From: "Gretha" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 01 Apr 2000 11:26:34 -0700 Andrew Check out I like it I have found a couple of boats there. Gretha * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: William McManus Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 01 Apr 2000 11:42:01 -0700 To Andrew and all the rest moving up to larger boats: Having gone through this process of moving from a small sailboat (a Hobie 16) to larger ones(Catalina 25, and Spray 22), I learned several things. First, decide what type of sailing that you will be doing, leisurely day sailing, racing, or tripping (several days on board). Each type of sailing has different needs and demands. I realize that if you have not had a larger boat before and this may be hard to know, but it will determine how satisfied you are with your new boat, will influence how much you use it, and for how long you will keep it. For day sailing you need a large cockpit and only a small cabin (large enough for a small galley and head). For racing you need one of the highly rated types. Keep in mind that the fun boats to race are going to give you a rougher ride when the wind pipes up, and it will when sailing in the mountain west. If you have small children or a skittish significant other, this may be great fun for you but not for them. If you are looking for a what I called earlier a tripping boat, that is a stable boat that the group (be it your family or friends) can be comfortable and safe on, look at the heavier displacement boats in the coastal cruising or offshore range. If trailering is desired your choices in these boats is somewhat limited. If you look at the older boats you should find something, however. Check the internet. Designers, such as Bruce Bingham, have designed several stout small sailboats. Now this is purely my opinion, and will rile up the MacGregor 26 owners out there, but I do not like MacGregor sailboats, atleast the newer ones, they are inexpensively made, tender, and have a propensity to parts failure. There are a lot of them available, because so many people get tired of them and move on to a better boat. I think that you would be better served to look at older boats, like Columbia's, and Ranger's, rather than settle for a MacGregor 26. Bill McManus -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 8:57 PM Hello! I read your post about leads on california boats - I'm in the market for a 20-25 foot boat - I'm a novice with the larger boats, but have uncounted hours in my Sunfish! I'm just redy for something I can stand up on! I looked at a 1981 25' Macgregor today - asking price is $6250. It's in pretty good shape with trailer, outboard, etc all well cared for and lots of recent refurbishments. What do you think? Would this be a good boat to start with? I would be willing to drive to CA for the right boat - do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much, Andrew Mylander * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 01 Apr 2000 22:45:28 EST Here, here on the MacGregor comments. You can do much better for basically the same price. MacGregor's will never have a great resale and remember that when you decide to move up to that 30 footer. LDJ! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert McClane Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 03 Apr 2000 09:21:27 -0600 Andrew - One good option for you is to subscribe to something like Santana, a small monthly sailing mag. from S. Ca. It is about 90% "for sale" adds and is an excellent way to research the going prices for sail boats of all kinds. It is ~$15/year to have it mailed to you (I think it is freely avail. at most S. Ca. marinas - but you pay a little to have home delivery). We used it to shop for and eventually buy our C-22 Blue Moon, and we still read the adds for fun (warning - you will always be looking!). You will get much more selection in a major boating area than here, and you can use it to negotiate a fair price locally if you find a boat here. Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 03 Apr 2000 10:08:51 -0700 At 09:21 4/3/0 -0600, Robert McClane wrote: >Andrew - > >One good option for you is to subscribe to something like Santana, a small >monthly sailing mag. from S. Ca. Another good one from the Bay area is Latitude 38. For a first boat, really decide what you want to do with the boat more than what the boat seems like. A primary concern is how many people will be on the boat. If you plan on day sailing, get a nice day sailor with a roomy cockpit and no cabin. If you plan on only over nighting, you don't need a huge boat or huge cabin. If you plan on trailering, go as small as you're willing to sail. Trailing can be a real pain launching big boats and raising big masts and having to drive a Suburban or a Ford Excess at 10 mpg at $2.00 a gallon. Trailering can be great when it's 100 degrees in the valley and you want to go up to a cool mountain lake, or Idaho, or who knows where. Practical Sailor (kind of the Consumer Reports for sailing) will send you a review of various boats (for a charge). BTW, they gave a very favorable review of the MacGregor 26x last January (one of the favorable comments was their good resale value). I've sailed one in San Fransico Bay. It was OK. I don't like the boat but it's because of the looks and big motor. I don't like Hunters either. The nice thing about getting an older boat is like an older car, someone else has paid for the initial depreciation. Any used boat of almost any brand will hold their value. It's the new boats that depreciate just like new cars. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 03 Apr 2000 15:27:18 -0700 I would like to make a point of clarification regarding my comments about McGregor boats...... First I'm talking about the older McGregor 26's and all the 25's. Second, I'm confining my opinions to trailer sailing. I'm not a fan of the 26x, it's a boat that suffers from an identity crisis. If the context of our discussion expands to include what I will call "slipped" boats then I agree that Ranger, Catalina, Capri, and Santana and their fixed keel brothers are a much better boats. But for a trailer boats McGregor 26's & 25's are a hard boat to beat. Yes the Catalina 22 is better built but they are too crowded. As to tenderness, the McGregor 25 is pretty solid for a trailer sailor boat in a blow, I flew mine around Pineview in 40+ winds and on Bear Lake and was a grinning from ear to ear. The 26 is more tender (water ballast) but even so was a fun boat to sail in a blow. Finally, blow decks they are huge. If you have the cash, Hunter and now Catalina have water ballast trailer sailors and they are great boats but they are at the upper end of price when talking about this market segment and have not been out long enough to score a real entry level price that most new sailors are looking for. As to resale, I sold my McGregor 25 for what I paid for it. Once the original owner has taken the big bit a boats resale value has more to do with how well it is maintained than any other factor, yes there are exceptions to the rule but they are rare and typically only when dealing with high end boats. I will truthfully admit that it took far longer to sell my McGregor when I moved to that 30 footer, this is especially true when I consider how long it took me to sell the 30'. But as to the fun factor, I loved both boats. Both were huge amounts of fun but in different ways. Em -----Original Message----- Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2000 8:45 PM Here, here on the MacGregor comments. You can do much better for basically the same price. MacGregor's will never have a great resale and remember that when you decide to move up to that 30 footer. LDJ! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: RE: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 03 Apr 2000 17:03:43 -0600 If you have the money I would recommend a Corsair F-24. It is very roomy, easy to handle and trailer. Launching is simple and the boats are so stable and fast you get the best of both worlds. I like my F-27 quite a bit, but wouldn't want to have to trailer, rig and launch and re-trailer in a day. I would do it with a F-24. I am a big advocate of Corsair boats and think folding trimarans get overlooked when someone asks about a trailerable boat! Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: (utah-sailing) Nothing Profound: Managing Time Date: 03 Apr 2000 16:55:42 MST Hello all. :) First, a thank you to all who has made our move to parenting a sailboat a= very pleasant experience. Though she be, but a mere two weeks old (to Bob and= I), Highwire is a wonderful child and many of you have made our transition sm= ooth to say the least. = I am finding in this short time I have to figure out how to manage the ti= me that we do have with our boat. If I had my way, I probably would be just = about living down at the marina. That's how much I feel free spirited with the = water and sailing. Alas, though I work so few days a week, I am still busy with= the rest of my life; children, house, yardwork, you know the story. = So, what's the point Heidi? How to manage the time I have with the boat o= nce I climb aboard? How to make all my thoughts about her count and when I leav= e the house for the marina....what have I forgot? Twenty minutes onto State roa= d 202 and I don't want to turn back. You know the story on that one? If you have ideas or have done things that have worked to schedule the ti= me you take to be on a boat then please pass it along. Once again, you are helpful. Thank you in advance. So many sailors, so much to say, so much fun. Heidi ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Brine Flyer Articles Date: 03 Apr 2000 18:54:29 -0600 There is still time to be part of the most interesting publication produced by the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club! In only a few short weeks, another exciting, action packed issue of the Brine Flyer will be hitting the newsstands and the only thing it needs is content! I would like to dedicate this issue to cruising; Great Salt Lake or elsewhere, and I need articles and/or information on where to go, how to do it, how to get ready, how to equip the vessel, and what to take. Please send me your contributions about cruising and whatever else you think is important. This edition will be going to press about April 25. _____________________________________________________ Darin Christensen Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer email: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Need Advice - Boat Purchase Date: 04 Apr 2000 00:14:31 EDT I think if you do a little math you will find that the Macgregor 25 and the original water ballasted 26 have far better resale than most boats of comparable age. For example a 1982 Mac 25 sold for about $7500 new, on a trailer with sails, ready to go. The same boat today will sell for $ 5000 to 6500. A 1982 J-24 sold new in the same sail away condition for close to $20000 and today would go for around $9000 to $12000 on the used market. One look in Santana , Lattitude 38 or any other sailing magazine will show that the Mac stands up better in the resale game than just about anything ever built. The Macgregors are not for everyone but for someone getting into sailing with a modest budget there is no better boat on the market that offers the sailing performance and interior accomodations of the Mac 25 and 26 ( my comments here do not pertain to the newer 26x powersailer). I back these comments up with over 20 years of sailing owning everything from a sunfish - Mac 25 - Santana 35 - Schock 35 - Capri 30-Merit 25 and countless more , no other boat offered more bang for the buck than the Macgregor! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Nothing Profound: Managing Time Date: 04 Apr 2000 08:49:55 -0600 Heidi Solstad wrote: > > If you have ideas or have done things that have worked to schedule the time > you take to be on a boat then please pass it along. Once again, you are > helpful. Thank you in advance. Take Ray and Rocky's advice -- kill your yard, save the water, and leave more time for sailing. ;^) I've found at various times that collecting a few friends and some promises to race helps give everyone a reason to show up and go sailing. Even if you're a novice sailor, not that interested in competition, or don't have any real wish to race, having a reason and a schedule helps to get people to show up. As Dave Taylor points out, racing will make you a better sailor even if you're primarily interested in cruising or daysailing, by making your more aware of what your boat is capable of and how it feels when sailed well. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Nothing Profound: Managing Time Date: 04 Apr 2000 10:59:20 -0600 Forgetting something you might need for the sail at home is the boat owners perogative. Woe unto the crew member who forgets anything. That's the way it is folks, sorry. Rocky Wes Peters wrote: > > Heidi Solstad wrote: > > > > If you have ideas or have done things that have worked to schedule the time > > you take to be on a boat then please pass it along. Once again, you are > > helpful. Thank you in advance. > > Take Ray and Rocky's advice -- kill your yard, save the water, and leave > more time for sailing. ;^) > > I've found at various times that collecting a few friends and some promises > to race helps give everyone a reason to show up and go sailing. Even if > you're a novice sailor, not that interested in competition, or don't have > any real wish to race, having a reason and a schedule helps to get people > to show up. As Dave Taylor points out, racing will make you a better > sailor even if you're primarily interested in cruising or daysailing, by > making your more aware of what your boat is capable of and how it feels > when sailed well. > > -- > "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" > > Wes Peters Softweyr LLC > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Nothing Profound: Managing Time Date: 04 Apr 2000 11:45:10 -0600 Another plug for racing and the scheduled commitment: it gets me out on the water in weather I might otherwise avoid. This includes both extremes: extremely heavy and extremely light air (probably 98% of GSL weather). Do your homework before going out in heavy air; practice with your reefing system and dousing the headsail. Know where your safety equipment is. Take some experienced sailors with you until you know the drill. Committing to finishing the race will force you to learn how to handle anything that comes up. That's my 2 cents worth, anyway, Paul Doubek Wes Peters wrote: > > Heidi Solstad wrote: > > > > If you have ideas or have done things that have worked to schedule the time > > you take to be on a boat then please pass it along. Once again, you are > > helpful. Thank you in advance. > > Take Ray and Rocky's advice -- kill your yard, save the water, and leave > more time for sailing. ;^) > > I've found at various times that collecting a few friends and some promises > to race helps give everyone a reason to show up and go sailing. Even if > you're a novice sailor, not that interested in competition, or don't have > any real wish to race, having a reason and a schedule helps to get people > to show up. As Dave Taylor points out, racing will make you a better > sailor even if you're primarily interested in cruising or daysailing, by > making your more aware of what your boat is capable of and how it feels > when sailed well. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Brine Flyer Articles Date: 04 Apr 2000 16:53:40 EDT Question: Do you take advertising, that relates to sailing services? Please let me know, I would be interested in advertising in your rag. LDJ LDJ Productions * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ernst G Beier" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Brine Flyer Articles Date: 04 Apr 2000 18:32:57 -0600 I do not know whether I am subscribed or not. In any case I would like to subscribe. Please let me know where? ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 6:54 PM > There is still time to be part of the most interesting publication > produced by the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club! In only a few short > weeks, another exciting, action packed issue of > the Brine Flyer will be hitting the newsstands and the only thing it > needs is content! I would like to dedicate this issue to cruising; > Great Salt Lake or elsewhere, and I need articles and/or > information on where to go, how to do it, how to get ready, how to > equip the vessel, and what to take. Please send me your > contributions about cruising and whatever else you think is > important. This edition will be going to press about April 25. > _____________________________________________________ > Darin Christensen > Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer > > email: > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Brine Flyer Articles Date: 04 Apr 2000 19:37:43 -0600 Ernst, Your message to me is enough to begin the process of subscribing. I will forward your request to Jana Morgan who will you subscribed. _____________________________________________________ Darin Christensen Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer email: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Brine Flyer Articles Date: 05 Apr 2000 12:24:05 EDT Darin--I would like to subscribe to the Brine Flyer as well---what should I do? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kimberly McKnight" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Brine Flyer Articles Date: 05 Apr 2000 12:08:19 -0600 Please add me to your list of subscribers as well. Let me know if you need any further information. Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 7:37 PM > Ernst, > Your message to me is enough to begin the process of > subscribing. I will forward your request to Jana Morgan who will > you subscribed. > _____________________________________________________ > Darin Christensen > Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer > > email: > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 05 Apr 2000 15:46:58 EDT Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the GSL? thanks * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 05 Apr 2000 19:02:47 -0700 On 5 Apr 2000, at 15:46, wrote the following in regards to: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl: > Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I > have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the > GSL? > thanks I could be wrong about this, but I believe that there simply is no detailed electronic chart of the GSL. The most detailed chart we have is the one provided (at a reasonably nominal fee) by the GSLYC. The USGS maps don't offer much information on depth, and the old chart like the one on the wall of the South Shore harbormaster's office is not only less detailed than the GSLYC's but also is out of print. At any rate, all of those charts and maps are on paper, not electronic. I suppose that there simply isn't enough of a customer base to justify a GSL electronic chart, especially in GPS Cartridge format. By the way, to give you all a status update, things are going well here in Portland, OR. I've been here two months now. I'm still boat shopping, so I would welcome any hot leads on a pocket-cruiser between 22 and 27 feet. I have been unable to find any Oregon-oriented sailing emailing list. It's too bad too; I could use all sorts of advice on sailing the Columbia. Dave Oswald -- David Oswald | A person who has had a bull by the tail once has learned 60 or 70 times as much as one who hasn't. -- Mark Twain * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 05 Apr 2000 19:14:50 -0700 Dave, A few years ago I was on film project in Seattle and of course was immediately drawn to the Boats for Sale part of the local paper. I was very amused at the items of greater interest than what might be such in So Cal. Not spinnaker gear, not self tailers, BUT.... heater BTUs, and ground tackle. One year I left a 4th of July party on my dock in Marina del Rey where the dock party recreationalists were heavy into getting things going, dressed in bathing suits and Mumus. Six hours later after flying in to Seattle and taking a ferry and driving to Point Angeles, (?) I checked into a Ramada Inn, checked out my room and saw from the window hundreds of sail masts within walking distance. I moved on down that way and lo and behold, they were having a similar 4th party. The obvious difference was that on this fine sunny day in early July everyone was wearing their foulies! Good luck. Mahalo, Ray and Rocky * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Todd Frye Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 08:56:55 -0600 Sorry I can't help you with your GPS question....because I have the same = one. To add to the list though, I've been trying to find a source for = recommended "on board" computers ( lap tops, I presume ) that interpret = GPS info.=20 Although I haven't been to the ocean yet, it IS going to happen and I'd = like to have some back up nav systems like electronic charting capabilities= . Do you currently have an on board computer and what is your evaluation of = performance, reliability, software, auto helms, GPS, etc. Any good books = you can recommend on this subject? Thank you for your time, Todd Frye * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) Dinghy Racing Seminar Date: 06 Apr 2000 12:40:43 -0600 Hey, all you dingy dinghy sailors, Sunfish, Lasers, Flying Scots, Optimists, Sabots, Lido 14s, Hobies, you name it, we want to talk to you! Come hear about the Portsmouth Dinghy and Multihull Racing Program at the Great Salt Lake. Old fleets, new fleets, we'll have racing for you. Cats and half-cats, all are welcome! The FREE seminar will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 10, in the third floor Lecture Hall in the Salt Lake City Main Library, 209 E. 500 S., Salt Lake City. This seminar is presented as part of the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club's annual Sailing Seminars Series. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Jensen Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Dinghy Racing Seminar Date: 06 Apr 2000 12:50:29 -0600 Bryant Pratt: In the old days, we in the Utah Sailing Association use to do what your talking about. The starting line is rather suicidal but fun. Haha. As a suggestion what you need to do, is have the faster boats like Hobies etc. go around the course two or three time while mono hauls go around once, so everyone finishes about the same time. Thus avoiding waiting on the water for extended periods of time for the faster boats. Do Force5s count? I will see if I can dredge up my brother, Mark Jensen, and perhaps Dave Shearer can can his Dad, Andy Shearer, out too. Would be fun to get us "Masters" back grinding on one another. LOL I also saw Chuck Fields the other day, I will try and give him a call. Sounds fun. Thanks and Sincerely, Dave Jensen Bryant Pratt wrote: > Hey, all you dingy dinghy sailors, > > Sunfish, Lasers, Flying Scots, Optimists, Sabots, Lido 14s, > Hobies, you name it, we want to talk to you! > > Come hear about the Portsmouth Dinghy and Multihull Racing > Program at the Great Salt Lake. Old fleets, new fleets, > we'll have racing for you. Cats and half-cats, all are > welcome! > > The FREE seminar will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 10, > in the third floor Lecture Hall in the Salt Lake City Main > Library, 209 E. 500 S., Salt Lake City. > > This seminar is presented as part of the Great Salt Lake > Yacht Club's annual Sailing Seminars Series. > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 13:05:01 -0700 >> Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I >> have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the >> GSL? You should be able to get the USGS topo maps for the GSL but you won't find a nautical chart electronically (yet - hopefully). Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sid Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 14:00:58 -0600 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 1:46 PM > Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I > have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the > GSL? > thanks > Garmin Make a GPS unit that takes charts for the UTAH/NEVADA/ARIZONA area and also makes a GPS Chart specifically for the GREAT SALT LAKE. I have the Garmin 175 along with both of the above listed charts for that 175 and the GSL chart detail is quite good. If you would like to see this chart come down to my boat and I'll be happy to show it to you or call me at Sidsports and I can give you more info. Dave Shearer > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 18:14:24 -0600 Todd Frye wrote: > > Sorry I can't help you with your GPS question....because I have the > same one. To add to the list though, I've been trying to find a > source for recommended "on board" computers ( lap tops, I presume ) > that interpret GPS info. > > Although I haven't been to the ocean yet, it IS going to happen and > I'd like to have some back up nav systems like electronic charting > capabilities. > > Do you currently have an on board computer and what is your > evaluation of performance, reliability, software, auto helms, GPS, > etc. Any good books you can recommend on this subject? Hi Todd, long time no see. As with all things compute-ish, this boils down to hardware and software. I can't make any recommendations on charting software; I haven't bought any (yet) because none of them cover GSL. You'll find the packages available all run on Windows, you can make your own decisions about the quality of THAT. For laptop hardware, I heartily recommend Sony VAIO. I attended a conference for UNIX and Internet developers last fall; hard-core types who make their living on their laptops crawling around labs and customer sites. There were a sprinking of Toshiba Librettos - for their tiny size, a few Dells, for their big screens, a few IBMs for their reliability, but more than 2/3 of the nearly 500 attendees were carrying Sony VAIOs. They're well designed, well built, and offer quite a value for the feature set. Best of luck. Let me know how you do on software. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (David Taylor) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 20:38:41 -0600 (MDT) For all you guys talking about GPS/Plotting systems, onboard computers, and oceans, it would be VERY worth your while to investigate celestial navigation as a backup instead of the latest electronic doodadery. Dave T. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 19:49:43 -0700 I have a TAMAYA NC77 hand held digital navigation computer for standard celestial navigation buffs. Price: $300 Ray Tostado David Taylor wrote: > For all you guys talking about GPS/Plotting systems, onboard computers, > and oceans, it would be VERY worth your while to investigate celestial > navigation as a backup instead of the latest electronic doodadery. > Dave T. > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 06 Apr 2000 12:36:55 -0500 Check with Dave Shearer at Sidsports. I believe that I have seen an electronic map on his GPS. -----Original Message----- From: David Oswald [] Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:03 PM To: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl On 5 Apr 2000, at 15:46, wrote the following in regards to: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl: > Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I > have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the > GSL? > thanks I could be wrong about this, but I believe that there simply is no detailed electronic chart of the GSL. The most detailed chart we have is the one provided (at a reasonably nominal fee) by the GSLYC. The USGS maps don't offer much information on depth, and the old chart like the one on the wall of the South Shore harbormaster's office is not only less detailed than the GSLYC's but also is out of print. At any rate, all of those charts and maps are on paper, not electronic. I suppose that there simply isn't enough of a customer base to justify a GSL electronic chart, especially in GPS Cartridge format. By the way, to give you all a status update, things are going well here in Portland, OR. I've been here two months now. I'm still boat shopping, so I would welcome any hot leads on a pocket-cruiser between 22 and 27 feet. I have been unable to find any Oregon-oriented sailing emailing list. It's too bad too; I could use all sorts of advice on sailing the Columbia. Dave Oswald -- David Oswald | A person who has had a bull by the tail once has learned 60 or 70 times as much as one who hasn't. -- Mark Twain * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 00:14:23 -0600 David Taylor wrote: > > For all you guys talking about GPS/Plotting systems, onboard computers, > and oceans, it would be VERY worth your while to investigate celestial > navigation as a backup instead of the latest electronic doodadery. > Dave T. Working on it. You wanna give lessons? ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: BILHARRIS Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 05:33:45 -0600 Dave, I used the Garmin gps 135 which has a slide in chart of the western, southwestern United States which also included the GSL. It also interfaced with my laptop as well as other NEMA devices. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't have depths on the charts, but are provided by the depth finder (they call it a fish finder, but we all know there are no such things in the GSL.) The new and improved GPS 185 with sounder can be had at Robertson Marine or West Marine. Good luck in Oregon, Bill David Oswald wrote: > On 5 Apr 2000, at 15:46, > wrote the following > in regards to: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl: > > > Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I > > have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the > > GSL? > > thanks > > I could be wrong about this, but I believe that there simply is no > detailed electronic chart of the GSL. The most detailed chart we > have is the one provided (at a reasonably nominal fee) by the GSLYC. > The USGS maps don't offer much information on depth, and the old > chart like the one on the wall of the South Shore harbormaster's > office is not only less detailed than the GSLYC's but also is out of > print. At any rate, all of those charts and maps are on paper, not > electronic. > > I suppose that there simply isn't enough of a customer base to > justify a GSL electronic chart, especially in GPS Cartridge format. > > By the way, to give you all a status update, things are going well > here in Portland, OR. I've been here two months now. I'm still boat > shopping, so I would welcome any hot leads on a pocket-cruiser > between 22 and 27 feet. > > I have been unable to find any Oregon-oriented sailing emailing list. > It's too bad too; I could use all sorts of advice on sailing the > Columbia. > > Dave Oswald > -- > David Oswald | > A person who has had a bull by the tail once has > learned 60 or 70 times as much as one who hasn't. > -- Mark Twain > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 09:48:17 -0700 At 20:38 4/6/0 -0600, David Taylor wrote: >For all you guys talking about GPS/Plotting systems, onboard computers, >and oceans, it would be VERY worth your while to investigate celestial >navigation as a backup instead of the latest electronic doodadery. I do that. The GSL is a great place to practice as you can see the horizon. When the winds die, I sometimes take a sight and calculate where I am. Every once in a while, I find that I'm in the GSL. I occasionally measure within a mile or two of where I am. Coastal navigation techniques should be practiced regularly, also. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sid Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 10:13:16 -0600 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:33 AM Bill, Good to hear from you. My Garmin GSL chart does have depths along with bottom contours and has proven quite accurate. Garmin not only makes a chart for western states but they also make a Great Salt Lake specific chart. If anyone would like to see the Garmin 175 or this GSL chart I will be out at the lake on Saturday night and on Sunday. > Dave, > I used the Garmin gps 135 which has a slide in chart of the western, > southwestern United States which also included the GSL. It also interfaced with > my laptop as well as other NEMA devices. The only thing I don't like about it > is that it doesn't have depths on the charts, but are provided by the depth > finder (they call it a fish finder, but we all know there are no such things in > the GSL.) > The new and improved GPS 185 with sounder can be had at Robertson Marine or West > Marine. > Good luck in Oregon, > Bill > > David Oswald wrote: > > > On 5 Apr 2000, at 15:46, > > wrote the following > > in regards to: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl: > > > > > Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I > > > have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the > > > GSL? > > > thanks > > > > I could be wrong about this, but I believe that there simply is no > > detailed electronic chart of the GSL. The most detailed chart we > > have is the one provided (at a reasonably nominal fee) by the GSLYC. > > The USGS maps don't offer much information on depth, and the old > > chart like the one on the wall of the South Shore harbormaster's > > office is not only less detailed than the GSLYC's but also is out of > > print. At any rate, all of those charts and maps are on paper, not > > electronic. > > > > I suppose that there simply isn't enough of a customer base to > > justify a GSL electronic chart, especially in GPS Cartridge format. > > > > By the way, to give you all a status update, things are going well > > here in Portland, OR. I've been here two months now. I'm still boat > > shopping, so I would welcome any hot leads on a pocket-cruiser > > between 22 and 27 feet. > > > > I have been unable to find any Oregon-oriented sailing emailing list. > > It's too bad too; I could use all sorts of advice on sailing the > > Columbia. > > > > Dave Oswald > > -- > > David Oswald | > > A person who has had a bull by the tail once has > > learned 60 or 70 times as much as one who hasn't. > > -- Mark Twain > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Quigley, Chris" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 11:12:49 -0500 Dave, Do you know if your GSL chart will download into a Garmin GPS 12 Map? Chris Quigley -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 10:13 AM ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:33 AM Bill, Good to hear from you. My Garmin GSL chart does have depths along with bottom contours and has proven quite accurate. Garmin not only makes a chart for western states but they also make a Great Salt Lake specific chart. If anyone would like to see the Garmin 175 or this GSL chart I will be out at the lake on Saturday night and on Sunday. > Dave, > I used the Garmin gps 135 which has a slide in chart of the western, > southwestern United States which also included the GSL. It also interfaced with > my laptop as well as other NEMA devices. The only thing I don't like about it > is that it doesn't have depths on the charts, but are provided by the depth > finder (they call it a fish finder, but we all know there are no such things in > the GSL.) > The new and improved GPS 185 with sounder can be had at Robertson Marine or West > Marine. > Good luck in Oregon, > Bill > > David Oswald wrote: > > > On 5 Apr 2000, at 15:46, > > wrote the following > > in regards to: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl: > > > > > Does anyone use gps with mapping/charting capability on the GSL? So far I > > > have not found a unit which has a slide in cartridge or cd download of the > > > GSL? > > > thanks > > > > I could be wrong about this, but I believe that there simply is no > > detailed electronic chart of the GSL. The most detailed chart we > > have is the one provided (at a reasonably nominal fee) by the GSLYC. > > The USGS maps don't offer much information on depth, and the old > > chart like the one on the wall of the South Shore harbormaster's > > office is not only less detailed than the GSLYC's but also is out of > > print. At any rate, all of those charts and maps are on paper, not > > electronic. > > > > I suppose that there simply isn't enough of a customer base to > > justify a GSL electronic chart, especially in GPS Cartridge format. > > > > By the way, to give you all a status update, things are going well > > here in Portland, OR. I've been here two months now. I'm still boat > > shopping, so I would welcome any hot leads on a pocket-cruiser > > between 22 and 27 feet. > > > > I have been unable to find any Oregon-oriented sailing emailing list. > > It's too bad too; I could use all sorts of advice on sailing the > > Columbia. > > > > Dave Oswald > > -- > > David Oswald | > > A person who has had a bull by the tail once has > > learned 60 or 70 times as much as one who hasn't. > > -- Mark Twain > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Todd Frye Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 10:13:53 -0600 Wes, Thanks for the input. I had my eye on the Sony, but being a non-techy, = felt pulled in many different directions. Todd * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Island Serenade Cruise Date: 07 Apr 2000 12:54:15 EDT A notice to all of those that have signed up for the April 15th Island Serenade Cruise: Thanks for participating is this event! I'm sure we will all have a great time! -Boarding time is 6:00 PM (please don't be late, we can't hold the boat) -Board at the Island Serenade dock (north end of parking lot, near boat ramp) -If you owe a balance for your tickets, please arrive early so we can take care of it. -Be sure to bring proof of club membership if requested. -If you so desire, you are allowed to bring your own wine, but no other drinks are allowed (except for bottled water). There is a bar on board if you wish to purchase drinks. A 'corkage' fee will be charged to open any bottled wines. -The buffet menu is still in the works, but will include; hot items, salad, roll, simple dessert and pop. -Bring your camera, binoculars, and whatever else you need to make this a wonderful trip for all! -Bring a coat. It can get cold on the water. If you have not signed up yet and wish to come along with us, please let me know ASAP. There is still plenty of room! If you have any other questions please contact me at 364-8217 or Thanks to all of you who have paid and are coming along with us! It's great to see so many of you support these new events! I hope you enjoy yourself! And I hope we can offer more of these types of events in the future. Your support is much appreciated. See you on board! terry, GSLYC social chair * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 07 Apr 2000 16:13:49 -0600 Todd Frye wrote: > > Wes, > Thanks for the input. I had my eye on the Sony, but being a non-techy, > felt pulled in many different directions. I forgot to mention the DV capabilities are pretty cool, too. ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 10 Apr 2000 15:56:54 -0700 As to celestial navigation, our Cruise Chairman thought that on one of our cruises that he might offer that as an activity. I know it was talked about but I don't know where it was left.... Tim any word here? -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 12:14 AM David Taylor wrote: > > For all you guys talking about GPS/Plotting systems, onboard computers, > and oceans, it would be VERY worth your while to investigate celestial > navigation as a backup instead of the latest electronic doodadery. > Dave T. Working on it. You wanna give lessons? ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Two Island Serenade Updates! Date: 11 Apr 2000 00:04:57 EDT Two issues regarding the GSLYC Island Serenade Cruise this Sat.: First, if you have not confirmed with Terry, or have not sent in your deposit by this Wednesday, AM you will not be cruising with us. All meals will be ordered Wed. based on the number of passengers that have reserved their seats. Due to the food order there can be no exceptions regarding getting on board. Please make sure that everyone knows this regarding the cruise. We cannot allow people to just show up and expect to hop on board and be fed that night. Thanks for understanding. Second, and much more important issue: Go Hawaiian!!! Let's do this cruise right with a Hawaiian Theme! Dress up and have some fun! Looks like the food will be Hawaiian chicken kabobs and other yummy Island treats! Come on Commodore Morgan, pull out that grass skirt and get crazy! Limbo Baby Limbo! Terry 364-8217 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) Thought for the day Date: 11 Apr 2000 09:00:34 -0700 Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Rocky * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 11 Apr 2000 16:24:49 -0700 Has anyone gotten their boat registration materials yet? It's a third of the way through April, and I haven't received a thing and was wondering if it's just me or if the state is really slow this year. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert McClane Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 11 Apr 2000 16:34:51 -0600 I had the same question last week, so I called (and called and called) to find that they were supposedly in the mail. I got mine about Wed. last week. They were not in any hurry to send them out this year. >Has anyone gotten their boat registration materials yet? It's a third of >the way through April, and I haven't received a thing and was wondering if >it's just me or if the state is really slow this year. > >Sandy Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kelly Ragsdale" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 11 Apr 2000 20:35:18 -0600 Got mine promptly the first week of April. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ernst G Beier" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 12 Apr 2000 12:18:02 -0600 I received mine a week ago. ernst Beier C21 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 4:34 PM > I had the same question last week, so I called (and called and called) to > find that they were supposedly in the mail. I got mine about Wed. last > week. They were not in any hurry to send them out this year. > > >Has anyone gotten their boat registration materials yet? It's a third of > >the way through April, and I haven't received a thing and was wondering if > >it's just me or if the state is really slow this year. > > > >Sandy > > > Robert W. McClane > Dixon Laser Institute > University of Utah > > 801-581-7001 Phone > 801-585-3098 FAX > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 12 Apr 2000 12:36:43 -0600 The state is slow. We got the Finn registration a week ago but I haven't seen the Laser registration yet. pd ernst G Beier wrote: > > I received mine a week ago. ernst Beier C21 > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Robert McClane > To: > Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 4:34 PM > Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration > > > I had the same question last week, so I called (and called and called) to > > find that they were supposedly in the mail. I got mine about Wed. last > > week. They were not in any hurry to send them out this year. > > > > >Has anyone gotten their boat registration materials yet? It's a third of > > >the way through April, and I haven't received a thing and was wondering > if > > >it's just me or if the state is really slow this year. > > > > > >Sandy * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stirk Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 00:00:18 -0600 I registered my (used) Flying Scot for the first time last year, but this year's materials state; "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". So how was it possible to make the determination last year?. I sense an impending dual with bureaucracy. Any tips before I step into the arena ? Paul Doubek wrote: > The state is slow. We got the Finn registration a week ago but I haven't > seen the Laser registration yet. > > pd > > ernst G Beier wrote: > > > > I received mine a week ago. ernst Beier C21 > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: Robert McClane > > To: > > Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 4:34 PM > > Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration > > > > > I had the same question last week, so I called (and called and called) to > > > find that they were supposedly in the mail. I got mine about Wed. last > > > week. They were not in any hurry to send them out this year. > > > > > > >Has anyone gotten their boat registration materials yet? It's a third of > > > >the way through April, and I haven't received a thing and was wondering > > if > > > >it's just me or if the state is really slow this year. > > > > > > > >Sandy > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 08:59:18 -0600 They seem a bit confused. I registered the Finn and Laser yesterday... I still haven't gotten the Laser registration form in the mail. I bought the Laser last year and had the paper form, but they were able to print a registration card since I was "in the system"... then they butchered my name! Last year they didn't have any problem determining the taxable value, this year she was having a tough time. My guess would be that the criteria changed; which might also explain the lateness on the forms. After asking me "what size motor" it's got, and seeming really perplexed at my response, she finally assessed it at the minimum value of $500. I hope this helps, Paul Doubek Stirk wrote: > > I registered my (used) Flying Scot for the first time last year, but this year's > materials state; "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". So how was it > possible to make the determination last year?. I sense an impending dual with > bureaucracy. Any tips before I step into the arena ? > > Paul Doubek wrote: > > > The state is slow. We got the Finn registration a week ago but I haven't > > seen the Laser registration yet. > > > > pd * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 09:41:14 -0700 At 00:00 4/13/0 -0600, Stirk wrote: >I registered my (used) Flying Scot for the first time last year, but this >year's >materials state; "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". So how was it >possible to make the determination last year?. I sense an impending dual with >bureaucracy. Any tips before I step into the arena ? I've had a persistant problem for the past five or six years getting my dinghy materials through the mail. Last year, I perservered and finally talked with the director of the department. He figured the problem was that the dighy did not have a motor listed. He assured me that the problem was solved ... I'm still waiting for my registration materials for both boats (there's an outboard listed for the other one). Apparently this state doesn't seem to understnad that boats don't need to have motors. That would explain quite a bit about the state's approach to watercraft (and bicycles, and hikers) - if you don't have a motor, what the hell are you doin out there. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Quigley, Chris" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:57:34 -0500 I have never had a problem getting my scow registered, except for 2 years ago when they sent me an off-highway vehicle sticker to put on it. I guess it technically is an off-highway vehicle but nevertheless I exchanged the sticker with one that had a boat on it. My sister tried to register her Laser last year and they told her she didn't need to register it. Maybe they thought the Laser was a windsurfer. Chris Quigley -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:41 AM At 00:00 4/13/0 -0600, Stirk wrote: >I registered my (used) Flying Scot for the first time last year, but this >year's >materials state; "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". So how was it >possible to make the determination last year?. I sense an impending dual with >bureaucracy. Any tips before I step into the arena ? I've had a persistant problem for the past five or six years getting my dinghy materials through the mail. Last year, I perservered and finally talked with the director of the department. He figured the problem was that the dighy did not have a motor listed. He assured me that the problem was solved ... I'm still waiting for my registration materials for both boats (there's an outboard listed for the other one). Apparently this state doesn't seem to understnad that boats don't need to have motors. That would explain quite a bit about the state's approach to watercraft (and bicycles, and hikers) - if you don't have a motor, what the hell are you doin out there. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Craig Pearson Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:01:59 -0600 This will be my 5th year to register my Venture 21 and every year I get the same "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". I complain every year but it doesn't do any good. Maybe the state should buy a computer to help them with this, I hear computers are quite popular and efficient nowadays ;-) > "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". So how was it >possible to make the determination last year?. I sense an impending dual with >bureaucracy. Any tips before I step into the arena ? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Alyxandra K. MacLeod" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:13:36 -0600 Registration, such fun. When I registered my newly purchased Catalina 22 last fall they said they didn't need a new title because the boat was so old, there are already like two or three transfer of ownership signatures on it. But I did register the trailer, and got a new title for it in the mail. She was also confused that the boat didn't need to have a motor. I haven't received anything for this year, but I moved, so that might be why. Better call with my new address... Cyn -- "What does that mean?" "It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." ICQ #10306498 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Glen Martinsen Subject: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:20:22 -0600 What is the legality of registration. Based on length? Horsepower? A 14' Hobie with no motor, and you occasionally sail standing up could qualify as a windsurfer? Gravity...It's Not Just a Good Idea. It's the Law * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:20:46 -0600 Chris, I'd tell your sister to get that in writing... so she has grounds to fight the ticket! pd "Quigley, Chris" wrote: > > I have never had a problem getting my scow registered, except for 2 > years ago when they sent me an off-highway vehicle sticker to put on it. I > guess it technically is an off-highway vehicle but nevertheless I exchanged > the sticker with one that had a boat on it. My sister tried to register her > Laser last year and they told her she didn't need to register it. Maybe > they thought the Laser was a windsurfer. > > Chris Quigley > > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:41 AM > To: > Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) registration > > At 00:00 4/13/0 -0600, Stirk wrote: > >I registered my (used) Flying Scot for the first time last year, but this > >year's > >materials state; "Insufficient info to determine amount of tax". So how > was it > >possible to make the determination last year?. I sense an impending dual > with > >bureaucracy. Any tips before I step into the arena ? > > I've had a persistant problem for the past five or six years getting my > dinghy materials through the mail. Last year, I perservered and finally > talked with the director of the department. He figured the problem was > that the dighy did not have a motor listed. He assured me that the problem > was solved ... I'm still waiting for my registration materials for both > boats (there's an outboard listed for the other one). Apparently this > state doesn't seem to understnad that boats don't need to have motors. > That would explain quite a bit about the state's approach to watercraft > (and bicycles, and hikers) - if you don't have a motor, what the hell are > you doin out there. > > Sandy > > Sanford Meek > Dept. of Mechanical Engineering > University of Utah > (801)581-8562 > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:40:10 -0700 At 10:20 4/13/0 -0600, Glen Martinsen wrote: >What is the legality of registration. Based on length? Horsepower? A 14' >Hobie with no motor, and you occasionally sail standing up could qualify as >a windsurfer? I have the official rules at home but any motor or sailboat (except windsurfers - there is a special exeption for these - the reason is that there's no good place to put the numbers on a windsurfer) must be registered. Only small, human-powered boats (kayaks, canoes, etc) do not need to be registered - unless you put a motor or sail on it. You do not have to register a single axis trailer for a boat. That's why you do not need a license plate on single axis boat trailers. The idea is that since there's a boat that's registered on the trailer and a boat trailer is only used for boats, only resigter one item - scary, that makes sense - this is the state after all! You'd better register the Hobie. Sandy BTW, I got surveyed by the USU boating survey for the state. I requested a copy of the results. For those who read the state strategic plan, this was one of the things that the state was planning on doing. Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Alyxandra K. MacLeod" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 10:46:41 -0600 When I registered my boat she said I needed to register the trailer (single axis), too. She gave me plates for it and everything. Cyn Sanford Meek wrote: > You do not have to register a single axis trailer for a boat. That's why > you do not need a license plate on single axis boat trailers. The idea is > that since there's a boat that's registered on the trailer and a boat > trailer is only used for boats, only resigter one item - scary, that makes > sense - this is the state after all! > > You'd better register the Hobie. > > Sandy > > BTW, I got surveyed by the USU boating survey for the state. I requested a > copy of the results. For those who read the state strategic plan, this was > one of the things that the state was planning on doing. > > Sanford Meek > Dept. of Mechanical Engineering > University of Utah > (801)581-8562 > > -- "What does that mean?" "It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." ICQ #10306498 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Trim Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 11:43:51 -0600 Plates on a single axle in Utah? Is this something new for the state? If the state wants a new money stream it could do as other states have and require plates on single axle trailers... thousands of junk hauling trailers. Hope this is not true. Bob Trim 'Trimster' C22 >>> "Alyxandra K. MacLeod" - 4/13/00 10:46 AM >>> When I registered my boat she said I needed to register the trailer (single axis), too. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Trim Subject: (utah-sailing) C22 topic Date: 13 Apr 2000 11:54:08 -0600 For those C22 owners on the list, I have just installed the 'Power lift kit' for the C22 pop-top. It is one of the best additions to a poptop C22 I've seen yet... well a bigger cooler to hold more beer is pretty high up one the list.. but I digress. It solves one of the problems that cause injuries on the a C22, that is the top getting lose from the mast lock and crashing to the cabin top. Anyone who wants to see it, play with it, ask questions, etc. Contact me off the list. Bob Trim C22 'Trimster' Media Productions Salt Lake Community College * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert McClane Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 11:55:51 -0600 You only need to register a single axle trailer if you take it out of Utah - all surrounding states apparently require it. I believe the DMV usually recommends registration because of this (plus they get a few extra $). >When I registered my boat she said I needed to register the trailer (single >axis), too. She gave me plates for it and everything. >Cyn > >Sanford Meek wrote: > >> You do not have to register a single axis trailer for a boat. That's why >> you do not need a license plate on single axis boat trailers. The idea is >> that since there's a boat that's registered on the trailer and a boat >> trailer is only used for boats, only resigter one item - scary, that makes >> sense - this is the state after all! >> Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Trim Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 12:30:00 -0600 >>> Robert McClane - 4/13/00 11:55 AM >>> You only need to register a single axle trailer if you take it out of Utah - all surrounding states apparently require it. Good point. On a family camping trip to the pacific north west, we were stopped by the local men in tan because the little trailer full of camping gear we were towing did not have a plate. They held us up for more than 40 min. on the side of the road while they got someone to call Utah and confirm the states 'no plate' reg. Must be a low crime area when they would spend so much time on the appearent 'No trailer plate' violation. Might have even made the local newspapers daily police blotter. "Utah family attempts to sneek into Washington with no plates". However, Idaho, Oregon, Calif., Nevada and Arizona police did not bother us at all. Must be more important crimes there :-P Bob Trim 'Trimster' * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diana Goodell Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 12:51:51 -0600 One more to the list - I have not received registration for Pack A Lunch. = Glad Ranger Bob will be 'tickled pink' if we have them stuck to our boats = in May! >>> Sanford Meek 04/13 11:40 AM >>> At 10:20 4/13/0 -0600, Glen Martinsen wrote: >What is the legality of registration. Based on length? Horsepower? A = 14' >Hobie with no motor, and you occasionally sail standing up could qualify = as >a windsurfer? I have the official rules at home but any motor or sailboat (except windsurfers - there is a special exeption for these - the reason is that there's no good place to put the numbers on a windsurfer) must be registered. Only small, human-powered boats (kayaks, canoes, etc) do not need to be registered - unless you put a motor or sail on it. You do not have to register a single axis trailer for a boat. That's why you do not need a license plate on single axis boat trailers. The idea is that since there's a boat that's registered on the trailer and a boat trailer is only used for boats, only resigter one item - scary, that makes sense - this is the state after all! You'd better register the Hobie. Sandy BTW, I got surveyed by the USU boating survey for the state. I requested = a copy of the results. For those who read the state strategic plan, this = was one of the things that the state was planning on doing. Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 12:44:08 -0700 Wrong. You have to register a single axle trailer if the gross weight exceeds the Utah State DMV specifications. Only in select cases where farm and construction trailers are hauling an other wise registered unit will your one axle be exempt. Rocky Robert Trim wrote: > >>> Robert McClane - 4/13/00 11:55 AM >>> > You only need to register a single axle trailer if you take it out of Utah > - all surrounding states apparently require it. > > Good point. On a family camping trip to the pacific north west, we were stopped by the local men in tan because the little trailer full of camping gear we were towing did not have a plate. They held us up for more than 40 min. on the side of the road while they got someone to call Utah and confirm the states 'no plate' reg. Must be a low crime area when they would spend so much time on the appearent 'No trailer plate' violation. Might have even made the local newspapers daily police blotter. "Utah family attempts to sneek into Washington with no plates". However, Idaho, Oregon, Calif., Nevada and Arizona police did not bother us at all. Must be more important crimes there :-P > > Bob Trim > 'Trimster' > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rich Osborne Subject: (utah-sailing) RE: (Utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 13:38:20 -0600 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BFA54D.897B7EA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It is my understanding that in Utah if it has a sail on it, it needs to = be registered, although I am not sure as to how they handle windsurfers. = They may be exempt, but I defer to others on that. If you have a 10' = rowing dinghy, or a canoe, no registration (human powered). Hoist a = sail on either and registration is required. Concerning trailers, in Utah it is based on the weight of the trailer, = and I seem to recall that it needs to exceed about 450-500 lbs. before = license and registration are required. Most small utility trailers and = dinghy trailers do not need to be licensed, although they will license = them for you and will not necessarily tell you that it isn't required = (my experience). It is also my understanding that as long as a Utah = legal, non-licensed trailer is attached to a Utah vehicle, it can be = legally towed in any state (I do this about a dozen times a year in CA = and NV). Rich ---------- Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:20 AM What is the legality of registration. Based on length? Horsepower? A = 14' Hobie with no motor, and you occasionally sail standing up could qualify = as a windsurfer?=20 Gravity...It's Not Just a Good Idea. It's the Law * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------ =_NextPart_000_01BFA54D.897B7EA0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhYTAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAWAEAAAEAAAAMAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAXQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAHV0YWgtc2FpbGluZ0Bs aXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUAB1dGFoLXNhaWxpbmdAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAA AB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAgAAAAdXRhaC1zYWlsaW5nQGxpc3RzLnhtaXNz aW9uLmNvbQADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAiAAAAJ3V0YWgtc2FpbGluZ0BsaXN0cy54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAlAAAAU01UUDpVVEFILVNBSUxJTkdATElTVFMuWE1JU1NJ T04uQ09NAAAAAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACMEoBBIABACAAAABSRTog KFV0YWgtc2FpbGluZykgUmVnaXN0cmF0aW9uAAMLAQWAAwAOAAAA0AcEAA0ADQAmABQABAAzAQEg gAMADgAAANAHBAANAA0AFwATAAQAIwEBCYABACEAAAAzQjZCRkFDQTdDQTVCRjExQjIzMDYyNjQ2 NjQ4N0U5QwBLBwEDkAYAXAYAABQAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMA NgAAAAAAQAA5ACA9xtJ/pb8BHgBwAAEAAAAgAAAAUkU6IChVdGFoLXNhaWxpbmcpIFJlZ2lzdHJh dGlvbgACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABv6V/0r3sbg7iET0R1Lg06cWfzqROAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQ AAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEwAAAG9zYm9ybmVAbmp0Y29tLmNvbQAAAwAGENus1FwDAAcQcgQAAB4ACBAB AAAAZQAAAElUSVNNWVVOREVSU1RBTkRJTkdUSEFUSU5VVEFISUZJVEhBU0FTQUlMT05JVCxJVE5F RURTVE9CRVJFR0lTVEVSRUQsQUxUSE9VR0hJQU1OT1RTVVJFQVNUT0hPV1RIRVlIQU4AAAAAAgEJ EAEAAADLBAAAxwQAAEQIAABMWkZ1LZKHEP8ACgEPAhUCpAPkBesCgwBQEwNUAgBjaArAc2V07jIG AAbDAoMyA8YHEwKDujMTDX0KgAjPCdk7Ff94MjU1AoAKgQ2xC2Bu8GcxMDMUIAsKFCIMATJjAEAg SQVABAAgbdB5IHVuBIFzAZAbgHELgGcgdBHAGvEDoFX1AZBoGwBmGwAFQBHABCB4YSBzC3ADIAIg HUEsFR1CbgngZAQgdG8gqGJlIBYAZwQAdASQXwmAHoAHQBxQCGBnHQBJ1R2wbR7AbwVAcwhwH3Df HZEfMSCAB+AcUGUbUBHAvRuAbB9wA/AbgCFxZhuh8C4gIFQicgDAG1AfYTBleGVtBTAegGJ1/wVA IOANsQSQHyIhQCJwEeDXHiIcUiPRSR0weQhgHXHqdiGhIBkgJx+AIjAcErkcAmh5HoAFsR3AYwBw XG9lHoAhMB+FchxwadEeMShodQOCcCIwH/KyKSPRSG8fwR25ZR1QPyZRHbAbgCo8GxEWAHF1OmkW AS4KhQqFCFBuY/8EkRwTKqADEBuhHoEcthrz/mIdkAmAJpQjAS0wILAFQP5vHTAzEjEFIDEtsSDg EfDvJOAfIhYAKaBsAyAcVB65PyTAMIAysQGgCGAFQDQ1hDAtOAAwIGxiI8HnH2ACECGRbGkwgACA IaGfLb4KwB9yLwUj4E1vLGH+cwDANeElUAMQHVAbUDEG9zmjKNQ82GQfQCEyHtIfJf85NSAqImMD 8DXhOTYiYSEQ/zjhJ2M5skFTPuQwgAQQCsB7AxA8wWU14SdyNhYEAG6+JwVALuYrABtBJMBwBnHf CfAwgCvyGuQHQHMfQBtPfxxTHZEVkBwhHZMc0yLwZ/MHQCnybi0/1jD2R8MCQN8A0CJwP1NKZSfQ aDlAIvD/HoMpoT+TSuJEUiuRLcAcof8AcEhgG8Ef4CsAJYEfQBxQ70fSN6MdwD6wegnwHEAHc5kd wHllCsEcoUNBOaOsTlYr8C98UjlAaC98Mwr0OTAxODhAAgBpLXgxNDQN8AzQVxMLWTGuNgqgA2Af 4GMFQC1ZN68Kh1frDDBYtkYDYTpaPrNYtgyCIEci8AOgTQrAAyrAOXFuW1NNVFDEOmdeAW1AZwTw JVDlHPAuBaBtXVnfWu0GYJ8CMFwfXSskAAhwc2QkYM0egEFYsAMRMTMegAHQ2zhBGSA6AdATcE1g X1rt3FRvYp9dKxzSLQYQPIGxHCEoRS0AwAMQKWaPcWFudWJqWPFor10rKO1fwi0d4hwRKQfwKllV P3lWQzM2V7cS8gwBWLZX/xxjHxEzIUrTPKIzwSpKI9HWQjKWXgFnHFA/LBIR4W8rg3gxU3BXECcK hSwwYv8IkCMRHFAqAgRgHzA0lSdy/G9jKaAAkAIgT1Md4xvH7HVwKZAIYGwtwC8AdcH+ZkhgHZAK hR3AIyh4MC98akcqoHY8oS6BQBrgJ5MHoSFBSnUsY0dvBHA7GtANsGEj0IFzMxJMYfZ3L3wKhSpo cUhxIXA4gP8FAR9hXqEtwCTgHfIfMQDA7moFsD6wBGBAOTAbwCPA/HhtBAF24mARekOExzMSrwIg ORKKEQbgZHYDIoWKvXA6IisAKhEvAFjRc1P+L3K/c88KhRUhAJEwAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAEAAABA AAcwAMhxuX2lvwFAAAgwAMhxuX2lvwEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAAMADTT9NwAA3Os= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BFA54D.897B7EA0-- * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:24:05 -0700 At 10:46 4/13/0 -0600, Alyxandra K. MacLeod wrote: >When I registered my boat she said I needed to register the trailer (single >axis), too. She gave me plates for it and everything. Unless they've changed this year, you got bad info from the license folks - waht else is new? Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:28:53 -0700 At 12:44 4/13/0 -0700, Ray Tostado wrote: >Wrong. You have to register a single axle trailer if the gross weight exceeds >the Utah State DMV specifications. If you're exceeding the limits, you should have two or more axles (or axes). Multiple axles require a license. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Trim Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:33:09 -0600 Mmmm. Would be nice to know what the 'gross weight' limit is. My boat is about 3400 lbs on one axle. The boat has been in Utah for the better part of it's 20+ life and has never had the trailer registered. I have registered the boat in person several years and never been asked about the trailer. I have also towed it all over the state, never been stopped. Any idea on that the GVW is for a single axle to require one of those lovely prison house specials on the back? Bob Trim >>> Ray Tostado - 4/13/00 1:44 PM >>> Wrong. You have to register a single axle trailer if the gross weight exceeds the Utah State DMV specifications. Only in select cases where farm and construction trailers are hauling an other wise registered unit will your one axle be exempt. Rocky * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Jensen Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) RE: (Utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:33:40 -0600 Well I use to have three windsurfers (10 years ago) and they needed registration. Rangers weren't very nice about it either and my brother was a ranger. No breaks either. I thought it was pretty stupid. No one put numbers on their wind surfers, just put on the annual sticker and they would usually leave you alone. Sometimes not. Dave Jensen Rich Osborne wrote: > It is my understanding that in Utah if it has a sail on it, it needs to be registered, although I am not sure as to how they handle windsurfers. They may be exempt, but I defer to others on that. If you have a 10' rowing dinghy, or a canoe, no registration (human powered). Hoist a sail on either and registration is required. > > Concerning trailers, in Utah it is based on the weight of the trailer, and I seem to recall that it needs to exceed about 450-500 lbs. before license and registration are required. Most small utility trailers and dinghy trailers do not need to be licensed, although they will license them for you and will not necessarily tell you that it isn't required (my experience). It is also my understanding that as long as a Utah legal, non-licensed trailer is attached to a Utah vehicle, it can be legally towed in any state (I do this about a dozen times a year in CA and NV). > > Rich > > ---------- > From: Glen Martinsen[] > Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:20 AM > To: Utah-Sailing (E-mail) > Subject: (utah-sailing) Registration > > What is the legality of registration. Based on length? Horsepower? A 14' > Hobie with no motor, and you occasionally sail standing up could qualify as > a windsurfer? > > Gravity...It's Not Just a Good Idea. It's the Law > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Part 1.2 Type: application/ms-tnef > Encoding: base64 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Trim Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:40:24 -0600 It's 2:33pm and I'm on an estimated 25 minute hold with the DMV for... maybe, an answer to the weight question. They are playing music however. I fear that the answer will be about as correct as the ones you got from the IRS which caused your audit and of course, a documented 'wrong' answer from an IRS trained customer service employee is not grounds for dismissing your fine. Bob Trim * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Jensen Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:46:09 -0600 Robert: If you don't like the first answer you get, call back in a few minutes and I am sure you will get a different one. And don't forget, ignorance of the law (whatever that is) is no excuse. MUAHAHAHahaaaaaaaaa Dave Jensen Robert Trim wrote: > It's 2:33pm and I'm on an estimated 25 minute hold with the DMV for... maybe, an answer to the weight question. They are playing music however. > > I fear that the answer will be about as correct as the ones you got from the IRS which caused your audit and of course, a documented 'wrong' answer from an IRS trained customer service employee is not grounds for dismissing your fine. > > Bob Trim > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) RE: (Utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:47:38 -0700 At 14:33 4/13/0 -0600, Dave Jensen wrote: >Well I use to have three windsurfers (10 years ago) and they needed >registration. Rangers weren't very nice about it either and my brother was a >ranger. No breaks either. I thought it was pretty stupid. No one put numbers >on their wind surfers, just put on the annual sticker and they would usually >leave you alone. Sometimes not. They made an exemption for windsurfers a few years ago. If you have the strategic plan, there's a history of boating and registration laws in there. Mine's at home but I could look it up later. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 14:49:24 -0600 According to the nice person at the state I just spoke to over the telephone..... A boat trailer must have a licence plate if the trailer itself weighs more than 750 pounds regardless of whether it has one or two axles. So a two axle trailer would not require a plate if it weighed less than 750 pounds, although that is not likely to be the case. She also said that since many port of entries would question that trailer, they would not recommend going without a plate. As long as the trailer is legal to be towed in Utah, it is legal to be towed in any state, licenced or not. The suggestion of a Utah plate on the tow vehicle is probably wise. Windsurfers are exempt from registration. All vessels with motors whether canoes, sailboats or battleships must be registered. All sailboats, other than windsurfers, must be registered which would include Lasers. Of sourse, if I talked to a different person, perhaps the information would be different! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) (no subject) Date: 13 Apr 2000 13:54:57 -0700 The topic is getting fuzzy. Owning 5 trailers and having been stopped, and having spent 43 years in transportation industry, and having a class #1 CDL I suggest stop any Utah Highway Officer and ask him. I know the office call makes sense but office people don't issue citations. Most city police officers will know and ALL HP will know. As I recall it is around what has been mention at 400 to 450 pounds of trailer weight. It was not a matter of cargo nature or dead weight. It is the estimated weight of the actual trailer that was cited upon. You can pretend you don't know the trailer weight, or you can go to 3900 South and West Temple. $5.00 buys you certified weight ticket. Don't confuse the soft touch used in Utah about simple infractions that go uncited, like parking on the wrong side of the street; cruising through blvd. stops. In LA, the second day I got here at Mom's house I was cited for having a 4-sale sign on my Ranchero, parked in the driveway! Utah is very laid back about small stuff and if you are stopped it most likely will be an advisement to get registration, not an impound like could happen in Cal.. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Trim Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: Registration Date: 13 Apr 2000 16:02:33 -0600 I knew that other than the lack of bullets flying around randomly in the air, there was something I liked about Utah!! The trailer weighing sounds like a good idea however. The boat is rearly off it long enough but that's a reason to use when discussing slip rentals with the wife..... :-P Bob Trim >>> Ray Tostado - 4/13/00 2:54 PM >>> ..... Utah is very laid back about small stuff and if you are stopped it most likely will be an advisement to get registration, not an impound like could happen in Cal.. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Benjamin Packard" Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: Registration- The Offical Laws Date: 13 Apr 2000 16:28:48 -0600 From title 41 -- Motor Vehicles, Ch 01a -- Motor Vehicle Act, 41-1a-202 Definitions -- Vehicles exempt from registration: (h) trailer of 750 pounds or less unladen weight and not designed, used, and maintained for hire for the transportation of property or person; This is the official law from the state. For other exemptions, go to and look in Utah Laws/ Search Code. As for the windsurfer or board sailor as called here, they are exempt as well. That's found at Utah Motor Vehicles / Boat registration "Only motorboats and sailboats must be registered and numbered. Boats exempt from Utah registration and numbering include sailboards, and properly registered motorboats and sailboats owned by residents of another state which have not been in Utah more than 14 days in a calendar year." Enjoy. -Ben * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Tsunamis Date: 13 Apr 2000 17:49:42 -0600 Are you ready for tsunamis? Great Salt Lake enters into the picture in paragraph 13. From the L.A. Times: Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kelly Ragsdale" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Tsunamis Date: 13 Apr 2000 22:33:01 -0600 Pat... I have not met you, but I think you deserve a thank you from all of us who are interested in the Great Salt Lake ecology and the surrounding region. I appreciate the links and research you provide. It is good reading, for us that don't have the time to research very interest we have. And it beats the recent trailer weight saga, as far as my interest goes. Kelly stop by and say hi! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sid Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) RE: (Utah-sailing) Registration Date: 14 Apr 2000 14:41:30 -0600 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 2:33 PM Windsurfers are exempt from registration requirements in Utah. Any vessel that is powered by motor or sail (except windsurfers) must be registered in this State. Regarding trailer registration; Even if you are traveling out of Utah, you do not need to register your trailer (under the gvw weight). As long as you are complying with the laws of your residence state you have 14 day grace period to travel in any other state. We did get a few tickets when we were taking our hobies through Nevada and California but these tickets were always dismissed when we produced a copy of the Utah law. We eventually carried a copy of this law with us. It is obtainable from DMV. > Well I use to have three windsurfers (10 years ago) and they needed registration. Rangers weren't very nice about it either and my brother was a ranger. No breaks either. I thought it was pretty stupid. No one put numbers on their wind surfers, just put on the annual sticker and they would usually leave you alone. Sometimes not. > > Dave Jensen > > Rich Osborne wrote: > > > It is my understanding that in Utah if it has a sail on it, it needs to be registered, although I am not sure as to how they handle windsurfers. They may be exempt, but I defer to others on that. If you have a 10' rowing dinghy, or a canoe, no registration (human powered). Hoist a sail on either and registration is required. > > > > Concerning trailers, in Utah it is based on the weight of the trailer, and I seem to recall that it needs to exceed about 450-500 lbs. before license and registration are required. Most small utility trailers and dinghy trailers do not need to be licensed, although they will license them for you and will not necessarily tell you that it isn't required (my experience). It is also my understanding that as long as a Utah legal, non-licensed trailer is attached to a Utah vehicle, it can be legally towed in any state (I do this about a dozen times a year in CA and NV). > > > > Rich > > > > ---------- > > From: Glen Martinsen[] > > Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:20 AM > > To: Utah-Sailing (E-mail) > > Subject: (utah-sailing) Registration > > > > What is the legality of registration. Based on length? Horsepower? A 14' > > Hobie with no motor, and you occasionally sail standing up could qualify as > > a windsurfer? > > > > Gravity...It's Not Just a Good Idea. It's the Law > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > Part 1.2 Type: application/ms-tnef > > Encoding: base64 > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Tsunamis Date: 14 Apr 2000 16:37:58 -0600 Thanks for the kind words. Pat Swigart Kelly Ragsdale wrote: > > Pat... > I have not met you, but I think you deserve a thank you from all of us who > are interested in the Great Salt Lake ecology and the surrounding region. I > appreciate the links and research you provide. > > It is good reading, for us that don't have the time to research very > interest we have. And it beats the recent trailer weight saga, as far as my > interest goes. > > Kelly > > stop by and say hi! > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 14 Apr 2000 22:54:37 EDT I will be giving a "primer" on celestial nav at Antelope Island during one of our cruises this summer ( specific date to be announced) It is a suprisingly simple process and an intensely rewarding way to navigate across an ocean. Unfortunately too many people have written books the size of the Los Angeles phone directory telling us how complicated it is , scaring most people away from sextants . * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ken Parsons" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 15 Apr 2000 22:52:27 -0600 Count me in! I bought a sextant in March and took some sightings during a cruise in the Caribbean. It was fascinating. However, I haven't even had the time to reduce the sightings yet, so I don't know how good I was. Guess I'll get to that after taxes. I'm looking forward to it. Ken ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl > Date: Friday, April 14, 2000 8:54 PM > > I will be giving a "primer" on celestial nav at Antelope Island during one > of our cruises this summer ( specific date to be announced) It is a > suprisingly simple process and an intensely rewarding way to navigate across > an ocean. Unfortunately too many people have written books the size of the > Los Angeles phone directory telling us how complicated it is , scaring most > people away from sextants . > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Losing Pieces Date: 17 Apr 2000 07:53:20 -0600 Pronounce it like "hooker" if you want but it still smells like a dead rose by any name. The lake and its islands are not unified and therefore not protected. Somebody's playing Monopoly and wants a hotel. Pat * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 17 Apr 2000 20:28:52 -0700 For all of you new devotees of celestial navigation, I have a unique, although uncertified, (The Plath factory was leveled in the closing months of WW II.) WW II German U-Boat Plath Sextant. It has a registration number, a German Reichstag (?) and Swastika engraving and I was told it came from a German U-Boat. I purchased it from the widow of an American sub commander about 20 years ago. A real bargain. Call for details. Own a piece of history. Cheers, Ray and Rocky * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kelly Ragsdale" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 17 Apr 2000 21:32:29 -0600 Ray... Why would you want to sell this? Since you around for WW 1, isn't this new technology for you? Kelly * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 04:15:27 -0700 Actually, Kelly, it is. And that is why I will unload it for a modest price, say, $15k. Too high tech for me. The idiocy of needing celestial navigation is obvious; if you wanted to know where you were, why would you look up? Myself, I would look down, cause that's where I'm standing. As for getting anywhere, just ask. There's all sorts of traveler help organizations. Flip Wilson documented Columbus' discovery of the new world, he just asked. No harm in just asking, "Which way's America?" "Which way's Tahiti?" it worked for Captain Cook. Got him into a lot of hot water though. And they have the long string practice of exploration if you are not certain where you want to go. Tie it off when you leave. You want to come home? Follow the string. Someone have mail for you? Follow the string. Leave a forwarding address? Tie the string to a stake, and start a new string. The mailman will find you. I can see Tim Adams now, showing the navigation technique. I'm certain his position will always be closer to home than the others. He is very good with numbers. Mahalo, Ray and his commander in charge of string, Rocky. And I have seen it over and over in movies, where the commander turns to the first mate, (even in space ships), and speaks out, "Take us us home." Just have THAT guy around with you. Kelly Ragsdale wrote: > Ray... > Why would you want to sell this? Since you around for WW 1, isn't this new > technology for you? > > Kelly > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 10:03:24 -0600 Ray... I saw a modern improvement on a lead line the other day. It is even ocean friendly! Do you still use one of those too? Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 14:06:16 -0600 Not a chance. I've been using depleted uranium since the 70's. Actually, the reason the price on the Nazi U-Boat sextant is so cheap is I can't use it since I don't speak German. I had the same problem with my Tamaya, no Japanese either. RT Actually, for some time in the IOR handicap days (70's/80's a lead line was a REQUIRED device with a 30' 1/4" floating line. It was called a heaving line and used to send a messenger line to a MOB. The MOB victim, in theory, should he not get knocked unconscious by the impact of the lead weighted line, would grab the messenger and pull the "U" buoy and MOP closer to him. The story goes that you never wanted to go sailing with the pitching staff of the NY Yankees, and fall overboard. Thought you had me, huh? kellycpi wrote: > > Ray... > > I saw a modern improvement on a lead line the other day. It is even ocean > friendly! Do you still use one of those too? > > Kelly Ragsdale > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 14:12:58 -0600 Ray.. You are a virtual bottomless pit of sailing knowledge. Or is that a bottomless bilge? Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 15:44:02 -0600 Ray Tostado wrote: > > Not a chance. I've been using depleted uranium since the 70's. If you need to upgrade, I know a guy in Kaysville who has 1 cm^3 of plutonium. He might make you a deal. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 15:52:30 -0600 Ray's sailing in Southern California water now. He can recharge it by just sailing around! Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 15:58:56 -0600 Wha'da you mean virtual? I'm a for real thing whatever you select to label me! AND I am at this very moment sneaking around Salt Lake City. No one is safe. RT kellycpi wrote: > > Ray.. > You are a virtual bottomless pit of sailing knowledge. Or is that a > bottomless bilge? > > Kelly Ragsdale > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Bargin Date: 18 Apr 2000 16:15:58 -0600 Oops! You know what I mean. It's a compliment. Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Island Serenade Cruise Date: 18 Apr 2000 22:54:46 EDT I just wanted to extend my personal thanks to all of you that came along on the Island Serenade Cruise. I hope everyone had a great time. It was quite nice I thought. I hope we can do it again next year. Terry, GSLYC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Poaching Date: 18 Apr 2000 20:58:36 -0600 Sad story: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Catalina 25/250 & SailFest Date: 18 Apr 2000 21:15:46 -0600 Here is a listing for the SailFest for the National Regata Racing Page regarding the Great Salt Lake: Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Nature Conservancy Date: 19 Apr 2000 07:34:12 -0600 Here are the real heroes in GSL preservation, there at it again. Wonder if they could rescue Fremont Island from the clutches of new little town, Hooper, that would like to "have a little fun with it." Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Antelope Is. Hunting Date: 19 Apr 2000 07:36:58 -0600 Board Ponders Antelope Island Hunting: Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps for gsl Date: 19 Apr 2000 14:05:29 -0700 At 22:54 4/14/0 -0400, wrote: Unfortunately too many people have written books the size of the >Los Angeles phone directory telling us how complicated it is , scaring most >people away from sextants . You should try to find a copy of 'Celestial Navigation - a complete onboard handbook' (the name's close to this anyway). The author uses the Marquis de St. Hilliers's (sp?) method. He includes tables for 1999 - 2004. Not the full detailed tables but good enough to learn with and good enough to get within a couple of miles. I've got a copy and will be glad to bring it out if your cruise is when I'm in town. You can borrow it if I'm out. Most of July I'll be in the far north of Ellesmere Is. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Antelope Is. Hunting Date: 19 Apr 2000 17:40:33 -0600 Taciturn wrote: > > Board Ponders Antelope Island > Hunting: > > Pat Swigart > "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" > > Pat, First of all, thanks for keeping us all up-to-date on what's going on around GSL. I don't read the papers as much as I should, and don't bother with TV news for anything other than the current weather, so I'd never hear about most of this if you didn't shove it in my face. ;^) If you, or another enterprising utah-sailing member, could issue reminders for the meetings people who actually care about GSL and Antelope Island might travel to, on May 16, 17, and 18, we might get some turnout at the meetings. I'm planning to go to the SL county meeting, and perhaps the Davis county meeting as well. I'd like to add that I view hunting as a perfectily legitimate pastime, but this plan smacks of boondoggle. What an idiotic idea, issuing one free and one auctioned hunting permit per year. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "linda kelley" Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: (gslyc) Island Serenade Cruise Date: 19 Apr 2000 20:39:06 -0600 Terry, What!? You mean all aboard the Island Serenade, including me, thought about letting you know how much we enjoyed the cruise but just didn't get around to it? Larry and I had a great time! We know a little about the planning that goes into throwing a party - not to mention checking lists and collecting last minute money - and this was a good one. You even looked as if you were having a good time yourself! Gene Morgan welcoming folks as they boarded was friendly and welcoming. Thanks for the brightly colored paper lei - the right accessory for those of us who dressed for the cold instead of the tropics. It was great to see so many children enjoying the cruise. We enjoyed the food (thank heaven it kept coming!) and the bar - an uncomplicated, legal, drink in the middle of the Great Salt Lake! The bar staff was cheerful and after Larry told them only once the name of the wine he wanted............ and that it was red............ and that it was not likely to be found in the icebox....... they didn't forget. (Have you thought about becoming a wine consultant before the "world" comes here?) I would have enjoyed knowing how many people aboard were from other boating or yachting organizations. Anyway, thanks again for giving us the opportunity to enjoy each others' company on the Great Salt Lake; we'd do it again. Linda > > - > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Re: (gslyc) Island Serenade Cruise Date: 19 Apr 2000 21:16:23 -0600 > What!? You mean all aboard the Island Serenade, including me, thought about > letting you know how much we enjoyed the cruise but just didn't get around > to it? Me too Linda, thank you...only, which person were you? I was the one in the red motorcycle jacket carrying the helmet... Kurt Simpson * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) Juniors Sailing Program Semnar Date: 20 Apr 2000 11:01:43 -0600 Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Come one, come all and learn about the wonderful Juniors Sailing Program at the Great Salt Lake. Lots of FUN sailing events and sailing related activities for boy and girls from 8 through 17 years of age are planned for this year. Tammy Silver, Juniors Program Chair, will share her vision and present the ambitious schedule of events. Requirements and fees will also be presented. Come prepared to join-up for a full summer of educational and fun off- and on-the-water activities. Remember to bring the kids! This presentation will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 24, in the 3rd. floor lecture hall in the Salt Lake City Main Library, 209 East 500 South. The seminar is FREE to all! Sadly, this will be the 10th and final presentation in the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club's annual FREE Sailing Seminars series for this year. Watch your mail for announcements of future presentations throughout the year. I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you who have attended this year's seminars. Your participation has made this year's series the best. Thank you all! Bryant Pratt Vice Commodore, GSLYC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" Subject: (utah-sailing) Insurance Date: 20 Apr 2000 18:45:17 -0500 Typically, how much are monthly/yearly rates to insure a 22' - 24' sailboat? Is there an insurer that tends to give better rates for sailboats? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Insurance Date: 21 Apr 2000 00:46:47 -0600 "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" wrote: > > Typically, how much are monthly/yearly rates to insure a 22' - 24' > sailboat? Is there an insurer that tends to give better rates for > sailboats? $100/year, covers everything except sails during races. ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Registration Date: 21 Apr 2000 00:56:37 -0600 Diana Goodell wrote: > > One more to the list - I have not received registration for Pack A Lunch. > Glad Ranger Bob will be 'tickled pink' if we have them stuck to our boats > in May! Don't be fooled into thinking you have to a registration sticker on your boat just to float it in YOUR slip at GSL Marina. Contrary to what Ranger Bob and Ranger Clint think, once they lease that water to you, it becomes your "domicile" and they don't get to ticket you on your own "property" just because the state is your landlord. Don't take my word for it, the Salt Lake County prosecuting attorney has agreed with me twice on this in recent years. Moving your boat out of the slip is another issue entirely - "operating" the boat on state waterways without a valid registration is strictly verboten, as is moving it on a trailer. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Insurance Date: 21 Apr 2000 12:36:03 -0700 Jan I found that by insuring through WEST MARINE, I was able to side step a survey, and save 50% under other quotes. Rocky, and Ray did OK' too. Wes Peters wrote: > "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" wrote: > > > > Typically, how much are monthly/yearly rates to insure a 22' - 24' > > sailboat? Is there an insurer that tends to give better rates for > > sailboats? > > $100/year, covers everything except sails during races. ;^) > > -- > "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" > > Wes Peters Softweyr LLC > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Insurance Date: 21 Apr 2000 16:36:07 -0700 Jan I will also give you my SLC auto broker who got me insurance on RUNAWAY for $87 a year including a $5k added equipment blanket, plus all inclusions such as racing. What was not covered was road side service and bottom cleaning. 278- 4451 Craig Bennion.. Just mention my name. He does 11 vehicles for me, a house, and Rocky's college trust fund. Cheers, RT Ray Tostado wrote: > Jan > > I found that by insuring through WEST MARINE, I was able to side step a survey, and > save 50% under other quotes. > > Rocky, and Ray did OK' too. > > Wes Peters wrote: > > > "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" wrote: > > > > > > Typically, how much are monthly/yearly rates to insure a 22' - 24' > > > sailboat? Is there an insurer that tends to give better rates for > > > sailboats? > > > > $100/year, covers everything except sails during races. ;^) > > > > -- > > "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" > > > > Wes Peters Softweyr LLC > > > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: FOGSL Water Quality Date: 23 Apr 2000 21:11:48 -0600 Friends of Great Salt Lake April 2000 General Meeting Speaker: Richard Denton - Utah Division of Water Quality Monitoring Great Salt Lake Water Quality Tuesday, 25 April 2000, 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sugarhouse Garden Center 1650 East 2100 South in Salt Lake City. Join us for a presentation by Richard Denton about monitoring GSL water quality. The Division of Water Quality monitoring section monitors on a monthly basis about 250 stream and river sites, 210 industrial and municipal UPDES discharges, and 100 other special project sites. In addition, 175 lakes and reservoirs including the Great Salt Lake and 250 groundwater permit wells are sampled at various times. Various other emergency situations such as spills are investigated as they occur. DWQ has been involved in monitoring the Great Salt Lake and the associated watersheds since 1975. It has a strong water chemistry database on many sites and a strong macroinvertebrate database at selected sites. During the mid 1980's the monitoring program was placed on hold. In 1993 in cooperation with Wally Gwynn with the Utah Geological Survey, and Davis County, DWQ began sampling the lake. Four sites in Gunnison Bay, six sites in Gilbert Bay, and one site in Farmington Bay have been sampled at various depths for major cations and anions, heavy metals, nitrites, and chlorophyl A. Field observations such as the status of the railroad culverts, occurrence of bi-directional flow, and brine shrimp presence are recorded. ___________________________ Upcoming events: Thursday, May 4, 2000 - Board Meeting, 7:00 pm May 5-13, 2000 - Great Salt Lake Bird Festival, Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - General Meeting, 7:00 pm, Tom Wharton slide show presentation. Thursday, June 1, 2000 - Board Meeting, 7:00 pm Saturday, June 3, 2000 - Layton Wetlands Preserve Field Trip ___________________________ General meetings are held at the Sugarhouse Garden Center, located in the northeast corner of Sugarhouse Park, 1650 E 2100 S, in Salt Lake City. Board meetings are held at the Salt Lake County Complex at 2001 S State, Room S3009, in Salt Lake City. Visit our web site at Message Forwarded by Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Insurance Date: 24 Apr 2000 18:28:27 -0500 Thanks Ray. Being somewhat allergic to insurance agents, I may just go through West Marine, but I appreciate the assistance. Isn't Rocky a little old to start college, or is he just a late bloomer. Jan -----Original Message----- From: Ray Tostado [] Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 5:36 PM To: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Insurance Jan I will also give you my SLC auto broker who got me insurance on RUNAWAY for $87 a year including a $5k added equipment blanket, plus all inclusions such as racing. What was not covered was road side service and bottom cleaning. 278- 4451 Craig Bennion.. Just mention my name. He does 11 vehicles for me, a house, and Rocky's college trust fund. Cheers, RT Ray Tostado wrote: > Jan > > I found that by insuring through WEST MARINE, I was able to side step a survey, and > save 50% under other quotes. > > Rocky, and Ray did OK' too. > > Wes Peters wrote: > > > "Kitts, Jan (MED, OEC)" wrote: > > > > > > Typically, how much are monthly/yearly rates to insure a 22' - 24' > > > sailboat? Is there an insurer that tends to give better rates for > > > sailboats? > > > > $100/year, covers everything except sails during races. ;^) > > > > -- > > "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" > > > > Wes Peters Softweyr LLC > > > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Legacy Shmegacy Date: 25 Apr 2000 18:54:24 -0600 Buckminster Fuller would have loved this. He always said that just because the top of a piano drifts by and saves one's life after the ship sinks doesn't mean that the best design for a life preserver should resemble a piano top. He says that designers in solving modern problems are too often "clinging to piano tops." Aren't you listening Leavitt? A good idea will preserve our Great Salt Lake and its hinterlands, I should think. Here's the Tribune article: Pat Swigart * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Jr. Seminar at the Library Date: 25 Apr 2000 21:02:24 EDT Just wanted to thank everyone who came to the Junior seminar at the Library on the 24th. Hope everyone had fun. Hope everyone is looking forward to this year and the Sailfest! If you see someone who wasn't there, be sure and tell them how much fun the "Who wants to be a Sailor" game was! See Ya Soon! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) [Fwd: Fw: [Fwd: FW: JOTD]] Date: 26 Apr 2000 08:33:56 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------D1E85790D41241F11BCE08C4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I hope it works now. --------------D1E85790D41241F11BCE08C4 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-229-119-122) with SMTP id <> for ; Tue, 25 Apr 2000 23:42:47 +0000 Received: (qmail 17570 invoked from network); 25 Apr 2000 23:42:24 -0000 Received: from (HELO computername) ([]) (envelope-sender ) by (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP for ; 25 Apr 2000 23:42:24 -0000 Message-ID: <001b01bfaf0f$caca77a0$abd4efd1@computername> "Larry Bernstein" , "Kim Thomsen" , "Katie Miller" , "Joyce and Mac" , "John Marsh" , "George & Phyllis Keiser" , "Edie Rudisil" , "Ed Neuroth" , "Dianne Erenberg" , "Bill & Madolyn Lacy" , "Bev ` Conner" , MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0018_01BFAED5.1BBCFA60" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01BFAED5.1BBCFA60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------- > > > > > > > >interesting stats... > > >the picture says it all!!! > > > > > >> > What a Difference a Century Makes > > >> > In the summer of 1900... > > >> > The average life expectancy in the United States was 47. > > >> > Only 14% of the homes in the United States had a bathtub. > > >> > Only 8% of the homes had a telephone. > > >> > There were only 8,000 cars in the US and only 144 miles of paved > roads. > > >> > The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph. > > >> > The average wage in the US was 22 cents an hour. > > >> > > > >> > And finally, here's another BIG difference: > > >> > Check out the picture............. > > >> > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- > ---- > > > > > ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01BFAED5.1BBCFA60 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="100 years.jpg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="100 years.jpg" /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/2wBDABALDA4MChAODQ4SERATGCkbGBYWGDIkJh4pOzQ+PTo0 OThBSV5QQUVZRjg5Um9TWWFkaWppP09ze3Jmel5naWX/2wBDARESEhgVGDAbGzBlQzlDZWVlZWVl ZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWVlZWX/wAARCAE2AbsDASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAABAgMFBgf/xABKEAABAwMCAwUGAwYDBQcDBQAB 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MacLeod" Subject: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 27 Apr 2000 15:26:28 -0600 Hi All, I need an outboard for my C22. Where is the best place? I would like to buy one new if I can. Probably 4 or 5 horse 4 stroke. Any suggestions? And what about would it run me? Thanks, Cyn -- "What does that mean?" "It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." ICQ #10306498 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Legacy Study Date: 27 Apr 2000 16:27:13 -0600 New Traffic Study May Help Legacy Highway Proponents: Pat Swigart * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 27 Apr 2000 17:26:24 -0700 At 15:26 4/27/0 -0600, Alyxandra K. MacLeod wrote: >Hi All, >I need an outboard for my C22. Where is the best place? I would >like to buy one new if I can. Probably 4 or 5 horse 4 stroke. >Any suggestions? And what about would it run me? I would definately go with a four cycle if you can afford the cost. They're more than the two cycles (and a bit heavier) but they are much better. I have a Honda. It starts right up every spring with a pull or two. It uses regular gas - no mixing of oils. It gets about 50% better gas milage than a two cycle. It doesn't put 30% of the gas and oil into the water like two cycles do. This last reason is way two cycles are being banned in many areas - Lake Tahoe for instance. More places are going to be banning two cycles (this also gets rid of the pwcs) so if you intend on trailering the C22 (a good reason to own one) get the four cycle. Honda makes a 5 HP. The newer Hondas are much lighter than the older ones like I have. I've seen used ones occasionally. I bought mine some time ago at Duce Marine. Check also at the Honda dealer (lawn mower and other small engines dealer not the cars) on 9th east at something like 30th south. At least they used to be there. Expect to pay a lot for a new motor - $1200 to $1500. I haven't seen the latest prices but they're expensive. Yamaha also makes a four cycle that people like. Everyone else is coming out with four cycles, too. I'm very familiar with the Honda and think they're great. Other folks that I know swear by the Yamaha. I haven't heard about the other brands. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Craig Pearson Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 27 Apr 2000 17:37:16 -0600 I had a new Honda 5hp for about a year or more and had nothing but trouble with it. After taking it back in for repair about 5 times for the same part breaking over and over again Duce Marine gave me a refund in full. I then bought a Honda 8hp which is a much better motor. Duce told me that they had so much trouble with the Honda 5hp that they stopped carrying it(they will special order it if that is what you want). I recommend the 4 stroke motors but if you need a 4 or 5 hp then I would look to something other than Honda. Craig >I need an outboard for my C22. Where is the best place? I would >like to buy one new if I can. Probably 4 or 5 horse 4 stroke. >Any suggestions? And what about would it run me? >Thanks, >Cyn > >-- >"What does that mean?" >"It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." > >ICQ #10306498 > > > > >* To unsubscribe send email to with >* the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kelly Ragsdale" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 27 Apr 2000 21:54:15 -0600 I had a C22 for a while, I would put a 5-6 hp on it for the Great Salt Lake and also get a high torque prop pitch. Don't remember what mine is, but it gives a lot of thrust against the high winds. I had a Yamaha 6hp. I can't tell you how it has held up because I had the boat in So. Calif. to sell and the outboard was stolen. Anyway, I think the 4 strokes are nice but if I remember right you can't get one with an alternator for charging until you get up in to the 8hp range. On my boat now I have a Nissan from West Marine. They are a good price and has been a very reliable motor. I have had it for 6 yrs now and I think I've changed the plugs? Kelly * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "BILL HARRIS" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 28 Jan 2000 04:27:35 -0700 I went with the Evenrude 9.9, four stroke, electric start, extra long shaft. The electric start makes it heavy but it is sure worth it to me. I bought it at Robinson Marine for $2500. It pushes The Intoxicator at about 61/2 knots, 7 with no wind. I did have to use an Evenrude bracket because of the xtra weight, 110 pounds I think. Add $400 for that. Beating a Tooele Twister to the marina...Priceless. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 2:26 PM > Hi All, > I need an outboard for my C22. Where is the best place? I would > like to buy one new if I can. Probably 4 or 5 horse 4 stroke. > Any suggestions? And what about would it run me? > Thanks, > Cyn > > -- > "What does that mean?" > "It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." > > ICQ #10306498 > > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 28 Apr 2000 08:49:21 -0700 Ditto on the Nissan. I had a 5 HP Nissan long shaft on Highwire, it always started, winter or summer. I also have changed the plug once. One other point, 4 strokes are nice, but can be very heavy when compared to a 2 stroke of the same power, so raising the little bugger out of the water can be a little tuff. The little 5 HP moved Highwire, a Capri 30 of 5000lbs, very nicely even in a big blow. The biggest problem was that in ruff water the prop would come out of the water especially when I would move away from the back of the boat. Summary: I like the 5hp 2 stroke Nissan and think it would be a good candidate for a Catalina 22. -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 9:54 PM I had a C22 for a while, I would put a 5-6 hp on it for the Great Salt Lake and also get a high torque prop pitch. Don't remember what mine is, but it gives a lot of thrust against the high winds. I had a Yamaha 6hp. I can't tell you how it has held up because I had the boat in So. Calif. to sell and the outboard was stolen. Anyway, I think the 4 strokes are nice but if I remember right you can't get one with an alternator for charging until you get up in to the 8hp range. On my boat now I have a Nissan from West Marine. They are a good price and has been a very reliable motor. I have had it for 6 yrs now and I think I've changed the plugs? Kelly * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Alyxandra K. MacLeod" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Motor Needed Date: 28 Apr 2000 14:29:07 -0600 Well, it might just be the Nissan... Marine Products wants $1059 for the 5hp - 4stroke long shaft Nissan. Not too bad a deal. We'll be cruisin' along pretty darn soon with the rest o' ya! Oh and no, I'm not quite skilled enough to be sailing in and out of the marina... yet. Cyn Eugene Morgan wrote: > Ditto on the Nissan. I had a 5 HP Nissan long shaft on Highwire, it always > started, winter or summer. I also have changed the plug once. One other > point, 4 strokes are nice, but can be very heavy when compared to a 2 stroke > of the same power, so raising the little bugger out of the water can be a > little tuff. The little 5 HP moved Highwire, a Capri 30 of 5000lbs, very > nicely even in a big blow. The biggest problem was that in ruff water the > prop would come out of the water especially when I would move away from the > back of the boat. > > Summary: I like the 5hp 2 stroke Nissan and think it would be a good > candidate for a Catalina 22. > -- "What does that mean?" "It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." ICQ #10306498 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) GSLYC Opening Weekend 2000 Date: 29 Apr 2000 12:57:07 EDT The Great Salt Lake Yacht Club invites everyone to: Opening Weekend 2000 'Sailing into the 21st Century" May 6 and 7 at the GSL State Marina (south shore) No membership is required to attend and participate in the many events planned for both days. Here's a brief listing of events: -Saturday: Boat Parade & Blessing of the Fleet, Mexican lunch social, Jr. Program fundraiser face painting, balloon artist, dinghy races, live music and awards for 'dressed up boats and/or crew'. -Sunday: Continental breakfast, free 'fun' races (open to all boats/classes/skills), cruise and raft-up, free sailboat rides, Jr. Program fundraiser BBQ, and awards presentation. Many awards will be given for best costumes (21st Century/space/alien) and for the races. There will be a small fee for the lunch, live music and breakfast. Your lunch ticket will also cover the live music that night. Non GSLYC members expect to pay a slightly higher fee for these events (it's only fair). And please be honest when paying for these events, we will not be monitoring and watching over everyone. Sat. begins promptly at 10:30 with the boat parade and Blessing. Sunday's B-fast starts at 9:00 and the skipper's meeting for free rides, races and cruising is promptly at 10:00. You can find the entire schedule of events listed on the web page. Just go to the Home page and click on Opening Weekend Schedule. If you have questions please contact Terry Martin 364-8217 or at Hope to see you at the biggest sailing event of the century (so far anyway)! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taciturn Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Bird Festival Date: 29 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0600 Tours behind the gates to areas normally closed Also: see Pat Swigart * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes).