From: charles hardy Subject: Utah Police kill 15 in 1999 Date: 02 Jan 2001 11:31:37 -0700 From today's SLTrib last paragraph of story: "Police in Utah played a role in 15 civilian deaths in 1999. Four of those incidents involved Salt Lake City officers. " While I certainly hope and expect that most of those 15 were fully justified, I'm sure that at least a few were...shall we say questionable. Now, how many questionable shootings did we have by CCW permit holders in 1999? In 2000? Zip, zero, nada!!!! It's time we quite putting up with all this nonesense about CCW permitees needing to be disarmed in public schools and subjected to a Statewide ban in churches. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Blind N.D. man gets CCW permit Date: 03 Jan 2001 13:59:29 -0700 Great article in today's Desnews. Full article at , excerpts below. FARGO, N.D. — Carey McWilliams has a concealed weapons permit from the state of North Dakota and isn't afraid to use a gun — even though he's blind. McWilliams, a 27-year-old North Dakota State University graduate student, says the permit, issued in September, is for protection. "If you choose this blind victim, you might end up dead," McWilliams said. "He completed the background check, so the county and city were comfortable with him getting the permit," [deputy] Healey said. Healey said McWilliams was "very competent" with a handgun. [Friend] Steffan said it is hard for most people to understand how vulnerable McWilliams can feel. "We think he can't aim," she said. "The fact that somebody might have his fingers around Carey's throat doesn't enter our heads." ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Bergeson" Subject: A Special Message from Sarah Thompson Date: 04 Jan 2001 20:55:40 -0700 While I have difficulty understanding the apparent necessity for a multiplicity of RKBA lists in Utah, Sarah Thompson and the Utah Gun Owners Alliance appear quite effective, as well as correctly principled in influencing the Utah State government. Scott On Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:54:56 -0700 Sarah Thompson wrote: Utah Gun Owners Alliance PO Box 1185, Sandy, UT 84091 Phone: 801-566-1625 E-Mail: *** A Special Message from Sarah Thompson, Executive Director of Utah Gun Owners Alliance *** Dear Fellow American: It happened in Nazi Germany about 60 years ago. It happened in Australia in 1996. It happened in England in 1997. It has even happened in New York City, New York. Now it's coming to California. First, gun registration. Then, gun confiscation. Will Utah be next? In our state legislature, anti-gunners are still on the offensive toward their goal of a complete ban on private firearms ownership. As you may know, Utah Gun Owners Alliance is the no-compromise gun rights lobby organization supported by hundreds of pro-gun friends across Utah - and even other states. Our position on gun control is: It's not Constitutional. And to make sure politicians get the message, we work with grass roots pro-gun activists. Utah Gun Owners Alliance and our members have no problem saying to the legislators who want to sell out our rights, "Don't tread on me and my gun rights." At the Capitol, and elsewhere, Utah Gun Owners Alliance fights legislative battles to protect your gun rights. However, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Utah Gun Owners Alliance staff and members have been working with state legislators to repeal laws that force gun owners to get a permission slip in order to carry a gun concealed. We are on the offensive to push for a "Vermont-style" concealed carry law that simply says every law abiding citizen has the right to carry a gun concealed. There are no government hoops, no fingerprints, no mandatory training classes, no forms, no licenses, and no fees. This is Utah Gun Owners Alliance's position: NO GUN CONTROL ALLOWED. PERIOD. Now it's time to take that aggressive offensive approach to reclaiming our gun rights to the legislative battles in our upcoming legislative session. Will you join the effort? I AM ASKING YOU TO JOIN OUR FREE LEGISLATIVE ALERT AND ACTION NETWORK -- THE UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE E-MAIL ALERTS. E-mail Alert participants receive timely communication alerts via e-mail when there are bills or other actions being considered in our state capital. As a participant, you'll get the facts you need to let the politicians know just where you -- the pro-gun voter -- stand and what the politician must do. Your action will apply pressure to legislators when they need it the most. Together with other gun rights supporters, you and I can make legislators "feel the heat" until they "see the light." It is true that petitioning an elected official is a powerful legislative tool. Elected officials fear angry voters. That is why grass roots action is so powerful. It reminds elected officials that they are there to serve the people and will be held accountable by the people. This approach WORKS! As a result of Utah Gun Owners Alliance's efforts, 21 anti-gun politicians retired or were removed from office last year, including such anti-gun ideologues as Rep. Dave Jones and Sen. Scott Howell. And only 5 of 17 anti-gun bills passed. We can do better. But when push comes to shove, politics is a numbers game. Hundreds mean more than tens, and thousands mean more than hundreds. That is why I am asking you to subscribe, right now, to Utah Gun Owners Alliance's E-Mail Alerts. Each person counts. You can make the difference. It's easy to subscribe. Here's how: Send an e-mail message to After you send Utah Gun Owners Alliance a request to subscribe, you should shortly thereafter receive a confirmation e-mail from our office. If you encounter any difficulties, please let me know at After that, you will receive alerts as they become necessary. I hope that you will subscribe to Utah Gun Owners Alliance's E-Mail Alerts. As you can tell, there is nothing to lose -- it is a free service. All I ask is that you try to take the requested action in the alerts you receive. The volume of mail is very low -- this is not a news service. Also, please know that your e-mail address will remain confidential. If you would like more information you may call our main phone number 801-566-1625 and request an information brochure on Utah Gun Owners Alliance or you may e-mail your request to: You may also visit our Web Site at Make sure you read our 2000 Year in Review to learn more about our fight for our gun rights. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Sarah Thompson, M.D. Executive Director Utah Gun Owners Alliance PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 E-Mail: PS: Our legislative session starts January 15. Please join Utah Gun Owners Alliance free email alerts now so you will have the latest information to defend our precious right to keep and bear arms. For more on what we do, see, the Utah Gun Owners Alliance 2000 Year in Review. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Discussing the issues: it's how you say it Date: 04 Jan 2001 21:58:27 -0700 Discussing the issues: it's how you say it ---------- by Alfred A. Hambidge Jr. Some tips on how to talk sensibly with family, friends and colleagues about gun control without coming off like a "right-wing wacko gun nut." (1/2/01) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Support of RKBA paying off Date: 07 Jan 2001 11:10:46 -0700 I certainly don't want anyone to get the idea that we've won and thus let down their efforts, but it is nice to see that the efforts of many individuals and groups to stop infringments of our RKBA are starting to pay off. Please keep up the contact with your legislators. If they support us, support them. If they don't, let them know there will be a political price to pay at convention, in primaries, and in the general election. Full article in Sunday's DesNews at,1249,245012518,00.html?>. A few notable excerpts below: A year ago, Utah lawmakers were considering 39 pieces of legislation dealing with guns — whether to ban them from schools and churches, how to ensure safe storage, how to keep them from criminals and the mentally ill. This year there is only one gun bill on the public list of legislation being prepared. No gun-control bill has yet to be formally introduced, with the session's start just a week away. But while lawmakers aren't as focused on gun issues as they were a year ago, citizens still support banning all guns from schools — one of the main debate topics in the 2000 Legislature. A new Deseret News/KSL-TV poll shows that 69 percent of Utahns favor banning guns in schools, even guns carried by legally permitted, law-abiding citizens. Pollster Dan Jones & Associates found that 27 percent of Utahns oppose such a law, while 5 percent didn't know. Those new poll results track fairly closely to previous surveys on gun control taken by the newspaper and TV station over the past two years. ... Republicans hold heavy majorities in the Utah House and Senate. And Nash said gun-control issues are really about internal GOP politics. "It comes down to the Republican (incumbents). And they have to get past the right wing of their party in their (party) conventions. And the fact is, if they support reasonable gun control, they won't win re-election," Nash said. While Democrats have little success in sponsoring gun bills, Republicans also have problems. In the 2000 session, Sen. Terry Spencer, R-Layton, an attorney, tried unsuccessfully to draft a bill that would have pushed those with violent misdemeanor convictions into a gun-purchase screening requirement. He gave up after strong opposition from gun-rights advocates, and he won't be trying to run a similar bill this session. "That was the governor's idea. I was just carrying water for him, and he doesn't want to do that again. So I won't," Spencer said. At the end of the week, the only weapons bill on the agenda was Sen. Paula Julander's child firearm access prevention measure, a bill that she filed a year ago aimed at penalizing gun owners who don't secure their weapons in a way that keeps children from getting at them. That bill failed to make it out of the Senate Rules Committee for consideration in the 2000 session. ---------------- Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Bergeson" Subject: AOL's HR friends seek dismissal Date: 11 Jan 2001 14:53:00 -0700 Guns in the workplace battle heating up ---------- by Tim Gurrister A group of Utah human resource managers employing high-powered legal help has filed a friend-of-the-court brief seeking dismissal of the America Online gun-rights lawsuit, which if successful would confirm gun owners' right to carry concealed weapons onto private property. (1/9/00) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] 1-14: AOL Lawsuit will proceed! Date: 14 Jan 2001 18:16:03 -0700 ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- Good news on the gun rights front! The three former AOL employees who are suing AOL because they were fired for having guns in their cars in the parking lot will be allowed to continue their lawsuit. If they win, they will set a precedent supporting the rights of Utah's law abiding gun owners. Please write letters to your local newspapers expressing your support for this law suit. No one should have to choose between his job and the right to defend his or her life. Salt Lake Tribune Deseret News Standard Examiner\utah\62435.htm Dismissal Denied in AOL Case, Employees fired for having guns in parking lot can sue Sunday, January 14, 2001 BY LESLIE MITCHELL THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE A judge in Weber County's 2nd District Court has refused a request by America Online to dismiss a lawsuit filed by three former employees of its Ogden call center who were fired for possessing guns in the company's parking lot. Judge Roger S. Dutson said too many questions regarding the termination of