From: (utah-astronomy-digest)
Subject: utah-astronomy-digest V1 #41
Reply-To: utah-astronomy-digest
Precedence: bulk
utah-astronomy-digest Friday, April 13 2001 Volume 01 : Number 041
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:10:54 -0600
From: Patrick Wiggins
Subject: (utah-astronomy) News (includes another aurora warning)
Space Weather News for April 11, 2001
A strong solar wind disturbance hit our planet's magnetosphere between 1300 and
1400 UT (11 a.m. to noon MDT) on Wednesday, April 11th, triggering a severe
geomagnetic storm. If the storm continues unabated, middle-latitude sky
watchers could spot auroras tonight. Usually the best time to look for
"Northern Lights" is around local midnight. In this case, it might be better to
go outside not too long after sunset -- before the storm subsides and before the
bright Moon rises. Visit for updates and images from the
ongoing storm.
New Shuttle Web Site
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the launch of STS-1 on April 12, 1981,
we are pleased to announce a new Web site with much useful and interesting
information about the Shuttle. It is available at on the Web. Special thanks to Douglas
Ortiz of our printing and design office who prepared this attractive and
functional site.
Stephen Garber, NASA Headquarters History Office
Hubble Spots Mysterious Flash of Light on Jupiter
By Robert Roy Britt,
11 April 2001
A brief but bright flash of light as big as Earth spotted near Jupiter's north
pole by the Hubble Space Telescope has scientists stumped.
The flare, centered inside the northern oval, was five times brighter than the
aurora and lasted about five minutes, peaking intensely during a one-minute stretch.
Full story here:
A Window towards the Distant Universe
Text with all links and the photo is available on the ESO Website at:
10 April 2001
The Capodimonte Deep Field, A Window towards the Distant Universe
The Osservatorio Astronomico Capodimonte Deep Field (OACDF) is a multi-colour
imaging survey project that is opening a new window towards the distant universe.
It is conducted with the ESO Wide Field Imager (WFI), a 67-million pixel
advanced camera attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the La Silla
Observatory (Chile).
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 07:24:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chuck Hards
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) Expensive eyepieces
Sorry, Rich, I didn't mean to make anyone at all feel
guilty; but I did hope to burst a bubble or two. The
"Emperor's New Clothes" scenario.
I know many people who love astronomy, but are put off
by the high cost of hardware, and miss a great
experience as a result. Not everyone has a table saw
and drill press in their basement, either, or the
inclination to make their own stuff.
There seems to be a mindset in this country that if
something doesn't cost an arm and a leg, it's not of
good-quality; and the other side of that, as you point
out, is that some feel that "you get what you pay
If you are paying hundreds of dollars for a "wow"
effect, that's your decision. I'm not in a position
to judge whether that's right or wrong for anyone but
myself. When posting, I try and make things like that
These last few years, I have found myself becomming
less attracted to all things material, and have been
steadily lightening my "property load". I rebelled
from a very religious upbringing, but middle-age has
made me more introspective, and a new realization that
although my teachers, parents, and clergy were going
about it all wrong, their message was basically sound,
and I'm finally far enough along in my personal
development to make some sense out of it without
having to just robotically go through the motions.
Anyway, this vanishing attraction to material goods
applies to astronomy hardware as well. The
high-dollar items just make themselves a particularly
conspicuous target.
By the time I'm done, I will have come full-circle.
Started with nothing, ending with nothing. That's the
goal before I leave the planet, that's the point of
the Message, and it's the right thing to do. For me,
But don't worry. I think there are lots of projects
still ahead of me, the finish line is still a long way
And thanks for the compliment. If I had your skills,
though, I wouldn't be so dependent on the manual arts
just to make a living. It goes both ways; just
depends on which side of the fence you're on at the
- --- Richard Tenney wrote:
> Gosh Chuck, you sure have a way of making a guy feel
> guilty! :-)
> For the most part I very much agree with your
> summary;
> what makes the Nagler so much fun obviously isn't
> the
> clarity of the image as much as the experience of
> the
> field of view. I proved to myself and others some
> time ago that my 13mm ploessel and a friend's 10mm
> Ortho way outperformed a 9mm Nagler for image
> quality
> when observing Jupiter; the level of detail gained
> was
> quite noticeable. But for many star fields and
> deep-sky objects that extra apparent angle lends
> something special to the view, IMHO.
> If I had your mfg. skills I would certainly be a lot
> less dependent on dealers for what I use to enjoy
> this
> hobby. And when you are optically naive like me I
> confess to leaning to the old axiom that "you get
> what
> you pay for", though obviously not always true, and
> certainly pretty excessive in the case of Nagler
> eyepieces. So while I can't see myself buying any
> more of these for the forseeable future (though the
> 15mm panoptic is still on my wish list), I will
> continue to enjoy my 22mm in spite of the guilt ;-)
> Rich
> --- Chuck Hards wrote:
> >
> > --- Brent Watson wrote:
> > > Chuck,
> > >
> > > first of all, I hope you didn't take my comments
> > > yesterday too personally. They were certainly
> not
> > > intended to so aimed.
> >
> > Brent, I would never take offense at anything you
> > said. We've known each other far too long. You
> are
> > one of the few people that I've met whose time in
> > this
> > hobby exceeds my own, and I'll take anything you
> say
> > at face value, without need of corroboration or
> > other
> > evidence. If you can remember back a few decades,
> > you
> > were one of my mentors when I wasn't even old
> enough
> > to shave!
> >
> > Thanks for your comments on the N*gler design.
> Your
> > experience shows that they aren't as flawless as
> > some
> > would believe. I'd love to try out your 16mm one
> of
> > these days. Maybe even this old dog can learn a
> new
> > trick.
> >
> > Chuck
> >
> >
> >
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 07:40:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chuck Hards
Subject: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
Has anyone else heard that Yahoo has started selling
"adult" (read: porn) videos?
If this is true, I will soon be switching my email
Any info would be appreciated.
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 09:57:51 -0600 (MDT)
From: David Moulton
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
I've seen this mentioned several places, so I'm assuming it's true. I may have
to think about switching as well. There is even talk in places that all of
Yahoo could be placed on the 'nanny lists' that tell blocking software what to
filter out.
Quoting Chuck Hards :
> Has anyone else heard that Yahoo has started selling
> "adult" (read: porn) videos?
> If this is true, I will soon be switching my email
> account.
> Any info would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Chuck
> __________________________________________________
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David Moulton
Carpe Ductum
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:02:46 -0600
From: "Reynolds, Rich"
Subject: RE: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
Yahoo's stock was at 150 in June and now is at 16. Very interesting.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Moulton []
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
I've seen this mentioned several places, so I'm assuming it's true. I may
to think about switching as well. There is even talk in places that all of
Yahoo could be placed on the 'nanny lists' that tell blocking software what
filter out.
Quoting Chuck Hards :
> Has anyone else heard that Yahoo has started selling
> "adult" (read: porn) videos?
> If this is true, I will soon be switching my email
> account.
> Any info would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Chuck
> __________________________________________________
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> "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.
David Moulton
Carpe Ductum
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 09:07:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chuck Hards
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
Thanks for that info, Dave.
I heard it on KSL-TV news last night, though I wasn't
paying very close attention. I was explaining, as
best as I could, the New Testament to my daughter, and
was a bit emotionally involved. BTW, my little third
grader is reading at a 6th grade level, and doing 5th
grade math! The fact that she was shedding tears
while we watched "Jesus pt.2" tells me that there is
hope for the future.
If I suddenly disappear from the list, it's only due
to my switching email accounts, and will be back as
soon as possible.
I can still be reached at my office address,
but I don't check that account Fri, Sat, Sun. The
business is still hanging on by a thread, wish us
- --- David Moulton wrote:
> I've seen this mentioned several places, so I'm
> assuming it's true. I may have
> to think about switching as well. There is even talk
> in places that all of
> Yahoo could be placed on the 'nanny lists' that tell
> blocking software what to
> filter out.
> dave
> Quoting Chuck Hards :
> > Has anyone else heard that Yahoo has started
> selling
> > "adult" (read: porn) videos?
> >
> > If this is true, I will soon be switching my email
> > account.
> >
> > Any info would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Chuck
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> >
> >
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> the message.
> > For information on digests or retrieving files
> and old messages send
> > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in
> your message.
> >
> David Moulton
> Carpe Ductum
> -
> To unsubscribe from utah-astronomy, send an email
> to ""
> with "unsubscribe utah-astronomy" in the body of
> the message.
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Do You Yahoo!?
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 09:26:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Richard Tenney
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
What I heard on NPR last night on the drive home was
that Yahoo itself wasn't selling porn, but was
providing its online shopping services to a porn video
vendor; don't know if the distinction is significant
or not. I suppose it would be like a shopping mall
allowing a porn dealer to set up shop in one of it's
rental spaces (vs. a store like Wal-Mart having porn
on it's own shelves).
What I also heard that made me feel better about
keeping my yahoo e-mail account (which has been
surprisingly spam-free, unlike my old hotmail account,
which was frequently spammed with porn ads!) for the
time being was that access to the shopping site would
be protected by an age-verification portal.
Don't know if I'm ready to boycott Yahoo yet however.
I think a few "we're very disappointed" letters to the
right people might make the difference we want.
You know, years ago I happened upon a book sitting no
less on the recommended reading shelf of my Jr.
college library (Grossmont College in San Diego
County) whose very title assaulted my senses. It was
(pardon my French) "Clean A**holes and Other Poems".
A quick thumbing through revealed it to be nothing
short of gay pornography in print. I was horrified;
this is what my tax dollars were stocking the shelves
of my college library with?! Tolerance of alternative
lifestyles aside, my point to the library director
(drafted in a letter of outrage) included the idea
that such material may arguably have its place in
society, but in an adult bookstore downtown (along
with similar kinds of heterosexual material), and not
on the recommended reading shelf of an institution of
higher learning. The result of my letter was a
surprise audience with several of the college board,
shame-faced, backpedaling and fumbling for reasonable
explanations as to why that book was there. Oh, don't
get me wrong, there was plenty of justifying their
behavior, but I'm certain they thought twice in the
years that followed about the aquisition and display
of such material (they told me that magazines such as
Penthouse were also available, but of course those
were kept "behind the counter"!). My point to all
that rambling is that more often than not the people
in charge do listen to public input. Give it to 'em!
My 2 cents,
- --- David Moulton wrote:
> I've seen this mentioned several places, so I'm
> assuming it's true. I may have
> to think about switching as well. There is even talk
> in places that all of
> Yahoo could be placed on the 'nanny lists' that tell
> blocking software what to
> filter out.
> dave
> Quoting Chuck Hards :
> > Has anyone else heard that Yahoo has started
> selling
> > "adult" (read: porn) videos?
> >
> > If this is true, I will soon be switching my email
> > account.
> >
> > Any info would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Chuck
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> >
> >
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> the message.
> > For information on digests or retrieving files
> and old messages send
> > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in
> your message.
> >
> David Moulton
> Carpe Ductum
> -
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> to ""
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> the message.
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:19:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chuck Hards
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
Be careful, Rich. It's a slippery slope. In for a
dime, in for a dollar.
- --- Richard Tenney wrote:
> What I heard on NPR last night on the drive home was
> that Yahoo itself wasn't selling porn, but was
> providing its online shopping services to a porn
> video
> vendor; don't know if the distinction is significant
> or not. I suppose it would be like a shopping mall
> allowing a porn dealer to set up shop in one of it's
> rental spaces (vs. a store like Wal-Mart having porn
> on it's own shelves).
> What I also heard that made me feel better about
> keeping my yahoo e-mail account (which has been
> surprisingly spam-free, unlike my old hotmail
> account,
> which was frequently spammed with porn ads!) for the
> time being was that access to the shopping site
> would
> be protected by an age-verification portal.
> Don't know if I'm ready to boycott Yahoo yet
> however.
> I think a few "we're very disappointed" letters to
> the
> right people might make the difference we want.
> You know, years ago I happened upon a book sitting
> no
> less on the recommended reading shelf of my Jr.
> college library (Grossmont College in San Diego
> County) whose very title assaulted my senses. It
> was
> (pardon my French) "Clean A**holes and Other Poems".
> A quick thumbing through revealed it to be nothing
> short of gay pornography in print. I was horrified;
> this is what my tax dollars were stocking the
> shelves
> of my college library with?! Tolerance of
> alternative
> lifestyles aside, my point to the library director
> (drafted in a letter of outrage) included the idea
> that such material may arguably have its place in
> society, but in an adult bookstore downtown (along
> with similar kinds of heterosexual material), and
> not
> on the recommended reading shelf of an institution
> of
> higher learning. The result of my letter was a
> surprise audience with several of the college board,
> shame-faced, backpedaling and fumbling for
> reasonable
> explanations as to why that book was there. Oh,
> don't
> get me wrong, there was plenty of justifying their
> behavior, but I'm certain they thought twice in the
> years that followed about the aquisition and display
> of such material (they told me that magazines such
> as
> Penthouse were also available, but of course those
> were kept "behind the counter"!). My point to all
> that rambling is that more often than not the people
> in charge do listen to public input. Give it to
> 'em!
> My 2 cents,
> Rich
> --- David Moulton wrote:
> > I've seen this mentioned several places, so I'm
> > assuming it's true. I may have
> > to think about switching as well. There is even
> talk
> > in places that all of
> > Yahoo could be placed on the 'nanny lists' that
> tell
> > blocking software what to
> > filter out.
> >
> > dave
> >
> > Quoting Chuck Hards :
> >
> > > Has anyone else heard that Yahoo has started
> > selling
> > > "adult" (read: porn) videos?
> > >
> > > If this is true, I will soon be switching my
> email
> > > account.
> > >
> > > Any info would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Chuck
> > >
> > >
> __________________________________________________
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> > >
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> > the message.
> > > For information on digests or retrieving files
> > and old messages send
> > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes
> in
> > your message.
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > David Moulton
> >
> > Carpe Ductum
> >
> > -
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> > to ""
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:20:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Scott Catron
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
- --- Richard Tenney wrote:
> What I heard on NPR last night on the drive home was
> that Yahoo itself wasn't selling porn, but was
> providing its online shopping services to a porn video
> vendor
Go to the main Yahoo! Video Shopping page:
and under Browse Genres, after "Documentary", is "Adult & Erotica"
Doesn't say anything about it being an outside vendor...
- - Scott Catron - Sandy, Utah - -
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate" -- Steven Wright
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:42:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Richard Tenney
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
Here's the scoop:
Yahoo Adds Porn Videos to Its Shopping Site
By Andrea Orr
PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Internet media giant
Yahoo! Inc, under pressure to develop new sources of
revenue, Wednesday said it is offering a broad
selection of adult material, including hard-core porn
videos and DVDs, through its popular shopping service.
The company declined to confirm that it had
dramatically increased its porn offerings in recent
weeks, but did say it was comfortable offering racy
adult materials to help build its overall commerce
business. The L.A. Times reported Wednesday that Yahoo
had quietly relaunched its ``Adult and Erotica'' store
from and added thousands of new titles.
In an interview Wednesday, Yahoo President Jeff
Mallett defended the company's decision to include a
broad selection of porn along with things like
computers and apparel and children's toys that are
also featured on Yahoo Shopping.
``We're hard and fast on being the largest enabler of
commerce on the Web,'' said Mallett. ``We have chosen
to offer adult-oriented content as part of that.''
A basic search of the word ``sex'' in Yahoo's search
engine directs visitors to a specialized area of its
shopping service that lists thousands of videos sorted
under several racy categories including ``bondage and
domination,'' ``hardcore'' and ''fetish.''
Although Yahoo does not sell the materials directly,
it partners with other merchants and typically gets a
portion of the revenues generated from sales initiated
on its site.
The company also charges retailers a fee to be listed
in its directory, and, according to the L.A. Times
report, charges adult-oriented sites three times as
much as mainstream stores.
Pornographic Web sites emerged in the early days of
the Internet as one of the most popular destinations
for Internet visitors, and porn remains one of the
most viable Web business models today, since users are
typically willing to pay for the material, and for the
sense of privacy that comes from accessing it online.
Still, by investing heavily in this area, a mainstream
site like Yahoo could face image problems, analysts
Lobby Group Calls For Boycott
Shortly after the news of its extensive porn offerings
came out, one conservative California lobby group
called on consumers to consider boycotting Yahoo, and
to write to the company to object
to its policy.
``The very real danger is that our children will have
the very real possibility to be exposed to
pornographic material,'' a statement from the
Sacramento, Calif.-based Capitol Resource Institute
said. ``This is not appropriate and must not go
Although most major Internet content sites link to
mainstream retailers like Inc. that sell
some adult books and videos, Yahoo is also partnering
with more specialized porn retailers.
Several rival companies said Wednesday they were
keeping a greater distance from controversial porn
material. AOL Time Warner Inc , for instance, said its
policy is not to accept advertising for adult products
and services. And said it draws the line at
``mature content,'' and does not stock any pornography
in its video store.
Microsoft Corp's Internet media site has a
similar policy. It said its online store eShop will
promote what it deems ``sensual products that enhance
relationship building between partners and couples,''
but not pornography.
And the Internet search engine AltaVista, owned by
CMGI Inc, said it does not include any adult-related
products in its shopping index.
``I think our shopping site is meant to be a
family-friendly area,'' and AltaVista spokeswoman
Yahoo, in offering a broad selection of porn, stressed
that it is making an effort to keep children off those
areas of its site. Visitors can not access the Adult
and Erotica store on Yahoo until they enter a credit
card number and other personal information.
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:06:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Richard Tenney
Subject: Re: (utah-astronomy) OT: Yahoo selling porn?
For the record, if you don't see me switch my e-mail
from Yahoo, please don't assume I support their
decision to market salacious materials to the masses.
As near as I can tell, Yahoo doesn't make a penny off
of my using their free, accesssible-from-anywhere,
very convenient e-mail service (as long as I don't
click on any ad banners that is). As I said before,
I've had no problems with spam in my account, which is
NOT something I can say about juno or hotmail or other
accounts I have had...
Boycott their on-line store by all means (I've yet to
purchase anything from it anyway), since that is where
their chief revenue stream is.
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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 23:18:50 -0600
From: Patrick Wiggins
Subject: (utah-astronomy) SPOC 2 update & news
SLAS Members,
Work on the new observatory building is currently at a standstill, but will
resume after May 8th when we expect to begin forming the walls. Thanks again to
Siegfried, $6500 worth of commercial steel doors and hardware were obtained
from BMC West for less than $2000 and W. W. Grainger Corp has donated several
items including telescope bearings and two electric gear motors for opening and
closing the observatory roofs.
Machining of parts for the 37" scope is proceeding as is electrical work on the
16" Ealing. Parts for the Ealing scope are being moved to Pat Wiggin's
residence for cleanup, painting, and storage until the observatory is completed.
A new gear follower component was fabricated by Bruce Grim and Peter Ruplinger
to replace the original which had been removed by the U of U - this will
maintain proper alignment between the worm gear and worm and prevent damage to
the gear teeth. The secondary mirror focusing motor will be replaced during
restoration, however all of the drive motors are intact and are being rewired to
an Astro Physics Drive corrector by Peter Ruplinger.
All of the steel components for the 37" scope and observatory building have been
completed by Simpson Steel and will be picked up as needed for construction. The
cost to the SPOC account was $3900 for $10,400 worth of steel fabrication. They
are also donating 10 gallons of epoxy paint to coat the steel parts for the
Chuck Hards and Vaughn Parsons are proceeding on preparatory work to fiberglass
the tube for the large scope - this is a substantial undertaking but will result
in a beautiful tube.
Thanks to every one who has helped so far on this project - it has been a real
pleasure to work on this project with so many fine people.
The old SPOC site is looking pretty good for the upcoming star party season -
the grass is very green now, but expect it to turn brown later this summer, as
the sprinkling system in that area may not be operative due to construction on
the health SPA and restaurant.
During the Messier Marathon we found that the new parking lot which is located
at the site of the old playground is also a pretty good place to set up telescopes.
The 16" in the Dome is in working order and may continue to serve for several
more years in its present location.
Thanks again,
Bruce Grim, SPOC coordinator
April 11, 2001
Space officials announce Tito's duties during mission to ISS
By Veronika Voskoboinikova
STAR CITY, Moscow region (Itar-Tass) -- U.S. businessman Dennis Tito will be
responsible for radio, navigation and electrical systems during a two-day flight
aboard the Soyuz to the International Space Station scheduled for April 28,
Russian space officials said.
He will also "fulfill all orders from the commander" of the crew, they said.
During his six-day flight aboard the ISS, the first space tourist will carry out
his personal programme. Tito said he will videotape and take photographs,
including stereo photographs, maintain radio contact with schools and
organisations, transmit information about his flight through the Internet.
The inter-agency commission's decision on Tito's flight is not subject to
change. However it will have to be approved by the state commission on the day
of the liftoff from the Baikonur launching site, deputy head of the Cosmonauts'
Training Centre Andrei Maiboroda told a press conference.
SkySight 1.0b1 Source Code Released!
Southern Stars Systems has made the source code for SkySight publicly available.
In doing so, we invite astronomical-imaging enthusiasts to actively participate
in its development. We've decided that releasing the current program as a
public beta, and continuing its development as an open-source project, is the
best way to bring the result of our efforts to the astronomical community, and
ensure that the product has a future.
To view our open source home page and download the current code, click on the
link below:
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Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 08:23:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chuck Hards
Subject: (utah-astronomy) Swap meet/Sun party contingency plan
If the sky is overcast, but there is no precipitation,
will the swap meet take place sans sun party? Or will
the whole thing be cancelled?
What's the plan?
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Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:27:09 -0600
From: David Dunn
Subject: FW: (utah-astronomy) Swap meet/Sun party contingency plan
The swap meet will still be held.
- -----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Hards []
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:23 AM
Subject: (utah-astronomy) Swap meet/Sun party contingency plan
If the sky is overcast, but there is no precipitation,
will the swap meet take place sans sun party? Or will
the whole thing be cancelled?
What's the plan?
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