From: Ray Tostado Subject: (utah-sailing) Re: Nuts Date: 04 Jul 2000 20:43:19 -0700 Did I have fun; well let's see, my legs hurt so I must have had fun. Four straight days of being on a sailboat will put the knees and thighs to test. Actually I spent most of the time sitting or sleeping. Did not get a crew for the race, so Rocky and I headed to Catalina Island on Friday around noon. Sailed over in 5 hours and dropped an anchor way clear of the other boats in about 100 feet of water. Once I was satisfied the anchor was well set I got with getting my 10' rubber sailing rig ready for a sail to shore, about 1/2 mile. I managed to forget to slip the sail hoops over the lower mast section before dropping the mast in place so I had to remove it. Problem is that it would not come back out. In fact, I managed to break the step free of the base and then couldn't get it back into place. The wind was brisk and other boats were arriving which made the situation a little bumpy: like in, " bang, bounce, ouch, shit, bang, bounce, etc.. Time for a glass of wine. O'K, I'm ready now. Back into the dinghy with some tools. Man, didn't I just pump air into that right hull just half hour ago? It's like a limp, one of those. I pumped the air in and went back to getting the mast off. Ten minutes of this and I decided to motor in. I got the outboard attached and ready. Hell, the air is down again! More air. One more try at getting the mast off. Hey, it came right out when I smacked it with a crescent wrench. Man am I good. I'll pass on the sailing in, Rocky is getting kind of antsy, been seven hours for him on the boat. Gathered things up and ready to leave when I realized Rocky was staring at me from the cockpit. Now rock and roll gets to be real fun. Getting him into the boat is no abc job. (1.) he fell in the water about a month ago; (2.) he has a great memory; (3.) he really keeps telling me doesn't have to go, honestly, Dad, I'm fine. Well, we compromised. He promised not to stick his paw in my eye again, and I wouldn't tie an anchor to his 78# ass and pitch him into the water. At the dinghy dock the usual confusion reigned. The dock was three deep with 100 dinghies tied short to the dock, made for 65 dinghies, with no way to reach the rail. I looked things over then put the motor back into gear and grabbed a handful of throttle. No way were they going to keep me from getting Rocky on shore. People stopped in their tracks and watched me push the world aside and reach the dock at full throttle. They should appreciate the fact that I didn't take a run at the mess from about 20 feet out. I saw a guy do that one day. Impressive, to see him fly through the air and land atop three dinghies, reach down and tie off and walk calmly ashore. Once there things calmed down. I'm certain Rocky would have traded a year of life for one more nose. He was in dog heaven with the new and exciting smells he was discovering every ten feet. We went to the sand and pebble beach and played there a half hour. At first the sound of the splashing 6" surf spooked him. Eventually he got accustomed to the sound and the water chasing him back and forth. We went for a walk about a 1/4 mile over to the other side of the Isthmus, literally, the other side of the island. It was neat. We met other dogs and their owners. Everyone was in a good mood and smiles were everywhere. What a relief! Made the walk back and I fastened Rocky to a wooden rail fence. Great thought! A cold dry martini on the rocks. Some fresh scallops, rice, etc.. And there is no line at the restaurant yet. Perfect. Walked about four feet from the door and remembered I had forgotten to bring my money. It was safely stored in a water proof bag in the cabin. By the time I got back to the boat it was getting dark. As I approached my boat the motor quit. And the wind was blowing so that if I missed grabbing a hold I would be pushed out to open sea. I missed it by a mile. Now, it's getting dark and the wind is building. I grabbed an oar and started rowing with all my strength towards RUNAWAY. It never appeared to be a bad situation, just a nuisance. Five minutes and I was grabbing the rail and fastening the painter. Rocky was a different matter. I explained to him exactly how this was all going to happen. I would grab his sea harness with my left hand, his belly with my right and together he would jump onto the deck. Well, that promise to keep his paw out of my eye? He lied. He was quick to find a place on the deck that was furthest from the dinghy as possible. I went to the motor and gave it a few pulls. It started, and it ran. Maybe I didn't have to row back. I'll never know. By now I didn't care either. Going back for dinner with a handful of cash was out of the question. I was home for the night. The seaway was rocking and rolling pretty good. I opened a can of dehydrated soup, spilled a quart of water trying to fill the cup. Got the burner going and warmed what water was left in the pot. Time began to wind down for me. Everything began to happen in slow motion and I realized that I would have to let that happened if I wanted to sleep that night. It would predictably be rough, noisy, and moist. So what? I'm tough. I'm experienced. I'm stuck here. By midnight the water was calming down to a smooth roll. I was very proud of myself for accepting the noise of the rigging slamming inside the mast. Then the sound of passing boats became routine and welcomed, at least for then I could count to 10 and anticipated the sudden 30 degree whipping of their wake passing under me and shoving me into the sky 5 feet, then dropping me back with a 30 degree rock to the opposite side. I know I slept well. I told myself I would and I did. I'm certain I did. By sunrise the water was smooth. RUNAWAY's motion was reduced to a slight tug at the anchor now and then. A cup of coffee and we were ready for a early stroll on shore. As I looked down at the dinghy I counted the times I had pumped more air into it since we left shore that night. Once when we left shore, once on the way back, and once after I finished rowing. A full shape was lasting not more than 10 minutes, max. I filled it and reached for Rocky. I guess the realized the need to get ashore was mutual and he was almost helpful. The motor started, ran smooth and got us ashore in time for a duet. "Yours is over there, I'm going in here." We rejoined minutes later. The dog/owners were out in force this morning. It was only 7:30 am and half of the people on the island were walking their pooches. It was smile, sniff and salute every few feet. Today was going to be a carry over of the brief introduction to surf and ocean water. Rocky was up to the assignment. Inside of half an hour he was fetching his green tennis ball with total disregard to the small breaking waves and the sounds that they produced. Of course having a cocker spaniel for competition was some sort of inspiration. A feisty brown lady who absolutely loved the water. Rocky had to be quick or every ball was hers. this went on for nearly an hour with laughs and ruckus all the way. The beach is about 30 feet behind a row of some 25 boats and we had an audience all the time. Finally, out of exhaustion, we meandered back to the 1/4 mile hike and the other side of the island. It took only 20 minutes of rest and Rocky was back at running 50 yard sprints through the wild grass, dipping and turning all the way. In no time he had a new batch of play buddies who also loved the water. Cat harbor has no breaking wavelets so the sound was absent. This gave Rocky all the courage he needed. I began to throw the ball deeper and deeper into the water. Soon he was making 20 yard swims to fetch. If only I could have overcome all of my childhood inhibitions so easily as he did. So the net gain of the event is that Rocky now swims and fetches into deep water; breaking back with a grin, and a ball, on his face. We walked back and I was as tired as he was, just from watching and throwing the ball dozens of times. for me, breakfast was next. We walked back lazily, tired but happy. A few more buddies to sniff out and share a tail wag or two then we reached the village. I tied Rocky to a strong piling and I entered the restaurant. Then I remembered that again, I had forgotten to bring any money. I shook out my change pocket and managed a $1.50 for a single cup of coffee. After refilling the dinghy right hull with air I started the motor and we headed back to RUNAWAY, a half mile offshore, sitting alone, tugging softly at the anchor rode. We climbed aboard and I was 9/10s certain to grab some cash and head back for breakfast. The nearest boat was anchored 50 yards away. I felt safe with our position. I decided to make a free cup of coffee and by the time the water had boiled a 60' motor yacht arrived with 3 sports boats in tow. It belched smoke as the driver raced the engines in neutral. A lone figure walked to the bow and pulled a lever dropping, what I guess to be, 200' of anchor chain straight down in one heap below into the 100 foot water. And it was only 50' from RUNAWAY. Under no circumstances could I imagine that during the following days that big guy and I would not make contact. It was only a disaster waiting to happen. His 100k# against my 6k#. No contest. I had lost before the first volley had been fired. I looked at the deflated right hull, already limp and listless. I looked at the occupants of the motor yacht who were busy getting the sports boats, kayaks, and coolers ready to invade the island. I stood and stared at them to the point that they knew damned well I was totally pissed at their rude intrusion into my seclusion. I walked forward and began raising my anchor. One man commented that he felt things were fine. I comment that they were not and that they were rude and obnoxious ass-holes. They then firmly began to ignore me. A real statement of being right. Especially effective when you are standing on the deck of a 60' boat looking down 15 feet to a 30' boat. It took the better part of an hour to grind up the 200' of rode and 40' of 3/8" chain with a 35# anchor at the very end. And oh, I didn't mention the 100# of kelp hanging onto the whole thing. For a few months I had been conscious of perhaps having a growing health problem. I kept imagining I might have a heart condition. I had no symptoms, just a foreboding of being along in years. Well, after grinding on a hand winch for 45 minutes and raising the whole rig I can tell you I am one healthy son-of-a-bitch! Every minute i grew stronger with anger and never paused for one second in getting the hell off the island. Then with the anchor up and the sails raised I noticed that there was no wind. As things turned out I motored for 23 miles, five hours to get back to San Pedro. Only when I passed Angel's Gate and was 1 mile from my slip did a 20 mph wind fill in. I expected it, but I was home. For me it was clean up the boat and wonder how long I could exist without fainting after going 48 hours with just a 6" Spicy Italian Sub Sandwich to eat. ( The soup was not consumable, Rocky ate it the next morning) I felt it had some inspiration to it. I did notice there were 14 cans of beer gone from the cooler. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to find the leak in the right hull. To date, this being Tuesday, I have located 8 holes. Fixed 7 of them. So you ask how did my weekend go? Ask Rocky. Cheers, Ray * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Re: Nuts Date: 05 Jul 2000 14:24:11 -0600 Ola, Raymundo, Thanks for sharing your weekend adventure. We really enjoyed the narrative. How's the rest of your life going? Bryant * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Ingram Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) Question Date: 05 Jul 2000 16:21:49 -0700 Thanks Bryant and thanks Bob..... Dancing on the 'Island Serenade' is quite popular! We had a Jimmy Buffett/Bob Marley sunset cruise the other week that actually had 50 people swaying to the 'island rhythms' on the upper deck in 3 foot waves!!! So, the dancing part might not be that bad!! Thanks for passing along the info. The web address might be helpful to: Steve. _______________________________________________________________________ $1 million in prizes! 20 daily instant winners. AltaVista Rewards: Click here to win! _______________________________________________________________________ * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) All Sailors! Party in the Park Date: 06 Jul 2000 08:51:15 EDT Just a reminder regarding the GSLYC's: Saturday in the Park July 8th 4 PM to Late. BBQ and potluck at Liberty Park. Bring a potluck dish to go with the supplied burgers (inc. veggie type) Please refer to my earlier posting for information. This is open to everyone! No membership required. Contact Terry Martin for more info. 364-8217 See you in the shade this Saturday! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "linda kelley" Subject: (utah-sailing) Sweet Dreams damage Date: 06 Jul 2000 20:58:26 -0600 Bob, et al Has the owner of SWEET DREAMS, Slip B20, at the Antelope Island Marina been contacted regarding his dismasted boat? Larry and I have been unable to connect with park personnel on Antelope Island. Hopefully, one of you out there can help contact the owner. Linda Kelley * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer Date: 07 Jul 2000 17:48:06 -0600 I have a brine flyer to send you, but I don't seem to have an address handily in my sight.... send me a mailing address please! *************************************************************** Darin Christensen Victory 21 #195 "Kristoffer's Son" Santana 525 #61 (67134) "Abraxas" ************************************************************* * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darin Christensen" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer Date: 07 Jul 2000 17:49:37 -0600 Oops! wrong address! so sorry!! *************************************************************** Darin Christensen Victory 21 #195 "Kristoffer's Son" Santana 525 #61 (67134) "Abraxas" ************************************************************* * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim Upton Subject: RE: (utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer Date: 11 Jul 2000 09:44:38 -0600 Jim Upton 757 west 3400 south Bountiful, Utah 84010 Thanks Jim -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 5:48 PM I have a brine flyer to send you, but I don't seem to have an address handily in my sight.... send me a mailing address please! *************************************************************** Darin Christensen Victory 21 #195 "Kristoffer's Son" Santana 525 #61 (67134) "Abraxas" ************************************************************* * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Piqa RavenHeart Subject: (utah-sailing) [Fwd: Women 2000] Date: 11 Jul 2000 11:18:19 -0600 -------- Original Message -------- Women 2000 THANKS to all who participated On Saturdays Sailday. It was a lot of fun and we all learned something. CALENDAR: Thursday July 13th is another Seminar. We will be talking about Spinnakers and the Foredeck. Come and share your ideas about it ...Starts at 6:00 PM at the marina......Hope to see you there.......! Wednesday July 19th will be the second Wednesday night Womens Race. Get your crews ready and come on out. Skippers meeting is at 6:00 PM. Questions? E-mail Jana Morgan 801-621-2795 or Wendy Smart 273-1579 * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) July - August Brine Flyer Date: 14 Jul 2000 23:45:03 EDT Hi, My address is ; Phil Lord 1398 N 780 W Clinton,UT 84015. Thanx Pihl * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Legacy Study Date: 17 Jul 2000 15:07:38 -0600 Army Corps of Engineers Releases Legacy Study Pat "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) GSL News: Laughingstock Hwy Date: 19 Jul 2000 08:41:16 -0600 Sierra Club: Legacy Plan is Laughingstock by Brandon Loomis Salt Lake Tribune Pat "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Piqa RavenHeart Subject: (utah-sailing) Women 2000 Date: 19 Jul 2000 11:12:52 -0600 Women 2000 Attention Women Racers ! ! ! Wednesday July 19 is the second Mostly Womens Race (skippers meeting at 6:00 PM). If you are serious about racing in the Ladies Regatta Weekend in August then Wednesday is the time to start. Now is the time to get together a crew (or get on a crew) and practice. Please e-mail or call me so we can get an idea of who is racing and will need crew. Lets make this a great regatta!. Even if you are not serious or are learning about racing we will have a boat available for fun races. See you Wednesday.... Attention Women Sailors ! ! ! Thursday July 27 is a sailing practice (meet at 6:00 PM) This is a non racing format.......We will enjoy an evening of sailing and learning. Come out to sail and watch the sunsets..... Please e-mail or call with questions Jana Morgan Wendy Smart 801-621-2795 801-273-1579 Thanks.....Jana * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: (utah-sailing) FREE Fun Sailboat Races Date: 20 Jul 2000 11:33:37 -0600 This weekend, the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club will conduct FUN RACES for the entertainment and education of all our sailing friends. These races are FREE to all and are intended to expose the uninitiated to the fun and challenges of sailboat racing in a non-threatening manner. So get your crew together, chase off the spiders, clean off the bird poop, get your boat out of the slip and find out what sailboat racing is all about. The races will be non-spinnaker so you won't need a boatload of deck apes to be competitive. We'll explain some basic racing rules and the starting procedures to help demystify the process before we go out. Here's the planned schedule for Saturday and Sunday, July 22-23, 2000 ... 0930 - Skipper's meeting starts at the pavilion (bring your crew) Introductions and overview Basic racing rules Handicapping and fleet divisions Starting The courses Sailing the course Finishing 1100 - Racing out on the lake Multiple short races 1500 - Racing ends 1600 - Results and postmortems at the pavilion 1700 - Saturday Pot-luck party (see Social Schedule) Don't have a boat? Come to the skippers' meeting and we'll get you on one! And, you hardcore racers, come on out and see if you remember how to go downwind without the chute! See you Saturday and Sunday. Bryant Pratt Asst. RC Chair, GSLYC * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) '60s Theme party/potluck Sat. Date: 20 Jul 2000 18:43:30 EDT Attention sailors! This Saturday at the GSL South Marina patio the GSLYC will host a potluck starting at 5:00 pm! (shortly after the Fun races) Theme is the '60s! Bring a dish to share and something to cook on the grill if you'd like. The YC will supply legal drinks and eating hardware. This is open and free to everyone so come join us! If you have some favorite music from the '60s be sure to bring it! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) WEEKEND CRUISE Date: 25 Jul 2000 23:14:16 EDT GREAT SALT LAKE YACHT CLUB STANSBURY ISLAND CRUISE - JULY 29 & 30 MEET AT THE Y.C. PAVILION AT 10:00AM TO DISCUSS DESTINATION RAFT UP AT ANCHORAGE SATURDAY EVENING FOR SLIDE SHOW OF MEXICO CRUISING AND POT LUCK DINNER EXPLORE STANSBURY ISLAND SUNDAY MORNING , THEN RETURN TO THE MARINA IN A PERFECT NORTH WIND IN THE AFTERNOON. CURRENT RAFTUP RECORD FOR THIS SEASON IS 12 BOATS - LETS SEE HOW MANY MORE WE CAN GET TOGETHER FOR THIS CRUISE - PARTICIPATION MUGS FOR ALL THAT SHOW UP ! * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bryant Pratt" Subject: Re: (utah-sailing) WEEKEND CRUISE Date: 26 Jul 2000 11:26:30 -0600 Tim, I forwarded you cruise message to the GSLYC list. Bry * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (utah-sailing) Junior Regatta Results Date: 27 Jul 2000 21:53:52 EDT On July 22nd and 23rd, the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club Jr. Program had its first regatta of 2000. We had 19 kids total, which included 8 Lasers, 1 Cyclone, a Sunfish, one Starfish, a Lido 14 and a Jet 14. A total of 14 boats! What a sight - All those kids sailing a bouy course starting from J mark! Anyone could have watched right from the breakwater. On Saturday, we had one race and the wind pretty much shut right down. So we postponed and went swimming! What a great time! The committed boat joined in with squirt guns and kids had a chance to tip over their boats and bring them back up. There were some kids that tied their tow lines of their boats to their toes and swam around pulling their boat! When the wind came back up, it was back to racing. On Sunday, the day started with the wind just a "kicking"! Quite a challenge for juniors, but the racing went on! Parents were put on some boats, mainly for moral support, and all was well. I was so proud of these kids that day! The Lido and Jet 14's were flying and the laser sailors were hiking out hard! According to a few of the Laser Sailors, weight was a common discussion between and during the races! I bet it is the first time that some of them wished they weighed more! Especially the girls! But out of all of the boats, I think the sunfish were the most impressive to me. We are talking 8, 9, and 10 year olds racing in wind like this! All of them were nervous, but for most, this was their big chance to so us adults what they are made of! So they set their nerves aside and gritted their teeth, sticking it out until the end! I would like to make a special mention to some of the kids that really impressed me this weekend! Vincent Mauro and Sam Aitken were sailing on the Jet 14 and having the time of their lives! Little Colter Christensen needed a ride, since his little sabot was way too hard to handle in the waves. I motored over, in my Zodiak, and asked them if Colter could join them and they were more than happy to have another sailor on board! I went back to the marina and picked up Colter and dropped him off on the Jet 14. He had a ball with those kids. Another special act of sportsmanship came from Chelsey Church. All of the kids knew that we only had one trophy, per boat, for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, per fleet. I heard most of the kids talking about not wanting to share their trophy with anyone, so they wanted to race alone. Hope Record could not come on Saturday, but showed up on Sunday, needing a ride, because the Fatty Knees, was going to be to difficult to sail in those conditions. Chelsea Gladly welcomed Hope on her boat for the day. I watched those two girls all day and everytime I saw their faces, both of them had huge smiles showing from ear to ear! The wind didn't even seem to scare them and they had a great time! It is unfortunate that the very last race of the day, they were involved in an accident with another boat and both of them got hit in the head with the boom of the other boat! At the awards meeting, it was time to award 1st place of the Sunfish Class to whoelse but "Mud Puppie", Chelsea and Hope! I gave Chelsea the trophy (A ship in a bottle) and a 1st place ribbon and told her to decide who was going to keep the trophy. Chelsea, with her bright eyes and beautiful smile said, "Hope, you keep the trophy!" This immediately caused the audience to clap and cheer! What an example of sportsmanship! Afterall trophies cannot be taken with us into the next life, but selflessness and friendship sure can! I had an extra trophy, which will be given to Chelsea! (I just had to replace the plate at the trophy store) The person who said, "Let us learn from the children", sure hit the nail on the head! I would like to thank Scott Hunter and Dan and Debbie Merriman for helping with the committee boat duties. The committee boat has more going on in the junior races than in the adult races. There are questions from the kids, talking on the radio to the chase boats and parents, counting of the sequence, raising flags, then their are more questions, and yelling out the time for the kids that don't have watches and of course coaching the kids on how to trim their sails and fending them off of the committee boat. I know that I was exhausted after Sunday, from just zooming around in the Zodiak. Scott Hunter doesn't even have kids in the program, but has helped many nights. Thanks Scott, we appreciate you! The following are the results... Laser/Cyclone Class Sunfish Class Alyssa Silver 1st Place Chelsea Church 1st Place Hank Boland 2nd Place Hope Record 1st Place Zack Silver 3rd Place Anna Swigart 2nd Place Cameron Christensen 4th Place Sarah Price 3rd Place Devin Merriman 5th Place Adam Price 3rd Place Mallory Record 6th Place Ulrick Swigart 7th Place Stefan Schilder 8th Place Lido/Jet Class Matt Quigley 9th Place Travis Schoney 1st Place Sam Aitken 1st Place Vincent Mauro 2nd Place Eiin 2nd Place The next weekend regatta for the Juniors will be on August 19th and 20th. It will be bouy races, in the regatta style format with special trophies. You guys thought the trophies were cool for this regatta, just wait until you see the trophies for the next regatta!!!!!!! WAY COOL!!!!!!! But still only one trophy, per boat, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, for each class. Please come out and support these kids, they are the future of sailing on the Great Salt Lake and Beyond!!!!! If you have any questions about the program, or know of someone that would be interested in sailing with us, or would like to volunteer your time, please e-mail me at Thanks, Tammy Silver * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pat Subject: (utah-sailing) Thanks to Our Friends Date: 29 Jul 2000 14:38:35 -0600 We want to thank all our sailing friends for thinking of us at this time. Our son Zenrick died here June 26, while we were in California to see Grandma. "Zen" was a once in a while sailor and many of you knew him. To us he was a perfect boy of great intelligence, sensitivity, humor, wit, and capability. Many have asked how they can help and we would like to answer that all can help by living the good and meaningful life with your own kids (while there is time all things are possible) and by praying for him as often as you can in order to help him find his way to the light. A Funeral Mass will be held Monday July 31 at 6:30 at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church on 2200 West just north of 5400 South. His burial will be at Mt. Calvary Cemetery at 4th Ave and T Street August 1 at 10:OO a.m. Contributions should be directed to a teen suicide prevention and counseling service of your choosing. We look forward to seeing you all on the water again sometime but not for a while, we're sorry to say. Thank you. Our best friends are our "neighbors" in sailing. Until we can share another "beautiful day in the neighborhood," Love Pat, Jackie, Ulrick, and Anna Swigart "Taciturn," K-Dock, Slip 19 "Why bring weather you would rather be in out of up for?" * To unsubscribe send email to with * the one line body of "unsubscribe utah-sailing" (no quotes).