From: Subject: (utah-sailing) SAILFEST '99 Date: 05 Jun 1999 14:47:38 EDT DON'T MISS THE FUN ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE SAILFEST THIS WEEK! THE JUNIOR PROGRAM THIS YEAR WILL BE A SUMMER TO REMEMBER! THE ACTIVITIES ARE OPEN TO ALL KIDS FROM THE AGE OF 8 TO 17 AND ONLY COST $5.00 FOR THE SAILFEST WEEKLONG ACTIVITIES!!! THERE WILL ALSO BE A FRIDAY NIGHT SAILING SERIES IN WHICH THE KIDS WILL ACTUALLY RACE IN REGATTAS HELD BETWEEN BLACKROCK AND THE MARINA. THE COST FOR THIS IS $30.00 FOR YACHT CLUB MEMBERS AND $35.00 FOR NON-YACHT CLUB MEMBERS. EACH KID WILL GET A T-SHIRT A TROPHY, A TEAM PICTURE AND BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE AWARDS BANQUET AT ROUND TABLE PIZZA IN SEPTEMBER. SAILFEST ACTIVITES MONDAY, JUNE 7TH THERE WILL BE A RELAY RACE IN THE BACK BAY BY "K" DOCK. THERE WILL BE LOTS OF CANDY AND POP! REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 5:30 AT THE YACHT CLUB. TUESDAY, JUNE 8TH WILL BE THE MOST TALKED ABOUT EVENT! THE SAILING TREASURE HUNT. THERE ARE OVER 200 PRIZES JUST WAITING TO BE WON! KIDS WILL HAVE TO SAIL AROUND PICKING UP FLOATING BOTTLES WITH NOTES IN THEM. THESE "NOTES" CAN BE TURNED IN FOR PRIZES! THE GRAND PRIZE WILL BE A REMOTE CONTROL SAILBOAT FROM M.R.S. HOBBIES!!!! THIS WILL BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. SHARP!! DON'T MISS OUT!!! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9TH RICH OSBORNE, VP AND RACE CHAIRMAN OF THE GREAT SALT LAKE YACHT CLUB WILL BE TEACHING A KNOT TYING CLASS FOR THE JUNIORS! IF THERE IS TIME WE WILL WATCH A MOVIE IN THE YACHT CLUB AFTERWARDS. THE CLASS BEGINS AT 6:00 P.M. THURSDAY, JUNE 10TH WILL BE MOVIE AND POPCORN NIGHT AT THE YACHT CLUB. BE THERE AT 6:00 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 11TH IT WILL BE TIME TO STOMP! A JUNIOR DANCE IS PLANNED UNDER THE PAVILLION AT THE YACHT CLUB. BRING YOUR FAVORITE CD'S AND GET DOWN. BE THERE AT 6:00 P.M., OR BE SQUARE!!! SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH AT 3:30 P.M. WILL BE A JUNIOR REGATTA IN THE BAY BETWEEN BLACK ROCK AND THE MARINA. THERE WILL BE TROPHIES FOR THE WINNERS! YOUR KIDS CAN PARTICIPATE EVEN IF YOU DON'T A HAVE A BOAT FOR THEM. THERE HAVE BEEN A LOT OF DINGY SIZE BOATS DONATED BY PEOPLE FOR THESE EVENTS AND WE WILL PUT A FEW KIDS ON EACH BOAT, THAT WAY IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT EXPERIENCED HE CAN LEARN FROM A MORE EXPERIENCED KID. THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF SUPERVISION AND LOTS OF SAILORS AVAILABLE TO HELP THE KIDS. IF THEY WEATHER IS BAD WE WILL NOT GO OUT. SO BRING YOUR KIDS OUT FOR A WHALE OF A TIME!!! SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH I HAVE VOLUNTEERED THE KIDS TO COOK HOTDOGS AT 3:00! HOTDOGS, CHIPS AND DRINKS WILL BE SOLD FOR $3.00 AND ALL THE PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE JUNIOR PROGRAM. IF YOUR KIDS WOULD LIKE TO HELP SEND THEM UP TO THE YACHT CLUB SUNDAY AFTERNOON! WE WILL PUT THEM TO WORK! SUNDAY WILL BE THE AWARDS CEREMONY. WE WILL BE GIVING THE PRIZES OUT FOR THE TREASURE HUNT AND THE TROPHIES FOR THE REGATTA. BE SURE AND BE THERE! YOU HAVE TO BE PRESENT AND HAVE YOUR TICKETS THAT WERE COLLECTED IN THE BOTTLES DURING THE TREASURE HUNT HELD ON TUES. TO WIN! THE REMOTE CONTROL SAILBOAT COULD BE YOURS!!! WE HAVE OBTAINED PERMISSION FROM CAPTAIN CRUNCH (RANGER BOB) FOR ALL THE KIDS TO ROLL OUT THERE SLEEPING BAGS ON THE YACHT CLUB LAWN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. THEY MUST CLEAN UP EACH MORNING SO IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ANYONE IS CAMPING. AS YOU CAN SEE IT WILL BE A FULL WEEK OF FUN, FUN, AND MORE FUN!! SO DON'T DELAY, COME AND PLAY! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 964-5302. IF I'M NOT HOME LEAVE A MESSAGE AND I WILL RETURN YOUR CALL ASAP. OR YOU CAN E-MAIL ME AT TAMMYSILVE@AOL.COM. UNTIL THEN, MAY THE WIND BE WITH YOU! AND REMEMBER YODA SAYS, "SIZE MATTERS NOT!" KIDS CAN SAIL!!! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rich Osborne" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) SAILFEST '99 - Dinghies and Adult Assistance Needed Date: 06 Jun 1999 17:14:53 -0600 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BEB040.8DD821E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ATTENTION EVERYONE! In order to make the Junior program a success and go smoothly, we need = as many dinghies and Hobie 14's as we can get. We would also like some = Hobie 16's as backup in case we need more boats. We also need many = adults, even if you don't have a dinghy or multihull, to assist with = setting up the boats quickly and breaking them down at the end of the = evening. All dinghies and multihulls need to be in the water and set up ready to = go by 6:00 pm Mon. and Tues. and on Sat. afternoon. In case of = inclement weather the Silvers may choose to adjust these dates as = needed. =20 Your help will be greatly appreciated! Rich Osborne Vice Commodore and Race Chair GSLYC ---------- Sent: Saturday, June 05, 1999 12:47 PM DON'T MISS THE FUN ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE SAILFEST THIS WEEK! THE JUNIOR PROGRAM THIS YEAR WILL BE A SUMMER TO REMEMBER! THE = ACTIVITIES=20 ARE OPEN TO ALL KIDS FROM THE AGE OF 8 TO 17 AND ONLY COST $5.00 FOR THE = SAILFEST WEEKLONG ACTIVITIES!!! THERE WILL ALSO BE A FRIDAY NIGHT = SAILING=20 SERIES IN WHICH THE KIDS WILL ACTUALLY RACE IN REGATTAS HELD BETWEEN=20 BLACKROCK AND THE MARINA. THE COST FOR THIS IS $30.00 FOR YACHT CLUB = MEMBERS=20 AND $35.00 FOR NON-YACHT CLUB MEMBERS. EACH KID WILL GET A T-SHIRT A = TROPHY,=20 A TEAM PICTURE AND BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE AWARDS BANQUET AT ROUND TABLE = PIZZA=20 IN SEPTEMBER. SAILFEST ACTIVITES MONDAY, JUNE 7TH THERE WILL BE A RELAY RACE IN THE BACK BAY BY "K" DOCK. = =20 THERE WILL BE LOTS OF CANDY AND POP! REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 5:30 AT THE = YACHT CLUB. TUESDAY, JUNE 8TH WILL BE THE MOST TALKED ABOUT EVENT! THE SAILING = TREASURE=20 HUNT. THERE ARE OVER 200 PRIZES JUST WAITING TO BE WON! KIDS WILL HAVE = TO=20 SAIL AROUND PICKING UP FLOATING BOTTLES WITH NOTES IN THEM. THESE = "NOTES"=20 CAN BE TURNED IN FOR PRIZES! THE GRAND PRIZE WILL BE A REMOTE CONTROL=20 SAILBOAT FROM M.R.S. HOBBIES!!!! THIS WILL BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. SHARP!! = DON'T=20 MISS OUT!!! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9TH RICH OSBORNE, VP AND RACE CHAIRMAN OF THE GREAT SALT = LAKE=20 YACHT CLUB WILL BE TEACHING A KNOT TYING CLASS FOR THE JUNIORS! IF = THERE IS=20 TIME WE WILL WATCH A MOVIE IN THE YACHT CLUB AFTERWARDS. THE CLASS = BEGINS AT=20 6:00 P.M. THURSDAY, JUNE 10TH WILL BE MOVIE AND POPCORN NIGHT AT THE YACHT CLUB. = BE=20 THERE AT 6:00 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 11TH IT WILL BE TIME TO STOMP! A JUNIOR DANCE IS PLANNED = UNDER=20 THE PAVILLION AT THE YACHT CLUB. BRING YOUR FAVORITE CD'S AND GET DOWN. = BE=20 THERE AT 6:00 P.M., OR BE SQUARE!!! SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH AT 3:30 P.M. WILL BE A JUNIOR REGATTA IN THE BAY = BETWEEN=20 BLACK ROCK AND THE MARINA. THERE WILL BE TROPHIES FOR THE WINNERS! = YOUR=20 KIDS CAN PARTICIPATE EVEN IF YOU DON'T A HAVE A BOAT FOR THEM. THERE = HAVE=20 BEEN A LOT OF DINGY SIZE BOATS DONATED BY PEOPLE FOR THESE EVENTS AND WE = WILL=20 PUT A FEW KIDS ON EACH BOAT, THAT WAY IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT EXPERIENCED = HE CAN=20 LEARN FROM A MORE EXPERIENCED KID. THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF SUPERVISION = AND=20 LOTS OF SAILORS AVAILABLE TO HELP THE KIDS. IF THEY WEATHER IS BAD WE = WILL=20 NOT GO OUT. SO BRING YOUR KIDS OUT FOR A WHALE OF A TIME!!! SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH I HAVE VOLUNTEERED THE KIDS TO COOK HOTDOGS AT 3:00! =20 HOTDOGS, CHIPS AND DRINKS WILL BE SOLD FOR $3.00 AND ALL THE PROCEEDS = WILL GO=20 TO THE JUNIOR PROGRAM. IF YOUR KIDS WOULD LIKE TO HELP SEND THEM UP TO = THE=20 YACHT CLUB SUNDAY AFTERNOON! WE WILL PUT THEM TO WORK! =20 SUNDAY WILL BE THE AWARDS CEREMONY. WE WILL BE GIVING THE PRIZES OUT = FOR THE=20 TREASURE HUNT AND THE TROPHIES FOR THE REGATTA. BE SURE AND BE THERE! = YOU=20 HAVE TO BE PRESENT AND HAVE YOUR TICKETS THAT WERE COLLECTED IN THE = BOTTLES=20 DURING THE TREASURE HUNT HELD ON TUES. TO WIN! THE REMOTE CONTROL = SAILBOAT=20 COULD BE YOURS!!! WE HAVE OBTAINED PERMISSION FROM CAPTAIN CRUNCH (RANGER BOB) FOR ALL THE = KIDS=20 TO ROLL OUT THERE SLEEPING BAGS ON THE YACHT CLUB LAWN FRIDAY AND = SATURDAY=20 NIGHTS. THEY MUST CLEAN UP EACH MORNING SO IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ANYONE = IS=20 CAMPING. AS YOU CAN SEE IT WILL BE A FULL WEEK OF FUN, FUN, AND MORE FUN!! SO DON'T DELAY, COME AND PLAY! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME = AT=20 964-5302. IF I'M NOT HOME LEAVE A MESSAGE AND I WILL RETURN YOUR CALL = ASAP. =20 OR YOU CAN E-MAIL ME AT TAMMYSILVE@AOL.COM. UNTIL THEN, MAY THE WIND BE WITH YOU! AND REMEMBER YODA SAYS, "SIZE = MATTERS=20 NOT!" KIDS CAN SAIL!!! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------ =_NextPart_000_01BEB040.8DD821E0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgsXAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAWAEAAAEAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAXQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAHV0YWgtc2FpbGluZ0Bs aXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUAB1dGFoLXNhaWxpbmdAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAA AB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAgAAAAdXRhaC1zYWlsaW5nQGxpc3RzLnhtaXNz aW9uLmNvbQADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAiAAAAJ3V0YWgtc2FpbGluZ0BsaXN0cy54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAlAAAAU01UUDpVVEFILVNBSUxJTkdATElTVFMuWE1JU1NJ T04uQ09NAAAAAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACMEoBBIABAEcAAABSRTog KHV0YWgtc2FpbGluZykgU0FJTEZFU1QgJzk5IC0gRGluZ2hpZXMgYW5kIEFkdWx0IEFzc2lzdGFu Y2UgTmVlZGVkANQWAQWAAwAOAAAAzwcGAAYAEQAOADUAAAA2AQEggAMADgAAAM8HBgAGABEABAAL 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=_NextPart_000_01BEB040.8DD821E0-- * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BILHARRIS Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) SAILFEST '99 - Dinghies and Adult Assistance Needed Date: 07 Jun 1999 19:16:45 -0600 Rich, I have a dinghie already at J-3, you may borrow it, please be safe with it. I also have a 16' hobie that I can bring, although my time is limited I won't be able to assist in setup etc. but you are welcome to use them. Let me know: 466 4345, 949 0818. Bill Harris Rich Osborne wrote: > ATTENTION EVERYONE! > > In order to make the Junior program a success and go smoothly, we need as many dinghies and Hobie 14's as we can get. We would also like some Hobie 16's as backup in case we need more boats. We also need many adults, even if you don't have a dinghy or multihull, to assist with setting up the boats quickly and breaking them down at the end of the evening. > > All dinghies and multihulls need to be in the water and set up ready to go by 6:00 pm Mon. and Tues. and on Sat. afternoon. In case of inclement weather the Silvers may choose to adjust these dates as needed. > > Your help will be greatly appreciated! > > Rich Osborne > Vice Commodore and Race Chair > GSLYC > > ---------- > From:[] > Sent: Saturday, June 05, 1999 12:47 PM > To: > Subject: (utah-sailing) SAILFEST '99 > > DON'T MISS THE FUN ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE SAILFEST THIS WEEK! > THE JUNIOR PROGRAM THIS YEAR WILL BE A SUMMER TO REMEMBER! THE ACTIVITIES > ARE OPEN TO ALL KIDS FROM THE AGE OF 8 TO 17 AND ONLY COST $5.00 FOR THE > SAILFEST WEEKLONG ACTIVITIES!!! THERE WILL ALSO BE A FRIDAY NIGHT SAILING > SERIES IN WHICH THE KIDS WILL ACTUALLY RACE IN REGATTAS HELD BETWEEN > BLACKROCK AND THE MARINA. THE COST FOR THIS IS $30.00 FOR YACHT CLUB MEMBERS > AND $35.00 FOR NON-YACHT CLUB MEMBERS. EACH KID WILL GET A T-SHIRT A TROPHY, > A TEAM PICTURE AND BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE AWARDS BANQUET AT ROUND TABLE PIZZA > IN SEPTEMBER. > > SAILFEST ACTIVITES > MONDAY, JUNE 7TH THERE WILL BE A RELAY RACE IN THE BACK BAY BY "K" DOCK. > THERE WILL BE LOTS OF CANDY AND POP! REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 5:30 AT THE > YACHT CLUB. > > TUESDAY, JUNE 8TH WILL BE THE MOST TALKED ABOUT EVENT! THE SAILING TREASURE > HUNT. THERE ARE OVER 200 PRIZES JUST WAITING TO BE WON! KIDS WILL HAVE TO > SAIL AROUND PICKING UP FLOATING BOTTLES WITH NOTES IN THEM. THESE "NOTES" > CAN BE TURNED IN FOR PRIZES! THE GRAND PRIZE WILL BE A REMOTE CONTROL > SAILBOAT FROM M.R.S. HOBBIES!!!! THIS WILL BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. SHARP!! DON'T > MISS OUT!!! > > WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9TH RICH OSBORNE, VP AND RACE CHAIRMAN OF THE GREAT SALT LAKE > YACHT CLUB WILL BE TEACHING A KNOT TYING CLASS FOR THE JUNIORS! IF THERE IS > TIME WE WILL WATCH A MOVIE IN THE YACHT CLUB AFTERWARDS. THE CLASS BEGINS AT > 6:00 P.M. > > THURSDAY, JUNE 10TH WILL BE MOVIE AND POPCORN NIGHT AT THE YACHT CLUB. BE > THERE AT 6:00 P.M. > > FRIDAY, JUNE 11TH IT WILL BE TIME TO STOMP! A JUNIOR DANCE