From: (yello-digest) To: Subject: yello-digest V2 #152 Reply-To: yello-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes yello-digest Monday, September 27 1999 Volume 02 : Number 152 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 23:35:31 +0200 From: Michael Weintroub Subject: (yello) Squeeze Please Sheldon wrote in reply to Nic's rant: Subject: (yello) Re: [yello-news] Squeeze Please (SHUT THE FUCK UP) I think i can speak for a few of us here when i say............ NIC, shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!! because nic wrote: > As predicted, news probably came on the > jonas "i'm too snooty to be on a list just called yello so i'll set up > my own" list. > but maybe it was the yello-music list, or the yello-releases list, or > it may even have started on the yello-gossip list. I wholeheartedly agree with you Sheldon. I couldn't have put it better. Which is why I waited to see how long it would take for the shit to hit the fan. Not long! (Sorry, Sheldon, just had to correct a small typo!) Jonas had said at the beginning when he started the new list that he would be posting important news to both lists. So I assume his mail to me as shown below will appear very soon, if not already on this digest. (Blimey Jonas.....please don't let me down after all this praise!) >>Download 20 seconds of Squeeze Please: >>from Mercury Records official site >> >>The text is in German only, but klick on the "news" button >>and then do a search for Yello and you'll find it. There's >>no direct link to the page (since it's frames). I hope that >>we'll be able to download from the Yello Site too soon. >>Best, JW Things are looking very exciting with these new releases. It's just a bloody nuisance that they won't be available over here in good old Blighty! Still, I guess we will get around that problem somehow! Move..... Dance..... Be born! Mike # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:59:34 +0200 From: t Subject: (yello) Squeeze please hallo, soeben ist mir die neue single von yello auf den tisch geflattert & laeuft gerade zum ersten mal. veroeffentlichungstermin: 27.09. laut meinen informationen. "die schweizer soundtueftler dieter meier und boris blank aka yello haben, nachdem sie mit der plattenfirma mercury erneut einen langfristigen plattenvertrag unterzeichnet haben, die arbeiten an ihrem neuen, zehnten album "motion pictures" abgeschlossen. das international rennomierte duo, bekannt geworden mit titel wie "the race", "tied up" und "jungle bill", veroeffentlicht jetzt als ersten vorgeschmack aus dem neuen werk die single-auskopplung "squeeze please". ganz im trend des momentanen booms lateinamerikanischer rhythmen zeigt sich auch "squeeze please" suedamerikanisch angehaucht. doch yello waeren nicht yello, wenn sie dem ganzen nicht ihre ganz spezifische, eigene, elektronische marke aufdruecken wuerden... ein fetter groove, der locker mit aelteren hits mithalten kann und mit dem das duo nachdruecklich eins belegt: yello sind definitiv zurueck!" (pressetext) die single enthaelt folgende mixe des titeltracks: original radio mix sounds of life radio mix sounds of life dub mix sounds of life club mix goldkind's different class of brass mix in der tat ist es ein unverkennbarer yello-track, sehr saubere klangarbeit und in jeder hinsicht erkennbare sounds und motive. insofern vielleicht enttaeuschend? mal schaun. to the sea mochte ich jedenfalls auch erst nicht & finde nach wie vor, dass er nicht ganz ins album passt. (obwohl der titel an und fuer sich gut ist & ich auch stina nordenstam eh mag.) und das album "pocket universe" ist auch nicht unbedingt typisch yello ... aber ich kenne yello viel zu wenig, halt so gut wie nur ein paar hits, nichtmal alle von denen im presse-info erwaehnten. ueberhaupt gebe ich wenig auf singles, die oft zu sehr auf massenware produziert werden. soviel meine kleine meinung. viele gruesse, t.obias # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 19:22:17 PDT From: "Juno Jackson" Subject: (yello) Babel Fish SUCKS !!!!! Does anyone know of another free, more accurate on-line language translator other than Alta Vista/Babel Fish ? It's really annoying; their translations are extremely inaccurate. I know some of you have mentioned this before, but no remedies were really discussed. I don't have the money to buy any really good translation software. Thanks. NoiseWerker/Juno/Josh ;-) NP : George Kranz - Din Daa Daa (Trommeltanz) (US Mix) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 19:51:01 PDT From: "Juno Jackson" Subject: (yello) A Bit Of Humor (This Is Funny) This was sent to me by my friend Jeremy who got it from someone else. I laughed my ass off while reading it. ;-P --- NoiseWerker >From: "Jeremy