From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V1 #22 Reply-To: trektrade Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk trektrade-digest Thursday, June 14 2001 Volume 01 : Number 022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 13:51:18 EDT From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Fwd: Star Trek First Contact CCG Jean-Luc Picard - --part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_boundary Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_alt_boundary" - --part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_alt_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > Gentlepeople > I guess I did something wrong with my first posting. So here it is > again. This is an experiment as I am finding many duplicates while > organizing my card room. > > Thank you. > Mary > - --part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_alt_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 I guess I did something wrong with my first posting.  So here it is
again.  This is an experiment as I am finding many duplicates while
organizing my card room.  

Thank you.

- --part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_alt_boundary-- - --part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-path: From: Full-name: Mary Liz Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 13:49:34 EDT Subject: Star Trek First Contact CCG Jean-Luc Picard To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part2_69.16840c3c.28550d2e_boundary" X-Mailer: AOL 6.0 for Windows US sub 10523 - --part2_69.16840c3c.28550d2e_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gentlepeople I guess I did something wrong with my first posting. So here it is again. This is an experiment as I am finding many duplicates while organizing my card room. Thank you. Mary - --part2_69.16840c3c.28550d2e_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  I guess I did something wrong with my first posting.  So here it is again.
 This is an experiment as I am finding many duplicates while organizing my
card room.  

Thank you.

- --part2_69.16840c3c.28550d2e_boundary-- - --part1_69.16840c3c.28550d96_boundary-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:18:55 -0700 From: "Try-this" Subject: (TrekTrade) FS: Star THREADS Cards + stuff Captain Picard Costume Cards. From NG Profiles Have Red/Black combo and All Black. Want to see TOGETHER for $125 +shipping. references available getting out. have a couple other, like SG1 - Jackson Costume, and some autos from DS9:MFTF, NG Season7, Insurrection, Sabrina also have the original hard cover ST: TOS Officer Manual for $50 - --except for the Star Threads, I would trade some of the others for two caqrds i do want -- KES auto and Carter (SG1) Costumje thanks, - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 21:18:25 EDT From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Voyager CCG - --part1_11a.2c68ad.2856c7e1_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am in need of: Aggressive Behavior Answer Distress Signal Arturis Assassin's Blade Balancing Act Caretaker's Array Chakotay Chell Common Thief Crisis Culloh Cure Deadly Virus Delta Flyer Dereth Dr. Telek R"Mor Engineering Kit Engineering Tricorder Female's Love Interest Gravimetric Distortion Hanorian Land Eel Haron Hazardous Duty Hull Breach Investigate Quantum Singularity Karden Kathryn Janeway Kazon Warship Kes Kurros Lack of Preparation Lon Suder Macrovirus Magistrate Drang Male's Love Interest Marla Gilmore Matriarchal Society Maxwell Burke Medical Kit Medical PADD Motura Navigational Hazards Neelix Nekrit Supply Depot Nimira Quinn Radioactive Garbage Scow Razik Revive Settlers Rudolph Ransom Samantha Wildman Science PADD Starfleet Type II Phaser Subspace Fracture Tanis The Cloud The Doctor The Pendari Champion The Swarm Tom Paris Tuvok Vidiian Boarding Claw War Council Dual-Affiliation Cards-Different Colors B'Elanna Torres Kes Maxwell Burke Rudolph Ransom Seska Seven of Nine Tabor USS Equinox I HAVE: Penk Denara Pel Dual Affiliation (different colors): Thompson Lon Suder Ayala Mariah Henley Uncommons: Dr. Neria REturn Life Form Unseat Dictator Commandeer Ship Auto-Destruct Sequence Inversion Mystery Divert Power Jabin Kazon Conference Starfleet Type III Phaser Rifle Rettick Aftermath Acquire Technology Liberation Flash Plasma Storm Mutation Study Interstellar Colony Vidiian Harvester The Gift Mission Debreifing Tersa Valek Mortimer Harren Haliz Boarding Party Kazon Disruptor Rifle Ambush Ship Captain's Log Combat Training Fair Play Reinitialize Warp Reaction Kal-ton Plus I have a bunch of commons. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Mary - --part1_11a.2c68ad.2856c7e1_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am in need of:

Aggressive Behavior
Answer Distress Signal
Assassin's Blade
Balancing Act
Caretaker's Array
Common Thief
Cure Deadly Virus
Delta Flyer
Dr. Telek R"Mor
Engineering Kit
Engineering Tricorder
Female's Love Interest
Gravimetric Distortion
Hanorian Land Eel
Hazardous Duty
Hull Breach
Investigate Quantum Singularity
Kathryn Janeway
Kazon Warship
Lack of Preparation
Lon Suder
Magistrate Drang
Male's Love Interest
Marla Gilmore
Matriarchal Society
Maxwell Burke
Medical Kit
Medical PADD
Navigational Hazards
Nekrit Supply Depot
Radioactive Garbage Scow
Revive Settlers
Rudolph Ransom
Samantha Wildman
Science PADD
Starfleet Type II Phaser
Subspace Fracture
The Cloud
The Doctor
The Pendari Champion
The Swarm
Tom Paris
Vidiian Boarding Claw
War Council

Dual-Affiliation Cards-Different Colors
B'Elanna Torres
Maxwell Burke
Rudolph Ransom
Seven of Nine
USS Equinox


Denara Pel

Dual Affiliation (different colors):
Lon Suder
Mariah Henley


Dr. Neria
REturn Life Form
Unseat Dictator
Commandeer Ship
Auto-Destruct Sequence
Inversion Mystery
Divert Power
Kazon Conference
Starfleet Type III Phaser Rifle
Acquire Technology
Flash Plasma Storm
Study Interstellar Colony
Vidiian Harvester
The Gift
Mission Debreifing
Mortimer Harren
Boarding Party
Kazon Disruptor Rifle
Ambush Ship
Captain's Log
Combat Training
Fair Play
Reinitialize Warp Reaction

Plus I have a bunch of commons.

Any help appreciated.

- --part1_11a.2c68ad.2856c7e1_boundary-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 21:18:27 EDT From: Subject: (TrekTrade) Blaze of Glory CCG - --part1_c5.11f52baa.2856c7e3_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am in need of: 4 Drumhead =20 24 Fajo's Gallery =20 39 Outgunned =20 50 Impersonate Captive =20 55 Ro Laren =20 70 Enrique Mu=F1iz =20 71 Ilon Tandro 75 Jadzia Dax =20 78 Koloth =20 98 Tharket =20 103 U.S.S. Thunderchild =20 131 Elim Foil =20 132 Jadzia Dax Foil =20 133 Locutus' Borg Cube Foil =20 134 Riker Wil Foil =20 135 Kor Foil =20 136 La Forge Impersonator Foil =20 137 Maximum Firepower Foil =20 138 Odo Founder Foil =20 139 Sword of Kahless Foil =20 140 U.S.S. Thunderchild Foil =20 141 Borg Cutting Beam Foil =20 143 Goraxus Foil =20 145 Inside Operation Foil =20 146 Kang Foil =20 148 Kraxon Foil =20 I have: Quark, Son of Keldor Long Live the Queen Chart Stellar Cluster Torture Worf, Son of Mogh Kor Any help appreciated. Thanks, Mary - --part1_c5.11f52baa.2856c7e3_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am in need of:

4 Drumhead =20
24 Fajo's Gallery =20
39 Outgunned =20
50 Impersonate Captive =20
55 Ro Laren =20
70 Enrique Mu=F1iz =20
71 Ilon Tandro
75 Jadzia Dax =20
78 Koloth =20
98 Tharket =20
103 U.S.S. Thunderchild =20
131 Elim Foil =20
132 Jadzia Dax Foil =20
133 Locutus' Borg Cube Foil =20
134 Riker Wil Foil =20
135 Kor Foil =20
136 La Forge Impersonator Foil =20
137 Maximum Firepower Foil =20
138 Odo Founder Foil =20
139 Sword of Kahless Foil =20
140 U.S.S. Thunderchild Foil =20
141 Borg Cutting Beam Foil =20
143 Goraxus Foil =20
145 Inside Operation Foil =20
146 Kang Foil =20
148 Kraxon Foil =20

I have:

Quark, Son of Keldor
Long Live the Queen
Chart Stellar Cluster
Worf, Son of Mogh

Any help appreciated.  Thanks,

- --part1_c5.11f52baa.2856c7e3_boundary-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 02:53:09 EDT From: Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT Voyager The Pendari Champion - --part1_34.165bd760.28571655_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi All I am in need of the Mirror Mirror Spock Christine - --part1_34.165bd760.28571655_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi All

I am in need of the Mirror Mirror Spock
- --part1_34.165bd760.28571655_boundary-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:34:16 -0700 From: "Try-this" Subject: (TrekTrade) wtt4: Still lookin- WOST Archive SET hi im still looking for a wost silver archive set. trade only i've a couple posts with what i have (posted as FS) Costume Cards from ST:NG, Farscape, X-Men, SG1 Autos from ST, Sabrina, Tank Girl, SG1 please lmk asap. thanks, jim - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 21:02:22 -0500 From: Edward Szymoniak Subject: (TrekTrade) Need card for Trouble with Trebles > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. - --B_3075224542_1054496 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hi, Does anyone have an Dr. McCoy card (56ur) from the Trouble with Tribbles set for sale? I still need it to complete my collection. Thanks, Edward - --B_3075224542_1054496 Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Need card for Trouble with Trebles Hi,
    Does anyone have an Dr. McCoy card  (56ur) fro= m the Trouble with Tribbles set for sale?

    I still need it to complete my collection.

- --B_3075224542_1054496-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 01:35:42 EDT From: Subject: (TrekTrade) extra cards - --part1_97.16c50b0b.285855ae_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Question: what do you do with all those (censured) common and uncommon cards that are left over from opening boxes???? Thanks Mary - --part1_97.16c50b0b.285855ae_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Question:

what do you do with all those (censured) common and uncommon cards that are
left over from opening boxes????

- --part1_97.16c50b0b.285855ae_boundary-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 03:19:00 -0400 From: Mickey Dwyer Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT STTMP + FTCC cards - --=====================_19079620==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Any offers welcome. I'll trade across sets, and even buy those cards I need to complete sets. Thanks, Mickey ST III (1984) Extras - 13, 16, 17(2), 18, 19, 20, 21(2), 23, 26, 27, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60 ST IV (1987) Wanted - 4, 5, 6 Extras - 1(3), 2, 3, 8, 10(5), 11, 14(5), 19, 21, 23, 24(5), 25, 27(2), 28(2), 29(2), 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 41(2), 42(3), 51(2), 52(2), 53, 54, 55(6), 59(2), 60(4) STTMP (1979) Wanted - Stickers - 3(one star) Extras - Stickers one star - 1, 4, 7(5), 8, 9(2), 15(2), 18, 20, 22(2) two star - 1, 11(2), 13, 16, 19(2) Wanted - cards - 18, 20, 48, 68, 87 Extras - cards - 2(2), 3, 5(6), 6(3), 7, 9(2), 10, 11(4), 12(6), 16 21, 23(2), 25, 26(3), 27(6), 28(8), 32(4), 35(4), 38(3) 40(5), 42, 43(4), 45(3), 46(3), 47, 49, 50(3), 52(3), 53(3) 54(5), 55(4), 56(11), 58(3), 59 60(3), 61(2), 62(4), 64(11), 65(2), 66, 67(2), 69(2), 75(4), 76, 77, 78(5), 79(3) 81(2), 82(2, 84(3), 85(2), 86(2) Mickey Dwyer 310 Wilkison St Tallahassee, Fl. 32310 - --=====================_19079620==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Any offers welcome.  I'll trade across sets, and even buy those cards I need to complete sets.
Thanks, Mickey

ST III (1984)

Extras - 13, 16, 17(2), 18, 19, 20, 21(2), 23, 26, 27, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,    54,  58, 59, 60

ST IV (1987)

Wanted - 4, 5, 6

Extras - 1(3), 2, 3, 8, 10(5), 11, 14(5), 19, 21, 23, 24(5), 25, 27(2), 28(2), 29(2),
        30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 41(2), 42(3), 51(2), 52(2), 53, 54, 55(6), 59(2), 60(4)

STTMP (1979)

Wanted - Stickers - 3(one star)

Extras - Stickers
one star - 1, 4, 7(5), 8, 9(2), 15(2), 18, 20, 22(2)
two star - 1, 11(2), 13, 16, 19(2)

Wanted - cards - 18, 20, 48, 68, 87

Extras - cards - 2(2), 3, 5(6), 6(3), 7, 9(2), 10, 11(4), 12(6), 16
        21, 23(2), 25, 26(3), 27(6), 28(8), 32(4), 35(4), 38(3)
        40(5), 42, 43(4), 45(3), 46(3), 47, 49, 50(3), 52(3), 53(3) 54(5), 55(4), 56(11), 58(3), 59
        60(3), 61(2), 62(4), 64(11), 65(2), 66, 67(2), 69(2), 75(4), 76, 77, 78(5), 79(3)
        81(2), 82(2, 84(3), 85(2), 86(2)

Mickey Dwyer
310 Wilkison St
Tallahassee, Fl.  32310 - --=====================_19079620==_.ALT-- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:13:19 -0400 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: RE: (TrekTrade) extra cards I belive own fellow collector here mentioned bookends....;) Lynne Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. Home of the Trek Card Geek! Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Cards Ask about the CARD COLLECTIVE-a ST Cards Reference CD! - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 1:36 AM To: Subject: (TrekTrade) extra cards Question: what do you do with all those (censured) common and uncommon cards that are left over from opening boxes???? Thanks Mary - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 21:50:32 -0500 From: Jeff Jacob Subject: (TrekTrade) Star Trek Collectors and Card Geeks Hello Fellow Collectors, Do you have a computer running a pretty screen saver most of the time? Give your computin machine something useful to do. Join our SETI@home team, "Star Trek Collectors and Card Geeks" Learn More Yes, Im bored too. Cant wait for Women of Star Trek Voyager. :) Ill be trading. Thank You. Jeff - -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' "IMPORTANT" Remove NOSPAM. in replying Home Page Site - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:40:24 -0400 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) Trek cards are my best friends! ;) *** Welcome to the daily list of Lynne's ST Auctionne. You can bid/sell items by following the below link: **** New Items stcar8784 Cinema 2000 AUTO A18 Greg Henry $15.00 stcar8785 Cinema 2000 AUTO A13 Jane Wyatt $15.00 stcar8786 Cinema 2000 AUTO A23 Todd Bryant $15.00 stcar8787 Cinema 2000 AUTO A24 SPice Williams $15.00 stcar8788 Cinema 2000 AUTO A20 Rosanna DeSoto $15.00 stcar8789 Cinema 2000 AUTO A19 Michael Welch $15.00 stcar8790 Cinema 2000 AUTO A16 Anthony Zerbe $15.00 rsa0923 STTNG Season 7 #A18 Gwynyth Walsh Autogr $22.00 rsa0932 STTNG Season 7 #A17 Lee Arenberg Autogr $15.00 rsa0933 TOS 3 #A69 Jack Donner Autograph $15.00 rsa0934 TOS 3 #A75 Jason Evers Autograph $15.00 rsa0935 TOS 3 #A75 Jason Evers Autograph $15.00 rsa0936 TOS 3 #A84 Nathan Jung Autograph $15.00 rsa0937 STTNG Profiles Redemption card Alexander $15.00 wls4270 Voyager Season 2 162 Nancy Hower -Samant $15.00 wls4273 Voyager Profiles A16 Leland Orser - Deja $21.50 wls4292 Voyager1/2 Survey Card Autographed by Lo $5.00 wls4340 DS9 Profiles - 72 - Mary Kay Adams - Gri $10.00 wls4271 Voyager Season 2 182 -Fintan McKeown -Mi $15.00 wls4272 Voyager Profiles A7 Jeri Ryan - Seven of $100.00 wls4274 25th Anniversary 116 - Gates McFadden au $15.00 wls4275 TNG 3 - 250 - Andreas Katsulas - Tomalak $15.00 wls4276 Next Generation Season 7 A13 Richard Poe $20.00 wls4277 Next Generation Season 7 A16 Barbara Mar $22.00 wls4278 Next Generation Profiles A3 Denise Crosb $25.00 wls4279 Next Generation Profiles A6 Fionnula Fla $20.00 wls4338 Deep Space Nine Inagural Edition Aron Ei $13.00 wls4339 Deep Space Nine Profiles Terry Farrell D $100.00 wls4341 DS9 Profiles 80 Aron Eisenberg Nog Autog $10.00 wls4342 Deep Space 9 MFtF A8 - Andrew Robinson - $25.00 wls4343 Deep Space 9 MFtF A10 - William Campbell $22.00 wls4344 Deep Space 9 MFtF A12 - Jennifer Hetrick $22.00 wls4345 Deep Space 9 MFTF Aron Eisenberg Nog Aut $10.00 wls4346 Deep Space 9 MFTF Max Grodenchik Rom Aut $10.00 wls4347 Deep Space 9 MFTF Chase Masterson Leeta $13.00 wls4348 Deep Space 9 MFTF Aron Eisenberg Nog Aut $10.00 wls4349 30th Anni Phase 2 Max Grodenchik Rom Aut $12.00 wls4350 Rules of Acquisition Ishka Cecily Adams $15.00 wls4351 Insurrection A-2 Jonathan Frakes - Willi $100.00 wls4352 Insurrection A-3 Brent Spiner - Data $100.00 wls4353 Insurrection A-6 Gates McFadden - Dr. Cr $70.00 wls4354 Insurrection A-7 Michael Westmore -Makeu $30.00 wls4355 Insurrection A-8 Jennifer Tung - StarFle $20.00 wls4356 Insurrection A-9 Mark Deakins - Tournel $20.00 wls4357 Insurrection A-11 Gregg Henry - Gallatin $21.00 wls4358 Insurrection A-13 Stephanie Niznik - Ens $20.00 wls4359 Insurrection A-14 Breon Gorman - Lieuten $20.00 wls4360 Insurrection A-15 Lee Arnone-Briggs -The $20.00 wls4361 Insurrection A-17 Bruce French - Son'a O $20.00 wls4362 25th Anniversary Walter Koenig - Chekov $15.00 wls4363 Cinema 2000 A10 Laurence Luckinbill as S $50.00 wls4364 Cinema 2000 A13 Jane Wyatt as Amanda $25.00 wls4365 Cinema 2000 A16 Anthony Zerbe as Matthew $20.00 wls4366 Cinema 2000 A18 Gregg Henry as Gallatin $20.00 wls4367 Cinema 2000 A19 Michael Welch as Artim $20.00 wls4368 Cinema 2000 A20 Rosana DeSoto as Azetbur $21.00 wls4369 Cinema 2000 A24 Spice Williams as Vixis $21.00 wls4370 Cinema 2000 A25 Robert Hooks as Admiral $20.00 rsa0915 STTNG Season 2 Binder $18.00 rsa0916 Voyager Season 1 series 2 Binder $18.00 rsa0917 Voyager Season 2 Binder $18.00 rsa0918 First Contact Binder $20.00 rsa0924 Deep Space Nine Binder 1994 $18.00 rsa0925 Star Trek In Motion Binder with sound ca $43.00 6auct0037 Decipher CCG Voyager Chakotay-BLUE $4.00 Valma 6auct0038 Decipher CCG Voyager Janeway $2.50 6auct0039 Decipher CCG Voyager Samantha Wildman $1.00 6auct0040 Decipher CCG Voyager Lon Suder-BLUE $3.00 6auct0041 Decipher CCG Voyager Maxwell Burke BLUE $4.00 Valma 6auct0042 Decipher CCG Voyager Rudolph Ransom BLUE $4.00 Valma 6auct0043 Decipher CCG Voyager Vorik VLUE $1.00 6auct0044 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Gravemetric Dist $1.00 6auct0045 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Radioactive Garb $1.00 6auct0046 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Crisis $1.00 6auct0047 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Nekrit Supply De $1.00 6auct0048 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Nimira $1.00 6auct0049 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Magistrate Frang $1.00 6auct0050 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Common THief $1.00 Marva 6auct0051 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Assasians Blade $1.00 6auct0052 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Hazardas Duty $1.00 6auct0053 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Lack of Preparat $1.00 6auct0054 Decipher CCG Voyager Kazon Warship $2.00 Asahe 6auct0055 Decipher CCG Voyager Seska KAZON $3.50 6auct0056 Decipher CCG Voyager Tierna $2.00 6auct0057 Decipher CCG Voyager Cullah $2.00 6auct0058 Decipher CCG Voyager Karden $1.00 6auct0059 Decipher CCG Voyager Haron $1.00 6auct0060 Decipher CCG Voyager Minnis $1.00 6auct0061 Decipher CCG Voyager Razik $1.00 6auct0062 Decipher CCG Voyager Rekar $1.00 6auct0063 Decipher CCG Voyager Nevala $1.00 6auct0064 Decipher CCG Voyager Dr Telek R'Mor $1.00 Marva 6auct0065 Decipher CCG Voyager Kol $1.00 6auct0066 Decipher CCG Voyager Dr. Arridar $1.00 6auct0067 Decipher CCG Voyager Restore Victims $1.00 6auct0068 Decipher CCG Voyager Cure Deadly Virus $1.00 6auct0069 Decipher CCG Voyager Invest. Quantum Sin $1.00 6auct0070 Decipher CCG Voyager Tuvok $2.00 Marva 6auct0071 Decipher CCG Voyager the Dr. $2.00 Marva 6auct0072 Decipher CCG Voyager Tom Paris $2.00 stcar8781 ST Episode III HG6 hologram WORF $35.00 rsa0919 Redemption card of 30th anni of Star Tre $10.00 rsa0920 Redemption card of 30th anni of Star Tre $20.00 rsa0921 Star Trek In Motion sound card #S3 $25.00 rsa0927 30 Years of Star trek Phase Two Lanicula $8.00 rsa0928 30 Years of Star trek Phase Two Lenticul $8.00 rsa0929 30 Years of Star Trek Phase 3 Mural #S6 $6.00 rsa0930 Star Trek Video cards series #34 $7.00 rsa0931 Star Trek Video cards series #39 $7.00 rsa0938 Small Skymotion 30 years of Star Trek Ph $25.00 rsa0939 Star Trek 30th Phase 3 Exchange Card Min $25.00 rsa0940 Voyager Series 1 seaon 2 Big SkyMotion $30.00 rsa0941 Voyager Series 1 seaon 1 Small SkyMotion $25.00 rsa0942 Voyager Series 1 seaon 2 Small SkyMotion $25.00 dasei0449 Voyager X3 insert - FREE SHIPPING! $1.00 dasei0450 DS9 Profiles T + T #8 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0451 DS9 Profiles T + T #9 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0452 DS9 Profiles Quarks Bar #9 - FREE SHIPPI $1.00 dasei0453 DS9 promo Beamning ... 1993 - FREE SHIPP $1.00 dasei0454 MSI promo Excelsior - FREE SHIPPING! $1.00 dasei0455 Phase set insert e4 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0456 Phase set insert d2 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0457 NG Seasons insert SP6 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0458 NG Seasons insert S8 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0459 NG Seasons insert S9 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0460 NG Seasons insert S10 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0461 NG Seasons insert S11 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0462 NG Seasons insert S12 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0463 NG Seasons insert S13 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0464 NG Seasons insert S14 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0465 NG Seasons insert S15 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0466 NG Seasons insert S16 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0467 NG Seasons insert S18 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0468 NG Seasons insert S20 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0469 NG Seasons insert S25 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0470 NG Seasons insert S27 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0471 NG Seasons insert S28 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0472 NG Seasons insert S29 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0473 NG Seasons insert S35 - FREE SHIPPING! $3.50 dasei0474 NG Seasons insert S37 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0475 NG Seasons insert S39 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0476 NG Seasons insert S40 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0477 NG Seasons insert S41 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0478 NG Seasons insert S42 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 wls4293 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer X-1 $3.00 wls4294 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer X-2 $3.00 wls4295 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer X-3 $3.00 wls4296 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S2 Chakotay $5.00 wls4297 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S3 Tuvok $5.00 wls4298 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S4 Tom Paris $5.00 wls4299 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S6 Harry Kim $5.00 wls4300 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S8 Neelix $5.00 wls4301 Voyager Series 1 T1 Title Card $1.00 wls4302 Voyager Series 1 Skymotion Exchange Card $25.00 wls4303 Voyager Series 1 Emergency Medical Holog $35.00 wls4304 Voyager 1,2 Neelix Recipie R1 Vulcan Plo $1.50 wls4305 Voyager 1,2 Neelix Recipie R2 Laurelian $1.50 wls4306 Voyager 1,2 Neelix Recipie R4 Protinacio $1.50 wls4307 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E1 Captain Jan $2.25 wls4308 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E2 Chakotay $2.25 wls4309 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E3 Tuvok $2.25 wls4310 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E5 Tom Paris $2.25 wls4311 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E6 Harry Kim $2.25 wls4312 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E7 The Doctor $2.25 wls4313 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E8 Kes $2.25 wls4316 Voyager Profiles MW1 Man of Many Faces $1.00 wls4317 Voyager Profiles MW2 Spare Parts $1.00 wls4318 Voyager Profiles MW3 A Little Piece of S $1.00 wls4319 Voyager Profiles MW4 Beastly Boys $1.00 wls4320 Voyager Profiles MW8 Making of a Talaxia $1.00 wls4321 Voyager Profiles MW9 Making of a Talaxia $1.00 wls4322 Voyager Profiles AT-1 The Swarm $1.50 wls4323 Voyager Profiles AT-2 The Voth $1.50 wls4324 Voyager Profiles AT-4 The Hirogen $1.50 wls4325 Voyager Profiles AT-5 Species 8472 $1.50 wls4326 Voyager Profiles AT-6 The Krenim $1.50 wls4327 Voyager Profiles AT-7 The Bomar $1.50 wls4328 Voyager Profiles AT-8 Ramorans $1.50 wls4329 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #1 Physical I $5.00 wls4330 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #2 Physical II $5.00 wls4331 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #3 Physical III $5.00 wls4332 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #4 Emotional I $5.00 wls4333 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #5 Emotional II $5.00 wls4334 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #6 Emotional III $5.00 wls4335 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #8 Duty Assignme $5.00 wls4336 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #9 Duty Assignme $5.00 stcar8782 TNG Inagural Edition paper checklsit var $20.00 stcar8783 TNG Inagural Edition paper checklsit var $20.00 bcg0045 Mint Generations Comic $3.00 ldm0011 STAR TREK VISA CARD DESK TOP STANDEE $150.00 dasei0442 Blockbuster set 4 Ships/Captains - FREE $8.00 dasei0443 Fritt sticker 1997 #17 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0444 Fritt sticker 1997 #15 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0445 Fritt sticker 1997 #11 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0446 Fritt sticker 1997 #14 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 rsa0926 Star Trek Season Seven Sell Sheets $4.25 Turbo wls4337 Voyager Series 1 T1 Title Card $1.00 rsa0922 Star Trek In Motion set $20.00 dasei0437 Cinema 2000 set 109 - FREE SHIPPING! $6.00 dasei0438 Cinema 2000 set 118 - FREE SHIPPING! $9.00 dasei0439 Cinema 2000 set 127 - FREE SHIPPING! $14.00 dasei0440 1993 DSP boxed set, sealed - FREE SHIPPI $5.00 dasei0441 NG Behind the Scenes set, sealed - FREE $5.00 dasei0447 NG Season 7 all 6 Inserts - FREE SHIPPIN $5.00 dasei0448 NG Season 5 all 6 Inserts - FREE SHIPPIN $5.00 wls4280 Voyager Series 1 Common Set + Wrapper $5.00 wls4281 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer Set $8.00 wls4282 Voyager Season 1 Series 2 Common set + w $5.00 wls4283 Voyager Season 1 Series 2 Neelix Recipie $8.00 wls4284 Voyager Season 1 Series 2 Crew Embossed $20.00 wls4285 Voyager Season 2 Common set + wrapper $5.00 wls4286 Voyager Season 2 Mini-Master Set $20.00 wls4287 Voyager Profiles Common srt + wrapper an $5.00 wls4288 Voyager Profiles Autograph Challenge set $1.00 wls4289 Voyager Profiles Michael Westmore Make-u $5.00 wls4290 Voyager Profiles Alien Technology Set $14.00 wls4291 Voyager Profiles Mini-Master Set $65.00 wls4314 Voyager Season 2 Xenobio Sketch 192 Rept $2.00 wls4315 Voyager Season 2 24th Century 194 Landi $2.00 wls4371 Deep Space Nine Profiles Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4372 Deep Space Nine Profiles Quark's Quips S $5.00 wls4373 Deep Space Nine Profiles Trials and Trib $15.00 wls4374 Deep Space Nine Memories From the Future $5.00 wls4375 Deep Space 9 Memories From the Future Al $6.00 wls4376 Deep Space 9 Memories From the Future Gr $15.00 wls4377 Star Trek 30th Anniversary Phase 2 Commo $5.50 wls4378 Next Generation Inagural Edition Set $5.00 wls4379 Next Generation Season 2 Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4380 Next Generation Season 3 Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4381 Next Generation Season 5 Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4382 Next Generation Season 6 Common Set + Wr $6.00 wls4383 Next Generation Season 7 Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4384 Next Generation Season 7 Foil Set $15.00 wls4385 Next Generation Profiles Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4386 Next Generation Profiles First Contact S $5.00 wls4387 Next Generation Profiles Alter Egos Set $15.00 wls4388 Next Generation Profiles Crossover Chara $18.00 wls4389 Star Trek First Contact Common Set + wra $5.00 wls4390 Star Trek First Contact Enterprise-E cha $18.00 wls4391 Star Trek Insurrection Common Set + wrap $5.00 wls4392 Star Trek Insurrection Ship Schematic Se $5.00 wls4393 Star Trek Insurrection Wardrobe Set $5.00 wls4394 Star Trek Insurrection Okudagram Ship Pa $14.00 wls4395 Star Trek Insurrection Relationships Set $18.00 wls4396 Star Trek Insurrection Mini-Master Set $50.00 wls4397 Women of Star Trek In Motion Common set $20.00 wls4398 Women of Star Trek In Motion Heroines Se $6.00 Deano wls4399 Women of Star Trek In Motion Villians Se $6.00 Deano wls4400 Women of Star Trek In Motion Sound Card $100.00 wls4401 Star Trek Season 2 Common Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4402 Star Trek Season 2 Character Log Set $5.00 wls4403 Star Trek Season 3 Common Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4404 Star Trek Season 3 Character Log set $5.00 wls4405 Star Trek Season 3 Autograph Challenge s $1.00 wls4406 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Common Set + wrapp $6.00 wls4407 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Movie Poster Set $5.00 wls4408 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Alien Worlds Set $8.00 wls4409 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Saluting the Capta $19.00 wls4410 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel Set $100.00 Autographed Cards mkusz0045 DS9 Profiles Autographs & More $320.00 parad0096 Cinema 2000 A23 Bryant Auto $15.00 stcar8784 Cinema 2000 AUTO A18 Greg Henry $15.00 stcar8785 Cinema 2000 AUTO A13 Jane Wyatt $15.00 stcar8786 Cinema 2000 AUTO A23 Todd Bryant $15.00 stcar8787 Cinema 2000 AUTO A24 SPice Williams $15.00 stcar8788 Cinema 2000 AUTO A20 Rosanna DeSoto $15.00 stcar8789 Cinema 2000 AUTO A19 Michael Welch $15.00 stcar8790 Cinema 2000 AUTO A16 Anthony Zerbe $15.00 rsa0923 STTNG Season 7 #A18 Gwynyth Walsh Autogr $22.00 rsa0932 STTNG Season 7 #A17 Lee Arenberg Autogr $15.00 rsa0933 TOS 3 #A69 Jack Donner Autograph $15.00 rsa0934 TOS 3 #A75 Jason Evers Autograph $15.00 rsa0935 TOS 3 #A75 Jason Evers Autograph $15.00 rsa0936 TOS 3 #A84 Nathan Jung Autograph $15.00 rsa0937 STTNG Profiles Redemption card Alexander $15.00 wls4270 Voyager Season 2 162 Nancy Hower -Samant $15.00 wls4273 Voyager Profiles A16 Leland Orser - Deja $21.50 wls4292 Voyager1/2 Survey Card Autographed by Lo $5.00 wls4340 DS9 Profiles - 72 - Mary Kay Adams - Gri $10.00 ldm0007 STAR TREK VOYAGER PLATINUM COLLECT.SET A $90.00 wls4271 Voyager Season 2 182 -Fintan McKeown -Mi $15.00 wls4272 Voyager Profiles A7 Jeri Ryan - Seven of $100.00 wls4274 25th Anniversary 116 - Gates McFadden au $15.00 wls4275 TNG 3 - 250 - Andreas Katsulas - Tomalak $15.00 wls4276 Next Generation Season 7 A13 Richard Poe $20.00 wls4277 Next Generation Season 7 A16 Barbara Mar $22.00 wls4278 Next Generation Profiles A3 Denise Crosb $25.00 wls4279 Next Generation Profiles A6 Fionnula Fla $20.00 wls4338 Deep Space Nine Inagural Edition Aron Ei $13.00 wls4339 Deep Space Nine Profiles Terry Farrell D $100.00 wls4341 DS9 Profiles 80 Aron Eisenberg Nog Autog $10.00 wls4342 Deep Space 9 MFtF A8 - Andrew Robinson - $25.00 wls4343 Deep Space 9 MFtF A10 - William Campbell $22.00 wls4344 Deep Space 9 MFtF A12 - Jennifer Hetrick $22.00 wls4345 Deep Space 9 MFTF Aron Eisenberg Nog Aut $10.00 wls4346 Deep Space 9 MFTF Max Grodenchik Rom Aut $10.00 wls4347 Deep Space 9 MFTF Chase Masterson Leeta $13.00 wls4348 Deep Space 9 MFTF Aron Eisenberg Nog Aut $10.00 wls4349 30th Anni Phase 2 Max Grodenchik Rom Aut $12.00 wls4350 Rules of Acquisition Ishka Cecily Adams $15.00 wls4351 Insurrection A-2 Jonathan Frakes - Willi $100.00 wls4352 Insurrection A-3 Brent Spiner - Data $100.00 wls4353 Insurrection A-6 Gates McFadden - Dr. Cr $70.00 wls4354 Insurrection A-7 Michael Westmore -Makeu $30.00 wls4355 Insurrection A-8 Jennifer Tung - StarFle $20.00 wls4356 Insurrection A-9 Mark Deakins - Tournel $20.00 wls4357 Insurrection A-11 Gregg Henry - Gallatin $21.00 wls4358 Insurrection A-13 Stephanie Niznik - Ens $20.00 wls4359 Insurrection A-14 Breon Gorman - Lieuten $20.00 wls4360 Insurrection A-15 Lee Arnone-Briggs -The $20.00 wls4361 Insurrection A-17 Bruce French - Son'a O $20.00 wls4362 25th Anniversary Walter Koenig - Chekov $15.00 wls4363 Cinema 2000 A10 Laurence Luckinbill as S $50.00 wls4364 Cinema 2000 A13 Jane Wyatt as Amanda $25.00 wls4365 Cinema 2000 A16 Anthony Zerbe as Matthew $20.00 wls4366 Cinema 2000 A18 Gregg Henry as Gallatin $20.00 wls4367 Cinema 2000 A19 Michael Welch as Artim $20.00 wls4368 Cinema 2000 A20 Rosana DeSoto as Azetbur $21.00 wls4369 Cinema 2000 A24 Spice Williams as Vixis $21.00 wls4370 Cinema 2000 A25 Robert Hooks as Admiral $20.00 1stca0751 TNG Profiles #A4: Wil Wheaton - Wesley $19.00 1stca0752 TNG Profiles #A6: Fionnula Flanagan - Da $15.00 1stca0753 Cinema 2000: A9 Gwynyth Walsh - B'ETOR ( $19.00 1stca0754 Cinema 2000: A19 Michael Welch - Artim ( $15.00 1stca0755 Cinema 2000: A23 Todd Bryant - Captain K $19.00 1stca0756 Cinema 2000: A24 Spice Williams - Vixis $19.00 1stca0757 Cinema 2000: A25 Robert Hooks - Admiral $19.00 Binders and Albums rsa0913 STTNG Season 5 Binder $18.00 rsa0915 STTNG Season 2 Binder $18.00 rsa0916 Voyager Season 1 series 2 Binder $18.00 rsa0917 Voyager Season 2 Binder $18.00 rsa0918 First Contact Binder $20.00 rsa0924 Deep Space Nine Binder 1994 $18.00 rsa0925 Star Trek In Motion Binder with sound ca $43.00 rsa0911 STTNG Season 3 Binder $18.00 rsa0912 STTNG Season 4 Binder $18.00 Unopened Boxes Gaming Cards 6auct0033 Decipher CCG Voyager Harry Kim $3.00 Marva 6auct0036 Decipher CCG Voyager Harry Kim $3.00 Marva 6auct0034 Decipher CCG Voyager USS Voyager $5.75 Black 6auct0035 Decipher CCG Voyager Tom Paris $3.00 Rfajo valma0003 Decipher CCG Voyager - Hull Breach #13R $1.75 Marva valma0004 Decipher CCG Voyager - Kathryn Janeway # $4.75 Black valma0005 Decipher CCG Voyager - Ancestral Vision $1.50 Marva 6auct0037 Decipher CCG Voyager Chakotay-BLUE $4.00 Valma 6auct0038 Decipher CCG Voyager Janeway $2.50 6auct0039 Decipher CCG Voyager Samantha Wildman $1.00 6auct0040 Decipher CCG Voyager Lon Suder-BLUE $3.00 6auct0041 Decipher CCG Voyager Maxwell Burke BLUE $4.00 Valma 6auct0042 Decipher CCG Voyager Rudolph Ransom BLUE $4.00 Valma 6auct0043 Decipher CCG Voyager Vorik VLUE $1.00 6auct0044 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Gravemetric Dist $1.00 6auct0045 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Radioactive Garb $1.00 6auct0046 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Crisis $1.00 6auct0047 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Nekrit Supply De $1.00 6auct0048 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Nimira $1.00 6auct0049 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Magistrate Frang $1.00 6auct0050 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Common THief $1.00 Marva 6auct0051 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Assasians Blade $1.00 6auct0052 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Hazardas Duty $1.00 6auct0053 Decipher CCG Voyager SD Lack of Preparat $1.00 6auct0054 Decipher CCG Voyager Kazon Warship $2.00 Asahe 6auct0055 Decipher CCG Voyager Seska KAZON $3.50 6auct0056 Decipher CCG Voyager Tierna $2.00 6auct0057 Decipher CCG Voyager Cullah $2.00 6auct0058 Decipher CCG Voyager Karden $1.00 6auct0059 Decipher CCG Voyager Haron $1.00 6auct0060 Decipher CCG Voyager Minnis $1.00 6auct0061 Decipher CCG Voyager Razik $1.00 6auct0062 Decipher CCG Voyager Rekar $1.00 6auct0063 Decipher CCG Voyager Nevala $1.00 6auct0064 Decipher CCG Voyager Dr Telek R'Mor $1.00 Marva 6auct0065 Decipher CCG Voyager Kol $1.00 6auct0066 Decipher CCG Voyager Dr. Arridar $1.00 6auct0067 Decipher CCG Voyager Restore Victims $1.00 6auct0068 Decipher CCG Voyager Cure Deadly Virus $1.00 6auct0069 Decipher CCG Voyager Invest. Quantum Sin $1.00 6auct0070 Decipher CCG Voyager Tuvok $2.00 Marva 6auct0071 Decipher CCG Voyager the Dr. $2.00 Marva 6auct0072 Decipher CCG Voyager Tom Paris $2.00 valma0006 Decipher CCG Voyager - The Cloud #25R $1.50 Marva valma0007 Decipher CCG Voyager - Caretaker's Array $1.50 Marva valma0008 Decipher CCG Voyager - Viviian Boarding $1.50 Marva valma0009 Decipher CCG Voyager - Quinn #74R $2.50 Asahe valma0010 Decipher CCG Voyager - Rudolph Ransom #1 $2.00 Black valma0011 Decipher CCG Voyager - Samantha Wildman $2.00 valma0012 Decipher CCG Voyager - The Doctor #134R $2.00 valma0013 Decipher CCG Voyager - Kes #164*R (Feder $3.00 Marva valma0014 Decipher CCG Voyager - Motura #182R $1.50 valma0015 Decipher CCG Voyager - Kazon Warship #19 $2.00 Marva black0003 Decipher Limited Edition Black Border St $9.99 Xena Inserts and Chase Cards wls4118 Star Trek Season 2 P40 Commodore Stocker $1.00 Mary wls4117 Star Trek Season 2 P35 Commodore Decker- $1.00 Mary wls4196 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 71 Demise of t $1.00 Mary wls4195 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 69 A Dangerous $1.00 Mary wls4192 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 63 Borg Invasi $1.00 Mary wls4190 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 40 Emergency L $1.00 Mary wls4189 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 38 Row,Row,Row $1.00 Mary wls4187 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 30 Swimming Wi $1.00 Mary wls4186 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 24 David's Dea $1.00 Mary wls4185 Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel 13 Kirk Strike $1.00 Mary parad0097 Voyager CTH AT1-AT9 Alien Tech set $1.00 Canuc parad0098 DS9 Profiles Trials and Tribbilations 3 $1.00 parad0099 Voyager CTH CP1 Captain Proton $2.00 parad0100 DS9 Profiles Trials and Tribbilations 4 $1.00 stcar8781 ST Episode III HG6 hologram WORF $35.00 rsa0919 Redemption card of 30th anni of Star Tre $10.00 rsa0920 Redemption card of 30th anni of Star Tre $20.00 rsa0921 Star Trek In Motion sound card #S3 $25.00 rsa0927 30 Years of Star trek Phase Two Lanicula $8.00 rsa0928 30 Years of Star trek Phase Two Lenticul $8.00 rsa0929 30 Years of Star Trek Phase 3 Mural #S6 $6.00 rsa0930 Star Trek Video cards series #34 $7.00 rsa0931 Star Trek Video cards series #39 $7.00 rsa0938 Small Skymotion 30 years of Star Trek Ph $25.00 rsa0939 Star Trek 30th Phase 3 Exchange Card Min $25.00 rsa0940 Voyager Series 1 seaon 2 Big SkyMotion $30.00 rsa0941 Voyager Series 1 seaon 1 Small SkyMotion $25.00 rsa0942 Voyager Series 1 seaon 2 Small SkyMotion $25.00 gcml0048 TNG Season 4 Hologram #7 Geordi La Forge $15.00 dasei0449 Voyager X3 insert - FREE SHIPPING! $1.00 dasei0450 DS9 Profiles T + T #8 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0451 DS9 Profiles T + T #9 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0452 DS9 Profiles Quarks Bar #9 - FREE SHIPPI $1.00 dasei0453 DS9 promo Beamning ... 1993 - FREE SHIPP $1.00 dasei0454 MSI promo Excelsior - FREE SHIPPING! $1.00 dasei0455 Phase set insert e4 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0456 Phase set insert d2 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0457 NG Seasons insert SP6 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0458 NG Seasons insert S8 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0459 NG Seasons insert S9 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0460 NG Seasons insert S10 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0461 NG Seasons insert S11 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0462 NG Seasons insert S12 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0463 NG Seasons insert S13 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0464 NG Seasons insert S14 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0465 NG Seasons insert S15 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0466 NG Seasons insert S16 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0467 NG Seasons insert S18 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0468 NG Seasons insert S20 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0469 NG Seasons insert S25 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0470 NG Seasons insert S27 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0471 NG Seasons insert S28 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0472 NG Seasons insert S29 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0473 NG Seasons insert S35 - FREE SHIPPING! $3.50 dasei0474 NG Seasons insert S37 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0475 NG Seasons insert S39 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0476 NG Seasons insert S40 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0477 NG Seasons insert S41 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 dasei0478 NG Seasons insert S42 - FREE SHIPPING! $1.50 1stca0732 Voyager I/II Embrossed Crew Insert - E4 $1.00 Canuc 1stca0732 Voyager I/II Embrossed Crew Insert - E4 $1.00 Canuc 1stca0733 Voyager I/II Embrossed Crew Insert - E5 $1.00 1stca0734 Voyager I/II Embrossed Crew Insert - E7 $1.00 Canuc 1stca0735 Voyager I/II Embrossed Crew Insert - E9 $1.00 Canuc wls4293 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer X-1 $3.00 wls4294 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer X-2 $3.00 wls4295 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer X-3 $3.00 wls4296 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S2 Chakotay $5.00 wls4297 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S3 Tuvok $5.00 wls4298 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S4 Tom Paris $5.00 wls4299 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S6 Harry Kim $5.00 wls4300 Voyager Series 1 Spectra S8 Neelix $5.00 wls4301 Voyager Series 1 T1 Title Card $1.00 wls4302 Voyager Series 1 Skymotion Exchange Card $25.00 wls4303 Voyager Series 1 Emergency Medical Holog $35.00 wls4304 Voyager 1,2 Neelix Recipie R1 Vulcan Plo $1.50 wls4305 Voyager 1,2 Neelix Recipie R2 Laurelian $1.50 wls4306 Voyager 1,2 Neelix Recipie R4 Protinacio $1.50 wls4307 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E1 Captain Jan $2.25 wls4308 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E2 Chakotay $2.25 wls4309 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E3 Tuvok $2.25 wls4310 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E5 Tom Paris $2.25 wls4311 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E6 Harry Kim $2.25 wls4312 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E7 The Doctor $2.25 wls4313 Voyager 1,2 Embossed Crew E8 Kes $2.25 wls4316 Voyager Profiles MW1 Man of Many Faces $1.00 wls4317 Voyager Profiles MW2 Spare Parts $1.00 wls4318 Voyager Profiles MW3 A Little Piece of S $1.00 wls4319 Voyager Profiles MW4 Beastly Boys $1.00 wls4320 Voyager Profiles MW8 Making of a Talaxia $1.00 wls4321 Voyager Profiles MW9 Making of a Talaxia $1.00 wls4322 Voyager Profiles AT-1 The Swarm $1.50 wls4323 Voyager Profiles AT-2 The Voth $1.50 wls4324 Voyager Profiles AT-4 The Hirogen $1.50 wls4325 Voyager Profiles AT-5 Species 8472 $1.50 wls4326 Voyager Profiles AT-6 The Krenim $1.50 wls4327 Voyager Profiles AT-7 The Bomar $1.50 wls4328 Voyager Profiles AT-8 Ramorans $1.50 wls4329 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #1 Physical I $5.00 wls4330 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #2 Physical II $5.00 wls4331 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #3 Physical III $5.00 wls4332 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #4 Emotional I $5.00 wls4333 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #5 Emotional II $5.00 wls4334 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #6 Emotional III $5.00 wls4335 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #8 Duty Assignme $5.00 wls4336 Voyager Profiles 7 of 9 #9 Duty Assignme $5.00 1stca0749 TNG Season 5: Foil Embossed Klingon Card $3.00 1stca0759 Insurrection: Okudagram Singles OH1-OH9 $0.50 Mary 1stca0760 Star Trek Insurrection Relationship Inse $0.50 Rce 1stca0765 Insurrection Wardrobe Singles W1-W9 (Any $0.01 1stca0766 TNG Season 7: Charater Card Set S40-S42 $2.00 1stca0767 TNG Season 7: Klingon Card set S37-S39 $2.00 1stca0770 Cinema 2000 Saluting Captains SC1 (PayPa $0.75 1stca0772 Cinema 2000 Saluting Captains SC9 (PayPa $0.75 1stca0774 Voyager I/II XENOBIO Sketch S-1 Seska (P $3.00 1stca0775 Voyager I/II XENOBIO Sketch S-3 Labin (P $3.00 1stca0776 Seven of Nine: Star Trek Voyager Profile $2.00 Mary 1stca0777 Seven of Nine: Star Trek Voyager Profile $2.00 1stca0778 Seven of Nine: Star Trek Voyager Profile $2.00 1stca0779 Cinema 2000 Parallel Foil 41 - Stand Bac $1.00 Mary 1stca0780 Cinema 2000 Parallel Foil F8 Alfre Wooda $2.00 1stca0781 Cinema 2000 Parallel Foil DS7 - Soran $2.00 1stca0790 Voyager Profiles Westmore Make-up Set MW $0.50 rac4251 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - Japanese $0.10 rac4252 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - Spanish C $0.10 rac4253 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - German Ca $0.10 rac4254 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - French Ca $0.10 rac4255 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - Russian C $0.10 rac4256 Dime Sale:Next Gen Inaug Edition Hologra $0.10 Suluf rac4257 Dime Sale:Next Gen Inaug Edition Hologra $1.00 Suluf rac4258 Dime Sale:Next Gen Inaug Edition Hologra $0.10 Suluf rac4259 Dime Sale:Next Gen Inaug Edition Hologra $0.10 Suluf rac4260 Dime Sale:Impel 25th Ann Holo H3 Card w/ $0.10 Suluf rac4261 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series Survey Card $0.10 rac4262 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series S-1 Spectra $0.10 Dmwer rac4263 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series S-2 Spectra $0.10 Dmwer rac4264 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series S-3 Spectra $0.10 Dmwer rac4265 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series S-4 Spectra $0.10 Dmwer rac4266 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series S-5 Spectra $0.10 Dmwer rac4267 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F1 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4268 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F2 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4269 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F3 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4270 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F4 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4271 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F5 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4272 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F6 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4273 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F7 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4274 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F8 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4275 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series F9 Triptych $0.10 Dmwer rac4276 Dime Sale:Generations Foil - Escaping Re $0.10 Dmwer rac4277 Dime Sale:Generations Foil Card - Renega $0.10 Dmwer rac4278 Dime Sale:Generations Foil - Fragile All $0.10 Dmwer rac4279 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 1: E1 Phaser - Mid 2 $0.10 Xena rac4280 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 2: F1 Kirk Dopplegan $0.55 Canuc rac4281 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 2: F3 Sulu Dopplegan $0.10 Dmwer rac4282 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 2: F4 Picard Doppleg $0.10 Dmwer rac4283 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 2: F5 Riker Dopplega $0.10 Dmwer rac4284 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 2: F6 Lore Dopplegan $0.10 Canuc rac4285 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 2: F7 Kira Dopplegan $0.55 Canuc rac4286 Dime Sale:TOS Video Card Episode 24 Card $0.10 Ollie rac4287 Dime Sale:Voyager 1/1 Spectra S2 - Chako $0.10 Rce rac4288 Dime Sale:Voyager 1/1 Spectra S3 - Tuvok $0.10 Rce rac4289 Dime Sale:Voyager 1/1 Spectra S5 - B'Ela $0.50 Rce rac4290 Dime Sale:Voyager 1/1 Spectra S6 - Harry $0.50 Rce rac4291 Dime Sale:Voyager 1/1 Spectra S8 - Neeli $1.05 Delta rac4365 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - Japanese $0.10 rac4366 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - Spanish C $0.10 rac4367 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - German Ca $0.10 rac4368 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - French Ca $0.10 rac4369 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language - Russian C $0.10 Other Stuff wls4226 Enesco Mint Plate - Star Trek The Crew $25.00 wls4227 Hamilton Mint Plate - 25th Anniversary - $30.00 wls4228 Hamilton Mint Plate - 25th Anniversary - $25.00 wls4229 Hamilton Mint Plate - 25th Anniversary - $25.00 wls4230 Hamilton Mint Plate - 25th Anniversary - $30.00 wls4231 Hamilton Mint Plate - 25th Anniversary - $30.00 wls4232 Hamilton Mint Plate - 5th Anniversary - $25.00 wls4233 Hamilton Mint Plate - 5th Anniversary - $25.00 wls4235 Hamilton Mint Plate - 5th Anniversary - $30.00 wls4236 Hamilton Mint Plate - Deep Space Nine - $25.00 wls4237 Hamilton Mint Plate - Deep Space Nine - $25.00 wls4238 Hamilton Mint Plate - Deep Space Nine - $25.00 wls4239 Hamilton Mint Plate - Deep Space Nine - $25.00 1stca0747 4 Canadian TV Guides: Voyager Finale - 7 $15.00 stcar8782 TNG Inagural Edition paper checklsit var $20.00 stcar8783 TNG Inagural Edition paper checklsit var $20.00 wls4240 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers - 170 $25.00 wls4241 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers -Klin $25.00 wls4242 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers - Ent $30.00 wls4243 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers -Klin $25.00 wls4244 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers - Exc $25.00 wls4245 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers - 170 $30.00 wls4246 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers -Fere $25.00 wls4247 Hamilton Mint Plate - The Voyagers - Rom $25.00 wls4248 Hamilton Mint Plate-The Voyagers-Tri-Nac $30.00 wls4249 Hamilton Mint Plate - Original Episodes- $25.00 wls4250 Hamilton Mint Plate - Original Episodes- $25.00 wls4251 Hamilton Mint Plate-Original Episodes-Ci $25.00 wls4252 Hamilton Mint Plate - Original Episodes- $25.00 wls4253 Hamilton Mint Plate-Original Episodes-Tr $25.00 wls4254 Hamilton Mint Plate - Original Episodes- $25.00 wls4255 Hamilton Mint Plate -The Movies- The Voy $25.00 wls4256 Hamilton Mint Plate -The Movies-The Fina $30.00 wls4257 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes - $25.00 wls4258 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes-B $25.00 wls4259 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes - $25.00 wls4260 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes - $25.00 wls4261 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes - $25.00 wls4262 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes-U $25.00 wls4263 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes - $25.00 wls4264 Hamilton Mint Plate - TNG The Episodes - $25.00 wls4265 Hamilton Mint Plate-TNG The Episodes-All $25.00 wls4266 Hamilton Mint Plate - Generations -Ultim $25.00 wls4267 Hamilton Mint Plate-Power of Command -Ad $30.00 wls4268 Hamilton Mint Plate-Power of Command-Sul $30.00 wls4269 Hamilton Mint Plate-Power of Command -Pi $30.00 bcg0045 Mint Generations Comic $3.00 1stca0736 Star Trek Voyager Profiles Set '98 Skybo $5.00 ldm0009 STAR TREK PROMO CD ROM FROM GERMANY $30.00 ldm0010 HUGE FIRST CONTACT CINEMA PROMOTION STAN $250.00 1stca0750 Canadian TV Guide: Star Trek Insurrectio $3.00 1stca0771 Cinema 2000 Saluting Captains SC9 (PayPa $0.75 ldm0011 STAR TREK VISA CARD DESK TOP STANDEE $150.00 rac4292 Dime Sale:Christie Cookies Star Trek Emp $0.10 rac4293 Dime Sale:Topps 1979 Set of 3 Different $0.10 wls4234 Hamilton Mint Plate - 5th Anniversary - $30.00 Oddball or Unusual Cards/Stickers/Pogs dasei0442 Blockbuster set 4 Ships/Captains - FREE $8.00 dasei0443 Fritt sticker 1997 #17 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0444 Fritt sticker 1997 #15 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0445 Fritt sticker 1997 #11 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 dasei0446 Fritt sticker 1997 #14 - FREE SHIPPING! $2.50 ldm0006 GERMAN VOYAGER CARD SET FROM THE OFFICIA $100.00 1stca0773 Cinema 2000 Saluting Captains SC9 (PayPa $0.75 rac4294 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 1-25 Choo $0.10 rac4295 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 26-50 Cho $0.10 rac4296 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 51-75 Cho $0.10 rac4297 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 76-100 Ch $0.10 rac4298 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 101-125 C $0.10 rac4299 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 126-150 C $0.10 rac4300 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 151-175 C $0.10 rac4301 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 176-200 C $0.10 rac4302 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 201-220 C $0.10 rac4303 Dime Sale:1987 Panini Stickers 221-240 C $0.10 rac4304 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - 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J.G. $0.10 rac4305 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - Lore $0.10 rac4306 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - Sela $0.10 rac4307 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - Q $0.10 Gcml rac4308 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - Scotty $0.10 rac4309 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - Captain D $0.10 rac4310 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - Admiral M $0.10 rac4311 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Card - The Borg $0.10 rac4312 Dime Sale:Playmates DS9 Card - Security $0.10 rac4313 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Gold - Natasha Y $0.10 rac4314 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Gold - Nausicaan $0.10 rac4315 Dime Sale:Playmates TNG Gold - Sarek $0.10 rac4316 Dime Sale:Topps 1979 Set of 3 Different $0.10 Phone Cards rene10002 Classic Trek Phone Cards $25.00 Promotional and Prototype Cards rsa0926 Star Trek Season Seven Sell Sheets $4.25 Turbo wls4337 Voyager Series 1 T1 Title Card $1.00 rac4317 Dime Sale:DS9 Promo Card of Odo and Kira $0.10 Rce rac4318 Dime Sale:DS9 Promo Card of Sisko and Da $0.10 Dmwer rac4319 Dime Sale:Impel Inaugural TNG Glossy Che $4.00 Ollie rac4320 Dime Sale:Diamond Promo 4-Card Sheet-25t $1.05 Gcml rac4321 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series Gowron Prom $0.25 Rce rac4322 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series Survey Card $0.10 rac4323 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series Uhura Promo $0.10 Rce rac4324 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series Excelsior P $0.10 rac4325 Dime Sale:Hilton Star Trek Experience Vo $1.00 Ollie rac4326 Dime Sale:Skybox Generations Promo Card $0.10 Rce rac4327 Dime Sale:Reflect of Future Phase 1 Surv $0.10 Rce rac4328 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 1 2-Card Promo Sheet $0.10 Rce rac4329 Dime Sale:Reflect of Future Phase 3 Surv $0.10 rac4330 Dime Sale:ROF Phase 3 Cinema Order (T396 $0.10 Dmwer rac4331 Dime Sale:TNG Season 1 Survey: Future Ar $0.10 Dmwer rac4332 Dime Sale:TNG Season 1 Lonely