From: (yello-digest) To: Subject: yello-digest V2 #131 Reply-To: yello-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes yello-digest Friday, May 14 1999 Volume 02 : Number 131 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 15:51:40 +0200 From: "Bo Andersen" <> Subject: (yello) Sorry Off Topic: Dave Ball/Caramba Hi All, I'm very sorry that I'm posting this off topic question -(but not sorry enough, I guess) The other haft of the Group Soft Cell, Dave Ball, did a solo album (In Strict Tempo) after breaking up with Marc Almond. It got terrible reviews andprobably was terrible. I've only heard one songe from it, Rednecks. And that one was pretty bad. Does anybody have that album? I'd like to hear the whole thing. Also, If anybody has it and could make a MP3 out of Rednecks, I'd be very happy. Thanks Bo, Also, I'm on the lookout of an early 80's album by swedish Caramba. It was a major hit at least in Scandinavia, but I think also in the rest of Europe - Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot was the hit. Does anybody have MP3's or know where I can get this album? Thanks (again) Bo # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:11:35 -0700 From: Travis Schneider Subject: (yello) translation... For those of you not fluent in German, visit the link below for on-the-fly web page translation as well as phrases and just typing. For example, in the (yello) Interview message, this paragraph when cut and pasted into the translate window, becomes: - ---------- «Film ist ein Massenmedium», hält Dieter Meier, Yello-Musiker und inzwischen Hollywood-Regisseur im Interview mit CASH fest. Würden die Massen nach Sinn suchenden, mittelalterlichen Männern dürsten, wie sie im Euro-Kino durch ihre Midlife-Crisis stolpern, oder nach neurotischen, krebskranken Frauen, die vor der Kamera mit ihrem Leben abschliessen - Hollywood liesse die beiden zueinander finden. Die menschlichen Schicksale und Tragödien des Alltags decken aber für die meisten den Bedarf mehr als genug ab. Ihnen steht der Sinn nach Fantastischem, Romantischem und Überkandideltem, wo Männer noch zu Helden aufblühen und Frauen Göttinnen gleich verehrt werden können. Diesen Durst weiss die Illusionsfabrik Hollywood immer noch am besten zu stillen, ohne dabei das Lukrative der Kinokunst zu vergessen. «The show must go on.» " film is a mass medium ", holds Dieter Meier, Yello musician and in the meantime Hollywood director in the interview with CASH. Became the masses after sense looking up, medieval men duersten, like them in the euro-cinema by their Midlife Crisis stolpern, or after neuro desks, cancer-ill women, who lock before the camera with their life - Hollywood would let the two find to each other. The human fates and tragedies of the everyday life cover however for most the requirement more than enough. The sense is to them after Fantasti, romantic one and Ueberkandideltem, where men blossom still to heroes and Mrs. equal Goettinnen can be admired. To satisfy this thirst white the illusion factory Hollywood still best, without forgetting thereby the lucrative to the cinema art. " The show must go on. " - --------- Not exactly word-for-word, but the odd snippet makes sense. - -Trav! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 14:17:29 -0400 From: nitrous Subject: Re: (yello) question (OT) I am having problems playing the yello video..It keeps saying I need a decompressor error =80040200 Does anyone know what I need to do? Thanks in advance # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 16:07:04 +0200 From: "Franz Gall" Subject: (yello) Dieter Interview Hi, I have read the interview with Dieter in the Swiss magazine in German language ( It= is quite interesting and funny. Anyway, I tried to use babelfish translation from Altavista to provide this to you, but the result is too bad (see below). If I find some time, I will try to translate it. Regards Franz .. CASH: How does one day in the Hollywood life of Dieter look Meier? Meier: Stereotypedly. I rise the zeitverschiebung because of against 4 o'clock 30 in the morning, in order to telephone with Europe for approximately three hours. At I go to 8 o'clock on the Driving rank of th= e Public gulf Courses, in order to strike balls. Against 9 o'clock 30 the Cutter in the house arrives, then the further procedure is discussed. In = the house we have also a music musikstudio, up-to-date operate we on Terence Trent D'Arbys of new CD. As many people am I also a verkappter recorder a= nd operate even on a novel, which prospers however only harzig. Half of the daily is so on approximately absolute no-load operation, lawyer dates, da= tes with CAA, drives and. ... A man with many characteristics =B7 " somewhat to be able ", did not say Dieter Meier, 54, once, " is covered expressed, a reason, to do it. " Mei= er did some in his life. The inhabitant of zurich banker son was luck player= , worked in the seventies-years as an internal message artist, he became a singer and created 1979 the group of Yello, which owing to the singular sound worlds of Boris blank and the failed video tie-clip of Meier became= an international success. Meier turned a first feature, " now and everything= ", 1980. it began 1987 with the turning work to a film, which was called " Snowball " at that time. The strip, a " neoexpressionistische baroque ope= ra ", is called in the meantime " The Lightmaker " and is after delays for m= any years this summer to become finished. Completely in the family tradition (his father led the bank hoping man, its brother Balthasar is a boss of t= he sock label Fogal) Meier works increasingly as an entrepreneur. Thus it launched the scrap iron clock Rewatch, invested into a company, the tone ... # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 08:17:36 GMT/BST From: nic Subject: RE: (yello) Sorry Off Topic: Dave Ball/Caramba Hi, Although offtopic, this may also help tracking down Yello items... If you are looking for specific things, I would suggest using the boolean search option of Altavista, and enter keyword +secondkeyword +thirdkeyword (or as may keywords as is) and you may be surprised just how well this narrows down the search. Also one or two record collecting sites put in label numbers, so the discography comes in very useful. If you look for Yello alone, you'll get 100's of useless matches, but try yello +vicous +games and if that record is for sale on the 'net somewhere, Altavista will find it for you. It'll work with label numbers and model numbers as well. Finally, try as this may just be the sort of thing they'll have in their 'remaindered' stock and it may be pretty cheap. Good luck! Nic - -- - -- We are the architects, not the victims, of our own destiny -- - -- nic nic at python demon co uk -- - -- Bolton, UK website -- - -- Warning! Spam is billed CPU/connect time and traced/reported. -- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 09:38:08 +0400 From: "Adelka" Subject: (yello) question to Dutch guys Hi all, Are thre any guys from Holland? I would like to know what are tv/radio programmes in Holland where one can hear Yello music in (as a background etc)? Thx, Olga - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------- Fluteplayer's story. 'When our orchestra was playing for Turkish soultan, he liked it very much. So he oordered to fill our instruments with golden coins. Lots of coins got into the contrabass or big drum. But noone coin got into this damned flute. When we were playing for German kaizer, he liked it too. He ordered to fill our instruments with deutchmarks. Lots of deutchmarks got into the contrabass or big drum. But noone deutchmark got into this damned flute. But when we were playing for Russian tzar, he didn't like it. So he ordered to push our instruments in our asses. The contrabass didn't get into its owner's ass. Big drum didn't get into its owner's ass. But this damned flute got in up to B-flat!' # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 03:46:36 -0700 From: Stephan Weinschenk Subject: RE: (yello) question to Dutch guys Reverse Lion is always used as a background tune for the radio programme "2 meter de lucht in". That's the only one I can think of now. Apart from that of course Oh Yeah and The Race are used every now and then in television programmes. st - -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Adelka [] Verzonden: donderdag 13 mei 1999 6:38 Aan: Onderwerp: (yello) question to Dutch guys Hi all, Are thre any guys from Holland? I would like to know what are tv/radio programmes in Holland where one can hear Yello music in (as a background etc)? Thx, Olga - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------- Fluteplayer's story. 'When our orchestra was playing for Turkish soultan, he liked it very much. So he oordered to fill our instruments with golden coins. Lots of coins got into the contrabass or big drum. But noone coin got into this damned flute. When we were playing for German kaizer, he liked it too. He ordered to fill our instruments with deutchmarks. Lots of deutchmarks got into the contrabass or big drum. But noone deutchmark got into this damned flute. But when we were playing for Russian tzar, he didn't like it. So he ordered to push our instruments in our asses. The contrabass didn't get into its owner's ass. Big drum didn't get into its owner's ass. But this damned flute got in up to B-flat!' # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 09:36:06 -0400 From: "Gene Tsygan" Subject: (yello) FTP I would like to post answers to questions people ask me about Yello FTP. There are no ratios, download limits, etc. Uploads are welcome! I just installed a new hard drive. As of today it has about 9 GB available. By the way, we still don't have all songs from "Eccentrix". This is one fact from the FTP life. From my previous post: Once more, Yello FTP info: address: for browsers: or for FTP clients: If you wish, you can use IP address instead of All uploads go to "incoming" directory. From event log on my FTP machine: The server was unable to logon the Windows NT account 'yourlogin' due to the following error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. The data is the error code. I have no comments. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ End of yello-digest V2 #131 ***************************