IS PLANNED UNDER > THE PAVILLION AT THE YACHT CLUB. BRING YOUR FAVORITE CD'S AND GET DOWN. BE > THERE AT 6:00 P.M., OR BE SQUARE!!! > > SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH AT 3:30 P.M. WILL BE A JUNIOR REGATTA IN THE BAY BETWEEN > BLACK ROCK AND THE MARINA. THERE WILL BE TROPHIES FOR THE WINNERS! YOUR > KIDS CAN PARTICIPATE EVEN IF YOU DON'T A HAVE A BOAT FOR THEM. THERE HAVE > BEEN A LOT OF DINGY SIZE BOATS DONATED BY PEOPLE FOR THESE EVENTS AND WE WILL > PUT A FEW KIDS ON EACH BOAT, THAT WAY IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT EXPERIENCED HE CAN > LEARN FROM A MORE EXPERIENCED KID. THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF SUPERVISION AND > LOTS OF SAILORS AVAILABLE TO HELP THE KIDS. IF THEY WEATHER IS BAD WE WILL > NOT GO OUT. SO BRING YOUR KIDS OUT FOR A WHALE OF A TIME!!! > > SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH I HAVE VOLUNTEERED THE KIDS TO COOK HOTDOGS AT 3:00! > HOTDOGS, CHIPS AND DRINKS WILL BE SOLD FOR $3.00 AND ALL THE PROCEEDS WILL GO > TO THE JUNIOR PROGRAM. IF YOUR KIDS WOULD LIKE TO HELP SEND THEM UP TO THE > YACHT CLUB SUNDAY AFTERNOON! WE WILL PUT THEM TO WORK! > SUNDAY WILL BE THE AWARDS CEREMONY. WE WILL BE GIVING THE PRIZES OUT FOR THE > TREASURE HUNT AND THE TROPHIES FOR THE REGATTA. BE SURE AND BE THERE! YOU > HAVE TO BE PRESENT AND HAVE YOUR TICKETS THAT WERE COLLECTED IN THE BOTTLES > DURING THE TREASURE HUNT HELD ON TUES. TO WIN! THE REMOTE CONTROL SAILBOAT > COULD BE YOURS!!! > > WE HAVE OBTAINED PERMISSION FROM CAPTAIN CRUNCH (RANGER BOB) FOR ALL THE KIDS > TO ROLL OUT THERE SLEEPING BAGS ON THE YACHT CLUB LAWN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY > NIGHTS. THEY MUST CLEAN UP EACH MORNING SO IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ANYONE IS > CAMPING. > > AS YOU CAN SEE IT WILL BE A FULL WEEK OF FUN, FUN, AND MORE FUN!! > SO DON'T DELAY, COME AND PLAY! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT > 964-5302. IF I'M NOT HOME LEAVE A MESSAGE AND I WILL RETURN YOUR CALL ASAP. > OR YOU CAN E-MAIL ME AT TAMMYSILVE@AOL.COM. > > UNTIL THEN, MAY THE WIND BE WITH YOU! AND REMEMBER YODA SAYS, "SIZE MATTERS > NOT!" KIDS CAN SAIL!!! > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Part 1.2 Type: application/ms-tnef > Encoding: base64 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rich Osborne" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) SAILFEST '99 - Dinghies and Adult Assistance Needed Date: 08 Jun 1999 12:56:19 -0600 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BEB1AE.4E93FDA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks Bill,=20 For right now I think I have enough H 16's lined up that we will be OK. = If that changes I will let you know. Thanks again for the offer. Rich ---------- Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 7:16 PM Assistance Needed Rich, I have a dinghie already at J-3, you may borrow it, please be safe = with it. I also have a 16' hobie that I can bring, although my time is = limited I won't be able to assist in setup etc. but you are welcome to = use them. Let me know: 466 4345, 949 0818. Bill Harris Rich Osborne wrote: > ATTENTION EVERYONE! > > In order to make the Junior program a success and go smoothly, we need = as many dinghies and Hobie 14's as we can get. We would also like some = Hobie 16's as backup in case we need more boats. We also need many = adults, even if you don't have a dinghy or multihull, to assist with = setting up the boats quickly and breaking them down at the end of the = evening. > > All dinghies and multihulls need to be in the water and set up ready = to go by 6:00 pm Mon. and Tues. and on Sat. afternoon. In case of = inclement weather the Silvers may choose to adjust these dates as = needed. > > Your help will be greatly appreciated! > > Rich Osborne > Vice Commodore and Race Chair > GSLYC > > ---------- > From:[] > Sent: Saturday, June 05, 1999 12:47 PM > To: > Subject: (utah-sailing) SAILFEST '99 > > DON'T MISS THE FUN ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE SAILFEST THIS WEEK! > THE JUNIOR PROGRAM THIS YEAR WILL BE A SUMMER TO REMEMBER! THE = ACTIVITIES > ARE OPEN TO ALL KIDS FROM THE AGE OF 8 TO 17 AND ONLY COST $5.00 FOR = THE > SAILFEST WEEKLONG ACTIVITIES!!! THERE WILL ALSO BE A FRIDAY NIGHT = SAILING > SERIES IN WHICH THE KIDS WILL ACTUALLY RACE IN REGATTAS HELD BETWEEN > BLACKROCK AND THE MARINA. THE COST FOR THIS IS $30.00 FOR YACHT CLUB = MEMBERS > AND $35.00 FOR NON-YACHT CLUB MEMBERS. EACH KID WILL GET A T-SHIRT A = TROPHY, > A TEAM PICTURE AND BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE AWARDS BANQUET AT ROUND TABLE = PIZZA > IN SEPTEMBER. > > SAILFEST ACTIVITES > MONDAY, JUNE 7TH THERE WILL BE A RELAY RACE IN THE BACK BAY BY "K" = DOCK. > THERE WILL BE LOTS OF CANDY AND POP! REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 5:30 AT = THE > YACHT CLUB. > > TUESDAY, JUNE 8TH WILL BE THE MOST TALKED ABOUT EVENT! THE SAILING = TREASURE > HUNT. THERE ARE OVER 200 PRIZES JUST WAITING TO BE WON! KIDS WILL = HAVE TO > SAIL AROUND PICKING UP FLOATING BOTTLES WITH NOTES IN THEM. THESE = "NOTES" > CAN BE TURNED IN FOR PRIZES! THE GRAND PRIZE WILL BE A REMOTE CONTROL > SAILBOAT FROM M.R.S. HOBBIES!!!! THIS WILL BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. SHARP!! = DON'T > MISS OUT!!! > > WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9TH RICH OSBORNE, VP AND RACE CHAIRMAN OF THE GREAT = SALT LAKE > YACHT CLUB WILL BE TEACHING A KNOT TYING CLASS FOR THE JUNIORS! IF = THERE IS > TIME WE WILL WATCH A MOVIE IN THE YACHT CLUB AFTERWARDS. THE CLASS = BEGINS AT > 6:00 P.M. > > THURSDAY, JUNE 10TH WILL BE MOVIE AND POPCORN NIGHT AT THE YACHT CLUB. = BE > THERE AT 6:00 P.M. > > FRIDAY, JUNE 11TH IT WILL BE TIME TO STOMP! A JUNIOR DANCE IS PLANNED = UNDER > THE PAVILLION AT THE YACHT CLUB. BRING YOUR FAVORITE CD'S AND GET = DOWN. BE > THERE AT 6:00 P.M., OR BE SQUARE!!! > > SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH AT 3:30 P.M. WILL BE A JUNIOR REGATTA IN THE BAY = BETWEEN > BLACK ROCK AND THE MARINA. THERE WILL BE TROPHIES FOR THE WINNERS! = YOUR > KIDS CAN PARTICIPATE EVEN IF YOU DON'T A HAVE A BOAT FOR THEM. THERE = HAVE > BEEN A LOT OF DINGY SIZE BOATS DONATED BY PEOPLE FOR THESE EVENTS AND = WE WILL > PUT A FEW KIDS ON EACH BOAT, THAT WAY IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT EXPERIENCED = HE CAN > LEARN FROM A MORE EXPERIENCED KID. THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF = SUPERVISION AND > LOTS OF SAILORS AVAILABLE TO HELP THE KIDS. IF THEY WEATHER IS BAD WE = WILL > NOT GO OUT. SO BRING YOUR KIDS OUT FOR A WHALE OF A TIME!!! > > SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH I HAVE VOLUNTEERED THE KIDS TO COOK HOTDOGS AT 3:00! > HOTDOGS, CHIPS AND DRINKS WILL BE SOLD FOR $3.00 AND ALL THE PROCEEDS = WILL GO > TO THE JUNIOR PROGRAM. IF YOUR KIDS WOULD LIKE TO HELP SEND THEM UP = TO THE > YACHT CLUB SUNDAY AFTERNOON! WE WILL PUT THEM TO WORK! > SUNDAY WILL BE THE AWARDS CEREMONY. WE WILL BE GIVING THE PRIZES OUT = FOR THE > TREASURE HUNT AND THE TROPHIES FOR THE REGATTA. BE SURE AND BE THERE! = YOU > HAVE TO BE PRESENT AND HAVE YOUR TICKETS THAT WERE COLLECTED IN THE = BOTTLES > DURING THE TREASURE HUNT HELD ON TUES. TO WIN! THE REMOTE CONTROL = SAILBOAT > COULD BE YOURS!!! > > WE HAVE OBTAINED PERMISSION FROM CAPTAIN CRUNCH (RANGER BOB) FOR ALL = THE KIDS > TO ROLL OUT THERE SLEEPING BAGS ON THE YACHT CLUB LAWN FRIDAY AND = SATURDAY > NIGHTS. THEY MUST CLEAN UP EACH MORNING SO IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE = ANYONE IS > CAMPING. > > AS YOU CAN SEE IT WILL BE A FULL WEEK OF FUN, FUN, AND MORE FUN!! > SO DON'T DELAY, COME AND PLAY! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL = ME AT > 964-5302. IF I'M NOT HOME LEAVE A MESSAGE AND I WILL RETURN YOUR CALL = ASAP. > OR YOU CAN E-MAIL ME AT TAMMYSILVE@AOL.COM. > > UNTIL THEN, MAY THE WIND BE WITH YOU! AND REMEMBER YODA SAYS, "SIZE = MATTERS > NOT!" KIDS CAN SAIL!!! > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > = > > Part 1.2 Type: application/ms-tnef > Encoding: base64 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------ =_NextPart_000_01BEB1AE.4E93FDA0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhUSAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAWAEAAAEAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAXQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAHV0YWgtc2FpbGluZ0Bs aXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUAB1dGFoLXNhaWxpbmdAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAA AB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAgAAAAdXRhaC1zYWlsaW5nQGxpc3RzLnhtaXNz aW9uLmNvbQADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAiAAAAJ3V0YWgtc2FpbGluZ0BsaXN0cy54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAlAAAAU01UUDpVVEFILVNBSUxJTkdATElTVFMuWE1JU1NJ 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email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: (utah-sailing) Cruise on Saturday Date: 10 Jun 1999 09:17:28 -0600 What's on for the GSL cruise group on Saturday? The schedule says check with the Sailfest calender. I haven't been out this week, so I haven't checked. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) Sailfest Weekend (Forwarded from Terry Martin) Date: 10 Jun 1999 19:24:24 -0600 Terry was having trouble posting this to Utah-Sailing (reason as yet undetermined, but I'm working on it). In the meantime I'll just forward it to the list myself. Hello Cruisers and Friends!! Because of Sailfest this weekend, I have not planned for any YC organized events. No need to compete, let's join in!! There are a lot of really cool events planned for the weekend. You can contact Ann Hunter (485-6873) or Dave Shearer (486-9424) for more information RE Sailfest. A few things of interest going on this weekend for Sailfest: Friday: Jr. Stomp, Dinghy races, Potluck party, bonfire and flare party Sat: Breakfast, bloody mary contest, races (hobie, PHRF, daysailer, Sculling), water fights (i guess on the lake), junior races, dock party, homebrew contest, BBQ, band Sun. Breakfast, races, Offshore race, watermelon race, swap meet, hot dog sale, awards. Upcoming YC Cruise/Social: Sunset cruise June 16 Ranger boats fun race June 20 Yes cruisers!, get into this one. It should be fun! 70's Flashback Party and Potluck June 20 6:00 PM Celebrate Father's Day, the Solstice and the 70's!! (Dad would much rather do this than a BBQ at the in-laws.....just ask him kids! And help him dress up!). This is a theme/dress up party so do it! Bring music! and have a Far Out, bitchin' kind of night. Bring a meal to BBQ and something to share! Sunset June 23: Cruise to Antelope June 26.... this is the big one, leaving the boats up there to return and do a long cruise of the northern end of the lake. We need to know how many people are leaving their boats at the Antelope marina and will need car transportation back to our marina. RSVP NOW!! Keep in touch and hope to see you this weekend at Sailfest!! Terry 364-8217 PS Do any of you have contacts to companies that would be willing to offer a discount on their service/products to GSLYC members?? Please let me know. thanks * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) Mailing list stats. Date: 11 Jun 1999 13:56:08 -0600 Utah-sailing's two year aniversary will be on June 26, 1999. Currently we have 72 subscribers. Be sure to tell your friends about this resource! David Oswald Utah Sailing list administrator * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) Administrator Test, please ignore. Date: 10 Jun 1999 19:35:54 -0600 Sorry to waste bandwidth. I'm testing the mailing list's distribution system. Dave -- David Oswald / / Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. -- William Shakespeare * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) Sailfest Weekend (Forwarded from Terry Martin) Date: 10 Jun 1999 19:24:21 -0600 Terry was having trouble posting this to Utah-Sailing (reason as yet undetermined, but I'm working on it). In the meantime I'll just forward it to the list myself. Hello Cruisers and Friends!! Because of Sailfest this weekend, I have not planned for any YC organized events. No need to compete, let's join in!! There are a lot of really cool events planned for the weekend. You can contact Ann Hunter (485-6873) or Dave Shearer (486-9424) for more information RE Sailfest. A few things of interest going on this weekend for Sailfest: Friday: Jr. Stomp, Dinghy races, Potluck party, bonfire and flare party Sat: Breakfast, bloody mary contest, races (hobie, PHRF, daysailer, Sculling), water fights (i guess on the lake), junior races, dock party, homebrew contest, BBQ, band Sun. Breakfast, races, Offshore race, watermelon race, swap meet, hot dog sale, awards. Upcoming YC Cruise/Social: Sunset cruise June 16 Ranger boats fun race June 20 Yes cruisers!, get into this one. It should be fun! 70's Flashback Party and Potluck June 20 6:00 PM Celebrate Father's Day, the Solstice and the 70's!! (Dad would much rather do this than a BBQ at the in-laws.....just ask him kids! And help him dress up!). This is a theme/dress up party so do it! Bring music! and have a Far Out, bitchin' kind of night. Bring a meal to BBQ and something to share! Sunset June 23: Cruise to Antelope June 26.... this is the big one, leaving the boats up there to return and do a long cruise of the northern end of the lake. We need to know how many people are leaving their boats at the Antelope marina and will need car transportation back to our marina. RSVP NOW!! Keep in touch and hope to see you this weekend at Sailfest!! Terry 364-8217 PS Do any of you have contacts to companies that would be willing to offer a discount on their service/products to GSLYC members?? Please let me know. thanks -- David Oswald / / Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. -- William Shakespeare * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) Sailfest Week Date: 13 Jun 1999 22:51:04 -0600 Congratulations to the GSLYC, South Shore Marina personnel, and all of the Sailfest sponsers and organizers for a successful Sailfest. It was particularly nice to see some media coverage of the event. Everyone seemed to love the activities! Dave -- David Oswald / / Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. -- William Shakespeare * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Sailfest Week Date: 14 Jun 1999 14:57:59 EDT WE Missed you Dave! T. It was a great time! We have some other events coming up: Fun Races SAT 19 and SUN 20 no race experience required.. just for fun and maybe wacky!! Skipper meetings at 9:30 Races at 11:00 (Sunday is Ranger brand sailboats only) Catalina Fun Race is upcoming July 17 We will cover the rules and go over starting sequence for those newcomers. 70's Flashback Potluck Party June 20 6:00 pm Marina Patio Dress the dress and listen to the sounds of the 70's as we celebrate the Solstice and Father's Day. Everyone is invited!!! Please come join us for some fun! Bring a dish to share and a meal to BBQ. Contact Terry TMartin316 Mostly Womens Race Weds. June 16 Coca Cola Cruise to Antelope and Fremont... June 26 - ???? check the calendar for more details. Hope to see all of you at the Marina or better yet.. on the water!! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Antelope Cruise June 26-27 RSVP! Date: 14 Jun 1999 15:24:11 EDT Hello again, Ok cruisers, and everyone else!! Since everyone is invited and welcome!! This is it! The Coca-Cola Antelope and Beyond Cruise is planned to begin June 26, Sat. We are hoping to leave the boats up at the Antelope Marina for additonal cruises over the next week or so, including Fremont Is., Lakeside, Promortory Point, etc. Back to the South Marina either over the July 4th weekend or later. We NEED to know how many boats are planning to cruise, and more importantly, how many people will need a vehicle shuttle back to the South Marina ?? I really need a number so we can organize the shuttle vehicles over the next week or so. Please RSVP to me ( or 364-8217) by June 20 if you will need a ride back to the South Marina on the 27th. Or if you are willing to drive a vehicle to and from the Antelope Marina on the 27th, we could use the help!!! If we don't hear from you.... don't whine when you have to walk or swim home!!! This trip has wonderful possibilities, let's do it right!!! RSVP by June 20! Happy Winds! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Antelope Cruise June 26-27 RSVP! Date: 14 Jun 1999 14:57:28 -0600 At 15:24 6/14/99 -0400, wrote: > >We NEED to know how many boats are planning to cruise, and more importantly, >how many people will need a vehicle shuttle back to the South Marina ?? I >really need a number so we can organize the shuttle vehicles over the next >week or so. Please RSVP to me ( or 364-8217) by June 20 >if you will need a ride back to the South Marina on the 27th. Or if you are >willing to drive a vehicle to and from the Antelope Marina on the 27th, we >could use the help!!! If anyone has a vehicle with a large seating capacity and is willing to let me drive it on Sunday (I have a commitment on Saturday), I would be glad to drive folks back. Alternatively, I could drive my truck and trailer a boat for the day and bring coolers, gear, etc. back if folks don't have room in their vehicles with all of the extra people and gear. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Fun Races This weekend! Date: 16 Jun 1999 01:53:50 EDT Okay, it's time to play!! Fun races both Sat and Sun. Open to all levels of sailors! We want these to be fun and to get non-racers involved. Please come out to practice your skills and to have a great, and maybe even a wacky time. We will go over basic rules and the start sequence at the skipper meetings both days. So if you ever wanted to compare your boat and /or skills to another,boat or skipper, or if you ever wanted to race but haven't taken the step yet, then this is the weekend to do it. Sat. Open to all sailboats. Skipper meeting at 9:30 AM. (Patio) Race at 11:00 Sun. Ranger brand sailboats only. Skipper meeting 9:30 (Catalina day is July 17) Race at 11:00 Again, these are open to everyone, with or without racing experience. No fees or membership required. If you want to crew then just show up and we'll get you on a boat. We may do fun and wacky things during this be cool and have fun! Serious racers are welcome.... but please leave the race face at the dock! And don't forget to stick around for the 70's Flashback Gig on Sunday!! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) FW: No-hunting around GSL Marina Petition Date: 21 Jun 1999 08:34:58 -0600 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------ =_NextPart_000_01BEBBC0.F350DB30 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The following email was sent to me on 6/21/99. I've already signed the petition. To me it made sense. Of course everyone has to make up his or her own minds, but I'll forward it to the list so that everyone can have a look at it. Dave ---------- Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 8:30 AM Attached please find a letter/petition for interested parties to sign and send in to the Department of Wildlife resources requesting that the area between Saltair and the Marina be returned to its historical no-hunting status - which changed two years ago. Please send copies in to each of the attached names - preferrably by June 26th since they will be making final decisions and printing the new hunting proclaimations soon. Please post this wherever you can - If a form comes up just close that window and the peitition should be behind it. Thank you. ------ =_NextPart_000_01BEBBC0.F350DB30 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="great~salt~lake~petition.wpd" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 /1dQQ7sEAAABCgIBAAAAAgUAAADFIAAAAAIAANKALzuXgr4GbyuV4VeDPAbtODJjMi5yYzBw9+fO N3cEYOS9MekW2I4ouNeUPp0glSpLfCmmQDXwSFx3f6lRxcbzaTmva8pvG9atbspDhDPvHxhSxfdo ppXgZR/iO3dXDh7G1tiI5f5XQKZGZ3NJ1HuPzXp0ROTgVh2qOrmWxMRjQpsq6KgpIl2fkrkw5r8Y QBDrsuP434Xr9qHybr//7MGA0WuTA3bq7sHRRYqqxIVimLCrF7T34vl407pyeVbcjxLNAbnP+7zA aOoxSkv/J+Q+ylFAbl/sgEIMgAiI/cOr/NlQ4Jm1j9N6lhZQwlv50PsoY/MLjvIadae5ysdOiVSc 4voQqwVNx2U9PgrBFn4T9EgqK+4VkkGyjoTxeGQ1KSOBqxVGqzE9yPt0uoKd0gI3oVBOYVftQx43 tTCRsekremWY7IH+B8b5MlRV2NL9ot9qgh7vPwp5wUkcRu9jjzKddPG+GHiqhqHoFxByMjM11EHM AFkIiGld25bXG+obZl/Ej0NpUj94k86gqjb28O4CutGKjGu6BhDJJ6x1iGINagK7Y7Wy4r5zuRWo wqA2oBPI+F+eQ6mghLB0gm1trKlbqWu6BpMg5zNDCcFh9MuhZwyb+r7Br+S+ADF7bLtgYB+lgT0C AAsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgjAQAAACEBAACaAgAAAFUBAAAATgAAALsDAAAJJQEAAAAGAAAACQQAAAsw 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I do recall that some areas in the US, if not the entire area, is required to use approved shot pellets. Banned are lead shot, and any other material that might become synergistic when introduced to other materials or liquids. An example would be that if the boat owners who found the shot pellets on their decks discovered them to be lead, and that lead was banned, or should be banned, then a different argument against hunting can be deployed, one that relates to the entire GSL environment being out of bounds to such activities. Of course I am open to arguments that residual lead pellets in salt water are beneficial to migratory bird health. Now if it were an issue of harming the brine shrimp; watch the topic refocus. It has been found in past studies that water foul inadvertently ingest shot pellets and suffer if the material is toxic to their digestive systems. It's called, "collateral damage". Why can't we all just get along? The things that crawl, that fly, that howl in the night darkness, are all our selves in spirit. I wish cows could fly. Rocky * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) FW: No-hunting around GSL Marina Petition Date: 21 Jun 1999 14:07:06 -0600 Ray Tostado wrote: > > I am not up to date on the Utah shotgun hunting regulations. I do recall > that some areas in the US, if not the entire area, is required to use > approved shot pellets. Banned are lead shot, and any other material that > might become synergistic when introduced to other materials or liquids. The ban on lead shot certainly applies to northern Utah as well. I don't think the law addresses what are allowed, just that lead is disallowed. > An example would be that if the boat owners who found the shot pellets on > their decks discovered them to be lead, and that lead was banned, or should > be banned, then a different argument against hunting can be deployed, one > that relates to the entire GSL environment being out of bounds to such > activities. I suspect that most GSL boat owners who found any sort of shot on or near their boats would be upset on a number of levels. Worries about residual lead ON my boat are much lower than worries of lead being BLASTED INTO my boat or its occupants. ;^) > Of course I am open to arguments that residual lead pellets in salt water > are beneficial to migratory bird health. Now if it were an issue of harming > the brine shrimp; watch the topic refocus. All of the credible studies suggest lead is harmful to fowl, whether found in fresh or salt water. I don't know of any such studies for brine shrimp, but this seems like a natural for some M.S. thesis at the Ewe of Ewe. > It has been found in past studies that water foul inadvertently ingest shot > pellets and suffer if the material is toxic to their digestive systems. > It's called, "collateral damage". > > Why can't we all just get along? The things that crawl, that fly, that howl > in the night darkness, are all our selves in spirit. But some of them taste good. > I wish cows could fly. Because they would be easier to hit? I'd sure hate to have to clean THEIR droppings off my foredeck. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: Hunting near GSL south shore marina. Date: 21 Jun 1999 14:57:23 -0600 My take on the hunting issue is as follows. Of course everyone has his own opinion, and I don't want to tell people how to think, but see if my logic works. First off, I must say that though I don't hunt, it's not for any philosophical reason, and I have nothing against game hunting so long as the product is put to good use. Let's not get into a pro-con hunting debate. I also am a gun owner. Some people are against such ownership, but again, that's not the debate I'm wishing to engage upon herein. That said, I do have a problem with hunting being permissible near the South Shore marina. Here is why: 1. Safety: People sail, row, play, paddle, swim, etc. in the vicinity of the GSL South Shore marina. Sure, they do so all over the lake, but the highest concentration is around the marina. Kids run around without worry and without constant supervision. I like the fact that the marina is a safe environment in that respect; it's a good place to have safe fun. I know that most hunters are responsible gun handlers. But it only takes one rotten apple to harm someone, someone's property, or someone's children in the vicinity of the marina. We don't permit the discharge of firearms within city limits. We shouldn't permit it within close proximity to the populus of the South Shore marina. There are plenty of remote places to hunt, play with firearms, etc. We shouldn't introduce the hazard into our playground. 2. Vandalism: Right now the marina is rather secluded. Boaters, sight-seers, and tourists are just about the only visitors we get. Boaters are in the majority. If hunting becomes commonplace in the area we will introduce a new category of visitors. These visitors may not have the respect for boats that we do. They may not have the respect for other boaters' property that can only come from owning one of your own. We all treat each others boats with care because we care about how our own boats are treated in our absence, and be cause many of us know each other well. An outside element isn't going to have that unwritten code. We have all seen country-road signs that are shot up. Permitting hunting in the area is to permit (and encourage) the discharge of firearms in the area. Only in our area it will be more than signs getting shot up; it will be boats. 3. Mutually-exclusive activities: Hunting and sailing in the same area are mutually exclusive activities. Boaters utilizing the area between the marina and Black-rock will be at odds with hunters using the same area. It is silly to believe that boaters could continue to use a small bay that is also being used by game bird hunters. In addition to being (at times) in the line of fire, we will disrupt the hunters' decoys, stir up the water fowl as we sail by, and generally be a nuisance to hunters in the area. This will lead to a feeling of ill-will and short tempers. 4. The GSL has over 280 miles of shoreline. Most of that shoreline is remote; unused. ...the perfect place for the discharge of firearms. Carrington Island during WWII was used as a targeting range for bomber training. Nobody much cared. Certainly nowadays there must be a lot of room on the GSL for hunting that doesn't compromise the experience of boaters who have long staked a claim in the area of the marina. I have nothing against hunters. If it were something that interested me I would participate too. But I would have more sense than to permit its practice within shooting-distance of the largest marina in northern Utah. Dave * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Junior Sailing Series Coaches Needed! Date: 21 Jun 1999 21:34:00 EDT We are in need of coaches for our junior sailing series. We have 25 to 35 kids signed up for our junior friday night series this year. We are looking for people who know how to sail and are willing come out to the Great Salt Lake every other Friday night and help the kids sail around the course. The regattas are held between Black Rock and the Marina. You would be following a small dingy type boat with inexperienced young sailors at the helm and coaching them through starting tactics, tacking, gybing, pointing, reaching and sailing around the course in a series of races. The best way to do this is to have a raft with a motor, or a small sailboat. We have about ten boats, that will need coaches. We have about fifteen boats altogether. Please E-Mail me or call me at 964-5302 if you areinterested. Our first night is this friday, June 25th at 6:00 p.m. Thank You, Tammy Silver * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Re: Hunting near GSL south shore marina. Date: 21 Jun 1999 23:03:22 -0600 DavidO@ZCMI.COM wrote: > > My take on the hunting issue is as follows. [Description elided > for brevity] Thank you, Dave. I hunt occasionally, and otherwise fit all categories as you do. I agree with you on each point. I do have this to offer: If the Marina is in Salt Lake County, hunting is not allowed there by Salt Lake County statute; there is no hunting in Salt Lake County. Perhaps this will make the issue a moot point. According to the map I've just looked up on Yahoo!, Silver Sands Beach, Sunset Beach, and Black Rock Beach are within Salt Lake County: (Sorry 'bout the long URL). The dot-dash grey line is the Salt Lake/ Tooele County line. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Cruise this Weekend!! Date: 22 Jun 1999 14:55:25 EDT Hello again, This is another notice re the cruise to Antelope this weekend. If you are sailing up w/ the group on Sat. Please let me know. I'm trying to get a head count. We also need to know how many of you plan to leave your boat up there and will need a vehicle ride back on Sunday. So far I know of 3 boats: Swan song, island girl and photo flow. LMK thanks, terry * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Cruise this Weekend!! Date: 23 Jun 1999 13:15:06 -0600 Terry, I am racing to North Marina on Saturday. If I can get a ride back to the South Marine on Sat pm, I will return Sun morning and leave my Suburban at North Marina for people who need a ride back to the South Marina. It can carry five, at least. They can leave it at the South Marina when they get back. I am returning on RUNAWAY on Sunday am. I would have the car at the N/M about 8 am Sunday. Ray. I would have to know if I can take Rocky with me on any such ride. Otherwise I would leave him at home, alone, without company, stranded, missing people contact, etc.. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diana Goodell Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Junior Sailing Series Coaches Needed! Date: 24 Jun 1999 18:08:08 -0600 Hi Tammy, I don't have a little dingy (yet) and won't know until Friday morning if I = could come out this Friday night. . ., but within those limitations, I can help on July 9th. Does this help you = at all?? Diana >>> 06/21 7:34 PM >>> We are in need of coaches for our junior sailing series. We have 25 to = 35=20 kids signed up for our junior friday night series this year. We are = looking=20 for people who know how to sail and are willing come out to the Great = Salt=20 Lake every other Friday night and help the kids sail around the course. = The=20 regattas are held between Black Rock and the Marina. You would be = following=20 a small dingy type boat with inexperienced young sailors at the helm = and=20 coaching them through starting tactics, tacking, gybing, pointing, = reaching=20 and sailing around the course in a series of races. The best way to do = this=20 is to have a raft with a motor, or a small sailboat. We have about ten=20 boats, that will need coaches. We have about fifteen boats altogether. = =20 Please E-Mail me or call me at 964-5302 if you areinterested. Our = first=20 night is this friday, June 25th at 6:00 p.m. Thank You, Tammy Silver =20 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Junior Sailing Series Coaches Needed! Date: 25 Jun 1999 16:04:39 -0600 At 21:34 6/21/99 -0400, wrote: >We are in need of coaches for our junior sailing series. We have 25 to 35 >kids signed up for our junior friday night series this year. We are looking >for people who know how to sail and are willing come out to the Great Salt >Lake every other Friday night and help the kids sail around the course. The >regattas are held between Black Rock and the Marina. You would be following >a small dingy type boat with inexperienced young sailors at the helm and >coaching them through starting tactics, tacking, gybing, pointing, reaching >and sailing around the course in a series of races. The best way to do this >is to have a raft with a motor, or a small sailboat. We have about ten >boats, that will need coaches. We have about fifteen boats altogether. >Please E-Mail me or call me at 964-5302 if you areinterested. Our first >night is this friday, June 25th at 6:00 p.m. I'd love to help. I have a dinghy with sail and motor. The problem is time. I cannot come on the 25th and guaranteeing ever other Friday could be difficult. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Junior Sailing Series Coaches Needed! Date: 27 Jun 1999 14:44:27 -0600 I need a Japanese speaking translator for this Monday. I have a Gent from Japan who is coming on business and his assistant/translator took ill and cannot be here. It would be from 2pm to 5pm. Ray URGENT! $10.00 AND HOUR? 801/262-5128 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Junior Sailing Series Coaches Needed! Date: 27 Jun 1999 22:38:15 EDT Hi Diana Any help we can get would be greatly appreciated. You could probably follow the kids around in Pack-A-Lunch, couldn't you? We will be out of town from the 2nd until the morning of the 9th. So if you can come out on July 9th, that would be great! See Ya Soon Tammy * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) Coca-Cola Cup / Antelope Cruise Date: 27 Jun 1999 21:04:43 -0600 Thanks to everyone who put in the time and effort to make the Coca- Cola Cup and the Antelope Island Cruise both successful (and integrated) events. For those who didn't participate here is what went on. Saturday morning: Racers started from the Great Salt Lake South Shore Marina, J-mark at 10:05am bound for the Antelope Island marina. Cruisers left anywhere between 8:00am and as late as 4:00pm. Eventually everyone met up at the Antelope Island marina where the late afternoon and evening was spent swimming, socializing, eating, ...and all the other stuff that goes on when a bunch of boaters get together. The weather was beautiful though there were a few hours where the wind forgot to blow. But there were many hours where it remembered to blow just fine, so all in all the sailing aspect of the trip was great. Sunday some people returned to the South Shore marina with their boats, while others cruised around the north portion of Antelope Island, swimming, hiking and playing around. By late Sunday afternoon most of the rest of the group left their boats at the Antelope marina so that they may start out closer to the more remote portions of the lake when the cruise resumes next weekend. There were enough boats that I don't recall all that participated, but I'll name a few: Longshot, Misbehavin', Highwire, Shockwave, Cest la vida, Island Girl, Photo Flow, Galley, Odyessy III, Swan Song, Taciturn, True Colors. If you participated and I forgot your boat's name I apologize. Of course we should pay a special thanks to the GSLYC for organizing the event and for providing a continental breakfast Sunday morning at the Antelope marina to which all were invited regardless of YC membership. Keep in mind that the cruise resumes next weekend (July 4th weekend). Those who aren't already at the Antelope marina can just radio the cruise group to find out where you might meet up with us out on the water. In specific, ask for Island Girl, Photo Flow, or Swan Song. ...Those are three of the ones whom I know stayed at the Antelope marina and are planning on cruising the weekend of the 4th. It is always nice to learn something new when out there on the water. Last cruise (Memorial weekend) we learned the need to carry extra sail batons, and got practice with heavy-weather sailing. This weekend we noticed it could be helpful to have a "Y" attachment for the shore power so that two boats can share the same station. ...also learned that racers will endure several hours of miserable chop combined with no wind and a nasty current under a warm sun all in the name of finishing the race. That was one time I was glad that cruisers are allowed to start up the motor. See you all out there soon... Dave -- David Oswald / / Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. -- William Shakespeare * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Coca-Cola Cup / Antelope Cruise Date: 28 Jun 1999 12:31:51 EDT Dave was pretty much right on w/ his 'what racers will endure' comment. While beating Photo Flow thru the chop and light winds, I began thinking of the nice dinner spread and cold drinks waiting for us at the Antelope Marina. I was quite close to pulling on that little outboard more than once. But, the race was worth it. It was a fun race and for the first half I even thought that us 'C' fleeters had a chance. Silly me. I also wish to add that it was very nice to see that those so-called: hard nose, anti-fun, anti-cruiser, anti-social, anti-less than 30 feet, 'just get there and get there NOW!', go to bed early, 'get those dam# cushions off the boat', "porta what?", 'how heavy are those gloves anyway?', racer types could party as hard as the rest of us...maybe even harder. (You know that these one-liners are all in fun kids!) They, along w/ the cruisers who joined in, had a great food spread, they even had a blender going. 'Blender Boy' was making some very creative 'smoothies' until well past normal folks bedtime. It is wonderful to see that we all CAN get along and have tons of fun together. As I have said all along, we are all in this thing together: sailing (fast or slow) on the GSL and having a good time doing so. Our marina is too small to have bad attitudes between any of us. Sunday's cruise/raftup from Antelope Marina to Split Rock Bay was fun. Five boats enjoyed a killer water fight, swimming and hiking. The bay is quite nice and reminds me of the Sea of Cortez. Two boats continued to the South Marina after lunch while three of us sailed back to the Antelope Marina. The best winds of the entire weekend hit as we were heading back to the Antelope Marina. But, they didn't last very long. It was another great cruise/race (Yes, Temma and I are BI-sailors, like a few others, and enjoy both worlds..isn't life grand!). I hope more of you can get involved in these longer trips. Next weekend should be another fun one. A few of the 'race-only' boats will be coming along w/us on the 2-3 day cruise. We hope to explore Fremont, Promontory, Lakeside and any other cool spots along the way. And if the weather doesn't allow for anchoring, then we can always head back to the Antelope Marina and make wonderful day sails to these areas. We may want to get a few shuttle vehicles to take people up to the Antelope marina on Sat. AM. Please let me know. Thanks to all who came out to play this weekend! Your support is wonderful and makes me feel that it's all worth it. But I still miss some of you and hope things change. Terry (Photo Flow) * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Coca-Cola Cup / Antelope Cruise Date: 28 Jun 1999 14:48:23 -0600 wrote: > > We may want to get a few shuttle vehicles to take people up to the Antelope > marina on Sat. AM. Please let me know. I can haul a load Saturday. I have a LandCruiser, seats 8 plus some gear, or more gear with less people. Lemme know if you need me. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes).