From: (yello-digest) To: Subject: yello-digest V2 #23 Reply-To: yello-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes yello-digest Monday, February 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 023 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 02:42:05 -0600 (CST) From: Mark Kolmar Subject: RE: (yello) White noise I hesitated to post about audio since this is a list about Yello, but I can't let this pass without comment/correction. > The problem with a digital sound system, if it's a sampler or a CD > recording, will have a problem when the bits 'switch', perfect silence is > 0 (zero) of course. next up is 1. This would be heard as a digital click. This supposed "click" would be extremely low-amplitude and 44.1KHz (or other rate), and would be filtered out. Possibly you are hearing the D/A converter muting and unmuting in a system which is set to do that. Or the result of a mastering engineer who zeroes out between-track pauses and such, so the levels may make a larger jump, which you can hear. > The way they get around it is to introduce 'dither' which is white noise, > hiss, which stops the value ever dropping to 0, but it will be heard. This is not the purpose or the nature of dithering. The basic idea is that when the least-significant bit is adjusted with a fractal-noise equation, or if you map a 20-bit signal into 16-bit, you reduce the perceptible quantization error. Also, if you take a sine wave, and fade it out, as it fades it will look more and more like a square wave. With dithering you replace the extra harmonics with a small amount of noise. > A record company droid masters them at Mercury/Polygram. Mercury always made the worst vinyl. Of course US vinyl was usually not as good to start with, but Polygram vinyl from the UK or Germany was never as good as say EMI or DG or just about anyone else for that matter. So I don't see why it is any surprise that the CDs may not be very good either. > usually goes back to the original multitracks, reproducing the mix, and This is usually impractical and frowned on. I have only ever heard of examples like George Martin reproducing a 2-track or 4-track mix for the Beatles' albums up to _Rubber Soul_. Anything more complicated than that (most anything in the last 30 years) is not remixed. - --Mark __ < MPEG & RA audio clips > Forthcoming CD SENSELESS on Mindfield Records MINDCD03 Cathartium 14 m u s i c : w e b : s o u n d d e s i g n : h t m l : c g i : e t c "I'm a liberal guy too cool for the macho ache with a secret tooth for the cherry on the cake" -- Prefab Sprout, "Cruel" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 13:57:36 +0200 From: Juhana K Kouhia Subject: Re: (yello) White noise >From: nic > >The problem with a digital sound system, if it's a sampler or a CD >recording, will have a problem when the bits 'switch', perfect silence is >0 (zero) of course. next up is 1. This would be heard as a digital click. Silence as 0 is not in any special position, silence in 200 or whatever is the same. And such click will not be that audible. It is way below 90 dB. And is it also on high frequency part of the spectrum? If a sudden change from -32000 to 32000 occurs it is heard as a loud pop containing low frequencies too only because the HiFi system cannot reproduce the sound and the low freqs are introduced by the HiFi system. Low frequencies are not done by the click sound itself. >The way they get around it is to introduce 'dither' which is white noise, >hiss, which stops the value ever dropping to 0 That is not the reason for making the dither. Dither increases the dynamics. >when they do this, they should also add pre-emphasis to the recording, a >bit like the Dolby-B system for tapes, to quieten the high frequency. Don't know about that. Is there such system in every CD player? They look if some "Dolby" bit is on and use different circuits to play the music? Never heard of such thing. Perhaps a peak to CD standard could reveal the thing. Juhana # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 10:53:07 -0600 From: "Robert" Subject: (yello) ReWATCH: Explained I have had a few e-mail items from members of the list asking what exactly "ReWATCH" is. ReWATCH is a watch company that makes watches out of recycled aluminum cans and leather from cars seats of Mercedes-Benzes. Very interesting to say the least. But, the real kick in the pants is that Dieter owns this company. Apparently he purched it in 1994 or 1995. When the company did their "launch gala" in 1996 in New York City, a "special edition" set was released. This release included a special limited-edition ReWATCH (blue leather strap and bezel made of Budweiser cans) along with a CD from "top industrial music artists" in a nifty metal case. On their web site there is a small sample of of track 1. Upon listening, you will know that it is Dieter doing vocals. Knowing how much I enjoy Yello and the fact that the music on this CD was "peppy", I was prepared to buy this set at any price. I paid $90 for it at ReWATCH's American distributor "Watch World". The watch itself is Swiss. Very sturdy and solidly built. Nice and heavy Swiss chronometer. Keeps excellent time. It also is a nifty conversation piece. People see it and ask "Wait a second... let me see that watch..." If you beg me enough, I will give you track 2 off of the CD which is quite a bit faster. (The small card on the inside of the box set has a little info about ReWATCH, signed by Dieter credited as "Musician and Watch Maker") ReWATCH's web site: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 13:29:47 EST From: Subject: Re: (yello) Audiophile Nic wrote:=0A=0A<< Some stuff is just not available on vinyl anymore, mus= ic is analogue, >>=0A=0AI'm sorry, but "analogue" is merely the name of = a particular process by which=0Asound can be recorded and replayed. Digit= al recording pre-dates the widespread=0Aavailability of the CD and thus a= number of LPs (mainly classical) were=0Areleased in the late seventies/e= arly eighties where the music was recorded=0Adigitally. The late Herbert = von Karajan was something of a pioneer in ensuring=0Athis became the acce= pted standard for classical recordings, at least.=0A=0A<< There are a *HU= GE* number of badly mastered digital recordings. Look at =0A the number o= f digital remasters going around, why could they not master =0A properly = in the first place? >>=0A=0ABuyers of "rock" music have never been well s= erved by record companies. This=0Awas equally true when LPs were the pref= erred format. I remember only too well=0Athe lengths I would have to go t= o, to acquire a scratch-free copy of some LPs.=0AHowever when the CD took= off as a format, partly in order to meet demand and=0Apartly out of gree= d and a feeling that no-body would notice the difference,=0Amany analogue= recordings of "rock" music were speedily transferred to CD, with=0Alittl= e care being taken as to the end result. This particularly affected music= =0Arecorded in the sixties and seventies and many of the resultant transf= ers were=0Aof a very poor quality indeed. Jimmy Page's work re-mastering = the Led Zeppelin=0Acatalogue, however showed what could be achieved in th= e area of "rock" music=0Aand where the record company has been prepared t= o provide the funds, others=0Ahave followed suit.=0A=0AIn addition, techn= ology is also constantly improving and noise reduction=0Atechniques are b= eing continually refined - so that some of the earliest stereo=0Arecordin= gs made back in the 1950s, such as Fritz Reiner's recordings of=0AStrauss= with the Chicago SO can appear as "new". If Yello have parted company=0A= with Phonogram maybe the parting shot will be a boxed set of re-masters, = if it=0Ais felt the demand is there.=0A=0AI don't actually feel that Yell= o have, relatively speaking, suffered badly in=0Athis respect - the CD of= "Stella" for example is digitally mixed and mastered=0A(most "rock" CDs = are AAD) and when I bought it (so I would have something for=0ADieter to = sign, when I "met" him) I did not feel any need to retain my vinyl=0Acopy= of the album. I'm afraid I would disagree with you in your comments abou= t=0Amost of the other albums as well - the exceptions being the first 3 a= lbums=0Asince I have retained my vinyl copies and have not heard these al= bums on CD.=0A=0A<< remember I am using better than your average CD playe= r. >>=0A.... I know I'm saying that most of you who just have the CDs, o= wn bad =0A (legal!) recordings. You don't have the choice of what to list= en to, I =0A do. >>=0A=0AWill I'm sure you don't intend to be, you tend t= o come across as patronising,=0Aarrogant and I personally felt somewhat i= nsulted the first time I read this. I=0Awould think quite there are quite= a number of people on this list who have=0Abeen listening to Yello for q= uite sometime and either own or have owned the=0Amusic on vinyl - you alm= ost seem to be claiming you are unique in this=0Arespect. Again most peop= le on this list (I would like to think) care about=0Amusic and possess hi= - -fi equipment that would be considered to be better than=0A"average" - wh= atever that means. =0A=0AThe arrival of the CD has lead to a much greate= r range of music being=0Aavailable than at any time in the past. The exte= nded playing time means that=0Amany pieces of music can be heard as they = were intended to be ie without an=0Aunnatural break while the listener fi= nds him or her having to change sides=0Amidway through a piece. Complaint= s that digital recordings lack "warmth" are=0Areceding into the past as t= echnology improves and such criticisms were more=0Athan a little subjecti= ve anyway. Inevitably "rock" music has lagged behind in=0Athis regard, fo= r reasons mentioned above. To me the superiority of the CD as a=0Amedium = is best illustrated by the many fine recordings that companies such as=0A= ECM, Chandos, Decca and Deutsche Grammophon (for example) put out. Howeve= r=0Aslowly but surely more aware "rock" artists are ensuring the same sta= ndards=0Aare applied to their own work, in the case of Yello surely "Pock= et Universe"=0Ais tribute to this.=0A=0AFinally if someone gave me say = =A3500 (pick your own currency) I would much=0Arather spend it on acquiri= ng more music, than the diminishing returns that are=0Ato be gained from = increasingly expensive hi-fi. In the end it's the music that=0Amatters.= =0A=0AAndrew # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 16:44:39 EST From: Subject: Re: (yello) Yello Fanaticism In a message dated 98-02-03 08:27:26 EST, you write: << > I'd also be interested to see how many Yello fans are audiophiles. >> A big defently here! Julian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 16:52:42 EST From: Subject: Re: (yello) Audiophile In a message dated 98-02-03 09:06:57 EST, you write: << Signs of audiophiles: - expensive CD player - either very good speakers or a very good headset - doesn't like stuff on tape. >> Agree 100%. Julian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 05:32:05 -0600 From: "Rocket Ranger" Subject: (yello) NEW Samples Hey, I Threw-Up Some More Samples for EveryOne from My Collection-O-Tunage..... Hope You Enjoy!!!!!!! Hisham-The Mask.mp3 from His First Album "Somewhere in a Dream" Deep Forest-Freedom Cry.mp3 They are LOVE to Play with PHASE. Strange for the Ear, but FUN!!!! Deep Forest-Savana Dance.mp3 VERY VERY FUN PHASING in This One!!!! Dead Can Dance-Stretched on Your Grave.mp3 Dead Can Dance-Yulunga.mp3 -These are Both from a Live Album of D.C.D. This has Got to Be One of the Best Live Recording I have EVER Heard!!! They Have Been Around Forever. Very Dark\Kinda Mid-Eastern\Haunting Voices Love It!!!!! Hope You Enjoy. Shane of FTP-SPACE # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 05:22:45 -0600 From: "Rocket Ranger" Subject: (yello) FTP-Site Activity Hi All, I Love the Yello Rares the Site Has Aquired. I Never Realized This Stuff Existed!!!! I Can Sure Tell Which Ones are Comin Off of Vinyl!!! The Rare UpLoads are VERY Appreciated. I Have Noticed That the Quality of Most of the Encodes That are Reaching the Site are of VERY Low Quality (Except for the Obvious Live and Odd Sourced) I Have Made Some Encoding Utils Available for Those Who Want to Do Thier Own Encodes. These are the Utils I Use for All of My Encoding Needs, and Recommend Then To You!!!! You Will Notice That ALL the Yello I Encode are in 256K\44.1, They Deserve no Lesss from Me. understanding That Most of Us are on Slow Connections 128Kers Seems Necessary, Although Judging from the Caliber and Quality of People Who Indulge Their Ears in Yello, Would Greatly Appreciate the High-Quality 256K Encoding Techniques. They Take a GOD-AWFull Amount of Time to Encode, but Sound Wonderfull. 128Kers are NASTY at Best. If 128Kers are the Only Way It's Gonna Happen, Then Please DownLoad the MP3 Compressor from the Utils DIR (D:\IMAGES\) and Use it in SLOWMODE NOT QUICKMODE for Your Encodes, it is the Best Quality 128K Encoding Method Avail. Right Now Available from My Experience. Please Visit This Site for More MP3 Encoding and Playing Info. Cedric Has Done a Wonderfull Job with the Site Also Visit for a Wake-Up Call about the Quality of the Consumer Sound-Cards Most of Us Use for Reproducing MP3 Music. Scarey Shit Hey!!!!!!! AnyWay Enough Mumbling Outta This Kid........ There is Consistently 3 or 4 Yello Logins Alone on the Site Grabbing the Rares from Our Fellow Yello Patrons. Thanks Again!!!! Oh and Share Some of Your Other Artist Samples with Us. I am Hoping to Learn about New Musicians Similair to Yello and Other. Will Be Adding Two More Favorite Artists. MANY of You Have Sampled My Other Artists. I Hoped You Enjoyed Them!!!! Oh and Haunted House Rocks!!!!!! The "Pocket Universe Album" is ANNOYING!!!!!! I Can't Beleive I Actually Hate a Yello Album. First of All I Paid $20.00 for It!!! (IMPORT from Germany) Second the Chick in "To the Sea", Well I'll Just Say She Sure makes Me Long for Shirley Bassey. I Find Her Voice More Annoying Then the Whistling in "Haunted House". An They Had to Throw a BONUS Track of the Worst Song on the CD!!!! Second, Well Probably Sounds Strange BUT Track 11 Reminds Me Of Some Moody Blues Tune. I LOVE the Moody's, and This Sounds Like One of Their Tunes. His Deiter's Voice too!!!!! STRANGE!!!! I Am So Used to Yello Sounding Original. The ONLy Two Songs That are Working for Me After About 12 Listenings is Magnetic and Resistor. Call Me Nuts I am Nuts.......... Shane of FTP-Space (I Picked up Claro Cue Si at the Same Time. LOVED IT FIRST LISTEN!!!!!) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 14:00:31 +0100 From: "Jonas Warstad" Subject: (yello) Hardfloor vs Yello I've been searching for this item in numerous Net CD shops, but no sign of it, neither are there any info on it in the few Hardfloor sites I checked. Strange. This might be the collaboration tha Boris did while I was in Zurich - it was kind of secret since they weren't sure if it was going to be released at all. JW ******************************************************* THE MUSIC WORLD OF JONAS WARSTAD: ******************************************************* # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 13:23:20 -0000 From: Bonzo Subject: (yello) MP3 probs. Hello, How do you get to Shane`s FTP site with Internet Explorer 4? I`ve tried the browser link he posted but it doesn`t seem to work. I may be being a bit thick here but I don`t know what to do with that TCP/IP address either. I`m eager to hear the rare stuff and could perhaps put some of my own 12`s on there. The rarest stuff I have is probably `Desire For Desire` and Kevin Saunderson `Bostich` remixes. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 07:33:45 EST From: "Chris Norton" Subject: Re: (yello) Claro que si-questions > ><< 1. What does "Claro que si" mean? >> > If you listen to the version of "Pinball Cha-Cha" on that album (NOT the one on "New Mix...", Dieter actually sings something like: "Claro que si" is "Yes, and for sure!" .... Chris ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 23:31:24 GMT/BST From: nic Subject: (yello) Yello remasters I'd started to compose a long reply to the posts about CD, but I'd only end up antagonising and going off topic. If you want me to qualify what I've said, take it to personal email. I apologise now if anyone else has felt insulted or patronised. I do not have a problem with digital audio, however, I personally feel that the people responsible for the early European CDs of Yello could have done a lot better, achieving the equivalent dynamics of Pocket Universe. My original point, is that I would like to hear the Yello back catalogue remastered, by Boris. Music _is_ analogue, or should I say sound. The final mixdown went onto (I guess) 1/2 inch tape at 30 i.p.s. That's how Boris intended it to sound. That sound was at the mercy of those controlling the lathe cutting the master disk. They are able to fiddle with the dynamics, in order to get those grooves cut. (I know someone who used to do this for a living). Similarly, in the digital world, I wonder exactly how much time was spent aligning this old tape to the running characteristics of the playing machine, and if the sample level was set to use the full dynamic range available. Of this I'm very dubious, I wonder if Boris has heard the commercial CD release of his albums, and how he thinks it compares with the studio version. nic - -- - -- We are the architects, not the victims, of our own destiny -- - -- nic nic at -- - -- Bolton, UK website -- - -- Digital Equipment VAX hardware running OpenVMS/X-Windows-Motif -- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 08:22:38 +0100 From: Subject: (yello) Who >Salma Hayek's a knockout? Claro que si ! Who??? Beekie # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 08:26:08 +0100 From: Subject: Re: (yello) White noise >I remember that Boris said in an interview (I have it on tape; I'll search >it...!) that he had problems with the earth contact in his new (interview >was in the early 90) studio; this could be a plausible explanation for >white noise, could it? Claro que si, but if this was the reason for our problem, I wouldn't believe Boris would let things stay this way. Certainly not untill the production stage. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 09:04:11 -0000 From: "James Gillett" Subject: (yello) Stina vs Shirley Second the Chick in "To the Sea", Well I'll Just Say She Sure makes Me Long for Shirley Bassey. Long for Shirley Bassey? Come on! She's an "ageing relic" who appeared on what is probably Yello's worst song - The Rythm Divine. Stina Nordenstam & Shirley Bassey? - no contest, Stina wins hands down. Yours, James Gillett # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 11:14:47 +0100 From: Subject: (yello) IE4 >How do you get to Shane`s FTP site with Internet Explorer 4? You wait for Internet explorer 5 and if you are very lucky,..... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 13:32:19 +0300 From: "Dmitry Shtilerman" Subject: Re: (yello) IE4 Hi! >>How do you get to Shane`s FTP site with Internet Explorer 4? >You wait for Internet explorer 5 and if you are very lucky,..... No need to wait! Use the following URL (without quotes, of course): "ftp://Yello:Yello@" SY, Dmitry - --- Dmitry Shtilerman, REKSoft Ltd. E-Mail: Phone: +7-(812)-325-2100 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 16:55:02 +0100 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sch=E4der_Eric?= Subject: (yello) Album Ranking II Hi again ! I have started to receive rankings, but I need some more. The more the better. Don't stop sending them. I will present the result on thursday or friday. For a teaser I can say that I'm a bit surprised over the result so far. Regards Eric # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 13:02:02 +0200 From: Marko Pätsikkä Subject: (yello) two unknown!? promo's Hi!! I was bought today one 5" cd single and one 5" cdmx, which ones any discographies don't includes. ( except mine!! :-) ) Here is more info... - -------------------- cds..Mercury..GR-96..ASAP005 (50630789 01) stickered promo, no sleeve, picture disc=20 - - picture almost same as "PU" - - This one was published -96, other "To..." were published in -97 1.To The Sea..3:52..Radio Version/Northern Mix..Remix by STEVE B-ZET No sleeve, record with text "for promotional use only" There is sticker on sleeve, with Finnish text: "YELLO 'To The Sea'" - ensimm=E4inen single YELLOn uudelta albumilta 'Pocket Universe', joka julkaistaan helmi-maaliskuun vaihteessa"=20 .....translated: "YELLO 'To The Sea'" - the first single from YELLO's new album 'Pocket Universe', which will be published at the turn of the February - March" And other one: cdmx..Mercury..UK stickered promo, coloured disc 1.Jungle Bill.....3:50.....Single Version.....Remix by BORIS BLANK=20 2.Jungle Bill.....6:22.....Big Pig Shuffle.....Remix by BORIS BLANK=20 3.Jungle Bill.....7:59.....Space Shuffle......Remix by BORIS BLANK=20 4.Jungle Bill.....8:24.....Voodoo Fudge Mix......Remix by BORIS BLANK=20 5.Jungle Bill.....8:39.....Chicken Dive Mix......Remix by BORIS BLANK - - Sleeve to Go! Big-Active - - Different sleeve and disc than German issues. There is only text using green/yellow/red colours. - - There is two stickers on sleeve, one with text: "Promo only not for sale. Vertigo and associated labels. 081 741 1212 Release date 24 Aug 1992" - - And second is press release sticker with text: "Jungle Bill is the new single from Yello taken from their latest album Baby which appears here in a new re-mix form. This single will be featured along with 15 other classics such as The Race, Oh Yeah and Rhythm Divine on the forthcoming Essential Yello compilation due for release at the end on September. Jungle Bill is released on Aug 24th;watch out for the groovy dance re-mixes on the cd."=20 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Marko P=E4tsikk=E4, Nuolemontie 17 A3, 21420 Lieto, +358-(0)50-554 0836 cars, music and much more... check it out!! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 05:13:36 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: (yello) FTP Access Hi, I Just Happen to Be Out on Site Working on Computers When I Read the E-Mails About Trouble Accessing the Site from IE40. I Tried Her Out of Sheer Curiosity. It Hit First Try with: ftp://Yello:Yello@ What and How is This Not Working for Some People. (Just Confused in General) Later Then Shane (Mumbling Aimlessly!!) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 05:07:50 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: (yello) Shirley and Stina I Think We Need a Vote Here!!!!! Shirley is BY FAR More Epic Even in "Rhythm Divine" Then This Stina Whoever (Where's They Scrap Her Up\Put Her Back PLEASE!!!!). AnyOne Care to Comment??? To THE SEA is Scrap Material Sue to Her Noise!!! (Laughing and Curious!!!) Shane Foss # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 13:12:22 -0700 From: "Andrew Elisov" Subject: (yello) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 20:54:38 +0300 Hi, All! Just subscribed to yello mailing list. can anyone say where is SHANE FTP space located ? via E-Mail plz: thanx in advance sorry if the question are frequency asked :( # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 22:22:16 +0100 From: Matthias Egerland Subject: Re: (yello) Shirley and Stina Am 09-Feb-98 bug an einer Workstation und folgendes kam dabei heraus: >Shirley is BY FAR More Epic Even in "Rhythm Divine" Then This Stina Whoever >(Where's They Scrap Her Up\Put Her Back PLEASE!!!!). >AnyOne Care to Comment??? I would like to suggest not to try to compare two artists of a very different style. I like them both (though I have to admit that it took some time untill I was able to 'understand' the sound of Stina's voice). I think it is kind of typically for Yello that their music fits many different styles (without makeing anyone not be able to recognize that it is Yello) and as I really like that, I like the attempt of using these very different singers, too. - -- Tschau, Matthias ************************************ This mail was written on Amiga68060-Renderfarm ;-) Where Do You Want To Be Tomorrow? ************************************ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 17:16:01 EST From: Subject: Re: (yello) Shirley and Stina My thoughts are very much aligned with Matthias' on this issue. Apples and oranges. With the addage, "Silence is consent" in mind, I must add that the increase in subjective blathering does nothing to enhance the quality of this privilege we have where thouughts on Yello can be shared. Furthermore, I'd like to ask, how many tracks can truely be regarded as "rare" ? There has to be a limit to this too. Another excess? Regards, Fred "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat." (L.Tomlin) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 17:22:54 EST From: Subject: Re: (yello) NEW Samples In a message dated 98-02-08 06:30:55 EST, you write: << Hisham-The Mask.mp3 from His First Album "Somewhere in a Dream >> This is really nice it's produced by Mars Lasar! (with an Arabic classical flavor) Julian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 16:28:32 -0600 From: "Rocket Ranger" Subject: (yello) FTP Space Problems I Apoligive to Everyone for the Lack of Space on the Site. It is Not My Server, and the Guy Who Owns the Site is BROKE. I Will Jump on and Push Some Things Around in Attempt to Free Some Space. Please Retry Your UpLoads Tonight. Thanks for Your understanding!!!! Shane of FTP-Space # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 08:32:18 +1100 From: "Simon McBurney" Subject: (yello) FTP So has anyone worked out the problem and how to access the ftp site through IE4. Please let us know Simon McBurney # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 17:32:15 EST From: Subject: Re: (yello) Stina vs Shirley In a message dated 98-02-09 04:14:06 EST, you write: << Long for Shirley Bassey? Come on! She's an "ageing relic" who appeared on what is probably Yello's worst song - The Rythm Divine. Stina Nordenstam & Shirley Bassey? - no contest, Stina wins hands down. >> Hmm strange. I have other two friends that love Yello and they also hate "Rhythm Divine". I took me a little while to like it too, but now I love it. So I think other people out there that do not like the song. I personally like the Sherly song much better. Its its.... colasel. Julian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 16:57:32 -0600 From: "Rocket Ranger" Subject: (yello) Found It!!! Me Again!!!! The Drive Holding My LOG File Filled Up and the Server Doftware Would Not Allow ANY Up\Down Activity Unless it Could Write to the Log File. SUCKS!!! AnyHow I Have Cleared Space for All Transactions. The Site is Operational Again!!!!!! Those Having Trouble with Downs\Ups PLEASE TRY AGAIN!!! Thanks Again for Your Understanding... Shane of FTP-Space...... Thanks for Letting Me Know!!! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 19:08:01 -0600 (CST) From: Mark Kolmar Subject: (yello) FTP server Many thanks to all the contributors! I suspect the only rarities I can offer have already been uploaded, but I will double-check. A suggestion for those uploading: Maybe you could also include a text file that says where the track came from? For some tracks (e.g. Desire V2), I don't know if it is something I already have, and also I don't want to be deterred from uploading something because of the mistaken idea that someone already uploaded it. - --Mark __ < MPEG & RA audio clips > Forthcoming CD SENSELESS on Mindfield Records MINDCD03 Cathartium 14 m u s i c : w e b : s o u n d d e s i g n : h t m l : c g i : e t c "I'm a liberal guy too cool for the macho ache with a secret tooth for the cherry on the cake" -- Prefab Sprout, "Cruel" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 11:10:56 +1100 From: "Simon McBurney" Subject: (yello) ftp server It is now 11:00 am in Austalia. what time is where the ftp server is, and when would be the best time to try and log in and hopefully work. Simon # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 20:21:32 -0800 From: "Gary Wingert" Subject: Re: (yello) FTP Access > I Just Happen to Be Out on Site Working on Computers When I Read the E-Mails About Trouble Accessing the Site from IE40. I Tried Her Out of Sheer Curiosity. It Hit First Try with: > >ftp://Yello:Yello@ > >What and How is This Not Working for Some People. (Just Confused in General) Anyone trying to go thru their firewall at work will probably be stuck there, because of the non-standard port address. If your firewall is of the type of proxy server, you can use an ftp client (you'll need to know the name of your firewall). You can use the Windows ftp.exe client from a MS-DOS box. In the example below, "firewall" is the host name of the firewall: C:\WINDOWS> ftp firewall Login: Yello@ 2666 Password: Yello And in you go! Also, you MUST do this from a Windows ftp client. If you try the same from a unix client, you'll run into trouble because of the spaces in the directory and filenames. gary # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info yello" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ End of yello-digest V2 #23 **************************