ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR DIGEST #16, 01-23-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Shiurba@aol.com Sat Jan 21 02:23:23 1995 Subject: trades does anyone have a copy of "Classic Guide to Strategy Vol. 1" that they want to trade? I have a spare copy of Frank Lowe: "Lowe & Behold" (w/Zorn & Chadbourne) + could throw in tapes of rare stuff (School, Pool, Archery, 2000 Statues/English Channel, Cynical Hysterie, misc live stuff). shiurba@aol.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------` From bueno@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu Mon Jan 23 16:55:49 1995 Subject: "Cobra" stories?/Masada "Alef" I managed to pick up a copy of "Alef" by Masada from CDNow! (arr. Sat.) I'm still quite a Zorn newbie (meaning I'm most familiar w/ Naked City and little else,) but I thought Masada was a nice change. I was quite surprised to hear Zorn scream on his sax w/o Yamatsuka Eye to compete w/! Also, I'd like to hear about the experience of performing "Cobra." I've never seen a live performance, and the only performance I've heard is on the HatArt recording. How difficult is it? Or how fun? What's the most important thing to keep in mind when performing "Cobra?" In short, describe, as best you can, the atmosphere created by "Cobra" to a person who has never been to a performance. ========================================================================= Q: What's the difference between mashed potatoes and pea soup? A: Anyone can mash potatoes. Greg Bueno bueno@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu =========================================================================