From: charles hardy Subject: Volunteers need for a couple hours this Saturday at State GOP Convention Date: 02 May 2000 14:38:03 -0600 You do not need to be a delegate or even a Republican to assist with this effort. GOP State Delegates may also help, but will find it easier to do so if they are not involved in any multi-county elections first thing in the morning. The Utah Gun Owners' Alliance, headed up by Dr. Sarah Thompson, is preparing flyers to pass out to delegates at the GOP State Convention this Saturday. These flyers will acquaint delegates with the true, anti-self-defense voting record of a couple of the better known incumbents facing contested races. In conjunction with some conservative delegates, they will also be passing out a "Delegate Guide" to help prevent and correct the types of procedural abuses used by some party insiders to deny pro-liberty/pro-self-defense candidates a fair chance in convention. This guide will be similar to the one passed out at the State Convention last year, and similar, though larger than the one passed out last weekend at the SLCounty Convention. We are in need of people willing to pass out these pieces of literature as Delegates enter the Convention. Because of the large numbers of entrances to the "E" center, we need lots of people to help pass out info. For those who have never been to a convention, there are numerous groups and individuals passing out information to the delegates and most delegates arrive fully expecting and very open to taking whatever info is presented. Many will automatically take a copy of whatever flyers are being offered. This is an incredibly easy, low-key way to help send a strong message of disapproval to anti-gun politicians and a strong message of support to current and future pro-gun challengers. In most cases the hardest part of doing this is simply getting the flyers from your holding hand, into your passing out hand, one-at-a-time, fast enough for every delegate who is willing to take one to actually get it without having to stop and wait. I do not have exact schedule yet, but anticipate that volunteers will need to be at the E Center in West Valley by about 6:30 am. I fully expect that by 9:30, most delegates will have received the information and/or we will be out of copies to pass out. This is the final chance to force these anti-gun incumbents into embarrassing primaries or to even oust them altogether by getting 60% of the delegates to vote for the challengers and thus give the nomination to the challenger without a primary. Please email me with your availability. thank you ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Meet Steve Stromness in Orem Date: 03 May 2000 16:14:25 -0600 ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- Dear Friend of Stromness for Governor: I want to let you know that delegates (and friends of delegates and people willing to talk to delegates) are invited to come meet me at 7:30 PM Thursday evening (yes, that's tomorrow night) at the Van Wagonen home, 376 West 1750 South, Orem. Sorry for the late notice. Please tell any friends that you have in or near Utah County. Also I'm still scheduled to be at 1918 W 4100 S, West Valley this evening at 7 PM. That's in the H&R Block/Ben Franklin Academy building. Go to the back entrance and up the stairs. In one room there is to be delegate training in Robert's Rules of Order. I'll be in a neighboring room, meeting with delegates and answering questions. Please let any friends in the area know about this one too. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Steve Stromness Candidate for Utah Governor First, Do No Harm 435-657-1037 ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Janalee on Take2 Sunday Morning Date: 06 May 2000 23:28:44 -0600 Janalee Tobias of Women Against Gun Control taped a session of "Take2 With Rod Decker" tonight after the GOP State Convention. It is scheduled to air tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 10:30 am. Sorry for the late notice but I just found out. The anti-gun woman she debated on the show apparantly made a number of blatantly false statements which Janalee challanged and which Decker said he'd check up on. It may be worthwile for those who see the show to take a moment to call the Take2 number (I trust it will air on the show) and encourage Decker to follow through with getting--AND THEN REPORTING--the real facts of the matters discussed. For any who may be interested, today's Utah State GOP convention was full of interesting twists, turns, and results. If no one beats me to it, I'll try to get out a more complete report in a couple days when I'm better rested. Here are some hightlights, 1CD Hansen was unchallanged. 2CD Cook and Derek Smith face off in a primary. Jeff Wright was quickly eliminated on first ballot. 3CD Cannon easily avoided a primary in his race. Senate Seat: After a number of dirty tricks on the part of SL County in removing certain delegates and replacing them with others, and with Rob Bishop pushing for acceptance of a potentially tainted ballott which the convention delegates simply did not want to take time to re-vote on under more controlled conditions, Hatch avoided a primary with Greg Hawkins by about 55 votes out of some 3500 cast-- ~61.5% to 48.5%. Look for the Juvinille (in)Justice Bill to come charging out of committee with all anti-gun provisions intact any day now. State Attorney General: Mylar and Shurtleff face a primary. State Treasurer and Auditor were uncontested and went to the incumbants. Governor's race: Apparantly being scared by poll numbers, Leavitt YESTERDAY signed an executive order authorizing State lawsuits against the feds over road and wilderness issues. State GOP and Convention Chairman Rob Bishop twice refused to remove Leavitt's name from the ballot for being in direct, open and flagrant violation of GOP State Bylaw # 8 requiring all Statewide and Federal Candidates to file a written disclosure with the party 30 days prior to the convention declaring either their full support for the party platform or listing any areas of disagreement. Best information is that as of yesterday, Leavitt had failed to file this disclosure. The majority of delegates agreed with Rob on this one. As at last year's State Convention, Leavitt was loudly and roundly booed and heckled during his appearances. Glen Davis, who to the best of my knowledge did not have a formal presence at any county conventions and mailed out only a single 4 page platform, handily forced a primary once the other challangers were eliminated during multiple ballots. Final results were roughly 53% Leavitt, 47% Davis. In what may prove to be a stroke of genius on somebody's part, Davis selected Greg Hawkins to be his Lt. Gov running mate. Leavitt and Bishop were clearly unhappy, though Leavitt did promise to engage in debates. I will be quite happy if SLCo and State GOP officials end up rueing the day they engaged in the dirty trick to eliminate Hawkins from the Senate primary. Thank you to those of you who participated and assisted and help make some of these victories possible. As always with these things, it was a long day and the numbers dimished for the final round of votes. If the info I received on vote totals during the day is at all accurate, it would appear that Conservative delegates left in nearly equal numbers as the NEA types. I sincerely hope that in the future, conservatives will be dedicated not only to attending their caucas meetings with friends and getting elected delegates, but will also make whatever schedule adjustments are needed to stay at convention until final votes are cast and announced AND will be willing to support open and proper debate and demand that the rules be upheld throughout the day. Far too many delegates allow every argument for "expediancy" from the chair to cut off debate, adopt rules that limit our ability to be heard, or to refuse taking time for a fair and unbiased re-vote when needed. We had some small successes today. But we've got a long way to go and we need every pro-gun/conservative person we can find to help us. Delegates have got to show up to meetings committed to taking the time to do things right even if it does mean being there "until Tuesday." They have got to be willing to challange and overrule the chair when he is out of line. Like minded non-delegates need to show up to assist with leafletting, manning booths, etc. I believe some of the success we had today was due to the help of a few delegates and non-delegates alike who got "Delegate Guides" "UTGOA Candidate Ratings" "Hatch's Gun Record" and "Leavitt's Gun Record" flyers into the hands of the majority of delegates. It was amazing the difference 15 or so organized people made at this convention vs 5 or 6 at previous conventions I've attended. I see no reason why that number isn't closer to 150 organized people at next year's organizing convention. Please, plan now to attend the ENTIRE organizing convention next year. Honestly, I plan to spend from 6:00 am until past midnight at these conventions. If we get out before that (and we do), I consider it "found time." Start thinking of good, credible, conservatives to run for party office. If you are thinking of running for some office, please make sure you have some credetials of service to the party or her candidates. If you don't have any yet, get some by actively working on a campaign or by finding a volunteer position within the party. Also. if you are on the county or State Central Committee, please make sure to attend all the meetings this next year. There are clearly a number of areas that need some housecleaning and Conservatives will need your support and your vote. Thank you, I'll now step off my soapbox and go to bed. ---------------- Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: MMM Gun Poll Date: 09 May 2000 10:42:25 -0600 ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- Check this out .... we were ahead yesterday, now we seem to be losing badly. Everyone needs to vote and fix this !! ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Post convention polling Date: 09 May 2000 22:40:36 -0600 My wife, Jennifer, was just contacted by a poll this evening which, upon inquiry, she was told was being funded by "Chris Hill" on behalf of Jeff Wright to learn why Jeff showed so poorly. Given the question that were asked, however, we believe the information is also going to Leavitt/Hatch/et al. I won't attempt to suggest what the "correct" or "best" answers might be to the questions, but if you do happen to be contacted, I would suggest that this might be one time to consider parting with a little more info than you normally do so as to send a loud strong message that rank and file, moderate Republicans are unhappy about guns, taxes, land issues, and health care/insurance. ... Or...maybe they already know that and it is still wise to keep ones cards close to the chest, I don't know. Anyway the questions, in order as Jennifer recalled them: Did you attend the convention as a delegate? First time as a delegate? Voted for Hatch? Voted for Leavitt? (when no) Was that vote "FOR" another candidate or was it "AGAINST" Leavitt? (when for someone else on first ballot, but against Leavitt on second ballot) Why against Leavitt? What issues? How did you vote in the 2nd CD? (when for someone other than Wright) Why did you not vote for Wright? ---------------- Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Counter Million Mom March Date: 10 May 2000 14:34:43 -0600 I'm informed and requested to pass along that there will be a protest or counter march to the Million Mom March being held in SLC on Mothers' Day. Meet at 2:30 pm at the SL city/county building (2100 S State). For more details call "Bob" at 801-277-0085. The forward below is from Nancy and is an interesting idea for those attending the countermarch. ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- Message-ID: <002901bfb82c$54877ae0$2e4f56d1@nancyher> Thank You for taking the time to turn out in support of “sensible gun laws” Please print and distribute to as many people as possible. Leave them in places where they will be seen. Post them anywhere. We have only one week to issue a reality check to the brain dead American public. One week to piss off as many mothers as possible. This document will do it. Guaranteed. The Million Mothers want to appeal to emotion, so should we. Fire up your printer and keep the copies going out. ====== Thank You for taking the time to turn out in support of “sensible gun laws” We here at Rapists for Gun Control Fully support the effort of the Million Misinformed Mothers to Disarm the naive American Public and make the night safer for our members. Thousands of our members are legally killed each year with firearms by women exercising their constitutional right to self protection. We here at Rapists for Gun Control welcome your help in ending this tragedy. Paid for in part with contributions from Muggers for Gun Control ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Who's really behind the Million "Mom" March Date: 11 May 2000 12:19:17 -0600 A little info about the organizers of the Million "Mom" March: ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control “Million Mom March”, mothers maternal instinct? Bull----! Read this article from the Washington Post to uncover people truly behind it. You will NOT be surprised! It exposes the so-called mother (Ms. Donna Dees- Thomases) who was the brainchild of the “Million Mom March” to register all hand guns and more. Ms. Donna Dees- Thomases who was supposed to be just a New Jersey mother is also: · A part time publicist for CBS · Was Dan Rather’s publicist · Is the sister-in-law of Susan Thomases, who just happens to be Hillary Clinton's best friend and closest political adviser ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Letter in today's DesNews needs response Date: 12 May 2000 16:05:05 -0600 This letter appeared in today's (Friday, May 12) opinion section of the Deseret News . I believe a response or 100 would be in order. Concealed guns didn't help Where were the "pistol-packin' mamas" when we needed them Thursday night? The shooting spree at Chevys was tragic, but why didn't somebody pull out his or her concealed weapon to stop the carnage? Did concealed weapons make a difference? I don't think so. Could you imagine if several people in Chevys had pulled out weapons and opened fire on the gunman? How many more deaths would have occurred? Concealed weapons don't count for a hill of beans when reality kicks in. Random acts of violence will still occur, and concealed weapons will only compound the problem or make no difference at all — as was the case in Sandy/Midvale. Jeff Olsen West Valley City ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Karl Pearson" Subject: Hitler on Guns Date: 15 May 2000 17:10:16 -0600 "1935 will go down in History! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follow our lead to the future!" --Adolf Hitler "History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own fall." --Adolf Hitler, Edict of 18 March 1939 We visited my in-laws for Mother's day yesterday. My father was born in Germany and knows history. He included in our discussions yesterday some interesting things about Hitler's beginnings. He began to require gun owners to lock their firearms in a bunker when they were not being used "for greater security from thieves". One day, the locks had been changed and no one had access to their own firearms. Shortly thereafter, Jews began to die. You know that story, and if you are wise, have considered the fact that it couldn't have happened if Hitler hadn't first disarmed his citizenry? You should know that the Million Moron March on Washington D.C. (sorry I've given away my bias) was organized by a woman who is a close friend and confidant of Hillary Clinton. Also, remember this quote from May, 1991: "Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed." --Sarah Brady, president of Gun Control, Inc. and wife of James Brady after which the Brady Gun Control Bill was named Ms. Brady has also said that people should not be allowed to own guns for self-defense. Yet in debates, employees of Gun Control, Inc. steadfastly deny that the organization believes in the policies articulated by its leaders. In short, they are lying about what they want to accomplish. This is understandable, to be sure; but not honorable, or right for the country. Those who fail to learn history are destined to repeat it. Karl Pearson - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: WAGC press conference to counter petition drive Date: 18 May 2000 15:05:25 -0600 Janalee Tobias and Women Against Gun Control have called a press conference for this Saturday, May 20, at 9:30 am at the Salt Lake Main Library, 209 E 500 S. GOP AG Candidate Frank Mylar is slated to attend. The press conference will denounce efforts to make targets of children and church goers by outlawing legally carried weapons in schools and churches. Jan Graham will also be denounced for misuse of taxpayer funds in carrying on lobbying efforts. If you call the Attorney General's Public Information Services phone at 801-366-0260 (as listed on the blue "government" page 42 of your USWest SLC phone book) and ask for Ms. Graham's voice mail, you will be greeted by Ms. Graham welcoming you to the "home of the beagle forum..the voice of normal people." This press conference should be a good kickoff to US-DIN's leafleting and information efforts at public libraries that same day to counter the petition drive by the gun grabbers. Please attend if possible. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Bill Nash can't do simple math? Date: 18 May 2000 14:50:38 -0600 It's no wonder the freedom hating, self-wetting, cry-baby, gun grabbers can't grasp the fact that disarming victims (aka gun control) has, does, and will kill far more people than it ever saves. They can't even count to 25 without error. How could they ever comprehend numbers like 2.5 million (times a year law abiding citizens twart crime by using or threating to use a gun in self defense). From today's SLTrib front page story on the petition drive to ban legally carried guns from schools and churches comes this quote from Bill Nash: "My experience is if you ask 25 people, 20 will sign it, five will say no and one will give you an argument." 20 + 5 +1 = 26 where I come from. But for Mr. Nash, it somehow adds to only 25. :) ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Children need to feel safe Date: 18 May 2000 15:34:46 -0600 The following is forwarded as food for thought. A great comeback to the gun grabbers "feel safe" argument. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ---forwarded message--- In the church/school gun ban initiative summary they say: "Utah students have a right to feel safe in their schools. We, the citizens of Utah, are determined to provide a safe and secure learning environment, free from the threat of gun violence. Schools should be safe places of learning........" In the third grade one of my daughters was asked to take a survey at the beginning of the school year. One of the questions was: "I feel safe when_____" Her answer: "I feel safe when dad has a gun". On a dark night at a high mountain camp I was sitting around a camp fire with a bunch of children. I asked them "Are you afraid?" Their answer "no!" I asked, "why not!" Their answer "you have a gun." Children feel safe when they know a responsible adult has the means and ability to protect them! And that's the truth. Kirk Love ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Petition Drive Date: 19 May 2000 15:58:46 -0600 Looks like one of my emails ended up in Jan's hands. Her response is below and was originally sent to the same mail lists as I posted my email to. Since those are all closed lists, her response never made it through. In the interest of giving everyone a fair hearing, and allowing you to draw your own conclusions and respond if desired, I'm forwarding her message, with the header and her return email address, intact. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ----------, Message-ID: <> Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id AAA6UMN6RAMWQZPJ for (sender ); Fri, 19 May 2000 17:35:11 -0400 (EST) Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id AAA6UMN6RAJD92PS for (sender ); Fri, 19 May 2000 17:35:11 -0400 (EST) Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id AAA6UMN6PAMXCWEJ for (sender ); Fri, 19 May 2000 17:35:09 -0400 (EST) Received: (qmail 62770 invoked by uid 0); 19 May 2000 21:35:07 -0000 Received: from by with HTTP; Fri, 19 May 2000 14:35:07 PDT MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Return-Path: X-Originating-IP: [] I wanted to respond to an email you may have recently received regarding my efforts to assist the Safe to Learn-Safe to Worship Coalition. I specifically want to respond to accusations that I have used taxpayer money to support this effort. Over the past several days, many people have called the Attorney General's Public Information Line to inquire about the gun petition drive or the Utah Beagle Forum. Those questions must be handled by me, not by an AG employee, so employees have been instructed to forward those calls to my personal voice mailbox. My personal voice mailbox is maintained outside of the Attorney General's Office and is paid for by me personally. I established the mailbox for the very purpose of providing a way for citizens to contact me on political matters so as not to use the resources of the Attorney General's Office. Were you to call the Public Information Line to talk to me regarding a state matter, someone within the office would be happy to assist you, or if appropriate, would forward you to my office voice mailbox, which is maintained within the Capitol. At no time during the petition drive have I ever given out the number of the AG Public Information Line (366-0260). People call that number because it is the number listed in the phone book for the Attorney General's Office. The only number I have ever given, both in newspaper ads (also paid for by me) and in interviews, has been to the voice mailbox I personally pay for and maintain (468-1700). Those who mistakenly call the office instead of the number provided are told that because it is not an office matter, their calls must be forwarded to the appropriate number. As you know, the issue of guns in schools and churches is one of deep importance to me, but I have not and would not ever misuse government resources as has been alleged. I have a great respect for the Attorney General's Office and I believe I have been vigilant in protecting its integrity and in acting responsibly as its leader. ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Will Thompson" Subject: RE: Hitler on Guns Date: 21 May 2000 10:28:45 -0600 I've been seeing this quotation spreading around again, and thought I'd forward another viewpoint to these maillists. Take it with the usual grain of salt...(not being a Hitler scholar, I have no idea which side is correct, although the quotations *seem* a little too perfect to be true.) Will > -----Original Message----- > Subject: Hitler on Guns > > > "1935 will go down in History! For the first time, a civilized nation = has > full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police > more efficient > and the world will follow our lead to the future!" > --Adolf Hitler > From the Second Amendment Foundation: BOGUS, FAKE & QUESTIONABLE QUOTES FALSELY ATTRIBUTED TO THE ANTI-GUNNERS Gun grabbers twist facts, quote out of context, misuse statistics and generally misrepresent their real agenda at every turn. And, unfortunately, these deceitful tactics have led to th= e passage of some gun control measures. Their successes through dishonesty have apparently turned some well-intentioned pro-gun rights people into "creative writers." But no matter how loathsome our enemies become, that is still no excuse f= or falsely attributing quotes to them. In fact, citing a proven false quote only discredits the rest of th= e message, even if the person may only be unintentionally and unknowingly repeating the made-up quote. This can = be very damaging to our cause in debates, letters to the editor, and interviews. Furthermore, resorting to their methods only lowers us to their level. While it is impossible to prove that these are phony quotes, no historian has been able to verify the original citation required for authenticity. It is better to be safe than sorry. O= ne anti-gun judge discredited a letter writer by pointing out the fake quote used in that letter to the editor. The judge writes, "(An oft-cited Hitler "quote" about gun registration has been proved to be a hoax, though that has not stopped many from repeating it.)" CLICK HERE to view the entire Judge's column, complete with many inaccuracies of his own. Please do the pro-gun cause a favor =96 If you locate any websites innoce= ntly citing any of the following quotes, please forward the URL of this page to that page=92s webmaster. Furthermore, if you can locate proof that one of these quotes is in fact valid, please forward the information HERE! Adolf Hitler Perhaps the most infamous bogus quote is attributed to Adolf Hitler. Usually, the questionable passage reads as follows: 1935 will go down in History! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follo= w our lead to the future! Note: This passage sometimes features different punctuation and slight wording changes including a beginning of, =91For the first time in history, a....=92 Various citation= s include: Adolf Hitler, April 15, 1935, in address to the Reichstag; Adolf Hitler 1935 'Berlin Daily' (Loose English Translation) April 15th, 1935 Page 3 Article 2 by Einleitung Von Eberhard Beckmann -"Abschied vom Hessenland!". "Adolf" is sometimes misspelled as =91Adolph=92 on the Internet. While the above 'quote' makes a nice T-shirt, there are numerous problems with this alleged statement. (1) It violates the rule of not beginning a sentence with a number. (2) It is= n=92t phrased in Hitler=92s style. (3) Major changes to the German gun laws occurred in 1928 and 1931 (under the Weima= r Republic) and in 1938 (under the Nazi=92s). No significant changes happened in the gun registra= tion laws in 1935. Furthermore, the changes in 1928 and 1931 were designed to disarm the Nazis and Communists and therefore it is doubtful that Hitler would trumpet the success of any law aimed at his goon squads. However, if anyone finds the proper historical context from which this questionable quote was pulled from, and confirms it with their own eyes, please forward the details and your contact information HERE! Until then, please click here for some proven Nazi Quotes. (Coming soon) SARAH BRADY Sarah Brady gets bashed by pro-gun rights people for repeatedly changing = her stories, downplaying her real agenda, and outright lying. All of these flaws are fair game, but claimin= g she said something didn=92t will not help our cause, and could actually hurt our efforts. The following quote was probably aimed at reaching veterans and other Americans concerned about our great country=92s move toward either Communism and Socialism. The falseho= od reads: Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed. This phony quote is often cited as a statement from Sarah Brady, Chairman= , HCI, to Howard Metzenbaum, The National Educator, January, 1994, Page 3. "Sarah" and "Metzenbaum" ar= e sometimes misspelled as "Sara" and "Metzanbaum" on the Internet. There are several problems with this quote, including the fact that the common citation does not check out. In addition, Sarah Brady would usually be considered a conservative Republican on most politic issues besides firearms, and therefore not likely to embrace much more of the Socialist agenda than gun control. JANET RENO Janet Reno is no friend to gun owners, and certainly earned her place in history for Ruby Ridge and Waco disasters, but she did not say the following: The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to out= law the possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace. This non-statement, is falsely attributed to Janet Reno, then-state attor= ney for Dade County, in an alleged speech to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida B'nai B'rith gathering. The date that t= his is to have supposedly occurred is listed as 1984, 1991 and even 1995 (as Attorney General). Blame Janet Ren= o for the atrocities that are real, not make-believe statements. CONCLUSION The bottom line is that it is wise to play it safe! Beat up the gun grabb= ers for the numerous things that they have done and said. Their real actions and statements are bad enough with= out any embellishment being necessary. Stay honest to keep our credibility high and theirs low. If you have information to the contrary, please send the details and your contact information HERE! The information provided on these pages are from a variety of sources. Fo= r more information about questionable quotations, please visit the website. m has an excellent analysis of some of these infamous non-statements HERE. In addition, please check out Firing Back by Clayton Cramer, part of the SAF bookshelf. Copyright =A9 1999 Second Amendment Foundation, All Rights Reserved. Second Amendment Foundation James Madison Building 12500 N.E. Tenth Place Bellevue, WA 98005 Voice: 425-454-7012 Toll Free: 800-426-4302 FAX: 425-451-3959 email: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Campaign of Intimidation? Date: 23 May 2000 13:52:51 -0600 This piece of drivel is from today's DesNews editorial page. Normally the strawman arguments and sidestepping of the saliant points (like why should a person's right to effectively defend themselves be limited by geography, or what evidence is there to suggest Utah's 30,000 CCW permitees are not already compentan) would have been bad enough. But the closing paragraph, accusing self-defense supporters of waging a "campaign of intimidation" is downright slanderous, IMO. I believe that especially those who turned out to help educate the masses need to now take a few moments to write and submit a letter to the editor. In addittion to debunking any notion of which side actually is more likely to get rude and nasty, it might also be useful to relay any observations about whether those signing the petition even knew what they were signing. After all, the DesNews thinks we should put this on the ballot so Utahns can "express their feelings" at the ballot box. From what I've heard, that is all they'll be expressing as the vast majority of them lack sufficient information to have any thoughts on the matter. Gun issue isn't 'winner-take-all' Deseret News editorial An intruder turned life upside down for a 51-year-old Salt Lake man this past weekend. A 20-something man, he smashed through a window and entered the Salt Lake residence about 2:40 a.m. Sunday, and the 51-year-old who lives there shot him dead. Although the case has not yet been reviewed by prosecutors, police assert it rises to the level of justifiable homicide. Given what we know at this point, it appears the homeowner was within his rights to shoot at the intruder. He did so under direct threat to him and his wife. We take no issue with the shooter's actions, nor with his right to bear arms. Unfortunately, this is the kind of case gun-rights advocates are likely to latch onto. No one should be surprised if they single out this homeowner as a poster boy du jour in the lobbying campaign against the "Safe to Learn, Safe to Worship" citizen initiative. But to do so would be wrong, because this incident is completely unrelated to the aims of the citizen initiative. Private gun ownership is not an issue here. The petition does not concern itself with the debate over whether the Second Amendment permits gun ownership or whether it refers only to arming a state militia. Nor do we. Instead, our concern is twofold: that people who own guns acknowledge and accept the responsibilities that come with that right and that the gun debate not degenerate into a winner-takes-all dialogue. Common-sense answers can be found on middle ground if both sides would only cease to view guns as a black-and-white issue. Guns aren't going away. They have been a part of the American landscape from the beginning. Americans need to become educated about them and learn to live with and respect them. Because guns, and private gun ownership, aren't going away — despite the National Rifle Association's incessant harping that gun rights are under grave threat — gun-rights advocates should not summarily dismiss every proposed rule or law on principle. They should not make the quantum leap in logic that says banning concealed weapons from schools and churches is a slippery slope to gun confiscation by government soldiers. Such scare tactics discredit the gun-rights lobby and stand in the way of common-sense gun legislation, such as that which would require concealed weapons permit-holders, who now number 30,000 in Utah, to demonstrate firearms competency before they are granted a permit. The citizen initiative gives Utahns an opportunity to speak on the issue of concealed weapons, whether the Legislature went too far in liberalizing the law in 1995. Whether Utahns back the initiative or not, they should sign petitions to put it to a vote of the people, and those opposed to the initiative should stop their campaign of intimidation. With a May 30 deadline looming, Utahns need to act now so they can express their feelings at the ballot box in November. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: James L. Mayhugh Subject: CCW Forums Website Date: 23 May 2000 14:49:30 -0700 I've just launched the CCW Forums website to address the growing number of Concealed Handgun Permit Holders throughout the country. This forum is meant to be a clearinghouse of information and ideas. I am also interested in getting CCW and Firearms Instructors together to share views and opinions in a private forum. If this is of interest to you, please stop by Regards, James L. Mayhugh NRA Life Member GOA Life Member LEAA Life Member NSRPA Life Member JPFO Member =46ront Sight Firearms Training Institute Instructor NRA Certified Firearms Instructor NRA Certified Range Safety Officer NRA Recruiter Arizona Licensed Firearms Instructor North Dakota Licensed Firearms Instructor Utah Licensed Firearms Instructor E-Mail: Web Sites: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Bergeson Subject: FW: Article I, Section 10 Date: 24 May 2000 14:33:14 -0600 ----- Notable friends: I'm sending this to a handful of people in the gun rights movement whose opinions I respect, to obtain their judgment of one of my ideas/opinions. A couple years ago while reading the main body of the constitution, it struck me that Article I, Section 10 prohibits the states from "maintaining troops" without the express consent of congress. It seems to me that regarding the question of "the meaning of the Second Amendment," that shoots holes in the now- popular argument that the Second Amendment was intended to grant states the blanket right to maintain National Guard-like organized forces. And yet, I don't recall the issue of Article I, Section 10 ever being raised, and when I have raised it, even in the gun rights community, I get the sense that no one finds it a very compelling argument. By contrast I, possibly as a habitual contrarion, don't find the widely popular "quote the founders" (e.g., George Mason, "Who are the militia?) arguments terribly compelling -- VALID, just not very compelling. The only argument I thought of, and since encountered, against my Article I, Section 10, argument, is that possibly the later Second Amendment could be construed as overriding it. Here I think the "quotes of the Founders" definitely does come into play, as I'm sure if there had been ONE example of the Bill of Rights REVERSING a basic premise of the constitution, or the consensus regarding its intent, the Anti-Federalists, who opposed ratification, would have been all over it saying, "See? Your constitution isn't even ratified yet and ALREADY you're changing it. . ." I have found no evidence at all of such a debate, which inclines me to believe that EVERYONE, including the Federalists and Anti-Federalists, agreed that the intent of the constitution, including, or especially, the constitution with the Bill of Rights included, was to prohibit standing armies at any level of government, without the consent of congress. But my basic questions are, o Has this argument been done, and I'm just not aware of it? o If it has been done, has it been found wanting in the debate? o If it is valid, or reasonably so, what is there about it that no one but me seems to find it very interesting? I'll admit I have read and FORGOTTEN more than I now know about these historical arguments, so if someone can point me toward some writing on the subject -- even if it is embarrassing, "You should have remembered THAT" sort of stuff, I'd appreciate it. --Andy Barniskis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: FW: Rosie gets a gun? Date: 26 May 2000 12:33:13 -0600 Forwarded ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control With Carl Limbacher and Staff For the story behind the story... Thursday May 25, 2000 Rosie O'Donnell's Bodyguard Gets a Gun - How Nice! Rosie O'Donnell just hates guns. They are evil. They hurt people. They kill people. Remember how she treated Tom Selleck on her show for supporting the NRA. Rosie would like a gun-free world for America - or should we say for the rest of America. For herself, she would like a gun. She would like one for her bodyguard. Why? To keep her and her children safe. Some of Rosie's Greenwich, Conn., neighbors noted the irony recently when her bodyguard applied for a gun permit. Greenwich Police Chief Peter Robbins told the Stamford Advocate that indeed Rosie's bodyguard had applied for a concealed weapon permit. "The facts are [O'Donnell's] bodyguard has made an application for a carry permit," Robbins told the paper. "It's under review and I haven't yet granted a permit for this applicant." O'Donnell's spokeswoman, Jennifer Glaisek, explained the move to the Stamford Advocate. She said that O'Donnell's children "need a bodyguard because they have been the targets of threats, on which she refused to elaborate." Rosie's request raised worries with the local school district after rumors floated that the bodyguard would be armed when he brought one of O'Donnell's sons to school. O'Donnell denies that will happen. She said she has no problem with her decision to get the gun. "I don't personally own a gun," Rosie told the Advocate, "but if you are qualified, licensed and registered, I have no problem." Funny, Rosie, that's the same policy of the NRA. O'Donnell also may not be fitting in with her wealthy neighbors in Greenwich. "People here have too much money," she complained to the paper. Get this, she also claims she wants her kids to attend public schools. "I come from a working-class background. That's always been the plan." We'll believe it when we see it. After all, if she wanted to live in a blue collar neighborhood and have her kids attend public schools, she would have moved to Hoboken, not Greenwich. ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: The rest of the story? Date: 30 May 2000 15:52:06 -0600 From today's DesNews' letters to the editor: No 'heckling,' just nice chat I found it interesting to read the reports of the so-called "heckling" being done by gun advocates recently over the conceal-carry petition issue. The article stated that a volunteer in South Jordan was "repeatedly harassed until she packed up and went home." Somehow that statement didn't have the ring of truth to it, since I was the individual being accused of committing the alleged harassment. The harassing conversation we supposedly had consisted of me inquiring about the well-being of her recently returned missionary, the warm weather and the beautiful trees found in the valley. It was a very pleasant conversation, I might add! Sure, we have differing political views, but we both tried to exhibit courtesy to the other in spite of the fact. I'm afraid I didn't find the news report of the incident as objective. In the end, I carried her chair for her to her van and we parted, if not as friends, at least as individuals who respect each other's rights. It would be interesting to see how many other situations were inflated by inaccurate reporting in that article as well. Two truths are becoming readily apparent in this day and age: Guns save lives and freedom, and the press will not tell the truth about that. Cory Seegmiller South Jordan ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Tell this to Rosie Date: 30 May 2000 15:55:05 -0600 ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- >RKBA Defenders, > >especially WAGC*, SAS-AIMM*, Mothers Arms*... >[those with their e-mail addresses*, please forward] > >This is from a 04/13/1999 NPR Real Audio file interview of an ethnic >Albanian Kosovar refugee. This lady had once been responsible for the >health and safety for Women and Children. > >Listen to the introduction and then particularly what she says after the >3:45 time marker... > >>"The overwhelming attitude of everyone, men, women, children, young, and old, was that they just wished that they had arms to protect themselves and their homes. To protect their dignity. If they had arms, they would not have left their homes. They would have stayed." > > > >NPR knows this. They have seen the situation and reported on it first >hand. They have heard the voice of the oppressed, yet their coverage >consistently comes down against the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. >Likewise, Rosie O'Donnell -- mouthpiece for the Misguided Mothers March, >now seeks her own arms, even while campaigning to disarm the Great >Unwashed. > >"The ruling class doesn't care about public safety. Having made it very >difficult for States and localities to police themselves, having left >ordinary citizens with no choice but to protect themselves as best they >can, they now try to take our guns away. In fact they blame us and our >guns for crime. This is so wrong that it cannot be an honest mistake." >--former U.S. Sen. Malcolm Wallop (R-Wy.) > >Doing my best to "earn this" freedom, on Memorial Day, 2000. > >Rick V. >Jurist > > >-- >Guns Are Tyranny Control >--------------------------------------------------------------- >The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA >--------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Fifty Million Round March Endorsements Date: 31 May 2000 09:12:03 -0600 You may want to send the casings anonymously but clearly postmarked from the appropriate congressional and senatorial districts. Perhaps also buff out any traceable chamber marks. from the Vigo Examiner... Fifty Million Round March Endorsements The Fifty Million Round March, a grassroots effort to energize the gun owners of America to take part, on a direct and individual basis, in influencing their elected representatives regarding the need to preserve their Second Amendment rights continues to gain momentum. Several notable individuals and organizations have endorsed the effort and are working together to make the first event, to be held on Father's Day, June 18th, a great success. Fathers and their families, friends and neighbors will be gathering at gun ranges all over this nation to shoot simultaneously over fifty million rounds as a demonstration of their determination to preserve their Second Amendment rights. They will then write letters to their elected representatives directly charging them to not infringe upon those rights. In support of this effort, J. J. Johnson, a well-known writer, speaker, and defender of the Second Amendment said that this effort, "asks not for us to travel to Washington, but to stay home. Not to cower under the pressure of 'political correctness,' but to stand and be counted. We here at the Sierra Times (an internet publication, of which Mr. Johnson is editor-in-chief) stand in proud support of this effort, as well as of those who will join in this -- the ultimate statement to Washington by the Real Men of America..." L. Neil Smith, another well known and respected Second Amendment activist and writer, had these comments about the effort, "The Fifty Million Round March is an important, ongoing effort to preserve and expand the unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right of every man, woman, and responsible child to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon -- rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything -- any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission. It also represents an unignorable means of communication to those who previously would not hear us and who mistakenly believe they own us. Let them now learn differently." Gary Fleetwood, an Executive Director from the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, whose group endorses the Fifty Million Round March in America, added his unique perspective when he stated, "Australian firearm owners have experienced the swift and savage consequences of firearm legislation which was implemented because of political expediency. I urge you to participate in this activity to indicate to politicians that law abiding firearm owners in the United States are unified and will deal swiftly at the ballot box with those who support the same draconian gun legislation as seen in Australia. The same legislation that is being promoted in the United States by individuals without roots who prostitute themselves for a social agenda." In addition, two major activist groups, The Second Amendment Sisters [], and The Tyranny Response Team [], have also declared themselves as endorsing organizations of this new Second Amendment preservation effort. In a further, major development Sierra Times has announced plans to create an on-line "Fifty Million Round Photo Gallery" of fathers, their families, and their children exercising their Second Amendment rights at the various Fifty Million Round March events. J. J. Johnson, Editor-in-Chief of Sierra Times, indicates that, "The goal of Sierra Times in support of the Fifty Million Round March: 100,000 fathers and their children together on Father's day at the gun range. An Internet Gallery of Armed Americans -- and their children. A message Washington will never forget -- and can't ignore." Jeff Head, an organizer of the Fifty Million Round March, adds, "The Fifty Million Round March fully supports Sierra Times in creating an on-line storage medium of pictures of fathers and their children ... families and their children, exercising their Second Amendment rights together. This will send a most powerful message, a message not only to the politicians of today, but equally important, a message to the upcoming generation in America about a great hallmark of their liberty and how it is to be preserved." For more information, please visit Enjoy a 90 day free trial subscription to the E-mail edition of the Vigo Examiner. You will receive up to three of our top stories, editorials or letters each day. Send your trial subscription request to - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Invitation to Governor Leavitt to debate Glen Davis Date: 31 May 2000 12:29:00 -0600 FYI or particular interest to Davis county residents. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- To All: Could you all call Governor Leavitt's office at 538-1000 or email him at to request that he participate in this debate. Be sure to mention to his secretary that he promised to carry the debate from one end of the state to the other. Please pass on this email to everyone you know. Thanks, Dave PRESS RELEASE--May 30, 2000 The public is invited to hear gubernatorial candidate Glen Davis and his running mate Greg Hawkins (lieutenant governor candidate) speak at Kaysville's Barnes Park (pavilion #1) on Wednesday June 7, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. Governor Michael Leavitt has also been invited to participate in this event. At the recent Republican Party State Convention, Glen Davis forced Governor Leavitt into a primary election, drawing 46% of approximately 3,500 state delegate votes, a surprise result that has rocked across the nation. At the end of the convention, Governor Leavitt promised delegates that he would "carry this debate from one end of this state to the other." Will the Governor keep this promise to debate his opponents? So far there have been no debates. If Governor Leavitt does decide to attend this debate, citizens will be treated to what is sure to be an enthralling debate. If not, Davis and Hawkins are still sure to stir citizens' deepest patriotic senses. Davis County citizens may submit questions for this debate prior to the start time on a 3"X5" cards or email their questions to David A. Hansen at Please include your name and telephone number in case I need clarification on your question for the Governor. Barnes Park is located two blocks west of I-15, just north of 200 North. Below is a copy of the invitation sent to Governor Leavitt: INVITATION TO GOVERNOR MICHAEL LEAVITT TO DEBATE GLEN DAVIS Governor Michael O. Leavitt: Candidate Glen Davis will be at Barnes Park pavilion #1 (two blocks west of I-15, just north of 200 North) in Kaysville at 7:00 p.m. on June 7, 2000. He will be prepared to participate in a debate with you on issues important to citizens of Davis county and the state of Utah. At the recent Republican Convention you promised to "carry this debate from one end of this state to the other." I urge you to keep that promise. You said in a recent Deseret News (Bob Bernick/Lucinda Dillon) article that you didn't understand why the "right wing" can't see the bigger picture. This is your opportunity to explain the bigger picture to all Utah citizens. I assure you that the debate will be run in a fair and impartial manner. Questions will be selected from Davis county citizens. Will you join in the debate? Please call me to accept this invitation. Thank you, -