Among Us P $0.10 Rce rac4333 Dime Sale:TNG Season 1 Borg Cube Promo C $0.10 Rce rac4334 Dime Sale:TNG Season 2 Survey Card $0.10 Xena rac4335 Dime Sale:TNG Season 2 Crew S1 Promo Car $0.10 Xena rac4336 Dime Sale:TNG Season 3 Cinema Order (E39 $0.10 Dmwer rac4337 Dime Sale:TNG Season 5 Survey Card $0.10 rac4338 Dime Sale:Voyager Season 1 Promo Card (T $0.10 Dmwer rac4339 Dime Sale:Voyager Season 1 'Sneek Peek' $0.10 Dmwer rac4370 Dime Sale:DS9 Promo Card of Odo and Kira $0.10 Dmwer rac4371 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series Survey Card $0.10 rac4372 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series Excelsior P $0.10 Xena rac4373 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series Uhura Promo $0.10 Xena rac4374 Dime Sale:TNG Season 1 Survey: Future Ar $0.10 Dmwer rac4375 Dime Sale:TNG Season 1 Lonely Among Us P $0.10 Dmwer rac4376 Dime Sale:TNG Season 1 Borg Cube Promo C $0.10 Dmwer rac4385 Dime Sale:1994 Master Series Survey Card $0.10 rac4386 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series Excelsior P $0.10 Dmwer rac4387 Dime Sale:1993 Master Series Uhura Promo $0.10 Dmwer Complete Common or Insert Sets 1stca0741 The Next Generation Season 7 card set $5.00 mkusz0044 Voyager CTH Master Set $1050.00 rsa0922 Star Trek In Motion set $20.00 dasei0437 Cinema 2000 set 109 - FREE SHIPPING! $6.00 dasei0438 Cinema 2000 set 118 - FREE SHIPPING! $9.00 dasei0439 Cinema 2000 set 127 - FREE SHIPPING! $14.00 dasei0440 1993 DSP boxed set, sealed - FREE SHIPPI $5.00 dasei0441 NG Behind the Scenes set, sealed - FREE $5.00 dasei0447 NG Season 7 all 6 Inserts - FREE SHIPPIN $5.00 dasei0448 NG Season 5 all 6 Inserts - FREE SHIPPIN $5.00 1stca0731 Cinema 2000 Parallel Foil 100 Card Set ( $99.00 1stca0737 Star Trek Voyager Profiles Set '98 Skybo $5.00 1stca0738 Insurrection Movie Card Set '98 PayP $4.00 1stca0739 DS9 Memories from the Future Set (PayP $5.00 1stca0740 DS9 Memories from the Future Set (PayP $5.00 1stca0742 The Next Generation Season 7 card set $5.00 1stca0743 Star Trek Voyager Profiles Set '98 Skybo $4.00 1stca0744 Star Trek Cinema 2000: 82 card set Pay $4.00 Leona 1stca0745 Star Trek Voyager Profiles Autograph Set $1.00 1stca0746 Star Trek Voyager Profiles Autograph Set $1.00 1stca0748 ** Insurrection Master Card Set w/ Inser $25.00 wls4280 Voyager Series 1 Common Set + Wrapper $5.00 wls4281 Voyager Series 1 Expand-a-card Offer Set $8.00 wls4282 Voyager Season 1 Series 2 Common set + w $5.00 wls4283 Voyager Season 1 Series 2 Neelix Recipie $8.00 wls4284 Voyager Season 1 Series 2 Crew Embossed $20.00 wls4285 Voyager Season 2 Common set + wrapper $5.00 wls4286 Voyager Season 2 Mini-Master Set $20.00 wls4287 Voyager Profiles Common srt + wrapper an $5.00 wls4288 Voyager Profiles Autograph Challenge set $1.00 wls4289 Voyager Profiles Michael Westmore Make-u $5.00 wls4290 Voyager Profiles Alien Technology Set $14.00 wls4291 Voyager Profiles Mini-Master Set $65.00 wls4314 Voyager Season 2 Xenobio Sketch 192 Rept $2.00 wls4315 Voyager Season 2 24th Century 194 Landi $2.00 wls4371 Deep Space Nine Profiles Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4372 Deep Space Nine Profiles Quark's Quips S $5.00 wls4373 Deep Space Nine Profiles Trials and Trib $15.00 wls4374 Deep Space Nine Memories From the Future $5.00 wls4375 Deep Space 9 Memories From the Future Al $6.00 wls4376 Deep Space 9 Memories From the Future Gr $15.00 wls4377 Star Trek 30th Anniversary Phase 2 Commo $5.50 wls4378 Next Generation Inagural Edition Set $5.00 wls4379 Next Generation Season 2 Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4380 Next Generation Season 3 Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4381 Next Generation Season 5 Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4382 Next Generation Season 6 Common Set + Wr $6.00 wls4383 Next Generation Season 7 Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4384 Next Generation Season 7 Foil Set $15.00 wls4385 Next Generation Profiles Common Set + wr $5.00 wls4386 Next Generation Profiles First Contact S $5.00 wls4387 Next Generation Profiles Alter Egos Set $15.00 wls4388 Next Generation Profiles Crossover Chara $18.00 wls4389 Star Trek First Contact Common Set + wra $5.00 wls4390 Star Trek First Contact Enterprise-E cha $18.00 wls4391 Star Trek Insurrection Common Set + wrap $5.00 wls4392 Star Trek Insurrection Ship Schematic Se $5.00 wls4393 Star Trek Insurrection Wardrobe Set $5.00 wls4394 Star Trek Insurrection Okudagram Ship Pa $14.00 wls4395 Star Trek Insurrection Relationships Set $18.00 wls4396 Star Trek Insurrection Mini-Master Set $50.00 wls4397 Women of Star Trek In Motion Common set $20.00 wls4398 Women of Star Trek In Motion Heroines Se $6.00 Deano wls4399 Women of Star Trek In Motion Villians Se $6.00 Deano wls4400 Women of Star Trek In Motion Sound Card $100.00 wls4401 Star Trek Season 2 Common Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4402 Star Trek Season 2 Character Log Set $5.00 wls4403 Star Trek Season 3 Common Set + wrapper $5.00 wls4404 Star Trek Season 3 Character Log set $5.00 wls4405 Star Trek Season 3 Autograph Challenge s $1.00 wls4406 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Common Set + wrapp $6.00 wls4407 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Movie Poster Set $5.00 wls4408 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Alien Worlds Set $8.00 wls4409 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Saluting the Capta $19.00 wls4410 Star Trek Cinema 2000 Foil Parallel Set $100.00 1stca0758 Star Trek Voyager Profiles Autograph Set $1.00 1stca0761 ** Insurrection Schematics Insert Set S1 $3.00 1stca0762 Insurrection Wardrobe Insert Set W1-W9 $3.00 1stca0763 Insurrection Okudagram Insert Set OK1-OK $5.00 1stca0764 ** Insurrection Relationship Insert Set $9.00 1stca0768 TNG Season 7: Charater Card Set S40-S42 $3.00 1stca0769 TNG Season 7: Klingon Card set S37-S39 $3.00 1stca0782 Star Trek Profiles First Contacts F1-F9 $4.00 1stca0783 Star Trek Profiles Alter Ego Set AE1-AE9 $4.00 1stca0784 Cinema 2000: Movie Poster Singles P1-P9 $4.00 1stca0785 Cinema 2000: Movie Poster Singles P1-P9 $0.50 1stca0786 Star Trek Profiles Alter Ego AE1 - AE9 ( $0.50 1stca0787 Star Trek Profiles First Contacts F1-F9 $0.50 1stca0788 Star Trek Profiles Alter Ego Set AE1-AE9 $0.50 1stca0789 Voyager Profiles Westmore Make-up Set MW $0.50 rac4340 Dime Sale:DS9 Memories From the Future C $0.10 Dmwer rac4341 Dime Sale:DS9 Profiles 82 Card Set $0.10 Gcml rac4342 Dime Sale:Deep Space Nine 1993 Card Set $0.15 Gcml rac4343 Dime Sale:Impel TNG Inaugural Series Set $0.10 rac4344 Dime Sale:TNG Inaug Language Set of 5 Ca $0.10 rac4345 Dime Sale:25th Ann. Set for Series 1 (16 $0.10 rac4346 Dime Sale:25th Ann. Set for Series 2 (15 $0.10 rac4347 Dime Sale:Master Series 1993 Card Set $0.10 rac4348 Dime Sale:Master Series 1994 Card Set $0.10 rac4349 Dime Sale:First Contact Wide Vision 60 C $0.10 rac4350 Dime Sale:Insurrection Wide Vision 72 Ca $0.10 rac4351 Dime Sale:Reflect of Future Phase 1 100 $0.10 rac4352 Dime Sale:Reflect of Future Phase 2 100 $0.10 Dmwer rac4353 Dime Sale:Reflect of Future Phase 3 100 $0.10 rac4354 Dime Sale:Next Generation Season Two 96 $0.10 Xena rac4355 Dime Sale:TNG Season Three 108 Card Set $0.10 rac4356 Dime Sale:Next Generation Season Four 10 $0.10 rac4357 Dime Sale:Next Generation Season Five 10 $0.10 rac4358 Dime Sale:Next Generation Season Six 108 $0.10 Xena rac4359 Dime Sale:TNG Season Seven 108 Card Set $0.10 rac4360 Dime Sale:Topps 1979 Set of 3 Different $0.10 rac4361 Dime Sale:Voyager Season 1/Series 1 Card $0.10 Rce rac4362 Dime Sale:Voyager Season 1/Series 2 Card $0.10 Rce rac4363 Dime Sale:Voyager Season 2 Card Set $0.10 Rce rac4364 Dime Sale:Voyager Profiles Card Set $0.10 Gcml rac4377 Dime Sale:Impel TNG Inaugural Series Set $0.10 Gcml rac4378 Dime Sale:25th Ann. Set for Series 1 (16 $0.10 rac4379 Dime Sale:25th Ann. Set for Series 2 (15 $0.10 rac4380 Dime Sale:Master Series 1993 Card Set $0.10 rac4381 Dime Sale:First Contact Wide Vision 60 C $0.10 Xena rac4382 Dime Sale:Insurrection Wide Vision 72 Ca $0.10 rac4383 Dime Sale:TNG Season Three 108 Card Set $0.10 Xena rac4384 Dime Sale:Topps 1979 Set of 3 Different $0.10 rac4388 Dime Sale:25th Ann. Set for Series 1 (16 $0.10 Gcml rac4389 Dime Sale:25th Ann. Set for Series 2 (15 $0.10 Gcml rac4390 Dime Sale:Topps 1979 Set of 3 Different $0.10 Gcml Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. Home of the Trek Card Geek! Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Cards Ask about the CARD COLLECTIVE-a ST Cards Reference CD! - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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