From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V2 #25 Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 13:39:54 -0700 Message-ID: trektrade-digest Friday, December 12 1997 Volume 02 : Number 025 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 20:02:02 -0700 From: J!m Hepworth Subject: trektrade: Re: (trekchat) TOS Annuals & HAPPY J!M At 10:04 PM 12/10/97 -0500, you wrote: >Let's play a game....for those who have seen the TOS Annuals, they have >seen that the autograph contest cards, seeded one to a pack, match their >letter....E is Enterprise, K is Kirk, S is SPock. Since I sorted out all >but the "I" I am assuming that is the one needed to complete the set. >Let's guess at what the I card will hand I can't think of >a good first season I thing they could show on the card, but maybe after >some sleep!!! Nyyaaahhh Nyyaaahh Nyah Nyaaahh Nyah I KNOW!!!!!! I KNOW!!!!!!! I REALLY DO KNOW!!!!!!!! I could break out singing that song from the Sound of Music right about now.... "I'm So HAPPY!!!!!, I'M SO HAPPY, I Just Found the Game Card "I"!!!!!!!!!" But I didn't get a Autograph card in the box .... But I don't care!!!!!! because.... "I'm So HAPPY!!!!!, I'M SO HAPPY, I Just Found the Game Card "I"!!!!!!!!!" Sorry, I'm just a little (ok ALOT) excited. So, should I tell what the picture is? Or should I let you all guess first? I will be scanning it as there is no way I'm going to be keeping it... I want that auto set! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY - -J!m - --- Star Trek Related Maillists --- TrekTrade - Collectors site to Trade, Buy or Sell Star Trek items. TrekChat - Ongoing discussion of Star Trek memoribilia. You must be a member to post messages to the maillist. To subscribe with "subscribe trektrade" or "subscribe trekchat" in the body without quotes. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 07:17:56 -0700 From: J!m Hepworth Subject: trektrade: Pogs Does anyone know what the odds of the Gold Pog set, #59/60, were? I'm considering buying a sealed box of these but want to make sure the odds say there will be a gold card in there. - -J!m - --- Star Trek Related Maillists --- TrekTrade - Collectors site to Trade, Buy or Sell Star Trek items. TrekChat - Ongoing discussion of Star Trek memoribilia. You must be a member to post messages to the maillist. To subscribe with "subscribe trektrade" or "subscribe trekchat" in the body without quotes. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 11:04:51 -0700 From: J!m Hepworth Subject: trektrade: Maillist info. Hello TrekTrade & TrekChat members, I am the list-owner of these lists and just wanted to touch base with all of you on a couple items related to them. Please post any suggestions, concerns or comments directly to me and not to the maillists. #1. My provider has installed a new server dedicated to handling just maillists. While the old addresses will be forwarded, they have recommended that all posts to maillists use the new addresses below. #2. Not everyone may be aware that I an now running two maillists. TrekTrade is over a year old and TrekChat is only about a month old. My main concern here is that we keep trade type posts on Trektrade and all discussions on TrekChat so that we don't bother those who are only interested in one type of message with alot of useless blathering. Please read the brief descriptions below about each list. TrekTrade: This was started as way to get in contact with alot of other collectors in a single place. It also offers those with just Email accounts (like Juno) to join in. Only messages about trading/buying/selling Star Trek memorabilia should be posted and all replies should be to the person posting, not the maillist. Commercial postings and non-trek postings are not allowed. Notices of auctions being held may be posted requesting interested parties reply, but auction item listings are not allowed. TrekChat: This was started to offer a place for collectors to gather and discuss our hobby, complain of distribution, brag about that rare card, and just about anything else related to collecting Star Trek. Membership to both lists if FREE and you must be a member to post messages. If you would like to join a list your currently not a member of just follow the directions at the end of the list. You can always unsubscribe if you don't find the info received usefull. #3. I would welcome any members opinions on making both maillists digest versions only. With the increase in membership and the number of posts I'm seriously considering this. For those who don't know what a digest is I'll explain. Instead of receiving each message posted throughout the day one at a time, all messages would be held until a set time, say once a day, combined into a single message and then sent out. This would eliminate the dozens of individual messages received each day and you would just receive one message with all posts since the previous digest. #4. If you see a need for a maillist covering another topic, whether Trek or not, please let me know. My account allows for up to four maillists and I'll consider all requests. Again, please make sure any and all replies to this message are sent to me and not the maillists (unless we want to discuss the option of digests on TrekChat). Hope you all have a Wonderful Holiday Season! - -J!m To subscribe to a maillist send and in the body put "subscribe trektrade" or "subscribe trekchat" without the quotes. To unsubscribe from a maillist just follow the subscribe procedure but replace the word "subscribe" with "unsubscribe". - - ------------------------------ End of trektrade-digest V2 #25 ******************************