From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #112 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Monday, November 30 1998 Volume 02 : Number 112 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Nov 98 07:22:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Hizzoner's Gun Grab - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 05:05:02 -0600 (CST) From: David Gonzalez To: Although Richard J. Daley was "only" the mayor of Chicago, he knew that he wielded the clout to run the entire state from his office on the fifth floor of City Hall. (Recently-defeated U.S. Senatrix Carol Moseley-Braun, during her time in the state senate, was floor leader for Harold Washington - ---ensuring that *his* policies got considerably more than a "fair hearing" in Springfield.) What Hizzoner wanted, Hizzoner usually got. The old man's gone now, but his son, current mayor Richard M. Daley (not-so-affectionately known by the patronizing sobriquet "Richie", to distinguish him from "the *real* Mayor Daley"), understands that, as Chicago's El Supremo, he can pretty much have his way in the remainder of Illinois. That's unfortunate for gun owners. Chicago already prohibits gun shops and requires owners of handguns to register them with the city, but Chicago stopped accepting registration applications in August of 1983---fifteen years ago. Since that time, many pistols have been purchased at suburban gun shops by city dwellers and brought back to their Chicago residences. All of them are illegal, since they violate the city ordinance requiring registration---which Chicago is no longer allowing (Joseph Heller, phone your office!). Several years ago, Cook County--in which Chicago is located--passed its own version of the so-called "assault weapons ban (AWB), prohibiting sale and possession of semi-automatic rifles. This measure had the full support of Hizzonerdamayor. Ditto the "upgrading" of carrying a weapon in public from a misdemeanor to a felony. (This means that if Mr. Honest Businessman slips his pistol into his pocket while he carries the weekly receipts to the bank's night depository, he risks a year in the state penitentiary and revocation of his right to own a firearm and to vote!) Recently, Hizzoner crafted legislation--which he is demanding that the state assembly pass--which would: * require new state licensing and regulation of gun shops--all Illinois gun shops, regardless of location--to include BATF-style inspection of sales records * prohibit gun shops from selling handguns to customers whose state-required firearm owner identification card (FOID) shows a Chicago address (thus creating [text missing in original] and this little beauty, slipped in amongst the rest: * create a state-wide computer registry of ALL firearms, to be maintained at state police headquarters [!] During a heated Saturday-morning debate on Chicago's WLS-AM 50,000-watt talk-radio blowtorch, a Democratic (natch!) state senator, presented with the possibility that police might come to people's homes to confiscate guns not turned in after firearms were made illegal declared, "That's what the law is *supposed* to do!". [I have it on tape.] He also came up with *this* stunner: "No matter what anybody says about the Second Amendment...we're now in 1998, and we have to look at what guns look like and what they're used for!" (Emphasis added) ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ There it is, folks---a declarative statement of intent: first they'll register your guns (it's For The Children, after all!), next they'll ban them, and, finally, they'll conficscate them--Second Amendment or no Second Amendment--because of the way they look (scary)! David M. Gonzalez, Troglodyte Wheeling, Illinois Replies/Abuse: - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 23 Nov 98 07:22:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: Weapons - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- To: (Liberty and Justice), (Ignition Point), (PIN), (PRN) Date: Sun, 22 Nov 98 22:11:37 GMT Message-ID: From: Conquerers agree: the subjects must be disarmed. Weapons are the tools of those who use power to control resources, and therefore wealth. A Free People, making their own determination, are sovereign to themselves and must, therefore, be armed. The subjugation of the Free People of these united States has been progressing gradually. The Civil War, Reconstruction Acts and the 14th Amendment established the Federal Judiciary as the supreme law of the land. The 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act established absolute Federal control over money in The United States. And the 17th Amendment canceled the authority of the States in the United States Senate. The "New Deal" and a mountain of subsequent legislation establishing Federal bureauracies with financial control over anything and everything has effectively established socialism in our nation. Our enemy has done everything EXCEPT tell We the People what he has done. I don't think there is any plan for that. We are left to discover whatever our circumstances may be. Kinda like getting cheated in a card game: We know we lost, but we can't remember which which hand it was we got cheated on. - -- North American Patriots Free Network "Righteousness through Communications" ~~~~~Pastor Mike Acker~~~~~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:08:14 -0700 From: "David Sagers" Subject: Fwd: California Ban-A-Thon This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. - --=_FBAC9A09.0E6F0221 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline This could happen in Utah, too! - --=_FBAC9A09.0E6F0221 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Received: from wvc ([]) by; Tue, 24 Nov 1998 03:06:04 -0700 Received: from by wvc (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id CAA28670; Tue, 24 Nov 1998 02:53:06 -0700 Received: from (server@localhost []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with SMTP id FAA15361; Tue, 24 Nov 1998 05:02:16 -0500 (EST) Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 05:02:16 -0500 (EST) Message-Id: Errors-To: Reply-To: Originator: Sender: Precedence: first-class From: To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: California Ban-A-Thon X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas X-Comment: Anti-Gun-Ban list Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline In the event that some folks STILL do not understand why we should vote for people who may not be as "pure" as we would like them to be, or the possible dangers inherent in "sending a message", this article may help clear things up. We can now all take heart that California will become a "model for the nation" and that Dan Lundgren and the Republicans have been taught a lesson. Regards, Dennis Baron ------------------------------------------------- Monday November 23 4:10 PM ET California Liberals See Opportunity By SCOTT LINDLAW Associated Press Writer SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Like a morgue for legislation, a climate-controlled vault down the street from the Capitol contains hundreds of bills vetoed over the years by two Republican governors. The bills include legislation banning certain guns and increasing protections for consumers, laborers and the environment. But they died on the desks of Gov. Pete Wilson and his predecessor,=20 George Deukmejian. Now, with Democrat Gray Davis about to take office as governor in January, interest groups whose proposals have been bottled up for 16 years by GOP vetoes are drafting wish lists and hoping to see their legislation wind up on the books. ``It's kind of like they've taken the padlock off the Capitol and instead of simply banging at the gates, we are now at the table passing papers,'' said Jamie Court, one of Wilson's fiercest critics as advocacy director = for the liberal Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights. Wilson vetoed nearly 1,900 bills during eight years in office. Some he said would be a burden on businesses, others would raise taxes, or infringe on constitutional rights, or result in endless litigation. Some simply failed to make the improvements sought, he said. If the Democratic-controlled Legislature passes some of these measures and they are signed by Davis, California could immediately position itself as = a national leader on several new fronts, just as its air quality laws have been the model for other states. Davis is known as exceptionally cautious and has repeatedly promised moderate leadership. He has said he would sign several pieces of previously= vetoed legislation, including measures dealing with air pollution and gun control. One of those bills would make California's assault weapons ban the most restrictive in the nation, said Luis Tolley, Western director for Handgun Control Inc. Another would outlaw cheap guns that don't pass safety tests, shutting down the California manufacturers who produce 80 percent of the country's so-called junk guns. Others would bolster tough smog-fighting laws, help businesses and local governments replace polluting diesel truck engines with new low-emission engines, and broaden patients' rights in suing HMOs. Wilson has no apologies, whether his vetoes dealt with pollution or health care. ``We already have the toughest clean air standards and water standards, and the most comprehensive medical coverage of practically any state in=20 the union,'' said Wilson spokesman Sean Walsh. ``We're a very forward-looking, progressive state, but there are extremists for whom too much is never enough. You get to a point where you have to decide, where do we strike a balance between economic development and the broad-based needs of special interest groups.'' The Legislature elected with Davis earlier this month will have the same Democratic leaders as last year, but they will command even bigger majorities in both the state Senate and Assembly. Wilson vetoed a litany of HMO-related bills, including legislation that would have required HMOs to cover mental illness, contraceptives and vaccines for children, and required doctors, not corporate cost-cutters, = to decide how to treat patients. ``We house, as a state, the largest HMOs in the nation,'' Court said. = ``The policies we set here in reforming HMOs will affect most Americans because the companies must play by California rules if they are California companies. We pioneered managed care and=20 mismanaged care, and the brakes we put on here will prove to=20 be a bellwether for the rest of nation.'' But even some advocates for change warn against pushing too hard. ``Let's just hope that our eyes aren't bigger than our stomachs,'' said Jerry Meral, executive director and lobbyist for the environmentalist Planning and Conservation League. - --=_FBAC9A09.0E6F0221-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 13:26:31 -0700 From: "David Sagers" Subject: Fwd: USA TODAY media hoax (fwd) Received: from wvc ([]) by; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:56:52 -0700 Received: from by wvc (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id MAA00492; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:43:55 -0700 Received: from (server@localhost []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with SMTP id OAA25724; Wed, 25 Nov 1998 14:50:32 -0500 (EST) Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 14:50:32 -0500 (EST) Message-Id: <> Errors-To: Reply-To: Originator: Sender: Precedence: first-class From: (Bill Vance) To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Fwd: USA TODAY media hoax (fwd) X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas X-Comment: Anti-Gun-Ban list Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline On Nov 25, Tom Cloyes wrote: [-------------------- text of forwarded message follows -------------------= - -] The other message was truncated, here's the complete one. Sorry for the waste of bandwidth. Tom >From: >Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 19:29:56 -0500 >To: Tom Cloyes >Subject: USA TODAY media hoax > > >Dear e-mail subscriber, > > Due to a memory allocation error (stupid programmer) this message >was previously truncated (cut off). Please accept the humble apologies = of your >webmaster (flames to and read the whole >message below: > > > USA TODAY REFUSES TO PUBLISH JPFO REBUTTAL TO ONE-SIDED "DEBATE" ON = NEW > FIREARMS REGULATIONS > =20 > USA TODAY does not want you to read this letter, when you do, you > will be aware of the part > they play in the "media hoax". Please forward this to everyone you = can > think of. > =20 > Offering two articles that agree with one another, and calling it a > "debate," is a classic technique of propaganda. USA Today joined the > ranks of master disinformers on its November 6, 1998 editorial page = when > it published two pieces calling for more firearms regulation. It was = a > case of Tweedledum vs. Tweedledee, to which JPFO objected promptly = and > clearly. > =20 > To date, USA Today has not printed JPFO's letter, even though the > letter fell within the length limits of their op-ed section and was = sent > almost immediately. We can surmise that the editors could not abide = the > embarrassment of the truth. The text of JPFO's letter follows below = in > its entirety. > =20 > The latest assaults on the right to keep and bear arms focus on "gun > safety" as the key issue. Watch how glibly the anti-gun rights > lobbyists will mix rhetoric about criminal misuse of firearms with = calls > for trigger locks and other "safety" devices designed to prevent > accidental discharge. The American public who are as increasingly > unfamiliar with firearms as they are with detecting propaganda, may = be > fooled by this latest trick. > =20 > Take action right now! Every person reading this alert must send an > e-mail now to the editor of USA Today. Use the online form at: >=20 > >=20 > or call USA Today at (703) 276-3400. > -- ask why they refuse to acknowledge JPFO's message and > publish JPFO's response to its editorials. Ask why USA Today is = apparently > afraid to publish JPFO's views. Urge USA Today to call on JPFO for = truly > opposing views on "guncontrol" issues. We need thousands of people > to respond, please post and repost this message! >=20 > The text of the JPFO letter, sent via email on November 9, follows: > =20 > November 9, 1998 > =20 > Letters to the Editor > USA Today > 1000 Wilson Blvd. > Arlington, VA 22229 > =20 > Dear Editor, > =20 > USA Today's November 6 "Today's Debate" column used an old propaganda= > trick: put up two articles that take the same view and call it a > "debate." The USA Today editorial argued that the federal government > should require trigger locks on all firearms. The "opposing view" = came > from New Orleans Mayor Morial who thinks suing firearms manufacturers,= > dealers, and trade associations is a good idea. > =20 > Both articles were united in saying that the firearms suppliers are > responsible for people's misuse of guns. Both articles twisted > statistics to make their points. USA Today said: "14 children under = age > 19 are killed each day of the year." The stat is silly: "children > under 19" includes 18-year old adults, and most of the deaths are of > elderly teenagers, not toddlers. USA Today's editorial wanted = federally > mandated trigger locks on guns -- but most of these deaths were > intentional killings. Trigger locks don't stop gangs and murderers. > =20 > Mayor Morial pulled the same statistical stunt. He wrote: "we don't > want to ban guns; we want guns made safer." He cited a single case = of a > child killed by another child who found a loaded gun. All of his = other > data was about criminal use of firearms, but he mixed it with = rhetoric > about airbags and car bumpers. His proposal, to sue the suppliers, > won't stop gangs and murderers. > =20 > To help prevent future one-sided "debates," our organization hereby > volunteers to provide a truly "opposing" view when the "Today's = Debate" > feature next visits the "gun control" debate. > =20 > (signed) > =20 > Richard Stevens > Firearms Sentinel Editor > Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc. > 2874 So. Wentworth Ave. > Milwaukee, WI 53207 > =20 > (414) 769-0760 > =20 > JPFO is America's most aggressive defender of your second amendment > rights. If you are not a member, why not join right now? Call JPFO = at > (414) 769-0760 or visit our website for details, just > click on You can even use our secure online > membership form at : > =20 > > =20 > Won't you join us in the fight to destroy "gun control"? [------------------------- end of forwarded message -----------------------= - -] - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= - - ***** Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel! ***** - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------= - - An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no weapon in every | by COLT; | -- Max Plank | weapon sell his hand =3D Freedom | DIAL | In the beginning was the | garment and buy = a on every side! | 1911-A1. | word. -- The Bible | sword.--Jesus = Christ - ----------------+----------+--------------------------+--------------------= - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:53:36 -0500 From: "Jurist" Subject: Good News! Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH) to bid for 2000 Presidency [?] GOA - You should have this in your alerts! You may all recall how Sen. Smith did his best to save us from the ill effects of Brady II by creating a private cause of action against the FBI in the event they abused the 'instant check' by creating a gun owner registration database. Against the warnings of the so-called Republican (death-by-compromise) "Leadership," he championed the Smith Amendment, which passed in the Senate by an overwhelming 69 votes -- only to have it killed by Gingrich in committee. Smith may be running for President in 2000! Please send a letter of your support and encourage him to run! THIS is what we need to do NOW to protect our rights! Write him at: Smith, Bob (R) l - ------------------------------------------------- Here is the Washington Times story: Washington Times 11/25/98 at A6 SMITH READY TO ROLL Sen. Robert C. Smith, a New Hampshire Republican who narrowly won re-election in 1996, said yesterday he was leaning strongly toward making a run for the presidency in 2000. The two-term conservative said he would make his decision on a White House bid by the end of the year, Reuters reports. Mr. Smith said his years on Capitol Hill had given him greater experience with domestic and international issues than some of his possible rivals. Speaking by telephone from his Washington, D.C., office, Mr. SMith told the wire service he could inspire and lead within his party and would be a "visionary" president. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Some background on Senator Smith Mar 1998 Pro-gun Senator Bob Smith Puts Hold on Hatch's Horror Bill! Senator Smith stands up for gun owners "After the FBI draft regulations were issued, Senator Smith took to the Senate floor to express his outrage. "There is no reason whatever why the FBI would need to retain private information on a law-abiding citizen for any time at all, let alone for eighteen months," said Smith. Thus, Sen. Smith put the FBI on notice regarding his intentions to get an amendment placed in an upcoming appropriations bill. The Smith amendment would defund any attempt by the FBI to use the Brady instant check as a mechanism to keep gun owners' names, and requires the "immediate destruction of all [gun buyer] information, in any form whatsoever." Smith amendment lets citizens "police" the FBI The Senator from New Hampshire has also added a new wrinkle to his amendment. Other proposals in Congress that seek to prevent the FBI from registering gun buyers, leave the "policing" of the FBI to Attorney General Janet Reno. Not the Smith amendment. His proposal specifically allows for aggrieved private citizens to sue the agency and collect monetary damages, including attorney's fees. The amendment also defunds the ability of the FBI to collect a tax on gun owners." Things You Can Do To Defend Your Gun Rights In Liberty, Rick Vaughan, Esq. - -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 98 23:12:00 -0700 From: (SCOTT BERGESON) Subject: End of Gunshows Nov 30 - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 10:27:35 -0500 From: Subject: TIME is a wasting... November 30, 1998 and the END of GUN SHOWS? & <- GREAT MUSIC gopher:// gopher:// "ENEMY of the STATE" A DISNEY movie: BOYCOTT IT!!!!!! NOTICE: A&E will expose ADL infiltrated $cientology 12/14/98 9PM EST TODAY's COMMUNIQUE By Authority of Ephesians 5:11, Mark 12:38 - ------------------ Keep your eye on the EURO CURRENCY & GOLD WHEN GUNS are BANNED, CITIZENS SUFFER [NOTE: THERE are only 5 days left in USA before ALL GUN PURCHASES will be TRACKED in a FEDERAL COMPUTER, spread the word, GUN SHOWS are to be severely encumbered] There are lessons to be learned from history: Outlaw governments have you at their mercy when you surrender your firearms. SPOTLIGHT FIREARMS PREPAREDNESS SUPPLEMENT BY RICHARD STEVENS Novemeber 1998 When heavily-armed government troops invaded the small village, most of the unarmed men hid in the nearby woods. The troops moved into the forest, flushed the men out, then rounded them up in a garden and shot every one. One young man survived to tell the story. In another town, the troops had driven unarmed women, children and old people into a gully, where the troops shot them or cut their throats. No survivors. These were just the latest of over 800 victims of a Serbian government "crack-down" against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. [in 1998] [Palestinian Christians and Muslims were treated the same way at the hands of "Israelis", in 1945, 1967, and today. Same way Christians were slaughted by the atheist "Jewish" Bolsheviks in 1917 by the MILLIONS, as were many Chinese under communism, as were many jews who were sold out by psuedo jews in the NAZI party, see] This is not ancient history, not the Nazis or the Soviets, not in a distant benighted land - these atrocities are taking place in Europe in 1998. Nine hours and a change of planes, and you could see them for yourself. When government goes bad, unarmed people die. Old folks, men, women, and children are so easy to massacre, when they are first disarmed. "Gun Control" laws disarm the people in peacetime when there is little resistance. When riots or civil war come, the people are unarmed, inexperienced with firearms, and therefore defenseless. We must teach our American and Canadian friends, neighbors, family members and kids how "gun control" kills. Buy a bundle of "Gun Control Kills Kids!!" booklets and send or give them out. It's easy and effective. We must win the hearts and minds of tomorrow's patriots. Let's get armed with the truth. Buy a bundle of 50 booklets ($20 post-paid), and you can fire 50 shots of intellectual ammunition, to hopefully make sure that we will never have to use real bullets to defend our lives and liberty. To order on the Internet, go to JEWS For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership at or call (414)769-0760, or fax (414)-483-8435. [The reason to get some from the JPFO is that it will reach out to the many honest JEWS who are being duped by their "pseudo jewish" hypnotists. We need to help release the honest jews and everyone else for that matter from the control and spell of the Zionist/Atheist/Pharasee/Khazarian/Talmudic/Rabbinical/Psuedo Jews and ultimately bring everyone to Jesus.] - ---- END This segment came from the FIRE ARMS and PREPAREDNESS SUPPLEMENT of the SPOTLIGHT NEWSPAPER. This group JEWS For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership is to be commended for their sober and honest efforts. I would encourage other groups such as the GUNOWNERS of AMERICA to adopt a similar tactic of providing low cost materials to the public for citizens such as you and me to distribute. It really is a battle for the hearts and minds of the public and the cattle who think they are public. Heck why don't you come up with your own pamphlets too, and distribute them yourself. YOU HAVE ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT before ALL GUN PURCHASES WILL BE TRACKED in A FEDERAL COMPUTER. It is an oft repeated 3 step, registrate, confiscate, annihilate. HOW MANY MORE TIMES DO YOU CATTLE NEED TO SEE THIS HAPPEN. CATTLE IN THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE BEHAVE THE SAME WAY, I GUESS THEY THINK IT WON'T HAPPEN TO THEM. Look what happened in Rwanda. ALWAYS REMEMBER the WHOLE IDEA of GUNS is to NEVER have to use them! If enough have them you won't have to use them. Having them, or the uncertain knowledge of WHO has and who does not have keeps people "honest" who otherwise might not be. We must not tempt those who are morally challenged/weak and might be tempted to steal pillage and destroy and enslave us were it not for the fear of our resistance. If people cannot be trusted, then how can we trust only the government to bear lethal force when it too is composed of people???????? Am I getting through? - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 20:26:05 -0500 From: "Jurist" Subject: Re: End of Gunshows? - ONLY IF WE LET IT! SCOTT BERGESON wrote: > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 10:27:35 -0500 > From: > Subject: TIME is a wasting... November 30, 1998 and the END of GUN SHOWS? Jurist responds: ONLY IF WE LET IT! Guys and Gals, There are about 65 tp 80 million gunowners in the USA. Let's not bitch and moan to each other; let's not attack and flame each other.. Let's make our numbers be felt and our voices be heard! We are a MASSIVE voting block. We need to pull together. DO SOMETHING! This Monday call ALL of your Congress-types! (1(800)361-5222, ext 90001 if expense is what is standing between you and defending your freedom while you can do it peacefully) ... cc: letters to the media in faxes to your Representatives. DO IT! How are we different from the Left? 1) We are not organized; 2) We don't take EFFECTIVE ACTION; 3) Here's how! Links below. Now get to work! In Liberty, Rick V. Take Action! (Not RKBA, but info & contacts very useful) MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. "There is no guarantee of success in the fight for individual rights and freedom. There is a guarantee of failure if you do nothing and remain silent." Mr. Smith E-mails Washington and the Media THE ELECTRONIC ACTIVIST - An email address directory of congresscritters, state governments, and media entities. Senators with Constitutent Contact E-mail Addresses Contact Capitol Hill - Congress, White House - -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 04:43:53 -0500 From: "Jurist" Subject: [Fwd: ANNOUNCEMENT] UN WATCH This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - --------------26321F0A48F8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit UN WATCH - UN WATCH - UN WATCH - UN WATCH - UN WATCH - UN WATCH While the local and State RKBA organizations fight regional anti-gun laws and ordinances, we have to be aware of what is going on - hidden from the scrutiny of network news and legal reporting services. Treaties... the Law of the Land on the same level as an Act of Congress, have been used by the Clinton administration to outflank a balky Congress. Remember a $50 billion loan made to Mexico -- against the will of the Congress? Remember Clinton's appointment of Bill Lan Lee -- against the will of Congress? Clinton's recent signing of the Tokyo Global Warming Treaty -- against the will of Congress -- even though no treaty is *supposed* to go into effect without the advice and consent of the Senate? Remember Clinton's Executive Order banning the import of foreign semi-autos -- against the ineffectual protests of the Republicans as a gross abuse of executive office? Ladies and Gentlemen of the RKBA, I urge you to pay attention to what is going on with the UN, as Clinton is using this route to outflank the normal checks and balances against presidential power. Donna Ferolie is our woman on the job on UN Watch. Here is her press release. In liberty, Jurist - -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA - --------------26321F0A48F8 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline >From Fri Nov 27 22:06:49 1998 Received: by from localhost (router,SLMail V3.1); Fri, 27 Nov 1998 22:06:49 -0500 Received: by from [] (SLmail 3.1.2948 (Release Build)); Fri, 27 Nov 1998 22:06:48 -0500 Received: from LOCALNAME ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id WAA19220; Fri, 27 Nov 1998 22:05:27 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 22:09:46 -0800 From: Donna Ferolie X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E-SYMPA (Win95; I; 16bit) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: "Jurist" CC:, Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ANNOUNCEMENT I am scheduled to attend the next United Nations workshop in Vienna for this coming January 1999. I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the NRA for allowing me to attend under their banner. Donna Ferolie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'' [ the following is a condensed version of the Breitkreuz press release ] Dennis Young , Garry Breitkreuz's assistant sent over the most interesting news release last week - pertaining to " DEPART. DENIES EXISTENCE OF AXWORTHY'S OPEN LETTER ON GLOBAL GUN CONTROL ". He commented on the denials by officials in the Department of Foreign Affairs of the existence of an " Open Letter " which Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy delivered at " The Olso Meeting on Small Arms ". Reuters even quoted from Axworthy's " Open Letter " in a wire story titled " Small Arms reductions theme of new Olso talks " and now they say it doesn't exist ? asked the incredulous MP. Breitkreuz was forced to file an Access to Information Request in a last ditch attempt to get the Open Letter. The Reuters article said, " These are the weapons that cause the most death and injury. Small arms and light weapons designed and manufactured for defense or internal security purposes should be restricted to military and police organizations only, and then only in such quantities that can be justified for legitimate defense or security needs f those countries, " Axworthy wrote. Breitkreuz said, " The Liberal Government's gun control agenda was made clear last November by Deputy Herb Grey." Grey was in Washington signing an international arms control agreement when he said, " This could be the start of a global movement that would spur the development of an instrument to ban firearms worldwide similar to our land-mines initiative." Breitkreuz asks, " If they are so proud of their plans to ban firearms worldwide, why go to all the trouble of keeping it a secret from the Canadian people ? With the passage of C68, the Liberal Government gave themselves the absolute power to ban all guns in Canada. Now it seems they want the United Nations to have this same type of power over the rest of the world, " concluded Breitkreuz. [ Our many thanks to Dennis Young who continues to belt out this kind of material on a regular basis. ] - --------------26321F0A48F8-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 08:49:29 -0800 From: Joseph Waldron Subject: What road rage? Read the excellent article in today's (11-29) Washington Post debunking the myth of rad rage. Like "cop killer bullets" and "assault weapons," this is the type of media feeding frenzy that passes gun control laws. FYI, the Washington legislature two years ago declined "road rage" legislation that would have made careless drivers (two improper lane changes within five miles) guilty of a felony. Some may consider this off topic. If so, I suggest you wake up and smell the coffee. The article is available at Iif that doesn't work, go to the Post web site at and check the "Metro" section. Joe Waldron List lobbyist - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 11:07:02 -0500 From: "Jurist" Subject: Re: PA-RKBA!Report: 40 Pct of Crime Guns Legal Guys and Gals, First: PLEASE CALL YOUR CONGRESSCRITTER! Political & Media e-mail addresses a) Stiffen the spine of your squishy CongressCritter INSIST ON IMPEACHMENT (Even if it doesn't result in conviction, it cuts off his ability to pardon all his co-conspirators. That and it will look great for the 2000 elections). b) While you've got him on the line, give him your constituent input, tell him to vote against ANY anti-gun legislation and seek repeal of Brady II. Counter-sue the Bastards Second, gun manufacturers should seek to join as necessary parties those who have been attacked by criminals or whose loved ones have been killed by criminals who have used weapons after having been released to parole BY THE SUING CITIES' ATTORNEYS after those criminals have already established a history of violence. Lastly, does anyone have access to information refuting the 40% figure? If so, please post it. Thanks, Rick V. Larry Riegel wrote: > > Don't you just fed up with this irrational and skewed BS? We can claim anything we want to and take someone to court over any issue. Will the gun industry then file suit if the win? I hope so. > > -----Original Message----- > From: [] ... > > Report: 40 Pct of Crime Guns Legal > > c The Associated Press > > NEW YORK (AP) -- Nearly 40 percent of the handguns used to commit crimes were purchased from federally licensed dealers within the previous three years, The New York Times reported today. > > The research, which could sharply influence lawsuits against the gun industry, defies the long-held view that most guns used in crimes are stolen, the newspaper said, citing new federal law enforcement data. > > The data also contradicts the gun industry's argument that its dealers are not the source of an illegal black market for weapons. > > But gun industry spokesmen questioned the data, saying that the relatively short length of time between the sale of a handgun and its use during a crime is an inaccurate measure of whether a weapon has been stolen. > > The new data will be tested in January, when a federal suit brought by the families of victims of gun violence against the weapon's manufacturer begins in federal court in New York City. > > The plaintiffs contend that gun makers jeopardize public safety by flooding the market with their products without establishing necessary controls to ensure criminals can't become easily armed. > > Disclosure of the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms data comes just days before the expiration of the Brady Law, which requires a five-day waiting period before buying a handgun. > > On Nov. 30 the Justice Department is to implement the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This system will give law enforcement officials access to a wider array of records than is now available and will require background checks before customers can purchase rifles, shotguns and firearm transfers at pawn shops. > - -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 15:36:57 -0500 From: "Jurist" Subject: In 1690, John Locke foretold of Clinton... he called it "Tyranny" In 1690, John Locke laid the philosophical foundation, along with the likes of Adam Smith, upon which the Framers would build our Constitution. How powerfully these men wrote! They recognized that human nature does not change with the ages and that Natural Law* is what governed Man in a free state, regardless of time or nation or People. > John Locke: An Essay concerning the true original, extent and end of civil Government (1690) >XVIII - Of Tyranny >"199. As usurpation is the exercise of power which another hath a right to, so tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can have a right to; and this is making use of the power any one has in his hands, not for the good of those who are under it, but for his own private, separate advantage. When the governor, however entitled, makes not the law, but his will, the rule, and his commands and actions are not directed to the preservation of the properties of his people, but the satisfaction of his own ambition, revenge, covetousness, or any other irregular passion." Please call, write or fax your representative and urge them to vote for impeachment! In Liberty, Rick V. * >"Non erit alia lex Romae, alia Athenis, alia nunc, alia posthac; sed et omnes gentes et omni tempore, una lex, et sempiterna et immortalis, continebit." >* [There will be not different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times.] 3 M. CICERO, 210 DE RE PUBLICA (C. Keyes trans., 1928). - -- The Right to Self Defense is a Fundamental Human Right - RKBA - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #112 ***********************************