From: "steve barrow" Date: 01 Mar 2000 09:48:06 PST Hi Everyone, Looking for a 27' - 30' in good condition. Thanks, Steve ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Swigart Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Kennecott Date: 01 Mar 2000 20:01:44 -0700 Kennecott wants new rule on its discharges into lake (Deseret News):,1249,155006781,00.html? Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Swigart Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Fremont Farewell? Date: 01 Mar 2000 20:08:04 -0700 This is a shocker that raises a thousand questions -- what are their intentions? for example (Deseret News):,1249,155006787,00.html? Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: Date: 01 Mar 2000 20:12:39 -0800 Capri 30'; Wheel, very finely tuned, new bottom 10/99 ST PW; new mast paint and spars. W/trailer $17.5k W/O Trl. $15k; 2 spinn; 2 mains; 4 jibs. VHF radio etc.. Ray Tostado 213/250-2893 steve barrow wrote: > Hi Everyone, > Looking for a 27' - 30' in good condition. > Thanks, > Steve > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Swigart Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Lake Effect Date: 02 Mar 2000 16:30:09 -0700 The weather phenoms lumped together as "lake effect" was studied as a prelude to the Winter Olympics (SL Tribune): Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: (utah-sailing) comments on boating strategic plan Date: 02 Mar 2000 17:00:07 -0700 Don't forget -- tomorrow is the deadline for comments on the Utah Boating Stratigic Plan. I sent mine in. I think that it's important that sailors get their views in. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) BW Discount Night Date: 02 Mar 2000 18:52:09 EST Attention Members of GSLYC, Hobie Fleet, BLYC and Provo YC!! Boater's World is hosting a Sailor's Discount Night Friday March 10, 6-8:00 PM Open to active members* of GSLYC, Hobie Fleet 67, BLYC and Provo YC (*- Please be able to show proof of membership at the door.) Boater's World will be offering a 10% discount on ALL in-store items, and a discount on special and catalog orders!! This includes sailing gear, electronics, clothing, maintenance and boat care items, etc. They will be serving light munchies and possibly give away door prizes. Boater's World is located at 2150 S. State, SLC (Next to Inkley's) Phone: 461-0046 If you are not an active member in any of these participating clubs, I apologize for the intrusion on this sailing e-mail list. This is the only way to reach most of the members. Any non-club members have until March 10th to become one and cash in on this 'members only' event. Hey, buy enough goodies and you'll pay for your membership! GSLYC will accept membership applications that night. FYI: These types of events are set up to be incentives and perks for being an active member in a sailing organization. These cool activities are just another way to help justify membership dues. If your club does not issue 'membership cards', please have your representative compile a list of current members so we can monitor the door that evening. Sorry to sound so strict, but your understanding and consideration is much appreciated. We hope both members and non-members respect our situation in these matters. If you are not an active member, please don't put us in an awkward situation by trying to get in. Again, your understanding is much appreciated. If your club is not listed here, we apologize for missing you! (We tried.) Please consider contacting Boater's World to arrange your own Discount Night. It is pretty simple to do and Carl, the store manager, is a pleasure to work with. I hope that the various sailing communities/organizations here in Utah will continue to pursue 'group' events and activities. We should continue to work together on projects, life is much easier and healthier that way. Comments, questions to: Terry Martin, GSLYC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Photography Date: 05 Mar 2000 17:30:21 -0700 Saturday, March 11 Atrium Gallery (5th floor, Salt Lake Public Library) =97 "Images of the Great Salt Lake: Photographs by Jim Frankoski through April 22. Public reception Wednesday, March 15, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Deseret News) Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Strategic Boating Plan Date: 05 Mar 2000 21:27:51 -0800 Steve, To begin, it's nice to see you on e-mail finally and able to follow the going on's via this medium. We have a great community of online sailors and if it wouldn't be presumptuous of me I'd like to say welcome. I'd like to focus on the part of your e-mail regarding the proposed changes to the boating environment here in Utah. I hope it's not to late for comments. I will admit to being somewhat split of the entire discussion. Having spent summers sailing on a number of lakes and reservoirs here in Utah, what is being proposed is long over due. I'm trying to be objective here and I'll say there are some power-boaters out there that are just plain scary, still another group that is just, not to be too harsh, stupid, and still another group that don't have a clue. But as with most groups the majority is responsible and makes an effort to follow the rules and be courteous. I'd also think it would be fair to make some of the same general observations regarding sailors. At the risk of being guilty of some sailor snobbery, I'd like to say that for power boaters I'd support the proposed changes. They are needed. If any of you question this visit Pineview on a Saturday afternoon in July. However, I hope the state will not lump all boat owners and all public waters into one category and expect that we all create the same problems, that we all have the same requirements, that we all pass the same tests. If this is the assumption by the committee, then the assumption becomes even more absurd when considered from the bounds of the Great Salt Lake and Bear Lake. I've read all 50 pages of the proposal and I have some questions that I hope you can answer and some general comments that you will consider and raise with the committee. Process Questions: 1. Is the common boater represented on any of the committees? 2. Does your status as a concessionaire strengthen or weaken your representation of the sailing community. Understand that this is not about your integrity, I know you and I know that your first love is sailing. 3. Who are the "organizations" and "user groups" on the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee? 4. Are there any persons from any of the yacht clubs on any of the committees? 5. Is this being driven mostly from a law enforcement perspective? The proposal itself: I will admit there is much here I like, for example: Educate boaters on basic boating knowledge through the provision of uniform and consistent information statewide, increased information dispersal through a variety of methods, and new educational programs. [Gene: Provide that there is an acknowledgement of the differences in boaters - PWC, Power, Sail. We are different communities with some common ground but with many differences. One size does not fit all.] Develop partnerships and improve communication and cooperation with organizations that are producing and/or disseminating information related to boating. [Gene: Assuming the partnership and communication will be two way.] Complete an inventory and evaluation of existing facilities, which address the facilities themselves, their location, the design specifications, facility conditions, and current and future site needs. Any other information deemed relevant should also be included. [YES!] Determine facility development and renovation needs based on the inventory and evaluation. [YES!] Develop and implement consistent facility standards for maintenance, renovation, and construction of facilities. [YES!] Improve relations with the legislature through increased Division involvement in boating legislation and increased opportunities for legislator visits to boating sites. However, there are some items that have me very much concerned. They are: 1. In the "History of the Boating Program" the claim is made that "All peace officers have the authority to stop and board any vessel" This seems to fly in the face of the constitution. Stopping - only if they have cause. But as far as boarding, only if they have a warrant. Am I in error here? 2. Regarding "mandatory boating education and licensing program". Typically, this infers an age requirement. Will this "mandatory education and licensing" be required for any person operating a sailboat? How might this affect our junior sailing programs. Will our youngest sailors still be able to participate in a program that will prepare them better than any mandatory, state sanctioned program would? 3. Will this testing be relevant to sailors regardless of age? Or is this testing thing not really flushed out. If this is the case are they aware of how this might impact sailors and especially junior sailors? My final concern is over the funding of facilities. For years the state has been taking our slip fees lumping them into the general fund and returning the bare minimum in services, upgrades and maintenance. Although it's a bit ambiguous, there's an inference that we (the slip renters) will be expected to now pay for the full cost of any upgrades to our marina, which after 20 years of neglect is desperately needed? This seems patently unfair. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bob Rosell" Subject: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 07 Mar 2000 13:24:24 -0700 It's Super Tuesday and the pools are open. That was really a typo but I = think it's funny so I'll keep it. Now to get serious. There is still a trailer problem in the Marina. I've contacted everyone = that I could by running the license plates, etc. to remove their trailers = from the marina. Please spread the word, that at the end of March, = trailers that are still parked at the marina will be assumed to be = abandoned and dealt with accordingly. I'd love to get trailer parking at the marina but at this point it isn't = happening. Those that have removed their trailers to storage facilities have a = legitimate gripe about having to pay for storage while others are getting = it for free. =20 I know I don't have to mention this, but feel free to tell me what you = think. =20 Bob * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 07 Mar 2000 17:10:59 EST Can anyone tell me if there are slips available for rent at the GSL marina? Prices? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 07 Mar 2000 15:17:52 -0700 I'll take one if there are extras! :) Paul Doubek Bob Rosell wrote: > > It's Super Tuesday and the pools are open. That was really a typo but I think it's funny so I'll keep it. > > Now to get serious. > > There is still a trailer problem in the Marina. I've contacted everyone that I could by running the license plates, etc. to remove their trailers from the marina. Please spread the word, that at the end of March, trailers that are still parked at the marina will be assumed to be abandoned and dealt with accordingly. > > I'd love to get trailer parking at the marina but at this point it isn't happening. > Those that have removed their trailers to storage facilities have a legitimate gripe about having to pay for storage while others are getting it for free. > > I know I don't have to mention this, but feel free to tell me what you think. > > Bob > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 07 Mar 2000 17:27:59 -0700 Bob Rosell wrote: > > It's Super Tuesday and the pools are open. That was really a typo > but I think it's funny so I'll keep it. I got the following bumper snicker in the email before yours: If GOD had meant for me to Vote, He would have given me Real Candidates to choose from Dive on in... > I'd love to get trailer parking at the marina but at this point it > isn't happening. What do we have to do to make it happen? It doesn't seem that space is an issue, given the number of trailers that have been there at times. > Those that have removed their trailers to storage facilities have a > legitimate gripe about having to pay for storage while others are > getting it for free. Gripe gripe gripe. Now that I've stopped mooching myself, am I allowed to feel sanctimonius about this? If anyone has recommendations for a nice, safe lot, this would be a good forum to share it in. Perhaps we can have a mass trailer moving day and make a party of it, like everything else we do. > I know I don't have to mention this, but feel free to tell me what > you think. Or *if* you think? ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 07 Mar 2000 17:32:35 -0700 wrote: > > Can anyone tell me if there are slips available for rent at the GSL marina? > Prices? Yes. Too much. Did you want specifics? Call the GSL State Park at 801.250.1898 and ask the friendly person who answers the phone. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 07 Mar 2000 19:07:25 -0800 Well, Bob R.. Regarding your interest in what is called the trailer problem. If good parking is available a the marina then all is well, so long as it is free, right? But if management says no trailers at all, or, wants $35 a month, then other sites must be found. Life and boating are not that convenient as having your trailer 100 yards from your boat slip, but; both Clint and I have run ads soliciting trailer parking at a reasonable rate. My particular acre was in Kearns, a 20 minute drive from the marina. I did in three years receive one caller who never called back. I do believe that the real trailer situation is one of cost. At the marina it is free. At my space and Clint's it would have been $25 a month. If I were to have found at least 10 tenants I would have set up a covered all weather work area and other perks. But alas, I tired of waiting and sold the property in November, took the money to Hawaii, and bought myself a 10 acre macadamia farm. I can offer you parking there, free. Mahalo, Rocky Paul Doubek wrote: > I'll take one if there are extras! :) > > Paul Doubek > > Bob Rosell wrote: > > > > It's Super Tuesday and the pools are open. That was really a typo but I think it's funny so I'll keep it. > > > > Now to get serious. > > > > There is still a trailer problem in the Marina. I've contacted everyone that I could by running the license plates, etc. to remove their trailers from the marina. Please spread the word, that at the end of March, trailers that are still parked at the marina will be assumed to be abandoned and dealt with accordingly. > > > > I'd love to get trailer parking at the marina but at this point it isn't happening. > > Those that have removed their trailers to storage facilities have a legitimate gripe about having to pay for storage while others are getting it for free. > > > > I know I don't have to mention this, but feel free to tell me what you think. > > > > Bob > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) The Fate Of Trailers Date: 08 Mar 2000 08:04:43 -0700 Ray brought up a good point... Clint was renting storage space. There may be another lot opening up near the airport; I'll post info if I hear it's really happening. Paul Doubek > > If anyone has recommendations for a nice, safe lot, this would be a > good forum to share it in. Perhaps we can have a mass trailer moving > day and make a party of it, like everything else we do. > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sid Subject: (utah-sailing) K dock dinghy series Date: 08 Mar 2000 15:28:48 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01BF8913.0023E6C0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0010_01BF8913.002B87E0" ------=_NextPart_001_0010_01BF8913.002B87E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Just writing to let you all know about the fun races out at Great Salt = Lake this Year. K dock is doing ther dingy series again. attached is the race schedule. = These races are purely for fun and all are welcome. Last year at one of the races we had seventeen dinghys. It was quite a = crouded start line at K dock. For more info please e-mail me or call me at the shop 486-9424 Thanks Dave Shearer Trouble Maker at Large ------=_NextPart_001_0010_01BF8913.002B87E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Just writing to let you all know about = the fun=20 races out at Great Salt Lake this Year.
