From: (utah-firearms-digest) To: Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #204 Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk utah-firearms-digest Saturday, February 10 2001 Volume 02 : Number 204 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 22:39:37 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] Committee hearings TUESDAY, Meeting with Legislators, Another VICTORY Some good news and some more calls to action. Please note two town meetings being held by legislators and try to attend one of them. - ---------------- Charles Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- Committee Hearings Tuesday Meeting with Sen. Stephenson Meeting with Utah County legislators Bill updates and a VICTORY REMINDER! Please plan to attend the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee hearing Tuesday, 8 AM, Room 225 at the State Capitol. The following bills will be discussed: HB 274 - OLYMPIC VENUE SITES This bill would ban lawful concealed carry at the State Capitol and Salt Lake City-County Bldg. for roughly 3 months around the Olympics. It would do nothing to prevent criminals from carrying firearms in those locations. See the Feb. 3 alert for more details and a list of legislators to contact. It is rumored that Rep. Ure is planning to "modify" this bill, or even kill it. But no one ever knows what's really going to happen until it happens. It's important to show up to oppose HB 274 and to make sure legislators know that gun control bills will meet with strong and organized opposition. HB 266 - RESTORATION OF RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS will also be discussed at this committee. UTGOA has not yet seen the new version of the bill. According to bill sponsor, Rep. Throckmorton, the intent is to provide a way for persons prohibited from owning firearms to have their rights restored. MEETINGS WITH LEGISLATORS UTAH COUNTY The Utah County Delegation is having a report meeting for all citizens Thursday night, February 8 from 7-9 p.m. at Lakeridge Junior High-900 South 400 West, Orem. Rep. Mike Thompson has requested that gun rights supporters attend this meeting. As you know, Rep. Thompson is sponsoring two pro-gun bills this session: firearms safety education in schools and "Vermont" carry which recognizes the right to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. It is now up to US to show our appreciation for Rep. Thompson's willingness to sponsor pro-gun bills, and to convince our elected officials to vote for them. If you live in Utah County - or even if you don't! - PLEASE plan to attend. SENATOR HOWARD STEPHENSON - Sandy Sen. Howard Stephenson is having a town meeting Wednesday, Feb. 7 at 7:00 pm in the Sandy City Hall. Sen. Stephenson is generally friendly towards gun rights. However, he had only a 44% correct voting record last year. He would undoubtedly benefit by hearing from constituents who would like him to support all of our pro-gun bills this year. He could also use some encouragement to sign on as co-sponsor for some/all of them. BILL UPDATES HB 112 (Prevention of Retaliatory Lawsuits), HB 133 and HJR 10 (Bill of Rights Day) are on the House third (final) reading calendar. Please make sure your Representative knows you expect a YES vote on these bills. Votes may be as soon as tomorrow. VICTORY! HB 222 (Tax Credit for Safes) was defeated in the House today by a vote of 30-42. Thank you for your assistance in defeating this bill. SB 87 (Antique Firearms Amendments) passed the Senate Transportation Committee today. This bill exempts antique firearms from current gun control laws. UTGOA is neutral on this bill. Please let your Senator know how you would like him to vote. Utah Gun Owners Alliance expects to have bill language on HB 345 (Vermont carry) and HB 376 (Concealed Carry Reciprocity) in the next few days. So far, we are very optimistic about these bills, and appreciate Reps. Thompson and Donnelson for their willingness to sponsor pro-gun bills. Remember - You can get the full text of each bill by going to and clicking on bills. You can also link to each bill from the UTGOA web site. Our bill analyses are posted at Due to the very short and busy legislative session, our bill status information is sometimes less current than the official state web site. Do you know someone who should be on the Utah Gun Owners Alliance phone tree? If so, please have them call Utah Gun Owners Alliance at 801-566-1625. Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc., and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. is a Utah non-profit corporation. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 09:09:50 -0700 From: "Scott Bergeson" Subject: Vermont Carry HB 345 DAve Hansen advises: - ----- Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 07:47:09 -0700 From: "D. Hansen" Note: I found out last night that Speaker Stephens is attempting to cut a deal with Representatives Thompson and Donnelson (who are sponsoring three pro-gun bills--Vermont Carry HB 345, Gun Safety Law Amendments, or gun safety education in schools HB 264, and Reciprocity or recognition of CCW permits from all states). The deal is that if Thompson stops pushing through the Vermont Carry bill, the other two will get support. The real reason for this is that legislators do not want to have to vote on Vermont Carry, because it will show their true colors and allow us to use it against them in coming elections. Please make your feelings known. Dave - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 16:10:52 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: Rep. Swallow Town Meeting Sorry for the late notice, I just learned of this one. I do not know if this will be in the same room as Sen. Stephenson's town meeting or not. It appears that the main item of focus for Swallow's meeting will be his Universal Tuition Tax Credit bill. But, given the leadership that is slated to be there, it looks like a fine opportunity to bring up gun issues. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - -----Begin Forwarded Message---- Rep. John Swallow will be holding a town meeting at Sandy City Hall tonight (Wednesday) at 7:30. This meeting offers those in the Sandy area an opportunity to thank him personally for introducing his tuition tax credit bill yesterday. I also offers us an opportunity to communicate our views on this bill with members of the leadership, because John will be accompanied by Al Mansell, President of the Senate (who was at the news conference yesterday) and House Speaker Marty Stevens (who was not). Those of you who helped make yesterday such a success can follow up with a show of support for Rep. Swallow tonight. Those who couldn't make it to the Capitol during working hours yesterday can make amends by showing up tonight. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 17:12:09 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Update: Town Meeting in Sandy It appears that Sen. Stephenson's and Rep. Swallow's town meetings at the Sandy City Hall this evening have been combined into a single meeting. House Speaker Stephens and Senate President Mansell are scheduled to be in attendance as well. I have no info on the confict on the start time so my suggestion is show up in time to get good seats should the meeting start at 7:00pm but don't be too surprised if it doesn't start until 7:30. Please dress appropriately. IOW, please avoid T shirts (no matter how catchy the slogan) and if you really must wear cammo, please make it "urban cammo" also known as a suit and tie. :) Clean jeans and a collared shirt (pollo or full button down) are very appropriate for the men. Let's do our best to make sure our elected officials and the media don't have any "gun nuts" to photograph tonight but rather have respectable, tax paying, voting citizens who happen to value their right to self defense. Thanks and I hope to see you there. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 22:22:06 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: FW: Action: Attend Sen. Comm. Mtg-HB179 Another reminder on the Paycheck Protection Bill Hearing. This bill would do much to protect our gun rights. It has passed the house and is now in the Senate. It passed the Senate the last two years so should do well this year. Turn out to support it if possible or simply contact the committee members via phone or email. Committee members are: Sen. Dan R. Eastman, Chair (R) 968 Canyon Creast Dr. Bountiful,Utah 84010 Phone(801)295-5133 Sen. Curtis S. Bramble (R) 3663 N. 870 E. Provo, Utah 84604 Phone(801)373-1040 Sen. Gene Davis (D) 865 Parkway Ave Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 Office(801)263-7108 Home(801)484-9428 Sen. Parley Hellewell (R) 492 South 1000 West Orem, Utah 84058 Home(801)226-3034 Sen. Ed P. Mayne (D) 5044 West Bannock Circle West Valley City, Utah 84120 Office(801)972-2771 Home(801)968-7756 Fax(801)972-9344 Sen. L. Steven Poulton (R) 4524 Briarcreek Dr. Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Office(801)484-4477 Home(801)272-4338 Fax(801)486-7541 - ---------------- Charles Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- Action: Attend the Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee Meeting that is scheduled to consider HB179, Payroll Protection, Thursday, 4 p.m., Room 403. Tomorrow's agenda has HB179 seventh and last on the agenda. I can't guarantee they'll get to it, but if you can make it to the committee meeting, it would be great. I can guarantee the unions will be there in large numbers, and we need to balance it. Being later in the day than most, I hope more of us working people can get to it. I'm going to try. Thanks, ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 12:19:17 -0800 From: Joe Waldron Subject: ACLU and guns The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is trying to find any pro-RKBA chapters of the ACLU anywhere in the U.S. SAF and other gun rights advocacy groups have worked with the ACLU in the past, but this has generally been on peripheral issues rather than pure RKBA issues. SAF has added an ACLU page to its web site at If any list members have knowledge of direct pro-RKBA support provided by any ACLU chapter, or by an officer of any chapter, please forward the info to Dave LaCourse at Please add me as an info addressee ( TIA Joe Waldron - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 17:29:48 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw:ALERT GUN FEE INCREASES The following is taken from the latest USSC alert. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- URGENT ACTION ALERT from Utah Shooting Sports Council February 8, 2001 PLEASE PASS THIS ALERT to anyone else who would be interested. STOP THE SNEAKY GUN FEE INCREASE In a sneaky move, Rep. Gary Cox is attempting to raise the fees for renewing permits to legally carry a concealed weapon for self-defense. The actual increase (this time) is relatively small ($10 to $35 for concealed carry permits, and $10 to $25 for Concealed carry instructors). However, there is a definite trend by people opposed to legal gun ownership and use to try to make guns too expensive to own through fees, taxes, litigation and other schemes. This fee increase is being attempted IN VIOLATION OF THE PROCEDURES for such an increase. ? The Department of Public Safety did not request a fee increase. ? The Legislative Analyst responsible for such proposals did not request a fee increase. ? The fee increase has not gone through the public comment process required by the Utah Administrative Procedures Act. ? The data used to audit the concealed carry fees has not been made available for review The House Appropriations Committee where this sneak attack took place is not expected to meet again. The proposed increase is subject to review at an Executive Appropriations Committee meeting in the next few days. PLEASE CONTACT THE FOLLOWING LEGISLATORS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Ask them to delete any firearms related fee increases for the reasons above: House Leadership: Speaker Marty Stephens, Rep. Kevin Garn, Rep. David Ure, Rep. Greg Curtis, Rep Jeff Alexander, Senate Leadership: President Al Mansel, Senator Steven Poulton, Senator John Valentine, Senator Peter Knudson, Senator Leonard Blackham, Senator Bill Hickman, Senator Chris Buttars. HIGHWAY LOCATIONS NEEDED Help USSC find privately owned highway frontage (approx 800 feet or more) along Interstates 15, 70, 80, 84 or 215 or US 6, 89 or 40 so we can put up pro-gun "Burma Shave" type signs. This is a simple, powerful way to educate and motivate pro-gun people. No cost to land owner. Signs are about 18" x 96". If you or a friend own land like this, please contact ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 21:03:49 -0700 From: "larry larsen" Subject: RE: ACLU and guns Hahahahah surly you jest. larry - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Joe Waldron Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 1:19 PM Subject: ACLU and guns The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is trying to find any pro-RKBA chapters of the ACLU anywhere in the U.S. SAF and other gun rights advocacy groups have worked with the ACLU in the past, but this has generally been on peripheral issues rather than pure RKBA issues. SAF has added an ACLU page to its web site at If any list members have knowledge of direct pro-RKBA support provided by any ACLU chapter, or by an officer of any chapter, please forward the info to Dave LaCourse at Please add me as an info addressee ( TIA Joe Waldron - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 10:26:11 -0700 From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Guns in Movies Guns in Movies: Where Do We Stand? By Richard W. Stevens Editor, The Bill of Rights Sentinel Movies. America is known worldwide for making movies. By making some things look "normal" and other things look evil, mysterious or "un-cool," movies massively influence public opinion. Fashions in speech, conduct, and dress are suggested by movies. Many people believe that cigarette smoking surged overwhelmingly in popularity in the last century because most leading men and women, and even the supporting players, made smoking seem natural, easy and normal -- even high class -- in movies. Few would doubt the power of movies today to sway public views about fashion, ethics and politics. Movies for Self-Defense What do most American movies teach about the right to self-defense? About the right to keep and bear arms? In times past, there were countless "western" movies. Although some of these improperly glorified or tried to justify white men killing Indians, many others were morality stories of good versus evil. Frequently in western movies the audience would see self-defense in action. A lone woman picking up a firearm to defend herself and her family. An armed boy helping his dad ward off attackers. Stranded settlers organizing to stand watch -- and fight off -- robbers and marauders. Western movies of this sort, however, are dead and gone. Last year's film about the Revolutionary War, "The Patriot", was criticized for showing young boys using firearms even for an unquestionably good cause. Movies Against Guns Hollywood in the last 30 years has turned 180 degrees against the right to keep and bear arms. Anti-gun films, however, mostly don't preach "gun control" openly. As always, movies teach by showing what is "normal", mysterious and "cool" -- and by showing what is ridiculous, dangerous and uncool. In Woody Allen's recent comedy, "Don't Drink the Water", the only gun in the movie is portrayed as unnecessary, awkward, and inherently dangerous. Viewers get the message that nutty New Yorkers will play cowboy and accidentally shoot innocent people in all directions. By watching the players, the audience learned that guns are terribly risky and people are too crazy to use them properly. Last year's "Charlie's Angels" movie played against defensive gun use, too. The three heroines didn't use firearms at all, and the female stars pointedly mentioned that fact in publicity interviews. In many other movies, the only people with firearms are either the criminals and crazies, or the police and military. "Die Hard". "Con Air". "Air Force One". Only rarely does a modern film show an average person, living in the city or suburbs, driving away thugs without shooting -- which is the most common type of defensive gun use. Practically never do films show wholesome family recreational shooting. It's time for a change, so JPFO is taking a hard look at the movie industry. Maybe we need to expose the heavy anti-gun bias that is woven into most modern films. Maybe we need to make a pro-self defense movie of our own. We Need Movie Critics -- Like You! If you watch movies at all, then you can help with our project. It's easy: just tell us about movies since 1970 that you thought were especially anti-gun or anti-self defense, and in a sentence or two explain why. We need this information to help build a strategy to take on Hollywood. We need the information from actual movie viewers, not from professional critics. That's why we urgently need your help. Please, write, fax, or e-mail your suggestions to us: Guns in Movies JPFO, Inc. P.O. Box 270143 Hartford, WI 53027 Fax: (262) 673-9746 e-mail: After we receive and tally the feedback we get from readers like you, we will announce our findings and our plan. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 10:57:19 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: not everyone against PACT is a Scientologist! While a generic "Dear Legislator" is probably not quite as effective as an individually addressed email, it is certainly far more effective than no email at all which might be the alternative for some. This email contains most or all of the email addresses to contact to oppose PACT. They are in a format that is very easy to cut and paste into the address field. I do reccommend that if you send a "bulk" email like this that you head the advice to put the addresses into the blind carbon copy (bcc) field so that the recipients do not see who else has received the email. For those using Juno, you get bcc by placing addresses inside parenthesis, eg. "(email address, email address, email address)", in the Cc field. You then only need a single address in the To field. Also for those using Juno, there is a limit on the number of addresses you can put in the cc field so the list below has to be done about 1/2 at a time. Still, it's only two messages to send rather than 40. ================================================================== Charles C. Hardy Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control - --------- Forwarded message ---------- Dear Friends, It appears as if the proponents of PACT (Program for Assertive Community Treatment are so worried about losing the funding for their pet project that they have turned it into a religious issue. Members of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) along with Representative Trish Beck have been going around the Legislature telling anyone who will listen that the only reason why PACT is being attacked is because of the "Scientologists" and that if it wasn't for the Scientologists everything would be just fine! Talk about trying to discredit the messenger so you won't have to look at the message. Legislators need to know that this is absolutely untrue and that non-Scientologists oppose this civil rights abomination too. I don't think that the Scientologists are the only one who worry about freedom! Please copy the email addresses in your bcc (blind carbon copy) section and send all the legislators a message saying that you oppose PACT and that regardless of the claims of Trish Beck and NAMI you are not a Scientologist. Please make sure that you include your phone number. PACT is coming up for vote Friday afternoon so this needs to go out fast. Thank you for setting the record straight! Sandra,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 11:38:47 -0700 From: "Scott Bergeson" Subject: FW: UPS Gun Thief will Serve No Time On Fri, 9 Feb 2001 13:39:10 -0500 Skypod (Melissa) wrote: UPS Gun Thief will Serve No Time "No jail time for a former UPS worker who diverted gun shipments to himself. Airport native Todd Tongue was sentenced Wednesday to 6 months of home confinement plus 5 years probation on charges he stole gun shipments while working at the shipping company. Federal prosecutors say Tongue intercepted gun and ammunition shipments from a wholesale gun dealer in 1998. He could have faced 10 years behind bars." my comment: Ya think perhaps he did it FOR them so they could crack-down on gun shipments? yours in Liberty, Melissa (skypod) Keep And Bear Arms ~ Gun Owners Home Page GrassRoots Gun Rights, South Carolina - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 13:24:03 -0700 From: Scott Bergeson Subject: Federal Gun BuyBack Proposed On Fri, 9 Feb 2001 13:23:32 -0500 Skypod (Melissa) provides: Federal Gun BuyBack Proposed - H.R.278 Senator Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island has proposed Bill HR278 in Congress, to allocate $15 million per year of your tax money, for gun buy-back programs, with preferential treatment given to localities who promise to destroy their collected guns. GET YOUR REP'S FAX, PHONE & EMAIL: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 18:18:48 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] Stop increased CCW fees, Rumors, Bill of Rights Day A great time to make some phone calls. - ---------------- Charles Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- PLEASE COME VISIT THE UTGOA BOOTH AT THE GUN SHOW THIS WEEKEND! SNEAKY GUN CONTROL - Call these legislators! Yesterday Utah Gun Owners Alliance reported that Rep. Gary Cox had pushed a huge fee increase for CCW permit renewals and instructor certification renewals through the Criminal Justice Appropriations Committee. UTGOA does not think a 250% increase in fees is justified. UTGOA is willing to work with BCI, Rep. Cox, and the legislature, should the audit show that more funding is necessary. But we feel strongly that sneaking fee increases into an appropriations bill without input from BCI, concealed carry instructors, or gun rights advocates, and without public comment, is highly inappropriate. This is especially true since no one has had the chance to study the auditor's report carefully. Please contact members of the Joint Executive Offices, Criminal Justice and Legislative Appropriations committee. We recommend doing this by phone over the weekend, while legislators are home. Let them know that 250% fee increases are unacceptable and that you would like them to reconsider, and to allow for input from gun rights organizations as well as the Bureau of Criminal Identification. Also tell them that you would like to attend this meeting and ask them to schedule it in advance so you can arrange to be there. We are only asking that the committee be fair and give us the opportunity to present our views, and that it be responsible and justify any proposed fee increases. Committee members (Buttars and Tyler, Chairs) Sen. D. Chris Buttars, 801-561-0535, Rep. A. Lamont Tyler, 801-272-1218, Rep. Ron Bigelow, 801-968-4188, Rep. Gary F. Cox, 801-967-9760, Rep. Scott Daniels, 801-582-8080, Sen. Peter C. Knudson, 435-723-2035, Rep. Paul Ray, 801-744-0624, Sen. Pete Suazo, 801-521-3751, Rep. Mike Thompson, 801-226-5032, Remember to call at a reasonable hour, be polite, and always leave a clear message if the legislator isn't there. Make sure you leave your name and phone number, and ask him to call you back. Remember to include guidelines, such as "He can call anytime until midnight". *************Clip and Send**************** Honorable members of the Joint Criminal Justice Appropriations Committee, I am writing to ask you to reconsider the Concealed Carry permit and instructor renewal fee increases in the Criminal Justice budget, and to oppose this budget until the fee increases are removed. Fee increases of 250% are