT BARCLAY POG HUGH BORG POG HUNTER OF TOSK POG ROM POG TOSK CARD AMBASSADOR SPOCK CARD ADMIRAL MCCOY CARD MUGATU CARD KAHN CARD SET ALL NINE PURPLE ORIG DSN ST:episode 2 S1 ST:master EXCEL SPACEDOCK ST:master UHURU ST:voy series 2 P1 (from set) 3OTH ANNV CYBER ST:BLCKBSTR CREW PHOTOS SET 3(8X10 ONE EACH) ST:TOS CCG LIVING IN PAST ST:STARLOG MAIL IN PROMO HAVE DSN CREW, KIRK ST:MASTERCARD 30TH ANNIV (trade for voy or gen) ST:HOSTESS MINI 9,10,16,D10 CCG::STAR TREK TOS ANTIGRAV UNIT TOS FRIENDLY WELCOME TOS ADMIRAL KOMACK TOS AGONIZER CCG:Deep Space Nine NO LOOSE ENDS-DILEMMA KAI OPAKA -bajoran KORINAS-cardassian CCG WHITE BORDER CORE SET DEANNA TROI CULTURAL OBSERVATION DR. LA FORGE EXTRACTION GEORDI LAFORGE INVESTIGATE DISTURBANCE JEAN LUC PICARD INVESTIGATE RAID SAREK INVESTIGATE MASSACRE SIR ISSAC NEWTON INVESTIGATE ROGUE COMET TASHA YAR INVESTIGATE TIME CONTINUUM THOMAS RIKER PEGASUS SEARCH WORF SEEK LIFE FORM WILLIAM T. RIKER STUDY HOLE IN SPACE USS ENTERPRISE WORMHOLE NEGOTIATIONS DURAS ARTIFACTS--- KARGAN KURLAN NAISKOS LURSA BETAZOID GIFT BOX GORWON INTERPHASE GENERATOR IKC BURUK TOX UTHAT IKC BORTAS VULCAN STON OF GOL IKC QU’VAT IKC PAGH MENDAK ROGA DANAR EVENTS--- INTERRUPT--- ANTI TIME ANOMALY ALIEN GROUPIE GODDESS OF EMPATHY HONOR CHALLANGE LORE RETURNS HUGH KLINGON DEATH YELL TRANSWARP CONDUIT DILEMMA--- ANCIENT COMPUTER BORG SHIP TEMPORAL CAUSALITY LOOP FIGURES FOR SALE 6016 199606 LT CMD DEANNA TROI (lavender) C9 unpunched 6016 293828 LT CMD DEANNA TROI (lavender) European Card (Eng,Fr,Sp) C6-C7 tab intact 6058 161302 Q C8 tab intact 6034 75811 CMD RIKER MALCORIAN C7-C8 (POG) 6035 18210 LT CMD DEANNA TROY (6TH SEASON) C8+ (POG) 6036 64317 LT WORF IN RESCUE OUTFIT C7 (POG) 6038 812 DR NOONIAN SOONG C8+ (POG) 6049 1258 ESOQQ C9 (POG) 6060 16193 DATON C8+ tab intact(CARD) 6202 26086 ODO (purple card) C7 6220 10643 CMD SISKO DRESS UNIFORM C8+ (POG) 6237 24142 TOSK C8+ (POG) 6243 23470 DR JULIAN BASHIR C7 (POG) 6244 41177 CHIEF MILES OBRIEN C9 6245 58100 PICARD IN DSN UNIFORM C7-C8 6246 4544 LT THOMAS RIKER (DSN) C8 6438 XXXX TROI AS DURANGO C8+ 6440 5953 LT DAX BLOOD OATH C8 (POG) 6443 12255 LT(JG) LAFORGE INTERSTELLAR C8 6446 22815 ODO NEC EVIL C9 (POG) 6943 126205 ENS WES CRUSHER C8+ 6960 25045 LT CMD LAFORGE MOVIE UNIFORM C8+ (CARD) 6961 47766 DR BEV CRUSHER DUTY UNIFORM C8 6962 110543 LT CMD DATA MOVIE UNIFORM C8 (CARD) 6967 42654 LWAXANA TROI C8 (CARD) 6968 58003 AMBASSADOR SAREK C7 6981 53965 ENS RO LAREN C8 6985 12769 LT WORF METALLIC C8 (CARD) 16038 2163 MISTER SPOCK C7+ 16463 715 VIDIIAN C9 65110 NA DR BASHIR T&T (FUZZY TRIBBLE) C7+ 6134 INNERSPACE FERENGI MARAUDER C6 6134 INNERSPACE CARDASSIAN WARSHIP C7-C8 16102 56663 FIRST CONTACT RIKER C-7 16115 26106 FIRST CONTACT PICARD IN SUIT C7-C8 I NEED************* ST:TOS ONE..G1,2,4,6,7,10,11,18,19,22,24,26,29 ST:DSN PROFILES AUTO ARMIN ST:25TH ANNIV......................3 CARD CELLO PACK ST:MASTER SERIES ..................6 CARD SHEET ST:MASTERCARD......................0 VOY AND GENERATIONS ST:VOY SEASON 2...113,120,124,128,142,145,167 ST: HOSTESS MINI..1,2,22,26 ST:TOS ANNUAL 1...P14,15 ST:TOS ANNUAL 1..BTS 1,23,24 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..BTS96,100 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..C107,110 C68,104,107,108,109,110 ST:TOS ANNUAL 2..119 /119,145,158 ST:MOVIES CINEMA 6 CARDS PROMOS WITH ORDER FROM SKYBOX ST:30TH ANNIV PHASE 3 FC PREVIEW CARD(IF IT EXISTS) ALBUMS/BINDERS================================================= ST:MASTER ST:25TH ANNIV ST ACTION FIGURES ALL WITH POGS================================ ADMIRAL MCCOY CADET WES CRUSHER LAFORGE(JG) DATHON BORG II MORDOCK CAPT PICARD 1ST SEASON LOCUTUS CAPTAIN SCOTT LT WORF JG CMD RIKER 2ND SEASON DR. BEV CRUSHER(1ST SEASON) ALSO INTERESTED IN DR SOONG WITH CARD TOS CCG******WILD---KAL-IF-FEE DSN CCG TRAUMA----------------DILEMMA SECRET COMPARTMENT----DOORWAY BAJORAN CIVIL WAR-----EVENT DEFIANT DEDICATION PLAQUE-EVENT SYSTEM 5 DISRUTORS----EVENT CENTRAL COMMAND-------FACILITY IVESTIGATE RUMORS-----MISSION JARO ESSA-------------BAJ CHAR LI NOLAS--------------BAJ CHAR SHAKAAR EDON----------BAJ CHAR SURMAK REN------------BAJ CHAR RAZKA KARN------------BAJ CHAR ALDARA----------------CAR CHAR ENTEK-----------------CAR CHAR KOVAT-----------------CAR CHAR MAKBAR----------------CAR CHAR PLAIN SIMPLA GARAK----CAR CHAR D'GHAR----------------KLI CHAR ALTOVAR---------------UNL CHAR RETAYA----------------UNL CHAR SOKANNA---------------UNL CHAR CHA'JAH---------------ROM SHIP ST: COMICS DC: TOS feb 84- nov 88 (57) 3,4,5,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,44,47,48,49,54,57 V movie adapt DC: TOS 89-present (80+) 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, 34,38,39,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,49, 50,52,53,55,58,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,71 72,73,74,75,76,79,80 ann 1,5,6 sp 3, 25thann ,ash of eden DC: TNG 89-present (80+) 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,19,20,21,22,23,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,36,37,42, 44,48,50,51,52,54,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,75,77,78,80 ann 1,2,5,6 sp 2,3 Chris TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Trent Rosby) Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 missions Date: 26 Aug 1998 10:03:53 -0600 Does anyone have extras of the starter deck missions for sale or trade? I need: Eliminate Virus Refuse Immigration Reignite Dead Star Relocate Settlers Rescue Prisoners Search and Rescue Study Plasma Storm Thanks, Trent TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) Update for TOS 1 and 2 auction Date: 26 Aug 1998 12:32:18 -0500 NOTE: I am adding a minimum to the Majel Barrett autograph. As I stated in my original, I reserve the right not to sell if the bid is unacceptable to me. I am just stating what I am looking for on this one. The rest of the autos I would like to see at least $20. This auction will officially end Saturday August 30th, 1998 at 12 noon. Thanks for bidding! If you are interested just send me an e-mail with your bids :-) Thanks... Season 1 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) $6 Autographs: A5 Grace Lee Whitney $20 HH A6 Robert Justman $20 HH A7 Barbara Anderson $20 HH A11 Kim Darby $20 HH A12 Gene Dynarski Current Bid $22 VM A16 Gary Lockwood Current Bid $22 VM A21 Morgan Woodward Current Bid $22 VM Season 2 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS A30 Majel Barret Minumum $150 NO BIDS A37 Michael Forest NO BIDS A38 Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel $20 HH A40 John Fiedler NO BIDS A43 Barbara Luna NO BIDS A46 William Schallert NO BIDS A51 Stephen Brooks NO BIDS A53 Lee Delano NO BIDS A54 Barbara Bouchet NO BIDS A55 Warren Stevens NO BIDS A56 William Marshall-signed all on same line NO BIDS Just for clarity, this is what I am offering here: Season 1: TOS season 1 binder common set 1-90 game card set (minus I card) 1 wrapper complete character log set C1-C58 complete profiles set P1-P29 complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) complete gold plaque set G1-G29 autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 (Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) Season 2: TOS Season 2 binder complete common set 91-171 game card set minus V card 2 promos (same promo twice over) complete character log set C59-C110 complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 complete profiles set P30-P55 complete gold plaque set G30-G55 autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 (Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) POG cards Date: 26 Aug 1998 22:45:30 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0028_01BDD143.3A165CC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have three POG cards for sale or trade #56 and #30 on one card #50 and #27 on one card I also have the more rare GOLD POGS Scotty #60 and McCoy #59 Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0028_01BDD143.3A165CC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have three POG cards for sale or = trade
#56 and  #30 on one card
#50 and  #27 on one card
I also have the more rare GOLD POGS Scotty #60 and = McCoy=20 #59
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0028_01BDD143.3A165CC0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Gold Ships Plaques Date: 26 Aug 1998 22:52:34 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BDD144.3698B240 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Can anyone tell me what an uncut sheet of 9 Gold Ships plaques from the = ST 30 Years Phase One are going for? I need a price on the original uncut sheet and a price on the send away = uncut sheet. Thanks!!!!!!!!! Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BDD144.3698B240 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Can anyone tell me what an uncut = sheet of 9 Gold=20 Ships plaques from the ST 30 Years Phase One are going for?
I need a price on the original uncut sheet and a = price on the=20 send away uncut sheet.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BDD144.3698B240-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) Uncut Sheet of Ships Registry Plaques Date: 26 Aug 1998 23:23:52 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01BDD148.96237AC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I hate to do it but I am offering both my ST 30 Year Phase One uncut = sheets of 9 Gold Ships Registry Plaques. I have: 1) Original (200 offered to dealers only) (approximate value $500) 2) Send away sheet (approximate value $50) I am looking to trade these for the higher value ST-TOS Autograph cards = like Shatner, Majel Barrett, Deforest Kelley and Joan Collins. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01BDD148.96237AC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I hate to do it but I am offering = both my ST 30=20 Year Phase One uncut sheets of 9 Gold Ships Registry = Plaques.
I have:
1)  Original (200 offered to dealers only) = (approximate=20 value $500)
2)  Send away sheet (approximate value = $50)
 I am = looking to trade=20 these for the higher value ST-TOS Autograph cards like Shatner, Majel = Barrett,=20 Deforest Kelley and Joan Collins.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_000D_01BDD148.96237AC0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) WTS: Star Trek Lottery Tickets Date: 27 Aug 1998 14:09:50 -0500 I have Star Trek Lottery Tickets that I am wanting to sell. This I will run as an auction as well that will end at the same time as the other one, which is 12 noon. Minimum shipping on these is $3 as I have to ship them in a large flat mailer. I do mail priority mail USPS, just for your info. Again I would prefer a money order if I have not dealt with you before. All cards are unscratched, and undetached. 4 Wisconsion Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $11 4 New Jersey Lottery Tickets Minimum $11 6 Oregon Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $10 6 California Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $10 8 Colorado Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $11 4 Connecticut Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $10 6 Hoosier Lottery Tickets (Indiana, 2 folds on perferation) Minimum $15 Thanks for looking! Jen TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) Update on TOS1 and TOS2 auction Date: 27 Aug 1998 14:13:00 -0500 NOTE: I am adding a minimum to the Majel Barrett autograph. As I stated in my original, I reserve the right not to sell if the bid is unacceptable to me. I am just stating what I am looking for on this one. The rest of the autos I would like to see at least $20. This auction will officially end Saturday August 30th, 1998 at 12 noon. Thanks for bidding! If you are interested just send me an e-mail with your bids :-) Thanks... Season 1 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) $6 JJ Autographs: A5 Grace Lee Whitney $20 HH A6 Robert Justman $20 HH A7 Barbara Anderson $20 HH A11 Kim Darby $20 HH A12 Gene Dynarski Current Bid $22 VM A16 Gary Lockwood Current Bid $22 VM A21 Morgan Woodward Current Bid $22 VM Season 2 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS A30 Majel Barret Minumum $150 NO BIDS A37 Michael Forest NO BIDS A38 Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel $20 HH A40 John Fiedler NO BIDS A43 Barbara Luna NO BIDS A46 William Schallert NO BIDS A51 Stephen Brooks NO BIDS A53 Lee Delano NO BIDS A54 Barbara Bouchet NO BIDS A55 Warren Stevens NO BIDS A56 William Marshall-signed all on same line NO BIDS Just for clarity, this is what I am offering here: Season 1: TOS season 1 binder common set 1-90 game card set (minus I card) 1 wrapper complete character log set C1-C58 complete profiles set P1-P29 complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) complete gold plaque set G1-G29 autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 (Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) Season 2: TOS Season 2 binder complete common set 91-171 game card set minus V card 2 promos (same promo twice over) complete character log set C59-C110 complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 complete profiles set P30-P55 complete gold plaque set G30-G55 autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 (Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: Re: (TrekTrade) WTS: Star Trek Lottery Tickets Date: 27 Aug 1998 14:14:16 -0500 I meant to say the auction will end Saturday, August 30th at 12 noon, not just noon. :-) Sorry. Jen TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) Update on TOS1 and TOS2 auction Date: 28 