From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V99 #392 Reply-To: Enter_E-Mail_Address Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk trektrade-digest Monday, February 21 2000 Volume 99 : Number 392 -- [none] (TrekTrade) ST Auctionne part 2 (TrekTrade) ST AUctionne Part 1 (TrekTrade) sell (TrekTrade) One time notice ST CCG BB limited RARES auction -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 15:25:23 -0800 (PST) From: LaShundra Lark Subject: [none] WTS: Star Trek Judgement Rites - posted on ebay @ following - mi. bid is $125 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 09:59:06 -0500 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST Auctionne part 2 Inserts and Chase Cards 3auct0036 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200- KIRK $260.00 Gfl 3auct0037 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200- SPOCK $265.00 Gfl 3auct0038 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200- MCCOY $200.00 3auct0039 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200-Scotty $220.00 Aot 3auct0040 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200-CHEKOV $200.00 Turbo 3auct0042 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200-UHURA $200.00 Turbo stcar0270 Phase THREE lenticular M1 Apollo's Hand $4.00 stcar0271 Phase THREE lenticular M2 Badlands $4.00 stcar0272 Phase THREE lenticular M3 Crystalline En $4.00 stcar0273 Master Series One insert S-2 $3.00 3auct0041 TOS II Mirror card 1 of 200-SULU $225.00 Gfl stcar0296 Voy CTH Lenticular CC9 Kim $30.00 Aeg stcar0297 Voy CTH Lenticular CC9 Kim $30.00 stcar0287 Voy 1/2 spectra insert S2 $4.00 Fld stcar0288 Voy 1/2 spectra insert S6 $4.00 stcar0289 Voy 1/2 recipe card R6 $2.00 stcar0290 Voy 1/2 recipe card R2 $2.00 stcar0291 Voy 1/2 recipe card R1 $2.00 stcar0292 Voy 1/2 recipe card R3 $2.00 stcar0322 TNG Episode One SP1 $5.00 stcar0323 TNG Episode Twp insert S7 $5.00 stcar0324 TNG Episode Two insert S8 $5.00 stcar0325 TNG Episode Two insert S9 $5.00 stcar0326 TNG Episode Two insert S12 Moriarity $5.00 stcar0277 TOS Two gold plaque G30 $4.00 stcar0278 TOS Two gold plaque G42 $4.00 stcar0293 Voy 1/1 spectra insert S7 Dr $4.00 stcar0298 Episode Two survey card $1.00 stcar0314 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS1 $2.00 stcar0315 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS2 $2.00 stcar0316 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS3 $2.00 stcar0317 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS4 $2.00 stcar0318 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS5 $2.00 stcar0319 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS6 $2.00 stcar0320 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS7 $2.00 stcar0321 Voy CTH insert glow edge IS8 $2.00 stcar0328 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP1 $1.50 stcar0329 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP2 $1.50 stcar0330 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP3 $1.50 stcar0331 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP4 $1.50 Aeg stcar0332 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP5 $1.50 Aeg stcar0333 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP6 $1.50 stcar0334 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP7 $1.50 Aeg stcar0335 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP8 $1.50 stcar0336 Voy CTH Captain Proton insert CP9 $1.50 stcar0338 Voy 1/2 LARGE skymotion card $25.00 cdfli0002 TNG 7 Enterprise-D Holo $15.00 Amp cdfli0003 Phase I: Skymotion Exchange Card $15.00 stcar0345 First Contact insert B8 $2.00 stcar0346 First Contact insert B9 $2.00 stcar0286 Voy 1/2 recipe card R5 $2.00 stcar0388 Trek in Motion DeForest Kelly Memoriam M $32.00 Unico stcar0389 Trek in Motion DeForest Kelly Memoriam M $50.00 Rlk stcar0390 Trek in Motion Sound Card S6 $25.00 Trekj stcar0400 Cinema Collection uncut movie press shee $6.00 stcar0402 TOS III Gold plaque card G66 $3.00 stcar0403 DS9 MOF Greatest Battles SB7 $2.00 stcar0404 DS9 MOF Greatest Battles SB2 $2.00 stcar0405 Inagural Edition HOLO H1 $3.00 stcar0406 Inagural Edition HOLO H2 $3.00 stcar0407 Inagural Edition HOLO H3 $3.00 stcar0408 Inagural Edition HOLO H4 $3.00 stcar0410 Inagural Edition MAIL-IN golo holo $5.00 stcar0411 Starlog Gold MAIL-IN golo holo $5.00 choco0001 Enterprise-D 23 Karat Gold Card $5.00 choco0002 25th Aniversary H1 Enterprise Hologram $2.00 choco0003 Insurrection Gold Card G1 Captain Picard $50.00 choco0004 Insurrection Gold Card G7 Worf $50.00 Other Stuff Oddball or Unusual Cards/Stickers/Pogs stcar0268 Scoreboard gold card Q in Judges Robe $15.00 stcar0269 Scoreboard gold card Enterprise-D $15.00 stcar0276 Mars/Effen pog set of 8 (ships and Capta $25.00 stcar0347 German convention misc card lot $20.00 3auct0059 Morris singles-you pick $2.00 2auct0001 German Trek ship video card set $200.00 Pro stcar0384 Classic Toys ST Mego card $4.00 stcar0385 Classic Toys ST Mego card $4.00 stcar0341 German video card set-TOS schematics $150.00 Pro cdfli0001 Special Edition UNO Star Trek Playing Ca $20.00 stcar0348 9 widevision movie card set $135.00 stcar0391 AF Pog (no fig) Lt Cmdr Troi $2.00 Rsa stcar0392 AF Pog (no fig) Cptn Picard as a Romulon $2.00 stcar0393 AF Pog (no fig) Q in Judges Robes $2.00 stcar0394 AF Pog (no fig) Hugh Borg $2.00 stcar0395 AF Pog (no fig) Lt Barclay $2.00 stcar0396 AF Pog (no fig) Lt Worf in Starfleet Res $2.00 stcar0397 AF Pog (no fig) Geordi as Tarcanian Alie $2.00 stcar0398 AF Pog (no fig) Dr Noonian Song $2.00 stcar0399 AF Pog (no fig) Data as a Romulon $2.00 stcar0311 Hoyle Star Trek TOS playing cards $5.00 stcar0383 SNET exhibition collectors card $12.00 stcar0412 Starlog Issue #1 hologram sticker sheet $9.00 Phone Cards stcar0275 Japanese Generations phone card $8.00 Promotional and Prototype Cards 3auct0054 Trek in Motion PROMO set $200.00 3auct0057 Episode One promo card S1 $2.00 stcar0339 Phase One two card promo card $2.00 stcar0340 Phase Two two card promo card $2.00 Rsa 3auct0058 Voyager 1 4-card promo panel $7.00 Han james0002 Star Trek In Motion complete 24-card pro $129.00 choco0013 Star Trek in Motion Promo Card $5.00 Complete Common or Insert Sets stcar0274 Topps 1979 Bread 33 card set-Rainbo $15.00 stcar0295 Trek in Motion common set $19.00 stcar0309 Voyager Season TWO common set $4.00 stcar0310 25th Anniversary Series I and II set $5.00 stcar0312 TNG Season 7 common set $5.00 stcar0313 TNG Season 6 common set $5.00 cdfli0004 TNG 7 Klingon/Character Foil Card Set $12.00 cdfli0005 TNG 5 Klingon/Character Foil Cards $12.00 stcar0279 Master Series One common set $4.00 stcar0280 SkyBox TNG Season Two Common set $4.00 stcar0281 ST Voyager Sea One Ser Two Common set $4.00 stcar0282 ST Voyager Sea One Ser One Common set $4.00 stcar0283 DS9 Premiere Edition common set $4.00 stcar0284 SkyBox TNG Season Three common set $4.00 stcar0387 Topps 76 COMPLETE set 88/22 $180.00 stcar0409 Inagural Edition sealed collectors tin $28.00 . - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 09:59:18 -0500 From: "Lynne Stewart" Subject: (TrekTrade) ST AUctionne Part 1 Saving your pennies? Women in Trek is due in March...2nd Anthology is due in March....June is Trouble with Tribbles and TNG Profiles...July..Reflections.....Seept Mirrir Mirror....November....Enhanced Premiere New Items choco0005 Insurrection Autograph A-1 Patrick Stewa $50.00 choco0006 Insurrection Autograph A-2 Jonathan Frak $50.00 choco0007 Insurrection Autograph A-5 Levar Burton $50.00 choco0008 Insurrection Autograph A-11 Gregg Henry $6.00 choco0009 Insurrection Autograph A-12 John Hostett $6.00 choco0010 Insurrection Autograph A-18 Larry Anders $6.00 choco0011 Insurrection Autograph Anthony Zerbe Dou $6.00 choco0012 The Next Generation Behind the Scenes Se $2.00 choco0014 Star Trek in Motion Promo Card $5.00 stcar0401 Decipher CCG Data Laughing $4.00 stcar0400 Cinema Collection uncut movie press shee $6.00 stcar0402 TOS III Gold plaque card G66 $3.00 stcar0403 DS9 MOF Greatest Battles SB7 $2.00 stcar0404 DS9 MOF Greatest Battles SB2 $2.00 stcar0405 Inagural Edition HOLO H1 $3.00 stcar0406 Inagural Edition HOLO H2 $3.00 stcar0407 Inagural Edition HOLO H3 $3.00 stcar0408 Inagural Edition HOLO H4 $3.00 stcar0410 Inagural Edition MAIL-IN golo holo $5.00 stcar0411 Starlog Gold MAIL-IN golo holo $5.00 choco0001 Enterprise-D 23 Karat Gold Card $5.00 choco0002 25th Aniversary H1 Enterprise Hologram $2.00 choco0003 Insurrection Gold Card G1 Captain Picard $50.00 choco0004 Insurrection Gold Card G7 Worf $50.00 stcar0391 AF Pog (no fig) Lt Cmdr Troi $2.00 Rsa stcar0392 AF Pog (no fig) Cptn Picard as a Romulon $2.00 stcar0393 AF Pog (no fig) Q in Judges Robes $2.00 stcar0394 AF Pog (no fig) Hugh Borg $2.00 stcar0395 AF Pog (no fig) Lt Barclay $2.00 stcar0396 AF Pog (no fig) Lt Worf in Starfleet Res $2.00 stcar0397 AF Pog (no fig) Geordi as Tarcanian Alie $2.00 stcar0398 AF Pog (no fig) Dr Noonian Song $2.00 stcar0399 AF Pog (no fig) Data as a Romulon $2.00 stcar0412 Starlog Issue #1 hologram sticker sheet $9.00 choco0013 Star Trek in Motion Promo Card $5.00 stcar0409 Inagural Edition sealed collectors tin $28.00 Autographed Cards mynon0001 STOS 2 A36 T.Andrews $19.00 mynon0002 STOS 2 A28 W. Koenig $29.00 Iiwi mynon0003 STOS 2 A35 A. Bower $29.00 mynon0004 STOS 2 A35 A. Bower $19.00 mynon0005 STOS 2 A60 J. Doohan autogr. card $50.00 Iiwi mynon0006 STOS 1 A5 G.L. Whitney autogr. card $19.00 Tazzm mynon0007 STOS 1 A18 S. Moss autogr. card $20.00 mynon0008 STOS 1 A9 R. Brown autogr. card $20.00 mynon0009 STOS 1 A6 R. Justman autogr. card $19.00 mynon0010 STOS 1 A12 G. Dynarski autogr. card $20.00 3auct0055 TOS I A 18 Stewart Moss $16.00 stcar0285 TNG Season 7 AUTO Brent Spiner S3 $57.00 3auct0056 TOS I A6 Robert Justman $15.00 3auct0043 DS9 Profiles AUTO Odo/Auberjonois $75.00 mynon0011 STOS 3 A76 L.Meriwether autogr. card $41.00 Mkusz mynon0012 STOS 3 A77 F. Gorshin autogr. card $41.00 Aeg mynon0013 STOS 2 A44 C.Brill autogr. card $35.00 mynon0014 STOS 2 A44 C.Brill autogr. card $16.00 mynon0015 STOS 2 A52 A. Caruso autogr. card $19.00 stcar0386 TOS II AUTO A59 Leonard Nimoy $199.00 Iiwi james0006 DS9 Profiles Terry Farrell autograph car $89.00 james0007 DS9 Profiles Rene Auberjonois autograph $89.00 choco0005 Insurrection Autograph A-1 Patrick Stewa $50.00 choco0006 Insurrection Autograph A-2 Jonathan Frak $50.00 choco0007 Insurrection Autograph A-5 Levar Burton $50.00 choco0008 Insurrection Autograph A-11 Gregg Henry $6.00 choco0009 Insurrection Autograph A-12 John Hostett $6.00 choco0010 Insurrection Autograph A-18 Larry Anders $6.00 choco0011 Insurrection Autograph Anthony Zerbe Dou $6.00 choco0012 The Next Generation Behind the Scenes Se $2.00 choco0014 Star Trek in Motion Promo Card $5.00 Binders and Albums james0001 Star Trek In Motion album and sound card $63.95 stcar0377 TNG Season 7 binder $19.00 stcar0378 DS9 Memories of the Future binder $19.00 stcar0379 TOS I Binder $19.00 stcar0380 Episode 3 binder $15.50 3auct stcar0381 Episode 6 binder $19.00 stcar0382 Episode 4 binder $15.00 Unopened Boxes stcar0337 Trek in Motion box (sound card inside!!! $65.00 james0003 Star Trek Phase 1 box $27.00 james0004 Star Trek Phase 2 box $27.00 james0005 Star Trek Phase 3 box $27.00 Gaming Cards stcar0294 Decipher CCG AU Gov. Worf $2.00 3auct0044 Decipher CCG BB Kahless $2.00 3auct0045 Decipher CCG BB Kurn $2.00 Jfm 3auct0046 Decipher CCG BB Hugh $2.00 3auct0047 Decipher CCG BB USS Enterprise-D $15.00 3auct0048 Decipher CCG BB Armus Skin of Evil $6.00 3auct0049 Decipher CCG BB Borg Cube $6.00 3auct0050 Decipher CCG BB AU Beverly Picard $2.00 3auct0051 Decipher CCG BB Lwaxanna Troi $8.00 3auct0052 Decipher CCG BB William T Riker $15.00 3auct0053 Decipher CCG BB Worf $15.00 stcar0327 TOS Card Game Matchbox $2.00 stcar0299 BOG FOIL LaForge Impersonator $4.50 Trekj stcar0300 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Fajo's Gallery $2.00 stcar0301 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Kor $5.00 Trekj stcar0302 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Borg Cutting Beam $2.00 Aeg stcar0303 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Sword of Kahless $15.00 Unico stcar0304 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Inside Operations $3.00 stcar0305 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Kang $3.00 Trekj stcar0306 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Koloth $3.00 Trekj stcar0307 Decipher CCG BOG FOIL Kraxon $3.00 Trekj stcar0308 Decipher CCG Dominion WB Worf $9.00 Gfl stcar0342 TOS Card Game PROMO Arena $8.00 Trekj stcar0343 TOS Card Game PROMO Shirtless Kirk $1.00 Trekj stcar0349 Decipher CCG ROA Kassidy Yates $1.50 stcar0350 Decipher CCG Dominion Remata'Klan $1.50 stcar0351 Decipher CCG Dominion Meso'Clan $1.50 stcar0352 Decipher CCG Dominion Limara'Son $1.50 stcar0353 Decipher CCG Dominion Amat'igan $1.50 stcar0354 Decipher CCG Dominion Temo'Zuma $1.50 stcar0355 Decipher CCG Dominion Kira Founder $1.50 stcar0356 Decipher CCG Dominion Talak'talan $1.50 stcar0357 Decipher CCG Dominion Zyree $1.50 stcar0358 Decipher CCG Dominion Lovok Founder $1.50 stcar0359 Decipher CCG Dominion O'Brien Founder $1.50 stcar0360 Decipher CCG Dominion Omet'iklan $1.50 stcar0361 Decipher CCG DS9 Bo'rak $1.50 stcar0362 Decipher CCG Dominion Ch'Pok $1.50 stcar0363 Decipher CCG Dominion I.K.C. Rotarran $1.50 stcar0364 Decipher CCG Dominion Martok $1.50 stcar0365 Decipher CCG Dominion Croden's Key $1.50 stcar0366 Decipher CCG Dominion U.S.S. Rio Grande $1.50 stcar0367 Decipher CCG Dominion Office of the Pres $1.50 stcar0368 Decipher CCG Dominion The Earring of Li $1.50 stcar0369 Decipher CCG Dominion Orb of Prophecy an $1.50 stcar0370 Decipher CCG ROA Orb of Wisdom $1.50 stcar0371 Decipher CCG ROA Scepter of the Grand Na $1.50 stcar0372 Decipher CCG ROA Hagath $1.50 stcar0373 Decipher CCG ROA Omag $1.50 stcar0374 Decipher CCG ROA Breen CRM114 $1.50 stcar0375 Decipher CCG ROA Ishka $1.50 stcar0376 Decipher CCG ROA USS Sao Paulo $1.50 Jfm stcar0401 Decipher CCG Data Laughing $4.00 Lynne Stewart KLM Enterprises, Inc. 2805 Oakcliff Ct Johnson City, TN 37601 Home of the AMOK TIMES NEWSLETTER-Info on Star Trek Cards KLM CARDS-Trek cards and stuff for sale! Online consignment AUCTIONNE for Star Trek Collectibles Ask about the CARD COLLECTIVE-a ST Cards Reference CD! - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 12:45:28 -0800 (PST) From: LaShundra Lark Subject: (TrekTrade) sell WTS Limited Edition Game:Judgement Rites $125.00 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 17:44:44 -0400 From: (Gary Steele) Subject: (TrekTrade) One time notice ST CCG BB limited RARES auction 19th Black Border LIMITED RARES AUCTION MINT/NM $1.00 STARTING BID $0.50 INCREMENTS ALL CARDS ARE MINT/NM, FREE POSTAGE . WILL SEND WHEN FUNDS ARRIVE OR RIGHT AWAY WITH REFS. AUCTION ENDS FEBRUARY26TH unless computer problems etc. I WILL POST EACH DAY WITH PRICES AND PUT YOUR INITIALS BESIDE EACH CARD. FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS…. *****Please give me your name and initials.***** BB 1994 LIMITED RARES USS Enterprise$45.00 $20.00 PP William T. Riker$30.00 $7.00 BV Tasha Yar$20.00 $2.00 AC Geordi$27.00 $7.00 BV Worf$41.00 $7.00 BV Deanna Troi$25.00 $3.50 TW Lwaxanna Troi$9.00 $2.50 GC Wesley Crusher$25.00 $4.00 AC Thomas Riker$25.00 $2.00 GJ Beverly Crusher$25.00 $10.00 JM $10.00 GJ Albert Einstein$8.00 $2.00 MH Alidar Jarok$5.40 $2.00 MH Alien Groupie$5.00 $1.00 TC Alynna Nechayev$5.00 $2.00 MH Ancient Computer$4.30 $1.50 TC Armus$6.00 $1.00 MS $1.00 NP Avert Disaster$4.30 $1.50 RG Barclay’s Proto$6.10 $2.50 RG Betazoid Gift Box$8.00 $3.00 BV B'etor$14.00 $3.50 RG Bynars$12.00 $5.50 TC Cultural Observation$4.50 $1.00 GC Devoras$6.50 $1.00 TC Dr. LaForge$6.30 $1.00 GC Duras$8.00 $1.50 TC Evalutate Terraforming$4.80 $2.00 RG Explore Black Cluster$4.50 $1.50 PS Explore Dyson Sphere$4.00 $1.50 PS Explore Typhone Exp$4.00 $1.00 TC Extraction$5.00 $1.00 TC Goddeess Of Empathy$5.10 $1.50 GC Haakona$7.00 $2.00 DS Honor Challenge$4.80 $1.00 Hunt For DNA Program$5.50 $1.00 RG Iconia Investigation$5.00 $1.50 RG IKC Bortas$6.30 $1.00 TC IKC Buruk$5.90 $1.00 TC IKC Heghta$5.90 $1.00 TC IKC Pagh$6.00 $1.50 RG IKC Quvat$7.00 $1.00 TC Interphase Generator$8.00 $1.00 MH Investigate Alien Probe$4.30 $1.50 RG Investigate Disappear$4.50 $1.00 TC Investigate Disturbance$6.60 $1.50 PS Investigate Massacre$4.30 $1.00 TC Investigate Raid$4.00 $1.00 TC Investigate Rogue Comet$4.00 $1.00 TC Invest Shattered Space$4.50 $1.00 TC Investigate Sighting$4.30 $1.00 TC Investigate Time Cont$4.30 $1.00 TC Jaglom Shrek$7.00 $1.00 RG Kahless$8.00 $3.00 BV Kargan$6.30 $1.00 GC K'Ehlyr$7.30 $1.00 MS Khazara$6.30 $2.00 DS Khitomer Research$4.50 $1.00 GC Ktarian Game$5.30 $1.00 MS Leah Brahms$6.00 $1.00 MS Lore Return’s$15.25 $1.00 TC Lore's Fingernail$8.00 $1.00 MH Lursa$13.50 $3.00 BV Medical Relief$4.50 $1.00 PS Mendak$5.00 $1.50 TC Morgan Bateson$5.10 $1.50 TC Naglium$5.80 $1.50 TC Neela Daren$6.90 $1.50 TC New Contact $5.00 $1.50 TC Pegasus Search$4.60 $1.50 TC Pi$6.60 $2.50 DS Reginald Barclay$6.30 $1.00 MS Richard Galen$6.00 $1.00 MS Ro Laren$10.00 $1.00 MH Sarek$8.00 $1.00 MH Sarjenka$5.30 $1.50 TW Sarthong Plunder$4.50 $1.00 GC Satelk$5.40 $1.50 TC Seek Life Form$6.50 $1.50 TC Sela$10.00 $1.50 RG Shelby$6.00 $1.50 TC Sir Isaac Newton$9.00 $1.00 TC Study Hole in Space$5.90 $1.00 RG Study Nebula$4.30 $1.00 PS Supernova$8.00 $1.50 TC Survey Mission$6.30 $1.50 TC Tam Elbrun$8.60 $1.50 TC Temporal Casuality Loop$5.00 $1.00 RG The Devil$5.00 $2.00 DS Thought Maker$9.00 $3.00 BV Time Travel Pod$8.30 $3.00 BV Tomalak$5.30 $1.50 TC Tox Uthat$9.00 $1.50 TC Tsiolkovsky Infection$4.40 $1.50 TC USS Britain$8.00 $1.50 RG USS HOOD$8.00 $2.00 GC USS Phoenix$7.00 $2.50 RG USS Yamato$10.25 $3.00 BV Varon T Disruptor$7.50 $3.00 BV Vash$12.00 $2.00 DS Vulcan Stone of Gol$7.80 $3.00 BV Warp Core Breach $5.50 $2.00 RG Wind Dancer$5.00 $1.50 GC Wormhole Negotiations$4.40 $1.50 TC - -- Pokemon and Star Trek cards site: - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. To Subscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "subscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. - -- To Unsubscribe from TrekTrade send and put "unsubscribe trektrade" in the body without the quotes. - -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive ------------------------------ End of trektrade-digest V99 #392 ******************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------- To Unsubscribe to TrekTrade-digest send and put "unsubscribe trektrade-digest" in the body without the quotes. -- Previous message archives are available via WWW at: or via FTP at: --in-- /home/ftp/pub/lists/trektrade/archive