From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #189 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Wednesday, May 3 2000 Volume 02 : Number 189 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 18:18:22 -0600 From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Re: FW: UTGOA 4-14: Hansen and Cannon betray Utah's gun owners! Apologies to Merrill Cook. It seems he missed being present at that vote because of a lawsuit, yet with the Republican leadership's blessings, he still managed to sign on with the Hostettler letter, unlike the other members of the Utah delegation. I wrote: > And Cook wimped out of taking a stand. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 08:33:16 -0600 From: Kelly & Miriam Phelps Subject: Re: Smith & Wesson Must be stopped > Subject: > Smith & Wesson Must Be Stopped > Date: > Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:44:59 -0400 > From: > "Weldon Clark" > Reply-To: > <> > To: > > > > Smith & Wesson Must Be Stopped > > It is amazing how many gun owners don't want to be "nasty" > to S&W. The latest wimp out goes like this - "if someone else > buys the company, then I can buy S&W products again." > > Back in the 1960s, when S&W was owned by Bangor Punta, > S&W called publicly for handgun registration. > > NO, no, no. If you do this, the new owner Tompkins PLC will > get paid TWICE for the treachery engaged in by its S&W > subsidiary. Once by the government for selling-out Second > Amendment rights and again by the new owner(s) of S&W for > selling the assets of that company. Do you really want to > reward them in this fashion? I think not. The idea is to > reduce the value of S&W to ZERO because its products > cannot be sold NO MATTER WHO OWNS Smith & Wesson. > Only then will the entire corporate entity suffer the full cost of > the decisions of IT'S executives (at the parent and at the > subsidiary) and only then will all firearms manufacturers > (present and future) learn that similar conduct will lead to a > certain loss of the entire value of the offending company. It is > the prospect of THAT loss which they will have to weigh in > making future business decisions regarding litigation, etc. > There can be no reprieve, no forgiveness, and no purchases > of any new product with "Smith & Wesson" on it. In fact, this > type of wimp-out is the mistake American gun owners made > after 1968 when, knowing of S&W's conduct in supporting the > federal Gun Control Act, we kept buying their goods. The > political message is in the business disaster! > > 1. Many have noted that "good" dealers and distributors will > be stuck with paid-for S&W inventory if they can't get rid of > their pre-agreement inventory and some folks want to buy > one last revolver for sentimental reasons. So.... here is some > advice for them. > (1) You can immediately stop being an S&W > dealer/distributor. > (2) Mark your current inventory as "Pre-agreement" and sell > it off. > (3) Then order no more products from them, ever. > (4) Tell your customers what you have done. > (5) Your loyal customers will understand that you have to > dispose of your current, paid-for inventory even though you > have stopped doing business with S&W. Your customers will > understand the political message you are sending and I'm > sure respond appropriately. > > 2. No reprieve for S&W. If we let them change their > corporate mind, there is no cost to their treachery. No > purchases ever! When they are gone, gone, gone - no > manufacturer will ever do this again no matter how many > "pieces of silver" they are offered. The political message has > to be: sell out the Second Amendment and kill-off your > business. The business decision will then be to compare > certain extinction from loss of sales against eventual survival > after paying the cost of litigation blackmail arising from > baseless litigation. The sensible businessman's choice will > be different than S&W's. > > 3. Received from another American gun owner. Allow me to > suggest that we also stop purchasing from all of S&W's > parent company, Tomkins PLC? They have a significant > presence in the U.S., owning a number of companies that I > always thought of as "American", particularly in the > automotive industry. As shown on their website at > , > Tomkins PLC owns companies in the automotive parts, lawn > & garden, food, and architectural products fields, in England, > the U.S., and South Africa. Especially at this time of the > year, they might be vulnerable to a boycott of the lawnmower > maker, Murray. There are alternative suppliers of all these > products. > > A partial list of these companies and their principal products > follows: > Gates Rubber: automotive & industrial rubber products > including belts, hoses, and rubber flooring > Murray: Lawnmowers, snowblowers, and "Sno-Racer"-type > sleds > Trico: Windshield wiper blades, arms, etc. > Stant: Gas caps and radiator caps, hose clamps, etc. > Lasco Bathware: Bath and whirlpool tubs > Schrader: Air and liquid fill & relief valves for automotive; tire > valves > Edelman; Power steering hoses, brass fittings > Tru-Flate: Air fittings, tire pressure gages > Lubri-Matic: Grease, grease guns, marine and motorcycle > oils and greases > Plews: Grease guns, bearing packers, oil filter wrenches > Phillips: Residential, mobile-home, and RV windows and > doors > Ruskin: Industrial and commercial-building dampers and > louvers > Dexter Axle: Axles for small trailers > Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor: Conveyors > Red Wing Foods: House brand foods for supermarkets, > including peanut butter, catsup, etc. > > 4. S&W is owned by a British outfit called Tomkins PLC. > Now if I were interested in investing in Tomkins stock, I'd > want a copy of their annual report, which I would request by > clicking on the "Information Requests" link on their web site: > > This is an 84 page, full color book shipped from England. Be > sure not to order one unless you really need it. > > For the complete text of the S&W agreement and for > legislative updates contact > > 5. We must interdict S&W sales to government agencies at > every level, starve the company, and kill it. For those who > have the means, we must find judges who will issue > injunctions against city, county, or state purchases especially > preferential purchases of S&W products. > > 6. Attend the meetings of your local city council or county > commission. Remind them that they've taken what's > supposed to be a sacred oath to uphold and defend the > Constitution. Tell them that, in choosing to do business with a > foreign corporation savaging the Bill of Rights, they're > violating both the letter and the spirit of that oath. > > 7. If you see a S&W auto or revolver in a cop's holster, find > out if your city has a contract with S&W and demand that it > be terminated immediately on the grounds (if all else fails) > that the company falls short of Bill of Rights compliance. > > 8. Lawyers among us need to in-join HUD and other > government agencies prepared to reward S&W for its > cowardly behavior. One of the goodies Clinton promised > S&W (and anybody else who signs on) is preferential > treatment in the purchase of weapons by the Department of > Housing and Urban Development and similar agencies. I > could be mistaken, but doesn't that sound illegal to you? > Whatever happened to competitive bidding? > > ************************************************************* > >From The 2ndAmendmentNews Team > > If you received this as a forward and wish to join please send: > E-MAil to with the following text in the > message body: SUBSCRIBE 2nd-Amendment-News > > We have had a computer error. If you want to be removed > send a message to the list administrator, send E-mail to > > > If you know anyone who would appreciate these alerts, > please let us know and we'll enroll them on a trial basis. > > Also, feel free to forward our alerts. > > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 19:55:35 -0600 From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Rocky Mountain News: Constitutional scholars on NRA I didn't realize Miller had died, but it's a plausible explanation for his never being seen, at least in legal cognisance, again. Scott - ----- Subject: Constitutional scholars on NRA Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 01:35:10 -0800 From: "Jon Roland" To: Editor, Rocky Mountain News: This is in response to the March 28 article by Carla Crowder "Constitutional scholars blast NRA, say gun group has deceived public" at . It contains several errors, especially in the statement that "The only time the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on the matter was the 1939 case United States v. Miller. The court found that Miller's sawed-off shotgun had nothing to do with militia participation. He had no right to the weapon." The Supreme Court said no such thing. What it did say is that Miller had not presented evidence or argument that the weapon was suitable for militia use, something that would have been difficult as Miller had died before the case came before the Supreme Court and was not represented during final argument. In fact such weapons had been used in warfare and were suitable for militia use, as is almost any functional weapon under some circumstances. And the Supreme Court did not rule on whether Miller had a right to the weapon, or that the government had the power to prohibit possession of it. It only ruled that if not shown to be suitable for militia use it could be taxed. In later cases, such as Rock Island Armory v. U.S. the court has ruled that since the government refuses to accept payment of the tax, it has no power to penalize a person for failing to do so, or for possession of the item, or to use nonpayment of such tax as an excuse to seize the weapon. The "constitutional scholars" cited in the article have gun control agendas and their views are not supported by intellectually honest and competent scholarship. For more on this and other constitutional issues, including the court opinions in the above cases, visit - --Jon Roland President, Constitution Society Constitutional Scholar =================================================================== Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825 916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 03/30/00 Time: 01:35:11 =================================================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 16:48:42 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Invitation to visit with Dick Armey Thursday ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- Dick Armey is visiting Salt Lake City to talk with Utah Convention Delegates. You are invited even if you are not a delegate. Its a great chance to meet our National GOP leaders and ask your questions. This event is FREE! Thursday 6:00 pm April 20, 2000 Wheeler Historic Farm 6351 South 900 East Salt Lake City For more details We have set up a Bulletin Board moderated by Dick Armey to discuss Utah Delegate Issues. This can be reached at and click on "issues". ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 11:46:46 -0600 From: Scott Bergeson Subject: LTE: Enemy is socialism, not guns Enemy is socialism, not guns The hue and cry have gone out across our nation; the clatter is almost deafening. Guns, those horrible instruments of death and destruction, are public enemy No. 1. If you own one or are sympathetic to those owning one, you are a horrible cancer in our society. A cancer that must be eradicated. The No. 1 issue with regard to public safety, according to the Clinton administration, is guns. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of public discourse with the hysteria of a herd of Chicken Littles. "We'll only be safe when all the guns are gone." In May 1991 while giving a speech as "point person" and president of Gun Control Inc., Sarah Brady (wife of James Brady of the Brady Gun Control Bill) said, "Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed." So therein lies the truth behind the smoke and mirrors. For Sarah and her pals the Clintons and their socialist supporters, what has been touted as a public safety issue is nothing more than a ruse to hide their real agenda of socialism. Their goal is to take away your rights any way they can, and then when you are defenseless, they will grind you into submission. By his very actions, Mr. Clinton has shown his total disregard for the rule of law, the Constitution and the republic that he swore a sacred oath to uphold and protect. Public enemy No. 1 is not guns, the NRA or law-abiding citizens who have every right to self-protection. Public enemy No. 1 is the leftist establishment whose goal is socialism, not freedom and justice for all. Thomas D. Grover Centerville - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 17:14:27 -0600 From: "Karl Pearson" Subject: Warning: Be Careful Of The TUB! ALERT! There's Danger in Every Home! Call for Bathtub Control!!! You Could be the Next Victim! How many more must die in the cold porcelain of the household bathtub, and related appliances, before we come to our collective senses? This all too common appliance is a proven killer. Unregulated bathtubs cause over 200,000 injuries every year. There are over 100 drownings and 70 people "cooked" to death in scalding bathwater each and every year. Add the suicides, falls, and deliberate murders that take place in tubs, and the death toll mounts. Sadly, children comprise 75% of the fatalities. Many European nations have long recognized the risk inherent in bathtubs and have reduced their use. Yet in the United States, the bathing culture is rampant, and leads to death and suffering on a gigantic scale. There are those who claim that bath tub use is justified under certain circumstances. Some claim bathtubs are necessary for cleanliness. Is personal vanity more important to you than a child's safety? Recreation is often espoused as a legitimate use of the bathtub but can be disregarded out of hand. No brief thrill is worth the cost of maintaining one of these deadly instruments of destruction in your home. Research shows that the chances of drowning or being boiled in your bathtub are far greater than the chances of inducing a supermodel of the opposite sex to share one with you. Steps should be taken at once to register all tubs. Our government at present doesn't even know for sure how many of these killer devices exist! Simply incorporating a few questions into the next census would help authorities to determine the size of the regulatory agency needed to enforce license requirements. Many bathtubs hold up to 18 inches of water. The variety known as the "spa", "hot tub" or "Jacuzzi" may hold even more, and these types have all too often been implicated in cases of date rape. Some of these assault tubs can have as much as 24 inches of water and various automatic jets, whirlpools, and heaters which make them attractive to the criminal bather. The legislature should take steps to limit all new bathtubs to holding 10 centimeters of water. This should reduce the chances of mass drowning significantly. Of course, children make up the overwhelming number of bathtub victims. Even if you don't own a bathtub, your child's friends may have parents who are irresponsible bathers. The common sense solution is for people to use Tap Locks. Tap Locks can be easily mandated by government, enforced by a new agency set up specifically with tub safety in mind, and subject to in-home inspections at households with registered bathtubs. Regardless of any "right" claimed by the pro-bathing crowd, (a right which isn't even mentioned in the Constitution) precedents have already been established for bathroom fixture regulation. The Supreme Court has so far refused to hear the cases involving "environmentally friendly" (1.3 gal. flush capacity) commodes, thereby pointing out the foolishness of those who say that the government requirement of a toilet that doesn't work is some kind of tyranny. We should continue to educate these malcontents and inform their children of the stubborn and selfish ways of their parents. How can you get involved in insuring your children's safety? The most important thing you can do is to eliminate your bathtub immediately. Your tub is not "necessary" to your family's well being, and in fact is more likely to kill or injure a member of your family or a friend than it is to drown a burglar. The benefits of eliminating your tub will be immediate and noticeable. There will be a certain air about you that says, " I did away with my bathtub and I'm safer for it." Lobby your legislators to immediately invoke new laws to insure your safety from tubs. Give them money if you have to. Write nasty letters, stage protests, and organize anti-bathing individuals to stand around in legislative organizations dedicated to your safety from this menace. At B.S. we are constantly involved in political action, research, and public education. We even maintain a facility containing various models of assault tubs, which our staff researches and tests at considerable personal danger. We are also lobbying Washington to initiate a "buy-back" program for tubs. Join our letter writing campaign immediately! Your children deserve to be safe, no matter the inconvenience or hardship. They cry out for your protection. Would you deny them? - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 11:02:17 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: MAJOR ALERT! Civil Rights Rally TOMORROW! ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - -----BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE----- Civil Rights Rally TOMORROW! Who: You, Your Family, and Friends! What: Civil Rights (Pro-Gun) Rally! When: TOMORROW, Saturday, April 22, 10:15 AM Where: Utah State Capitol, South Steps Why: Counter-demonstration to "Million" Mom (Zombie) March Dress: Clean, neat, casual clothing (no camo, fatigues, offensive T-shirts, etc). If you're carrying a firearm, please keep it concealed! Sponsors: Tons of groups Contact: Rally hotline at (801) 277-0085 Additional details: 1) ABC and other networks are reportedly coming; 2) Bring a pro-gun rights sign; 3) There will reportedly be several nationally-recognized gun rights speakers; 4) There will be a "Hats Off To Heroes" display. Bring your hats, caps and other headgear to symbolize the hundreds of thousands of lives saved every year by the lawful, defensive use of firearms. ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:02:21 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: LAST MINUTE ALERT--FUND RAISER TONIGHT Sorry for the late notice--I'm running like crazy with late nights at work these days. There is a fund raiser tonight for Ricki Landers to assist her with travel expense to attend a pro-gun counter march in DC the same day as the million moms anti-gun march. I believe she plans to do some kind or presentation while there detailing how women and the disabled really need guns for self defense. Ricki is confined to a wheel chair. The fund raiser tonight is at The Old Bottling Shop, 1390 West North Temple stating at 8:00 PM. ABC News has been interviewing Janalee Tobias today in conjuction with the pro-gun rally at the Capital tommorrow and is also scheduled to be at the fund raiser tonight and the rally tomorrow. Please attend both if at all possible. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 20:35:00 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: FW: Reese on Gun Control A nice read. - ---------------- Charles Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- On Gun Control By Charley Reese Columnist If the homicide rate is falling, if the fatalities from firearms accidents are the lowest they've been since 1902, why do you suppose some people are so fiendishly insistent on more gun control? You ought to think about that. It's already against the law for a convicted felon to purchase or possess a firearm; it's already against the law for a minor to purchase or possess a handgun; there is already a law requiring background checks on gun buyers; gun dealers are already heavily regulated; many states have laws to punish adults for failure to store guns safely. Why then do people insist that more laws are needed? Why do they clamor for safer guns when firearm accidents account for only 1,400 of the 90,000 accidental deaths annually in the United States? Well, I personally think that their motive has nothing to do with fighting crime or with safety. After all, firearms are dead last as a cause of accidental fatalities among both children and adults. Doctors, we now know, kill three times as many Americans annually from mistakes than firearms kill, counting homicides, suicides and accidents. I think that the answer is both old and simple. Gun-control laws have always been elitist and racist. Elitists have always wanted to disarm the common folks while, of course, retaining the privileges of arms for themselves. And the right to keep and bear arms has always been a populist cause. James Madison boasted to a European critic that the new country of America, unlike his country, did not fear its own people and allowed them to own arms. In fact, that Second Amendment right to keep and own arms is one of the things that makes America unique. Many countries protect speech and assembly and so forth. Almost no other protects the right of its people to keep arms. You may, of course, think that the Second Amendment is obsolete. I would ask you to reconsider that. If you noticed in the last Los Angeles riot, neither the police nor the military was on hand initially to protect people's lives and property. The people had to protect themselves, and they did it with firearms. This is always true in a major disaster -- at least initially. Any honest cop will tell you that if you are attacked by a criminal, on the street or in your home, you are on your own. It's up to you to defend yourself and your family. If you think that you are physically fit enough to disarm armed intruders, then more power to you. But every martial artist I have known says there is no substitute for a handgun when it comes to serious self-defense. If the only things needed to prevent crimes were laws and policemen, then there wouldn't be any crime statistics. But every murder, every rape victim is testimony to the fact that neither the law nor the police can protect individuals from criminal attackers. On the other hand, very respectable studies have shown that firearms are used by Americans more than a million times a year to prevent crimes, usually without having to be fired. It used to be said in America that God created people but that Samuel Colt (inventor of the revolver) made them equal. Indeed, a firearm is an equalizer. With a gun, an elderly person or a woman or a small, sickly man can stand up to a young and large thug. It was the invention of firearms that ultimately ended the practice of professional warriors being the ruling class. It seems as self-evident to me as it was to the Founding Fathers that a people disarmed by their government cannot purport to be free. The bottom line remains: Force rules. Therefore, if you allow the government to have a monopoly on force, then you can never purport to be a free person. Published in The Orlando Sentinel on April 18, 2000 ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 19:54:20 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Senate anti-self defense agenda--Need your help! Those of you who are State delegates may want to take this info and get a commitment from Hatch on how he will vote if you return him to office: ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- Senate To Take Up Anti-Self Defense Agenda Soon -- Please send pre-written message to Congress Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 (Tuesday, April 25, 2000) -- Get ready for another round. At the beginning of next week, the U.S. Senate will take up its education bill, and anti-gun zealots are planning 30 to 40 anti-gun amendments to that bill in furtherance of their assault on the Second Amendment. But, tragically, some supposed "pro-gun" senators are cooperating with the prohibitionist strategy. Aides are urging Majority Leader Trent Lott to do nothing to prohibit consideration of anti-gun amendments. While we have yet to see a full list of the anti-gun abominations which we could be fighting, it is possible that Second Amendment advocates will face proposals that would: * require registration of gun owners with the government; * impose a one-gun-a-month limit on gun purchasers; * establish a ban on handguns which are unacceptable to the government (so-called "Saturday night specials"); and * redefine "armor piercing bullets" in such a way that most ammunition could be outlawed. What is even worse is that, rather than fighting to ensure that none of these travesties can be offered, some hapless Republicans are developing another "gun control lite" package of so-called "pro-gun" restrictions on your Second Amendment rights -- many of the same restrictions that passed as part of the juvenile crime bill. ACTION: Please use the message provided below to help direct your comments to your two U.S. Senators. It is possible that the Democrats might begin offering anti-gun amendments -- and that some Republicans will counter with "gun control lite" amendments -- as early as this week on an unrelated victims proposal. See the GOA Legislative Action Center at for complete Senate contact information, and to send the pre-written message. The U.S. Senate switchboard number is 202-224-3121. Tell Your Senators We Need Government Control, Not People Control! "One bit of intelligence that supposedly justified the assault -- 'dynamic entry' is the term of art -- on the [Gonzalez'] house was the possibility that there might be weapons inside.... Is 'dynamic entry' justified whenever the government has some business to conduct with an American household and suspects that occupants of the household may be exercising their Second Amendment right to own a gun?" -- George F. Will, "The Raid in Little Havana," The Washington Post, 4/25/00 It is said that a "picture is worth a thousand words." Indeed, the now-famous picture from last weekend is a stern reminder of why we don't need more federal agents enforcing even more laws. We certainly don't need Project Exile or any other program that would give federal goon squads more power to break down doors and harass good Americans. In a letter sent to The Washington Post, a letter which the paper still has yet to run, Dr. Norbert Bikales compares last week's home invasion to a similar event he experienced in a Berlin apartment more than 60 years ago -- when the Nazis came to his house and took his father and brother. "But unlike the Clinton-Reno goons who first gained admittance by breaking down the door," Dr. Bikales says, "even the Gestapo men who came that night rang the door bell, wore no masks, spoke quietly, and did not remove their sidearms from their holsters." Oh, how far we have fallen! - ----- Pre-written message ----- Dear Senator: I understand that anti-self defense legislation (gun control) is coming to the floor again. I urge you to vote NO on all firearms restrictions -- including any so-called "compromises" that will be offered by Republicans. These gun control "lite" provisions may include: "lock-up-your-safety" trigger lock requirements, a ban on medium capacity magazines that are useful for self-defense, a prohibition on young adults owning certain semi-automatic firearms, and a ban upon private sales at gun shows (unless the sale is first subjected to a registration background check). These are not compromises; these are capitulations. It saddens me that the Senate is once again going down this road, trying to saddle good Americans with even more infringements on constitutional rights. Shouldn't the recent picture showing the dramatic home invasion by federal, paramilitary forces in Miami remind us that it is the government we should seek to control -- not the lives of decent citizens? We don't need more federal gun laws. We don't need to enforce the unconstitutional and dangerous laws that are already on the books. We don't need more federal agents with more power to break down doors and harass good Americans. I support liberty. And I hope you will stand in support of the Bill of Rights by voting against ALL gun control -- be it gun control heavy or "gun control lite." Sincerely, __________________ ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 11:42:42 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: URGENT-I NEED HELP with Delegate Guide ($$ & Hander-outers) We could use a few more volunteers for the Salt Lake County Convention. Please read the message below and respond to me, or Nancy Lord ASAP if you are able and willing to donate a few dollars and/or volunteer a couple hours time to hand out the delegate guides. For those who don't know, the "Delegate Guide" spoken of was first produced by some pro-gun and conservative delegates for last year's GOP State Convention. It was deemed necessary after there were numerous abuses of power, unfair tactics, and other problems at 1998's State GOP Nominating Convention. The Guide contains a list of potential abuses, and the remedies to which delegates may appeal--most all taken directly from Robert's Rules of Order. Many of us believe that the widespread presense of this Guide at last year's Convention helped prevent virtually all of the problems and abuses we saw the previous year. Those in charge KNEW they would not be able to get away with violating the rules because too many delegates had those rules and the remedies in front of them. There are many good, pro-gun candidates seeking nominations this year. But most all of them are not incumbants. If we hope to get anti-self-defense politicians replaced by pro-gun statesmen, it is vital that we have a fair and unbiased convention process. Getting this guide into the hands of as many delegates as possible is one way to help get that fair convention. I am not a county delegate, but my wife and sister-in-law are so I will be at the convention and will be handing out guides. I am also pledging $20.00 to help with the printing costs. Thank you for any help you can give. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Nancy E Lord Charles, Arnold is already working on a new Delegate Handbook or Guide for the State Convention which will include the most common or most anticipated abuses of Robert's Rules. I am putting one together for the Salt Lake County Convention also, but I need a commitment from you folks or any of your associates for 1) MONEY for printing costs - $60.00 to $100.00 anticipated total, to print both the delegate guide and a copy of the proposed amendments to the Proposed Rules, and 2) People to help hand this stuff out at the Salt Lake County Convention Saturday beginning at 6:30 AM! (I know it's early, but otherwise it'll be too late!) This is a project I simply cannot do all by myself. I figure I'll need at least 4 people, preferably 8, to hand out the delegate guides from 6:30 - 7:00 AM (probably as people are leaving the credentials tables in the Booth area to go into the big hallway to head for their County Council caucuses), then again from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Rules amendments, as they're walking into the main Exhibit Hall C). Can you spare a half hour or more to help? My ability to complete this project will depend on the help you volunteer in the next 18 hours (by 5:00 PM Friday). PLEASE E-MAIL ME A.S.A.P. at if you can help hand out fliers, or if you can donate a few dollars. Every little bit helps. Nancy Lord - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 14:38:03 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: Volunteers need for a couple hours this Saturday at State GOP Convention You do not need to be a delegate or even a Republican to assist with this effort. GOP State Delegates may also help, but will find it easier to do so if they are not involved in any multi-county elections first thing in the morning. The Utah Gun Owners' Alliance, headed up by Dr. Sarah Thompson, is preparing flyers to pass out to delegates at the GOP State Convention this Saturday. These flyers will acquaint delegates with the true, anti-self-defense voting record of a couple of the better known incumbents facing contested races. In conjunction with some conservative delegates, they will also be passing out a "Delegate Guide" to help prevent and correct the types of procedural abuses used by some party insiders to deny pro-liberty/pro-self-defense candidates a fair chance in convention. This guide will be similar to the one passed out at the State Convention last year, and similar, though larger than the one passed out last weekend at the SLCounty Convention. We are in need of people willing to pass out these pieces of literature as Delegates enter the Convention. Because of the large numbers of entrances to the "E" center, we need lots of people to help pass out info. For those who have never been to a convention, there are numerous groups and individuals passing out information to the delegates and most delegates arrive fully expecting and very open to taking whatever info is presented. Many will automatically take a copy of whatever flyers are being offered. This is an incredibly easy, low-key way to help send a strong message of disapproval to anti-gun politicians and a strong message of support to current and future pro-gun challengers. In most cases the hardest part of doing this is simply getting the flyers from your holding hand, into your passing out hand, one-at-a-time, fast enough for every delegate who is willing to take one to actually get it without having to stop and wait. I do not have exact schedule yet, but anticipate that volunteers will need to be at the E Center in West Valley by about 6:30 am. I fully expect that by 9:30, most delegates will have received the information and/or we will be out of copies to pass out. This is the final chance to force these anti-gun incumbents into embarrassing primaries or to even oust them altogether by getting 60% of the delegates to vote for the challengers and thus give the nomination to the challenger without a primary. Please email me with your availability. thank you ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 16:14:25 -0600 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Meet Steve Stromness in Orem ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Steve Stromness To: (Recipient list suppressed) Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 13:45:36 -0600 Subject: Meet Steve Stromness in Orem Dear Friend of Stromness for Governor: I want to let you know that delegates (and friends of delegates and people willing to talk to delegates) are invited to come meet me at 7:30 PM Thursday evening (yes, that's tomorrow night) at the Van Wagonen home, 376 West 1750 South, Orem. Sorry for the late notice. Please tell any friends that you have in or near Utah County. Also I'm still scheduled to be at 1918 W 4100 S, West Valley this evening at 7 PM. That's in the H&R Block/Ben Franklin Academy building. Go to the back entrance and up the stairs. In one room there is to be delegate training in Robert's Rules of Order. I'll be in a neighboring room, meeting with delegates and answering questions. Please let any friends in the area know about this one too. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Steve Stromness Candidate for Utah Governor First, Do No Harm 435-657-1037 ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #189 ***********************************