From: Julian Kovalsky Subject: (yello) theyellosite Date: 04 Jul 2001 00:35:44 -0700 I'm finally working on my Yello site. I figured you could get a little taste of it. Only one button works. The text in the web site is only for demonstration purposes. There is much much more content to come. I hope you have a fast computer. Set your resolution to 1000+. And don't forget to install the latest Flash 5 plug-in otherwise you will be forced to the appropriate place to do so. Hope you like it. Please remember that it is only in the very early Alpha stage so don't judge it to harshly. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J.R. Bloodsworth" Subject: Re: (yello) theyellosite Date: 05 Jul 2001 19:35:59 -0400 VERY NICE!!! I love it! Keep up the excellent work! I'll get it updated on The YELLO Pagez the next time I update it. For an Alpha, I which M$ could be that good (I'm not stroking your ego that bad, am I? ;) ) ____________________ Greetz and L8Z ;) J.R. (A.K.A. The DOC!) Syracuse, NY The YELLO Pagez # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J.R. Bloodsworth" Subject: Re: (yello) theyellosite Date: 16 Jul 2001 23:12:27 -0400 Unfortunately, no. Someone else on the list may be able to help, though. I know that Barry @ Yello Zone has a few clips, but not How How. Suite 909 has an excerpt of it. Jonas probably has it, he has everything ;-) As for linking you, don't worry. I haven't updated the page in quite a while. And whenever I want to, something else always comes up. :-( By the time I get around to updating it, you'll probably be on release v3.5. ;-) ____________________ Greetz and L8Z ;) J.R. (A.K.A. The DOC!) Syracuse, NY The YELLO Pagez # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (yello) WTB: HOY - The Updates, HOY: Plutone: Oh Yeah Date: 21 Jul 2001 10:07:30 -0700 Been searching for these two bits for too long. Anyone got them, wanna part with 'em, or know of a /solid, in-stock/ reference of where I can get them? Yello: Hands on Yello - The Updates [2xCD / 1995 / GE / Urban/Motor Music GmbH / 527728-2] Yello: Plutone's Hands On Yello - Oh Yeah [CDM / 1995 / GE / Urban/Motor Music/Polygram / 577089-2 I never knew... how much I cared... until I found out how freaking limited these disks are [were].... <- ghost_crab -> # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Adelka Sundaymaniac Subject: (yello) interesting old article Date: 31 Jul 2001 12:40:31 +0400 (MSD) Hi there, Here is old (1997) article I found recently. I think it's interesting. Anyone knows more about these songs mentioned in this interview? Adelka ---------------------------- "Once upon a time there were two little sisters. They were twins. On their 8th birthday one of them got many wonderful things -- beautiful dolls, sweets, lovely toys... And all her sister got was a little ball. "Look, our Mum and Dad gave me so many wonderful presents! You should be envious of me", the first girl boasted. "So what?", said her sister, "BUT I DON'T HAVE CANCER OF THE LUNGS!" ---------------------------- The Sun, Friday May 30th 1997. SUICIDE ROCKER BILLY'S LOST GEMS HELD IN SWISS BANK VAULT. Tribute .... Billy's new album is finally to be released. Suicide rocker Billy MacKenzie has left behind a secret legacy of two completely new albums. The former star of The Associates, who shot to fame in the 1980's with hits including Party Fears Two and Love Hangover, killed himself with a drug overdose in January. His younger brother Jimmy is currently working in a London studio to release the last songs the star recorded. The Scots singer had also recorded eight tracks with top Euro chart stars Yello, which are presently locked away in a vault in Switzerland. TRACKS. Yello founder Boris Blank, 43, teamed up with his showbiz pal almost a decade ago to make an album together. However, due to work commitments, the pair never saw their songs make it to the shops. Just days before his death, Billy and Boris even discussed releasing the new tracks. Now that's set to become a reality. Boris explained : I played on and produced about eight tracks together with Billy. No one has ever heard these songs. I'm still thinking of Billy every day and I'm still sad and shocked. It was a very dark beginning to the year and I still can't bring myself to actually play these songs that we made. I'm not ready to start working on these tracks. I've got them locked up in a safe at my bank, but I can't bring myself to even open it. KEEN. Some of the songs are about nine years old - but they are fantastic. His voice is just so natural, beautiful and timeless. He added: I was talking to him on the phone shortly before he died. He was telling me how happy he was and how keen he was to get working on our songs again and also all the new stuff he was doing. I was saying how I could remix our tracks to bring them up to date with the 1990's and we promised to get to work on them soon. That was the last phone call we had together. We'd been good friends for so many years, but now the only comfort I can take is that I know I'll be working with him in spirit in the studio. At present I have no solid plans to release the songs. But I know his fans will be very eager to hear the new tracks. They really are lovely. He wrote one called Norma Jean which of course, is about Marilyn Monroe. It's a kind of ballard about her life and it's amazing. I suppose it's tragic that he wrote a song about someone whose life was cut tragically short, the same way his life turned out to be. But I have to wait until I'm feeling in a good shape emotionally to remix these tracks. If I played them now I'd just break down and cry. Boris - who has had chart success around the world with the hits The Race and Of Course I'm Lying - believes that their work would have relaunched Billy's career. He said : I did the music on all these tracks and Billy wrote all the lyrics. This stuff would have been a breakthrough for Billy in my opinion. It would have shown him in a completely different light from before. I didn't understand it when he killed himself. I attended his memorial in London in a real daze. People explained to me more about his background. But no one thought he was so depressed, no one suspected a thing. Billy killed himself after becoming depressed by the death of his mum. Boris said: It's so hard to take it in especially when things were just starting to take off for him. MONEY. I feel I have to release this album for Billy. But I refuse to take a penny from it. I don't want any money so I'll come to some arrangement with his family. Last night the MacKenzie family welcomed Boris's revelations. Billy's dad James, 60, said: Boris should release these tracks immediately. Maybe he doesn't want to look like he's cashing in on Billy's death. But we all know Boris and he's a love ly man and we know he'd never do anything like that. The fans would want to hear these songs and I know for a fact that Billy would like them to be released. I didn't imagine Boris would want a penny from them, which is some good news for Billy's brothers and sisters, as they'll get something out of it which they deserve. But no one would be worried about the money. It's just nice to know there were other songs out there we didn't know about. James added : The only one I've heard from this new collection was the Norma Jean song. It's beautiful and Billy was very proud of it and played it to me once. He actually got more mellow as he got older. But I didn't even know he had done so many other. Boris is loved by the whole family and sent a lovely wreath to Billy's funeral. I 'd like to thank him myself but he's never been able to understand my thick accent. Billy has a new album coming out soon - but these extra songs have come as a real bonus to everyone. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info yello" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. # Yello discography available at