outrageous! It's hard to imagine how this could ever be justified. Such huge increases should never be enacted without careful consideration, analysis and opportunities for public comment. The Legislative Auditor's report on concealed carry has barely been out a week. No one has had time to review it carefully or to check the Auditor's data and analysis. Neither the Bureau of Criminal Identification nor the public has had the opportunity to be involved in this process. Why are you rushing to enact such an ill-considered plan? Finally, I am extremely disappointed that my elected officials would try to sneak such huge fee increases past me by burying them in an appropriations bill. I would appreciate it if the Committee would reconsider these fee increases, and delay a decision until the issue can be studied fully. At the very least, hold a public hearing so that BCI, gun rights advocates, concealed carry instructors, and ordinary citizens can participate in this decision. Please respond and let me know what you plan to do. Thank you. YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS ************************************************ RUMORS Utah Gun Owners Alliance has received many inquiries about a rumor circulating that Speaker Marty Stephens and Rep. Mike Thompson were "cutting a deal" to kill Vermont carry. This rumor is FALSE. Both Stephens and Thompson say they have not talked about gun bills at all. In fact, Stephens has committed to making sure our pro-gun bills make it out of rules and are assigned to an appropriate committee. And Thompson is committed to passing HB 345 - Carrying a Firearm. Utah Gun Owners Alliance is working with Rep. Thompson to draft the bill, and we expect to have bill text early next week. BILL OF RIGHTS DAY Rep. Morgan Philpot's two Bill of Rights Day bills (HB 133 and HJR 10) will have their House floor vote on Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 2 PM. Rep. Philpot says he has amended HB 133 to include Constitution Day as well, although the exact text is not yet available. Rep. Philpot has asked Utah Gun Owners Alliance to extend an invitation to all people who care about our Constitution and Bill of Rights to come to the Capitol to observe the vote. No public comments are permitted, but you will be able to sit in the gallery above the House floor and watch the proceedings. PACT UPDATE PACT is still being discussed by the Joint Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee. Your calls and email are definitely having an effect. Please keep up the good work! Also, the correct email address for Rep. Litvack is We apologize for the error in our previous alert. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE GUN SHOW THIS WEEKEND! COME SEND SOME POSTCARDS TO YOUR LEGISLATORS! Enjoy the weekend! Our pro-gun bills will be up for votes soon and things will get extremely busy. Reps. Thompson and Donnelson need your active support if they are going to get their bills passed. Please remember to check your email regularly and plan to spend some time each day working to protect your rights. We are extremely lucky to have legislators who will run pro-gun bills. We need to show them that it's worth their while. Thanks! Copyright 2001, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. and Sarah Thompson PO Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091 801-566-1625 PLEASE SUPPORT UTAH GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE! JOIN US TODAY! Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk missing important information because someone else neglected to forward important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than one alert per day. To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to or use the form on our web site, For more information, see UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc., and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in these alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed. Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left intact. Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at: Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. is a Utah non-profit corporation. ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 22:17:37 -0700 From: charles hardy Subject: Phone number correction Fw: [UTGOA] Stop increased CCW fees, Rumors, Bill of Rights Day The original alert had an incorrect phone number for Rep. Ray. Please see below for the corrected number. Please be aware that at least a couple members of the committee are really quite hostile to your ability to carry a weapon for self defense--though they may not say so in that many words, their tone and actions will leave little doubt in your mind. However, there are several members who are friendly to and generally supportive of your rights and ability. If you receive a negative response from one or more legislators, do not be surprised nor discouraged. Call the other members, ask them to attend this meeting, oppose this fee increase or to at least support any efforts to schedule a time for more comment on them. Remind them that the Legislative Audit upon which Rep. Cox is basing these huge increases has only been available for a week, that isn't time for a full review, and no comment nor testimony has been heard from the public nor pro-gun organizations on these increases. Also remind them that while the legislative audit suggested that differences between income and expendeture levels at BCI be made up via a combination of general fund appropriation increases and modest fee increases, Rep. Cox's measure increases ONLY fees forcing gun owners to shoulder the entire shortfall themselves. Please remember to be courteous while firmly letting these legislators know that both the size of the proposed increase AND the process used to date are not acceptable. - ---------------- Charles Hardy - --------- Forwarded message ---------- SNEAKY GUN CONTROL - Call these legislators! Yesterday Utah Gun Owners Alliance reported that Rep. Gary Cox had pushed a huge fee increase for CCW permit renewals and instructor certification renewals through the Criminal Justice Appropriations Committee. UTGOA does not think a 250% increase in fees is justified. UTGOA is willing to work with BCI, Rep. Cox, and the legislature, should the audit show that more funding is necessary. But we feel strongly that sneaking fee increases into an appropriations bill without input from BCI, concealed carry instructors, or gun rights advocates, and without public comment, is highly inappropriate. This is especially true since no one has had the chance to study the auditor's report carefully. Please contact members of the Joint Executive Offices, Criminal Justice and Legislative Appropriations committee. We recommend doing this by phone over the weekend, while legislators are home. Let them know that 250% fee increases are unacceptable and that you would like them to reconsider, and to allow for input from gun rights organizations as well as the Bureau of Criminal Identification. Also tell them that you would like to attend this meeting and ask them to schedule it in advance so you can arrange to be there. We are only asking that the committee be fair and give us the opportunity to present our views, and that it be responsible and justify any proposed fee increases. Committee members (Buttars and Tyler, Chairs) Sen. D. Chris Buttars, 801-561-0535, Rep. A. Lamont Tyler, 801-272-1218, Rep. Ron Bigelow, 801-968-4188, Rep. Gary F. Cox, 801-967-9760, Rep. Scott Daniels, 801-582-8080, Sen. Peter C. Knudson, 435-723-2035, Rep. Paul Ray, 801-774-0624, Sen. Pete Suazo, 801-521-3751, Rep. Mike Thompson, 801-226-5032, Remember to call at a reasonable hour, be polite, and always leave a clear message if the legislator isn't there. Make sure you leave your name and phone number, and ask him to call you back. Remember to include guidelines, such as "He can call anytime until midnight". *************Clip and Send**************** Honorable members of the Joint Criminal Justice Appropriations Committee, I am writing to ask you to reconsider the Concealed Carry permit and instructor renewal fee increases in the Criminal Justice budget, and to oppose this budget until the fee increases are removed. Fee increases of 250% are outrageous! It's hard to imagine how this could ever be justified. Such huge increases should never be enacted without careful consideration, analysis and opportunities for public comment. The Legislative Auditor's report on concealed carry has barely been out a week. No one has had time to review it carefully or to check the Auditor's data and analysis. Neither the Bureau of Criminal Identification nor the public has had the opportunity to be involved in this process. Why are you rushing to enact such an ill-considered plan? Finally, I am extremely disappointed that my elected officials would try to sneak such huge fee increases past me by burying them in an appropriations bill. I would appreciate it if the Committee would reconsider these fee increases, and delay a decision until the issue can be studied fully. At the very least, hold a public hearing so that BCI, gun rights advocates, concealed carry instructors, and ordinary citizens can participate in this decision. Please respond and let me know what you plan to do. Thank you. YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS ************************************************ ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - - ------------------------------ End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #204 ***********************************