From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) August UAD Bulletin online Date: 01 Aug 2000 10:32:24 -0600 > Ron Nelson, Co-Editor August issue of UAD Bulletin is now online. ***AND PLEASE read the notice about anti-ADA bill and respond*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) SLC Mayor's Public Hearing for CDBG Date: 07 Aug 2000 17:42:31 -0600 > Kristi Mortensen, SLC Mayor Accessibility Task Force, member _________________________________ a public hearing for the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC). CDAC is the Advisory Committee that makes recommendations to the Mayor on where block grant dollars should be spent. The public hearing is Tuesday, August 22 at 5:30 pm. City & County Building, Room 126. This meeting is to gather citizen input relative to where dollars should be spent in housing, parks, public services, etc. It is very important for this committee to hear from individuals in the disabled communities regarding the need for curb cuts, auditory signals, accessible play grounds, etc. If they don't receive input then they tend not to fund with the same sense of priority if they do hear from people. This is one of those times where you can make a difference. If you have any questions the staff person in charge of this group is Sandi Marler, 535-7269. If anyone requires an accommodation they should contact Sandi. (She needs 4 days for an interpreter) Spread the word and try to come...Call me with questions, 535-7936. Kathy Sheehan, ADA Adviser for Salt Lake City/County ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) Open-Captioned Movies Reminder (7 movies!) Date: 08 Aug 2000 11:52:11 -0600 Please note September 13 has 3 different movies in Provo alone! First schedule is Date/Location; Second schedule is Location/Date Locations of Movies: Carmike Wynnsong, Provo, UT Carmike Ritz 15 (that is inside Hollywood building, across parking lot from E-Center in West Valley) CMK Cinemark, Provo, UT LCE, University Mall, Orem UT LCE Midvalley, 5766 South 1900 West, Taylorsville (enter at 5700 South Redwood, in the back of the shopping center) Century 16 Theatres, 125 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City (northeast corner of State Street at 33rd South). August 15-16 - Century 16 "Gone in 60 Seconds" August 22-23 - Century 16 "The Perfect Storm" September 5-6 CMK Cinemark 16 September 15-16 Carmike Ritz 15 "Big Momma's House" September 6-7 - Century 16 September 13-14 - Carmike Wynnsong "Mission Impossible 2" September 12-13 - LCE September 19-20 - Century 16 "Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle" September 13-14 - Carmike Wynnsong "Titan A.E." September 21 (one day only) - CMK Cinemark 16 September 26-27 - LCE Midvalley "Me, Myself & Irene" By Area only/Order of Date: Salt Lake City August 15-16 - "Gone in 60 Seconds" at Century 16 August 22-23 - "Perfect Storm" at Century 16 September 6-7 - Mission Impossible-2" at Century 16 September 15-16 - "Big Momma's House" at Carmike Ritz 15 September 19-20 - "Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle" at Century 16 September 26-27 - "Me, Myself & Irene" at LCE Midvalley Provo September 5-6 - "Big Momma's House" at CMK Cinemark 16 September 12-13 - "Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle" at LCE September 13-14 - "Mission Impossible-2" at Carmike Wynnsong September 13-14 - "Titan A.E." at Carmike Wynnsong September 21 - "Me, Myself & Irene" at CMK Cinemark 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) BOOST training program Date: 08 Aug 2000 15:10:38 -0600 > Forwarded by Eli McCowan, UCCD NEW BOOST TRAINING PROGRAM The staff at BOOST is thrilled to announce a new BOOST program. This is a 5 week training that will be held at the Utah Processing Center 5420 W. 1730 S. West Valley City. The processing Center has a variety of positions that do not require phone work, this is not a Call Canter. The jobs may be appropriate for clients who do not want to do call center work and/or may not have the aptitude for customer service positions. Some of the jobs are more physically demanding since this is a large center that processes mail, credit card statements, makes credit cards and data processes checks. There are mail machine operator positions as well. The processing center has hired several BOOST graduates and have been so pleased that they are starting their own program. We will be interviewing for this first class on September 6, 2000 at the Processing Center at either 9 - 11 am or 12 - 2 pm. Class will be five weeks from 12 - 2:30 pm at the Processing Center. Graduation is October 20, 2000. Please call Rachelle at the BOOST office at 902-4199 to refer clients or to ask any questions you may have about this exciting new class. Remember there is no charge for your clients and no pay for them while attending class. The curriculum for this training is listed below: Data processing Word Processing Resolution of work place problems Team Performance Case Studies Taking charge of your financial future Sexual harassment in the workplace Employment training Discovering the Industry Specific skills to operate machines at the processing center will not be taught. The curriculum will provide the opportunity to learn work hardening skills that will enhance their success to find and keep a job. No one is promised a job after they complete the training, but remember Discover Card continues to provide internal training to people with disabilities in hopes of hiring those that meet the human resources criteria. Again if you have questions call BOOST at 902-4199. We are also scheduling interviews for the Fall BOOST classes at the Sandy Center and the Lake Park Center. Interviews in Sandy will be August 28 -29, Lake Park interviews; August 30 -31. Sandy classes begin September 18 - November 3, 2000 from 8 - 11 am. Lake Park classes begin September 11 - November 17, 2000 two class times are offered; 8 - 10:30 or 11 - 1 pm. Thank you for your ongoing support of the BOOST programs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) [Fwd: Women's Team Handball for 2001 DWG in Rome] Date: 25 Aug 2000 19:02:14 -0600 > USA Deaf Sports Federation e-bits - USA Deaf Team Handball by Gene Duve Good News! We will have women's team handball games at the Deaf World Games (DWG) in Rome in 2001. Five countries (Russia, Italy, Denmark, Romania, and the USA) will participate. Denmark has a strong team as it is a popular sport in their country. Team Handball is very exciting and a very challenging sport to play. In order to select a women's team for the DWG, we will hold final open tryouts in the East sometime during September or October 2000. We are still waiting to find out about gym availability. We need more women to try out. We will bring approximately 14 athletes to the DWG in Rome, Italy, in July 2001 for the women's team. I am seeking names of interested female athletes who want to try out. Please contact me as soon as possible with your email address or fax number. You can email me at, or fax me at 925-862-0442. Once I have your name, I will send you the athlete criteria and selection procedures. We are looking for the athletes who have experience playing volleyball, softball, or basketball. Let's go for the Gold! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) End of Summer Picnic Celebration Date: 25 Aug 2000 19:09:50 -0600 THE END OF SUMMER PICNIC CELEBRATION is being held on August 30th from 5:30 PM to sunset. The good news is that you can buy the tickets AT the DOOR if you have not received the flyer, to apply for RSVP.... yet. Admission: Adults - $5.00 each Kids 12 and up - $5.00 each Kids 11 and under - $3.00 each Senior Citizens - $4.00 each Menu: soft flour taco shells, navajo tacos & buns, ground meat/veggies, salsa/relish bowls, and Mexican cookies. Highlights: Mexican Surprise Performance Hosts: Eli B. McCowan - chairperson Ron Nelson - Ticket master Bev Allred's - Chef's Gang Place: Utah Community Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 5709 South 1500 West in Taylorsville, UT Need a Ride? Call Darlene & Diane, Van Drivers at 801-263-4866 to make appt. ASAP! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) JMS Position Date: 25 Aug 2000 19:13:03 -0600 > JEAN MASSIEU SCHOOL JOB ANNOUNCEMENT – Part-Time Administrator Jean Massieu School (JMS) is looking for one dedicated individual to work as a part time administrator at the school. JMS is a bilingual, bicultural charter school located in Salt Lake City, Utah. We serve children from ages three through the fourth grade. POSITION: Part Time Administrator QUALIFICATIONS: Certification in Deaf Education. Experience in actual classroom teaching. Proficiency in both ASL and written English. Administration and supervision experience preferred. DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS: Prompt, dedicated, creative, patient. DUTIES: Includes, but is not limited to the following: supervision of teachers, aides, and other staff; assessment and purchase of needed material/supplies; planning/scheduling of IEP meetings; taking care of disciplinary issues; scheduling of classes, field trips, and the like; maintaining of inventory, and other supervisory/upkeep duties. Will be asked to attend UDEAL Board meetings. REPORTS TO: UDEAL (Utah Deaf Education and Literacy) Board, and to two Co-Administrators (Jeff Allen and Minnie Mae Wilding-Diaz.) SALARY: Commensurate with experience. Send your resume to us before July 8, 2000. We will contact you for an interview. Please include your phone number and email address. Utah Deaf Education & Literacy P.O. Box 711760 Salt Lake City, UT 84171 For more information, contact: Minnie Mae Wilding-Diaz (801)446-0863 TTY Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) Teacher Position in Utah Date: 25 Aug 2000 20:02:00 -0600 We are still looking for one more teacher, so here's our job announcement AGAIN. Again, we ask you to forward it to your friends, or to apply for the position yourself. Thanks! Minnie Mae JEAN MASSIEU SCHOOL JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Jean Massieu School (JMS) is seeking applicants for a teacher for Academic Year 2000-2001. JMS is a bilingual, bicultural school located in Salt Lake City, Utah serving children from ages three through the third grade, and expanding Fall 2000. POSITION: Elementary school teacher. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum of Bachelors in a field relevant to childhood deafness with academic preparation in education of Deaf children. Experience working with Deaf children and youth. Proficiency in both ASL and written English. Council on Education of the Deaf certification. Ability and desire to certify with the Utah Board of Education. Helpful: Knowledge of bilingual education. Successful candidates will also demonstrate knowledge of language development, instructional strategies, techniques and curriculum, and exhibit excellent planning and organizational skills. SALARY: Commensurate with training and experience. Open until filled. Send the following: Resume Application form (Ask us for it.) Videotape explaining your educational philosophy (3-5 minutes long) Have all above mailed to: Utah Deaf Education & Literacy P.O. Box 711760 Salt Lake City, UT 84171 For more information, contact: Minnie Mae Wilding-Diaz (801)446-0863 TTY Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) UAD Bookstore closings (Two nights only) Date: 26 Aug 2000 11:47:16 -0600 > Pete Green, UAD UAD Bookstore will be closed Two Wednesday Nights on August 30, 2000 and September 6, 2000 from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM , Other Hours remain the same. Thanks, Pete M. Green, Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "W. David Samuelsen" Subject: (uad-announce) JMS positions filled Date: 26 Aug 2000 21:45:49 -0600 all positions are filled at the Jean Massieu School. Principal - Jerry Wilding Teachers: Marla Brotz, Amanda Stewart and Heather Tucker More information to follow in the next UAD Bulletin. W. David Samuelsen, uad-announce moderator