From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V98 #281 Reply-To: Enter_E-Mail_Address Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk trektrade-digest Wednesday, March 10 1999 Volume 98 : Number 281 Digest, Archive and Unsubscribe information can be found at the bottom of this message. -- (TrekTrade) Enahnced FIrst Contact Issues (TrekTrade) ST stuff for sale!!! A-H (TrekTrade) ST Stuff for sale! I-P -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 10:02:51 -0500 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) Enahnced FIrst Contact Issues I think i sent this out awhile back, but a couple of people have mentione= d it, so I emailed Decipher about it and this is the response i got!! This is from Ross Campbell, VP of Sales: It has come to Deciphers=B9 attention that due to cold weather conditions some of the packs of Enhanced First Contact experienced condensation inside individual tuckboxes. This condensation caused faint moisture marks on special cards in some packs. After several "spot-checks" we have determined that in most cases the marks wipes off with a soft cloth leaving the cards in good condition. The faint moisture marks occur on top of the card varnish, which can be gently wiped off. Our review determined that the spotting does not occur throughout the total production run of product. We hope it is only on a minimum amount of product. Thanks for your email. We appreciate all questions and concerns related to the Enhanced First Contact cards. Please follow the instructions below for returns and we will gladly replace your damaged cards. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Just send us back your damaged cards with note explaining the problem, and we will send your new card(s). Thanks again for being a valued player. Please send all of the requested items above with a letter detailing the problem, and we will replace them as soon as possible! Please Send them to: Attn: EFC CCG customer service Decipher Inc. PO Box 56 Norfolk, VA 23501 Decipher would like to help you with this problem in a timely manner, therefore, we will return the product as soon as we receive the items requested! We hope that next time you make a card purchase, you will be satisfied with the quality of the products. Please make sure to include a proper return address when you send the cards. Good luck and let us know if we can be of further assistance! Lynne Ours is not to question why, ours is to collect and buy! James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 08:44:09 -0500 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST stuff for sale!!! A-H Email me with any questions! Prices do not include shipping. MC and Visa accepted. 2% discount offered if paying with check or MO. 1998 Fritt set of 33 $86.70 AB & C single 18 VG/EX $10.20 AF card Neelix (no fig) $3.00 AF Card Professor Data (no fig) $3.00 AF card Q (no fig) $2.00 AF card Sela (no fig) $2.00 AF Oldo (no fig) $2.00 AF Pog 9 inch Data (no fig) $10.20 AF pog 9 inch Geordi (no fig) $10.20 AF pog Lt Cmdr Troi (no fig) $2.00 AF pog Picard/Romulon (no fig) $2.00 AFpog 9 inch Riker (no fig) $8.00 Ambassador Spock Spacecap $16.32 Art of Kelly Freas w/ Trek card $17.34 Aus Disco pass 1701A $15.30 Aus Disco pass 1701A Variant $15.30 Aus. TNG Disco Pass $10.20 Australian Bookmark ship set $15.30 Australian Pog set $30.60 Australian ST Fan Club card $10.20 Benzite AF with Spacecap $16.32 Blockbuster set of 4 lenticular $15.30 Bloom County Set $11.22 Borg AF with Spacecap $20.40 Cadet Wesley Crusher w/Spacecap $16.32 California Lottery ticket set $20.40 Canadian ST Oreo cookie box $15.30 Canadian Vinyl Lunch Bag $30.60 Cheerios Riker sticker $5.10 Commander JG Worf Spacecap $16.32 Commander Riker Spacecap $21.42 Commander Sela Spacecap AF $16.32 ConnecticutTrek lottery set $20.40 Counselor Troi with Spacecap $40.80 Decipher FC checklist poster $5.10 Dr Beverly Crusher Spacecap $16.32 DS9 Box insert S1 $2.00 DS9 Box insert S2 $2.00 DS9 Premiere set $5.10 DS9 Pro Quark's Quips 6/9 $2.05 DS9 Pro Quark's Quips 7/9 $2.05 DS9 Pro Quark's Quips 9/9 $2.05 DS9 Profiels Set $5.10 DS9 promo Dax and Sisko $3.15 DS9 Promo Persoaal Phasers $3.15 Enhanced First Contact pack $11.22 Episode 1 All Good Things Card $5.10 Episode 1 S1 $5.10 Episode 1 S7 $5.10 Episode 2 S10 Guinan $5.10 Episode 2 S11 Pulaski $5.10 Episode 2 S9 $5.10 Episode 3 9-card promo sheet $8.16 Episode 3 S14 $5.10 Episode 3 S15 $5.10 Episode 3 S18 K'ehleyr $5.10 Episode 3 set $5.10 Episode 4 9-card promo sheet $8.16 Episode 4 common set $5.10 Episode 4 Hologram H7 Wesley $15.00 Episode 4 S19 $5.10 Episode 4 S21 $5.10 Episode 4 S23 Keiko $5.10 Episode 5 hologram H10 Ro $30.60 Episode 5 hologram H9 Guinan $30.60 Episode 5 S27 $5.10 Episode 5 S28 Dathon $5.10 Episode 5 S30 Sela $5.10 Episode 5 set $5.10 Episode 6 Skymotion SM1 $35.00 Episode 6 Skymotion SM2 $5.10 Episode Two binder w/ common set $18.40 Epsiode 5 binder $14.30 Euro Premiere FC Phone Card $30.60 First Contact Common set $5.10 First Contact Daily Mirror PC $15.30 Fleer bubble gum sticker 10 $2.00 Fleer bubble gum sticker 22 $2.00 Fleer buble gum sticker 18 $2.00 Fleer gum wrapper $1.00 Fritt 1995 sticker 10 $2.00 Fritt 1995 sticker 27 $2.00 Fritt 1995 sticker 28 $2.00 Fritt 1995 sticker 29 $2.00 Fritt 1996 sticker 18/30 $2.00 Fritt 1997 sticker 13/33 $2.00 Fritt 1997 sticker 14/33 $2.00 Fritt 1997 sticker 19/33 $2.00 Fritt 1997 sticker 20/33 $2.00 Fritt 1997 sticker 20/33 $2.00 Fritt '97 sticker 12/33 $2.00 Fritt singles-email for list $0.00 Fritt unopened candy with stkr $3.00 FTCC ST 4 set $30.60 Gen movie teaser poster PC $20.40 Generations common set $5.10 Generations insert F1 $5.10 Generations insert F2 $5.10 Generations insert F3 $5.10 Generations insert S2 $10.20 Generations insert S3 $10.20 Generations logo phone card $15.30 Generations pog set of 12 $20.40 Generations Two Captains PC $15.30 Geordi in Dress Uniform Spacecap $16.32 German CIC video card 1 $25.50 German CIC video card 10 $25.50 German CIC video card 18 $25.50 German CIC video card 2 $25.00 German CIC video card 26 $25.50 German CIC video card 28 $25.50 German CIC video card 3 $25.50 German CIC video card 4 $25.50 German CIC video card 5 $25.50 German CIC video card 8 $25.50 German Fedcon ticket card $20.40 German Playing Card Set $35.70 German Pog set of 70 $30.60 German TNG Playing card Deck $15.30 German TOS CG box $127.25 Guinan AF with Spacecap $16.32 Hollywood Walk of Fame ST set $15.30 Hostess mini-card set $40.80 Hoyle TOS Playing cards $6.12 HWOF Gene Roddenberry $2.00 HWOF Jane Wyatt $2.00 HWOF Leonard Nimoy $2.00 HWOF Levar Burton $2.00 HWOF Ricardo Montalban $2.00 HWOF ST set - Ansara $10.20 HWOF William Shatner $2.00 Lynne Ours is not to question why, ours is to collect and buy! James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 08:44:36 -0500 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST Stuff for sale! I-P Email me with any questions! Prices do not include shipping. MC and Visa accepted. 2% discount offered if paying with check or MO. Illuminati ST "Trekkies" card $15.30 Impel B1 bonus card $10.20 Inagural Edition Language Set $5.10 Inagural Edition TNG set $5.10 Insurr auto A14 Gorman $22.44 Insurr auto A15 Briggs $22.44 Insurrection AUTO A11 Henry $22.44 Insurrection Auto A12 $22.44 Insurrection binders $20.40 Insurrection Common set $5.10 Insurrection Okudagram set $9.18 Insurrection Okudogram single $1.00 Insurrection promo card $1.00 Insurrection Relationship single $0.00 Insurrection Relationships Set $20.40 Insurrection Schematic single $1.00 Insurrection schematics set of 9 $5.10 Insurrection wardrobe set $5.10 Insurrection Wardrobe single $1.00 Japan First Cntact PC $25.50 Japan Generation PC $25.50 Kansas Lottery Trek set of 4 $15.30 K'ehleyr AF with Spacecap $16.32 Kellog's 30th Anniv. phone card $25.50 Klimgon Warrior Worf w/ Spacecap $16.32 KS Lottery small/large ad card $8.16 Large Generations Skymotion $15.00 Las Vegas Hilton room key $5.10 Las Vegas Playing Cards $6.12 Locutus AF with Spacecap $16.32 Lore AF with Spacecap $16.32 Lt Cmdr Data with Spacecap $16.32 Mardi Gras ST card 2028 $15.30 Mars pog set of 8 Cptns/ships $30.00 Master Series 1 S4 $5.10 Master Series 1 set $5.10 Master Series F1 $5.10 Master Series I S3 $5.10 Master Series I S5 $5.10 Master Series I Worf promo $5.10 Mercury Borg phone card set $20.40 Mercury Generations PC/folder $30.60 MS 2 insert F3 $5.10 MS 2 insert F7 $5.10 MS 2 insert F9 $5.10 MS I Excelsior Leaves Spacedock $2.00 MS I Uhura promo card $2.00 Oregon Lottery sticker sheet $6.30 Oregon Lottry ticket set $10.20 Oregon ST lottery set of 6 PROMO $10.00 Panini 1989 sticker set of 240 $5.10 Penninsula Retail sticker set $20.40 Penninsula Vending sticker set $25.50 Phase 1 D1 $5.10 Phase 1 E2 $3.00 Phase 1 E4 $3.00 Phase 1 E8 $3.00 Phase 1 E9 $3.00 Phase 1 Registry Plaque sheets $51.00 Phase 1 set $5.10 Phase 1 Small skymotion $20.40 Phase 2 F7 Kira $5.10 Phase 2 set $5.10 Phase 2 Small skymotion $25.50 Phase 3 Large Skymotion $35.70 Phase 3 Large Skymotion $35.70 Phase 3 M1 Apollo's Hand $10.20 Phase 3 Small skymotion $20.40 Pictrix holographic TNG puzzle $10.20 Premiere Starter Deck 2 $7.00 Lynne Ours is not to question why, ours is to collect and buy! James & Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Collectibles KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles The Extremely Unofficial SHAQ Rookie Page - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ End of trektrade-digest V98 #281 ******************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive