From: (yello-digest) To: Subject: yello-digest V2 #161 Reply-To: yello-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes yello-digest Thursday, October 28 1999 Volume 02 : Number 161 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:10:01 +0200 From: "Per-Stian Vatne" Subject: RE: (yello) New album? > Can someone please tell me that when is Yello's new album due out, and > what is its name? How many tracks does it have and where can I buy it? The new Yello album is titled "Motion Picture" and is released today, 25th of October 1999. I'm at track 2 (just got home from the record store), and if it continues like this I think I'm really going to like it! Btw, when - as mentioned - I went to the record store earlier this evening, I noticed that Yello's single (Squeeze Please) was as high as number 11 on their selling charts(!) Don't know how much Yello sells in other countries, but seems like Squeeze Please is doing quite well in Oslo... or in that store, anyway. Regards, Per-Stian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:36:18 +0200 From: Daniel Svensson Subject: (yello) Boxman Motion Picture availiable in Sweden on # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:51:17 +0200 From: Roger Schweizer Subject: (yello) News (another chat on the net!!!) Hi all tomorow Di, 26.10 there are a yello chat on at 19 to 20 hours with Dieter and Boris greeting Roger # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 23:21:54 +0200 From: "Per-Stian Vatne" Subject: (yello) Did anybody else notice the following on the Motion Picture CD cover? YELLO on the net: The two first ones are ok, but I can't even find an DNS entry for domain name ""... Is this a typo, or did they publish a domain name they haven't registered (yet)? Have listened through the CD two times now, and there are at least 4 excellent songs, and all over very good quality - in my opinion. "Bubbling Under" and "Point Blank" are the best ones, tracks 3 and 4 are also great. Regards, Per-Stian # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 07:26:43 +1000 From: "Simon McBurney" Subject: (yello) Subs Hi All, Saturday I bought the new CD Motion Picture. It is indeed YELLO, More Yello, just Yello . Just Great! Is there any one on the list who is playing with sub-woofer (REL) ? I want to know how low the basses go? In my sound system it goes straight to +- 40hz but I think it go lower. On what kind of system is this mixed, mastered ?? the base produced by a monitor speaker( usually used in studios) stops at 70hz , correct me if I wrong .... Greetings, Frans Talking about subs, I have'nt heard Yellos latest, (becuase Australia always seems to be the last to get Yello stuff) but, Pocket Universe is amazing with a sub. I have a 300watt 10" sub in my car. Some of the frequensizes on that album are truly amazing. Especially the second track. The kick drum (I've noticed) can't be heard on ordinary/average systems, but when you here with a sub....well, the kick can be felt only, and boy IS IT LOW....Very low. I can't wait until Yellos latest comes to Australia. When it does, I'm sure I'll let ya know just how awesome it really is. Simon McBurney # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 10:06:47 +1000 From: "Simon McBurney" Subject: (yello) Ftp Site does anyone know the address of the Rare Yello Tracks Ftp Site. If it doesn't exsist anymore, can someone PLEASE tell me. Thanks Simon McBurney # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 14:56:48 -0500 From: "Shane Foss" Subject: (yello) Availability Anyone in the US find "Motion Picture" yet? CDNOW and AMAZON turn-up NADA. Don't speak Swedish, or I would give BoxMan a try.... Navigation is a bitch ya know.... Shane # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:26:11 +0300 (EET DST) From: Antti Koivum{ki Subject: (yello) Motion Picture... Hi! Anybody in Finland seen the new cd or single yet? I asked one local record store last week, and they said they should have "Squeeze Please" on Friday. Well, they didn't. And now I am afraid to go to the store because I am out of money and I just might do something I would later regret... just imagine, to hold a new Yello cd in your hands, and no money to buy it... Oh well, I guess I can wait another week for my payday. Just have to keep myself focused on something else than Yello. But that is darn hard since everybody on the list keeps on babbling how excellent the new record is! Antti [writing dead.letter][antti koivumaki ] - oh yeah - --- system halted --- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:14:47 +0300 From: Juhana Sadeharju Subject: Re: (yello) News (another chat on the net!!!) >From: Roger Schweizer > >tomorow Di, 26.10 there are a yello chat on at 19 to 20 >hours with Dieter and Boris Could somebody record what they write there? Or isn't technology ready for such recording...? [ well, I think people who write browsers and chat programs do suck because they don't think this kind of trivial things -- they seem to write programs just because of programming, and not for users as should be; a possibility record the chat is not only property these programs miss, they are missing the whole idealogy: off-line use in every possible sense; ok, nowadays people just don't care about quality things; people work for companies and not for themselves, not for customers ] Yours, Juhana # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:22:56 +0300 From: Juhana Sadeharju Subject: Re: (yello) News (another chat on the net!!!) >From: Roger Schweizer > >tomorow Di, 26.10 there are a yello chat on at 19 to 20 Hmm.. anyone knows why pages freezes MS Windows for 5 seconds at every 10 seconds?? What it tries to do? Yours, Juhana # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:52:21 EDT From: Subject: Re: (yello) Availability In a message dated 26/10/99 04:18:45 GMT Daylight Time, writes: << Anyone in the US find "Motion Picture" yet? CDNOW and AMAZON turn-up NADA. Don't speak Swedish, or I would give BoxMan a try.... Navigation is a bitch ya know.... >> You could try: This is a Belgian on-line record store. They have "Motion Picture" the site has an English language version and will give prices in US dollars and ship to the US. I have ordered the new CD from them and have used them in the past. Although the site can be irritating to use, once the item is ordered I have had no problems with them as far as getting stuff to the UK. Andrew # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:33:10 +0200 From: Roger Schweizer Subject: (yello) Yello Chat Di 1900-1950 hours Hi all I send you the text of the yello chat greeting Roger You have joined the audience. Dieter Meier YELLO is on the stage. Moderator: Die Schweizer Soundtüftler Yello sind heute Dienstag live in diesem Palace Chat. Chatte hier und jetzt mit Dieter Meier und Boris Blank. Received file STAGE.GIF. Moderator: da flashbomb says: "wie habt ihr euren internationalen durchbruch geschafft (wegen wohnhaft in der CH)?" Boris Blank YELLO is on the stage. Dieter Meier YELLO: Der Sound bleibt so. Unsere Musik ist nicht ein zufällig angezogenes Jacket, sie ist wie unser Gesicht ein Teil von uns selbst. Deshalb sind wir stolz wenn uns Journalisten vorwerfen, Yello würde sich selbst kopieren. Was sollen wir denn sonst machen. Dieter Meier YELLO: Dieter from Yello. My english is limited, but I love you! Moderator: topflash says: "ja wo seid ihr" Question submitted : Hallo Boris und Dieter Ihr habt ein Geniales neues Question submitted : Album gemacht Dieter Meier YELLO: Durchgebrochen sind wir am 18. Juni 1981, das Ganze war ein Zufall. Moderator: daniel99 says: "the most inspirational man in music, god bless boris blank" Question submitted : fd Boris Blank YELLO: god bless you, daniel Dieter Meier YELLO: Wir sind immer nahe bei Gott, weil wir gerne mit seinem Bart spielen und ihm manchmal dumme Fragen stellen. Moderator: Andy says: "Ihr habt vor vielen Jahren Rythm Divine aufgenommen - gibt es zukünftig auch wieder Frauenstimmen in euren Songs?" Moderator: chatgirl says: "Woher holt ihr nach so langer Zeit die Inspiration für neue Songs?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Nein, wir werden mit siamesischen Kastraten arbeiten. Boris liebt diese Jungs. Question submitted : Hallo ihr seid aber geil (Das schreibt sohn von Roger) Moderator: chatgirl says: "Was sind eure momentanen Projekte" Boris Blank YELLO: auf unserer spielwiese (studio) gibt es viele spielzeuge, die mich immer wieder von neuem inspirieren Moderator: Carlo says: "Wie lange seid ihr schon Freunde" Dieter Meier YELLO: Es gibt einen Steinbruch in der Steiermark der ein geophysikalisches Geheimnis birgt, das uns in einen Zustand kreativer Euphorie versetzt in dem wir glücklich sind wie junge Hunde. Moderator: midi says: "hallo boris, hallo dieter" Boris Blank YELLO: wir sind seit 20 jahren nicht nur freunde, sondern ein musikalisches ehepaar Question submitted : Wann kommt Snowball????? Moderator: rose says: "wieso hat man/frau so lange nichts mehr voneuch gehoert?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Dieter sagt: Ich bin ein fanatischer, kompromissloser Kleinrollendarsteller. Mein nächstes Projekt ist es mich in möglichst viele Filme reinzudrängen. Moderator: Dominik says: "Welcher Synthesizer bietet für Boris Blank die besten Sounds?" Boris Blank YELLO: damit du uns nun jetzt - besser hören kannst Question submitted : Hallo Dieter wann kommt Snowball???? Moderator: midi says: "du, warum du so!" Dieter Meier YELLO: Boris war von Anfang an überzeugt, dass ich ihn nach San Francisco entführen würde, um ihn zu heiraten. Erst nachdem mein fünftes Kind Francis Benjamin, hat er von diesem Projekt abgelassen. Moderator: Roger says: "Wann kommt Snowball?????" Boris Blank YELLO: momentan supernova und nord lead Question submitted : Wann kommt Supernova und nord lead?? Moderator: Dominik says: "Wie sieht es In Zukunft mit Film-Musik aus?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Snowball heisst jetzt Lightmaker. Der Film wird nachdem er ins Guiness-Buch of Records als längste Produktion der Filmgeschichte eingegangens sein wird, nächsts Frühjahr in den Kinos zu sehen sein. Moderator: MartyInChicago says: "I've always wondered why "Chicago" was mentioned in "S.A.X"? Is it just because it rhymes well, or becuase you've been to the city and enjoy it?" Moderator: Alexander (ZH) says: "Boris hast du eine Freundin?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Yello-Musik ist immer Filmmusik. Moderator: Modi says: "Danke für eure witzige avantgardistische und selbstbewusste Musik. Nonsense makes sense. Die Welt brauch euch. Viva Zapata." Question submitted : Hallo Boris wie geht es deiner Tochter?? Moderator: Alexander (ZH) says: "Herr Meier, ich arbeite in einer Disco¨, kann man euch auch buchen für auftrite!" Dieter Meier YELLO: Chicago is the city of modern blues. Boris Blank loves the blues but he hates overheated toilets. Moderator: Roger says: "Wann kommt Supernova und nord lead??" Boris Blank YELLO: unmöglich, unser nächster auftitt findet am vierten märz 2025 statt in las vegas anlässlich des 80. geburtstag von dieter meier Moderator: Modi says: "Was bedeutet Euch die Schweiz? Wie habt ihr abgestimmt?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Boris Blank will immer alleine auftreten, seine Buchungen nimmt Universal-Records gerne entgegen. Der Transport seiner Ziehharmonika wird in jedem Fall seperat verrechnet. Boris Blank YELLO: nord lead und supernova sind zwei synthiesizers Moderator: mello yello says: "was haltet ihr von propellerheads" Question submitted : Hallo Boris Motion Picture ist ein Fantastisches Album! Ein Lichtblick für Yello freaks (Nach Pocked univers) Moderator: Roger says: "Hallo Boris wie geht es deiner Tochter?? " Boris Blank YELLO: tolle musik Dieter Meier YELLO: Wir sind beide nicht mehr im Besitz der bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte. Nein, ohne Spass jetzt, bei Blocher hört der Spass auf. Wir glauben aber an die politische Vernunft der Schweizer und Blocher's Partei wird in ein paar Jahren nurmehr eine Fussnote unserer Question submitted : Da kann ich Dir nur zustimmen ich habe auch eine tochter im selben alter Dieter Meier YELLO: Geschichte sein, genau wie James Schwarzenbach. Moderator: Dominik says: "Warum tretet ihr so selten live auf? Seid ihr nur im Studio in der Lage so perfekte Produktionen zu kreieren?" Boris Blank YELLO: meine tochter gedeiht zu unser voller geht ihr gut Moderator: Modi says: "Seid ihr für den philip morrist werbespot selber von einem Sprungbrett gesprungen und wenn ja, wie hoch?" Boris Blank YELLO: das brett war nur etwa 2 meter hoch Moderator: Modi says: "Wieso hat Westfalia Bambaata und nicht sein Idol Afrika Bambaata der mit Euch ja im Foxy spielte Bostich remixt?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Wir möchten unsere ehemalige Schönheit nicht mit dem Gesicht des Alters trüben. Die Welt soll unser als Mr. Olympia und Mr. Universum gedenken. Moderator: Roger says: "Hallo Boris Motion Picture ist ein Fantastisches Album! Ein Lichtblick für Yello freaks (Nach Pocked univers)" Moderator: daniel99 says: "Do you watch any of the Formula One Boris? do you like F1 :)" Boris Blank YELLO: das freut mich sehr Boris Blank YELLO: nicht wirklich, aber ich bin glücklich über den entscheid, dass ferrari im rennen bleibt, ich bin selbst ein ferraristi Moderator: Modi says: "Boris: arbeitest du immer noch mit fairlight oder was ist das herz im soundmixen?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Das ist eine gute Frage. Afrika Bambaataa und sein phänomenales Scratch-Orkestra ist zusammen mit Yello 1983 im Roxy in New York aufgetreten. Wir bewundern den Mann und haben uns nicht getraut, ihnfür Remixe anzufragen. Moderator: MUSICs says: "hoi zäme...frage an boris: nimmst du noch analog auf oder mittlerweilen nur noch auf harddisk..??" Moderator: MartyInChicago says: "Do you know if and/or when "Motion Picture" will be released in the U.S.?" Question submitted : Hallo Boris bist du auch ein Peach Weber Fan? (Frage von Danny Sohn von Roger) Boris Blank YELLO: es sind zu viele geräte in meinerstudio-peripherie, als dass ich mich auf ein herzstück konzentrieren könnte Moderator: Dominik says: "Gibt es von euch viel unveröffentlichtes Material? Ist damit mal eine CD geplant?" Dieter Meier YELLO: We are in the process of negociating a new contract. The album should be out at the beginning of the new millenium. Boris Blank YELLO: weder noch, ich arbeite nur über midi und verwende die analoge 24-spur-maschine nur noch als back-up-media Moderator: mello yello says: "Wieviele CD's habt ihr bereits verkauft?" Question submitted : Hallo Dieter giebt es ein Projekt von Yello für expo2002??? Moderator: andrezinho says: "Wie steht Ihr zu MP3?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Ca. zehn Millionen. Boris Blank YELLO: es gibt viele unfertige stücke, die wie bei einem maler unfertig herumstehen, bis sie endlich den weg zur entsorgung finden. aber es gibt noch einige ungeschliffene diamanten, die nach einem feinschliff für eine veröffentlichung in frage kommen Moderator: Roger says: "Hallo Dieter giebt es ein Projekt von Yello für expo2002???" Dieter Meier YELLO: Mp3 ist erst der Anfang einer neuen Distributionsform von Musik die in naher Zukunft zu einer Internet-media-Jukebox führen wird von der man jederzeit von überall jeden Titel abrufen kann. Moderator: Andy says: "Gibt es für Lightmaker im Frühling 2000 irgendwelche Garantien - ich traue Euch diesbezüglich nicht?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Es gibt Pläne für ein Yello-Theater bei dem die Zuschauer über eine musikalische Achterbahn in immer wieder neue Klangräume eintauchen. Moderator: Modi says: "Ist es anständig noch am abend braune Lederschuhe zu tragen?" Boris Blank YELLO: ich trege helle turnschuhe, auch abends! Dieter Meier YELLO: Wenn der Film nicht rauskommt, werde ich bis Ende 2000 100kg Randensalat gegessen haben, den einzigen Salat der mir seit Kindsbeinen nicht schmeckt. Moderator: MUSICs says: "benutzt du zeitweise "alte kisten" (oberheim, moog, arp, prophet etc.), oder nur neues material..??" Moderator: Alexander (ZH) says: "Hallo Dieter, hatet ihr früher auch musikalische Vorbilder?" Question submitted : Wann kommt die Antwort bezüglich peach weber Moderator: Modi says: "Raucht ihr auch im Bentley Zigarren oder findet nicht auch dass nachher das Leder so stinkt?" Boris Blank YELLO: ja, ich benutze prophet 5, arp odyssey, oscar, usw. Moderator: kakkerlakk says: "Boris: Have you ever considered releasing an album containing remixes you have done of other groups, like Orb, Kraftwerk, etc??" Boris Blank YELLO: wir rauchen nicht im auto Moderator: daniel99 says: "boris, how old is deiter? I am not sure v:P" Moderator: Andy says: "Arbeitet Ihr immer noch nacheinander (zuerst Musik - dann Text) oder gibt es auch Titel die Ihr als Team realisiert habt? " Dieter Meier YELLO: Vorbilder nicht, aber Musiker dieuns eigene artistische Freiheit ermöglichten. Charly Parker, John Coltrane, Jimmy Hendrix, Capitan Beefheart, die Velvet Underground und alle Salsa-Künstler aus Havana. Boris Blank YELLO: i dont like to do remixes at all Question submitted : Hallo Boris kommt auch mal ein remix von Dir ???Die Dj remixe sind nie so gut wie dein Sound (oder Song)!!!!! Boris Blank YELLO: frag ihn doch selber Moderator: Dominik says: "Zu welchem Film würdet ihr gerne einen Soundtrack machen?" Moderator: Keith says: "wow..wieso mögt ihr keine liveauftritte?? Das ist soch gerade der moment, in dem man spürt, ob den peoples eure sounds gefallen oder nicht?" Boris Blank YELLO: zu einem film von luis bunuel, wenn er noch leben würde Moderator: Modi says: "Boris, sind deine äbari Sax Sounds echt oder wer hat sie gespielt?" Dieter Meier YELLO: Am Anfang steht immer der Klang von Blank, dann kommt die Stimme gottseidank. Boris Blank und Freundin Frauke hauen tierisch auf die Pauke. (Frauke ist Pseudonym von D.M von 1983-1987). Boris Blank YELLO: sax-sounds sind echt: einzelne sax-noten gesamplet und dann übers keyboard eingespielt Moderator: Ruedi says: "Welcome Back Yello !¨Wie lautet Eure Autogrammadresse wo man auch echte von Euch erhält ? Habe schonzwei welche sich leider als Fälschungen herausstellten Euer Sound ist einfach das Geilste . Am Freitag reise ich in die USA und im Mietwagen werden nur Eure Tapes LA i9n Schwingung versetzen " Question submitted : Hallo Moderator Um 19.35 Uhr muss die Frage von Peach Weber kommen!!!!! Moderator: Roger says: "Hallo Boris bist du auch ein Peach Weber Fan? (Frage von Danny Sohn von Roger)" Moderator: Modi says: "Dieter, verdienst du eigentlich genug mit deiner Musik oder produzierst du heimlich Damenstrümpfe an der Bahnhofstrasse?" Boris Blank YELLO: autogramme gibt es bei universal music, bahnhofstr. 6, 8952 schlieren Dieter Meier YELLO: Boris Blank ist ein Klangmaler der sich bei der Arbeit nicht gerne zuschauen lässt. Er arbeitet im Jagdkostüm der Pygmäen. Das ist für die Bühne ebenso ungeeignet, wie der Bluff live zu sein wenn ja doch alles aus der Dose kommt. Moderator: mce says: "Hi all! I would like to know if Yello, i.e. you Boris, does some music espacially for commercials. I recently hear one and I thought that it is pretty much the Yello-style...;-ö)" Boris Blank YELLO: ich kenne peach's nummern zu wenig Moderator: andrezinho says: "In der Ankündigung steht, Ihr seid Cigarren-Aficionados?" Question submitted : Aha Boris!!!!! Dieter Meier YELLO: Die Strumpfabteilung gehört meinem Bruder. Tatsächlich ernährt die Musik den Zirkus-Meier. Wir sind sogar dabei, eine neue Elefantennummer einzukaufen. Boris Blank YELLO: yes, we did some Moderator: mce says: "Wer ist (und war) eigentlich für die Platten-Cover verantwortlich? Mir sind die beiden letzten (eccentrix+motion picture) etwas zu 'modern'. Ist das Sache der Plattenfirma?" Moderator: donald says: "tag wohl herr boris" Moderator: gamma says: "still need a drummer?" Boris Blank YELLO: tag wohl herr donald Question submitted : Hallo Boris wie alt bist du?? Moderator: Modi says: "Boris, wie kommst du zu neuen sounds? Hast du ein system, wie du sie generierst?" Boris Blank YELLO: nein, die covers stammen von martin wanner Dieter Meier YELLO: Eine Montecristo A mit ihrem erdig-vulkanisch-feuchten Jungleblatt versetzt dich in jene Tiefebene Havanas, wo der blaue Rauch in der Luft stehenbleibt wie eine Cumulus-Wolke im Berner Oberland. Moderator: mello yello says: "Hallo Yellows" You are disconnected from the server hosting the event "Yello Live Chat". # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:35:34 -0400 From: Paul Anderson Subject: Re: (yello) Availability On 10/25/99 3:56 PM, Shane Foss ( wrote: > Anyone in the US find "Motion Picture" yet? CDNOW and AMAZON turn-up NADA. At CD Universe ( you can advance order the import of Motion Picture. November 9 is the availability date with a price of $20. Paul # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:21:14 -0400 From: "Gennadiy Tsygan" Subject: (yello) Yello FTP Hi, everybody! Yello ftp is alive at well. As of today, it contains 1.62GB of data! Individual logon system implemented few months back gave the needed result. By now I don't see many people trying to pick a login password. There is a chance I will have to move this site to another computer, which will lead to loss of user account information. That's why I would like to introduce a change which, I hope, will be welcome by all of you. I created an account which will be available for everyone. Please, use it responsibly and do not share it outside of this list. Address: or or or User name: gt1net Password: yello Web browser access: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:26:50 +0300 From: Juhana Sadeharju Subject: Re: (yello) Yello Chat Di 1900-1950 hours [ text of Yello chat removed ] Brilliant!! Juhana # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:22:14 +0300 (EET DST) From: Antti Koivum{ki Subject: (yello) the single Alright! I went out and did it. I spent my last pennies on "Squeeze Please" and I have to say I do not regret. It is a superb single! I think that now Yello have succesfully melted their "new" and "old" style together (by "new" I mean mainly Pocket Universe and by old the 80's). I didn't like PU that much but this new material... my oh my. Can hardly wait to get my hands on the album. One funny thing was that I noticed how much Yello sounded like Propellerheads. Any of you know 'em? They have a lot in common with Yello, they are a duo, they have a song titled "Oh Yeah" and they have collaborated with Shirley Bassey... oh, and they make very good music, too. (Btw, for Finns: the shop was Fazer Music in Tampere, and they said they'll have Motion Picture on Friday.) Yours, Antti [writing dead.letter][antti koivumaki ] - oh yeah - --- system halted --- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:15:51 -0700 From: Sheldon Stern Subject: Re: (yello) the single Antti Koivum{ki wrote: > Alright! > > I went out and did it. I spent my last pennies on "Squeeze Please" and I > have to say I do not regret. It is a superb single! Yes it was, except for those awfull dj remixes!!!! I'm not too impressed with those. The single sounds much better on a home stereo. Cant wait for the album. sheldon # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: From: Subject: [none] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:47:00 -0200 From: Matthias Egerland Subject: (yello) Yello-Advertisment? Hi all! Though you are discussing right now mainly about the new single and album (which I both wasn't able to get my hands on yet), I have something older, which might perhaps be also made by Yello. Yesterday on the live chat I asked Boris if he recently made some music for tv commercials and he said "yes". Unfortunately I wasn't able to ask him about the special commercial I had in mind afterwards, but as the sound is very yello-stylish I am nearly sure that this piece of music was made by Boris. It is a commercial by the car manufacturer "Opel" which is shown in Germany since about half a year. I don't know exactly about which car it is (maybe "Opel Astra"?), but during the spot you see how the car is being constructed before it is driving through a quite futuristic city. As a specialty this spot is always shown twice: first in the complete lenght, then comes another commercial and then there is a short version again. If you would like to check out the sound of that commercial, you can do so at because I managed to record it and save it as a WAV-file. Can anybody confirm the composer of that sound? - -- Yours, Matthias Egerland ********************************************* This mail was written on high-performance HP OmniBook 4150 mobile workstation running SuSE Linux 6.2 ;-) ********************************************* # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:55:45 -0400 From: nitrous Subject: (yello) Great visuals This a player (free) that turns your mpegs into visual display. It turns yello's music into an amazing display of lights & colors. Move ,dance,be born. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:31:37 +0200 From: "Franz Gall" Subject: (yello) Squeeze please not available Hi, just checked with another big record store here at Munich, Saturn Hansa at München Neu-Perlach: They knew about a new Yello single to be released this month, but they do not have it; it's not even listed in their system. Cheers Franz # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:31:37 +0200 From: "Franz Gall" Subject: (yello) Squeeze please not available Hi, just checked with another big record store here at Munich, Saturn Hansa at München Neu-Perlach: They knew about a new Yello single to be released this month, but they do not have it; it's not even listed in their system. Cheers Franz # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:56:53 -0600 From: "bdawson" Subject: (yello) Yello on Amazon Went onto this morning and they have posted the advance order for Motion Picture! The price with shipping is $27.92. It has a shipping date of November 9, so you have some time to shop around. But CDNow never did pick up Eccentrix or the Hardfloor single. Also, does it appear that Boris and Dieter are doing a lot more publicity for this album than any other in recent memory? Pressure from the record company? What do you think? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:10:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: (yello) Yello on Amazon In a message dated 27/10/99 23:51:24 GMT Daylight Time, writes: << Went onto this morning and they have posted the advance order for Motion Picture! The price with shipping is $27.92. It has a shipping date of November 9, so you have some time to shop around. >> Not that I'm plugging them but the Belgian site I mentioned in an earlier mail to the list ( would do the same (yes, that's inc. shipping) for $19.88 - which is quite a BIG difference. I have yet to hear the new album properly as it's still on order. But I did download the "Squeeze Please" video from the MTV site. Initially I was a little disappointed, it sounded like they were just going over old ground. BUT... a few more listenings and I am very impatient to get my hands on the album, this is quality Yello material. The latin dada video is one of their best... it's a real pity it won't be seen on British TV (for the moment). Andrew # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:09:45 -0500 From: "Shane Foss" Subject: (yello) PropellerHeads The PropellerHeads are definitly a goodtime. Very much into them. For a debut album, they have a very accomplished sound. 4 of their songs have been in american movies recently. Sure getting ALOT of movie-tracks. Movies like "TheMatrix" (Kick-Ass Show) "Something About Marry" (Unreal Funny) This is some very original material. They are alot more repetitious then our beloved YELLO. Definitly worth a listen!!! If anyone one this list hasn't, do. Like Yello, Like Heads.... Shane # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 07:41:54 GMT/BST From: nic Subject: (yello) Motion Picture in Athens? Hello All, Is Motion Picture available in Athens? I will be taking a flight via Athens next week and wondered if I'd be able to pick it up (probably at the airport)? I have to ask why is it not being released in the UK? Regards all Nic - -- - -- We are the architects, not the victims, of our own destiny -- - -- nic nic at python demon co uk -- - -- Bolton, UK website -- - -- Warning! Spam is billed CPU/connect time and traced/reported. -- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 14:29:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: (yello) Great visuals In a message dated 27/10/99 18:55:19 GMT Daylight Time, writes: << This a player (free) that turns your mpegs into visual display. It turns yello's music into an amazing display of lights & colors. Move ,dance,be born. >> I downloaded this and mentioned it on another list I'm part of, since I was so impressed. Anyway someone there mentioned the Winamp MP3 player has a plug-in designed for it: which is really quite something and worth checking out. Andrew # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------ End of yello-digest V2 #161 ***************************