Aug 1998 08:34:02 -0500 I will send a personal update and final notice out tomorrow. In other words this will be the last trektrade notice. If you are outbid before the auction ends, I will drop you an e-mail to let you know. Thanks for bidding!!! --Jen NOTE: I am adding a minimum to the Majel Barrett autograph. As I stated in my original, I reserve the right not to sell if the bid is unacceptable to me. I am just stating what I am looking for on this one. The rest of the autos I would like to see at least $20. This auction will officially end Saturday August 30th, 1998 at 12 noon. Thanks for bidding! If you are interested just send me an e-mail with your bids :-) Thanks... Season 1 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) $6 Autographs: A5 Grace Lee Whitney $25 MO A6 Robert Justman $20 HH A7 Barbara Anderson $20 HH A11 Kim Darby $20 HH A12 Gene Dynarski Current Bid $22 VM A16 Gary Lockwood Current Bid $22 VM A21 Morgan Woodward Current Bid $22 VM Season 2 Set (char logs, commons, profiles, golds, games, and BTS): NO BIDS A30 Majel Barret Minumum $150 NO BIDS A37 Michael Forest $20 HH A38 Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel $20 HH A40 John Fiedler $20 HH A43 Barbara Luna $20 HH A46 William Schallert NO BIDS A51 Stephen Brooks NO BIDS A53 Lee Delano $20 HH A54 Barbara Bouchet $20 HH A55 Warren Stevens $20 HH A56 William Marshall-signed all on same line $20 HH Just for clarity, this is what I am offering here: Season 1: TOS season 1 binder common set 1-90 game card set (minus I card) 1 wrapper complete character log set C1-C58 complete profiles set P1-P29 complete behind the scenes set B1-B58 both promos (coming 10.97 and coming 12.97) complete gold plaque set G1-G29 autographs A5, A6, A7, A11, A12, A16, and A21 (Grace Lee Whitney, Robert Justman, Barbara Anderson, Kim Darby, Gene Dynarski, Gary Lockwood and Morgan Woodward) Season 2: TOS Season 2 binder complete common set 91-171 game card set minus V card 2 promos (same promo twice over) complete character log set C59-C110 complete behind the scenes set B59-B110 complete profiles set P30-P55 complete gold plaque set G30-G55 autographs A30, A37, A38, A40, A43, A46, A51, A53, A54, A55, A56 (Majel Barrett, Michael Forest, Tasha Martel-signed Arlene Martel, John Fiedler, Barbara Luna, William Schallert, Stephen Brooks, Lee Delano, Barbara Bouchet, Warren Stevens, William Marshall-signed all on same line). ALL of these cards are mint, kept in pages, kept in the binder. TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) Update on Lottery Tickets auction Date: 28 Aug 1998 08:44:51 -0500 I have Star Trek Lottery Tickets that I am wanting to sell. This I will run as an auction as well that will end at the same time as the other one, which is 12 noon on Saturday, August 29. Minimum shipping on these is $3 as I have to ship them in a large flat mailer. I do mail priority mail USPS, just for your info. Again I would prefer a money order if I have not dealt with you before. All cards are unscratched, and undetached. 4 Wisconsion Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) $11 LS 4 New Jersey Lottery Tickets Minimum $11 6 Oregon Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $10 6 California Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $10 8 Colorado Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $11 4 Connecticut Lottery Tickets (1 fold on perferation) Minimum $10 6 Hoosier Lottery Tickets (Indiana, 2 folds on perferation) $21 CH Thanks for looking! Jen TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Foreign POGs Date: 28 Aug 1998 20:04:12 -0700 Just wondering if anyone around here is interested in a 70-POG set of Star Trek TNG POGs. Or the Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi 70 POG set. Both sets are copyright 1995 by the respective companies that own the licenses (Paramount & Lucasfilm). I believe they are from Germany. The ST set features 20 'shiny/prism' POGs and 50 regular POGs. The entire POG is not shiny, just the borders/outside (but not the picture of the person/ship). They are, obviously, numbered 1-70. They haven't been played with (according to what I was told), but the sides are a bit 'yellow.' The SW set features 25 'shiny/prism' POGs and 45 regular POGs. Once again, the entire POG is not shiny. However, unlike the ST prism pogs, the shiny parts are in the picture (i.e. Vader's 'chest', lightsaber, boba fett's helmet, r2-d2 (arms & head), tusken raider's staff, sand, Vader's arm, stormtrooper, etc.). There are a couple of POGs, where the shiny part is the background (i.e. a picture of luke & one of leia). The sides of these are 'white' and haven't been played with (once again, what