Luke Hansen, Paul Carlson and Jason Melling remain for him to grant the request filed by the nation's largest Internet service provider. The case is being watched closely by gun rights advocates, anti-gun activists and large employers. AOL is among several national corporations that ban employees from carrying weapons while on company property. America Online had argued that the three employees it fired last year had agreed to the company's no-weapons policy when they were hired. The company also has argued that under Utah's at-will employment statute, it is free to fire workers, as long as the action does not violate public interest, such as in whistle-blower cases. Like other employers that ban guns from their property, AOL ultimately contends allowing some employees to carry firearms to work endangers the safety of other workers. The former employees, who are seeking undisclosed damages, say that Utah's gun laws allow concealed weapons permit holders to carry their firearms to work, even if the company they work for is privately held. Concealed-weapons permits, issued by the state, do not allow Utahns to carry firearms in airports, jails and courthouses, however. The three men were fired four days after they met in a parking lot outside AOL before driving to a shooting range in Eden. On that day, Melling and Carlson carried two rifles and two pistols from their cars to Hansen's truck. Those four weapons were unloaded and the firearms, with the exception of one rifle, were in cases. At the time, Hansen and Carlson held concealed-carry permits issued by the state of Utah; Melling was in the process of getting one. Hansen, one of the three people fired by AOL, said the case is an important test of Utah's gun laws. "Every hunter in Utah has driven to work with his gun in his truck so he can go hunting after work," he said after filing the lawsuit. "So we're looking for clarification to say, yeah, state law says we can do this, or no, if it's interpreted another way, that we can't." Copyright 2000, Utah Gun Owners Alliance and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the upcoming legislative session, we will be sending urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance,, and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] 1-4: Please forward to your pro-gun friends Date: 15 Jan 2001 14:20:44 -0700 I hope this is of interest to many here. We have several good pro-gun groups in this State. I'm personnally involved with a couple of them. And each of the good ones serve somewhat different purposes. (We can argue later about which, if any, so-called pro-gun organizations are not so good and what purpose they serve. :) ) Of these good pro-gun groups, I think UTGOA serves a vital purpose of being the no-compromise, hardball kid on the block who never backs down. Not only are they able to kill bad bills when others resign themselves to failure, but they make other pro-gun groups look more "reasonable" by comparision. IOW, by helping to define the extreme, UTGOA helps to shift the perceived middle ground closer to where I hope and think most RKBA folks would like to see it. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- Utah Gun Owners Alliance PO Box 1185, Sandy, UT 84091 Phone: 801-566-1625 E-Mail: *** A Special Message from Sarah Thompson, Executive Director of Utah Gun Owners Alliance *** Dear Fellow American: It happened in Nazi Germany about 60 years ago. It happened in Australia in 1996. It happened in England in 1997. It has even happened in New York City, New York. Now it's coming to California. First, gun registration. Then, gun confiscation. Will Utah be next? In our state legislature, anti-gunners are still on the offensive toward their goal of a complete ban on private firearms ownership. As you may know, Utah Gun Owners Alliance is the no-compromise gun rights lobby organization supported by hundreds of pro-gun friends across Utah - and even other states. Our position on gun control is: It's not Constitutional. And to make sure politicians get the message, we work with grass roots pro-gun activists. Utah Gun Owners Alliance and our members have no problem saying to the legislators who want to sell out our rights, "Don't tread on me and my gun rights." At the Capitol, and elsewhere, Utah Gun Owners Alliance fights legislative battles to protect your gun rights. However, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Utah Gun Owners Alliance staff and members have been working with state legislators to repeal laws that force gun owners to get a permission slip in order to carry a gun concealed. We are on the offensive to push for a "Vermont-style" concealed carry law that simply says every law abiding citizen has the right to carry a gun concealed. There are no government hoops, no fingerprints, no mandatory training classes, no forms, no licenses, and no fees. This is Utah Gun Owners Alliance's position: NO GUN CONTROL ALLOWED. PERIOD. Now it's time to take that aggressive offensive approach to reclaiming our gun rights to the legislative battles in our upcoming legislative session. Will you join the effort? I AM ASKING YOU TO JOIN OUR FREE LEGISLATIVE ALERT AND ACTION NETWORK -- THE UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE E-MAIL ALERTS. E-mail Alert participants receive timely communication alerts via e-mail when there are bills or other actions being considered in our state capital. As a participant, you'll get the facts you need to let the politicians know just where you -- the pro-gun voter -- stand and what the politician must do. Your action will apply pressure to legislators when they need it the most. Together with other gun rights supporters, you and I can make legislators "feel the heat" until they "see the light." It is true that petitioning an elected official is a powerful legislative tool. Elected officials fear angry voters. That is why grass roots action is so powerful. It reminds elected officials that they are there to serve the people and will be held accountable by the people. This approach WORKS! As a result of Utah Gun Owners Alliance's efforts, 21 anti-gun politicians retired or were removed from office last year, including such anti-gun ideologues as Rep. Dave Jones and Sen. Scott Howell. And only 5 of 17 anti-gun bills passed. We can do better. But when push comes to shove, politics is a numbers game. Hundreds mean more than tens, and thousands mean more than hundreds. That is why I am asking you to subscribe, right now, to Utah Gun Owners Alliance's E-Mail Alerts. Each person counts. You can make the difference. It's easy to subscribe. Here's how: Send an e-mail message to After you send Utah Gun Owners Alliance a request to subscribe, you should shortly thereafter receive a confirmation e-mail from our office. If you encounter any difficulties, please let me know at After that, you will receive alerts as they become necessary. I hope that you will subscribe to Utah Gun Owners Alliance's E-Mail Alerts. As you can tell, there is nothing to lose -- it is a free service. All I ask is that you try to take the requested action in the alerts you receive. The volume of mail is very low -- this is not a news service. Also, please know that your e-mail address will remain confidential. If you would like more information you may call our main phone number 801-566-1625 and request an information brochure on Utah Gun Owners Alliance or you may e-mail your request to: You may also visit our Web Site at Make sure you read our 2000 Year in Review to learn more about our fight for our gun rights. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Sarah Thompson, M.D. Executive Director Utah Gun Owners Alliance PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 E-Mail: PS: Our legislative session starts January 15. Please join Utah Gun Owners Alliance free email alerts now so you will have the latest information to defend our precious right to keep and bear arms. For more on what we do, see, the Utah Gun Owners Alliance 2000 Year in Review. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "andelain" Subject: RE: Disbanding of Utah Militia Date: 15 Jan 2001 16:09:10 -0700 This is scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday, 16) at 10:30 am in room 225, the House Law Enforcement committee. It is of utmost importance to stop this in it's tracks. We need to let them all know that guncontrol is an issue that they do not want to think about considering this year. We've had enough. These are the members of the House Law Enforcement committee: Chair Demar Bowman 435-586-8174 Vice Chair Matt Throckmorton 801-489-8342 Douglas C. Aagard 801-546-3935 Trisha S. Beck 801-572-2325 Duane E. Bourdeaux 801-596-8784 *Ty McCartney 801-466-3558 Loraine T. Pace 435-753-6154 *Brent D. Parker 435-245-6275 *Paul Ray =A0 801-774-0624 Jack A. Seitz 435-789-0650 *Carol Spackman Moss 801-272-6507 =A0 =A0 =A0 *Peggy Wallace 801-233-9041 > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of charles > hardy > Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 10:59 AM > To: > Subject: Disbanding of Utah Militia > > >From today's SLTrib : > > Utah May Disband Its Militia > BY PAUL FOY > THE ASSOCIATED PRESS > > In 1941, Utah Gov. Herbert Maw created a state militia to defen= d > Utah from "the ravages of foreign enemies within our borders." > But Utah never had a need for a militia and nobody was drafted > into it. > Legislators now are moving to disband the Utah Defense Force. > "It was never used. We just felt it was archaic," Rep. Neal > Hendrickson, D-West Valley City, said Thursday. > "There's always the National Guard the governor can call out. = I > don't > think there would be a need for a militia," said Hendrickson, > sponsor of > repeal legislation. > It's part of a larger effort in the Legislature to clean up th= e > Utah Code. > An interim government operations committee has voted to abolish 15 > obsolete laws, removing more than 350 dusty pages from the state > code. > [..snip..] > Hendrickson said he expected the Utah Legislature to disband t= he > defense force in January in an uncontroversial vote. Let's make Hendrickson a poor prophet. Let's make this as controversial as nuclear waste by tomorrow. :) > =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D > Charles C. Hardy > Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] 1-15:URGENT ALERT HB 8 TUESDAY MORNING Date: 16 Jan 2001 10:18:48 -0700 Some more talking points and Tuesday morning contact info on this matter... ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- HB 8 - Elimination of Utah Defense Force TUESDAY, 10:30 AM, Rm 225 HB 8, Elimination of the Utah Defense Force will be heard by the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee on TUESDAY, Jan. 16 at 10:30 AM in Room 225, Capitol. This bill seeks to eliminate the Utah State Defense Force, our citizen militia. For Utah Gun Owners Alliance's previous alert on the bill see The reasons this is important are: 1. Eliminating the citizen militia is a necessary pre-requisite to disarming the citizens. So long as there is a citizen militia, even the most restrictive reading of the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of _the militia_ to keep and bear arms. But if there is no citizen militia, it can be argued that ordinary citizens no longer have that right. (UTGOA disagrees, of course, but the courts have their own opinions.) 2. In order for a state to truly be sovereign, it must be able to defend itself, from other states, the federal government, and foreign enemies. Since the National Guard is under federal control, it is not able to completely fulfill this necessary function. 