From: (trektrade-digest) To: Subject: trektrade-digest V99 #417 Reply-To: Enter_E-Mail_Address Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk trektrade-digest Thursday, May 18 2000 Volume 99 : Number 417 -- (TrekTrade) Klingon Blaster Prop For Auction at (TrekTrade) Rules of Acquisition (TrekTrade) FOILS: STCCG: Blaze of Glory (TrekTrade) Star Trek TNG CCG Needs Fwd: (TrekTrade) Star Trek TNG CCG Have list -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 11:49:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Julie Friedman Subject: (TrekTrade) Klingon Blaster Prop For Auction at There is a Prop Klingon Blaster made by the Prop Maker from Star Trek TOS on Opening bid is $200. It looks very cool! Check it out at _______________________________________________________ Get 100% FREE Internet Access powered by Excite Visit - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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NEEDS: Rules of Acquisition: Ferengi Disruptor Rifle - U Deyos - R Elizabeth Lense - R Gaila R Gral R George Primmin - R Quark - R Quark's Bar - R Blaze of Glory: Rules Supplement page from booster box Sword of Kahless R Sword of Kahless SRF Chula: The Abyss R Hazardous Duty C Holding Cell Door C Mek'leth U Starfleet Type I Phaser C Dial Martok for Murder U Engage Shuttle Operations: Dominion U The Big Picture U Torture R Blood Oath R Intruder Alert! U Scanner Interference U Counterintelligence U Inside Operation VRF Prisoner Escort C The Guardian U A Good Day to Live R Bat'leth Tournament U Chart Stellar Cluster R Commandeer Ship U Impersonate Captive R Prepare the Prisoner U Riker Wil URF Boone Impersonator R Elim R Elim URF Gul Madred R Gelnon R Kudak'Etan R Lamat'Ukan U Odo Founder SRF Donald Varley R Enrique Muņiz R Ilon Tandro R Miles O'Brien R Jadzia Dax R Jadzia Dax URF Kang R Kor R Kor SRF N'Garen U Quark Son of Keldar R Worf Son of Mogh R The Albino R Chief O'Brien R Dr. Koramar U La Forge Impersonator R La Forge Impersonator SRF Mopak C Navok C Parthok R Senator Letant R Tharket U Locutus' Borg Cube R Locutus' Borg Cube URF Kraxon R Kraxon VRF Alpha Attack Ship U U.S.S. Thunderchild R U.S.S. Thunderchild SRF I.K.C. Koraga R I.K.C. Lukara R I.K.C. Negh'Var R Crimson Forcefield U Maximum Firepower R Maximum Firepower SRF Picard Maneuver R Plasma Torpedo C Spiral-Wave Disruptor C Strafing Run C Target These Coordinates R Dominion: Sleeper Trap R Beta Edition (95) Lwaxana Troi R Khitomer Research R Sealed Deck box tops: Bajoran Cardassian Borg Be looking forward to hearing from you. My Have list should follow shortly. Tony __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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HAVE: Rules of Acquisition: Phased Cloaking Device R Starry Night R Scepter of the Grand Nagus R Tower of Commerce R Writ of Accountability R Bractor R Omag R Margh R Lemec R Patahk R Blaze of Glory: Fajo's Gallery R Goraxus VRF DS9: Aid Fugitives R Airlock R Aldara R Altovar R Automated Security System R Bajoran Civil War R Bareil Antos R Baseball R Benjamin Sisko R Boheeka R Borad R Camping Trip R Chamber of Ministers R Colonel Day R Deep Space 9/ Terok Nor R D'Ghor R DNA Clues R Dukat R Duranja R Elim Garak R Establish Tractor Lock R Garak Has Some Issues R General Krim R Grilka R Groumall R HQ: Return Orb to Bajor R Jaro Essa R Julian Bashir R Kai Opaka R Keevan R Kira Nerys R Korinas R Lenaris Holem R Li Nalas R Martus Mazur R Mora Pol R Mysterious Orb R Neela R No Loose Ends R Odo R Orb Fragment R Orb of Prophecy and Change R Pallra R Plans of the Obsidian Order R Razka Karn R Retaya R Sakonna R Saltah'na Clock R Secret Compartment R Selveth R Shakaar Edon R Sorus R System 5 Disruptors R Tekeny Ghemor R The Walls Have Ears R Tora Ziyal R Turrel R Yeto R Zef'No R WB Admiral Riker SR WB Worf son of Mogh SR Dominion: 10 and 01 R Admiral Leyton R Amat'igan R Ch'Pok R Chula: the Chandra R Croden's Key R Garak R Goran'Agar R I.K.C. Rotarran R Issue Secret Orders R Keogh R Kilana R Kira Founder R Leyton Founder R Lovok R Martok R Martok Founder R Michael Eddington R Office of the President R Omet'iklan R Remata'Klan R Senator Vreenak R Talak'talan R The Great Hall R The Great Link R U.S.S. Rio Grande R Weyoun R Yelgren R Zayra R First Contact R Magic Carpet Ride OCD R Zefram Cochrane's Telescope x2 R Ooby Dooby R Undetected Beam-in R Abandon Mission R Regenerate R Retask R Wall of Ships x2 R Android Headlock R Borg Kiss R Borg Neuroprocessor x2 R Shipwreck R Build Interplexing Beacon R Salvage Starship R Stop First contact R Espionage Mission Admiral Hayes R Alyssa Ogawa x2 R Data R Deanne Troi R Jean-Luc Picard x2 R William T. Riker R Worf R U.S.S. Enterprise-E R Lily Sloane R Phoenix R Fajo: Picard's Artificial Heart SR DNA Metamorphosis SR Sealed Deck box tops: Federation Klingon Alpha, Beta, Alternate, Q-Continuum: too many to list. Ask me !! Black border: Ask me !!! Thanks for looking. I would enjoy trading with you! Just let me know! Tony __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- TrekTrade is also available in a digest format. 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