K dock is doing ther dingy series = again. =20 attached is the race schedule.  These races are purely for fun and = all are=20 welcome.
Last year at one of the races we had = seventeen=20 dinghys.  It was quite a crouded start line at K dock.
For more info please e-mail me or call = me at the=20 shop  486-9424
Dave Shearer
Trouble Maker at Large
------=_NextPart_001_0010_01BF8913.002B87E0-- ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01BF8913.0023E6C0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="kding.wpd" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="kding.wpd" /1dQQzUFAAABCgIBAAAAAgUAAABEDQAAAAIAAOnQE2Wh9TzIuPW5CTpZ/viVcaPIKVtwJMrPximV u6Wn9+TPf22uT+d2iZvl0sou12Qe/xGFcvE4a1GJwJS5ad3rKlpgImAomxer2q+GK08gO1oxs2oL 8dXZFQxjtL6iRoYtgbbrz8VD7pclXY7U13qqhPHtLzhF5lWWwQx+3Hoc97uIKiQXpWJr/82nGpva 8T162ZH8+TZgybRAk1HcMDGctpIrrx6Yv5N39nMX5f+FSDWV7+mHrIEL0lXMaxluPBsUFcVm57ig eoxlxqCsXdUHYF5O3Q6VYPnO1SNlADhSLOhdd0GmS7ahwhkUlsbzRnfxUSPEOddZ/YAHYTUQqIRm c+NTqNR0UE63aHRa6QAbMowLWgEySs4cC5J+VLxtvMHLFbJY4CKJ918FBpC8glFC165MjIXkep32 5Kb/peOWx2n2GLuiAUdz7RWcKpTKscYnp1YG8aXfhurkGxiofX5KM/TyM0KNEbtg5ql+pTck/VFv /hHAnpr4bY2Fa+QDZn8x1B5Ewz633yGjwLeLIRovBDzMHnEJShWWnMtzgovIBlTlJZstLmah3fbm cDpCgoktO2edHrFMXJF5Z3lKQYOtP4xlLTfgqcU3r5LqNSz0Srh094mCMepfLp7uZ5qb2fFD8LkC 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"unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Weather Date: 08 Mar 2000 20:51:50 -0700 The Great Salt Lake weather patterns are getting studied so much lately that soon we may have a new lexicon by which our sailors may know the vapors. In addition to "Tooele Twisters" (southwesters) may we expect "Magna Manglers"(southeasters) "Garfield Garblers (southeaster and a southwester at the same time)" "Stansbury Stampedes(a sudden wester)" and "Lakeside Lackadaisicals" (dead air)? [I'm still waiting for the exact GPS coordinates for Morgan's Hole!]. Anyway, this USA today story: Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Weather Date: 09 Mar 2000 13:50:42 -0800 As far as the GPS coords for Morgan's hole that might be hard to pin down as it seems to generally manage to sail into it about 5 miles out and follows me all the way to Buffalo Point. :-( -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 8:52 PM The Great Salt Lake weather patterns are getting studied so much lately that soon we may have a new lexicon by which our sailors may know the vapors. In addition to "Tooele Twisters" (southwesters) may we expect "Magna Manglers"(southeasters) "Garfield Garblers (southeaster and a southwester at the same time)" "Stansbury Stampedes(a sudden wester)" and "Lakeside Lackadaisicals" (dead air)? [I'm still waiting for the exact GPS coordinates for Morgan's Hole!]. Anyway, this USA today story: Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Ingram Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: Trailer Storage Date: 09 Mar 2000 15:16:49 -0800 Regarding safe trailer storage. My marina store service manager (Frank Pahoo Lansing) has a great storage yard that he managers and maintains. It is located 15 minutes from the marina in North Grantsville, only 2 miles from exit 88, I-80 west. He tells me that he can store boat trailers, boats, R.V.'s, etc.... His storage is very safe and secure with fences and on-site security. He will pick-up and deliver statewide. Empty trailers are $25/month. Boats on trailers and R.V.'s are $1.25 per foot per month. For more info. you can call (801) 461-3380, or stop in the Marina Store and inquire. We will be opening up for business on March 18........Crane Day 2000! ____________________________________________________________________ For the largest MP3 index on the Web, go to ____________________________________________________________________ * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) RE: Boaters World 3/10!!! Date: 09 Mar 2000 18:52:11 EST Reminder to: Members of the GSLYC, BLYC, Hobie Fleet and PYC!!!! Boater's World Discount Night is THIS FRIDAY!!! March 10th 6 - 8 PM 10% off ALL items! Read earlier post for more info. Boater's World 2150 South State * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Seminars Continue Date: 10 Mar 2000 13:56:53 -0700 Come one, come all! The Great Salt Lake Yacht Club's FREE Sailing Seminars continue on Monday, March 13, with a session on Sailboat Racing on the Great Salt Lake. The session will address sailboat racing in general and the GSLYC's 2000 Racing Program in particular. The seminars are held in the third floor Lecture Hall in the Salt Lake City Library's Main Branch at 209 East 500 South from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. See you There! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Boat wanted Date: 10 Mar 2000 19:20:35 EST If this is a breach of protocal , forgive me. I am looking for a late-model Hunter 24 to 27 or Catalina 25. Anybody got one for sale? Please reply * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: GSL Photos Date: 12 Mar 2000 08:58:54 -0700 While you are at one of the Sailing Seminars from the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club, later this month, be sure to stop in at the Atrium Gallery (5th floor, Salt Lake Public Library) to see the art display entitled "Images of the Great Salt Lake: Photographs by Jim Frankoski through April 22. Public reception Wednesday, March 15, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) St. Patricks Day Events Date: 13 Mar 2000 19:26:02 EST Hello to all sailors! This is just a quick reminder re the St. Patrick's Day (-after) events at the marina, this Sat. march 18 starting at 2:00. This event is open to members and nonmembers of the GSLYC. (As stated earlier, nonmembers please pay a small participation fee of 2.00 per person or 5.00 for a family. All this info was mentioned in the first post and in the Brine Flyer.) Events include: Murphy's Cup dinghy race (and I use 'race' very subjectively), potluck (YC is supplying drinks, dessert, facilities, etc.) and evening movies in the clubhouse including popcorn. This will be a lot of fun for friends and family so bring everyone!! Murphy's Irish Stout has supplied awards and treats, sorry, none of them liquid :>( A special note to BLYC and PCYC... "our" lake isn't frozen at the moment, so come on down and play with us for a day. We're pretty fun folks. Please bring a dish to share at the potluck (4:00 or so). Bring a boat to sail or hop on board w/someone else. If the weather turns ugly, we have a "Sailing Game Show" planned so you best study up on your terms. If anyone can come out early and help setup, please let me know. Thanks!! Terry 364-8217 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Sailboat Game Show Q's Date: 14 Mar 2000 18:09:19 EST Hey any of you sailors out there want to share your 'smarts'? I need a bunch of sailing and Great Salt Lake related questions to be used in an upcoming event, a Sailing type TV Game Show. We could call it, "Who Wants to Win Some Cheap Little Prize?" I hope this will be held some day in the future, or during an event rain delay at the GSL marina. This could be really fun,,esp. at about 10:00 PM after a few cocktails.. nonalcoholic of course! Anyway, send me your serious, fun and strange sailing questions and answers. Please send them to my home email and not on this list.... we need to keep the questions secret until game time. Help me out, thanks! terry * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Last Reminder... St. Patty's/Marina Date: 16 Mar 2000 18:17:18 EST St. Patrick's Day (after) at the GSL Marina, this Sat. March 18. Everyone* is Welcome to join us for lots of fun! Murphy's Cup Marina Dinghy Races 2:00 (be ready to sail-meet at the patio) Potluck and Awards/Prizes Presentation 4:00 (after the races) Sailing Movies and Popcorn in the clubhouse after the potluck Many Murphy's giveaways and awards! Dessert, legal drinks, facilities, popcorn and prizes supplied by the GSLYC. (A big Irish kiss to General Dist. for the assistance!). Even if you don't have a small boat, come out and enjoy the races. Bring a dish to share at the potluck, if you plan to drink something other than the supplied pop/water then bring it too. If you can't bring a dish, then plan to go in on a pizza order. Also, the marina store should be open for your shopping pleasure. This event is free to current GSLYC members. Nonmembers please pay a cheap 2.00 per person or 5.00 per family to play all day and night!!! We really encourage everyone to join us for the fun!! Call/write me if you have questions. Terry 364-8217 Got Murphy's? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: (utah-sailing) RE: (gslyc) Last Reminder... St. Patty's/Marina Date: 16 Mar 2000 16:32:21 -0800 As Commodore of the Yacht Club I would like to add my personal invite to all who may get this. Having lots of participation always makes these kinds of things more fun. And again let me emphasize that all are invited, members and non-members alike. It is our common enjoyment of our sport and the camaraderie of our friends and families that is most important. So dig the shorts out, find the sun screen and lets have some fun! I look forward to seeing you all. Gene ------------------ St. Patrick's Day (after) at the GSL Marina, this Sat. March 18. Everyone* is Welcome to join us for lots of fun! Murphy's Cup Marina Dinghy Races 2:00 (be ready to sail-meet at the patio) Potluck and Awards/Prizes Presentation 4:00 (after the races) Sailing Movies and Popcorn in the clubhouse after the potluck Many Murphy's giveaways and awards! Dessert, legal drinks, facilities, popcorn and prizes supplied by the GSLYC. (A big Irish kiss to General Dist. for the assistance!). Even if you don't have a small boat, come out and enjoy the races. Bring a dish to share at the potluck, if you plan to drink something other than the supplied pop/water then bring it too. If you can't bring a dish, then plan to go in on a pizza order. Also, the marina store should be open for your shopping pleasure. This event is free to current GSLYC members. Nonmembers please pay a cheap 2.00 per person or 5.00 per family to play all day and night!!! We really encourage everyone to join us for the fun!! Call/write me if you have questions. Terry 364-8217 Got Murphy's? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Antelope Island Date: 16 Mar 2000 22:04:17 -0700 Deseret News article regarding the road on the east shore:,1249,155010457,00.html? Pat "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Members Notice Date: 20 Mar 2000 13:28:46 EST Attention Great Salt Lake Yacht Club Members: Please check out the web page for important member information on an upcoming event this Friday! You don't want to miss it! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News Date: 20 Mar 2000 17:44:05 -0700 Article dealing with effort to preserve Great Salt Lake links to the Americas: Pat "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Last Saturday's Fun! Date: 21 Mar 2000 12:48:14 EST Wow! What a great St. Patrick's Day/Murphy's Cup at the Marina we had!!! I wish to thank all of those who were able to come out and play during the St. Patrick's / Murphy's Cup Day at the marina! I hope everyone had a great time. Considering that this was the first of it's kind, I think everything went quite well and it was a huge success! (Please let me know if you disagree or have any comments.) A huge thanks goes out to General Dist. for their assistance in supplying the cool Murphy's treats. The events included: fun marina dinghy races, won by Hank Jr. on his go-fast laser, great potluck treats, a super cool YC cake designed by Sir Patrick, tons of neat-o Murphy's giveaways, movies, popcorn and hanging with our sailing friends. What a great day! Your support, member or not, in events like this will help continue to build a wonderful sailing community at the marina. I thank all the non-members for coming out and participating in the fun. I hope you enjoyed them and are able to come out and join us for more fun during upcoming events. ( I hope it was worth the price of admission. :>) And a big personal thank you to those of you who offered your assistance. As any of you attending could tell, events like this are way too big for one or two people to handle. Jana your help was much appreciated and I couldn't have done it without you. T2 (Temmie) was also a big help, clean-ups are a drag but needs to be done, as well as Mark, Scott and all the others that I missed. Sorry if I missed you but I was a bit too busy to watch everything. Even helping with the little things makes it better for all. Thanks again to all those that helped, 'coz I want to play too. If others would pitch in and offer assistance from time to time all the major events that your YC Board members and Chairs plan will be much more fun for everyone. Again, thanks for playing! It was a lot of fun. Please send me your comments so next years can be even better. I am open to suggestions! And mark your calendars for a huge Opening Weekend 2000, May 6 and 7. This one will be packed with great activities for everyone; young or old, racer or cruiser, big boat or little boat, member or nonmember! Watch this mailing list and the web page for upcoming info. You won't want to miss: GSLYC's Opening Weekend 2000 "Sailing into the 21st Century" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sid Subject: (utah-sailing) Dock Party (Bourbon Street) Date: 22 Mar 2000 14:23:52 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_003E_01BF940A.3FAC3F20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Spring is finally here! It blew in with all that strong wind and snow on = Monday. And with spring comes the first dock party of the season. Yep, It's time for the "Bourbon Street" K dock party. For those of you that didn't attend last year this party was the largest = dock party of 1999 with the best food. It was quite an event. Everyone is invited to attend this year. The party is this Saturday at = 7:00pm on K dock. Bring a pot luck dish. No club or dock affiliation is necessary! The theme is Bourbon Street (Mardi Gras) so the food should be = Louisiana style cooking. Otherwise bring what you want. While we are on the subject of Dock Parties, last year K dock hosted = all the parties. This year we would like to break it up and have other = docks host some of the parties. We need a group to host a late April = party. Some of the themes used or discussed last year were: Pirates of the Caribbean Western Giligans Island (K dock will host) Addams family (Halloween time) Please call me with any ideas or desires to hold a party. Thanks Dave Shearer Trouble Maker at Large ------=_NextPart_000_003E_01BF940A.3FAC3F20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Spring is finally here! It blew in with = all that=20 strong wind and snow on Monday.
And with spring comes the first dock = party of the=20 season.
Yep,  It's time for the "Bourbon = Street" K=20 dock party.
For those of you that didn't attend = last year this=20 party was the largest dock party of 1999 with the best food.  It = was quite=20 an event.
Everyone is invited to attend this = year.  The=20 party is this Saturday at 7:00pm on K dock.  Bring a pot luck=20 dish.
No club or dock affiliation is=20 necessary!
The theme is Bourbon Street (Mardi = Gras)  so=20 the food should be Louisiana style cooking.  Otherwise bring what = you=20 want.
While we are on the subject of Dock = Parties, =20 last year K dock hosted all the parties.  This year we would like = to break=20 it up and have other docks host some of the parties.  We need a = group to=20 host a late April party.  Some of the themes used or discussed last = year=20 were:
        = Pirates of=20 the Caribbean
       =20 Western
        = Giligans=20 Island (K dock will host)
        = Addams family=20 (Halloween time)
Please call me with any ideas or = desires to hold a=20 party.
Dave Shearer
Trouble Maker at Large
------=_NextPart_000_003E_01BF940A.3FAC3F20-- * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Dock Party (Bourbon Street) Date: 23 Mar 2000 11:46:38 EST Great idea Dave RE each dock hosting parties! Looking forward to even more fun at the marina this summer. And let's "fire-up" K dock again this year! I would like to suggest that potential 'dock party hosts' check any 'K' dock party schedule and the GSLYC social schedule before planning your party. Parties on the same night, or even the next day didn't seem to work well last year. Just FYI stuff. But let's see other dock parties happen!!! You can check out the GSLYC Social calendar at or keep your eyes posted to this mailing list for updates. And as with the other parties, nonmembers are always welcome to the YC events. If there's a band or supplied food, etc. , we have to charge a small fee for nonmembers. Again, this is just info and not an ad. (coming from the other trouble maker....) I think the A-Fleet racers on 'B' dock need to host the first party! Let's see if the Mr. Taylor still has PARTY in him! A 'C' dock party will be in the works. Thanks for the suggestion Dave! Great idea! Terry * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: Re: [Re: (utah-sailing) Dock Party (Bourbon Street)] Date: 23 Mar 2000 10:29:20 MST Hello. A new member to your crew at the marina is boarding B dock next week. Pla= nning parties would be something I might try my hand at. I do wonder how much o= f these parties are adult-rated. Can someone bring their children and with assurance know their child won't get knocked in the water by a wandering minstrel who had too much for his liver to detox? I like those kinds of parties myself. However, I have children that I am bringing into the sail= ing lifestyle and hope they take hold of it. Please give me a run down of just how these parties fall into place. Has anyone taken a child's eye view of the parties. What do the children want= ? Ask them, and I would be glad to help. = Heidi 466-6629 ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert McClane Subject: Re: [Re: (utah-sailing) Dock Party (Bourbon Street)] Date: 23 Mar 2000 11:45:24 -0700 Heidi - Concerning kids at marina parties and functions: we sailed the lake and enjoyed marina functions for 5 years before having a kid, and 5 years (and still counting) afterwards. The marina is one of the favorite places for our 5 year old to go whether it be for sailing or parties, etc. It has always been a positive experience. There are quite a few kids at our marina these days (just look for the boats plastered with lifeline netting). Of course we don't get to party half the night anymore, but the marina and sailing is still great with or without kids. The adult activities and kid stuff seem to mix perfectly well at our marina. If a drunken sailor is on the loose we figure it is our job to keep an eye out, but I can't remember any time this was ever an issue. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) Cruising on the G.S.L. Date: 23 Mar 2000 12:23:37 -0700 IT'S FINALLY HERE! The seminar you've all been waiting for is slated for this coming Monday, March 27, at 7 p.m. in the 3rd. floor Lecture Hall of the Salt Lake City Public Library's Main Branch at 209 East 500 South Street. Steve Ingram will present his famous "Cruising on the Great Salt Lake" seminar. He will show and tell us where to go and what to see on the scenic Great Salt Lake. Steve is a long-time G.S.L. cruiser and now the operator of the "Island Serenade" excursion liner. Tim Adams, the GSLYC Cruising Chair, will outline the Club's cruising program for the 2000 sailing season. All this AND DOOR PRIZES TOO! This seminar is presented by the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club as part of its annual Sailing Seminars series. The following Monday, April 3rd., the subject will be Boating Safety and Emergencies - how to stay out of trouble and what to do when you don't. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: [Re: (utah-sailing) Dock Party (Bourbon Street)] Date: 23 Mar 2000 14:54:09 -0700 Robert McClane wrote: > > Heidi - > > Concerning kids at marina parties and functions: we sailed the lake and > enjoyed marina functions for 5 years before having a kid, and 5 years (and > still counting) afterwards. The marina is one of the favorite places for > our 5 year old to go whether it be for sailing or parties, etc. It has > always been a positive experience. There are quite a few kids at our > marina these days (just look for the boats plastered with lifeline > netting). Of course we don't get to party half the night anymore, but the > marina and sailing is still great with or without kids. The adult > activities and kid stuff seem to mix perfectly well at our marina. If a > drunken sailor is on the loose we figure it is our job to keep an eye out, > but I can't remember any time this was ever an issue. I've had precisely the same experience last year and this. Bailey wonders why sometimes the adults at the marina don't walk very well, but seems to have little curiosity about them otherwise. We've not attended any really late functions, and probably won't be, because she manages to wear me out completely by about 9:00 pm on a GOOD day. The mosquitoes later in the year are much more a problem than drunken sailors. And, if they misbehave, you can threaten them with Ranger Bob. ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Junior Sailing for 2000 Date: 23 Mar 2000 20:15:43 EST Speaking of kids at the Great Salt Lake! ARE YOU BETWEEN THE AGES OF EIGHT AND SEVENTEEN? Or have kids between these ages? DO YOU HAVE DREAMS OF SAILING OFF INTO THE SUNSET? JOIN US, AT THE GREAT SALT LAKE YACHT CLUB JUNIOR SAILING SEMINAR! FIND OUT WHAT THE YACHT CLUB HAS TO OFFER YOU THIS SUMMER! HELD AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY 209 EAST 500 SOUTH STATE ON MONDAY, APRIL 24TH AT 7:00. WE WILL BE PLAYING "WHO WANTS TO BE A SAILOR" Designed from the TV show "Who wants to be a Millionaire" We will also be talking about the Jr. events planned for this summer. So bring all your kids and their friends! If you have any questions, please e-mail me at SEE YA AT THE LIBRARY! (OR THE LAKE!) * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Junior Sponsors Date: 23 Mar 2000 20:34:04 EST I am looking for prizes to be given to Juniors involved in the Sailfest 2000 in June. If anyone owns or works for a company that might have something to be given as prizes please let me know. (Example: hats, shirts, water bottles, key rings, toys, etc...) Lets support our Jrs.! Sailing is great for these kids, because it keeps them out of trouble and also introduces the age old gentlemen's sport. Sailing is an art that not very many kids have the opportunity to be exposed to, which gives them a lot of self esteem and a big boost for the future! If you are interested in contributing, please e-mail me at Thanks A Bunch! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [Re: (utah-sailing) Dock Party (Bourbon Street)] Date: 23 Mar 2000 22:20:23 EST congratulations on your new boat ! hope to see you on the race course this summer and hope you and bob can make the cruises also - the dock parties i have been to have been fun for kids also so please bring them out. regards, Tim * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) Boating Safety and Emergencies Date: 30 Mar 2000 10:55:48 -0700 Continuing its FREE Sailing Seminars, the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club presents a session on Boating Safety and Emergencies. Bob Rosell, Boating Safety Ranger at the G.S.L. State Marina, and friends will regale us with pertinent information on how to stay out of trouble on the Great Salt Lake and what to do when we don't! The seminar will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 3, in the third floor Lecture Hall of the S. L. C. Public Library Main Branch, located at 209 E. 500 S. As a door prize, a Great Salt Lake chart, published by the GSLYC, will be awarded to a lucky attendee. Visit the GSLYC web site at to view a poster for this event and to see the schedule of remaining seminars. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "M Dean Harmer" Subject: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 15:25:51 -0700 I need some advice. I'm a novice sailor - looking at purchasing a 1971 Aquarius 23' boat for use on the Great Salt Lake. I am going to look at it and need your advice on what to find out / inspect. Here are some specific questions I have - I would appreciate answers to these and any pointers anyone has. The blue book value is 2,800 to 3,200. Is this reasonable? The boat has a trailer, is it possible to load it in the water from a boat ramp or will i need a crane? Is 1971 too old? what signs of aging/wear should i look for? Is a 23' boat too much for a novice? What accessories / equipment should I look for (it has an outboard and trailer with it) Thanks a lot! dean * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 17:15:01 -0700 At 15:25 3/30/0 -0700, M Dean Harmer wrote: > >The blue book value is 2,800 to 3,200. Is this reasonable? What are they asking? I saw this ad: 1971 Aquarius 23 Evinrude 6 M,J,G Trailer, stove, sink, pottie, AM,FM, CD player, battery, running lights, $3,800.00 in: Tempe AZ It depends on the condition of the boat and the condition of what comes with the boat, i.e motor, sails, trailer, etc. > >The boat has a trailer, is it possible to load it in the water from a boat >ramp or will i need a crane? You can lauch on the ramp at the GSL with no problem. I've seen these boats launched at the GSL on many occasions. > >Is 1971 too old? what signs of aging/wear should i look for? I sail a 1971 sailboat. It's not too old (maybe I'm getting too old). Check the general condition of the hull and deck - look for soft spots, blisters, cracks, repairs, hull-deck joint. Check the woodwork, is it varnished and nice looking? - this is a good indication of how much TLC the boat has had. Check the rigging - mast straight, dented, shrouds in good shape, fittings, chain plates are secure. Check the sails - how many repairs and patches, if the sails are old they're probably very stretched which is ok for learning and cruising but won't be racing sails by any means. How many sails are there? Check the swing keel for rust - there'll probably be some. Does the keel swing up and down smoothly and completely? Is it loose in the housing? What condition is the motor? Does the electrical system work and in good condition. Take the boat for a sail. > >Is a 23' boat too much for a novice? No, certainly not this boat. The Aquarius is an under-sailed boat - the sail area is relatively small for the boat size. It's an easy and forgiving boat to sail. It's no racing rocket sled but a forgiving family boat. > >What accessories / equipment should I look for (it has an outboard and >trailer with it) > How any sails, anchors, cushions, head (porta potty), galley equipment, radio, lights, battery. Have some one look at the boat who knows boats. See if one of the sailboat shops will check or survey it for you. Does Sid's do this? Take the boat for a sail maybe with someone who sails. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 16:31:40 -0800 My to cents worth.... See my comments below. Eugene Morgan -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 3:26 PM I need some advice. I'm a novice sailor - looking at purchasing a 1971 Aquarius 23' boat for use on the Great Salt Lake. I am going to look at it and need your advice on what to find out / inspect. Here are some specific questions I have - I would appreciate answers to these and any pointers anyone has. The blue book value is 2,800 to 3,200. Is this reasonable? [no idea on that one. Much depends on the condition of the boat.] The boat has a trailer, is it possible to load it in the water from a boat ramp or will i need a crane? [Yes it is possible but the salt will eat your bearings on the trailer wheels. And no amount of flushing seems to work. Once the grease is contaminated it's over. So just know that if you trailer launch it's time to clean and repack the bearings. It also eats taillights in a matter of weeks. ] Is 1971 too old? what signs of aging/wear should i look for? [1971 is an old boat but so is a 1990 that's not been cared for. In my book its the care and TLC of the previous owners that determine if the boat is too old. Look for blisters below the water line if it's been in the water a long time. Look for deep cracks at corners on the deck. Inspect the hull for cracks. Inspect rigging for frayed wire and cracked sweges and fittings. Check the mast, spreaders and boom, is the mast and boom straight and in good condition. Check the boom gooseneck for popped rivets or cracking. What condition is the mast tabernacle in, is it bent and missing screws or pins. Look at the electrical system; is it in working and in SAFE condition, will the battery need replacing, what lights don't work? How does the sail reefing system work? If the boat has a retractable keel what condition is the keel winch and cable in? Check the keel pivot pin, is it worn and leaking? Do the windows leak? Do hull and deck fittings leak? Are there broken leafs in the springs on the trailer. What condition is the trailer winch in? What condition are the sails in? These are the ones that come to mind. If it has a stove what kind and does it work properly and safely - I won't debate the merits of alcohol versus propane. If the motor is as old as the boat assume the motor is running on borrowed time.] Is a 23' boat too much for a novice? [I think a 23', if it's the right boat, is perfect for the novice sailor. That's assuming you keep an eye to the weather and don't sail in the really nasty stuff that comes up once in a while on the lake. In those conditions boat size is no longer an issue.] What accessories / equipment should I look for (it has an outboard and trailer with it) - winch handles, sail inventory- number of , sizes (155%, 135%, 100%) and condition. A VHF radio, sheets for the sails, safety equipment - flares, PDF, etc. What kind and how many anchors. One is plenty unless your planning on a bunch of long overnight cruises. A functional port-a-potty. Most women hate the bucket approach. And mentioned again, a stove. In the bonus category I'd say a roller furler, a spinnaker with all necessary rigging, built in GPS, a boat cover although a big tarp does nicely.] [Hope this helps - good luck.] Thanks a lot! dean * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 16:33:04 -0800 Great minds think alike :) -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 5:15 PM At 15:25 3/30/0 -0700, M Dean Harmer wrote: > >The blue book value is 2,800 to 3,200. Is this reasonable? What are they asking? I saw this ad: 1971 Aquarius 23 Evinrude 6 M,J,G Trailer, stove, sink, pottie, AM,FM, CD player, battery, running lights, $3,800.00 in: Tempe AZ It depends on the condition of the boat and the condition of what comes with the boat, i.e motor, sails, trailer, etc. > >The boat has a trailer, is it possible to load it in the water from a boat >ramp or will i need a crane? You can lauch on the ramp at the GSL with no problem. I've seen these boats launched at the GSL on many occasions. > >Is 1971 too old? what signs of aging/wear should i look for? I sail a 1971 sailboat. It's not too old (maybe I'm getting too old). Check the general condition of the hull and deck - look for soft spots, blisters, cracks, repairs, hull-deck joint. Check the woodwork, is it varnished and nice looking? - this is a good indication of how much TLC the boat has had. Check the rigging - mast straight, dented, shrouds in good shape, fittings, chain plates are secure. Check the sails - how many repairs and patches, if the sails are old they're probably very stretched which is ok for learning and cruising but won't be racing sails by any means. How many sails are there? Check the swing keel for rust - there'll probably be some. Does the keel swing up and down smoothly and completely? Is it loose in the housing? What condition is the motor? Does the electrical system work and in good condition. Take the boat for a sail. > >Is a 23' boat too much for a novice? No, certainly not this boat. The Aquarius is an under-sailed boat - the sail area is relatively small for the boat size. It's an easy and forgiving boat to sail. It's no racing rocket sled but a forgiving family boat. > >What accessories / equipment should I look for (it has an outboard and >trailer with it) > How any sails, anchors, cushions, head (porta potty), galley equipment, radio, lights, battery. Have some one look at the boat who knows boats. See if one of the sailboat shops will check or survey it for you. Does Sid's do this? Take the boat for a sail maybe with someone who sails. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 17:46:17 -0700 At 16:33 3/30/0 -0800, Eugene Morgan wrote: >Great minds think alike :) Or we've been hit on the head with the boom once too many times. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 21:49:28 EST the aquarius can be easily trailer launched. i have a friend who has one and i can put you in touch with him if you wish. If you can spend $3500 there are better trailerable boats to buy. the aquarius is very heavy and sluggish , with a little more search time you could find a much better built and sailing boat. Look at Venture / Macgregors 22-26 feet and the catalina 22. Also you may get lucky and find a Merit 22, all of these are far superior boats. The best deals are found in california. Let me know if you are interested in some leads on California boats. ps - if your heart is set on the aquarius go for it, it is a big boat and you will have lots of fun on it. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Cruise Date: 30 Mar 2000 22:37:28 EST Tickets for the Island Serenade 2-Hour Sunset Buffet Cruise MUST be ordered by April 5th!!!! We need to order the food and to make sure we have enough passengers to make this cruise happen. If we do not have enough passengers by the 5th the cruise will be cancelled. I know a lot of you have expressed interest in this event, yet have not ordered your tickets. You must purchase them NOW! Please don't wait. I, along with many others, would hate to see this cruise get cancelled. Please send your deposit today. Help support this sailing club event. This is open to everyone with Utah sailing club members getting a discount on tickets. Even the nonmember ticket price is much cheaper than the typical sunset cruise. I was really hoping to see some BLYC and more Hobie Fleet members join us. You still have time! We might have live music on board! Again, 2-Hours, buffet and no worries!! You can't beat it! Get out and have fun with us on April 15th. But buy your ticket by the 5th! Questions to: Terry 364-8217 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Craig Pearson Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 30 Mar 2000 20:59:15 -0700 I have a 68 Venture 21 and its in good shape. People that come out on my boat are very surprised when they find out its 30 years old. Fiberglass holds up well. While looking for boats don't rule out older boats just on age. I agree with the others that how the boat was treated/cared for is what counts. I'm thinking about selling it as I don't have much time to sail it anymore. Here are the details in case you might be interested. 1968 Venture 21 with two sails, 1998 8hp Honda four stroke(great engine) NO TRAILER(it was stolen) $2500. I keep it in the marina at the Great Salt Lake Marina in slip J30-check it out if you are out there. Although I wish I had the trailer its hasn't been that big of a deal. I keep it in the marina year round as I find I would go sailing more often having the boat ready to go. No matter which boat you buy I recommend getting a slip as getting the boat off and on the trailer is a lot of work. We would often go sailing at night and then trailering would be really a drag if I had to get the boat on the trailer in the dark. If you want to see the boat check out my web page: Have a good one. Craig * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: (utah-sailing) Brine Flyer Cruising Articles Date: 30 Mar 2000 20:48:03 -0700 Ahoy Utah Sailors! In only a few short weeks, another exciting, action packed issue of the Brine Flyer will be hitting the newsstands and the only thing it needs is content! I would like to dedicate this issue to cruising; Great Salt Lake or elsewhere, and I need articles and/or information on where to go, how to do it, how to get ready, how to equip the vessel, and what to take. Please send me your contributions about cruising and whatever else you think is important. This edition will be going to press about April 25. _____________________________________________________ Darin Christensen Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer email: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Brine Flyer Cruising Articles Date: 31 Mar 2000 20:58:10 EST Hi Darin, Could you put this in the next Brine Flyer for me. Sorry about the format (e-mail). I don't have a computer that is worth sh^&%^&$%$TT!!!! 2000 JUNIOR SAILING I feel a great season of sailing and fun coming for kids from the ages of eight to seventeen! We have more events scheduled than ever before! Eight series nights, which are on friday evenings; and two weekend regattas! That doesn't even count the Sailfest in June. During the Sailfest, we will have the 2nd annual "Banana Relay Race" and also a Saturday Regatta. We will also be playing the game "WHO WANTS TO BE A SAILOR" and giving away lots of prizes!!! A remote control sailboat, rollerblades, lifejackets, gloves, cd's, portable cd players, boom boxes, squirt guns and more!!!! The support that the GSL Yacht Club has shown me, this far, for this program is overwelming! The Officers and Board Members have all personally mentioned to me how successful this program has been in the past and that it is very important to continue making progress in this area. I agree with them and I'm sure you do too! There is talk of building a dinghy rack to hold small boats, and purchasing a dolly to haul them back and forth from the lake to the rack. If you would be interested in helping build this, please let Terry Martin or Gene know. Lets get this done this year! The kids in the program will be doing fundraisers throughout the summer to help raise money. They will be cooking hamburgers, hotdogs, etc... after some of the races. Pleae show your support and have some great food at the same time! As you know it does take money to run programs like this. We have purchased some bouys this year. Dave Shearer and Sidsports donated the mushroom anchors all of the line. So next time you see Dave, tell him thanks! This will be a great improvement from the milk cartons, string and rocks that we have used for two years now! Those are the kinds of things that your money goes for. If anyone is interested in being a "coach boat" please call me at 964-5302 or e-mail me at We would like to have one "coach boat" per junior boat. (except for those juniors that don't need the help - like Hank Boland Jr., who won the Murphy's Cup on Crane Day! Keep sailing fast Hank!) The best way to coach is to following behind the kids in a zodiak or something with a small motor. If you have a zodiak or like boat, and would like to donate the use of it this summer, please let me know. We are planning on about twenty kids, probably even more! This year we are requiring that every junior have their own boat or make arrangements with someone to use or lease a boat for the season. This boat will be the kids and their parents responsibility to take care of. If you want your junior to be involved but don't have a boat that they can sail, please call me as soon as possible. I can give you names of people who have volunteered their boats. You will need to contact them and make all of the arrangements. If you have a small dinghy boat, (laser, sabot, sunfish, etc..) that you would be willing to donate for the season, please call me or e-mail me. This will not only help the program, but it will teach the kids about the maintenance of boats. I might even have some leads on some small boats for sale. In fact if you have a dinghy sitting in the backyard pushing up weeds, and you would like to sell it, this might be your great opportunity!!! Here is the 2000 schedule... Mon. April 24th 7:00 p.m. Seminar(Library) Sat. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Brine Flyer Cruising Articles Date: 31 Mar 2000 18:29:43 -0700 email format is fine, and perhaps even best as then there is no chace of not having the right prgram to read the stuff! *************************************************************** Darin Christensen owner Victory 21 #195 "Kristoffer's Son" and Santana 525 #61 (67134) "Abraxas" ************************************************************* * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 31 Mar 2000 22:56:56 EST Hello! I read your post about leads on california boats - I'm in the market for a 20-25 foot boat - I'm a novice with the larger boats, but have uncounted hours in my Sunfish! I'm just redy for something I can stand up on! I looked at a 1981 25' Macgregor today - asking price is $6250. It's in pretty good shape with trailer, outboard, etc all well cared for and lots of recent refurbishments. What do you think? Would this be a good boat to start with? I would be willing to drive to CA for the right boat - do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much, Andrew Mylander * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes).