From: Scott Bergeson Subject: some good news somewhere....... Date: 03 Jun 2004 08:57:53 -0600 On 3 Jun 2004 10:35:17 -0400 provides: [Please strip her and my email addresses if you post this anywhere archived to Web, although she posted it to a Web-archived list. - Scott] "Congratulations to John Horstman on the award of $50,000 for his unlawful arrest. The story immediately follows from today's Chicago Tribune. Way to go JOHN! Thursday, June 03, 2004 ILLINOIS GUN OWNER PAID $50K FOR DUPAGE ARREST DuPage pays for handgun arrest Schaumburg man accepts $50,000,1,7557068.story?coll=chi-newslocal-hed By Ted Gregory Tribune staff reporter Published June 3, 2004 DuPage County has settled a federal lawsuit filed by a man whose arrest on weapons charges two years ago became a rallying point for a group advocating the right to carry concealed handguns. John Horstman, 43, of Schaumburg picked up a check for $50,000 at the DuPage County state's attorney's office Wednesday. DuPage County sheriff's police had arrested Horstman on July 24, 2002, and charged him with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for carrying a 9 mm handgun in a case in his backpack while bicycling along the Illinois Prairie Path. DuPage County State's Atty. Joseph Birkett dropped the charges Aug. 8, 2002, saying the evidence failed to warrant the allegations. Horstman, a computer systems engineer whose only previous brush with the law was a speeding ticket, filed suit soon after. "It's an equitable agreement, and I'm glad it's over and that everybody's wiser for it," Horstman said. Horstman, who lost his job in August 2002 at Argonne National Laboratory for reasons he said were unrelated to the gun charges, is working as a part-time package handler for a shipping service. "The key is the jeopardy I was put in at the time," Horstman said when asked why he filed the complaint. He spent about 24 hours in DuPage County Jail and was released on a $25,000 cash bond, considered high, before the charges were dropped. "That's quite a lot of jeopardy, especially when I was bending over backward to comply with the law in the first place," he said. Horstman's arrest became a rallying point for Concealed Carry Inc., an Oak Brook-based group promoting the right of law-abiding citizens to carry weapons. The group, which also advocates the consolidation and clarification of Illinois gun laws, used Horstman's case to draw attention to a clause in the state gun law that allows registered owners to carry an unloaded gun "enclosed in a case, firearm carrying box, shipping box or other container." "What we're looking at here is the first step of holding state's attorneys responsible for arresting law-abiding gun owners," said John Birch, president of Concealed Carry. "I'm a supporter of Joe Birkett. This is not directed at Joe. This is directed at the process as it exists in the state of Illinois." DuPage County First Assistant State's Atty. Nancy Wolfe noted Wednesday that the county admits no liability in the out-of-court settlement. Birkett has called for Illinois to clarify its gun laws. "We resolved the case by settlement for an amount agreed upon by both parties," Wolfe said. "I'm not going to comment any further on it." The $50,000 settlement is significantly less than Horstman sought when he filed the complaint in federal court two years ago. He had been seeking more than $1 million for a wrongful arrest. Horstman's settlement was completed 15 days after a Cook County judge dismissed felony weapons charges against Roderick Pritchett, 26, who, during a routine traffic stop in November 2002, told Chicago police officers he had a registered handgun in a zippered pouch in his car." kira --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Charles Hardy" Subject: Been done a whil, hoping I'm back now Date: 19 Jun 2004 03:01:32 GMT Friends (and others if there be any) ;) , Just in case anyone noticed, I've been missing for a while. About 4 weeks ago I had the first really serious flare-up of colitis in some 15 years or so. So I've been completely off line for the past three weeks or so. I finally logged in tonight, of course found that my mail box was full, and so realized that I've probably been bouncing messages for some time. So, if you've tried to email me and it bounced back, please resend. My email is still active and I've cleaned out my inbox. I hope to check it often enough now to keep it from overflowing. I'm still nowhere near back to 100%, but I think I'm on my way back. I'm afraid with this illness, the downward slopes are very steep and fast, while the climb back up takes MUCH longer. BTW, if anyone knows any really good gastro-internists, ODs, or other "real" doctors who are also versed in (or at least friendly towards "alternative" or holistic medicine) please drop me a private message here. I live in Sandy, so a good practice somewhere along the Wasatch Front is preferred. The last time I had any kind of long term relationship with a medical doctor, she just couldn't wait to cut out my entire colon and hang a bag on my side. (This after another doctor did an endoscope on a fully enflamed bowel without bothering to wait for the anthesia to kick in on me!!) She swore up and down that such WOULD be necessary within 5 years. As a teenager, I checked myself out AMA at that point and haven't had much to do with doctors since. (We had a visit from whatever DCFS was called back then and narrowing escaped a "Parker Jenson" long before he was even a glimmer in his parents' eyes.) That was well over 15 years ago and my insides are still inside where they belong, with, the last month notwithstanding, very few problems to date. Anyway, this time was serious enough (and I figured I'd eventually need a doctor's note for my employer) that I finally went and saw a doctor about it. (It only takes 2 to 8 weeks to get an appointment these days.) It is apparantly one of his specialties and while he seems more reasonable and competent than what I experienced as a teenager, I still came away reminded very forcefully why alternative medicine has grown so much. Simply put, there doesn't seem to be more than about 1 doctor in 100 (maybe not even that many) who is capable or interested in looking at a person as anything more than a case, an ailment, or a piece of meat; certainly not as a living soul who ought to be given some credit for the experience of having lived in that body for as many years as he has. (Apologies to the rare shining star among traditional medical practioners.) Rambling a bit now, reminds me of what is currently happening with government day-care camps (aka "public schools"). Administrators, the teachers' union, and too many union drones masquerading as "teachers" (with full apologies to those really dedicated teachers), are doing everything short of smacking students and parents over the head with two by fours and shouting, "Go away, we don't really want your business." And so the home schooling and private school, and neighborhood co-operative schools continue to grow...along with chiropractic practices, midwives, herbalists, and other alternatives to the traditional medical doctor and his approach to medicine. Back on topic, I hope I haven't missed anything too important and that nobody has thought I've snubbed them or refused to answer them. There is no way I'm even going to attempt to go back through 3 weeks of news groups to see what happened, so if somebody really wants me to see something, send it to me privately. Thanks. Charles ================== Charles Hardy ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today! -