From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V98 #127 Reply-To: Enter_E-Mail_Address Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk trektrade-digest Friday, June 19 1998 Volume 98 : Number 127 Digest, Archive and Unsubscribe information can be found at the bottom of this message. -- (TrekTrade) WTT Decipher (TrekTrade) ccg cards -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 19 Jun 98 09:27:07 -0600 From: Subject: (TrekTrade) WTT Decipher I have the following to trade (all premier cards are WB): Alynna Nechayev (95) Ancient Computer (94) Avert Disaster (95) Data's Head (AU) Explore Black Cluster (94) Geordi La Forge (95) Haakona (95) IKC Bortas (94) Investigate Disappearance (94) Khazara (94) Mortal Q (QC) Tsiolkovsky Infection (94) USS Enterprise (94) Warp Core Breach (94) I need the following BB cards: Albert Einstein Alien Groupie Alynna Nechayev Anti-Time Anomaly Armus - Skin of Evil Avert Disaster B'Etor Beverly Crusher Borg Ship Crosis Crystalline Entity Cultural Observation Cytherians Data Deanna Troi Devoras Dr. La Forge Dr. Leah Brahms Duras Evaluate Terraforming Explore Dyson Sphere Explore Typhon Expanse Extraction Geordi La Forge Goddess of Empathy Gowron Haakona Honor Challenge Horga'hn Hugh Hunt for DNA Program I.K.C. Buruk I.K.C. Hegh'ta I.K.C. Pagh I.K.C. Qu'Vat Iconia Investigation Interphase Generator Investigate Alien Probe Investigate Disturbance Investigate Massacre Investigate Raid Investigate Rogue Comet Investigate "Shattered Space" Investigate Sighting Investigate Time Continuum Jaglom Shrek - Information Broker Jean-Luc Picard Khitomer Research Klingon Death Yell Ktarian Game Kurak Kurlan Naiskos Kurn Leah Brahms Lore Returns Lore's Fingernail Lursa Lwaxanna Troi Medical Relief Mendak Morgan Bateson Nagilum Neela Daren New Contact Pegasus Search Q Pi Reginald Barclay Richard Galen Roga Danar Sarek Sarthong Plunder Satelk Seek Life-form Sela Shelby Sir Isaac Newton Study Lonka Pulsar Study Nebula Supernova Survey Mission Tam Elbrun Tasha Yar Temporal Causality Loop The Devil Thomas Riker Thought Maker Time Travel Pod Tomalak Toreth Tox Uthat U.S.S. Brittain U.S.S. Hood U.S.S. Phoenix U.S.S. Yamato Varon-T Disruptor Vash Vulcan Stone of Gol Wesley Crusher William T. Riker Wind Dancer Worf Wormhole Negotiations Thanks, Trent - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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MISSIONS Investigate Legend Plague Planet=20 Q's Planet Samaritan Snare Tarchannen Study=20 PERSONNEL - FEDERATION Katherine Pulaski Lal Mordock=20 Mr. Homn Sonya Gomez PERSONNEL - KLINGON =20 Kitrick PERSONNEL - ROMULAN Sirol Taris=20 PERSONNEL - NON-ALIGNED Data's Body=20 Galen=20 Jenice Manheim Kareen Brianon Madam Guinan Madred Marouk Mortal Q Nick Locarno=20 Samuel Clemens Tarmin Timicin Zon SHIPS - KLINGON I.K.C. T'ong SHIP - ROMULAN Terix STATIONS Terraforming Station Alternate Universe ARTIFACTS Cryosatellite=20 Data's Head=20 Iconian Gateway Ophidian Cane Receptacle Stones=20 Ressikan Flute Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch DILEMMAS Coalescent Organism=20 Frame of Mind=20 Maman Picard=20 Quantum Singularity Lifeforms =20 Rascals Royale Casino: Blackjack [5/-5] The Higher ... The Fewer DOORWAYS Devidian Door EQUIPMENT Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone EVENTS Interrogation=20 Intruder Force Field Lower Decks Mot's Advice Revolving Door=20 The Charybdis=20 Thermal Deflectors =20 Wartime Conditions INTERRUPTS Brain Drain=20 Incoming Message:Attack Authorization Isabella La Forge Maneuver=20 Rescue Captives =20 Temporal Narcosis=20 Vorgon Raiders=20 Wolf =20 MISSIONS Compromised Mission Diplomatic Conference FGC-47 Research Fissure Research=20 Quash Conspiracy Risa Shore Leave Warped Space PERSONNEL - FEDERATION Beverly Picard=20 Ian Andrew Troi Jack Crusher Lt. (j.g.) Picard Rachel Garrett Richard Castillo PERSONNEL - KLINGON Governor Worf K'mtar PERSONNEL - ROMULAN D'Tan Stefan DeSeve PERSONNEL - NON-ALIGNED Berlingoff Rasmussen Lakanta=20 Maques=20 Mickey D.=20 SHIPS - FEDERATION Future Enterprise U.S.S. Enterprise-C=20 SHIP - ROMULAN Decius SHIPS - NON-ALIGNED Edo Vessel Gomtuu White Border Premiere ARTIFACT Betazoid Gift Box=20 Horga'hn=20 Interphase Generator Kurlan Naiskos=20 Thought Maker=20 Time Travel Pod=20 Tox Uthat Vulcan Stone of Gol=20 DILEMMA Ancient Computer=20 Armus - Skin of Evil=20 Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease=20 Borg Ship=20 Crystalline Entity=20 El-Adrel Creature=20 Firestorm=20 Hologram Ruse=20 Hyper-Aging=20 Ktarian Game=20 Nagilum=20 Nanites=20 Radioactive Garbage Scow=20 Rebel Encounter=20 Sarjenka=20 Tarellian Plague Ship=20 Temporal Causality Loop=20 Tsiolkovsky Infection=20 EVENT Alien Probe=20 Anti-Time Anomaly=20 Bynars Weapon Enhancement=20 Gaps In Normal Space=20 Genetronic Replicator=20 Goddess of Empathy=20 Lore Returns=20 Lore's Fingernail=20 Masaka Transformations=20 Neural Servo Device=20 Nutational Shields=20 Raise The Stakes=20 Supernova=20 Telepathic Alien Kidnappers=20 Warp Core Breach=20 INTERRUPT Alien Groupie=20 Distortion of Space/Time Continuum=20 Energy Vortex=20 Honor Challenge=20 Hugh=20 Jaglom Shrek - Information Broker=20 Klingon Death Yell=20 The Devil=20 MISSION Evaluate Terraforming=20 Extraction=20 Hunt for DNA Program=20 Iconia Investigation=20 Investigate Disappearance=20 Investigate Disturbance=20 Investigate Raid=20 Investigate Rogue Comet=20 Investigate Time Continuum=20 Khitomer Research=20 Krios Suppression=20 Medical Relief=20 New Contact=20 Plunder Site=20 Sarthong Plunder=20 Secret Salvage=20 Seek Life-form=20 Strategic Diversion=20 Study "Hole in Space"=20 Study Lonka Pulsar=20 Study Nebula=20 Survey Mission=20 Wormhole Negotiations=20 PERSONNEL - FEDERATION Albert Einstein=20 Alyssa Ogawa=20 Beverly Crusher=20 Data=20 Deanna Troi=20 Dr. La Forge=20 Geordi La Forge=20 Jenna D'Sora=20 Leah Brahms=20 Lwaxanna Troi=20 Morgan Bateson=20 Neela Daren=20 Nikolai Rozhenko=20 Reginald Barclay Ro Laren=20 Satelk=20 Shelby=20 Sir Isaac Newton=20 Sirna Kolrami=20 Soren=20 Tam Elbrun=20 Thomas Riker=20 Vash=20 Wesley Crusher=20 Worf=20 PERSONNEL - KLINGON B'Etor=20 Duras=20 Gowron=20 K'Tal=20 Kargan=20 Kell=20 Koroth=20 Korris=20 Kurak=20 Kurn=20 Torak PERSONNEL - ROMULAN Alidar Jarok=20 Bochra=20 Mendak=20 N'Vek=20 Neral=20 Pardek=20 Sela=20 Taibak=20 Tomalak=20 Toreth=20 PERSONNEL - NON-ALIGNED Amarie=20 Baran=20 Etana Jol=20 Roga Danar=20 SHIP - FEDERATION U.S.S. Enterprise=20 U.S.S. Phoenix=20 U.S.S. Yamato=20 SHIP - KLINGON I.K.C. Bortas=20 I.K.C. Hegh'ta=20 I.K.C. Pagh=20 I.K.C. Qu'Vat=20 SHIP - ROMULAN Devoras=20 Haakona=20 Khazara=20 Pi=20 Special Cards All, exept Spock and the cards from the sealed deck Cards I have: First Contact Ships-Borg Borg Sphere x4 Borg Scout Vessel=20 Ships-Un Aligned Vulcan Lander x3 Personnel-Federation Inge Eiger x7 Thomas McClure x5 Joseph Travis x4 Obarakeh x4 Hawk x3 E.M.H. Program x3 Lightner x2 Richard Wilkins x2 Dr. Royse x2 Lisa Azar Personnel-Borg 10 of 19 x6 18 of 19 x4 2 of 11 x4 2 of 17 x3 6 of 11 x3 6 of 17 x3 9 of 11 x3 16 of 19 x3 3 of 19 x2 4 of 11 x2 5 of 11 x2 13 of 19 x2 15 of 17 x2 11 of 19 x2 2 of 19 Personnel-Un Aligned Kathleen Tonell x2 Sevek x2 T'Shonra Outposts Borg x3 Missions Planet x4 Patrol Neutral Zone x2 Doorways Transwarp Network Gateway x4 Temporal vortex x2 Launch Portal x2 Ready Room Door x2 Equipment Assimilation Table x5 Tommygun x2 Starfleet Type III Phaser Rifle Objectives Assign Mission Specialists x6 Assimilate Planet x4 Assimilate Counterpart x3 Eliminate Starship Etablish Gateway Dilemmas Maglock x7 Lack Of Preparation x6 Balancing Act x3 Blended x2 Borg Servo x2 Shot in the Back Interrupts Adapt: Negate Obstruction x6 Awaken x6 I'm A Doctor, Not A Doorstop x4 A Change Of Plans x3 Adapt: Modulate Shields x3 Deactivation x3 Sense The Borg x3 Fractal Encryption Code x3 Assimilation Tubules x2 Remodulation x2 Scorched Hand Events The Line Must Be Drawn Here x4 Active Subcommands x3 Mission Debriefing x3 Disengage Safety Protocols x2 Artifact Zefram Cochrane's Telescope Q-Continuum Ships-Romulan T'Pau Ships-NA Zalkonian Vessel Personnel-Federation Gibson Personnel-NA Soong-type Android x3 Kova Tholl Ves Alkar Personnel-Klingon K'chiQ x2 Doorways Q-Flash x3 Q's tent x3 Missions Space Stations Colony x2 Dilemma's Chinese Finger Puzzle x5 Security Precautions x2 Equipment Plasmadyne Relay x2 Anti-Matter Pod Interrupts Data's Medals Off Switch Klingon Painstick Plexing Events Barber Pole x2 (very good card:-)=20 Immortal Again Q-Dilemma's Go Back Whence Thou Camest x4 Mandarin Bailiff Pla-Net Q-Interrupts Gift of the Tormentor x3 Subsection Q, Paragraph 10 x3 Dr. Q, Medicine Entity x2 The Higer=85 The Q-er x2 Incoming Message-The Continuum The Naked Truth Are These Truly Your Friends, Brother? Q-Events Amanda's Parents x5 Aldebran Serpent x2 Trust Me x2 Jealous Amanda x2 Door-Net x2 Tijuana Crass x2 Drought tree Military Privilege Scottish Setter You Will In Time Alternate Universe Ships-Klingon I.K.C. K'Ratak Personnel-Federation Paul Rice Personnel-Klingon Targ Doorways Alternate Universe Door x3 Dilemma's Malfuntioning Door x4 Cunundrum x3 Ferengi Attack x2 Empathic Echo Hidden Entrance Hunter Gangs Interphasic Plasma Creatures Outpost Raid Punishment Zone The Gatherers Thought Fire Interrupts Hail x3 Countermanda x2 Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow x2 Howard Heirloom Candle x2 Phaser Burns x2 Security Sacrifice x2 Devidian Foragers Eyes In The Dark=20 Fire Sculptor Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Jamaharon Latinum Payoff Particle Scattering Field Vulcan Nerve Pinch Events Baryon Buildup x3 Particle Scattering Field x2 The Mask Of Korgano x2 Yellow Alert x2 Captain's Log White Border Premiere Ships-Federation U.S.S. Oberth x3 Runabout x2 U.S.S. Nebula x2 Type VI Shuttlecraft U.S.S. Exelsior U.S.S. Galaxy U.S.S. Sutherland Ships-Klingon I.K.C. K'Vort x2 I.K.C. Vor'Cha x2 I.K.C. Vorn Ships-Romulan D'deridex x3 Science Vessel x2 Scout Vessel x2 Ships-Un Aligned Mercenery Ship x3 Zibalian Transport x3 Yridian Shuttle x2 Combat Vessel Personnel-Federation Darian Wallace x3 Linda Larson x3 Taitt x3 Calloway x2 Simon Tarses x2 Alexander Rozenko Eric Pressman Fleet Admiral Shanti Giusti Hannah Bates Mendon Sito Jaxa Personnel-Klingon Kromm x4 Vekma x3 B'iJik x2 Batrell x2 K'Tesh x2 Klag x2 Kle'eg x2 Divok Gorath K'mpec Konmel Toral Torin Personnel-Romulan Tomek x4 Tallus x3 Tarus x3 Thei x3 Jaron x2 Jera x2 Movar x2 Selok x2 Taul x2 Varel x2 Galathon Palteth Takket Tokath Personnel-Un Aligned Narik x4 Gorta x3 Vekor x3 Bok x2 Devinoni Ral x2 Dr. Farek x2 Ocett Outposts Romulan x2 Federation Klingon Missions Covert Installation x3 Study Plasma Streamer x3 Cloaked Mission x2 Excavation x2 Fever Emergency x2 Restore Errant Moon x2 Test Mission x2 Explore Dyson Sphere First Contact Investigate Anomaly Relief Mision Study Stellar Collision Equipment Engineering Kit x3 Medical Kit x3 Romulan Disruptor x3 Romulan PADD x3 Medical Tricorder x2 Federation PADD Klingon Disruptor Klingon PADD Tricorder Dilemmas Microvirus x5 Iconian Computer Weapon x3 Microbiotic Colony x3 Female's Love Interest x2 Impassable Door REM Fatigue Hallicunations Male's Love Interest Nitrium Metal Parasites Phased Matter Two-Dimensional Creatures Interrupts Rogue Borg Mercenaries x5 Asteroid Sanctuary x4 Disruptor Overload x4 Subspace Interference x4 Wormhole x4 Emergency Tranporter Armbands x3 tachyon Detection Grid x3 Klingon Right Of Vengeance x2 Long-Range Scan x2 Scan x2 Ship Seizure x2 Escape Pod Near-Warp Transport Palor Toff--Alien Trader Vulcan Mindmeld Events Spacedock x3 Treaty:Federation/Klingon x3 Treaty: Federation/Romulan x3 Treaty: Romulan/Klingon x3 Atmospheric Ionization x2 Espionage: Romulan on Federation x2 Plasma Fire x2 Q-Net x2 Res-Q x2 Tetryon Field x2 Where No One Has Gone Before x2 Espionage: Federation on Klingon Espionage: Klingon on Federation Espionage: Romulan on Klingon Genetronic Replicator Holo-Projectors Pattern Enchancers Red Alert! Subspace Warp Rift The Traveler: Trancendence Black Border Premiere Personnel-Federation Alyssa Ogawa Personnel-Un Aligned Etana Jol marco luxwolda - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ End of trektrade-digest V98 #127 ******************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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