From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #68 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Friday, June 5 1998 Volume 02 : Number 068 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 10:13:39 -0700 From: DAVID SAGERS Subject: FCO 6-3-98 -Forwarded Received: from ([]) by; Wed, 03 Jun 1998 02:40:57 -0600 Received: (from daemon@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.BEST) id AAA19972 for; Wed, 3 Jun 1998 00:59:11 -0700 (PDT) Message-Id: <> From: Chris Knox Subject: FCO 6-3-98 Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 00:57:14 -0700 (MST) BestServHost: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Errors-To: Reply-To: To: - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ======================================================================== Online Report to the F I R E A R M S C O A L I T I O N 7771 Sudley Rd., No. 44 Manassas, VA 20109 ====================================================================== June 2, 1998 Vol. 5, No. 5 ====================================================================== See last page for subscription and administrative information. ====================================================================== In this issue: May 20 Shotgun News Column An opportunity for offense Telephone Log ======================================================================== A Note from Chris If you haven't visited the Hard Corps Home Page recently, you might want to stop by and take a look. It isn't finished by any stretch (no web site is ever really finished), but it has been given a little more polished look and a search engine. The latest change is the addition of a separate page for the telephone logs (which I no longer inflict upon your mailbox). These scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update line (1-900-225-3006 $0.89 per minute) are an as-it-happened legislative history which amount to a diary of the Second Amendment movement. Also, check out the new "News and Notes" section at This new section will feature items from the Web and the general press. The inaugural entry is a featur from the Washington Post on a 25% drop in Maryland handgun sales. Points that Neal has made for years about the danger of crooks moving up the violence scale to more-deadly weapons and the lack of impact of legal gun sales on crime are borne out in the story, although those subtleties seem to have escaped the reporter. The story is included complete and also has a link to the original Post story. * * * * * This mailing contains only one Shotgun News Column, however I wanted to get at least one bulletin out before the NRA Convention in Philadelphia. It promises to be unpleasant; the Second Amendment Action slate was defeated pretty soundly in the face of ferocious negative advertising. See for results. This meeting is an important one, nonetheless; for the first time since the members assembled in Seattle in 1983 voted away their right to elect the Executive Vice-President, the members meeting has substantive business to transact. There are several changes to the Corporate Charter on the agenda. Under New York Not-for-Profit Corporation law, only the assembled members may amend the Corporate Charter. If you do attend, expect the room to be set up to make a floor debate as uncomfortable and as difficult as possible. At last year's Seattle meeting the room was dark with the podium lit with spotlights until a speaker pointed out that the meeting belonged to the assembled members and that they were not an audience come to watch a floor show. In previous years there have been as many as eight or more microphones on the floor. Last year had four. I'll be surprised to see more than two this year. It will be difficult to be recognized and the gavel will come down sharply on the opposition. I suspect that there will be a lull in the agenda sometime around noon. During that lull while people wander out for a bite to eat, watch for a hurried motion to adjourn. Whether the motion is technically out of order or not, it will be ruled in order by the chair and the gavel will crash. The only way to avoid losing the meeting in that scenario is to develop a very heavy backside. Send someone out to get a steak sandwich. The annual Secret Meeting[1] will occur the night before at 7:00 PM, Friday, June 5 at the Holiday Inn Select, Center City. The meeting is in a meeting room on the "meeting level" above the restaurant. [1] Secret Meeting. Prior to the 1977 Cincinnati meeting where the membership took back their organization the NRA leadership was shocked, yes, shocked, that the planners of the revolution met in secret. The loyal opposition's meeting before the meeting has come to be known as The Secret Meeting. ======================================================================== I wrote and am solely responsible for everything above this line. Chris Knox ======================================================================== Opportunity For Offense By NEAL KNOX WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 20) -- A football team with an almost- impenetrable defense, but no offense, will lose. The gun rights lobby has had such a near-perfect defense for decades. Until the last dozen or so years, the only time we have lost in Congress, or most state legislatures, was when some particularly horrifying crime or series of crimes caused the public to demand that legislators "DO something" -- even if that law had no chance of preventing a repetition of the event that repulsed the public. In football terms, the only time the anti-gunners could score was with the "Long Bomb," a "Hail Mary Pass" that depended upon a great deal of luck -- either good or bad. But in recent years, the anti-gun crowd has been able to score by "moving the ball on the ground," pounding away with consistent small gains -- "three yards in a cloud of dust." First was the long fight over the "armor-piercing bullet ban," which started as a broad ammo law in 1979, but passed as a neutered -- though symbolically important -- first-ever outright Federal firearms ban in 1986, two years after NRA-ILA watered it down and threw in the towel. Then came the slow march through committees and both houses of the so-called "assault weapon" ban and Brady waiting period (and its NRA-alternative "Instant Check" which is proving to be worse). When Brady passed in late 1993, and the Feinstein semi-auto and magazine ban was enacted in 1994, gun owners and the Second Amendment took it on the chin. But it loaded every chamber on NRA's only continuing national offense -- organized political action. As even Bill Clinton publicly acknowledged in January 1995 to Cleveland Plain Dealer editors and in his State of the Union speech, those gun law votes resulted in large numbers of anti-gun Democrats being defeated, giving control of Congress to Republicans for the first time in 40 years. In those heady days, both House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole promised votes to repeal the '94 ugly gun ban. Gingrich delivered; the House voted to repeal. Dole reneged, after assuring that gunowners stayed neutral in the '96 Republican primaries. But Gingrich also said -- to NRA E.V.P. Wayne LaPierre, ILA Director Tanya Metaksa and me in a 1 1/2-hour meeting with the Republican leadership -- that no anti-gun legislation would pass on his watch. He was mistaken. Every Republican Senator, and much of the House, voted in late '96 to ban all firearms ownership forever for so-called "domestic violence misdemeanors" -- which can be as insignificant as a fistfight between two brothers 30 years before. No positive legislation has moved in this Congress, Clinton will get away with his dictatorial ban on the importation of 59 "non-sporting" semi-autos, and the stage seems set for one or more anti-gun amendments -- such as trigger locks, one gun-per- month or a "safe storage" law -- to pass at least one house in this election year. Even without any new anti-gun legislation, I doubt that Republicans will hold their thin 11-seat House majority this fall. With anti-gun Democrats in command of key committees next year (though all Democrats certainly aren't anti-gun), we would almost certainly face even worse problems in Clinton's last two years. Republican political strategists -- reading the same misleading "opinion polls" that Clinton Democrats were reading in '94, the ones that say the public likes Brady and dislikes "assault weapons" -- are telling GOP candidates that gunowners have nowhere else to go, so they should ignore the gun rights issue. But those political handlers are forgetting the gun-owning, mainly blue-collar union member Democrats who brought the Republicans to power. Those folks are disappointed and disgusted with Republicans "who don't do what they promise to restore gun rights," and even more will go back to their Democrat roots, as so many did in 1996. Except for aborted attempts to overturn the 1994 "ugly gun" ban, the only time the gun lobby has been on offense in Congress - - -- when we set the agenda, called the plays, and made the anti- gunners defend against us -- was in 1978-82 when we challenged the Gun Control Act of 1968 with the original McClure-Volkmer bill, literally the Gun Decontrol Act until it was gutted by "friends." We have a tremendous, never-repeatable opportunity to again go on offense -- in a battle that we can win, that can bring more allies (from both parties) than we have seen in years, and one that will win elections for demonstrated pro-gunners this fall. I'm talking about a challenge to the permanent, second stage of the Brady Act, with its costly "Instant Check" -- which may take up to three days -- scheduled to go into effect on ALL guns this November. Most hunters, plinkers and claybirders are completely unaware that the Brady Act will affect long guns. Most have never been concerned about gun laws, because it has been 30 years since new or proposed laws directly affected the only guns most of them use. The anti-gun crowd has left those folks alone for a reason: there are too many long gun users to mess with. And that's the same reason we need to make those hunters and claybirders aware that their rights and pocketbooks will be trampled along with handgunners. What will fire them up is the "$13-$16 Federal user fee" which FBI spokesmen have said will be charged if the gun dealer directly calls the FBI system, rather than a state system. That's not much on an expensive shotgun, but it's a big tax on a used .22 rifle. Strangely, if a state legislature has set up its own "instant check" system -- as 19 have -- we're told the FBI doesn't plan to charge the state for conducting the check. Why? Obviously to get gun owners in 31 states to back a new state gun law. Why? Because there are Federal laws against the Feds using sales information to create a national gun registration system, but the states can create the Federally accessible gun registration systems that the Clinton Administration wants. When the Feds also start taking advantage of the provision of the Brady law that allows them a wait of up to three days on all firearms purchases -- as they will -- what's the effect on the guy who wants a new pump shotgun for opening day of quail season? Between fees, waits and unjustified gun purchase denials, a lot of fresh anger is going to be created come November. We need to do whatever we can to productively harness it -- against the politicians who don't keep it from happening, and against the legislative packages that most gunowners have previously ignored. Granted, I'd prefer to repeal the entire Brady Act, and the Instant Check that rode in with it, but that's not going to happen -- unless enough fire is stirred up by the long gunners to give the handgunners some relief. ====================================================================== Copyright (c) 1998 by Neal Knox Associates 7771 Sudley Rd., No. 44 Manassas, VA 20109 Reproduction and non-commercial distribution of this bulletin by any means is encouraged so long as this statement is retained. ====================================================================== Do not put your credit card number in e-mail. ====================================================================== Dear Neal, Enclosed is my retainer for your services as my Capitol Hill lobbyist: $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $50 [ ] $25 [ ] Other:____ [ ] Quarterly [ ] Bill my MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] Monthly [ ] Once [ ] Card No. ________________________________________ Expiration Date _____ Mr. [ ] Mrs.[ ]________________________________________________________________ Ms. [ ] Signature_______________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Phone ________________ City _____________________________________________State ____ Zip________ Email Address ______________________ Print and mail to: Firearms Coalition 7771 Sudley Rd., No. 44 Manassas, VA 20109 ====================================================================== PGP users: Remove the leading asterisks from the BEGIN and END lines before using this key. *-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAy8Q4mIAAAEEALKdSCTF6BvTg4luk1IOYtiQyxPotnTjjijSawo9htwZeFS/ KU0WAPkeDuhgKSN3H5242irpkfUu8g84fAPBH6a6joaFN7OchRa49WXnz2dReT0V iT9xeec9rPSASH04dz+lEONeDZ17yh/JGt+tjYq0CIenFZ9JMCGz4I2lBJDFAAUR tCdDaHJpc3RvcGhlciBXYXJyZW4gS25veCA8Y2tub3hAY3JsLmNvbT6JAJUDBRAv pxqvIbPgjaUEkMUBAS8BA/9PP4teu4vja6dTXkOMhVN8xgf1fl66VCc2V4A0/lli uRdf75GS1uQd+pzPIZoIReU440uuLfNSMqAAjCLHDja9ViAUllTk7YIKJMe53+nZ UnQndT2a6ikeQgh/kFxFM1z4NHgTBZ/KMg3td45WzEA3XpjWACrXWNAtYplaQ0hg Iw== =VDsh *-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ======================================================================= "None genuine without this signature." - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBNXUEGCGz4I2lBJDFAQF3wAQAon+juse6vlcUq6DIEkMMyudJgpiD3OER badU47/KqktKZm9IO0cn540SfZsjG5pnAR61Ct/qgCA5sZlYWR2U/Lv139WcBAs8 a+hyBY28eosRrrleCEFA9yVKLqiwfBZhzGnHDBwJR26fWEDdm4S+k7hK1AEY1gF8 0Ek4dpiPXB0= =fIHZ - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 08:31:02 -0700 From: DAVID SAGERS Subject: THE CLASSROOM CULTURE THAT SPAWNED KIP KINKEL -Forwarded Received: from ([]) by; Tue, 02 Jun 1998 07:50:51 -0600 Received: (from smap@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.7.3) id JAA05834; Tue, 2 Jun 1998 09:49:03 -0400 (EDT) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 09:49:03 -0400 (EDT) Received: from localhost( by via smap (V1.3) id sma005711; Tue Jun 2 09:48:51 1998 Message-Id: <> Errors-To: Reply-To: Originator: Sender: Precedence: bulk From: "Mike Riddle" To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: THE CLASSROOM CULTURE THAT SPAWNED KIP KINKEL X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas X-Comment: Anti-Gun-Ban list >From the *liberal* Boston Globe, reposted as fair use for commentary on current events and political discussions: THE CLASSROOM CULTURE THAT SPAWNED KIP KINKEL Author: By Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe Staff Date: THURSDAY, May 28, 1998 Page: A23 Section: Op-Ed Page Some boys -- sorry, Father Flanagan -- are bad. Some are downright evil. By all accounts, Kip Kinkel was one of them. Reports on the grisly shootings at Thurston High School in Springfield, Ore., make it clear that he was one vicious adolescent. He was the kind of punk who took pleasure in flinging rocks down on cars from overpasses and torturing small animals with firecrackers. He was obsessed with bombs and had a furious temper. Though his parents apparently did their best to control and correct their son, their best wasn't good enough. Now they are dead, one Thurston 10th-grader is dead, and 23 other students are wounded. And Thurston gets added to the grim roll of American schools where students, in 1998 alone, have become murderers: Parker Middle School, Edinboro, Pa. Westside Middle School, Jonesboro, Ark. Heath High School, West Paducah, Ky. Pearl High School, Pearl, Miss. Bethel Regional High School, Bethel, Alaska. And it isn't even June. There have always been brutal, coldblooded kids. But there haven't always been brutal, cold-blooded kids pulling .22-caliber semiautomatics from beneath their coats in the school cafeteria and opening fire. And there hasn't always been the dread, which deepens with each new atrocity, that no community is immune from this teenage mayhem, that the next child slaughtered by a schoolmate could be -- yours. It didn't come out of the blue. School hallways aren't running red with blood for no reason. Grief-stricken mourners who sob and ask ``Why?'' need our comfort and love. But their question has answers. >From Sunday's New York Times: ``But he did not just tell friends in private that his mind was full of violence. Once day in a literature class, when it was his turn to read his dreams from his journal, Kip stook up and told the class that he wanted to kill. But school officials said such talk was not unusual among students, and was often dismissed as just blowing off steam.'' Not unusual. Often dismissed. A teenager talks of yearning to murder, and his elders respond with: ho-hum. And then they are horrified when he turns to murder. Is he deranged? Or are they? Kids -- the worst kids -- become homeroom hit men when they are bombarded with messages telling them: Do what you like. No one will judge you. No one cares. The public schools they attend, so utterly transformed from the public schools their parents and grandparents attended, shun the enforcement of standards. Modern educational theories are built up around the notions that wrong answers are as good as right answers, that grades are oppressive, that ``truth'' is a relative concept. In countless schools, students are encouraged to think that they can have what they like and do what they like, because encouraging them to think otherwise would bruise their self-esteem. And nothing, but nothing, is more important than a child's self-esteem. Least of all self-control. ``I want to have all the firepower I can,'' Kip Kinkel reportedly said, ``so I can kill as many people as I can.'' Once a kid who talked that way in school would have been yanked by the collar and marched before a principal, who would have taught him one of life's great lessons: Shut up. He would have learned to control his mouth, which in turn would have helped him control his thoughts. If he was an unregenerate delinquent, he would have been expelled. He would not have been indulged or ignored in the belief (or the hope) that he was just ``blowing off steam.'' Steep schoolchildren in the belief that they are entitled to much but responsible for little, and you raise a crop of irresponsible and demanding adolescents. Train teachers and administrators to flee from discipline, to retreat before student obstinacy, to abhor authority -- moral and otherwise -- and you wind up with middle and high schools that are little more than day care for teenagers. In parochial and most other private schools, educators still manage to convey to students the axiom that benefits must be earned and that choices beget consequences. Perhaps that is one reason these bloody assaults have not been occurring in their cafeterias and classrooms. In far too many public schools, by contrast, students learn one thing early and well: No matter what you do, there is no price to pay. Don't do the homework and you'll pass anyway. Cut classes and you can still graduate. Spray graffiti on the walls and you won't be kicked out. Curse out a teacher and it will be tolerated. Old joke: A rowdy kid, a troublemaking truant, is finally yanked out of public school by his parents and enrolled in a Catholic school. Quickly the complaints about him stop. He attends class. He does his homework. He stops mouthing off. At semester's end, his report card shows all As and Bs -- to his parents' delight. ``So tell us,'' they finally ask him: ``What got you to straighten up and fly right?'' ``Well,'' he says, ``on the first day I walked in and there on the wall was a guy nailed to a cross. I figured these nuns were serious.'' When American public schools were serious, they weren't the scene of monthly murder sprees. But we have taken rigorous education, clear values, and serious discipline out of the classroom. Something else was bound to fill the void. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 98 18:53:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: quotes for the politically incorrect- 1/3 - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Neal Seaman To: HENRY A VON KROGE ; GEORGE BAXTOR Date: Thursday, May 28, 1998 9:06 AM Subject: quotes for the politically incorrect- "ONE MAN WITH A GUN CAN CONTROL 100 WITHOUT ONE." - LENIN "NOTHING WILL PRESERVE LIBERTY BUT DOWNRIGHT FORCE." - P. HENRY "NO FREE MAN SHALL EVER BE BARRED THE USE OF ARMS" - T. JEFFERSON "POLITICAL POWER GROWS OUT OF THE BARREL OF A GUN" - MAO TSE-TUNG "EVERY MAN BE ARMED. EVERYONE WHO IS ABLE MAY HAVE A GUN." - P. HENRY dear george and henry: the info below is a bunch of quotes which you may find interesting neal and melissa seaman 789-5357 NOW CONSIDER THE RESULTS OF GUN CONTROL: * The Soviet Union established gun control in 1929. From 1929 to 1953, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * Turkey established gun control in 1911. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * Germany established gun control in 1938. From 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill people, and other "mongrelized peoples," unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, 1 million "educated people," unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. * Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." - Heinrich Himmler * Good News: Bill Clinton is building us a bridge to the future. Bad News: Ted Kennedy is driving us across. G. Gordon Liddy Show, 30 August 1996 * All military type firearms are to be handed in immediately ... The SS, SA and Stahlhelm give every respectable German man the opportunity of campaigning with them. Therefore anyone who does not belong to one of the above named organizations and who unjustifiably nevertheless keeps his weapon ... must be regarded as an enemy of the national government." - SA Oberfuhrer of Bad Tolz, March, 1933. ANNOY A GUN-GRABBER: RECITE FACTS! "Before we can prepare for the future, we must first understand the past!" 20,000 GUN LAWS DON'T WORK! "WITHOUT THE SWORD, THE LAW IS ONLY WORDS." "SHAKE & BAKE", JANET RENO'S RECIPE A LA WACO. 1836: REMEMBER THE ALAMO. 1993: REMEMBER WACO! "GUN CONTROL" IS A CRIME. REVOLUTION IS A BIRTH RIGHT!! "FREE MEN HAVE ARMS; SLAVES DO NOT." - WM. BLACKSTONE "ONE MAN WITH A GUN CAN CONTROL 100 WITHOUT ONE." - LENIN "DEAR GOD, THEY HAVE WEAPONS!" - SS TROOPER, WARSAW, 1942 "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." WHAT PART DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? 2ND AMENDMENT: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN POLITICIANS AND RULERS! "NOTHING WILL PRESERVE LIBERTY BUT DOWNRIGHT FORCE."--P.HENRY "...A CIVILIZED NATION HAS FULL GUN REGISTRATION." - ADOLPH HITLER "NO FREE MAN SHALL EVER BE BARRED THE USE OF ARMS" - JEFFERSON "WHEN ONLY COPS AND THE MILITARY HAVE GUNS, IT'S A POLICE STATE!" "REMEMBER THE ALAMO"........"REMEMBER IDAHO"........REMEMBER WACO!" "POLITICAL POWER GROWS OUT OF THE BARREL OF A GUN" - MAO TSE-TUNG "EVERY MAN BE ARMED. EVERYONE WHO IS ABLE MAY HAVE A GUN." - P.HENRY "BAN IGNORANCE, NOT GUNS! "HAPPINESS IS A BELT-FED WEAPON" AN ARMED NATION IS A FREE NATION. GET THE SHOTGUN. THAT'LL LEARN 'EM." AN ARMED SOCIETY IS A POLITE SOCIETY! BATF: BAD ATTITUDE TOWARDS FREEDOM 67 MILLION GUN OWNERS CAN'T BE WRONG... AN INALIENABLE RIGHT CANNOT BE LICENSED! BATF: BRUTALIZING AMERICA THROUGH FORCE. ADDRESS ALL FLAMES TO DKORESH@WACO.ORG ARMED WOMEN = POLITE MEN. - CHARLES CURLEY BATF: BASTARDS AUTHORIZED TO TAKE FREEDOMS BETTER TO BE JUDGED BY 12 THAN CARRIED BY 6 !! ALL WHO LOVE LIBERTY ARE ENEMIES OF THE STATE. BATF MOTTO: ONE DOWN, NINE AMENDMENTS TO GO! AND THE BATF WENT IN TO "PROTECT THE CHILDREN". A WEAPON IN EVERY HAND, FREEDOM ON EVERY SIDE. BATF = BASICALLY, ANOTHER TRUCKLOAD OF FASCISTS. ALL THE GUN CONTROL WE NEED WAS ENACTED IN 1791! BETTER TO "GUN-PROOF" KIDS THAN TO "KID-PROOF" GUNS BETTER TO BE CAUGHT WITH IT THAN CAUGHT WITHOUT IT. A GUN IN THE HAND IS BETTER THAN A COP ON THE PHONE. A POLICE STATE IS GREAT, SO LONG AS YOU'RE THE POLICE. ARMED WITH A FULLY-AUTOMATIC .357 ASSAULT REVOLVER... ARMED WOMEN DETER RAPISTS OVER 400 TIMES EACH DAY. A NEED FOR SELF-DEFENSE IS NOT A CALL FOR GUN CONTROL. A GUN IS LIKE A PARACHUTE. WHEN YOU NEED IT YOU NEED IT! "THE AVERAGE AMERICAN IS CRAZY." - HANDGUN CONTROL, INC. A FREE PEOPLE OUGHT...TO BE ARMED... GEORGE WASHINGTON BATF: BUREAU OF ASSASSINS, TERRORISTS AND FIRE STARTERS A HANDGUN RESPONDS FASTER THAN 911 FOR CRIME PROBLEMS. A PERSON HAS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES! "A RIGHT DELAYED IS A RIGHT DENIED." - MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. "HELL,I DON'T WANT CLINTON AND SCHUMER HERE EITHER" - SATAN "A GUN IS LIKE A SEATBELT; WHEN YOU NEED IT YOU NEED IT NOW! DOUBLE TAP" HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DRAFT BEER OR DANCING. ARMED WITH A FULLY-AUTOMATIC .38 SPECIAL ASSAULT REVOLVER... A GUN HOLSTERED TO MY HIP DETERS MORE CRIME THAN ANY LAW. "YOUR KID MAY BE AN HONOR STUDENT BUT YOU'RE STILL AN IDIOT!" A GOVERNMENT THAT OUTLAWS GUNS IS AN OUTLAW GOVERNMENT. 99% OF ALL GUNS HAVE KILLED FEWER PEOPLE THAN TED KENNEDY. ANYONE COMING FOR MY GUNS BETTER BE PREPARED TO MEET GOD. "BUT I DON'T WANT TO DEFEND MYSELF . . . " - BRADY LAW SUPPORTER. BEFORE A STANDING ARMY CAN RULE, THE PEOPLE MUST BE DISARMED. BATF - "CONSTITUTION, WE DON'T NEED NO STEENKING CONSTITUTION!" A GOVERNMENT CANNOT OPPRESS AN ARMED AND UNWILLING CITIZENRY. AND LEAD US NOT INTO INTERPRETATION, BUT DELIVER THE CONSTITUTION... "GUN REGISTRATION IS NOT ENOUGH." -ATT'Y GEN. JANET RENO, AP 12/10/93 BETTER TO HAVE A GUN & NOT NEED IT, THAN TO NEED A GUN & NOT HAVE IT. "WE ALREADY *KNOW* WHO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE." - AT&T AND ATF A GOVERNMENT THAT IGNORES THE 2ND AMENDMENT CAN IGNORE ANY LAW. "NOBODY NEEDS A GUN LIKE THAT!" HE SAID, SURROUNDED BY BODY GUARDS. AMAZING FACT: THE FEDERAL GOV'T IS EXEMPT FROM MOST LAWS THEY PASS. A GUN IS INANIMATE, THEREFORE IT CAN NOT CAUSE CRIME. ONLY PEOPLE DO! "GOVERNMENT'S A DISEASE MASQUERADING AS ITS OWN CURE." - L. NEIL SMITH ANY GOVERNMENT THAT SPIES ON ITS HONEST CITIZENS,CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. AN UNARMED SOCIETY IS A SOCIETY THAT MUST LIVE IN FEAR OF GOVERNMENT! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 98 18:53:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: quotes for the politically incorrect- 2/3 GO ARMED, GO SAFE. DISARM? SORRY, I'M AN AMERICAN. CHOOSE LIFE - CARRY A FIREARM! GUN CONTROL IS PEOPLE CONTROL EYES OPEN, MOUTH SHUT, SAFETY OFF. FIREARMS ARE FOR HUNTING... TYRANTS. GUN CONTROL IS A TIGHT PATTERN ( ( (::) ) ) GUN CONTROL - ALL CRIMINALS SUPPORT IT!!! DEFEND THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND ARM BEARS! GIVE ME LIBERTY...OR EAT HOT LEAD, FASCIST! BUY ONE GUN A MONTH AND PISS OFF A LIBERAL... FOR REAL FEMININE PROTECTION, TRY A FIREARM. GUN CONTROL - FEDERALLY SANCTIONED SUICIDE. GUN CONTROL - UNILATERAL VICTIM DISARMAMENT! CRIME SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY ARMED CITIZENS. GUN CONTROL IS BEING ABLE TO HIT YOUR TARGET! FREE MEN DO NOT ASK PERMISSION TO BEAR ARMS. BILL CLINTON'S FAVORITE VEGETABLE: JAMES BRADY FORGET GUN CONTROL, I WANT *CRIMINAL CONTROL* GUN CONTROL CAN WORK! TO ENSLAVE THE PEOPLE... ENSLAVEMENT IS LIKE OLD AGE, IT CREEPS UP ON YOU. EVERY 12 SECONDS, SOMEONE PROVES SARAH WRONG! FIREPOWER IS A FRAME OF MIND, AND A FULL MAGAZINE. FREEDOM: BROUGHT TO YOU BY GOD, GUNS, AND GUTS! CRIME CONTROL: FIRE A WARNING SHOT INTO HIS HEART! FIRST THE SECOND; SECOND THE FIRST; THEN THE REST... GUN CONTROL IS NOT ABOUT GUNS; IT'S ABOUT CONTROL. BLESSED BE THE PESSIMIST FOR HE CARRIES EXTRA AMMO. DETERRENCE, NOT DISARMAMENT. ARMS ARE DETERRENTS. CRIME: LAW DEFINES. POLICE ENFORCE. CITIZENS PREVENT! BUY DON'T BUY THE LIE! GUN CONTROL IS PEOPLE CONTROL. BURY YOUR GUNS IF YOU HAVE TO, BUT DON'T GIVE THEM UP! GANGS DON'T KILL PEOPLE WITH LEGALLY PURCHASED GUNS. DENY GOD CREATED MAN, COLONEL COLT MADE THEM EQUAL! BUT IT'S NOT AN ASSAULT WEAPON, IT'S A DEFENSE WEAPON! EVER SEE AN ANTI WITH A "NO GUNS" STICKER ON HIS HOUSE? ELIMINATE REPEAT OFFENDERS: DECLARE THEM GAME ANIMALS. BY THE GUN WE SEEK PEACE, BUT PEACE ONLY UNDER LIBERTY. GUN CONTROL IS BEING ABLE TO DROP A LIBERAL AT 500 YARDS! GUN CONTROL IS DEAD WRONG. I DON'T WANT TO WIND UP DEAD. BLACK FACE MASK, SUBMACHINE GUN, SILENCER, IT'S THE BATF!!! CLINTON, IS GOOD AT GRABBING WOMEN, & GUNS...NOTHING ELSE. GOVERNMENTS NEVER DISARM THEMSELVES, ONLY THEIR SLAVES. CITIZENS OWNING GUNS ARE GOVERNED; ALL OTHERS ARE RULED. BLACK TALON: WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SEND THE VERY BEST! CRIMINALS LOVE GUN CONTROL, IT MAKES THEIR JOB MUCH EASIER. FOUR BOXES KEEP US FREE: [1] SOAP [2] BALLOT [3] JURY [4] AMMO! GIVE UP YOUR GUNS WHEN THE SECRET SERVICE GIVES UP THEIRS. GUN CONTROL "PROTECTS" YOU FROM BEING ABLE TO SHOOT BACK. DECLARE "OPEN SEASON" ON CONSTITUTION DECONSTRUCTIONISTS. CRIME CAUSES GUN CONTROL LAWS, GUN CONTROL CAUSES CRIME. EXCUSE ME MR. CRIMINAL WHILE I TAKE THIS $%#! LOCK OFF MY GUN! DISARMED AND ILL-INFORMED? YOUR GOVERNMENT LIKES YOU THAT WAY. CHARLES SCHUMER STILL ALIVE? PROOF THAT GUN OWNERS AREN'T VIOLENT. DON'T TRY TO SCARE AN ARMED MAN. SUCCESS WILL GET YOU A TOMBSTONE. CHARLES SCHUMER IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHY SOME ANIMALS EAT THEIR YOUNG. BLAMING THE GUN FOR MURDER IS LIKE BLAMING THE TYPEWRITER FOR LIBEL.. CRIMINALS AND LIBERALS WANT AN UNARMED POPULACE. COINCIDENCE OR NOT? GUN BANS WORK! JUST LOOK HOW SAFE NEW YORK CITY AND WASHINGTON DC ARE! HAPPINESS IS A WARM GUN. HUNT WITH YOUR KIDS, NOT FOR THEM. I'LL CONTROL MY OWN GUNS, THANK YOU. HCI STANDS FOR HELP CRIME INCREASE! GUN CONTROL: A CRIMINAL'S BEST FRIEND. GUNS IN THE RIGHT HANDS PREVENT DEATH. HCI -- (H)ELP FOR THE (C)RIMINALLY (I)NSANE GUN FREE ZONES ARE FREE FOR CRIME ZONES. GUN CONTROL WORKS. ASK SCHINDLER'S JEWS. I'M THE NRA, MILITIA, A VOTER, AND PISSED OFF! GUN CONTROL: HITTING YOUR INTENDED TARGET. GUN CONTROL LAWS PROTECT VIOLENT CRIMINALS. I LOVE THE SMELL OF GUNPOWDER IN THE MORNING! GUNS DIDN'T MAKE AMERICA UNSAFE - CONGRESS DID! GUN NUT?? NOT ME! I'M JUST A FIREARMS ENTHUSIAST! GUN CONTROL WORKS, ASK ANY COMMUNIST COUNTRY! GUN CONTROL: A LAME EXCUSE FOR CRIMINAL CONTROL. GUN CONTROL TREATS THE SYMPTOM, NOT THE DISEASE. GUNS ONLY HAVE TWO ENEMIES: RUST AND POLITICIANS. GUN OWNERS ARE CITIZENS. ALL OTHERS ARE SUBJECTS. GUNSHOWS - THAT'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND REAL PATRIOTS! IF GUN CONTROL'S SO GOOD, WHY DO ITS ADVOCATES LIE? GUN CONTROL: BREATHE, RELAX, AIM, SIGHT, AND SQUEEZE GUNS ARE DESIGNED TO KILL. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? I'M A BURGLAR'S WORST NIGHTMARE -- AN ARMED CITIZEN! GUNS DON'T MURDER PEOPLE, CRIMINALS MURDER PEOPLE. GUN CONTROL WORKS... LOOK AT ALL THE CHALK OUTLINES! GUNS CAUSE CRIME LIKE FREEDOM OF SPEECH CAUSES LIES. I CARRY A PISTOL BECAUSE MY AK-47 WON'T FIT IN MY PURSE. IF IT CAN'T OVERHEAT, IT DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH FIREPOWER! IF NOT FOR POLITICIANS, WE WOULDN'T NEED ASSAULT RIFLES! I MAY BE PARANOID...BUT THEY STILL WANT TO TAKE MY GUNS! GUN OWNERS ARE `SPECIAL', LIKE THE JEWS IN NAZI GERMANY! I'LL GIVE UP MY GUNS WHEN THE POPE'S WIFE TAKES THE PILL!! I'M WITH THE NRA, AND IF I CAN'T VOTE TWICE, I'LL SHOOT YOU. GUNS = POWER AND THE GOVERNMENT DEMANDS A MONOPOLY. IF GUNS ARE OUTLAWED, HOW WILL LIBERALS COLLECT TAXES? I CARRY A PISTOL 'CAUSE MY SHOTGUN WON'T FIT THE HOLSTER. GUN OWNERS ARE THE JEWS OF THE 90'S IN A FASCIST AMERICA. GUN-GRABBER GUTS...THE RAREST SUBSTANCE IN THE UNIVERSE. IF YOU CAN'T TRUST ME WITH A GUN WHY TRUST ME WITH A CAR? IF RON OR NICOLE HAD A GUN, WOULD O.J. HAVE NEEDED A TRIAL? GUN CONTROL: THOSE WHO HAVE THE GUNS HAVE THE CONTROL! HITLER THOUGHT PRIVATE GUN OWNERSHIP WAS A PROBLEM TOO. I WOULDN'T SPIT IN SCHUMER'S MOUTH IF HIS GUTS WERE ON FIRE. IT DOESN'T SAY "THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR SPORTING GOODS!! IF GUNS CAUSE CRIME THEN VIDEO CAMERAS CAUSE KIDDIE PORN! GUNS EQUAL POWER. AND THE GOVERNMENT WANTS ALL THE GUNS. GUN CONTROL PROTECTS CRIMINALS FROM WORK RELATED INJURIES. I HOLD MY BREATH FOR NOUGHT, EXCEPT TO SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER... IF THOMAS JEFFERSON WERE ALIVE TODAY, HE'D PUKE ON SARAH BRADY!! IF WE LOSE THE SECOND, THE REST OF THE AMENDMENTS ARE ACADEMIC. I BELIEVE IN SANTA, THE EASTER BUNNY, TOOTH FAIRY AND GUN CONTROL.... HELP WIN "THE WAR ON DRUGS"! SHOOT FIRST, SPARE NO MERCY... RELOAD. HORRID MISCHIEF WOULD OCCUR...DEPRIVED OF THE USE OF ARMS. - PAINE IF A MAN WANTS TO TAKE YOUR GUNS, HE IS YOUR ENEMY. IT'S THAT SIMPLE. GUN CONTROL LAWS MAKE HONEST CITIZENS HELPLESS AND DEFENSELESS. GUN REGISTRATION??! HOW ABOUT REGISTERING GANG MEMBERS INSTEAD!! GUN CONTROL: GOVERNMENT DENTISTS PULLING YOUR "TEETH OF FREEDOM"! IF G. WASHINGTON GRABBED GUNS LIKE CLINTON, WHERE WOULD WE BE NOW??!! SELF CONTROL, NOT GUN CONTROL! KEYSTONE KOPS + GESTAPO = BATF SAFE SEX IS WEARING YOUR .45 TO BED. SLAVES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO OWN GUNS. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 98 18:07:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: The Classroom Culture that Spawned Kip Kinkel THE CLASSROOM CULTURE THAT SPAWNED KIP KINKEL Author: By Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe Staff Date: THURSDAY, May 28, 1998 Page: A23 Section: Op-Ed Page Some boys-sorry, Father Flanagan-are bad. Some are downright evil. By all accounts, Kip Kinkel was one of them. Reports on the grisly shootings at Thurston High School in Springfield, Ore., make it clear that he was one vicious adolescent. He was the kind of punk who took pleasure in flinging rocks down on cars from overpasses and torturing small animals with firecrackers. He was obsessed with bombs and had a furious temper. Though his parents apparently did their best to control and correct their son, their best wasn't good enough. Now they are dead, one Thurston 10th-grader is dead, and 23 other students are wounded. And Thurston gets added to the grim roll of American schools where students, in 1998 alone, have become murderers: Parker Middle School, Edinboro, Pa. Westside Middle School, Jonesboro, Ark. Heath High School, West Paducah, Ky. Pearl High School, Pearl, Miss. Bethel Regional High School, Bethel, Alaska. And it isn't even June. There have always been brutal, coldblooded kids. But there haven't always been brutal, cold-blooded kids pulling .22-caliber semiautomatics from beneath their coats in the school cafeteria and opening fire. And there hasn't always been the dread, which deepens with each new atrocity, that no community is immune from this teenage mayhem, that the next child slaughtered by a schoolmate could be- yours. It didn't come out of the blue. School hallways aren't running red with blood for no reason. Grief-stricken mourners who sob and ask "Why?" need our comfort and love. But their question has answers. From Sunday's New York Times: "But he did not just tell friends in private that his mind was full of violence. Once day in a literature class, when it was his turn to read his dreams from his journal, Kip stood up and told the class that he wanted to kill. But school officials said such talk was not unusual among students, and was often dismissed as just blowing off steam." Not unusual. Often dismissed. A teenager talks of yearning to murder, and his elders respond with: ho-hum. And then they are horrified when he turns to murder. Is he deranged? Or are they? Kids-the worst kids-become homeroom hit men when they are bombarded with messages telling them: Do what you like. No one will judge you. No one cares. The public schools they attend, so utterly transformed from the public schools their parents and grandparents attended, shun the enforcement of standards. Modern educational theories are built up around the notions that wrong answers are as good as right answers, that grades are oppressive, that "truth" is a relative concept. In countless schools, students are encouraged to think that they can have what they like and do what they like, because encouraging them to think otherwise would bruise their self-esteem. And nothing, but nothing, is more important than a child's self-esteem. Least of all self-control. "I want to have all the firepower I can," Kip Kinkel reportedly said, "so I can kill as many people as I can." Once a kid who talked that way in school would have been yanked by the collar and marched before a principal, who would have taught him one of life's great lessons: Shut up. He would have learned to control his mouth, which in turn would have helped him control his thoughts. If he was an unregenerate delinquent, he would have been expelled. He would not have been indulged or ignored in the belief (or the hope) that he was just "blowing off steam." Steep schoolchildren in the belief that they are entitled to much but responsible for little, and you raise a crop of irresponsible and demanding adolescents. Train teachers and administrators to flee from discipline, to retreat before student obstinacy, to abhor authority-moral and otherwise-and you wind up with middle and high schools that are little more than day care for teenagers. In parochial and most other private schools, educators still manage to convey to students the axiom that benefits must be earned and that choices beget consequences. Perhaps that is one reason these bloody assaults have not been occurring in their cafeterias and classrooms. In far too many public schools, by contrast, students learn one thing early and well: No matter what you do, there is no price to pay. Don't do the homework and you'll pass anyway. Cut classes and you can still graduate. Spray graffiti on the walls and you won't be kicked out. Curse out a teacher and it will be tolerated. Old joke: A rowdy kid, a troublemaking truant, is finally yanked out of public school by his parents and enrolled in a Catholic school. Quickly the complaints about him stop. He attends class. He does his homework. He stops mouthing off. At semester's end, his report card shows all As and Bs-to his parents' delight. "So tell us," they finally ask him: "What got you to straighten up and fly right?" "Well," he says, "on the first day I walked in and there on the wall was a guy nailed to a cross. I figured these nuns were serious." When American public schools were serious, they weren't the scene of monthly murder sprees. But we have taken rigorous education, clear values, and serious discipline out of the classroom. Something else was bound to fill the void. - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #68 **********************************