Bearden" >To:,,, >,,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >, >Subject: Fwd: Re: Fw: Special High Intensity Training >Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:20:57 PDT > >I hope you all find this humorous, otherwise you have no sense of humor. I >just want to thank my friend Gavin who sent this to me. Now you too can >enjoy the laughter and excitement. Enjoy! > >Jer > > >>From: "Gavin Bohne" >>Reply-To: >>To:,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >> >>Subject: Fwd: Re: Fw: Special High Intensity Training >>Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 14:53:38 GMT >> >> >> >> >>----Original Message Follows---- >>From: "O.D. II" >>To: >>Subject: Re: Fw: Special High Intensity Training >>Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:51:40 GMT >>MIME-Version: 1.0 >>Received: from by with HTTP;Mon, 20 Sep 1999 >>10:51:40 PDT >>X-Originating-IP: [] Special High Intensity Training -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity from employees, it will be our policy to keep all employees well-trained, through our program of Special High Intensity Training (SHIT). We are trying to give our employees more SHIT than anyone else. If you feel that you do not receive your share of SHIT on the job, please see your manager. You will be immediately placed at the top of the SHIT list, and our managers are especially skilled at seeing that you get all the SHIT you can handle. Employees who do not take their SHIT will be placed in Departmental Employee Evaluation Programs (DEEP SHIT). Those who fail to take DEEP SHIT seriously will have to go to Employee Attitude Training (EAT SHIT). Since your managers took SHIT before they were promoted, they do not have to do SHIT anymore, because they are full of SHIT already. If you are full of SHIT, you may be interested in a job training others. We can add your name to our Basic Understanding Lecture List (BULL SHIT). Those who are full of BULL SHIT will get SHIT jobs, and can apply for promotion to Director of Intensity Programming (DIP SHIT). If you have any questions, please direct them to our Head Of Training Special High Intensity Training (HOT SHIT). Thank you, Boss In General Special High Intensity Training (BIG SHIT) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:51:41 +0200 From: "Franz Gall" Subject: (yello) new single excerpt Hi, got this from "the other" yello news list. There is chapter about the new single on u= nd . Die Schweizer Soundt=FCftler Dieter Meier und Boris Blank aka Yello haben= , nachdem sie mit der Plattenfirma Mercury erneut einen langfristigen Vertrag unter= zeichnet haben, die Arbeiten an ihrem neuen, zehnten Album "Motion Picture" abgesc= hlossen. Das international renommierte Duo, bekannt geworden mit Titeln wie "The R= ace", "Tied Up" und "Jungle Bill", ver=F6ffentlicht als ersten Vorgeschmack die Single-Auskopplung "Squeeze Please". Yello sind definitiv zur=FCck! "Moti= on Picture" erscheint am 25.10.99! Squeeze Please 28.8| ISDN My rough translation: The Swisse sound wizzards Dieter Meier and Boris Blank aka Yello have fin= ished their work on their new, 10th album "Motion Picture", after having signed= a new long term contract with the record company Mercury. The international wel= l none duo, known for songs like "The Race", "Tied Up" and "Jungle Bill", will r= elease the single "Squeeze Please" as a first "before taste" . Yello is back, definitely! "Motion Picture" will be release on 10/25/99 There is also a link to listen to an excerpt of Squeeze Please in Real Au= dio format. Really! This is just good old Yello sound. Fascinating, it seems that the= y were able to return to the old days. Let's wait for the single. Based on the experience of release dates of the last releases, I got the CD here in Mu= nich on the day it was announced. Regards Franz # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:40:31 +0200 From: "Franz Gall" Subject: (yello) /incoming/squeeze_please_excerpt.mp3 Hi, please check the rare yello stuff server under /incoming/squeeze_please_excerpt.mp3 Regards Franz # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 23:31:00 -0700 From: "Gary Wingert" Subject: RE: (yello) A Bit Of Humor (This Is Funny) > This was sent to me by my friend Jeremy who got it from someone else. > I laughed my ass off while reading it. ;-P --- NoiseWerker > > > just want to thank my friend Gavin who sent this to me. > > Now you too can enjoy the laughter and excitement. Enjoy! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wow, Jeremy is really squicky! Thank you - we enjoyed the laughter (guffaw!) and excitement (woowoo!) with the resending of this v-e-r-y old joke (have you seen the MYASS one? If so, please don't resend it). Thank you for sending this very pertinent post to the Yello, ZTT, Orbital, and Kraftwerk lists. Very on-topic. We squealed with delight. Trust us. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 23:36:50 PDT From: "Juno Jackson" Subject: RE: (yello) A Bit Of Humor (This Is Funny) Sorry. I didn't know the joke was that old. It was the first time I had read it. I don't need to hear any fucking sarcasm though. I thought someone would like it. Obviously you took it too seriously. My apologies. NoiseWerker >From: "Gary Wingert" >To: "Juno Jackson" , , > , , , > , , >, , >Subject: RE: (yello) A Bit Of Humor (This Is Funny) >Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 23:31:00 -0700 > > > This was sent to me by my friend Jeremy who got it from someone else. > > I laughed my ass off while reading it. ;-P --- NoiseWerker > > > > > just want to thank my friend Gavin who sent this to me. > > > Now you too can enjoy the laughter and excitement. Enjoy! > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > >Wow, Jeremy is really squicky! Thank you - we enjoyed the laughter >(guffaw!) and excitement (woowoo!) with the resending of this v-e-r-y old >joke (have you seen the MYASS one? If so, please don't resend it). > >Thank you for sending this very pertinent post to the Yello, ZTT, Orbital, >and Kraftwerk lists. Very on-topic. We squealed with delight. Trust us. > > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 23:37:12 -0700 From: Sheldon Stern Subject: Re: (yello) A Bit Of Humor (This Is Funny) Juno Jackson wrote: > Sorry. I didn't know the joke was that old. It was the first time I had read > it. I don't need to hear any fucking sarcasm though. I thought someone would > like it. Obviously you took it too seriously. > > My apologies. Hey, dont apologize. It was certainly a hell of a lot funnier than those crappy jokes my father sends me everyday. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 09:41:48 -0500 From: "Robert B" Subject: Re: (yello) /incoming/squeeze_please_excerpt.mp3 Could you mention the IP and login/pass for the server? I've been there before but it seems like it moves around often and I've probably got inaccurate information on it. > please check the rare yello stuff server under > /incoming/squeeze_please_excerpt.mp3 > Regards > Franz # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 21:09:22 +0200 From: "Per-Stian Vatne" Subject: RE: (yello) Babel Fish SUCKS !!!!! | Does anyone know of another free, more accurate on-line language translator | other than Alta Vista/Babel Fish ? It's really annoying; their translations | are extremely inaccurate. I know some of you have mentioned this before, |but | no remedies were really discussed. I don't have the money to buy any really | good translation software. Just a comment to your Subject - Babel Fish is actually (also) the name of a Norwegian band, which... well... basically DO suck. But I didn't think that was commonly known outside of Norway, so I was quite surprised when reading the heading... :) Anyway... I'll let you all get on with your business. Regards, Per-Stian "Lying is so much better when you drive a car" (Yello, 1988) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 17:46:06 EDT From: Subject: (yello) Are you guys and girls OK? What is up with all the negativity around here lately? New Yello is coming we should be happy and extatic. I know I am. Love you all.. Julian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:50:20 +0200 From: Subject: RE: (yello) /incoming/squeeze_please_excerpt.mp3 Thanks a mill... Kindest regards Eric ---------- Hi, please check the rare yello stuff server under /incoming/squeeze_please_excerpt.mp3 Regards Franz # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:21:53 -0700 From: Sheldon Stern Subject: (yello) [Fwd: [yello-news] Squeezed release] This was just posted on the other news channel...... guess we've all waited this long, what a few more weeks > From: "Jonas Warstad" > > Things change fast in the Yello world. > > MTV wanted to air the video for Squeeze Please > before the single is out, and therefore the release > for Squeeze is delayed "at least 3 weeks". However, > the full length album MOTION PICTURE will be released > as scheduled - 25 Oct. I will be notified the day before > MTV will show it, and then I'll notify you all. > > Please note that no promotional copies have yet been > manufactured of Squeeze Please, and I do not know > the track listing for MOTION PICTURE yet. A track called > PYROMAN was first intended as the the single, so I > assume that is one of the tracks on the album. > > All for now > > Yours, > Jonas > # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ End of yello-digest V2 #152 ***************************