I was told). The scenes are from SW, ESB, and RoJ, but aren't in chronological order (i.e. first 25 are SW, next 25 are ESB, 20 from RoJ). They are 'intermixed.' Anyways, I'd like to sell them. I also have TOS A32 (James Doohan/Scotty) for sale, if anyone's interested in that. Plus lots of common cards from TOS 2. If anyone's interested in anything I have to offer, please feel free to e-mail me at: If you want more details, let me know. Thanks in advance TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "C. Curtis Engel" Subject: (TrekTrade) URGENT: Autographs: Mark Allan Shepherd and Lee Delano Date: 29 Aug 1998 12:50:59 -0800 In case anyone's interested, Mark Allan Shepherd (Morn, DS9) and Lee Delano (Kalo, TOS: "A Piece of the Action", Planet of the Apes) are sitting at a convention 5 blocks from my home right now; I just came from there. I'm going back in 3 hours, which is when their afternoon signing session starts; if anyone wants autographs e-mail me by 4:00 PM Pacific time (if you happen to read this by then), and I can pick up some extras for you. Here are the prices (based on what they are charging): Morn 8x10 color photo: $15.00 Morn DS9 Profiles card #3 of 9: $13.00 (it's my card, so only 1 is available) Kalo 8x10 color photo: $12.00 "Apes" 8x10 color photo: $12.00 ST:TOS 2 card #148 (Kalo is on front of card): $10.00 (2 available) Prices do not include shipping ($1.00 each, or send a SASE.) If you're interested, let me know, and I'll send my address. C. Curtis Engel Celtic Christian Music Index Star Trek Trading Cards TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 29 Aug 1998 23:49:19 -0600 (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id BAA30670 for ; Sat, 22 Aug 1998 01:07:07 -0500 Message-ID: <> Organization: Real Cool Star Trek Cards X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.03Gold (Win16; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: Jeff Jacob Hello Everyone, I have decided to sell off my Star Trek playmates Action Figure collection. (Not the dolls and Not the toys.) I have everything playmates has ever made to date except for 5 rarer figures, Sarek and troi with pog, And the 3 rare 1701 figures. Before i go off and sell everything individualy. Which would probibaly start towards the end of next week. Or auction them which would probibaly take me a year to do. I,d like to have serious inqueries for someone to purchase all of them as a set. Free delivery if within say 300 miles of the chicago area. :) Below is an allmost compleate list of what i have. All are Mint/NearMint. C9 and above for you action figure collectors. Theres about 250 figures listed here and you action figure collectors know how much i spent on it. So please serious inquires only. NO TRADES. Make me an offer. Thank You Jeff 1992 Figures and Varations Asst No. 6010 Stock No. ~~~~~Name =7F 6011 Captain Jean-Luc Picard =7F 6012 Lieutenant Commander Data =7F 6013 Lieutenant Worf =7F 6014 Commander William Riker =7F 6015 Lt Geordi LaForge =7F 6015 Lt Geordi LaForge With Removeable VISOR =7F 6016 Counselor Deanna Troi =7F 6051 Romulan =7F 6052 Ferengi =7F 6052 Ferengi Without Black on boots =7F 6053 The Klingon Gowron =7F 6053 The Klingon Gowron Without Gold Trim =7F 6055 Borg =7F 6055 Borg With Photo Reversed Back Of Card 1993 Figures With Collector Cards Asst No.6070 =7F 6019 Dr. Beverly Crusher =7F 6020 Guinan =7F 6021 Cadet Wesley Crusher =7F 6022 Lore =7F 6023 Locutus of Borg =7F 6024 Klingon Warrior Worf =7F 6026 Lt Geordi LaForge in Dress Uniform =7F 6027 Ambassador Spock =7F 6028 Admiral McCoy =7F 6029 Captain Scott =7F 6056 Sela =7F 6057 Benzite =7F 6058 Q =7F 6059 K'ehleyr =7F 6060 Dathon =7F 6061 Vorgon =7F 6071 Captain Jean-Luc Picard =7F 6072 Lieutenant Commander Data =7F 6073 Lieutenant (JG) Worf =7F 6074 Commander William Riker =7F 6075 Lieutenant (JG) Geordi LaForge =7F 6076 Counselor Deanna Troi =7F 6077 Borg 1994 20 Figures Released With Space Caps Asst No.6070 =7F 6019 Dr. Beverly Crusher =7F 6020 Guinan =7F 6021 Cadet Wesley Crusher =7F 6022 Lore =7F 6023 Locutus of Borg =7F 6024 Klingon Warrior Worf =7F 6026 Lt LaForge in Dress Uniform =7F 6027 Ambassador Spock =7F 6056 Sela =7F 6057 Benzite =7F 6058 Q =7F 6059 K'ehleyr =7F 6060 Dathon Here is a picture =7F 6061 Vorgon =7F 6071 Captain Jean-Luc Picard =7F 6072 Lieutanant Commander Data =7F 6073 Lieutenant (JG) worf =7F 6074 Commander William Riker =7F 6076 Counselor Deanna Troi =7F 6077 Borg 1994 Figures 7th Season with SpaceCaps Asst No.6070 Stock No.~~~~~~ Name =7F 6031 Lt Data as a Romulan =7F 6032 Captain Picard as a Romulan =7F 6033 Lt La Forge as Tarchannen III =7F 6034 Commander Riker as Malcorian =7F 6035 Troi in-6th Season Uniform =7F 6036 Lt Worf in Rescue Outfit =7F 6037 Hugh Borg =7F 6038 Dr. Noonian Soong =7F 6042 Q in Judge Robes =7F 6044 Ensign Ro =7F 6045 Lieutenant Barclay =7F 6049 Esoqq the Chalnoth =7F 6050 Picard as Dixon Hill 1994 7th Season No Caps or Cards Asst No. 6070 =7F 6941 Lt Commander Data in Dress Uniform =7F 6942 Captain Picard in Duty Uniform =7F 6943 Ensign Wesley Crusher =7F 6945 Gowron Ritual Klingon Attire =7F 6946 Lieutenant Thomas Riker (Limited to 10,000) One from Canada =7F 6947 Lt Commander Data as Seen in Redemption (Limited to 5000) (a JCPennys Exclusive) 1994-95 7th Season Figures with Cards Asst No. 6950 =7F 6960 Lt La Forge Movie Uniform =7F 6961 Dr Bev Crusher Duty Uniform =7F 6962 Lt Comr Data Movie Uniform =7F 6965 Lieutenant Natasha Yar =7F 6967 Lwaxana Troi =7F 6968 Ambassador Sarek =7F 6969 Nausicaan =7F 6974 Picard in All Good Things =7F 6979 Data in 1940s Outfit =7F 6981 Ensign Ro Laren =7F 6982 Dr Noonian Soong =7F 6985 Worf in Ritual Attire =7F 6986 Picard As Locutus This one is interesting. They mixed them up 1995-96-97 STAR TREK TNG, DS9 & TOS Asst No.6430 =7F C 6428 Dr Katherine Pulaski =7F C 6429 Vash =7F C 6432 Picard As Galen =7F C 6433 Geordi LaForge in AGT =7F C 6434 Sherrif Worf w/Alexander From Fist Full Of Data's =7F C 6435 Dr Crusher in 1940 s Outfit =7F C 6436 The Traveler =7F C 6437 Governor Worf in AGT =7F C 6438 Deanna Troi as Durango =7F SC 6439 Hunter of the Tosk =7F SC 6440 Jadzia Dax From Blood Oath =7F NC 6441 Interstallar Action Borg =7F NC 6443 Interstallar Action Geordi =7F SC 6444 Grank Nagus Zek =7F SC 6445 Sisko From Crossover =7F SC 6446 Odo From Neccessary Evil =7F WV 6447 Christine Chapel =7F WV 6448 Captain Christopher Pike (The Cage) =7F WV 6449 Janice Rand Change of Number Format / Asst 6430 =7F WV 16032 Jem'Hadar =7F WV 16031 Capt Kirk in Casual Attire =7F WV 16033 Worf from DS9 =7F WV 16034 Admiral Riker from AGT =7F WV 16035 Elim Garak DS9 =7F WV 16038 Mister Spock (The Cage) =7F WV 16039 The Talosian Keeper (The Cage) =7F WV 16040 Vina as Orion Animal Woman (The Cage) =7F NC 16045 Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott (Where no man has gone before)(Ltd. 10,000) =7F NC 16046 Lt. Hikaru Sulu (Where no man has gone before)(Limited Edition 10,000) =7F WV 16020 Captain Kurn =7F WV 16021 Captain Benjamin Sisko =7F WV 16022 Seska as a Cardassian =7F WV 16023 Tom Paris Mutated =7F WV 16041 Gorn Captain =7F WV 16042 The Mugatu =7F NC 16047 Beverly Crusher from Generations (Limited to 10,000) =7F WV 16048 Captian Kirk =7F WV 16152 Professor Data =7F NC 16154 Harry Mudd =7F NC 16155 Dr. McCoy (Limited to 10,000) =7F NC Sisko in a Bag (From the Nintendo/Sega DS9 Game Offer) 1997 Warp Factor Series 1 Asst No. 65100 (With Triple Tribble Promotion Gamepiece) =7F 65106 Chief Miles O'Brian (Limited to 10,000??) =7F 65107 Captian Benjamin Sisko=20 =7F 65108 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax=20 =7F 65109 Constable Odo=20 =7F 65110 Dr. Julian Bashir=20 =7F 65111 Captian Koloth=20 1997 Warp Factor Series 1 6"Combat Action Assortment. Asst No. 16250 =7F 65251 Captian Jean-Luc Picard=20 =7F 65252 Commander William Riker=20 =7F 65253 Lt. Commander Worf=20 =7F 65254 Borg=20 =7F 65255 "Q"=20 1997 Warp Factor Series 2 Asst No. 65100=20 =7F 65101 Sisko as a Klingon=20 =7F 65102 Ilia Probe=20 =7F 65103 Leeta, The Dabo Girl=20 =7F 65104 Swarm Alien=20 =7F 65112 Captain Beverly Crusher Picard=20 1997 Warp Factor Series 3 Asst No. 65100=20 =7F 65105 Mr. Spock from "Mirror, Mirror"=20 =7F 65114 Edith Keeler=20 =7F 65115 Cadet Deanna Troi=20 =7F 65116 Cadet Data=20 =7F 65117 Cadet Beverly Howard Crusher 1997 Warp Factor Series 4 Asst No. 65140 =7F 65121 Keiko O'Brian=20 1993 Figures Deep Space 9 Asst No. 6200 With Cards=20 =7F 6201 Commander Benjamin Sisko =7F 6202 ODO =7F 6203 Quark =7F 6204 Chief Miles O'Brien =7F 6205 Lieutenant Jadzia Dax =7F 6206 Major Kira Nerys =7F 6207 Commander Gul Dukat =7F 6208 Dr. Julian Bashir =7F 6210 Morn =7F NC 6221 Lieutenant Jadzia Dax in Starfleet Duty Uniform (Australian) =7F NC 6222 Dr Julian Bashir in Starfleet Duty Uniform (Australian)=20 =7F NC 6944 Chief Miles O'Brian in Starfleet Duty Unifirm (Australian) 1994-5? Deep Space 9 Figures With SpaceCaps Asst No.6230 =7F 6220 Sisko in Dress Uniform =7F 6226 O'Brien in Dress Uniform =7F 6235 Jake Sisko =7F 6236 Vedek Beriel =7F 6237 Tosk =7F 6241 Rom with Nog in back of card =7F 6241 Rom with Nog in front of card =7F 6242 Dax in Duty Uniform =7F 6243 Bashir in Duty Uniform =7F 6244 O'Brien in Duty Uniform =7F 6245 Picard in DS9 Uniform =7F 6246 Tom Riker in DS9 Uniform =7F 6247 Q in DS9 Uniform Generations Movie Figures Asst No.6910- =7F 6911 Captain Kirk in Movie Uniform =7F 6914 Scotty in Movie Uniform =7F 6916 Chekov in Movie Uniform =7F 6918 Captain Picard Movie Uniform =7F 6919 Riker in Movie Uniform =7F 6920 Troi in Movie Uniform =7F 6921 Data in Movie Uniform =7F 6922 Worf in Movie Uniform =7F 6923 LaForge in Movie Uniform =7F 6924 Dr. Crusher in movie Uniform =7F 6925 Dr. Soran =7F 6927 Guinan =7F 6928 B'Etor =7F 6929 Lursa =7F 6930 Kirk in Space Outfit =7F 6931 Worf in 19th-Century Outfit Clasic Startrek With WideVision Cards Asst No.6450 =7F 6451 Admiral Kirk =7F NC 6452 Commander Spock =7F 6453 Dr McCoy =7F 6454 Lt Sulu =7F 6455 Lt Uhura =7F 6456 KAHHHHHHHNNNNN =7F 6457 Martia =7F 6458 General Chang =7F 6459 Commander Kruge =7F 6460 Lt Saavik 1995 Voyager With Cards Asst No.6480 =7F 6481 Captain Kathryn Janeway =7F 6482 Commander Chakotay =7F 6483 Lt Tom Paris =7F 6484 Ensign Harry Kim =7F 6485 Lt B'Elanna Torres =7F 6486 The Doctor(EMH) =7F 6487 Lt Tuvok =7F 6488 Kes the Ocampa =7F 6489 Neelix the Talaxian Change of Number Format. Same Asst No. =7F 16460 Ensign Seska =7F 16461 Lt. Carey =7F 16462 The Kazon =7F 16463 The Vidiian =7F 16465 B'Elanna Torres The Klingon =7F 16466 Chakotay The Marquis 1996 First Contact Asst. No. 16100(Comes With Exclusive Movie Mini Poster)=20 =7F 16101 Captian Jean-Luc Picard =7F 16102 Commander William T. Riker =7F 16103 Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge =7F 16104 Lt. Commander Data =7F 16105 Lt. Commander Worf =7F 16106 Commander Deanna Troi =7F 16107 Dr. Beverly Crusher =7F 16108 The Borg =7F 16109 Zefram Cochrane =7F 16110 Lily =7F 16115 Picard in Starfleet Spacesuit=20 1995 7" Startrek Spacetalk Series Asst No.6080 =7F 6081 Picard =7F 6082 Riker =7F 6085 Borg =7F 6086 Q 1996 Starfleet Academy with CD Rom=20 =7F 16000-16001 Cadet Picard =7F 16000-16002 Cadet Riker =7F 16000-16004 Cadet LaForge =7F 16000-16005 Cadet Worf 1997 1 1/4" Warp Factor Series 1 Asst No 65100 Strike Force (With Triple Tribble Promotion Gamepiece) =7F 16271 Klingon Warriors=20 =7F 16272 Ferengi Commerce Team=20 =7F 16273 Borg Assimulation Team=20 =7F 16274 Starfleet Away Team=20 Star Trek Turtles With Cards Asst No.3450 =7F 3451 Captain Leonardo =7F 3452 Chief Engineer Michaelangelo =7F 3453 Chief Medical Officer Raphael =7F 3454 First Officer Donatello Mail in picard from tapestry. Thanks For Looking Jeff -- _____..---=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D+*+=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D--..___ ___________________ __,-=3D'=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D____ =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D ___=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D (.__________________I__) - _-=3D_/ `'------=3D+=3D-------'` / /__...---=3D=3D=3D'---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ =3D _.-' -------' TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Mitch Obrecht) Subject: (TrekTrade) FS: various Trek figures Date: 30 Aug 1998 14:09:46 GMT For sale .. Make offer. All figures (except Worf, Lt jg) mint on card. Sold individually or as a lot. DS9 - Bashir, in SF (tng-era) uniform DS9 - Dax, in SF (tng-era) uniform DS9 - Sisko, from Crossover DS9 - Sisko, as Klingon DS9 - Odo, from first set DS9 - Jem'Hadar DS9 - Kurn Gen - Worf Gen - Troi Gen - Guinan TNG - Ensign Ro TNG - Worf, Lt j.g. - *note* bubble is damaged, and card is bent on top, left corner. Do not purchase this figure if you're looking for mint-on-card, because this isn't. Figure, trading card (not pog), and access. are all completely intact. V'Ger - B'Elanna (sp?), as Klingon V'Ger - Chakotay, as Maquis V'Ger - Paris, mutated Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles/TCS crossover -- all 4 figures. This one I am offering for a friend, who has asked for a minimum of $30 for the set (that's only $7.50 each!) And finally, something not Trek-related ... Xena I Xena II Each of these Xena figures is being offered in other places for $25 or more ... I have 3 or 4 of each, and will sell for $15.00 for each Xena figure. Again, for the Trek figures (not incl. TMNT or Xena), just make an offer, and we'll work something out! Thank you! TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) TOS Season Two (A36) Date: 30 Aug 1998 19:56:22 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDD450.4344DAA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have a ST-TOS Season Two A36 to trade for another autograph card from = either ST-TOS Season One or Two. Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDD450.4344DAA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have a ST-TOS Season Two = A36=20 to trade for another autograph card from either ST-TOS Season = One or=20 Two.
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BDD450.4344DAA0-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 trades Date: 31 Aug 1998 09:12:43 -0600 I still need: Airlock Aldara DNA Clues Elim Garak Garak Has Some Issues Garak's Tailor Shop Going To The Top I.K.C. Toh'Kaht Jadzia Dax Jake And Nog Karina Korinas Lenaris Holem Mysterious Orb Refuse Immigration Rescue Personnel Selveth Surmak Ren Toran U.S.S. Defiant I have: Altovar Automated Security System Bo'rak Cha'Joh Chamber of Ministers Cure Blight Dukat Entek HQ: Return Orb to Bajor Jaro Essa Li Nalas Morka Orb Fragment Plain, Simple Garak Plans of the Obsidian Order Plans of the Tal Shiar Ruwon Vedek Winn Zef'No Thanks, Trent TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) Stuff for sale...need space...;) Date: 31 Aug 1998 10:17:51 -0400 TOS I and II B and P cards for sale $1 each TOS II Gold plaque cards $6 each I am sponsoring a Voyager Profiles Contest on my web site..try to win a Kate Mulgrew Voyager Profiles autograph cards.... Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lynne Stewart Subject: (TrekTrade) DS9 CCG $2 each Date: 31 Aug 1998 10:19:11 -0400 Selling some DS9 CCG rares, I have for $2 each..send list..;) Lynne -- James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Harry G. Henke" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST-TOS A36 Date: 31 Aug 1998 23:16:29 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BDD535.62126E80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I know I announced that I had a ST-TOS A36 card to trade for another = Autograph Card yesterday but I did not list the Autograph cards I still = need. So rather than have all of you guessing if what you have is what = I need here is my want list: A1, A2, A4, A8, A9, A10, A14, A15, A18, A19, A20, A22, A23, A25, A26. A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32, A33, A34, A45, A48, A49, A50, A52, A57, = A58 Thanks! Harry Henke =20 =20 Check out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at: ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BDD535.62126E80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I know I announced that I had a = ST-TOS  A36=20 card to trade for another Autograph Card yesterday but I did not list = the=20 Autograph cards I still need.  So rather than have all of you = guessing if=20 what you have is what I need here is my want list:
A1, A2, A4, A8, A9, A10, A14, A15, A18, A19, A20, = A22, A23,=20 A25, A26.
A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32, A33, A34, A45, A48, = A49, A50,=20 A52, A57, A58
Harry Henke  =
Check=20 out my Star Trek Card WANT LIST and FOR SALE & TRADE LIST at:
------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BDD535.62126E80-- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris " Subject: (TrekTrade) Figures/Cards/Oranments FSFT Date: 31 Aug 1998 23:47:22 -0400 9" Figures: Target Exclusive Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Scotty $99 set. Q painted face (rare one) $30, Odo w/Fuzzy Tribbles $25, Spencers Riker or Picard $25, Pike, Sulu, Dax or Sisko $19 each. USS Defiant Ship $29, Enterprise-E $55, Spacetalk Enterprise $39. Medical Tricorder $15, Transporter $29, Galileo w/Kirk $22. NEW 2/3 Packs: Kirk/Balok/Puppet or Picard as Dixon/Guinan $24. 5" Gorn or Mugato $13, 1st Borg $17, Vina $20, Vash $12, Generations Kirk, Q, Vorgon, Locutus $15 each, Limited Crusher or McCoy $38, WF4 w/Fuzzy Tribbles $12 and many other 5" figures for sale. Star Wars SE Luke Jedi $69. All items mint/near mint condition. Many References available. All Star Trek & Star Wars Hallmark Ornaments also for sale. CARDS TOS Season 2 I Have: A28 Koenig, A42 Andes, A50 Ruskin Voyager Series 1 I Have: $12 set, S1,S4,S7, X1,X2,X3 Hologram-Doc, Skymotion Exchange I Need: S2,S3,S6 Inaugural STTNG I Have: $10 set, 01H,02H,03H, 05H(mail in) 30 Anniv Phase I I Need: D3 E3,4,5,7,9 Phase II I Need: D2,4,6,7,9 I Have: F7 Kira, L3 Picard/as Romulan TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive