I don’t think money will be an issue, at = least at first. Through fundraising and petitioning the student = government for “official” status (AKA giving us money) we can do what we will. We also have = the college with performance spaces and rooms at our semi-disposal. The = thing that is bothering me is how to get the word out beyond my immediate group of associates, to whom I can give my extended spiel. I know that many = with in experimental circles dislike the term avant-garde and then many who = might have this bent don’t associate with the term or find it too ambiguous. Is there away that I can condense the spiel into a = sleek enough description that could ignite the fire of experimental endeavors = among my peers?
On a side note: Does any one know anything = about (or better yet involved with) Beyond the Pale Productions in = Bloomington, IN? I believe their website no longer exists. Does it still exist?
Thank you all for suggestions and = information. It will be very useful.