From: John Webster Subject: (xmcolocate) ANNOUNCEMENT: Scheduled Maintenance Outage: Core Router Moving Date: 07 Jun 2001 12:45:28 -0600 Please be advised. Send any questions about this scheduled maintenance to ----- Forwarded message from XMission Support ----- Scheduled Maintenance Outage: Core Router Moving XMission Systems Administrators have scheduled to move our core router from the old computer room to our new Data Center. This will take place the morning of Sunday, June 10th at approximately 2:00 am. The outage should last no more than ten minutes. Details ------- All preparations have been made to keep this outage to a minimum. No configuration changes will be made so there is little chance any problems might arise. Our Cisco 7500 continues to serve us well. With the purchase of a Cisco 6509 to handle both switching and routing for all machines inside the new Data Center, the 7500 will primarily act as a border router. This allows for significant growth of our network into the future. Conclusion ---------- We don't expect that this outage should cause noticeable problems for our customers and will do our best to keep the outage to a minimum. This has been an XMission Announcement. Past announcements are available at: WWW - User FTP - /archive/announce on News - xmission.announce Subscribe to XMission Announcements by sending an email to: ----- End forwarded message ----- Should you have any questions about your account or services offered by XMission please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, John XMissionŽ Dedicated Client Service Manager John Webster direct: 801.303.0805 office: 801.539.0852 cell: 801.698.2730 fax: 801.539.0853 toll free: 1.877.XMISSION (964.7746) 51 East 400 South Suite 200 information: Salt Lake City, UT. 84111 Save a tree, use XMission email! - To unsubscribe to xmcolocate, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe xmcolocate" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.