3. The evidence from Switzerland, where there is an active citizen militia is overwhelming. Switzerland has very low crime, has not been involved in wars, and even Hitler didn't dare invade the country - because of its citizen militia. In other words, it would make far more sense to strengthen our State Defense Force than to get rid of it. What you need to do: 1. Contact the following committee members THIS EVENING. This means you'll have to CALL them, since they may not see email until it's too late. Ask them to vote NO on HB 8. If the legislator seems supportive, ask him to call for a ROLL CALL vote in the committee hearing. Because there are many new legislators on this committee, we need to know which ones will support our rights! A sample letter is at the end of this alert. If you get don't get this message until Tuesday morning, you can call 538-1029 up until 10:30 AM. Ask for your message to be delivered by hand if possible Chair Demar Bowman 435-586-8174 Vice Chair Matt Throckmorton 801-489-8342 Douglas C. Aagard 801-546-3935 *Ty McCartney 801-466-3558 Loraine T. Pace 435-753-6154 *Brent D. Parker 435-245-6275 *Paul Ray 801-774-0624 Jack A. Seitz 435-789-0650 *Carol Spackman Moss 801-272-6507 *Peggy Wallace 801-233-9041 *Bradley Winn 801-319-4471 2. Plan to attend the committee hearing Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM in Room 225. Public comment will be limited, but just showing up has a tremendous effect on legislators. The bill is the first item of business, so please be prompt! If you think you would like to speak against this bill, plan to speak for NO MORE THAN 1 minute, and to address the specific problems with the bill. Please dress appropriately! This means business dress, or at the least, clean, pressed clothes. T-shirts, camo, sweats, etc. reflect poorly on gun owners and hurt our cause. 3. Sample letter to legislators: (Subject: Vote NO on HB 8 - Utah Defense Force) Feel free to just cut, paste and send this. Honorable members of the Law Enforcement Committee: Please vote NO on HB 8, which would eliminate the Utah State Defense Force. There are no good reasons to eliminate the Defense Force. It costs nothing, harms no one, and has no adverse effect on anything. On the other hand, armed citizens may someday be necessary to defend our state, as they were when the federal government sent Johnston's army to attack it. The very presence of a State Defense Force will tend to prevent such a thing from happening. Please write and let me know how you vote on this important bill. Thank you. Your name Your address Note: All Utah Gun Owners Alliance alerts are now archived on the UTGOA web site. You can find them at However it may sometimes take a day or two to post current alerts, so check your email. We are still de-bugging this, but you should be able to read all the alerts, even if they're not formatted perfectly. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: This is an announce list only. If you have info you'd like to forward to the list, please send it to To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: The WAGC homepage is at . ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Disband the Utah Militia Date: 16 Jan 2001 12:00:00 -0700 I haven't seen this point brought up much before so I thought I'd pass it along as another talking point. The Utah State Constitution, Article XV, Section 2 REQUIRES that this section of code, or something similar, exists. To wit: "The Legislature shall provide by law for the organization, equipment and discipline of the militia, which shall conform as nearly as practicable to the regulations for the government of the armies of the United States." Repealing this section of Utah Code, without replacing it with something else that fulfills the State Constitutional mandate would be a direct violation of the State Constitution. Bear in mind that in legal language, "shall" is the strongest directive possible. Also, since the National Guard is a federal force and subject to call-up and control by the President, the State of Utah could very conceivable be left with no ability to put down riots, repel invasion, etc. Some of the first Stateside units sent into Korea were Utah National Guard Artillery units. What happens when we have an L.A. type riot, serious natural disaster, or other situation at the same time the vast bulk our National Guard troops are playing "peace keeper" somewhere half way around the world if we have no statutory ability to call forth a militia? This section of code has no current budget so it doesn't cost anyting to have it on the books. It also imposes no restrictions on anyone's behaviour or imposes and fines or other punishments. So it isn't an infringment on our freedoms waiting to sprung like some anti-sodomy law. In short, keeping it on the books does no harm. Repealing it could do great practical harm as well as certainly violate the State Constitution. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: DesNews Article on AOL firing Date: 22 Jan 2001 12:26:07 -0700 There is an article on the AOL firing in today's Deseret News . A few excerpts: ... Company spokesman Nicholas Graham said AOL is looking forward to presenting its case. Vilos is similarly eager to take up a battle against, "anti-self-defense factions who want to impose East Coast values upon Westerners." ... OGDEN — The case of three former America Online employees fired for bringing pistols and hunting rifles to the company parking lot could set a sweeping legal precedent affecting employers statewide. Or it could not. But two of the state's largest employer groups, representing a combined 1,500 Utah companies, aren't taking chances. The Utah Manufacturers Association and the Society for Human Resource Management, who are busy this time of year lobbying state lawmakers, have spent valuable time recently in Ogden's 2nd District Court where AOL is being sued for wrongful termination. Both filed friend-of-the-court briefs supporting AOL's decision to fire the three workers. The three were let go for transferring two pistols and two rifles between cars in AOL's Ogden Call Center parking lot. The trio planned to use the weapons at a private shooting range later that day. The employers' groups maintain they have a significant interest in the case's resolution. They say the matter is less about the Second Amendment (which ensures the rights of Americans to bear arms) and more mixed up with property rights and employee safety. "It's a critical issue for employers," said Mike O'Brien, employment law attorney for the Resource Management Society. "There are numerous employee morale issues. Many people don't like to work in an environment" where guns are present. Adds Manufacturer's Association President Tom Bingham: "Employers have a right to control the work environment. What role does the rights of an individual have when compared to other constitutionally guaranteed rights of owning property and controlling property?" The question will be balanced by Judge Roger S. Dutson, who earlier this month denied O'Brien's motion to dismiss the lawsuit, saying, "This case presents very important legal issues regarding employer and individual rights, constitutional questions regarding the right to bear arms and employment-termination issues. There are some threshold questions that must first be addressed before the court can address these issues." ... But while the case has generated much interest, the final result may be somewhat anti-climactic. Judge Dutson, depending on how he words an eventual ruling, could decide the case without much fanfare or precedent. The fact that AOL leases the parking lot is significant. While the company labels the stalls "AOL employee parking only" and believes it can manage the lot, Vilos has argued that the leased property really is part of an Ogden strip mall. The judge, then, could simply rule on the lot's publicness or privateness. A narrowly tailored decision could limit the case's scope to a single parking lot. However, a broader ruling, including, but not limited to the lot, would be more significant for employers statewide. "I think there certainly is the potential for this to be a precedent-setting case," Bingham said. Echoed O'Brien, "It could set precedent, depending on how the court rules." ... ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: FW: Wall Street Journal Reporter wants to chat with college age female gun owners Date: 23 Jan 2001 09:36:26 -0700 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ----__JNP_000_7cac.3b93.4d45 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've not verified this info, but simply pass it along in case anyone is interested... ---------------- Charles Hardy Wall Street Journal Reporter Wants To Chat With College Age Women With Guns Or Who Shoot If you know any ladies who could help out, email: ----__JNP_000_7cac.3b93.4d45 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I've not verified this info, but simply pass it along in case anyone = is=20 interested...

Charles Hardy
Wall Street Journal Reporter Wants To Chat With College Age Women=20 With
Guns Or Who Shoot
If you know any ladies who could help out, = email:=20
----__JNP_000_7cac.3b93.4d45-- ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] Tax credits, laser pointers, pretend guns Date: 23 Jan 2001 09:38:18 -0700 This alert is now a bit outdated. Sorry, it arrived late enough last night that I didn't see it until this morning. ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- HB 222 - Tax Credit for Safes SB 101 - Laser pointers SB 115 - Pretend guns HB 222 INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR A RESIDENTIAL SECURITY CONTAINER (CHAD E. BENNION) will be heard by the House Revenue and Taxation committee TOMORROW, Jan. 23, at 8:30 AM in Room 129. HB 222 would give a tax credit of up to $150 to anyone who purchases a safe. Utah Gun Owners Alliance OPPOSES this bill. See the Jan. 21 alert, at for more details. This is not a high priority bill. However, if you will be at the Capitol Tuesday, or would like to see how a committee functions, please plan to attend the committee hearing. SB 101 UNLAWFUL USE OF LASER POINTERS (D. EDGAR ALLEN) has been resurrected and will be heard again by the Senate Judiciary committee TOMORROW, Jan. 23, at 3 PM in Room 416 SB 101 would provide special penalties for shining a laser pointer at a law enforcement officer or a motor vehicle. See the Jan. 21 alert at for more details. UTGOA OPPOSES this bill. It is unnecessary since it is already illegal to intimidate a law enforcement officer. If shining laser pointers at people should be a crime, it should be a crime to shine one at anyone, not just law enforcement personnel. UTGOA suspects this may be the first step towards requiring permits for laser pointers. Please CALL members of the Senate Judiciary Committee this evening and ask them to OPPOSE or TABLE this bill. The most important person to call is Committee Chair, David Gladwell. Suazo,, 801-521-3751 Buttars,, 801-561-0535 Peterson,, 801-250-5944 Valentine,, 801-224-1693 Gladwell,, 801-782-4130 Hillyard,, 435-753-0043 Attending the committee hearing is not a high priority, but if you will be at the Capitol anyway, or would like to see how a committee meeting works, please plan to attend. SB 115 SAFE SCHOOLS AMENDMENTS (BILL WRIGHT) SB 115 would provide for mandatory expulsion of students for possession or use of real, look-alike, or pretend firearms. This would include pointing a finger at someone and yelling "Bang", or possession of a tiny gun on a keychain. For details, see the Jan. 18 alert at Thanks to your efforts, Sen. Wright has agreed to consider amendments to this bill proposed by Utah Gun Owners Alliance, if we will support the amended bill. UTGOA plans to submit the proposed amendments to Sen. Wright tomorrow, and we'll keep you posted. Please continue to encourage Sen. Wright to work with UTGOA to amend his bill. REMINDERS! ALWAYS BE POLITE when communicating with legislators. Be assertive and don't back down. But avoid name-calling or offensive language. If you plan to attend a committee hearing, DRESS APPROPRIATELY! This means neat, clean, pressed clothes in good condition. Avoid T shirts, ragged or dirty jeans, camo, etc. Ideally, you should dress as you would for a business meeting. Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance,, and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Contrast -- Russian Gun Ad Date: 24 Jan 2001 11:22:55 -0700 Assumming this is accurate, it sure gives pause for thought... ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: FW--More Bills to support/oppose Date: 24 Jan 2001 11:28:27 -0700 Courtesy of UT-GOA ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control HB 222 - Tax Credit for Safes HB 95 - Regulation of Pawn Shops HB 112 - Prevention of Retaliatory Law Suits HB 186 - Gun Show Background Checks HB 222 - TAX CREDIT FOR RESIDENTIAL SECURITY CONTAINER (Bennion) was passed by the House Taxation and Revenue Committee earlier today and will soon have a vote by the entire House of Representatives. This bill provides a tax credit of up to $150 for the purchase of a safe. See for details. Rep. Bennion has refused to amend the bill to address Utah Gun Owners Alliance's concerns about the possible misuse of this bill to register people who purchase safes, or to subsidize mandatory use of gun safes. The vote was 6/3/4 (6 for, 3 against, 4 absent or abstaining). Individual votes are not yet available. UTGOA suggests that you contact YOUR Representative and ask him to vote NO on HB 222. HB 95 - REGULATION OF PAWN SHOPS - J. MURRAY UTGOA POSITION: STRONG OPPOSITION HB 95 requires all pawnshops to register each item pawned and the person who pawns it. This information will be transmitted to the local police or sheriff's department on a daily basis. Registration of people includes name, date of birth, description, government ID number, and fingerprint. Registration of the item includes a detailed description, make, manufacturer, serial number, weight, and amount paid. Utah Gun Owners Alliance is specifically concerned that this would allow local law enforcement agencies to register each person who pawns his own firearm. Local agencies are currently prohibited from registering gun owners. However, UTGOA feels obligated to point out that this is a police state bill. It is quite simply none of law enforcement's business if a person pawns his stereo, wedding ring, microwave, or shotgun. Keeping a huge database of every single person who uses a pawn shop because a few criminals try to pawn stolen items is not how a free country operates. Please CALL Rep. Murray (801-393-7062) or clip and send the following: Dear Rep. Murray, I am writing to ask you to withdraw HB 95, Pawnshop Regulations. I am appalled that you would presume to require law enforcement agencies to compile huge databases of law-abiding citizens who use pawnshops, just in case someone tries to pawn stolen property. In the United States, people are innocent until proven guilty. I am also concerned that this bill would register law abiding gun owners with their local law enforcement agency, which could eventually lead to confiscation of those firearms. Why does law enforcement need to know when someone pawns his own gun? Please withdraw HB 95. I will be actively opposing this bill, and will encourage my family and friends to do the same. Thank you. YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS HB 112 - PREVENTION OF RETALIATORY LAWSUITS - LOCKHART (Activist protection bill) UTGOA POSITION: STRONG SUPPORT HB 112 provides legal remedies, costs and attorney's fees, and damages for victims of lawsuits filed to suppress or intimidate First Amendment rights relating to the political process. This bill is critically important to grass roots activists. It will protect us from frivolous lawsuits filed to silence us. Just last year, one of our UTGOA supporters was threatened with a lawsuit for posting a sign saying his Senator was an enemy of gun rights - even though it was true. See below for a letter to send to House Rules. HB 186 - GUN SHOW BACKGROUND CHECK AMENDMENTS - DANIELS UTGOA POSITION: STRONGEST OPPOSITION Rep. Scott Daniels didn't just inherit notorious anti-gunner Dave Jones's seat. He's inherited Jones's anti-gun agenda also. HB 186 would require background checks and registration of all firearms transactions at gun shows and other events such as flea markets and fairs. For exact details, read the bill at While it excludes selling a firearm from your own home, it would include two or more friends selling guns from one location. Background checks would be conducted by an FFL, who would be able to charge a fee in addition to the $7.50 BCI fee. This bill means you would have to ask government permission to sell your own property. It would do nothing to stop criminals, who would simply go out to the parking lot to conduct a transaction - or more likely, get a much cheaper black market gun. It would also help to put gun shows out of business. This is important not just because people buy guns and accessories at gun shows, but because shows are the best place for gun rights advocates to meet each other and organize politically. This is another step toward registration and confiscation of all firearms. First you register guns purchased from dealers, then guns purchased at gun shows, then guns purchased by newspaper or internet ads. Then you require registration each time a gun is repaired. Finally, you make it illegal to sell or give a firearm to anyone (even your own children) without first registering it with the government. Then you round up all the guns - and all the gun owners who refuse to turn them in. There is NO gun show "loophole". Americans have always had the right to sell their own property without government interference. Please CALL members of the House Rules committee and ask them to HOLD HB 95 (Pawnshop Regulations), and HB 186 (Gun Show Background Checks). Ask them to send HB 112 (Retaliatory Lawsuits) to a friendly committee as soon as possible. And be sure to thank Rep. Lockhart for sponsoring HB 112, the Activist Protection Bill. You can also clip and send the following note to members of the House Rules Committee: Dear Members of the House Rules Committee: Please hold the following bills in committee. HB 95 (Pawnshop Regulations) would require law enforcement agencies to register each item pawned and the person who pawned it. This would include registration of people who pawn their own firearms. There is no excuse for the wholesale registration of ordinary people just because they pawn their own property. HB 186 (Background Checks at Gun Shows) would require background checks and registration of private sales of firearms at gun shows and other events. It wouldn't stop criminals who could simply arrange to purchase a gun in the parking lot - or purchase a much cheaper black market gun. Please EXPEDITE sending HB 112 (Prevention of Retaliatory Lawsuits) to a Standing Committee. This important bill would serve to protect ordinary citizens like me from malicious and frivolous lawsuits intended to punish them for participating in political activities. There is simply no excuse not to support this bill. Please HOLD HB 95 and HB 186. Please send HB 112 to committee NOW! Thank you. YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS House Rules Committee Chair: Rep. Hatch Vice Chair: Rep. Bennion Anderson,,435-854-3760 Bennion,,801-281-1607 Buffmire,,801-266-1862 Bush,,801-825-3210 Dayton,,801-221-0623 Ferry,,435-744-2997 Goodfellow,,,801-968-0626 Hatch,,435-676-2214 Hendrickson,,801-969-8920 Lockhart,,801-377-7428 Saunders,,801-476-1110 Seitz,,435-789-0650 Tyler,,,801-272-1218 Full contact info is at: Expect some GOOD news tomorrow or Thursday! Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance,, and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: FW: Education/Guns/Rape correlation you will never see in the Media Date: 24 Jan 2001 18:09:28 -0700 Not specifically mentioned in the account below, is that the training class--and the fact that large numbers of women participated and were thus trained and prepared to use their firearms--was widely publicized in the local press. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- In Orlando, Florida, in 1966 a series of brutal rapes swept the community. Citizens reacted to the tripling in the rate of rape over the previous year by buying handguns for self-defense; 200-300 firearms were being purchased each week from dealers, and an unknown number more from private parties. The newspaper there, the _Orlando Sentinel Star_, had an anti-gun editorial stance and tried to pressure the local police chief and city government to stop the flow of arms. When that tactic failed, the paper decided that in the interest of public safety, they would sponsor a gun-training seminar in conjunction with the local police. Plans were made for a one-day training course at a local city park. Plans were made for an expected 400-500 women. However, more than 2500 women arrived, and brought with them every conceivable kind of firearm. They had to park many blocks away, and the weapons were carried in in purses, paper bags, boxes, briefcases, holsters, and womens' hands. One police officer present said he'd never been so scared in his life. Swamped, the organizers hastily dismissed the women with promises for a more thorough course with scheduled appointments. The course offered was for three classes/week, and within 6 months, the Orlando police had trained more than 6000 women in basic pistol marksmanship and the law of self-defense. The results? In 1966 there were 36 rapes in Orlando, triple the 1965 rate. In 1967, there were 4. Before the training, rape rates had been increasing in Orlando as nationwide. Five years after the training, rape was still below pre-training levels in Orlando, but up 308% in the surrounding areas, 96% for Florida overall, and 64% nationally. Also in 1967, violent assault and burglary decreased by 25% in Orlando, in addition to the rape reductions. In 1967, NOT A SINGLE WOMAN HAD FIRED HER WEAPON in self-defense. In 1967, NOT A SINGLE WOMAN HAD TURNED HER GUN ON HER HUSBAND OR BOYFRIEND. [No data were available for later years at the time the above was written; --MAC] The reason the program worked so spectacularly well is that it was widely known that Orlando women had the means and training to defend themselves from attackers. Rapists, being (somewhat) human, they are learning engines; they took their business elsewhere -- to the detriment of the defenseless in those other locations * In Florida since the gun laws have been modified to allow women who qualify to carry a gun concealed, the reported rape rate has DROPPED by 90%. -- "As government regulations grow slowly, we become used to the harness. Habit is a powerful force, and we no longer feel as intensely as we once would have [the] constriction of our liberties that would have been utterly intolerable a mere half century ago." --Judge Robert Bork LPUTAH LPUTAH -- unsubscribe: LPUTAH -- support: LPUTAH -- forum page: LPUTAH -- LPUtah page: LPUTAH ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] Committee hearings THURSDAY Date: 25 Jan 2001 12:03:01 -0700 Again, apologies for the last minute nature of this message. If at all possible, turn out or call the legislators below and ask them to support HB 179. I personnaly believe this may be the single most important--and ultimately far reaching--bill we could pass this session when it comes to our RKBA. Why? The UEA not only directly attacks our gun rights, but if you follow the money, you will find that most of the worst anti-gun legislators--in both parties--were elected to office using UEA money. Most of that UEA money is currently contributed--somewhat unwillingly or unwittingly--by your friends, neighbors, or even family members who are very much supportive of RKBA and do not support the UEA's political agenda but are members because of the need teachers have for the various protections and services the union offers to them in other areas. HB 179 would make it much easier for these good people to not contribute towards political campaigns they oppose while still preserving everyone's right to make contributions to campaigns and efforts (including the union PACs if they want to) they do support. If we can free people from contributing money they don't want to to the UEA's direct and indirect campaigns against our RKBA, we'll find that not only do the direct attacks slow down, but that the make up of the legislature could very well change to include far fewer people who are not solidly supportive of this important right. ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- THREE bills will have public meetings tomorrow! HB 179 - VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS ACT - BENNION WILL BE HEARD BY THE HOUSE EDUCATION COMMITTEE THURSDAY AT 3 PM IN ROOM 129. UTGOA POSITION: STRONG SUPPORT HB 179 requires labor organizations to establish a separate fund for political purposes, and prohibits payroll deductions for contributions to this political fund. It also requires labor organizations to clearly state that such funds are to be used for political purposes and that contributions are voluntary. UTGOA thinks the bill needs some minor amendments, but first it needs to survive its committee hearing. Why is this important to gun owners? The UEA uses our tax dollars to collect funds from its members. These funds are then used to advance the UEA's political agenda. And the UEA donated $2500 to fund the ballot initiative to ban guns in schools and churches. For more on this problem, see the excellent article "Taxpayers Shouldn't Pay for Lobbyists' Activities", by Paul Mero of the Sutherland Institute at HB 179 will be heard by the House Education Committee THURSDAY at 3 PM in Room 129. Please plan to attend. And please contact members of the committee this evening to ask them to support HB 179. Please also contact Rep. Bennion to thank him for running this important bill. You can clip and send the following: Dear Members of the House Education Committee: I am writing to ask you to SUPPORT HB 179, Voluntary Contributions Act. This bill would require that funds donated to a labor union's political fund be donated voluntarily. It would also prohibit public employees from using taxpayer-funded payroll systems to donate to political funds. HB 179 does NOT restrict anyone's right to donate to any political fund. It simply requires that union members write and mail their own checks, just like the rest of us do. It also prohibits special treatment of union members based on their willingness or unwillingness to donate to political funds. HB 179 is about fairness and equal opportunity in our political process and deserves your support. Please vote YES on HB 179, and please contact me to tell me how you intend to vote. Thank you. Your Name Your Address House Education Committee Rep. Dayton, Chair Rep. Pace, Vice Chair Alexander,, 801-375-1092 Bourdeaux,, 801-596-8784 Buffmire,, 801-266-1862 Dayton,, 801-221-0623 Ferrin,, 801-224-6823 Gowans,, 435-882-2120 Hogue,, 801-254-1668 Johnson,, 435-529-3227 Newbold,, 801-254-0142 Pace,, 435-753-6154 Shurtliff,, 801-479-0289 Throckmorton,, 801-489-8342 Tyler,, 801-272-1218 HB 95, REGULATIONS OF PAWN SHOPS, WILL BE HEARD BY THE HOUSE BUSINESS, LABOR AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE THURSDAY AT 3 PM, ROOM 405. UTGOA POSITION: OPPOSE HB 95 creates a database, kept by local law enforcement agencies, of all pawnshop transactions. See the Jan. 23 alert for more details. It would require that your local law enforcement agency be notified if you pawn your own firearm, thus creating yet another registry of gun owners. A list of committee members is available at: Contact info is at: SB 101, UNLAWFUL USE OF LASER POINTERS (D.E. ALLEN) WILL BE HEARD BY THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE ON THURSDAY, JAN. 25 AT 3 PM IN ROOM 416. UTGOA POSITION: OPPOSE SB 101 makes it a crime to shine a laser pointer at a moving vehicle or at a law enforcement officer. It is unnecessary since it is already illegal to intimidate a law enforcement officer. If shining laser pointers at people should be a crime, it should be a crime to shine one at anyone, not just law enforcement personnel. UTGOA suspects this may be the first step towards requiring permits for laser pointers. Committee members are Senators Gladwell (Chair), Buttars, Hillyard, Peterson, Suazo and Valentine. This bill has been held in committee several times, but Sen. Gladwell's intern says it will be debated tomorrow. Another bill to watch SB 87 - ANTIQUE FIREARMS AMENDMENTS - WADDOUPS UTGOA POSITION: SUPPORT SB 87 changes the definition of "firearm" so that it does not include antique, curio or relic firearms. This will exempt collectors of antique and curio firearms from the tens of thousands of gun control laws in existence. The rationale for this bill is apparently that collectors don't misuse their guns. But the overwhelming majority of Utah's gun owners don't misuse their guns either. UTGOA supports any bill that decreases the grip that gun control has over the people of Utah. But we wish Sen. Waddoups had chosen to use his talents to free all of Utah's gun owners from oppressive gun control. UTGOA is also hard at work to loosen the grip that gun control has over ALL peaceful gun owners. Thursday is the last day for filing bills, and we will provide you with a list of all firearms-related bills as soon as they're made public. We're keeping our promise to legislators not to tell anyone about their bills until they're made public, but we're quite excited about the possibilities. But no PRO-GUN bills will pass unless WE work hard to make sure legislators vote for them. So warm up your phone, computer, fax and pen, and stay tuned! To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Paycheck protection passes out of committee Date: 25 Jan 2001 22:12:28 -0700 Congratulations!! As I'm sure most of you know, HB 179 passed out of committee today on a 7-6 vote and now goes to the full house to be voted on there. What you may not know is that there was a motion to place this bill at the top of the house calender. Placing it at the top of the calender guarantees that it will be voted upon. Unfortunately, that motion failed 6-7. Rep. Merlynn Newbold, HD 50 was the swing vote who voted to pass the bill out of committee but then voted against placing the bill at the top of the calender, As you've heard, this is an extremely important bill to our interests. Despite what you may have heard on the news tonight, this bill will not prevent teachers or anyone else from making voluntary contributions to the PACs or other political groups/activities of their choices. It simply prevents government employees from making such contributions via payroll deduction. They remain perfectly free to contribute the same way any of the rest of us contribute to our favorite causes: writing a check, giving a credit card number, giving cash, or even authorizing an automatic withdrawal from their bank accounts. This is important for two reasons. First, government payrolls are run using taxpayer money. In principle it is wrong to use taxpayer money, in any amount, to help collect PAC money that will then be used to lobby the government. Second, as a matter of practice, many teachers, in particular, are basically forced--via peer pressure and sometimes intimidation or even threats of bad peer reviews--to contribute their hard earned money to political causes they may not support. We believe that there will be a vote tomorrow to move this bill to the top of the House ca lander. Between now and then please make two phone calls and send two emails or faxes. First, please call and email you own legislator--especially if they are Republican or a self-proclaimed "moderate Democrat". Most of them can be reasonably called at home until about 10:45 pm as they get home late and are prone to watch the news. You can also call quite early in the morning as they start their days very early. Ask you legislator to support paycheck protection. Legislator contact info can be found at Second, (and especially if you live in HD 50) please call and email Merlynn Newbold and ask her to support paycheck protection. She wants to offer a couple of technical amendment to the bill. I'm not sure what effect these would have, but encourage her to support the bill even if her amendments don't pass. Like they often tell us with "less than perfect" bills: "Pass what you can this year, and then come back and review it during the interim session and make any needed fixes next year." Also, "Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress." Remember that she voted with us once she just needs to know that voters want this bill passed. Rep. Newbold can be reached at home at 801-254-0142. Her email is . In both cases please be firm, but polite. ---------------- Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: S.C. Att. Gen.: "Invade a home, invite a bullet!" Date: 26 Jan 2001 12:08:59 -0700 ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- 'Invade a home and invite a bullet' South Carolina attorney general backs armed home defense By Jon Dougherty © 2001 In declaring an "open season" on burglars who break into homes, South Carolina Attorney General Charlie Condon has instructed all solicitors, sheriffs and police chiefs in the state to refrain from arresting "citizens acting to defend their homes" with a firearm or other weapon. In a statement released yesterday, Condon's office said the attorney general sent a memorandum to all state prosecutors and law enforcement officials warning them not to arrest or prosecute people who defend themselves with "deadly force" against a "home invader." The statement said the policy was necessary to protect citizens "in the wake of a rash of recent home invasions in North Charleston and elsewhere throughout the state." "As chief prosecutor of South Carolina, I am today declaring open season on home invaders," Condon said. "That season is year round. Citizens protecting their homes who use force -- even deadly force -- will be fully safeguarded under the law of this state and subject to no arrest, charge or prosecution. "In South Carolina, would-be intruders should now hear this: Invade a home and invite a bullet," said Cordon, a Republican. The state's chief law enforcement officer also said "a recent rash of home invasions by gang members and other criminals" led to his decision, noting that gang activity "is rising sharply in South Carolina." He cited a string of recent break-ins in North Charleston, as well as an incident in Columbia -- the state capital -- "where a victim managed to fight off home invaders with a sword," the statement said. Also, Condon said that in Richland County, sheriff's department officials believe four men have been responsible for over 90 home invasions in the past year alone. The policy serves as a warning to potential burglars, Condon said, about what "faces them" if they attempt to break into a home. And, he said, the policy would serve "to let homeowners know their rights." The attorney general said existing case law in South Carolina "gives ironclad protection to the citizen in safeguarding his or her home. "Inside the citizen's home, there are no legal technicalities for the criminal to rely on," he said. Courts have ruled that even deadly force may be used against a burglar "if such degree of force be reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose of preventing a forcible entry against his will." Condon said the new policy would actually help the state's police officers. "Law enforcement officers cannot be everywhere at once," he said, noting that armed citizens protecting their homes would serve as a deterrent to crime, and lower crime rates and property loss. "Home invaders will think twice and even a third time" before breaking in, he said, "knowing [they] risk … their own death … on the other side of the innocent homeowner's door." "The home is the family's fortress of protection," he added. "When at home, people rightfully feel they are standing on sacred ground. The citizen's home is the line in the sand where criminals dare not cross." Condon's policy appears to reflect the sentiment of most police chiefs and sheriffs across the country. According to a 1999-2000 annual survey conducted by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, 93 percent of police chiefs and sheriffs who responded believe law-abiding citizens "should be able to purchase a firearm for self-defense or sport." Perhaps ironically, almost 95 percent of respondents did not believe the media is "fair and balanced" in reporting the news about police, firearms and other issues. While most gun-control groups believe fewer firearms in circulation -- as well as increased restrictions on private firearms ownership -- would do more to reduce gun deaths and the violent crime associated with them, survey participants overwhelmingly disagreed. Most police chiefs and sheriffs said better enforcement of existing laws -- not new gun laws -- would do more to reduce violence and gun deaths. Also, 88 percent said persons convicted of violating state or federal firearm possession laws should receive the maximum prison term for the offense. Jon E. Dougherty is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] URGENT ALERT! Voluntary Contributions Date: 26 Jan 2001 12:17:04 -0700 The latest from UTGOA... ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- HB 179, VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS ACT, was passed out of the House Education Committee today, and will soon be voted on by the entire House of Representatives. HB 179 requires labor organizations to establish a separate fund for political purposes, and prohibits payroll deductions for contributions to this political fund. It also requires labor organizations to clearly state that such funds are to be used for political purposes and that contributions are voluntary. Contrary to what some unions, including the Utah Education Association, are saying,HB 179 does NOT prevent anyone from contributing to whatever political funds s/he chooses. It simply says that contributions may not be made by payroll deduction. Contributions can still be made by cash, check, credit card, money order, or automatic bank deduction. This is simple fairness. If someone wants to contribute to Utah Gun Owners Alliance, he has to write a check and mail it to us. If someone wants to contribute to the UEA-PAC to support the anti-gun ballot initiative, he should also have to write a check and mail it. UTGOA is NOT anti-union. We are PRO-fairness. HB 179 passed by only ONE vote. We expect the vote in the House to be just as close. Voting will likely occur Friday and/or Monday. PLEASE CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND ASK HIM/HER TO COMMIT TO SUPPORTING HB 179! A complete list of Representatives and contact info is available at We suggest that you call your Representative at the Capitol at 801-538-1029 as early as possible on Friday. You will most likely have to leave a message, which can be as simple as "Please vote YES on HB 179, Voluntary Contributions". Then follow up with a phone call to his/her home over the weekend. The following Representatives voted FOR HB 179 in committee. Please thank them for their support and encourage them to take all appropriate measures to make sure the bill passes. You can leave a message at 801-538-1029. Alexander,, 801-375-1092 Dayton,, 801-221-0623 Ferrin,, 801-224-6823 Johnson,, 435-529-3227 Newbold,, 801-254-0142 Pace,, 435-753-6154 Throckmorton,, 801-489-8342 Please also thank Rep. Chad Bennion, the bill sponsor. He is taking a lot of heat over this bill and needs to know that we appreciate his efforts. Chad Bennion,, 801-281-1607 (home), 801-538-1029 (Capitol) The following Representatives voted AGAINST HB 179. If your Representative is on this list, please make sure you let him (her) know what you think, and encourage him to reconsider his vote. You can leave a message at 801-538-1029. Bourdeaux,, 801-596-8784 Buffmire,, 801-266-1862 Gowans,, 435-882-2120 Hogue,, 801-254-1668 Shurtliff,, 801-479-0289 Tyler,, 801-272-1218 Please remember to be POLITE in your conversations with legislators! ALWAYS ask for a commitment. Do not accept responses like "You can trust me to do what's right". If the legislator indicates that he will vote the way you would like him to vote, thank him profusely and remind him (gently) that you will be tracking his votes. If he disagrees with you, stay calm, but don't back down. It is perfectly okay to let a legislator know that his vote will have consequences, but don't make threats that you can't or won't fulfill. For example, you can certainly say, "I will not support you, or any legislator, who votes to take away my rights". (Assuming this is true, of course!) You should not say, "I will make sure you never hold office anywhere, ever again". (If you do have the power to make this happen legally, UTGOA would like to know about it!) If the legislator says he doesn't know how he will vote, or that he hasn't read the bill, repeat your reasons why he should vote for/against that bill. Ask him what additional information he needs to decide, and offer your assistance. You can also suggest that he contact UTGOA. (801-566-1625) Then set an appointment to follow up. Always remind your legislators that you will be tracking their votes, and that you will decide whether or not to support them in the future based on how they vote. SB 101 - Laser Pointers was substituted and passed by the Senate Judiciary committee. HB 95 - Pawnshop Regulations was held by the House Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee. HB 222 - Tax credit for safes is awaiting a vote on the House floor. None of these is a priority bill, but please let your OWN legislators know how you would like them to vote. See UTGOA's previous alerts for details. Alerts are at NEW ON THE UTGOA WEB SITE: How a bill becomes a law NEW BILLS The complete list of filed bills is not yet available. UTGOA will give you a full update this weekend. Two new bills to watch: HB 264 Gun Safety Law Amendments (Mike Thompson) - This bill provides for mandatory firearms safety education in government schools. It also provides for optional hands-on firearms safety training for high school seniors with parental consent. HB 266 Restoration of Right to Bear Arms (Matt Throckmorton) - This bill instructs the Department of Public Safety to develop procedures for restoration of firearms rights for persons who are no longer a threat to public safety. Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance,, and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw:AOL Lawsuit takes new turn Date: 26 Jan 2001 17:19:18 -0700 A little more info in the AOL lawsuit. Looks like AOL is getting a little desperate. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- If you can't beat them on legal grounds, resort to plan B: Malign them! Friday, January 26, 2001 Standard Examiner AOL fires back in gun lawsuit OGDEN -- America Online defended its strict no-weapons-at-work policy in a response to a lawsuit filed by employees fired for having guns on company property. The three former employees were fired for transferring hunting rifles between cars in the company parking lot. Tuesday, AOL attorney Greg Stevens filed a response to the lawsuit in 2nd District Court. The 15-page answer denies much of the suit filed by Luke Hansen, Paul Carlson and Jason Melling. The company charges "one or more of the plaintiffs were in violation of Utah law concerning concealed weapons." Namely Melling, who didn't have a concealed weapons permit for the firearms he toted. Stevens said AOL officials may have been worried about one or all of the former employees' dispositions. "At least one (of the three) violated AOL's policies by expressing a tendency towards violence," the answer states. E ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Another legislator needs contacting on Paycheck protection Date: 28 Jan 2001 12:43:41 -0700 The following is forwarded from someone in Rep. Joe Murray's District, House District 8. Please take a few moments to contact the Representative and let him know you view HB 179, Paycheck Protection as a pro-gun bill that he should support. If you live in his district, are a delegate or other party activist, please let him know that. If you have family or friends in his district, pleae ask them to contact him as well, since that is really the most effective. Thanks. ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- > My Representative, Joe Murray, House District 8, could possibly become motivated to support the bill. So far he is mostly on the other side. His phone is (801) 393-7062. He needs to understand this is pro-gun legislation. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Warriors and Weapons Date: 28 Jan 2001 20:40:11 -0700 A great read... ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- Warriors and Weapons by David A. Yeagley | January 26, 2001 URL: A YEAR AGO, I had a religious experience. No, I didn't speak in tongues. I didn't see an apparition of Mary. And even though I'm Comanche Indian, I didn't commune with my ancestors or hear the eagles talk. All I did was watch a TV infomercial produced by the National Rifle Association (NRA). There I was, sitting in my easy chair, eating chicken soup and watching television. Suddenly, I saw an immense pile of guns, thousands of them, being bulldozed into a metal crusher. The narrator explained. These weapons had been confiscated from law-abiding citizens, and were being destroyed. The government had first required the people to register their firearms, and promised that no confiscation would ever occur. Then the government broke its promise. According to the voice-over, this happened in Australia, England, and Canada. The United States was next in line. On the screen appeared distraught gun owners, one after another. "They said they would never do this, but they did it! Don't let this happen to you!" they warned Americans. We Comanches don’t usually admit to being scared. But I was terrified.I had a sense that I was losing America (and, as an Indian, it wouldn’t be the first time). I guess I’d always known, in the back of my mind, that there were people out there trying to take our guns. But those faces on TV drove the point home like nothing else had. They were the faces of a people betrayed. Long ago, the government took away the Indian's weapons and put him on reservations. That is history. Indians know all about broken promises. But why would the White Man betray himself? Why would the U.S. government take the weapons away from its own good citizens? They say they’re trying to stop crime. But the more gun laws they pass, the more crime we get. A hundred years ago, we didn’t have gun laws and we didn’t have much crime either. In his book, More Guns, Less Crime, Yale Law School economist John Lott shows that, across the United States, over an 18-year period, "states experiencing the greatest reductions in crime are also the ones with the fastest growing percentages of gun ownership." So why does the government keep pushing gun control? The warrior in me knows. He who takes my bow is not my friend. He who takes away my ability to defend myself is my enemy. If the government takes our guns, it’s not because they are trying to help us. It’s because they are trying to control us. Since my "religious experience" of watching that documentary, I’ve found myself wondering why Indians have not played a bigger role in the gun rights debate. Weapons are an integral part of our culture. In Indian country, it’s taken for granted that everyone shoots and hunts. Perhaps the use of arms is so fundamental to us that we don’t even think of it as a right that can be lost. Recently, I visited Indian friends of the Salish-Kootenay Reservation in Montana. It was a few days before a funeral. Extra food was needed for the mourners. "I've got to go get a deer," my friend Terry said, as simply as most Americans would say "I've got to go to the store." Among Indians, the weapon is a symbol of honor. In Comanche tradition, the young man grew up with the bow. Its mastery was a test of manhood. The relationship of man and weapon was intimate and lifelong. Every Comanche learned to fight and hunt. If you weren’t waging war, you were preparing for war. It was the duty of every member of the tribe to be ready, just in case. In modern America, women seem to have turned against their own men over the gun issue, judging by the polls and the Million Mom March. Indian women have a different mindset. It was the women who taught Comanche boys how to use their weapons. Long before anyone ever heard of Xena the Warrior Princess, a woman called the "adiva," or governess ran the Comanche training camps. Americans nowadays seem to be forgetting what it means to be a warrior. They don’t value preparedness. They think the government will always be there to defend them from enemies and criminals. But that’s not the Indian way. That’s not the way of a man. I’m glad the NRA is out there spreading this message. It has earned this Indian’s blessing for helping to keep the warrior spirit alive. To show support for adding Dr. Yeagleys patriotism course to the Oklahoma public school curriculum, contact: Governor Frank Keating Office of the Governor State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, OK 73105 E-mail Dr. David A. Yeagley: Dr. David A. Yeagley teaches humanities and psychology at Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City. His opinions are independent. He holds degrees from Yale, Emory, Oberlin, University of Arizona and University of Hartford He is a member of the Comanche Tribe, Lawton, OK. E-mail him at ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Bergeson" Subject: PRO GUN LEGISLATION BEFORE CONGRESS Date: 29 Jan 2001 10:51:02 -0700 Forwarded with the proviso I haven't carefully examined these bills. Scott ----- PRO GUN LEGISLATION BEFORE CONGRESS Alert We support these two bills before Congress, and we urge you to do the same: * Firearms Heritage Protection Act of 2001 * Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2001 FIND YOUR STATE CONTACTS: AUTO-EMAIL: NEWS & MEDIA OUTLETS: CONTACT YOUR GOVERNOR: CONTACT YOUR MAYOR: CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY GENERAL: FAX YOUR FEDERAL CONTACTS: CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD TOLL-FREE HOTLINES: 800.241.7109, 800.335.4949, 800.456.1414, 800.505.0145 800.522.6721, 800.648.3516, 800.663.9566, 800.722.7494 800.972.3524, 877.762.8762, 877.778.9001, 888.449.3511 WHITEHOUSE FAX: 202-456-2461 President George W. Bush: Vice President Dick Cheney: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Darvell Hunt) Subject: HB345: elimination of Utah concealed permits Date: 29 Jan 2001 22:29:28 -0700 (MST) Anybody hear about house bill 345? It hasn't been introduced by it's sponsor Mike Thompson yet, but it sounds like a GREAT BILL. This bill would essentially eliminate concealed weapons permits in Utah. But WAIT A MINUTE! I said this was good, didn't I? Representative Mike Thompson, who says he doesn't own guns but understands the second amendment, wants to make carrying of concealed weapon LEGAL for law abiding Utah residents. That means that a permit would NOT BE REQUIRED. Did you hear that? Could Utah be the second state in the Union, along with Vermont, that doesn't require a permit to carry? Wow, I don't think we expected that! We should get behind this bill! Frankly, I'd be surprised if it passed, but it can if it gets enough support! I also heard some interesting news about a law requiring gun saftey classes in high school. Not only are we not having many anti-gun bills this year, but we've got some great pro-gun ones! I guess we Utahns voted well! ;) Darvell Hunt Pleasant Grove, UT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw:Siddoway's Position on HB179 Date: 30 Jan 2001 11:52:35 -0700 The following is Rep. Siddoway's response to one of his constituents concerning HB 179, paycheck protection. If you happen to live in his district (or even if you don't) you may want to contact him on his position. You may also want to make sure that he is as vigilant in protecting clearly stated 2nd amnd rights as he is in protecting his misunderstanding of 1st and 14th amd rights. Rep. Siddoway's contact is: Mailing Address: 243 East 3100 South Bountiful, Utah 84010 Phone: (home) 801-292-4185 (office) 801-538-7736 (fax) 801-294-4135 (capital--ask to have a message delivered) 801-538-1029 E-mail Address: or ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control --------- Forwarded message ---------- ----Original Message Follows---- [Constituent], thank you for your thoughtful information on HB 179. However, I have real concerns that this is a violation of both the 1st and 14th amendments to the constitution. I took an oath the first day of this session to uphold both the U.S. and Utah constitutions, and, consequently, will probably vote against this bill on those constitutional concerns. Thanks, Dick ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: HB 179 passes house; and Rep. Thompson needs words of support Date: 30 Jan 2001 18:10:42 -0700 As you've probaby heard by now, HB 179, paycheck protection passed out of the house today and is headed to the Senate. There were a couple of last minute amendments to that bill that passed and we don't know exactly what those are yet, but are hopeful they were just small technical changes and the bulk of the bill remains intact. If that is the case, we need to get ready to contact our Senators to encourage them to support this bill. This is a pro-liberty, pro-fiscal-conservative, pro-firearm, and pro-fairness bill. Also, Rep. Thompson is catching a LOT of flack from the media, from the UEA, and from fellow reps over his bill to require firearm safety training for grade school children and 2nd amd instruction, firearm safety, and optional hands on firearms instruction for high school seniors. Please contact this good freshman representative and thank him for running this much needed bill and encourage him to stand strong. There is simply no reason to have children getting injured with gun accidents when some basic lessons in stop, don't touch, leave the area, and tell and adult would prevent those accidents. And an optional (parental permission required) hands on course for high school seniors is a FAR better use of money than having kids run endless laps around the track or shooting baskets. Shooting is really a "lifetime" activity. This bill has a reasonable chance of passage this year if we support it. While you've got him on the phone (or in your email or letter) please also thank him for running his "Vermont Carry" bill this year that would allow law abiding adults to exercise their RKBA without having to get a permit or otherwise ask for government permission. This bill is a long shot this year, but, to the best of my knowledge, it is the first year that ANYONE (including our much more senior and self proclaimed "pro-gun conservative" legislators) has been willing to sponsor it and we need to express our thanks so that it will be sponsored next year, and the next for as long as it takes to restore our rights in this area. Finally, please contact your representative and let him/her know you expect him/her to support these two bills. Rep. Mike Thomson may be contacted as follows: Mailing Address: 1010 West 1420 North, Orem, Utah 84057 Phone: (home) 801-226-5032 (office) 801-223-9044 (capital--ask to have a message delivered) 801-538-1029 E-mail Address: ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "andelain" Subject: RE: HB345: elimination of Utah concealed permits Date: 30 Jan 2001 20:12:04 -0700 > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Darvell Hunt > Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 10:29 PM > To: > Subject: HB345: elimination of Utah concealed permits > > > Anybody hear about house bill 345? It hasn't been introduced by it's > sponsor Mike Thompson yet, but it sounds like a GREAT BILL. > > This bill would essentially eliminate concealed weapons permits in Utah. > But WAIT A MINUTE! I said this was good, didn't I? Actually, it would still "allow" people who wanted to spend their money, get photographed and fingerprinted, and apply for one for whatever reason, get a CCW "permit". This will just make it unnecessary. > > Representative Mike Thompson, who says he doesn't own guns but > understands the second amendment, wants to make carrying of concealed > weapon LEGAL for law abiding Utah residents. That means that a permit > would NOT BE REQUIRED. Did you hear that? Could Utah be the second > state in the Union, along with Vermont, that doesn't require a permit to > carry? Wow, I don't think we expected that! Gun owners and second amendment activists have been under attack for so long, that it began to seem as though we could only take defensive positions and pray. In fact, a couple of organizations have routinely launched "preemptive retreats", saying that "we gotta give 'em something, this is the best we can hope for." Well, that's demoralizing at best, suicide at worst. My coaches always said "If you have a great offense, you MIGHT win, but if you have a perfect defense, you CAN'T lose. It's my opinion that we don't have a "perfect" defense - see preemptive retreats above - and we have NO offense. In other words, we *might* not lose, but we certainly can't win. So, last year, we began beefing up our defense. We successfully stopped a number of bills that the "big" RKBA groups had given up on, or even supported. This year, the defense is pretty dang good - note the "sudden death" of the bill that would have destroyed the Utah Defense Force, in spite of the fact that the RKBA "groups of record" were AWOL. Even so, we need offense or we'll only continue to lose, albeit more slowly. Happily, we have fewer anti-gun bills this year than we have pro-gun bills. For the offense: We educated people in effective grassroots activism. We gave them the information they needed to become delegates and made their legislator's records known. A lot of people worked tirelessly to see to it that good people were elected, and the jokers were defeated. This resulted in a near record turnover in both houses, including Utah's premier gun-hater, Dave Jones. The gun owners of Utah made a statement with their votes. Now for the bills. We believe that we gun owners have been taking it for far too long. It's time we regain lost ground and reclaim our God-given rights. In other words, it's time to climb out of the foxhole and take the battle to the enemy. That's where Rep. Mike Thompson and HB 345 come in. While the actual language has not been finished, the intent is to create a true "Vermont carry" type of bill. Additionally, he is also running HB 264. This requires gun safety training classes, from elementary school through high school, including optional hands on, hunter's safety type training for high-school seniors. Representative Thompson needs strong support from all of us. The media and the UEA will not be nice. There are a number of other good bills this year. I have appended a short explanatory passage from a recent UTGOA alert that partially explains HB 345. The full alert can be found at: You can also sign up for UTGOA's email alerts at: Yes, we've made some important strides, but we need to remember that these are only skirmishes in a much larger war. If we are to win that war, we must be willing to take the fight to the enemy. > > We should get behind this bill! Frankly, I'd be surprised if it passed, > but it can if it gets enough support! > > I also heard some interesting news about a law requiring gun saftey > classes in high school. Not only are we not having many anti-gun bills > this year, but we've got some great pro-gun ones! I guess we Utahns > voted well! ;) > > Darvell Hunt > Pleasant Grove, UT > > > - BILLS WHICH UTGOA EXPECTS TO SUPPORT Utah Gun Owners Alliance has requested, and the sponsors have agreed, to run the following pro-gun bills. However, these bills do not currently have language, so we don't know what they'll actually say when they emerge from the attorneys in legislative research. UTGOA is actively working with the sponsors and has submitted draft language. Assuming the bills conform to our expectations, we will be enthusiastically supporting them. HB 345: CARRYING A FIREARM - THOMPSON HB 345 is intended to allow for concealed carry without a permit, sometimes known as "Vermont" carry. UTGOA believes that self-defense is a right and that no one should have to ask government for permission or jump through hoops to exercise a right. HB 345 is currently in House Rules > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Bergeson" Subject: Fw: OPPOSE H.R.225 Anti-Gunrunning Act of 2001 Date: 31 Jan 2001 20:40:34 -0700 OPPOSE H.R.225. IT ONLY RESTRICTS THE HONEST CITIZEN AND DOES NOT RESTRICT THE CRIMINAL. check it on: enter HR225 AUTO-FAX YOUR FEDERAL REPS: CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD TOLL-FREE HOTLINES: 800.241.7109, 800.335.4949, 800.456.1414, 800.505.0145 800.522.6721, 800.648.3516, 800.663.9566, 800.722.7494 800.972.3524, 877.762.8762, 877.778.9001, 888.449.3511 AUTO-EMAIL: ----- Original Message ----- 107th CONGRESS, 1st Session H.R.225 To prevent handgun violence and illegal commerce in handguns. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 3, 2001 Mr. WEXLER (for himself, Mr. NADLER, and Mr. MORAN of Virginia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To prevent handgun violence and illegal commerce in handguns. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Anti-Gunrunning Act of 2001". SEC. 2. PREVENTING GUN TRAFFICKING BY RESTRICTING HANDGUN TRANSFERS TO ONE PER MONTH. (a) IN GENERAL- Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (z)(1) The Congress finds and declares that-- (A) crime, particularly crime involving drugs and guns, is a pervasive, nationwide problem; (B) crime at the local level is exacerbated by the interstate movement of drugs, guns, and criminal gangs; (C) firearms and ammunition move easily in interstate commerce; (D) the illegal movement of firearms, and handguns in particular, across state lines is a widespread and pervasive national problem; (E) handguns (even when lawfully purchased) are unlawfully transported across state lines by gun traffickers and are illegally sold to prohibited persons; (F) in fact, even before a firearm is illegally sold by a trafficker, the gun, its component parts, ammunition, and the raw materials from which it is made have moved in interstate commerce; (G) law-abiding persons may fear to travel interstate or to or through certain parts of the country due to concern about violent crime and gun violence; (H) the illegal movement of handguns across state lines substantially affects the national market for firearms, because handguns sold in one State in which there are few restrictions provide a convenient source for the acquisition of handguns by gun traffickers who transport the handguns to jurisdictions with stronger restrictions; (I) the unlawful sale of firearms by traffickers provides a method by which firearms can be bought and sold anonymously, without background checks and without record-keeping requirements to enable gun tracing; (J) handguns sold by traffickers are often obtained by criminals and other prohibited persons who frequently use guns that cannot be traced to commit crimes; (K) handgun violence is a pervasive, national problem that is exacerbated by the availability of handguns through gun traffickers; (L) firearms from traffickers have been involved in subsequent crimes including drug offenses, crimes of violence, property crimes, and illegal possession by felons and other prohibited persons; (M) because gun trafficking is often an interstate activity, individual States and localities are often severely hampered in combating illegal handgun purchases--even States and localities that have made strong efforts to prevent, detect, and punish gun-related crime and illegal trafficking of firearms--as a result of the failure or inability of other States or localities to take strong measures; and (N) the Congress has the power, under the interstate commerce clause and other provisions of the Constitution, to ensure, by enactment of this section, that criminals and other prohibited persons do not obtain firearms through gun traffickers. (2) It shall be unlawful for any licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer-- (A) during any 30-day period, to sell, deliver or transfer 2 or more handguns to any single person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer), or (B) to sell, deliver or transfer a handgun to any single person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer), knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the transferee has already received one or more handguns within the previous 30 days. (3)(A) It shall be unlawful for any person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer) to receive more than one handgun within any 30-day period. (B) Under such rules and regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, subparagraph (A) shall not apply to the loan or rental of a single handgun solely for purposes of target shooting, provided that the recipient possesses no more than one such loaned or rented handgun at any one time. (4) Under such rules and regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, paragraphs (2) and (3) shall not apply to-- (A) handguns transferred to or received by qualified private security companies licensed to do business within the State where the transfer occurs for use by the company in its security operations, provided that any handgun transferred under this subsection is transferred through a licensed dealer located in the State where the security company is licensed to do business; (B) the disposition made of a handgun delivered to a person licensed under section 923 for the sole purpose of repair or customizing when such handgun or a replacement handgun of the same kind and type is returned to the person from whom it was received; (C) the loan or rental of a single handgun from a person licensed under section 923, provided that the recipient possesses no more than one such loaned or rented handgun at any one time; (D) the redemption of pawned handguns from a person licensed under section 923 by the person from whom the handguns were received; (E) the receipt of curio or relic handguns by a licensed collector; (F) the receipt of a single handgun from a person licensed under section 923 to replace a lost or stolen handgun of the same kind or type, where the transferee has submitted to the licensee a copy of an official police report establishing the loss or theft of a handgun or handguns; (G) the transfer of handguns by bequest; (H) the transfer of handguns to the transferor's spouse, child, parent, stepparent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, or sister; or (I) the transfer of all or part of a personal firearms collection (as that term is defined in regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary) that includes handguns, provided that the handguns in the collection are transferred through a licensed importer, manufacturer, or dealer located in the State where the transferee resides. (b) PENALTIES- Section 924(a)(2) of such title is amended by striking 'or (o)' and inserting '(o), or (z)'. (c) INCREASED PENALTIES FOR LICENSEES WHO KNOWINGLY MAKE FALSE STATEMENTS IN REQUIRED RECORDS- (1) Section 924(a)(3) of such title is amended-- (A) by striking '(A)'; (B) by striking 'or' after 'chapter'; (C) by striking subsection (B); and (D) by striking 'one year' and inserting '5 years'. (2) Section 924(a) of such title is amended by adding at the end the following: '(7) Any licensed dealer, licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed collector who knowingly violates section 922(m) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both.'. (d) CONFORMING CHANGES TO THE BRADY LAW- Section 922(t) of such title is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), by striking '(g) or (n)' and inserting '(g), (n), or (z)'; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking '(g) or (n)' and inserting '(g), (n), or (z)'; (3) in paragraph (3), by striking subparagraph (A) and redesignating subparagraphs (B) and (C) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; (4) in paragraph (4), by striking '(g) or (n)' and inserting '(g), (n), or (z)'; and (5) by adding at the end the following: '(10) A licensee must, within three days of receiving a request from the prospective transferee, notify the national instant criminal background check system of any background check conducted pursuant to this section within the previous 30 days that did not result in the transfer of a handgun.' '(11) Information that is retained pursuant to Public Law 103-159 may be used to effectuate section 922(z) of this title.' (e) EFFECTIVE DATE- The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General, shall determine, and publish in the Federal Register, the date on which this section shall become effective. (f) DEADLINES FOR DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS RELATED TO CERTAIN FIREARMS TRANSFERS- (1) HANDGUN TRANSFERS SUBJECT TO THE WAITING PERIOD- Section 922(s)(6)(B)(i) of such title is amended by striking '20 business days' and inserting '35 calendar days'. (2) FIREARMS TRANSFERS SUBJECT TO INSTANT CHECK- Section 922(t)(2)(C) of such title is amended by inserting 'within 35 calendar days after the date the system provides the licensee with the number,'. END - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Bill of Rights Day Date: 31 Jan 2001 23:35:20 -0700 ---------------- Charles Hardy --------- Forwarded message ---------- Rep. Morgan Philpot is sponsoring two Bill of Rights Day bills. HB 133 creates Bill of Rights Day to be observed on Dec. 15, the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. HJR 10 is a Resolution urging all government entities and schools to read the Bill of Rights and observe Bill of Rights Day. It also encourages civic organizations to work with government to disseminate copies of the Bill of Rights to schools and to communicate its importance. These bills will be heard by the Government Operations Committee on Friday, Feb. 2 at 8 AM in Room 405. Rep. Philpot has asked that supporters of the Bill of Rights attend to show their support and/or testify in favor of the legislation. Please plan to attend to show your support for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, right to petition, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, due process, jury trials, right to keep and bear arms, etc. etc. If you can't attend, please contact members of the House Government Operations committee and ask them to vote for HB 133 and HJR 10. Bigelow,, 801-968-4188 Bowman,, 435-586-8174 Bradshaw,, 801-581-9646 Bush,, 801-825-3210 Buttars,, 435-258-5015 Clark, 435-628-5108 Dayton,, 801-221-0623 Duckworth,, 801-250-0728 Hansen, 801-393-1514, 801-547-2651 (cell) Hendrickson,, 801-969-8920 Jones,, 801-278-7667 Lockhart,, 801-377-7428 All can be reached at the Capitol at 538-1029. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: -