From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Bald Eagles Date: 03 Jun 2000 09:58:06 -0600 Article regarding the first breeding of Bald Eagles since early 1900s: "Bald Eagles Manage to Raise Kids in Suburbia, But for How Long?" by Glen Warchol The Salt Lake Tribune Pat * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) trailer and boat storage Date: 03 Jun 2000 12:32:27 -0600 Since I sold my storage property in Kearns last November, because I had no tenants, I have received 2 to 3 calls a week asking for parking storage. Sorry, converted the investment of dollars in Kearns, for 10 acres of macadamia trees in Kona, Hawaii. Sometimes things go well if you just leave them alone. Anyway, across the street from my old place is a Machine shop with enough space for about 50 trailers/boats. He is a great buddy and will store such for $25/$40 a month. Another thing that is interesting is that RICHARD BAKER MACHINE SHOP is a private job shop that can do welding, and machine work just a few feet from your storage space. He has air and water available. A real perfect storage space. This space area is a mere 15 minutes from the marina. RICHARD BAKER 801/968-1608 M-F 8:00/5:00 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: (utah-sailing) Sail Fest Schedule? Date: 06 Jun 2000 09:24:29 MST Hello all. Is the schedule for Sail Fest 2000 online anywhere? Please pass it along?= Also, I have not recieved any email from this sailing list for several we= eks. Is it me, or you, or the site? Too busy sailing? :) Brightly, ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) SailFest Schedule of Events Date: 06 Jun 2000 17:25:13 -0600 I'm sure it was posted here on Utah-Sailing but I have a page dedicated to SailFest 2000 on my Website: Hope this helps. Pat Swigart "Why bring weather you would rather be in out up for?" Sailzz! Web Design: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Bear River Refuge Date: 08 Jun 2000 17:36:02 -0600 "State Has Eyes for Bear River Refuge" by Glen Warchol Salt Lake Tribune: Pat "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: (utah-sailing) 2000 BoatU.S. Santa Maria Cup - Photos Date: 08 Jun 2000 17:44:17 -0600 Photos of this year's Santa Maria Cup, the women's match-racing championship. (Did I mention it is sailed in J/22s? Hmm...) Wes * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) outboard repair Date: 12 Jun 2000 11:17:33 EDT Does anyone know of a repairman/repairwomen who will come out to the marina and work on an outboard? Call me lazy but I hate lifting that iron monster off my boat and dragging to my car. Thanks * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: (utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer Date: 14 Jun 2000 22:31:20 -0600 Ahoy Utah Sailors, I will be putting the latest action packed issue of the Brine Flyer together for publication in the next few weeks. All I need is some action to pack into it! If you have something of interest to sailors, please send it to me for inclusion. I would like to see something from the cruise to Freemont Island if anyone has anything. I would also like to include information about boat insurance. I would really appreciate any information about various insurance options that people know of. The deadline for submission is June 25...... _____________________________________________________ Darin Christensen Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer email: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer Date: 15 Jun 2000 10:55:31 EDT Darin, I would like to run my same ad in your next edition. I might also be able to announce after this next week that LDJ Productions will be the production company of record for the next AmericaOne campaign for the America's Cup in 2003. I'll let you know if I win this assignment and can do a press release concerning it. Thanks, LDJ LDJ Productions * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 15 Jun 2000 13:14:35 -0700 This e-mail is addressed to all slip renters and other sailors that use the Great Salt lake South Marina, so if you have no interest in this subject please delete now, otherwise read on. I talked to Bob Roswell last night regarding the marina repairs, spiders, and mosquitoes. First off, Bob acknowledged that Larry and his team have been slow in responding to some of the items in need of repair at the marina. He attributed this to simply too many projects and too few hands. As you know Larry and his team have responsibilities beyond the marina so they are at times at a disadvantage, but they are trying. They did get out to the marina this week and actually accomplished a lot. Cleats were replaced, fingers tighten, and some ramps repaired. They may not have addressed everything but they put a big dent in the to-do list. If there are things on your dock that are still in need of attention please let Bob know. As to spraying for spiders and mosquitoes. I have made two requests that this work be done. To date Bob has not been able to provide any information. He has assured me that he will continue to push for the spraying. I will continue to follow up with Bob and as soon as we have a schedule I'll let you all know. On a final note. As many of you are aware the docks have been in service far longer than ever intended, testimony to this is K dock and E dock. In reality all the docks are in very poor condition. The estimate to replace all docks has been put at $3 to $4 million. In addition, with the marina at near capacity the time has finally come for the State to consider expanding the marina beyond K dock. It is my understanding that in order for this work to be funded an appropriation directly from the legislature would be necessary. I would like to suggest that we start now to work toward getting this funded so that it might actually happen in 2001 or 2002. If the yacht club hosted a meeting regarding dock replacement and invited officials from State Parks, DFCM and if possible some legislators, would you make time to come and support the effort? Please replay directly to me regarding your feelings on this and if you would be willing to help. Eugene (Gene) Morgan Commodore - Great Salt Lake Yacht Club * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gary Topping" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 16 Jun 2000 08:46:28 -0600 Gene, I'll be happy to attend any meeting you put together regarding dock = replacement. Since we are one of the few state parks that actually turns = a profit, we should have good leverage to insist upon getting the most for = our money. Gary Topping D-48 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: Re: [(utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer] Date: 16 Jun 2000 08:47:25 MST Hi Darin. Is there any room in the Brine Flyer for personal writings that pertain t= o the experience of sailing? = "Darin Christensen" wrote: Ahoy Utah Sailors, I will be putting the latest action packed issue of the Brine Flyer = together for publication in the next few weeks. All I need is some = action to pack into it! If you have something of interest to sailors, = please send it to me for inclusion. I would like to see something = from the cruise to Freemont Island if anyone has anything. I would = also like to include information about boat insurance. I would really = appreciate any information about various insurance options that = people know of. The deadline for submission is June 25...... _____________________________________________________ Darin Christensen Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer email: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Jensen Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 16 Jun 2000 11:05:07 -0600 Turns a profit? Gary, I don't know what finance classes you took, but if one takes all of the expenditures in dredging out the marina, building the marina and the dock costs etc. infinitum, I will guarantee to you, that the marina, is 10s of Millions in the red(aka the hole). You can thank the taxpayers of Utah for your nice facilities, not the slip renters. Dave Jensen Gary Topping wrote: > Gene, > > I'll be happy to attend any meeting you put together regarding dock replacement. Since we are one of the few state parks that actually turns a profit, we should have good leverage to insist upon getting the most for our money. > > Gary Topping > D-48 > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gary Topping" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 16 Jun 2000 20:19:27 -0600 Dave, All I know is what the rangers told us at the slip renters' meeting last = year. Were you there? You should have expressed your objections to them, = not me. Nobody else objected, so I took the statement as fact. Gary * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 16 Jun 2000 22:47:00 -0600 Gary Topping wrote: > > Dave, > > All I know is what the rangers told us at the slip renters' meeting > last year. Were you there? You should have expressed your objections > to them, not me. Nobody else objected, so I took the statement as fact. The math is pretty simple. Rounding off grossly to make it easy, 300 slips at $100/month is $30,000 per month, or $360,000 per year. If the Rangers make an average of $40,000 per year with benefits, that's about $68,000 per Ranger "burdened" salary cost, so your slip rental hires 5.3 Rangers and pays for no repair, upkeep, or equipment. While I don't doubt the Marina makes more money than any other in the State Park system, it's very unlikely to be profitable. To many, this would be a good argument for getting rid of it or privatizing it. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 18 Jun 2000 19:09:49 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BFD958.C60C2F60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Gene and all Concerned Does the marina make a profit from slip rental?=20 I would exclude any development costs for existing facilities. This to = me is a non-issue. The Department of Parks and Recreation builds = facilities for the enjoyment of the public all over. These are usually = special interest, based on the recreation available at that site.=20 (How much does a good lighted baseball field cost with stadium seats, = lavatories, and concession stands. This would include maintenance for = watering, lawn mowing, electricity and repairs all for a 4-5 month = season!) Do the ball teams pay to play? We are in a State Park developed for the enjoyment of one of Utah's = "Greatest Natural Phenomena."=20 On the average we are paying close to private marina rates from what I = experienced when I had my boat in Southern California. There I had full = time security, private parking, year round water, electricity and = optional phone hook-up, plus private, locked showers and bathrooms.So, = In my mind we have a publicly tax funded State Park Facility. We pay = competitive slip fees and we have unsafe docks with minimal service. How = many toilet seats are there per resident in the restrooms? Would the = small number of bathroom stalls be illegal in any other public site?.How = many showers? Do you have to share a water faucet with your neighbor? or = 4 neighbors? The dock conditions seem to be stressing a few boat owners and the = concern is not being directed in the right place. I saw a boat come in = to it's slip this last weekend and so many party goers where standing on = the slip renters dock that he was worried they would break it because = they were standing on worn boards! He was angry at the party goers, not = the condition of the facilities! I think that we are lucky to have the opportunity to be in a publicly = owned State Park but we need to expect more than we are getting. We do = pay a premium per boat for the privilege and we should expect to be = listened to when we have concerns! Kelly=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0015_01BFD958.C60C2F60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =FF=FE<=00!=00D=00O=00C=00T=00Y=00P=00E=00 =00H=00T=00M=00L=00 = =00P=00U=00B=00L=00I=00C=00 = =00"=00-=00/=00/=00W=003=00C=00/=00/=00D=00T=00D=00 =00H=00T=00M=00L=00 = =004=00.=000=00 = =00T=00r=00a=00n=00s=00i=00t=00i=00o=00n=00a=00l=00/=00/=00E=00N=00"=00>=00= =0D=00=0A= =00<=00H=00T=00M=00L=00>=00<=00H=00E=00A=00D=00>=00=0D=00=0A= =00<=00M=00E=00T=00A=00 = =00c=00o=00n=00t=00e=00n=00t=00=3D=00"=00t=00e=00x=00t=00/=00h=00t=00m=00= l=00;=00 = =00c=00h=00a=00r=00s=00e=00t=00=3D=00u=00n=00i=00c=00o=00d=00e=00"=00 = =00h=00t=00t=00p=00-=00e=00q=00u=00i=00v=00=3D=00C=00o=00n=00t=00e=00n=00= t=00-=00T=00y=00p=00e=00>=00=0D=00=0A= =00<=00M=00E=00T=00A=00 = =00c=00o=00n=00t=00e=00n=00t=00=3D=00"=00M=00S=00H=00T=00M=00L=00 = =005=00.=000=000=00.=002=007=002=002=00.=002=008=000=000=00"=00 = 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"unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: (utah-sailing) Music At SailFest 2000 Date: 18 Jun 2000 19:53:42 MST To whom it may concern: Please let the band who played long into the night, know that they were v= ery much appreciated. What good music. All band members clicked. Mustang Sally.....a favorite. It was alot of work. I hope the band enjoyed themselves. As well, what a great time. A warm thank you to those people involved in = the work of Sailfest. I admire your work that is so visible to us all. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 19 Jun 2000 09:47:07 -0700 I've been told by other Park Service folks that it is the only park that: 'brings in more $ than goes out' At 22:47 6/16/0 -0600, Wes Peters wrote: >Gary Topping wrote: > >While I don't doubt the Marina makes more money than any other in the >State Park system, it's very unlikely to be profitable. To many, this >would be a good argument for getting rid of it or privatizing it. Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Justin Lee Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake South Marina Date: 19 Jun 2000 10:18:25 -0600 This thread is very interesting...I've heard the same comments about the Bear Lake State Park as well??? I've also seen the 1999 Financials for that park & they were in the black. Perhaps large marina's are simply more profitable than other types of parks? > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:47 AM > To: > Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Concerning the Great Salt Lake > South Marina > > > I've been told by other Park Service folks that it is the > only park that: > 'brings in more $ than goes out' > > > At 22:47 6/16/0 -0600, Wes Peters wrote: > >Gary Topping wrote: > > > > >While I don't doubt the Marina makes more money than any other in the > >State Park system, it's very unlikely to be profitable. To > many, this > >would be a good argument for getting rid of it or privatizing it. > > > Sandy > > > Sanford Meek > Dept. of Mechanical Engineering > University of Utah > (801)581-8562 > > > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). > * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: (utah-sailing) C25/250 Nationals, and marina commentary Date: 19 Jun 2000 18:30:26 -0700 First I am writing to thank everyone who worked hard to bring the Catalina 25/250 nationals to the GSL this year as a part of Sailfest. I, for one, had a great time. And thanks to all who contributed with their time, services, and participation. It was nice to see many of you during my brief trip back to Salt Lake. I've also noticed the discussion on this list regarding the profitability of marinas. I don't know whether the slip fees cover the expenses at the GSL South Shore marina or not. But for what its worth, the Tamahawk Bay Marina at Jansten Beach on Hayden Island in the middle of the Columbia River at the north side of Portland, Oregon charges $117/month for a slip up to 26'. Electrical is extra, and is actually metered. You pay the local electric company $5.00/month for the meter, plus whatever electricity you use. Water is on year-round and each slip shares a hose with only one other slip. The docks are protected via key-card locks integrated into substantial gates with kiosk-like structures. Restrooms are fairly large, and there are several showers. Trailer storage costs extra, and larger slips are proportionately more expensive. The Tamahawk Bay marina is privately owned and operated, so I doubt that there are any tax-payer subsidies involved. From the looks of it, it houses approximately twice as many boats as the GSL marina. Basically, if you compare the slip fees for a 25' boat without shore power on the GSL with the same arrangement in Portland, you're going to pay about $17.00/month more in Portland. Considering the state-of- the-art gates, superior quality docks, larger restrooms/showers, and the generally more inflated economy of Portland it seems very reasonable to only pay $17/month more here (in Portland) than there (in Salt Lake City). If you compare the same boat length and add in shore power you would pay a minimum of $122.00 in Portland (117 + 5.00 meter cost), and probably more like $125.00. Compare that to $112.50 for the same boat length and shore power in the GSL marina and the price difference really is only $12.50. So if this privately-owned marina can afford to exist with superior facilities, in a much higher-rent chunk of real estate, at only slightly higher monthly rates, it's surprising and alarming to hear that the GSL South Shore marina must turn to tax-payer subsidies to survive. Of course I can't presume to know the entire story. Tamahawk Bay Marina may be on the verge of bankrupcy for all I know, or living off of a 30 year mortgage. But it's still food for thought. Dave -- David Oswald * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) C25/250 Nationals, and marina commentary Date: 20 Jun 2000 00:09:56 -0600 David Oswald wrote: > > So if this privately-owned marina can afford to exist with superior > facilities, in a much higher-rent chunk of real estate, at only > slightly higher monthly rates, it's surprising and alarming to hear > that the GSL South Shore marina must turn to tax-payer subsidies to > survive. > > Of course I can't presume to know the entire story. Tamahawk Bay > Marina may be on the verge of bankrupcy for all I know, or living off > of a 30 year mortgage. But it's still food for thought. The difference being they probably didn't have to dredge the marina and build the breakwall, right? The Marina dJinni lived at in Seattle (Aqua Marina on Spinnaker Bay) was also about the same price as GSL, but it was a simple log-boom enclosure on Lake Washington. The manager told me their only profit came from the fuel dock. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Oswald" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) C25/250 Nationals, and marina commentary Date: 20 Jun 2000 01:05:12 -0700 On 20 Jun 2000, at 0:09, Wes Peters wrote the following in regards to: Re: (utah-sailing) C25/250 Nationals, and marina : > David Oswald wrote: > > > > So if this privately-owned marina can afford to exist with superior > > facilities, in a much higher-rent chunk of real estate, at only > > slightly higher monthly rates, it's surprising and alarming to hear > > that the GSL South Shore marina must turn to tax-payer subsidies to > > survive. > > > > Of course I can't presume to know the entire story. Tamahawk Bay > > Marina may be on the verge of bankrupcy for all I know, or living off > > of a 30 year mortgage. But it's still food for thought. > > The difference being they probably didn't have to dredge the marina and > build the breakwall, right? The Marina dJinni lived at in Seattle (Aqua > Marina on Spinnaker Bay) was also about the same price as GSL, but it was > a simple log-boom enclosure on Lake Washington. The manager told me their > only profit came from the fuel dock. > That's a good point, and as I mentioned I don't know all the factors involved. ...and to the credit of those who oprate the GSL marina, I've always considered it a great value. The Tamahawk Bay marina in Portland probably didn't require dredging, and if it did, that was probably done and paid for a century ago by the river-freight companies. By the way, i'm still looking for the right deal on a catalina 22 or other similar trailer-sailer-cruiser. If anyone hears of something let me know. Dave -- David Oswald * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Piqa Subject: (utah-sailing) General Information Date: 20 Jun 2000 08:12:53 -0600 ?Utah-Sailing Email List Information ***** Please Retain this Message!!! **** This email message is an update and reminder of various aspects of email lists in general, and specifically the utah-sailing email list. This will be sent out periodically for new members and old members alike. A few notes to remember when using an email list: 1. Please make sure that your email client is sending messages in a traditional text format; html email or other rich text styling only works on some email clients and would be a distraction to those who use traditional email software. 2. Please make sure you are posting to the correct address with the email address you have subscribed with. If you try to post with another email address, your message will not be posted. Rather, it will be bounced to the list administrator and you may receive a personal email with more information. 3. Please DO NOT forward on general information types of mails to the list such as virus warnings, boycott issues, or other such emails which may or may not have any basis in reality. 4. If you change email addresses, please remember to unsubscribe with your old address and resubscribe with your new address. 5. For the subscribe/unsubscribe form, please visit the web page located at: 6. For communicating with majordomo, remember the following points: To post to the list, mail to: For subscribing, unsubscribing, and other majordomo commands (info, help, etc): To contact the list administrator, email: * * * To Unsubscribe * * * To unsubscribe from this list send email to: with "unsubscribe utah-sailing" in the body of the message. (don't include the quotes, and do remove the subject all signatures) Please do NOT send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to This is the list address and everyone on the list will receive your unsubscribe request. Thanks for being on the list! Cynthia S. or or Catalina 22, Moon Shine, #5315 Great Salt Lake Marina -- "What does that mean?" "It means the Matrix cannot tell you who you are." ICQ #10306498 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: (utah-sailing) Memerial Weekend Cruise Date: 20 Jun 2000 20:51:01 -0600 I am in need of some photos fro the upcoming Brine Flyer to go with an article about the Memorial Weekend Cruise. Please email a photo.jpg if you have one. _____________________________________________________ Darin Christensen Editor GSLYC Brine Flyer email: * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Memerial Weekend Cruise Date: 21 Jun 2000 00:04:55 EDT i will try to get some to you soon... I have not processed/printed all that film yet. T. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: lonepeak Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) C25/250 Nationals, and marina commentary Date: 21 Jun 2000 20:30:55 -0600 Dear Dave, We brought our boat, Comes A Time, from Tomahawk Bay Marina, 2 years ago. You forgot to mention the lovely and well maintained cement docks, the dock carts for all to use, and the cafe's in the area. There are also a number of boat repair shops in the immediate area, as well as a boat broker. The better deal is definately in Portland, but, hope springs eternal.... Cathy Schoney, I dock. David Oswald wrote: > First I am writing to thank everyone who worked hard to bring the > Catalina 25/250 nationals to the GSL this year as a part of Sailfest. > I, for one, had a great time. And thanks to all who contributed > with their time, services, and participation. It was nice to see > many of you during my brief trip back to Salt Lake. > > I've also noticed the discussion on this list regarding the > profitability of marinas. I don't know whether the slip fees cover > the expenses at the GSL South Shore marina or not. But for what its > worth, the Tamahawk Bay Marina at Jansten Beach on Hayden Island in > the middle of the Columbia River at the north side of Portland, > Oregon charges $117/month for a slip up to 26'. Electrical is extra, > and is actually metered. You pay the local electric company > $5.00/month for the meter, plus whatever electricity you use. Water > is on year-round and each slip shares a hose with only one other > slip. The docks are protected via key-card locks integrated into > substantial gates with kiosk-like structures. Restrooms are fairly > large, and there are several showers. Trailer storage costs extra, > and larger slips are proportionately more expensive. The Tamahawk > Bay marina is privately owned and operated, so I doubt that there are > any tax-payer subsidies involved. From the looks of it, it houses > approximately twice as many boats as the GSL marina. > > Basically, if you compare the slip fees for a 25' boat without shore > power on the GSL with the same arrangement in Portland, you're going > to pay about $17.00/month more in Portland. Considering the state-of- > the-art gates, superior quality docks, larger restrooms/showers, and > the generally more inflated economy of Portland it seems very > reasonable to only pay $17/month more here (in Portland) than there > (in Salt Lake City). > > If you compare the same boat length and add in shore power you would > pay a minimum of $122.00 in Portland (117 + 5.00 meter cost), and > probably more like $125.00. Compare that to $112.50 for the same > boat length and shore power in the GSL marina and the price > difference really is only $12.50. > > So if this privately-owned marina can afford to exist with superior > facilities, in a much higher-rent chunk of real estate, at only > slightly higher monthly rates, it's surprising and alarming to hear > that the GSL South Shore marina must turn to tax-payer subsidies to > survive. > > Of course I can't presume to know the entire story. Tamahawk Bay > Marina may be on the verge of bankrupcy for all I know, or living off > of a 30 year mortgage. But it's still food for thought. > > Dave > -- > David Oswald > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) TWO GREAT CRUISING WEEKENDS Date: 21 Jun 2000 23:16:24 EDT GET OUT YOUR STERN MOUNT BBQ'S AND ROLLER FURLING BECAUSE WE HAVE TWO STRAIGHT WEEKENDS OF CRUISING COMMING UP: JUNE-24-25 IS THE COKE CUP - RACE UP TO ANTELOPE ISLAND AND CRUISE BACK SUNDAY ( OR CRUISE BOTH WAYS). THERE IS A COFFEE AND BAGEL BREAKFAST PLANNED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, AND A LUNCH TIME RAFTUP FOR THE RETURN TRIP SUNDAY AT SPLIT ROCK BAY. THIS RACE / CRUISE IS ALWAYS LOTS OF FUN SO BE THERE! JULY 1-2-3-4 IS THE GREAT SALT LAKE CIRCUMNAVIGATION CRUISE. IF YOU ONLY DO ONE CRUISE THIS YEAR THIS IS THE ONE! WE WILL CRUISE THE LAKE IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION GOING NORTH UP STANSBURY AND CARRINGTON ISLAND , THEN TO LAKESIDE - FREMONT - ANTELOPE AND BACK TO THE SOUTH MARINA. LOAD UP ON CRUISING GEAR AND WATER TOYS AND JOIN US FOR THE KICKOFF MEETING 10:00 AM SATURDAY MORNING AT THE Y.C. questions contact * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Piqa Subject: (utah-sailing) [Fwd: Liquid water on Mars] Date: 22 Jun 2000 07:25:08 -0600 -------- Original Message -------- Reply-To: The following will be covered live at the Hansen Planetarium: NASA PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW TO DISCUSS NEW IMAGES SUGGESTING PRESENT-DAY SOURCES OF LIQUID WATER ON MARS NASA will hold a press conference tomorrow, Thursday, June 22, at 11 a.m. EDT, to discuss the recent discovery of evidence of liquid water on Mars using NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, with a paper to be published in the June 30 issue of Science magazine. Because some press reports over the past two days on the subject have been incorrect in significant areas, NASA has arranged to hold the press conference earlier than originally planned so that the Principal Investigators, Drs. Michael Malin and Ken Edgett, can discuss their findings in person. Also, Science Magazine will release the paper at 10 a.m. EDT tomorrow in advance of the press conference. The briefing will be held at the James E. Webb Auditorium at NASA Headquarters, 300 E St., SW, Washington, DC. Panelists will be: * Dr. Ed Weiler, Associate Administrator, Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC * Dr. Michael Malin, principal investigator for the Mars Orbiter Camera on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), San Diego, CA * Dr. Ken Edgett, staff scientist at MSSS and co-author of the paper in Science * Dr. Mike Carr, Planetary Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA * Dr. Bruce Jakosky, Director, Center for Astrobiology, University of Colorado, Boulder * Dr. Jim Garvin, Mars Program Scientist, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC NASA Television is broadcast on GE-2, transponder 9C located at 85 degrees West longitude, with vertical polarization. Frequency is on 3880.0 MHz, with audio on 6.8 MHz. Reporters also can listen to the press conference by calling: 321/867-1220, 321/867-1240, 321/867-1260, 321/867-7135, 321/867-4920, 321/867-4003. - end - * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) [Fwd: Liquid water on Mars] Date: 22 Jun 2000 13:11:58 -0600 Piqa wrote: > > The following will be covered live at the Hansen Planetarium: > > NASA PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW TO DISCUSS NEW IMAGES > SUGGESTING PRESENT-DAY SOURCES OF LIQUID WATER ON MARS > > NASA will hold a press conference tomorrow, Thursday, June > 22, at 11 a.m. EDT, to discuss the recent discovery of evidence > of liquid water on Mars Keep in mind the air on Mars is very thin, so sails for this lake will need to be BIG. Also, due to the low gravity, boats will float very high on their lines and will need to be designed with less freeboard. Sounds like heaven for some smug Olson 30 sailors I know. ;^) -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: Re: [Re: (utah-sailing) [Fwd: Liquid water on Mars]] Date: 22 Jun 2000 13:12:48 MST WES, That was so funny to read your post. I belong to a book group on line and= we have just finished reading Bradbury's, The Martian Chornicles. We have ma= ny "heavy" discussions of Mars infiltration supossibilities. Your's was a reprieve. = :) =46rom the bookgroup: Excellent Post! Look at us, sending oodles of emails back and forth chastising our own imperial methods , as shown in the pages of MC. We (mostly) agree that Bradbury = was writing about the arrogance of humans. Then we read about puddles on Mars and I dont even THINK about everythi= ng we have justed talked about. In my mind it was a forgone, unquestioned conclusion that "We need to get there and scoop up some of these little ET nematod= es and bring them to Earth to marvel at" (if there are any) All of these emails we have written, and it didnt even dawn on me to consider if we SHOULD. What will we plunder? What will be destroyed? In reality, probably not much. But geez I hadnt even questioned. Sam I am = >>> L E Sammel 06/22/00 12:53PM >>> Hi, I guess this is where my contempt for human beings comes through but yo= u are right, of course, Suzanne. Interestingly enough, though, have you watch= ed the news again today? Everyone is talking about how water on Mars means the= re would be hydration and oxygen for human explorers, without a single word abou= t the impact of exploration on any life already there! Idiots or no? Leah _______________________________________________________________________= $1 million in prizes! 20 daily instant winners. = AltaVista Rewards: Click here to win! = = _______________________________________________________________________= ------------------------Administrative-Notes---------------------------= ---- To post a message to Book Group send to: = To unsubscribe send to: = body of message: unsubscribe bookgroup body of message for digest version: unsubscribe bookgroup-digest The Official Bookgroup Website is: = ------------------------Administrative-Notes---------------------------= ---- To post a message to Book Group send to: To unsubscribe send to: body of message: unsubscribe bookgroup body of message for digest version: unsubscribe bookgroup-digest The Official Bookgroup Website is: Wes Peters wrote: Piqa wrote: > = > The following will be covered live at the Hansen Planetarium: > = > NASA PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW TO DISCUSS NEW IMAGES > SUGGESTING PRESENT-DAY SOURCES OF LIQUID WATER ON MARS > = > NASA will hold a press conference tomorrow, Thursday, June > 22, at 11 a.m. EDT, to discuss the recent discovery of evidence > of liquid water on Mars Keep in mind the air on Mars is very thin, so sails for this lake will = need to be BIG. Also, due to the low gravity, boats will float very high on their lines and will need to be designed with less freeboard. Sounds like heaven for some smug Olson 30 sailors I know. ;^) -- = "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softwe= yr LLC = * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) Coca-Cola Cup Race Date: 22 Jun 2000 15:19:16 -0600 Appologies to all. We've been remiss in not publishing details of the upcomming Coca-Cola Cup GSLYC offshore race on the Great Salt Lake. It's been such a popular event that I guess we've just assumed everyone would know about the race and its format. Anyway, here (beter late than never) are the particulars. Where: Great Salt Lake, Utah Skippers' Meeting: 0830 at the South Marina Pavilion Race Start: 1000 (Sequence starts at 0950 - conditions permitting. One start for all fleets.) Course: South Marina to Antelope Island Marina (course diagrams will be issued at the Skippers' Meeting) Trophies: Coca-Cola Cup Perpetual Trophies for first place on corrected time in A, B and C fleets. Offshore Series Points: Single weighted Day Fee: GLSYC & USSailing - $20 GSLYC & Non-USSailing - $25 Non-GSLYC & USSailing - $25 Non-GSLYC & Non-USSailing - $30 (Included in Season fee or Offshore Series fee) Plan to spend the night at the North Marina and cruise back south on Sunday. Join the ad hoc festivities Saturday night at the docks and the continental breakfast Sunday morning. A lunch time raft-up in Split Rock Bay is planned for the Sunday cruise. (See Tim Adams' "Two Great Cruising Weekends" e-mail for cruise details.) See you Saturday! GSLYC RC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 12:02:56 MST If we are looking at revisions for the South marina how about adding a we= b cam to keep track of our docks from afar. = Rough understanding of initial cost for hardware is $500. To add a pan/ti= lt cam is perhaps another $500. We would need a pan/tilt to see both ends fr= om atop the "clubhouse". = All things are possible. = Wouldn't you want to know the conditions of your little harbor on the "s= ea"? ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 13:21:21 -0600 I'm in favor of that but want we all be fighting for the pan and tilt controls? Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Quigley, Chris" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 14:21:25 -0500 How about local wind speed and direction while we're going that far? -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 1:03 PM If we are looking at revisions for the South marina how about adding a web cam to keep track of our docks from afar. Rough understanding of initial cost for hardware is $500. To add a pan/tilt cam is perhaps another $500. We would need a pan/tilt to see both ends from atop the "clubhouse". All things are possible. Wouldn't you want to know the conditions of your little harbor on the "sea"? ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "kellycpi" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 13:38:34 -0600 Another good idea! Kelly Ragsdale * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 13:48:36 -0600 "Quigley, Chris" wrote: > > How about local wind speed and direction while we're going that far? Simple enough to do. I can provide the instruments once we have a PC that is web-connected. > From: Heidi Solstad [] > > If we are looking at revisions for the South marina how about adding a web > cam > to keep track of our docks from afar. > > Rough understanding of initial cost for hardware is $500. To add a pan/tilt > cam is perhaps another $500. We would need a pan/tilt to see both ends from > atop the "clubhouse". Nah. If we have a PC that can already periodically "publish" to a web page, we can put a pair of USB cameras on it for about $65 each. We point one at each end of the marina, aim them as best we can, and call it good. If people get excited and start really using it, we can use the web cam page to collect donations for a more grandiose setup. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 13:51:14 -0600 Hi Chris, Are you suggesting a little anemometer and flag that you can look at with the camera? Or something more sophisticated? ;-) Paul "Quigley, Chris" wrote: > > How about local wind speed and direction while we're going that far? > > -----Original Message----- > From: Heidi Solstad [] > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 1:03 PM > To: > Subject: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion > > If we are looking at revisions for the South marina how about adding a web > cam > to keep track of our docks from afar. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Quigley, Chris" Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion Date: 23 Jun 2000 15:22:33 -0500 That would work...But aren't we already monitoring this in the ranger office on a digital display? We could take the output and tie it into a internet connection somehow. Is the ranger's PC connected to the internet? -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 1:51 PM Hi Chris, Are you suggesting a little anemometer and flag that you can look at with the camera? Or something more sophisticated? ;-) Paul "Quigley, Chris" wrote: > > How about local wind speed and direction while we're going that far? > > -----Original Message----- > From: Heidi Solstad [] > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 1:03 PM > To: > Subject: (utah-sailing) Serious Suggestion > > If we are looking at revisions for the South marina how about adding a web > cam > to keep track of our docks from afar. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: (utah-sailing) Local Wind Speed,Direction & More Date: 23 Jun 2000 19:49:11 MST "Quigley, Chris" wrote: > = > How about local wind speed and direction while we're going that far? FYI: Here is the weather station sites around the lake that Bob has shown me t= o look upon for updates from home. Now, I want live pictures...visual gal. = Heidi ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kellan Hatch" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) [Fwd: Liquid water on Mars] Date: 23 Jun 2000 21:55:58 -0600 But the wind speed gets over 200 mph! ----- Original Message ----- > > Keep in mind the air on Mars is very thin, so sails for this lake will > need to be BIG. Also, due to the low gravity, boats will float very > high on their lines and will need to be designed with less freeboard. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) Marina Wind Speed and Direction Date: 23 Jun 2000 14:59:27 -0600 There are available fairly current wind speed and direction data for the marina on the web. The address is This site displays a MESO map of the Wasatch Front with weather recording stations shown as circles or triangles with wind arrows and recent weather data numbers. Clicking on a site brings up a tabular history of the weather readings for many previous hours in a window below the map. The site at the marina is called Magna Beach (AIRQ.MAGNA_beach.html) and it records wind speed, direction and temperature at half hour intervals. It is located on the map at about the junction of I-80 and SR 201 (21st. South). Other sites of interest around the lake are Hat Island and Antelope Island State Park. Moving the cursor over a site display the site name/address at the bottom of the window. You can go directly to the Magna Beach tabular data (without the map) by entering in the internet address field... Some days (like today) the data is not updated regurlarly, but most of the time it's about a half hour behind. Check it out! Bryant Pratt * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Todd Frye Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) C25/250 Nationals, and marina commentary Date: 26 Jun 2000 10:39:37 -0600 I noticed your post on the Catalina 25 Nationals. Do you know if there are = published results on this race? I have gone to the logical sites but had = no luck. Maybe it takes time. Thank you, Todd Frye * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert McClane Subject: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 11:31:40 -0600 Regression of the species.... Yesterday at the GSL marina, a woman was cleaning her portapotty ON THE DOCK! When we questioned the sensibility of that since lots of us run around barefoot, she said she already had dumped it but it now had to be rinsed out. The woman proceeded to hose out the remaining contents pouring the stuff not into the lake, but onto a dock finger (not hers naturally, but the one across the dock). The dock finger is now decorated with gobs of dried toilet paper. Is the walk to the bathroom really that far? Keep your shoes on! Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: Re: [(utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step!] Date: 26 Jun 2000 10:50:31 MST Robert, A former Public Health Nurse, myself, believes this woman should recieve = a letter from the Park Ranger. Since I did not see the dumping take place f= irst hand, please let the Park Ranger know of this behavior. = If I had seen it happen, I would ask the Ranger to address it directly t= o this person. = Robert McClane wrote: Regression of the species.... Yesterday at the GSL marina, a woman was cleaning her portapotty ON THE DOCK! When we questioned the sensibility of that since lots of us run around barefoot, she said she already had dumped it but it now had to be rinsed out. The woman proceeded to hose out the remaining contents pouri= ng the stuff not into the lake, but onto a dock finger (not hers naturally, but the one across the dock). The dock finger is now decorated with gobs= of dried toilet paper. Is the walk to the bathroom really that far? Keep your shoes on! Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 11:59:29 -0600 I hope someone gave Mr. Ranger information so she could receive instruction on appropriate use of the facilities. Who knows... the right ranger may have something else to offer her... like a TICKET! I don't like to encourage tattling... but this is GROSS. I think this woman needs a talking to from someone with the authority to do something about it. Thanks for the warning! Paul Doubek Robert McClane wrote: > > Regression of the species.... > > Yesterday at the GSL marina, a woman was cleaning her portapotty ON THE > DOCK! When we questioned the sensibility of that since lots of us run > around barefoot, she said she already had dumped it but it now had to be > rinsed out. The woman proceeded to hose out the remaining contents pouring > the stuff not into the lake, but onto a dock finger (not hers naturally, > but the one across the dock). The dock finger is now decorated with gobs > of dried toilet paper. Is the walk to the bathroom really that far? > > Keep your shoes on! > > Robert W. McClane > Dixon Laser Institute > University of Utah > > 801-581-7001 Phone > 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sanford Meek) Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 14:28:12 -0700 At 11:31 6/26/0 -0600, Robert McClane wrote: >Regression of the species.... > >Yesterday at the GSL marina, a woman was cleaning her portapotty ON THE >DOCK! When we questioned the sensibility of that since lots of us run >around barefoot, she said she already had dumped it but it now had to be >rinsed out. The woman proceeded to hose out the remaining contents pouring >the stuff not into the lake, but onto a dock finger (not hers naturally, >but the one across the dock). The dock finger is now decorated with gobs >of dried toilet paper. Is the walk to the bathroom really that far? > >Keep your shoes on! I think I'll wear my chest waders next time launching!!!! Sandy Sanford Meek Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Utah (801)581-8562 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 16:35:25 EDT Robert, Talk about our neighborhood going to hell.... As a concerned 'C' dock citizen I have fwd your post to Capt. Dunk, Crunch, I mean Ranger Bob. Maybe we could use her cockpit for our pota-potty dumps, it would sure save us the looonnng walk to the bathrooms. Hey, how about writing a quick note RE this subject for the upcoming Brine Flyer? No photos please. Send it to Darin. Washing my feet, Terry * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Jensen Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 14:44:27 -0600 Now I know, why I sail at all the local fresh water lakes. Dave Jensen PS: I forwarded this information on to Utah Parks and Recreation. My brother is some sort of a smuchky muck there. I think he even writes a ticket occasionally. LOL Sanford Meek wrote: > At 11:31 6/26/0 -0600, Robert McClane wrote: > >Regression of the species.... > > > >Yesterday at the GSL marina, a woman was cleaning her portapotty ON THE > >DOCK! When we questioned the sensibility of that since lots of us run > >around barefoot, she said she already had dumped it but it now had to be > >rinsed out. The woman proceeded to hose out the remaining contents pouring > >the stuff not into the lake, but onto a dock finger (not hers naturally, > >but the one across the dock). The dock finger is now decorated with gobs > >of dried toilet paper. Is the walk to the bathroom really that far? > > > >Keep your shoes on! > > I think I'll wear my chest waders next time launching!!!! > > Sandy > > Sanford Meek > Dept. of Mechanical Engineering > University of Utah > (801)581-8562 > > > * To unsubscribe send email to with > * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wes Peters Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 17:18:59 -0600 Paul Doubek wrote: > > I hope someone gave Mr. Ranger information so she could receive > instruction on appropriate use of the facilities. Who knows... the right > ranger may have something else to offer her... like a TICKET! I don't > like to encourage tattling... but this is GROSS. I think this woman > needs a talking to from someone with the authority to do something about > it. And a nightstick to back it up. If this was on 'I' dock, I need to hear about it, my little girl was running around barefoot on I dock Saturday morning and afternoon. This also raises another good point: get to know your neighbors at the marina. I find I can sometimes help them locate a good store, or perhaps the occasional dab of elbow grease, while they can often help me with a dock line or a sail folding. You can also keep track of what's happening around your boat by plugging into the dock gossip. -- "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softweyr LLC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert McClane Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 17:58:01 -0600 Wes Peters wrote: > >And a nightstick to back it up. If this was on 'I' dock, I need to >hear about it, my little girl was running around barefoot on I dock >Saturday morning and afternoon. > You are safe on I dock, unless the plague against common sense spreads. This is on C dock, around C-11 or C-13 or so. Just look for bits of toilet paper stuck to the dock. The offending boater is on the other side. I won't name boats at this point - they know who they are and they don't care, or at least did not when questioned about their actions. Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Liberty Park BBQ July 8 Date: 26 Jun 2000 22:18:38 EDT The GSLYC invites All Sailors (and their friends) to: Saturday in the Park! =20 July 8th at Liberty Park=20 4:00 to Late (BBQ/Potluck at 6:00 -after the women's sailing day) Potluck, BBQ & Frolicking at Liberty Park=20 Open to everyone! No membership required! =20 Join your sailing friends at Liberty Park's Rice Terrace (NE corner of park) Frisbee Golf! Volleyball! Fly a kite! Feed the ducks!=20 Watch the birds at Tracy Aviary! Play soccer, football=20 or just plan to kick back and relax! Bring your toys! =20 -Nonmembers and other sailing clubs welcomed! Come hang in the shade! -The YC will supply and grill Burgers & Dogs! (including meatless type - excluding 4 legged type) =20 -We'll also supply drinks (legal type) & eating hardware. =20 Please bring a potluck side-dish to share!=20 Details: - GSLYC Members: $2.-person/ $5.-immediate family (W/out BBQ stuff-free) =20 Nonmembers: $3.- person / $10.- immediate family (W/out BBQ stuff-$1.00) (This will help cover the costs of food, drinks, supplies, park rental,=20 etc.) -No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the park so we cannot let anyone see=20 them=E2=80=A6 I mean we cannot bring them into the park. -Please respect the law and deal with it accordingly. =20 -Please pick up after yourself, your kids and your pets! Keep it clean! -Dogs are allowed in the park but MUST remain on a leash.=20 ??'s Contact Terry Martin 364-8217 or Print this so you will remember the when's, where's, what's and who's!!=20 Please offer to help setup, cleanup, or cook-up, I have enough drink-ups=20 already! This is your club so please pitch in and help if you can. Thanks, T.=20 (this notice should be of interest to all sailors and their friends, if not=20 please forgive the intrusion into your computer space.)=20 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eugene Morgan Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 26 Jun 2000 20:07:47 -0700 Please, Please, Please, Please give the necessary information to Ranger Bob! If you don't come forward and specifically identify the offender, the time, the date, and the place then there is little that can be done! I sincerely hope you got more involved than just posting to the list. It's good I didn't see it, I might have reacted badly in my disgust...... If law enforcement won't deal with it once the information is provided then other measures can be tried. This is despicable and reflects on us all badly. My heart is saddened that we have such thoughtless creatures among us. I also think you should publicly identify the boat and that we should post signs and warnings. This person will hopefully think twice about doing it again. Please excuse my outrage! em -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 11:32 AM Regression of the species.... Yesterday at the GSL marina, a woman was cleaning her portapotty ON THE DOCK! When we questioned the sensibility of that since lots of us run around barefoot, she said she already had dumped it but it now had to be rinsed out. The woman proceeded to hose out the remaining contents pouring the stuff not into the lake, but onto a dock finger (not hers naturally, but the one across the dock). The dock finger is now decorated with gobs of dried toilet paper. Is the walk to the bathroom really that far? Keep your shoes on! Robert W. McClane Dixon Laser Institute University of Utah 801-581-7001 Phone 801-585-3098 FAX * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: (utah-sailing) Boston July 8th Date: 26 Jun 2000 20:41:16 MST hi all. i am going to boston for a few days on july 8th. i am sending my son to a= school for 6 weeks in prides crossing. north shore. i have one and half d= ay available to see.....salem, gloucester, rockport, marblehead...where all = the sailboats are as i understand. i am now thinking it might be more enjoya= ble to "charter" for a day as crew/company/tourist on a sailboat on the atlan= tic. i might prefer this over cruising in one day, an entire seaport town on f= oot or in car. i don't want to miss the ocean. = anyone have ideas? i have never been that far northeast. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Heidi Solstad Subject: Re: [Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step!] Date: 26 Jun 2000 21:21:07 MST I don't know about the night stick or police action.....but, we can get a webcam for Every dock. We could have caught Those web cams could keep track of our little harbors. = LOL. As an off topic from this thread, the point of webcam came to my attentio= n when one night, a Wednesday race night, where gusts of 45 and 60 came pillaging. A boat near ours on B dock snapped a line at it's stern. No sp= ring line. No one noticed. That boat was rocking right out of its slip and eventually could have kissed another boat hello, had the other very thin = stern line broke. It was only a matter of time. = The swaying in and out of the slip was evident from our position. This bo= at could have taken some damage since no one else meandered down to B that evening. We rendered one of our spare dock lines to this boat. I don't kn= ow if the Ranger can check on things regularly. I thought, it would be nice to visualize the safety of the boats while here at home. I mean, with Tornad= oes and all. ;) We might even catch someone "toliet paperin'"........ = Wishin' and hopin' Wes Peters wrote: Paul Doubek wrote: > = > I hope someone gave Mr. Ranger information so she could receive > instruction on appropriate use of the facilities. Who knows... the righ= t > ranger may have something else to offer her... like a TICKET! I don't > like to encourage tattling... but this is GROSS. I think this woman > needs a talking to from someone with the authority to do something abou= t > it. And a nightstick to back it up. If this was on 'I' dock, I need to = hear about it, my little girl was running around barefoot on I dock Saturday morning and afternoon. This also raises another good point: get to know your neighbors at the marina. I find I can sometimes help them locate a good store, or perhaps= the occasional dab of elbow grease, while they can often help me with = a dock line or a sail folding. You can also keep track of what's = happening around your boat by plugging into the dock gossip. -- = "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" Wes Peters Softwe= yr LLC = * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 27 Jun 2000 13:00:56 EDT My 2 cents....Forget about publically naming the offender or the boat. But DO give the info to ranger Bob * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) gps on gsl Date: 27 Jun 2000 15:34:20 EDT Do I recall that someone posted a web site that contains gps lat/lon coordinates for miscellaneous locations on the lake? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Doubek Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) gps on gsl Date: 27 Jun 2000 14:07:22 -0600 Try and the link to Gene's spreadsheet on the home page. Paul wrote: > > Do I recall that someone posted a web site that contains gps lat/lon > coordinates for miscellaneous locations on the lake? * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bob Rosell" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 27 Jun 2000 15:21:56 -0600 Just returned to my office and read all the vile e-mail. Here is a list = of things I can do (no pun intended) and why. I'd be more than happy to write a citation. However, since I didn't = witness it, someone who did witness it would need to sign as the complainan= t. That's basically the same thing as a citizens arrest. If it were to = go to court, then the complainant(s) would need to testify. As stated in = previous e-mails we would need to know who did what, when and where. I would also be more than happy to discuss this with the perpetrator = personally. Again I'd need to know the who, what, and wheres. Let me know what you think. My personal work e-mail is nrdpr.brosell@state= Bob * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bob Rosell" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Vile and despicable / watch your step! Date: 27 Jun 2000 15:21:56 -0600 Just returned to my office and read all the vile e-mail. Here is a list = of things I can do (no pun intended) and why. I'd be more than happy to write a citation. However, since I didn't = witness it, someone who did witness it would need to sign as the complainan= t. That's basically the same thing as a citizens arrest. If it were to = go to court, then the complainant(s) would need to testify. As stated in = previous e-mails we would need to know who did what, when and where. I would also be more than happy to discuss this with the perpetrator = personally. Again I'd need to know the who, what, and wheres. Let me know what you think. My personal work e-mail is nrdpr.brosell@state= Bob * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Piqa Subject: (utah-sailing) Women 2000 Date: 28 Jun 2000 12:35:30 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------A266AB9D241C24B302900145 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Women 2000 Thursday night June 29th is Sailing Practice. Meet at the marina 6- 6:30.....The last sail practice was Toole Twistered out, but this week look to be great. So come on out for an evening of sailing and fun. Wear non-marking shoes and bring your own water/beverages. SAILDAY Saturday July 8th 2000 and Sunday August 20th 2000 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM We should be off the water in plenty of time to attend SATURDAY IN THE PARK. at Liberty Park (see Terry's e-mail) PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED at least 1 week prior to Sailday Sailing Basic: will include learning to sail and getting familiar with the boat etc. Sailing: will include sail trim, motor operation, anchoring, saftey, reefing etc. Racing Basic: Start sequence, basic rules Intro to racing, etc. Advanced: Tactics, rules, getting good starts, etc. Registration Fee $6.00 member and $10.00 non-member Lunch will be provided. Registration Form is attached. Or call / e-mail Jana Morgan 801-621-2795 Wendy Smart 801-273-1579 --------------A266AB9D241C24B302900145 Content-Type: application/msword; name="sailday registration.doc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="sailday registration.doc" 0M8R4KGxGuEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPgADAP7/CQAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAKwAAAAAAAAAA EAAALQAAAAEAAAD+////AAAAACoAAAD///////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////s 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Supposed to go out tonight and I REALLY don't want to go dancing. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Question Date: 30 Jun 2000 12:22:00 -0600 Info on the G.S.L. cruises can be had at or contact Steve Ingram (operator) directly by e-mail at Bryant Pratt ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:12 AM | Does anyone know anything about dinner cruises on the Salt Lake? Supposed | to go out tonight and I REALLY don't want to go dancing. | | * To unsubscribe send email to with | * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). | | * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bob Rosell" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Question Date: 30 Jun 2000 16:47:38 -0600 The phone # is 252-9336 >>> Glen Martinsen 06/30/00 09:12AM >>> Does anyone know anything about dinner cruises on the Salt Lake? Supposed to go out tonight and I REALLY don't want to go dancing. * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes).