From: Sam Subject: [OUTDOORS] need some paragraphs... Date: 05 Apr 1997 12:15:59 -0700 (MST) Hello, I am adding on to my pages and I am starting a Utah historical page. I am looking to see if anyone would like to contribute a paragraph on historical places (i.e. Mountain Meadow Mass, Zion, etc.....) about the background of that area, the history or just a vistors information bank. Parks could be added too. Also if you have some links to outdoors related page on Utah, please email me those also. Thanks for the info in advance and thanks to Dave for the get mailing list. P.S. please email me direct to save the content to the digest. Fisherman Sam Ken J. Email Adress: Web Pages: **** Hiding in some National Park **** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Jones Subject: [OUTDOORS] TR: slide canyon Date: 11 Apr 1997 11:35:30 -0600 Being bored last tuesday, I decided to hike to the top of slide canyon near provo. The hike was uneventful, but just in case any of you were wondering about the snow in low to mid elevation mountains, there's still alot. It appeared to be about 3 or 5 feet deep but was solid enough that I stayed on top. Slide canyon is the canyon immediatly south of Y mountain. To get to it, you hike to the Y, then head south around the corner and up the canyon. Melt, snow, melt! mike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jennifer Earnshaw Subject: [OUTDOORS] Re: slide canyon (Also Rock and Slate Canyons) Date: 11 Apr 1997 11:55:02 -0600 Thanks for the snow update. Has anyone tried Rock Canyon or Slate Canyon? I'm wondering if the snow as bad in those canyons? (Rock Canyon is the Canyon just north of Y mountain and Slate Canyon is two canyons south of Y mountain.) --Jennifer >>> Mike Jones 04/11 11:35 AM >>> Being bored last tuesday, I decided to hike to the top of slide canyon near provo. The hike was uneventful, but just in case any of you were wondering about the snow in low to mid elevation mountains, there's still alot. It appeared to be about 3 or 5 feet deep but was solid enough that I stayed on top. Slide canyon is the canyon immediatly south of Y mountain. To get to it, you hike to the Y, then head south around the corner and up the canyon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Mike Weibel) Date: 14 Apr 1997 09:50:43 -0700 For some reason or another, I'm having trouble getting the message from Jennifer Earnshaw re. Utah Outdoors newsgroup. Every time it is tranmitted, it ties up my email and I'm unable to get any other messages. Is anyone else having this problem? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mike Jones Subject: [OUTDOORS] XC at Cedar breaks Date: 14 Apr 1997 12:25:21 -0600 So seeing as how there's still a ton of snow in the mountains, we skiied cedar breaks this saturday. Cedar breaks is right outside of Cedar city. the last 4 miles of road to the monument is closed. There's still a lot of snow up there. The road signs are completely snowed over. The park service believes it will have the 4 miles to the monument open by memorial day. That's pretty optimistic. Especialy since it snowed about 4-6 inches while we were there. Cedar breaks is pretty. A lot like bryce canyon. The skiing was terrific. Its a pretty easy XC ski trip with moderate terrain. There's lots of options for short telemark adventures. We were there and done before the snowmobiles and sun came out to destroy the fresh powder around noon. will spring ever come?, mike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dickerson) Subject: Re: [OUTDOORS] Re: slide canyon (Also Rock and Slate Canyons) Date: 14 Apr 1997 09:35:26 -0700 I climbed Timp (actually North Peak which is the peak a few hundred yards north from Timp) two weeks ago and the snow conditions were excellent...hard as a rock! I left Friday evening and bivyed at 10,300. Temperatures were in the mid teens with 20 mph+ winds...perfect! I was on the summit at 8:00am. By 10:00am at lower elevations 9,000 things got a bit softer but nothing to make snow shoes worth while. Excellent views of AF Canyon, Wasatch Co., and especially the Timp Summit. The orange cone was partly visibly. Massive cornices! Don't do it during avalanche conditions. I'm doing Raineer in August so i'm hoping for the snow to hang around all summer to play on in preparation for our trip. CLIMB HIGH AND CAVE LOW! KEVIN Home e-mail is: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Benson Parkinson Subject: Re: [OUTDOORS] Re: slide canyon (Also Rock and Slate Canyons) Date: 18 Apr 1997 20:17:58 -0700 (MST) Kevin Dickerson wrote: | I climbed Timp (actually North Peak which is the peak a few hundred yards | north from Timp) two weeks ago and the snow conditions were | excellent...hard as a rock! I left Friday evening and bivyed at 10,300. | Temperatures were in the mid teens with 20 mph+ winds...perfect! I was on | the summit at 8:00am. By 10:00am at lower elevations 9,000 things got a | bit softer but nothing to make snow shoes worth while. Excellent views of What route do you take this time of year? Timpaneke or Aspen Grove? Up the west face? Ben Parkinson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Porcaro Subject: [OUTDOORS] North Peak (Timp) Climb info -Reply Date: 21 Apr 1997 15:05:40 -0600 I climbed Raineer a couple years ago. The travel is well worth it. We don't get the Glaciers, snow Bridges and Cravases that are all over on Raineer. Not to mention the 14,000 + heights. Jeff Porcaro >>> Kevin Dickerson 12/26/99 11:25am >>> With winter climbing like we have here...i'm not sure I want to travel the hours needed to get to Raineer this summer. Climb high! Kevin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eric Cytrynbaum Subject: [OUTDOORS] Timp Date: 21 Apr 1997 17:28:30 -0600 (MDT) > Kevin Dickerson wrote: > > | I climbed Timp (actually North Peak which is the peak a few hundred yards > | north from Timp) two weeks ago and the snow conditions were > | excellent...hard as a rock! I left Friday evening and bivyed at 10,300. > | Temperatures were in the mid teens with 20 mph+ winds...perfect! I was on > | the summit at 8:00am. By 10:00am at lower elevations 9,000 things got a > | bit softer but nothing to make snow shoes worth while. Excellent views of > > What route do you take this time of year? Timpaneke or Aspen > Grove? Up the west face? > > > Ben Parkinson > > I'm curious to know if there's a guidebook out that has info on this kind of route. I'm new around here and don't know much about the local climbing but am eager to find established routes. Any suggestions? Eric Cytrynbaum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Roger Jenkins" Subject: [OUTDOORS] East Fork - Slickhorn Canyon Date: 22 Apr 1997 00:32:57 UT Next week, we are going to be doing a loop down Slickhorn Canyon on Cedar Mesa to the San Juan, and then up and out the East Fork of Slickhorn Canyon, what Kelsey refers to as East Slickhorn. We wanted to know if any of you had had any experiences with East Slickhorn, and/or any difficulty getting in or out. We have talked to the rangers, and they don't seem to know much. A note: Even tho we are from Tennessee, we are fairly experienced canyon hikers. Usually one week long trip a year on the Colorado Plateau since 1980. I say this cause a lot of western folks we run into on the trails are surprised us hillbillies from East Tennessee have even heard of these places. Thanks for your help. Roger Jenkins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kevin Dickerson Subject: Re: [OUTDOORS] Timp Date: 22 Apr 1997 09:15:31 -0700 I read Kelsey's Climbing Mt. Timpanogas to get an idea of routes, time estimates, hazards he ran into, etc. Hope this helps. Kevin