From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V98 #189 Reply-To: Enter_E-Mail_Address Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk trektrade-digest Friday, October 2 1998 Volume 98 : Number 189 Digest, Archive and Unsubscribe information can be found at the bottom of this message. -- (TrekTrade) Action Figures for Sale (make an offer) (TrekTrade) TOS 1 gold set-anyone have one for sale? (TrekTrade) Voyager Chase Cards!!!! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 01:37:22 -0500 From: Jeff Jacob Subject: (TrekTrade) Action Figures for Sale (make an offer) Hello Everyone, If you see something you want and the price isnt right. Make me an Offer. 49 figures are sold and removed from this list. Have a look. Jeff 1992 Figures and Varations Asst No. 6010 Stock No. ~~~~~Name  6011 Captain Jean-Luc Picard $22  6012 Lieutenant Commander Data $20  6013 Lieutenant Worf $20  6014 Commander William Riker $20  6015 Lt Geordi LaForge $25  6015 Lt Geordi LaForge With Removeable VISOR $50  6016 Counselor Deanna Troi $30  6051 Romulan $35  6052 Ferengi $25  6052 Ferengi Without Black on boots $50  6053 The Klingon Gowron $25  6053 The Klingon Gowron Without Gold Trim $50  6055 Borg $20  6055 Borg With Photo Reversed Back Of Card $50 1993 Figures With Collector Cards Asst No.6070  6019 Dr. Beverly Crusher $19  6020 Guinan $15  6021 Cadet Wesley Crusher $15  6022 Lore $12  6023 Locutus of Borg $16  6024 Klingon Warrior Worf $15  6026 Lt Geordi LaForge in Dress Uniform $15  6027 Ambassador Spock $12  6028 Admiral McCoy $9  6029 Captain Scott $10  6056 Sela $12  6057 Benzite $12  6058 Q $15  6059 K'ehleyr $15  6060 Dathon $15  6061 Vorgon $18  6071 Captain Jean-Luc Picard $12  6072 Lieutenant Commander Data $10  6073 Lieutenant (JG) Worf $15  6074 Commander William Riker $10  6075 Lieutenant (JG) Geordi LaForge $10  6076 Counselor Deanna Troi $15  6077 Borg $10 1994 Figures Released With Space Caps Asst No.6070  6020 Guinan $20  6027 Ambassador Spock $15  6057 Benzite $25 *pending*  6058 Q $15 *Pending*  6071 Captain Jean-Luc Picard $23 1994 Figures 7th Season with SpaceCaps Asst No.6070 Stock No.~~~~~~ Name  6031 Lt Data as a Romulan $12  6032 Captain Picard as a Romulan $11  6033 Lt La Forge as Tarchannen III $9  6034 Commander Riker as Malcorian $10  6035 Troi in-6th Season Uniform $15  6036 Lt Worf in Rescue Outfit $15  6037 Hugh Borg $15  6038 Dr. Noonian Soong $12  6042 Q in Judge Robes $20  6044 Ensign Ro $25  6045 Lieutenant Barclay $15  6049 Esoqq the Chalnoth $80  6050 Picard as Dixon Hill $20 1994 7th Season No Caps or Cards Asst No. 6070  6941 Lt Commander Data in Dress Uniform $18  6942 Captain Picard in Duty Uniform $15  6943 Ensign Wesley Crusher $15  6945 Gowron Ritual Klingon Attire $55  6947 Lt Commander Data as Seen in Redemption (Limited to 5000) (a JCPennys Exclusive) $300 1994-95 7th Season Figures with Cards Asst No. 6950  6960 Lt La Forge Movie Uniform $14  6961 Dr Bev Crusher Duty Uniform $12  6962 Lt Comr Data Movie Uniform $12  6965 Lieutenant Natasha Yar $10  6967 Lwaxana Troi $10  6968 Ambassador Sarek $10  6969 Nausicaan $12  6974 Picard in All Good Things $15  6979 Data in 1940s Outfit $20  6981 Ensign Ro Laren $25  6985 Worf in Ritual Attire $18  6986 Picard As Locutus $25 1995-96-97 STAR TREK TNG, DS9 & TOS Asst No.6430  C 6428 Dr Katherine Pulaski $10  C 6429 Vash $14  C 6432 Picard As Galen $9  C 6433 Geordi LaForge in AGT $12  C 6434 Sherrif Worf w/Alexander From Fist Full Of Data's $12  C 6435 Dr Crusher in 1940 s Outfit $10  C 6436 The Traveler $8  C 6437 Governor Worf in AGT $10  C 6438 Deanna Troi as Durango $12  SC 6440 Jadzia Dax From Blood Oath $18  NC 6441 Interstallar Action Borg $20  NC 6443 Interstallar Action Geordi $17  SC 6444 Grank Nagus Zek $12  SC 6445 Sisko From Crossover $12  SC 6446 Odo From Neccessary Evil $9  WV 6448 Captain Christopher Pike (The Cage) $10 Change of Number Format / Asst 6430  WV 16032 Jem'Hadar $10  WV 16031 Capt Kirk in Casual Attire $10  WV 16033 Worf from DS9 $9  WV 16034 Admiral Riker from AGT $8  WV 16035 Elim Garak DS9 $9  WV 16038 Mister Spock (The Cage) $12  WV 16039 The Talosian Keeper (The Cage) $15  WV 16040 Vina as Orion Animal Woman (The Cage) $25  NC 16045 Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott (Where no man has gone before)(Ltd. 10,000) $60  NC 16046 Lt. Hikaru Sulu (Where no man has gone before)(Limited Edition 10,000) $60  WV 16020 Captain Kurn $7  WV 16021 Captain Benjamin Sisko $7  WV 16022 Seska as a Cardassian $7  WV 16023 Tom Paris Mutated $7  WV 16041 Gorn Captain $9  WV 16042 The Mugatu $12  NC 16047 Beverly Crusher from Generations (Limited to 10,000) $30  WV 16048 Captian Kirk $11  WV 16152 Professor Data $8  NC 16154 Harry Mudd $8  NC 16155 Dr. McCoy (Limited to 10,000) $45  NC Sisko in a Bag (From the Nintendo/Sega DS9 Game Offer) $80 1997 Warp Factor Series 1 Asst No. 65100  65107 Captian Benjamin Sisko $7  65109 Constable Odo $19  65110 Dr. Julian Bashir $7  65111 Captian Koloth $7 1997 Warp Factor Series 1 6"Combat Action Assortment. Asst No. 16250  65251 Captian Jean-Luc Picard $10  65252 Commander William Riker $10  65253 Lt. Commander Worf $10  65254 Borg $10  65255 "Q" $10 1997 Warp Factor Series 2 Asst No. 65100  65101 Sisko as a Klingon $7  65102 Ilia Probe $7  65104 Swarm Alien $8  65112 Captain Beverly Crusher Picard $8 1997 Warp Factor Series 3 Asst No. 65100  65105 Mr. Spock from "Mirror, Mirror" $7  65114 Edith Keeler $7  65115 Cadet Deanna Troi $7  65116 Cadet Data $7  65117 Cadet Beverly Howard Crusher $7 1997 Warp Factor Series 4 Asst No. 65140  65121 Keiko O'Brian $7 1993 Figures Deep Space 9 Asst No. 6200 With Cards  6201 Commander Benjamin Sisko $12  6202 ODO $10  6203 Quark $15  6204 Chief Miles O'Brien $12  6205 Lieutenant Jadzia Dax $15  6206 Major Kira Nerys $12  6207 Commander Gul Dukat $15  6208 Dr. Julian Bashir $25  6210 Morn $15  NC 6222 Dr Julian Bashir in Starfleet Duty Uniform (Australian) $18  NC 6944 Chief Miles O'Brian in Starfleet Duty Unifirm (Australian) $18 1994-5? Deep Space 9 Figures With SpaceCaps Asst No.6230  6226 O'Brien in Dress Uniform $10  6235 Jake Sisko $12  6236 Vedek Beriel $25  6237 Tosk $15  6241 Rom with Nog in back of card $25  6241 Rom with Nog in front of card $25  6242 Dax in Duty Uniform $16  6244 O'Brien in Duty Uniform $9  6245 Picard in DS9 Uniform $9  6246 Tom Riker in DS9 Uniform $15 Generations Movie Figures Asst No.6910  6911 Captain Kirk in Movie Uniform $18  6914 Scotty in Movie Uniform $37  6916 Chekov in Movie Uniform $42  6918 Captain Picard Movie Uniform $12  6919 Riker in Movie Uniform $10  6920 Troi in Movie Uniform $12  6921 Data in Movie Uniform $10  6922 Worf in Movie Uniform $10  6923 LaForge in Movie Uniform $10  6924 Dr. Crusher in movie Uniform $15  6925 Dr. Soran $12  6927 Guinan $20  6928 B'Etor $25  6929 Lursa $25  6930 Kirk in Space Outfit $25  6931 Worf in 19th-Century Outfit $12 Clasic Startrek With WideVision Cards Asst No.6450  6451 Admiral Kirk $10  NC 6452 Commander Spock $12  6453 Dr McCoy $10  6454 Lt Sulu $7  6455 Lt Uhura $15  6456 Khan $11  6457 Martia $15  6458 General Chang $10  6459 Commander Kruge $11  6460 Lt Saavik $14 1995 Voyager With Cards Asst No.6480  6481 Captain Kathryn Janeway $17  6482 Commander Chakotay $10  6485 Lt B'Elanna Torres $17  6489 Neelix the Talaxian $8 Change of Number Format. Same Asst No.  16460 Ensign Seska $10  16461 Lt. Carey $9  16462 The Kazon $10  16463 The Vidiian $9  16465 B'Elanna Torres The Klingon $10  16466 Chakotay The Marquis $12 1996 First Contact Asst. No. 16100  16106 Commander Deanna Troi $10 1995 7" Startrek Spacetalk Series Asst No.6080  6081 Picard $14  6082 Riker $10  6085 Borg $25  6086 Q $15 1996 Starfleet Academy with CD Rom  16000-16001 Cadet Picard $13  16000-16002 Cadet Riker $13  16000-16004 Cadet LaForge $13  16000-16005 Cadet Worf $13 1997 1 1/4" Warp Factor Series 1 Asst No 65100 Strike Force  16271 Klingon Warriors $7  16272 Ferengi Commerce Team $7  16273 Borg Assimulation Team $7  16274 Starfleet Away Team $7 Mail in picard from tapestry. $20 Thanks For Looking Jeff - -- _____..---======+*+=======--..___ ___________________ __,-='=====____ ============== ___===== (.__________________I__) - _-=_/ `'------=+=-------'` / /__...---==='---+---_' Capt. Jeffrey S Jacob '----'---.___ - _ = _.-' -------' - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 22:32:49 -0500 From: "Kirk and Jen Murray" Subject: (TrekTrade) TOS 1 gold set-anyone have one for sale? I just sold a TOS 1 gold plaque set on e-bay, and someone e-mailed me asking if I knew of anyone that had one for sale, as he lost my auction due to lack of time on his part. If anyone has one for sale, please let me know what you are wanting to get for it, and I will see if we can arrange a deal for you. The buyer is really prompt with his payment, and I have had no problems with him on the item he did win from me. Thanks for your time... Jen - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 20:39:24 -0700 From: "John F Kinney" Subject: (TrekTrade) Voyager Chase Cards!!!! Hi Guys Just finished opening my boxes of Voyager Profiles here tonight. Anybody want to trade?? I'm missing AT1 & AT9 Plus of course 7 of 9 #7 card. Have chase cards to trade for the above mentioned cards. if anyone is interested. As well as willing to sell some if the deal is right! LMK if anyone is interested. See Ya - --- John (a.k.a. Kid Trek) Admiral Kid Trek of G.A.B.'s Irish green Team. I uphold the standards set forth by G.A.B. and expect other Good Traders to do the same. G.A.B. reference given on requests check out the website for your needs and mine!!! Captain I've gotta have 20 minutes I can't change the laws of PHYSICS Scotty to Captain Kirk Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ End of trektrade-digest V98 #189 ******************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive